Vikings’ strong exhibition showing could make for smooth transition into the regular season
…for a successful surgery on my prostate
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VO L. 65 NO. 18
Expert says public finance important for democracy Lawrence Lessig visits PSU to support Measure 26-108
pecial interest: it’s one of the most common issues in politics that guarantees to command attention from voters every election season. Last Thursday, Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig visited Portland State to tell voters that there is a way to limit special interest groups in the city. Lessig, a long-time proponent for increased freedom in digital media and a researcher on the effect of campaign financing. was on hand to provide some expert opinion on city measure 26-108. A “yes” vote would continue the city’s five-year-old program of public financing for political candidates running for office. The event was sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha, the political science honors society, and was co-sponsored by OSPIRG and Common Cause Oregon. Lessig asked the crowd how often they look at political issues and can say that something is voted and based on merit and in tandem with the public’s interest, rather than being influenced by powerful corporations.
By giving three examples he illustrated the influence of big corporations in government policy and the consequences. Lessig said we can no longer even dream about voting on the merit anymore. Referring to politicians as “shape-shifters,” Lessig said they have developed a dependency on their powerful funders and are engaged in a “political dance” in which policies are bought and sold. “Here’s the obvious point: The funders are not the people,” Lessig said. “This is a corruption of the architecture our founders intended, a corruption of this institution.” Lessig cited a study from Princeton University’s Martin Gilens, which concludes that when Americans with different income levels differ in their policy preferences, the actual policy outcome strongly reflects the preferences of the most affluent. However, Lessig said that whether or not voters believe money buys policy, they may be certain that this perception alone will negatively affect the democratic process.
Getting back democracy: On Thursday, Lawrence Lessig came to PSU to talk about special interest groups and how they affect the democratic process.
Nonprofit and Social Services Fair coming to PSU Students can talk to experts, seek out nonprofit jobs PETER BROWNING VANGUARD STAFF
Even though fall semester is only halfway over, many students are thinking about their lives beyond Portland State. To help assist the transition into new careers, the Career Center is conducting its 10th annual Nonprofit and Social Services Fair tomorrow. The fair is a collaboration between the PSU Career Center,
the PSU institute for Nonprofit Management and idealist.org. It will host 56 organizations representing a wide range of interests, including human services, sustainability, education and the arts. This type of opportunity can be very effective for students who may not be sure what they want to do when they leave college, according to Greg Flore, director of the Career Center. “The fair offers students the opportunity to network with a large number of organizations at one time,” Flores said. “They can apply for jobs, find internships or learn about ways
to volunteer to support a cause they care about. Students who are trying to decide on a career direction can get firsthand information that can help guide their academic choices and help them find relevant experience.” Students can attend the Career Fair to seek jobs or just to find out about the hiring process and what qualifications employers seek. The tough economic climate has seen a higher demand for nonprofit and social services, and while many of the companies are working with reduced budgets, this doesn’t reduce the
overall experience. “Students have the opportunity to help other people by volunteering, while at the same time gaining valuable experience that will help them be more competitive in their job search,” Flores said. “The fair helps facilitate those connections, benefiting both the students and the organizations.” Two panel seminars will be conducted at the fair. The initial panel will be “From Volunteer to Employee: How to maximize your volunteer and internship experience,” and will feature panelists who have
Hybrid drug could be new cure for malaria Professor David Peyton awarded $624,455 to continue research
“The number one reason why young people your age will not vote is because they believe that whatever they do, corporations still have too much power,” Lessig said. “This perception affects the vast majority of the people in the middle, leaving only the people on the extreme left or the extreme right.” According to Lessig, the solution to this problem is to cut the proverbial strings of corporate money. An idea that was started by the progressive-era president Theodore Roosevelt is now being embraced by many states, including Oregon, called a citizen-funded election. Lessig said this would change the relationship between Congress and their funders, and therefore shift the power away from corporations and into the hands of the people. In Oregon, Voter Owned Election was first put in place in 2005 and is now on the ballot for renewal. Proponents of Measure 26115 said the program had successfully turned out candidates like Erik Stein and Amanda Fritz, who won seats in City Council while utilizing public funds. On the other hand, opponents of the measure said it’s a
successfully translated their volunteer experiences into a paying career in the nonprofit world. The second panel will be “Careers and Sustainability,” in which speakers will discuss what a sustainability career is and how to pursue one. Panelists will offer insights from their experience and take questions from the audience. “The goal of the panel is for students to hear professionals in the field talk about their careers and career paths so that students can learn more about the day-to-day activities of an occupation, as well as the missions of the various organizations,” said Mary Vance, a Career Center counselor.
Portland State chemistry professor David Peyton has been granted $624,455 by the National Institute of Health to fund research for a new drug treatment for malaria. Peyton’s research involves altering an existing malaria drug to inhibit the disease’s resistance mechanism. Specifically, this grant will focus on the safety of the drug for future patients and its ability to cure the disease. According to the World Health Organization’s website, malaria is a preventable and curable disease that is transmitted to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes. The parasite infects red blood cells and eventually disturbs blood flow to vital organs. The majority of cases are found in Sub-Saharan Africa, where it accounts for 20 percent of all childhood deaths. However, malaria is still a global health threat. There are over 100 countries with malaria; in 2008 alone there were 247 million reported cases. But the real danger of malaria is its growing resistance to conventional medications, according to Peyton. “The evolution of the malaria parasite is so rapid that soon after it is exposed to drugs, it develops a strong resistance,” he said. ON PAGE 7
Volunteers who have worked for nonprofits will conduct the panels, including Stephanie Stolk, who started the Pangea Project. “She’ll be able to help students understand how to create and run a nonprofit,” Vance said. Sustainability is an area that the Career Fair is focusing on as well. Experts who work with school districts to better integrate sustainability, municipal leaders who work for sustainability in Portland and a Human Resources representative who works for an energy conservationconsulting firm will also be present.
Check us out online
Virginia Vickery
Make sure to visit our website, www.psuvanguard.com, on Wednesday to read about a new grant awarded to Portland State by the U.S. Department of Economic and Development Administration. In addition, find out why students are still paying physical education fees, even after they’ve dropped a class.
Corie Charnley
Richard Oxley
ASPSU phone banks rally last-minute voters
Nicholas Kula
Robert Britt
COPY CHIEF Kristin Pugmire
Calling session reminds voters to turn in ballots for today’s election
PHOTO EDITOR Heather Noddings
Adiana Lizarraga
Alison Barnwell
ADVISER Judson Randall
ILLUSTRATORS Susannah Beckett, Heather Mcintyre
DESIGNERS Colby Brooks, Justin Flood Stephanie Lucky
PSU community remembers Astrid Schlaps On Sunday afternoon, around 75 friends, students and colleagues of professor Astrid Schlaps gathered in Hoffman Hall to remember her commitment to social work and Portland State. Schlaps—who taught at PSU from 1993 to 2007—died in the beginning of September.
WRITERS Madison Beard, Ian Bellamy, Erick Bengel, Amanda Bentley, Leah Bodenhamer, Peter Browning, Zach Chastaine, Tori Christensen, Meaghan Daniels, Ryan Deming, Sarah Engels, John Geffert, Jesse Hansen, Rian Evans, Kevin Fong, Rosemary Hanson, Joshua Hunt, Rebekah Hunt, Theodora Karatzas, Ines Kuna, Ebonee Lee, Stephen Lisle, Christina Maggio, Joe Mantecon, Natalie Mcclintock, Erin McIntyre, Daniel Ostlund, Katrina Petrovich, Sierra Pannabecker, Jenieve Schnabel, Wendy Shortman, Catrice Stanley, Nilesh Tendolkar, Vinh Tran, Andrea Vedder, Kat Vetrano, Allison Whited, Elisabeth Wilson, Roger Wightman
PHOTOGRAPHERS Aaron Leopold, Drew Martig, August Miller, Adam Wickham
COPY EDITORS Noah Emmet, Andrea Vedder
ADVERTISING SALES Dominique Abrams, Sam Gressett, Rayna Martinez, Jae Specht
DISTRIBUTORS Brittany Castillo, Brandy Castillo The Vanguard is published two days a week as an independent student newspaper governed by the PSU Publications Board. Views and editorial content expressed herein are those of the staff, contributors and readers, and do not necessarily represent those of the PSU student body, faculty, staff or administration. One copy of the Vanguard is provided free of charge to all community members, additional copies or subscription issues may incur a 25 cent charge. The Vanguard is printed on 40 percent post-consumer recycled paper. ©2010 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY VANGUARD 1825 SW BROADWAY SMITH MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION, RM. S-26 PORTLAND OR, 97201
Honorary Degrees bring PSU national recognition Committee accepting nominees that display lifelong achievement JOHN GEFFERT VANGUARD STAFF
The Portland State Honorary Degree Committee will convene this fall to select a recipient of the Doctor of Human Letters degree, which will be awarded at the 2011 spring commencement ceremony. The committee, chaired by Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Roy Koch, is charged by PSU President Wim Wiewel with selecting an individual to be acknowledged for their lifelong work and contributions. Though nominations can be submitted by anyone, the specific criteria for final selection will mean only a few individuals will be seriously considered. Nominations should have résumés indicating their achievement in scholarship, the arts or public service. PSU began the Honorary Degree program primarily as a mechanism to help the university gain more recognition at the national level. “This was done during a period when the university was rapidly changing its role from a regional university to one that was working on the national scale, much more involved in research,” Koch said.
According to Koch, creating an identity for PSU was essential to the initiative. The award’s recipient is lauded at the national level for their body of work, and therefore the public pays more attention to the university. Often the committee tries to find nominees that align with the initiatives PSU is undertaking. “We look at the values of the institution, and the values we’re trying to integrate into our educational programs and try to find someone who matches those values,” Koch said. PSU’s current initiatives include sustainability and an academic initiative in the K–12 system that is designed to prepare students for college. PSU has awarded this esteemed degree for 17 years to deserving members of the academic, artistic, business, political and humanitarian community. The program started in 1993, and except for 1994, the school has awarded the degree to at least one person every year. “It’s something we at least consider every year, depending on the nominees, et cetera; we either award one or we don’t,” Koch said. According to Koch, past recipients include former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Colin Powell. However, the university is hesitant to grant the award to
sitting politicians. “We want to avoid the perception of being in a quid pro quo situation,” he said. Other nominees include Children’s Defense Fund President Marian Wright Edelman and CEO of Mercy Corps Neal Keny-Guyer. Committee meetings will be held during multiple closeddoor sessions. While the committee is not required to reach a decision by a specific date, Koch said it would like to reach a consensus by the first of the year. The Oregon State Board of Higher Education then approves the selection. This gives the university nearly six months to prepare for the presentation of the award at commencement. If there are scheduling conflicts, however, it will move the awarding ceremony to another time. Though anyone can submit the nominee packet, the difference will come down to relevance to school initiatives and the overall body of work between candidates, Koch said. All nomination packets must be turned into the university President’s Office by Nov. 19. The nomination packets are available on the Office of Academic Affair’s website. The list of nominees will not be made public and the recipient will not be announced until after the board has approved the decision. ■
For the past five days, ASPSU has kicked its voter registration campaign—Vote OR Vote— into high gear to remind lastminute voters to turn in their ballots. The initiative, which is sponsored by the Oregon Student Association, has been implemented on campuses all over Oregon. This year, first-time registrants were required to submit their registration forms by Oct. 12 for their ballot to count, and ASPSU campaigned right up to that date. Now, it is shifting its attention to voter follow-up. On Oct. 27, from 6 to 8 p.m., ASPSU held the third of five phone-banking sessions. Fifteen volunteers gathered in the ASPSU office in order to call every student who registered through OSA’s Vote OR Vote campaign—all 33,741 of them. PSU’s student senators, interns and volunteers manned the office phones and their own personal cell phones in order to make sure that every student on the list had received and turned in their ballot. All Oregon public universities that participated in OSA’s voting program were also contributing to the phonebanking effort. This year, due to a grant obtained by OSA, the phone banking process was accelerated by the employment of the Voter Activation Network. VAN is a program designed to aid phone-based campaigns and is utilized in almost every major democratic campaign, from presidential elections to grassroots college enterprises like Vote OR Vote. VAN maintains lists of every student who registered through the Vote OR Vote campaign and then automatically dials numbers and directs calls to the volunteers who handle them. NONPROFIT FROM PAGE 1
“Students often have a difficult time knowing what careers to pursue because they lack information about what careers exist and the nuts and bolts information about how to prepare for a career,” Vance said. “By hearing from professionals currently working, students can get their questions answered about what steps to take to prepare for a career when they graduate.” According to Flores, gaining experience is beneficial in whatever career field a student chooses.
The system can determine when it reaches an answering machine, and will automatically terminate the call and re-dial a new number. According to VAN’s website, this service can boost efficiency to three times that of manually calling with a list. However, OSA Campus Organizer Casey Dreher said that the increase in the amount of calls made has multiplied five-fold compared to last year. “Traditionally when you’re calling numbers off a list, through miss-dials, answering machines and people not being home, you only get a hold of about five solid contacts per hour,” Dreher said. “This system ups the rate to around 35.” In fact, the predictive dialer is so efficient that for the first time in the history of the OSA’s voter registration drive, volunteers have made it all the way through the list, according to Dreher. Now, with each subsequent call bank session, callers are tasked with following up on numbers that were previously unavailable. In order to lend a hand, Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown offered her time to the campaign last Thursday by making calls alongside student volunteers. She couldn’t stress enough the importance of these grassroots efforts. In 1992, Brown won the State house position by a seven-vote margin, partly due to knocking on thousands of doors to get the information out. This was Brown’s second visit to Portland State this month to show her support for the Vote OR Vote campaign. “Once we get Oregonians registered, they like to vote,” Brown said. “That’s partly due to the vote-by-mail…The student efforts in the voter registration have been incredibly valuable.” ASPSU will be accepting ballots until 4:30 p.m. today, and will then turn ballots in to 24-hour drop box locations. ASPSU’s office is located in 117 Smith Memorial Student Union. ■ “All students should consider checking out the fair,” Flores said. “Even if you are convinced that you do not want to work in the nonprofit world, or that you do not have the time to volunteer, you will be surprised by the variety of opportunities presented at the fair and might just find an unexpected-yet-perfect fit for your interests and goals.” The fair will be held on Wednesday Nov. 3 from 11 to 3 p.m. in the Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom. The first panel presentations will begin at noon in SMSU room 327. ■
Thank you very much Mr. Roboto …for a successful surgery on my prostate
cience fiction author Isaac Asimov probably would have had a thing or two to say about the world of robotics. But perhaps even he would be speechless about what we are presented with today. This month, a study by the University of Washington’s Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences found that 18-month-old babies identify vaguely humanoid robots (silvery, box-like JANIEVE electronics with a head and SCHNABEL limbs) as human, and accept them as sentient beings. This study also suggests that these children would accept these robots as caretaker figures. Then, in Montreal, a completely robotic surgery was performed to remove a man’s prostate. Everything, from anesthesia to actual surgery, was done remotely through the use of robotics. These robots had names, too—McSleepy and DaVinci. There were no complications reported, and the doctors involved are confident that robotics in medicine will make things safer and provide better outcomes for the patients. Asimov was an author known for his works of fiction involving robots and the moral issues that come along with the subject—his work has been interpreted on the small and big screen, most recently as a movie staring Will Smith titled “I, Robot.” Such work begs us to ask ourselves: Just how deeply into people’s lives is robotics going to delve? How deeply should it delve? Granted, neither of these above cases is an example of artificial intelligence, so the world might not have an Asimovian nightmare to contend with any time soon, but it is still a question to be asked. Will there come a day when routine surgeries are performed by machines without human guidance? Since babies think robots are human anyway, will there be a time when parents leave the baby with the ‘bot so they can run out and grab a cup of coffee? And about that coffee—will the barista be carbon-based or metallic? It’s a lot to consider. It sounds great at first, actually. Society loves automation. Why stand in line at the bank for the teller to mundanely snap her gum at you as she counts your money? After all, right outside is an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). You don’t want to learn how to
A study…found that 18-month-old babies identify vaguely humanoid robots (silvery, box-like electronics with a head and limbs) as human, and accept them as sentient beings. parallel park? No problem—there are cars that can do it for you. Vending machines can even mix coffees for you—seriously, you can get your non-fat mocha without having to deal with human contact. And best of all, it’s so efficient. Wouldn’t more of the same be great? No, actually. Not really. The fact of the matter is that no matter how automated a process becomes, it will still be inferior to human service. The ATM won’t care if you tell it that it miscounted your money, but the teller at the bank, for all the chewing gum in the world, will probably pay some attention to you. Machines make mistakes, and unlike humans, they can’t always make up for them. Your car ends up rearending the one behind you when it parallel parks itself? It doesn’t care. The vending machine gives you a cappuccino instead of the
Show some spirit expresses pride in Portland State. Why should we care? PSU is a very active and vibrant campus with multiple student groups ranging from Greek life, political groups, and even a fermentation club. PSU is not a lethargic Portland State has a robust athletic program, especially for a campus by any stretch, and in addition to all the student groups school located in the middle of a city. Our teams practice hard, on campus, there are also 22 recreational clubs not related to the and they play even harder. Unfortunately, those who should be university’s athletic program. our team’s biggest fans are scarce on game day. This is a particularly athletic campus and with A lot of students wear PSU athletic garb on a 28,000 students it’s surprising there is so little ZACH day-to-day basis, yet despite the large number of interest in the athletic programs. A part of it CHASTAINE students wearing our colors, it is difficult to tell could be that PSU students aren’t aware of the when game day is around PSU. benefits that can come from having a healthy Some even feel that sports altogether is a complete waste of uni- athletic program. versity funds and that there are no reasons for having an athletic Yes indeed, the full spectrum of benefits of the program are program at all. sometimes not taken into account. Students should consider the Our programs include, but are not limited to, basketball, vol- function beyond just playing sports. leyball and football. But one would be hard pressed to find a PSU According to Torre Chisholm, the director of athletics at tailgate party and aside from a few Viking helmets seen here and PSU, our sports programs bring in revenue from ticket sales, there, sports are not quite a priority for students. Football home corporate sponsors, and special events. That money is then games at PGE Park have a less-than-remarkable fan turnout. Not used to support the school in several different ways. to say that sports need to be a main focus of students, but we do One way is that the money is used to support scholarships for have teams that we can call ours—something to stand behind that students. That’s right, you are supporting education when you
PSU’s great athletic program, and why you should support it
mocha you wanted? Tough. It won’t let you return it. Another problem? Automation is the ultimate form of outsourcing. Think about it. What responsible business owner hires expensive employees with rights, unions, and health care? Profit-oriented business owners are going to rely more and more on automation and robotics, and the more that’s automated, the less that employees will have to do. Which means, naturally, that fewer employees will be needed. It leads to more unemployment, which is terrible for all involved. And no matter how they’re programmed, robots are never going to have that human factor—empathy, compromise, or emotionality. An automated machine is not going to ask how your day has been and try to relate to you. You can’t have a two-sided discussion about how great these muffins are with a hunk of metal. And where a human might meet you halfway, a machine will always be programmed for its purpose; compromise is hardly going to be that purpose. Where should the line be drawn? It clearly needs to be defined soon enough. Letting robots care for children is only theoretical now, but in 10 years? It just might be a reality. In the next few decades, non-remote surgery might be phased out entirely. Automation and robotics are slippery slopes. It is important not to let them go too far. And maybe they already have. ■
buy a ticket to a PSU game. Other revenue from the athletic program is used to pay coach salaries and some is used to support administrative functions of the department. Chisholm also stated that the PSU student body is often unable to attend sporting events, hosted by either the athletic program or recreation clubs, as many students are non-traditional. Work, families, and class are all major factors in a student’s life, and many simply do not have extra time. Additionally, Chisholm believes the student body is becoming increasingly more excited about athletics. Game attendance is up, and so are the royalties from the licensing. It is getting better, too. This year, the athletic department began efforts to boost game attendance and student involvement with the freshman class by hosting “Freshman Frenzy” at the first PSU game. Students enjoyed a tailgate party in addition to games and prizes. Buses were also provided to shuttle students to the game, which was located in Hillsboro rather than at PGE Park, which is currently under construction. The healthy growth of the PSU athletic program can only mean good things for students, and efforts being taken now are a good step in building support among students for their own teams. The Athletics Department has begun a vigorous social media campaign that is active in attempting to get students informed and involved. So while PSU students may sometimes be too busy to attend a game, and others just aren’t sports fans, the reality is that athletics here at PSU are growing, and the excitement for them is growing as well. With that growth comes increased money for scholarships. So keep it up, PSU. ■
What are you going to be this Halloween? ERIC SEPULVEDA DAILY BAROMETER STAFF
Ahhh, Halloween! The one night of the year you get to dress up as whatever you want, scare children without being labeled as a crazy person and bang on people’s doors demanding food and not have the cops called on you. In the past, I have seen a myriad of pretty awesome costumes on campus. There have been animal costumes (sexy kitten/bunny/fox), service workers (sexy nurse/cop/ fire fighter/librarian) and even some religious costumes (I understand why Adam isn’t wearing any, but where are Mother Teresa’s pants?). And of course, there is always the truly terrifying--opening the door to see Rick Astley. While a lot of the outfits we will see this weekend are provocative, they are meant to be a fun expression of the person wearing them, not an invitation to try to take advantage of them. It is tempting to say that they are asking for trouble; I have heard it several times on campus, but this type of thinking places the blame for assault on the victim and not the perpetrator. The Daily Barometer recently printed an article about the effects that “rape culture” has on women as well as a published letter to the editor in response, which suggested women stop supporting media which causes exploitation and that those who have committed sexual assault should be mutilated in order to prevent future attacks from occurring. While blaming culture and the media, and suggesting violent retribution are all feasible responses to these crimes, they imply that someone else is at fault: mainly, and almost exclusively males. One of the common myths about sexual assault revolves around the idea that these crimes are only committed by a psychotic stranger in
an alley late at night. As Sara Gwin explained in her previous article, most attacks are not committed by random strangers, but rather by someone the survivor knows. Another predominant myth is that women are incapable of committing sexual assaults. While focusing on men as the main perpetrators is logical, they only account for about 75 percent of the total sexual assault cases in the United States. Believing that only men are perpetrators and women are victims creates a false sense of security to both females and males who may believe that it is only men who commit sexual assaults. Another major myth is that only females are survivors of sexual abuse. While more women than men are affected by and report sexual assault, this is in part due to men not recognizing that they have been assaulted, don’t know who to turn to, as well as an increased sense of shame over the fact that they, as males, were violated. In a world that constantly talks about how to prevent women from being sexually assaulted, men are often excluded, possibly feeling that protecting males from abuse is unnecessary, or that they are somehow less masculine for falling victim to a crime that is often projected as something that strictly affects females. While there is constant debate and discussion over what defines male and female characteristics and whether they are exclusive from one another, I don’t think we should focus on the differences between men and women, but rather the differences between adulthood and childhood. One of the big questions that we face now as college students is who and what we are. There are lots of big questions like: what our careers will be, whether we will go on to graduate school or get a job after
graduation, if we will have a family, and where will we live. Another question which greatly affects us and those in our lives is: what will we do when we see some type of injustice? Most would probably like to think, myself included, that they would “do the right thing” when confronted with something like sexual assault, but the fact of the matter is that if we don’t know how to approach a situation like this, we are more prone not to do anything especially if we see that no one else is responding either. This phenomenon, known as “mob mentality” or “herd behavior”, lulls us into the belief that because everyone else turns a blind eye that they must be “doing the right thing.” Most people use Halloween as a chance to drink, dance and have a good time, but some take it too far. They get smashed, vomit all over the place and usually pass out. It’s at times like these that people are vulnerable to assault. Again, just because a person had too much to drink, it does not mean “they asked for it.” Most of us will be going to parties in groups, and keeping an eye on everyone you came with is usually the easiest way to play an active role in preventing sexual assault. Making certain that no one is trying to liquor up one of your friends and making sure you and your group only drink from drinks you have gotten for yourselves are simple rules that we have heard since high school, and they still apply. Some of the tough situations are what you do when you are unfamiliar with the people involved. “I don’t know this guy, but that girl looks pretty out of it, and I don’t trust him to take her back to her room like he said. If I confront him will he become violent?” “She is really hot and has been over him all night, but he keeps trying to get away from her. If I say
something, will it make him look like less of a man?” “I thought that ‘Adam and Steve’ pair would be more fun, but Steve keeps stealing Adam’s leaves and he looks pretty upset that he is being stripped in front of everyone. This doesn’t feel right, but should I just leave it up to them to figure it out as a couple?” Each situation we face in life will require us to adjust according to the circumstances, but most can be handled by a few simple steps. First you should step in and offer help to the potential victim; if you think you are in danger, call security or the police first. Second, don’t leave the scene. If you are around, the perpetrator will be less likely to do anything. And if you know the perpetrator, tell him or her that they need to stop what they are doing and to leave the potential victim alone. Taking a stand can be terrifying, but you don’t have to do it alone. Get a friend, classmate, or even a stranger to help you stand up to a possible perpetrator. By working together and deciding to work against it, we can greatly reduce the presence of sexual violence on campus. While this weekend will be another great chance to go out and enjoy the season’s festivities, it is also an opportunity to help change the cycle of violence on campus. No matter what type of costume you put on this Halloween, it is important to ask yourself who the person is underneath. Are you the type of person who will stand up and help end sexual assault, or will you stand by and let another brother, sister or friend become the target of a sexual assault? ■ *This article was originally published in the Daily Barometer. It appears here in its original form.
What does a college student do for Halloween?
“Handing out candy, you know, I got one of those mix bags with little bars. I might dress up, I kind of change every year.”
Topher Moore Chemistry major Junior/senior-ish
“Well, I would say most college students probably go out to parties and drink. I’m diabetic, so I’ve never been a big believer in Halloween…So I [went] trick-or-treating with my co-worker’s granddaughter. [We were] both Cinderella.”
Hannah Smith Child and Family Studies Services Sophomore
“I guess the conventional college student would dress in a costume and look for a party. I actually work for a dance studio called Hippoh Project; we had an event for Halloween, Portland’s first funk-style hip hop…in the Pearl District.”
Jung Who Kim Business Sophomore
“A lot of partying and having fun. Go to a club—go down to Burnside and just party. I don’t dress up as anything. I’ve had bad experiences with that.”
Henry Oregon Business and Advertising Freshman
“My guess would be dress up and have Halloween costume competitions; probably somebody has a party at their house and everybody just goes over there and gets drunk…I don’t dress up.”
Dionte Brooks Child and Family Studies Junior
EDITOR’S NOTE The Vanguard published an opinion piece on Oct. 25, titled “Homeless at Portland State” that discusses the issue of homeless people gaining access to Portland State facilities. The article, written by Janieve Schnabel, merely put forth the notion that this may pose a problem for a number of reasons including the safety of Portland State students. The Vanguard would like to restate that the article did not promote any prejudice or stereotype of the homeless community, or put forth the idea that the homeless community is homogeneous. The subject of homelessness is a complex and diverse issue. One cannot simply tackle it in so little time, and Ms. Schnabel did not attempt to do so in her article of opinion. While the homeless are a broad and diverse community, it is difficult to discuss the topic and not address issues such as mental health or drug addiction. While statistics may vary, mental illness does play a significant role in the issue of homelessness in America.
When secured locations at PSU, such as student housing, are being breached, this poses a serious safety risk to students. Another example of the problem is the Smith Memorial Student Union, which is a common setting for study, but is also a common place to find a homeless person taking a nap. Anyone spending time at PSU is aware of this and Ms. Schnabel’s article attempted to bring this matter to light and discuss it plainly without promoting any offense. While not every experience with the homeless is the same as Ms. Schnabel’s article, the fact is that some are. Whether we as a society like it or not, these are the issues that we face, and in particular, we face here at Portland State. The Vanguard would like to restate that the central argument of Ms. Schabel’s article was not to promote any prejudice of the homeless community, but rather to discuss the issue of safety and security on the PSU campus, which does include homeless people using the facilities and entering private areas.
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In response to Refreshingly Frank Seriously? [“Online exclusive: It’s okay to laugh,” Sept. 28] The people who put these kinds of comments on blogs are infuriating. Your article was great. And it wasn’t even like you were trying to pick a fight with guys. You were actually talking about an upcoming event; it wasn’t even an opinion piece. I have no idea why that comment could possibly have been left, other than to say there are people like that leaving nasty comments on so many blogs, regardless of the topic.
Surprisingly, since college, I haven’t had as much cause to identify myself as a feminist. I’m just me. I get full support from my husband. I work for a woman, surrounded by women in positions of authority (and very modern, respectful men). It’s been a long time since I’ve felt any kind of discrimination for being a woman. And so I forget that it’s still out there, because I’m allowed to be simply a person in this world, and not “just a woman.” BUT - I used to get it a lot from high school and college guys. Things that were feminine weren’t good enough for them. And jokes about things I really cared about were hilarious to guys. (no different than the guys who made meat jokes to my vegan sister) Guys that make derogatory comments against women force a response. Actually, those sorts of comments about anyone should be spoken out against. I think the key part of your article was that “the
women involved in this event aren’t only concerned with humor that is sexist or degrading to women, but also humor that targets any minority.” The point is that humor can be humorous without degrading someone....anyone. But in response to “Frank” - what is a feminist? I believe that a feminist is anyone who believes that both genders are equal in worth, intelligence, and respect. Believing this does not require any aggression towards men. Rather, we should all respect one another. But, if you’re not respecting us, it’s our right to say so. And that doesn’t make us selfish. SARAH W.
And another one for Frank Of course I don’t agree at all that ‘feminsits’ are ignorant, misinformed, lacking self control, malicious, dishonest, blah blah blah [“Online exclusive: It’s okay to laugh,” Sept. 28].
That said, as a male who happens—somehow—to care about the well being of people other than myself, I’m so, so grateful that feminists today and throughout history have been perfectly willing to be painted as “resentful, belligerent and quarrelsome” in the face of oppression, degradation, and suffering. (I assume a troll would be more likely to comment ‘off the cuff’ to an article about feminist comedians rather than making it all the way to the bottom of the Wikipedia article on feminism to learn the word “misandry” first, so I’ll guess that “Frank” is simply the other kind of troll, the sort not associated with fishing or the internet.) ANOTHER FEMINIST
Straight to the point This article is offensive. [“Homeless at Portland State,” Oct. 25] ANONYMOUS
In agreement Thank you [“Homeless at Portland State,” Oct. 25]. I am in total agreement with you. Longterm homeless people have the potential for being quite dangerous (not saying that they are in every incidence) because of the mental health component. Having lived in San Francisco for ten years, I have seen some really scary encounters. Students are paying money for their housing and education, and that should include inherent safety. ANONYMOUS
Different class of homeless I agree with the overall point of the article, but would like to point out that most of the “homeless” people that you see at PSU collecting cans from trash bins are nice friendly people that are not causing anyone problems. The people collecting cans are in a completely different class, than the losers with a sense of entitlement yelling at people for not giving them change. The people that put in all the work and energy required to collect cans, look down on beggars and thieves. I am an employee/ student at PSU and on many occasions have had homeless people come up to me and offer to help me lift heavy things into the dumpsters around campus (something that students almost never do). My point is don’t be scared of someone just because they are digging through the trash to get a couple bucks in can deposits. If they are willing to do all that work just to get a few bucks, you know they aren’t trying to steal from or intimidate anyone. Having actually talked to these people I know they are not scary or volatile, they are just trying to pass the time and get a little cash. As for the homeless people harassing someone for change, thats a whole other issue. ANONYMOUS
Hybrid drug research could bring notoriety to the university Working out of a lab in Science Building 1, Peyton said he has not created an entirely new malaria treatment. Instead, he has taken a previously successful malaria drug and bonded to it a molecule that blocks the disease’s ability to form a resistance to the medication. The new “hybrid drug” harnesses the curative power of old treatments and protects its potency by inhibiting future resistance, Peyton said. The drug would not only reverse the effects of the disease and cure the patient, but it would also ensure that the parasite’s mutations could not render the drug ineffectual. According to Peyton, a common misconception is the idea that this treatment is a vaccine. As of today, the drug only exists in crystalline form, but
eventually it will become a pill. Peyton is also co-founder of DesignMedix, a Portland startup company whose main focus is treating infectious disease with hybrid drugs. The company was started in 2006 and is currently housed in Science Building 1, awaiting transfer to a new southwest Portland location. According to Peyton, DesignMedix acts as a second stream of income for research that doesn’t come cheap. Though this grant is a large sum of money, it is only a fraction of the overall cost. Peyton said that creating an infectious disease drug, from its initial research to final product marketing, could cost around $200 million. According to Peyton, this grant money is necessary to
Curing malaria: Dr. Peyton studies the drug in the DesignMedix lab in Science Building 1.
push the project forward to secure the next round of funding. A majority of the grant will be used to send the treatment to outside laboratory or-
ganizations for further testing. Though Peyton’s research is far from complete, he hopes the hybrid drug treatment will be patient-ready in five
to seven years. Peyton’s future plans involve making an application to the Food and Drug Administration to prepare for clinical trials.
Because the United States has very few cases of malaria, future clinical trials will most likely be done in Africa or southeast Asia. This moves him one step closer to connecting his treatment with the actual patients who need it. “This project with reversed drugs is my best chance to do something significant with my career for the world,” Peyton said. PSU also stands to benefit, he said. Peyton’s success in contributing to a cure for malaria—a disease that kills two children every minute— would bring notoriety to the university. Peyton believes that its collaboration with DesignMedix also sets an important precedent, demonstrating that PSU is willing to cooperate with small local businesses. According to Peyton, another benefit is the opportunity for graduate students to participate in research. ■
Lessig says measure will take power away from corporations, lobbyists wasteful use of public money that shows dubious results and leaves room for wasteful spending and fraud. Lessig believes we should support laws like Measure 26-118 at the local level, and the Fair Election Now Act at the federal level. This piece
of legislation would require candidates to raise small donations of $100 or less per person from their home state. Similarly, Measure 26-118 requires candidates for mayor, commissioner and auditor to collect a thousand $5 donations if they want to
qualify for the public fund of $150,000 to $450,000. “The program would produce politicians who would focus not on what their richest funders want, but on what the people want,” Lessig said. “It would produce a different Congress, salient to different
issues, and it would make it possible for you to trust that whatever Congress did was not for the money.” One other impact of voterowned election programs is that it would take away some of the power from lobbyists. This would make these
groups champion for policy instead of channeling money into campaigns, Lessig said. Lessig believes that citizens, not politicians, are the only ones who can carry out this change. “Benjamin Franklin said, ‘We’ve given you a republic if
you can keep it,’” Lessig said. “We all have to recognize that we have lost that republic—this is not the system of government. And I hope you join us…to lead us in this struggle to get it back.” ■
Haze and shoegaze on stage Housefire tonight at Ella St. Social Club LEAH BODENHAMER VANGUARD STAFF
hink seascapes, crashing white-tipped waves, bounding, lonely echoes off high canyon walls; think humbled whispers and sunshine streaming through holes in the treetops; think wispy blue flames. Housefire, the Portland indie shoegaze quartet, comprised of Joseph Craig, Jon and Joey Lewis, and Max Jurgenson, embodies a sound inspired by Aphex Twin, Radiohead, Boards of Canada, and Squarepusher. “A lot of the music I have written,” multi-instrumentalist Jon Lewis said, “is about an identity crisis and feeling insane.” Though the darkness of such a sentiment might catch some people off-guard, the truth-value in Housefire’s music is refreshing. The band utilizes the fairly universal creative shift from acoustic to electronic instrumentation, using electronic beats, synthesizers, and heavily effect-pedaled guitars. Their sound is often minimalist, rarely harnessing that which so many bands rely on: vocals and drums. In its minimalism, the reverb-drenched softness acts as a catalyst for melancholic melodies. If reminiscence had a sound, their recently released and self-titled EP would be it. As fate would have it, after meeting up in 2008, the band has been on the rise both locally and nationally. One really cool beacon of success is the music video made by two members of Wooden Lens, “a small collective of people trying to make something out of nothing or vice versa, we can’t decide,” who work with bands like San Francisco’s rockabilly group, The Ferocious Few and Toronto’s folk band, The Sadies. The video is a mosaic
of clips from old found tapes that Wooden Lens cut and edited to add visual stimulus to Housefire’s song “La Ex.” The video has a very old-timey feel to it, using stop motion and live action, bursting with sun spots, San Francisco hills, snowy mountain peaks, and lots of rushing water. The song they chose to illuminate, “La Ex,” has a heavy Aphex Twin vibe to it—complete with ethereal cut-and-paste female vocals and complex electronic beat composition. This song stands out in the realm of Housefire music due to its intense electronic feel, but the band intends to further pursue this genre.
indie rock, but Christopher Ruff’s vocals have a certain high-pitched whiney timbre that doesn’t sit well with some people. They will put on a good show, though, full of twisting bodies and sweat. ■
Housefire, Water & Bodies Ella St. Social Club 714 SW 20th Pl. Free, 9 p.m. 21+ PHOTO COURTESY OF CK PHOTOGRAPHY
That SG ain't gonna play itself : Housefire rocks a house full of graffiti and dreamcatchers.
Fall soba salad
“ A lot of the music I have written is about an identity crisis and feeling insane.” JON LEWIS
“I’m a lot more interested,” Lewis said, “in electronics and unusual sounds in our music... We have guitars and drums and bass as well as some electronic drums and synths. We might have a pan [at our next show].” This summer, the band did a small west coast tour that can be described, in Lewis’ words, as “hot, expensive, sweaty, and fun.” Besides the expensive part, this is the kind of show Housefire likes to put on for its audiences. So what else is in store for these guys? “We keep shrinking,” Lewis said, “and our sound is getting tighter and more focused... In the immediate future we hope to be playing SXSW this march, but we’ll see.” Housefire will be playing tonight with not-quite-so-deep local band, Water & Bodies. Musically, they are pretty basic
An old favorite recipe, twisted toward the season KAT VETRANO VANGUARD STAFF
I You can also catch Housefire at the following shows:
t is often that when you find one recipe that hits all the right notes, it becomes set in stone. Last year, for me, it was a soba salad: red cabbage, bell peppers, beans, and avocado mixed with soba noodles and tossed in a sesame oil and Sriracha-infused dressing (if you want that recipe, type “Soba and veggies to go” in the online Vanguard database). It was the perfect meal because it was healthy, traveled well and was tasty. But these days, I have been experimenting with other vegetables, and I think I have found that recipe’s counterpart, fall-style. The recipe employs great fall/winter vegetables, warm spices, soba noodles, and leftover tofu from a recent Chinese take-out night, and it might just be a new favorite.
Ingredients ■■ 1/4 package of soba noodles ■■ 1 tablespoon of olive oil ■■ 2 large carrots, peeled and grated ■■ 6 large kale leaves ■■ 2 teaspoons chili powder ■■ 1 tablespoon cumin ■■ 2 teaspoon dried ginger ■■ salt ■■ black pepper ■■ 1/2 cup of leftover cooked firm tofu,
or fresh cubes
■■ Sriracha, to your liking ■■ 2 tablespoons rice vinegar Method:
Thursday Dec. 12 Doug Fir lounge with No Kind of Rider, Water & Bodies Thursday Dec. 16 Doug Fir lounge with Water & Bodies
Bring a small saucepan of water to a boil. Salt, and add soba noodles. Meanwhile, bring oil in a medium skillet to medium heat. When hot, add carrots and kale, sautéing for a few minutes, until kale begins to break down. If mixture looks dry, add a few tablespoons of water. Add tofu and spices to the mixture. Sauté for a few more minutes. When soba noodles are done (they only take about six minutes), drain, and add to the skillet. Once tofu is heated through, remove the mixture from heat and add to a bowl. Check seasonings, dress with rice vinegar and Sriracha to your liking. PHOTO COURTESY OF GETHEALTHYWITHCAROL.COM
Gimme shelter Art and gentrification in northeast Portland JOSHUA HUNT VANGUARD STAFF
In 2006, a City of Portland Commissioner named Sam Adams had the idea that Portland’s economic future would be very closely linked to the city’s ability to nurture its existing arts community while continuing to attract young, creative professionals. In a meeting with real estate developer Ted Gilbert, Adams expressed his concern that our growing metropolis might soon be unable to offer affordable housing and work spaces for artists, pushing them out of the community. The potential economic consequences of such a turn of events could be disastrous. In the past decade there has been a dramatic influx of young artists, students, and professionals coming to Portland due to the low cost of living and relatively high quality of life. This has had the net effect of raising the yearly cost of living, and the potential result of losing a significant portion of the population the city has gained in recent years would be a terrible blow for Oregon’s fragile economy. Most Oregonians have intimate knowledge of what former City Commissioner Sam Ad-
Milepost 5 First Friday Open House 850 NE 81st Ave. 5 p.m., Friday, Nov. 5 www.milepost5.net
ams has done since that meeting in 2006. Ted Gilbert, meanwhile, quietly took up the challenge set forth by Adams by founding Milepost 5 later that year. “Milepost 5 is an intentional community of spaces for artists and creative types to live and work in,” Gavin Shettler, the project’s creative director, said. “It is a private development by Brad Malsin of Beam Development and Ted Gilbert of Portland Affordable Housing Trust. I was hired on in 2008 to handle artist and community development, tenant reSAGE WARNER/VANGUARD STAFF lations, facility manage- Milepost : A lone, sad sunflower moans the loss of his beloved nursing home. ment, and project development,” he says. able to anyone who wishes to become a part of Milepost 5 is not a non-profit organization, the community, at a starting price of $84,000 but a private endeavor that aims to offer artists per unit. In addition to living amongst other artcomfortable, affordable lofts in a developing ists, residents enjoy a community garden, as well neighborhood. Located at 900 NE 81st Ave. in as a rotating art show in the building’s lobby. Portland, MP5 consists of 54 lofts that are availFriday, Nov. 5, MP5 will be hosting an open
Thrifting made easy A mental primer for taking the plunge AMANDA BENTLEY VANGUARD STAFF
he world of thrifting can be overwhelming and intense. Between rows of porcelain knick-knacks, heaps of toys, and racks of clothes, how do you stay focused on your purpose and strike a good deal? Worthwhile thrifting is an art form that takes patience and practice to perfect. Even then, the best thrifters can still strike out. It’s important to know when to go, what to look for and when to leave. The first thing to keep in mind is your time allowance. Don’t go if you don’t have time to spare. The best thrift stores can require a commute to get to them. Make sure you have a couple hours to burn, so you don’t feel rushed. It will make the experience much more pleasant if you give yourself time to really explore and look through all the merchandise. Some thrift stores are much more organized than others. If you’re just starting out, go to one such as Better Bargains, Volunteers of America, or Value Village that organizes their inventory by size, style and even color. Their organization really makes shopping less intimidating. Once you are comfortable with this setup, move onto places like “The Bins,” which gets a little crazier and is completely unorganized. Stores like these can contain the best bargains, but you don’t want to overwhelm yourself on your first go. Also, if you can avoid it, don’t go on the weekends. This is the time when stores are hit the hardest and picked over the most. If you must, then go right when they open. The new mer-
chandise will be out and not picked over yet. Go on a weekday. Go in the morning when you’re still fresh, or whenever you have the most energy. Eat and go to the bathroom before you go. You don’t want to be thwarted by annoying personal needs. Sometimes the dingiest places have the best bargains. Thrifting has become trendy these days, and some people don’t realize what it really involves. It’s not glamorous like the shiny stores in the mall. It’s an adventurous scavenger hunt. Just a heads up—you will most likely run into dirty and smelly things. That’s just part of the fun. You can bring gloves if it makes you feel better, especially at outlets where you have to
dig through merchandise. Consider thrifting a hobby. It requires time, effort, and practice, but should be enjoyable. Check the condition. Make sure all the buttons, bows, zippers, etc. are in place. Also check the armpits of the garment for stains or pilling. If the overall condition looks good, go for it. I would hesitate to buy something that needs work, unless you are an avid tailor/seamstress. Otherwise, it will probably just sit in your closet. Don’t be afraid to strike out. You might not always find something you like, or it might not work out. That’s OK. There’s lots of turnover in thrift stores, so go back the next week or whenever you have time. Thrifting isn’t like normal
house at its new studios building, located at 850 NE 81st Ave. Beginning at 5 p.m., attendees will enjoy live music, as well as art exhibits, installations, and performances from MP5 artists in residence. “The studios building consists of 96 work and living spaces available for artists, musicians, actors, and other creative types. The application process to get into the building is extremely non-competitive,” Shettler said. “We’re very excited to be able to offer people in the community one central place to come and enjoy so many different forms of art and expression. This is the largest live/work community in the metro area, and we’re very excited to be able to share it with the general public,” Shettler said. In addition to being an experiment in art and the redefining of living spaces, MP5 may also prove to be an experiment in something else that Portland is deeply familiar with—gentrification. Multi-million dollar real estate interests in the area will certainly benefit from the community development that projects like MP5 offer, as will anyone with significant real estate holdings in the surrounding neighborhood. MP5 co-founder Ted Gilbert is currently in the planning phase of a $21 million development deal in the nearby Gateway neighborhood. The artists in residence at MP5 may not price themselves out of the community that they are helping to build up, but they may very well price out others in the surrounding neighborhood. In addition to an evening of art and entertainment, the Milepost 5 studio building open house could turn out to be an excellent opportunity for community discourse as well. ■
shopping. The process of sifting through items is part of the experience. Also, don’t buy a consolation prize. It’s easy to get caught up in the cheap price tags and fall victim to something just because you haven’t found anything else. Don’t do it. Try imagining the item at the same price in Ross. Would you still buy it? Know what you need and have a use in mind. Just because thrift stores are cheaper does not prevent you from getting carried away and going overboard. Create a set budget and stick to it. If you’re buying a non-clothing item, make sure you have a use for it, so that you don’t just add to your pile of “yard sale” material. When buying clothing, try it on! This may not be possible in some places, but trying something on will prevent you from regretting an unwise purchases later. I would also suggest that you take a friend with you. Thrifting is a lot of fun when you have someone to share all the weird things you find with. Find a friend, bring some gloves and get your thrift on! You never know what may be hiding among the racks. ■
Goodwill, Bono's muse: All this stuff, and she still hasn't found what she's looking for.
Killing me softly The secret hell of abused men REBEKAH HUNT VANGUARD STAFF
omestic violence is a term we hear pretty much every day. Whether it’s on the news or about a friend or celebrity, there is one common theme to the stories—he was the abuser and she was the abused. Nearly every incident that reaches our ears involves a male abusing a female. Is this the result of some massive conspiracy to make men look evil? In a word: no. Part of it is frequency (more women are violently abused by men than vice-versa), part of it is sensationalism (far more men tend to kill the woman they are involved with than vice-versa and that makes a more exciting headline), but it’s not as cut-and-dry a situation as it seems. Underreporting plagues the domestic violence issue among both genders due to factors such as embarrassment, denial, wanting to protect the abuser, and being afraid of making the problem worse. However, male victims face some particular issues that most female victims don’t. Most obviously, there is stigma surrounding what a male’s friends and family will think if it is discovered that he has ‘let’ a partner abuse him. There is also an element of disbelief from friends, family, police and medical personnel— especially when those people are also male—and victims are often unwittingly, yet strongly, encouraged to minimize the importance and impact of the abuse. Trying to report once and meeting this reaction is a primary factor of why so many men never report again or never report in the first place. The other far more insidious problem is that women tend toward being emotional
abusers and many men are not even aware that what they are experiencing, though destructive and distressing, is abuse at all. Most people are pretty clear on the physical forms of abuse, but there are many other telltale signs of this kind of dynamic. To give you a better idea of the scope of tactics abusers use to control their partners and to illustrate why so many people seem unaware when they are in abusive relationships, I’ve listed some of the most frequent behaviors of abusive partners:
■■ Flying into verbal rages, withdrawing and then suddenly acting like nothing has happened
■■ Tracking all your time
■■ Trivializing you by suggesting that what you have done or communicated is inconsquen tial or unimportant (a more subtle form of minimizing)
■■ Constantly acting extremely jealous or accusing you of being unfaithful ■■ Discouraging your relationships with family and friends ■■ Preventing you from working or attending school ■■ Angering easily when drinking or on drugs ■■ Controlling all finances and forcing you to account in detail for what you spend ■■ Humiliating you in front of others ■■ Destroying personal property or sentimental items ■■ Coercing/blackmailing you to have sex against your will ■■ Denying your emotional needs with the intent of punishing or hurting you ■■ Denying actions when confronted, ‘I never said that,’ ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ etc.
■■ Withholding, refusing to listen, refusing to communicate and emotionally or sexually withdrawing as punishment ■■ Using fear, guilt, compassion, values or other ‘hot buttons’ to get what they want
Awash in schism : Senator Ted Kennedy (RIP) wonders why we cant all just get along.
■■ Minimizing you with statements such as ‘You’re too sensitive,’ ‘You’re exaggerating,’ or ‘You’re blowing this out of proportion’ etc.
This list is far from exhaustive, but it might be enough of an eye-opener for you to examine your relationship more thoroughly. Guys, you don’t have to put up with an abusive jerk (male or female) any more than a girl does. If you think your partner is abusive, talk to a counselor or a friend, or just get out of the relationship as quickly as possible. No matter how trite it may sound, abuse is not your fault and wanting to end it does not make you weak. Abusive relationships are highly addictive, incredibly hard to escape, and the abuse almost always escalates into harsher forms. No one wants to lose their life, figuratively or literally, to someone who beats them into the ground every day. You deserve better. ■
Seek and deport “Last Best Chance” offers a glimpse into American lawmaking INES KUNA VANGUARD STAFF
o stories of men dying in the arid Arizona deserts from dehydration sound familiar? Perhaps you remember John McCain using these truthful anecdotes to convey the importance of immigration reform— before he ran for president, anyway. That’s the opening scene of one of this year’s best documentaries, “Last Best Chance (aka the Senators Bargain),” an ultra-exclusive look at Congress and its dealings with immigration. The controversial topic has increasingly raised American eyebrows as the purported number of illegal immigrants in the United States rises. Are we to seek and deport these people or let them have citizenship? What about the thousands of other people who are waiting to enter the United States legally? Who is at the top of the list? The documentary follows these issues in the scope of Edward Kennedy and his political team. Although the film is clearly left-leaning, the narrator does not contribute his own opinions at any time during the movie. All of the information of the documentary is gathered from the raw footage following the inner workings of the Democratic Party. Inevitably, the team’s hopes for immigration are met with nays on the Republican end. While cameras were forbidden in the negotiation room, the content of the dialogue is implied to the
viewer. Democrats want to reunite people who have families in the United States and want to employ workers who have jobs lined up, while Republicans want master’s degree holders. Insightfully, Kennedy’s group points out that the latter qualification would allow all of Europe and a third of Asia to floodgate the border, but not Latin American or Africa. It begs the question: Is this a racial dilemma? That’s solely for viewers to decide as they enter the sticky dealings behind of the inner workings of law reform. Although extremely educational regarding immigration reform and current issues, the movie is equally didactic about the way Congress works and touches on the difficulties of law implementation. The constant scrambling of the party members, although met with lighthearted music, is
hard to watch. Every deadline you’ve ever experienced will nostalgically flood your memory while watching Deputy Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security Esther Olavarria run in heels down a marble hallway carrying a stack of papers that mean the world to thousands of people. The movie is utterly riveting, like watching an ultraimportant football game as two sides completely duke it out—only there is no tackling in the traditional sense of the word. As Ted Kennedy himself describes politics, it’s “another contact sport.” Everyone is on the edge of their seats, including the policy makers, when it’s time to announce the outcome of the bill. By the end of the movie, the bill has gone through tough negotiations, lost supports and various detrimental amendments. For once, here is a film sympathetic to policy makers, to the flip floppers we all learn to accuse of heresy against the Party. Those same people we learn to loathe are depicted in their most vulnerable time as they desperately attempt to keep intact the purity of the standards for the true laws they wish to employ. This movie shows that ultimately, negotiation is the heart of action. ■
"Last Best Chance" (aka "The Senators Bargain") Northwest Film Center Free for Students
Plenty of powder went into making this Moth NICHOLAS KULA VANGUARD STAFF
Today, Nov. 2 Bayside, Senses Fail, Title Fight, Balance and Composure Make no mistake, every band on this bill sucks. What’s more, they all sound like one another. I remember not too long ago when everyone and their brother was into stuff like this, and people openly walked the streets looking like they ate, slept and breathed the stuff. However, the bubblegum emo set has taken a page out of the Juggalo handbook, in that you never seem to see one in the wild unless one of “their bands” are playing. You’ll never find bands like this playing a 21-and-over venue because six people would show up. Tonight’s scourge falls upon the Wonder Ballroom, so if you live in north/northeast Portland and want to see what it would be like if Halloween were year-round, I’d suggest hitting this up—just don’t go in. You’ll be sorry.
White Moth’s list of cooks looks a little long
emember the ‘80s? Remember supergroups? Although the glut of the supergroups did not start in the ‘80s, they sure had a lot of them. The trend trickled on into the ‘90s, and kind of died off by the beginning of the aughts. So, I guess it’s fitting that White Moth—a modern-day supergroup comprised of some of the most influential musicians you’ve never heard of— was purportedly conceptualized in 1985, at the midpoint of supergroup tomfoolery. White Moth, at its core, is comprised of musicians R. Loren and C. Rogers, a “texturist” /vocalist and another vocalist, respectively. Before I continue: Yes, White Moth is billed as a dual vocalist ensemble, with no other instruments present. However, reading the album credits is a task unto itself. No less than 10 guest musicians join Loren and Rogers—a list that reads like a who’s who of proto-hipster bands—Atari Teenage Riot, Zs, Asunder, Frodus, Krallice, even Treasure Fingers (yes, that Treasure Fingers). Not even hip-hop is safe from being cannibalized by the White Moth machine— Dälek also guests on a track. Even before the listener plays the disc, they notice that for having a total of 12 powerhouse musicians, there are eight tracks. This leaves the listener wondering if the aggregate talent that Loren and Rogers must possess to enrapture even the mighty Alec Empire might be put to shoddy use. Not to contend with that theory, the first track, clocking in at 3:14 total, starts out with nearly a full minute of metallic droning. Conversely, it ends with a full minute of the very same metallic sound. With limited real estate, having two-thirds of an opening track as a low drone isn’t exactly a way to win over listeners. I don’t mean to sound like a snarky prick, but some labels hire people to arrange tracks in a way to maximize single playthrough enjoyment. But I suppose that when you’re lucky enough to sucker in Alec Empire, your need for convention magically disappears. By now, I hope you really like that hollow “infinite reverb” bell drone, because you’ll get it for a whole minute at the end of each song. At the end of the final track, “To the Cathedral,” you’ll hear three minutes of it. The really funny part is that, as a musician myself, I know that Electro-Harmonix, God bless ‘em, manufactures a reverb pedal with an “infinite mode” called “Cathedral.” If this all means
Lookin’ for something to do?
what I think it does, White Moth really pulled one over on about 1,000 people who may or may not be listening to their record. All negativity aside, if you cut out the 11 minutes of drone and can tolerate tons of psychedelic effects, there are some real jams on this record. Tracks two and seven, “Two Women, Knitting” and “Smiles Warm Red Light,” respectively, are the standouts of the record—the latter being where Empire’s influence (read: 909 gabber) is particularly detectable. The former track is more of a ballsout noise rock cut, bringing to mind Sonic Youth and A Place to Bury Strangers, if only for their swirling and monolithic effect usage. Ashley Jones of Treasure Fingers really gets his feet wet with the White Moth project. Formerly of a little-known drum ‘n’ bass act called Evol Intent, Jones gets to return to his DnB roots many times over the course of the record. If Loren and Rogers meant for the beats on the album to sound ultra-synthetic and reminiscent of the DnB genre, then they have found a winner. A nice side effect of the record is being able to find out more about the artists on it—with the truly great drum programming that Jones contributes, it’s very easy to be able to experience a newfound respect for Treasure Fingers. I can only assume that the drone is supposed to signify drifting in between artistic “visions,” as the White Moth mythos makes references to REM sleep—the state in which your body is most prone to dreams. Perhaps the track featuring Dälek (“Shoot the Clock”) would have best been left a dream, as it’s a complete non sequitur and serves little purpose. It’s not like noise rock/musique concrete was ever for the “casual listener,” but any casual listener that tries their ear at this record will likely be lost amongst the multiple interludes which all sound exactly the same. That said, White Moth’s record can be enjoyable; it just takes a little work. But if the listener is expected to work for the enjoyment, perhaps next time White Moth can work to meet us halfway. ■
White Moth Self-titled Out now Angel Oven Records
Wonder Ballroom, 6:30 p.m., $18 but should be $3, all ages, (as if)
Wednesday, Nov. 3 Bloody Beetroots, Death Crew 77 Electro shows don’t often come to Portland, and when they do, they’re rarely this good (I know, Vitalic came recently, but he opened for Rusko, a dubstep artist, doesn’t count). Italy’s Bloody Beetroots were founded as a symbiosis of music and fashion. Their music speaks for itself—they’re responsible for lots of good original tracks and a whole bunch of good remixes (check out their remix of Etienne de Crécy’s “You are Welcome” if you don’t believe me). As for their fashion sensibilities—well, they’re from Italy, and the rest I guess we’ll just have to find out.
Roseland Theater, 9 p.m., $18, all ages
Thursday, Nov. 4 Adai, Name, Valor, The Hedonist Colorado’s Adai play metal. Deep, dark, soul-crushing nihilistic-band-name metal. Tonight, they’re playing Plan B, who is really stepping up their game as of late. Though there has been a recent glut of NBD metal (I’m totally coining that term) in Portland and other “alternative” locales, Adai has been at it longer than most, and really, their songwriting skills show it. In this type of metal, riff writing and guitar tone can almost supersede actual songwriting. Luckily, Adai has it in spades. These guys’ riffs are going to slay everyone in a five-block radius. If you hear something outside tonight, don’t worry, it’s just Adai playing. If you live anywhere near Plan B, God help you.
Plan B, 9 p.m., $5, 21+
Viks claim second place Vikings dust
Shooter: Sophomore Amanda Dutra had four shots and an assist in Friday's match.
Women’s soccer defeats Sac State to finish regular season with best-ever record NILESH TENDOLKAR VANGUARD STAFF
ortland State women’s soccer capped its best regular season performance on Friday with a victory over the very team they are now set to face in the conference tournament. The Vikings defeated visiting Sacramento State 1-0 at Hillsboro Stadium to close scheduled play with a program-best 5-2-0 record against Big Sky Conference opponents. “I think it’s huge to break the barrier of five wins in the regular season,” said Portland State head coach Laura Schott. “We gutted it out in the game today and came out of it with the results. We had an outstanding first half, but we came out a little bit in the second.” The Vikings (9-9-1, 15 points) finish the season in second place in the conference standings and will play the Hornets again in Flagstaff, Ariz., in the Northern Arizona-hosted Big Sky Championship semifinals this Friday. Portland State’s win in Hillsboro marked the first victory over the Hornets since 2004 and also extends the Vikings’ winning streak at home during conference play to four seasons. In 2006, Sacramento State was the last Big Sky team to defeat PSU on their own pitch. Going into the final week of the regular season, the four conference tournament teams had already been decided. Northern Arizona clinched the regular season title and with it the hosting rights to the championship, and PSU, Sac State and Northern Colorado were all playing for tournament seeding. In an eerie scheduling premonition, the outcome of the season resulted in having the last two scheduled matches replayed in this week’s tournament semifinals. Friday’s match against Sacramento State also held some historical significance. Since 2006, the Vikings have played the Hornets in the final game of the regular season. The last two encounters ended in draws, setting up clashes with the Lumberjacks in the tournament semifinals, which Portland State lost both times. This season, Northern Arizona is undefeated in conference and enters the tournament with six-straight wins. The Lumberjacks have not lost since Sept. 12.
In Friday’s game, Schott went with her winning combination but slightly shuffled the formation from the team that defeated Idaho State the week prior. She put freshman midfielder Eryn Brown on the left wing and sophomore midfielder Michelle Hlasnik on the right. “We started out really well,” sophomore midfielder Amanda Dutra said. “We tried some new things. We are coming together as a team at a perfect time. We came out a little slow in the second half, but we fought it through and came out with a win.” The Viks started the game with resolve and took the lead early in the fifth minute on a breakaway goal from senior forward Frankie Ross. Dutra played a defense-splitting throughball to Ross, who charged down the middle through the Sacramento State defense and buried the ball into the bottom right of the net. It was Ross’ fifth goal of the season, and with it she is now the fourth-leading goal scorer and point scorer in program history. She also ranks second in assists. “Frankie had a great goal,” Dutra, who took four shots in addition to the assist, said. “She was very composed in front of the goal.” Ross had four yellow cards going into the game, and a fifth meant a suspension from the playoffs. Erring on the side of caution, Schott replaced the senior forward with junior Melissa Trammell. She also replaced freshman midfielder Hannah Kimsey early in the half because of card trouble. Some time later, the news reached Hillsboro Stadium that Northern Arizona had taken a 1-0 lead against Northern Colorado, indicating that if the result remained the same, both Portland State and Sacramento State would play each other again in the Big Sky semifinals. However, this news did not deter the Viks from continuing their attacking momentum. In the eighth minute, Dutra took a left-footed shot that went slightly wide. In the 10th minute, Dutra unleashed another left-footer from a distance. Sacramento State’s goalkeeper Savannah Abercrombie had to tip the ball over her net to keep it out. Dutra, who leads the team in shots, said that even though her shots are on target, she wants to score. “I am tired of hitting the post or hitting it wide,” she said. “I’ll keep taking the shots and hopefully they will go in in the tournament.” In the 14th minute of action, junior forward Kala Renard calmly headed the ball and set up Ross, whose shot was saved by Abercrombie. Dutra once again took a crack at goal and rattled the Hornets' crossbar in the 20th minute. Going into the halftime break, Portland State led Sacramento State in shots, 9-3. Senior goalkeeper Rachel Jarvis just had one save to make, compared to three by Abercrombie. SOCCER ON PAGE 15
2010 Big Sky Championship Flagstaff, Ariz. Shots by period Sacramento State Portland State
1 3 9
No. 1 Northern Arizona vs. No. 2 Portland State vs.
2 18 3
Total 21 12
No. 4 Northern Colorado No. 3 Sacramento State
Grizzlies, ‘Cats Women’s volleyball finishes weekend with wins over both Montanas MADISON BEARD VANGUARD STAFF
he Portland State women’s volleyball team extended its winning streak to three games with twin 3-1 victories over visiting Montana and Montana State over the weekend. The Vikings defeated the Montana Grizzlies Friday for the 13th-straight time, then topped the Montana State Bobcats the following night. With four games remaining in the regular season, Portland State (15-8, 10-2 Big Sky) is now a half-game behind conference-leading Northern Colorado. Freshman setter Garyn Schlatter finished just one dig shy of a triple-double on Friday and strongly set the pace for the Viking’s victory before a crowd of nearly 1,000 at the Stott. The Vikings took advantage of Montana’s continuous ball errors that eventually led to a 25-15 win in the first set. Set two was a game of tug-o-war as the Vikings battled with the Grizzlies through 10 tied scores and six lead changes. Montana eventually claimed the set, 26-24. The last two points were off kills from Montana hitters Kayla Reno and Jaimie Thibeault, who perfectly placed their hits deep into the PSU court. “I think we were just over-playing,” Schlatter said of set two. “We had too many people going for balls. If we could have just relaxed and trusted everyone to play their own positions, it would have helped out.” Starting the third set trailing the Grizzlies, PSU’s senior outside hitter Whitney Phillips contributed 13 kills to bring the Viks to a 25-21 set win. The Vikings left Montana scrambling for the ball in the fourth set and shut down the Grizzlies, 25-23, to give Portland State another home victory. The set ended with both Phillips (21 kills, 14 digs) and Schlatter (11 kills, 32 assists) receiving yet another double-double. Sophomore Megan Ellis (12 kills) and freshman Aubrey Mitchell (10 kills) added to the PSU score, along with senior Diana Villalpando, who picked up 17 digs in the final set. Saturday’s match-up against Montana State forced PSU to fight for points that eventually led to the Vikings taking the game 3-1 before a crowd of 223 at the Stott. Set one kept both teams working for a lead run. The largest lead was near the end, when PSU took control after a timeout and won the set by three points with a block and kill by senior Lana Zielke and then a kill by Phillips to finish, 25-22. Set two followed after the same give-and-take pattern, and kept the momentum shifting as nine tie scores were met between the Vikings and the Bobcats. With a variety of kills and tips being hit, set two made for great rallies and eventually brought PSU to game point, taking the win 25-21 with a ball handle error by Montana State. Portland State got pushed back in set three with a few ball errors that gave way to Montana State stealing the set 25-20. Patton opened the fourth set with back-to-back kills, and then a third kill that put the Viks up 6-0. Zielke had 12 kills and Phillips had 10. Throughout the fourth set, head coach Michael Seemann VOLLEYBALL ON PAGE 15
Cross country concludes Fun in the sun with clubs championship in Cheney Women’s golf heads to Hawaii for Turtle Bay Invitational
Portland State runners improve from last season’s championship JASON LIAO VANGUARD STAFF
The Portland State cross country teams wrapped up competition Saturday at the Big Sky Conference Championship in Cheney, Wash. The men and women finished seventh and eight, respectively. At the event hosted by Eastern Washington, the men’s team, paced by senior Andrew Salg, finished with 166 points. The women’s team, led by sophomore Julie Pedersen, finished with 233 points. With a time of 23 minutes, 18.24 seconds, Salg was the 22nd finisher out of a field of 64 in the 8-kilometer men’s race. The finish marks an improvement from Salg’s time in last year’s championship, where he led all Portland State runners with a 36th-place time of 27:40:31. Senior John Lawrence followed Salg with a 29th-place finish and a time of 23:35.88.
Pedersen ran a time of 16:41.77 to place 18th in a field of 68 runners in the women’s 5k. This was much improved from a year ago, when Pedersen placed 49th out of 67 runners with a time of 22:10.20. Sophomore Amber Rozcicha placed second out of the Portland State women with a time of 17:16.47, a marked improvement over last year’s championship time of 21:42.1. The Northern Arizona men ran away from the competition, finishing first for the fourth straight year with 27 points. All seven runners on the Lumberjack men’s team finished in the top 15. Northern Arizona was followed by Montana State (56 points) and Weber State (99 points). Montana won the women’s title for the first time in 26 years with a score of 49 while Weber State (63 points) and Idaho State (68 points) placed second and third, respectively. The highest the Vikings’ have ever placed in the cross country championship was sixth place in 2004 at Montana State. Next up for the Vikings is the University of Oregon-hosted NCAA West Regional on Nov. 13 in Eugene. ■
During this week of rain and wind, the members of the Portland State women’s golf team will have the warm Hawaiian sun at their backs during their final three days of fall play. The Vikings begin play today at the Turtle Bay Resort College Invitational in Kahuku, Hawaii, for their fifth and final tournament before breaking for the winter. As a team, the Vikings are also on a recordsetting pace with a 306.1 scoring average—less than the full-season record of 310.1 that was set last season. Junior Tiffany Schoning leads Portland State with a 75.40-stroke scoring average. Schoning is on pace to break the school record of 76.37 also set last season, by then-freshman Britney Yada. With a 77.8 average, Yada is ranked third on the team, and senior Kalyn Dodge is in second with 77.11. Senior Alexia Brown is setting a careerbest pace of 78.60. Two freshmen on the team have been sharing the fifth spot in competition. Lauren Taylor and
Loren Forney—who average 78.25 with 80.43, respectively—are starting their first year nicely. Forney has shot 77 three times and Taylor has a season-low of 75. Portland State finished eighth at the Circling Raven Invitational, third at the Rose City Collegiate and fourth at the Heather Farr Memorial. Their team total of 897 at the Rose City Collegiate is second-best in school history and is the best ever under head coach Kathleen Takaishi. Located on the island of Oahu, the Invitational at Turtle Bay will be a 54-hole event on two separate sets of links. Tuesday and Wednesday, the tournament will use the 6,361-yard Arnold Palmer Course. The final round on Thursday will be played on the 6,261-yard George Fazio Course. Competing for the Vikings in this tournament will be Dodge, Yada, Brown and Taylor. The team will return in February for The Gold Rush at Yorba Linda Golf Club in Yorba Linda, Calif. Brigham Young, at 62nd in the latest GolfWeek rankings, is the highest-ranked team competing in the tournament. The Vikings, ranked 111th out of 254 Division-I programs, will also face hosts Hawaii as well as British Columbia, Princeton, Southern Illinois and UC Irvine. Live scoring for the Turtle Bay Invitational will be available at www.golfstat.com. ■
CHECK IT OUT ONLINE! Some say that the Portland Trail Blazers are in the "championship window." Visit www.psuvanguard.com to read sports writer Kevin Fong's take on that and to view a photo slideshow of Friday's women's soccer match.
cover letters, reference lists and portfolio, if applicable.
TODAY Sharing Take-Home Stories from AASHE 2010 Conference Noon Market Center Building, conference room 110
Over a dozen PSU students, faculty and staff recently traveled to Denver to participate in a national campus sustainability conference. Bring your lunch and learn about some of the projects that are currently underway at other colleges and universities. Writing Resumes and Cover Letters 2 p.m. PSU Career Center
This workshop is free and targeted toward PSU students and alumni. Fall Green Teams Meeting 4 p.m. Market Center Building, fifth floor Gold Conference Room
This meeting is open to all faculty and staff, whether already on the Green Team or interested in joining to learn more about greening their departments. Imagining the Real: Climate Change, Denial and Everyday Life 7 p.m. Smith Memorial Student Union, room 327
Presented by Kari Norgaard, a Whitman College sociologist who has studied public attitudes toward climate science. Norgaard specializes in the areas of environmental justice and the sociology of emotions.
WEDNESDAY Nonprofit and Social Services Fair 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Smith Memorial Student Union ballroom
This event gives students the chance to speak with a diverse group of representatives about future career opportunities, internships and volunteer experiences. Attendees are advised to come prepared with copies of their resumes,
Gender Inequality in the Global Economy and the Globalization of Western Patriarchal Gender Constructions 4 p.m. Women’s Resource Center
Presented by Ben Chushing, associate professor in the department of sociology. Solutions Seminar: Josh Farley 5 p.m. Shattuck Hall Annex
Joshua Farley is executive director of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics at the University of Vermont. Bike Hub Women and Trans Repair Night 5 p.m. PSU Bike Hub
Women’s classes are taught by Bike Hub female staff. Workshops are free for all Bike Hub members. To learn more about becoming a member, visit www.pdx.edu/bikehub.
THURSDAY Introduction to Interviewing 3 p.m. PSU Career Center
Learn the basics of interviewing and begin to develop your interviewing skills in this free introductory workshop. Art Exhibit Reception: REVERSIBLE 5 p.m. MK Gallery, 2000 SW Fifth Ave., room 210
This exhibition will feature works by Gunwoo Kim, a visiting scholar from the University of Ulsan in Korea. The exhibit will run through Nov. 27 and can be viewed Mon–Fri, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
vgcalendar@gmail.com or pick up a calendar request form at the Vanguard advertising office, SMSU, room 114.
ADVERTISE FOR FREE! Place an event on the calendar: Contact vgcalendar@gmail. com or pick up a calendar request form at the Vanguard advertising office, SMSU, room 114.
The coming week is likely to see one important phase give way to another that is no less important, and that may in fact prove important enough for some to warrant a dramatic change in some aspect of daily life. Indeed, the emotional burden brought about by what is just around the corner may prove more than some can bear on their own, so it will be a week in which friendships of all kinds prove more important now than ever before -- provided they are true friendships in which communication, trust and cooperation are genuine and lasting. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 7) -- Bumps in the road are to be expected, but how you navigate the major detours will make all the difference. (Nov. 8-Nov. 21) -- Someone offers information that may make recent decisions already out-of-date, but you can certainly stay in touch. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 7) -- You're eager to get started on something that will prove more important to you than recent routine endeavors -- but what is it? (Dec. 8-Dec. 21) -- Questions spring up regarding a key relationship; are you ready to face certain truths? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 6) -- A revelation leads you to make a decision that will affect you for a long time to come, but you can make key adjustments along the way. (Jan. 7-Jan. 19) -- The difference between what is "normal" and what is not may be no clearer than at any other time. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 3) -- A difference of opinion arises between the young and the old, but a meeting of the minds can reveal common ground. (Feb. 4-Feb. 18) -- You needn't be afraid of certain realities that have been hidden from you in the past. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 5) -- Challenges arise that may require you to open up in ways thatyou haven't, especially when getting together with casual friends. (March 6-March 20) -- It may be harder than expected to get the ball rolling; trust your instincts. ARIES (March 21-April 4) -- An opportunity arises that allows you
to air some grievances without offending anyone who is close to you. (April 5-April 19) -- Don't make an already important issue become too important -- or you'll find that no one will want to engage with you. TAURUS (April 20-May 5) -- Self-discovery can result in an important opportunity, but the most valuable activities are those you explore on your own. (May 6-May 20) -- You may pride yourself on your honesty and openness, but you may not be able to talk about just anything. GEMINI (May 21-June 6) -- A mistake you make early in the week is likely to result in a major discovery that can help you avoid any repeats in the near future. (June 7-June 20) -- A surprise development is not likely to be avoided; instead, try to turn it to your advantage. CANCER (June 21-July 7) -- The time has come for you to get out of your own way; yes, it's true -- without knowing it, you have been presenting one obstacle after another. (July 8-July 22) -- You're likely to be criticized for doing or saying something that was utterly unavoidable. LEO (July 23-Aug. 7) -- You may be blaming your current malaise on all kinds of influences that you cannot control, but you may be personally at fault. (Aug. 8-Aug. 22) -- It's important for you to find out who is doing what to influence you against your will. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 7) -- Take care that you make amends any time you do something that offends someone around you; avoid stepping over the line more than once. (Sept. 8-Sept. 22) -- Take steps to improve your health; it won't happen all at once, but you can make a start. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 7) -- You can get more done than planned, provided you sidestep an unexpected obstacle early on. A strong start is the key. (Oct. 8-Oct. 22) -- The more you are able to react in a genuine but agreeable manner, the more you will be able to accomplish.
The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Tuesday, November 02, 2010
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33 Shipment to a smeltery 34 Audited a class, 5 Scarf material say 9 Any member of the genus Homo 36 Winter highway department 14 “___ happens needs …” 39 See 43-Across 15 Black 41 Like some stock 16 In ___ (not yet 43 With 39-Across, born) kind of engine 17 Prevalent 44 Massage 18 Having two or 46 Retro photo tone three kids in a 48 New Orleans-tofamily, nowadays Detroit dir. 19 What to “Come 49 Some airport see the softer data: Abbr. side of,” in a 51 Drained slogan 53 Danced at Rioʼs 20 Two charts? Carnival, maybe 23 ___ v. Wade 56 Homer 24 Nav. rank Simpsonʼs Indian friend 25 Severely affected 57 Mideast grp. 27 Dr. Seuss title 58 Edit? 32 Gloomʼs partner 64 Sharp 1 Cornfield sounds
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43 47
48 52
55 58 65
35 41
No. 0928
56 59
Puzzle by Michael Torch
30 Western tribe
47 Coleridgeʼs sacred river 35 Back of the neck 50 Large quantity 52 One side of “the 37 Ebb pond” 38 Toboggan, e.g. 53 Gap 40 Cutting remark 54 Foil-making 42 Shred giant 45 Fabric dealers, 55 Comedy alternative to Brits 31 Spoke (up)
59 Fall place 60 1998 Sarah McLachlan song 61 Related 62 Hourglass fill 63 Prominent features of a “Cats” poster 65 Plumbing fitting
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Women’s basketball preview
Basketball Jones: Junior guard Eryn Jones, a 2009–10 All-Tournament team selection, returns to PSU's roster this year.
Vikings’ strong exhibition showing could make for smooth transition into the regular season STEPHEN LISLE VANGUARD STAFF
An incredible offensive showing from the Portland State women’s basketball team on Thursday gave fans a glimpse at what can be anticipated in the season to come. After some fine-tuning over the next few weeks, the Vikings will be ready to defend their title as Big Sky Tournament Champions as the season opens. Head coach Sherri Murrell went into Thursday’s exhibition game with Western Oregon University feeling confident in her team. The Viks have been picked to finish third in the Big Sky in the preseason polls, but that has had no effect on how they played the game. The Vikings defeated the WOU Wolves 9483 in a high-scoring shootout Thursday at the Stott Center. The game remained close throughout most of the first half, but never seemed to be out of the Viks’ control. The team went into halftime with a 47-40 lead over WOU and was moving the ball down the court with ease. Vikings senior guard Lexi Bishop was explosive in the second half, scoring the first six points of the half and clearly giving PSU the momentum. Bishop, who scored 23 points on the night, said she felt good about her performance, but still thought there was room for improvement. “We showed some weaknesses on defense, but overall it was a good start,” Bishop said. “It’s good, though, because we have some time to work on things.”
Bishop ended the night with 9 of 11 shooting and two three-pointers. Senior guard Kelly Marchant finished with 16 points and four steals, and senior forward Kelli Valentine ended the night with 15 points. While the defense may have not been the Viks’ strong point during their exhibition, the 23 points scored off fast breaks and turnovers made up for the thin defense. The regular season kicks off Nov. 14 as the Viks go on the road to play the Washington Huskies. Last season, the Vikings won the Big Sky Championship Tournament and went to the Division-I NCAA Tournament for the first time in school history—all after they were projected to finish fifth in conference. Portland State finished the season at 18-14 overall (9-7 Big Sky), and entered the conference tournament as the No. 5 seed. With three tournament wins, the Vikings became the lowest-seeded team to ever claim the conference title. The Viking women have kept it simple when it comes to being successful. Keeping a fast tempo that wears teams down has been key to their plan. The success of last season makes the Vikings the team to beat, and they will have a target on their back as others seek the title this season, a situation that coach Murrell did not seem the least bit concerned about. “Of course, after three great seasons we are going to be targeted,” she said. “Being picked to finish third this year takes away from the heat in the Big Sky, but we are just going to try and do more of the same as last year.” The Vikings are considered to be the conference underdogs, but with all of their recent success they have had under Murrell, it is surprising that some still doubt their chances at another title. The team has been in back-to-back conference championship games and made it to the semifinals three
The Viks also led the Hornets 3-0 in corner kicks. The second half, however, was a different story. After realizing that they would play the Hornets again regardless of the result, coach Schott decided to rest many of her starting 11 at the start of the second half. Sacramento State replaced only one starter, and the Hornet offense blitzed the Viking defense with 18 attempts on goal and eight corners in the second period. The Vikings took only three shots in the half and didn’t earn another corner kick. In spite of the barrage, the Vikings stood their ground and prevented the Hornets from netting the tying goal. At the end of 90 minutes, the score remained 1-0 and the Vikings
Every day is Valentine's day: Forward Kelli Valentine had 15 points, five rebounds and three steals in Thursday's exhibition.
years ago in Murrell’s first year as head coach. The Viks lost two seniors from last season, both of which had impressive talents that were brought to the table. The biggest loss was that of starting point guard Claire Faucher, who averaged 6.7 assists per game last season, ranking fourth in the nation. Erin Yankus, who started 18 games last season, was an inside threat for the Vikings and averaged 7.5 points and 6.5 rebounds per game. The Vikings will rely on three returning starters from last season, including Bishop, to lead the charge this year. Other returning starters include fellow senior forward Kelli Valentine and junior guard Eryn Jones. Other players have been patiently waiting for their chance to shine, and some have already put up some incredible numbers off of the bench. Junior forward Katy Wade has blocked 86 shots in her first two years with the Vikings and is 33 blocks shy of setting the school’s alltime record. Expect to see big numbers from seniors Merchant and Valentine, who are both close to
eclipsing the 1,000-point mark at Portland State. Also, after sitting out last season because of NCAA transfer rules, Boise State transfer Courtney VanBrocklin is eligible to play, and coach Murrell is expecting big things from her this year. “Courtney is an incredible athlete. She is quick and will get to the foul line for us,” Murrell said. VanBrocklin is just one of the expected leaders for the already well-seasoned team. With four seniors on the team, there is plenty of experience to go around and coach Murrell feels this is key for helping the two new freshmen to the team. A well-rounded team is what she is hoping will be the key to making it back on top of the conference this season. “The most interesting part about leaders on this team is how many options we have. We have so many people that will step up,” Murrell said. “I think Eryn Jones will be a great leader, though, she is ready for it to be her time.” Jones, Murrell and the rest of the Vikings will face their first test on Nov. 14, and they appear prepared to defend their Big Sky title. ■
earned their fifth shutout in league play. The game also marked the last home game for three Portland State seniors. Ross, Jarvis and left back Emily Rohde were all commemorated before the start of the match. Jarvis started the game in place of sophomore goalkeeper Lainey Hulsizer, who had started the week before. “I would like to congratulate our seniors,” Schott added. “Our senior goalkeeper got a shutout, and another had a game-winning goal. It’s been great having them in the program. They have had very good careers and I just want to thank them for being Vikings.” Next up for the Vikings is a Big Sky semifinal match against Sacramento State in Flagstaff, Ariz., on Friday. ■
brought in a couple of reserves to help contribute to the 25-15 win. Freshman Aubrey Mitchell had eight kills, and sophomore Alexa Rosendale had five with 10 digs. Schlatter ended the night with a double-double of 34 assists and 11 digs. Freshman Kaeli Patton achieved a career-high 11 kills. “I think we played really well,” Patton said. “Everybody got to play and we performed well as a team tonight.” With the next three games on the road, and the top spot in the conference standings to regain, PSU faces an uphill battle as it starts to wrap up the season with hopes of a Big Sky Championship. “We’re in a position right now where we obviously have a target on our backs,” Seemann said.
The Vikings have won 15 consecutive Big Sky matches at home. They face Eastern Washington in Cheney, Wash., on Saturday before returning to the Park Blocks on Nov. 13 for their final home game of the season. As part of Senior Day, the team’s senior players will be honored before the Stott Center crowd. ■
Set scores Friday Montana (1) Portland State (3)
15 25
26 24
21 25
23 25
Saturday Montana State (1) Portland State (3)
22 25
21 25
25 20
15 25
Losing streak continues Vikings football in a rut after crushing loss to Eastern Washington ALLISON WHITED VANGUARD STAFF
When the Portland State Vikings and the Eastern Washington Eagles faced off Saturday, a lot was on the line for both teams: The Viks looked to end a three-game losing streak and the Eagles looked to claim sole possession of first place in the Big Sky Conference. After a 50-17 Eagles victory, Eastern Washington stands alone atop the conference standings and the Vikings stretch their losing streak to four games. An impressive offensive performance led by running back Taiwan Jones sealed the deal for the Eagles (7-2, 6-1 Big Sky). With just one league game remaining on the schedule—against last-place Idaho State—Eastern Washington has all but a lock on a playoff bid.
The Vikings (2-6, 1-4 Big Sky) have now lost six games in the season and have not tasted victory since Oct. 2. They will need to win their last three games, all against conference opponents, to have a chance to lend legitimacy to the season. During the Vikings’ first offensive series, junior quarterback Connor Kavanaugh injured his throwing hand on a quarterback keep that resulted in a fumble and an Eagles recovery at the Portland State 44-yard line. With Kavanaugh out, senior Tygue Howland took the snaps for the remainder of the game. As of press time, it is not confirmed whether Kavanaugh’s hand is broken, but all signs point to his season ending prematurely. “Right now the prelimi-
Defensive woes: The Vikings had trouble stopping Eastern's rushing attack.
“[Jones] is a good football player. I think we magnified it with poor tackling,” Portland State head coach Nigel Burton said.
First downs Yards rushing Yards passing Total off. yards Fumbles (lost) Interceptions (yds) Third-down conv. Fourth-down conv. Red-zone scoring Time of possession
19 222 301 523 3 (2) 1 (49) 3 of 10 – 3 of 4 22:01
25 129 323 452 3 (1) – 11 of 24 1 of 4 1 of 3 37:59
nary [diagnosis] is that it is not good,” Burton said of the junior’s left hand. “We won’t know until we get MRIs and X-rays,” Burton said. The Vikings were not only plagued with ill-timed injuries, but they were also self-defeating. Down 21-3 in the second quarter, the Viks started a drive that began at their own 12-yard line and would take them deep enough into Eagles’ territory for sophomore kicker Zach Brown to have a shot at a field goal. After a 23-yard bomb to junior running back Cory McCaffrey, the Viks had posi-
tion at Eastern Washington’s 22-yard line—just outside of the red zone. A holding penalty against the Viks took the ball back to the Eagles’ 32, and the ensuing play—a reverse rush by sophomore receiver Keitrell Anderson—resulted in a loss of 13 yards. On third-and-33, all Howland could muster was a 5-yard pass, leaving the Viks with nothing to do but punt. When given the chance to kick, Brown made good on one of three field goal attempts. After putting up three points on a 50 yarder, he missed from 34 then 54 yards out. The Viking run defense was never able to restrict Eastern’s ground game, and by halftime had allowed the Eagles 210 rushing yards. In the second half alone, the PSU defense allowed EWU to run five times for 141 yards. Jones, with three first-half touchdowns, was clearly the star of Eastern Washington’s show. Two of his touchdown runs, for 71 and 65 yards, accounted for nearly half of his 199 total rushing yards. For his performance, he was named the conference’s Player of the Week yesterday. Late in the third quarter, PSU scored on a 33yard touchdown run from McCaffrey. Complete with broken tackles and skillful maneuvering, the run was a thing of beauty, and it accounted for 33 of his 36 rushing yards at the time. McCaffrey ended the game with 100 rushing yards, keeping his streak of tripledigit days going for the fifth straight game. Eastern Washington's special teams proved that it wasn't only the offense that could put points on the board. Early in the second half, the Eagles blocked a Viking punt and recovered the ball in the end zone. They also turned a Howland interception in the third quarter into a touchdown. Howland never seemed to get the timing down with his receivers. He threw for an impressive 323 yards, but com-
Scores by quarter
Eastern Washington Portland State
14 0
14 10
16 0
6 7
50 17
WEEKEND RESULTS Friday Women’s soccer Sacremento State 0 at Portland State 1 A. Dutra: 4 shots, 1 assist R. Jarvis: 10 saves Scoring summary: PSU: F. Ross (5), 4:48
Women’s volleyball Montana 1 at Portland State 3 Set scores: 25-15, 24-26, 25-21, 25-23 W. Phillips: 21 kills, 14 digs, 2 service aces M. Ellis: 12 kills, 2 digs, service ace G. Schlatter: 11 kills, 32 assists, 9 digs, 2 blocks D. Villalpando: 17 digs, 3 assists
Hockey Kelowna Rockets 2 at Portland Winterhawks 4
Scoring summary: POR: Morrow (1), 1st/8:45 (PP) KEL: Chikie (1), 1st/9:04 POR: Boychuk (3), 1st/16:55 POR: Ross (7), 3rd/15:32 POR: Bartschi (10), 3rd/15:59 KEL: Chikie (2), 3rd/19:57
Saturday Cross country Big Sky Conference Championship Cheney, Wash. Men’s: 7th place, 166 pts Women’s: 8th place, 233 pts
NBA Portland Trail Blazers at New York Knicks
100 95
B. Roy: 29 pts off 10 of 23 shooting A. Miller: 19 pts, 4 reb, 10 ast, 3 stl ALL PHOTOS BY ADAM WICKHAM/VANGUARD STAFF
Triple-digit day: Junior running back Cory McCaffrey had 100 yards rushing.
pleted just 28 of 55 passes. The sole exception was senior wide receiver Nick Hutter, who posted his second day of over 100 yards receiving—one week after accomplishing the same feat against Weber State. Howland spread the ball around and hit nine different receivers, but there were far too many dropped balls. Watching the passing offense in action, it was clear that the Viks are a run-first team, and without their mobile quarterback, they found themselves in serious trouble. This was the first game in over a year in which Howland took more than just a couple of snaps. “It’s always fun,” Howland said about returning to action. “Obviously, when you lose by that much it’s not as much fun the first time you get
back out there, but that’s what I’m here for. I love Connor [Kavanaugh] more than anyone in the world, and I hope he can get back in there,” Howland said. One subplot of Saturday’s game was the continued competition with Eastern Washington for the Dam Cup, a five-sport rivalry that takes place over the course of the year. With the win in football, Eastern Washington is in the driver’s seat four points to PSU’s three. The Viks will try to right the ship next Saturday on the road at Sacramento State before returning to Hillsboro for the final home game on Nov. 13. Saturday’s kickoff is set for 2 p.m., and the game can be heard on the radio at KXFL, Freedom 970 AM. ■
The 2010-11 Dam Cup Beginning this year, Eastern Washington and Portland State are competing in a yearlong, five-sport rivalry for the Dam Cup. Named for the four dams on the Columbia River that one drives by on the trip from one campus to the other, the Dam Trophy will go to the school that earns at least nine of 17 possible points. Listed below is a breakdown of the results to date.
Football Eastern Washington at Portland State
50 17
T. Jones (EWU): 14 carries for 199 yds, 3 TDszzzzzz T. Howland: 28 of 55 for 323 yds, 1 int C. McCaffrey: 28 carries for 100 yds, 1 TD N. Hutter: 10 receptions for 121 yds Z. Brown: 1 of 3 FG, 50 yds M. Latu: 6 tackles, 1 break-up
Women’s volleyball Montana State at Portland State
1 3
Set scores: 25-22, 25-21, 20-25, 25-15 L. Zielke: 12 kills, .632 hitting, 6 blocks K. Patton: 11 kills G. Schlatter: 5 kills, 34 assists, 11 digs, service ace
Hockey Kelowna Rockets 1 at Portland Winterhawks 6
Scoring summary: POR: Rattie (10), 1st/9:42 (PP) POR: Bartschi (11), 1st/18:02 POR: Johansen (4), 1st/19:03 (PP) POR: Rattie (11), 2nd/2:10 POR: Niederreiter (1), 3rd/8:03 (PP) KEL: McColgan (4), 3rd/10:39 (PP) POR: Jordan (1), 3rd/13:31
Portland State - 3 points Today
Wins: Oct. 8, Soccer at PSU – 1 point Oct. 9, Volleyball at PSU – 2 points
Women's golf
Eastern Washington - 4 points
Turtle Bay Resort College Invitational Kuhuku, Hawaii Runs through Thursday
Wins: Oct. 30, Football at PSU – 4 points
Games left to be played: Nov. 6, Women’s volleyball at EWU – 2 points Jan. 8, Men’s basketball at PSU – 2 points Jan. 8, Women’s basketball at EWU – 2 points Jan. 27, Men’s basketball at EWU – 2 points Jan. 27, Women’s basketball at PSU – 2 points Put it there: Sophomore receiver Keitrell Anderson (87) and sophomore kicker Zach Brown (19) take the field on Saturday.
Women's soccer Big Sky Soccer Championship Flagstaff, Ariz. Runs through Sunday