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Summer Movie Preview




Daily Titan Staff

You know the worst summer feeling, when you pay over $9 for a movie you really might not know much about, and it stinks. Yes, we have all been there before.

The fi lm in question might have gotten Ebert’s and Roper’s approval, or it might have even won an Oscar or two, but not all movies are made for everyone and some movies should not be made, period.

So, to ease into the transition of blowing your hard-earned cash to watch something you might loathe, we provide our summer movie preview below to see which ones might fi t your specifi c tastes. The summer of remakes is upon us but some might just be worth the price. Welcome to our prestigious and informative summer movie guide: The good, the bad, and the just plain obnoxious…see you at the movies!


table chemistry that Pitt and Jolie exude on screen (maybe you have also heard that the two reportedly had a secret affair on set), basically there are not many surprises as far as where this movie is going. However, just to see gorgeous Jolie taking girl power to another extreme and hunky Pitt buff and sweaty would be reason enough to open your wallet on June 10.

Lords of Dogtown (June 3)

The Scoop: The screenplay is based around the rising skateboarding phenomonenon in the 1970s. The movie features actors taught to skateboard in 10 weeks (instead of casting actual skateboarders) and a cast of newcomers.

The Verdict: Since Catherine Hardwicke, who directed “Thirteen,” is directing “Lords of Dogtown,” the movie should be given a chance. No over-paid, egotistical actors and cocky skaters could result into something that might have some substance. phase of acting and bring her into the more mature world of fi lm. It seems like the movie has an interesting premise but who really thinks Heather Locklear can’t get a man and can we see Duff as a “mature” actress? Only time will tell.

Herbie: Fully Loaded (June 24)

The Scoop: A remake of the old Disney classic, “Herbie: Fully Loaded,” stars Lindsay Lohan and Michael Keaton and their trusty VW Bug. The intelligent VW is back for more as she helps the Lohan family obtain NASCAR fame.

The Verdict: Who did not enjoy the “Love Bug” classic? Hopefully Lohan can bring the charm that the original cast brought to this intriguing story. It is an oldie but a goodie and many are eagerly waiting to see if Lohan, after “Mean Girls” success, has enough drive (no pun intended) to carry on a really serious career. People should go see it just for the pure fact of the cute VW Bug alone.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

War of the Worlds

(June 29)

The Scoop: Based on the 1898 novel by H.G. Wells, this alienoriented and sci-fi inspired fi lm is one that many are looking forward to. Starring Tom Cruise as a divorced dad, with Dakota Fan

(June 10)

The Scoop: This movie stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as Mr. and Mrs. Smith as two assassins stuck in a dead-end marriage, but who end up falling in love all over again when ordered to kill each other.

The Verdict: You have probably seen the previews featuring exaggerated gun shots and the inevi

The Perfect Man

(June 17)

The Scoop: Hilary Duff plays Holly, a girl desperate to fi nd her mom (Heather Locklear) a man. In desperation, Duff ends up creating a fake boyfriend. The guy she uses to base this around: her friend’s uncle (Chris Noth) of course.

The Verdict: This is a movie that attempts to get Ms. Duff out of the teenybopper goody-goody

20th Century FOX Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt star in the upcoming comedic-action fl ick “Mr and Mrs. Smith ,” in theater ‘s June 10.

ning (from “I am Sam” fame) as his daughter, the story consists of family struggles and surviving the alien invasion.

The Verdict: You have Tom Cruise; one of the biggest actors in the world, pairing off with one of the biggest directors in the world, Steven Spielberg (last time this happened was “Minority Report”) so chances are you will not be too disappointed. Plus with young talent Dakota Fanning and veteran Tim Robbins put into the mix, “War of the Worlds,” should be a nice thrilling combination of history and Hollywood come to life.


The Island

(July 22)

The Scoop: This futuristic movie stars debonair Ewan McGregor and famed-yet-young actress Scarlett Johansson. The premise seems to involve a scenario where McGregor and Johansson are human clones that eventually get smart and realize their position in the world is not a good one. So, they start running and madness ensues.

The Verdict: “The Island,” seems like one of those cheesy moralistic movies that fall short of real philosophical value. The only way that this movie might be saved is through amazing action scenes and talented duo of McGregor and Johansson, but if they fail, movie theaters will probably be deserted in this one.

Charlie and the Choco late Factory (July 15)

The Scoop: Based on the original “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” this remake stars Johnny Depp as the Wonka of a new generation. The original story, which was based on a man, his chocolate factory, and the young boy (Charlie) who by a lucky opportunity fi nds himself in the Wonka world, was a classic hit and director Tim Burton is hoping for the same success. The remake has a big makeover though and includes extra things such as really small Oompa-Loompas.

The Verdict: This movie has some big shoes to fi ll, but with Johnny Depp and the story line intact, in theory this fi lm shouldn’t disappoint. Fans should go see this one for these two reasons alone: chocolate and Depp, how could one really go wrong?

Bad News Bears

(July 22)

The Scoop: Another remake, this one promises to an edgier and more modern feel. Billy Bob Thornton plays Buttermaker, a drunk and a not-so-typical Little League coach, in this comedy about a group of delinquent kids on a baseball team who happen to

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