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Executive Secretary’s Report ...
Hello Fall! The swing in temperatures as we move into fall is nothing new here in Wisconsin. While I can deal with the change of seasons, changes in daily life keeps me on my toes -- between in person and virtual meetings, we now are dealing with a hybrid model to learning. It all takes a little getting used to. We received word that the show in Louisville will go on - with some new rules. Please take time to read through those rules and direct any questions you may have to the staff at the show. By the time you received this Angle, there may be changes to the show, just like there are daily changes with everything else in the world of COVID. Your National Board has been meeting
on a regular basis since our summer meeting. There has already been some progress – from finding solutions to ongoing issues and committees meeting together to move the breed forward. For years, AMSS has been dealing with reporting issues when it comes to Milk Production reporting – which in turn is causing issues with classification. Due to the inconsistent correction process of the past, discussions with individuals that have a clear understanding with the corrective measures have led to the following conclusion. All incorrect records will be directed to the AMSS office. This will include all records of Milking Shorthorns on test. We will be working internally to assist in the correction of the records not only in our office, but also will be working with the DRPCs and CDCB to correct errors in all areas needed. Genomics has been an ongoing process. We recently found out that the lab was sitting on samples that were not processed. The correction of this issues will be resolved shortly. If you have submitted a bull for registration this year, you will be receiving information on how to submit a sample for genomic testing. To remind everyone, we are only sharing the results of the testing with the breeders. The collection of this information is to be used to assist our breed with compiling a good genetic base. We will continue to work on these solutions as well as anything else that
comes our way to bring the best services to our membership. Together, we can move the Red, White and Roan forward!
NOVEMBER 6-8, 2020
NAILE Junior Dairy Show, Louisville, KY
NOVEMBER 8-10, 2020
NAILE Open Dairy Show, Louisville, KY
NOVEMBER 15, 2020
All American Entries Due (more information will be available online)
DECEMBER 1, 2020
AMSS Futurity Entries Due
DECEMBER 11 & 12, 2020
AMSS Winter Board Meeting, Beloit, WI
future conventions
2021 Wisconsin 2022 Illinois 2023 Oklahoma/Arkansas/Texas
Marcia L. Clark (2023) PO Box 34, Cornish Flat, NH 03746 H: (603) 469-3560 C: (814) 602-7089 GMC_Farm@yahoo.com
Susan Lee (2022) 5529 US Hwy. 93 Jerome, ID 83338 C: (208) 539-4104 F: (208) 324-9506 idahodhia@gmail.com
The Angle | September/October 2020
Jim Foss (2021) 7909 Cty 44 Blvd Kenyon, MN 55946 H: (507) 824-2643 C: (612) 756-1581 jim9foss@frontier.com
Marjorie Kuszlyk (2023) 7982 Batavia-Byron Rd. Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 343-4800 makuszlyk@aol.com Thomas Landrum (2021) 23474 Sawdon Ridge Road Guilford, IN 47022 (812) 487-2612 (812) 528-4538 thomaswlandrum@yahoo.com