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Executive Manager’s Report
Executive Manager’s
Happy- almost Spring! We had a few beautiful days here in New York and I know many of you took advantage of the warm weather by doing some cleaning and washing. Although we were quickly reminded again that it is still Winter, those warms days helped to remind me that Spring will be here soon and we have lots to look forward to.
Before I get to the future, I want to reflect on the 2022 Convention that was held in Utica. This was my first “real” in-person convention since being Executive Manager and what an experience it was from being on this side of things. First and foremost, thank you to all the volunteers and the 2021 JEC members. Without all of you it would not have been possible (and I truly mean that). Secondly, thank you to the Junior Advisors who put in hours of work to help your Juniors prepare for the contests. We had a great turnout for contests and I am excited to see how New York does at National Convention in June. Congratulations to all of our winners and award recipients. In addition to our award winners, the new Junior Executive Committee was elected and two DJM’s were honored. I look forward to working with them this year on revitalizing the Junior programs. The JEC members have a lot of great ideas on how to get involved on different levels throughout the state so be on the lookout for them at different events. Lastly, thank you to the parents for supporting your juniors and thank you to the juniors for making this event so special. From the contests to the banquets to the activity nights, you all were actively engaged and made sure to have fun the entire time. It makes me feel good about my job when I see you all having a good time at an event like convention.
Looking forward, the 2022 New York Spring Dairy Carousel Show will be March 30th-April 4th in Hamburg NY. Check out page 5 to learn more about the judges for our shows. We are excited to announce that this year we will be hosting a National Junior Holstein Show and a National Junior Jersey Show! Just a quick reminder to check out the full schedule of events, which includes the Holstein USA Judge’s conference (open to anyone!), showmanship contest (free to any NY junior or a small fee for non-members) and the judging contest (also available to anyone!).
The scholarship committee will again be set up with their basket raffle so please make plans to stop by and see what they are offering. All proceeds go towards the scholarship fund, which are given out to Juniors each year who are attending college. Scholarship applications are available on the NY Holstein webpage and are due May 1st. As a reminder, if you have applied before, you can still apply again!
In addition to the scholarship baskets, the Juniors will have the promotion booth set up outside of the show office too so come get your Junior apparel!
Thinking ahead to after the NY Spring Show, the Spring Board Meeting will take place on April 29th at 11:00am at the Farm Credit Office in Homer NY. All committee meetings will take place prior to the meeting with the exception of the Membership Committee Meeting. State Directors be on the lookout for information in the mail regarding this meeting and the restructure of committees. Welcome (and thank you) to newly appointed chair people, Kelly Reynolds, Show Chairperson and Kevin Ziemba, Sale Chairperson. I look forward to working with both of you.
For all members, if you want to get involved on a state level and want to be on a committee, please reach out to one of the committee chairs (Show Committee: Kelly Reynolds; Sale Committee: Kevin Ziemba; Publications Committee: Justine Kelsey; Membership: Amy Kelsey and Cathy Galley; Breed & Promotion: Lynnette Wright).
With warmer weather comes more events and I would love to know what your club has planned. One of my goals this year is to make it out to more events throughout the state but I can only do that if I know what is going on in your county. I look forward to seeing many of you at Spring Show and if you cannot make it, be sure to check out Dairy Agenda Today and Cowsmo’s Facebook and webpages for updated coverage. – Chelsea