The Vanguard's Veterans Day editorial
Vikings begin 30-game season with home opener at the Stott
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FR IDAY, NOVEMBER 1 2 T H, 20 1 0
VO L. 65 NO. 21
ASPSU pushes for gender-neutral bathrooms on campus Initiative is part of student government’s gender-inclusive spaces campaign
Several new tenure-track faculty members will begin in fall of 2011 ALISON BARNWELL VANGUARD STAFF
fter spending some time on the back-burner in recent months due to the time constraints of the Vote OR Vote Campaign, ASPSU is now moving forward with a new initiative that aims to implement gender-neutral bathrooms around Portland State’s campus. Many facilities on PSU’s campus already contain single occupancy, gender-neutral bathrooms. As of now, there are 17 single-occupancy restrooms on campus, though many are located in businesses that are not affiliated with the university. For many of PSU’s transgender students, this is a serious problem. According to Cat McGraw, the Queer Resource Center coordinator, students with unconventional gender representations—such as those who are androgynous or transsexual— have reported being harassed in restrooms, being asked to leave or often times even being forcefully escorted from the restroom. “Many students here on campus have reported holding their restroom needs until after class so they have time to utilize these gender neutral restrooms,” McGraw said. “This isn’t conducive with a healthy learning environment.” Because the QRC was only incorporated as a PSU department in July of this year, McGraw said that few statistics have been obtained in regards to incidences in which transgender students face discrimination or harassment on campus. However, many students have admitted to receiving threats off campus. In 2007, the Oregon Student Equal Rights
More tenure-track faculty at PSU
Gender-neutral: PSU's transgender students have reported being harrassed in the restrooms on campus.
“Many students here on campus have reported holding their restroom needs until after class so they have time to utilize these gender neutral restrooms." CAT MCGRAW
Alliance (OSERA), an affiliate of the Oregon Student Association, conducted a study in order to better understand homosexual and transgender students in the context of higher education. The study found that 75 percent of homosexual students consider a school’s climate as a key in their college selection process. Unfortunately, it also discovered that these students drop out of school at three times the rate of heterosexual students. ASPSU ON PAGE 7
Portland State’s student population has nearly doubled in the last 20 years, and the increased enrollment and dollars means that many departments will be able to hire more tenure-track professors. Next fall, 12 to 15 new tenure-track faculty members will be working at PSU, according to Marvin Kaiser, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Most of the major departments on campus have submitted proposals to be part of the “conversion process”—the university’s transition from holding a large number of adjunct and fixed-term faculty members to attracting more tenure track professors. According to Kaiser, some of the departments that will be hiring new professors are math, psychology, communications, English and biology. The School of Social Work will also receive more tenure professors. “We have more proposals than we have money,” he said. Roy Koch, provost and vice president of academic affairs, emphasized that the conversion process won’t oust any current faculty members. “This is a re-allocation of funds, not a transfer of people. We’re not replacing anyone…it is not our intention to put anybody out of a job,” he said, despite rumors among current faculty members that their positions may be at stake. The funds to hire the new tenure track faculty will come from the Dean’s Office, the various departments submitting proposals and from the revenue generated by student population growth. Last year, 360 of PSU’s 671 faculty—professors, associate professors, assistant professors and instructors—were tenure track. This TENURE ON PAGE 7
Bedbugs are back near PSU Tenants of the Vue apartment complex are forced to move out RYAN DEMING VANGUARD STAFF
New York City has been in the news a lot lately for the bedbug infestations in various highrise buildings. Now, tenants at the Vue Apartments on Portland State’s campus are reporting bedbug bites. “It’s super-humiliating to me,” said Mary Eng, a previous tenant of the Vue who was forced to move out of her apartment because of bedbugs. Eng and her mother moved into two adjacent apartment units in the Vue at the end of June 2010. Eng said she wanted to live close to her 67-year-old mother in order to take care of her, reconnect with her and attend PSU at the same time. “The first week we didn’t know what it was,” Eng said, referring to the little bites that started
to appear on her and her mother’s body. When she found out the bites were caused by bedbugs, she was in shock. Eng and her mother lived with bedbugs for months, and were forced to throw away many of their possessions. Finally, in early November, the two moved out of the apartment complex. Eng is a student of paralegal studies at PSU and has been using her blog to spread the word about the bedbug problem in the Vue and to “translate” the complex maze that is law pertaining to bedbugs. Eng said that the Vue should have made her and her mother aware of the bedbug situation upon move-in. According to Eng, because tenants were not made aware of the existing problem, the Vue cannot legally take money for tenants’ leases. Eng’s story is not an unfamiliar one at PSU; the Park Plaza apartments have had a history of bedbug problems as well. Both the Vue and Park Plaza are managed by Riverstone Resi-
dential and are not campus housing. While the bedbug situation in the Vue has yet to result in any immediate life-threatening situations, the occurence in Park Plaza last year did. According to an article published by KGW on Jan. 19, the girlfriend of a PSU student was admitted to the emergency room because of bedbug bites she received. Later, doctors realized she was allergic to the bites. According to Mike Lieseld, a representative of the City of Portland Neighborhood Inspector, the organization received a complaint of bedbugs, mold and rodent infestation in Park Plaza in early December of 2009. In September, the neighborhood inspector also received a complaint about similar bedbug problems in the Vue. However, due to scheduling conflicts, the organization was not able to gain access to any of the infested units to make an official inspection. BEDBUGS ON PAGE 7
Bedbugs return: Several tenants have reported bedbugs in the Vue Apartments.
Senate meeting roundup
Virginia Vickery
Corie Charnley
Richard Oxley
Nicholas Kula
Robert Britt
COPY CHIEF Kristin Pugmire
PHOTO EDITOR Heather Noddings
ONLINE EDITOR Adiana Lizarraga
Alison Barnwell
ADVISER Judson Randall
ILLUSTRATORS Susannah Beckett, Heather Mcintyre
DESIGNERS Colby Brooks, Justin Flood Stephanie Lucky, Ben Patterson
WRITERS Madison Beard, Ian Bellamy, Erick Bengel, Amanda Bentley, Leah Bodenhamer, Peter Browning, Zach Chastaine, Tori Christensen, Meaghan Daniels, Ryan Deming, Sarah Engels, John Geffert, Jesse Hansen, Rian Evans, Kevin Fong, Rosemary Hanson, Joshua Hunt, Rebekah Hunt, Ines Kuna, Ebonee Lee, Jason Liao, Stephen Lisle, Christina Maggio, Joe Mantecon, Natalie Mcclintock, Erin McIntyre, Daniel Ostlund, Katrina Petrovich, Sierra Pannabecker, Gretchen Sandau, Jenieve Schnabel, Tanya Shiffer, Wendy Shortman, Catrice Stanley, Nilesh Tendolkar, Vinh Tran, Kat Vetrano, Allison Whited, Elisabeth Wilson, Roger Wightman
PHOTOGRAPHERS Saria Dy, Aaron Leopold, Drew Martig, August Miller, Sage Warner, Adam Wickham
COPY EDITORS Noah Emmet, Sasha Fahrenkopf
ADVERTISING SALES Dominique Abrams, Sam Gressett, Rayna Martinez, Jae Specht
DISTRIBUTORS Brittany Castillo, Brandy Castillo The Vanguard is published two days a week as an independent student newspaper governed by the PSU Publications Board. Views and editorial content expressed herein are those of the staff, contributors and readers, and do not necessarily represent those of the PSU student body, faculty, staff or administration. One copy of the Vanguard is provided free of charge to all community members, additional copies or subscription issues may incur a 25 cent charge. The Vanguard is printed on 40 percent post-consumer recycled paper. ©2010 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY VANGUARD 1825 SW BROADWAY SMITH MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION, RM. S-26 PORTLAND OR, 97201
Picketing: Union President Jonathan Hunt protests outside SMSU.
TriMet employees picket on campus CORIE CHARNLEY VANGUARD STAFF
On Wednesday, TriMet employees protested outside Smith Memorial Student Union to raise awareness over ongoing labor disputes, including safety issues and a shortage of drivers. During the picket, the TriMet Board of Directors met inside SMSU.
According to Jonathan Hunt, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union, transit employees have chosen not to withhold service and therefore overtime has occurred among employees. In addition, though TriMet has created a task force to deal with safety, union members claim that they have been left out of the discussions. Hunt said TriMet employees
have reported being electrically shocked on buses and trains. “TriMet has known about this, but they’re not doing anything about it,” he said. “We have people that are getting injured, and they’re either losing work or they’re driving around in pain [and] being distracted.” Employees also disputed a recent article published by The Oregonian that reported
some of its members make over $100,000 a year. “We’re here talking about this ridiculous statement that has been in the press lately that our members are making over $100,000 a year,” Hunt said. “The bottom line is this: Our members make a decent wage. To make $100,000 a year, they would have to work over 70 hours a week.” ■
During Tuesday’s Student Senate meeting, the Senate Finance Committee discussed Portland State’s summer fee. Currently, undergraduates pay $100 during the summer if they take a full load. On the other hand, graduate students pay slightly less when they take a full load of nine credits. The SFC is exploring the possibility of changing this disparity by determining whether grad students taking only nine credits should pay the same amount as undergrads taking 12 credits. The Finance Committee discussed the possibility of creating a non-profit lottery for PSU students that would operate in a many ways like the Oregon lottery, but remain restricted to the PSU campus. The winnings, whatever it amounts to, could be split between 10 students whose names are drawn. One senator referred to this as a “backdoor scholarship.” STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT
Senators Adam Rehmlow and Jake Fenski are still working on adding a clause to the student code of conduct that addresses cyber-bullying. They are waiting to hear back from Dean of Student Affairs Michele Toppe. ERICK BENGEL
Alternative spring break program accepting applications Weeklong service learning opportunity promotes civic engagement KATRINA PETROVICH VANGUARD STAFF
Portland State’s Student Leaders for Service (SLS) is now accepting applications for its alternative spring break program for those interested in civic engagement. Participants will spend the week of spring break working on a service project at one of four different locations. Alternative spring break coordinator Angie Rowe started the program last year as a transfer student. Rowe was surprised that PSU—a school devoted to a theme of civic engagement— had no established program. According to Rowe, colleges all across the nation have alternative spring break programs, including both Oregon State University and the University of Oregon. Last spring break, the first time a PSU group participated in the program, 12 students traveled to Oakland, Calif. and built homes with Habitat for Humanity. “It seemed like a much more impacting way to spend spring break,” said Erin Glesne-Smith,
Volunteering: During last year's spring break, students traveled to Oakland, Calif.
a PSU student who went on last year’s trip. “I knew about Habitat [for Humanity] ahead of time. I was glad to give my time to an impressive non-profit.” This year, there are three different trip options, each serving a distinct need within the specific community. In Bellingham, Wash., students will be partnering again with Habitat for Humanity, building homes as part of its Collegiate Challenge campaign. “We got to work with the people who were moving into the homes we were helping to build,” Glesne-Smith said of last year's trip. The second trip option is San Francisco, Calif. Students
participating at this location will be working with Project Open Hand and Glide Memorial Church to serve meals to the homeless population of the greater San Francisco area. According to Rowe, Glide Memorial Church is responsible for serving the homeless community three full meals per day, 364 days a year. Participants on this trip will also be working with people who have terminal illnesses and those living with HIV/AIDS. The third trip will be located in Grass Valley, Calif. Students at this location will partner with local sustainable farmers. They will learn about organic and sustainable agricultural practices as
well as the necessity for safe and organic food distribution and production, Rowe said. There will also be local community service opportunities around Portland during the week of spring break. PSU will partner with Habitat for Humanity, the ReBuild Center, Friends of Trees and Woodlawn Elementary School. Prospective participants can work for a single day, or all five days of spring break. In just one year of existence, the program has grown from one location with 12 students to three locations with 30 students. Two preselected team leaders will organize each trip option. “The goal is to expand the program and keep on expanding it,” Rowe said. To her, that means more trip options and more available room for student participation. She and SLS hope to one day have a formal alternative spring break office and department. “We want to create a sustainable and permanent program [that] promotes civic engagement,” Rowe said. According to Rowe, what makes the program unique is the combination of both the physical labor and the service learning opportunities of the program. Not only do the students feed
the homeless, but also they learn about the causes of poverty and the possible ways to prevent it. Commenting on last year’s program, Glesne-Smith said, “It was extremely challenging, but also really fun.” PSU students interested in participating can apply online or pick up an application from the SLS office located at 303 Cramer Hall. However, not all who apply will be able to attend, as there are only about 30 available spots. Ten students are selected for each trip, not including the two team leaders. Interviews will be part of the application process. “We are looking for someone interested in civic engagement above and beyond a one-time experience,” Rowe said. The cost of participation is $250 per student. This fee covers the cost of transportation, fuel, accommodations and food for the entire duration of the trip. Additional fundraising activities for selected applicants will supplement other costs. Applications for the outof-state trips will be accepted through Nov. 19, and registration for Portland projects will be available in February of 2011. ■
Professor of Chinese medicine in Portland takes emotions and spirit into account HANNAH DOYLE DAILY EMERALD STAFF
Fall is the time of year when the bug travels around. Those who have it are trying to get rid of it, and those who don’t have it are fighting for their lives to stay healthy. Is it more than just a bug that’s traveling around? Is it just the physical symptoms that are keeping everyone sick and tissue-stricken? A professional in Chinese medicine says otherwise. Heiner Fruehauf, a professor from the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, explained the premise of Chinese medicine in a presentation on classical Chinese medicine Tuesday night. He said emotion is directly related to the physical condition and that the Chinese believed there are two elements to the human being: physical and spiritual. Fruehauf argued that modern science has neglected the invisible realm of human beings when diagnosing problems. “Every symptom is a sign that points toward the invisible,” Fruehauf said. “The material world points back to the energy and thoughts that created it.”
He argued that if doctors today would pay attention to the emotional and spiritual side of our beings, they could properly treat and diagnose patients. He came to this belief and conclusion through his own experience. Fresh out of college at the age of 27, Fruehauf went to the doctor because he knew something was wrong with him. After various tests and MRI scans, his doctors couldn’t find anything wrong. Shortly after, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. He survived, but he said he knew there was something wrong with him far before the appearance of his physical symptoms. Determined to find an explanation, he soon became interested in the philosophy and cosmology of Chinese medicine. Because of this intense interest, Fruehauf declined a position as a Chinese literature professor at Harvard University and chose to pursue Chinese medicine and its clinical applications. Fruehauf said that he daily expresses thanks for his cancer because it led him to his passion. He continued to pursue his study and even-
tually founded the School of Classical Chinese Medicine at NCNM. Fruehauf describes the practices of Chinese medicine as simple as maintaining things in nature. “If you want to take care of the tree, you must take care of the roots of the tree,” Fruehauf said, explaining that the root of our physical being is our spirit. Fruehauf described the practices of Confucian doctors. Their practices teach that the body is synced with the seasons of the year, and because the body is in tune with nature, symbols are used for each season. Wood correlates with spring, fire with summer, metal with fall, and water with winter. Each symbol accounts for certain parts of the body, Fruehauf said. He laid out the mechanics for these symbols, such as metal representing the lungs. He also said that in Chinese medicine, particular energies induce sickness in each area. For metal, judgment is the negative energy that induces sickness in the functions of the lung. Freuhauf said Confucian doctors treated this particular problem with the
use of storytelling to help rid patients of their sickness. In the example of a respiratory infection, the doctors would question the patient what was going on in their lives and inquire if there was a sense of judgment. For the remedy, the doctors would then tell stories
and advise the patients to get rid of their judgment. Fruehauf explained that organs are not merely physical organs but part of a person’s spirit and nature, and he argued that if people treat their bodies only physically, they amount themselves to no more than animals.
“When we live the life of an animal, we are not filling the mandate of being a human,” Fruehauf said. ■ *This article was originally published in the Daily Emerald. It is printed here in its original form.
The golden finger Flipping off the cops and making big gains IAN BELLAMY
n a lawsuit against Clackamas County, Robert J. Ekas, a Happy Valley resident, truly has a golden finger. Ekas, in protest against police brutality, flipped off cops and got paid for it. That is to say, he settled for $4,000 for unspecified damages after officers repeatedly pulled him over and cited him for traffic charges after he flipped the bird—otherwise known as the finger, the flipper, the one-digit salute. Offensive speech and/or expression is not illegal, thanks to First Amendment rights, but those in uniform evidently don’t take kindly to it—especially when it is directed at them. It is unlawful for a police officer to arrest or charge someone for his or her opinion, however contentious it may be. When it comes to free speech, use it or lose it, but don’t abuse it. Speech that may cause actual harm—for example, yelling “fire” in a movie theater—is disorderly conduct by law. To give the finger to men and women in uniform is of the same genus as the fire-andbrimstone orators we so often see on the Park Blocks—legal, but not efficient. On the other hand, Ekas accepting a tax dollar-based reward seems entirely unethical. Is he sue-happy? Financial gains from civil disobedience
somehow seem awry, but I sure wouldn’t complain if I were in his shoes. County offices called it “a business deal,” simply cheaper than spending money on lawyers to defend their case. Ekas stands by his method. In an interview with The Oregonian, he says, “I did it because I have the right to do it… We all have that right, and we all need to test it. Otherwise, we’ll lose it.”
When it comes to free speech, use it or lose it, but don’t abuse it. Ekas came under the national spotlight after being featured on the Colbert Report—perhaps sarcastically— as a “difference maker” and “bravely exercising his free speech.” Judge for yourself. Methods such as these certainly are coy, but you don’t need a fancy Latin phrase to take a classical concept and truly make a difference. Around a week ago, I came in contact with the debate team’s attempt at an open debate, allowing two bystanders at a time to stand up on their respective soapboxes and debate hot topics of the day, such as immigration reform or healthcare reform. This is a conductive, efficient and highly respected grassroots arrangement that allows fluid dialogue.
Perhaps if we had more opportunities like these, I would be put out of the job, and if you wanted to hear other peoples’ opinions, you wouldn’t have to read about it; just go to the event. Plus, maybe you wouldn’t have to listen to Preacher Dan’s condemnations unless you so chose to. Logic is much appreciated.
Men like Ekas confirm that the justice system still works to defend speech directed at public employees, but who actually takes their debate out of Internet forums nowadays? I would love to hear more dialogue—not monologues, not mobs of people simultaneously shouting their opinions. Maybe I should consider
how YouTube’s endless number of personal blogs is, in both dialogue and videoessays, far-reaching and exclusively local. Yet, there is nothing like the intensity of a polarizing debate with a wellknown friend or a foe, regardless of the subject. An Expressionist such as Ekas makes the most blazingly offensive comment
—the propositions of the most ostracized tomfoolery, the big no-no comments— seem like mere chatter. So if you have something to say, get organized, join a debate society and write editorials. Or do as Ekas does and bring the message right to the audience. Just don’t be surprised if you get flipped off, too. ■
New help for the homeless Storage facility a humane and practical city addition ELISABETH WILSON
f you’ve spent any amount of time in downtown Portland, you’ve seen the shopping carts. Piled high with the possessions of the transient and homeless, they collect on the sidewalk, along the Burnside bridge, and anywhere their owners are making a bed for the night. In Old Town, entire blocks are covered by the belongings of the homeless, at risk of being stolen, rained on or thrown away by street cleaners. Soon there will be a safe place for the homeless to put their belongings off the street. The Portland Tribune reported last month that
Portland Housing Bureau plans to open a storage facility for the homeless. Located at 401 W. Burnside, the facility will allow the homeless the freedom of not having to constantly keep an eye on their possessions and potentially provide the opportunity for them to become more stabilized. The facility should be a truly welcome addition and is an example of wise and constructive use of city funds. A main concern that the homeless have regarding their possessions, one homeless person told Peter Korn of The Portland Tribune, is the Clean & Safe security officers whose job it is to throw any unattended street possessions into the trash. According to the Clean & Safe services website, it is their job to “maintain a clean, attractive and orderly downtown.” The storage facility would assist greatly in their work by providing a place where the
homeless can take their belongings, rather than being forced to leave them out in the open where they might block walkways or clutter the sidewalks. It’s not only street cleaners that the homeless have to watch out for. If they turn their back for a minute, a homeless person’s belongings could be taken by anyone. One woman, who goes by the name Mama Cat and who has been homeless off-and-on for more than 20 years, told the Portland Tribune about a time when she had an appointment with the Social Security office and left her cart with a friend. When she returned, the cart and its contents were gone. Not having a place to put their belongings, even for a moment, inhibits the basic daily activities for homeless people: getting breakfast, getting coffee or keeping an appointment. I have, on more than one
The facility will allow the homeless the freedom of not having to constantly keep an eye on their possessions and potentially provide the opportunity for them to become more stabilized. occasion, been asked by a person living on the street to watch their things while they ran into the store. I can imagine it poses a daily struggle. As Mama Cat pointed out, the storage facility would allow the homeless to go to job or housing interviews and would assist in their efforts “to get more stabilized.” If the homeless didn’t have to worry about their belongings disappearing, they could put energy into becoming more autonomous and productive. There are those who are concerned that the city is proposing to store what is largely
stolen property. The shopping carts that many homeless people use are often taken from stores and have had the store’s name removed. Maileen Hamto of the Portland Housing Bureau told the Portland Tribune that only carts without store names on them would be accepted for storage. One homeless person, asked by the Portland Tribune about having to give up her shopping cart, didn’t seem concerned. If it meant that she could store her belongings, she said, it was worth giving up the cart. There are also those con-
cerned about what could be hidden in the belongings stored by the city. Doreen Binder of nonprofit Transition Projects, Inc. is concerned about the drugs and weapons that might possibly be in the possession of the homeless. But she told the Tribune she doesn’t intend to ask the storage facility’s staff to search the belongings. “Anybody walking down the street could have anything in their pockets,” she said. “We can’t become a police state.” The storage facility is more than just a practical plan for clearing away streets and walkways and cleaning up the city; it gives the homeless back a bit of their humanity. They no longer have to keep their things strewn about in the open, in danger of being ruined, stolen or thrown away. They’ll have a place where they know their belongings will be safe as well as an anchor, making them that much closer to having a home. ■
What’s wrong with our minimum wage? RYAN TOLL DAILY BAROMETER STAFF
Teens and young adults often rejoice when they see the minimum wage increase. This is entirely understandable since most of those with jobs will see their hourly pay rate go up. However, one of the key lessons in economics is to look for the unseen consequences. In this case, the examination reveals that many young adults are actually getting shafted by minimum wage laws. Before moving forward, it is helpful to have a rudimentary understanding of supply and demand. The theory states that there is an equilibrium price for every good (or service) at which the number of buyers and sellers willing to trade at that price is equal. This is referred to as the “market clearing” price since everyone who wants that trade at that price can make it. In real life, prices regularly deviate from this market clearing level. When the price is too high, there will be a glut and the price will tend to drop to sell off the extra goods. When the price is too low, there will be a shortage and the price will tend to be raised, thereby encouraging greater production to cover the shortage. Either way, the market
tends to adjust itself toward equilibrium if left to its own devices. How does this relate to minimum wage? Well, labor is subject to supply and demand like any other good. According to theory, if the price for a good is above the market clearing level, then there will be a glut and a downward correction in price is required to fix that. That glut of unsold labor is unemployment (or underemployment). Now, if the market were left to its own devices, the prevailing price of labor would go down. Employers would be willing to hire more people and/or offer more hours at this lower rate to the point where there is no one involuntarily unemployed. However, minimum wage laws make it illegal for this price to drop below a certain level. If this rate is above the market clearing level, then it guarantees unemployment. The segments hit hardest by this are young and/or unskilled laborers. A common argument in support of the minimum wage is an emotionally-charged assertion that these workers deserve a “living wage.” What constitutes a living wage will vary with the cost of living and even then is far from objective. However, it should be easy
to see that the $0 per hour earned by those left unemployed is not a living wage. Further, there are those who want to work more hours or additional jobs to help make ends meet, get out of debt or to begin to climb the socioeconomic ladder. Do these enterprising people not deserve the chance to earn the money that this requires? Surely if the losses of these people could be seen, the emotional argument in support of a minimum wage would be far less convincing. The idea of the living wage doesn’t hold water from a practical, economic point of view either. No law is required to guarantee a living wage because no one working to support them would work at a wage rate that couldn’t be lived on. After all, it’s hard enough to get people to take these unappealing jobs without adding starving to death on top of that. Alternatively, there may be many teens working for spending money rather than the necessities of life, which they get from their parents. These teens may well be willing to work for less than a living wage, but it’s far more difficult to say that they are similarly entitled to such a living wage. Beyond the practical considerations is the moral element. If two
adults want to exchange money for labor, they are free to do so regardless of the price they agree upon. Neither party is doing anything immoral since it’s entirely voluntary and they aren’t hurting anyone else. What would be immoral would be to use force to intervene in this voluntary interaction, as occurs in minimum wage laws. If a minimum wage won’t help the poor, then what will? Well, there’s a lot that the government could do (or rather not do) that would help elevate the poor. The government could reduce taxes on both employer and employee. The more taxes that are involved with the labor, the lower the take-home pay of the worker is. Even taxes on the employer come out of the worker’s pay, since it is
a cost of his employment. Also, the Federal Reserve System could stop inflating the money supply. This constant inflation reduces the purchasing power of a given nominal wage, subtly steals what little savings these people have and encourages them to save less and borrow more. Further, if the government had even vaguely sensible spending habits, the need to inflate or tax would be greatly reduced. Of course, the likelihood of any of this happening is slim at best. Now is it any surprise that the unemployment rate is so high for teens and young adults? ■ *This article was originally published in the Daily Barometer. It is printed here in its original form.
The story doesn’t stop when the print hits the page. Don’t like something you read in the Vanguard? Want us to cover a story? Do you feel there is more to be said? You have the opportunity to praise us or rip us apart here at the Vanguard. Post a comment online or write us a letter. Tell us what you think.
Remembering Vanport Yesterday, people across the U.S. took time to honor all those who have ever donned a military uniform and served their country both in times of war and peace. From its beginning as Armistice Day, Nov. 11 has been intended to be a day of reflection and acknowledgment. Originally celebrating the armistice agreement signed in 1918 on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, it was a day reserved to recognize the thousands that died in the Great War. However, since the first anniversary of the end of World War I, this day has been one to remember all veterans. Today, we reflect on Portland State University’s storied history and acknowledge the ties it has to veterans past and present. We also recognize the connection that our newspaper has to military service members. The Vanguard was originally titled "Vet's Extended" in 1946 under founding editor and military veteran Don Carlo. PSU’s roots are buried deep in the soil of military service. Long before it earned university status or was even known as Portland State, it was created as a center of higher learning for returning war veterans. Founded in 1946 by U.S. Navy veteran Stephen E. Epler, the college began as the Vanport Extension Center, formed with the specific purpose of educating those returning from
World War II. Even the institution’s original location was tied to military service. The location of Vanport College, as it was more commonly known, was originally a government housing project for shipyard workers during the war. After the Memorial Day flood of 1948 destroyed the city of Vanport—formerly located on the shores of the Columbia River in what is now north Portland—the college moved to a shipyard that once created the warships of World War II. Portland State has a rich heritage of serving those who have served, and that tradition continues today. PSU has an adviser dedicated to working with veterans and a student group committed to working on behalf of former military members. PSU’s Student Veteran Association has assisted former service members in claiming available benefits, moderated public forums to discuss the controversial “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and is currently advocating the creation of a veteran’s memorial and a veteran’s resource center on campus. As an increasing number of soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines return from duty and come to PSU to advance their educations, we must acknowledge that this institution was founded with their needs in mind. We must also remember their contributions to Portland State.
Here are some online highlights from
Seriously Wow I liked this article up until the comment “but seriously—what are Palestinian groups NOT angry about?” Not only unnecessary but flat out ignorant [“H&M opens its doors in downtown Portland,” Nov. 5]. SARA
Shop around Do yourself a little planning and a big favor—shop
around for a regular bank checking/savings account with little or no fees [“The good, the bad and the HigherOne card,” Nov. 8]. If you use a cash machine, look for the banks that have them in the places you frequent. Don’t limit yourself to “student accounts” but look at the regular and premium accounts as well. You can find any one of a number of banks offering simple checking/savings accounts for little or no fee with minimum balances. PSUOneCard is a student ID necessary to use University facilities, nothing else.
tion [“ASPSU takes on cyberbullying,” Nov. 9]? What Clementi’s roommate did already violated possibly several state laws (wiretap laws, harassment, etc). Everyone can agree that cyber bullying is bad, but should this really be what our student government is spending their time on? There’s really nothing else they can address? Let the OUS, DOS, and Housing figure out how they want to include that in their conduct clauses...ASPSU should be focusing on larger issues.
News worth paying attention to
Can code of conduct really help? What happened at Rutgers was no doubt a tragedy, but would a cyber bullying clause in their code of conduct really have stopped the situa-
“two comedians who do nothing more than poke fun at the news” ?!?!? [News is a joke,” Nov. 4] You couldn’t be more wrong. These people _are_ delivering the only news worth paying attention to. The news
media is a business that’s far less interested in getting the news across than these “two comedians.” The traditional news media is only interested in who’s paying how much for commercials. I’m sure Stewart and Colbert will go that way soon, but in the meantime, they’re all we’ve got. (I don’t count the ignorant bloggers who fill the “blogosphere” with idiotic babble.) ANONYMOUS
Free entertainment Thank you for the great opinion piece [“Show some spirit,” Nov.1]! I would LOVE to see more support for athletics here! Many students aren’t even aware that they get into games for FREE! So students, just show up at games with your PSU id and you’re golden! ASHLEY
“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” Soren Kierkegaard PHOTO COURTESY OF WIKIPEDIA.ORG
EDITORIAL BOARD Virginia Vickery Editor-in-Chief Corie Charnley News Editor Nicholas Kula Arts & Culture Editor Richard Oxley Opinion Editor Robert Britt Sports Editor
Administration hopes more tenure-track faculty will bring prestige to PSU 53 percent ratio reflects the norm across the Oregon University System. The smaller universities hold a higher percentage of tenure-track faculty. For instance, around 60 percent of faculty members at Western Oregon University and Southern Oregon University are tenure track. At universities in the “Urban 13,” the other public schools across the nation that share research and are similar in size and location to PSU, the tenure ratio is in accordance with the prestige of the university. Georgia State, which admits 41 percent of student applicants, hires almost exclusively tenure-track faculty. Dr. Jennifer Ruth, chair of the English department, is excited about the changes that her faculty will see next fall and hopes that the hiring of
tenure-track faculty will help the university in general. “I’m a firm believer that that the more tenure positions we have, the better and healthier the university,” she said. She is also glad that the changes happening at PSU won’t mean that current faculty members are replaced. “I’m glad that we were able to put together a proposal that didn’t create morale issues in the department,” she said. According to Ruth, when English department faculty members retired in the past, new faculty members weren’t hired to replace them. She said that this happens across almost all of the departments at PSU. Ruth said that this reflects a maintenance problem, not a growth problem. Additionally, the number
Getting on track: Because of growing popularity, departments such as math and science will hire more tenure track professors.
of tenure-track faculty has stayed the same or decreased while student population has boomed. The conversion process, Ruth said, “is part of what we need to do as we grow.” Some departments have al-
ready received approval to begin the process of hiring new faculty. The math department, for example, has listed openings on its website for two statistics positions and a distinguished chair position.
“The interview process will be thorough,” said Lisa Kroger, math department administrator. Kaiser said he is excited to review applications. “We want people who are doing external research, and we
are also committed to diversity,” he said. Kaiser hopes that the new positions will reflect the growth of the student body and help to maintain enrollment at its current level. ■
Bedbugs in Vue spark memories of last year's infestation in Park Plaza
ASPSU's initiative to implement gender-neutral restrooms on campus faces some opposition
At PSU Student Legal Services, Staff Attorney Lynn Clarke said that “last year [SLS was] able to secure successful resolutions and settlements” for victims of the bedbugs in Park Plaza. Lynn said that while she is aware of pending cases with Eng and a number of other students, no formal complaints about the Vue have been filed with SLS. “As a result of the impact bedbugs are having all over the country, we advise all tenants in our rental agreements that there is the possibility of bedbugs and that we will do our best to remedy problems as soon as we are aware of them,” said Thomas Rask, an attorney for Riverstone Residential. According to Rask, Riverstone’s policy is to immediately respond to any problems that tenants make them aware of. In the case of bedbugs, Rask said that Riverstone Residential relies on professional exterminators to treat any potential infestations. “In fact, as a result of our aggressive treatment we have had great success in managing bedbug issues,” Rask said. “While we believe [Eng’s] claim of bedbugs in her unit was unfounded, as a precaution we requested assistance from our professional experts and monitored Ms. Eng’s unit to make sure there were no problems…Our professional experts inspected her unit after she left and determined that there were no bedbugs.” Another tenant in the Vue, Kevin Killian, said that while the bedbugs aren’t actually in his unit yet, he knows that he is surrounded on either side
Jessica Mease, ASPSU’s equal rights advocate, decided that this was something worth changing. “During the executive staff meetings, when we were brainstorming what campaigns we wanted to take on for the coming year, this is something the staff agreed on, making these inclusive spaces,” Mease said. Mease said that the campaign will make the campus a much more inclusive space overall. In addition, these restrooms wouldn’t be strictly limited to the benefit of transgender students. The current single occupancy restrooms on campus are equipped with changing tables for parents with small children and grab-rails for those with disabilities. They are also being referred to as “lactation spaces,” areas for mothers to breastfeed their children in private. Due to the non-traditional setting of PSU, the university must consider the needs of a
Nuisance: PSU student Mary Eng moved out of the Vue after months of dealing with bedbugs in her apartment. She is currently studying paralegal studies.
broader range of individuals, Mease said. According to Mease, there is currently opposition to the plans. The biggest deterrent is the general lack of education as to why these bathrooms are so relevant. “At least 95 percent of the people I’ve talked to haven’t even considered why these bathrooms are needed.” Mease said. The Academic Student and Recreation Center is one of the newest buildings to cooperate with ASPSU. Right now, the building has two single occupancy gendered restrooms, but will be changing the signage in coming months to become compliant with the inclusive spaces initiative. According to Mease, no imminent renovation is planned to include more gender-neutral restrooms on campus. “It’s important to recognize small changes like those [made] by the ASRC, but to remain financially feasible,”
“In fact, as a result of our aggressive treatment we have had great success in managing bedbug issues" THOMAS RASK
by two units that do have bedbugs. He said that he is trying to keep them at bay for as long as possible by “spraying everything and constantly cleaning the rug by the door.” According to a Terminix customer service representative, all apartments adjacent to the infested unit must be treated for bedbugs. “If you only treat one unit, they will just go to the
one next door,” the representative said. Killian expressed concern for how the Vue will handle the bedbug problem because of how the Vue has treated him in the past; Killian said he was ignored when he requested repairs in his unit. In addition, he recently witnessed water damage and leaks on the lobby ceiling. ■
Mease said. “This is going to have be something we begin to incorporate into future construction.” Currently, however, the proposal is still in its infancy. Over the course of the summer, Mease met with various student groups and departments in order to form a coalition capable of lobbying for larger scale support. Besides the transgender community, Mease has established support from the Disability Resource Center, as well as a representative from the Women’s Resource Center. The inclusive spaces plan is being enacted on a statewide level through OSA. Several of the major universities in Oregon are focusing on establishing rapport with state legislators, while others are focusing their efforts on the execution of the project on a campus level. “I’m happy to say we’re doing both,” Mease said. “I believe that they’re equally important.” ■
Dancing, prancing, papier-mâché heads Fun love dance-trance party tonight with the Bran Flakes, Velella Velella and Dat’r LEAH BODENHAMER VANGUARD STAFF
Tonight’s show at Mississippi Studios should attract all variations of electronic enthusiasts, from those concerned with labor intensive sample manipulation to those energized bodies craving funky synth and getting down to robotic Devo-esque dance music. The bands of interest tonight are Seattle’s funktronica group Velella Velella, experimental pop act The Bran Flakes and Portland’s electro pop duo, Dat’r. Perhaps most importantly, tonight is one of Velella Velella’s CD release shows for their new album, “Atlantis Massif.” Both the band and the album are named after under water entities; Velella is a crazy seashell-meets-glassblower hydrozoan that floats on the surface of the ocean, and the Atlantic Massif is a huge 10-mile long dome-shaped massif on the bottom of the ocean. Unfortunately, their sound is far from the quietude one might imagine in the depths of the ocean.
VV consists of five members and many electronic toys, including an electric Wurlitzer piano and organ, a Rhodes piano, a Farfisa organ as well as flute, guitar, bass and various percussion machines. Self-described as electro funk pop, VV seems to reinvent funk music in only the way a bunch of white kids would do it: with more technicality and less groove. Though the entire band gets down on stage, whipping out moves never before seen on this side of the globe, it’s the pop aspect of the music that sometimes takes away from the pure funk’s funkiness. Multiple vocals, often high-pitched and synchronized, still embody a new-age indie vibe layered on top of electronic whirls and swirls, though the use of live bass is a promising feature. The Bran Flakes, veterans of sound collage sampling, have been around for over 10 years, originating in Seattle. This act consists mainly of Otis Fodder and Mildred Pitt and is re-entering the world of live shows with a thunder so great, the world might collapse in on herself
from all the excitement. After three years of hiatus due to life’s twisty sneaky turns, “I Have Hands” was released in 2009 on Illegal Art, the label responsible for promoting bands like Girl Talk, People Like Us and The Legion of Doom—and the response, if anything, has been greater upon return. So, what makes them so great? Besides the papier- mâché heads they wear to every show, the live animation, the dancers and general ruckus, it is the samples they choose to mash up that creates a sort of return to childhood. They scour thrift shops for curious old tapes and vinyls that no one cares to purchase and redistribute their treasures into newly formulated compositions that are both catchy and unexpected. One can expect to hear children saying cute things, older men saying not-so-cute little things and a sweeping variety of musical styles. As far as their shows are concerned, they both decided long ago to create an interactive experience for their audience, involving lots of dancing and free
Velella: There's a lot of stuff in play here, but one thing's for sure: those bongos aren't getting any love.
giveaways. “We didn’t want people to just sit there and watch us play laptops for two hours,” Pitt said, “so we decided that if we’re going to have live shows we’re going to make them really exciting and have lots of audience interaction and dancers…The shows now have taken on a life of their own. They take us months to put together.” One can expect a party, to say the least. “People sometimes, after the shows say ‘my cheeks hurt from smiling so much,’” Pitt said. “It’s such a fun show. We want to
WHAT IT MEANS TO BE SANE NWFC screens movie directed by Portland State professor INES KUNA VANGUARD STAFF
“Guilty Except for Insanity,” along with being comprehensive and insightful, is a particularly special film because it hits close to home. Not only does the documentary concentrate on the Oregon State Hospital, but director and clinical psychologist Jan Haaken is a member of the psychology
department at Portland State. The film follows a structure of clips from the adaptation of Ken Kesey’s novel, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” (1975), documenting all the “maddening” junctures along the way for those who find themselves between criminal and mental institutions. Viewers meet several different patients on their journeys of guilt, confusion and coping, along with the staff that struggles to help them. Sharp scenes of restraints and medications are contrasted with soothing music, all produced by staff
Oregon State Hospital: Have you ever in your life seen a scarier building? Add the atmosphere and it gets an extra layer of fear.
and patients themselves. The interviewees tell tales of displacement tinged with the hope of one day reentering the community. For a release, the patients need to pass a point system set up by the hospital, but this is difficult in a social environment that is apt to cause conflict. Large metal-framed doors slam locked at every corner of
the corridor. The razor-barbed fences resemble nothing of comforting suburban pickets. Can rehabilitation happen in a place that is so cold? And if it can’t, what should we do? Whether or not it was intended as a call to action, the film does invoke serious questions about the efficiency of a system that, in the analogy of the film, is merely a net to
bring people out of that negative space for an hour or so into a happy childish space that’s not completely innocent, but a little dark, too. And just provide some joy, an escape. It’s like Girl Talk but more goofy and more fun.” Last but not least is the electro duo called Dat’r, made up of Matt Dabrowiak and Paul Alcott’s afro. They create the kind of music that calls for the spandex pants, headbands and, please, lots of sparkles. They sound like speed and teen angst. Alcott creates the electronic beats and melodies that are quick, numbing and upbeat.
Dabrowiak mans the vocals with a very childish effect. His voice is high-pitched and slightly disconcerting. Expect to move your body at impeccable speeds and obscure angles during their set. If you’re looking for a party tonight, look no further, my friends. This is an experience you will never forget. ■
catch someone already in trouble. What and where is the preventative protocol? One interviewee describes throwing rocks into windows to be sent to jail. After attempting voluntary admission to the Oregon State Hospital to no avail, crime was the last resort in this man’s desperate struggle to receive psychiatric attention. When crimes do happen, many people find themselves in the wrong place. It’s no surprise that the mass majority of people in jail are mentally ill, with a trial process as sticky as our own. To enter a “guilty except for insanity” plea, one must be approved by the district attorney. If unapproved, the person and his or her lawyer may try to convince a jury of “insanity.” However, the state is permitted to use psychiatrists of its own choosing in the prosecution, making the endeavor even more challenging than it already is. The legal process is exasperating for just about anyone.
However, for those who plead insanity, it is a particularly outof-control situation resting on the shoulders of the district attorney. In addition, if one is accepted by the district attorney or found insane by a jury, the road continues to be littered with evaluations by board members. Some of the patients shown in the film are former chemistry majors, musicians and fishermen. In a sense, they are the people next door. Their stories are surreal by all means, but nonetheless very human. Overall, “Guilty Except for Insanity” has only one downfall: It ends too soon. It would have been insightful to follow the characters for several more years to see how their goals were or were not attained through the Oregon State Hospital system. ■
Bran Flakes, Dat’r Velella Velella, Mississippi Studios 3939 N. Mississippi Tonight, 9:30 p.m. 21+, $7
Guilty Except for Insanity Northwest Film Center Director: Jan Haaken
Buy it, eat it: a fall guide to produce KAT VETRANO VANGUARD STAFF
If you like to buy produce in the seasons in which they grow, you may notice that your bag of groceries has become heavier. Seasonally, tomatoes, eggplants and zucchini have left us; now we are blessed with root vegetables, squash galore and an abundance of apples. These foods may take a little more effort to prepare than just slicing a tomato and eating it with bread, but I guarantee that once you get the hang of it, they’re worth the wait. Below is a guide to how to choose these lovely fruits and vegetables, as well as suggestions on how to prepare them. For more specific recipes on how to cook fall produce, watch for upcoming issues of the Vanguard, since I will likely be experimenting
myself. On a side note, I am no farmer or produce expert, and the very best person to ask is those who are working at the farmer’s market or your favorite produce clerk at the grocery store. Now go out and explore—that way you’ll have some side dishes to bring home during the holidays. Brussels sprouts Best pick: Sometimes you can buy these on their stalks (which is usually the freshest option), and they look a little like a weapon. The smaller the sprouts, the better condition they will likely be in. Also, avoid any yellow leaves. How to cook: Roasted sprouts are always nice, but when you shred them and sauté in olive oil, you get a crispy flavor you never thought could come from the little unpopular globes.
Parsnips Best pick: Thinner stalks are usually better; when they’re bigger, they have a tough exterior that make them stay tough even when you’re through roasting. Never had a parsnip? Just think of them as the carrot’s silky cousin. How to cook: When pureed with potatoes, they are creamy and delightful. Carrots Best pick: Pick carrot stalks that are firm, not rubbery or bendable. I like the ones with tops still on and that are a vibrant and clean orange, but the dirtier ones at farmer’s markets are just as good—the just take a little extra preparation. How to cook: Shredded in a salad with a cumin/orange vinaigrette is always nice, or of course,
added to your favorite mix of roasted veggies. Squash (all varieties) Best pick: There are so many kinds of squash, you could try a new one each week for the whole season and never run out of options. Luckily, they last for weeks on end. One way you can be sure it’ll stick around for a while is by making sure there aren’t any soft spots on the shell. Most need to be peeled, but Delicata squash’s skin is actually edible. How to cook: Roasting and pureeing are always good options, and sage adds a warm, autumn taste. Chard, kale and other greens Best pick: These are simple to choose—just pick firm, unwilted leaves, usually a dark green.
How to cook: Sautéed with chopped garlic towards the end of cooking and then doused in sherry vinegar is a fabulous side. Chestnuts Best pick: Choose big, heavy, full ones that don’t rattle when you shake. How to cook: Simply roasted in an extremely hot oven, these are good on their own. Just remember to score the flat sides with Xs before cooking. Sweet Potatoes Best pick: Choose clean, undamaged tubers without soft spots or holes. How to cook: My all-time favorite way to eat a sweet potato is to bake it, and then dress in olive oil, chili powder and cilantro if you have it. You’ll never think to use marsh-
mallows again. Apples Best pick: Only buy a soft apple if you are cooking it. I like to choose ones without indents or holes, but I’m sure I’m just finicky. My favorite varieties are honeycrisp and pink lady, which both find a happy medium between tart and sweet. How to cook: I wouldn’t know; I like to eat these raw as a snack or an element of breakfast. Pears Best pick: There are dozens of varieties of pears. A way to tell when a pear is ripe is to softly push near the stem. If it is soft, that pear is ready for eating. Barletts are juicy and sweet. How to cook: Slice and put on a plate with your favorite cheeses and nuts for a simple appetizer or lunch. ■
MY VIDEO GAME PROBLEM Weekend gaming as cultural destroyer and savior (or, how I learned not to stop worrying and enjoy destructive media vicariously) JOSHUA HUNT VANGUARD STAFF
Libraries are flush with volumes of postmodern anthropology in which the minutia of our daily interactions are analyzed and dissertated by academics. Indeed, the vast wealth of cultural currency that we exchange on a daily basis is fodder enough to keep IKEA selling bookshelves for as long as books are printed. Ironically, one of the most curious and diverse arenas for culture-sharing in college social life occurs in a venue that may prove to help in the undoing of both culture and literacy. Video games are a powerful and engaging media that cross barriers of language, geography and culture with very little lost in the translation. That is to say, platforms, games and the manner in which they are enjoyed are all relatively similar throughout the world. Portland State’s own small corner of this world is located in the basement of the Smith Memorial Student Union. Viking Bowl is a campus recreation center complete with bowling lanes and billiard tables, as well as arcade and console video games. On this particular Friday evening, Viking Bowl is host to dozens of
PSU students, many of whom game until the doors close at midnight. One’s ears need not strain in order to hear several different tongues being spoken at any given time. Many international students relax with their peers, casually playing a game of billiards. Kanye West serenades a group of students while they bowl as Green Day provides the soundtrack for a student trying his hand at the new game in the popular “Halo” series. Two Chinese students goad each other relentlessly over a hotly contested game of “Street Fighter” on Viking Bowl’s classic arcade machine. A large group of young girls bowl and enjoy each other’s company, giggling like children. All around there is movement, laughter, sharing and fun. Viking Bowl might be the most absolutely positive campus venue for cultural cohabitation. It is a safe harbor for international students, nerds and students in need of respite from dormitory existence. It is a good thing. It is the gaming aspect of this culture that is most interesting, however. Though there are multiple gaming consoles available, they are only being used by individuals. Video games are indeed a very unique form of media, in
Billiards: Anything goes in the Viking Bowl game room. Everything is conventional yet unconventional, all at once. For example, this game of billiards is being played with not one, but two 9-balls. Because the player is indeed shooting for one of them instead of the 8-ball, it stands to reason that his opponent's goal is to sink the other 9-ball. How does one distinguish which 9-ball is theirs? How does one win such a game of incongruous rules? The Viking Bowl is a strange place, my friends.
that they communicate nothing. No message is sent, and none is received. They are inert cycles of interactive entertainment, a media ouroboros. They are only one part of an increasingly visual media existence that threatens our ability to communicate by threatening the classical means of communication. The more heavily our consciousness relies on images and entertainment cycles, the less need it has for the printed word. The negation of the printed word could lead to a world with a 24-hour cultural cycle much
like that of our present news cycle, rather than any usable cultural history. Yet a look around the room is all that is required for hope on this particular Friday evening. For amongst the many patrons of Viking Bowl, but a few are enjoying a quick turn at the console now and again. All around there is laughter, billiards and bowling. Students from every corner of the world are engaging in the kinds of cultural exchanges that have preserved civilizations for thousands of years— games, conversation, friend-
ship and courtship, people speaking of home in a far-off land or hearing stories of some place they will never see in their own front yard. There is only one person who is not participating in this exchange, one person who sits quietly, listening, observing and writing. With a world of culture and a room full of bright, happy, intelligent people enjoying each other’s company, he sits and contemplates whether the world has crossed a threshold. He thinks about Huxley’s “Brave New World” and wonders if civilizations
of the past have smiled in the face of their own downfall. Mostly, he wonders if media is any better at escaping its own nature than humanity. After all, this destructive media that communicates nothing has brought together dozens of people on this Friday night, and they are all engaged in interpersonal communication. Only one person is communicating with no one on this particular Friday evening at Viking Bowl. Perhaps the problem with communication is a more personal one after all. ■
Getting older isn’t so bad
The new age of music discovery has arrived
Deerhunter taps into its roots on “Halcyon Digest”
Unearthing an untraceable artist with an untraceable record
When reviewing an album like Deerhunter’s “Halcyon Digest,” it is very hard not stray away from how the album ties into its members’ pasts. Frontman Bradford Cox, who also takes part in his solo project Atlas Sound, is becoming more of a muse figure for the underground music scene today. “Halcyon Digest,” released by 4AD Recordings in late September, is said to be—as the title openly reflects—Cox’s way of reflecting on the past. Cox and his crew have successfully managed to create an album that demonstrates how sound can be transformed into evocation of an emotional response in the listener by manipulating guitar loops and, at times, sluggish beats. The album seems to have surprised fans by showing a much quieter and gentler side of Deerhunter, at the same time becoming a favorite among the band’s collection of works. As Cox is reminiscing of his somewhat troubled youthful days and how he has arrived to where he is now, it seems that it is almost as surprising to him—and perhaps to the people who knew him growing up—that he has come this far. This idea, which undoubtedly provokes a bit of retrospection, is possibly what influenced the overall theme of the album: nostalgia. Cox, who grew up with a physically-altering genetic disorder and underwent more than enough childhood trauma, has surprised the music world yet again not only with his heartfelt ambition, but with his ability to convey his unfortunate trials through his music, especially by method of “stream-of-consciousness” writing. New-age sounding rock ‘n’ roll licks, persuasive lyrics and an arching theme of the past— which continues throughout the album—are caught best on “Basement Scene,” which intentionally captures the same melancholy feel as The Everly Brothers’ “All I have to do is Dream.” With lyrics like “If you’ve seen/the light turn gold/come out tonight/And we’ll get stoned/I don’t want to get old,” Cox brings back the ever-so-ambitious teenage angst of being at the forefront of one’s “thought-out” life plan. As the vocals intertwine with the hollow and echoing guitar riffs, Cox sounds almost like he is speaking to his audience from within a dream.
As opposed to his work on “Cryptograms,” which brings much more of an abrasive and piercing sound and rings true to the idea of a more rebellious time, “Halcyon Digest” is a good example of the fact that Cox and the rest of Deerhunter are still reaching into different realms of sound and indefinitely maturing as songwriters and as a band. “Coronado” slowly builds into an array of catchy sounds, backed by an unexpected sax along with a 12-string guitar. Cox brings the album’s down-to-earth sound into more of an upbeat, hopeful tone, which surprisingly shares style with some of the Strokes’ work. The aforementioned nostalgic theme is wonderfully saturated throughout the album. One of the singles, “Revival,” paints a picture of a ’50s dance hall, while the other single, “Helicopter,” acts as a depiction of Cox’s oncePHOTO COURTESY 4AD felt hopelessness while growing up. “No one cares for me/I keep no company/I have minimal needs/And now they are through with me.” The song “Memory Boy” cuts into the theme with Cox singing, “Did you stick with me?/Let me jog my memory/I see you leaving/Oh, don’t forget your TV.” Bringing up memories is simply the charm of reminiscing that we all know about, but what Cox is trying to find is the reason why we remember what we do, and how we choose to react to each of our own memories. The album finishes strong with “He Would Have Laughed,” a seven-minute delight that shows how far Cox has really evolved as a songwriter. The song has an almost eerie, shimmering feeling to it while it constantly building upon itself through beautifully constructed loops and an array of percussion. “He Would Have Laughed” is supposedly a tribute to Jay Reatard, who passed away this January and was a close friend to Cox. This last track not only serves as a tribute to a friend, but concludes the album by bringing it into a present perspective. As how nostalgia goes, this album will be resonating with you for a while if you happen to come upon it, as many stories do. ■
"Halycon Digest" Deerhunter 4AD Out now
Want something to do? Friday, Nov. 12 Watain, Goatwhore, Black Anvil Let’s just put this out there—Watain is a monstrous band. I’d seriously call them the gateway drug into black metal, if it didn’t sound so lame, and Nachtmystium didn’t exist. But where Nachtmystium employs blues riffs and a more fluid songwriting structure, Watain sits closer to the black metal side of the jump, with downright evil, throaty vocals, shred-guitar wizardry and agonizingly slow, punishing rhythms. It’s weird enough that this show is at Branx, but the starting time is at 10:30 p.m., presumably the equilibrium between ticket sales and the witching hour. Goatwhore is opening, and they’re pretty good, just don’t leave before Watain or you’re a sucker. Who cares if you have to take a cab home?
Branx, $13 advance, 10:30 p.m., 21+
But does a 38-minute song full of reverbdrenched samples really work? Well, yes and no. If you look at the album as any other—a combination of songs—some work and some NICHOLAS KULA don’t. Some movements of Boxes’s album really VANGUARD STAFF soar, and others lull in parts. In some ways, this is expected, but other artists on the ambient cirI’m not going to attempt to pronounce this cuit know how to make a supposed lull sound artist’s name. Before you read any further, go interesting. Though the intensity is lowered, the ahead and look at the bottom of the article. I’ll composition still holds the ear of the listener and wait. Now that you’ve scratched your head, let gradually leads them to the next apex. Boxes, inme review this record for you and tell you how stead of holding the listener’s ear, drops it on the the ominous name ties directly into the future of ground and picks it back up as it sees fit. music on the Internet as we know it. One of my favorite records is Dan Deacon’s For journalistic pur“A Green Cobra is Aweposes, this artist will some Versus the Sun,” a henceforth referred to 40-minute and 56-secas “Boxes.” Boxes weaves ond sinusoidal drone, a chewy, thick, ambiand another record that ent drone record—a relies on songwriting 38-minute and one-secskills like this. However, ond dirge of what hell Deacon’s “Cobra” begins probably sounds like. with little tension and Immense walls of sound honest, wavering uncercascade over each other tainty, gradually buildin an impossible-toing to an overpowering comprehend cacophometallic supernova that nous mess that blends leaves the listener’s brain in with flashbacks of the floating in a sea of milkworst acid trips. And white ambient space. PHOTO COURTESY █ ▄ █ █ ▄ ██ ▄ ██ ▄█ since the sheer amount Boxes is trying for that of harmonious noise is trick here, but the lulls almost too much to take in on the first, second in the piece really erode this feeling before it can or third listen, I’ll attempt to illuminate the re- build properly. cording process as best I can. Despite these shortcomings, Boxes is really Boxes employs a cutting-edge complex sound- onto something here. Go ahead, try Googling processing algorithm known colloquially as “paul- the artist or album name—you won’t find it. stretching,” named after founder Nasca Octavian What this means for music fans is that listening Paul. Paulstretching, for lack of better technical to this record is a complete “right place, right knowledge, hyperextends any sound fed into it, time” experience. Record stores everywhere are and employs plenty of reverb to give pieces the filled with albums that all exist in the darkest illusion of lush soundscapes. The technique origi- recesses of cyberspace. This and other componally gained popularity when someone thought sitions like it are only available if you can find it would be funny to paulstretch a Justin Bieber them—a moment of nicety and discovery while track. It wasn’t, but it sounded pretty cool. the Internet’s primary focus on society is desenThus began a rush to paulstretch all kinds of sitization. Will you stumble across this record if stuff, hoping to replicate the coolness of the orig- you search the web for it every day? Who knows, inal paulstretched Bieber jam. As anyone with but if Boxes is truly onto something here—and I a computer and two minutes can paulstretch a believe it is—then music will be forever changed. “Family Guy” sound byte, nobody has produced Imagine a world in which certain people have anything worthwhile since the discovery of the only heard certain songs through their digital technology. Nobody, that is, except Boxes. travels, spontaneous world music that is only Utilizing actual song structuring, and with a available at specific moments in time to people style just as low-tech as high, Boxes has crafted lucky enough to experience it. A return to inquite an ambient record. Deep within the cata- dividual musical discovery and blurred, perhaps combs of the Internet, in a place as off-the-grid eradicated lines between Internet anonymity as the web gets, Boxes has shared their recording and real human interconnectivity—that’s what secrets with a select few, planting the seeds of Boxes says to me. What will it say to you? Ansomething that is going to change music. swer that question if you ever find it. And if you Boxes first creates a sound collage, comprised of don’t—do something inspiring. ■ hundreds of samples of various things, mixes them and paulstretches them to an exact length. Then, " █ ▄ █ █ ▄ ██ ▄ ██ ▄█ " (album title) they record the paulstretched signal onto a tape that has been recorded over hundreds of times, us- ░▒▓ (artist's name) ing an old boombox with precisely damaged tape Out now heads. Finally, the tape track and original digital recording are synced up in post-production.
Saturday, Nov. 13 Guidance Counselor, Welcome Home Walker, Onuinu, Starparty Guidance Counselor is totally awesome, and an act that’s more truly Portland than much else out there right now. Ian and the boys have certainly come a long way since GC’s early days, and they will likely continue on that path tonight, but you’re not here to see them. You’re here to see Onuinu. At this current moment, there may not be a faster ascent to Portland notoriety than Onuinu. He played at Holocene’s Nightclubbing event recently and tore the roof off the joint. You’ll likely come for Guidance Counselor, though—and that’s fine, just make sure you come early for Onuinu, so you can stand akimbo on Holocene’s dance floor and let the indie cred seep into you.
Holocene, $6–$10, 8 p.m., 21+
Sunday, Nov. 14 Mac Lethal, F. Stokes, Sinferno Cabaret What’s this? A hip-hop show at Dante’s? This isn’t happening at Roseland? No, it’s not, and Roseland really has no excuse to not be hosting this—but I digress. Mac Lethal is a great emcee, and a real one at that. He has put out more mixtapes that albums, which “keeps it real” more than the bulk
of his contemporaries. Hailing from Kansas City, Mac, a Rhymesayers Records alumnus, is set to blow Dante’s roof clean off. Since the Sinferno Cabaret is playing a scant half hour before Mac’s opener F. Stokes, don’t be surprised if Mac and Stokes use the venue to its fullest potential.
Dante’s, $8 advance, $10 door, 8:30, 21+
Monday, Nov. 15 Tearist, Wampire, The Cysts Getting down to brass tacks, Tearist is what Crystal Castles would sound like without gameboys and an annoying screech owl as a lead singer. Some of Tearist’s best cuts are downright frightening, with sampled and re-sampled artifacts slicing their way in between frequency-modulated synthetic basslines and cold, sterile drums. Plus, you know they’re good if one of Portland’s current darling bands, Wampire, is opening for them. Rounding things out is the venue itself—Valentine’s. Have you ever been there? You enter in through an alleyway on Ankeny between Second and Third avenues, and the place is the same size and shape as a row house. On top of all that, the price is simply “a donation.” This can be your chance to see some true musical innovators for the change in your pocket—if that’s all you have. Tearist is from out of town, so don’t be stingy, but still come.
Valentine’s, donation, 9 p.m., 21+
It doesn’t sock so bad! Sock it to Me
Originally starting out as a tent at an outdoor market, Sock it to Me carries unbelievably fun prints that will be sure to put a smile on your face. It carries all kinds of styles with designs such as toast, 3D glasses, mustaches and even ninjas on them. Whatever your taste or craving, Sock it to Me will have something to cater to it. If you’re particularly picky and can manage not to find anything that piques your interest, or you’re a creative person with a design idea, then you’re in luck. It has a “design a sock contest” that allows avid sock wearers to submit their own original ideas for the newest print. It checks entries frequently, and if you win, you’ll receive $200 plus a pair of socks once they are produced. You can order its socks from the website or visit boutiques such as Say/Say and Naked City that carry its products. ALL PHOTOS SARIA DY/VANGUARD STAFF
Sock is cheap: Sock Dreams offers goods at a fair price.
How to keep your most important body parts warm AMANDA BENTLEY VANGUARD STAFF
There’s nothing worse than getting cold feet. Whether figuratively or literally, when it comes to warming them up, most of us lack the style or creativity to move past the familiarity of our grey-toed Hanes. However, there is a way to put a stop to that rut. Several Portland-based sock companies are taking these under-appreciated essentials and turning them into fun works of art. Once you discover the potential socks have, there will be no going back!
Rock Socks
Dedicated to promoting the unsung undergarment, Rock Socks takes quirky statements usually found on T-shirts and translates that idea onto socks. It just came out with its first line in spring/summer of 2009. With statements like “Beer,” “Bacon” or “Obama” written down the side, these socks have been transformed from unsung to a conversation starter. You can even get green and white ones with “Portland” written down the side, which would be the perfect way to stay warm and show your school pride at the next football game. You can order these bright garments online, and Red Light Clothing Exchange also carries its products. Who doesn’t want a sock that says “Bacon”? I know that’s all many people think about all day, anyway.
Sock of ages: Like Sock Dreams' variety, with sock puns, the possibilities are nigh endless.
“Complete with textured bumps and beady yellow eyes, these cute creatures look like they’re devouring your leg when you slip them on.” Sock Dreams 8005 SE 13th Ave. Open every day 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Sock Dreams carries socks that go beyond just incorporating fun patterns into their merchandise. Their “Alligator Bite” socks by Foot Traffic are a genius reinterpretation of knitted footwear. Complete with textured bumps and beady yellow eyes, these cute creatures look like they’re devouring your leg when you slip them on. The tops even have little teeth to make them look like a mouth. Sock Dreams carry socks in all styles. From anklets, footies and half socks
to midcalves, knee-highs, tights and even leg warmers, you will be able to find what you’re looking for. Other fun styles include “Ruby Slipper” socks by Foot Traffic, complete with grippy bottoms, and “Black Magic” socks that have the skeletal structure of a foot on top to make a statement. It also carries a variety of thick wool socks to keep you extra warm this season as well as holiday-specific styles. You can order online or visit its store, which carries some extra products that aren’t available on the website. Whether you’re looking for a way to keep your feet warm this winter or you just want to spice up your sock drawer, there are plenty of inspiring options to choose from. There’s also something to keep in mind, although most of us don’t want to admit it—Christmas is coming in the not-so-distant future. Socks make a popular stocking stuffer, so why not buy your loved one a pair they’ll actually be excited to wear? With all these options, you can be sure to find a pair that will speak to their personality. ■
BATTLE OF THE BEST Top-ranked Northern Colorado hosts second Portland State ROSEMARY HANSON VANGUARD STAFF
he Portland State women’s volleyball team is set to take on top-ranked Northern Colorado Saturday in a match that will likely decide which squad becomes the Big Sky Conference’s regular season champion. Portland State (17-8, 12-2 Big Sky Conference) is one match behind the Bears (21-5, 12-1 Big Sky) in the conference standings, and a win is crucial to secure the conference title. With only one match remaining on each team’s schedule after Saturday, both teams will fight for a victory this weekend. Second-place Portland State knows how to rally. Last weekend, after falling to Eastern Washington in the first two sets, the Viks came back to win the match 3-2, marking just the second time PSU has ever won on EWU’s court. Despite the rough start, three Vikings posted doubledoubles. Senior outside hitter Whitney Phillips led the team with 16 kills and a careerhigh 22 digs. Sophomore
outside hitter Megan Ellis pulled 14 kills and 14 digs, and freshman setter Garyn Schlatter recorded 31 assists and 11 digs. Portland State has had impressive hitting this season. The Viks outhit their opponents in 11 consecutive matches before Idaho State put a stop to the run on Oct. 22. Nevertheless, the Vikings have led in hitting in 15 of their past 16 matches. Head coach Michael Seemann hopes to keep that accuracy going next weekend. “I think the most important thing is shot selection from the start, and being aggressive and sharper,” Seemann said of his offensive strategy against Northern Colorado. PSU’s defense started shaky last weekend when the Vikings fell in the opening two matches, but they still out-blocked their opponents, 15-13.5. This weekend, Seemann said he wants to avoid the unbalanced defense that the Viks showed early on against Eastern. “Northern [Colorado] will give us a very good reason to be off-balance because their
tempo of offense is fast,” he said. The top-ranked Bears have played an impressive season. The Bears’ only conference loss came against the Viks earlier in the season, and after that defeat they pulled off three 3-2 victories in a row. Last weekend, they defeated both Montana schools with a sweep of Montana and a 3-1 victory over Montana State the following evening. Sophomore Kelley Arnold led the Bears to victory against the Montana schools, and for the third time this season she was awarded the Big Sky’s Player of the Week honor. Over the weekend, the outside hitter had 25 kills, 28 digs, eight blocks and posted two aces. Arnold grabbed double-doubles in both wins, bringing her season total to eight. Northern Colorado’s victory at Montana was the first time that the Bears have beaten the Griz on their home court. With the win over Montana State the next night, Northern Colorado tied a school record set just last year for wins at the NCAA Division-I level.
Senior outside hitter Julie Stephenson recorded her sixth double-double of the season against Montana State with 15 kills and 11 digs. The senior has had an impressive final season. As of the Montana State match, Stephenson has 131 more kills in just this season then she did in her first three seasons combined. The Bears and the Vikings have a history. Last season,
Northern Colorado beat Portland State in the Big Sky Championship, ending the Vikings’ shot at a postseason title. Despite that loss, PSU leads the all-time series, 14-5, but the Viks enter this weekend having lost the last two matches played at Northern Colorado. In the first match this season, the Bears started on top, 2-1, but it was Portland State that won the last two
sets to claim a 3-2 victory. PSU freshman setter Garyn Schlatter led the match with a triple-double (48 assists, 15 digs, and 11 kills). First serve is set for 6 p.m. Saturday at the ButlerHancock Sports Pavilion in Greeley, Colo. Live audio and video can be accessed through Big Sky TV, and links to the footage and live stats will be available through ■
Gunning for first: Second-place PSU takes on first-place Northern Colorado Saturday.
SEASON TIPS OFF TONIGHT AGAINST PEPPERDINE Vikings begin 30-game season with home opener at the Stott KEVIN FONG VANGUARD STAFF
verything counts as Portland State men’s basketball hosts the Pepperdine University Waves to open the season for both teams tonight at the Stott Center. The Vikings are coming off a 119-74 blowout win over Linfield in last week’s exhibition game. Led by senior Melvin Jones’ 24 points, six assists and four steals, PSU is heading into the 2010–11 season with a lot of confidence. “The guys feel good about where they’re at right now,” second-year head coach Tyler Geving said. “Everybody’s pretty fired up.” Offensively, Portland State should be dynamite. The Vikings play an explosive, fast-paced offensive style of basketball that doesn’t waste a lot of the shot-clock and produces a high volume of attempts. Last season, the Vikings were the highest scoring team in the Big Sky, averaging 80.7 points per game, and led the conference in three-pointers made and attempted. “We’re fun to watch. We’re up-tempo and we’ll score a lot of points and shoot a lot of threes,” Geving said. “We give our guys a lot of freedom on the offensive end.”
To improve on last season’s record (13-19 overall, 7-9 Big Sky Conference), the Vikings will need to focus on defense. They showed poor help defense and gave up too many easy baskets inside the key against Linfield. “Defensively, we weren’t very good (versus Linfield),” Geving said. “We need to clean up our weak-side defense. We were a little slow, and a step late on our rotations.” Senior Phil Nelson, who made 48 three-point baskets and averaged 12.9 points and 3.3 rebounds per game last season, agreed with Geving. “We’ve got to keep teams out of the paint,” Nelson said. “We haven’t been doing a good job of that so far.” Portland State will also need to push the pace on both sides of the ball this season. Fortunately, the Vikings have a speedy and athletic roster that’s deep enough to handle a high-intensity 40 minutes. Don’t be surprised to see PSU dig 10-deep into their bench this year. “I think we’re a little bit tougher and we also have better depth, so we can play with a little more energy.” Geving said. Pepperdine and Portland State met in Malibu, Calif. last season, with the Vikings winning, 93-81. However,
the Waves enter this season with a majority of their roster intact, including the top two returning scorers. Guard Keion Bell (18.5 points per game) and Mychel Thompson (11.8 points per game) will lead the Waves’ campaign for redemption against the Vikings.
”We’re a little bit tougher and we also have better depth, so we can play with a little more energy.“ COACH TYLER GEVING
Flying high: Guard Chris Harriel dominated Linfield's defense last week.
“Bell and Thompson are probably as good as wings as we’ll see all year.” Geving said. “Both guys are going to find a way to score and put up shots, so you just have to make them work for everything.” Pepperdine will likely try and slow down the Viking attack by utilizing a lot of zone defense, possibly using both a 2-3 and 1-3-1 zone. PSU’s fastpaced play should help them against the zone, as the team often initiates its offense before opposing defenses have time to set up.
Keeping turnovers down will also be imperative against the Waves’ defense. Portland State’s big men accounted for nine of the team’s 13 turnovers last week. “Our bigs need to play well,” Geving said. “If we can take care of the ball then we’re not wasting possessions, and then you always give yourself a chance to win.” Tonight’s match-up will be a good measuring stick to see where the team is compared to last year. Portland State will combine three of last season’s starters with eight letter-winners, three incoming junior-college transfers and a returning redshirt player. However, the Vikings graduated 55 percent of their scoring, 49 percent of their rebounds, 57 percent of their assists and 77 percent of their blocked shots from last season. Despite a new-look roster that’s still taking shape and defining its identity, the Vikings remember the success they had against Pepperdine in the past and don’t expect much to change tonight, especially at home, where the team was 8-4 last season. “It’s really exciting. Knowing we played well against them last year definitely gives us confidence,” Nelson said. “And this time, it’s at our place.” ■
TIFFANY SCHONING Junior Tiffany Schoning opens up about her love of golf TANYA SHIFFER VANGUARD STAFF
ortland State women’s golf standout Tiffany Schoning is starting her junior season strong. The Bend native leads the Vikings with a 74.76 scoring average through 13 rounds of the fall season and is on pace to break the school’s scoring record. Earlier this month, Schoning won medalist honors at the Turtle Bay Collegiate Invitational Kahuku, Hawaii, with a careerbest 218 strokes over three rounds. That accomplishment earned her the Big Sky Conference Golfer of the Week honor and placed her in a tie for the third-best 54-hole score in school history. This week, Schoning took a few moments to tell us a little about herself.
Vanguard: Why did you come to Portland State? Tiffany Schoning: I came to Portland State
because I was offered the opportunity to play golf again and be somewhere new. I thought it would be neat to live in a big city and be right in the heart of downtown.
V: What is your best moment on the course? TS: My best moment would have to be
when I holed out for eagle from 140 yards on the first hole of the Turtle Bay Collegiate. You always think that a shot looks good but very rarely do they go in, so actually having that happen was pretty cool.
V: If you could change one rule in golf, what would it be? TS: I guess it’s not really a rule changer, but
a mulligan in every round would be nice. You can have a really good round going and then one bad kick or one bad shot and it’s done. A mulligan would keep that going.
V: What’s your greatest strength? TS: My greatest strength on the golf course
is probably my length. I hit the ball farther than most, which makes it possible to reach
par fives in two shots and have much shorter irons into greens. My greatest strength in life is my work ethic. If there is something that I want, I will do whatever it takes to achieve it and I always keep my dreams in sight.
V: What is your favorite place to eat around campus? TS: I would definitely have to go with Hot Lips. I love pizza and eat it way too often, but how can you pass it up?
V: What is your favorite thing to do around Portland? TS: I enjoy just walking around downtown and shopping at Pioneer Place. It’s fun seeing all the different shops that Portland has to offer.
V: What is the first item that you would buy if you won the lottery? TS: A black 600 SL Mercedes. It’s gorgeous. I am in love with that car and would match my dad if I had one.
V: What is your most embarrassing moment on the course? TS: I can’t think of a specific on-course
moment, but something that really stands out was working out with the team last year. We were doing lunge twists in the hallway of the Stott Center and I did a lunge, but as I twisted, I just fell over for no apparent reason. It’s something I get a lot of crap for, but it was pretty funny/embarrassing.
V: Do you have any hidden talents? TS: I can do a headstand for five minutes and I can do the splits.
V: What is the last thing you cooked? TS: The last thing I made was beef stroganoff. It’s one of my favorites. SCHONING ON PAGE 15
CALENDAR TODAY Sustainability Education: Building the Capacity for Change 1 p.m. ASRC, room 660
A Social Sustainability Colloquium event, organized by Students for Leadership in Ecology, Culture & Learning as part of Sustainability Education Week. Student Legal Services Immigration Clinic 1 p.m.–5 p.m. Smith Memorial Student Union, room M343
Student legal services is now offering free confidential immigration consultations to Portland State students. Visit or call 503-725-4556 for more information. The Top 10 Trends in Health Research: Their Impact on Reducing Health Disparities 3 p.m. SMSU, room 294
A lecture by Mary Durham, Ph.D. senior investigator and director of the Center for Health Research and vice president/Research for Kaiser Permanente. An opportunity for discussion will follow the lecture. “The House of Blue Leaves” 7:30 p.m. Lincoln Performance Hall
Tickets to the performance are $10 for general admission and $8 for students and seniors. The play will run through Nov. 20. Visit for more information about the play.
SATURDAY Oregon Guitar Quartet 8 p.m. Lincoln Recital Hall, room 75
A release concert for the quartet’s new CD “Something Wondrous Fair.” Tickets are $20 for general admission and $10 for students and seniors.
MONDAY Effective Interviewing Workshop
KenKen® is a registered trademark of Nextoy, LLC. ©2010 KenKen Puzzle LLC. All rights reserved. Dist. by UFS, Inc.
● Each row and each column
must contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating.
● The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given
11 a.m. PSU Career Center
operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners.
This in-depth workshop will provide information on what employers expect from interview candidates, as well as strategies to further develop your interviewing skills.
● Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in the top-left corner.
The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Andean land 5 Race for hot rods 9 Open, as a pill bottle 14 Photoshop option 15 Actress Skye 16 Indira Gandhiʼs family name 17 Bid adieu, informally 19 Live 20 Family beginnings 21 Boise-to-Phoenix dir. 23 Thanksgiving invitee, commonly: Abbr. 24 Is on the hunt 26 Failure by a narrow margin 28 Captainʼs record 29 Gorilla famously taught to use sign language 31 “Brain” of a computer, briefly
32 Topographic map notation: Abbr. 34 Lavish affection (on) 36 Beasts of burden 40 Like Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan 43 Villa ___ 44 Take ___ of (sample) 45 Where a pearʼs seeds are 46 Spot for a shot 48 Not a major haircut 50 Flamenco cry 51 Itʼs often ordered à la mode 55 Meddle (with) 57 ʼDo that one would rarely wear a hat with 58 Online portal since Windows 95 was launched 59 Book of divine guidance 60 Argot
62 Singer of the lyric formed by the ends of the answers to the four italicized clues 66 Building wing, e.g. 67 French brainchild 68 It may be off the wall 69 Irritable 70 Fruity drinks 71 Card game popular in Germany
Down 1 Mac alternatives 2 Never-ratified women-related measure, for short 3 King of the Cowboys 4 Violinistʼs stroke 5 Coca-Cola Zero, e.g. 6 Rips off 7 “___ better?” 8 Fliers in Vʼs 9 Like a good golf score 10 Novel 11 Dear, in 12Down TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 12 Van Gogh locale P S A P O R E T E 13 Attracts E N U R S E C O L 18 Fatty part of an egg T L A D I E S O N O E P I C F L I P 22 ___ fly (certain baseball hit, for S T A T E P O L I C E short) E S T T A R O 24 Answer, in court P H A N G O V E R 25 Husband of M O O G S R A V E Pocahontas H A N G S I N E W 26 Characteristic of bland food and I C E L E T T E R bad dressers C E S T A T E 27 Swing or rock I R M A L O I S 30 Coffee cultivated L A D I E S F I R S T on Mauna Loa A B E T S E S T E E 33 Life-or-death C A D E T U P S E T 35 Mideast noble
44 47
49 55
58 61
45 48
31 35
30 34
18 20
No. 1005
50 56
59 62
Puzzle by Paula Gamache
37 Cleavagerevealing dress feature 38 Hall-of-Famer Combs who played with Gehrig and Ruth 39 Malfoyʼs look, in the Harry Potter books 41 The Changing of the Guard, e.g.
42 Abstracts
47 Brit. legislators
49 Painter Chagall 51 Chopinʼs “Polonaise in ___ Major, Op. 53” 52 Group of lions
53 Places for ornamental fish
54 Neighbor of Bhutan 56 No enrollees at Smith College 59 Joint for a beggar? 61 Caught 63 Bizarre 64 “I caught you!” 65 Word after waste and want
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Todayʼs puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
ADVERTISE FOR FREE! Place an event on the calendar: Contact or pick up a calendar request form at the Vanguard advertising office, SMSU, room 114.
Container Gardening Workshop 4 p.m. Women’s Resource Center
Learn how to use old dresser drawers and coffee cans to grow your own garden! Organized by the Women’s Resource Center, Permaculture Guild and PSU Sustainability.
TO PLACE AN EVENT: Contact or pick up a calendar request form at the Vanguard advertising office, SMSU, room 114.
Women’s basketball heads north for showdown with Washington
high school golf, but when I came to Portland State it turned into Tifferson.
“We have so much depth on this roster that I may have a different starting five on any different night,” Murrell said. “In the past, we have always had a set starting five and now we may have a different group starting this weekend from our game against Western Oregon.”
This seems to be a problem that any coach would like to have and will likely be the key to the Viks’ hopes at taking a regular season title for the first time. Key returners for the Vikings include seniors Valentine, Lexi Bishop and Kelly Marchant, as well as juniors Eryn Jones and Katy Wade. Jones and Marchant will be ones to watch this year, as they look to move up through the school’s career record books for three-point shooting. Currently, Jones ranks fourth and Marchant sits at eighth place. The Vikings seem to have an advantage against Washington going into this game, with four seniors on the roster and a very balanced squad. When asked about nerves going into this season, Murrell was not concerned about expectations.
ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Tiffany Schoning V: Do you have any nicknames? TS: Tiffers has been a nickname for many years starting in
Regular season kicks off with Viks facing Huskies in Seattle
unday marks the official start of the Portland State women’s basketball season as the Vikings travel to take on the Washington Huskies. After spending the last few weeks fine-tuning their gameplay, the Viks are ready to make a run at another winning season and championship title. The meeting with Washington is a non-conference game, but still one that is important for building confidence in a Viking team that is coming off of its first-ever Big Sky Championship title and appearance in the NCAA Division-I Tournament. Last season, the Vikings handed the Huskies a surprising last-second loss, 67-66, at the Stott Center thanks to a buzzer-beating jumper from then-junior forward Kelli Valentine. The game stayed close throughout, and PSU went into the locker room trailing by two points at the half. The Vikings came out of the break with vigor and outscored the Huskies 36-33 in the second half, including 11 of the last 13 points of the game. This year, the Vikings are looking to build on that win with another victory over Washington, this time on the Huskies’ court. The University of Washington is coming off of a mediocre season but is welcoming back much of its starting core. The Huskies lost leading scorer Sami Whitcomb, but the other four starters are returning this season. They will likely face the challenge of getting their bench to play well together though, since four new players have been added to the roster. To take home a win, the Vikings will have to keep several Huskies in check. Junior guard Kristi Kingma and sophomore Regina Rogers both averaged nearly 10 points per game last season, and will likely be looking to improve their stats. PSU is coming off of a 94-83 victory over Western Oregon in an exhibition match two weeks ago. According to head coach Sherri Murrell, the Vikings have used the time to focus on improving their team cohesion and their defensive scheme. “We are what we emphasize,” Murrell said. “We are getting a new offense instilled and are working on running the court, but putting our defense together with our offense is important.” Two starters were lost from last year’s team, including All-Conference guard Claire Faucher, who was a key part of PSU’s success. Other players have stepped up for Portland State going into this season, and now coach Murrell is thinking there could be different combinations of starting players for any of their games.
“We are focused on winning the day,” Murrell said. “We are going to take each day one step at a time and focus on winning the next game on our schedule.” First tip-off is set for 2 p.m. Sunday. Audio and live stats will be available at ■
V: If you could attend one concert or sporting event anywhere, what would it be? TS: I would love to go to The Masters someday. It’s such a
special event. I mean, the slogan is “a tradition like no other.” Just watching it on TV you know how special it is. I would also love to see Augusta National, where The Masters is played.
V: What has been your favorite class at Portland State? TS: I think my favorite class material-wise was definitely
“How 2 B Funny.” We learned to be comedians and it was always really fun. However, I took Family Studies last year with Rebecca Hyman. Her teaching styles were different than most and she really made us think for ourselves. I was always excited to go to that class because she made it entertaining and was just a great professor.
V: What is on your iPod right now? TS: You name it, it’s on there. I’ve got everything, but my two favorite groups or artists are Eminem and Simon & Garfunkel. I also listen to a lot of top-20 stuff.
V: If you could have dinner with three people from history—alive, dead or fictional—who would they be? TS: I would have to choose Annika Sorenstam, House and
Channing Tatum. Annika has been my idol since I was really young. She has done a lot for the game of golf and she just seems like a great person. House is one of my favorite TV shows and I think his character is awesome. He is highly entertaining and whether he’s a jerk or not, I love him. Who wouldn’t want Channing Tatum at their dinner table?
V: If you had your choice of anywhere in the world, where would you like to vacation? TS: I want to go to Scotland. It’s the place where golf originated and the place that holds all the history. I would love to wake up to bagpipes in the morning and a layer of fog. To see St. Andrews would just be unreal.
V: Why did you choose golf? TS: My dad started me out playing golf because it was one
of his favorite things to do. I grew up on a golf course and immediately loved the sport. As I grew older I realized how special and different golf actually was from any other sport and it made me love the game even more.
V: What is your favorite movie? TS: It’s a tie between “Gone in 60 Seconds” and “Cool
Runnings.” “Gone in 60 Seconds” is my favorite movie to watch with my dad and I love the excitement and action in it. The chase scene with Eleanor is my favorite. “Cool Runnings” is just an awesome movie. It doesn’t matter how many times I watch it, I still laugh hysterically every time.
V: Do you read the Vanguard, and if so, how often? TS: I try to read it weekly. It’s always good to know what’s going on around campus.
V: If you couldn’t play golf, what would you do? TS: I love skiing. It’s my favorite thing to do outside of golf. I think skiing professionally would be really cool.
This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
Action Jackson: Sophomore guard Nichole Jackson made 27 appearances last season.
Up next: Northern Colorado Bears Football’s final home game of the season features a battle for the bottom of the barrel ALLISON WHITED VANGUARD STAFF
Portland State football is set to host the Northern Colorado Bears Saturday for the Vikings’ final home game of the season. Here’s a taste of what to look for in this week’s game. RECORDS ENTERING THE GAME
Both Portland State and Northern Colorado each have one conference win, both against hapless Idaho State, and both teams have two total wins on the season. The Viks have a record of 2-7 overall and 1-5 in the conference, while the Bears have played one more game and are 2-8 overall and 1-6 in conference. This will be the last game of the season for the Bears and the last game in front of a friendly crowd for the Viks. The Bears are in a similar position to the Vikings—in that they are on a serious losing streak. The Viks have lost five straight and the Bears have dropped the last seven. LAST YEAR’S MATCHUP
In what would turn out the be the Vikings’ only conference win last year, they beat the Bears 23-18 on a snowy day in Greeley, Colo. Despite being outscored in two quarters and tying for points in the fourth, the Viks functioned like a well-oiled machine. The ground game was there, racking up 109 yards. The passing game was present, tallying up 240 yards. The defense was disrupting, causing a fumble and interception, both by cornerback DeShawn Shead. Finally, special teams were in focus, with kicker Zach Brown going three for three including a monster for 50 yards in the driving snow. SENIOR DAY
Since it is the last home game for the Viks, the team’s seniors will be honored for their contributions prior to kickoff. Among the honorees is wide receiver Ray Fry, who had a huge day against Northern Colorado last year with 101 receiving yards. Quarterback Tygue Howland will also be honored. Howland is the presumed starter this week due to Connor Kavanaugh’s injury. This is Howland’s sixth season playing for the Viks, and he has been a model student and athlete. He has been a Student Ambassador for Portland State for three years and was honored in 2008 with an Academic All-Big Sky selection. SCOUTING THE BEARS
The Bears have a leaky offensive line. They have allowed 33 sacks of their quarterback, Dylan Orms. Their running game is only
averaging 121.1 yards per game. The passing offense is dangerous, though. When Orms gets time to throw, he is completing 54 percent of his passes. Orms throws most of those to wide receiver Jace Davis. He is the first-ranked receiver in the conference, averaging 91.2 yards per game, 10 more yards than the second-ranked receiver. Defense has been a sticking point for the Bears, just as it has been for the Viks. They are surrendering 31.1 points per game, 169.3 rushing yards per game, and 221 passing yards per game. They are allowing the second-most first downs in the conference. This being the last game of the season for the Bears, it seems likely they will be playing with a little extra oomph and might come across as better than they are in the stats.
Portland Trail Blazers (6-3) at Oklahoma City Thunder (3-3) 6:30 p.m.
Men's Basketball
Pepperdine (0-0) at Portland State (0-0 Stott Center 7:05 p.m. Listen on KXFD AM-970 Lice stats at
Hockey Club
Portland State at Boise State Boise, Idaho 9 p.m.
This should be a winnable game for the Viks, much as it was last year. A win in this game would guarantee that they wouldn’t finish last in the conference, which would be a small victory but an important one in this season of change. All season long the running game has been the Viks’ bread and butter. That shouldn’t change this week. Without Connor Kavanaugh, the Bears will know that junior running back Cory McCaffrey is the man to contain. As such, the Viks will need to get some extra legs this week. Hopefully they will come from someone other than quarterback Howland. Last week, he had a miserable running game. As the team’s second leading rusher in that game, Howland tried to take off 15 times and netted only 29 yards. Someone else needs to step up and take the running game one step further. The Viking defense did a good job of picking up the ground game last week. They will need to be more active during the first half in this game than they were last week. The secondary will also have to stiffen up. Sacramento State exposed the Viking backfield last week and it seems natural that Northern Colorado would have studied what the Hornets did. Kickoff is set for 1:05 p.m. Saturday at Hillsboro Stadium. The game can be watched online at or heard on KXFDAM 970 or at ■
Leave the driving to them Want to go to Saturday’s football game and support your Vikings, but don’t feel like driving all the way out to Hillsboro? Then you are in luck. Portland State Athletics is providing students with a free ride to and from Hillsboro Stadium, and you’ll even get there in time to tailgate. Two buses are scheduled to depart from the Stott Center turnaround (on Southwest College Street, in between the Stott Center and Shattuck Hall) at 11 a.m., and will make the return trip to campus shortly after the game ends. Seats are available to all students on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Portland Winterhawks (15-2-0-1) at Saskatoon Blades (13-5-0-1) Saskatoon, Canada 5 p.m.
Cross Country
NCAA West Regional Springfield, Ore. 9:45 a.m.
Hockey Club
Portland State at Boise State Boise, Idaho Noon
A gruff Griff: Junior running back Willie Griffin evades a tackle in the Oct. 30 meeting with Eastern Washington.
Jiu Jitsu Club rolls into The Revolution Club members and sponsor head north for regional tournament GRETCHEN SANDAU VANGUARD STAFF
Several members of the Portland State Jiu Jitsu Club are joining their sponsor at The Revolution, one of the largest Jiu Jitsu tournaments in the Northwest, according to club leaders. Coaches Tom Oberhue and Eric Dorsett said that five or six members of the PSU club will join about 20 members of club-sponsor Five Rings Jiu Jitsu for the tournament in Bonney Lake, Wash., on Saturday. The team of roughly 25 competitors will be one of the largest that Five Rings has brought to a tournament, and Dorsett said it is due largely to the positive energy and enthusiasm of the PSU club. “Revolution is a great opportunity to go out and understand how the sport works at the competition level,” Dorsett said. “It is great for them to grow as athletes.” Held several times a year, The Revolution is a stand-alone tournament—meaning success at the event will not qualify competitors for any future tournaments. According to Dorsett and
Oberhue, many use the tournament as a tuneup or as preparation for bigger tournaments put on by the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation, such as the Pan-American tournament. There will be two divisions for competition on Saturday—gi and no-gi, based on whether competitors are wearing the gi, a long-sleeved canvas uniform. The stiff reinforced fabric of the gi is grabbed and used to bring opponents to the ground and used for some submission chokes. No-gi fighting is done without the use of gi, and the fighting style is closer to wrestling. According to Oberhue, about 95 percent of the wrestlers competing from PSU and Five Rings will be in the gi division. Members of PSU’s Jiu Jitsu Club typically meet twice weekly for about an hour to practice. The coaches encourage club members to go to the Five Rings Jiu Jitsu & Fitness on the weekends to experience what it is like to be a part of a training academy. Competition in tournaments is not required, but the coaches strongly encourage it to help them grow as competitors. Oberhue said his main focus for this tournament is that the competitors go out and feel they competed well. “Away from wins and losses, we want people to feel like they did a good job and had fun, and that it wasn’t a waste of their time and energy,” he said. ■
Norther Colorado (2-8, 1-6 Big Sky) at Portland State (2-7, 1-5 Big Sky) Hillsboro Stadium 1:05 p.m. Listen on KXFD AM-970 Live stats at *Final home game; Military Appreciation Day
Portland Trail Blazers (6-3) at New Orleans (7-0) New Orleans, La. 5 p.m.
Portland Winterhawks (15-2-0-1) at Prince Albert Raiders (6-9-2-2) Prince Albert, Canada 5 p.m.
Portland State (17-8, 12-2 Big Sky) at Northern Colorado (21-5,12-1 Big Sky) Greely Colo. 6 p.m.
Sunday Women’s Basketball
Portland State (0-0) at Washington (0-0) Seattle, Wash. 2 p.m. Audio and live stats at All records accurate as of 5 p.m., Thursday