ONE WIN AWAY Viks have volleyball title within reach
LKN and Palo Verde bring their huge sounds to a shoebox-sized venue
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FR IDAY, NOVEMBER 1 9 T H, 20 1 0
VO L. 65 NO. 23
Red blight district City approves sheltering for sex trafficking victims, will work toward long-term solutions JOSHUA HUNT VANGUARD STAFF
ity council members voted unanimously to approve $285,000 in emergency funds for sheltering juvenile victims of sex trafficking. The Nov. 10 vote provides funding for four two eight new beds in a shelter operated by Janus Youth Programs. This comes on the heels of a flurry of media coverage highlighting sex trafficking in Portland. “This money allows us to immediately dedicate two staff members to be at the shelter 24 hours per day,” said Amy Trieu, who works on trafficking issues for City Commissioner Dan Saltzman. The shelter also gives residents access “This is triage, to a victim’s advocate from Portland’s emergency care, Sexual Assault Resource Center. “This shelter is a short-term solu- but we are working tion,” Trieu said. “But we are working towards what those in the health care towards more longcommunity call the continuum of care. term solutions.” This is triage, emergency care, but we are working towards more long-term AMY TRIEU solutions.” While City Hall is developing these long-term solutions, most resources are presently being directed to short-term care for victims and punitive measures for offenders. Among these are a recent city ordinance allowing for the forfeiture of personal property that has been used to aid in sex trafficking, as well as proposed legislation for tougher penalties against those who facilitate the juvenile sex trade. PHOTO COURTESY OF ETHERHILL/FLICKR
Sex trafficking: Janus Youth Programs has identified 120 to 130 girls in Portland who have been victims of sex trafficking.
Higher Ed. board ready to launch life sciences complex New facility will house science departments of PSU, OHSU, OSU and UO ERICK BENGEL VANGUARD STAFF
Milestone: A steering committee has recently announced its plan to move forward with the life sciences complex, which will go up on OHSU's Schnitzer Campus.
Earlier this month, the Life Sciences Collaboration Building [LSCB] Steering Committee announced that it has achieved a series of “significant milestones” regarding the development of the Life Sciences Collaborative Complex. The forthcoming 262,000 square-foot scientific research facility will be erected on Oregon Health and Science University’s new Schnitzer Campus on the South Waterfront. “[The steering committee has] accomplished many of the things that we set out to accomplish on the timeline that we were given by our board, and now we’re ready to launch the project,” said Lindsay Desrochers, vice president of finance and administration at Portland State. Desrochers is also a steering committee member. One milestone is the completion of a Memorandum of Understanding and a Tenancy in Common agreement between Portland State, on behalf of the Oregon University System and OHSU. The Tenancy in Common agreement is a legal document that delineates how the two institutions will share the property’s ground lease. LIFE SCIENCES ON PAGE 7
Something old, something new and something green all over PSU professor’s new photo book provides new window to Portland VINH TRAN VANGUARD STAFF
This evening, Chet Orloff, an urban studies professor and historian, will celebrate the release of his new book “Above Portland” with a signing at Powell’s Books. The book features lowlevel aerial photographs of Portland, all taken by Portland-based photographer Bruce Forster. “When I moved here as a kid, in the late 1950s, all of that was full of houses,” he said pointing towards St. Michael’s Church on Southwest Fourth Avenue. Now, the church shares the plot with a motel, and behind it is a LEED-certified condominium. The lot is also located directly next to the streetcar tracks. According to Orloff, the streetcar is another modern innovation of the city that was not there when he was a child. “When I was going to college in the 1970s, there were no light rails; the city was very ABOVE PORTLAND ON PAGE 7
Virginia Vickery
Corie Charnley
Richard Oxley
Prayer spaces failing to meet student demand
Nicholas Kula
Robert Britt
COPY CHIEF Kristin Pugmire
PHOTO EDITOR Heather Noddings
ONLINE EDITOR Adiana Lizarraga
Kristin Pugmire
Alison Barnwell
ADVISER Judson Randall
ILLUSTRATORS Susannah Beckett, Heather Mcintyre
DESIGNERS Colby Brooks, Justin Flood Stephanie Lucky, Ben Patterson
WRITERS Madison Beard, Ian Bellamy, Erick Bengel, Amanda Bentley, Leah Bodenhamer, Peter Browning, Zach Chastaine, Tori Christensen, Meaghan Daniels, Ryan Deming, Sarah Engels, John Geffert, Jesse Hansen, Rian Evans, Kevin Fong, Rosemary Hanson, Joshua Hunt, Rebekah Hunt, Ines Kuna, Ebonee Lee, Jason Liao, Stephen Lisle, Christina Maggio, Joe Mantecon, Natalie Mcclintock, Erin McIntyre, Daniel Ostlund, Katrina Petrovich, Sierra Pannabecker, Gretchen Sandau, Jenieve Schnabel, Tanya Shiffer, Wendy Shortman, Catrice Stanley, Nilesh Tendolkar, Vinh Tran, Kat Vetrano, Allison Whited, Elisabeth Wilson, Roger Wightman
PHOTOGRAPHERS Saria Dy, Aaron Leopold, Drew Martig, August Miller, Sage Warner, Adam Wickham
COPY EDITORS Noah Emmet, Sasha Fahrenkopf
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DISTRIBUTORS Brittany Castillo, Brandy Castillo The Vanguard is published two days a week as an independent student newspaper governed by the PSU Publications Board. Views and editorial content expressed herein are those of the staff, contributors and readers, and do not necessarily represent those of the PSU student body, faculty, staff or administration. One copy of the Vanguard is provided free of charge to all community members, additional copies or subscription issues may incur a 25 cent charge. The Vanguard is printed on 40 percent post-consumer recycled paper. ©2010 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY VANGUARD 1825 SW BROADWAY SMITH MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION, RM. S-26 PORTLAND OR, 97201
Desire for a quiet prayer space has surpassed that offered on campus JESSE HANSEN VANGUARD STAFF
noteworthy percentage of Portland State’s student body is comprised of Islamic adherents. Every day, many of these students take time out of their schedules to bow in prayer, facing the east, and honor the tenants of their religion. As of now, a small space on the fourth floor of Neuberger Hall is dedicated to meet the needs of students wishing to pray and meditate throughout the day. However, according to ASPSU President Katie Markey, this area is insufficient, and often times, unsafe. “I’ve had reports of harassment and threats. We’ve even had a man expose himself to women praying in the area,” Markey said. “What is needed is a secure space, with coded access.” Not only are these areas becoming potential security concerns, the demand of these areas
is now outpacing the supply, according to Vice Provost for Student Affairs Jackie Balzer. “These spaces are used for a variety of events that promote spiritual growth, but the student groups that utilize them are outgrowing these spaces,” Balzer said. Though the issue hasn’t made it to the top of the ASPSU’s todo list, it has certainly sparked an open dialogue on the senate floor, and the topic has generated some interest. According to the president of the Saudi Student Club, AbdulAziz AlAngari, the Muslim Student Association is campaigning for a space where all the needs of the Muslim community can be met—an area where worshipers can pray free from the distractions of other students roaming the halls and staring, as they bow to Mecca. While an area that services all PSU students’ religious needs seems ideal, Al-Angari says that practicality would prohibit the ability to effectively share the space with many groups. Scheduling issues surrounding the diverse holidays of varying religions would make matters difficult. “Christian students have
many formal places to pray on campus; Muslims do not,” he said. Along the PSU Park Blocks,
Despite a demand for these proposed prayer areas, ASPSU is reluctant to rubber-stamp the request. “When you’re dealing with something which has socialpolitical repercussions like this, it seems that the deciding forces tend to drag their feet,” said ASPSU Senator John Monett. Monett also raised the question of the separation of church and state, and expressed his
funding of religious buildings should not be the responsibility of the school. This is something that needs to be established off campus.” Currently, there is a Spiritual Life Center on campus that is funded by the United Methodists and Presbyterian Churches. Though no official plans have been set in motion by ASPSU, currently there are
Safe worship: Students have reported being harrassed in the Neuberger Hall prayer space.
there are presently eight registered Christian churches. The nearest Islamic mosque is located on Southwest 43rd Avenue, Al-Angari said.
concern about the funding of such spaces. “Portland State is a public university; we receive money from the state,” he said. “The
several teachers who have volunteered their rooms for student prayer in the interim. ■
Celebrating transgender unity QRC hosts annual Trans Day of Remembrance events this weekend
TRANS DAY OF REMEMBRANCE SCHEDULE For more information on the Trans Day of Remembrance, visit TODAY: 5 to 6 p.m.: Writing workshop. Located in 401 SMSU. 6 p.m.: Transgender open mic with Tash Shatz and Smitty Buckler. Located in 228 SMSU. 8 p.m.: Reading of “Six Billion Utopias: A Collaborative Performance About Gender and Mental Health,” by Taiga Christie. Located in 228 SMSU.
o honor the death of transgender Boston resident Rita Hester in 1998, tomorrow the Portland State Queer Resource Center is putting on events for the 12th annual Trans Day of Remembrance. The event aims to educate the public about issues regarding trans and gender non-conformity. The week of Nov. 14 –20 is the nationally celebrated Trans Awareness Week. It all began when San Francisco resident Gwendolyn Ann Smith organized the Remembering Our Dead project and a vigil in 1999 to remember Hester. “[Trans Awareness] is important because it brings awareness to a minority so small that it is often completely overlooked,” said QRC volunteer Leaf Zuk. “They suffer such a high amount of violence and discrimination that it’s vital for the public to be educated.” The QRC has held events for trans awareness throughout the month of November and specifically this week, including a Trans Resource Provider Fair that was held last Sunday. Today, there will be a gender and sexuality writing workshop
TOMORROW, NOV. 20: 6 p.m.: Trans Day of Empowerment, located in Hoffman Hall. The event will feature Tobi Hill-Meyer, Gepetta, CoG Acrobats and the adult film, “Doing it Ourselves.”
Remembrance: QRC volunteer Korin Bradley hangs up posters for Trans Day of Remembrance.
be held in Hoffman Hall at 6 p.m. It will include a presentation by trans activitist Tobi Hill-Meyer, as well as a viewing of her adult film “Doing it Ourselves,” and a puppet show about mental health performed by the puppet troupe Gepetta. There will also be an acrobatic production by CoG’s gender queer acrobatic troupe. The Trans Day of Remembrance is celebrated in nations across the world, including Italy, Australia, Canada, Israel, the United Kingdom, France and
“[Trans Awareness] is important because it brings awareness to a minority so small that it is often completely overlooked." LEAF ZUK
and a transgender open-mic. The events will be followed by a reading of “Six Billion Utopias: A Collaborative Performance About Gender and Mental Health,” read by Reed College student and queer supporter Tagia Christie. Tomorrow, a large vigil will
SUNDAY, NOV. 21: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Trans Day of Empowerment, located in Hoffman Hall. The event will feature workshops on anti-oppression and the theatre of the oppressed. 6 to 8 p.m.: “Tranz Guys” event. Located at the Q Center at 4115 N Mississippi Ave. TUESDAY, NOV. 23: 7 to 8:30 p.m.: An Evening with Mara Keisling and Lisa Mottet, located at the Q Center. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24: A Trans People of Color Panel. Location and time has not been announced. MONDAY, NOV. 29: Linfield Trans Health Awareness Day, located at 2255 NW Northup Ave. in the Peterson Hall Auditorium.
New Zealand. In Los Angeles, JQ International’s Trans Inclusion Committee is hosting a Jewish Transgender Day of Remembrance to celebrate and remember the lives of lost transgender individuals of the Jewish faith through song and prayer. “Giving hope that we can
change the intolerant mindset towards the transgender community,” said QRC coordinator Cat McGraw. The QRC is located on the stairwell of the fourth floor of Smith Memorial Student Union. It welcomes and encourages students and faculty of any sexual preference to volunteer. ■
New book features photos that tell history of Portland automobile-dependent,” Orloff said. “That all changed in the 1980s and [since then] the city has changed dramatically.” After the creation of the first MAX light rail in 1986, Portland was on the track to become one of the country’s top green cities; in 2009, it placed second after Chicago in the highest number of LEED-certified buildings in the country. According to Orloff, Portland’s innovation in regards to urban design and green spaces has created a “livable city.” This is what first piqued Cameron Publishing’s interest in creating a photographic collection of Portland. Cameron Publishing is based out of California. In March, Orloff was commissioned to provide some historical background of the city to go along with the photographs in a book titled “Above Portland.” It is the latest addition to Cameron Publishing’s popular “Above” series, which has featured picturesque views of Paris, New York and Chicago. “Above Portland” features 175 photos by Forster, who has 35 years of experience in
aerial photography. For his material in the book, Forster hovered 500 feet above the city on a helicopter. “The biggest thrill is when you get up and have everything worked out,” Forster said. “I like to photograph early in the morning and late in the evening when possible, so that we can get that warm and beautiful light, which is very important to me.” When Forster moved to Portland in 1970, the city was still in its early stages of developing a mass-transit system. One of the biggest changes that he has noticed over the years is the South Waterfront; Forster still has pictures of when the city laid the first cement in the area. At the time, the South Waterfront area was home to Lincoln Plant, a sawdustpowered energy provider for the core of downtown. The plant closed in 1986 to make way for urban development such as high-rise condominiums and restaurants. Recognizing that rich history of the Portland, Orloff, the former executive director of the Oregon Historical Society, said he intends this book to be a historical document of
Portland that can be utilized by fellow historians years from now.
“Bruce and I want to look at the city as a physical entity and explain why the city looks the way it does." CHET ORLOFF
“Bruce and I want to look at the city as a physical entity and explain why the city looks the way it does,” Forster said. “I included seven historical photographs from the OHS because I want to show that contrast.” For instance, one of the photographs in the book depicts Vanport College, the former home of PSU. “What you’re looking at here is where Portland State got its start,” Orloff said, pointing to the photo. “In 1948 there was a flood that washed everything away, and that’s what it looks like
Portland from a new angle: Urban studies professor and historian Chet Orloff tells the story of Portland in his book, "Above Portland." The book features photographs taken by Bruce Forster.
today—a golf course.” To help him tell the story of Portland, Orloff commissioned five other colleagues, who are all are notable figures in the field of transportation, architecture, planning,
sustainability and parks. After picking up a copy of “Above Portland” at Powell’s Books, PSU sophomore Janine Mulden said one of her favorite pictures is an aerial shot of Ladd’s Addition in
southeast Portland. Mulden said she’s also an aspiring photographer and, like Forster, enjoys taking landscape pictures of the city. Kelley Lenox, a marketing specialist at Powell’s, also said she was struck by the stunning view of Ladd’s Addition. “Looking through it, I get the sense of flying over these areas,” added Lenox, a 21year resident of Portland. “The captions and essays help provide interesting historical information and set the context for what you see in the picture.” Like Forster and Orloff, Lenox said she also recalls a bygone vision of Portland. “I was driving by the Clackamas valley, east of I-205, and I was struck by the urban growth there,” she said. “When I first moved here, it was just hill and pasture with a few houses.” Forster said that he hopes readers will discover new things about Portland by looking at his photos. “[For] people who don’t know what these areas look like, hopefully this gives them a new perspective on the city,” Forster said. “It delights me to have people see these sides of Portland.” Orloff and Forster will feature the book today at Powell’s Books on West Burnside. The event will take place at 7:30 p.m. ■
NEWS BRIEFS PSU Foundation appoints new board members, elects officers The Portland State Foundation recently appointed two new board members and elected officers. The new board members are Kimberly Cooper, president and CEO of Fortuna Group, and John Lacker, an attorney who served on the Foundation's board until 2003. The foundation’s board is comprised of 50 elected members. Each member serves three terms. According to PSU’s website, volunteer members are chosen for their business, civic and philanthropic leadership, their ability to represent community interests and their commitment to the university.
Portland student to perform in NYC’s Carnegie Hall One of Portland State music professor Carol Sindell’s students, 13-year-old Kristin Qian, has been chosen to perform as a violinist in the 2011 American High School Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall on Feb. 11. Qian, now a freshman at Oregon Episcopal School, won the Music Teachers National Association Oregon State Junior Strings Competition at age 11 and the Young Artists Debut Concerto Competition at age 12. Aside from playing violin, Qian is also an accomplished pianist, composer and writer, and has published a book of poems.
OIA hosts Middle East study abroad info session today For those interested in studying abroad in the Middle East, the Office of International Affairs is hosting a study abroad info session today at 1 p.m. in 109 East Hall. Middle East study abroad adviser Blythe Knott and Arabic language professor Yasmeen Hanoosh will discuss several different study abroad options in the Middle East and North Africa, including Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Turkey, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. The event will also feature a student panel of recent study abroad students, which will be followed by a Q-and-A session. The session is free and open to the public.
Prize-winning author to discuss inner happiness William Powers will discuss his new book, “Twelve by Twelve: A One Room Cabin Off the Grid and Beyond the American Dream,” during today’s Social Sustainability Colloquium. According to a press release, the novel is about the ways in which humanity can transition to more responsible ways of living by becoming more attached to people, nature and oneself. Ultimately, Powers hopes to help people find inner joy. Powers has worked in Latin America, Africa, Washington D.C. and North America and has been published in The
New York Times, the International Herald Tribute and on National Public Radio. He has degrees from Brown University and Georgetown University. The even will take place in the School of Social Work at 1 p.m. For more information, contact Marion Sharp at 503-725-4876.
Oregon’s population growth is slowing According to the State’s Population Center (PRC), population has from 3,823,465 in 3,844,195 in 2010. 0.5 percent increase,
Portland Research Oregon’s increased 2009 to This is a the slow-
est population growth in the state since the 1980s. Slow population growth can be attributed to the number of deaths and to emigration, according to Portland State’s website. There was also a decrease in the number of births this year. Studies by the PRC have found that 6,400 people moved to Oregon this year, less than half of the estimated number for 2009. Data also shows a decrease in employment, school enrollment and building permits for new housing. However, there has been an increase in the percentage of Medicare enrollees. Larger metropolitan areas have experienced the most
population growth. According to Portland State’s website, five counties account for about 80 percent of the Oregon’s overall population change from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. Washington and Mult-
nomah Counties increased by about 5,500. These population estimates are subject to revision. Final population estimates will be certified on Dec. 15, 2010. ■ CORRIE CHARNLEY
H&M's signature baggage Where your fashion comes from and your money goes One week ago, H&M opened its doors to Portland. Mobs of people waited hours in line to be the first to browse through their selections of stylish clothing at great affordable prices. And many waited with great RICHARD anticipaD. OXLEY tion in the months prior to the store’s arrival, excited at the idea of having an H&M set down roots in the city—I was one of them. But today, I find it difficult to support the store. I find it difficult to support slavery. In its relatively short existence, America has a rather extensive history with tales of both fortune and shame. One triumph that we love to boast is the fight against, and the eradication of slavery in our country. We fought a war over the economic system that relied upon it, and in turn freed a people who suffered its horror and injustice. We like to remind ourselves that America turned away from slavery, that we banished it from our economy, and we truly did—well, sort of. Make no mistake—America is still a country that relies upon slavery, or at least exploitative
labor. Directly or indirectly, we all take part in supporting such a system. One can look no further than the clothes on their back to see proof of this. While it is true that the United States has abolished slavery, all its industry needed to do is look overseas to provide it with cheap exploitive labor. Child labor can be an extensive topic. It is strange to say, but I don’t always buy into the idea that child labor is bad. In many cultures, maintaining family units where all contribute to the success of the family, child labor doesn’t necessarily equate to cruelty. On the other hand, child labor that is forced and abusive is a completely different issue, such as that used at the Goldfame textile factory in Cambodia where H&M produces some of its clothing. In 2006, Expressen, a Swedish newspaper, found the factory utilizing ill-fed and undernourished children working away at H&M T-shirts. The newspaper described the working conditions as “near slavery.” To make the H&M T-shirts, the children, usually around ages 14 or 15, are worked until they collapse on the factory floor. Then they are removed to a first aid room to receive an injection before being sent home. The child workers are also forced to pay a day’s wages for this injection. Factories working with little regard for their
workers have continued to produce for H&M since Goldfame was exposed. In fact, last March a factory in Bangladesh was producing sweaters and cardigans for H&M—at least, it was until it caught fire. But since the safety conditions were so poor at the factory, workers were trapped inside as the fire spread. When the fire was finally put out two hours later, 21 workers had lost their lives and 50 more were injured. The issue has gotten so severe with H&M that Anti-Slavery International, a charity dedicated to stopping slavery in countries across the globe, has made an official demand that H&M cease using portions of its supply chain that utilize slave labor—they specifically cite Uzbekistan cotton used in many of H&M’s products. Though the country claims to have outlawed slavery, that progress was only made two years ago and the country’s cotton industry has been slow to change. According to Anti-Slavery International, Uzbekistan closes its schools each year and forces 200,000 children into the cotton fields for the harvest. The human rights magazine Independent World Report ran an investigation that found that the Bangladeshi factories H&M uses were producing with Uzbekistan cotton. Retailers such as H&M can commonly claim that they have no control over their suppliers, or that they simply aren’t aware of such conditions. But this is a lofty excuse. The simple fact is that
they hold most of the power. Suppliers will follow their lead if they take it—but sadly, many retailers such as H&M don’t want to take any action that could threaten their profit, even at the expense and lives of people. In the 2005 documentary “China Blue,” we find a Chinese factory owner meeting with a British retail customer. It is clear that the retailer held all the power, setting prices and demanding high numbers difficult for any factory to accommodate. Such a power structure forces factories in poorer countries, where labor is cheap and practices are suspect, to operate unethically in order to meet demand. I have long admired H&M fashion and prices. I have shopped at the store myself in other cities. But now that the retailer has set its roots down in Portland, I had to consider them as I would any other store—I had to consider where the clothes were coming from and where my money was going. The money you spend at H&M doesn’t go to the people who strained and possibly even died to produce what you buy. It goes mainly to the company itself—helping to maintain a system of slavery and other ethically questionable labor practices. We may have progresses passed slavery here in America, but other poorer countries haven’t—and that is where your clothes are made. ■
Humanitarian justice Punishment vs. rehabilitation According to a 2008 study by the Pew Center, one in 100 Americans is in prison. Oregon, however, is finding ways around imprisonment and finding more effective ways to not only punish but also reELISABETH habilitate WILSON criminals. According to The Portland Tribune, parole officers “are Oregon’s new jailers.” Now with more authority and administrative power, parole officers are, as Peter Korn reports, “an
increasingly critical component of public safety.” The expanding role of parole officers in Oregon is an exciting prospect when you consider how detrimental and expensive the alternative— prison—can be. Parole officers are a positive addition to the corrections community. In Oregon, about seven of 10 convicted felons are given probation rather than prison. The trend here, Korn reports, is to save prison space for only the most dangerous criminals and to send drug and property crime offenders to parole officers like Lisa Lewis and Barb Fletcher. With budget shortfalls and the recent closing of an Oregon minimum-security prison, the economics of choosing parole over prison look
The expanding role of parole officers in Oregon is an exciting prospect when you consider how detrimental and expensive the alternative—prison— can be. Parole officers are a positive addition to the corrections community.
pretty good. According to Korn, it costs the state $84 a day to keep an inmate in prison, but only $12 a day to have them under supervision. Not only is it expensive, but prison is also notorious for not being the best method of rehabilitation—even for hardened criminals. But for clients like those of Lewis and Fletcher—nine out of 10 of which have an addiction—it would be a disaster. Lewis is hesitant to send clients who fail a drug or alcohol screening back to prison, she tells Korn. “Is jail going to do what we want it to do?” Lewis asks. “It’s not going to help a drinking problem.” With increased jurisdiction in Oregon, POs have the authority to send their probationers back to jail without taking the case to a judge, but Lewis typically opts out of it. She builds a rapport with her clients and calls for sanctions in the client’s best interest according to their particular situation. It is the kind of rational humanitarianism that we don’t often see in the criminal justice system. There are those who say that not assigning jail time, especially after a violation of parole, is too lenient and that early release would encourage repeat offenders. Scott Taylor, the Director of Multnomah County Department of Community Justice, says the opposite is true. Arrest rates have gone down. According to Taylor, keeping first time felons in jail longer “gives them more time to associate with hardened felons and makes them more likely to re-offend.” Experts who study the effects of prison agree. In his 1988 study of the psychological stress that prison imposes on inmates, Paul Wiehn calls prison a “breeding ground for psychosis.” Correctional institutions, Wiehn reports, “contribute directly to the emergence of major psychiatric disturbances.” Wiehn describes the ordeal of a healthy young man who was convicted of larceny and, after six years in jail, was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. He was an example of someone who could not handle the pressures of incarceration. With Oregon’s committed parole officers and new electronic monitoring like ankle bracelet technology and home breathalyzer systems, probation and house arrest are increasingly viable options for the rehabilitation of offenders. Usually the more humanitarian, personalized option is the more expensive, but that’s not the case here. Working to actually rehabilitate offenders instead of throwing them in prison is both economical and socially responsible. It’s the best of both worlds. ■
Beatles philosophy: Happiness is indeed a warm gun BRAD HURVITZ DAILY BAROMETER STAFF
What did the Beatles mean when they titled one of their most beloved songs, “Happiness is a warm gun”? I have wondered this throughout my entire life, and I am certain that my definition, just as the melody of the song has, will change as I mature. At the quarter century mark, I believe that my opinions of this song will reflect my thoughts on how happiness is acquired based on what I have seen in the poorest countries that I have visited. Within the pristine walls of America, advertisements burden our vision at every second. From inside of magazines and newspapers to the
hours of commercials we view on TV, and now, beside almost every Web page, we are constantly observing a pitch that is trying to be sold. We are raised to find happiness in acquiring whatever we want, and with ongoing advertisements around every corner, we are left wanting something (material) constantly. This fallacious happiness is ephemeral, disappearing upon every new yearning. Or as the Beatles put it, “I need a fix because I’m going down.” Seems as though Lennon is talking about our need to satisfy our addiction and quench our constant desire. “She’s not a girl who misses much / Do do do do do do, oh yeah / She’s well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand / Like a
lizard on a window pane.” Her senses are heightened enough to recognize minute sensitivity, and she has not an addiction to what is unimportant, but has an inherent grasp of what is essential. Comparatively, this man in the next stanza is inundated by the blinding nature of what possesses him. “The man in the crowd with the multicoloured mirrors / On his hobnail boots / Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy / Working overtime.” Seemingly, happiness is indeed a warm gun. I have always interpreted a warm gun to represent the idea of having power and comfort. But this interpretation only suits those of us living in the Western world; it must mean something different to those who
do not value material possessions the same way we do. Only recently I begged the question of warm gun referring to having protection and being near family. There are the children who don’t have any possessions, beyond what it is that they need, that seem to live with the purest form of happiness. It seems that the people with the least are able to open up and give the most of themselves thus being comfortable and strong. Some children that I have seen under sun-scorched tin roofs have the protection they need to live fulfilling lives, and a life of fulfillment is indeed living with their loved ones. These children do not need a constant influx of new toys to play with; they have their friends and family nearby to
share their waking hours, and they will often make objects to satisfy this aching to play. If you have ever traveled to a poor country, you must have seen many wicker balls that children have made to kick around or old tennis balls for cricket matches. I doubt that Western children would now be able to conceive a game without buying the fitting object. Sung with determination six consecutive times, the line “mother superior jumped the gun” is the most persistent attempt at displaying this concept. Mother superior has jumped the gun, or has false started, in allowing us to find happiness within material objects. Perhaps John Lennon knew something that very few of us
could recognize, and many of us only attribute this to his use of heroine. Perhaps he was aware of the consequences of haste in satisfying one’s own fleeting addiction toward desire. One thing is certain: He hid wise words within a song that has blown me away for the past 16 years, and will continue to make me think about what happiness really is. Once you realize what satisfies your soul for elongated periods of time instead of short bursts of dulling excitement, fire your warm gun! As the Beatles end the song in “bang bang, shoot shoot!” *This article originally appeared in the Daily Barometer. It appears here in its original form.
Hands off my hookah! Social smoking takes fire in Oregon
moking hookah is growing in popularity here in Oregon, and that has Oregon health officials on edge. Not because they are worried that smoking is dangerous—that fact we know—but from the fact that the hookah is rising in popularity amongst teens. Access to hookahs is easy to come by, both from the addition of hookah lounges and the increasing availability of personal hookahs for purchase. Smoking in the U.S. ZACH CHASTAINE often carries negative connotations these days. Whether you are smoking cigarettes, cigars or a gigantic joint, people just tend to frown on it. There are even negative connotations for the devices used to smoke. Pipes, for example, are typically associated with marijuana these days, not Sherlock Holmes. Regardless of whether you smoke or not, you will encounter most types of smoking somewhere along your college career whether you’re walking through the misty cigarette clouds across the park blocks or witnessing marijuana pluming out of a concert crowd like a whale popping up for air. It is all around us. More recently "The Man" has set his sights on the hookah—a style of smoking that has become more popular in Oregon recently with the rise in hookah lounges around the state. According to
the Oregon Health Authority, a hookah lounge is a smoke shop that both sells hookahs and offers a lounge area in which you can smoke said hookahs. For anyone unfamiliar with the hookah, it is a device originating from the Middle East that cools the smoke inhaled by sucking it down through water and then through a long hose. For this reason it is sometimes called a “water pipe.” They are often elaborate, with various colors and designs, and range in size from as small as a foot or two in height to very large. Hookah is considered to be a social activity, as it is publicly smoked in hookah lounges that are sometimes decorated with fancy rugs, puffy couches and mood lighting. It is meant to be a relaxing social activity. You can even do tricks with it, such as blow rings of smoke, and if you are really skilled you can capture smoke in a soap bubble. It’s something you do with friends. “I don’t really like that I’m putting smoke into my lungs. It’s probably not the best thing for my
body. But it’s kind of cool trying to blow smoke rings, and it’s a nice way to relax,” said Camila Stark, a 21-year-old economics major here at Portland State. Hookah shops usually offer a large range of tobacco flavors that can be very exotic at times. A 2010 OHA Indoor Clean Air Act study found flavors such as peach, melon, and pumpkin pie. The tobacco smoked in a hookah, called “shisha,” is often just flavored tobacco. So, really, it is meant to be a stylish and attractive form of smoking. That is exactly what has Oregon health officials worried—because everyone knows already that smoking tobacco is dangerous and can kill you. In fact, a statistic released by the Tobacco Prevention and Education Program, part of the Department of Human Services, stated that 22 percent of all Oregon deaths in 2005 had smoking listed as a contributor to death. So while hookah is no less dangerous than any other kind of tobacco product, it’s also one of the few types of smoking that is generally still restricted to indoor smoking like lounges and the comfort of one’s home. Unlike cigarettes that are very easy to find smoked out in public, Hookah is much more contained and regulated. Cigarettes are small and can be smoked on the go. Trying to smoke a hookah while walking would be very difficult and probably dangerous. It is just not a mobile device. Unfortunately the OHA seems to be getting a little ahead of themselves in what might not
be the right direction. Tom Parker, communications director for Oregon Partnership, a statewide nonprofit promoting drug and alcohol awareness, had this to say about hookah lounges in an OHA press release: “They’re a training ground for going to bars, drinking and illicit drug use.” It’s not like it’s a crack house; in fact, according to the OHA you can’t even buy alcohol at a hookah lounge. I’m not sure how a place that doesn’t serve alcohol can really be a primer for a bar. This seems like saying an EasyBake Oven is a trainer for Le Cordon Bleu. Now while it’s perfectly reasonable to say that hookah lounges are not providing a healthy environment for your lungs, it’s a bit of a stretch to say that it’s a gateway to hard drugs. This doesn’t seem like a healthy attitude to have, especially when hookahs are found in lounges and houses while cigarettes are still found in your path as you walk outside. “If the health officials want to stop people from abusing drugs and alcohol, I’m pretty sure there are a ton of better places to look than hookah lounges,” Stark said. All in all, hookah and hookah lounges are here to stay, and can provide a nice smoking experience that you can enjoy without getting your door kicked in. It is up to the individual to decide whether or not they want to partake despite the health risks. The OHA should worry less about the rise in regulated and legal tobacco use, and more about dangerous drugs such as cocaine or meth. The hookah is being made out to be the next social villain. Let’s all practice some common sense and just let the hookah be. ■
“To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did. I ought to know because I’ve done it a thousand times.” Mark Twain VANGUARD EDITORIAL
One does not simply walk into Unitus As many of us begin our upper-division courses, no abbreviation strikes more fear than UTS, the three letters of course referring to Portland State’s very own Mordor: the dreaded Unitus Building. For the uninitiated (read: lucky), the Unitus Building stands on the south end of campus, and is notorious for being as far away from the main PSU campus as possible. Many say the Clay Building is a strong contender, but its primary function is that of a math and science auxiliary. Unitus has no such unifying bond. As a matter of fact, Unitus is a credit union first and a schoolhouse second—PSU utilizes the floors above the credit union for classes. Already beleaguered by late graduation dates, unfinished inquiry classes and heavy course loads, a twice- or thriceweekly trip to PSU’s outskirts’ outskirts seems like it should be worth an extra couple of credits unto itself. With winter nipping at our heels and the first snowfall forecast well before wintertime, the prospect of hiking to Unitus gets bleaker and bleaker. For many, even seeing a course in the catalog that is taught in Unitus is enough to make it a “last resort” class. Call it laziness if you wish, but having back-to-back classes in either Science Building, Clay or Epler and Unitus is ridiculous. Some professors dock points off a participation grade for tardiness. Some lab classes tell you not to bother coming if you’re 10 minutes late. What happens if the professor of your pre-Unitus class runs over their allotted time? Situations like this go beyond annoyance and into very problematic territory. Admittedly, the authorities of PSU have done a halfwaydecent job of phasing out use of the Unitus building more and more each term. However, if you’re a student of anthropology, business, economics or English, you’re already deadlocked into a dangerous game of chicken this winter. With meteorologists predicting heavy snowfall this season, do you really want to be dug out of a snowbank by a St. Bernard en route to Unitus? With so many courses in the online catalog having a location marked “TBA” and only a handful of classes banished to Unitus thus far, it’s highly possible that more courses will be taught there. Currently, every music course is marked TBA. The farthest reaches of PSU are perhaps too far to lug a tuba or cello several times a week, not to mention books and other learning accoutrements. Many large classes remain empty while simultaneous courses are taught in Unitus or in other, more cramped quarters elsewhere on campus. This misappropriation of space is entirely unacceptable. Consider the case of a cinema course in which students are huddled around a tiny screen to watch movies weekly. Nearby, a large room with a proportionally large screen is unoccupied. If the cinema class doesn’t get to move to the bigger room, so be it—the inconvenience is still present, but minor. However, when courses are taught in Unitus that could otherwise be held in unoccupied rooms of Cramer Hall or the newly renovated Lincoln Hall, there is a problem. PSU would reap the rewards of a tight-knit student body if it were to assign classes in Unitus to unoccupied rooms closer to the center of campus. Instead of having several pockets of students scattered all over campus, we should turn our core buildings into intellectual and academic hives.
EDITORIAL BOARD Virginia Vickery Editor-in-Chief Corie Charnley News Editor Nicholas Kula Arts & Culture Editor Richard Oxley Opinion Editor Robert Britt Sports Editor
ONLINE COMMENTS The story doesn’t stop when the print hits the page. Don’t like something you read in the Vanguard? Want us to cover a story? Do you feel there is more to be said? You have the opportunity to praise us or rip us apart here at the Vanguard. Post a comment online or write us a letter. Tell us what you think. Here are some online highlights from
Judgment has been passed I was lucky enough to be part of the “Street Roots” senior capstone this term and I would like to find a way to “sentence” Janieve Schnabel to a term of it because I cannot see how anyone, on our diverse campus, could embarrass and shame us with the ignorance she, along with the Vanguard editors, have published and marked with Portland State’s logo [“Homeless at Portland State,” Oct. 25]. I am really hoping that anyone not familiar with our campus takes the time to read the comments that students have left here, especially after seeing that the editor left remarks that
defended the offensive ranting that this princess composed. While it is nice to know that campus safety is such a high priority for our officers, I would rather them spend some time in the parking garage where fellow students have been breaking into cars that don’t belong to them. Please, let someone who is experiencing homelessness use the public restroom and find the guy who has broken my window out to steal my belongings. I will hold it a little longer and use my own toilet and the person experiencing homelessness can use my share of the facility, I paid for it in my student fees and now I am endowing it to the next person who needs it. I would like to also include in Miss Schnabel’s sentence that she be required to read the book “Voices from the Street” it is put together right here in Portland and would be a real eye opener. Some things that she obviously isn’t aware of like; being part of a military family puts you at high risk for being homeless, would really contra-
dict her uneducated statements about homelessness. Yep, that’s right, that stinky nasty homeless person is likely be a member of an elite group of people that we are indebted to for the right to publish articles that have no factual basis and are offensive. ANONYMOUS
Tuition bull crap I hear this bull crap about how student are “paying for the building and therefore bums should be trespassed for stealing what we paid for” kind of argument [“Homeless at Portland State,” Oct. 25].. Unless you are an international student or enrolled in the School of Extended Studies, who are the only categories of student who pay the entire cost of education, it is nice to know that your in-state tuitions are taxpayer subsidized, and you study in buildings that were built by state and federal taxes, grants and endowments, not your tuition dollars -- which, for most students, is something you will pay later in the future,
thanks to a federally underwritten student loans. A healthy society understands that everyone is in it all together. It is a commentary on the sick state of American society— and PSU’s student culture by extension—when students are pitted against the other marginalized and oppressed people. Usually it is the students and their social and political movements that attack the systemic oppression, yet here at PSU, the student-employee-cops of the Campus Homeless Removal Office are instead participating in the systemic oppression. Venceremos!!!!! AMINA
The bedbugs are coming Just wondering how the PSU administration plans to deal with bed bugs [“Bedbugs are back near PSU,” Nov. 12]? If students living in adjacent apartments have them, it’s only a matter of time before we start seeing them around campus.... ANONYMOUS
PSU professor says city measure oversimplifies complex sex trade issues
Finding new space: New complex will house PSU's chemistry and biology departments, which are currently limited in space.
OHSU and OUS are currently working on securing a developer for new complex As such, it will govern the partnership between the institutions for the next 80 years. According to Desrochers, the steering committee has also chosen a potential developer, Williams & Dame Development, which will invest in the facility and develop some additional private research space in the building. Currently, the Tenancy in Common collaborators are negotiating their contract with the development company. They are expected to complete this phase by the end of this year, Desrochers said. “At this point we have [Williams & Dame’s] response to an RFP [request for proposal], but we are in the process of negotiating the final form of the contract with this group,” said Jay Kenton, OUS vice chancellor for finance and administration. “Without a signed contract, we will not have a project.” In addition, OUS is currently obtaining the legislative authorization to issue bonds. Due to the passage of Ballot Measures 68 and 69 in May 2010, the Oregon legislature needs to adopt a finding that all previously approved projects are “for the benefit of higher education,” Kenton said. Measure 68 allows state government to issue bonds to match local school district bonds for school capital costs, while Measure 69 allows the
state to issue the lowest-cost bonds to finance projects that would be beneficial to community colleges and public universities. The funding for the facility will be stitched together from several sources, according to a press release. $50 million of the funding will come from state-funded general obligation (XIG) bonds, $60 million from institutionally-funded general obligation (XIF) bonds, $40 million from a private donation to OHSU, $10 million from Tri-Met for the construction of a light rail station and $10 to $20 million from private investment. “We originally sought $250 million for the project, and it now looks like it will be $170 to $180 million,” Kenton said. “But all of the original components are present, just on a smaller scale.” According to Desrochers, the construction of the collaborative complex is vitally important for PSU because it will serve as a new base of operation for the university’s two bioscience departments: biology and chemistry. Currently, these subjects are taught out of two campus buildings— Science Buildings 1 and 2—which presently provide less-than-adequate space for student productivity. “We are way oversubscribed in the [PSU science buildings],” Desrochers said. “We
project that by 2012, we’ll be out of space.” For this reason, the relocation of these departments would be inevitable with or without the collaborative complex, given the growth of these departments, she said. Oregon’s economic crisis is driving the building project in a somewhat indirect way, according to Denise Wendler, associate vice president for finance at PSU. “One of the things that happens when you get into this type of an economy is an inverse reaction with higher ed,” Wendler said. “As the economy goes down, people go back to school, so our enrollments go up, and that actually increases our need for capacity.” In addition to housing PSU’s bioscience departments, the collaborative complex will house OHSU’s medicine, dentistry, nursing and physician schools, as well as Oregon State University’s pharmacy school. The University of Oregon will also maintain a small presence in the facility with its clinical psychology program, according to Kenton. The facility will also house retail outlets for private businesses and include privately funded research space for commercial bioscience projects, Desrochers said. “We will provide a home location for new companies,
Saltzman is interested in requiring convicted sex slavers to register as sex offenders, as well as changing Oregon statute in order to make prostitutes less culpable than those who sell them into sexual congress. Moshoula Capous-Desyllas, an instructor at the Portland State School of Social Work, has concerns that such measures, while important, may contribute to public confusion on two separate and very complex issues. “Human trafficking is used interchangeably with diverse concepts, such as illegal immigration, modern slavery and prostitution, and the sexual exploitation of women,” she said. “I believe that there is a gap in our awareness of the contested definitions of sex trafficking.” According to Capous-Desyllas, political and media focus on sex trafficking has had the effect of painting a sensational and vastly over-simplified portrait of what is, in reality, a complex global issue. She also expresses concern that not enough distinctions are being drawn between sex workers and victims of sex trafficking. “As long as sex work is confounded with sex trafficking, there will be a huge gap in our understanding of who and how individuals are kidnapped and abused for sexual purposes by criminals,” she said. “Statistics on the number of individuals who are trafficked is a feature
some of which are expected to come out of the work of PSU faculty because that is how the little bioscience businesses start,” Desrochers said. “We’re leaving the door wide open here for development opportunities that may come from our faculty.” It is now a matter of getting the business deals done and getting the funds to flow, she added. “This is a wonderful example of inter-institutional collaboration in both instructional and research areas,” Kenton said. “It will provide much needed graduates in high-demand fields and will help Oregon diversify its economy.” ■
The Vanguard is hiring a design assistant. Design assistants get paid to produce newspaper layouts, information graphics, illustrations and other design elements to accompany stories. Ideal applicants will posses strong page layout skills and be capable of working quickly and independently in a fast-paced newsroom environment. Applicants must be enrolled for at least 6 credit hours at PSU. Send applications & samples of work to
present in most newspaper articles and government reports, yet the U.S. Department of State and others who provide statistics do not explain how these statistics were collected.” When asked whether or not undocumented juveniles would be eligible for any of the four beds available at the sex trafficking victims shelter, Trieu said that no juvenile would be officially ineligible, but could not comment on how undocumented status might affect their standing with immigration officials. “That’s a tricky issue,” Trieu said. “We have identified 120 to 130 girls in the Portland metro area, confirmed and otherwise, who are all U.S. citizens and victims of sex
Sex trafficking statistics in the U.S.
According to an article released by International Crisis Aid in 2010: ■■ In 2005, the Department of Justice released a report estimating that there have been 100,000 to 150,000 sex slaves in the U.S. since 2001. ■■ In 2009, the University of Pennsylvania estimated nearly 300,000 youth in the U.S. were at risk of becoming sexually exploited for commercial use. ■■ There are girls as young as 5 years old that are forced to perform sexual acts for economic gains in the U.S.
trafficking.” According to Trieu, these statistics are based on information gathered from various sources, including the Department of Human Services and the Portland Police Department. She also said that while victims will be strongly encouraged to testify against their pimps, their eligibility for shelter space will not be contingent upon it. “We want to meet the victim where she is,” Trieu said. “We think that the prosecutorial aspect of this is very important, but with what some of these girls go through, it can be a very subtle point to deal with. Some of these girls are scared to death, or just never, ever want to see this person again.” City Hall is taking action by dealing with the local aspects of sex trafficking, but the extent to which the challenges of a global problem can be locally addressed remains to be seen. “It is very unfortunate that a singular narrative is being reinforced in the media, serving to sensationalize and simplify a very complex issue in order to push certain agendas,” Capous-Desyllas said. “I don’t think that we can assume that everyone working the sex industry has been sexually enslaved. I also fear that a focus on trafficking carries underlying fears of illegal immigration into the U.S. under the guise of concern for human rights.” ■
CRIME BLOTTER The Campus Public Safety Office is required by law to maintain a public crime log, which it publishes on Mondays and Fridays.
■■ Nov. 6, 9:12 a.m.: Victim’s vehicle was broken into in Parking Structure 3. ■■ Nov. 8, 4:12 a.m.: A male was found trespassing in the Broadway Housing Building. ■■ Nov. 9, 12:14 p.m.: Victim’s vehicle was broken into in Parking Structure 2. ■■ Nov. 9, 2:14 p.m.: Suspect stole victim’s bicycle outside of the Academic and Student Recreation Center. ■■ Nov. 10, 8:43 p.m.: A hit-and-run occurred in Parking Structure 3. ■■ Nov. 11, 7:57 p.m.: Vehicle window was broken out in the Joseph C. Blumel Hall parking structure. ■■ Nov. 12, 10:24 a.m.: Victim’s laptop was stolen from their office in Smith Memorial Student Union. ■■ Nov. 12, 20:57 a.m.: Victim’s laptop was stolen from their office in the Urban Center Building. ■■ Nov. 12, 2:16 p.m.: Suspect broke into vehicle parked in Parking Structure 3. ■■ Nov. 13, 4:09 p.m.: Male arrested on warrant in Cramer Hall. ■■ Nov. 13, 9:48 p.m.: Suspect arrested for Criminal Trespass II. ■■ Nov. 14, 5:21 a.m.: Male found with a warrant in Ondine Residence Hall. ■■ Nov. 14, 4:10 p.m.: Vehicle was broken into in the Shattuck Hall visitor parking lot.
IMMACULATE CONTRACEPTION A more realistic picture of birth control failure rates
effectiveness contain the dirty little phrase “perfect use.” What “perfect use” means is that the failure rate you are seeing is the percentage of unintended pregnancies during the first year of use under absolutely machine-like lab conditions with scientists controlling and ensuring absolute adherence to the use guidelines set by the manufacturer or medical community. What perfect use does not mean is that you used the method responsibly, but under real-world conditions. The term for that is “typical use.” The trouble with listing perfect use instead of typical use is the false trust it creates in the product, since the failure rates vary wildly and some methods prove more effective in real life than the ones that are just as good under lab conditions. Since the lab that determined your contraceptive’s failure rate won’t be taking the baby you have when it fails despite what their data told you, it’s probably best to know exactly what the real-world failure rates are. That’s what I’m here for! (Note: In the interest of practical use, I have tried to stick with more commonly used methods. I haven’t listed the abstinence method since this is a scientific article, not an opinion piece, and I am not even justifying the “pulling out method” with a response. I have also left out vasectomies and tubal ligations since most college kids don’t get them and things like spermicidal foam, the sponge and cervical caps for their spectacularly high failure rates and extremely uncommon use). Under perfect use conditions and during ALL PHOTOS SARIA DY/VANGUARD STAFF the first year of use, Implanon: Works best if the thought of having babies totally creeps you out. the three most effecIf you have used any method of birth control, taken a health class, talked to a doctor about sex or even just picked up a box of condoms, you have no doubt been exposed to a general idea of how effective each method is (with regard to preventing pregnancy, which is the focus of this article. STD protection is another story). Listed in the information that comes with your pills or condoms or the literature from your doctor or (shudder) online, is usually the failure rate of that method expressed as a percentage. Simple enough, right? Well, actually (try to look surprised), it’s not. The data listed is technically accurate, because it would be extremely illegal to misrepresent it, but it is framed in a way that could be inspiring quite a bit of misplaced confidence. The first bit of confusion arises from the fact that most people don’t understand that the rates expressed are not a representation of the lifetime of the product’s use; they only cover the first year of use. While the packages or literature do say that, it’s usually asterisked and in fine print somewhere in the sidelines. The second problem is far more troublesome. Most of the packaging, literature and even informational websites about birth control’s
The pill: Altoids sure have come a long way.
The female condom fails at a rate of 21 pregnancies per 100 users and the male condom fails at a rate of 15 pregnancies in 100. 21 out of 100 is pretty horrible, but the male condom is the most commonly used method of protection among college and high-school aged kids.
tive methods are the subdermal implant (like Implanon) with 0.05 pregnancies in 100 users, the Mirena IUD with 0.2 pregnancies in 100, and the pill with 0.3 pregnancies in 100. The worst methods under perfect use are the female condom with 5 pregnancies in 100 and the male condom with 2. But what happens when your uterus stops being polite and starts getting real? Under “typical use” conditions, the story is a little different. The top two most effective contraceptives are still the subdermal implant with 0.05 pregnancies per 100 users, the Mirena IUD
with 0.2 pregnancies per 100, exactly what they were under perfect use. The pill, however, gets knocked definitively out. Why? Because under the real-world use conditions, the pill’s failure rate leaps to 160 times what it was in lab settings to eight pregnancies per 100 users in the first year of use. That’s a pretty spectacular change for manufacturers and their advertisers to roundly ignore. Ladies, that’s a one in 12 chance that you will get pregnant in one year on the pill. It’s still twice as effective as our worst offenders, though. The female condom fails at a rate of 21 pregnancies per 100 users and the male condom fails at a rate of 15 pregnancies in 100. 21 out of 100 is pretty horrible, but the male condom is the most commonly used method of protection among college and high-school aged kids. Wrap your head around this: That’s a one-in-six chance to get knocked up using a condom. ONE IN SIX. Literally, the same odds as the most certain-death game known to man. You deserve better than to play genital Russian roulette. Be smart, know the risks, and invest in more than one form of anti-pregnancy insurance. ■
Is it a jackal? I think it’s a jackal NWFC’s “Carlos” romanticizes terrorism—in a good way INES KUNA VANGUARD STAFF
Dan Franck and Olivier Assayas’ “Carlos” (2010) is a three-part mini series about Venezuelan leftist-terrorist Illich Ramirez Sanchez. The title stems from Sanchez’ unofficial name: Carlos the Jackal. Carlos was originally involved with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which conducted various assassinations and other forms of media-drawing organized crime, including the infamous 1975 international attack on the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The film aims to portray Sanchez’ life journalistically through historical footage, which follows the staged cinematic scenes, but the film also reiterates the fact that many of the other scenes are fictitious fill-in-the-blanks of what could have happened during Carlos’ mysterious years under the radar. The film is slower-paced in the beginning but towards the end of the first episode, viewers are on the edge of their seats waiting to see the unfolding of the terrorist plan. Of course, that’s where the first episode ends. It is no wonder that this movie is endorsed by the Sundance Channel. The episodes are a little bit of history, a little bit of action and a little bit of drama. The hauntingly convincing Carlos
Carlos the Jackal
(Edgar Ramirez) invokes an unwavering emotional response in viewers, successfully portraying the charismatic traits of a radical leader. The scenes, too, are unspoiled with made-for-Hollywood pop music. Instead, most scenes are frigid and serious, efficiently depicting a truthful picture of the plot, which is based on a true story. Adding to the realism is the movie’s tasteful decision to shift between several different languages, reflecting upon the extent to which Sanchez was internationally involved. Although the truth of the story ought not to be taken 100 percent, it is clear that the writers did plenty of research on the real Carlos the Jackal. Some raw dialogue comes from recordings obtained by the Stasi surveillance of Eastern Germany. This is interesting, considering that
the Northwest Film Center was just previously showing “DDR/DDR,” a documentary about the German Democratic Republic’s secret surveillance tactics. It is also refreshing to see a film from the point of view of the terrorist directly, something that happens all too little in Hollywood’s domain of Bruce Willis “Die Hard”s. However, one is apt to ask: Why give an international terrorist a voice by centering a mini-series with him as the main character? Isn’t this more notorious fame than the man deserves? In an interview with The New York Times, Ramirez explained that, “What we were trying to do is demystify him. This guy who supposedly had everything figured out was not as keen as he was said to be.” Instead, the movie makers sought to show that one of history’s biggest manipulators was
“in many moments of his life…being manipulated” himself. Whether the movie makes a statement about Carlos the Jackal’s weaknesses or invokes sympathy for a murderer, only an audience can say. And at nearly five and a half hours total, the films give audience members a lot to think about when they make the decision. What can definitely be said is that Carlos will hold your attention and keep you sweating up until the end. ■
Carlos Northwest Film Center Playing Nov. 19, 20, 21
Want more? Make sure to check out the Vanguard’s online arts section for more stories, including several online exclusives! This issue: television. Is there any truth to the unflattering nickname “idiot box?” Richard D. Oxley talks about cancellation of television programs that are geared towards smart people. You’re already reading the Vanguard, so this means you! Make sure to check it out on
Breakin': Glorious dancemoves match glorious hair at Circle Science.a
Have cardboard square will travel Portland apparently has a thriving urban dance scene with a little help from PSU alum VIRGINIA VICKERY VANGUARD STAFF
Rest assured there is a large population of people in Portland who can dance way better than you and wear decidedly better sneakers. Last Sunday, hundreds of them turned up at the Circle Science break dance event at Bossonova Ballroom for some cash prizes, but mostly for the love of it. Circle Science was a showcase and competitive event that sought to bring together dancers from all disciplines of street dance to “get down in one unified cipher,” according to the event trailer video. “A cipher, in essence, is an open dance circle where dancers of every discipline get down. They freestyle, they call each other out to battle, they jut exchange moves,” said Huy Pham, the event’s organizer and a major player in putting on many of Portland’s urban dance gatherings. In late afternoon, a crowd of dancers and spectators began to snake around the building on East Burnside for the all ages event. “Half the dance community in Portland is 18 to 20,” Pham said. Due to the large number of young people, there were vigorous pat-downs and bag searches at the door, which held up the line quite a bit. Pham said it’s worth it, though, and he works to make every event welcome to all ages.
Pham, who has danced for most of his life, said that in the last 10 years the scene has grown immensely and is “super positive.” Pham puts up his own money to host events like this several times a year so that there is a structured and safe place for dancers to come together to do what they love. “[School] PTAs will even put up money now to fund events,” Pham said. Pham said 67 dance crews signed up to battle in a two-on-two format that night, but crews can contain dozens of members, so there were actually hundreds of registered dancers. The scene is fiercely self-perpetuated; the Facebook group for the event had 408 people registered as planning to attend. “There is so much community support. As soon as I put out a press release the community gobbles it up,” said Pham, who is a graduate of Portland State. He works with a friend and current PSU student, Greg Fisk, to promote and organize these events. They are also in the same dance crew called Moon Patrol, which performed that night. As the evening ramped up, nervous participants lined the walls intensely miming dance moves—it was the equivalent of Broadway hopefuls nervously running vocal scales before an audition. As people filtered in, the DJs flowed from hip-hop, to pop, to house music and impromptu ciphers began to form all over the ball-
Brussels ain’t so bad The vegetable that deserves table time KAT VETRANO VANGUARD STAFF
Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo: Handstands never fail to impress.
As people filtered in, the DJs flowed from hip-hop, to pop, to house music and impromptu ciphers began to form all over the ballroom. Dancers moved in and out, showcasing their unique routines and freestyles, sometimes challenging other dancers to battles. room. Dancers moved in and out, showcasing their unique routines and freestyles, sometimes challenging other dancers to battles. One woman watching looked out of place because she was older than most of the performers and had her elementary-aged son with her. It turned out she is a dance teacher and break dance club advisor at David Douglas High School in southeast Portland, and she simply came out to support her students. She wasn’t the only oddball in the crowd— there were other parents there and dancers who
The muscle from Brussels: They taste good, we swear.
WEST COAST B-BOY CHAMPIONSHIP Sunday Nov. 28 5 p.m. All ages $550 prize money *Not affiliated with Pham or Fisk Videos from the event can be watched on our website:
Roasted brussels sprouts
Pan Fried Shredded Brussels Sprouts
If you think you don’t like Brussels sprouts, I guarantee this recipe will change your mind.
1 lb brussels sprouts 3 tablespoons of olive oil 3 tablespoons of butter, melted Salt Pepper 2 tablespoons of fresh rosemary
Method They’re stinky and green and not super popular. Brussels sprouts aren’t always the most talked-about of the vegetable world, but I’m here to argue that they deserve space on your Thanksgiving spread. These tiny cabbage-looking orbs can taste and smell sour, but that’s simply because they haven’t been prepared correctly. Here are two ways that brussels sprouts will make you a believer, or at least someone at your Thanksgiving table.
brought their children. One little boy, about four years old, wandered into the middle of a cipher and began impersonating something between krump dancing and the robot, and the crowd loved it. The entire scene was extremely jovial and the competition was friendly and playful. Anyone was welcome to simply enjoy the show, enter the competition or just play around in the impromptu ciphers. With all the movement in there it was pretty steamy,making it a nice way to spend an otherwise cold, boring Sunday evening. ■
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. While it heats, trim your Brussels sprouts’ tough edges and remove any unappetizing leaves. Place in a large bowl and follow with the butter, olive oil and spices. Mix to ensure even distribution. Put mixture in a large roasting pan and cover with tin foil. Place the roasting pan in the oven and set the timer for 20 minutes. Check mixture once halfway through the cooking time, and once more when it’s almost finished to check for doneness. If you have a convection oven, put the convection on for the last five minutes of cooking to get an extra crisp. Remove from oven and serve at warm or hot temperature, adjusting seasoning as necessary. Cooked bacon pieces or a splash of Balsamic vinegar are always a nice addition, although not essential.
Ingredients 1 lb brussels sprouts 1 minced garlic clove 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt Lots of black pepper, or red pepper flakes for kick
Method Cut all brussels sprouts into thin strips, removing tough ends first. Heat a large pan on medium high. When pan is hot, add the oil. When the oil is very hot, add the brussels sprouts, careful not to overcrowd the pan (this will produce that yucky smell I told you about). Sauté frequently with a spatula for 10–15 minutes until pieces are browned and crispy. Serve immediately. ■
OK, computer Do androids dream of electric skeet? JOSHUA HUNT VANGUARD STAFF
a far more lucrative purpose. Much like Facebook, OKCupid specializes in a process known as data mining. They entice users to give them valuable demographic information that they likely wouldn’t consider giving to an online survey, census-taker or in some cases, even a close friend. Media conglomerates, advertising firms and corporations will pay vast sums of money for this information, because it is their direct line to the consumer. After all, no one knows how to advertise to a consumer better than the consumers themselves. This is a model that clearly works for the ownership of OKCupid as well as their advertising interests—but does it work for the consumer? In a brave act of immersion journalism, the author has endeavored to find out. More aptly, in a foolish act of self-confession, the author must confess to having been a member of OKCupid for some time now. Having confessed as much, the author hastens to add that said membership
teen and young adult demographic, which is the real secret of their success. Launched in 2004 by four Harvard students, OKCupid essentially matches users based on a variant of the Meyers-Briggs personality test. The personality questions that users must answer to complete their profile range from queries about the importance of career and family to explorations of one’s sexual fidelity and predisposition toward aberrant sexual behavior. So, while it may be difficult to determine the prospects of finding a long-term partner on OKCupid, their algorithm seems as though it would be successful in at least one respect. Provided that users complete their survey truthfully, OKCupid is a fantastic place for the modern sexpot to meet his or her ethical slut. If one is inclined toward promiscuous behavior and is forthcoming about this behavior, the amorous algorithm will assign them a high match percentage, thus making them eminently more visible in one an-
OKCupid is the dating website for people who don’t use dating websites. The opening paragraphs of many user profiles read like pillow talk from a one-night stand.
Our own Joshua Hunt: Just another bleeding-face liberal.
Postmodernism has painted the culture, media and language of our age in shades of indefinable grey. Ours is a time of great immeasurability and indefinable weight, a world of structure so intricate that it can no longer be perceived. For those coming of age with avatars in place of friends, it may seem only natural that the ways in which we love should be wrought up in the same digital constructs. The advent of online dating was not nearly as surprising as its apparent social legitimacy in recent years. Once thought to be the last bastion of the desperate, online dating has become yet another expression of postmodern
cynicism as a growth industry. One example of this trend is the online dating site OKCupid, which, as of this writing, boasts 3.5 million users. It is a privately owned venture in which users answer questions about themselves, their ideal partners, and participate in surveys, all of which are required in order to give them access to the full range of matching options. The site is free to use, but like everything, it is not without a cost. The questions which OKCupid users answer no doubt assist the site’s algorithm in matching them with people of similar temperament; however, they also have
followed the dissolution of a lengthy and meaningful relationship, and was perhaps equal parts self-flagellation and need for affection. Luckily, OKCupid has both of these things on offer. OKCupid is the dating website for people who don’t use dating websites. The opening paragraphs of many user profiles read like pillow talk from a one-night stand: “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” “This is kind of crazy, but whatever.” “I wouldn’t normally do this kind of thing...” This tendency toward pre-emptive self-deprecation is important—it distinguishes the passive cynical online dater from the active and open online dater. Yet, in this postmodern landscape it is the passive cynic who plays the most active role in shaping the OKCupid universe. When the cynic makes it okay for their skeptical selves to engage with mass social media, they make it okay for all cynics to follow suit. This is the key element of OKCupid’s popularity amongst the
other’s match searches. So, what does this mathematical matchmaker have to gain from putting the young and cynical into heat on a regular basis? The sexual drive has always been a powerful component in advertising, but in helping its users to fulfill that drive, OKCupid may be taking it one step further. The teen and young adult demographic has always been key to advertisers, and yet the Internet age has produced increasingly media-savvy and cynical young consumers. The most cost-effective method of dealing with a cynical audience, it would appear, is to embrace that cynicism. When media conglomerates and corporations attempt to fight or circumvent cynicism, the net result is often an increase in awareness of their machinations, leading to even greater suspicion on behalf of consumers. By providing users with a commodity that cannot be purchased (legally), and allowing them their cynicism, OKCupid ensures that the vast ore of their data mine shall no sooner be stripped bare than the well of postmodern cynicism run dry. ■
Let’s hear it for the boy And now, a change of pace: Men’s fashion AMANDA BENTLEY VANGUARD STAFF
If you’re a typical guy, your average coldweather outfit most likely consists of a hoodie, jeans, and possibly a beanie. There is nothing wrong with that—and done well, it can be a good look—but there are ways to expand your sense of style. This may be scary, uncharted territory, but bear with me. There won’t be any dramatic changes, just simple alterations that can switch up your style while remaining practical and comfortable in the winter weather. The best way to stay warm while still looking good is to layer up. A good rule of thumb is to aim for three layers, ranging from “regular” to “medium” and “heavy duty.” To start off, your first layer should be either a T-shirt or long-sleeved flannel shirt as your base. Plain V-neck tees or a plaid flannel shirt are good ways to begin. Next, add a “medium” layer. This layer should be thin enough to wear under a heavier coat and comfortable enough that it could be worn inside without getting too stuffy. Good options are a button-up sweater, jean jacket, or even a hoodie. You can also vary the look by starting with a button-up dress shirt and layering on a pullover. Depending on the day, this may be enough to stay warm. However, as winter approaches, another layer will be necessary. The final layer you want to add is a heavyduty, weatherproof coat. This can take the form of a leather bomber jacket, wool-blend pea coat, or military-inspired coat. The “Rapture Bomber Jacket” by Obey incorporates two layers in one by including a built-in hooded sweatshirt under the outer leather jacket for extra warmth. If you can pull off the fit, skinny jeans work well with this look of bundling up the top and keeping the bottom simple. If not, please just stick to your regular cut. Sticking with traditional denim is always a safe option, but incorporat-
ing different colored cords are a nice change. To bundle up even more, add a hat, scarf, and gloves. Almost every guy already owns a beanie. Whether you’re into brightly colored ones or neutral options, you really can’t go wrong. Fur (or faux fur)-lined trapper hats are also a nice variation. It’s when the topic of scarves and gloves come up that things get a little more controversial in men’s clothing. Put your “manly” prejudices aside and go for it. Start with a black or gray knit scarf and see where it goes from there. When it comes to gloves, fingerless styles tend to be the most practical and maintain an edgy look if you think you’re too tough for your hands to stay warm. Black leather fingerless gloves provide a nice mix of edgy and practicality, but if that’s too biker for you, there are plenty of colorful knitted options to choose from. The shoes you choose to complete the outfit will really determine the overall look and pull everything together. Add a pair of Supras or Converse for a more casual look. If you want to dress it up a little, canvas loafers, dress shoes, or combat boots will do the trick. If you are feeling really creative, don’t be afraid to experiment with different patterns and textures. The “three layer rule” provides a template into which to incorporate your own style. From plaids, stripes and herringbone to different colors, the choices are endless. I know shopping can be overwhelming, so you might consider taking a girl along with you. They can help steer you in the right direction and make the shopping and styling process a little easier. Remember, you really can’t go wrong with neutrals, so if you stay with grays, blues, blacks and browns, they will all coordinate with each other if you’re unsure of how to work with different color options. It’s really as easy as one-two-three…layers, that is. ■
Campus fashion: Even his cigarette filter matches. That's dedication.
Boredom? Where we’re going, we don’t need…boredom. Friday, Nov. 19 JonnyX and the Groadies, Sloths, The Odious Backspace isn’t normally known for its outstanding metal/thrash/grind shows, but now that they’ve booked JonnyX, maybe that’ll change. Formed over a decade ago at a friend’s barbecue (now the stuff of legends), JXatG have long been one of this city’s best-kept secrets. Usually, their role is that of opening act—they open for any loud and fast band that happens across Portland—but the good folks of Backspace have decided to roll the dice. Maybe this is a new thing for Backspace—not long ago, they played host to another delicious noisy group, AIDS Wolf. And they didn’t charge much. And AIDS Wolf ruled, but I digress. JXatG are starting the show at 7 p.m., and only charging $4, a great show that’s easy on both the midnight oil and the wallet. PHOTO COURTESY OF UVUMI
JonnyX and the Groadies
Backspace, 7 p.m., $4, all ages
Saturday, Nov. 20 Attack Attack!, Pierce the Veil, In Fear and Faith, Of Mice and Men
LKN: One of her patented dance moves: the reverse Jumping Jack Flash.
Stretching one’s show dollar LKN and Palo Verde bring their huge sounds to a shoebox-sized venue JAKE STEVENS VANGUARD STAFF
This coming Monday is a show that nobody with a good head on their shoulders who can appreciate masterful musicianship should miss for their life—only being able to listen to this improv duo’s “spontaneous comp” music through headphones thus far seems almost unconstitutional. Not only is Palo Verde known to be among the best musical performances in Portland, but the artists have maintained that reputation for two years without stepping onto a stage and in front of a crowd. Palo Verde consists of Lauren K. Newman (commonly referred to as LKN) on drums and vocals, supported by Terrica Kleinknecht, who serves as the melodic voice on guitar and vocals. However, a note to remember is that LKN is a one-woman band—she writes the lyrics and performs all of the music on her own albums, and very professionally I might add. The music of Palo Verde is self-described by LKN as: “mountainous, monolithic, angular, dissonance-like post-rock.” Palo Verde’s first show in two years is going to be at Valentine’s on Nov. 22. Not only is it long awaited by many, it’s also an album release party for LKN’s new album, “Split.” The album is properly named “Split” because it is a split record with the group Knife the Symphony. The record is being released by Phratry Records, which is based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. The label belongs to Jerry Dirr, who also happens to be a member of the group splitting the record with Palo Verde. According to LKN, “Jerry called me this past year and asked if I wanted to go in on a record with him, so I jumped the gun on it.” LKN chose six songs for the upcoming album that were previously written by her over the period of July 2008 to October 2009. Unexpected as it may seem, when speaking with LKN, she was “not excited about putting [“Split”] out,” and added, “it is more of a look into the artists’ sketchbook.” The songs were taken from a collection of unreleased and still part of the “sketch stages” in the writing process. Although she has recorded drums for 10 other bands, LKN has a total of four albums of her own work—the latest one released in 2007. Inspired by greats including Eldon Jones, John Bonum and Zach Hill, it is no surprise that she is a very creative musician. She explained that she utilizes the drums in the writing process by
always writing the drum part first. Many musicians would see this as an unconventional way of songwriting, but LKN does an amazing job of relying on her expertise and her obsession with sound to produce her unique-sounding music. The multi-talented musician consistently toured the U.S. from 2001 to 2007, playing well-known festivals such as SXSW and Ladyfest. She has performed live on tour with an array of bands, such as Subarachnoid Space, Castanets and Bellini, providing them with her awe-inspiring drumming. LKN only wants what many musicians rarely get the chance for, let alone dare to even fathom, and her immense passion for music combined with her incredible knowledge of creating sounds have been seemingly effortless in carrying her to pursue her goal. “My goal is to be [on tour] all of the time,” she said. She also has a dream of performing in other countries around the world but once again, like so many other musicians as well, lack of funding and not having the support of an agent make that quite difficult to make happen anytime soon. As LKN and Palo Verde start to come back into the live music circuit, she plans for “my best record yet! ...It was written with Palo Verde four years ago and I have been waiting for the right time to blow it up!” She said to expect it in 2011. Aside from making her own music, she is a professional sound engineer herself and is always looking for groups that want to seek hired help in the recording process. Asking if she had any advice that she would be willing to share with anybody who is in a band she replied, “If you are serious about making money in the music industry, then get serious about the business end for music, but most importantly is to remember to have fun!” Make sure to catch Palo Verde at Valentine’s on the 22nd to support this extraordinarily driven, talented musician and her endeavors. ■
LKN, Palo Verde Monday, Nov. 22 Valentine’s 232 SW Ankeny St. Doors at 9 p.m. $3
You might not know this, but Attack Attack! is probably the worst band in the world right now. They’re probably best known for popularizing a style of music called “Crabcore,” a throwaway term which initially described the stupid way their guitarists stood in their videos.But now, Crabcore has become a real thing, and it has come to mean all bands that sound like AA!—crappy mall metal made for the preteen set. But there’s a catch—bands who imitate this style usually incorporate really bad synth arpeggios and videos where the members synchronize running in place or some other ridiculous non-metal thing. Also, what is it with bands like this; look at those last two band names. Unbelievable. Watch AA!’s video for “Stick Stickly” to see what started all this, and make sure you watch the whole thing—‘cause if there’s one thing that bad manufactured metal does, it’s try hard, all the time.
Hawthorne Theater, 6:30 p.m., $20, all ages (of course)
Attack Attack!
Sunday, Nov. 21 SNDTRKR, Gardening Not Architecture, Themes You know, usually when bands do this whole “no vowels/ all caps” thing, they beat you over the head with anything they can, as a name which forces you to double-take isn’t a sign of subtlety. However, SNDTRKR (fill in the blanks) isn’t much what you’d expect. SNDTRKR isn’t bar music at all, but Rontoms isn’t really a typical joint—they’ve recently been putting on some really good shows for cheap or free. SNDTRKR, once you’ve completed the puzzle (and be careful, there’s a hidden C in there) plays stuff you might almost expect. Their “sndtrks” are huge, beautiful sprawling slices of dark, dark music, containing swirling guitars, fairly complicated percussion and even piano. Their music will provide a great atmosphere to Rontoms, one in which the attendee will be able to sit and drink, yet pay the utmost attention. PHOTO COURTESY SELF GROUP
Rontoms, 9 p.m., free, 21+
Monday, Nov. 22 The Legendary Pink Dots I know it’s Monday, but whatever plans you have for tonight, cancel them. Legendary Pink Dots are finally earning their hipster comeuppance at the Doug Fir. Since 1980, LPD has released over 40 albums to date, so if you’re just now hearing about them, you have a lot of stuff to sift through. Being a new LPD fan is like being a new Star Trek fan—you can’t just start in the middle, you have to go back to the beginning and dig through the entire canon. LPD are known for playing very strange, abstract psych-rock. Though they’re heavily lauded in Industrial circles, LPD play such free-flowing compositions that fans of all genres will take something away from their performance. Don’t sleep on this one.
Doug Fir, 9 p.m., $16 advance, $18 day of show, 21+
Legendary Pink Dots
One win away Viks have volleyball title within reach Women’s volleyball hosts Sac State in final regular season match ROSEMARY HANSON VANGUARD STAFF
Women’s volleyball enters the season’s final match this weekend with the regular season championship on the line. The Vikings (22-6, 13-2 Big Sky Conference) play host to the Sacramento State Hornets tonight, and a win will earn Portland State the championship title and No. 1 seed in next weekend’s PSU-hosted conference tournament. The Hornets (15-5, 8-6 Big Sky) will come to the Park Blocks also vying for a win to ensure a spot in the Big Sky Championship. The Vikings have bitter memories of the first match against Sac State this season when the Hornets beat the Viks in a nail-biting five-set match. WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH THE VIKS
Portland State comes off last weekend’s win over top-ranked
From left to right, Megan Ellis and Garyn Schlatter
Northern Colorado, with which it is tied for first place in the conference. If Northern Colorado wins this weekend against Eastern Washington, PSU must win to earn the regular season title. Since the Viks handed NC its only two losses in league play, PSU holds the advantage in the tie-breaker if both teams win this weekend. The Vikings’ victory over the NC Bears was a five-set fight to the finish, with Portland State coming out on top, 3-2. Head coach Michael Seemann said the increased performance from his blockers in the fourth set allowed the match to go into a fifth and deciding set.
Big Sky honors veteran official Ref’s 30-year career comes to an end today JON KASPER BIG SKY MEDIA RELATIONS
[Editor’s note: This story is courtesy of the Big Sky Conference and is printed here in its entirety in honor of conference referee Byrne Haskins, who has officiated many games at the Stott Center throughout his decades-long career.] As a commercial airplane flew overhead on a recent Sunday afternoon, Byrne Haskins looked skyward from the golf course, and thought to himself, “That would’ve been me.’’ No more security checkpoints or canceled flights. No more late-night meals, rental cars or hotel rooms. No more unruly fans or irate coaches. Haskins’ 30-year career as a Big Sky Conference men’s basketball official will end Friday in Missoula, Mont. He’ll throw the ball in the air when the Montana Grizzlies battle Mon-
tana Tech in a non-conference game. He’ll run up and down the court a couple of times, maybe call one last foul. There will be a ceremony, and then he and his beloved wife Jill, who he affectionately refers to as “Queenie,” will hop in the car and head home to Kirkland, Wash. “It’s not the way I wanted to go out,’’ Haskins said. “It’s a proud way to go out. I just wanted to send an e-mail, say thank you, and that would have been it.’’ But others felt differently. Those like long-time friend Jerry Streeter, Big Sky Conference coordinator of basketball officials Marla Denham and league Commissioner Doug Fullerton felt Haskins deserved more. Especially after so many years of loyal service, and after watching the veteran referee battle through knee surgery, prostate cancer, double-hernia surgery and two open-heart surgeries all in the last five years. “Byrne has been a loyal and hard-working official for us for 30 years, which is amazing when you think about it,’’ said
On offense, it was senior outside hitter Whitney Phillips that led for the Viks, as she has done for much of the season. Phillips posted her 16th double-double with 23 kills and 13 digs against the Bears. Seemann said she is getting more consistent with her hitting, and this weekend will need to continue controlling her riskier swings to ensure accuracy. Alongside Phillips, the other three seniors led the way for the Viks. Outside hitter/middle blocker Christie Hamilton put up 15 kills, middle blocker Lana Zielke had 13, and on defense libero Diana Villalpando led with 26 digs. Fullerton. “We just want to say thank you in some small way for Byrne’s dedication to the conference.’’ “Officiating 30 years at the Division-I level is truly a milestone that most officials can only dream of,’’ Denham said. “Byrne has made it a reality. His passion, loyalty and love for the game will be greatly missed, but Byrne’s example both on an off the court will leave a long-lasting legacy for all of us to emulate.’’ Officiating was never a goal for Haskins, who has spent the last 29 years working at the Hanford Nuclear Site on the banks of the Columbia River. An old friend, the late Orv Marcum, got the ball rolling when he “told” Haskins he was going to referee a summer tournament in Washington. “I had always been interested in sports, but I had never thought of becoming an official,’’ Haskins said. “I was very close to Orv, and he’s the one who got me into it. It came easy for me, and one thing led to another. It’s become a big part of our lives since 1974.’’ Haskins worked his first Big Sky game in 1980. He also spent 24 seasons in the West Coast Conference, 10 in the Big West, six in the Mountain West and Western Athletic Conferences, and two in the Pac-10. His resume includes numerous conference tournament games, NCAA women’s
Last Friday, before the Vikings went up against the Bears, PSU was in Flagstaff, Ariz., where the team swept the Northern Arizona Lumberjacks for the 13th-straight win over the Jacks. “[It] was a really tough weekend on the road,” Seemann said. “And to come off 2-0 is just really great.” Seemann said this weekend the Vikings must focus in on Sac State’s top players while maintaining balance on the court. Regardless of the outcome, the Viks will remain one of the top two seeds going into the Big Sky Championship. A LOOK AT THE HORNETS
Sac State is currently tied with Idaho State in the thirdplace position. Montana sits behind the pair in fifth place. With the Vikings and Bears already securing a spot in the postseason, the Hornets are playing PSU with hopes to secure one of the last two spots in the Big Sky tournament. Sac State, Montana and Idaho State all have two matches left to play. If Sac State shares VOLLEYBALL ON PAGE 15
LANA ZIELKE Middle blocker
Middle blocker and outside hitter
Outside hitter
Going out in style Whitney Phillips In her senior season Total season kills: 489 (leads team) Total season digs: 283 Total season points: 548.5 (leads team) Ranked No. 5 in NCAA in kills per set (4.89), No. 6 in points per set (5.49). Number of double-doubles this season: 16 (leads team)
Big Sky women's volleyball standings SCHOOL CONF OVERALL STREAK Portland State * 13-2 18-8 W6 Northern Colorado * 13-2 22-6 L1 Idaho State 8-6 17-11 W4 Sacramento State 8-6 15-15 W2 Montana 7-7 11-14 L1 Northern Arizona 6-9 10-15 W1 Eastern Washington 6-9 7-18 L3 Montana State 3-11 10-17 L7 Weber State 1-13 3-26 L7 * Clinched spot in championship tournament
Final whistle: Referee Byrne Haskins (far right) discusses a call with other officials during a game in Pocatello, Idaho last season.
tournament contests, as well as men’s NIT and NCAA Division II games. “The Big Sky Conference enabled me to experience all of that,’’ Haskins said. “It was a privilege the Big Sky afforded me. It’s something I love doing.’’ It was that love that motivated him when it would have been easy to quit. First it was the knee surgery, followed by the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Then, there was that night in Missoula in February of 2009. Haskins was working a key Big Sky game between Montana and Weber State. He said he didn’t feel right before the game, but thought it might’ve been something he ate.
“I just felt really weird,’’ he said. “I was dizzy and short of breath. I went up and down the court a few times and I knew something was wrong. I ended up on the floor and two doctors came over. They got me upstairs to the locker room and (Montana athletic trainer Dennis Murphy) convinced me to go to the hospital.” He didn’t have a heart attack or stroke, but upon returning home to Richland underwent more tests. An aortic valve wasn’t working. He was a ticking-time bomb. Twice in the hospital, his heart stopped. He ended up in and out of coma for 18 days. The likes of former Idaho and Oregon coach Don Monson, and current Boise State coach and former Gon-
zaga assistant Leon Rice came to visit. “The doctor told me that he had seen some determined people, and he’d done surgery all over the world,’’ Haskins said. “But he thought I was one of the physically and mentally toughest individuals. I thought, to myself, ‘This is a hell of a way to find that out.’ “ Haskins returned to the floor the following season, but heart troubles landed him in the hospital again this past March. The replacement valve didn’t fit. The doctors told him he had heart arrhythmia, inserted a pacemaker, and told him he’d be good to go. “No, this has got to stop,’’ he REF ON PAGE 15
Three games in three days Men’s basketball travels to Texas for Southern Methodist Classic KEVIN FONG VANGUARD STAFF
ortland State men’s basketball hardly has time to catch its breath after an emotional last-second win in the team’s seasonopener against Pepperdine last Friday. This weekend, the Vikings play three games in three days at the Southern Methodist University Classic in Dallas, Texas. Lamar University and UC Riverside, along with Portland State and hosts SMU, will compete in the four-team, round-robin tournament. The tournament will run two games per day, starting this morning and finishing Sunday afternoon, as each team plays every participant once. Though Portland State will not be able to play in the NCAA Tournament this year due to NCAA sanctions for past season’s academic violations, the SMU Classic will offer the team a chance to gain experience in a tournamentstyle setting. “Whether you win or lose, it doesn’t matter, you’ve got to come back and play the next night. So you’ve got to turn the page quickly,” secondyear head coach Tyler Geving said. “It tests your mental capabilities as a team.” Junior Charles Odum said the Southern Methodist Classic will be a valuable experience for the Vikings. “Back-to-back-to-back games are real tough, especially when you take into account injuries, sore bodies, aches and pains,”
Odum said. “So, it’s more of mental thing—getting over that mental wall that will probably come after the second game.” “Mentally, are we going to be able to bounce back and play another game the next day?” Geving wondered. Mental toughness and focus won’t be the only challenges this weekend. Playing three consecutive games will be a physical burden and the Vikings’ depth will be put to the test. Portland State is already down one senior. Phil Nelson—the team’s leading scorer with 12.9 points per game last season—injured his ankle and is expected to be out four to six weeks. Now, the Vikings will need production from players like Odum, who’s usually the first guard off the bench, and
other supporting players like juniors Terry Coleman, Nate Lozeau and Dane Johnson. “Hopefully, we can develop a little more depth,” Gevin said. “[Players] will have a chance to show what they can do…and earn minutes.” Portland State opens the tournament playing SMU, with tip-off scheduled for 1 p.m. today. The Vikings then face Lamar at 1 p.m. Saturday, and UC Riverside at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. “We’re taking every game
one at a time,” Odum said. “We’re focused. Everybody is preparing to play hard and compete. No distractions; it’s a business trip.” “All three games should come down to the wire,” Geving said. “All four teams are evenly matched, I don’t think there’s one team that’s way ahead of the others.” For the Vikings to have success this weekend, sophomore Chehales Tapscott (15 points, eight rebounds, 7 of 10 free throws) must be a consistent force inside. Sophomore guard Chris Harriel (16 points, six rebounds, two blocks and one steal) will need to keep up his contributions as well. Additionally, seniors Melvin Jones, Paul Guede, and Philip “Tree” Thomas need to show the value of their leadership and experience. Jones led the way in the season-opener against Pepperdine with 23 points, five assists, and five three-pointers. “Once again, we feel we’ve got something to prove, every game we feel we have something to prove,” Odum said. “A lot of people don’t [expect much] from us this year, so every game we have to bring that intensity to prove [them] wrong.” Geving has confidence that his team can overcome the challenges that face them. Geving said about his team’s chances this weekend, “Play hard, get better defensively, get better on the glass—if we can improve on those areas then it should be a pretty good weekend for us.” ■
Our ball: Junior center Nate Lozeau gets the tip-off in PSU's opening game.
PSU's Southern Methodist Classic schedule
Portland State vs. Southern Methodist Friday, 1 p.m.
Portland State vs. Lamar Saturday, 1 p.m.
Portland State vs. UC Riverside Sunday, 2:30 p.m.
Setting up: Junior Dane Johnson takes the ball down-court in PSU's opening game.
Jiu Jitsu Club grapples, comes out on top Club members come back from The Revolution with heads held high GRETCHEN SANDAU VANGUARD STAFF
everal members of the Portland State Jiu Jitsu Club joined members of club-sponsor Five Rings Jiu Jitsu at The Revolution tournament at Bonney Lake, Wash., Saturday. In total, there were seven current PSU students, two PSU alumni, and 14 members of Five Ring Jiu Jitsu who competed. The students from PSU were junior Noah Gordon, senior Louisa Bruschi, sophomore Carly VanWetten, sophomore Ashleigh Mustain, undergraduate Bryan Phippens and senior Nate Mandel. Out of a team of 23 fighters, Five Rings brought home 18 medals: six gold, eight silver and four bronze. “The tournament went as planned,” said Eric Dorsett, the club’s assistant coach. “The time people put into
tournament training and practice rounds showed on Saturday.” Gordon, Mustain, Phippens and Mandel were all firsttime competitors in a jiu jitsu tournament. Of those competing for the first time, Gordon took silver, Mustain took gold and Mandel took bronze in their respective weight classes. “PSU did really well,” Dorsett said. “[Good] in particular, for me, was the women’s division. One of my goals was to have a smokin’ girls team when they go out to compete.” For Five Rings, the women’s team had four competitors. All three held white belts, but in three different weight classes, and all four took home medals. Jessica Sexton—the only nonPSU woman competitor— took gold, as did Mustain. VanWetten won silver, and
Bruschi took away a bronze. “That was huge,” Dorsett said. “I had coaches from other gyms come up to me and say ‘Dang, where did those girls come from?’” As for the men, they all had stacked brackets, full of opponents, and for firsttime competitors to make it through division like that is quite impressive, said Dorsett. “I would like to point out how proud I am of some people,” Dorsett said. “Putting aside all the training they do, they have to deal with the anxiety of competing. Especially those who were first-time competitors— but they all came out so composed.” Over 520 athletes competed at the tournament, ranging from children to older adults. The crowd numbered over 1,000 people, the energy was
high and the adrenaline was pumping. The Revolution was divided up into two categories—gi and no-gi—depending on whether the competitors wore the gi, the stiff canvas uniform used for many maneuvers. The gi division was broken down by belt and then by weight class. First up were the purple belts, as they had the smallest number of competitors. Next were the blue belts and then the white. The match duration also depended on the belt color. The matches were seven minutes long for purple belts, six minutes for blue belts and five for white belts. In the no-gi division, there were only three levels: beginner, intermediate and expert. All seven of the PSU competitors were in the gi division, and all held white belts.
“I had coaches from other gyms come up to me and say ‘Dang, where did those girls come from?’” ERIC DORSETT
The scoring process for jiu jitsu depends on the types of moves done, or an automatic win by putting one’s opponent into submission and forcing them to tap out. Four points are awarded for any type of a mount, of which there are several—side, back and regular. Then three points for a passing guard, and two points for sweeps, takedowns and kneesto bellies. If a competitor does not tap out at the end of the match, they refer to the points for the winner. “Brazilian jiu jitsu is all about positional dominance and the almighty tap,” said Nick Burke, another assistant coach for the PSU club. The main gym, where the
matches took place, was covered by one big mat that was divided into six gray squares that marked the spot where the individual matches took place. The competitors would start in the middle of the gray square but often ended up rolling out of the square and into another. When that happened the referee would stop them, and as the fighters remained in position, the ref would pull them back into their square by their gis. Next up for the PSU Jiu Jitsu club is the Winter Cup, a smaller tournament held in December in Seattle, Wash. Then in the spring, they will make a returning appearance to The Revolution. ■
TODAY International Women’s Group Noon East Hall, room 122
All international women are invited to meet over lunch to chat about dating, marriage, life in the U.S. or any other topic. This event is organized by the Office of International Affairs and the Women’s Resource Center. Social Sustainability Colloquium 1 p.m. School of Social Work, room 620/630
Author William Powers will discuss his book “Twelve by Twelve: A One Room Cabin Off The Grid & Beyond The American Dream,” described as a book about “how to be” in a time of environmental, social and personal perils. The PSU Permaculture Guild will also facilitate an activity to explore these ideas. Middle East Study Abroad Info Session 1 p.m. East Hall, room 109
This session is open to all students who are interested in studying abroad in the Middle East next year. Learn about different PSU Education Abroad programs in the Middle East and North Africa, and hear from a panel of students who have recently returned from studying abroad.
The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Friday, November 19, 2010
Choral Climate Change 8 p.m. First United Congregational Church, 1127 SW Park Ave.
Presented by the Portland State University Chamber Choir and University Choir. Suggested donation: $5 students, $10 general admission.
SATURDAY An Afternoon with Artemisia Gentileschi: Film and Conversation 1 p.m. Whitsell Auditorium, Portland Art Museum
Artimisia Gentileschi was a woman artist in a male-dominated world of art. This afternoon will be dedicated to her, featuring a presentation by Gentileschi specialist Jesse Locker, a screening of the documentary “A Woman Like That” and a Q-and-A with New York Filmmaker Ellen Weissbrod.
Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Party bowlful with zing 9 Joint 15 “No problem!” 16 Bad way to carry something 17 Pitchman who said “It has more seats than the Astrodome!” 18 Peripheral, e.g. 19 They may be fluid: Abbr. 20 Covenants 22 ___ Prairie, Minn. 23 Sporty ride 26 Its final production was released in 1959 27 Cat of comics 28 One of the Home Counties 29 Thing picked up at a water cooler 31 Year Chinaʼs Liang dynasty began 32 Part of some cultural nights out
34 “___ Mine” (track on “Let It Be”) 35 Total bore 38 Large pieces of cabbage? 40 Humana offering, briefly 41 Unlike a type A 45 Letters for enlisteesʼ letters 46 “The LampLighter” painter 47 ___ Spring 51 Solidified 53 Relative of “Apt.” 54 Paradigm of piety, in Pamplona 55 Have down 56 In the middle 58 English composer/pianist Lord 59 Pitcher Lopez or Vazquez 61 “No problem!” 64 Port named for a Norse god
Performances by Robert Miller, LeRoy Goertz, Aztec Dancers and Ed Edmo 1 p.m. St. David Wales Episcopal Church, 2800 SE Harrison St.
The performances are part of Resolution Northwest’s 25th Anniversary Celebration, which features an intercultural art exhibit, storytelling, song and dance.
65 Setting for half of Chopinʼs 24 preludes 66 Thrust oneself heedlessly 67 Flimflams
Down 1 “I swear!” 2 With 6-Down, gets bombed 3 Parts of many role-playing games 4 Technology for “Avatar,” e.g.: Abbr. 5 Noel syllables 6 See 2-Down 7 He had Atahualpa executed 8 High-hat 9 Theyʼre normal: Abbr. 10 “Hop-Frog” writer 11 Flame 12 Controversial O. J. Simpson book 13 Camera hogʼs concern 14 Fans may be worked into them 21 One with an extra-wide spine 24 Half of oct25 Let out, in a way 27 Crick who codiscovered DNAʼs structure 30 Cousin of a blackfish 33 Eddie who inspired “The French Connection”
20 24
21 27
29 32 36
No. 1015
44 47
55 59
56 60
54 57 61
58 62
Puzzle by Peter Wentz
35 Nut
36 South-of-theborder snack
44 Cause for an alarm
56 Ebenezer Scroogeʼs nephew
37 Grabbed the reins
48 What only a select few might get
42 Childish rejoinder
50 Uses cajolery on 62 ___-hoo
39 Soup thickener
43 Many went bust after booming
57 Noted reader of headlines
49 Person firing a locomotive
60 Official conclusion?
52 1992 Dream Team member
63 Nickname for Dwight Gooden
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Todayʼs puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
MONDAY Bike Hub: Women and Trans Repair Night 5 p.m. PSU Bike Hub
All women’s classes are taught by Bike Hub female staff. Workshops are free to members; to learn how to become a member, visit Social Sustainability 4 p.m. Women’s Resource Center
Presented by Cornel Pewewardy, Director of Native American Studies. Local/Seasonal Cooking Class 4 p.m. Women’s Resource Center
Come watch live cooking demonstrations, swap recipes and take home some healthy, local and seasonal recipes for the fall.
KenKen® is a registered trademark of Nextoy, LLC. ©2010 KenKen Puzzle LLC. All rights reserved. Dist. by UFS, Inc.
● Each row and each column
must contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating.
● The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given
operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners.
● Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in the top-left corner.
Pro picks Banged-up Dolphins host Chicago BARRY WILNER AP PRO FOOTBALL WRITER
Backup quarterbacks rarely win in the NFL, so what chance do Tyler Thigpen and the Miami Dolphins stand in Thursday night’s home game with Chicago? Plenty. The odds makers believe in Thigpen and the Dolphins enough to make them a 2-point favorite over the Bears, who merely are tied for first place with Green Bay in the NFC North. Not that Thigpen is a slouch. He showed in last Sunday’s win over Tennessee that he’s probably the best third-string QB in the league. Faint praise, perhaps, except that with Chad Pennington out for the season and Chad Henne bothered by a left knee injury, Thigpen now is the starter for the Dolphins (5-4). And for them to remain in the playoff race, he’ll need to perform like something more than a backup to a backup.
It's not a Frisbee: Members of the Portland State Ultimate Club practiced at the Stott Community Field last week.
Ultimate gains momentum Portland State’s Ultimate Club anticipates an eventful competitive season TANYA SHIFFER VANGUARD STAFF
Ultimate is a fast-paced game that blends aspects of football, soccer and basketball to create an exciting sport that is fun to watch and easy to play. It is still a relatively new sport, but one that is popular on college campuses across the country—and Portland State is no exception. The Ultimate Club is in its second year at PSU, and club members are preparing for a competitive season. Typically played outdoors on a football field, Ultimate is a team sport that centers on a standard-sized flying disc
instead of a ball. Teams score points by passing the disc downfield and into the opposing team’s end zone. Last year, PSU’s Ultimate Club was only able to compete in the Sundodger Tournament in Burlington, Wash., but this year the members of the team are prepared for more competitions. The club has been holding round robins as a way to practice together. They also allow the members to have fun and meet new people interested in their sport. The round robins help to bring other players from around campus who aren’t members of the club to compete against the club team. “There are a lot of Ultimate players at PSU,” team coach Ted Hart said. “But they have been playing for other club teams around town.” Some of the competitive teams around the Portland area include Swizzle, Coltrane, Rhino and others.
identical records with Montana, the Hornets will own the tiebreaker, but Idaho State owns the tiebreaker if they tie with the Hornets. Sac State is coming off of a pair of wins against the Montana schools last weekend. They swept both teams starting with the Montana Lady Griz on Friday and the Montana State Bobcats on Saturday. In the match against the Lady Griz the Hornets outblocked their opponents, 113. Montana came into the match as the conference leading blocking squad. They also hit a season high .388 attack percentage. Junior outside hitter Eryn Kirby led the Hornets in both matches. Her performance over the weekend earned her a Big Sky Player of the Week honor. She led with 15 kills in both matches, and served three aces against the Lady Griz. Kirby is second for the Hornets with her nine double-doubles. The Hornets will finish both their final regular season games on the road; after they hit the Park Blocks, the team heads
According to Hart, the Ultimate Club’s success is due to several things. “Structure and a desire to keep things going, field space and rec club support.” They have all three at PSU, and he sees a successful future here. The Ultimate season begins in September and extends to May. Teams compete in tournaments that lead to sectionals in the spring, and success in the tournaments determines the team’s seeding at sectionals. The top five teams from sectionals move on to regionals, and the same pattern continues on to nationals. Last year, the University of Oregon finished first at sectionals and regionals, and though they held a No. 1 seed going into the championship round, they finished in a tie for 14th place. PSU Ultimate will compete Nov. 20–21 in their first tournament of the season at the Oregon Midfall Games in Eugene. The team will also play in March at the Grover Ultimate Madness, hosted by Pacific University in Forest Grove. Round robins will be held in between these tournaments to keep the competitive spirit going through their season. ■
(The sport formerly known as Ultimate Frisbee)
Equipment •175-gram flying disc •40-yard by 120-yard field (70-yard playing field with two 25-yard end zones)
Baltimore (minus 8) at Carolina When will the Ravens begin looking like a Super Bowl contender? How about in Charlotte on Sunday against the awful Panthers? BEST BET: RAVENS, 20-10
Genral play •Seven players per team •Play beings with an opening throw— similar to a kickoff in football •Teams advance the disc downfield by passing the disc •Player with posession must stop and cannot move one foot, but is allowed to pivot. •Players have 10 seconds to pass the disc to a teammate. •Incomplete passes, interceptions and out-of-bounds throws result in change of possession. •Teams score by completing a pass into the opposing team's end zone. For more info
In the first meeting of the two teams, the Hornets handed the Vikings their first conference loss. Despite the Vikings winning out nearly every statistical category, Sac State still came out on top 3-2. Sophomore setter Megan Ellis led the Viks with her career best 18 kills and 25 digs. For the Hornets it was freshman outside hitter/opposite hitter Kayla Beal that led the team with 18 kills. Kirby posted a double-double with 14 kills and 12 digs. ■
How to follow Firest serve at the Stott Center is set for 7 p.m. tonight
said. “I’m done paying for Cadillacs for doctors. I don’t have what it takes any more. I can’t give the kids what the kids put in the game. I can’t give the coaches what they put in the game. If you can’t do that, you don’t belong. I don’t belong out there. It’s time.’’ But what a ride it’s been. There are millions of stories and memories: Like the time he inadvertently blurted out, ‘our ball’ in front of the opposing coach during a JC game. There was the incident at Pepperdine when he got knocked out after hitting his head on the floor as he tripped over coach Jan van Breda Kolff. Haskins said he always prided himself on his ability to communicate with coaches, a quality that is a must for great officials. “I want them to respect me the way I respect them,’’ Haskins said. “Our job is to give them a fair game. I always told them, ‘just don’t ever accuse me of cheating’.’’ “We always enjoyed having Byrne at home and not on the road – he liked the cheering,
Tampa Bay (plus 4) at San Francisco Buccaneers are an NFC contender. Niners still think they could be one at 3-6. Maybe not after they fall to 3-7. UPSET SPECIAL: BUCCANEERS, 21-16 Indianapolis (plus 3) at New England The annual Manning-Brady get-together. Unfortunately for Indy, much of Peyton’s supporting cast is unrecognizable due to injures. PATRIOTS, 24-20 Oakland (plus 8 1/2) at Pittsburgh Remember when this was the nastiest rivalry east of Chiefs-Raiders? Oakland has won three straight, now steps up in class. STEELERS, 27-20 N.Y. Giants (plus 3) at Philadelphia Can the Giants stay with Philly’s video-game offense, led by dynamic Michael Vick? If they were healthy, perhaps, but they aren’t. EAGLES, 28-21 Green Bay (minus 2 1/2) at Minnesota One last chance for Brett Favre to recapture the glory, make some positive headlines and begin Minnesota’s turnaround. Nah. PACKERS, 21-20 Atlanta (minus 3) at St. Louis Falcons have been far better at home, Rams have been far better at home. So, of course ... FALCONS, 23-21 Seattle (plus 12 1/2) at New Orleans Rested Saints begin their second-half push with perhaps their healthiest group since September. SAINTS, 30-16
to Eastern Washington for its final match of the season.
Thigpen had starting experience for the Chiefs in 2008, throwing for 18 TDs and being picked off 12 times while going 1-10. “I feel like I did a great job there in Kansas City,” he says. “For all the people that are out there doubting me, I want to prove that I can stay in this league and I can be a starter. And for the supporters, thank you for supporting me.” He has a supporter here, although Chicago’s fourth-ranked defense will make it difficult for Miami to score.
too,’’ said current New Mexico State assistant and long-time Montana State coach Mick Durham. “Seriously, he was a great communicator with the coaches and would admit if he missed a call. I always told him ‘thanks but that doesn’t do us any good since we can’t reverse it.’ I will miss not seeing him this year. I congratulate him and thank him for all the years.’’ Haskins said he has spent several nights fretting about the calls he missed and was always very critical of his performance. He estimates having officiated between 1,000 and 1,500 games, but admits he’s never called a perfect game. “I’ve walked off the court knowing I called a good game,’’ he said. “The feeling you have walking off the floor after giving the kids a fair game, well you can’t explain it. It’s a feeling that’s just unreal. It’s like hitting that perfect tee shot.’’ ■
Denver (plus 9 1/2) at San Diego, Monday night History says the Chargers get charged up for November and December — but not for January. It’s November. CHARGERS, 30-23 Washington (plus 6 1/2) at Tennessee Two teams coming off weak performance in big spots last weekend. The Titans have more talent, but they don’t blow out many opponents. TITANS, 20-17 Detroit (plus 7) at Dallas The Big D revival continues. Then again, everybody beats the visiting Lions. COWBOYS, 20-14 Cleveland (plus 3) at Jacksonville Do the Browns know how to defend the desperation pass? JAGUARS, 17-16 Arizona (plus 7 1/2) at Kansas City Chiefs are beginning to wobble in the AFC West. Luckily for them, the Cardinals are sinking in the NFC West. CHIEFS, 21-10 Houston (plus 6 1/2) at N.Y. Jets Jets haven’t played a complete game in more than a month, yet are 7-2. If the Texans can find defensive backs who can cover, they have a chance. JETS, 22-14 Buffalo (plus 4 1/2) at Cincinnati Two bad teams, only one of which seems to care about getting better. BILLS, 10-9 RECORD: Versus spread, 8-6 (overall 77-59-1); Straight up, 9-5 (overall 91-53) Best Bet: 4-6 against spread, 6-4 straight up. Upset Special: 6-4 against spread, 6-4 straight up.
Up next:
Friday Men’s Basketball*
Northern Arizona Lumberjacks
Portland State (1-0) at Southern Methodist (0-1) Dallas, Texas 1 p.m.
Football looks to close out season with a desperately needed victory ALLISON WHITED VANGUARD STAFF
ortland State football wraps up the 2010 season this week as the Vikings travel to Flagstaff, Ariz., to face Northern Arizona for the season finale. Records entering the game After an embarrassing defeat last week, one that head coach Nigel Burton described as “probably the worst” of the season, the Vikings are 2-8 overall and 1-6 in the Big Sky Conference. Their sole win over a conference opponent was against hapless Idaho State, who has lost all seven conference games played this year. The Viks have lost six straight games and have not had a win since Oct. 2. Northern Arizona has had a rough season, but has won more games than Portland State has. The Lumberjacks are also sitting near the bottom of the conference standings with a record of 3-4 in conference play and 5-5 on the season.
Women’s Volleyball
Saturday’s will be the last game of the season for both teams.
Sacramento State (18-8, 13-2 BSC) at Portland State (15-15, 8-6 BSC) Stott Center 7 p.m.
Eating up the clock Northern Arizona and Portland State have each been exceptionally good at controlling time of possession this season. Northern Arizona has the highest total average possession time within the conference with 33:54 minutes per game. Portland State is in second with 33:43 per game.
Saturday Men’s Basketball*
Portland State (1-0) vs. Lamar (1-0) Dallas, Texas 1 p.m. Radio: KUIK, AM-1360
Football Last year’s meeting It was a resounding victory for Northern Arizona with a score of 44-23. The Viking offense was slow to start and managed to only score on field goals through the first three quarters of the game. Finally, in the fourth quarter they scored two touchdowns, but it was too-little-too-late. Lumberjack quarterback Michael Herrick, who will be back for this year’s matchup, had a tremendous day, shredding the Viking defense for 254 yards and three touchdowns while completing 62 percent of his throws. Scouting the Lumberjacks The Lumberjack defense also created problems for the Viking offense. Quarterback Connor Kavanaugh, who will sit out of this year’s game due to a broken hand, was intercepted three times. The running game struggled just as much. Kavanaugh also wound up the Viks’ leading rusher with a paltry 42 yards. The Northern Arizona defense looks tenacious this year. They lead the conference in scoring defense, allowing only 20.4 points per game, and
Portland State (2-8, 1-6 BSC) at Northern Arizona (5-5, 3-4 BSC) Flagstaff, Ariz. 2:05 p.m. Radio: KXFD, AM-970 Video:
Lead rusher: Junior running back Cory McCaffrey working the ball through the Northern Colorado defense on Saturday.
their total defense is second in the conference in total defense, allowing an average of 307.7 rushing and passing yards per game. Their top-rated rush defense is giving up less than 100 yards per game. The offense, or lack thereof, seems to be responsible for the team’s record. They are ranked next-to-last in the conference in total offense and rushing offense. Herrick is averaging an even 200 yards per game through the air, but his efficiency is low. Two of their receivers are tied for the top spot for receptions per game in the conference. It would seem that the offensive line may be the problem, but Herrick has not been sacked a disproportionate number of times, so it’s anybody’s guess as to what the problem is. Scouting the Vikings Last week’s game was a disaster. The Viks came out strong offensively and defensively in the first half and led the game until the fourth quarter. The defense went to pot and the offense couldn’t get anything going once the ground game was neutralized. After scoring 27 points in the first two quarters, the Viks only managed three in the last two quarters. The running game is the Vikings’ bread and butter, so it will be interesting to see how junior running back Cory McCaffrey—the secondranked rusher in the conference with 1,275 yards—fares against the tough Lumberjack running defense. McCaffrey will need to have a good day for the Viks to have a chance. At this point in the season it is difficult to find words for the Viking defense. It performs when it wants to and gives up when it feels like it. After some
impressive games early in the season, it looks like a shadow of its former self—ranking last in the conference. It seems that if the pass rush can find its footing this week, the Viks may have a chance to end their season on a high note.
Kamloops Blazers (11-9-0-1) at Portland Winterhawks (19-3-0-1) Memorial Coliseum 7 p.m.
If they can keep Herrick off kilter, the offense may just be able to pull the team through. The game is set to kick off at 2:05 p.m., and it can be seen live at or heard on KXFD, AM-970 or ■
Utah Jazz (8-4) at Portland Trail Blazers (7-5) Rose garden Arena 7 p.m.
Sunday Men’s Basketball*
Portland State (1-0) vs. UC-Riverside (1-1) Dallas, Texas 2:30 p.m. Radio: KXFD, AM-970
Spokane Chiefs (10-8-1-0) at Portland Winterhawks (19-3-0-1) Rose Garden Arena 5 p.m.
*Southern Methodist Classic All records accurate as of 5 p.m., Thursday
Versatile: Sophomore wide reciever Keitrell Anderson averages 11.5 receptions and 10 carries per game this season, and has even taken snaps as quarterback.
Portland State football’s 2010 season Sept. 4 at Arizona State Sept. 11 at UC Davis Sept. 18 at No. 5 Oregon* Sept. 25 Bye Oct. 2 Idaho State Oct. 9 at No. 10 Montana State Oct. 16 No. 11 Montana Oct. 23 at Weber State Oct. 30 No. 8 Eastern Washington Nov. 6 at Sacramento State Nov. 13 Northern Colorado Nov. 20 at Northern Arizona
L, 9-54 W, 41-33 L, 0-69 W, 38-3 L, 31-44 L, 21-23 L, 41-44 L, 17-50 L, 15-28 L, 30-35 2 p.m., Sat. * Ranking in FBS