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Holstein Association USA Announces 2022 Top BAA Herds

Brattleboro, Vt.— Holstein Association USA recently released the lists of top Holstein Breed Age Average (BAA%) herds for 2022 classifications. Members utilizing the Classic or Standard options of the Holstein classification program receive an overall BAA for their herd. The BAA value provides a way to compare an animal’s score to breed average, taking into account the age of the animal and their stage of lactation. The calculation puts cows of all ages on the same playing field.

"Providing recognition to breeders of outstanding Registered Holstein cattle across the country is one of the more enjoyable activities we perform at Holstein Association,” said Lindsey Worden, Executive Director, Holstein Genetic Services. “Earning recognition as a high BAA herd on any of the various lists is a notable achievement. It shows a commitment to breeding quality Holstein cattle, paired with outstanding animal husbandry and management that allows those cattle to express their genetic potential."

In 2022, 970 herds had a BAA value eligible for inclusion in these lists. The average number of cows included in the BAA calculation for the entire group was 68, and the average BAA% was 107.7. Herds must have a minimum of 10 cows to be included for calculation on the list.

Topping the 2022 highest overall BAA list are Delbert W. and Heather D. Yoder from West Salem, Ohio, with a BAA of 116.3. Also earning honors in the top five spots on the list are Matthew T. Mitchell, Tennessee; Juniper Farm, Inc., Maine; Conant Acres, Maine; and G. Alpheaus Stoltzfus, Pennsylvania.

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