BOOTED IN BOZEMAN Football loses to Montana State, but gains experience
A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS PART OF THE LANDSCAPE The Portland Art Museum celebrates Lee Kelly’s works in progress
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Middle East Studies receives federal grant
VO L. 65 NO. 12
Senate says students should pay less for CPSO
$1.6 million to be used for scholarships, resource materials and new staff SIERRA PANNABECKER VANGUARD STAFF
This fall, Portland State will be one of 20 schools nationwide to be designated as a National Resource Center for Middle East studies. The accompanying $1.6 million federal grant will expand the Middle East Studies Center and make possible the appointment of three new professors, provide Foreign Language and Area Studies [FLAS] fellowships to undergraduate students and enhance resources for K–12 teachers statewide. Part of Title VI of the Higher Education Act, the four-year grant is awarded to universities with outstanding international studies programs distinguished by public outreach and relevant curriculum. The accompanying FLAS scholarships are meant to encourage students to study languages that are not commonly taught but are becoming increasingly important in global economics and politics, according to James Grehan, an assistant professor of history at PSU. PSU’s MESC currently provides educational resources to both students in the International Studies programs and teachers in the greater Portland area. With the additional grant money, the MESC will be able to expand its own resource library, purchase subscriptions
Funding campus security: Clockwise from left—Senators Adam Rahmlow, Donovan Powell, Josh Hyrks, John Monett and Victoria Leca discuss the funding of CPSO by student fees.
Student Senate challenges allocation of student fees to CPSO ALISON BARNWELL VANGUARD STAFF
he funds that support Portland State’s Campus Public Safety Office are drawn from a variety of sources, including student fees. In funding Smith Memorial Student Union, which in turn funds CPSO, the Student Fee Committee [SFC] essentially provides for 16 percent of
the department’s budget. The Senate Finance Committee is contesting this figure, arguing that student fees should not entirely cover security at a building that is used by both the university and its students. As CPSO works with the SFC to change the process of its budget review, the Senate Finance Committee is presenting a resolution to the Senate that challenges the allocation of student fees in the CPSO budget. Every year, SMSU submits a CPSO budget to the SFC. With this year’s review process fast approaching—budget input begins on Nov. 22—members of CPSO and the SFC are
talking about handing the task of generating the CPSO budget to CPSO itself. Traditionally, CPSO bills SMSU for its services; in turn, SMSU presents a CPSO budget to the SFC. Krystine McCants, the SFC chair, said that the result of the system change would be that the SFC, not the billed party, would be responsible for justifying the CPSO budget. Mark Russell, the head of SMSU, supports the change. “I think it’s appropriate...[the SFC] can better understand the budget,” Russell said. “I can’t defend and understand the amounts as well as they can.”
PSU tests Blackboard replacement D2L receives positive feedback, will be fully implemented by spring ERICK BENGEL VANGUARD STAFF
Blackboard’s days are numbered. By the end of this academic year, Portland State’s online learning management system will be replaced
by the new Desire2Learn [D2L] system. According to Mark Jenkins, associate vice provost of Online Learning Services, Blackboard has become an obsolete system and will be phased out term-byterm as D2L is phased in. For fall term, the implementation team, led by Jenkins, is currently holding a “pilot program.” This consists of 60 to 70 of PSU’s partially or fully online courses being taught by faculty who vol-
unteered to experiment with D2L and offer feedback on the system. The rest of PSU’s online courses, however, are still using Blackboard. Come winter term, all university courses that are either partially or fully online will be taught through D2L, while inclass courses for which professors use learning management systems only as a supplementary tool—by posting assignments and syllabi, for instance—will continue to use Blackboard.
However, by spring term, PSU’s transition to D2L is expected to be complete. Blackboard, as well as Course Studio, will officially be taken offline, and all courses that require a learning management system will be hosted by D2L. “Spring is the target term to have everybody onto the new system,” said Ellen Weeks, PSU’s project manager for D2L. The need to replace Black-
CPSO is paid for by a combination of student fees and money from the Education and General Fund, which is a mix of tuition dollars and state support. Student fees are part of the equation because CPSO provides services to SMSU. However, Senate Finance Committee Chair Adam Rahmlow argues that student fees should not fund 16 percent of the police presence at SMSU because university offices are spread throughout the building. In addition, student groups host only 35 percent of events that take place at SMSU. Rahmlow is writing a resolution that he’ll present to the
Student Senate this evening. If the Senate votes in favor of his draft, he’ll take it to the SFC. “It’s disturbing that students pay the whole Smith Union [CPSO] budget, when student use of the building is only 35 percent, and Smith is only one of more than 55 buildings on campus,” Rahmlow said. “It gives the university back-door access to student fee money, in my opinion.” Primarily, his resolution will dispute the fact that SMSU accounts for 16 percent of the university’s total CPSO budget.
board with a superior system has been evident almost since PSU adopted Blackboard in spring 2008. The regularity of complaints against Blackboard’s user-unfriendliness has made the system rather unpopular among PSU faculty, student users and Office of Information Technologies staff, according to Weeks. “Blackboard has been an increasingly unstable product,” she said. “It is pretty universally not well-received.” Weeks said that when students log into Blackboard, whether it is to work on course assignments or to upload files, they often discover that the
“system just quits” and “has to be reset by our developers here at Portland State.” Even more problematic, these sudden shutdowns have occurred while entire classrooms are taking online quizzes. Karla Fant, senior instructor of the computer science department, said that Blackboard tends to frustrate students. “It is difficult at times to log in; strange pop-up menus arrive at the desktop periodically, and only one window can be open, [which] is a problem when working with multiple courses in Blackboard,” Fant said.
Virginia Vickery
Correction In the articled titled “New health care law leads to double coverage,” it should have been reported that there is a $7,500 cap per illness or accident, per policy year, according to Jessica Cole, the associate director of the Center for Student Health and Counseling.
Today is the national cutoff date for voter registration, so make sure to visit the Vote or Vote table outside of Neuberger Hall.
Corie Charnley
Richard Oxley
Nicholas Kula
Robert Britt
COPY CHIEF Kristin Pugmire
PHOTO EDITOR Heather Noddings
ONLINE EDITOR Adiana Lizarraga
ADVISER Judson Randall
ILLUSTRATORS Susannah Beckett, Heather Mcintyre
DESIGNERS Colby Brooks, Justin Flood Stephanie Lucky
WRITERS Madison Beard, Ian Bellamy, Erick Bengel, Amanda Bentley, Leah Bodenhamer, Peter Browning, Zach Chastaine, Tori Christensen, Meaghan Daniels, Ryan Deming, Sarah Engels, John Geffert, Jesse Hansen, Rian Evans, Kevin Fong, Rosemary Hanson, Joshua Hunt, Rebekah Hunt, Theodora Karatzas, Ines Kuna, Ebonee Lee, Stephen Lisle, Christina Maggio, Joe Mantecon, Natalie Mcclintock, Erin McIntyre, Daniel Ostlund, Katrina Petrovich, Sierra Pannabecker, Janieve Schnabel, Wendy Shortman, Catrice Stanley, Nilesh Tendolkar, Vinh Tran, Andrea Vedder, Kat Vetrano, Allison Whited, Elisabeth Wilson, Roger Wightman
PHOTOGRAPHERS Aaron Leopold, Drew Martig,
McNair Scholars Program accepting applications until Nov. 5 Program supports underrepresented students that are pursuing Ph.D.s RYAN DEMING VANGUARD STAFF
ince its inception at Portland State in 2003, the Ronald E. McNair Scholars program—which introduces underrepresented, first generation and low-income students to academic research—has seen 170 individuals pass through its ranks. These students have since been accepted at graduate and doctorate programs at schools such as Georgetown University, Oxford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Currently, it is accepting applications for its 2011 cohort. “The Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program was established in 1986 by the U.S. Department of Education and named in honor of Challenger Space Shuttle astronaut, Dr. Ronald E. McNair,” said Dr. Jolina Kwong, the program’s assistant director. According to Kwong, the benefits that students in the program receive include a summer research internship funded by a $2,800 stipend, faculty mentoring, help in publishing
McNair scholars: Faaleava Toeutu speaks at a program celebration.
their research and assistance in graduate school admissions. One of the most important aspects of the program is the individual mentoring students receive from faculty members. “The mentors make the program happen,” said Faaleava Toeutu, the program’s director. “It really doesn’t work without [them].” The research that students conduct with the support of their mentors varies in topic from environmental issues to
PSU student runs state senate campaign
August Miller, Adam Wickham
COPY EDITORS Noah Emmet, Andrea Vedder
ADVERTISING SALES Dominique Abrams, Sam Gressett, Rayna Martinez, Jae Specht
DISTRIBUTORS Brittany Castillo, Brandy Castillo
The Vanguard is published two days a week as an independent student newspaper governed by the PSU Publications Board. Views and editorial content expressed herein are those of the staff, contributors and readers, and do not necessarily represent those of the PSU student body, faculty, staff or administration. One copy of the Vanguard is provided free of charge to all community members, additional copies or subscription issues may incur a 25 cent charge. The Vanguard is printed on 40 percent post-consumer recycled paper. ©2010 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY THE VANGUARD 1825 SW BROADWAY SMITH MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION, RM. S-26 PORTLAND OR, 97201
Chris Proudfoot works alongside Senate candidate Jackie Pierce PETER BROWNING VANGUARD STAFF
Most students won’t argue that firsthand experience outside of the classroom is important. With the experience gained from working with different Portland State organizations, one student is using his abilities to affect a very substantial outlet of the world: politics. Chris Proudfoot has been involved with ASPSU in the past. He assisted in voter registration drives on campus and recruitment efforts to lobby for education. So when Jackie Pierce decided to join the race for State Senate in District 10, Proudfoot jumped at the opportunity to assist. “I contacted the SDLF [Senate Democratic Leadership Fund],” he said. “I already knew the executive director
and simply started without hesitation.” Proudfoot quickly became the campaign manager for Pierce, for whom he directs strategy, recruits volunteers and works with coalition members, partners and media. “I set the goals of the campaign and am accountable for their success. I am the candidate’s chief political adviser, chief consultant, fundraising director, scheduler, manager and basically lead every effort of the campaign,” he said. “From planning events to knocking on doors to calling volunteers, every aspect of the campaign is directed through the campaign manager.” Proudfoot is one of many students who have taken the opportunity to learn outside the classroom. In fact, PSU has helped countless individuals get involved. For instance, Richard Clucas, a professor of political science at PSU and the intern coordinator for the Hatfield School of Government, has given several students realworld experience.
modern-day slavery in Portland. One student, Jacob Sherman, has been involved in research that directly affects PSU. If you have ever walked past a “Hydration Station” on campus, then you are witness to Sherman’s work. “Just last year, we applied for and were awarded upward of $40,000 to install more water bottle refilling stations on campus over the next couple years,” Sherman said of his work with the group Take Back the Tap.
“I try to do the best I can to get students in real-world politics. It’s helpful; sometimes they intern and find it’s not something they want to do,” Clucas said. “Having internship experience with political science and business can open doors.” Clucas has had many students succeed with their internship, which has propelled them further in their careers. “The reality is that it’s easy to get involved in politics; [party organizations] need people to get involved in campaigns,” he said. “If you want to work in the legislature you have to start with a campaign.” This type of knowledge and background is unique for students who wish to learn something tangible outside of school. “This is an experience that you simply cannot get in the classroom. Professors can teach so much, but sometimes you just have to dive in and see what you can learn,” Proudfoot said. “What I have learned from my experience is the real groundwork of a campaign, the fundraising, the voter contact, the media work, the real side of politics in Oregon, the decision-makers and the way in which the process actually takes place. “
Its goal is “to ultimately see the university eliminate the use of bottled water at all events on campus,” he said. He has been conducting research on how people’s perceptions of water affect their water consumption. “For my research I surveyed over 1,000 undergraduate and graduate students at Portland State about their perceptions of water,” Sherman said. “[Our goal was] to figure out how their perceptions influence their water-drinking behavior, as they specifically relate to drinking tap water on campus, bottled water on campus and using the hydration stations on campus.” Sherman will present his research this week to the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education in Denver, Colo. Like many graduates of the program, Sherman said he feels prepared for the world of academia. “Before this program, I had no idea how to do research,” Sherman said. Another scholar, Ayole Waritu, also said she had little research experience before her participation in the McNair program. “When I first started learning about research, it sounded like when I first came to America,” Waritu said. From the very beginning of the program, students meet
with members of their cohort to learn how to do research. One of the unique aspects of the program is that students are taught a number of different research techniques to implement instead of relying on one standard method. “One of the really important aspects of the program is that it allows us to go into academic research with more than one way of figuring things out,” said Kathryn Mills, a McNair scholar and student speaker. In the coming year, the program will be competing for grant money to renew its next funding cycle in 2012. Currently, the program is in the process of recruiting undergraduates for the 2011 cohort. All applications are due on Nov. 5. For more information, visit ■
Additional eligibility requirements Aside from being a first generation, underrepresented or low-income student, eligible applicants must: ■ Be a full-time undergraduate student at PSU, ■ Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, ■ Have junior or senior status (based on the total credit hours at the start of the program), ■ Be a U.S. citizen or hold permanent U.S. residency, ■ Intend to graduate from PSU and immediately enter an academic graduate program with the goal of attaining a Ph.D.
Job experience: Student Christopher Proudfoot heads a State Senate campaign.
However, Proudfoot still stresses the importance of the classroom. “Take the knowledge you learned in the books and lectures and actually apply it,” he said. Proudfoot does not expect this to be his last role in politics. Taking what he has learned in the classroom—as well as in the field—he predicts that his involvement will continue to grow.
“If my efforts are successful then I will be happy. If my efforts start the movement and energize the voters in Salem to take ownership of the political environment in the area and bring life to the base then I will be even happier,” he said. “Elections are not all about winning. Sometimes it is about starting a movement and changing a culture.” ■
Laptop security software offered on campus Software acts as a tracking device for students’ computers CHRISTINA J. MAGGIO VANGUARD STAFF
Upgrading systems: Ellen Weeks, PSU's project manager for D2L, demonstrates the system's interface.
D2L FROM PAGE 1 “On the other hand…Blackboard was an improvement over WebCT, which was what we were using before.” After the institutional decision to dispose of Blackboard, the process of acquiring a learning management system that best fit PSU took nearly a whole academic year, Jenkins said. The PSU provost delegated the major legwork to the Advisory Committee on Academic and Instructional Technology [ACAIT]. According to Jenkins, members of that committee included a variety of representatives from key university stakeholders, including the faculty, the Office of Information Technologies, Student Services, Extended Studies and the PSU Library. An external consulting group helped to manage the process. “The process included an ACAIT evaluation of an initial round of proposals that resulted in a selection of three
finalists,” Jenkins said. “At that point, open sessions were held for faculty and students, and evaluations were conducted and analyzed.” An updated version of Blackboard was a candidate in the proposal process, but it did not score well enough in the preliminary evaluations to be a finalist. In the end, D2L emerged as the clear choice at every level of the evaluation, Jenkins said. Fant, who chose to switch her courses to D2L, said that students who were familiar with Blackboard and who participated in this summer’s “pre-pilot program” were comparatively pleased with D2L’s performance. “Students in the pre-pilot found that it was fast and easy to use,” Fant said. This was particularly true of D2L’s course content, discussion board, grade book and assignment drop box. “The power that D2L far exceeds [that of ] Blackboard,” Fant said. “D2L has a wonder-
ful ability to integrate objectives and outcomes into all that the student is responsible for.” According to Weeks, “The reports that we got from other institutions that use D2L are solid. The system is easier to navigate, is more intuitive and there are more features. D2L is much more stable than Blackboard.” Additionally, Portland Community College is currently switching to D2L at the same rate as PSU, so that students who transfer between the schools will already be experienced with the system, Weeks said. “Like with any learning management system, it’s the small differences that either attract or annoy instructors and students,” Jenkins said. “People are going to be nostalgic for the thing they know and suspicious of the new thing that they don’t quite understand yet. But this is an important change to make, and we very much believe that it represents a significant upgrade for all campus users.” ■
Recently, reports of theft and crime have been increasing at Portland State, compared with the past few years. As a result, Campus Public Safety Office is working on ways to prevent minor crimes on campus—the majority of which are related to theft of laptop computers. “The crime trend for laptop computers gets greater each term,” said CPSO Chief Michael Soto. “Professional thieves are waiting for the wide-eyed new student who isn’t quite comfortable in the environment to leave their computer in the library or study centers.” In order to curb this issue, CPSO has teamed up with the Office of Information Technologies to implement laptop security software. It acts as a tracking device for students’ personal laptop computers. “The usefulness of the program is that it’s a high-tech recovery tool,” Soto said. This free program is valid for four years once the student registers with their ODIN account through PSU. In addition, it works for both Windows and Mac platforms. If the laptop is reported lost, an ownership tag, much like a dog tag, will appear on the home display stating the owner’s information. According to Front
Door Security Corp, the creator of the software, chances of recovering the laptop are increased by 80 percent. Students can also update their information from home, campus or wherever their location may be at the time. If the laptop is reported stolen, an alert message can be sent to the computer stating that it has been reported. The student can also set up the laptop to “yell” for help, or just lock down completely. In addition, an updated text message can be sent to the computer’s home screen. The owner can communicate with the thief, or post a “lost computer” message so others around can see. The student has the option of using a tracking system, which uses several features to help determine where the laptop is over a period of
time. The system uses Wi-Fi positioning as well as celltower locating to acquire clues. Once the system gets a handle on the location, a message is sent out to Front Door’s security center, which places the laptop’s location onto Google Maps. The student can check the updates frequently, as well as call in to local authorities with the laptop’s whereabouts. “It’s just nice to have the security available if I ever need it,” said student Mallory Rice. “I would have liked to have had the software last year when I left my laptop, along with my 75-page thesis paper, on the MAX. It definitely would have saved me a lot of heartache.” Students can visit to register their laptop with Front Door Security. ■
Eliminating theft: The Front Door Security Corp software tracks stolen laptops.
4 VANGUARD ■ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2010 ■ NEWS MIDDLE EAST FROM PAGE 1 to new academic periodicals for the PSU library, attend and present at conferences statewide, arrange for guest speakers and host events to educate and inform students, faculty and citizens, according to Jean Campbell, associate director of the MESC. Additionally, some of the grant money will be used by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to hire professors of Arabic, Islamic studies and Middle
an “extraordinary honor.” In addition, PSU president Wim Wiewel said in a press release hat “the grant confirms on a national level the excellence of our faculty and the significant contributions of the center since its inception over a half a century ago.” The grant will not only prepare university undergraduates for future careers in international arenas, but will also positively affect the university’s ability to serve the public. Currently the CLAS offers
“The grant confirms on a national level the excellence of our faculty and the significant contributions of the center since its inception over a half a century ago..” WIM WIEWEL East geography, Campbell said. The MESC, which is overseen by the Office of International Affairs, was among the first undergraduate programs in the U.S. to receive this prestigious grant over 50 years ago when the federal government began apportioning funding under the National Defense Education Act, according to press release. PSU retained its status as a national resource for foreign studies until the 1980s, when the department’s budget was cut due to economic hardship, Campbell said. Now, after a 20-year rebuilding process, PSU is once again ranked with Ivy League institutions as one of the leaders in preparing students and educating citizens in Middle East languages and cultures. Campbell called the grant
a bachelor’s degree in International Studies focusing in multiple regions, including Middle East Studies. Turkish is the only Middle East language degree offered at the moment, but with the addition of a third Arabic language professor through the grant, students will now be able to major in Arabic as well. These students, along with those studying Hebrew, Persian, or Kurdish, will be eligible for generous fellowships, Grehan said. According to the Department of Education’s website, PSU will be able to offer 10 scholarships per year for the next four years to students in these foreign language programs. The Title VI grant was introduced in 1958 as a result of the National Defense Education
their daily strategy. “The biggest thing that (voteby-mail) affects is it gives us a window to still talk to voters while they are still thinking very clearly about the election,” Lutz said. That’s critical in a tight gubernatorial race where Democrat John Kitzhaber has faced questions about a mortgage loan he received from a man he later appointed to an influential financial post and Republican Chris Dudley has been questioned about his decision to live in Washington state to avoid some Oregon taxes. Each episode — and some smaller issues in between — have provided the state parties with fodder for talking points and negative advertising. Voters can expect to hear more about them in the final push of the campaigns. Oregon is the only state that votes exclusively by mail, a
Ore. parties gear up for mail-in ballot voting PORTLAND—Ballots in Oregon’s vote-by-mail election start going out on Friday, and the state’s two major parties in a tight gubernatorial race are preparing to use call centers, “victory offices” and get-outthe-vote tactics they learned in 2008 to narrow their focus on their target: undecided voters. Democrats had large gains in voter registration two years ago, aided by the online and social-media efforts of thencandidate Barack Obama. Democratic Party of Oregon director Trent Lutz said the party will keep a close eye on the number of voters each day after the ballots go out — and just as importantly, where they voted — and let that inform
Middle East studies: Professor James Grehan is also the director of Portland State's Middle East Studies Center.
Act, a congressional project that attempted to educate a generation of students who would be able to compete with other leading nations in the epic “space race” ignited by the launch of the Russian satellite Sputnik, according to the U.S. Department of Education's website. Millions of dollars were funneled into science and technology programs at
all educational levels, and the call for diplomats also drove financing of foreign language, public policy and international business programs. The grant was most recently reauthorized under the Higher Education Act in 1998. This year, the Department of Education will give away 127 Title VI grants totaling over $33.7 million.
Through this grant, elementary, middle and high school teachers in particular will have access to guest speakers, curriculum planning tools, documentaries, seminars and language classes, all offered free of charge. For more information about how to request the use of these resources or for student scholarship questions, contact the MESC
system implemented in 2000 after it was approved by voters. Past vote-by-mail elections show “a two-humped camel,” said Oregon Director of Elections Steve Trout. There is a flood of voters who send in their ballots as soon as possible, a lull of a week or more, and then another “hump” in the last 48 hours, when another chunk of the electorate scrambles to get their ballot in by the deadline.
grow close to home. The five-story glass and concrete building inaugurated Monday beside Mexico’s Foreign Relations Department takes visitors through chilling displays on the Nazi Holocaust and how it was seen from Mexico, then continues through other horrors, including the slaughters of Armenians, Tutsis and Sudanese. It moves toward the very borders of Mexico as well: the 36-year civil war in neighboring Guatemala, where government forces exterminated scores of Mayan Indian villages during a bloodbath that cost some 200,000 lives and drove thousands of refugees into Mexico. “It’s important as a nation to be very vigilant about any act of exclusion,” said President Felipe Calderon during the inauguration. “We have not overcome discrimination, which affects many groups of
society—indigenous people, women, children, people with disabilities and migrants.” Genocide survivors from Rwanda to Yugoslavia attended the opening, which featured tours of the exhibits and a reception in the cavernous wood and concrete main hall. Vjollca Bajraj, who came to Mexico as a refugee after fleeing ethnic cleansing in Kosovo in 1999, cried when she saw images of Albanians being expelled from their land. At least 6,000 were killed and 1.5 million driven out by Serbians, according the U.S. State Department. “I’m very moved that a country so far from my home has a representation of the pain I suffered,” Bajraj said, adding that 54 members of her family were killed. “Mexico is a tolerant place, though there’s still a lot to be done here, like in the rest of the world.” The 75,300-square-foot
New museum brings lessons of genocide to Mexico MEXICO CITY—A new museum is bringing the lessons of the Holocaust and its grim cousins to new generations of Mexicans — and reminding them the intolerance that feeds genocide can even
CPSO Director Michael Soto said that students rightly pay for security at SMSU because “they have a controlling interest there.” “That’s why students are my clients,” Soto said. The funding of campus safety is as complicated at other Oregon public campuses as it is at PSU. At Portland’s community colleges, for example, security officers patrol campuses and the police are called when legal involvement is required. If that is the case, the Portland Police Bureau sends the colleges a bill. However, of the seven campuses that comprise the Oregon University System, PSU is the only institution that funds its campus safety office in part with student fees. “[Student fee committees] are scrambling as it is to pay for clubs and groups,” said Tim Wilson, the SFC adviser at Eastern Oregon University. McCants will be expecting ASPSU to include a summary of campus security funding at other Oregon universities in their resolution. “We’re looking for best practices,” McCants said. She also mentioned the importance of looking at the funding of campus safety across the spectrum of the “Urban Thirteen,” a list of research-sharing universities in major cities that includes PSU. As of press time, the three universities reached— Virginia Commonwealth University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Temple University—confirmed that student fees are not used in the funding of campus safety. ■ (7,000-square-meter) museum, a decade in the making, is the dream of Sharon Zaga, whose grandmother moved to Mexico from Czechoslovakia as World War II broke out and whose great-aunt survived Auschwitz. At 15, she declared during a career day at school that she would build a museum dedicated to the Holocaust and began pursuing that goal in her early 20s, taking university courses on genocide and making connections among some 250 Holocaust survivors in Mexico and their descendants. In 1999, a group founded a nonprofit organization —Memoria y Tolerancia— which began collecting donations and material for the museum, whose funding almost entirely comes from private individuals, many of them Jewish. ALEXANDRA OLSON, ASSOCIATED PRESS
The Vanguard is now accepting applications for a design assistant. Design assistants get paid to produce newspaper layouts, information graphics, illustrations and other design elements to accompany stories. Ideal applicants will possess strong page layout skills and be capable of working quickly and independently in a fast paced newsroom environment. Applicants must be enrolled for at least 6 credit hours at PSU and be available to work Monday evenings. SEND APPLICATIONS & SAMPLES OF WORK TO VANGUARDPRODUCTIONPDX@GMAIL.COM
TO SAVOR AND SAVE Respect Oregon’s natural resources by voting “yes” on 76 AMANDA WINTERROTH VANGUARD STAFF
hen we love a place, it can be tough to balance the urge to savor it with the necessity of saving it for others to appreciate. This November, Oregon voters have a chance to do both by voting on Measure 76, an initiative to divert 15 percent of lottery funds to support Oregon’s parks, waterways and native fish and wildlife habitats. E.B. White said it well: “I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world.” With nearly 100,000 acres of parks—from high desert to lush forest to our 363 miles of (all public) coastline—Oregon has one of the best park systems in the country. “Measure 76 protects what we love about Oregon—the outdoors,” said Jon Isaacs, executive director of the Oregon League of Conservation Voters. “This money builds skate parks and bike trails, cleans our rivers and beaches and keeps our trails open. Measure 76 makes sure that we all can go hiking, camping, surfing and kayaking without having to pay an arm and a leg.”
Natural systems don’t wait. We can’t withdraw funding and expect the environment to bounce back when money comes in again. If we use our parks, it’s our responsibility to support them. Though many of us are too young to remember, Oregon’s park system suffered during the
’90s. Facilities fell into disrepair and no new campgrounds had opened in nearly 30 years. In 1996, lack of funding nearly caused the Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission to close 64 properties, but emergency funding by the Oregon State Legislature kept the parks open. In 1998, voters overwhelmingly approved Measure 66, which dedicated 15 percent of lottery funds to Oregon’s parks until 2014. Measure 76 renews this funding indefinitely; if voters reject the measure, this funding will disappear. By anyone’s standards, things have improved since Measure 66 went into effect. The $100 million repair backlog is a thing of the past. Nearly
9,000 acres of parks have been added. However, crossing the border into California can remind us just how necessary it is to continue supporting our natural resources. After years of being chronically underfunded, California’s parks are showing their neglect. Parks have faced soft closures and reduction in services, and there is now a $1.3 billion maintenance backlog. If Measure 76 fails, Oregon’s park system could face similar problems. And yet, I know, thousands of Oregonians are out of work. Our state budget is stretched thin. In a time of economic crisis, it is hard to ask voters to give to programs that aren’t specifically dedicated to job creation,
education or social services. But voting “no” on Measure 76 won’t help any of our immediate economic needs. Even if voters reject 76, there will still be no money available to fund other programs; when 66 was passed, it stipulated that none of the funds could be diverted until the measure expired in 2014. Though Measure 76 provides indefinite funding for Oregon’s natural resources, a proposed amendment will allow any dedicated funds to be diverted in times of economic crisis. Conservation groups across the state have pledged to support this amendment, to make sure that both the environment and the economic needs of Oregonians
are protected. Natural systems don’t wait. We can’t withdraw funding and expect the environment to bounce back when money comes in again. If we use our parks, it’s our responsibility to support them. And yes, we do use them. Oregonians rank third in the nation for total visits per state park acre, with 424 visits per acre from 2008–09 alone. In the same year, Oregon’s dayuse sites were visited 40 million times. Environmental stewardship requires long-term vision and continued financial support—not just when it’s convenient or easy. Respect Oregon by supporting its natural resources: Vote “yes” on Measure 76. ■
Students must find voice before impending election MATT TELLAM DAILY EMERALD STAFF
During a class last week, one of my professors stood beside a screen that projected voter turnouts in the United States over the past several decades in the form of a color-coded bar graph. The graph sort of resembled a clear-cut forest where, miraculously, a few of the trees had been spared. The professor proceeded to explain the process by which our country votes. As many are no doubt aware, the state of Oregon uses the “vote by mail” method, which helps to bolster our voter turnout somewhat. Oregon is also one of several states that make use of “referendum,” in which citizens are
asked to either accept or reject a proposed ordinance in a direct vote. Our professor then proceeded to another slide that showed a couple of basically trivial measures Oregonians had voted on in the past. It was at this point that a student raised his or her hand and said something a lot like, “What do I care? Doesn’t the idea of a referendum in Oregon sort of take away from the point? I mean, I don’t have the time or desire to study these intricate and pretty much insignificant measures. Isn’t that why were have elected officials—to do that for us?” During the 2008 presidential election, there was a surge in political activism among college-aged voters. Whether
Democrats, Republicans or independents, students were swept up into this political frenzy on campuses across the nation. This election had the highest voter turnout in many years. Students seemed to snap out of the unjustifiable notion that their vote didn’t matter, and they played a major role in shaping the ultimate outcome of the election. They became an important constituency for both candidates who sought to win them over. With extremely important elections just around the corner, I get the feeling that most of the fervor experienced in 2008 is gone. But it should be even greater than before. A couple hours after the individual in my class expressed
his or her feelings, I was sitting in another room when a member of the ASUO walked into the class. On his shirt was the message to “Vote or Vote,” and he proceeded to pass out voter registration forms for students to fill out and return. He summed up why it was so important for students to vote in the approaching elections. “We have elections coming up for the governor and state legislatures. We have a $3 billion deficit, and tuition rates are on the rise. We have a chance and an obligation to have our voices heard in Salem. The way to do that is to vote. The way to vote is to register.” Despite the clarity of the importance of voting, most of the
registration forms remained blank. This could simply mean that the students in my class were already registered, and if that is the case, great. But I’m not so sure. In a certain sense, the individual who spoke in protest of voting had a point; in the short run, most of the measures wouldn’t have a similar impact as the election of a governor would. But in the long run, I believe the lack of interest in politics and the lack of desire to exercise our democratic rights, are both extremely harmful and almost shameful. To have an individual in my class questioning the merits of an almost unparalleled expression of democracy was jarring.
I think what it comes down to is that students—not just in Oregon, but around the nation— must begin to take a vested interest in politics. Not just when charismatic leaders speak to us, not just when we feel compelled into action by a controversial law or measure. But to be genuinely interested in the process, because it is the process of elections and voting that ultimately defines us as a nation. You don’t have to enjoy politics to get excited about it. What you do need to enjoy is feeling like you have a voice. When the elections in the months to come arrive, I hope every student discovers theirs. ■ *This article was originally published in the Daily Emerald. It has been edited for brevity.
A miscarriage of common sense In vitro fertilization creates more societal problems than it solves If there is one single person who has compounded the issues of overpopulation and unadopted children, it is Robert Edwards. His life’s work has led to condemnations from the Vatican, controversy over scientific breakthroughs and a new definition of what it means to create life. Thirty-two years after his first “success,” Robert Edwards is receiving the Nobel Prize in medicine for the development of in vitro fertilization. Awarding the Nobel Prize to Edwards sends the wrong mesJANIEVE sage to the world. His innoSCHNABEL vations have commercialized conception, reduced adoption rates and led to the creation of four million more mouths to feed in this already overpopulated world. It is socially, economically and morally irresponsible, and it should not be praised with such a prestigious honor. In vitro fertilization (IVF), the process by which an embryo is created outside of the body and implanted into a woman’s uterus in the hopes of combating infertility, is an industry that sees tens of thousands of new clients each year. These people, age 36 on average, spend approximately $13,000 per cycle of IVF, with most people only conceiving successfully after three cycles. Much of this is out of pocket, too—most health insurance providers will pay very little of the cost, as it is not a “medical necessity” and in fact creates more risks than it treats. The price to create life, then, is quite high with IVF. With the onset of IVF, the world has also seen a decrease in adoption rates. A report published in 2008 by the Florida Inter-
national University Institute for the Study of Labor found that with more people seeking assisted reproductive technology such as IVF, there has also been a decrease in domestic adoptions. The study also found that while many people receiving in vitro therapy consider adoption, most see it as a last resort if IVF does not work. The number of children awaiting adoption rises every day, with society paying the tab for their care, while people throw tens of thousands of dollars into IVF treatments in the hopes that they can have a baby with their DNA.
The number of children awaiting adoption rises every day, with society paying the tab for their care, while people throw tens of thousands of dollars into IVF treatments in the hopes that they can have a baby with their DNA. In vitro fertilization has led to the births of approximately four million babies over the past 32 years, and the number of IVF births rises every day at an almost exponential rate. Each of these
births represents another step toward exceeding the earth’s carrying capacity for humans, especially considering that before IVF was developed, the parents of these children would have been significantly more likely to adopt existing children rather than insist on creating a new one. Nonprofit organizations are even trying to bring free IVF clinics to more locations worldwide, opening the doors for thousands more people to assist in this noble act of overpopulating our planet. Some people argue that a family cannot be complete without biological children or that adoption does not guarantee the unconditional love between parents and offspring. They also say that society discriminates against the infertile, suggesting even that it has been hammered into them that they cannot be fulfilled without birthing their own children, and that this is one of the main reasons IVF is so necessary. Subjectively, there are many reasons why people use and defend IVF. Objectively, however, there are very few reasons why IVF could be good for the world at large. One of the only reasons is the harvesting and use of human stem cells from unused embryos for research for medical treatments. But this practice is controversial, with many groups protesting the use of “human beings” in such a manner. And the complications of IVF can leave the human body a wreck. Among the complications just from preparing for the procedure are an increase in the risk of ruptured ovaries, ovarian cysts, migraines, dizziness, vision-related problems, weight gain and depression. Once a woman has conceived using IVF, more problems can and do arise: multiple pregnancy (a greater number of implanted embryos than a woman can carry safely), miscarriage, hemorrhage, preeclampsia and premature birth. The underlying causes of a woman’s inability to carry can, in some cases, even cause birth defects should she force it through IVF. There can be no debate that Robert Edwards’ innovation was brilliant. It revolutionized fertility treatments and deepened the understanding of conception and life itself. But even brilliance is not without negative consequence, and his has led to complications that the world will be feeling for generations. The Nobel Prize in medicine should go to someone who heals and whose work makes life for all people better. Robert Edwards is not that someone. ■
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The inhuman decision Why immigration laws need revision ELISABETH WILSON
There is at least one thing our government does really, really well: coming up with things to scare us with to distract us from the issues we really ought to be concerned about. Amid an ongoing recession—unemployment holding at 9.6 percent—the government is intent upon turning our attention to immigration. The Migration Policy Institute’s Michelle Mittelstadt told Jorge Ramos of that between 2002 and 2008, there was a rise in deportations by 117 percent. Those numbers are still increasing. This past year, there were over 392,000 de p o r t a t ion s reported by the Department of Homeland Security. With Arizona’s strict new immigration laws, new technologies from Homeland Security meant to detect illegal immigrants and the voting down of the DREAM Act in the senate, we are seeing a shift in our government’s priorities. No longer are we focusing our efforts towards deporting just those immigrants who commit felonies. We are targeting everyone, without regard for their situation, their family, their livelihood or their potential. In the last couple of years, we have amped up our state and federal laws on immigration in a paranoid frenzy with no real consideration for what we are doing to the lives of fellow human beings. Not only are we fostering an environment of mistrust and suspicion, we are tearing families apart and hindering people from upright and respectable paths. Last month, Portland resident and college student Hector Lopez was deported with his father to Mexico, from where they illegally immigrated when Lopez was just six
weeks old. He grew up in Portland and graduated from Rex Putnam High School, serving as student body president, and continued on to Clackamas Community College. But he now finds himself in a country where he does not speak the language and in which he ahas no wish to be. In Portland, he was a little league coach and a nominee for the national Alexander Hamilton Leadership Award. In Mexico, he has no way to earn an income. There was a glimmer of hope for Lopez, and the 700,000 students like him who could be eligible for conditional legal residency, with the DREAM Act—which would allow those who entered the country as minors to earn conditional residency here if they graduate from U.S. high schools, are pursuing a degree in college, or serve two years in the military, and who are of “good moral
character.” But the DREAM Act was voted down in the senate last week. Lopez is just one example of too much emphasis being placed on bureaucracy and not enough consideration taken for people’s livelihoods. According to a recent article in the Herald Tribune, President Obama has stated he objects to deporting immigrants who do not have criminal records. In a 2008 speech he said that “nursing mothers torn from their babies” would be an example of immigration failure. The article goes on to report that the head of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office, John Morton, “recently directed agents to make it a priority to deport only those immigrants with criminal records.” He even
What is the DREAM Act? The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act was originally put forth in congress Aug. 1, 2001 and was re-introduced in 2009. The act would allow states to decide if they would like to offer to alien minors an av-
enue to pay for college if they have resided in the United States most their lives, living amongst American communities and cultures. The act also would have provided a path to citizenship for alien minors through higher education and military service.
suggested that deportations of some immigrants who were likely to win legal status be cancelled. But there seems to be some disagreement over what level of crime warrants deportation. Sarah Mirk reports in the Aug. 26 issue of the Portland Mercury that being charged with a misdemeanor—as minor as skipping out on MAX fare—can get immigrants deported. In the last couple of years, according to Mirk, Portland attorney Sarah Krick has seen at least 20 deportation cases dealing with immigrants arrested for evasion of the $2 fare. It is a recent phenomenon, Krick noted, and is particularly disturbing when you consider that these people probably have families to provide for. Twenty-one-year-old Wendy Garcia has lived in Sarasota, Fla. under political asylum from Guatemala for more than a decade. But, because of the unstable political relationship between Guatemala and the U.S., her asylum has been revoked and she is currently waiting to hear whether she and her 3-month-old baby will be deported, separating her from her fiancé. There are for Garcia, like Hector Lopez, extenuating circumstances which need to be taken into consideration. Separating a young mother from her fiancé and a baby from his father does not serve anyone. There are those who say Homeland Security is not doing enough—that the more illegal immigrants we deport, the better. Their resentment of immigrants is perhaps informed by their own anxiety over the current state of affairs in this country. The economy is not recovering as quickly as we’d hoped. But we must not be too quick to punish respectful, productive people who are in active pursuit of a better life here. There are human rights that are at stake. We must be careful not to direct our fears and anxiety toward those who merely want the same things we want. ■
The DREAM act was included in the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act that was filibustered by Republicans in the senate—the authorization act also included the repeal of the famous “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Senator Richard Durbin (D-Illinois) reintroduced the bill once more the next day. ■
“Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States. Ask any Indian.” —Robert Orben
Bringing garage out of the desert Monotonix tear the house down with their wild antics and seriously raw music THEODORA KARATZAS VANGUARD STAFF
If you’ve heard of Monotonix, you know that their name is synonymous with rollicking, crazy live shows, raw sound and unbeatable energy. If you haven’t, then get ready to have your socks blown off your feet and your shirt covered in beer. Monotonix is made up of singer Ami Shalev, guitarist Yonatan Gat and drummer
Haggai Fershtman. The trio is based out of Tel Aviv, Israel, where they all grew up and later met. “We knew each other for a long time back home in Israel,” said Shalev. “Everybody played in a band and we’ve always been really good friends from the past. We always said that if the right time would come we would try to do something together. And then the time was when everybody’s band broke up and we decided, all right, let’s try and do something together.” If you think Israel doesn’t seem like it would be the best breeding ground for grungy
All aboard the French bus Crème de la Crème serves fine French food—from a bus?
t Southeast 43rd and Belmont’s collection of food carts with the truth-bearing title “Good Food Here,” there are some naughtily named food carts. Eurotrash, Lucille’s Balls,
Lardo, Dog Eat Dawg and DaPressed don’t typically sound like they’d neighbor up with a French dining establishment, but let’s face it—anything can happen in the Portland food scene. In the back of the cart pod sits Charlotte, your go-to girl for French food. No, she isn’t
garage rock, then you’d be right. The band members had to fight hard to play their music and make a name for themselves in their home country. “The mainstream in Israel is kind of between Eastern Greek music and kind of a rock music or pop music, so there’s nothing really big going on in the underground music,” Shalev said. “There’s not a lot to tell about.” While Monotonix has found wide international success in the last couple years and has toured extensively throughout the U.S. and Europe, the band has had a hard time playing in Israel. As a result of that and several other factors, the members have made a conscious decision not to play in their homeland. “We made a choice not to play there because, you know, we are spending our time touring the U.S. and Europe and so
the coquettish French owner who wears a beret and smokes cigarettes. Charlotte is the name of the multi-colored 1961 Ford bus where owners Michael and Bianca Benson serve up an array of carefully prepared French cuisine at Crème de la Crème. The menu reads more like something you should see in a white tablecloth affair, but luckily the prices are more true to the food cart expectations, with nothing over $9. It’s separated into two sections: salads, soups and starters; and the sandwich/entrée section. Each part offers traditional French dishes, some with a Northwest touch. The French onion soup ($6) is made with caramelized onions, beef stock, sherry and topped with crunchy Gruyere croutons. The roasted beet salad ($4 small, $6 large) reflects Portland’s affinity for fresh produce and is topped with grapefruit vinaigrette. The standout dish on the starter section (and arguably the entire menu) is the escargot. Served in a small cup with melted butter, garlic and parsley, the snails are flavorful and fun to eat with the provided plastic toothpicks. They also provide a good consistency contrast with the accompanying loaf of warm French bread (Allessio Bakery), which has a perfect crust on the outside, and warm softness on the inside. In the entrée section, the French dip ($7) is a memorable one. The roast beef is sliced
when we go back there we want to chill out and not work,” Shalev said. “In the beginning, you must understand that the music scene in Israel is very conservative.” It’s easy to see why Monotonix would have trouble fitting in to a conservative anything. Though the band is small, it is known far and wide for bringing down the house with onstage antics including, but never limited to, swinging from rafters, lighting things on fire, removing many articles of clothing and consistently leaving the stage to perform amongst the crowd. In 2008, the band’s set at Bumbershoot in Seattle was shut down after 15 minutes because the crowd had gotten too wild. Shalev also recalls a particular show when it was the audience that ended up outdoing the band’s wild act. “[There was a] guy who lit himself on fire while we were playing because he was so excited about the show and we had to pour beer on him to settle the fire.” Monotonix is more than just a group of crowdsurfing guys, though.The band has consistently put out compelling, raw music, with live recordings matching and often surpassing the energy they bring when they perform. Their music even caught the attention of David Berman, best known as the lead singer of thin, and you can optionally add spicy horseradish and your choice of cheese (I suggest Gruyere). The au jus is rich and flavorful, almost good enough to sip on its own. Other options include the Croque Monsieur (ham, Gruyere and Béchamel) for $7, an onion tart ($7) or a cucumber, Brie and butter sandwich on a baguette ($5). Most entrées come with a salad of organic greens from Sweet Leaf Farms that is lightly dressed in vinaigrette, which is tangy but not overpowering. Additions to your meal, like the lemon lavender tart and reasonably priced San Pellegrino drinks, are also available. Crème de la Crème was originally located—along with the pork-slinging Namu food cart—in an alley off of Hawthorne, but weren’t receiving the service they expected. Luckily, their new home has brought them lots of love. The success is likely because, in combination with the quality of food, their bus offers quite a different experience from most food carts. Like the French, Crème de la Crème encourages you to stay a while with cute vintage tables under an awning and provided reading material (everything from Saveur magazines to an old copy of “Howl”). A small note at the bottom of their menu informs customers that the preparation may take a moment or two by stating “Allow time for love.”
Monotonix: Like an Israeli pro-wrestling match with better music.
Silver Jews. Berman later introduced them to Drag City and helped score the band a spot on the label. “[He was the] person that opened that door for us,” Shalev said. “[Silver Jews] played in Israel and we supported them and he saw us. He liked us and he told Drag City about us.” The band later got the opportunity to record with Tim Green of The Fucking Champs, a band that Shalev said he had always admired. He credits Green with helping shape their sound as they recorded. “He’s a great guitar player and a great engineer and he’s had a great career. It was really fun, really good experience for us.” Set to play Mississippi Studios this Thursday, it will be interesting to see how this
band comes to life in such an intimate, elegant space. Their sound is pure garage, layering reverb-heavy guitar over Shalev’s punk-rock vocals. Solid drumbeats and balanced arrangement bring the whole package together. Fans of the group can expect new material soon, with an album called “Not Yet” set for release sometime this January. Until then, grab a beer (or 20) and hold on to your hat because Monotonix live is a show not to be missed. ■
Monotonix Mississippi Studios 3939 N Mississippi Thursday, 9 p.m. 21+, $10
Crème de la Crème: Traditional French cuisine in the heart of Portland.
Customers can look forward to even more additions, like upcoming menu items such as lobster bisque, as well as a recently added special: a Chanterelle and bacon tart topped with walnut oil. Also look out for new extended hours and open days, which have been promised recently on their Facebook page. Crème de la Crème may
be serving your food out of a bus, but if you close your eyes, you might just forget that it was Charlotte who gave you lunch, not someone named Pierre. ■
Crème de la Crème SE 43rd and Belmont Wednesday–Sunday 12 p.m.–7 p.m. Follow on Twitter @thefrenchbus
A portrait of the artist as part of the landscape The Portland Art Museum celebrates Lee Kelly’s works in progress
works of steel and rust, paint and poetry. There is, however, a certain sense to this. From the very beginning, Kelly’s art has been powerful and bold, yet the modest soul of the man has always come through in his pieces. It is perhaps because of this rare quality that so many of Kelly’s massive earthbound sculptures have become permanent fixtures of our landscape. The Portland area is home to no less than 31 of the artist’s public sculptures: gigantic, jagged shards Rose Test Garden: One of many local places where Kelly's work is available for viewing. of cor-ten steel, nurtured by this community, which seem to have loosed well, I think that really says themselves free from the earth and rusted oblongs and polsomething.” The art certainly says much ished spheres which appear to more than the man himself. The have fallen from the heavens. friendly 79-year-old offered Like Stonehenge, they are at only these two sentences before once both natural and alien— inviting the assembled guests mechanisms of perpetual moto enjoy the exhibit. This tion from another reality, geogentle, quiet figure of the artist logical aberrations that have is a contrast to his magisterial always been. “This exhibit isn’t about me, it’s about this region,” said Lee Kelly, addressing the assembled arts and culture press of Portland. “If I can do this for 50 years and be supported and
A night in a room filled with doom, gloom and wombs
The beauty of the Portland Art Museum’s Lee Kelly exhibit is not only its focus on the artist’s connection to our region, but also its concern with connecting us to the artist. PAM has produced a beautiful full-color map that guides art patrons to his public sculptures, which are accessible to pedestrians and bicyclists in the Portland area. They have also created a clever iPhone application for navigating the exhibit at the Maribeth Wilson Collins Gallery. Patrons may borrow an iPod touch upon entrance to the exhibit, thus becoming their own guided tour. There is access to audio interviews with the artist in which he discusses the background, inspiration or process for specific pieces in the exhibit. Paintings and sculptures detailed in the iPhone tour are clearly marked, allowing the patron to explore Kelly’s 50-year career to the depth of their choosing. The exhibit itself is splendid. Curator Bruce Guenther’s great affection for the artist shines through in this 27-piece selection. The rare opportunity to glimpse some of the artist’s early abstract-expressionist paintings is one that should not be missed. Images of these early works do them no justice, for it is only in person that one can properly survey what lies within their rough landscapes. Valleys of thick paint and textured canvas reveal the early geometry of Kelly’s structural sensibility. This is no linear exhibition, however, and though Guenther may lead us to the metaphorical stream of Kelly’s consciousness, he does not demand that we drink. A clever use of the gallery’s
deep into the groaning beast of garage punk. At times the vocals dance through sunshine pop-punk melodies and the effect is only that of pure irony. Fans of Sonic Youth or the Pixies might be interested in this band. Considering the single, solitary month of Eighteen Individual Eyes, Luminous Veil, their togetherness, this band Scavenger Cunt play Ella St. Social Club is definitely one to keep your eye on. Scavenger Cunt is currently LEAH BODENHAMER front woman. Other than that, without tangible published VANGUARD STAFF the varying degrees of rock will music but is working on a split undoubtedly result in a well- cassette tape with Uncle Funkle on Gnar Tapes, the same label rounded evening. The newest and darkest group promoting bands like White This Thursday at Ella St. Social Club, three bands of the evening appears to be the Rainbow, Bodhi and White will be convening for an trio Scavenger Cunt whose no- Fang. Few demo recordings enigmatic evening of dimly-lit wave vocals and drone-metal can be found online. Eighteen Individual Eyes, a “lounge” metal, sludge doom tendencies shape themselves and crunchy post-punk, all into a beautifully vengeful band proud of their femininity, vocalized through growling package capable of seducing crash-coursed into each other’s the swaying, shaking skulls lives about a year and a half ago pipes of women. Emerging from the shadows that haunt their sound. With when the collaboration began. of Portland, Luminous Veil and guitarist Dale Miller’s elements Drummer Jamie Hellgate, preScavenger Cunt will be playing of doom and the slightly vious guitarist for Seattle band with Seattle-based, all-girl off-key lethargy of singer H is for Hellgate, and guitarist quartet Eighteen Individual and bassist Patsy Gelb, Cole Christi Harrison, previously in Eyes. What the three have in Miller’s simplistic drumbeats Hungry Pines with Irene Barcommon, most obviously, is a act as ground roots plunging ber, all began playing together when their previous bands broke up. The wound of ending music projects became but another door guiding them to an ever more promising coalition. In March they took a short west coast tour to promote their new EP, “Slightly Frightened, Mostly Happy.” Their sound embodies pop on a level more affluIMAGE COURTESY OF JENNY JIMINEZ
Lee Kelly: The master sculptor's work is now on exhibit at the Portland Art Museum.
space allows for a more individual experience of the artist's life, one that feels both unhurried and unflinching. In “Summer’s Gone II,” Kelly marks the passing of his first wife. The bronze piece is not an exercise in sentimentality, however—it feels like a moment rather than a memorial. In the more recent third phase of Kelly’s career, he adds flourishes of poetry to pieces like “Leaving Katmandu” from 2006. Gold leaf adorns the simple and ornate beauty of “Sulawesi VII,” a wall-mounted sculpture that reminds me of the coins produced by ent than the other two bands—namely because of Irene Barber’s vocal flawlessness and pseudo-superficial timbre. At times the music and vocals seem to be made of different worlds—or at least different genres. The music alone has the rippled weavings from bands like At The DriveIn and other nineties post-punk rock bands. They occasionally utilize samples as the women skillfully intertwine the lighthearted nature of upbeat girly pop. The members are talented and notorious for impressing unsuspecting audiences with their precision and particular style. These ladies have been working away, writing music all summer and are hoping to release some new recordings soon. Luminous Veil, previously known as Magnon, has music hiding in the recesses of cyberspace and will not uncover itself so one can comment on its gems or grimes. As such, all one can understand about their mysteriousness is their selfproclaimed genre description of psychedelic metal rock. Also with a female vocalist, the theme throughout the evening should be a constant capturing element. ■
the brilliant Polish sculptor Stanislav Szukalski. Maquette for Gate F, Candlestick Park from 1971 sits unassumingly in the lobby, beneath the shadow of a massive construct of corten steel. It is a contradiction in its very nature—a perfect miniature rendering of the massive structure which surrounds Candlestick Park. It is not a gate in the modern sense, but rather hints at something which might decorate the gateway to the Roman Coliseum—something from another age, adorning the entrance to a stadium where dreams are made, and
yet in context it appears so much a part of the landscape. Only sitting here before us in miniature, completely out of context, is the full artistry of the piece itself apparent. Kelly has so deftly woven his art into the fabric of our community that it is inseparable from the earth itself. It is a rare caliber of artist whose life appears out of context in a museum, and Kelly is that artist. He has lived his life and his art in our community. That is his context. The Portland Art Museum’s fine exhibition of Kelly’s life, out of context, brings us closer to the man whose art was always here. ■
Eighteen Individual Eyes, Scavenger Cunt, Luminous Veil Ella St. Social Club 714 SW 20th Place Thursday, 9 p.m. 21+, $5
Luminous Veil: Hopefully their music doesn't sound as cliché as this photo looks.
There’s someone out there for everyone
Me Too: One man's mission to overcome adversity and change the way the world sees him.
Northwest Film Center’s “Me Too” is an honest, touching piece INES KUNA VANGUARD STAFF
he first European man with Down Syndrome to earn a university degree, 34-year-old Daniel (Pablo Pineda) lands a social services office job. The film resonates around some overlooked social themes as viewers are suddenly warped into Daniel’s normal and very relatable life. Despite exceeding his career-related expectations, Daniel experiences overwhelming difficulty and confusion in his search for female companionship. At work, he meets a seemingly vibrant and lighthearted, but deeply vulnerable and troubled Laura (Lola Duenas). Laura, who admits she has never “made love,” lives a tainted life where alcohol and sex are attempts for veiling her broken relationship with her family. As Daniel and Laura both find themselves ostracized from society for their own reasons, they form a bond which is beautifully romantic yet unreservedly confusing for them and viewers. The shaky shots and recurring scenes of silence speak to the movie’s “independent” nature which is very well-executed. However, the dialogue
from Laura is sometimes so unexpected that the viewer can almost predict that her exchange with other characters will be the opposite of what it seems would make sense. This extremity, maybe in hopes of poetizing the film, could also distance it from a convincing reality. Perhaps most interesting about the film is that the main character’s life is quite similar in real life. Pineda really was the first man with Down syndrome in Europe to obtain a university degree, specifically a Bachelor’s in Educational Psychology. In a 2002 interview with Documentos TV, Pineda explained his mission as an actor, “First, I do not consider that Down syndrome is a disease. For me it is a personal characteristic. I am fine and healthy. We must not be treated as sick…there are reactions like pity, the misconception that we are not intelligent, and a long list of social and moral incorrect misconceptions…I am just doing my part and demonstrating that I am as competent as anyone.” Viewers take a break from Daniel’s troubles as the movie deviates into its sub-plot, following a couple with Down Syndrome (Daniel Parejo and Lourdes Naharro) who, quite oppositely from Daniel’s relationship with Laura, define themselves undoubtedly as soul mates. The scenes between the two are improvisational, convincing and extraordinarily
Opening night makes us dread winter even more
well-captured, subtly hinting at that which Daniel cannot truly understand, as his brother tells him, “No woman with 46 chromosomes is ever going to love you.” When asked what message he would like to send to society, Pineda explained, “I would like to become an example. I want to demonstrate that if one puts into work whatever one is able, you can do what you want. But beside what I was able to achieve, I also expect society to do its part. I do not want this to be a one-way effort…If you are the one who is setting up the barriers, you are then destroying possibilities for others.” Although sardonically sprinkled with humor, "Me Too" is a call to action for an issue without any technical solution. More specifically, it is an attempt to show that despite one’s disabilities, everyone has the basic human need of affection, sex and whatever love is. Daniel’s character successfully reiterates the need for adult companionship for people with disabilities, who are often infantilized and thereby believed to not necessitate that which is such a pivotal part of human existence. ■
“Me Too” Directed by Alvaro Pastor, Antonia Naharro Whitsell Auditorium 1219 SW Park Ave Wednesday, 6:45 p.m.
Portland Fashion Week is here—and it’s quite the affair AMANDA BENTLEY VANGUARD STAFF
hite stretch limos, purple spotlights, recycled material and a shipyard warehouse pulsing with up-tempo beats could only mean one thing: Portland Fashion Week is finally here! Wednesday night marked the debut for designers to showcase their 2011 spring and summer lines at the Vigor Industrial Shipyard on Swan Island. The atmosphere was thick with excitement, broken only by the flashes of light as photographers captured the moment. The warehouse was divided into two sections by a long, black curtain. The first contained an art exhibition put on by Project Ethos, an organization that focuses on merging art, music and fashion to promote new talent and connect them with prospective buyers. The show included displays by local artists, including Amy Stoner, an encaustic painter who burns images into colorful wax, and Jesse Reno, who uses oil pastels, acrylics and pencil to create thought-provoking works with a tribal and urban flair, among others who put on a good show. Further in was the “Junk to Funk” collection which promoted being “fashion forward” by creating ecofashion out of recycled materials. Signs in front of the models compared the processes of “fashion as usual” which can use sweatshop labor, create pollution and ruin habitats, versus the idea of being “fashion forward” which is locally made, uses existing materials and has a low impact on the environment. After all, it couldn’t be PFW without recycled garments! Designers Traci Price, Taylor Stevenson, Jen Lamastra and Ruth Waddy used innovative materials such as window treatments, disposable airline pillowcases, baseball caps and used men’s dress shirts to create unique and stunning gowns.
On the other side of the curtain was where the real fun began. The first thing I noticed was the long black solar panel runway stretching down the middle of the room. To the left, designer Dawn Sharp’s models were holding signs that read things like “Winter is Over! (If You Want It)” which was a little depressing, considering we haven’t even started it yet, and her bright floral dresses that make you wish summer never ended didn’t help either. Her show consisted of a model “spring,” standing up on a pedestal literally chained in the bondage of winter. The models around her held signs to “Free Spring 2011.” Over the course of the night, she relinquished her chains and spring was. Emily Christensen, designer for Filly, showcased a beautifully simple collection of cream- and taupe-colored dresses that would be a perfect outfit for any hot summer’s day. She found her inspiration when she saw a collage of a woman in Morocco in the ’30s wearing a beautiful, simple white dress with a belt. “I design for women who are comfortable in their own skin, and enhance that beauty,” she said. Christensen keeps all her designs very streamlined and only uses ties instead of fasteners or clasps, which add bulk and draw attention,
making the beautiful, confident woman showcasing the dresses the main focus. The seven models looked very comfortable and fresh in her designs as they relaxed on wooden chairs and played with Christensen's dog Bello, who stole the attention and hearts of those passing by. Menswear designer Adam Andreas uses black and teal as the color story for his take on sportswear. He utilized knitted skinny ties, stripes and metallic detailing to add a hip and urban twist to take sportswear to the next level. He started with basics such as a tan button-up shirt paired with a black short-sleeved sweater and black shorts. Add a striped knitted tie complete with a trendy clip, and there you have Andreas' take on sportswear for men looking to mix up their everyday wardrobe. Every piece was practical and goodlooking—guys can’t go wrong with this line. The installation show launched fashion week off to a great start that gave fans a little taste—enough to leave them hungry for more. The designers showcased high-end fashion while keeping in mind an aesthetic that is relevant to the Portland style and way of life. Surely everyone who attended is ready to just skip winter and head straight into spring. ■
Adam Andreas: Churning out fresh new fashions for Portlanders.
John Lennon’s celluloid imagination
PSU to host expert on U.S.-Japan relations
“Nowhere Boy” finds a spot in America RICHARD D. OXLEY VANGUARD STAFF
e know who the Beatles were. We know who John Lennon was. But you don’t know how John Lennon became the man we all know him to be. “Nowhere Boy” will explain all this, but only as a byproduct of a story relating the sensitive and courageous moments of being a teenager, of a child’s laughter halted and the fragile transition as one comes of age and enters manhood. Lennon was a rebel even before he discovered rock ‘n’ roll, before greasers packing switchblades starting walking the streets of Liverpool. Constantly in trouble at school and disobeying at home, he was forging his path long before he was a Beatle. Raised by his aunt and uncle, Lennon never knew he came from a broken home, but as the boy grew older, questions emerged. Where did he come from? Why did he live with his aunt? Lennon will discover his roots. All his questions are answered, and John learns about his family, and his own childhood—for better and for worse. But from these experiences, Lennon draws much for his character—his humor, his natural ability to perform, his confidence and ability to dream. Through reconnecting with his birth mother—a relationship that may cause viewers
to cock a perplexed eyebrow while considering more than they may want to—he will discover a new, strange-yet-powerful force called rock ‘n’ roll. This influence changed everything for Lennon. From seeing Elvis in a movie theater to running through any rock ‘n’ roll 45 he could get his hands on, Lennon began aspiring to take his place in rock history. At the time, he could never conceive that he would help bring it to new heights. All Lennon’s trials, rage and influences comprise a dramatic account explaining the kind of life experience that fuels the passions of great artists. Aaron Johnson takes on the role of Lennon magically—especially knowing he’s the same little twerp who played KickAss, in the movie of the same name. However, Johnson shows real versatility. As Lennon, he takes us through his awakening from boyhood to a young man with grand musical aspirations, all the while dealing with his broken familial trials. It is perhaps these trials that eventually draw him closer to another significant figure, Paul McCartney, played by Thomas Sangster, who most might recognize as the adorable lovesick kid in “Love Actually.” All grown up now, sort of, Sangster does well planting the seeds that most know will become one of music’s greatest friendships. This is a story that can be slightly perceived as an origin
of the Beatles, but don’t expect a Beatles movie. It is apparent that a notion of the band hangs over the film, and how can it not—it almost teases the audience. Paul and George are introduced, but aside from Paul, who briefly comes into the story from time to time, they remain mostly in the background. This movie is about John, his family and his growth. If anything, this film may be a nice “prequel” of sorts to “Backbeat,” which very much is a Beatles movie. Hardcore fans of the band will pick up on little hints and references throughout this film, but don’t expect anything strictly Beatles. One aspect that was fairly notable was the absence of Stuart Stutcliffe, who is for anyone knowledgeable on the background of Lennon and the Beatles, was a rather significant figure in Lennon’s life, and the band’s bass player before Paul took over. One brief mention of Stutcliffe’s name comes at the end of the film, but we never get to meet Lennon’s famous best friend. This film has come under the radar, but won’t stay there for long. Its impact will travel by word of mouth fairly quickly and don’t be surprised to hear of it come awards season. ■
"Nowhere Boy" Opens today Cinema 21
Portrait of the artist: I wonder if he was as big of a prick then as he was when he got older.
Ridin’ sweaty Campus Rec finally bridges the gap between exercise and video games RIAN EVANS VANGUARD STAFF
Of all things that one would nearly never associate with one another, video games and physical fitness are surely frontrunners. Conjuring up the image of a gamer in their mind’s eye, one will almost certainly see a portly person with a controller in-hand, sitting behind a stack of Doritos wrappers and empty cans of Mountain Dew—not exactly the picture of health.
To be fair to gamers, those of us who grew up in the ’80s and ’90s enjoyed video game/exercise hybrids like “World Class Track Meet” for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game utilizes the Power Pad, a mat that the player stands on and jogs in place while racing against their computerized 8-bit opponents. Of course, everyone I knew cheated at the game, rapidly slapping the mat like a bongo with his or
her hands, but it was still exercise…I guess. Thankfully, we’ve come a long way since then. We now have much more advanced games like “Wii Fit.” The only problem is that a Wii system still costs about $200 and the great-grandchild of the Power Pad, the Wii Balance Board, costs about another $80 bundled with “Wii Fit.” Since most of us had to drop that wouldbe Wii money on textbooks, what is the health-conscious student gamer supposed to do? Once again, PSU Campus Rec has us covered. On the top floor of the Rec Center, amongst all the other cardio training equipment, await several Expresso stationery bikes.
hether you consider the navalbase-bombing to labor-camp-imprisonment to nuclear-bombing-of-civilians progression of Japanese-American relations in World War II as totally abhorrent or classic tit-for-tat, you likely consider these issues as the past. After all, in modern America, Toyotas and Hondas are as common as Fords, and if Sony didn’t make your television, then your camera is probably a Canon. Japanese products are ubiquitous, sushi is delicious and our governments get along great. Or do they? Earlier this year, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama resigned after only eight months in office, less than two weeks after collapsing on a campaign promise to remove the Futenma Marine Air Station—a major U.S. military base—from the Japanese island of Okinawa. Three days after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s May 21 visit to Tokyo, Hatoyama announced that Futenma would be relocated, but within the island—from Ginowan City to Henoko, in accordance with a 2006 agreement between Japan and the U.S. The Henoko region is on Okinawa’s northern coast, approximately an hour’s flight from the Korean Peninsula. Japan’s current prime minister, Naoto Kan, has expressed a desire to move forward with Hatoyama’s agreement; Okinawan residents are fiercely opposed to the
Futenma relocation. “This is the most contentious issue of U.S.-Japan relations right now,” said Ken Ruoff, director of the Portland State Center for Japanese Studies. The current diplomatic tensions between the United States and Japan are particularly relevant because 2010 marks the 50th anniversary of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty. In the interest of addressing the Futenma base and its broader effects, and in light of the anniversary of the Security Treaty, Ruoff invited Gavan McCormack, a professor at Australian National University and an expert on the subject, to speak at PSU. The Center for Japanese Studies knew it wanted to present a lecture on the Futenma base, and decided that McCormack was “writing most thoughtfully on the subject,” Ruoff said. In a lecture titled “The U.S.Japan Alliance at 50 and the Question of Okinawa,” McCormack will discuss the controversy of the Futenma base, the failure of the Hatoyama government and the remarkable power of the Okinawans’ united resistance to the Futenma “replacement.” “The problem I will address is not at all confined to Okinawa,” McCormack said. “It is the problem of the U.S.-Japan relationship as a whole that is illuminated by the contest over construction of a new base for the Marines. Sixty-five years after the U.S. defeat of Japan in war, and 50 after the adoption of the security treaty between them that still underpins the relationship, how well is it working?” However, McCormack said that he will focus on Okinawa insomuch as he will argue that “contemporary Japan, and the U.S.-Japan relationship, are both best understood from an
Okinawan perspective.” According to a recently published paper by McCormack entitled “The U.S.-Japan Security Treaty at 50: Entering Uncharted Waters,” the security treaty designated the formerly unincorporated island of Okinawa as an Americancontrolled war state, stocked with U.S. military and poised for battle. Mainland Japan, on the other hand, was demilitarized and constitutionally pacifist, and although Okinawa has been governed since 1972 by the Constitution of Japan—which promises peace, democracy and human rights to its constituents—the Security Treaty is still the effective governor on the island. Fully one-fifth of the main island of Okinawa’s land surface remains occupied by U.S. forces, nearly 40 years after Japan’s governmental adoption of the island. The main question at hand seems to be: Why are the residents of Okinawa expected to bear such a disproportionate share of the burden of maintaining a U.S.-Japan alliance? “The most important takehome from this lecture is that the U.S. continues to maintain significant overseas military bases,” Ruoff said. “There is a tangible impact on the citizens where those bases are located.” McCormack will be speaking on Thursday, Oct. 14, from 6:30–7:30 p.m. in Smith Memorial Student Union, room 238. This event is free and open to the public. ■
By the name, you’d almost expect a bicycle/coffee machine hybrid, but they are actually interactive video games. After a quick registration and login, the rider can choose from 30 virtual terrains to ride through a first-person perspective. These levels include snowcovered mountains, peaceful countrysides, foreign lands and even an outer space level. The rider can compete against computerized opponents and other riders in the facility, or try to beat their previous times, which the machines keep record of. There are also open courses with no set path to follow where the rider must track down and collect a variety of objects, the strangest of which
being Asian-style flying dragons. While all of this is going on, performance is monitored in real time. The Expresso displays the rider’s speed, cadence, gear, power, heart rate and calories burned. While the graphics aren’t quite on the level of a modern gaming console, they aren’t too shabby by any means. Based on my experiences, I’d say the graphics are probably on par with the Nintendo GameCube. The Expresso controls pretty well, though it can take some getting used to (especially since most of us have never had to steer a stationery bike), but the challenge level is ultimately up to the rider. One can go for a slow, relaxing pedal through
the countryside, or crank up the difficulty and race against the computer on a more challenging course. Either way, the rider is sure to have a fun. It’s much easier to stick with a fitness plan that is fun and enjoyable, rather than monotonous and mind numbing. Whether you’re a fitness nut or a hardcore gaming geek (and I mean that with all the affection in the world), give the Expresso bikes at Campus Rec a try. For those of us already involved in a fitness-geared lifestyle, a little variety can go a long way. For those not yet in engaged in regular exercise, the Expresso bikes offer a fun and exciting way to start. ■
Lecture will address tensions over major U.S. military base in Okinawa ANDREA VEDDER VANGUARD STAFF
The U.S.-Japan Alliance at 50 and the Question of Okinawa SMSU room 238 Thursday, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free
Booted in Bozeman
Double threat: Junior quarterback Connor Kavanaugh not only threw for 208 yards with one touchdown and no interceptions, but he also ran for a 75-yard touchdown in Saturday's loss at Montana State.
Football loses to Montana State, but gains experience ALLISON WHITED VANGUARD STAFF
eing on the losing side of a 41-33 football game cannot feel good. It’s an odd score; it’s too close of a score to signal a blowout, but it’s too high of a point deficit to still feel close. But the Portland State football team should not feel distraught as they reflect on Saturday’s game against the Montana State Bobcats. What they should feel is pride. Montana State is hot right now. After the win on Saturday, the Bobcats are the only team in the Big Sky Conference with a perfect 3-0 record in league play, and they have sole possession of the top spot in the conference standings. Their offense is firing on all cylinders under an incredibly athletic freshman quarterback. Oh, and there’s that little thing about being ranked 10th in the nation in FCS football. Statistically, the game was incredibly close. The Viks should feel proud to have competed with a team that is playing on such a high level, and to have
done it on such even footing is even more of a testament to PSU’s ability. The Viks held an 18-3 lead in the first quarter. They did it with an even mix of offense, defense and special teams—an all-around team effort. Sophomore Zach Brown’s opening-drive field goal from 31 yards kicked off the Vikings’ flurry, and a 55-yard touchdown pass from junior quarterback Connor Kavanaugh to senior tight end Julius Thomas added to it. Then, Kavanaugh took a quarterback-keeper 75-yards up the middle for a touchdown to complete the trifecta. Head coach Nigel Burton said the Vikings’ first-quarter showing, and Thomas’ touchdown reception in particular, put the advantage in their hands. “After that, you have a chance to take away a team’s will to win,” he said. During all of this early action, the defense stood strong. They contained the potent Bobcat offense and kept them from making it into the end zone, holding them to only 72 yards of total offense in the first quarter. The Viks, in the meantime, racked up 207 such yards. Bobcat kicker Jason Cunningham was the only Bobcat to score in the first frame, doing so with an impressive 52-yard field goal.
Eventually though, the Bobcats offense woke up and proved too much to handle for a Viking defense in its first year of transition from the 3-4 to the 4-3. The Bobcats ripped the Viks for 304 yards in the second half, most of it on the ground. The pass defense was evenly matched for both teams. The Viks threw for 208 yards and the Bobcats threw for 206 yards. Both quarterbacks, Kavanaugh for the Viks and MSU freshman Denarius McGhee, had mistake-free games with no interceptions and were very evenly matched. Kavanaugh completed 16 of 27 passes with a 7.7-yard per pass average. McGhee finished 15 of 27 and averaged 7.5 yards per toss. The two teams were almost even on a lot of points. Portland State averaged 6.5 yards per rush while Montana State had 6.7. Both teams averaged 7 yards per play. The Viks had 227 yards of punting and the Bobcats had 232. Both defenses came up with two sacks. The top defensive player for both team had nine tackles. All the stats had the teams neck-and-neck. There are only two stats that tell the real story behind the loss. One is the rushing yardage. Portland State’s running game, which has
Scores by quarter Portland State Montana State
1 18 3
2 0 20
3 0 14
PSU 38-248 208 27-16-0 456 2 26:57 5 of 13 3 of 4
MSU 49-326 206 27-15-0 532 0 33:03 7 of 15 4 of 4
4 13 7
Final 31 44
Stats breakdown Rushes-yards (net) Passing yards (net) Passes (Att-Comp-Int) Total offensive yards Fumbles lost Time of possession Third-down conversions Red zone scoring
been much improved thus far this year, had 248 yards. The Bobcats running game scorched the Viks though for 326 yards. The other stat deals with turnovers. The Viks had two fumbles and lost them both, one of which became a touchdown. The Bobcats played a completely mistake-free game.
Sometimes in close matches, what it comes down to can be something as small as a fumble. The Viks were on the losing end of the turnovers in this game. There are several things to feel good about coming away from this game if you are a Vikings fan. The Viks may have played their cleanest game
in years. They only had seven penalties for a total of 39 yards and only one of those penalties resulted in a first down for the Bobcats. By comparison, the Bobcats had 11 penalties for a whopping 104 yards. Last year, the Viks had a habit of getting in the game early, taking a lead and then quitting after the first quarter. This game seemed it would go the same way. After being shut out for much of the first quarter, the Bobcats scored 41 unanswered points to give them a 44-18 lead. Portland State, after being shut out for two quarters, then came back to score 13 points in the fourth, nearly putting the game back within reach. “One thing you will see when watching us,” Burton said. “They will always play hard, and they will always play to the end.” Another thing that can be viewed in a positive light: Kavanaugh. When the announcement came that last year’s starting quarterback, Drew Hubel, would be out for the season with a nagging shoulder injury that required surgery, it became apparent that Kavanaugh would have to step up and take the reins. They say a good running back is a quarterback’s best friend, and that has certainly been true for Kavanaugh. With the improved running game, courtesy of junior Cory McCaffrey, Kavanaugh has had the chance to sit in the pocket and pick his passes. He also hasn’t had to spend as much time scrambling to get the first down. He managed this game and his progression seems to suggest he will only continue to improve. There isn’t any doubt that the Viks have made progress from last season. There is also no doubt they have some work to do before they’re ready to beat the best team in the conference. Portland State returns to action with a home game on Saturday, when they will host Montana (4-2, 3-1 Big Sky) at 5:05 p.m. at Hillsboro Stadium. ■
Big Sky football standings School Montana State Eastern Washington Montana Sacramento State Northern Arizona Portland State Weber State Northern Colorado Idaho State
Conf 3-0 3-1 3-1 2-2 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 0-4
Pct 1.000 0.750 0.750 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.333 0.250 0.000
Overall 5-1 4-2 4-2 3-3 3-2 2-3 2-3 2-4 1-5
Home 4-0 2-0 3-0 3-1 2-0 1-0 2-1 2-1 1-1
Away 1-1 1-2 1-2 0-2 1-2 1-3 0-2 0-3 0-4
Streak W4 W2 W3 W1 L1 L1 L1 L3 L5
From the court to the field: Senior Julius Thomas, a four-year starter in men's basketball, traded in his basketball shoes for football cleats over the summer. On Saturday, he made his first trip into the end zone on a 55-yard touchdown reception.
Viks volleyball eclipses Eagles PSU women sweep visiting Eastern Washington
Set scores Eastern Washington Portland State
15 25
14 25
16 25
n Saturday, Portland State women’s volleyball easily swept the visiting Eastern Washington Eagles, 3-0, before an announced 615 fans at the Stott Center. For the Vikings (10-7, 5-1 Big Sky), the match provided the perfect opportunity to avenge last weekend’s loss on the road at Sacramento State, which handed Portland State its first conference loss of the season. Led by the offensive duo of outside hitters Whitney Phillips and Megan Ellis, who combined for 25 kills and four service aces, the Viks made up for last weekend’s loss by winning their 11th-straight home conference match. Saturday’s first set started out slowly for the Viks. The Eagles (3-13, 2-4 Big Sky) pushed to an early 4-2 lead before the Vikings kicked it into high gear to take a 7-6 lead, from which they would never look back. The Vikings had service aces from three players in the opening set, two from sophomore Ellis, and one each from senior Phillips and freshman setter Garyn Schlatter. The Viks finished the set with a 25-15 score off a kill from Schlatter that was assisted by Ellis. Phillips opened the second set by giving the Viks an early 3-0 lead from three-straight kills, and the
a lot, so when I did get set I had holes in the blocks—which is awesome on the passers, and Garyn’s part.” Phillips came out of the three matches with a team-high 15 kills. Ellis recorded 10 kills of her own and Schlatter chipped in seven. Portland State head coach Michael Seemann gave credit to his team’s ability to make solid first contact during serve reception, something he said is helping the team a great deal. “Diana (Villalpando) is doing a great job of keeping us balanced and Garyn (Schlatter) is doing a much better job of distributing the ball around and giving a lot of hitters a lot of good windows in terms of being able to put balls away,” Seeman said in a statement released by the school. Set three looked very much like the second. Eastern Washington claimed the first point off of a kill from senior outside hitter Alysha Cook, but from there Portland State would steal the lead and run with it to the end. At 8-5, the Viks went on a six point run which included four kills from Ellis. The Viks would finish the set 25-16. Namely in sets one and two, Eastern Washington held Portland State to some extensive volleys. Senior middle blocker and outside hitter Christie Hamilton said that it was a mixture of both the defense and offense that allowed PSU to grab the points. “I think definitely staying patient on defense allows us to be really scrappy and then get ourselves good passes the second and third time,” Hamilton said. “It just allows us to stay in it.” The Vikings were all about accuracy on Saturday. They recorded just nine errors and hit a .394 percentage, which is the second-highest hitting percentage this season. The first came from Thursday’s game against Seattle, where the Viks went for .432, also with nine errors. This is the first time in Portland State’s Division-I history that the team has posted single-digit numbers for errors in two matches in a single season. For the Vikings’ individuals, Phillips and Ellis accounted for over half of the team’s 47 total kills, and each also posted nine digs. Senior libero Diana Villalpanda led with 11 digs, and Schlatter led in assists with 29, while also chipping in eight digs. On the Eagles’ side it was Cook who led for kills with nine, and setter Laney Brown led her team with 22 assists. Movin' on up: Megan Ellis (No. 13) recorded 10 kills in Saturday's win. Saturday’s win gives Portland State two more points toward winning the inaugural momentum did not stop there. The Viks never Dam Cup, a yearlong competition with Eastern trailed, but instead ran away with the set and, at Washington that covers five sports. With this weekone point, held a 12-point lead with the score 20-8. end’s wins in women’s soccer and volleyball, the ViFittingly, Phillips took the set-point with a hard-hit kings have earned three of the 17 points possible. The Viks stay at home on the Park Blocks next kill for the 25-14 win. Portland State had 16 assists in the second set, weekend as they host Northern Arizona at 7 p.m. something Phillips said was a big reason for her Friday. On Saturday, it will be a match of the Big Sky’s top teams as second-ranked Portland State and her team’s success. “I thought we passed extremely well,” Phillips hosts undefeated and top-ranked Northern Colosaid. “We were able to spread our offense around rado at 8 p.m. at the Stott. ■
The 2010-11 Dam Cup Beginning this year, Eastern Washington and Portland State are competing in a yearlong, five-sport rivalry for the Dam Cup. Named for the four dams on the Columbia River that one drives past on the trip from one campus to the other, the Dam Cup will go to the school that earns the most points out of 17 possible points. Listed below is a breakdown of the results to date.
Portland State - 3 points Wins: Oct. 8, Soccer at PSU – 1 point Oct. 9, Volleyball at PSU – 2 points
Eastern Washington - 0 points Games left to be played: Oct. 30, football at PSU – 4 points Nov. 6, women’s volleyball at EWU – 2 points Jan. 8, men’s basketball at PSU – 2 points Jan. 8, women’s basketball at EWU – 2 points Jan. 27, men’s basketball at EWU – 2 points Jan. 27, women’s basketball at PSU – 2 points
Leaping libero: Senior defensive specialist Diana Villalpando has excelled at the libero position since she became a starter following Nicole Bateham's injury earlier in the season. Villalpando led the floor with 11 digs in Saturday's game with EWU.
Timbers eliminated in first round of playoffs Portland's final season as a lower division team came to an end on Sunday KEVIN FONG VANGUARD STAFF
After a roller-coaster ride of a regular season, the Portland Timbers were knocked out of the first round of the USSF Pro League Division-2 playoffs by their Northwest rival, the Vancouver Whitecaps, on Sunday. For the Timbers and their fans, the ride is over for now, or at least until 2011 when the Timbers will be promoted to Major League Soccer. However, despite being one of the D-2 League’s top franchises, the Timbers will leave without a championship trophy after 10 years competing in the lower division—a bitter pill to swallow. Forward Dough DeMartin described the outcome as “very disappointing.” “Devastating,” said team captain Ian Joy. “I feel a bit empty inside.” “I just can’t believe the season is over,” added midfielder Ryan Pore.
Although the Timbers won Game Two of the series 1-0, at the University of Portland’s Merlo Field on Sunday evening, the Timbers still lost the two-game aggregate goal series with a total score of 2-1. In Game One at Vancouver’s Swangard Stadium Thursday night, the Timbers dug themselves into a quick hole when they allowed the Whitecaps to score two goals in the first 13 minutes of the match. In the first minute, off a Vancouver corner kick that was deflected into the box, Whitecap midfielder Gershon Koffie volley-kicked the loose ball out of the air. Koffie’s shot flew past Timbers keeper Steve Cronin, bounced off the bottom of the crossbar and landed just past the end-line for a goal. In the 13th minute, a foul by Timbers defender Ross Smith resulted in a Vancouver free kick just outside the top of the box. Whitecap midfielder Philippe Davies sent a bending shot over the Timbers’ defensive wall that clanged off the
side post over the outstretched arms of diving Cronin. In the ensuing chase for the loose ball, Timbers’ midfielder Kalif Alhassan was called for a foul for a sliding tackle on Whitecaps’ midfielder Blake Wagner inside the box, resulting in a Vancouver penalty kick. Midfielder Martin Nash (younger brother of NBA star Steve Nash) blasted the resulting PK toward the left corner of the goal, and despite a strong effort by Cronin, the ball grazed off his fingertips and into the back of the net. Portland was poor on both sides of the ball, hesitant and careless on offense and failing to find a consistent rhythm on defense. Vancouver scored two goals on 11 shots, while the Timbers would take 10 shots, but rarely put Whitecaps keeper Jay Nolly in any real danger. Perhaps the worst performance of the season at the worst time, the Timbers had dug themselves into a deep hole. With the playoffs set up as a two-game, aggregate-goal series—meaning the team with the most total goals after two games would be the winner— the Timbers went into Game Two needing to win by three goals in order to advance to the next round.
With 5,000 supporters packed into the intimate confines of Merlo Field, the stage was set for a thrilling finish to the Timbers’ first round playoff series. The Timbers pressured Vancouver from the opening kick, dominating possession and creating numerous scoring chances. Although the match was scoreless at the half, Portland took the confidence and momentum with them into the break, and it wouldn’t take long for them to strike in the second half. In the 49th minute, off a deep cross into the box by Joy, midfielder James Marcelin leapt above the crowd to head the ball past Nolly and cut Vancouver’s aggregate-goal lead down to one. With the goal total now at 2-1, the Timbers needed only one more goal to force an overtime period and to keep their championship hopes alive. Portland continued to pour on the pressure and attacked a Vancouver defense that was packed into their box and set on playing prevent-soccer. With a passionate Timbers Army cheering them on, Portland continued to control the game and found numerous scoring chances.
Wait for it... Members of the Portland Timbers and the Vancouver Whitecaps all jockey for position in Sunday's game at the University of Portland's Merlo Field.
Playing for survival: Portland defender Ian Joy and a Vancouver opponent both attempt to make a play on the ball during Game Two on Sunday.
During one stretch, the Timbers earned three set pieces in a row. The first was a free kick just outside the offensive third, followed by two corner kicks at either side of the field. Joy served up three consecutive balls deep into the Whitecaps’ box, nearly leading to the series-equalizing goal, but ultimately the Timbers came up short. “The first thing I said was that I was very proud of them,” Joy said after the game. “We were criticized very heavily (after losing Game One), but to come back and put on the performance we did tonight was fantastic, and the guys should be proud of themselves.” After playing one of their worst games of the season, the Timbers responded with one of their best performances of the year, outshooting Vancouver 15-5, and holding nothing back in what would be their final match. “I honestly felt like we were going to get [another goal] at the end,” said coach Gavin Wilkinson. “And that just adds to the disappointment.” The officials had a difficult time keeping order on the field in a physical and hard-fought match. Vancouver was able to effectively disrupt the flow of the game with a number of hard tackles, stoppages and moments where they simply
wasted time. The teams committed a total of 34 fouls, with the Whitecaps accounting for 22 of those whistles, 12 of which came in the second half. “I didn’t think the ref did a great job of handling the game, to be honest,” Pore said. “We were trying to dictate the tempo of the game,” Wilkinson added. “And they had a few players who were allowed to spend a little too long on the ground.” Still, the Timbers are aware that their first round loss can’t be solely blamed on poor officiating. “We created the problem for ourselves,” Wilkinson said. “And we couldn’t solve it.” When the Timbers and their fans look back on the 2010 season, they’ll remember a season in which the pressure and expectations surrounding the team were at an all-time high, but the team was able to push through, finish the regular season in fourth place and still make the playoffs. After the match, the supporters showed their appreciation for the team, as the players and coaches thanked the fans before walking off the field one last time this season. “It’s been an up and down year,” DeMartin said. “But overall we had a good season. It’s just frustrating for it to end this way.” ■
Women’s golf takes fourth at Heather Farr Memorial Vikings move up two spots from first-day finish MADISON BEARD VANGUARD STAFF
The Portland State women’s golf team finished in fourth place Saturday at the two-day Colorado University Heather Farr Memorial Invitational. Fifteenth-ranked Colorado won the event with 893 strokes (290-300-303), finishing with 16 shots less than second-place Colorado State. The five Viking golfers combined for a team score of
927 (308-306-313) in their third of five fall tournaments. Fresno State finished 11 strokes under the Viks to claim third place. Out of the 63 golfers at the event, Colorado’s Jessica Wallace jumped seven spots in the final round to finish at the top of the individual leaderboards with a six-over par total of 220 (73-75-72). The Vikings began in seventh place after the first round on Friday and then moved up to tie with University of Wyoming for sixth place at the end of the day. On Saturday, the final round saw all but two teams shoot their worst 18 holes, which helped Port-
land State move up to their fourth-place finish. Sophomore Britney Yada shot 232 (77-74-81) to finish the best among the Vikings, at 18th place overall. Freshman Lauren Taylor, making her collegiate debut with the Vikings, tied teammate senior Kalyn Dodge with 235 strokes to finish in a three-way tie for 24th. Taylor shot 82-75-78 and Dodge shot 78-78-79. Junior Tiffany Schoning shot three-over par for the team’s best score of the round on Saturday with a 75. She ended the tournament in a three-way tie for 33rd with a 238 (7786-75). Senior Alexia Brown
finished tied for 44th with a 242 (76-79-87). Portland State head coach Kathleen Takaishi said her team's biggest obstacle was the weather, which delayed play for two hours on Friday because of thunderstorms. "Anytime you have to stop play, it interferes with your rhythm," she said. "I think the team did a good job finishing their last three or four holes after the delay." Eleven teams participated in the Heather Farr Invitational, which featured three rounds of 18-hole play at the 6,230-yard, par-72 Colorado National Golf Club in Eerie, Colo.
The Colorado-hosted tournament is held annually in honor of Heather Farr, a rising amateur and professional golfer who was diagnosed with a rare and serious form of breast cancer in her mid-20s; she died four years after diagnosis, in 1993. Farr was a childhood friend of Colorado coach Anne Kelly. Going into the tournament, the Vikings carried a teamaverage of 303 strokes, seven less than the school‘s record of 310.1 that was set last year. The Vikings’ fourth-place finish at Heather Farr puts Portland State at 11-1 in head-tohead competition with fellow Big Sky Conference schools.
The Vikings last competed in September at Rose City Collegiate Invitational, where they finished in third place with an 897—the second-best 54hole score in school history. Last season, Portland State won the Big Sky Golf Championship for the fifth time in eight years and appeared in the NCAA West Regional Championship, where the Vikings finished 20th. The Vikings return to action on Sunday in a triangle tournament with Oregon State and Washington at Auburn National Golf Club. ■
TODAY Bike Hub Workshop: Basic Maintenance
5 p.m. PSU Bike Hub
All workshops are free for Bike Hub members. For more information on how to become a member, visit Oil Worlds: People, Places and Petroleum 6 p.m. Smith Memorial Student Union, room 328
How well do we understand the costs of oil dependency? Four scholars will be facilitating a round-table discussion that promises to trace out global and/or historical networks in which the Gulf oil industry, ecology and culture is embedded. This event is free and open to the public.
The coming week is likely to see doors open onto new opportunities for a great many individuals, and yet the most important of these is not likely to be large at all but a chance for small, even intimate developments that can deliver big time to those who are in a position to take advantage of them. The future is likely to loom large, presenting a picture that can lead many to optimistic forecasts and planning that allows for greater risk and greater rewards. This can prove a good week for all manner of business deals, provided they are aboveboard, and especially if they challenge the status quo. Those who are in the business of helping other people will find that business is booming, as many require assistance in order to achieve their goals. Working together, even those with few resources can claim victory when they take advantage of help offered and apply themselves.
WEDNESDAY Solutions Seminar 5 p.m. Shattuck Hall Annex
Solutions Seminars are designed to explore solutions to the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time. This week’s featured speaker is Spencer Beebe, founder of Ecotrust. Conservation of Cultural Heritageas a Platform for Research, Engagement and Education 7:30 p.m. Smith Memorial Student Union, room 236
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 7)
What begins in one arena must not be allowed to spread into another. You are able to control what happens to suit your needs. (Oct. 8-Oct. 22) -- The time has come to express your needs as directly as possible, and to insist on action.
This lecture will be presented by Dr. Tami Lasseter Clare, assistant professor of chemistry at Portland State. Clare will discuss the role of the newly established Regional Laboratory for the Science of Cultural Heritage Conservation, focusing on ways in which the laboratory may be a means of engagement of students and the community. This event is free and open to the public.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 7) You're willing to put a great deal on the line, but you have to remember that you're not in it alone. Your team is growing. (Nov. 8-Nov. 21) -- A critically important issue demands your immediate attention, and you can make a difference.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 7)
Trust and honor, combined with follow-through, can yield tremendous results -- and win you a good deal of admiration as well. (Dec. 8-Dec. 21) -- Things may be tough all over, but you're in a position to adopt a more positive course.
Theatre of the Oppressed Workshop 6 p.m. PSU Queer Resource Center
with a current project until someone else provides you with information that is more accurate and up-to-date. (Jan. 7-Jan. 19) -- You may be introduced to a few new and exciting possibilities; the choice is yours.
Theatre of the Oppressed is an interactive forum in which students can practice role-playing in volatile situations where violence is focused on queer- and trans-identified individuals. This workshop is part of National Coming-Out Week.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 3) -- Are you paying enough attention
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 6) -- You may not be able to continue
to what is going on outside your front door? Events not far afield can affect you a great deal. (Feb. 4-Feb. 18) -- Take care that you don't rely too much on distractions and misdirection; argue the point that's on the table.
pick up a calendar request form at the Vanguard advertising office, SMSU, room 114.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 5) -- Competition can only help you, as you learn to hone your skills and take greater advantage of fleeting opportunities and timing. (March 6-March 20) -- It's a good week to pledge support for a cause that brings out the best in those involved.
ARIES (March 21-April 4) -- It's time to engage in some real, substantive, fearless conversation about what is really necessary and what is really possible. (April 5-April 19) -- You're likely to receive praise from someone who has claimed to be on the other side for quite a while.
TAURUS (April 20-May 5) -- Take care that you don't get so caught up in the pursuit of one certain goal that you turn a blind eye to other opportunities. (May 6-May 20) -- You may feel as though you are out of step with those whom you are supposed to be supporting at this time.
GEMINI (May 21-June 6) -- You'll receive a great deal of advice, but you'll want to listen to those who are also willing to get busy working alongside you. (June 7-June 20) -- You may feel the controlling influence of someone whose motives are not entirely pure. Use caution.
CANCER (June 21-July 7) -- Some focus on the short term, but you will want to focus on the long term as you form a plan of action that can yield big rewards. (July 8-July 22) -- It may be difficult to enjoy the privacy you want -- and need -- as others insist on prying.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 7) -- It's a good week to focus on what works for you -- at home and on the job. Others will tag along when you decide to take a trip just for fun. (Aug. 8-Aug. 22) -- You may discover that you have many more friends than you thought you had -- and they're willing to lend a hand.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 7) -- It's important for you to think outside the box; sure, you'll be criticized by some, but support will win out. (Sept. 8-Sept. 22) -- You can win a great deal of respect by holding onto your ideals even in the face of a major challenge.
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On top of the Big Sky
Women’s golf Colorado/Heather Farr Memorial Portland State, 4th 308-306-313=927 Eastern Washington 0 at Portland State 3 Scoring summary: PSU: Dutra (Penalty kick), 10’ PSU: Brown (Trammell), 30’ PSU: Trammell (Ross), 51’
NBA preseason
Portland Trail Blazers 99 at Denver Nuggets 109 Cunningham: 15 pts, 7 of 11 shooting, 10 reb, 4 stl Aldridge: 11 pts, 5 of 12 shooting, 7 reb, 2 ast
Hockey Portland Winterhawks 3 at Spokane Chiefs 2 Scoring summary: POR: Bartschi (Rutkowski), 1st/3:17, PP SPO: Cowen (Mort), 1st/4:45 SPO: Gal (Unassisted), 1st/7:47, SH POR: Bartschi (Burns), 1st/10:50 POR: Aronson (Ross), 3rd/19:31
Saturday Football Portland State 31 at Montana State 44 Kavanaugh: 16 of 27 for 208 yds, 1 TD passing McCaffrey: 20 for 153 yds, 2TD rushing J. Thomas: 9 for 159, 1 TD receiving Latu: 9 tackles, 1 tackle for 12-yd loss
Women’s volleyball Eastern Washington 0 at Portland State 3 Set scores: 25-15, 25-14, 25-16
Hannah's Montana: Freshman midfielder Hannah Kimsey scored her second goal of the season in Sunday's 3-0 win over Montana at Hillsboro Stadium.
In the 31st minute, freshman forward Eryn Brown doubled the lead with a perfectly executed give-and-go play with junior Melissa Trammell. Attacking on the right flank, Brown passed the ball
“I saw a lot of really good things out there. It’s a good start to our Big Sky campaign, the offense had been clicking in certain times this year, but today they got it all together.” Laura Schott Sophomore midfielder Amanda Dutra calmly slotted the ball to the right side of the net, and as Eagles’ keeper Jamie Walker dove for the save, the ball bounced off her arm and into the net to give the Viks an early 1-0 lead.
Women’s soccer
Vikings score backto-back conference wins over the weekend
he Portland State women’s soccer team began conference play with twin 3-0 victories over Eastern Washington and Montana at Hillsboro Stadium on Friday and Sunday. The Viking offense sprung to life over the weekend and showed glimpses of the form that helped them win last season’s Big Sky Conference regular season title. With Portland State’s two wins on six unanswered goals, the Vikings start off at the top of the conference standings. “Three is a pretty good number for us this year,” Portland State head coach Laura Schott said. “We’ve got some pretty good goals, and the defense got two shutouts. That is always what we aim for.” Going into Friday’s conference-opening match with Eastern Washington, the Vikings held a 4-7-1 record in non-conference action. Portland State set the offensive tone early with the assistance of an Eagles mistake. An Eastern Washington defender was called for a handball in the penalty area in the 11th minute to set up a Vikings penalty kick.
to Trammell, who threaded the ball through the Eagles defense towards Brown, who took the shot to score her second goal of the season. Portland State outshot Eastern Washington 9-4 in the first half and had seven
corner kicks to the Eagles’ zero. Trammell, apparently not happy with just chalking up an assist on the day, sealed the 3-0 victory in the second half when she scored in the 52nd minute of play. “The ball came down the right side and Megan Martin made a really good pass to Frankie Ross,” Trammell said. “The ball went off her head into the 6-yard box and I headed it in.” Both Ross and Trammell agree that their team began conference action on the right foot in Friday’s game. “I thought it was the best performance of the season for us,” Trammell said. “It’s what we have been working hard for and it’s definitely what we need to go into conference and have a good season.” Ross echoed her comment and added that she felt the team was successful because the Vikings were connecting their passes, taking their shots and winning 50-50 balls. “I think this is our first complete game where we had everything going for us,” she said. Schott, last season’s Big Sky Coach of the Year, said that she felt their conference opener was the most complete game of the season so far. “I saw a lot of really good things out there. It’s a good start to our Big Sky campaign,” she said. “The offense had been clicking in certain times this year, but today they got it all together.” With the win, the Viks were finally able to snap a five-game winless streak while maintaining a shutout victory. As has
been the case in recent games, Portland State keepers Rachel Jarvis and Lainey Hulsizer split the net-minding duties by both playing for a half. Jarvis, a senior, was never tested in the first half, and Hulsizer, a sophomore, made three saves in the second. “It was great to get the shutout,” Schott said. “We haven’t got one for a while.” In Sunday’s match against visiting Montana, the Viks again took the lead off another error by their opponent, this time in a bit more spectacular fashion. Portland State’s Martin, a sophomore forward, crossed a ball in from the right flank with less than five minutes left in the first half. Montana defender Courtney Watson, in an attempt to clear the ball, executed a fully extended diving header, but accidently deflected the ball into her own net to give the Vikings a 1-0 advantage. The Lady Grizzlies tried to come up with an equalizer in the second half, but instead watched as Ross made it 2-0 in the 80th minute of play with a second-effort goal after being tackled in the box. The Vikings found their third and final goal of the afternoon in the 87th minute. Dutra took a corner kick from the right, and freshman midfielder Hannah Kimsey rose up to head the ball into the top right corner of Montana’s goal. “Dutra put in a very nice ball,” Kimsey said. “I was in the right place at the right time.”
Big Sky standings
Rule of fours: Senior Frankie Ross scored her fourth goal of the season and recorded her fourth assist over the weekend. Ross ranks fourth in all-time scoring at PSU.
School Portland State Sacramento State Northern Colorado Northern Arizona Idaho State Weber State Montana Eastern Washington
Conference 2-0-0 2-0-0 1-0-1 1-0-1 0-1-1 0-1-1 0-2-0 0-2-0
Points 6 6 4 4 1 1 0 0
Overall 6-7-1 5-6-1 8-3-2 6-3-3 5-7-2 1-12-1 1-10-2 0-11-1
Streak W2 W2 W1 W1 L1 L1 L4 L11
Friday Goals by period 1 Eastern Washington 0 Portland State 2
2 0 1
Final 0 3
Corner kicks
2 2 1
Total 2 8
8 8
12 17
1 Eastern Washington 0 Portland State 7
Shots Eastern Washington 4 Portland State 9
Scoring summary Goal 1 (PSU) 2 (PSU) 3 (PSU)
Scorer Time Amanda Dutra (2) 11’ Eryn Brown (2) 31’ Melissa Trammell (4) 52’
Sunday Goals by period Montana Portland State
1 0 1
2 0 2
Final 0 3
0 2
1 2
1 4
2 5
4 15
6 20
Corner kicks Montana Portland State
Portland Winterhawks 2 Spokane Chiefs 1 Scoring summary: SPO: Gal (Hamblin), 2nd/7:53 POR: Bartschi (Pouliot), 2nd/14:10 POR: Bartschi (Unassisted), 2nd/18:03
Sunday Portland Marathon Women: Kami Semick, 2:52:02 Men: Eric Griffiths, 2:28:42
Women’s soccer Montana 0 at Portland State 3 Scoring summary: PSU: UM own goal (unassisted), 40’ PSU: Ross (unassisted), 79’ PSU: Kimsey (Dutra), 86’
Pro soccer Vancouver Whitecaps 0 at Portland Timbers 1 Scoring summary: POR: Marcelin (Joy), 49’ Timbers lose series, 2-1
UPCOMING GAMES: Wednesday Hockey
Shots Montana Portland State
Scoring summary Goal 1 (PSU) 2 (PSU) 3 (PSU)
Scorer UM’s Courtney Watson (Own goal) Frankie Ross (4) Hannah Kimsey (2)
Time 41’ 80’ 87’
Calgary Hitmen at Portland Winterhawks Wed., 7 p.m. Portland Memorial Coliseum
Friday Hockey
Schott said that Sunday’s game wasn’t the prettiest she has seen, before adding that Ross and Kimsey sealed the game to bring it home for the Vikings. Jarvis stayed at net for all of Sunday's game, recording her second shutout of the season and fourth of her career. “We are looking forward to next weekend, and having six points going forward,” Schott said. With this win, the Viks move to the top of the Big Sky Conference standings with two wins in the first two games. They continue conference play on Friday and Sunday, when they play Northern Colorado and Northern Arizona on the road. ■
Portland Winterhawks at Kamloops Blazers Fri., 7 p.m. Kamloops, B.C.