Vanguard January 4, 2011

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Vikings move forward into league play Women’s volleyball is closing in on Big Sky title


WTF are you laughing at?


Marc Maron reinvents himself in your earbuds



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T UESDAY, JAN UA RY 4 T H, 20 1 1


Rent or buy? PSU Bookstore kicks off new textbook rental program Corie Charnley and alison barnwell Vanguard staff


his term, the Portland State Bookstore implemented a rental program as an alternative to purchasing new or used textbooks. The program is expected to offset rising textbook costs, according to Kenneth Brown, president and chief executive officer of the bookstore. “[The bookstore] is constantly searching for ways to address cost issues because we’re not seeing textbook prices come down from publishers,” Brown said. Though the program has been in the works for nearly a year, the bookstore’s first day of renting out books was on Dec. 17. “We had hoped to have it up and coming fall term, but we had some technical issues that caused some problems,” Brown said, citing a flood that caused severe damage to the basement level of the bookstore last February. According to Brown, the rental process is simple. Once students are ready to check out at the register, the cashier can determine which textbooks are available for rent. If a student wishes to rent, they will then need to provide an e-mail address, phone number and credit or debit card information. Textbook rentals are then due at the end of the term. If the book is not returned, the student will be charged a $10 penalty fee and the difference between the rental price and the book’s retail price. In addition, if a course is dropped and the rented textbook must be returned, students can do so by Jan. 14. Brown said that the PSU Bookstore would not accept textbooks that have extensive damage, such as those that have water stains or pages missing.

“We’re being fairly reasonable, but there are books; however, the program was popular situations where we wouldn’t take it,” he said. with students. “We don’t expect it back in brand new condiIan Holten, a PSU junior, visited the booktion; we expect it to be a used book by [the end store yesterday and saw advertisements there of the term].” for the rental program. He decided to rent his Prices for book rentals vary, depending on the economics textbook. condition of the textbook and its availability. For textbooks that will most likely be bought back by the bookstore, Brown recommends that students opt out of the rental program. Additionally, for multiterm courses, the rental program can be an inconvenient choice, as students would have to re-rent their textbooks at the end of each term, according to Brown. “We’re not renting SARIA DY/VANGUARD STAFF books that are at reTextbook for rent: Student demand for textbook rentals has been high since the program's tail for under $35,” implementation. Brown said. “With lower cost books there’s a lot of handling and “Anything to make it cheaper,” he said. a lot of costs associated with that…for the first By the middle of yesterday, bookstore employround this term we kind of went in a little ees reported that the stickers made for the rentals more conservatively.” had run out and that replacements of 200 and However, the bookstore plans to expand the 400 were ordered. program in the future. Aside from the textbook rental program, the “It’s going much more smoothly and better PSU Bookstore has been searching for ways to than I expected,” said Brian Capovilla, a PSU make textbooks affordable. In October, it entered graduate who works as a cashier at the book- into a Hewlett Packard pilot program, called store. He described the complications that the Odin Ink, that allowed textbooks to be printed new system adds to the checkout process, es- on-demand. The machine provides a quick and pecially as employees learn to register rental relatively cheap way to produce books. ■

Professor to speak to local archaeologists Anthropology Department Chair Kenneth Ames to talk about Meier Site Christina J. Maggio 
 Vanguard Staff

Tonight, Dr. Kenneth Ames, Portland State professor and Anthropology Department chair, will speak to local archaeologists about the Meier Site, which is located near Scappoose, Ore. According to Ames, the site is also one of the most significant sites in the Lower Columbia River. The Meier Site was excavated between 1987 and 1991. It dates back to 1400 AD to the founding of Ft. Vancouver in the 1830s, and discoveries at the site include a constructed plank house that revealed local residential habitation. Tonight’s speech will disclose the results and analyses of artifacts that were excavated from the site. “The site is the vantage point from which to talk about Lower Columbia River archaeology, and why it’s important,” Ames said. “I want to show why these types of sites need to be protected from local development and human stupidity.” Ames has been a PSU professor since 1984 and has been doing local archaeological research since 1987.


Supporting archaeology: Kenneth Ames will speak at OMSI tonight.

In addition, Ames has been the Anthropology Department chair for the past nine years. He frequently gives updates at public lectures on a variety of subjects linked to archaeology.

Aside from the Meier Site, Ames is also studying the Cathlapotle and the Clahclellah Site in the Columbia Gorge. His research also delves into household organization and production of Chinkoon tribes, regional interaction and trade and site formation processes, he said. Ames’ speech will specifically cover the Meier Site and its surrounding areas. The lecture is meant to inform local archaeologists—and the public—about the site, its ancient inhabitants and the other sites near Meier. These sites are dated within the last 500 years and are closely tied with recognized and unrecognized Native American Tribes, according to Ames. According to the society’s website, the OAS stresses the importance of working with professional archaeologists in the advancement of knowledge, and educating the public. “The Oregon Archaeological Society is comprised of local amateur archaeologists; people for whom this is a hobby, passion and interest,” Ames said. 
 The lecture will be held in Oregon Museum of Science and Industry’s auditorium at 7:45 p.m. It is free and open to the public. The presentation is preceded at 7 p.m. by a general business meeting, which is also open to the public. Visit or call 503-727-3507 for more information. ■

VO L. 65 NO. 26

Students given platform to voice their opinion on rising tuition ASPSU works on forming tuition-setting committee Sierra Pannabecker Vanguard Staff

ASPSU is teaming up with the Office of the President to create a tuition-setting committee to be put into action this semester at Portland State. The committee will be comprised of selected students and will serve as a liaison between university decision-makers and the student body in general. “ASPSU has always had an informal role in tuition-setting, and President Wiewel and I would like to formalize that role and he would like it to be in line with the proposed model put forth in the [Oregon University System] restructuring proposal,” said ASPSU President Katie Markey. Markey issued an e-mail this week urging ASPSU student senators and executive branch members to nominate students who would be interested in being on the committee. While neither Markey nor the president’s office can comment on the extent of the committee’s power, Markey said that it “will play an active role in determining the tuition for PSU students.” Reports of rising tuition costs have been popping up all over the nation and the world. Last month, the Associated Press reported that students in England, France and Germany rallied to protest steep tuition increases, which were part of a plan to close the gap left by reduced federal funding. During the week of Dec. 6, thousands of British students rioted outside Parliament Square, angered by the proposed plan that would triple tuition at British universities. The case is much the same in the U.S. According to an article published by the Chronicle of Higher Education on Dec. 16, state budget hardships have led to 96 percent of public and 85 percent of private institutions to increase tuition. The tuition committee will begin convening this month. For those interested in participating, e-mail ■

WINTER TERM SCHEDULE JAN. 7: Last day to submit an application for an undergraduate degree or certificate for spring graduation. JAN. 9: Last day to receive a 100 percent refund for dropped classes. JAN. 9: Last day to add classes or make section changes online. JAN. 10 TO 16: Last period to receive a 70 percent refund for dropped classes. JAN. 14: Last day to add classes via a Special Registration Form. JAN. 16: Last day to drop classes without receiving a “W.” JAN. 16: Last day to adjust enrollment for financial aid purposes. JAN. 17 TO 23: Last period to receive a 40 percent refund. JAN. 24 TO 30: Last period to receive a 20 percent refund. FEB. 20: Last day to withdraw from classes.






Virginia Vickery


Corie Charnley


Richard D. Oxley


Nicholas Kula


Resolutions are made to be broken


Robert Britt

COPY CHIEF Kristin Pugmire



A new year is not an excuse—change can happen on your terms

Adam Wickham



Adiana Lizarraga



Alison Barnwell


ADVISER Judson Randall


ILLUSTRATORS Susannah Beckett, Heather Mcintyre

DESIGNERS Colby Brooks, Stephanie Lucky, Ben Patterson

WRITERS Kat Audick, Ian Bellamy, Erick Bengel, Amanda Bentley, Leah Bodenhamer, Peter Browning, Tori Christensen, Meaghan Daniels, Ryan Deming, Sarah Engels, Jesse Hansen, Rian Evans, Kevin Fong, Rosemary Hanson, Joshua Hunt, Rebekah Hunt, Ines Kuna, Alexis Jewel, Ebonee Lee, Jason Liao, Stephen Lisle, Christina Maggio, Joe Mantecon, Natalie Mcclintock, Erin McIntyre, Daniel Ostlund, Katrina Petrovich, Sierra Pannabecker, Gretchen Sandau, Jenieve Schnabel, Tanya Shiffer, Wendy Shortman, Catrice Stanley, Nilesh Tendolkar, Vinh Tran, Kat Vetrano, Allison Whited, Elisabeth Wilson, Roger Wightman

PHOTOGRAPHERS Saria Dy, Drew Martig

COPY EDITORS Noah Emmet, Sasha Fahrenkopf

ADVERTISING SALES Dominique Abrams, Sam Gressett, Rayna Martinez, Jae Specht


DISTRIBUTORS Brittany Castillo, Brandy Castillo

The Vanguard is published two days a week as an independent student newspaper governed by the PSU Publications Board. Views and editorial content expressed herein are those of the staff, contributors and readers, and do not necessarily represent those of the PSU student body, faculty, staff or administration. One copy of the Vanguard is provided free of charge to all community members, additional copies or subscription issues may incur a 25 cent charge. The Vanguard is printed on 40 percent post-consumer recycled paper.

©2010 Portland State University Vanguard 1825 SW Broadway Smith Memorial Student Union, Rm. S-26 Portland OR, 97201


t is the beginning of a new year and inevitably people have begun to talk about their New Year’s resolutions—their goals for the upcoming year. Everyone knows those goals, the same goals that are almost always broken. People typically either plan big and elaborate resolutions that are nearly impossible to keep, or they choose the common resolutions that most people choose, such as to lose weight or to quit drinking.

rendering them ridiculous and completely useless. And though we all may know in the back of our minds that keeping up with our resolutions is unlikely, we still feel bad when we fail to achieve them. New Year’s resolutions are horrible for people’s self-esteem. When a goal is not obtained, people’s views of themselves decrease; their self-worth is lowered. Therefore, when people set generally unattainable goals for themselves (because resolutions are meant to be broken, so it does not matter if they are in the realm of possibility) it is detrimental to their confidence. People also use New Year’s resolutions as an excuse. For example, it is okay if they drink a keg by themselves on New Year’s Eve because tomorrow is the new year, and that is when

“Though we all may know in the back of our minds that keeping up with our resolutions is unlikely, we still feel bad when we fail to achieve them." Every single year, people say the same thing: “This is the year I am finally going to lose those 10 pounds,” or “This is the year I will finally stop smoking.” Of course, they say this as they are stuffing their faces or taking down every “last” smoke in sight on New Year’s Eve. Just as much as making New Year’s resolutions is a tradition, so to is breaking them. And yet people still continue to make these annual promises, thus

they made the resolution to stop drinking. It is okay if they eat three pies on New Year’s Eve because next year is when they vowed to lose weight. Don’t use this time as a crutch for the things that you dislike, or a justification to put things off until tomorrow. A genuine resolution doesn’t have a clock—it is something that can be made every day of the year. Annually lying to yourself and to others cannot be good. Such lies can destroy your

self-confidence and create bad karma. Why would anyone put themselves through the pain and misery of constantly trying (well, kind of ) and falling short of their goals? New Year’s resolutions are essentially good, in theory. But in reality, they are basically worthless. They severely damage people’s self-esteem, self-image and self-worth. The idea is for people to better themselves each year and to improve their lifestyles. New Year’s resolutions would be great if that was actually what they were used for, but instead people use them as excuses to “live it up” because they will make better choices the next day. Could our resolutions really just be a habit of putting things off until tomorrow? Do not misunderstand me—it is good for people to want to improve themselves and their lifestyles. And in all honesty, if you actually want to do that, good for you. But you don’t need the holiday to do it. Overall, the idea of New Year’s resolutions is worthless. Much like the way people feel the need to have a resolution for a new year, they needlessly feel the need to have a date on Valentine’s Day. Go ahead and make a goal, but you do not need a New Year’s resolution to do that. There is not a short window in which improving yourself can be accomplished. You can start whenever. People need to make one last and final resolution for this New Year, and for all New Years to come: Stop making New Year’s resolutions. ■




NEWS BRIEFS PSU students learn about sustainability in Qatar During the break, a group of over 25 MBA students from Portland State visited Qatar to learn about the region’s views toward sustainable development. The students also visited Qatar Project Management (QPM), the country’s first project management firm, according to an article published by Zawya on Dec. 21. During the visit, students had a chance to speak with QPM’s senior management team about the difficulties faced when working toward environmental preservation in the project management industry. Abdul Razzaq Al-Siddiqi, QPM’s vice chairman and managing director, told Zawya that the initiative highlighted the company’s commitment to teaching students about the importance of sustainable project management in the development of modern cities.

University undergoes sidewalk construction In order to adhere to City of Portland standards, several sidewalks around Portland State’s campus will undergo construction over the next four weeks.

“The City of Portland controls all sidewalks, so when there’s any sort of damage to them they periodically go around and basically cite you,” said Project Coordinator Alia Long. According to Long, the construction will be addressing any potentially dangerous areas on the sidewalks. This includes areas in which tree roots have pushed the cement up, therefore creating a tripping hazard.

The project will be divided between four one-week phases: Week 1: On or around the 200 block of Southwest Fifth Avenue. Week 2: On or around the 1800 block of Southwest Broadway. Week 3: On or around Southwest Sixth Avenue, Southwest Hall Street and Southwest Harrison Street. Week 4: On or around Southwest Park Avenue.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repealed On Dec. 22, President Barack Obama put an end to a 17-year battle by signing into law the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010, which prohibits the military from discriminating against openly gay men and women. “No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced to leave the military—regardless of their

skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance—because they happen to be gay,” Obama said before signing the bill. The bill was passed by the Senate on Dec. 18 by a vote of 65 to 31 after the Pentagon found that having openly gay servicemen and women in the military was a low risk to its effectiveness. Before passing the landmark piece of legislation, however, the Senate struck down a bill that would have provided a path to citizenship for certain undocumented youth who have completed two years of college or military service.

Fellowship named after PSU professor To honor Ladis Kristof, a Portland State professor who died last June, the Oregon chapter of Amnesty International has created a fellowship for college students in his name. The Ladis Kristof Memorial Fellowship will go to young activists that have been involved with Amnesty International, a human rights organization. The students who receive the fellowship will get a $3,500 stipend to complete an eightweek residency with an Amnesty International field orga-

nizer, according to an article published by the Catholic Sentinel on Dec. 29. Kristof, a concentration camp survivor and a renowned political scientist and geographer, taught Eastern European politics at PSU until 2007. In addition, he helped found the Oregon chapter of Amnesty International in 1973. Kristof is the father of The New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof, who has won two Pulitzer Prizes.

Kiley Hicks receives predoctoral fellowship Third-year Portland State graduate student Kiley Hicks has been awarded a $49,544 American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship to support her research on how DNA damage can injure mitochondria and decrease their ability to function, according to PSU’s website. Mitochondria, otherwise known as the “powerhouse of the cell,” is responsible for creating a majority of energy needed to support organisms. Her research will determine if there are any predictable patterns of how different types of genetic damage alters the shape and functioning of mitochondria. Hicks is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in biology. -Corie Charnley




No diets, please Healthy food choices for your new year Kat Vetrano Vanguard staff

On your New Year’s resolution list, along with hitting the gym more, less procrastination and spending less money—you know, obtaining perfection, no big deal—it’s likely there is some vow of eating better or losing weight. While it may be tempting to swear off sugar, carbs or gluten, there is a more reasonable way to go about doing things. Here are a few tips on improving your food choices for the new year. While it may be hard to do all at once, I encourage you to try it. You’ll feel better, be getting more vitamins and nutrients in your body, and hell, you might even lose some weight. Just don’t call it a diet: Call it the way you choose to eat.

1) Switch up your ratios We see it everywhere, from restaurants to microwavable meals—the standard portions for a meal have always been big protein, small side of starch, small vegetable. Try loading

your plate with one or more vegetables, a whole grain (see No. 2), and then a smaller piece of meat or fish. Many vegetables actually have protein in them, so it’s not necessary to fill up on two chicken breasts for “protein’s sake.” Vegetables are naturally more nutrient-rich, lower in calories, and you know exactly where they came from and what’s in them without having to check a label. Vegetables can be versatile, there’s no need to only eat lettuce and steamed broccoli— unless that’s what you like. Experiment with new kinds of different cooking methods. Roasting is nice at this time of year, and really heightens the flavor of most vegetables. And of course, don’t forget fruits, which are the ultimate snack. And while I promised I wouldn’t tell you to eliminate anything completely from your diet, I would suggest trying to eat vegetarian (or vegan) a few times a week. This will help you think of vegetables as more of a main dish, and it will cut your grocery bill considerably.

2) Refined ain’t so fine This one can be challenging— especially since there are so

many pretend whole grains out there—but try switching out white breads, rice and pastas for their whole-grain versions. Refined carbs have empty calories, so they leave you feeling less full, therefore making you feel like you need to overeat. Real whole-grain pastas and breads can be hard to find, so always check your ingredient list. The first ingredient should be whole-wheat flour (not enriched wheat flour), otherwise it’s just a white bread disguised as something healthier—mutton dressed as lamb, if you will. The whole-wheat versions of these foods have more fiber, leaving you fuller and causing you to eat less. There are millions of different whole grains available, from bulgur to faro, that are all fairly simple to make (and cheap in the bulk sections of the grocery store), so go ahead and experiment.

3) Mind your ingredients Unfortunately, when we buy things from the store many times the front of the package tells us something completely different from the back. The front may promise “Lots of Fiber! Whole Grains!” but the ingredients list doesn’t put it so simply. Some suggest not eating anything with more than five or more than 10 ingredients, but there’s no need to be counting. If you flip

over your peanut butter jar or crackers box and there are 25 ingredients, three quarters of which you don’t recognize, it’s probably best not to eat it. Michael Pollan suggests avoiding foods with ingredients your grandmother wouldn’t recognize, and that’s a great start.

4) Plan ahead If you can read, you can cook. And if you can cook, you’re 10 steps ahead since now you can control exactly what you’re putting in your body. There are cookbooks galore which detail eating in the way I’m suggesting—Mark Bittman and Heidi Swanson are excellent sources—as well as great websites with every dish you can imagine, like and Bittman actually wrote an entire book about eating this way called “Food Matters.” It’s easiest to plan a menu on the weekend for the upcoming week and shop based on what you will make. That way you won’t get back from class or work raging with hunger and end up eating out. Make sure to factor in leftovers on your menu, as well as recipes that are extremely simple, just in case you get a case of lazy. Another aspect of planning is how you keep your fridge and pantry. If you have a bag of chips in your cupboard, but un-

Photo courtesy Bob b. brown/ flickr

Goals: For when 184 pounds is too much.

prepared carrots in your fridge, I’ll bet when you’re starving you’ll reach for the chips, even if your intentions are good. It’s best just to not keep the stuff in your house at all, or out of sight. Also, when you get home from the grocery store, prep the vegetables so they’re easier to mindlessly reach for when you’re hungry—slice up cabbage so you have a go-to salad, roast a pan of sweet potatoes; whatever will make it easier for you. Any kind of vegetable will make a great snack, not just carrot sticks and celery.

5) Go easy on yourself This is almost the most important thing. There is such

a thing as being too obsessed with being healthy (there’s actually a disease called Orthorexia), so don’t be too hard on yourself. If you go out and drink too much and eat a huge pizza, it’s okay; you’re human. Just pick up the good habits again the next day—all your hard work isn’t lost. Some people are more mindful of what they eat during the week and like to have a little more leniencies during the weekend, which is a good way to get the best of both worlds. Be nice to yourself; your scale doesn’t decide if you’re healthy, you do. If you feel good about the way you look and feel, then you’re doing just fine. ■


WTF are you laughing at? Marc Maron reinvents himself in your earbuds Rebekah Hunt Vanguard staff


arc Maron is an open wound. It may be hard to understand why that is a compliment at first, but listen to his raw and riveting podcast, “WTF with Marc Maron,” for just one episode and you’ll fully understand. Not only that, but there’s no way you’ll be able to listen to just one episode. “WTF” is an interview/confessionalstyle show in which Marc talks about his personal growth and struggles and interviews people from all walks of showbiz about their own. His guests range from huge stars like Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Ira Glass and Judd Apatow, to comedy cornerstones like Louis CK, Patton Oswalt and Bob Odenkirk, and even hardcore comedy-nerd icons like Dana Gould, Maria Bamford and Thomas Lennon. What makes “WTF” compelling, though, is not Marc’s ability to draw from a simply amazing pool of interviewees; it’s just Marc himself. He started out as a standup comedian in the vein of the Sam Kinneson-style, angryguy, mic-eaters of the 1980s. By his own admission, he was pretty much an angry jerk most of the time and managed to offend almost everyone he’s ever known. Years of successes, failures, heavy drug use, tragedy, addiction, recovery and multiple divorces have left their scars. As clichéd as it may sound, though, he seems to have emerged from all of it pretty much reborn. In this new podcast format, he has abandoned the attack on the rest of the world and become almost shockingly vulnerable.

This is where being an open wound becomes a good thing. His unmasked pain is so totally disarming that he is able to draw out his interviewees in a way that even veteran journalists couldn’t (Ira Glass even remarks on this in his own interview on “WTF”). The only person I’ve heard even attempt to BS him is Carlos Mencia, and that is an absolute must-hear episode. That is not to say that life’s little rock tumbler smoothed out all of Marc’s rough edges, but at least the gem that he is can be clearly seen now. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, younger comedians were moving en masse away from the traditional, scripted show format and starting to just talk about whatever they wanted. No one was wearing suits anymore, and pretty much everyone was angry. This was a huge evolution for standup comedy, but the natural by-product of any new movement is that someone starts selling it, it gets saturated and people hate it more than the old stuff. What the marketers of comedy were selling as “raw” was essentially a bunch of angry dudes who were really drunk saying really filthy stuff. This was really loud and got old really fast. In the wake of all this yelling, “angry” comedians that were actually funny and talented were pigeonholed as one of “those guys” and thrown out with the bathwater, never to be heard from again. This could have happened to Marc Maron. He was young enough, however, to be a part of the next wave of comedians who are often called, much to their chagrin, the “alternative” set. These comedians were less marketable but were more relatable and possessed a self-awareness that made

them compelling despite their awkwardness and apparent alienation from the world. They were angry too, and they also did jokes about personal issues, but they were more introspective, analytical and just plain more depressed than their forebears. Marc landed somewhere in the middle ground between these generations of comedians. Instead of floundering in the grey area or combining the two and somehow “bridging the gap” or some such nonsense, he emerged as something totally unique. Marc has struck a balance between world-weary cynic and wide-eyed ingénue that is bizarrely endearing—one can’t help but be drawn in. Marc is so painfully close to whole and his brokenness is so genuinely human, that he’d be tragic if he weren’t so damned funny. He’s still angry, but his guns are mostly aimed inward. His self-evisceration doesn’t turn into the whining self-pity that makes many Gen-X comedians unpalatable, however. He is clearly a man on a journey and the energy with which he has undertaken this discovery and growth is infectious. So, while the old insult-comics have faded away and the Gen-Xers have pouted themselves out of the market, Marc is sauntering right past them into the new generation’s VIP area just by being himself and being funny. And he is very, very funny. ■ Photo courtesy lobstar28/ flickr

See for yourself at and here in Portland, Jan 26-29 at Helium (

Tears in heaven: Looking like Eric Clapton has its perks.


The Coen Brothers return to genre filmmaking

Agahst: Hailee Steinfeld can't believe Jeff Bridges can star in both this and "Tron" in the same year.

“True Grit” is a testament to all except the brothers who made it Joshua Hunt Vanguard staff

The Coen Brothers’ “True Grit” owes far more to the 1968 novel by Charles Portis than to the John Wayne vehicle that appeared in movie theaters one year later. It is the Coen Brothers’ first exercise in genre filmmaking since 1990’s “Miller’s Crossing,” and though it is deserving of the critical acclaim it’s garnered, it fails to live up to the promise that their earlier genre venture hinted at. The film is brilliantly cast and overflowing with powerful performances. Jeff Bridges is magnificent as Marshal Rooster Cogburn, a ruthless

and vice-burdened lawman living in squalor and infamy. One can nearly smell the stale excesses of Bridge’s portrayal, which is in stark contrast to the smooth swagger of John Wayne’s oneeyed lawman. Hailee Steinfeild also outshines her predecessor in the role of Mattie Ross, the quick-witted young girl who is every bit as ornery as Cogburn. While much has been made of the two stars of this picture, and rightly so, the most striking impressions come from the supporting cast. Matt Damon’s take on Texas Ranger La Boeuf brings a depth to the plot that was sorely lacking in the original screenplay. The always stellar Barry Pepper and Josh Brolin shine while achieving the rare feat of portraying Old West villains who are

actually frightening. Brolin’s take on the murderous Tom Chaney is one that is both shocking and full of menace. With a bare minimum of screen time, he masterfully paints a portrait of evil as something as simple and banal as it is cruel. One almost feels as sorry for the ignorant Chaney as he clearly does for himself. The real star of the film, however, is longtime Coen Brothers collaborator Roger Deakins, the film’s director of photography. In addition to working with the Coen Brothers on the majority of their pictures, Deakins has also worked with such auteurs as Andrew Dominik and Martin Scorcese. His composition and shot selection can make a good film look great, and he has developed the habit of making the Coen Brothers’ great films look classic. “True Grit” is no different. Deakins transforms the dusty and barren landscape of the classic western into a bold and harsh palette which suggests the brutal nature of the times. Sadly, this is a feat that Deakins has achieved once before and to even greater effect. The benchmark for photography in a modern western picture was already set too high, by Deakins himself in Andrew Dominik’s elegiac 2007 opus, “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.” No western, and in fact few motion pictures of any genre, have ever been as beautifully filmed. While “True Grit” is certainly of adequate beauty and composition, it brings us back to the one fault that may be found with a picture that is otherwise perfect. With “True Grit,” the Coen Brothers have improved upon every aspect of the original film. They’ve restored the voice of the story to young Mattie Ross, as author Charles Portis intended. They’ve created a film that’s beautiful, exciting and outrageously funny. However, in the process of crafting this perfect motion picture they completely forgot to make it a Coen Brothers film. It’s imbued with none of their trademark

Photos courtesy Paramount pictures

The dude abides: It's good to be Jeff Bridges.

black humor, nor the shocking twist of surreal mortality suddenly rearing its head and tearing the film in a different direction. “True Grit” is the Coen Brothers by the numbers, devoid of the heart and soul that audiences have come to expect. Though it is vastly more enjoyable than their previous endeavor, the farcical “A Serious Man,” aside from Deakins’ presence there is little evidence that this is a Coen Brothers film at all. Perhaps that’s what they were aiming for this time out. ■




Vikings move forward into league play Portland State begins Big Sky Conference schedule with one win, one loss Kevin Fong Vanguard staff


t’s been an up-anddown month for the Portland State men’s basketball team. After an impressive 4-1 start, including wins over Pepperdine and Seattle University, the Vikings stumbled in the following weeks and won only three of their last seven nonconference games. Starting with a 68-49-blowout loss to the University of Oregon on Dec. 5, the Vikings (8–6, 1–1 Big Sky) dropped four of their next six games, as the team struggled to keep the turnovers down and to find a consistent offense. The Vikings also lost a tough game to in-state rival University of Portland on Dec. 18, losing 78-67 despite a 25-point, nine-rebound performance by power-forward Chehales Tapscott. “We went into a scoring drought down the stretch… and then we made some stupid turnovers,” head coach Tyler Geving said after a 92-77 loss to Cal State Bakersfield on Dec. 15. “You just can’t win when you give up 27 points off turnovers, and give up lay-ins on the other end.” However, Portland State was able to regroup and display its resilience in the team’s final non-conference game, trouncing Utah Valley 73-53 to head into conference play on a positive note. The Vikings were led by their backcourt, as sophomore guard Chris Harriel sank three 3-pointers on his way to 14 points and junior guard Charles Odom filled up the stat sheet with 17 points, seven rebounds, three steals, two assists and a blocked shot. Portland State finished the non-conference schedule with a solid record of 7-5, and the Vikings have experienced a few ups and downs along the way. Geving—in his second year as the head of the

program—has been forced to incorporate fresh faces into the system after graduating the Vikings’ top-three leading scorers from last season. Those losses accounted for 55 percent of the team’s scoring, 49 percent of the rebounds, 57 percent of the assists and 77 percent of the blocked shots in 2009–10. The new-look roster has led to some inconsistent play, but the loss of senior Phil Nelson has perhaps had the biggest impact. After missing the end of last season and most of this year with ankle problems, Nelson injured his ankle again in practice last week, and will now miss the remainder of the 2010–11 campaign. Without Nelson, the Vikings lose a wing player with an all-around skill set, their returning leading scorer, and valuable senior presence on the court. Replacing the loss of Nelson, Geving found his scoring punch in Harriel, who currently leads the team in scoring with 16.2 points per game. The Vikings have used a balanced offensive attack throughout the season as the team continues to improve and define its identity. Fellow backcourtmates Odum and senior Melvin Jones have provided scoring as well, averaging 13.5 and 11.8 points per game, respectively. Tapscott has controlled the pain upfront, tallying averages of 13.0 points per game and 7.9 rebounds per game. Portland State began Big Sky play with a disappointing loss at home on Dec. 5, but rebounded to earn their first conference win of the season against Idaho State on the road this past Sunday. After a poor shooting first half, the Vikings were never able to recover against Northern Colorado at the Stott Center in their conference opener. Portland State shot 57.1 percent as a team in the second

half, but it wasn’t enough to overcome a 10-26, 38.5 percent shooting first half and a 9:13 assist to turnover ratio for the game. The Vikings also entered the game shooting nearly 80 percent from the free throw line, but only managed to hit 9-17 free throws against Northern Colorado. Odum led the Vikings in the loss with 16 points, three assists and three rebounds. Harriel and Tapscott both scored in double figures for the game, with Tapscott scoring 15 points and grabbing five rebounds in 31 minutes. Although Harriel struggled to find his range from distance (2 of 8 three-pointers), he was able to contribute in other ways, putting up 15 points, six rebounds, two assists, three

blocks and three steals. Four days later, Portland State picked up its first Big Sky victory and first road win of the season, as they beat Idaho State 79-72. The Vikings found their shooting touch again, hitting 14 of 25 from beyond the arc and 11 for 17 from the charity stripe. Portland State was led by a career-high 21 points from Odum and a career-high 25 points by Harriel, who also nailed three 3-pointers in the final three minutes to seal the win. “It was nice. It was my chance to step up and I was feeling it,” Harriel said. “I know how to shoot the ball and I was just letting it go.” Next up, Portland State plays host to Eastern Washington at 7 p.m. on Saturday at the Stott Center. ■

Take the rock: Dane Johnson (left) and Chris Harriel (right) each battle Seattle's defense in PSU's 83-76 win last month.


Big Sky Conference men’s basketball standings School Montana Montana State Northern Colorado Portland State Idaho State Eastern Washington Northern Arizona Weber State Sacramento State

Conf 2-0 2-0 2-0 1-1 1-1 1-1 0-2 0-2 0-2

Overall 10-4 8-6 6-7 8-6 5-9 4-9 8-6 6-7 3-10

*standings current as of 5p.m. Monday

Home 7-1 6-0 3-1 4-2 4-1 4-3 4-0 3-1 3-2

Away 3-3 0-6 2-5 2-4 0-7 0-6 3-6 2-5 0-8

Streak W5 W2 W2 W1 L1 L1 L2 L3 L4


New year, same goals for women's basketball Viks basketball squad focused on Big Sky season title as conference play nears Stephen Lisle Vanguard staff

Portland State women’s basketball enters 2011 with even win and loss columns, having gone 6-6 overall during the first half of the season. The Vikings have struggled on the road, where the team has gone 1–5, but at home they have earned convincing wins and hold a 4–1 record. Winter break proved to have some of the toughest opponents for the Vikings to date, as they faced big-name schools such as Georgia Tech, Brigham Young and Nevada. The Vikings were handed losses in all three of those games, and went 2-3 during the break. While the losses were disappointing, the Dec. 28 victory over University of Portland will likely be remembered as a classic. After spending most of the game trailing, the Viks rallied with six minutes left to tie the game at 57-all with three minutes remaining on the clock. Portland State center Courtney Cremer and forward Katy Wade came up with key blocks in the closing minutes to save the win, earning the Vikings a 64-62 win over the cross-town rival Pilots. The game was important to help build confidence back up for the team, but it was a monumental night for one player in particular.

Kelli Valentine pulled down her 500th rebound and now is among just 10 players in Portland State women’s basketball history to have 1,000 points and 500 rebounds in their career. Reaching such a milestone has proven not to be a distraction in any way for Valentine or her teammates. The Viks are still focused on their first Big Sky Conference matchup against Eastern Washington on Saturday This match brings hope of grabbing PSU's first-ever Big Sky regular season title and taking the momentum into the Big Sky Championship in March. While the record does not show what the Viks’ true potential is for the rest of this season, some of the statistics have been impressive. Valentine has been putting up solid numbers so far—averaging 10 points and 4.4 rebounds per matchup and has 17 steals to go along with it. Sophomore guard, and Boise State transfer, Courtney VanBrocklin has been averaging 12.8 points and 6 rebounds in her first year as a Viking, and has also managed 19 steals. Other players, such as junior guard Eryn Jones, have been putting up solid

numbers so far this season. Jones is averaging 13 points and 3.6 rebounds. Every member of the team has been fighting hard, and will likely try to put any road woes behind them as they enter the start of the regular season. Four out of five of the first conference matchups are on the road, and the Viks will be playing an Eastern Washington team that is going to want redemption after a poor performance in the conference championship last year. Head coach Sherri Murrell has stressed the importance of simply “winning the day” and taking each game one at a time. The mantra sounds simple, but taking each win or loss one day at a time, and then moving onto the next matchup is exactly what Portland State needs to remain focused as they go into their first week of conference games. Portland State faces a struggling Eastern Washington team Saturday, but the Vikings need to stay disciplined if they plan to come back from their road trip with a win. Creating a strong defensive presence from the beginning will be key and if they do that, the threepoint shot will give them the edge to start off the conference play with a bang. ■

Setting up: Sophomore transfer Courtney VanBrocklin takes the ball down-court earlier this season.


Big Sky Conference 2010–11 women’s basketball standings School Overall Home Away Idaho State 9-4 5-0 3-4 Portland State 6-6 4-1 1-5 Montana State 6-8 2-2 3-4 Montana 5-8 4-3 1-3 Northern Arizona 5-8 5-3 0-5 Northern Colorado 5-8 5-1 0-5 Weber State 4-7 2-4 1-2 Eastern Washington 4-8 4-2 0-4 Sacramento State 3-10 2-4 1-4 *standings current as of 5p.m. Monday

Streak W6 W1 W4 W2 W1 W2 L2 W1 L4




CALENDAR The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Today Green Drinks Panel 7 p.m. Ecotrust BFJ Conference Center, 2nd floor 721 NW 9th Ave.

Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Farm newborn 5 Yankeesʼ “$275 million man,” informally 9 Test proctorʼs command 14 Like dental surgery 15 “Good one!” 16 Blow the socks off 17 ___ mater 18 The “Y” in Y.S.L. 19 Helicopter part 20 Is ranked #1 23 Bizarre 24 Climate-change protocol city 25 Wee bit 27 Disney dwarf with glasses 30 Sign on a construction site fence 35 Lavatory door sign






37 Part of a school year: Abbr. 38 Carrotsʼ platemates 39 Brief visit along the way 42 Declines to participate 44 ___ Sutra 45 Play from which the word “robot” comes 47 Civic maker 48 Dry cleanerʼs fluid 52 Suffix with slogan 53 Bummed out 54 Congested area, sometimes 56 Drinking binge 59 Megabucks 64 Rig out 66 Fodder holder 67 Part of an apple or the earth 68 Socially polished

69 Source of indigo dye 70 Solemnly swear 71 Whip-cracker 72 Outside of a watermelon 73 Glasgow gal

Down 1 Ulster, for one 2 Folkie who sang of Alice 3 Magic item of folklore 4 Toperʼs backpocket item 5 “Moving on then …” 6 Construction fasteners 7 Forest felines 8 Arnaz of “I Love Lucy” 9 Toperʼs expense 10 Weezerʼs music genre 11 Cat in una casa 12 Shirt brand 13 Dweeby sort TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 21 Like a universal donorʼs blood B O S H N O A H E X P O G E N R E 22 Tread heavily L E A P E W E R S 26 Toper, slangily N A N N E S L A C E 27 PC storage units I I S P G O S S 28 Coming up K I S S O F D E A T H 29 Andrew of New D O H A N T S Y York politics E A D B A N D 31 Prefix with con L S O Y A C C T or classical F I C C O N E H A I 32 Sierra ___ S O U R E A L M 33 Honor, on a A M O F T H E C R O P diploma S P F U I A G R A 34 Astronomical red S E L B E R E I N giant R E E D D R E I 36 Tiffs











24 29


30 36 41








Film Screening: “Taken for a Ride”

52 55













Puzzle by Kristian House

40 Corleone who broke Michaelʼs heart 41 “Fee fi fo ___” 43 Rhythmic humming sound 46 “William Tell” composer 49 Ice-T or Ice Cube

50 Isaac Sternʼs instrument 51 Wrap around 55 L.A.ʼs area, for short 56 “Surely you ___” 57 Light blue 58 Island “where Americaʼs day begins”

60 Pre-1917 autocrat 61 Suddenly bright star 62 Amorʼs Greek counterpart 63 Trees yielding archery bow wood 65 “___ Got a Secret”

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ADVERTISE FOR FREE! Place an event on the calendar: Contact or pick up a calendar request form at the Vanguard advertising office, SMSU, room 114.

11 a.m. PSU Career Center

Get a jump on the competition by attending this workshop, which provides the latest information on how to write effective resumes and cover letters.

47 50

54 59






38 42


Wednesday Writing Resumes and Cover Letters

















Featured panelists include Nathan Good, founder of Nathan Good Architects PC, Patrick Spencer, Director of The Cork Forest Conservation Alliance, and Annie Cocchia, senior manager of marketing and sustainability at the Oregon Wine Board.









No. 1130

6 p.m. Field Work, 1101 SW Jefferson St.

This documentary presents a revealing history of our cities in the 20th century, meditating on corporate power, city form, citizen protest and the social and environmental implications of transportation.

Thursday Empowerment Tea and Coffee Discussions 11 a.m. Women’s Resource Center Lounge

These discussions provide an opportunity for older returning women students, women of color, women veterans, student parents, and first-generation students to network and help to build a community on campus.

TO PLACE AN EVENT: Contact or pick up a calendar request form at the Vanguard advertising office, SMSU, room 114.


Sneaking a peek at the lacrosse season PSU’s Lacrosse Club begins the season next month with high hopes Tanya Shiffer Vanguard staff

This February on Stott Field, a group of men will get together in Vikings uniforms with raised adrenaline and sticks in search of victory. The men of the Portland State Lacrosse Club will start their first game of the season on Saturday, Feb. 5, against Western Washington University. Recently, club founder and captain James Taylor had a few moments to talk about the upcoming season. In its fourth year at PSU, the Lacrosse Club has come a long way. The first two years were a bit shaky, according to Taylor, but the addition of head coach Jon Ewertz has definitely changed the team for the better. Ewertz, who is originally from Baltimore, played NCAA

Division III lacrosse for Franklin & Marshall. This change in leadership “turned the program around,” said Taylor. “He brought class and a great value for education.” Since his arrival, the team has had more wins than losses and made it into the playoffs last season. Founded in 2007, the club is only getting better with each season it puts under its belt. They are members of the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association in the Division I Pacific Northwest Collegiate Lacrosse League, and are ranked fifth in their division at the start the new season. The club’s ascension in rank is being noticed not only by the school that supports it, but by the division heads as well. “Portland State getting the fifth place vote is surprising because it’s only their third year [in the league],” said PNCLL President Jason Stockton in an interview on “It’s going to be an interesting season.” The team’s success is largely a result of the players’ skill on the field, but it is also a result

of their unity as a team to face any challenge off the field. The team acts as a family, and is a support system for the new players. Within their first week, new players are taken on a campus tour and shown where the tutoring centers are. “We want to make sure they are comfortable here,” Taylor said. Recruiting has also increased with their success, and they’ve acquired a few new faces for the upcoming season. Among them is junior Spencer Smith, a transfer student from Herkimer County Community College in Herkimer, N.Y.. “He is a natural leader,” Taylor said. “He pushes everyone to give 100 percent and lifts everyone around him.” Unfortunately, to make room for the new players, the club had to say goodbye to someone. Senior Christopher Riedl graduated at the end of last season and left a big hole on their team. “Losing him and filling his shoes has been difficult,” Taylor said. Riedl scored the most goals last season and had the high-

Tuesday, Dec. 28 Women’s basketball

Portland 62 at Portland State 64 Hockey

Tri-City Americans 5 at Portland Winterhawks 1

Wednesday, Dec. 29 Men’s basketball ADAM WICKHAM/VANGUARD STAFF

Carrying the crosse: The PSU Lacrosse Club returns to action Feb. 5.

est goals per game on the team. The team is always recruiting, and students interested in joining can send e-mails to The Lacrosse Club’s preseason has been very successful with two shutout games and a 6-1 record. The only loss came to the University of Oregon, who is ranked No. 9 in the country. Portland State lacrosse is on track for a very successful sea-

son, and with their enthusiastic fan base and free games, a student couldn’t find a more affordable and exciting Saturday-night event. ■


The mighty Ducks: Seen here celebrating during an early-season win over PSU, Oregon faces Auburn in the BCS Championship. Robert Husseman Oregon Daily Emerald

One is playing for the national championship of college football for the first time in its 115-year history. The other is playing for its second national championship, the last coming in 1957. The Oregon Ducks and Auburn Tigers have never met on the football field. Neither team was ranked in the Associated Press preseason top 10 to open the year. On Monday, the two teams will come together with the

biggest possible prize on the line. “I am excited about the prospects of where we are going to go and what we are going to do,” Auburn head coach Gene Chizik said in a media release. “Your goal at the beginning of the year, for everybody, is to win your conference championship, that is first, and then whatever lies past that. I am very excited about the possibilities of what is going to happen and have a chance to achieve a goal we set earlier in the season.” The formal announcement that pitted the Pacific-10

Conference-champion Ducks (12-0, 9-0 Pac-10) against the Southeastern Conferencechampion Tigers (13-0, 9-0 SEC) was greeted with temperance over the wait until Jan. 10. “We got to this point we’re at now by our preparation and we know we’re going to have to work for the next month to show up on the 10th,” Oregon head coach Chip Kelly said. “And that’s what these (guys) are all about. They understand the task at hand, and they accept it heartily.” As that preparation intensifies, subtexts surrounding the

game will steadily come to the forefront. The most interesting of these from a national perspective is the argument over conference supremacy. In the 12 years of the Bowl Championship Series’ existence, the SEC has sent a representative to the national championship game six times, including each of the last four years — and won all six. (Auburn was snubbed from the title game in 2004, despite going 12-0 and winning the SEC championship game.) USC is the only Pac-10 school with a BCS national championship, in 2004, and the Trojans account for the conference’s only other appearance. In 2005, a Texas Longhorns squad with Vince Young as quarterback and Chizik as defensive coordinator defeated USC for the title. Since 1992, Pac-10 schools have actually fared better in head-to-head matchups, with 13 wins to the SEC schools’ 12. Oregon struck a blow for its conference brethren this season by defeating Tennessee in Knoxville; Auburn did not a play a Pac-10 team. “Who can say a conference is better than another conference or anything like that?” Duck running back Kenjon Barner asked. “We’re just going to go out and play how we have to play.” Barner’s good friend and backfield mate LaMichael James was named a finalist for the Heisman Trophy this week, along with Auburn quarterback Cam Newton. The 6-foot-6, 250-pound Newton has a virtual stranglehold over the award this season, turning in one of the most spectacular individual seasons in recent memory. Newton is the nation’s leader in total yardage and passer rating, the latter of which (188.1) would be a record for a Football Bowl Subdivision quarterback.

Northern Colorado 79 at Portland State 66 Hockey

Portland Winterhawks 1 Tri-City Americans 5 Website: Twitter: @psulacrosse Facebook: PSU Lacrosse MCLA website: http//

Championship game pitted as battle of the conferences With the first-ever matchup of Auburn and Oregon, regional pride is on the line


He is blessed with the ability to throw a football far and run it fast, with the power to neutralize smaller defenders and the acceleration to leave behind slower ones. He does, however, enter the game with questions of eligibility. The NCAA has declared him eligible following reports alleging that Newton’s father, Rev. Cecil Newton, asked for money in order to ensure his son’s commitment to Mississippi State. The investigation remains open, but the dark cloud looms large upon Auburn’s perfect season.

Thursday, Dec. 30 NBA

Utah 89 at Portland Trail Blazers 100

Friday, Dec. 31 Hockey

Seattle Thunderbirds 4 at Portland Winterhawks 3

Sunday, Jan. 2 Men’s basketball

Portland State 79 at Idaho State 72 NBA

Houston Rockets 85 at Portland Trail Blazers 100

Monday, Jan. 3 Women’s basketball

Corban College 55 at Portland State 96

UPCOMING GAMES Tuesday NBA Portland Trail Blazers at Dallas Mavericks 5:30 p.m.

Not so for the Ducks, undefeated and untied for the first time in history. “I’m just really happy, really happy for everybody else,” sophomore quarterback Darron Thomas said of the season’s accomplishments. “The offensive line did a good job all year being banged up all year ... our defense also came out this year and did a tremendous job. I’m just happy for everybody; happy for the Duck fans, and happy for everybody who supported us.” ■

Women’s basketball Portland State at Eastern Washington 2:05 p.m.

[This article originally appeared in the Oregon Daily Emerald. It is reprinted here with permission and has been edited for clarity.]

Hockey Seattle Thunderbirds at Portland Winterhawks Rose Garden Arena 7 p.m.

Wednesday NBA Portland Trail Blazers at Houston Rockets 5:30 p.m.


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