I LIKE IT ON THE FLOOR Where do you like to keep your purse for cancer?
Volleyball stays atop conference standings with two-win weekend
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FREE The Vanguard is published twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays.
T UESDAY, OCTOBER 1 9 T H, 20 1 0
VO L. 65 NO. 14
PSU community mourns loss of two professors Murder-suicide of Richard Hunter and Astrid Schlaps leaves colleagues, friends with questions
Hunter to shoot Schlaps before taking his own life. While speculation still swirls around the circumstances of the couple’s death—sources close to the couple don’t believe it’s possible that Hunter even owned a gun—the memory of Hunter and Schlaps is honored in Manzanita and Portland. Schlaps was a long-time student and instructor at PSU. Originally from Germany, she received her Bachelor of Arts in psychology from PSU in 1986 and won the Lauretta Kramer Scholarship when she entered PSU’s Graduate School of Social Work in 1988. In 1990, she was named the most outstanding direct human services graduate. She began teaching at the School of Social Work in 1993, and within six years she became a full-time faculty member. She retired from
n the Portland State faculty directory, Richard Hunter and Astrid Schlaps are still listed as members of the School of Social Work, though they passed away at the beginning of September. Last week, police determined that their deaths were consequent of a murdersuicide motivated by financial troubles. Schlaps was found on the couch at the couple’s Manzanita home with a $5 bill in her hand; Hunter was in a stairwell above the basement, a few feet away from a .357 revolver. Friends of Hunter and Schlaps in Manzanita and at PSU are grieving the unexpected loss of two known anti-gun pacifists who were looking forward to a long, active retirement. “It was like nothing I’d seen before,” said Officer Sean Ahlers of the Manzanita Police Department. Police found the bodies on Sept. 10, when they responded to a request for a welfare check. Three days later, the case was nearly closed unsolved, but an article in The Oregonian and the insistence of the couple’s friends in Manzanita pushed investigators to continue working. The police concluded that a foreclosure on the couple’s home in Portland and six months of past dues on their Manzanita home pushed
“They were both wonderful professors… students went out of their way to take classes from them.” KATHARINE CAHN
teaching in 2007, but she continued to maintain the private practice that she’d developed over the years, working with adults, children and families affected by abuse and trauma. She was 55 when she died. PHOTO COURTESY OF BONNIE SPEERS
Looking back: Richard Hunter and Astrid Schlaps at their wedding ceremony in Manzanita, Ore.
ASPSU appoints new senate pro tempore Ethan Smith new to PSU, student government CATRICE STANLEY VANGUARD STAFF
Though Ethan Smith took over as the new Student Senate
pro tempore on Oct. 5, he has already made a name for himself in ASPSU. “Ethan has been doing a wonderful job. He has jumped right into the position,” said ASPSU President Katie Markey. As pro tempore, Smith is the chair of the coordinating committee for the Senate.
“We are the ones who establish the agenda for the Senate,” Smith said. “We … monitor the Senate to make sure that they are staying on task, which includes things like one-on-one interviews with the senators, making sure they are meeting with their constituents—those types of things.”
ASPSU Vice President Lauren Morency is the president of the Senate and in charge of the meetings. However, if she were not available, Smith would assume her responsibilities. When the position opened after the previous pro tempore, Cathy Symes, resigned, Smith did not consider running. ”I honestly didn’t even think
of it,” Smith said. It was later in the week that he was approached by another senator who asked Smith if he would accept a nomination. “After getting details on what all was involved [for the position], I said, ‘Of course,’” Smith said. PRO TEMPORE ON PAGE 3
Campus Rec wins Bike Commute Challenge Department wins in its division with 40 percent commute rate PETER BROWNING VANGUARD STAFF
Portland State’s Campus Recreation took first place for the second year in a row in the Bicycle Transportation Alliances’ annual Bike Commute Challenge. The Bicycle Transportation Alliance [BTA] is working to translate the positive message of biking to communities. Its Bike Commute Challenge, which takes place every September, aims to get people to ride their bikes while commuting to work. This year the BTA reported 2,017 riders, 650 teams and 74,447 miles logged. Individuals log their miles, and the BTA determines the winners by calculating the percentage of miles the agency commuted by bike, not necessarily the total miles logged. This allowed the Campus Rec staff to compete in a division of 25 to 99 people. Kjerstin Brinton is new to the Bike Commute Challenge, and as student coordinator of Campus Rec she was an integral part of the team this year. “I was really excited. I wanted to be able to live up to what Campus Rec did last year, and am happy we did,” Brinton said. Brinton and team leader Todd Bauch, who is also director of operations, helped the team accomplish its goals. For him, the excitement was more about the journey than the results. “It’s interesting, the dynamic that forms within the department—you find a way to create something that includes everybody,” Bauch said. Bauch, who commutes from northeast Portland, knows the importance of building team spirit and including everyone. “One day I bought coffee, we [all] shared equipment [and] when it rained we lent fenders,” Bauch said. “Last year people had extra bikes so we were able to loan them out to get people involved.” The Campus Rec team, which consisted of professionals, student managers and graduate assistants, competed with programs from all across the state. Notable cities included agencies in Ashland, COMMUTE ON PAGE 3
Virginia Vickery
Corie Charnley
Richard Oxley
Nicholas Kula
Robert Britt
Correction In the article “McNair Scholars Program accepting applications until Nov. 5,” it should have been reported that the program’s director is Toeutu Faaleava.
QRC is now a department, will expand its services New director brings new vision SIERRA PANNABECKER VANGUARD STAFF
COPY CHIEF Kristin Pugmire
PHOTO EDITOR Heather Noddings
ONLINE EDITOR Adiana Lizarraga
ADVISER Judson Randall
ILLUSTRATORS Susannah Beckett, Heather Mcintyre
DESIGNERS Colby Brooks, Justin Flood Stephanie Lucky
WRITERS Madison Beard, Ian Bellamy, Erick Bengel, Amanda Bentley, Leah Bodenhamer, Peter Browning, Zach Chastaine, Tori Christensen, Meaghan Daniels, Ryan Deming, Sarah Engels, John Geffert, Jesse Hansen, Rian Evans, Kevin Fong, Rosemary Hanson, Joshua Hunt, Rebekah Hunt, Theodora Karatzas, Ines Kuna, Ebonee Lee, Stephen Lisle, Christina Maggio, Joe Mantecon, Natalie Mcclintock, Erin McIntyre, Daniel Ostlund, Katrina Petrovich, Sierra Pannabecker, Jenieve Schnabel, Wendy Shortman, Catrice Stanley, Nilesh Tendolkar, Vinh Tran, Andrea Vedder, Kat Vetrano, Allison Whited, Elisabeth Wilson, Roger Wightman
hen Queer Resource Center Director Cat McGraw began working at Portland State last July, she was still getting acclimated to the campus. Next week marks her three-month anniversary at the QRC, and she is well on her way to implementing her vision for the center, which recently became a department. The small office located in the north stairwell of Smith Memorial Student Union is now a department under the Office of the Dean of Student Life, categorized with Residence Life, Commencement and Student Legal Services as a resource for students. For McGraw, the purpose of the QRC is connectivity. She sees the center as a bridge among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and queer and questioning [LGBTQ] students and faculty and all other PSU departments. McGraw’s ultimate goal for the QRC is for PSU to gain
Expanding the QRC: QRC Director Cat McGraw hopes that the department will bring recognition to PSU.
recognition as a “destination for [LGBTQ] students in the state of Oregon.” LGBTQ students face a myriad of challenges that other students do not, McGraw said. Through advocacy and support, however, the QRC is able to make life at PSU more comfortable and inclusive for them. Financial aid is one process that the QRC tries to make easier. McGraw helps navigate the financial aid paperwork for students who have been emancipated from their parents or are otherwise unable
to obtain tax forms sometimes because their parents have reacted negatively to their sexual orientation. In addition, McGraw says that the QRC partners with other community agencies like Outside In and the Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Center to find welcoming places for students who fall along the homelessness continuum. Another great resource for students who may be struggling with their identity, facing discrimination or prejudice, dealing with other crises
Vote OR Vote campaign wraps up at PSU Voter registration campaign falls short of goal, but deemed a success
Aaron Leopold, Drew Martig, August Miller, Adam Wickham
COPY EDITORS Noah Emmet, Andrea Vedder
ADVERTISING SALES Dominique Abrams, Sam Gressett, Rayna Martinez, Jae Specht
DISTRIBUTORS Brittany Castillo, Brandy Castillo
The Vanguard is published two days a week as an independent student newspaper governed by the PSU Publications Board. Views and editorial content expressed herein are those of the staff, contributors and readers, and do not necessarily represent those of the PSU student body, faculty, staff or administration. One copy of the Vanguard is provided free of charge to all community members, additional copies or subscription issues may incur a 25 cent charge. The Vanguard is printed on 40 percent post-consumer recycled paper. ©2010 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY VANGUARD 1825 SW BROADWAY SMITH MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION, RM. S-26 PORTLAND OR, 97201
is the weekly counseling session that the QRC has arranged, McGraw said. Every Thursday afternoon, a counselor from the Student Health and Counseling Center comes to the QRC to meet with students one-on-one. This is an invaluable resource to students who are statistically more prone to depression and suicide than their straight and gender-normative classmates, according to the “Journal of Youth and Adolescence.” The QRC also advocates for faculty and staff who are openly
Interactive art On Friday, students from a Contemporary Design Projects (Art 470) course showcased their class’s most recent social practice project, a transformation of the hallway near the Auzten Gallery that allowed visitors to experience a life-size 8-bit video game. The Mario Brothers display will be up until the end of the week.
On Oct. 12, ASPSU concluded the Vote OR Vote campaign after more than two weeks of daily canvassing and class raps. Over the past few weeks, volunteers took to the Park Blocks and classrooms to register students to vote in order for them to submit their ballots before the Oregon general election on Nov. 2. Along with Portland State, seven other public universities donned the green Vote OR Vote apparel and joined the initiative—registering a total of 18,255 students statewide since the beginning of the 2010 school year—and raising the total to 33,741 students in the 2010 calendar year. As a final tally, officials at ASPSU announced the ultimate number of newly registered students to be 2,574 at PSU, just 426 registrations shy of the 3,000-student goal. However, ASPSU President Katie Markey feels that the campaign was an overall success, and that falling short of the goal was understandable and acceptable. “We’re a non-traditional university,” Markey said. “Our
median age is 26. Many of our students are already registered, and have been for years.” At traditional universities, such as Oregon State University and the University of Oregon, freshmen are generally 18 years old and have just graduated high school. As a result, many of them have never registered to vote. Also, given PSU’s location in the Portland metro area, many students are registering through other groups who are running similar campaigns in the city. For instance, several students claimed to have registered through canvassers while riding the MAX. “This is great, but we don’t get to count those people as students we registered,” said ASPSU Vice President Lauren Morency. “Ultimately, we’re competing for these students.” In 1991, the non-partisan student advocacy group, the Oregon Student Association, began its first voter registration drive. Formed in the early 1970s to unite student governments at the various Oregon schools, OSA is now a powerful lobbyist group that fights in Salem on behalf of students. However, it realized that legislative lobbying, while powerful, could only do so much. What was needed was a real block of voting power. Given that the 18- to 30-yearold age bracket has historically experienced low voter turnout,
gay or transgendered. “We see both students and faculty,” McGraw said. “More and more we’re seeing faculty who want to be leaders in their departments for queer students to turn to.” As a department, the QRC now has funding to expand its hours. As a result, the staff will be able to answer phones and provide assistance to walk-in visitors Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Currently there are 30 active volunteers, five interns, one graduate worker and a handful of student workers who plan events, attend public activities, keep the resource wall up-todate, research current issues on campus and in the LGBTQ community and handle all the day-to-day tasks of running a department, McGraw said. Her first objectives are to start establishing traditions like last week’s National Coming Out Week activities and the Trans Day of Remembrance event coming up on Nov. 20. In addition, she would like to hire and train more staff in an effort to expand hours of operation and to increase public awareness of the department and the services it offers. Now, as the QRC department is gaining momentum, McGraw wants to hear from the PSU population. “I’m most interested in hearing feedback from students, staff and faculty,” McGraw said. To give her your feedback, visit the QRC in 401 SMSU or send an e-mail to qrc@pdx.edu. ■ students, who generally fall into that demographic, have little power when voting on topics that directly affect them. OSA made it a goal to promote student activism, and encouraged all students to vote. No matter what a student’s political affiliation, it claimed, the bottom line was the ballot. Since 1991, the OSA’s registration drive has been a major part of nearly every Oregon election. Nearly 20 years later, the message is just as strong. This year, OSA secured grants for the apparel and promotional flair, coined the “Vote OR Vote” slogan and has reinvigorated the registration drive. According to Markey, this year PSU received massive interest in the drive. At any given moment, she suspected there were at least 100 active volunteers working on some aspect of the campaign and at least 500 volunteer interest cards filed by students. Last week, to conclude the Vote OR Vote campaign, Secretary of State Kate Brown made a visit to PSU’s campus, where she visited classrooms to urge students to vote. Brown touted the importance of voter registration, as she won her position in 2008 by a seven-vote majority. Before leaving, members of ASPSU gave Brown a special Vote OR Vote sweatshirt. Now, ASPSU is turning its attention to the distribution of non-partisan voter guides. These guides, provided by the OSA, offer clear and unbiased questions and answers with each gubernatorial candidate, laying out issues free of jargon and vernacular. For more information contact ASPSU, or visit OSA’s website at www.orstudents.org.■
Baker City, Corvallis and even Senator Rob Wyden in Washington. With 34 members and seven new riders, Campus Rec was able to win its division with a 40 percent commute rate. “It’s cool to be able to take what we value and put it into a friendly competition,” Bauch said. The BTA’s mission statement is to create healthy sustainable communities, which falls in line with Campus Rec’s values of enhancing engagement within PSU and the city by building healthy and supportive communities. It seeks to promote the link between recreation and sustainability. The attitude of sustainability is really what the Bike Commute Challenge is all about. The BTA estimates that over 80,000 pounds of carbon dioxide has been saved from the air by its active riders. The project also hopes to encourage people to take their bike to the MAX instead of driving. Bauch takes the MAX to the Goose Hollow stop, and then pedals up the hill to campus. The competition is valuable in getting people out of their normal routines and into something more sustainable. “It gets someone to ride their bike that normally wouldn’t,” Brinton said. Helping the environment is just one of the many positives
about commuting by bike; healthy living is another example. “It allows us to exercise, and in the good days of September it’s easy. It’s the days in January when you come in [to work] soaking wet, cold and miserable that you have to contend with,” Bauch said. Bauch and Campus Rec are looking to get more people involved in next year’s BTA challenge. They expect to move into a different category of people participating.
“It’s cool to be able to take what we value and put it into a friendly competition." TODD BAUCH
Campus Rec is also working with a web designer to create a tally board of figuring out how everyone gets to work. This type of implementation can help everyone get a better sense of how to maximize sustainability. Its new involvement is Walktober, which is free to all students. Essentially, Walktober is the walking equivalent of the Bike Commute Challenge. ■
Sustainable commute: Mark Kobylinsky is one of the participants that took part in the 2010 Bike Commute Challenge.
According to Markey, the search to fill the position was the same as it was for all other senators; after applications were accepted and reviewed, the candidate consulted with the vice president and was then appointed. Although this is the first time Smith has worked in a position of this sort, he feels prepared to take on the job thanks to his past experiences in various leadership roles. “I have been manager at a couple different companies, whether as an art director or production manager...that helps as far as a professional level, but even in my personal life I’ve held various leadership roles in church or through school,” he said. However, Smith has never had experience overseeing a student body. “I think what is important is if someone is able to take in all sides of an issue, and actually giving an honest response after listening to all the views. And that’s something I have done my whole life,” Smith said. Although this is his first term here at Portland State, Smith has already completed all of his prerequisites at Portland Community College. Smith is by trade a graphic designer, and is working towards a bachelor’s degree in graphic design before continuing his education to obtain a master’s degree. “I love being a graphic designer in a room where I’m not the best graphic designer,” Smith said. “When you are the only graphic designer in a company of a hundred people, it’s easy to get your ego rubbed a lot. And that’s not the case here. I’m constantly being challenged.” It’s an ambitious goal, es-
Involvement: Ethan Smith was hired on as Senate pro-tempore this month.
pecially for someone as busy as Smith. Aside from student government, he is a full-time graphic design student and has three children under the age of five. Nevertheless, he has been enjoying every minute of the experience. “It’s been a lot of work, but the work we’ve been doing is important,” Smith said. “I’m in a really great position in life to be able to take on the extra responsibility.” One thing he has been excited to see is the filling of all of the Senate seats. “We have filled the Senate seats, so we have a full Senate. And further, all of the constituency positions have been filled, so every student group on campus now has a representative senator, and it’s been years since that has been the case,” Smith said. With only the short few weeks since the beginning of October, Smith has already noticed the power the Senate has. For instance, one of the more
important issues brought before it was the concern about student fees helping fund the Campus Public Safety Office. According to Smith, $180,000 in student fees is being used to pay for campus security in Smith Memorial Student Union. However, at last week’s meeting, the Senate passed a resolution to discontinue the use of student fees to fund it. “I look forward to the leadership he is going to bring to the Senate,” Markey said. “He is approachable, well spoken, very knowledgeable and easy to talk to. He is going to accomplish a lot of great things this year.” Smith has nothing but high hopes for the future. “I think everyone here wants to do something important, wants to do something that helps their fellow students,” Smith said. “ And already we are seeing that happen.” ■
I like it on the floor Where do you like to keep your purse for cancer?
ink is the color of October. This is because October is Breast Cancer Awareness month—a great cause and a great idea. But the “awareness” that is spreading on social networks such as Facebook is far from productive. There have been several status updates spreading breast cancer MEAGHAN awareness lately. While proDANIELS moting breast cancer awareness is a grand notion, it is what these Facebook users are saying to promote it that is done in an inappropriate fashion and is just plainly in bad taste. A message is going around between girls on Facebook which claims that that in order to spread breast cancer awareness, they should state where they like to put their purse in their status update. For example, in the status update you are supposed to say, “I like it on the floor,” if you put your purse on the floor. Now, you may be wondering how exactly this spreads breast cancer awareness. The answer is simple—it really doesn’t. In keeping with this idea of awareness, women are also to keep it a secret from guys. There are two things wrong with keeping it from men. First, it is sexist to exThe best thing you clude them. In fact, men can get breast can do to spread cancer, too. Accordbreast cancer ing to the National Cancer Institute, out awareness is of the 207,090 cases to combine it of breast cancer in 2010 alone, 1,970 with action. were men, making male breast cancer comprising roughly 1 percent of all cases. A small percentage, sure, but no less serious. Second, if you are supposed to be spreading awareness about something, why exclude almost half of the population? Last year the cool thing to do on Facebook regarding breast cancer was to post the color of the bra you were wearing, but only the color of the bra. Again, it was a secret from boys; however, at least it had something to do with breasts! It is great that the generation of Facebook is spreading awareness of breast cancer, but they are not spreading it in an accurate or appropriate way. It seems like the idea of the whole “I like it on the (blank)” concept comes off more like promoting female sexuality in the place of a serious illness.
The status updates regarding this are promoting normative female sexuality to raise awareness against a disease that may require those who have it to get a mastectomy. Often people who get a mastectomy have their sexual appeal questioned. It would be a lot better to simply post, “I support breast cancer awareness.” Which is great, but at the same time, what kind of sane person does not support breast cancer awareness? The best thing you can do to spread breast cancer awareness is combine it with action. What people really need to do this month is do something. They could donate, they could volunteer, and they could participate in a walk or race to support breast cancer awareness. Actions are stronger than words, after all. While talking about breast cancer— as well as other worthy causes—is important and necessary to promote its awareness,z actions are equally—if not more—important. It is because of actions that there is research, not just with breast cancer, but with all cancers. It is because of actions that there is treatment, that there is funding, that there is awareness surrounding these very important issues. ■
Don’t ask, don’t tell in the classroom Beaverton Schools exercises discrimination ELISABETH WILSON
Tired of hearing about gay rights? Too bad. Gay rights are going to be an issue until gays have the same rights as heterosexuals—until gays can be open about their personal lives in the same way heterosexuals can. And we’re not there yet. Beaverton student-teacher Seth Stambaugh made national headlines a couple of weeks ago when he answered a Sexton Mountain Elementary student’s question about whether he was married or not. As Stambaugh explained to Emily Harris on OPB’s “Think Out Loud,” he answered honestly—he told the fourth grader no, that it was illegal for him to get married. When the student pressed him further, asking why (if it was because he was too young), Stambaugh
answered that it was because he would want to marry a man and that was illegal in the state of Oregon. A parent of another student caught wind of the exchange and asked that the teacher be dismissed. Lewis & Clark College, where Stambaugh is getting his teaching degree, then took Stambaugh out of Beaverton schools and began the lengthy, bureaucratic process of reassigning him. The decision to dismiss Stambaugh made a powerful example of how gays are still thought of as second-class citizens and are still not afforded the same basic rights as heterosexuals. Straight people are accustomed to gays being secretive and evasive when it comes to their personal lives and they are shocked and appalled when they’re not. The only way homosexuality is going to be demystified and normalized is by more gay people living by the same principles
as Stambaugh: honesty, frankness and openness. The Beaverton school district described Stambaugh’s response to the student’s questions as “inappropriate” and “unprofessional.” But as Stambaugh’s attorney Lake Perriguey told Emily Harris, the school district does not ask its heterosexual teachers to avoid discussing their marital status with the children. In fact, there was a program in another class at Sexton Mountain Elementary in which student teachers and full-time teachers brought in pictures of their fiancées and spouses to share. What was it about discussing his marital status, then, that was “inappropriate”? It was believed to be inappropriate merely because he was referencing the gay lifestyle, and because of a lack of wide-range mainstream inclusion or normalization of homosexuality, the gay lifestyle has been stereotyped, demon-
ized and deemed generally immoral and predatory. Some people believe that Stambaugh’s response was “too much information,” that he should have deflected, been evasive and answered the child with a simple “no” and redirected. But if a straight teacher were to discuss his/her marital status, even explained why they were married or why not, no one would think twice. David Wilkinson, president of the Beaverton Education Association, acknowledged the double standard when he told Angela Webber of the Portland Tribune, “As a heterosexual male, I can talk about my wife and our children. Our (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) members have been shown that they are not at liberty to discuss their personal lives in the same way.” Cathlene McGraw, coordinator of Queer Student Services, Outreach and Education at PSU, said, “You answer the
questions that they ask you. [They are] really basic facts—it is illegal for queer folks to get married. And children should be aware of that…the things he said are not untrue.”
Act prohibits employers from making employment decisions based on an employee’s sexual orientation. So there is an attempt at the federal level to ensure fairness in the work-
The decision to dismiss Stambaugh made a powerful example of how gays are still thought of as second-class citizens When gays are denied the right to speak openly about their personal lives the way heterosexuals do everyday, it is not only a question of fairness, it is a matter of liberty. Despite the fact that there are no laws in place to protect those who are not official employees of the school district, such as interns, volunteers or student teachers, the Employment Non-Discrimination
place where sexual orientation in concerned. The Beaverton School District is guilty of blatant disregard of that measure. Legislation aside, the real crime here is that a man attempted to use honesty with a child and was punished for it. Stambaugh was not lewd, crass or preachy. He merely spoke about the truth of his life and should not have been punished. ■
A time to take a stand China’s reaction to Peace Prize says all the world needs to know
Two weeks ago, most of the world hadn’t heard of Liu Xiaobo. Even in his home country of China, few people knew who he was. But on Oct. 8, 2010, Liu Xiaobo became the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel Peace Prize. He is also the first to receive this award while in prison. Liu, 54, is a Chinese dissident and human rights activist currently imprisoned for “subversion of state power”—specifically, for coauthoring the Charter 08 document calling for the end of communism in China and for greater freedoms for all its people. Although 300 people signed the document at the time of his arrest, Liu was the only one to be jailed for it. Upon receiving the news that Liu would be awarded the Nobel Prize, China immediately lashed out at the “western world.” China stated that awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to a “criminal” violated the principles of the award, and immediately following the announcement cancelled several meetings with Norway. Chinese officials did not inform Liu that he had won the award. His wife, Liu Xia, had to make a private visit to do so. She is now under house arrest, along with many other known Chinese dissidents. According to Dr. Bruce Gilley, assistant professor in the division of political science at Portland State University, China’s reaction is predictable, but not as severe as it could have been. “Compared to China’s reaction when the Dalai Lama won this prize, this is softer—less hostile,” Dr. Gilley said, referencing the exiled figure’s 1989 award. “This is partly because China has come to understand the need to act diplomatically on an international scale and partly because
Liu Xiaobo is not an ethnic minority.” Restrained though it might be, China’s reaction to Liu winning this award is still severe and unacceptable, according to Gilley, who specializes on the comparative politics of China and Asia. “It is a sign of a weak and insecure nation,” he says. “It brings China’s political system to the attention of the world at large and keeps China on the defensive on human rights.” China’s development and industrialization over the past 30 years has captivated much of the world’s attention. In the span of a few decades, this once-poor country has made great strides economically and industrially. The international community has watched China rise as a world power, sometimes with concern about its hubris. More often than not, however, its concern has been directed more toward the country’s treatment of its people. Human rights-wise, China has garnered a plethora of grievances from the world stage. Censorship, propaganda, restrictions on movement, politics and religion, the onechild policy, capital punishment, torture, and labor rights in China are just a few of the things that various groups feel violate human rights in China. Liu has always been an opponent of these violations in China. From the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 to the signing of Charter 08, Liu’s activism extends deeply into the world of human rights. He is an outspoken proponent of democracy in China, as well as the separation of state powers. He has been imprisoned four times, and is currently one year into an 11-year prison sentence. China’s reaction to Liu receiving the Nobel Peace Prize underlines the ongoing need for human rights campaigns in China—and for the rest of the world to stand up to this
growing superpower. Many Chinese exchange students at PSU refused to go on record with their opinions of China’s reaction to Liu’s award. Gilley finds this unsurprising.
“A Nobel Prize is an honor for any people or nation. That the Beijing government has managed to spin it otherwise and that everyone abroad is falling into line is shocking,” Gilley said. “But Chinese students here are aware that anything they say publically could harm their return to China, their status, their scholarships or their future careers. So it really isn’t that surprising that they don’t want to speak.” Chinese students and citizens may refuse to do so, but for the rest of the world, it is time to speak up and stand together against China’s attempts at repressing its people’s voices and pressuring the international community to give in to its demands. It is time to see the many human rights violations in China and support those dissidents
China fights so hard to silence. It is time to stand up for the people of China—not bow to its growing influence on the world stage. And that, says Gilley, starts at home. “As China’s power grows and its influence extends to places of higher
education like PSU, it is important that we live by our own principles and don’t play China’s games,” he said. “Otherwise, as we engage more and more closely with China, how can we maintain our academic freedoms and integrity?” It is time to stand. ■
The misgivings of Measure 75 IAN BELLAMY
Say no to private casinos Last Tuesday night’s poker game was a blast, but it definitely won’t help all of us. As the economy crumbles like a sugar cube in a cup of hot tea, most anyone would be willing to win big at the lottery. For now, the idea is to allow a private casino, by making a constitutional amendment. But wait, there’s more! The creation of permanent jobs (2,500, to be exact) and a much-needed boost for K–12 education—all this provided by a taxable gaming center, a 14-screen multiplex and two water parks. It is called Measure 75 and it’s in your voter’s pamphlet. Measure 75 promises to boost the economy and shovel money around as if it were as ubiquitous as dirt, but PSU students won’t see a dime of it. Of the allotted 50 percent of the casino’s profit to the State of Oregon, the majority of it would go to Oregon public schools, then to State Police and a small portion to programs for problem gamblers. Not only will it not directly benefit PSU students, but it may pose a competition to the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde’s gaming center, Spirit Mountain Casino. Tribal casinos funnel much of their revenue into social services, scholarships for students and infrastructure on reservation lands. “I’m very suspicious about the promises that they are making,” said Dean Azule of the Native American Student Services. “There are a lot of unanswered questions about exactly where the money will go.” Azule had received a scholarship years ago sponsored by a gaming center run by the Pima tribe, based in Arizona by the Gila River. According to Azule, casinos do provide the jobs that they promise, yet on a reservation it may sometimes be one of the only jobs available to the residents nearby. A lower clientele due to Wood Village’s competition may mean increased unemployment on native lands. The Oregon Lottery would perhaps experience a drop in revenue as well, and its income goes directly into the state fund, not halfway in someone’s pocket. Building a privately owned casino, water park and multiplex would be taxable and put money into private hands rather than to the nine nativerun casinos already in Oregon, which have a proven track record of community involve-
ment. There is also concern that local restaurants and entertainment would suffer due to the mystique of the Wood Village Center. An additional thought is that this privately run center could end up having less-than-local ties in the long run—what happens as the ownership changes? At the moment, it will be run by two Lake Oswego businessmen Bruce Studer and Matt Rossman—the same men who initiated the petition to call for the measure. The petition was passed around PSU’s campus earlier in the year and now that it’s on the ballot, with a chance of being passed by voters rather than the by Oregon State Legislature— this system allows voters to have the final say, but it can also be used by Congressmen as a copout from trying to pass a bill. One of the first things the measure mentions is all the great benefits it will have for the Oregon education system, which is in need of a boost. It appears that it makes a point of impressing upon the reader that Measure 75 is indeed for education funding, much less a constitutional amendment making way for the commission of private casinos. Yes On 75 even has its own website, www.goodfororegon. org, and also managed to get an ad on the front of the Sunday Oregonian last week. Someone is obviously pumping a lot of money into advertising, and that is concerning. Deeper into the measure, it also presents the state’s increasing commitment to a higherfunded police force to balance out crime caused by the casino. The Portland police force is strong enough as it is, so I hope that its increased funding would be only directed toward the influx of people around Wood Village. Still, that is unlikely. Prostitutes wouldn’t be lining the streets and the mafia wouldn’t be there with tommy guns, but the police force may get new riot gear. There are a lot of financial considerations that come with 75, but there are still better ways of making money for the state. Money from casino revenues could be better spent at other places such as local manufacturing, Oregon-based companies, etc. Gaming is not a stable basis for an economy. If the state is in such dire need of cash, why not a slight sales tax? This measure is a way for Oregonians to add to the state fund without raising taxes. Just because a petitioner says it’s for the greater good, or for the kids, doesn’t mean the trade-off is worth it. Think before you sign. And especially think before you vote. ■
“ I like to play blackjack. I’m not addicted to gambling. I’m addicted to sitting in a semi-circle.” —Mitch Hedberg
ONLINE COMMENTS The story doesn’t stop when the print hits the page. Don’t like something you read in the Vanguard? Want us to cover a story? Do you feel there is more to be said? You have the opportunity to praise us or rip us apart here at the Vanguard. Post a comment online or write us a letter. Tell us what you think. Here are some online highlights from www.psuvanguard.com.
Clients of CPSO
CPSO does not look at the students as “their clients” [“Senate says students should pay less for CPSO,” Oct. 12]. What an outrageous statement that Soto makes. There is a track record of the “officers” i.e. guards, that reflects—based on their abusive treatment of students—to directly refute the statement. PLEASE, if the student fees are to pay for them, how about making them more professional and accountable to the student body. How about contracting a real protection force that will provide a more positive presence on the campus. —Doug
Watch out for Doug
Doug keeps writing comments negative about CPSO [“Senate says students should pay less for CPSO,” Oct. 12]. Must have had his poor behavior interrupted by
CPSO. Beware the wrath of the mighty Doug, CPSO, he is going to libel you right out of PSU. —Anonymous
Where student fees go
Students don’t have a problem with CPSO, the problem is that Student Fees are paying for a large share of their budget [“Senate says students should pay less for CPSO,” Oct. 12]. I think the university should own Campus Safety and pay for it in full. I can’t see how they justify nickel and diming student fees for 16 percent of CPSO’s budget when the SMSU is 1 out of approx. 50 buildings. It’s another example of how more costs are shifted to students at a “public” university. —Anonymous
Someone needs to look up what “tabloid format” means…
I like the way Wikipedia describes “The Daily Vanguard.” Here it is straight from Wikipedia: “The tabloid format newspaper...” If I were a member of its staff I would work to change that description to a more legitimate format instead of basking in the fetid glow of being a tabloid rag. This piece is just another example of the crap writing and minimally fact checked garbage I come to expect from the Vanguard. If they used a better qual-
ity paper I could at least use it in the restroom, but alas, it is only fit to line my bird’s cage. The Daily Vanguard, talk about a waste of student fees. [“Cold as steel,” Oct. 14] —Anonymous
Illegal people
Hector Lopez’s father not only managed to come here without knowing the language, but illegally as well. So why can’t Hector return to the country where he is a citizen? And guess what—if he can’t earn a living in Mexico, with his knowledge of English and a high school diploma, then he sure wouldn’t be able to earn one here [“The inhuman decision,” Oct. 12]. —Anonymous Students should have given feedback Moodle was considered, and the committee was open to student feedback at the forums offered during the consideration phase [“Editorial: Just pick one already,” Oct. 14.] —Anonymous
Why choose PSU?
And this is why PSU is my college of choice [“The Rant and Rage: Marriage issues are so gay,” Oct. 8]. —Anonymous
Memorial ceremony to be held on Oct. 31 “I kept all her handouts,” said Caroline Bleckmann, a social worker who graduated from PSU in 2001 and took a class taught by Schlaps. “She was very approachable and down to earth. One thing that sticks out for me is that she would give you a page of feedback with every paper she graded,” Bleckmann said. Schlaps met Hunter at PSU, where he was an assistant professor. Like Schlaps, Hunter’s PSU career was long-term. In 1978 he earned his MSW degree at PSU, and in 1987 he implemented a training program at PSU for professionals working with families. He finished his Ph.D. in 1997, and he was a key player in the founding of the Child Welfare Partnership. Three years ago, he married Schlaps in Manzanita. Hunter was 56 years old and the director of the Child Welfare Education Program when he died. Scott Sage, a social worker who took graduate classes from Hunter, remembers Hunter’s passionate views about social change and institutional change. “He talked a lot about non-violence…he talked about slowly tweaking the system in a non-radical way, not going out and burning buildings,” Sage said. Members of the small community of Manzanita were stunned by the Hunter-Schlaps case. Gary Anderson, a clerk at Manzanita Fresh Foods, said, “I didn’t see this coming at all…I think somebody murdered them, personally.” Fresh Foods is down the road from the Hunter-Schlaps residence on Manzanita Avenue, and the couple would stop at the store once or twice a day, according to Anderson. “We talked a lot about Laughing Horse Books,” Anderson said, referring to a bookstore in Portland featuring left-wing political titles. “I just drove by their house…they’re cleaning it out. It was totally bizarre. I didn’t even take Richard for a gun enthusiast.” Nathan Crook, the produce manager at Fresh Foods, said that Hunter was “the nicest guy [he’d] ever met.” However, Crook noticed that Richard began to withdraw two or three months before his death. “I knew something was going on…I just didn’t know what,” Crook said. Crook was frustrated by the work of the police on the case. Both he and his boss told police in multiple interviews that the last time they saw Schlaps was on Friday, Sept. 8. However, the final police report stated that the murder-suicide took place on Aug. 31 or Sept. 1. Aside from being affiliated with PSU, Schlaps and Hunter were also known for their work at Ffotograffi, the art business that the couple operated in Manzanita. Bonnie Speer, the owner of the Art Happens gallery, last saw Hunter and Schlaps on Aug. 26, when she and her husband had dinner with them.
Remembering friends: Bonnie Speer (left) and Astrid Schlaps (right) were friends for several years before Schlaps passed away in September.
Speer was particularly close to Schlaps. “She walked into my shop six years ago, and we’ve been best friends ever since…she was wonderful, she was quirky, she was moody at times,” Speer said. “She could take a picture of weeds and turn it into a work of art.” Though Speer was aware that the two were prolific at PSU, the couple led a quiet life in Manzanita. “They were academics, but they didn’t exude that here,” Speer said. Speer was shocked when news of the couple’s death hit Manzanita, and she still isn’t satisfied with the police report. “They were the most gentle souls I ever met,” Speer said. Speer said that Hunter’s background working with law enforcement to lead suspected child molesters to admissions of guilt might have put him in the path of unsavory characters.
“They called him ‘the confessor,’” Speer said. “We’re left with this murder-suicide story. I don’t believe it.” Faculty at the School of Social Work miss the couple’s presence on campus. “They were both wonderful professors…students went out of their way to take classes from [them],” said Katharine Cahn, executive director of the Child Welfare Partnership. “I say, ‘Let’s focus on the positive impact they had on our community. Let the police deal with the mystery.’” Melanie Sage, a student who finished her dissertation in social work last June under the direction of Hunter, created an “In Memorium” blog which attracts about 100 visitors a day. It can be found at www.richard-astrid.blogspot.com. At PSU, students and faculty are responding to the tragedy with a memorial service, planned for Oct. 31. ■
Artists Repertory Theatre could save this production. Somehow—and really, I’m not quite sure how—a play about such riveting and inspiring subject matter as racial integration and civil disobedience is boring and hard to watch. Within two minutes, it became painfully clear that my decision to spend Saturday evening as a “Hillsboro” audience member was a mistake. The culprit could be Banyas’ performance, which feels immensely awkward and forced. Her wide eyes and loopy gesturing make her seem completely unaccustomed to the stage, as though everything about her performance—even her blinks—is mechanical, either a memory trigger for her own lines and choreography or a cue for those of others. Banyas sticks out like a sore thumb against the backdrop of her all-female supporting cast, each member of which is gifted with great and natural stage presence. Most notable are the performances of K.B. Mercer and Jennifer Lanier, who each deftly and convincingly portray a variety of characters. Mercer has performed with Artists Repertory Theatre
before, and Lanier is an apparent newcomer to the Portland stage, according to the “Hillsboro” playbill. But even though Mercer and Lanier handle their multiple roles so well, representing the gamut from schoolteachers to mothers to fathers to lawyers to teenage girls to the elderly with both control and charisma, the scattered characters are hard to follow. Consequently, the plotline is hard to follow. Our point of reference is the young Banyas, who does not resurface consistently enough to hold the narrative together and who—regretfully—seems more childish than naïve; it seems that civil rights stories told from the perspective of a white child are best left to Harper Lee. There is no doubt in my mind that Hillsboro, Ohio, offers an interesting story. Banyas spent years interviewing residents of her hometown, working hard to sift truth from hearsay and uncover the facts that set Hillsboro apart from (and simultaneously link it to) other American towns. To assemble her narrative, Banyas pulled excerpts from these interviews as well as from newspaper articles, judicial opinions, political speeches, a biography of Rosa Parks and the memoir of Philip Partridge, the white man who lit Hillsboro’s decrepit black elementary school on fire after the Hillsboro Board of Education decided to ignore the Brown ruling and postpone integration. Perhaps the Hillsboro story would have been better served if told from the perspective of Partridge, who was forced to plead insanity and even so was convicted of arson,
While there are legitimate questions as to the economic sustainability of Portland’s artisan economy, its social sustainability became apparent as the evening unfolded. Hopworks Urban Brewery was on hand with samples of various local brews, while Grand Central Bakery provided a variety of breads that the sensible visitor may have needed to counter an enthusiastic sampling of winter ale. New Deal Distillery was on hand with samples of its lovely vodkas, gins and infused liqueurs. There was coffee provided by Ristretto Roasters, because it is Portland, after all. “Just getting to this evening and having the book done is a huge accomplishment,” Kenny Hanour said. Hanour is the managing editor at Ooligan Press, as well as the project manager for “Brew to Bikes.” “When you consider how many people were involved in this project and the fact that it is a learning environment for so many of us, it’s very satisfying just to finish a book like this. To have so many people come out and celebrate with us is a nice bonus.” Local custom bicycle-frame builder Tony Pereira was on hand to show off one of his award-winning creations, a custom-built bicycle with an integrated u-lock, rear light and many other masterful details. Pereira is a perfect example of why Portland’s artisan economy thrives. He is not
only a craftsman, but also one who has an absolute passion for what he does. It is as apparent in the detailing of his creations as it is in his demeanor when he speaks about them. That passion extends from his craft to the creation, as well as to the customers who share his passion for bicycles. The commerce comes last for Pereira and many others like him, and that is precisely why he is successful. It is also the most compelling argument against the notion that Portland’s economy could never be artisan-based. Artisans comprise a very important and unique aspect of our local economy, and they should be celebrated, supported and admired. The immutable laws of economics, however, indicate that there is only one scenario in which our economy would become artisan-based, and that would be in a windblown dystopian hellscape. With success and growth, the artisan economy becomes less the former and so much more the latter. New Seasons Market, a local company chronicled in “Brew to Bikes,” began in 1999 and quickly become “the friendliest store in town.” With a mandate that included staying local and privately owned, the company has enjoyed massive success, buoyed by support from the local community. But one new mantra within the company suggests that these artisans are taking their act on the road.
Scattered, boring and hard to watch Artists Rep’s “Hillsboro Story” is a major disappointment ANDREA VEDDER VANGUARD STAFF
his is a play about Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark 1954 case in which the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the segregation of public schools is inherently unequal, and therefore unconstitutional and illegal; the case is the event many consider the first major step in the American Civil
Rights movement. This is also a play about Hillsboro, Ohio, a small town that—like many small towns in America (including Portland)—has its own, highly personalized story about the struggle for desegregation. And perhaps most importantly, this is a play about a little girl named Susan Banyas. That little girl grew up in 1950s Hillsboro, observing societal changes she didn’t yet understand, and then moved on to earn an MA in performance and documentary art and wrote, directed and starred in this play, “The Hillsboro Story.” Not even the resources of
Spare no expense: From left: Jennifer Lanier, K.B. Mercer, Susan Banyas and LaVerne Green sit on stage, awash in the glow of righteous desegregation.
Books, beer, bikes and booze Celebrating our artisan economy in pre-apocalyptic Portland
ast Saturday evening, a bevy of local artisans gathered in southeast Portland to celebrate the launch of “Brew to Bikes.” The new book celebrates our local artisan economy while musing on the more romantic aspects of embracing such an economic trend. The book’s author is Charles Heying, Portland State assistant professor of urban studies, who turned this exploration of our
community into a uniquely communal endeavor. “Brew to Bikes” was a collaborative effort between many departments at PSU, with students and faculty involved at every level of development. The book was published by Ooligan Press, a teaching press founded in 2001 and staffed by PSU students pursuing master degrees in the department of English. “Charles started working on this book several years ago,” said Alyson Hoffman, manager of operations at Ooligan Press. “He and his graduate students each wrote their own chapters on Portland’s artisan economy. Ooligan has been involved with the project for about a year and a half, which is a fairly typical timeline for us to work on a book.” Ooligan is a completely student-run, non-profit organization, and is part of the graduate student program in book publishing at PSU. “Brew to Bikes” is part of its “OpenBook” series, which aims to produce books that are ecologically, economically and socially sustainable.
A sign of things to come: A distraught LaVerne Greene holds a sign with gusto.
or from the perspective of a black child denied entry to the school they were supposed to attend. Perhaps “Hillsboro” could succeed, presented from Banyas’ perspective, if the story were only more firmly rooted in her childhood experience. Perhaps the fix would be as simple as replacing Banyas with a more talented performer. Whatever “Hillsboro” needs, it’s not going to arrive by next weekend. Save yourself the $20 ticket price and stay home, or channel the play’s good and generous spirit and donate
the $20 you might have spent on this production to a more worthy cause. “The Hillsboro Story” is approximately 90 minutes long, and there are cast and crew talkbacks after every performance. ■
“Twenty by ’20” is a stated goal of theirs for opening 20 stores by the year 2020. After recently taking on capital from outside investors for the first time, the company appears poised to begin exporting their local brand to other communities. While the extent to which our artisan economy will thrive remains to be seen, the process that brought “Brew to Bikes” to bookshelves is a
model of community in itself. Dozens of people from the PSU community dedicating themselves to this celebration of what people can do when they decide to do it themselves. It’s an exercise in idealism that romanticizes the possibilities while demonstrating the practicality. More information can be found at www.ooliganpress. pdx.edu. ■
“Hillsboro Story” Artists Repertory Theatre 1515 SW Morrison St. Thurs–Sun 7:30 p.m. Sundays 2 p.m. Runs through Oct. 24 $20 students
Sweater vest and plaid: Charles Heying, A Portland hipster from way back, signs a book while his solo cup beckons. His book does not contain this photo, but it should.
Midterms never smelled so good
Among thousands of possible costumes this month, it appears that “slut” is your only option
Taking the stress out of school with Lush AMANDA BENTLEY VANGUARD STAFF
Every time I ask someone how they’re doing, I seem to get one common response: Everyone is stressed out. Between homework and procrastination finally catching up to us and the approaching midterms, it’s time to find a healthy and rewarding way to cope. Instead of turning to cigarettes, insane amounts of chocolate or other not-so-beneficial ways to deal, consider taking some time to pamper yourself with good-quality products that will reduce your stress levels while improving your skin. Lush, a company that produces hand-made soaps and body products out of fresh, organic ingredients, carries plenty of supplies that will reduce stress and help you come to grips with any midterm. Their Golden Slumbers bath bomb contains lavender sprigs and oil that will melt away negative energy as it dissolves in your bath. This product is completely vegan and runs $6.35. It will help ease your cares while relieving tension, making for a rejuvenating night’s sleep, so you can be refreshed to put in a full day of studying the next morning. Their Dreamtime bath melt will also relax your body while softening your skin. It contains jasmine, lavender and sandalwood to calm and rejuvenate while hydrating. If you are looking for a fun, productive way to take a break from studying, why not invite a couple of friends over for a facial mask party? Or, to enhance your studying experience, enjoy the soothing effects of a facial while cramming for your midterm. Their Cupcake mask is a delicious way to indulge. It’s completely vegan and has a rich chocolate smell. This mask is perfect for oily skin and provides a calorie-free way to satisfy your chocolate craving. One pot runs $6 and contains about four masks’ worth. Split this between a couple friends, and there’s no excuse not to enjoy this guiltfree chocolate product. Just a word of warning though: This product does need to be refrigerated, so if you happen to have some left over, be sure
and tell your roommate it’s not pudding, or they could be in for a not-so-sweet surprise. Between school, lack of sleep and the onset of flu season, it’s pretty safe to bet that you’ll most likely get sick in the near future. Fortunately, Lush has a product that will help ease the inconvenience. Their shower bomb, Too Drunk, is meant to cure hangovers by using peppermint oil for pain relief and reducing mental fatigue. It also contains fennel oil to increase focus and concentration. This powerful product releases a strong peppermint smell, perfect for clearing out your sinuses and soothing your head. Too Drunk provides a way to start your day off a little clearer, de-
spite feeling horrible from the flu (or too much partying). If for some reason you’re a superhuman and are immune to stress and sickness, there are still some fun products for you. Lush just put out their limited edition “Day of the Dead” line. It contains bright Calacas, which are skull-shaped shower jellies. There is the Lady Catrina soap molded in the shape of a huge bonnet, topped with flowers and fruits. Then there’s the Calavera bath bomb. Spanish for “skull,” this bath bomb is filled with marigolds, which are said to attract the souls of those who have passed on in Mexican culture. They are celebrating the Day of the Dead on Oct. 30 and
31 from noon–5 p.m. There will be sugar skull decorating as well as a Calavera Costume Contest where you can win a stash of the limited edition Day of the Dead items. Lush offers satisfyingly indulgent products for any budget, so take a well-deserved study break and pamper yourself. Whether you’re buried in homework, fighting off the flu or just want to treat yourself, this store carries an array of products that will improve your mood and your skin ■
Lush 708 NW 23rd Ave. Sat 10–8 p.m., Sunday 10-7 p.m. www.lush.com
Don't let that chocolate bar fool you: Abra Patkotak shows us just how easily their cupcake mask can be confused for a bowl of Dr. Oetker's chocolate mousse. We advise that you do not store it with a real chocolate bar unless you like accidentally eating cosmetics.
f you want to see some truly horrifying Halloween imagery, type “teen costumes” into any search engine. Unless preteen girls wearing outfits that would make seasoned veterans of the Vegas strip blush are your thing (in which case, e-mail us your name, address and a recent photo and we’ll be right over with the “help” you need), you’ll be pretty scared. Among the thousands of possible costume options for women and teen girls and hundreds for even younger girls, nearly all of them feature a highly sexualized theme. Buycostumes.com sells “Naughty and Nice” toddler costumes, a “Miss Wonderland” child costume with mini skirt and corset bodice, a “Little Bo Peep” tween costume with corset bodice and black fishnets and sexualized versions of popular children’s characters for adult women (Ninja Turtles, Cookie Monster, SpongeBob, etc.). What is so wrong with all of this? Isn’t it all just in fun? Not as far as the American Psychological Association Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls is concerned. In 2007 it found compelling evidence that when girls and young women are sexualized—and worse, when they learn to sexualize themselves—they experience lower self-esteem and higher levels of depression and discomfort with their own bodies, thus undermining their ability to participate as full citizens. Sharon Lamb, who co-wrote the task force’s report, says that from dolls dressed in black leather skirts and go-go boots to selling the glamorous life of Hannah Montana to tweens and young girls, the media is pushing boundaries
and forcing girls to grow up far too soon. According to Diane Levin, author of “So Sexy So Soon,” the problem is not just the sexualization of young girls, but also the pressure grown women feel to be sexy. Each message reinforces the other and encourages women to regard their looks as paramount to their identity. Women have been sold exploitation as actualization for centuries (stripper culture, etc.), but selling it to young girls was a masterstroke for every industry that thrives on selling women something to make their bodies into an attractive commodity. It’s blatantly offensive to collegeaged and older women, but younger girls have effectively been too inundated by the marketing to know the difference. In fact, much of the infiltration of sexuality into children’s Halloween costumes appears to be part of the commercialization of the 1990s “Girl Power” movement. It started out as an aim to empower young girls to be themselves and then as the message went corporate, it turned into “empowering” young girls to be sexual (and buy all the things that would enable that). So what can you do? Simple: Don’t wear a sexy Halloween costume. If you are an adult woman making a choice to be sexy, that is one thing. But when extremely young girls wear costumes that are sexualized, they have no context to understand what they are exemplifying or what the implications are. Take a stand, make a real empowering choice and reject the idea that you are only worth what your ass looks like in a toddlersized Peter Pan costume with fishnets and platform stripperboots. Set an example for your sisters and younger friends. Change starts with you and you can make a difference. See the Facebook event “NOT WEARING A ‘SEXY’ HALLOWEEN COSTUME” and check out the links listed there for more information. ■
On the style of Pile
Pile's mysterious jungle gym: If magic isn't real, then how does this little girl have antlers?
and long time musician-of-alltrades Ninja delivers his Afrikaans-drenched rhymes with whip-smart sharpness and a disjointed staccato quality not often employed in the American hip-hop scene. The closest comparison I can make would be a far filthier Eminem all grown up (and after he smoked packs of cigarettes a day). Die Antwoord finally sixThe Ninja’s counterpart, the releases “$O$” deliciously named giftige cherrie Yo-landi Vi$$er, sounds stateside very close to what you’d expect REBEKAH HUNT to hear if someone fed a guinea VANGUARD STAFF pig some crack and taught it a bunch of filthy words. I do or those of you unfamil- mean that in the most compliiar with South African mentary way possible. I swear rap-rabble-rousers Die to god, you cannot stop listenAntwoord, did you ing once her vocals start. The enjoy the cave on the moon childish, cooing quality of her you have been living in with voice paired with the gangsteryour eyes closed and your rap bravado and downright fingers in your ears? Cold up aggression of her rhymes is there? For the rest of you, an otherworldly experience at the performance artists/allleast. I absolutely believe she around rascals you know and is a butterfly, but I’ll still be love from the “all up in the damned if I’d give her any lip. interweb” have finally released For those of you unfamiliar with the original release, you won’t notice anything askew, but for the rest of you; let me talk about the major changes. Most immediately noticeable is the cutting of the original YouTube intro “Whatever Man,” but that lasts 10 seconds and isn’t a huge loss. A bit harder IMAGE COURTESY CHERRY TREE/INTERSCOPE RECORDS to swallow is the exclusion of the the U.S. version of their 2009 caustic “Wat Pomp?” which record “$0$.” was one of the best tracks on If you honestly managed to the original and featured vocals miss them somehow, here’s by Jack Parow, another up-andwhat to expect: Frontman coming (and definitely worth
Pile releases newest album, “Magic Isn’t Real”
hearing) Afrikaans rapper. The track is available as a bonus, but word has it Jack’s verse was cut. Even more baffling is the exclusion of “Very Fancy” and “Liewe Maatjies,” two other standout tracks, in favor of “Rich Bitch,” which is arguably the worst song on the record. “Evil Boy,” “Fish Paste,” “In Your Face” and “She Makes Me a Killer” are all new to this version of the record, and while they are all strong tracks in their own right, the overall product is less focused and loses some of the cohesion and a lot of the endearing quirkiness of the original release. However, while it’s a shinier package with more mass appeal, the off-the-deep-end charm does remain and that’s really the important thing. If you’ve read any reviews of Die Antwoord that weren’t full of self-righteous shock over them not being “real” enough (nice detective work, guys! You must have been on the Internet researching for upwards of six minutes!), you’ve probably read the reviews full of selfrighteous shock over their lyrical content. Pardon me if I fail to stifle a gigantic yawn. I hate to bring up Eminem twice in any 24-hour period, but this is all the same tired moral grandstanding and attacks on a strange new sound that critics levied at him. Sometimes a shrill voice and some hairraisingly vile imagery are just good marketing. Sometimes it makes a damn good record. This happens to be both. ■
“$O$“ Die Antwoord Cherry Tree/Interscope Out now
he members of Bostonbased post-punk rock band Pile appear at first to be quite an unlucky cluster of humans. Singer Rick Macquire’s baldness gives way to an angular intimidation of a mustache; Drummer Kris Kuss’ plump body and furry face says, “Hi, please hug me,” and bassist Matt Becker’s longish black hair and similarly unnerving mustache give his awkward countenance a subtle exoticism. “Excited and anxious and nervous and stoked,” the band is off in tour journeyland to promote its newest album, “Magic Isn’t Real”— they play Athens, Ga., tonight. Setting aside all the visual stimulants this band has to offer, let’s dissect its musical offerings. “Magic Isn’t Real” has a multitude of themes throughout the 10 tracks and half an hour of recording, including fully fleshed exhaustion of dynamism. Almost every song on this album breaks down to the most sincere of simplicities and rises, quickly and with great force, into driving, smashing beats and scream-filled distortion. For example: Toward the end of “Pets,” there’s a sweet breakdown that is at first built up with drumstick tapping and a folksy kind of guitar picking, then the bass slides
in on all fours, the drums pick up momentum and BAM! The listener is smacked in the face with an epic release of a most honest humanness. Another theme is the dramatic-ending tactic, where it literally sounds like the band ran out of ideas and decided to randomly and abruptly end the song, mid-thought. More than three of its tracks end in such a fashion. This record seems to be more influenced by punk rock than any of their other albums, having but one lonely pseudo-ballad and one pseudosymphonic euphoric tune— both of which are respectively within the confines of the style of Pile. “Magic Isn’t Real” has a lot of similarities with the crunchy, punchy, twangy guitar thing of Modest Mouse, and riffs that are particularly and almost shamefully similar to the Pixies, like in the song “Don’t Touch Anything.” At other times, as in the songs “Came as a Glow” (a play on Modest Mouse’s “Came as a Rat”?) and “Sweat Lodge,” Becker’s bass lines play on a simplistic uninhibited catchiness that is reminiscent of Rage Against the Machine. Every song, at one point or another, releases a heart-wrenching explosion of drum-guitar-bass-vocal orgasm. So if you’re into that, this may be the album for you. Macquire’s vocals are so incredibly versatile that while at times he’ll sound like Issac Brock, at other times he’ll sound like Thom Yorke. He plays with slow and drawnout drunken-sounding drone
vocals as well as the deeply effective portrayal of despair that is his scream. Also in “Don’t Touch Anything,” there is a curious little ’50s-feel doowop ooh-ing chorus behind Macquire’s repetitious lead vocal line, “won’t tell a soul.” Another curious vocal embodiment is in “Away in a Rainbow!” a song like puzzle pieces, where Macquire decides to sing in a high-pitched girlish timbre, in between wretched screams, of course, and the result is slightly demonic. In “Octopus” he sings in a sliding way, sliding up to and out of each pitch, though it is hard to say if this in intentional or not. The final song is a oneminute and 21-second distortion-driven, double bass, glowing, moaning, fast-paced machine. Vocals wandering, drums and bass punching, guitar kickboxing, “Sweat Lodge” ends unsuspectingly quick and the listener is likely to feel a bit intoxicated, ruthlessly used or maybe just confused, whichever way the turkey wanders. Regardless, “Magic Isn’t Real” would be a winning record to play at a house party stuffed full of youths desiring to move their bodies until sweat permeates the very walls that surround them. Or perhaps it would make fitting background music for staring at an empty beach, alone, in a running car. ■
“Magic Isn’t Real” Pile Galaxy Park Studios Out now
Wiseau expands from room to house and can’t afford the laughs Tommy strikes out with “The House that Drips Blood on Alex” INES KUNA VANGUARD STAFF
Tommy Wiseau is one of the few American men I have met with a French-German-head trauma accent. With his sunken jet-black hair and uncanny method of wooing women, Wiseau has successfully risen as a cult classic hero for his masterpiece “The Room” (2003, directed by, written by, produced by and starring Tommy Wiseau).
Wiseau: Perhaps a more appropriate title would have been "The House That Drips Blood on Alex For Minutes."
Although produced in 2003, Wiseau has just away the plot that ends in an un-foreshadrecently become a media sensation, perhaps with owed twist featuring Wiseau in an emothe help of his debut on “Tim and Eric Awesome tional and self-centered display (what do Show, Great Job!” as season four’s pig-man hybrid you expect?). The friend is used as a foil to looking for love, intriguing some viewers to see unnecessarily emphasize Alex’s lack of intellect, which climaxes when he refers to himwhat kind of feature film he could muster up. “The Room” is a story about a man who self as “a little girl.” The clichéd excessive evil works a bank job to support his wife, a non- laughter in the beginning adds little. Tommy sold his soul on this one. We are existent fetus, and the 30-year-old man-child neighbor, Denny. The film starts out as a soft- Whatever your perception of Wiseau, core porn but quickly spins into a drama “The Room” indisputably wins the which deals with several unofficial award for the best worst delicate issues such as betrayal, sex, drugs and film of our generation. breast cancer. Three types of people leave the theater after left with two conclusions after seeing this: watching “The Room”: those who wonder how Wiseau has sold his genius to the media mona sedated, socially incompetent, Neanderthal- keys who are fruitlessly striving to make anyesque man could budget a $6 million film, thing nearly as hilarious and subtle but horthose who believe a genius with a marketable rific as “The Room,” or Studio8 has just taken ploy is among us, and those for whom it just advantage of a poor man with no understanding doesn’t matter. Whatever your perception of of social cues. Though it clearly attempts to replicate the Wiseau, “The Room” indisputably wins the unofficial award for the best worst film of our persona of “The Room’s” main character Johnny, Alex’s overly crafted lines destroy any generation. When Wiseau paid a personal visit to Portland sense of sincerity and fresh improvisational fans at Cinema 21, the Q-and-A resulted in no quality that “The Room” had. “The House mention of any further projects. As it appeared, That Drips Blood on Alex” is a worse move we were blessed with “The Room,” and what for Comedy Central than replaying “Malibu’s Most Wanted” every other day. more could one really ask for? I would highly suggest that “Room” fans This 14th of October, Wiseau was featured on Comedy Central in a short written by Stu- see the film, as it resonates some important dio8 entitled “The House that Drips Blood questions about the metamorphosis that on Alex.” I was about to just shut it off until occurs when fame sets in. For those who I noticed that it was a bearable 12 minutes have never seen “The Room,” don’t waste long. The film, which is neither mock-artsy your time. ■ nor scary, and certainly anything but tastefully humorous, could have been 12 minutes The House That Drips Blood On Alex better spent doing anything else. Studio8 Wiseau plays a slightly deranged Alex, out now whose best friend is somehow supportive and completely rational. Essentially, the title gives
Stuffed pasta with toasted breadcrumbs and sage A special, yet rather simple meal KAT VETRANO VANGUARD STAFF
There are few things easier—or more delicious—than a bowl of pasta dressed just right. This particular recipe is a little decadent, perhaps more of a weekend meal than an average school night dinner. It would be simple to tweak this in a healthier direction; just simply sub the breadcrumbs and pasta for wholewheat versions and skip the butter step. Either way you choose to make it, this meal is special. There is elegance from the sage, and something extremely satisfying from the breadcrumbs. If you’ve never tried pasta with breadcrumbs, you’re in for a treat—it’s extremely simple, but rewarding, because it is reminiscent of a breaded meat dish. Substantial and satisfying, this dish is a reward to yourself, or simply double it for those you consider good company.
• 4 ounces stuffed pasta, fresh or frozen (I used cheese ravioli) • 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil • 4 heaping tablespoons of breadcrumbs • 1 teaspoon of unsalted butter • 5 leaves of sage, torn into small pieces
Bring a small saucepan to a boil. When bubbles first appear, add salt generously. Add pasta, and if frozen bring to a simmer. If you are using fresh pasta, follow instructions on the package. Simmer pasta for 4–6 minutes, or until cooked through (taste a piece to check). Meanwhile, heat a small skillet to medium and add the olive oil. When the oil is warm, add breadcrumbs to the pan. Move the breadcrumbs around in the pan with a spatula for a minute or so, until all the oil is gone and the breadcrumbs are deeper brown color. Place pasta in a bowl, add butter and mix until melted. Top with the sage leaves and breadcrumbs. Season with salt and pepper and eat immediately. Serves one.
LISTEN UP! Our own ISSA certified trainer/ staff writer Rian Evans starts his online beginner’s gym guide today! If you’ve ever thought about hitting the gym, but don’t know where to start, make sure you check out www.dailyvanguard.com for some helpful hints on how to get in there and maximize your performance and potential!
SPORTS Vikings handle Bears, Lumberjacks EDITOR: ROBERT BRITT SPORTS@DAILYVANGUARD.COM 503-725-4538
Killing it: Sophomore outside hitter Megan Ellis tallied 18 kills and 19 digs in PSU's two wins over the weekend.
Volleyball stays atop conference standings with twowin weekend MADISON BEARD VANGUARD STAFF
Portland State women’s volleyball continued its hot streak over the weekend as it handed Northern Colorado its first conference loss, 3-2, on Friday
before sweeping Northern Arizona, 3-0, on Saturday. With the victories, the Vikings extend their winning streak to four games. Friday night brought the Big Sky Conference’s top two women’s volleyball teams together for a back-and-forth battle that ended in a five-set win for Portland State. The Vikings (12-7, 7-1 Big Sky) used home-court advantage to enter the game with a competitive
attitude, channeling high energy and momentum off one another. Senior middle blocker Lana Zielke described the feeling of knocking the top team in the league down a peg. “It’s always a great feeling when you put in a lot of hard work and it pays off,” Zielke said. “We had a great week of preparation—practicing hard, working on our own systems— and it paid off because we came off with a big win.”
Dance Club emphasizes fun and connections Providing enjoyable learning experience is club’s top priority JASON LIAO VANGUARD STAFF
erk up your ears around room 441 of the Campus Rec Center on any given Friday night and you’ll hear voices whispering repetitively, “5-6-7-8...12-3-4-5-6-7-8.” On the surface, you can imagine The Count from Sesame Street vocalizing these
numbers. Looking in the direction of the enumeration, however, reveals a dozen students busting a move to their step counts. These are the members of Portland State’s Dance Club. The club is specifically for partner dances like salsa, blues and west coast swing. There has been some variation of the club for the past eight years, including a competitive Latindance team, but this year’s club is aiming to create more of a learning ambience than a competitive one. “The main point of being in our club is to just have fun and make connections with
the music, with other people and to connect with the style of dance,” said Missy Chen, club officer. The club’s social dance coach, Cassie Winter, brings a bit of tradition and experience to the learning environment. Winter joined a variation of the dancer’s club at Portland State a few years ago and has learned many dances through classes and social dances she’s attended in the past. Many of the social dances she’s attended in the past have had drop-in dance lessons, which helped to build her dance knowledge. If Winter had her way, the club would have a social dance environment.
Although the Viks started with a 1-0 lead due to a Bears set mistake, Northern Colorado (16-5, 7-1 Big Sky) gained the next point with a kill by Kelley Arnold setting the score 1-1. This tug-of-war beginning set the pace for the rest of the match as Portland State and Northern Colorado bargained back and forth for points, keeping a close distance of score. The Vikings were able to keep a lead in the set until Northern Colorado tied it back up with a kill by UNC’s Kelley Arnold putting the score at 24-24. The first set came to an end with UNC taking the win, 27-25, from late attack errors by Vikings’ Zielke and senior middle blocker and outside hitter Christie Hamilton. In the second set, Portland State boosted the momentum and began playing a quicker game. Taking the lead from the get-go with a kill by Zielke, Portland State continued to advance with Phillips stepping up and contributing 10 kills, leading the Vikings to a 25-20 victory over UNC. Portland struggled to make effective blocks when it came to Northern Colorado’s Kelley Arnold who had a total of 21 kills in set three. Arnold’s hits were being consistently pushed through the seams of PSU blockers, leaving the back row vulnerable to pick up hard drops and deteriorating the Viking’s communication. “They run a very quick offense and they spread their offense out pretty well, which is tough to defend,” Zielke said. “If they’re running it, and running it quick, it allows them to get past our block and then you’re relying a lot on defense.” Senior Diana Villalpando maintained great focus and direction and picked up a solid 14 digs in the backcourt. This defense was key in the third set due to Northern Colorado’s quick offense and skilled hitting around set blocks. Portland State’s attempt to catch up wasn’t enough, though, and the Bears took the third set, 25-22, with a kill from Brittany Crenshaw to the back right of the Vikings’ court.
“It’d be best if we made this club like a social dance where everybody could just have fun while still occasionally learning from us. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough members to make that happen.” Winter says her interest in dance stems from watching the reality show “So You Think You Can Dance” and seeing all the spectacular moves that the contestants are able to pull off. She explains that those moves and other factors definitely make dance a sport. “Just like any other athlete, [dancers] get hurt and bleed and sprain things,” Winter said. “I remember, not too long ago, a sports facility test came out that showed that contestants on ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ were just as athletic as Olympic athletes.”
Set scores Friday Northern Colorado (2) Portland State (3)
27 25
20 25
25 22
22 25
23 25
16 25
11 25
10 15
Saturday Northern Arizona (0) Portland State (3)
Phillips set the marker in the fourth frame with a first-point kill followed by three service aces. Phillips consistently found weakness in the Northern Colorado court and tallied 15 kills in the set, while digging 16 balls. The Vikings took the momentum into the fourth set, where they dominated the court and kept ahead of the Bears to win the set, 25-11.
The final set called for both teams to step up and fight for the first place spot in the conference. Freshman setter Garyn Schlatter put Portland State in the lead with a deep ace served to the back right corner of the court. Zielke led Portland with 18 kills and eight blocks in the final frame, keeping Northern Colorado on their toes with a good
Tri-do: Redshirt freshman setter Garyn Schlatter chalked up Portland State's first triple-double since 2007 in Friday's five-set victory over Northern Colorado.
One, two, cha-cha-cha: Members of the Dance Club taking the floor.
Freshman fury: Freshman midfielder Teal Sigler, a native of Vashon Island, Wash., has appeared in all 16 of Portland State's games and has registered one assist.
Soccer drops two on the road Vikings lose back-to-back road games to Big Sky opponents NILESH TENDOLKAR VANGUARD STAFF
The Portland State women’s soccer team seems to be suffering from a mild case of homesickness. After twin 3-0 victories at home in the opening weekend of conference play nearly two weeks ago, the Vikings this weekend lost their first two road games of the Big Sky schedule. The Viks narrowly lost 2-3 to Northern Colorado in Greeley on Friday in a double-overtime game. Following that, the Viks went scoreless in a 2-0 loss Sunday to Northern Arizona in Flagstaff. After these results, Portland State (6-9-1, 2-2-0 Big Sky) is currently fourth in the conference standings with six points from four matches, but still remains in playoff contention. The Vikings had started the weekend on top of the Big Sky table. The Vikings went into Friday’s game against Northern Colorado with a perfect 5-0-0 record against the Bears. Last season, the Viks held off a late rally from Northern Colorado at PCC-Rock Creek and won the home game 3-2. Playing at a high altitude on Friday, the Viks started without the team’s joint top-scorer, junior forward Melissa Trammell. Portland State fell behind early, when in the sixth minute,
Northern Colorado took the lead. Bears’ sophomore Danielle Birdsall shot the ball from the edge of the penalty box into the lower left-hand corner of the Viks’ net, past senior goalkeeper Rachel Jarvis. This was Jarvis’ second consecutive game as Portland’s State’s only goalkeeper during the match. Going into the halftime break, Portland State was outshot 12-6 in attempts on goal. In the second half, the Viks drew level in the 52nd minute. Junior forward Kala Renard scored her fourth goal of the season. She placed the ball into the bottom right-hand corner of Northern Colorado goal. However, the Vikings’ celebration didn’t last for long. Northern Colorado quickly took the lead for the second time in the 54th minute. Bears senior defender Katey Borman took a crack at the Vikings’ goal from 25 yards out. The ball deflected off Jarvis’ gloves and went into the net. As the clock rolled down, the Vikings desperately tried to level the score for the second time in the game. In the 81st minute, PSU’s efforts bore fruit. Freshman winger Eryn Brown received the ball from fellow freshman central midfield Hannah Kimsey on a counter-attack. Brown found herself in a one-on-one duel with the Bears goalkeeper and
Big Sky Conference women’s soccer standings School Conf. Pts. Northern Arizona 3-0-1 10 Sacramento State 3-1-0 9 Northern Colorado 2-1-1 7 Portland State 2-2-0 6 Eastern Washington 2-2-0 6 Weber State 1-2-1 4 Montana 1-3-0 3 Idaho State 0-3-1 1
Overall 8-3-3 6-7-1 9-4-2 6-9-1 2-11-1 2-13-1 2-11-2 5-9-2
Scoring summaries Friday Goal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Time 5:12 51:16 53:46 80:46 105:33
Goal Scorer Danielle Birdsall Kala Renard Olivia Deadmond Eryn Brown Brittany Dunn
Saturday 1. 2.
71:00 73:52
Brandy Carr Jenna Samora
Ogden, Utah
Thur, 1 p.m.
Next game Portland State at Weber State
rounded the goalkeeper, shooting the ball in the lower right corner of the net. The Viks drew level 2-2 against the Bears at the end of 90 minutes. Both teams were unable to break the deadlock in the first overtime period. But early in the second overtime period, Northern Colorado’s freshman forward Britanny Dunn shot the ball from just outside the box. The ball ricocheted off the inside of the left post and into the Vikings’ net. The Viks couldn’t draw level again and conceded a 2-3 defeat. “We played very well in many ways against Northern Colorado,” head coach Laura Schott said. “It's unfortunate that simple defensive errors cost us the result.” Going into Sunday’s game, Portland State’s record against Northern Arizona was nothing like its perfect record against Northern Colorado. The Vikings had lost every matchup against Northern Arizona in Flagstvaff. On Sunday, the Viks matched the Lumberjacks pound-for-pound in the first half, and trumped Northern Arizona in attempts on goal, 8-6. Sophomore goalkeeper Lainey Hulsizer made her first start of the Big Sky season in place of Jarvis and held her net. In the 45th minute, senior left back Emily Rohde let one rip and struck the Lumberjacks’ crossbar. In the second half, Northern Arizona blitzed the Vikings defense with their aerial prowess, scoring two goals in three minutes. Northern Arizona senior Brandy Carr executed a diving header on a free kick to give the Lumberjacks a 1-0 lead in the 71st minute. In the 74th minute, junior forward Jenna Samora made it 2-0 by heading the ball into the net from senior Kristi Andreassen’s free kick. Samora scored the game winner against the Viks in the 86th minute last season, and also scored the equalizer in the semifinals of last year’s Big Sky Championship against the Vikings. The match ended 1-1 and Northern Arizona went on to win the tournament after beating Portland State 4-3 on penalty kicks. The Vikings next take on Weber State in their final away game of the regular season on Wednesday. ■
Red Cross Blood Drive 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Smith Memorial Student Union ballroom
Make an appointment online by visiting www.redcrossblood.org, selecting “Schedule a blood donation appointment today” and entering our sponsor code, PORTLANDSTATE. Introduction to Interviewing
KenKen® is a registered trademark of Nextoy, LLC. ©2010 KenKen Puzzle LLC. All rights reserved. Dist. by UFS, Inc. www.kenken.com
● Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating.
● The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given
operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners.
11 a.m. PSU Career Center
This introductory workshop teaches the basics of interviewing and helps participants work on developing interview skills Making Sense of the Mid-Term Election Muddle Noon Urban Building Gallery
This event is a faculty forum on the upcoming mid-term elections, both local and national. It is sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha.
● Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in the top-left corner.
Solutions Seminar 5 p.m. Shattuck Hall Annex
This seminar will feature Bill Becker, executive director of the Presidential Climate Action Project and former director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Central Regional Office. Becker specializes in energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies and sustainable community development.
The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Tuesday, October 19, 2010
THURSDAY Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Standing 6 Features of Sophocles plays 10 Peeve, with “off” 14 Rolls for dinner 15 Major constellation? 16 Something an undercover agent might wear 17 In consecutive order 19 Knowing, as a secret 20 Big news on the sports page 21 Bean on the screen 22 Cracker brand 25 Just barely legit 28 Gets used (to) 30 Consideration for when to arrive at the airport: Abbr. 31 But: Lat. 32 Itʼs read from right to left 33 Senseless 35 Give it a go
36 What a slow person may need 39 Nada 42 Word written on the Saudi flag 43 “Dig in!” 47 Summer cooler 48 Place for a ring 49 Astronomer Halley 50 Slip-up 54 Sound accompanying a cloud of smoke 55 Itʼs flashed by an officer 56 Musical set in Buenos Aires 58 Epps of “House” 59 Fragile articles … or a hint to the things named by the circled letters 64 Cloud ___ 65 Endure 66 Arafatʼs birthplace 67 Stats for a QB 68 You, to a Quaker
69 Went “tap tap tap” on a keyboard
Down 1 What makes a pin spin? 2 Regret 3 Abbr. after a lawyerʼs name 4 Cheekiness 5 Auditorium balcony, e.g. 6 One-up 7 More arid 8 That, to Tomás 9 “Iʼve got a mule, her name is ___” 10 Pirouette 11 “No, you go, really” 12 Bing Crosby, e.g. 13 Anthony of the Supreme Court 18 Busts 21 Chose from a menu 22 Itʼs smelled when somethingʼs TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE fishy S E K E S I B E T 23 Response to “Who wants ice O T A L K N E M O cream?!” W I T H M E S T I R 24 Driveway P A N E L E T T E surface T S R E P A Y 26 ___ by chocolate O O T S T O M B O Y (calorie-heavy dessert) T E P S O M O N A B R O W N D O C K 27 Explosive Sicilian? C L A R A W I P E S 29 “Masterpiece P A E P S O N ___” R C Y T O O H O T 33 Less active K O A L A S O L O 34 Source of S U G A R D A D D Y intelligence: O R E O A U G I E Abbr. X E R S B R E E D 37 Sunburn soother
No. 0914 9
Story of a Syrian-Jewish Family in Mexico
5:30 p.m. SMSU, room 327
Presented by Jacobo Sefami, professor of Spanish at UC-Irvine.
54 57
Puzzle by Eshan Mitra, Brwon University ʻ12
38 Team that has a tankful of rays in the back of its ballpark 39 Itʼs driven over the ice between periods 40 The “king” in “The Last King of Scotland” 41 Locket, often 44 Excessively
1 p.m. SMSU, room 298
This workshop will be led by Paul Spindel. The workshop is free and aimed at assisting participants in learning how to deal with change, identifying values, decision-making and technical issues such as building resumes and cover letters and networking.
30 33
20 22
Leading Transitions Workshop
45 Game featuring 108 cards 46 Alternative to a print version: Abbr. 49 Christineʼs lover in “The Phantom of the Opera” 51 Shrek and Fiona, in “Shrek” 52 Witherspoon of “Legally Blonde”
53 Egg-shaped 57 Ambassadorʼs asset 59 Alternative to a Philly cheesesteak 60 Cheerleaderʼs cheer 61 Cupʼs edge 62 Before, in verse 63 Garden shop offering
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TO PLACE AN EVENT: Contact vgcalendar@gmail.com or pick up a calendar request form at the Vanguard advertising office, SMSU, room 114.
A look back before moving forward Portland Timbers to announce first MLS players today KEVIN FONG VANGUARD STAFF
The Timbers have a hectic and exciting off-season in front of them, but before discussing the future it’s best to take a moment to remember the past— especially the roller-coaster year that was 2010. From the franchise’s North American Soccer League days in the 70s and 80s to its “modern era” rebirth in 2001, the Rose City’s passion for soccer has been slowly building, leading to Commissioner Don Garber’s March 2009 announcement that the Timbers were officially being promoted to Major League Soccer beginning in 2011. Fan support for the Timbers was at an average attendance of 8,567 in 2008, and by the 2010 season it had reached 10,727—with a record-setting 15,418 fans watching the final home game at PGE Park last month. It was a bittersweet 2010 for the Timbers. The spotlight from the media was growing brighter, and after a record-setting 2009, which saw the team go on a 24-match unbeaten streak, the expectations and pressure to win had never been higher. Although the team failed to bring Portland its first Division-2 championship, the players did show determination and focus by bearing the weight of the future on their backs as they pushed their way through 2010. Portland finished in fourth place overall in the final 2010 league standings—a solid result, especially considering the team had to overcome an early rough stretch which saw them go winless for nine straight matches. All season, the Timbers persevered despite adversity. Mandjou Keita, Portland’s leading scorer in 2009, struggled to find a connection and parted ways with the team early in
the summer. However, other players stepped up to capitalize on the opportunity. Rookie striker Bright Dike was one such player. Dike exploded, making 10 goals in 23 matches and with most of those goals coming in the second half of the season. Midfielder Ryan Pore achieved prestigious individual accomplishments as well, winning the Golden Boot award for most goals in the league with 15. Pore also led the league with 35 total points. There were special moments both on and off the field in 2010. Portland won the Cascadia Cup for the second straight year, beating their northwest rivals the Vancouver Whitecaps with a record of 2-0-2 during the regular season. The Timbers honored current player and seven-year team veteran Scot Thompson for his work throughout the community, and also remembered past legend Jimmy Conway by hosting a testimonial match in his honor. The final regular season match at PGE Park against Puerto Rico provided a truly epic moment. The Timbers Army had all brought sunflowers to the game, and during in the 80th minute, fate had set the stage: With the North End leading the way, fans across the stadium began to hold their sunflowers up in the air, a gesture that not only commemorated the final home match, but also honored one of the most significant and special moments in Timbers folklore, the “Sunshine Goal” of 2004. While the stadium was filled with a sea of sunflowers, and while fans were singing “You Are My Sunshine,” the tension and intensity of the match built with the score knotted at 0-0. Then, in the 83rd minute, amidst the ballad of all the Timbers fans, a cross was sent into the box and Pore headed the ball into the back of the net for what would prove to be the game-winning goal. It was a special moment on a special night, and one of the most memorable goals in franchise history.
New moves: Dance Club officers Justin Zito and Missy Chen learning new steps.
DANCE FROM PAGE 12 “Like other sports, you also have to work as a team when dancing. It takes both partners to get the job done,” Winter said.
Despite admiring the athletic movements of those dance contestants, Winter emphasizes that the goal of the club is to meet new people and to have fun.
The Boot: Midfielder Ryan Pore, winner of the Golden Boot, takes the ball down the pitch earlier in the season.
As the Timbers’ last season in the lower division wound down to an end, the team rallied to play its best soccer, finishing the season on a 10-match unbeaten streak. Though they entered the playoffs as the league’s hottest team, Portland struggled in the postseason and eventually lost to Vancouver in the first round. The team does not plan on dwelling on the past, however, as plans for MLS have already been put into motion. When asked, after the team’s last match, when the front office would start thinking about next season’s roster, Timbers coach Gavin Wilkinson simply said, “That happens tomorrow.” “We have to go back to the drawing board and analyze the players,” Wilkinson said. “Then it’s a matter of sitting down and looking at the contracts for those players, and then [deciding] which players we want to bring in for next year.” The season may be over for the Timbers, but really things are just getting started. Renovations at PGE Park are well underway and the new soccerspecific stadium will not only have a new look, but also a fresh sponsorship and a new name. John Spencer, a toughtalking Scotsman and longtime assistant for the Houston Dynamo, has already been named the head coach for 2011 and has spent time getting acquainted with the fran-
chise this past month. At the Nines Hotel today, before a small group of season ticket-holders, the Timbers will hold a press conference to announce the first handful of players to make it on their 2011 MLS roster. A select group of players from this past season will be signed to MLS contracts, with likely inclusions Pore, Dike, Steve Cronin, Mamadou Danso and Ian Joy. It’s expected that a few other players could make the Timbers’ MLS roster, or will at least have the opportunity to fight for a spot as the offseason moves forward. The Timbers and the Whitecaps will participate in an expansion draft near the end of November, where the teams will get to select from a group of unprotected MLS players
The club has taught numerous dances thus far, ranging from salsa and the cha cha to blues and west coast swing. The club is currently experimenting with different dances and will further delve into specific dances based on the feedback of its members. Hari Raghavan, an immigrant from India, was intrigued by the variety of dances the club offered and decided to join. “I just wanted to check (the club) out,” Raghavan said. “I recently came to the United States and was interested in the dancing here. I don’t know much about western dance styles and I just wanted to learn as much as I can.” New members like Raghavan are seamlessly integrated into the club as soon as they step foot on the dance floor. After
filling out a waiver form, a new member can immediately dive into the dance lesson. Chen said that new members are always welcome to the Dance Club. “It doesn’t matter what your skill level is either, everybody learns together,” Chen said. “You also don’t need to bring a partner because we’ll find you somebody to pair up with.” A typical session at the dancer’s club starts off with a warmup dance. The members begin to show what they know while dancing alongside a partner. At this particular warm up, the silence fades into the song “Bad Romance” and a male club member channels his inner Lady Gaga, ecstatically revealing his freestyle dance moves. As the warm up concludes and the music subsides, Winter begins teaching the daily
to fill out their rosters. Also, the league’s Super Draft for incoming rookies is scheduled for early 2011. The Timbers will have the first pick in the expansion draft and the second overall pick in the Super Draft. Portland will have the opportunity to sign a designated player during the offseason as well, a contract that does not count against the team’s salary cap and therefore offers a chance to sign a higher-profile, more expensive player. Past designated players for the MLS have included David Beckham, Theirry Henry, and Rafael Márquez—a fact that allows Timber fans to dream big. With an offseason that is likely to be just as busy as a regular season, Timbers fans will have plenty of moments to relish and fantasize about an exciting, soon-to-arrive future. ■
You are my sunshine: Members of the Portland Timbers are cheered on by thousands of fans at PGE Park following the infamous "Sunshine Goal" game in 2004.
lesson. She goes over the step count in the west coast swing and reveals the best way to twirl a partner. When Winter finishes her mini-lesson, the members line up by gender and face a member of the opposite gender. As everybody goes through the set of steps a few times, the partnering is changed and the process continues. The Gaga freestyler is having trouble with the west coast swing and mutters under his breath at what he is doing wrong. After a few moments of disappointment, the Gaga freestyler nails the steps and the twirling and a smile spreads across his face. This moment emphasizes the “fun” aspect that Winter and Chen constantly accentuate. 1-2-3-miss…5-6-miss-8. 1-2-3-4 and 5-6-7-8-smile. ■
variety of strong hits and skilled defense. A strong rally kept between the two teams and the Bears were able to tie the set at 10-all, but their gain lasted for only a moment as PSU’s Phillips and Ellis continued to slam the ball into Bears territory. The Vikings scored the next five points unanswered to take the set, 15-10, and the game. Both Phillips and Ellis earned double-doubles for the night. “Northern Colorado is spectacular, and it was nice to come through and beat a solid team like that,” Phillips said. It was also a spectacular night for Schlatter, who tallied the Vikings first triple-double since 2007 with her 48 assists, 15 digs and 11 kills. “I was really proud of the way the girls responded, being down 2-1 in our home court and then coming back to win that fifth set,” head coach Michael Seemann said of the win. “It puts us in the position, to some degree, where we’re in control of our own destiny.” Riding the feeling of victory into Saturday night, the Vikings hosted Northern Arizona and walked away with a three-set sweep over the Lumberjacks. Phillips took charge leading the Vikings at the start of the first set by pushing a kill right off the lumberjack’s hands and continuing with four-straight service aces to put PSU ahead, 6-1. Northern Arizona consistently played a scrappy game, holding the Viks at set-point, 24-17, and advancing until Hamilton finally came through with the winning kill to take the set 25-22. In the second set, after a dump by Northern Arizona’s Nikki Small, Portland began a spiral of errors to give the Lumberjacks a first-time lead. Portland eventually picked up the pace by a set of strong blocks by the two freshmen, Schlatter and outside hitter Aubrey Mitchell. A Phillips kill brought PSU up to pace with Northern Arizona at 14-all. After a struggle for the lead, Villalpando cleaned up the second frame with a couple of quick digs and an ace to win the set 25-23. At the start of the third, and what would be the final set, the Lumberjacks took the first five points before Phillips put their points run on hold with a kill set up perfectly by Schlatter. From there, the Vikings picked up the speed and took the lead for good at 11-10 with a kill from Zielke. From that point on, the Vikings score continued to climb with Phillips finishing the set on fire. Phillips, with 21 kills and 10 digs, earned yet another double-double, giving her a team-leading 11 on the season. The Vikings finished the night with another home win over a conference opponent under their belt, increasing their streak to 13 straight Big Sky wins at the Stott. “We just want to prove not only to ourselves, but to everyone, that we’re up there in the conference, and we want to be number one,” Villalpando said. “That’s our ultimate goal.” The Vikings have continued to outhit their opponents in 11-straight matches, and after this weekend’s success, they have been placed at the number one spot in the conference. Portland State will next face off against Idaho State at 6 p.m. Friday in Pocatello. ■
16 VANGUARD ■ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2010 ■ SPORTS WEEKEND RESULTS Friday Women’s soccer Portland State 2 (2OT) at Northern Colorado 3 Scoring summary: NC: Birdsall (7), 5:12 PSU: Renard (4), 51:16 NC: Deadmond (1), 53:46 PSU: Brown (3), 80:46 NC: Dunn (2), 105:33
Women’s volleyball Northern Colorado at Portland State
2 3
Set scores: 25-27, 25-20, 22-25, 25-11, 15-10
Hockey Portland Winterhawks 8 at Kamloops Blazers 6 Scoring summary: KAM: DePape (1), 1st/3:21 POR: Leipsic (3), 1st/9:10 POR: Rattie (4), 2nd/6:26-PP POR: Bennett (5), 2nd/8:01 POR: Rattie (5), 2nd/9:25 KAM: Barnett (4), 2nd/10:09-PP KAM: Ranford (8), 2nd/12:02 KAM: Schaber (5), 2nd/16:47 POR: Rattie (6), 3rd/1:47 POR: Leipsic (4), 3rd/3:51 KAM: Ranford (9), 3rd/14:46-SH POR: Bartschi (8), 3rd/15:38-PP KAM: Bortnak (2), 3rd/19:25-PP POR: Boychuk (2), 3rd/19:58-EN
Saturday Cross country
Takin' it all the way: Portland State sophomore Nevin Lewis responds to Montana's second-quarter touchdown by returning the subsequent kickoff 92 yards for a touchdown.
Bill Dellinger Invitational Men’s: 7th place 8k avg – 25:59.17 Women’s: 6th place 6k avg – 22:11.89
Football Montana at Portland State
Close but no cigar Football nearly pulls off a surprise win over top conference competitor
With 7:55 left in the game and the Grizzlies leading by six points, Roper threw an interception at the Viking 3-yard line on what should have been the go-ahead touchdown pass to lock ALLISON WHITED up the game. VANGUARD STAFF Junior free safety Manoa Latu came up with the pick and gave the ball back ikings football lost to to the offense, and from there junior 11th-ranked Montana on quarterback Connor Kavanaugh and Saturday in the final three junior running back Cory McCaffrey seconds. went to work. With a drive that didn’t After fighting back from see a single pass being thrown, Kavaa six-point deficit, Portland State had naugh and McCaffrey chewed away taken a 21-20 lead over the Grizzlies and the Montana defense drove 97 with only 2:34 left on the clock in the yards in five and a half minutes for fourth quarter. It was a hard-fought a touchdown that put the Vikings on game by both sides, but it ended with a top, 21-20. 23-21 victory for the visiting Montana While this drive may not have been ofGrizzlies whose last-second field goal fensively balanced, it did all of the right sealed the game at Hillsboro Stadium. things to be effective. It was long and sustained. It took time off of the clock. It ended with a gain Player of the Game of seven points. Nevis Lewis However, the offense didn’t Sophomore, kick returner do the defense any favors. Of 2 kickoff returns for 124 yards, the last six possessions by the including a 92-yard Grizzlies, four of them came from Viking fumbles. Those touchdown return fumbles resulted in 13 points for the Grizzlies and kept the The thing that shone through more defense winded and on the field. Withthan anything in this game was the Vi- out a chance to rest, the Viks weren’t able king defense. They came into this game to keep the Grizzlies out of field goal well-prepared by defensive coordina- range during their last series of the game. tor Eric Jackson. They knew the routes “We were able to stop them,” said that Montana quarterback Justin Roper defensive end Carl Somer. “We just likes to throw, and they disrupted him weren’t able to stop them enough.” all night. “I’m proud of their heart,” said head Roper, last week’s Big Sky Offensive coach Nigel Burton. “I told them also Player of the Week, completed only 17 that they’ve got to find a way, though, to of his 38 passes for 172 yards—almost find that one play that changes the game.” 100 yards less than he had been averagThe offense had trouble with the stout ing before Saturday. Grizzly defense. The pasing game was The Vikings’ (2-4, 1-2 Big Sky) de- virtually nonexistent, though Kavanafense also brought the pressure all ugh was accurate when he did take to night. Normally, Roper is a fairly agile the air. He completed 13 of 19 passes, quarterback who can run for the first and was a perfect 8 of 8 in the first down. In this game, he was sacked four quarter. After halftime, there were only times for a loss of 16 total yards. Even six pass attempts and four of those came when he was able to escape the pocket, during the third quarter. Roper only had 15 rushing yards on Kavanaugh’s longest pass was for 12 seven attempts. yards. He only took one shot downfield Montana (5-2, 4-1 Big Sky) saw a criti- and that wound up an incompletion. cal error from Roper in the fourth quar- Even on third-and-long situations, the ter, and the Viks made him pay for it. ball was thrown short of the first down
23 21
Kavanaugh: 13 of 19 for 65 yds passing; 15 for 137 yds, 1 TD rushing McCaffrey: 24 for 113 yds, 1 TD rushing Lewis: 2 kickoff returns for 124 yds, 1 TD Rau: 12 tackles Latu: 1 interception
Women’s volleyball Northern Arizona 0 at Portland State 3 Set scores: 25-22, 25-23, 25-16
Scores by quarter Quarter Montana Portland State
1 0 0
2 7 7
3 7 7
Junior running back Willie Griffin
line or run. The lack of the long passing game is a serious disadvantage for the Viks. Without some semblance of it, the Viks appeared one-dimensional and were contained to within 10 yards from the line of scrimmage, an easy area to create traffic. For a chance at another conference victory, the game plan is going to have to be opened up to Kavanaugh and he’s going to have to throw for more than the 65 yards he did in this game. Even when he was throwing the ball, Kavanaugh didn’t wait for his receivers. He chose to go to his check-down often, and running back McCaffrey wound up the top receiver of the day with four catches for 22 yards. When he was under pressure, he more often than not chose to keep the ball himself and use his legs. He finished the game with 15 carries for 131 yards, the highest total for a rusher on either team.
4 9 7
Final 23 21
NBA preseason Golden State Warriors 105 at Portland Trail Blazers 118
McCaffrey was the Vikings’ workhorse on Saturday, carrying the ball 24 times. During the drive leading to touchdown in the fourth quarter that put the Viks up, he was called on to run eight of the 11 plays and carried a long run of 20 yards to Montana one-yard line to set himself up for the touchdown. “If that’s what it takes to win, then I’m there for it,” McCaffrey said. Another bright spot during the game was a kickoff return by wide receiver Nevin Lewis. Without Aaron Woods, return-man extraordinaire the past couple of years, the Viks have been a little lackluster in that aspect of the game. Lewis’ 92-yard return for a touchdown in the second quarter gave a glimmer of hope that some of the explosiveness may be back in their return game. On a down note, linebacker Jaycob Shoemaker was seriously hurt in the third quarter and had to be carted off the field on a stretcher. He seemed to indicate that he had broken his leg. In order to be the best, you have to beat the best. The Viks may not be there just yet, but they appear to be getting close. Next week, the Vikings play Weber State in Ogden, Utah. Kickoff is slated for 2 p.m., and the game can be watched on www.b2tv.com. ■
Aldridge: 25 pts off 10 of 14 shooting, 7 reb, 1 stl Batum: 19 pts off 8 of 14 shooting, 9 reb,3 stl
Hockey Portland Winterhawks at Kelowna Rockets
5 1
Scoring summary: POR: Bennett (6), 1st/4:33 KEL: Wudrick (1), 2nd/0:41 POR: Rattie (7), 2nd/12:28 POR: Johansen (2), 2nd/19:00 POR: Rattie (8), 3rd/9:26 POR: Johansen (3), 3rd/11:17
Sunday Women’s soccer Portland State 0 at Northern Arizona 2 Scoring summary: NAU: Carr (2), 71:00 NAU: Samora (3), 73:52
UPCOMING GAMES: Wednesday Hockey
Everett Silvertips at Portland Winterhawks Wed, 7 p.m. Portland Memorial Coliseum
Friday Hockey
Stats comparison
First downs 16 Yards rushing Yards passing Total offense Fumbles Fumbles lost Time of poss. 3rd down conv. Red zone scores Sacks by
18 123 172 295 1 1 23:35 4 of 17 3 of 4 1 for 5 yds
277 65 342 7 4 36:25 4 of 14 1 of 1 4 for 16 yds
Seattle Thunderbirds at Portland Winterhawks Fri, 7 p.m. Portland Memorial Coliseum