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Volume 77 No
(USPS 382-940) (ISSN 0279-8611) Official Publication of the New York Holstein Association
Volume 77 No. 2
March-April 2022
Published January, March, May, July, September and November, 1st of each month News and advertising forms close 25 days in advance of publication date Livestock advertising rates upon request
Melissa Hart, Editor P O Box 10 Dryden, NY 13053 Phone: 517-398-1957 farm writer@hotmail com
NYHA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Beth Keene 607-345-0031 1st Vice President Jason Lloyd 518-231-1731 2nd Vice President Steve Vanlieshout 315-361-1801 Secretary Chelsea Hanselman 607-437-5866 Treasurer Betsey Gerber 607-237-7288 Cam Davis 410-984-0315 Tom Harkenrider 607-279-3160 David King 315-212-0032 Curtis Nolan 518-222-5692
Subscription price in the U S is $25 per year; $35 first class mail Canada and overseas standard delivery; $55 overseas first class air mail Single copies $2 Payable in U S funds only The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state When you change your address, please be sure to inform us of your new mailing address
The New York Holstein News (ISSN) (02798611) (USPS 382940) is published in January, March, May, July, September, and November, for $25 per year by Cayuga Press, 215 South Main Street, Cortland, NY 13045 Entered as periodical matter at the post office at Ithaca, NY 14850 and other locations
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the NEW YORK HOLSTEIN NEWS, 2085 Dryden Road, Freeville, NY 13068
Due to uncertainties in the mail, NY Holstein News cannot assume responsibility for prior delivery of issues carrying advertising of sales scheduled for less than 21 days after our issue date, which is the 1st of the month
CONTENTS March-April 2022
Junior Corner 8 Executive Manager’s Report 10 NYHA President’s Report 11 Letter to the Editor 12 Obituaries 26 Club News 27 Calendar of Events 27 NYHA Annual Meeting Minutes 30 Index to Advertisers 46
Sassy Red & Whites for a Sassy Redhead 16 Junior Convention Awards 18 Senior Convention Awards 19 All-NY Red & White Winners 24 All-NY Contest Changes 26 NY Dairy Ambassador Chosen 36 Jeff King Runs for HAUSA Board 36 Business Profile: Triple Hil Sires 44 About the Cover
This is the youth issue and what better way to celebrate our young Holstein breeders than to show off the Distinguished Junior Members awarded at the NY Junior Convention in January Front from left: 17 and older finalists; Natalie Fredericks, Gabby Taylor, Amelia Brewer Back row from left: 14–16-year-old finalists; Isaac Folts, Natalie Calpuzzi, Caitlyn VanDeusen, Wyatt Swatling Congratulations to these young people!
From the Editor
Just hours before this magazine went to print there was a huge celebration in Horseheads, NY when Lantland Destry Eagle-Red was approved by the classification committee as the next EX-95 point cow in the Red & White breed
My husband and I were lucky enough to see this Lantland Farms bred and owned beauty owned by Kirt Menzi, Jr , just a couple of weeks earlier when we stopped in at the Menzies for a walk through the herd Eagle was standing in the boxstall at the end of the barn, her place of honor as one of Lantland’s best Every inch of her looked like a 95-point cow but fearful of jinxing the whole event, we kept our comments short and sweet and moved on through the rest of the impressive homebred herd
Our visit at Lantland was nothing short of good old-fashioned fun and fellowship Their excitement for the purebred business is palpable and infectious The crew of individuals who keep that place moving is a well-oiled machine and they took time out to not only share their herd but to share their vision over a hot cup of coffee on a wintery day
That was just one of the many herd visits we hope to make as travel down the winding roads of the Empire State If you would like us to stop in and see your herd, please give me a call, send me a text or an email We would love to see your cows!
In this issue we celebrate the Red & Whites and the NY Holstein Youth You’ll find the All-NY Red & White winners, convention results, and a sassy youth feature on the redhead behind Tiger Lily Holsteins
Up next is the National Convention issue! Plan now to advertise your Holstein genetics in the issue that will go to Sioux Falls, South Dakota! And get in on the NY Bundle Deal--see details on page 41! Contact me to save your spot by April 14th
2022 New York Spring Dairy Carousel
Meet the Judges:
Open Holstein Show Judge, Pierre Boulet
Pierre Boulet owns and operates Ferme Pierre Boulet Inc. alongside his partner, Katie Coates, and his five children, Carole-Anne, SarahMaude, Charles, Madison and Katrina. Operating under the Pierstein prefix since 1993, Pierre has bred over 200 EX cows. He is also the auctioneer and co-owner of Les Encans Boulet Inc. the family’s auctioneering company.
Pierre has been an official judge since 2005 and has officiated at many shows across Canada and the United States, as well as in France, Australia, Ecuador, Columbia, Mexico and Argentina. One of Canada’s most successful showmen, Pierre has been Premier Exhibitor at the Royal Holstein Show eight times as well as Premier Breeder. Boulet has also received the Premier Breeder Banner at World Dairy Expo. In 2021, Pierre was recognized at the 2021 Canadian National Show with the prestigious Donald Dubois Showmanship Award.
Pierre has bred or owned over 150 All-Canadian and All-American nominated animals. He has had the opportunity to work with several famous show cows over the years. Among his favorites are world famous Thrulane James Rose EX-97-2E-5*, Royal Grand Champion in 2006, 2008, and 2009 and twice Royal Supreme Champion, and Grand Champion Holstein and Supreme Champion at World Dairy Expo in 2008; Ms Goldwyn Alana EX-96-2E-16*, 2015 Reserve Grand Champion at the Royal Winter Fair; and Loyalyn Goldwyn June EX-97-6E-3*, Honorable Mention Grand Champion at the Royal Winter Fair in 2015.
Top five most significant recent judging experiences:
• Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show • Royal Winter Fair Jersey Show • International Dairy Week • Agro Expo Columbia • Mexican National Holstein Show • California State Holstein Show • Premier National Junior Show (Holsteins) • All-American Dairy Show (Jersey) • World Dairy Expo (Red and Whites) and is tapped to be the judge of the 2022 World Dairy Expo Holstein Show this fall.
Open Jersey Show Judge, Terri Packard
Terri Packard operates South Mountain Jerseys and Kueffner Holsteins with her husband, Ernest Kueffner, in Boonsboro, Maryland. Together they breed, develop and market a select group of deep-pedigreed Holsteins and Jerseys that compete in show rings and sale arenas across North America.
Ashlyn, Tobi, Veronica, Apple, Comet, Season, Chassity, Dezi, Gold Barbara and Radiant are a few of the high-focus cattle they have owned, alone or in partnership, over the past two decades. The couple also spent 10 years managing Arethusa Farm, building the herd from a small hobby farm to national prominence in both the Holstein and Jersey breeds.
Packard has served as official judge for the National Jersey Jug Futurity, officiated twice at Eastern State Exposition and placed State Shows and State Fairs in twelve US states. She is slated to officiate the Jersey and Red & White Shows at the Borderway UK Dairy Expo in March. Terri has served as Jersey Official for the Hoard’s Dairyman Judging Contest and voted in All-American Contests for three breeds.
Packard serves her local community as Chairman of the Economic Development Commission in Boonsboro. She also represents the Eastern US dairy exhibitors on the World Dairy Expo Dairy Cattle Exhibitors Committee
National Junior Show judge as well as the Brown Swiss, Milking Shorthorn, and Guernsey shows, Matt Mitchell
Matt Mitchell is from Speedwell, TN. He and his wife Sandra along with their four children Ben, Beau, Addy, and Eli operate Rocky-Top Holsteins in partnership with Matt’s parents Jeff and Rissa Mitchell. The herd consist of 10 cows and many heifers that they show and market genetics from. They have exhibited several All-Americans and Junior AllAmericans. Rocky-Top Holsteins has had the highest BAA in the nation six for the last seven years. Matt is also an independent dairy consultant in the southeast with Barton, Keifer, and Associates. Prior to starting his consulting business Matt worked as a fitter for several years across the US and Canada.
Junior Jersey, Red and White and Ayrshire Judge, Aaron Eaton
Aaron, along with his wife Caitlin and daughters Avery & Evelyn own and operate Eaton Holsteins in Marietta, NY, where they currently milk several elite type registered Holsteins and a select group of jerseys. Their main objective is developing, marketing and caring for these special individuals, along with an additional 35 head of young stock on a daily basis. The herd currently holds the #1 Rank for BAA in NY and 3rd Nationally, consisting of 3@ EX-96, 3@EX-95 and several high scoring young cows.
Over the past 12 years, they have been fortunate to manage or assist with several successful sales and have also had many success stories in the show ring, garnering numerous All American and All Canadian winners. Including several Holstein, Jersey and R&W cows named National champions and 11 Heifers named Jr Champion or Reserve at the World Dairy Expo and Royal Winter Fair.
Prior to being at home full time, Aaron worked as a cattle fitter across the US, Canada, Mexico, South America and Europe. Since then, Aaron has had the opportunity to judge at the state and regional level, as well a several national shows throughout North America!
The mission of the NY Holstein Association is to promote and add value to our breeders and members through events and activities, and build a strong fraternity of individuals with a passion for NY Holsteins.
Chelsea Hanselman
Executive Manager Cell: 607-437-5866 - Office: 607-273-7591 Email: chanselman@nyholsteins.com Stacie Sherman - Office Assistant Email: ssherman@nyholsteins.com
State Office: Street Address: 2085 Dryden Rd., Freeville, NY Mail: PO Box 10, Dryden, NY 13053 Ph: 607-273-7591 - Fax: 607-273-7612