Queen’s Corner
By Kayla Cring
farm he had seen was next to his holiday house and they only had 10 cows. France has a rather large dairy industry. I did some research and found out their dairy industry offers around 250,000 jobs for them. Also, 60 percent of their dairy cows are Holsteins. Another interesting fact is they call them Prim’Holstein in France. Julian’s favorite part from the farm visit was milking a cow. He even enjoyed tasting the fresh warm milk! Another opportunity I had this past May was speaking to 150 local 4th graders Hello everyone! Hope you are doing about the dairy industry. Almost 50 percent well! The show season is upon us and I of the students have never seen a cow up could not be more excited! I am sure you close or touched one. I talked about the nuare all working hard to get your cattle show tritional aspects of dairy products, the difready for this year’s shows. I always love ferent breeds and various interesting facts how competitive each show is. And I can’t about the industry. They all loved brushwait to see you all! ing and petting the calf that came to visit In May I met a foreign exchange stu- League Street Elementary. One girl asked dent all the way from France. His name is if she could buy the calf while a few others Julian and we got to talking about dairy asked if they could still join 4-H this year cows and he was thrilled to hear that he to show calves. Teaching the 4th graders could come visit the dairy. Once we got about dairy cows was a great opportunity. I to the farm, he was shocked at how many look forward to seeing you all at the district Holsteins we had. He said the only dairy shows and the Ohio State Fair this summer.
During Kayla’s visit to the school, the fourth graders were able to pet a calf. By the time she was done, several students wondered how they could join 4-H and show cows. 18
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Kayla enjoyed teaching 150 local fourth graders about the dairy industry.
Julien, a foreign exchange student from France, was able to get up close and personal with cows when Kayla took him on a tour of the farm.