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Educa�ng the next genera�on of health professionals, who will ul�mately influence consumers about healthy ea�ng, con�nues to be a priority for your dairy checkoff program. ADA Mideast provides educa�onal sessions and on-farm experiences for collegiate food and nutri�on programs to reinforce dairy’s important role in the diet.

In 2022, ADA Mideast took diete�c students and their professors from eight Ohio and West Virginia universi�es to local dairy farms to learn how dairy farmers care for their cows and protect the environment. Students also gained a be�er understanding of dairy’s nutri�onal benefits to help them recommend dairy to their future clients and address common misconcep�ons.

Surveys following the farm tours and educa�onal sessions indicate that these future health professionals feel posi�ve about dairy foods and farming.

The Walter Zimmerman family of Harmony Echo Farms of D-8 was featured in the Farmers National Bank publication. It was a great story outlining their farm and family. Congratulations to the Zimmerman Family!

The National Holstein Convention hotel in Lexington, KY is now open for reservations at Lexington Griffin Gate Marriott Golf Resort & Spa. More details about the convention can be found online at 2023nationalholsteinconvention.com

Would you like to sponsor an award at the Mideast National Holstein Spring Show? Contact the Holstein office for details on being an award sponsor!

Cain Farms and Plainfield Farms will be hosting the convention tours on March 3rd. You can find their farm info and a preview of their operations on pages 8 & 10!

Mark your calendars for the Spring Colors at Quietcove sale on April 24th. The sale will be at the farm, their ad is on pages 20 & 21.

Ohio Holstein Queen Contest entries are due February 17th to the office!

Congratulations to Dr. Pasha Lyvers Peffer on her appointment as Professor and Chair of the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University. She has been serving as interim chair since October of 2021.

Youth Dairy Judging Clinic, Saturday, March 11, 2023, 10 am -1 pm, OSU Animal Science Building, 2029 Fyffe Court, Columbus. There will be no registration fee for this clinic but there will also be no lunch. For more additional information, please contact Sherry Smith at smith.10072@osu.edu, sbgs82@att.net, or 330.465.2376.

The 23rd annual Northeast Ohio Regional Dairy Conference will be held Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at Fisher Auditorium on the Wooster campus of Ohio State University. This program is hosted by the Killbuck Valley Veterinary Medical Association. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Joao Costa from the University of Kentucky.

The Spring Dairy Expo will be held in Columbus. Find entry info and a complete schedule on pages 42 & 43.

Don’t forget to make your convention meal reservations by February 20th by contacting the Holstein office. Saturday’s lunch is $25 for adults and $15 for children.

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