Fodr module 4 journal

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Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2017 M4 JOURNAL - FRAME vs FIELD Daimeng WANG

852552 Jun Han Foong



Question 1: What are Durer’s rules for perspectival projection? (Maximum 100 words) Firstly, Durer used the drawing tools which design by himself to explain the concept of the perspectival projector, which described as “seeing through“. In planar medium, it can be used for creat three dimentional space, which is similar as the glass can reflect the object in the real world. Secondly, Durer’s rules also explain that all the parallel lines can will meet at one common vanishing point,which is the central point in the horizon view. Thirdly, it also describes that equal dimentions recede at a constant progressive rates.

Question 2: Describe homogenous space? (Maximum 100 words)

It is purely mathematical space that has no physical constraints, symply continuing to infinity in all directions.Each point in homogeous space can connect with any number of other points in similar formations in every direction and infinite amount of times.



1. 4 aluminum tower 2. walls 3. 7(eight) gates 4. drawbriges 5. 9 blocks 6. 4(only 2) rivers



Isometric view of Old Quad,with 2 rivers inside, which across through more than half of the spcace. There are four gates for rivers to move out with four bridge for people to across the river.(mention ee in the story but cannot be fully described within in this model)



Traveller went through the left gate and cross the bridge to the market,which described in heavy environment. He noticed that there are plenty of people in the market,so stayed here for a long time. Then passed the market and went to a dinner, crossed the seconed river and participated in there. A lot of people were at different tables, which described in light environmen.


QUAD PERSPECTIVE 1 + 2 Annotation. This scene can provide a perspective view for adding a lot of characters through the whole Quad, and the people are smaller and smaller to close the “vanishing point“,seems like there are more people behind. Besides, In this scene, i choose it for the river below which can provide the beautiful environment suiting for an advanced dinner in that period. The height of

Annotation. In this view, i prefer to describe the picture in detail instead of a large whole environment, so i added characters and a lot of fruit stand in front. To make readers more notice the plan instead of perspective one.


PERSPECTIVE SCENE 1 + 2 Annotation. in this perspective, traveller participated in a grand dinner, in this dinner, different young man and girls meet each other and their parents dicuss the marriage about their son and daughter. To decorate the environment, i used flowers , cane vine, ceilling and rivers to full the situation. There is a big garden and alley behind the Quad.Beautiful sunny day and there is cloud cross the buildings. All the characters are in the Medieaval time, European people. This situation is rarely relaxed and happy, so the picture is in cheerful tones(lighter)

Annotation. In this perspective, it shows that Marco stayed in a market. Most of people are from many countries, travelling here or doing business here. one situation is that there is a lady selling her products; one is that there are several people playing the horn. the situation behind is that there are a group of bussiness man on the camel. As we can see, the sky is bule but the maket is dark(so mant people,crowded). For form the background and this perspective view together, add clouds.(seems like floating in from outside). (Darker)


WEEK 4 READING: PRACTIVE ARCHITECTURE, TECHNIQUE AND REPRESENTATION,MAPPING THE UNMAPPABLE ON NOTATION Question 1: IWhat is the difference between autographic and allographic practice? (Maximum 100 words) Autograohic refers to the artworks produced by the authors who is legally owned the copyright and have contracts with people who uses thier works, such as painting and sculpture. Allographic refers to art forms such as music and literature which can be reproduced without any involvement of the original creator and still be considered authentice,

Question 2: Why do architects need new representational techniques? (Maximum 100 words) The morndern cities is seen as being more concerned with the impact of technology and the splintering of perspectives which goes against traditional architectural representational practices of focusing on fixed “artifacts“


FINAL DRAWINGS Cities & the sky 3: thekla Daimeng WANG 852552

Described each notation’s meaning,],such as “stare“,which shows that Marco stayed in one place for a long time to feel and observe the event and situation over there. The color tone is described in symbols to show darker or lighter. Add little stars to abstractly describe that this story is from imagine.(very slight) Key people group movement stare(stay and participate) glance(not attractive) light environment(for dinner) heavy environment (for market) light movement from left to right 0




perspective 1 perspective 2

Perspective 1

Perspective 2


DEVELOPMENT (characters)


DEVELOPMENT (background and decoration)


DEVELOPMENT (decoration)


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