Rachel Corrie’s final hurrah
Controversial play makes its debut in Portland ARTS: PAGE 8
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ASPSU, Sierra Club run campus voter registration campaign Partnership will generate numbers to be used in Salem lobbying effort Alison Barnwell Vanguard staff
adam wickham/VANGUARD STAFF
Voter registration: Vote or Vote clipboarder Madison Garda, 18 (left), registers junior Adrien Green, 20 (right).
Sustainable textbooks save time, money Pilot program for digital books reaches Portland State Bookstore Peter Browning Vanguard Staff
For students attending college, the cost of tuition is not the only financial burden to worry about. Each term, students not only spend hundreds of dollars on textbooks, but publishing houses often print new editions, making it hard to find used copies. To help solve this problem, the Portland State Bookstore is partnering with Hewlett Packard to create a more sustainable and business-friendly version of a practice that has been around for decades. Joining Arizona State University and the University of Kansas as the only schools to participate in this pilot program, the PSU Bookstore’s ultimate goal is to lower costs for both students and itself. The new digital format of textbooks allows a more on-demand model of purchasing: The technology allows users to print and bind the book, as well as have it ready within seven minutes of a student’s request. In the past, bookstores would order the amount of textbooks that classes predicted for their enrollment.
However, not all students purchase their textbooks through the university bookstore, and some don’t purchase the textbooks at all. According to Ken Brown, the PSU bookstore president and CEO, the costs associated with shipping back and forth then result in a huge loss for the bookstore. Now the bookstore receives a digital file from the publisher, and then owns the rights to print the book as many times as needed, Brown said. HP’s new on-demand model for printing textbooks could revolutionize old practices, and make current an industry that, to some, has missed the mark when it comes to student services. “I feel the cost of textbooks can be absolutely ridiculous. I spend an average of $300 a semester on textbooks. It’s even more frustrating that most textbooks are useful for only a single semester,” said PSU student Charlene Xu. “Cutting back costs in any way would be extremely helpful.” Brown was instrumental in having HP’s pilot program come to the university; at a conference HP representatives approached him to ask whether he would be interested in
SPSU is running its Vote or Vote campaign in partnership with the Sierra Club’s Reenergize the Vote this year. Since Sept. 20, booths around campus have displayed stickers and buttons representing non-partisan voter registration campaigns. The campaign goal is to reach 3,000 Portland State students by Oct. 12, the national cutoff date for voter registration. As of press time, campaigners had registered 1,150 students. Reenergize the Vote is working towards Vote or Vote’s goals. Chris Smith, the Reenergize the Vote PSU
campus organizer, appreciates the response he’s gotten at PSU. “Even if we ask [a PSU student] to register five times, they recognize what it takes and appreciate our help,” Smith said. This year, the efforts of Vote or Vote and Reenergize the Vote have broader access to the campus than before—including permission to visit dorms and classrooms—thanks, in part, to the efforts of Brittany Duffy-Gochè, the new legislative affairs director at ASPSU. In an attempt to formalize agreements between PSU’s administration and ASPSU, Duffy-Gochè organized a voter registration committee, called the Vote Committee, that has been in the making for a few months. The committee wasn’t involved in the planning of this year’s Vote or Vote campaign because PSU’s legal counsel
Students create proposal for Portland’s largest undeveloped site Idea calls for shared street parking, Target store, New Seasons Market Vinh Tran Vanguard Staff
wenty-one acres of undeveloped urban land located in Portland’s industrial center—between the Pearl District and the Northwest 23rd neighborhood— may soon become a bustling commercial hub if a project proposal created by a group of Portland State graduate students from the Center for Real Estate is approved. The six-member team, led by Adjunct Professor Will Macht from the School of Urban Studies and Planning, worked on the plan as part of the Building Owners and Managers Association summer workshop. The group recently presented its proposal to 200 members of the business community, including the vice president and chief tax officer of Con-way, the company that owns the 3.76-million-squarefoot site. The site is divided into 16 city blocks, bordered by Northwest Thurman and Pettygrove
Streets and Northwest 20th and 22nd Avenues. The plan is to turn the site into a thriving mixed-use neighborhood that accounts for the diverse urbanites who live and work in the area. Con-way employs about 700 people; however, the company currently only uses about 400,000 square feet of office space—the rest is parking space. “The scale of the site was pretty daunting and it took us a while to come up with a general plan,” said Jason Clough, a team member. “Also, trying to balance the needs of all the different parties—the landowner, the city, the local neighborhood and the business community—was a challenge.” One of the first challenges was to come up with a way to satisfy the demand for parking space. Since an underground parking tunnel would prove to be too costly, at about $50,000 per plot, the group turned to on-street parking with a park-like setting, according to Macht. “We utilized on-street parking and turned that into an asset rather than a liability,” said Susan Posse, a project team member. The proposal calls for 1,125 spaces in street parking,
Potential commercial hub: The Conway site in northwest Portland is the city's largest close-in undeveloped space.
Virginia Vickery
Correction In the article titled “OUS campuses visit Oregon high schools,” it should have been reported that Oregon University System representatives visited Jesuit High School in Portland.
Corie Charnley
Richard Oxley
Nicholas Kula
Robert Britt
COPY CHIEF Kristin Pugmire
A healthy campus is a happy campus Healthy Campus Initiative begins new school year with success in mind
Catrice Stanley Vanguard Staff
PHOTO EDITOR Heather Noddings
ONLINE EDITOR Adiana Lizarraga
ADVISER Judson Randall
ILLUSTRATORS Susannah Beckett, Heather Mcintyre
DESIGNERS Colby Brooks, Justin Flood Stephanie Lucky
WRITERS Alison Barnwell, Madison Beard, Ian Bellamy, Erick Bengel, Amanda Bentley, Leah Bodenhamer, Peter Browning, Zach Chastaine, Tori Christensen, Meaghan Daniels, Ryan Deming, Sarah Engels, Rian Evans, Kevin Fong, Rosemary Hanson, Joshua Hunt, Rebekah Hunt, Theodora Karatzas, Ines Kuna, Ebonee Lee, Stephen Liste, Christina Maggio, Joe Mantecon, Natalie Mcclintock, Erin McIntyre, Daniel Ostlund, Katrina Petrovich, Sierra Pannabecker, Jenieve Schnabel, Wendy Shortman, Catrice Stanley, Nilesh Tendolkar, Vinh Tran, Andrea Vedder, Kat Vetrano, Allison Whited, Elisabeth Wilson, Roger Wightman
PHOTOGRAPHERS Aaron Leopold, Drew Martig, August Miller, Adam Wickham
As the new school year begins, students crawl back to class and back into old, unhealthy habits. Because school can take a toll on one’s body, a group of faculty members are trying to help students combat the difficulties of being a healthy student in a hectic world. Last year, Jackie Balzer, vice provost for student affairs, led a small group of faculty members to launch a program called the Healthy Campus Initiative [HCI]. Although the program is still in its infancy, the group was able to draft its mission statement, objectives and values before taking a short break over the summer. According to the initiative' website, the mission statement is to “support an ecology of campus wellness while promoting healthy behaviors and ethic of care.” During the summer, Dana Tasson was selected as Student Health and Counseling’s new executive director, as well as the co-chair heading the HCI. “We didn’t want to move too far forward without the new [SHAC executive director] position filled,” said Alex Acetta, director of Campus Recreation and the other co-chair of the HCI. “[SHAC] really is a key component to the health of students.” Tasson and other HCI members have concluded that student success could be greatly influenced by a healthy, safe and caring community.
“All [members] are stakeholders in creating a safe, healthy campus environment that promotes healthy behaviors and an ethic of care, with the ultimate goal of promoting student success,” Tasson said. According to Tasson, group members were able to construct the website prior to the summer break, and have already been involved in a couple of projects around campus. Last spring, for example, the HCI partnered with the Women’s Resource Center [WRC] to promote their Red Flag Campaign for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. “When [the WRC] did their Red Flag Campaign, we helped support it by posting information at the Rec Center,” Acetta said. “The [WRC] doesn’t have to be the only place that’s paying attention to [the event]. As a campus, we can really pay attention more broadly.” The HCI has also been involved with progress in Urban Plaza to continue to keep it smoke-free.
“[Already] there is more signage up and more conversations [taking place]… so people can understand the dangers around secondhand smoke,” Acetta said. In addition, the monthly online health magazine, Student Health 101, is available because of the HCI, Tasson said. The HCI members have set up an e-mail system that informs students when the magazine’s latest issue can be viewed. “We’re [also] promoting an activity called Walktober, which is an online motivational tool to help people keep exercising into the fall,” Acetta said. Walktober begins Oct. 11 and lasts exactly one month. The members of HCI are serious about health because it ties in very directly with other important aspects of student success. “If you’re healthy, and you know where resources are [that allow you] to stay healthy, you are more likely to go to class, which means you’re more likely to get credit…which means you are more likely to graduate,” Acetta said. “That’s really what we are trying to talk about: How we can make sure that students are healthy so that they can go to school.” ■
Additional resources
To view the most recent Student Health 101, visit www.pdx.edu/healthycampus/. More information about Walktober can be found at www.walktober.com.
Healthiness: Students work out on stationary bikes at the Rec Center.
Noah Emmet, Andrea Vedder
ADVERTISING SALES Dominique Abrams, Sam Gressett, Rayna Martinez, Jae Specht
DISTRIBUTORS Brittany Castillo, Brandy Castillo The Vanguard is published two days a week as an independent student newspaper governed by the PSU Publications Board. Views and editorial content expressed herein are those of the staff, contributors and readers, and do not necessarily represent those of the PSU student body, faculty, staff or administration. One copy of the Vanguard is provided free of charge to all community members, additional copies or subscription issues may incur a 25 cent charge. The Vanguard is printed on 40 percent post-consumer recycled paper.
©2010 Portland State University Vanguard 1825 SW Broadway Smith Memorial Student Union, Rm. S-26 Portland OR, 97201
DEVELOPMENT FROM PAGE 1 which encourages usage flexibility by eliminating curbs—a plan similar to what is being implemented at Director’s Park. Trees will be used to establish zones for pedestrians and parking; the area will have the same density of trees as in the Park Blocks. The group plans to have 2,250 units of rental housing and 200 condominium units. They also call for 400,000 square feet of new office space. In one of the plots, 80,000 square feet of retail space will serve as an anchor space to be occupied by a Target store. In addition, to bring in night traffic, a 60,000-square-foot 12-screen Cineplex is proposed to stand next to the Target. Team members noted Target as the ideal candidate for its urban, chic appeal to the younger demographic. A New Seasons Market is also included in the proposal to serve as the primary grocery store. In addition, the group feels that New Seasons would complement the vibe of the nearby neighborhood.
“Ultimately, we wanted to increase awareness of the site and reveal its long-term potential to both the business community and greater public,” Clough said. “Even though it is the biggest piece of undeveloped close-in property that is owned by a single entity, few people…know about it.” The team suggests using the property’s location to its advantage with wider streets, more parking and slower speeds. The result would be a 275 percent increase in on-street parking. “It’s kind of in a forgotten corner of downtown,” Clough said. “If you look at an aerial map, it’s a surprisingly large void.” Posse said the group also has to convince business owners of the economic feasibility of the project. “The other problem is the market condition,” Posse said. “There is high vacancy rate so we have to come up with a process that would work with that.” The proposal suggests a lower rent for retailers than the nearby average rate. For instance, Target will have to pay $22 per square foot, whereas
the average shop in the Northwest 23rd neighborhood pays $31.97. In addition, the 2,250 housing units will rent for $700 to $1,500 per month, which is lower than the typical rates of nearby competitors. “We came up with reasonable return for all the parties,” Macht said. “The purpose is to come up with the whole plan for Con-way that actually works with everyone, which we believe [this] does.” Clough said that initially there was some skepticism about the viability of one of their leasing concepts. However, those who attended the presentation were intrigued by the shared streets and parking ideas. “The owner’s development representative seemed pretty excited about the results of our work,” Clough said. According to Macht, Conway would like to have something in the works for the site by next year. So far, the responses and comments he received from the presentation have been positive. ■
Portland State student visits Gulf oil spill Tina Pham hopes to publicize hardships of region’s Vietnamese fishermen Erick Bengel Vanguard Staff
Portland State student Tina Pham, 24, recently witnessed firsthand the effects of British Petroleum’s Deepwater Horizon disaster. Accompanied by two documentary filmmakers and the assistant to Seattle’s mayor, Pham spent Aug. 28 through Sept. 5 in the Gulf of Mexico as a relief worker with Boat People SOS, a nonprofit organization founded in 1980 to provide Vietnamese-Americans with the means for civic and political activism. “When you’re in a position to do things to help people, you don’t think about it. You just do it,” Pham said. “I speak [Vietnamese] fluently, [so] I said, ‘I want to go.’” For eight days, Pham toured the region, getting to know the local Vietnamese fishermen and their families while surveying the persistent economic and environmental devastation caused by BP’s record-breaking oil spill. In the spill’s aftermath, the livelihoods of thousands of Vietnamese fishermen have been virtually annihilated. Trapped behind the barriers of their language, culture and class, they have lost the ability to pursue their only trade, Pham said. “These people are left with nothing,” she said. “[Commercial fishing] is all they know.” Pham believes that these fishermen and their families represent one of the most significant underreported externalities of BP’s oil spill. She attended town hall meetings—organized by Boat People in Biloxi, Miss. and Bayou La Batre, Ala.—which featured BP representatives performing gestures of corporate outreach intended to reassure the local fishing communities that BP is doing everything in its power to help them. However, despite the company’s efforts, the town hall meetings “didn’t go so well,” according to Pham. The meetings addressed, among other grievances, BP’s Vessel of Opportunity program. While it was in operation, this program was devoted to rescuing wildlife and clearing up the residual oil from Gulf waters. Although BP had hired some of the newly-unemployed commercial fishermen for the program, many of its applicants had received no response from BP and were not informed until long after the fact that the program had been canceled, according to Pham. With an audience consisting largely of jobless Vietnamese fishermen, “a lot of people were getting upset” with the scripted non-answers BP offered them, which were delivered by Vietnamese translators who appeared incompetent, Pham said.
Other objections to BP’s handling of the disaster included the company’s failure to efficiently process the fishing community’s compensatory claims. Pham said that the claimant forms tend to contain highly technical legal jargon that the area’s men and women cannot understand. Pham also became privy to stories of law firms from outside the Gulf hiring Vietnamese-speaking lawyers to take advantage of the Vietnamese community’s vulnerability, particularly its lack of English skills and legal expertise, she said. “The biggest issues in the Vietnamese communities are derived from language barriers,” said Amanda Zahler, one of the documentary filmmakers who accompanied Pham. “A lot of Vietnamese fishermen are unaware of all their options and don’t fully understand what [those options may] entail.” On some occasions, Vietnamese families have been told that by signing a certain form they will have their claims against BP filed faster, according to Pham. In reality, these families are unknowingly signing a waiver to these claims. According to Pham, they are “being lied to and being tricked into signing off their rights to any claims until there’s a classaction lawsuit.” “These fishing families have been ignored,” she said. “Out of sight, out of mind.” Pham said she has repeatedly reached out to media outlets in the Portland area to stir up some interest in these stories, but with no luck. However, she is convinced that it cannot remain this way for long. The Gulf states supply such a large volume of shrimp, oysters and other commodities to the U.S. that, sooner or later, Americans will begin to feel the effects of higher seafood prices, she said. For now, the incomes of employed Gulf fishermen are actually suffering from the effects of low prices, according to Pham. Globs of oil have increasingly been discovered in oysters caught in the Gulf, thereby cheapening the commodity to the degree that few consumers wish to purchase it. “After interviewing a lot of fishermen, the biggest impact that I was able to witness… was the loss of livelihood,” Zahler said. Although Pham was able, through the Boat People, to volunteer at a food drive on Sept. 1 that supplied food to around 200 families, Pham said the organization is too understaffed and underfunded to “make a lasting impact in the Gulf region.” “[BP needs] to ensure that [the Gulf ’s fishing industry] is not lost,” Pham said. “This industry is a livelihood, and they’ve irresponsibly destroyed it.” ■
For more information, visit Pham’s blog at www.trollingthedivide.blogspot.com.
English major lands dream job PSU student hired to run hotel’s exclusive library Ryan Deming Vanguard Staff
ery few people are lucky enough to land their dream job. Even fewer are lucky enough to achieve this kind of success while they are in college. Portland State student Sophi Soprani joined the ranks of these lucky few in late August when the Heathman Hotel hired her as the librarian for one of the most exclusive libraries in the country. “It’s incredible,” Soprani said of her job. What makes Heathman’s library so unique is how the books in the collection are obtained. “To have your book added to our library you must be a published author and have spent the night as a guest of the Heathman,” said Chris Erickson, the hotel manager. “When an author stays with us, we purchase a copy of their book and leave it by their bedside to sign or doodle in. After their stay, the book remains with us in the collection.” Now that word has gotten out about this unique aspect of the collection, there are many authors and publishing houses vying to place their books in
BOOKS FROM PAGE 1 bringing this new technology to campus. The printers, which are manufactured in Corvallis, are lent to the PSU Bookstore as part of the pilot program. Both the PSU Bookstore and HP share the production costs. “The greatest frustration has been securing agreements with publishers,” Brown said. Mid-tier publishers have proven easier to work with, according to Brown. Cengage and McGraw-Hill are two of the publishers who have agreed to enter into this new format of printing. “The benefit for publishers is that they do not have to ship [the textbooks] or store them in a warehouse,” Brown said. “The publishers then save on ware-
the Heathman library. However, Erickson explained that to continue the original idea of the library, it strictly adheres to keeping only books that have been signed by authors who have actually stayed at the hotel. “Many of the large publishing houses in [New York] frequently want to donate books to our library,” he said. “While we always appreciate the offer, we have to turn them down.” When an author comes to stay at the Heathman, Soprani is the one who talks with them about their book and adding it to the library. “I love being able to talk with the authors about their work,” Soprani said. “I also get to talk to other guests who come to see the library. They are so happy to come and see a library where they can hold a signed, first-edition copy of an author’s work in their own hands. This is an extremely rare thing in a library.” In addition, the “Books by Your Bedside” program allows guests to check out many of the books to read in their own rooms, according to the hotel’s website. “The main mission of the library is to integrate the guest experience with the community and a passion for literacy,” Erickson said. Soprani is also responsible for cataloguing the library. Currently it is out of date, she said.
“There are new authors coming in every week and an additional 2,000 books sitting in the basement of the Heathman,” she said. Cataloguing the library not only informs the Heathman of its library’s contents, but also provides a database that guests can search using library computers or the library website. Now that the cataloguing
house taxes, shipping costs and overall warehouse costs.” The new type of textbooks would cost around $15, a fraction of what students currently pay for textbooks. However, students are not the only ones benefiting from the change, as the PSU Bookstore was stuck with a costly system. “Students aren’t reliable purchasers anymore; if we buy 100 textbooks and only 25 are purchased, we are sending 75 back, all through diesel fuel,” Brown said. In addition, the new textbook format is much more sustainable than traditional textbooks. “Every portion is fully recyclable,” Brown said. The books are printed on recyclable paper and are laminated in an ecofriendly plastic that HP specifi-
cally uses for this program. The whole production of printing a textbook from a digital file takes about seven minutes. The bookstore has already secured content for fall term and hopes to increase the textbook availability by winter term. “We definitely want to go to winter term with a significant title increase,” Brown said. “Depending on who you talk to it’s an opportunity, it’s a win for the students as well as [for] our campus.” The new HP program is also partnering with Lulu.com, where authors can publish their own material. Now, through this new technology, they can print using the website as well. To showcase this technology, an open house will be held at the PSU Bookstore tomorrow at 11 a.m. ■
Science 1, Survey of English Literature and French. “I am very interested in entering the publishing world,” Soprani said. “I could definitely imagine working as an editor.” She hopes to pursue a graduate degree in writing after she finishes her undergraduate studies. “PSU has an amazing graduate writing program that I would love to be a part of,” she said.
“I love being able to talk with the authors about their work." SOPHI SOPRANI process is underway, Soprani said that she hopes to expand the library in the near future. “We want to set up some more shelves and some kind of rotation plan so that more of the collection can be on display at one time.” Soprani also hosts the Heathman Hotel’s evening wine event that runs Monday through Thursday, in addition to coordinating community events with organizations such as the Northwest Children’s Theater, Powell’s Books and the Literary Arts Foundation, according to Erickson. Soprani, a passionate reader and a sophomore in the Honors College at PSU, is currently studying English. This quarter, she is taking Honors
On-demand: PSU Bookstore President Ken Brown discusses the benefits of the new digital textbooks.
According to Soprani, before getting the job at the Heathman through PSU’s Career Connect website, she had already racked up experience in the literary world. During high school she explored her passion for literature by working at the Multnomah County Library and writing for a number of literary magazines. However, she plans to stay at the Heathman library while studying at PSU. Soprani will be hosting a book signing and meet-and-greet for author Rupert Isaacson and his new book The Horse Boy on Oct. 20 at 3 p.m. The book’s accompanying film will be shown in the Northwest Film Center on the same day at 7 p.m., Soprani said. ■
Sophi Soprani: She catalogues so that guests can research the database.
4 VANGUARD ■ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2010 ■ NEWS VOTE FROM PAGE 1 was still reviewing the group for approval, but meetings will commence this term, where committee members—ranging from Residence Life Director Corey Ray to PSU Bookstore President Ken Brown—will debrief the current Vote or Vote campaign. Duffy-Gochè helped design the Vote committee to assemble administrators for a single collective discussion about the parameters of ASPSU’s access to the campus. The former process of “contacting the power players one at a time” was “wishy-washy,” she said. That access includes classroom visits called raps. Sophomore Kendra Barnes was sitting down for her first class last Monday when representatives of Vote or Vote and Reenergize the Vote came in. She said it wasn’t an interruption and that it “just kind of worked,” helping her to remember to vote. “I’ve been meaning to register,” she said when she stopped by the campaigns’ booth last Thursday to fill out registration paperwork. The voter registration campaigns visit graduate classrooms, too. Professor Barbara Ruben began her Children’s Literature K–5 course yesterday by introducing a representative of Vote or Vote to her students. “You need to vote,” Ruben told the class. “You need to make your voice heard.” On the other hand, the campaigns’ dorm storm was met with mixed reviews from
students. Sarah Sterling, a PSU junior living at the King Albert, had just finished making dinner with her friend when she heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was her boyfriend, she opened the door to see Zach Brugman, a member of the Oregon Student Association. “I didn’t think there was a need for him to come to where I live,” Sterling said. “I think it’s good that they’re trying to get people involved, just not at dinnertime.” Brugman didn’t register many students during the visit because the upperclassman dorms he visited were full of students who were already registered. On the other hand, the freshman dorm storm yielded 50 registrations, according to Brugman. “I understand that people generally don’t like getting knocks on their doors,” he said. “The reality is, that’s how you organize.” Ray, a member of the new committee that will help define the parameters of voter registration efforts at PSU, said that none of the dorm dwellers he supervises have complained to him about Vote or Vote or Reenergize the Vote. “It’s been a positive campaign,” he said. “I’m the one who usually fields complaints, and to date, nobody has contacted me.” On Thursday, Brugman signed up two students to volunteer with Vote or Vote, instructing them in the basics of carrying a clipboard and approaching pedestrians. Howev-
er, some students feel harassed by the efforts of volunteer “clipboarders.” PSU Senior Steve McKinley complains, “There are too many of them.” He says he’s had a few conversations with Vote or Vote and Reenergize the Vote volunteers, and though he respects the message, he would rather be left alone. “The way Portland is, you
OPINION ■ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2010 ■ VANGUARD 5 can’t walk down the street without someone asking for something, whether it’s to register to vote or for pocket change,” he said. The momentum of the voter registration campaign is something that members of ASPSU hope to bring to the states capitol in January, when the Oregon University System, currently a part of the State of Oregon,
will propose that it become its own entity, according ASPSU President Katie Markey. Last year, OSA and ASPSU lobbied the Oregon Senate and ensured that tuition at Oregon universities did not hike into the double digits, using the total number of students registered through campaigns—14,000— to speak to the political force of the student population.
This year, Duffy-Gochè hopes to quote a similarly high number to the Oregon Senate. “A lot of the proposal has to do with who’s setting tuition,” she said. “The language [of the restructuring proposal] is murky…we want to make sure that when it says students get ‘X,’ they get ‘X.’” ■
BROADENING HORIZONS What can be gained from studying abroad? ZACH CHASTAINE
Early Involvement: PSU Freshman Madison Garda volunteers to help ASPSU and the Sierra Club register students to vote.
his week, the Office of International Affairs here at Portland State will be hosting a fair for studies outside the United States. The event will be similar to Party in the Park, where students can explore booths providing information about various groups and opportunities relating to the university. In this case, however, the fair will be focused solely on education abroad. Studying abroad is, quite simply, when a student takes some classes at a school in a different country. PSU students have a lot of places to pick from when they enroll in an international study program through the university. The ultimate question for students would be whether it is even worthwhile to study abroad. For example, is studying engineering in Germany would be different than studying it right here? The first thing to consider when choosing a study abroad program should be what to study. Students have quite a few options. There are programs for art students and engineering students—so programs aren’t necessarily restricted by major. A film major could go to London and study sociology if they wanted to. While that might not be in their best interest, the point is that the option is often open. Other factors to consider are what type of program and which country to visit. Whether it is an intensive language program, a summer program or an internship makes a big difference. As for the locations offered, they are literally all over the world. There are programs in Africa, Europe, Asia, South America and Oceania. Perhaps the most important aspect of studying abroad for students is that the credit earned overseas transfers back to PSU to go toward their degree. Although the range of programs students have to choose from is mostly open, there are some programs open only to specific majors. All programs have their own requirements for applying. Some of these requirements include GPA and language experience. Language itself is something students must consider when applying for a program. A student who does not speak any Chinese may reconsider studying in China. According to Alyse Collins, the Education Abroad advisor with the OIA, many classes abroad that students can enroll in—such as those in Japan—are actually taught in English. In some programs there is no language requirement to begin with.
susannah beckett/VANGUARD staff
Ultimately, there are a lot of factors specific to each program to consider when applying, but the fact is that generally most international programs are fairly open. Some programs are not. In the case of intensive language courses, students enroll knowing there will be little or no English to help them when they arrive and they will be completely immersed. Some students have said this helped them learn the languagzzae faster since they had no option but to speak it. Collins also notes that a big part of studying abroad is that students have an opportunity to spend time in a foreign country and be a part of the culture, rather than just a tourist. In addition to being part of a different culture, students can learn in their chosen area of study from a perspective outside of their normal envi-
Students have an opportunity to spend time in a foreign country and be a part of the culture, rather than just a tourist. ronment. Experience abroad may also become a factor for students at a graduate and professional level after they have returned. Studying abroad presents many of the same challenges that students face right here at PSU. Just like programs here in the U.S., study abroad
Priorities of Washington County If it isn't broken, don't take away its funding meaghan daniels
Washington County voters will have a lot to think about when a public safety levy is up for renewal this November. The levy, which will expire next year, has the potential to dramatically change the county. “A ‘yes’ vote will probably not change their lives, but a ‘no’ vote will certainly create a dramatic change in our community,” said La Donna Burgess, executive director of the Domestic Violence Resource Center in Hillsboro. If the levy fails to get renewed, it would mean layoffs
and budget cuts throughout the entire county. Measure 34179 is up for renewal Nov. 2. The public safety levy represents approximately 16 percent of Washington County’s total criminal justice system funding. It has generated $72.9 million since it first took effect four years ago in November 2006. According to The Oregonian, programs that run through the Domestic Violence Resource Center make about 10,000 contacts with abuse victims. With renewal of the levy, survivors would be cut to 200 adults and children, housed at Monika’s House Shelter in Washington County.
And at least five staff positions from the county’s Juvenile Department would be cut. The numbers do not lie; not renewing this levy would be a devastating change to Washington County. The expiring levy cost $6.71 per month in 2006 and was approved by 59 percent of the voters; however, the replacing levy would cost about $7.53 per month for the averagepriced Washington County home. It is not up by much and overall it would be about $90.34 for the entire year. The reason that the price has risen is because the values of houses are higher than they were four years ago.
programs require students to pay tuition. The same financial aid that students use for their current education can be applied to the programs abroad. Students are still responsible, in some cases, for other expenses. With the obvious exceptions of language barriers and culture shock, most of the challenges, such as homesickness or a change in diet, are really no different from the challenges students already face at PSU, such as making sure you have enough money to buy food. Ultimately, there is a lot that can be gained from the experience. Aside from furthering a student’s education, much of studying abroad is about experience and giving students an opportunity that they may not otherwise have. Besides, why wouldn’t you want to study art in France? ■
est price if we do not approve a renewal of this vital funding for public safety and emergency shelter,” Burgess said. Can a price really be put on While everyone is in need of public safety? public safety funding, it is the No, public safety is an issue people who need it the most that is important, and it cannot who will start slipping through be ignored. the cracks The country is Can a price really if there already in peril is not be put on public over the recesenough sion. Oregon funding to safety? has one of the continue higher unemployment rates, at programs or if programs such 10.6 percent in July 2010, ac- as Monika's House are severly cording to United States Bureau cut back. of Labor Statistics. We are all experiencing a rePublic safety is also an issue cession right now—in times that is relatable to everybody of economic hardships it is who wants to live in a safe important to put priorities in place—everybody has the right order. Public safety should be a to live in a safe place. priority for the people of Wash“The most vulnerable in our ington County. community will pay the highIt is important to have re-
sources like the Domestic Violence Prevention Center for people to utilize in the county. The levy has been in place for the past four years and last time it passed with 59 percent of the voters. It needs to be renewed, because the expiration of the levy would be detrimental to members of Washington County who count on such services, or who will need them in the future. This is an issue that cannot be ignored. It is a vital levy that should be renewed so that valuable programs can continue. The levy is already in place, it is already contributing to the communities of the county, it just needs to be renewed. The citizens of Washington County cannot allow this levy to expire; they would risk losing so much without it. ■
The whole package
Watch out for upcoming articles in our “textbook” series We will be taking on the variety of options students have for textbook materials. Columns include an online exclusive this Wednesday exploring e-textbooks and an analysis of the print-on-demand pilot program at Portland State’s own bookstore, in print this Friday.
colby brooks/VANGUARD staff
Custom textbooks costly, yet hold little value janieve schnabel
With the start of a new school year comes a number of experiences: new classes, new friends, new instructors and challenges. And, as every student dreads, new textbooks. With textbook costs already as high as they are, students tend to seek the best deal they can find. The use of online auction sites, used-book stores and textbook rental services is on the rise. But for some students, these are not options. Many classes at PSU require custom textbook packages not available through any of these services. Custom textbook packages are not the best option for students. These packages are expensive, not always well constructed and many classes do not utilize all of their components. They are seldom worth the money students are forced to pay for them. These plastic-wrapped books with customized covers and access codes are anything but cheap; many cost upwards of $200, and once unwrapped, their value plummets to half the ticket price. They are a significant investment that can frustrate any student on a budget. Worst off are the students only taking one term of a year-long course that requires one of these packages. Kenneth Brown, the owner and CEO of the Portland State Bookstore, is quite familiar with these frustrations. “Textbook packages have been a part of the mix since I started here 15 years ago,” Brown said. He did note that the access codes in many of these packages are a more recent phenomenon, but for the most part the packages haven’t changed much.
Many of the complaints students had 15 years ago regarding custom packages are similar to the complaints he’s hearing now, but there is little he can do. The packages received from the publishers are hitor-miss much of the time. Some are well constructed, providing students with ample resources for a reasonable price. Each component is evaluated and used by the professors and students throughout the course. But often enough, these packages are not well constructed. Publishers send bundles of books and software that both instructors and students find tedious and unnecessary. Even well constructed packages can contain unnecessary components, however. Different instructors in a series have different methods of teaching. The expensive access code to a course website that is necessary for one professor might be completely disregarded by another. But once the package itself has been opened, it cannot be returned; moreover, access codes cannot be sold back or returned. These packages do have their positive aspects. Faculty members work with publishers’ representatives to decide which textbooks are used, while the bookstore works to accommodate these requests. Much of the time, it comes to a decision between conscientious study and a professor’s personal preferences. Historically, student economics haven’t been a big factor in these decisions. But Brown sees a change happening. “Faculty are being more sensitive,” he said. “They’re pushing the publishers harder to get more options for the students.” These packages are being adapted as a result of faculty pressure. One primary complaint of students is that many textbook packages are far too expensive for
single classes. This year, a few publishers have offered “split packages” where the material for one term is sold independently of the others, saving students a significant amount of money. It is certainly a step in the right direction. However, very few publishers have taken this step so far. Most students taking one part of a three-term class are made to purchase the entire text, usually at exorbitant prices. For these students in particular, custom textbook packages are among the worst options available. The number of alternatives is increasing, but presently the options aren’t so impressive. If a student does their shopping early enough, they can purchase used copies of the individual components they need of the package. Students can also use the “reserve” The number of alternatives is copies of their text- increasing, but presently the book at the library—if one is available—for options aren’t so impressive. up to two hours at a time. Digital textbooks have also become an option for some texts, though Brown finds that most students prefer paper books. The newest alternative, books printed on demand, shows a great deal of promise, though the program is still in its initial stages. Students are always going to want a better deal, and custom textbook packages are not the way to go for that. Maybe in time, one of these alternatives will replace them. And when that happens, it’ll be a new day for the publishing industry. ■
Portland as parody Have a sense of humor about yourself Elisabeth wilson
Hipsters, politics and beer, oh my! From environmental awareness to cross-culture acceptance, Portland has much to brag about—but at the same time, let us not forget how to laugh. Last month, Erin Rook of Just Out interviewed Fred Armisen of “Saturday Night Live” and Portland resident Carrie Brownstein of the indie band Sleater-Kinney about their new comedy series “Portlandia.” The series parodies “various aspects of Portland’s unique culture.” “Portlandia” is based on another project, “Thunderant”—Armisen’s and Brownstein’s largely improvised online comedy sketches that parody everything from Portland’s bike punks to feminist bookstores. Plenty of people poke fun of Portland, but when I heard about “Portlandia” being picked up by the Independent Film Channel, I had to ask myself: What’s the deal? What about Portland is there to make fun of? And then it occurred to me: We take ourselves too seriously. And everybody knows that people who take themselves too seriously are the most fun to mock. I’ve lived in other places—college towns, cities with booming arts and music scenes—and it wasn’t this way. People didn’t make broad summations about the culture of the city or its residents. There wasn’t the sense that a caricature could be or should be drawn of the people who lived there. Other cities don’t regard themselves as quite the national treasure that we believe ourselves to be. Portland takes on a unique position as a sort of Mecca of awesomeness—people move here in droves to take advantage of our booming youth culture, bike lanes, efficient public transportation, academic programs, temperate climate and liberal politics. We excel at a lot of good things— coffee, beer, nightlife and producing hugely popular bands—and can get a little bit of a big head about it. With such a feeling of importance, we lose a sense of humility and the ability to laugh at ourselves.
russell jeschke/VANGUARD staff
We’ve all probably heard someone make fun of some aspect of Portland’s culture, but what you’ll probably hear most often are derisive comments about Portland as a whole: Portland as hipsters, Portland as compulsive composters, Portland as Obama-obsessed liberals. It’s engrained in our consciousness—our progressiveness, our tolerance, our role as a major West Coast destination—it all plays a part in our selfawareness. We know we’re something special. Grist Magazine cited us, for example, as one of the “greenest” cities in the world, second only to Reykjavik, Iceland. Having a sense of humor about ourselves would be particularly beneficial when it comes to the less-than-ideal things about Portland. We’re known, for example, for our awful, rainy, six-month long winters and the seasonal affective disorder that comes with them. We’re also known for our extremely competitive job market. According to City Data, nearly 20 percent of the Portland population is between the ages of 25 and 34, making the search for employment for that age group a harrowing and viciously competitive task.
One common way we get attention, both good and bad, is through our politics. We are very opinionated and very politically active. Overall that is a good thing, but it does make for a tense social environment. One major aspect of the social climate here is political correctness. We love to be P.C. It’s something you don’t find as much anywhere else in the country. We spend a lot of energy avoiding offending anyone and maintaining a society that is tolerant, accepting and respectful of everyone. The trouble is, that’s a pretty lofty goal and not a very realistic one. In the South, for example, there is the acknowledgment that we all express ourselves differently, and that openness about those differences is the real virtue. It’s extremely common there to hear someone noting the differences between white people and African-Americans. It’s not hate speech—it’s dialogue. In Portland, though, we shy away from discussing our differences or making reference to race at all. We consider such evasive behavior to be “respectful.” And joking about it is out of the question.
With as many young people as Portland has, and all the vying for jobs, clothes and housing, competition inevitably wins out over respect. We end up appearing hypocritical. These same people who are rigidly P.C. and dogmatic about their politics tend to be overly critical of their peers on a personal level. On the surface, we are respectful and tolerant, but below the surface we are fearful social climbers with no real personal politics beyond what kind of coffee we drink or the proper attire. Posturing is our pastime. With all this hypocrisy and self-aggrandizement, is it any wonder we get made fun of? Our grand-standing overshadows our actual achievements and make us easy targets for parody. I’m not saying we’re awful people. I’m not even saying we need to change. But getting off our high horse, becoming aware of our contradictions, and being willing to accept how cavalier our notions about life are, would be a great start to becoming even better. The ability to have a good laugh at ourselves is a good practice towards that end. ■
Five dangerous sex myths and what you need to know
Portland designers bring confidence to the catwalk
Stop the spread of false information
The city’s top designers get an entire week to show their goods
Rebekah Hunt Vanguard staff
Amanda Bentley Vanguard staff
MYTH: The morning-after pill
TRUTH: Morning-after pills
eauty, strength and power are three things that every woman strives to embody. Those bold ideas are what inspired local fashion designers Devon Yan Berrong and Stephanie D. Couture while
Couture: Looks best in the woods.
creating their 2011 spring and summer collections for Portland Fashion Week. Devon, self-taught creator of “Devonation,” uses only black and white for his show and draws inspiration from military details.
Shirt by Devon Yan Berrong.
“When I decided to do black and white, I thought, ‘Yes!’ I can do military also, because it is very powerful. Black and white, to me, is very serious, powerful and professional,” Devon said.
is an abortion pill.
evening event one night, and the top could be worn with a pair of jeans or a pencil skirt to work the very next day without any difficulty. His line will make any man or woman feel confident and powerful while remaining practical and comfortable. Stephanie D. Couture, a graduate of the Art Institute of Portland who owns her own clothing line, also strives to make women feel strong and powerful through a softer approach to design by draping. Instead of incorporating the feeling of raw power from a military standpoint, her designs pull from the feeling of power a woman has when she knows she looks beautiful in her own clothes. Inspired by Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, Stephanie specializes in creating beautiful pieces for special occasions including bridal gowns. The main goal for her spring 2011 line was to “express thoughts that serve to inspire, reveal and provoke the beauty, strength, wisdom and power of a woman.” The beautiful draping of her gowns PHOTO COURTESY OF Stephanie D. Couture does exactly that. Their graceful has a great flow, making an movement and flow are sure to impact as it goes down the make those around do a double runway. From beaded fringe take at the wearer. Whether you prefer a strong, detailing sewn onto military inspired shoulder pads to light undeniably powerful look or and airy chiffon on his cocktail would rather wear a subtler dresses, every piece in his statement of strength, these two designers can deliver. collection is memorable. “Devonation” also includes Devon’s collection provides pieces for men. His inverted peace stunningly powerful pieces that sign shirt takes a normal button- will make any wearer walk with up shirt and adds some visual confidence. The versatility and interest through color blocking accessibility of his designs are and pleating while maintaining sure to add a great dimension a powerful look. Devon also to any wardrobe. Meanwhile, if gives some power to the wearer. you are looking to exude beauty Every look he creates—including through self-confidence for a his cocktail dresses and stunning special occasion, Stephanie’s evening gowns—is made from use of draping and construction separates that can be mixed and will be sure to do the trick. If you’d like to see these stunning matched with each other. His looks can be transformed creations for yourself, or check from eveningwear to practical out any other designers, you daywear by switching out can watch the looks go down the skirt for a pair of leggings the runway during Portland or jeans. His evening gown Fashion Week. ■ consists of a sleeveless top with military shoulder pads Portland Fashion Week and a skirt with a sexy slit up Oct. 6–10 at 8 p.m. at 1039 the side to create eye-catching NW Couch. Tickets are movement as it goes down on sale now ranging from the runway. Perhaps the best $20–$175 thing about the look is that For more information, go to the gown could be worn to an portlandfashionweek.net. His goal is to create clothes that both men and women will feel comfortable and confident in. One of the contestants in the Catapult Emerging Designer Competition, Devon plays with texture to make his collection visually interesting. Each piece
Rachel Corrie’s final hurrah Controversial play makes its debut in Portland Andrea Vedder Vanguard staff
ou may have heard of Rachel Corrie, the Evergreen State College student who was literally bulldozed to death in 2003 by the Israeli military while attempting to protect a Palestinian home in the Gaza Strip. You may have heard of My Name is Rachel Corrie, the play composed entirely of excerpts from Corrie’s journals and e-mails. You may have already judged the play, or Corrie, without ever having heard much about either. You wouldn’t be alone if you did. Corrie’s death was highly controversial, as the play has been since its American opening in New York was canceled mid-production. Those who feed the controversy are missing the point. Yes, Corrie left her lifelong home in Olympia, Wash., to travel to Rafah, a town in the Gaza Strip, and yes, she elected to work with the International Solidarity Movement, a Palestinian-led organization committed to resisting Israeli occupation. Yes, she lost her life supporting the mission of the ISM and yes, some people may want to paint Corrie as a martyr for the Palestinian cause. But based on the private journal entries this play is composed of, Corrie was not particularly interested in the fallacies of Zionism or the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem; in fact, Corrie was really not all that political. It seems, even, that her presence in Gaza was chance—she could just as easily have ended up in the mountains of Afghanistan, the slums of Rio de Janeiro, the Darfur region of Sudan or the island of Haiti. Corrie’s interest in traveling abroad lay in expanding her worldview, and her interest in Gaza was in protecting people, not a homeland.
Corrie’s writings about Palestine are not about “their” right to anything. Corrie discusses the families she’s stayed with and the people she’s met, and she believed strongly that these people deserved their homes as well as reliable access to clean water. She believed that the children she met deserved an education, and she believed that the military of Israel was purposefully and oppressively obstructing the Palestinians’ access to work, school and even the ocean. Corrie may also have believed that being a white American meant she couldn’t be killed. That she was killed without regard to her race or nationality is only one of the dozens of interesting points that My Name successfully raises. This play is all about fostering discussion, and everything about the Northwest Classical Theatre Company and Three Good Friends’ production of My Name is Rachel Corrie is right-on. They’ve put on no airs— the show is in a converted tile showroom on Southeast Stark Street and the set and costuming are as low-key as could be. Rachel Corrie (played by Portland State graduate Amanda Jensen as well as Grant High School senior Madeleine Rogers) wears a sweatshirt and jeans, carries a backpack and represents her family and friends with cardboard caricatures that she pulls out of her journal and fastens with Velcro to the theater walls. The production companies have also created a comfortable space. The theater is incredibly intimate—perhaps there are 35 seats total—and the lobby is full of brochures about the projects of the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, facts about the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict and small roundtables with chairs for relaxing before and after the show. There are also cookies, candy, coffee and tea, free and freely available. Certain aspects of the production itself are superb. The decision to use two actors—one teenaged, one 20-something—for the role of Rachel Corrie, for example, reminds the audience that the script pulls from over a decade of Corrie’s writings and facilitates the shifts in time. The two Corries’ interaction with one another is well directed, and the two together create an energy on-stage that allows the viewer to forget they are watching a 90-minute soliloquy. Rogers, in particular, is a standout. There are also some wellchosen video and still image incorporations, though one audio segment of American reactions to the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center was highly unnecessary and borderline offensive. What that particular act of cruelty and terrorism has to do with Rachel Corrie is a mystery, and its inclusion in this production seems almost to hint that it has something to do with Israel, Gaza or Corrie’s motivations. My Name was created and edited by Brits (Katherine Viner and Alan Rickman) and the play debuted in London to sold-out audiences and critical acclaim. This production is one-act and runs approximately 90 minutes. ■
My Name is Rachel Corrie 600 SE Stark St. Thur–Sun 7:30 p.m. Sundays 2 p.m. Runs through Oct. 30 $15 students
are NOT the same as the abortion pill. Emergency contraceptive pills such as Plan B prevent pregnancy. The abortion pill terminates an established pregnancy. HOW IT REALLY WORKS: The active ingredients in morningafter pills are similar to those in birth control pills, except in higher doses. Human conception rarely occurs immediately after intercourse. Instead, it occurs as much as several days later, after ovulation. During the time between intercourse and conception, sperm continue to travel through the fallopian tube until the egg appears. So taking emergency birth control, even three mornings after, isn’t too late to prevent pregnancy. The morningafter pill has to be taken within 72 hours of intercourse with a second dose taken 12 hours later. I cannot stress enough: The morning-after pill WILL NOT TERMINATE AN ESTABLISHED PREGNANCY. Oral contraceptive pills make you gain weight. TRUTH: A recent study combining the results of 47 separate trials showed no relationship between oral contraceptive use and weight gain. MYTH:
About 60% of the websites inspected in Dr. Sophia Yen’s research displayed incorrect information about the side effects of birth control pills, including that they cause weight gain. Since so many teens and women get their health information online, it’s no surprise that this myth gets easily perpetuated. MYTH: Lesbians and virgins
don’t need annual pap tests; also, pap tests test for AIDS. TRUTH: Pap tests test for Human Papilloma virus (HPV) and nothing else. HPV can cause cervical cancer. Every woman needs a pap test. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: You should have your first Pap test at age 21 or within three years of becoming sexually active, whichever comes first. All women should have an annual Pap test until the age of 30, when they can get the “DNA with Pap Test” to test for HPV at the same time. DO NOT douche before the test (or ever). Douching may remove cells your doctor is trying to collect on the smear. MYTH: You have to have sex to
get an STD. TRUTH: Many STDs, including herpes and genital warts, can be spread through kissing and skin-to-skin contact.
WHAT THAT MEANS TO YOU: This means you can get
an STD even with a condom. There are no tests for genital warts, and herpes blood tests
do not indicate whether the infection is genital or oral. Discuss these two diseases with any new partner. Have you or your partner ever had genital herpes or cold sores on the mouth? Have either of you ever had genital warts diagnosed? MYTH: An IUD (intrauterine device) is dangerous, painful and can only be used after you have a baby or are older than 25. TRUTH: Unlike its archaic predecessors, an IUD like Mirena is one of the safest, most reliable methods of birth control and can absolutely be used by teens, women with no children and virgins. WHY THEY GOT A BAD RAP:
In the past, before the approval of today’s IUDs, some women experienced severe complications from certain IUDs. Though most complications were due to STDs (women were not tested before insertion back then), the associated devices have since been taken off the market. Partly due to its past negative image and despite its advantages, the IUD is still not as commonly used among U.S. women, though more than 85 million women worldwide take advantage of its extreme ease and effectiveness. It offers numerous advantages, including a high level of protection against pregnancy (0.1 pregnancies in 100 users vs. 8 per 100 in pill users), long-term protection, costeffective (according to Planned Parenthood, IUDs are the most inexpensive, long-term, reversible contraception available in the world), they allow women to be more spontaneous (there’s nothing to mess with before sex and neither partner can feel it), privacy (no pills or packaging), it can be removed at any time by a health care provider and the copper IUD can be used by women who cannot use hormonal birth control. ■
WEBSITES WITH ACCURATE INFORMATION: Steer toward websites like these, associated with academic medical centers, where site-review committees are more likely to include board-certified adolescent medicine specialists.
www.goaskalice.columbia.edu www.youngwomenshealth.org www.kidshealth.org/teen www.teenwire.com Special thanks to: ■ Sophia Yen, MD, MPH ■ Clinical Instructor, Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine ■ Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and the Stanford University School of Medicine ■ Findings presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.
Quasi-posture: That's just a weird way for anyone's toes to be pointing.
The end of a rock era A eulogy to the soon-to-be late and always great Satyricon Theodora Karatzas Vanguard staff
t’s safe to say that anyone interested in Portland music has by now heard that the notorious punk/ all-ages club Satyricon is closing its doors again. The club, which first opened in 1984, was shut down back in 2003 and later reopened by new management. This time though, there will be no return—triumphant or dismal—for Satyricon. The space was purchased by The MacDonald Center and will be closing to make way for outreach housing, shutting down the club for good. Call it what you may—a travesty upon Portland’s rich musical history or a relief that the decrepit performance space will finally be gone—this is still a big change for the local musical community with a lot of ups and downs to it. On the one hand, it would be easy to immortalize the myth and legend that goes along with the Satyricon of days past. Back in the ’80s and ’90s, when the club first opened, this was the place to be. Talk to any local band from that period and most of them will say that they played their first shows at Satyricon (the old Paris Theater took over that role in the 2000s, only to become an X-rated theater. Now, it’s the Hawthorne Theater that is well on its way to keeping its title as the worst place to play a show in Portland). Back before hipsters, before the Pearl District, before electro-pop and sleepy folk took over this city, Satyricon was a true rock club. Who can forget the rumor that Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain met there? Or the distinctly rock ‘n’ roll feel that the dingy club had and continues to have? Forget about polished sound and tidy bathrooms—Satyricon was
keeping it real with boatloads of graffiti, urine-soaked floors and the occasional bloody tampon strewn into the corner. The last few years of music at Satyricon may not have been some of the best, but that will never change the importance this club had in a city that takes its music so seriously. To celebrate (or mourn) the closing, Satyricon is hosting 13 farewell shows. The first one was this past Sunday and the last one will be on Halloween. Ben Munat, who was in charge of booking the club from 1993–99, returned to set up the farewell series and has done a bang-up job of closing the club out in style. Here are four shows in the lineup that shouldn’t be missed: ■ Boo Frog, Ghostrance, Slutty Hearts
Imagine the Violent Femmes taken down a notch and mixed with a little Southern rock. That’s Boo Frog. A little psychedelic and very catchy, the female/male duo on vocals and their lack of bass makes gives this band a raw sort of charm that is perfect for a dingy, dirty night spent hiding in the dark corners of downtown Portland. Wed, Oct. 6 $5, all ages
Arrows: Being "that guy." Cuz hey, free hoodie.
of a huge jerk (apparently he’s mellowed out a lot in the last couple of years, though). Who knows and, frankly, who cares? What you should care about is the fact that the band will be playing a show with original drummer Eric Hedford and the set will be from their first two albums—Dandys Rule, OK? and …The Dandy Warhols Come Down—arguably two of their best. The catch? Their show is 31+. Suck it millennial generation! Sat. Oct 16 31+ $20 ■
The Dandy Warhols (with original drummer Eric Hedford, playing songs from first two albums), Swoon 23, Sugarboom ■
Sometimes it seems like the Dandy Warhols are everyone’s favorite local band to hate. Maybe it’s because they made it big (well, in Europe). Maybe it’s because of the rumors that Courtney Taylor-Taylor is kind
Quasi, Pond, M99
All you need to know about this night is that Quasi is playing. The same Quasi that opened for Pavement. The same Quasi with legendary badass and former SleaterKinney drummer Janet Weiss. They may have put out their first album back in 1993, but last year’s release of American Gong made it very clear that they’ve still got it and
aren’t planning on losing it anytime soon. Sat, Oct. 23 $10, 21+ ■ Pierced Arrows, Napalm Beach, The Obituaries, Eastside Speed Machine (w/ David Corboy joining in for Jackals songs), Don’t, Iron Lords
Remember Dead Moon? No? That’s too bad, because they were a pretty epic local underground band with a career spanning two decades. Whether they were your style or not, they (like Satyricon) had a very special place in the heart of Portland. Well, two of the members from Dead Moon started a little band called Pierced Arrows that got all kinds of good press last year. They aren’t really a replacement for the raw, edginess that was Dead Moon, but some of that energy and don’t-give-a-fuck attitude is still there. Sat, Oct. 30 Price TBA
Modern metal with actual interludes? Elitist shreds a solid block of iron on debut EP Caves
Fall TV premier primer
Rian Evans Vanguard staff
Who needs to leave the house?
Richard D. Oxley Vanguard staff
his past week I was presented with the debut EP Caves from the LA-based fivepiece Elitist. Now, I’m no good when it comes to figuring out what overly complex genre the group would most likely Elitist: So elite they don't need amps. fall under. For metal, that's quite a feat these days. Describing the music itself They’re heavy as hell, will be challenging, but I’m unrelenting, yet very melodic; up to the task. There is a lot of they incorporate odd time machine-gun rhythm guitar signatures, and the vocal style and percussionist Robert Platz’s is the usual deathcore stuff— drum work is performed with somewhat guttural sounding, surgical precision. The guitar but not as deep as say, genre riffs and leads are traded off contemporary Whitechapel. between guitarists Sean Hall With as many time signatures and Julian Rodriguez; they are that the band covers, the entire very technically proficient and EP flows extremely well. There welcomingly more complex is a lot of use of old recording than what similar bands usually studio trickery such as fade-ins offer, but honestly, I didn’t feel and fade-outs, so I often find like they presented anything too myself unaware that I’m no special or new. To their credit, longer listening to the same the sound as a whole is very song I was two minutes ago. tight. As a rule, I can seldom This can be a good or bad thing. tolerate drop B guitar tuning While I find the flow makes for because it just sounds too floppy a cohesive listening experience, and indistinguishable, but Elitist another person might feel like has managed to drop-tune ultrathere’s a lack of variety. low while still keeping the overall Then again, if you listen to sound tight and crisp—quite the this type of music, you probably accomplishment. don’t expect or want any ballads. Elitist brings something This EP is nonstop beautiful very unique to the table with brutality for five tracks. their eerie and gorgeous guitar
ambience that is sprinkled throughout the record. It’s an odd comparison, but gamers will probably notice similarities between these bits and the soundtrack from the Metroid video game series. These sections evoke feelings of vast, empty, dark spaces. Yes, I’ll make the obvious and all too cheesy observation: It’s hard to not imagine being alone in a dark cave during these moments. Perhaps this is what the album name is derived from, which is so obvious that Elitist should lose points for underestimating the intelligence of their audience that much more. Overall, I’d highly recom mend this EP to any modern metal fan. If you’re one of those weirdos who has an ear for strange time signatures and rhythms, or if you’re a junkie for technical guitar and drum work, then you won’t want to miss Caves. ■
all comes every year, bringing with it the changing of the seasons—striking colors tint the tree leaves, capturing the sun’s radiance before liberating themselves from their branches and falling to the barren earth. But who cares about that crap? The only season we really care about is the one premiering inside, on your TV. Networks across the span of your cable package unloaded their fall offerings over the past month—all competing to get you to tune in and tune out. Listing every show would be redundant and, frankly, we don’t have enough pages to do that. So here are the more noteworthy bids and dreadful efforts at making TV magic.
ABC starts the fall season off by dropping the ball and yielding to the better programming of other channels. Most of its shows are different versions of the same shtick, from “Grey’s Anatomy” to “Private Practice”, or the never ending “Dancing with the Stars”, which proved this
teases fans with the possibility of revealing how Ted actually meets the mother. William Shatner enters the realm of sitcoms with “$#*! My Dad Says”—a decent attempt at comedy. Though under its guise of vulgarity, it is just a repackaging of the classic punch line format. Time will tell this show’s fate. Of course, “Two and a Half Men” returned. Does anyone actually watch this show?! They are unloading piles of cash at these actors’ doors, yet I find no logic as to how or why this show continues. It’s like “Everybody Loves Raymond”—I’ve asked around and I still can’t find anyone who loves the guy. Surprising many, the remake of the classic “Hawaii Five-O” did not tank. In fact, it was rather good. They didn’t try to modernize the famous “Hawaii Five-O” show tune along with the show itself—a nice touch. This one shows signs of staying power. ■
We still don’t know who “Gossip Girl” is while vampires are still sensitive and brooding. And Superman is still not Superman in “Smallville”. The unsung hero of this teenybopper channel is the one show that has never fit into its format, “Supernatural”, one of the more enjoyable shows on television that nobody watches. PHOTO COURTESY OF ABC As an homage to Castle: Carousels are tough again. the horror genre, season that it has finally run “Supernatural” is more akin to out of “stars” to showcase. ABC a mini-horror movie that can be does, however, include two enjoyed by all. It was originally worthwhile gems—“Castle” intended by its creator to last and the academy award- only five seasons. Now in its winning “Modern Family”— sixth season, its cult of fans is in its lineup, both returning watching to see if it can stretch out its success for one more for their second seasons. round of awesomeness. ■
With a mixed bag of quality and crap, CBS rolls out its usual line of endless scientific crimesolving monotony, sparing a few enjoyable choices. “How I Met Your Mother”
FOX brings it this season with a number of entertaining choices starting with “House”—our favorite illtempered doc—promoting a
long awaited get-it-on with our favorite sexy hospital administrator. “Bones", however,continues to toy with its fans continuing the tired they love each other but can’t be together story arc. Just let Bones and Booth finally (insert obvious pun here). “Glee” resumes its love/ hate relationship with viewers, remaining to be lovably sardonic and comical. But as always, just when you are starting to enjoy an episode, they start singing. Whereas once the musical scenes could be tolerable, they come off as unbearably cheesy this season. “Running Wilde” is the notable new-kid-on-the-block for FOX this fall. Only filling 30 minutes of airtime, it packs in hilarity rivaling the great “Arrested Development”—and not because of the common actors, Will Arnett and David Cross, shared between them. Actor Peter Serafinowicz stands out providing some of the most cherished scenes as Fa’ad Shaoulian. ■
NBC comes this fall with little fresh content to boast— but with its schedule, why would it need to? “The Office” did something it hasn’t done in a while—made people laugh— getting back to the formula that works best: More comedy, less drama. We can only hope they keep it up. “30 Rock” showed a strong return and has me wanting more already. Matt Damon’s cameo in the initial episode is priceless. Everybody’s nerdy guilty pleasure, “Chuck”, went cameo frenzy starring everyone from Dolph Lundgren to Harry Dean Stanton—providing a nod to his character from 1984’s “Repo Man”. NBC’s other cult hit, “Community,” didn’t break stride from its first season and shows no signs of turning sour. And Parenthood is plain adorable—just watch it. “The Event” was NBC’s big promotion this year—an obvious, and perhaps sad, attempt to fill the gap left by the now absent “LOST”. Seriously, they didn’t even try to hide the fact they pretty much stole their entire format from “LOST”— from jumping around various time frames to utilizing the same intense crescendo of sound to end one scene and begin the next. They will most likely be able to string this along for some time though, keeping people wondering who or what is left unexplained in every story line…just like “LOST”. ■
Lompoc is so fresh and so clean, clean Fresh hop beers at Lompoc’s upcoming release party Kat Vetrano Vanguard staff
or brewers and beer aficionados, this time of year is more than just jack-o-lanterns, fallen leaves and the beginning of school. The end of summer and early fall is a unique time when fresh hop beers can be brewed, as long as you’re in the right location. The brewers from Lompoc Brewery feel the results are worth waiting all year for. That’s why tonight, New Old Lompoc on Northwest 23rd will be holding a release party for its three options of fresh hop beers. Fresh hop beers are unique, in that their picking process varies from your average brew.
When a brewer usually makes a beer, the hops are picked, then dried and processed before the brewing begins, developing an overall bitter flavor. Fresh hops are picked directly off the vine without the drying process, which then develops a distinct flavor from the amount of moisture, and is less concentrated, allowing for more flavor complexity. “When hops are wet, they’re more subtle and spicy. People have compared them to the taste of melon, like honeydew or cantaloupe,” said Lompoc brewer Dave Fleming. Lucky for Portland beer lovers, Oregon is one of the few places fresh hops can be obtained quickly and then brewed. Sodbuster Farms— where Lompoc gets its hops
from—are within close proximity of our fine city, located in the St. Paul and Mt. Angel areas. And the close connections pay off, “If you lived in Iowa, you just couldn’t produce these beers, because you’d drive all the way to Oregon, and the hops would be dry by the time you got them back home,” Fleming said. At Lompoc’s party on Tuesday night, attendees will be able to try the three different freshhop beers for the first time this season. The list of beers starts with the Crystal Missile Fresh Hop Pale Ale. This beer has a golden hue and a huge earthy hop aroma, allowing Lompoc to call it “the quintessential fresh-hop beer.” There will also be the Harvest Man Red, which
That’s Not Funny… or is it? Food For Thought’s feminist comedy show lets you be the judge Ines Kuna Vanguard staff
You may not have heard much about the Women’s Resource Center during your time at PSU, but you might just be hearing a lot more about it this month. That’s because the WRC, a center for “advancing social justice [and] ensuring access to personal empowerment for all selfidentified women,” according to its mission statement, is starting up the new school year with what WRC coordinator Bridge D’Urso predicts “is going to be a riot!” The WRC has been making history since its establishment in 1969: From forming the Women’s Studies Department in 1972, to selling out PSU’s first Vagina Monologues play in 2003 and raising $12,000 for the Portland Women’s Crisis Line. Now, its ambitious members are back at it, showcasing the WRC’s first ever multi-emcee Feminist comedy show That’s Not Funny. “The original idea came from a former GA, Carmen Anderson of the WRC,” said Miranda Williamson, events coordinator of the WRC and graduate student of PSU. “[Carmen] dreamed of becoming a stand-up comedian and she began to make that dream come true right before she graduated with her Masters degree. She said to me one day, ‘I want to do a comedy show here at PSU.’ And I immediately knew that I wanted to plan the show.” Anderson’s first debut was
at the WRC co-sponsored event Hellooo Cancer, what Williamson described as “very funny and fun, but it was more like a play and less like a standup comedy show.” Despite the description, D’Urso replied that it was “Carmen’s first foray into stand-up comedy…she has been performing multiple times per week in comedy clubs all up and down the I-5 corridor ever since.” The goal of the show, Williamson explained, is just “to have a good time and laugh with our community, allies and friends.” “If all goes as planned, we expect to make it the first annual!” said D’Urso of the unprecedented event. The show will not be used as a fundraiser for this year but Williamson said, “We do hope to use this as a fundraiser in the future, so if you enjoy yourselves at this event, stay tuned for more like it!” What to expect for the lineup? “Two of the comics come from a group of mother comedians called ‘Time Out: The Mother of All Comedy Shows,’ and they find humor in their roles as mothers. A couple of the ladies are queeridentified and love to make jokes about their experiences as queer women,” replied Williamson. In fact, the acts are so talented that even Williamson, the event coordinator, trusts to put on the show without a rehearsal. “There are a lot of
great feminist jokes coming from these ladies, but the material that they are preparing for this show I have never heard, so I am very excited to see what issues they decide to humor us with.” Ultimately, Williamson hopes that “the audience [will] enjoy themselves and see that feminists are a diverse group of people that can have an amazing sense of humor.” Come one, come all Oct. 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Food for Thought Café. There will be a suggested donation of $5–$10 at the door while Food for Thought will remain open with pastries, coffee and tea. ■
■ Can’t make it to That’s Not Funny!? It’s your lucky month. The WRC has a full calendar for October! Oct. 21 Lecture by visiting professor Gina Velasco titled “Performing the Filipina ‘Mail Order Bride’: Queer Neoliberalism, Affective Labor, and Homonationalism”.
Oct. 25 As a Pre-celebration of Love Your Body Day, the WRC is cosponsoring the film Absolutely SAFE, promoting Women’s Health.
Oct. 27 The WRC, in collaboration with SHAC and the Campus Recreation Center, is hosting Love Your Body Day in the lobby of the ASRC, which entails activities and information about resources regarding body positivity.
Lompoc's new brew: Ale-Conner? I barley know 'er!
is a malty and full-bodied beer with a deep red color. Lastly, the Ale-Conner Fresh Hop ESB will be poured, which is a copper-colored English-style ale with a piney bitter taste that balances well with a nutty caramel sweetness. In addition to trying these beers before anyone else does, Lompoc will also
offer free food. Some of the complimentary appetizers will include sausages, meatballs and what Fleming calls “all kinds of deep-fried goodness.” With a selection of free food and three different fresh-hop beers that won’t be around for much longer (Fleming speculates that they might last till about Halloween), the
Lompoc fresh hop beers release party might just be the perfect way to start your week. ■
Lompoc’s Fresh Hop Beer Release Party Tue, Oct. 5 4 p.m.–9 p.m. New Old Lompoc Brewery 1616 NW 23rd Ave.
Timbers and Whitecaps fight to a draw
Women’s volleyball stung by first conference loss Sac State Hornets best Vikings in five sets Rosemary Hanson Vanguard staff
It took Sacramento State five sets to do it, but the Hornets walked off their home court with a 3-2 win on Saturday to hand Portland State women's volleyball its first loss of Big Sky Conference play. Portland State fought hard and finished with set scores of 23-25, 25-23, 25-22, 12-25 and 15-12. The Vikings now stand with an 8-7 overall record, and are 4-1 in conference. With the win, Sac State advances to 9-10 overall, and 2-2 in the Big Sky. Portland State began the first set with a quick point, but a combination of Viking attack errors and kills from the Hornets’ Kayla Beal rapidly gave Sacramento State a 6-2 advantage. Portland State answered back with a run and eventually saw its biggest lead of the set, at 15-10, off an attack error from the Hornets’ Olivia Moss. Not giving up, Sac State kept Portland State at 15 and scored four unanswered points to cut the Viks’ lead to 15-14. In the end, though, it was the Vikings who claimed victory in set one with a kill from freshman setter Garyn Schlatter. In the second frame, Sac State took both the opening point and the set victory. The Vikings got back-to-back kills from fresh-
Portland finishes regular season against its Northwest rivals
Big Sky women’s volleyball standings
Northern Colorado Portland State Montana Northern Arizona Sacramento State Idaho State Montana State Eastern Washington Weber State
Conf 4-0 4-1 3-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-3 0-6
Pct 1.000 0.800 0.750 0.667 0.500 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.000
man middle blocker Cara Olden and senior outside hitter Whitney Phillips to give them their biggest lead of the set, 15-9, but the Hornets rallied to make it a 17-all tie. Portland State pushed to the end to gain its last lead of the set, 21-19, off a Hornets attack error before Sac State took the set 25-23. The third set stayed close, but Portland State was never able to grab a lead in the 25-22 loss. The Viks pushed to a tied score 21-all from a kill by senior middle blocker/outside hitter Christie Hamilton. The Hornets quickly responded with a 3-point run and the winning kill from Beal. The Vikings dominated set four, going on an early 4-point run to bring the score to 7-2. Sac State did not hold the lead for the entirety of the set, and a final kill by Phillips gave the Viks a 25-12 set win to lock the game up at two sets each. The night came down to the fifth and deciding set. The Viks, not able to sustain the momentum from the previous frame, watched the Hornets take the deciding win. The biggest point difference
Overall Home 13-4 8-1 8-7 2-2 7-8 4-3 6-7 4-0 9-10 5-2 9-6 2-1 9-8 3-1 3-11 2-0 2-15 0-5
Away 2-2 3-5 1-2 1-3 2-4 1-4 3-5 0-8 0-6
Kevin Fong Vanguard staff
Streak W1 L1 W3 W2 W2 W1 L1 L1 L7
of the entire set was the final 15-12 Hornet victory. A kill from Phillips brought the Viks to trail by just one, 13-12, but she followed with a service error to put the Hornets up, 14-12, and going for matchpoint. A kill from Beal, her 18th on the night, ended the game and broke the Vikings’ five-match winning streak. Sophomore outside hitter Megan Ellis led the Viks with 18 kills of her own, and topped it off with 25 digs. Both were new personal bests for her, breaking her previous marks of 13 kills and five digs. For the first time this season, Phillips did not lead the Vikings in kills and came in just behind Ellis with 17 kills and 17 digs. Behind Phillips, senior middle blocker Lana Zielke chipped in 10 kills and blocked a career-high nine attacks. Schlatter dominated the floor in assists, pulling 38 of the team’s 58 total. Sophomore setter Dominika Kristinikova also posted a new career-high with 17 digs, which was just short of current libero Diana Villalpando’s 20 digs for the night. The loss puts the Viks in sec-
Zielke smooth: Senior middle blocker Lana Zielke made a career-high nine blocks Saturday and has a team-leading 66 this year.
ond place in the Big Sky standings, behind Northern Colorado, who holds a perfect 4-0 Big Sky record but has also played one less conference opponent. Portland State will return to
the Park Blocks this Thursday for a non-conference match against Seattle University in the Stott Center. The match is slated for a 7 p.m. first-serve. Two days
later, the Vikings return to conference action with a home meeting with Eastern Washington on Saturday. That match will also be held at 7 p.m. in the Stott Center. ■
August miller/VANGUARD STAFF
Eryn Brown: The freshman forward/midfielder has one goal in seven games played.
they host Eastern Washington at Hillsboro Stadium on Friday, followed by the University of Montana on Sunday. Going into Friday’s game, Utah Valley held a 3-7 record on the season and the Viks were 4-6. The two teams last met last season, when then-PSU senior Dolly Enneking made Portland State history by scoring both goals of the 2-0 win to become the Vikings’ record-holder for career goals. PSU took the early advantage on Friday off an early
gift from Utah Valley senior Lauren Bluth. While the Vikings attacked, Bluth and Wolverines senior goalkeeper Hailey Brown both went for the ball about eight feet out from the net; a miscommunication led to Bluth inadvertently heading the ball into her own goal. The teams played neck-andneck throughout the remainder of the game, with Utah Valley pulling slightly ahead in shots (21 shots compared to 19 attempts from the Vikings). However, Portland
Friday Portland State, 1 Utah Valley, 1 Hillsboro Stadium
Scoring summary Goal Time Team Scorer 1. 5:27 PSU UVU own goal 2. 83:39 UVU Ashley Burdett (1) Shots by period Utah Valley Portland State
1 2 10 3 8 9
OT O2 Tot 5 3 21 2 0 19
Saves by period Utah Valley Portland State
1 2 3
OT O2 Tot 0 0 4 4 2 11
2 2 2
Sunday Seattle University, 2 Portland State, 0 Seattle, Wash. Scoring summary Goal Time Team Scorer 1. 58:47 SU Kuttler, Kara (4) 2. 88:47 SU Ames, Ava (4) Shots by period Portland State Seattle U
1 2 0 3 9 9
Saves by period Portland State Seattle U
1 2 Tot 3 1 4 0 0 0
Tot 3 18
Portland State next hosts conference opponents Eastern Washington at 5 p.m. on Friday and University of Montana at 1 p.m. on Sunday. ■
Portland State women’s soccer extended its winless streak to five games with a draw and a loss in the two games played over the weekend. The Vikings, now 4-7-1 on the season, will begin the defense of last season’s regular season title when league play opens in the coming week. On Friday, after taking a one-goal lead over Utah Valley in the first half, the Viks allowed a late 84th-minute goal to tie the score at Hillsboro Stadium. As a result, the Viks had to leave the pitch content with a 1-1 draw against the Wolverines. On Sunday, Seattle University outperformed and outscored Portland State in a 2-0 victory at the Redhawks’ Championship Field. The reigning Big Sky Conference regular season champion Vikings kick off their 2010 conference campaign when
school. “I’m proud of their performance even though it didn’t result in a win.” The Viks then left the comfort of home to take on Seattle University in Seattle on Sunday. Going into the game, the two teams had drawn five of six meetings between the schools and Seattle led the series with one win. The Redhawks (9-4-0) have been in red-hot form this season, and came into the match on a four-game winning streak— two of which were against Big Sky opponents. The Vikings’ defense managed to keep the Redhawk’s offense at bay on Sunday, despite PSU being outshot 9-0 in the first half. Portland State earned three corner kicks during the period, compared to Seattle’s four, but were unable to make any of them count. In the second half of play, Seattle senior Kara Kuttler broke the deadlock in the 59th minute. Kuttler took the shot from 15 yards off a pass from teammate Monique Escalera. The Redhawks then added insult to injury when freshman Ava Ames scored an insurance goal in the 89th minute to put the final score at 2-0.
Typography, Layout & InDesign Experience Required.
Nilesh Tendolkar Vanguard staff
State had five corner kick opportunities compared to three for the Wolverines. In the 84th minute, Utah Valley senior Ashley Burdett drew the score level after firing a shot across Portland State goalkeeper Lainey Hulsizer’s goal. A junior with two starts this season, Hulsizer replaced senior keeper (and team cocaptain) Rachel Jarvis in goal at halftime for the second consecutive game. With a 1-1 stalemate at the end of regulation play, the game went into overtime. During the first period of overtime, PSU senior Emily Rohde had a shot denied by the Utah Valley crossbar. The left back’s shot bounced back on the turf, just inches from the goal line. During the dying seconds of the game, Hulsizer made some decisive saves against Utah Valley forward Haley Curtis to help the Viks hold on to a 1-1 tie. Head coach Laura Schott, last season’s Big Sky Coach of the Year, was happy with the resilience her team displayed in the game. “I thought we battled through some adversity and played extremely hard today,” Schott said in a statement released by the
E M A I l R E S U M E A N D S A M P L E S O F W O R K T O VA N G UA R D P R O D U C T I O N P DX@ G M A I L . C O M
Soccer extends winless streak to five games Viks draw against Utah Valley, lose to Seattle in weekend matches
The Portland Timbers headed north to play their final regular season game as a lower-division team, battling long-time rivals the Vancouver Whitecaps in a 2-2 draw at Swangard Stadium on Saturday afternoon. The match was a fitting climax to 10 years of competition in the Division 2 League, as both franchises will be promoted to the Major League in 2011. In front of over 5,000 energetic supporters, the Timbers and Whitecaps offered 90 minutes of fast-paced, back-and-forth soccer. Although both teams had already clinched spots in the postseason, no punches were pulled and each side came out swinging from the opening kickoff. A grueling and physical contest, the teams combined for 28 total fouls in a game that possessed all the drama and excitement of an Ultimate Fighting Championship match. The Whitecaps landed the first big blow. In the 27th minute, off a Vancouver
corner kick, midfielder Martin Nash (younger brother of the NBA’s Steve Nash) redirected the incoming pass off his head toward teammate Terry Dunfield, who then barreled into the crowd and knocked the ball past Timbers keeper Steve Cronin for the game’s first goal. Despite Portland controlling the ball and keeping possession for most of the first half, it was Vancouver that created the more dangerous scoring chances. The Whitecaps outshot the Timbers 13-7 for the game and held a 1-0 lead at halftime. Portland responded quickly to open up the second half. In the 46th minute, after a Vancouver give-away at midfield allowed Portland to push deep into the offensive third, midfielder Kalif Alhassan picked up a loose ball and quickly chipped a shot through the box and past the outstretched hands of Whitecaps keeper Jay Nolly. Portland took control in the 56th minute, when midfielder Ryan Pore skillfully weaved his way into open space on a Timbers counter-attack. With the Whitecaps’ backline on his heels, Pore sent a through-ball to forward Bright Dike, allowing Dike to get behind the defense and blast a shot into the back of the net for the 2-1 lead. However, Vancouver wouldn’t
stay down for long. In the 68th minute, midfielder Kyle Porter sent a beautiful bending cross into the box towards a crowd of Whitecaps players at the far post. Forward Cody Arnoux found the ball with his head and put away the gameequalizing goal. With the game knotted at 2-2, both teams continued to fight hard and play with desperation; the match closed with a flurry of action. In the 90th minute, Nash ripped a long arching shot from over 30 yards out towards the Timbers’ goal, causing keeper Steve Cronin to make a leaping, fingertip save. Portland had a chance to score in stoppage time, as forward Doug DeMartin caught a pass deep inside the Whitecaps’ box, sending a rolling shot just wide of the goal. With the draw, the Timbers finish the regular season on a 10-game unbeaten streak and will head into the eight-team playoffs as the No. 4 seed. Portland also wins the 2010 Cascadia Cup with a record of 2-0-2 against Vancouver this season. The Whitecaps fall to fifth in the overall standings, meaning Vancouver and Portland will meet in the first round of the playoffs. In an ironic twist of fate, these two bitter rivals, in their final season of D-2 Pro League soccer, will now face off in a
postseason rematch—a bigger stage, where the stakes will be much higher. The D-2 Pro League playoffs begin this week, with teams competing in a two-game, aggregate goal series. Each team will host one home game and the team with the higher total goals from both games will move on to the next round. Game 1 between the Timbers and Whitecaps is scheduled for 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 7, at Vancouver’s Swangard Stadium. Game 2 will be played 6 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 10, at the
University of Portland’s Merlo Field. Expect a grueling and intense series between the Timbers and the Whitecaps, as both teams will be desperate to end their final D-2 Pro League season on a high note. However, the sacrifice these players are willing to make for their heartfelt rivalry was perhaps best represented by Saturday’s final play. The Timbers earned the last scoring chance of the match in stoppage time, after a hard foul was committed just out-
side of the penalty box. A wall quickly formed in front of the goal, with players elbowing and jostling for position in front of midfielder Rodrigo Lopez, who would fire the ensuing free kick towards the human barricade. The shot ricocheted off the face of Vancouver defender Mouloud Akloul, sending him tumbling to the ground in pain. In order to prevent the possible game-winning goal, Akloul quite literally took one right on the chin. ■
Sliding down the sidelines: Portland Timbers midfielder Ryan Pore avoids a hold and takes the ball past a defender.
Softball debuts in fall ball Strong PSU showing brings four wins and high expectations for the spring season Stephen Lisle Vanguard staff
The Portland State softball team opened the autumn exhibition season over the weekend with four games at Erv Lind Stadium. With four straight wins, the Vikings showed signs of picking up right where they left off last season. The Vikings began their eight-game “fall ball” schedule on Saturday afternoon with a 4-2 victory over Clackamas Community College, and followed that with a 6-4 win over Concordia University. The reigning Mountain Division titleholders then blanked Mount Hood Community College in a Sunday double-header, 4-0 and 9-0. Last year, the Vikings went 30-27 overall and won the division pennant with an 18-2 record in the Pacific Coast Softball Conference. In the first year of the conference’s two-division setup, the Vikings fell to Coastal Division winners Saint Mary’s in the inaugural PCSC Championship Series, two games to one. This season, Portland State looks to reclaim the PCSC Championship and entry into the NCAA Regionals, a feat it last accomplished in 2009. This year’s fall ball opener began in favor of the Vikings’ opposition, but clearly ended well for PSU. CCC took an early 2-0 lead in the bottom of the third inning of Saturday’s first game, but the Vikings quickly struck back when senior utility player Brandi Campos hit a one-run RBI to cut the Cougars’ lead in half. The pattern continued with Portland State adding another two runs off of a hard-hit grounder from sophomore infielder Carly McEachran, giving Portland State a 3-2 lead in the bottom of the fifth. The team provided more of the same with another run in the
seventh inning to give the Vikings a 4-2 win over the Cougars. The Vikings faced the Concordia Cavaliers in the second game of the day and showed a few mistakes, but still took a 1-0 lead early in the first inning. Concordia struck back in the second and took the lead away from the Vikings, but the Cavaliers’ threat was shortlived. Portland State quickly responded with two runs to regain the lead. From that point on, the Vikings’ bats took control of the game. Two consecutive homeruns brought the score
to 6-2 in Portland State’s favor. And although Concordia fought back with two runs in the sixth to cut the lead, the Cavaliers’ effort was too little, too late. Portland State senior pitcher Nichole Latham put an end to the rally attempt and closed out the game for a 6-4 win. The Viks softball team went 2-0 on the day and showed increased confidence on Sunday as they shut out MHCC in both games of the doubleheader. Both wins came with convincing style as Portland State earned a 4-0 win over the Saints before following it with a 9-0 victory.
The weekend was a success for the Vikings, who went 4-0 in the tournament without much stress. Head coach Tobin EchoHawk, last year’s PCSC Coach of the Year, said that the pitching was what stood out in the performance. “Which is good, since it is the center of our game,” she said. Both pitchers, right-hander Latham and sophomore righthander Anna Bertrand, stepped up in Saturday’s second game to lock in the win. Last season, Bertrand was named both the PCSC Pitcher and Freshman of the Year, and Latham broke
the school record in saves and went 8-0 with a 0.60 ERA in league play. Portland State’s new freshmen and transfers also impressed Echo-Hawk. “I thought for only having two weeks of practice we did very well as a team,” EchoHawk said. “We played well, but the communication is going to need some work.” Seven new players, four freshmen and three transfers, join 11 returning players on the Vikings’ roster this year. With the inclusion of the new talent, the team did appear to have early problems with team chemistry and cohesion, but it was not enough to create any opportunities for the opposi-
tion. In all, spirits were high for the Vikings and the wins made for two pleasant days of softball. Notable players for the Vikings included freshman third baseman Crysta Conn and freshman outfielder Meghan Lyons, as well as sophomore transfer Karmen Holladay. The Vikings next travel to Eugene for a double-header against the Oregon Ducks on Oct. 9. The following day they will put a lid on the fall season in a meeting with the Oregon State Beavers in Corvallis. Portland State’s regular season begins Feb. 10, 2011, at the six-game Kajikawa Classic in Tempe, Ariz. ■
Don’t be like me, protect your laptop VIRGINIA VICKERY
As a student, one of my most valuable possessions is my laptop. I am pretty sure that it’s worth more than my crummy car. So last Thursday when someone tried to walk off with it, my fighting instinct kicked in. But I could have been better protected by simple software from Campus Public Safety and just a few thoughtful measures. At Party in the Park last week I staffed the Vanguard booth where I passed out candy and asked students to fill out surveys concerning the newspaper. While I set up that morning, a young man walked up and grabbed some candy and halfheartedly filled out a survey. He hung around to read the paper and I turned my back for only a few seconds. I heard my bag rustle and when I turned around he was walking away. I reached for my computer—it was gone. I ran after the man and blocked his path on the South Park Blocks. For an instant I was less nervous about my computer and more nervous about potentially accusing
an innocent student of taking my computer. But, as I asked him if he had seen a laptop while at the table, the scared look on his face and the outline of my precious MacBook under his windbreaker gave him away. He said that he had not seen it but my surging adrenaline caused me reach up under his jacket to retrieve it. “Um, I think it’s right here,” I said. He sheepishly apologized and I ran off clutching the item that cost me three years of credit debt (and I’m still only paying the interest). CPSO were exceedingly helpful as they took my statement and prepared the report. One officer let me know that laptops are one of the most reported stolen items at Portland State and that many car breakins are thieves trying to extract computers. The way to keep your windows whole is to lock computers and look-alike bags in the car trunk. He also said that I should set my computer to require a password when it’s turned on and when it wakes from sleep. There was a time when I had these security features activated, but I eventually undid them
The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Edited by Will Shortz
Team play: The PCSC's reigning Mountain Division pennant winners are using the fall exhibition season to prepare for the regular season in spring.
Across 1 Nosh 5 Only O.T. book that never mentions God: Abbr. 9 Jack who could eat no fat 14 Certain charge card, informally 15 Aria, typically 16 Ragú rival 17 Tiffany creation 18 Ones ranking below cpls. 19 Conger catcher 20 Bit of derring-do 22 Here and now 24 Alphaʼs opposite 26 “Swan Lake” swan 27 Put the tape back to the start 30 French actor Alain 32 Cremona craftsman 33 Pastoral poem
All photos by Robert britt/VANGUARD STAFF
34 Big mouth, slangily 38 ___ Pinafore 39 Lincolnʼs famous one was just 272 words 42 Photo blowup: Abbr. 43 When doubled, a food fish 45 Oboe or clarinet 46 Less than 90° 48 Big tournaments for university teams, informally 50 Fled to wed 51 Nickelodeonʼs parent company 54 Anglo-___ 56 Aromatic sticks 58 Home entertainment centerpiece 62 Producer of sweat and tears, but not blood 63 “Go ahead!” 65 Done
GAME HIGHLIGHTS Saturday vs. Clackamas CC Karmen Holladay: 2-3 Jenna Krogh: 1-3, RBI Carly McEachran: 1-1, 1 run, 2 RBIs Nichole Latham: 3 IP (Win in relief), 4 Ks Saturday vs. Concordia U Crysta Conn: 2-2, 2 runs, HR, 2 RBIs Jenna Krogh: 1-2, RBI Becca Bliss: 1-1, 1 run, HR, 1 RBI Anna Bertrand: 1-2, RBI; 4 IP (W), 5 Ks Kayla Norrie: 1-2, 2 runs Sunday vs. Mount Hood CC (Game 1) Nichole Latham: 7 IP (W), 3 hits, 4 Ks Jenna Krogh: 3-3, double, 2 SBs Arielle Wiser: 1-3, double, RBI Karmen Holladay: 1-3, 2 RBIs Danielle Lynn: 2-3, triple Crysta Conn: 2-2, double Sunday vs. Mount Hood CC (Game 2) Anna Bertrand: 7 IP (W), 2 hits, 11 Ks Arielle Wiser: 1-3, triple Meghan Lyons: 1-1, 1 run Alexa Morales: 1-3, double, 2 runs, 2 RBIs Brandi Campos: 1-3, double, 1 run, RBI Kayla Norrie: 1-1, RBIv
Covering first: Sophomore infielder Alexa Morales makes a play at first to record an out in Sunday's doubleheader with Mt. Hood Community College.
From the sports wires NFL fines coordinator $40,000 for obscene gesture NASHVILLE, Tenn.(AP)— The NFL fined Tennessee Titans defensive coordinator Chuck Cecil $40,000 Monday for his obscene gesture at game officials. The league said Cecil violated a rule that prohibits use of abusive, threatening or insulting language or gestures to game officials. Television cameras caught Cecil using his right hand to make the gesture when officials flagged his defense for a neutral zone infraction during the second quarter Sunday. The penalty gave Denver first-and-goal, and Kyle Orton threw a 2-yard touchdown pass on the next play for a 7-0 lead. Titans coach Jeff Fisher confirmed the fine in his Monday news conference. He called the league’s punishment swift and appropriate. “Clearly, I’m speaking on behalf of the organization that kind of conduct on the side-
line, any place for that matter, is inappropriate. The league has already dealt with the issue,” Fisher said. Video of Cecil’s gesture was on YouTube by halftime. Cecil declined comment after the game, a 26-20 loss in which the Titans were flagged 10 times for a season-high 111 yards in penalties. He apologized in a statement Monday night. “I want to apologize to the NFL, organization, fans and my family for my gesture yesterday. It was inappropriate, and there is no excuse for that type of behavior under any circumstance,” Cecil said. This isn’t Cecil’s first fine as a coordinator. The NFL fined him $20,000 last December when he was flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct in the Titans’ Christmas night loss to San Diego. Fisher refused to share what Cecil said that drew the flag and said Cecil’s comments were di-
rected toward the Titans’ staff. Mike Pereira, the NFL’s vice president of officiating from 2004-2009, wrote on Foxsports.com that Cecil accused officials of betting on the game last December. He wrote that he would suspend Cecil for his comments last year and his gesture Sunday. Fisher said he didn’t realize Cecil had made the gesture until he got into his car Sunday night. A suspension would have kept Cecil away Sunday when the Titans (2-2) visit Dallas (12). But Fisher said he discussed the incident with Cecil, a man fined often by the NFL when he was a hard-hitting safety in the league. “Clearly, Chuck’s an emotional individual, and it was a heat of the battle thing and he got frustrated. He understands he’s got to maintain his composure, and we move on. We’ve moved on. He’s done a nice job with the defense thus far,” Fisher said. “The defense is playing hard. They’re playing aggressive, not cheap. They’re playing aggressive, and they played well enough for us to win (Sunday).”
66 Painting surface 67 Auto on the autobahn 68 In the cellar 69 Web-footed mammal 70 Catchall abbreviation 71 “What ___?”
Down 1 Unit of cotton 2 Supersized movie screen format 3 Short-term worker, for short 4 Take advantage of 5 Spotted 6 Start of either syllable in “ginger” 7 An attentive doc gives it to a patient 8 Doctorʼs place: Abbr. 9 Swimwear brand 10 Show, in a show-and-tell 11 Lease to a new tenant 12 15-percenter 13 Rich cake 21 ___ vincit amor 23 Status symbol car, familiarly 25 Prepare to drive, as a golf ball 27 Obama adviser Emanuel 28 Austen novel 29 Get the grime off 31 Gave the onceover
14 17
must contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating.
● The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given
operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners.
● Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in the top-left corner.
22 25
44 48 52
23 26
42 47
58 64
59 65
Puzzle by Paula Gamache and Ed Stein
33 Invention starter 35 Sign on for another tour
36 A chip or two to start with 37 Said “Not guilty!,” e.g.
40 Small amounts 41 Permanent provider
44 Make boiling mad 47 Say “There, there” to, say 49 Flier with a 10foot wingspan 50 Wonderfully foreign 51 “The Road” star Mortensen 52 Fjord, e.g.
53 “With ___ of thousands!” (movie ad boast) 55 They turn litmus paper red 57 Cheese with a red coat 59 Ellipsoid 60 Minus 61 Art Deco artist 64 Nonʼs opposite
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No. 0831
for my convenience. Last Thursday was a wake up call. Would it have been more convenient to lose my in-class note-taking device, my ability to work from home, my tax documents, my family pictures or my class work? The CPSO officer also explained that CPSO’s website has a free software download for Macs and PCs that can track the location of stolen laptops and can display a message on the computer screen if it’s turned on. This program was created by Front Door Software and is being administered at PSU through a partnership between CPSO and the Office of Information Technologies. I knew of this software and knew I should have password-protect my data but I was always sure that I was careful enough that it would never happen to me. I was very wrong but lucky enough to have been picked by a thief who was sheepish and didn’t run for the hills with my valuable equipment and data. Most people aren’t so lucky. Download the free software at www.frontdoorsoftware.com/pdx.htm and passwordprotect your laptop. ■
Bike Commuter Class 5 p.m. PSU Bike Hub
All workshops hosted by the Bike Hub are free for members. To learn more about becoming a member, visit the Bike Hub’s website at www. pdx.edu/bikehub.
Wednesday Solutions Seminar: “Creating a Sustainable and Desirable Future” 5 p.m. Shattuck Hall Annex
This seminar will be presented by Robert Costanza, professor of sustainability and director of the Institute for Sustainable Solutions.
Thursday Environmental Club Meet and Greet 4:30 p.m. GreenSpace, Smith Memorial Student Union room 28
If you are interested in joining PSU’s environmental club,
don’t miss this meet-and-greet! Get to know the GreenSpace and club coordinators, leaders and members and take a short PSU sustainability tour. “Good Food” Screening and Discussion 7:30 p.m. Downtown Hilton Pavilion Room, 921 Southwest Sixth Ave.
Don’t let the fancy location fool you—this event is free to the public! “Good Food” details the emerging comeback of family farmers in the Pacific Northwest. The film will be followed by a discussion facilitated by the producers.
Friday “That’s Not Funny” 6 p.m. Food for Thought Café
Hosted by Carmen Trineece and sponsored by the Women’s Resource Center, this show headlines feminist activist and comedian Belinda Carroll along with four other lady comics.
16 VANGUARD ■ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2010 ■ SPORTS WEEKEND RESULTS FRIDAY Soccer Utah Valley 1 at Portland State 1 Scoring summary: PSU: UVU own goal (Unassisted), 5’ UVU: Burdett (Thomas), 83’
SATURDAY Cross country Charles Bowles Invitational PSU men’s team: 9th place (Out of 23) PSU women’s team: 10th place (Out of 24) Soccer Portland Timbers 2 at Vancouver Whitecaps 2 Scoring summary: VAN: Dunfield (Nash), 27’ POR: Alhassan (Unassisted), 46’ POR: Dike (Pore), 58’ VAN: Arnoux (Porter), 68’ Football Idaho State 3 at Portland State 38 Kavanaugh: 15 of 19, for 216 yds, 2 TD passing; 15 for 125 yds, 1 TD rushing McCaffrey: 24 for 166 yds, 1 TD rushing; 3 for 35 yds, 1 TD receiving K. Anderson: 3 catches for 81 yds Volleyball Portland State 2 at Sacramento State 3 Set scores: 25-23, 23-25, 22-25, 25-12,12-15
The Griff: Junior running back Willie Griffin carried the ball nine times and caught one pass in the Vikings' win over Idaho State on Saturday.
Football claims first conference win Portland State Vikings top Idaho State Bengals in front of home crowd at Hillsboro Stadium Robert Britt Vanguard staff
ed by the career-high numbers put up by quarterback Connor Kavanaugh and running back Cory McCaffrey, the Portland State football team took advantage of its home debut on Saturday and handed the Idaho State Bengals a 38-3 defeat at Hillsboro Stadium. The win gives Portland State (2-2, 1-0 Big Sky) its first victory at home since last season’s home opener, when the team defeated Southern Oregon on Sept. 12, 2009. It also provides the Vikings with their first conference-opening win in three seasons and is an encouraging start to their eight-game Big Sky schedule. For first-year head coach Nigel Burton, Saturday provided the first opportunity to show off his new Vikings team in front of home fans. The crowd of 5,025 in attendance should have been pleased with what they saw, as the Vikings ran up 531 yards of total offense, including 315 yards on the ground.
Down the line: PSU's offensive line didn't allow a sack on Saturday.
McCaffrey, a junior from Sisters, led PSU’s ground game with a career-high 166 yards rushing on 24 touches, with one touchdown on the ground and another off a Kavanaugh pass to put the first points on the board. “I was very pleased offensively, with what we were able to do,” Burton said, before adding special tribute to his offensive line. “We challenged them. I’ll be honest; we said we wanted to run the football and we gave them a number, and we hit the number.” After holding ISU to a three-and-out in the opening possession, the game was nearly all PSU. The Vikings barreled downfield, and an 8-yard touchdown pass from Kavanaugh to McCaffrey on their sixth play gave Portland State a 7-0 advantage and a lead they would never relinquish. Kavanaugh set new high numbers in both his passing and rushing games. He completed 15 of 19 passes for a career-best 216 yards and two touchdowns, and added 125 yards of rushing with a touchdown carry as well. His and McCaffrey’s numbers marked the first time since 2004 that two Vikings have rushed for 100 yards, and even then it was two running backs: Ryan Fuqua and Joe Rubin. “You’ve got to credit the offensive line,” Kavanaugh said. “They bust their butts the whole four quarters and are working hard. They’ve got bloody noses. They play their asses off.” After the offense scored early in the first quarter, the Viking defense added some points of its own. Junior strong safety Manoa Latu picked off a weakly lobbed ball from Bengals’ quarterback Kyle Morris and returned it 43 yards for a touchdown to make the game 14-0 in the first nine minutes of play. Morris would go 13 of 22 for 192 yards with two interceptions and four sacks on the night. “I think the defense played well,” Burton said. “We talked about just making sure our mental mistakes were low. We still had a couple, but we definitely played better. And that’s our deal: Get better every week.” Heading into Saturday, the Vikings were looking for revenge against Idaho State (1-4, 0-3 Big Sky). Last year, the Bengals defeated the Vikings by scoring a touchdown with less than a minute remaining on the clock in the final game of the season. It was Idaho State’s only win of the 2009 campaign. The Vikings would score 10 more points before halftime and another 14 in the third quarter. It was only in the final quarter that they would be held score-
less. Idaho State put up its only points off a 50-yard Brendon Garcia field goal at the end of the first half. The Vikings shut down Idaho State’s special teams, something they knew they would need to do in order to be successful. Burton credited special teams coach John Ely for preparing his team. “We tackled well, and we swarmed the football—which is what we knew we needed to do in order to stop their guy,” Burton said. Junior linebacker Ryan Rau led the Viking defense with seven tackles and two pass breakups. Latu was named the Big Sky’s Co-Defensive Player of the Week for his six tackles, two breakups and the interception return. Sophomore Keitrell Anderson led the Vikings receivers with 81 yards from three catches, including a 62-yard reception in the final play of the third quarter. Senior Julius Thomas, in his first year of collegiate football after playing four seasons of men’s basketball and setting school records in games played and won, caught two passes for 56 yards. His longest was a 37-yard reception in the third quarter that helped set up a McCaffrey touchdown run. McCaffrey previously played as a receiver on the PSU depth charts, and it wasn’t until this season that he returned to the backfield. As a running back at Sisters High School, he rushed for a state-record 2,925 yards his senior year. Kavanaugh said McCaffrey’s vision is what makes him so effective. “And he runs hard,” he added. “He’ll get a helmet-to-helmet with some guy, pop back up and say, ‘Give me the ball again.’ ” Sophomore kicker Zach Brown made a 41-yard field goal late in first half, then missed from 39 and 37 yards in the fourth quarter. He went 5-for-5 in kick conversions. Burton said he was pleased with the support his Vikings received at Hillsboro Stadium—Portland State’s temporary home while PGE Park is being renovated. “I think the crowd came into it, and the students were awesome,” Burton said on the sidelines, with the band playing “Thriller” in the stands and fireworks crackling behind the scoreboard. “Hopefully we can get even more fans out here to support our guys.” Portland State began the season on the road with losses to FBS opponents Arizona State and Oregon, and earned a win over future Big Sky-member UC Davis. The Vikings take to the road again this week, facing Montana State on Saturday. Kickoff is set for 12:35 p.m. local time. ■
Hockey Seattle Thunderbirds 3 (S/O) at Portland Winterhawks 2 Scoring summary: SEA: Gallimore (Lund), 1st/7:19 POR: Peters (Leipsic), 1st/10:45 POR: Ross (Johansen), 1st/15:48 SEA: Elliot (Jacobs), 2nd/15:38 SEA: Noebels (Unassisted), S/O
Sunday Soccer Portland State 0 at Seattle U. 2 Scoring summary: SEA: Kuttler (Escalera), 58’ SEA: Ames (Besagno), 88’ Hockey Lethbridge Hurricanes 2 at Portland Winterhawks 6 Scoring summary: POR: Bartschi (Rattie), 1st/6:46 LET: Kuvaev (Sofillas), 2nd/9:36 POR: Leipsic (P/S), 2nd/10:15 LET: Fyten (Braes), 2nd/13:48 POR: Rutkowski (Rattie), 2nd/14:47 POR: Boychuk (Johansen), 2nd/15:59 (PP) POR: Bartschi (Rattie), 3rd/6:53 (PP) POR: Ross (Johansen), 3rd/16:58
Portland Winterhawks at Everett Silvertips Wed, Oct. 6, 7:05 p.m.
Portland Timbers at Vancouver Whitecaps Thur, Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m. First round, USSF D-2 playoffs
Seattle at Portland State Thur, Oct. 7, 5 p.m. Stott Center
Eastern Washington at Portland State Fri, Oct. 8, 5 p.m. Hillsboro Stadium
Portland Winterhawks at Spokane Chiefs Fri, Oct. 8, 7 p.m.