DAIM at XFuns Magazin No. 28 (2007)

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bAill Graffiti drives DAIM to become better in his creative technique and style. DAIM has tried to perfect his graffiti style by testing new materials, media and techniques . Most important, love in the original sense is part of DAIM 's private life wh ich he tries to separate from work as an artist. mßflIHltj~~1I DAIM !r-J~H'F:liVj§!! mli!r-JljJ~ 0 DAIM

OO:liVj , flefl!!!r-J~~OOfg§!!~jC~



§!! ]M~!r-J~ , ~;jJJii:gtl1'F.§b!r-J~{g~

DAIM ~ ;i5!r-J - gBf51' ßI DAIM ~~JmI!i~i;.j'*If'F!r-J%lg." ~~~Uag ~tg o


a: 00 vou really ~lieve

In tNt? ~.tftJ.fHft."• • ?

CitY J;rIIlti: Hambl..TQ Ai'f

PersoNll Website MA • • : www,DAIM.Ofg

Art Toola/TeC:hnique ,IU'JI.,../llOj: ~Ioly SPr~ I:a:"l ~nd tt"\t" CO"T1PlIter tI . • • . Specialiat . . .: 3D


on ?O mocha Jf'= 30 tiJ5• .lqQ 20 ".-i..t

FavOfite Color • • fttr;JH~: It depends on the

Evcry color

Favorit. Artist • •

context, lfrfr.t!! · !':Jlf).i'I . . . 1ftJlr


ThNO are m.lf"1'/ gfeat <Kt:sts out t!"lefe . • • ecJ

Favorit. F..hion/ Trencty Brand • • em ..

Motto g:btt: Stay keoenl 'k{liilCt.11!

.,. :11:.""7



X : Please introduee yoursell lor XFUNS readers .

X : What are your methods 01 graffiti? How does

ended up in the Guinness Book of Records I feit like I reaJly

One could say that I have been involved in graffrti ler a while. Some mlght even say that I had a little influence on how

the proeess 01 ereating an object begin?

had aeeomplished something. A few years later we did

It all starts with a paneil and a pieee of Paper. Often I just

one of the

n evolved over the last couple

of years. I for myself would

sketch down some words and Ideas whlch deveIop into the

dock and it seerned that the last

say that I have tried to perfeet my style while testing new

first scrlbbles. Those Who tum out weil I go over again and

cake. The great thing about difflCUlties is though. that after

make final draings of them nct seidomly on the computer.

overcoming them. you once again have Ieamed something

After that follows the eonversion or implementation on

which will help you in your Mure deveIopment.

materials. media and technlques.

X : Did you ehoose, or were you chosen to ereate

largest graffiti painting of the wond on a floating


had been a piece of

canvas er a wall.

street art?

X : How do you seleet a subjeet when you are

Interesting question which


might spend hours trying to

answer and end up in a full on philosophicaI debate about

X : What Is the main eoneept and key element 01


your work?

The subjeet Is elear of course D-A路 I-M. The shape. Its eoloring and setting comes by Instinet and feeling. The

n this way; street art could have chosen

The main element is my name and its letters DAIM . Even

a worse tool than me for its production and spreading and I

though I might vary them a little it always comes down

technical part of ectuaJly palnting the subject comes from the

could have chosen to become a musician and totally failed

to writing my name or ereating eomplex letters. The 3D

rational mind. the style of n more er less from the stomach.

free will. Let me put


perspective is my key visual effect whleh I strife to perleet with every painting. Then of course I am fascinated by any

X : Why aren't you worklng on graffiti now, Instead

X : Where does your Inspiration co me Irom?

sort of eolors; that is probably why I have never limited

of answering questions?

I derive my inspiration from many sourees. The blggest

myseIf to a certain spectrum but use whatever I find sunable.

Certainly, I like painting better but I learned that peopie are

probably being nature. My eharaeters olten rernind people of Insects or crabs whieh of course olten have posed as modeIs. However. I can't really pinpoint my creation to


interested in what I am dolng. As long as people want to X : Have you ever eonlronted any diffieulties when

read stuff about me I will try to share my thoughts and ideas.

ereating works?

Furthermore. I try to make graffiti a litlle more presentabie

specifie source of inspiration. All impressions I get while

I am lueky enough to ba able to say that I never laeked

meaning that more peopie will accept it as a form of art and

walking through eities. by spending time in the streets,

inspiration or ideas. But. 1 must admit that I had to take

nct only vandalism. In fact. thera ana many instances when

durlng exhibitions by other artist have had an influence on

quite a few technical hundles when it came to large projeets.

I do nct direetly werk on graffni. Fer Instance, I spend quite

my perspective and therefore on the way I palnt.

When we did the highest graffiti palnting of the worid and

soma time keeplng my website (www.DAlM.org) as weil as mywebshop.




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x : Ul ioJ XFUNS lI~tF1mElili1l-*B o fitl!:!ltlfiliUHtiFf!;j-I'-H 3 ° 'f!ij!!i!<Aqrl!~~1.M~lHm BIl.liIii~:a~l'F*®~IiH~-!!i!</J\JJ\®~III' ffDt\!JI!JA ~1.1;§c.R~.IMjiili~M~~J5 . Jift\!®m.f1Hf!fIIl

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X : .~ffltr-Jitimi .~~ tF~~.foJ?-~fF~

ii1ltlllrllfoJ IMllltltr-J ? Ffi~®1'FI'ilW~lJE-eiil:litUD-~Mtlm~® ° t\!m~ -l!!13Z'3"~o;ttU~~lii\"'F* ' il!i~I&1ilt~-m~®Mii &l1i' Jt$Il~'IIi1;j<tl~I&"'F:a®l:I1llt\!.aI*.ltfjT~B j~~~ll: ' 'fej~jlfffl HiI.!!!G~ , j~tt~P9~Q~IHiJ glZi!Bii§Lo X : fF&~tr-J±~.~~~~.foJ?

DAIM 1iJ)jil'!t\!@lOll!!i!<

~t\!~j[IJf~1'FmBlilliililii1'F1ii\ ' I?tl~t\!:m~w~flll!l!

.F.il!lll®/J\~aJ(, fF/i,lI~i!I~iJtlm~3t\!8!J'8~"'Om

i1i~®*MJ!!!: www.DAIM.org "'Ot\!®*M~iQjr.s www . DAIMshop.com 9.li8ll:8tt\!®~A1Iilii\m DAiMartwear 0





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X : Please share with us your view on " love "?

II you mean loIIe ler graffili lhen I would say lhal ~ drives me 10 become better in my lechnlque and 10 stnle lor perlection in my style. Love in the original sense is part 01 my privale I~e which I Iry 10 separale from my wor1< as an artist. X : Who do you admire most? Why? I can'l say lhat I reaily admire any speciflC artist. However, anyone who slays true to himsell over a Iong period 01 time in order to achieve a goaI, to perlect a technlque er provoke a constructive controversy is worth edminng.

X : What do you expect to accomplish in the next

5 years? In less than three years I will have been spraylng lor 20 years. This anniversary is 01 course a lillie special to me. It mlght weil be that I will publish a new book covering the last two decades on that occasion. Untillhen I want to 00 more and larger exhibitions displaying my art. And last but not least I want to push my street wear labe! DAiMartwear 10 an extend that keeps the balance between exclusiveness end availability. X : tf you won the lottery, what will you do? Give some, take some, save some. X : Please drop some suggestions to the people who want to join graffiti. Develop you own slyle. Find inspiration inside but also outside the graffiti scene. Help others and wor1< together. Be

open ler new ldeas and respect all those who loIIe graffrti as much as you 00.






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