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Advantage Livestock Delivers Benefits in Barn and Show Ring

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By Bev Berens

Sarah Dillon of Southern Michigan was intrigued when she first saw exhibitors administering MagnaWave treatments at dairy, beef and swine shows. “I had to learn more,” she said.

MagnaWave treatments have been around since the 1970s, developed and first used by NASA to relieve pain and maintain muscle and bone density in astronauts. The therapeutic magnetic fields deliver relaxation and healing without medicine or the poke of a needle. The equine industry was an early adopter of the technology within the livestock industry; however its benefits are rapidly being observed in other species, including use for humans among chiropractors and holistic medicine practitioners.

Dillon noticed the visible relief and freedom of movement an animal gained, often after only one treatment. “Before and after results are remarkable,” she said.

“Maybe they got banged up on the trailer, or during loading and unloading. They may be moving from standing on concrete to standing on a pack at a show, and it just disrupts their system. The whole change not only disrupts the muscular system, but a lot of time, digestion and appetite, too.”

MagnaWave treatments can help with overall wellness - and Dillon has personal experience to verify results. After treating a heifer prior to a recent show, she said, “I’ve never had an animal put on a nicer fill.” The results she has seen through observation, training and use of the equipment have been both consistent and positive.

Sharing the benefits to other livestock producers is her goal through Advantage Livestock, LLC. Whether it is for show-ring purposes or as an avenue to restore health and vigor to an animal that never leaves the farm, she is excited to help all livestock owners relieve suffering in the animals under their care.

MagnaWave processes go far beyond the show ring. Treatments can help break up mastitis tissue and relieve cows with udder edema, restore normal mobility in calves born through traumatic dystocia and even restore vigor in some downed-cow cases.

Dillon is a certified and insured MagnaWave PEMF practitioner, having completed hours of training and practice. Her service area includes Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, and she can also rent or sell MagnaWave machines. Off-season services include treatments to build larger ribcages, and pre-show services may be useful in adjusting loin issues to correct stride and gait, treat injuries and increase feed intake.

The Advantage Livestock, LLC off-season schedule is quickly filling up. Call her for an appointment at 517-398-1521, contact her on Facebook through www.facebook.com/sarah.polingdillon or email her at poseycreekfarms@gmail.com.

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