October 15, 2022 Dairy Star - 2nd section

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DAIRY ST R October 15, 2022 Second Section Visit us online at www.dairystar.com “All dairy, all the time”™ DEALER INQUIRES WELCOME LARGE selection of sizes and brands in stock and ready to ship. Call for your local dealer or ask about direct to the farm deliveries. Silage bale wrap Silage bags Silage covers Oxygen barrier film 2 in 1 Combi film silage covers Baler Twine Net wrap Tire Side Walls W6174 County RD P Monroe WI 53566 1-800-726-0401 www.jordanagsupply.com Poly Twine MaxxTwine SUPERIOR BALER TWINE BEST PRICES on Hay making supplies IN THE MIDWEST Get ready for spring with the best quality twine available! 14451 430TH ST. • BERTHA, MN 56437 218-924-4522 HARMS MFG., INC. www.harmsmfg.com • Firmly pack the soil to prevent weed growth • Get better germination • Use on alfalfa, hay, soybeans, corn and more Easy to use • Easy to Fold • Transports Easily OVER 2,000 LAND ROLLERS OPERATING IN THE MIDWEST! • 2-7/16” bearing • All pivots greasable • Rear stabilizer braces on 36’+ units • 1/2” drum wall thickness • 12’, 15’, 30’, 36’, 40’, 45’, 62’ sizes • Wing steering for easy folding • Rollers flex in the field on uneven surfaces 30” NEW DRUM DIAMETER INTRODUCING THE NEW 30” DRUM DIAMETER ALSO AVAILABLE: Dump Racks • Bale Racks Wagons • Dump Trailers TMR MIXERS Feed your herd. Feed your bottom line. Feed the potential. Gutter Cleaner Chain & Parts ALSO AVAILABLE Call Us 320-836-2697 After Hours: 320-267-8568 310 Industrial Dr. Freeport, MN Oldest & Most Experienced Dealer In Central MN! www.hartungsales.com LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT FOR RENT NEW & USED EQUIPMENT LAGOON PUMPS & TANKS Proudly Serving Our Dairy Industry Since 1975! COMPLETE PRODUCT LINE... GEA Houle Patz Ritchie Waterers Animat Pasture Mat Cow Comfort J&D Manufacturing VES-Artex Barn Solutions Schaefer Barn Fans Barn Cleaner Chain Alley Scrapers Cen•Pe•Co Lubricants Pik Rite Hydra-Ram Manure Spreaders Calf-tel Calf Huts & Pens Feed Carts & Choppers Cloverdale Mixers & Bale Haulers JBS Spreaders Bazooka Farmstar Boats & Dragline Dietrich Incorporators (DSI) Curtains Mayo Mattresses Weigh Tronix Scales Bulk Feed Bins Tire Scrapers & Bedding Buckets Legend Rubber Stocking All Sizes & Parts Performance, Reliability and Durability • Pontoon • Vertical • Electric • Lagoon • Hydraulic TMRS, TANKS & PUMPS & SPREADERS IN STOCK & READY FOR DELIVERY! er s E Feed the Commercial grade spreaders designed for daily use
Page 2 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 Visit us 24/7...www.arnoldsinc.com Kimball 320-398-3800 Willmar 320-235-4898 Glencoe 320-864-5531 320-548-3285 St. Cloud 320-251-2585 Mankato 507-387-5515 Alden 507-874-3400 A009377 2016 CIH 9240, 2575 hrs $206,500 A022037 2010 CIH 9120, 2865 hrs $153,500 S021027 2009 CIH 7088, 2690 hrs $119,000 2011 CIH 8120, 3345 hrs $125,000 A019539 2010 CIH 8120, 3220 hrs $119,900 A019905 1999 CIH 2388, 4180 hrs $40,000 K008597 1998 CIH 2366, 4085 hrs $39,500 W017106 2013 CIH 8230T, 2870 hrs $225,000 W014652 1993 CIH 1666, 5600 hrs $19,000 A020503 W020758 2007 CIH 2588, 3505 hrs $84,500 F009529 2013 CIH 7230, 2520 hrs $162,500 2013 JD S680, 2070 hrs $169,900 A04166 2013 JD S690, 2175 hrs $189,900 W23225 A019613 2002 CIH 2388, 4540 hrs $39,000 A019690 2001 CIH 2388, 5040 hrs $35,000 S09845 2010 CIH 8120, 3010 hrs $139,000 2012 CIH 7230, 2880 hrs $156,900 K012586 W005749 2010 CIH 7120, 2500 hrs $142,500 2009 CIH 7120, 2670 hrs $122,000 A016797 2012 CIH 7088, 2650 hrs $125,000 W017176

Dairyman leads farm safety effort

Baker trains local, global emergency professionals

ORANGEVILLE, Ill. –Mark Baker begins and ends his days with cows. In between, he runs Stateline Farm Rescue, an instructional course on grain bin rescue which is delivered to re departments, medical students and other emergency medical service people.

Baker runs a dairy farm with his wife, Kim, and sons Chad and Zach. The family milks 110 cows near Orangeville. The cows are housed in a sand-bedded freestall barn and milked in the original stanchion barn. Chad and Zach do all the mixing while Baker does all the scraping. They have hired hands to help with milking, but everyone lls in when needed.

The inspiration for launch-

The grain bin simulator is part of Stateline Farm Rescue’s training program. With the simulator, par cipants can prac ce grain bin entrapment rescue, auger entrapment rescue and grain bin cu ng rescue scenarios.

Mark Baker takes a break Sept. 7 on his farm where he milks 110 cows with his wife, Kim, and sons, Chad and Zach, near Orangeville, Illinois. In between chores, he runs Stateline Farm Rescue, a farm safety training program.

ing a farm rescue training course came from Kim losing her rst husband in a farm accident more than 40 years ago.

“It just resonated with me because she told me about the re department showing up, and they just didn’t know what to do,” Baker said. “She was basically doing the rescue herself.”

Since Stateline Farm Rescue has taken off, the initiative has seen global involvement. Baker and his training crew have talked with various universities and aided in start-

ing a program for the state of Kansas. All of the providences in Canada have been trained through the program. Australia sent representatives of its re academy to attend a class with Stateline Farm Rescue and then modeled their own program with the information they learned. The program has also had participation from people residing in France.

“I think it is really cool that I had a part in getting a country’s grain rescue program up and running,” Baker said.

Baker began the business

after joining the local re department and realizing how little experience the re training offered when it came to agricultural-related accidents.

“When I joined the re department in my local community, it just kept gnawing at me that we don’t know anything,” Baker said. “We practice for car accidents and house res, but when is the last time the local department practiced a tractor roll over, a grain entrapment?”

get to the next level


Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 • Page 3 Midwest USA Sales: Todd Burkhalter Cell: 608.343.8936 Email: todd.burkhalter@dairylane.ca DLS Office: Komoka, Ontario Toll-Free: 1.800.361.2303 Web: www.dlsbarnsolutions.caDealer Inquiries Welcome YOUR SOURCE FOR THE HIGHEST QUALITY HEADLOCKS FREE STALLS GATES & PANELS DLS CURTAINS » » » » @dairylanesystemsUSA with
Turn to BAKER | Page 4

The training effort began 30 years ago when Baker worked with the national training center for agricultural safety and got a program up and running in Iowa. Initially, Baker commuted back and forth to teach out of Iowa.

“I never thought of myself as a teacher or instructor by any stretch of the imagination,” Baker said. “But, I had years of practice in the barn.”

Baker said he knew where the gaps in training were at his local department and used his practical knowledge to ll those gaps. He stopped teaching out of Iowa and started Stateline Farm Rescue after realizing a mobile training program would be more effective.

“What we do is we take the show on the road so we come to them,” Baker said. “Then there are no boundaries.”

The grain simulator used for training was designed and built on the Bakers’ farm and is hauled on a trailer pulled with a pickup truck. The simulator holds 200 bushels of corn and replicates three scenarios: live grain entrapment, auger entrapment and side cutting of the sheets for a scenario where a victim is fully engulfed in the grain bin.

The goal when training medical students without any agricultural background is to help them realize that a lot of times, farm accidents are unique.

“We try to bring them the knowledge and scenarios that they are going to encounter and how graphic these accidents are going to be,” Baker said. “Farmers do not pick up the phone and call 911. They either drive themselves in or call their wife.”

The training program has worked in tandem with The Rural Medical Education Program at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Rockford, which lowers the tuition for the medical student if they commit to practice in a rural area once becoming licensed. The knowledge provided in Stateline Farm Rescue is often the rst rural experience for the students.

Classes are in the form of an eighthour day and focus on grain bin extrication, conned space entry procedures, grain auger entrapment, grain bin cutting, dust explosion, EMT rescue considerations and current Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations. Classes can also include tractor and combine rollover courses. The classes are instructed by Baker and ve others. The other instructors have an agricultural background and include certied emergency responders, reghters and one ight nurse.

“They are the most gifted, kind and talented people you’d ever want to nd,” Baker said. “I have no idea how I was blessed enough to have these people. Their help makes it really easy for me.”

Baker said he feels it is important to keep the dairy going, even though the farm rescue program could probably stand on its own. He credits a good herd of cows and nice buildings for keeping him grounded to dairy.

“I just feel that this is a nice little dairy,” Baker said. “I think it keeps us together as a family.”

Page 4 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 BENEFITS OF USING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING INSTALLATION INCLUDE: Continuation of Normal Operation Avoidance of identi ed Infrastructure Installation Maintain Integrity of Driveway, Roadways, Buildings, and Natural Features Little to No Disturbance to Wetlands or Other Sensitives Areas Many Unique Installation Capabilities Vs. Open Cutting/Digging (Entering underBuildings or Tanks) Minimal Site Restoration PRODUCT INSTALLATION Gas Lines Power Wire/ Lines Communication/ Fiber Optic Water Lines/Water Mains Drainage/ Tile Lines Forced/ On Grade Sewer Manure Transfer Lines Land Improvements Drain Tile Design/ Installation • Ditch Cleaning & Grading • Fenceline Clearing Changing weather and higher inputs got you down? Using Drain Tile to manage excess moisture in the soil pro le is the foundation for increasing pro tability per acre. - Less compaction - Better soil Structure - Allows more days per year for eld operations - More Yields with same or less inputs Contact us m line!today to see how we can improve your botto MIKE HAESE MECHANDISER 920-372-8549 ext: 1595 We can Supply your Bulk Feed and Bedding! Animal Feed Products: • Canola Meal • Corn Gluten Pellets • Dry Distillers Grain • Feed Quality Wheat Straw • Hominy • Oat Hulls • Soy Hull Pellets • Soybean Meal • Western Dry baled hay & Local dry baled hay • Wet Corn Gluten Feed • Wet Distillers Grain • Whole Fuzzy Cottonseed Animal Bedding Products: • Bedding Straw • Green Cut Sawdust • Kiln Dried Sawdust • Screened Freestall Sand We understand that running out of product has a negative impact on your margins. We have developed a network of storage facilities to draw from in case of a supplier shortage or breakdown, with a large trucking base to ensure timely delivery. www.SevenOaksTeam.com Call Us to Discuss Your Project Now! Chad Van Asten 920-450-2844 www.SevenOaksTeam.com 216109 State Highway 13 • Unity, WI 54488 Trailer Sales, Parts & Service 715-613-4879 Double A Trailers Fall SaleDouble A Trailers Fall 126657 Con nued from BAKER | Page 3
ABBY WIEDMEYER/DAIRY STAR The Stateline Farm Rescue team – Mark (from le ) and Kim Baker, Sco Larson, Karen Larson and Brian Larson – work together to provide grain-bin safety and crisis-response training to re departments, emergency responders and medical students. The program is based in Orangeville, Illinois, but travels to provide the training.




original fences were purchased 20 years ago and they have held up well. I enjoy not having to paint them. Recently, I purchased fences with rounded corners. These have been very sturdy and the ends cannot pop out of place. Both types of fences are very flexible and safe for my horses.”

- John Bengfort, Bluff Country Equine Winona, MN

Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 • Page 5 FIBERGLASS FENCING • GATES • FREESTALLS • FEED RAIL • FEED LOTS Fiberglass freestalls offer a heightened level of comfort which can lead to an increase in milk production! NEW PRODUCTS: • All Solid Rail Fencing has a 20 year UV coating to prevent slivers, Colors available • Show Fencing & Pasture fencing • Cattle Panels & Continuous Fencing • 1’’ & 1-1/4 Electric Fence Post UV Protected •13% Chrome Post for Head Locks & Feed Rail • Guard Rail and Fiberglass posts. • Lifetime warranty on our fiberglass products from rusting and rotting New additive in our paint now prevents & protects againstthe growth ofmold & mildew. Ventilation for CalvesVentilation Calves Hwy. 76 • Harpers Ferry, IA 563-586-2023 www.tjsfencingcompany.com Email: tjfence@acegroup.cc Hours: May 15 to Sept.15, M-F 7:30 to 3:30 FAMILY OWNED FOR OVER 30 YEARS! “I love using the 1-1/4” fiberglass rods for putting up electric fences. Using the swivel connectors for bracing corners is fast, super easy, economical, and doesn’t require expensive machinery to make it this easy! Makes for a nice looking and solid fence!”
Meyer, Caledonia, MNElectric Fence Post “I have had TJ’s Fencing’s fiberglass freestalls in my barn for 7 years. After seeing how
cows preferred them over steel stalls, it was an easy decision to install them in my new addition. They are also competitively priced and I like working with TJ’s.”
Chad Nolting, Waukon, IA PATENT PENDING “I have purchased fences from TJ’s twice. My
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Market Weekly

U.S. exports soar in August

The September Federal order Class III benchmark milk price was announced at $19.82 per hundredweight, down 28 cents from August but $3.29 above September 2021. Unfortunately, it’s the lowest Class III since December 2021 and put the nine-month average at $22.24, up from $16.75 a year ago, $17.48 in 2020 and $16.11 in 2019.

Late Friday morning Class III futures portend an October price at $22.05, with November at $21.85 and December at $21.19. If realized, the 2022 average would be $22.10. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has forecast $21.65 for 2022 and $19.70 for 2023.

The September Class IV price is $24.63, down 18 cents from August, $8.27 above a year ago and the lowest Class IV since February. The Class IV average is at $24.81, up from $15.26 a year ago, $13.53 in 2020 and 16.21 in 2019.

On a brighter note, CME butter set a new record high Thursday, hitting $3.2675 per pound. It closed the next day at $3.2175, up 7.25 cents on the week and $1.4975 above a year ago, with a total 35 loads nding new homes on the week.

“The interest is for use now because building inventory at these levels is expensive,” StoneX said.

Dairy Market News said cream availability has grown in recent weeks for Central churns. With hurricane-affected states working through the aftermath, cream stayed in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic areas. Butter demand remains “notably strong,” says DMN, which also reported that cream is tight in the West, though additional loads became available following the storm.

Cheese prices faced headwinds from the GDT this week, but the Dairy Products report helped. The cheddar blocks climbed to $2.03 per pound Thursday but closed Friday at $2.0225 per pound, up 5.50 cents on the week and 21.25 cents above a year ago.

The barrels got to $2.25, highest since June 9, but nished at $2.2250, 2.50 cents higher, 43.50 cents above a year ago and 20.25 cents above the blocks. There were six sales of block on the week and 13 of barrel.

Milk availability increased this week for Class III production in the Upper Midwest, according to DMN. Plant downtime plus the additional milk brought spot prices lower. Cheese sales are meeting or exceeding expectations. Cheese demand is steady from retail and

food service in the West. International demand remains strong, with continued interest from Asia for shipment in second quarter.

Grade A nonfat dry milk closed the week 3 cents lower at $1.54 per pound, 8 cents above a year ago, with seven loads exchanging hands on the week.

The Oct. 3 Daily Dairy Report said the Mexican economy is strong and the combination of a stronger peso and less expensive milk powder is likely to boost U.S. shipments of product there. Let’s hope so.

Dry whey saw a Friday nish at 42.25 cents per pound, down 1.75 cents on the week, and 17.25 cents below a year ago, on two sales for the week at the CME.

Dairy farmers saw small declines in feed prices in August; however, the all milk price fell as well. The month’s milk feed ratio was down for the seventh consecutive month, according to the latest Ag Prices report. The August ratio at 1.70, was down from 1.79 in July but compares to 1.48 in August 2021.

The all milk price average fell to $24.30 per hundredweight, down $1.40 from July, after dropping $1.20 the previous month but is $6.70 above August 2021.

The August national average corn price was $7.24 per bushel, down a penny from July, but 92 cents per bushel above August 2021. Soybeans fell to $15.30 per bushel, down 20 cents from July, but are $1.60 per bushel above August 2021. Alfalfa hay, after hitting a record average $276 per ton in July, was down $1 from July but a whopping $65 per ton above a year ago.

Looking at the cow side of the ledger, the August cull price for beef and dairy combined averaged $90.10 per cwt, down 50 cents from July, $14.10 above August 2021 and $18.50 above the 2011 base average.

Economist Bill Brooks, of Stoneheart Consulting in Dearborn, Missouri, said, “Dairy producers with Dairy Margin Coverage at or above $8.50 will receive a payment for August milk as the margin over feed costs was announced at $8.08.

“August’s drop in the income over feed calculation was the third straight monthly decline. Income over feed costs in August dropped to the lowest level since December 2021 but were above $8 per cwt for the 11th month running. There were no new all-time record high prices for inputs in August, but all three commodities remain in the top 10 for all time high prices, which put feed costs at second highest ever.

“For 2022, milk income over feed costs (using

Sept. 30 CME settling futures prices for milk, corn and soybeans plus the Stoneheart forecast for alfalfa hay) are expected to be $11.88 per cwt, a gain of 19 cents per hundredweight versus the previous month’s estimate. 2022 income over feed would be above the level needed to maintain or grow milk production and $4.09 per cwt above the 2021 level.”

The latest Margin Watch from Chicago-based Commodity and Ingredient Hedging LLC said, “Dairy margins declined slightly over the second half of September on weaker milk prices while feed costs remained largely steady.”

The MW said, “USDA’s cold storage report conrmed a drawdown in dairy product inventories during August which remains a supportive feature for the market.” The MW said the July to August cheese drawdown was the largest since 2018. “Given strong cheese production in August, the stocks gure implies good domestic and export demand, although stocks were still record high for August,” according to the MW.

Butter inventories remained at multi-year lows, according to the MW, and the lowest August inventory gure since 2017. The MW stated that butter production was lower during the month as cream was utilized elsewhere, “a contributing factor to the lower butter stocks.”

USDA’s quarterly grain stocks report showed Sept. 1 corn inventories at 1.377 billion bushels, according to the MW, and “below the average industry estimate of 1.497 billion but with the range of pre-report expectations between 1.295 and 1.575 billion bushels. Soybean stocks were reported at 274 million bushels versus the average industry estimate of 247 million and on the high end of the range of estimates between 220 and 275 million bushels.”

Speaking of crops, the USDA’s latest crop progress report shows 96% of U.S. corn dented, as of the week ending Oct. 2, 4% behind a year ago and 1% behind the ve year average. 75% is rated mature, up from 58% the previous week, 11% behind a year ago and mirrors the average. Harvest is at 20%, up from 12% the previous week and 7% behind a year ago. 52% was rated good to excellent, 7% behind a year ago.

The report also shows 81% of the soybeans dropping leaves, 3% behind a year ago but 2% ahead of the

Page 6 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 Farm Material Handling Specialist “Service After The Sale” ROD FLUEGGE “the boss” 2040 Mahogany St., Mora, MN 320-679-2981 LEASING AVAILABLE Looking for good, used trades! 1960-2022 Celebrating 62 years! FLUEGGE’S AG 2) Knight Slinger Side Shooters - Call Kuhn Prospread PS 242 Call H&S 350 - Call We have New Kuhn Spreaders on the lot! Call or stop in and see Rod. H&S 430 2 spd $5,995 Rubes Sponsored by Fluegge’s Ag The “Mielke”
By Lee Mielke
Turn to MIELKE | Page 7

A shining new beginning Beckers grow goat herd, nd niche

GLENCOE, Minn. – They may be small, but they made an impact on a Minnesota farm family.

Since 2014, Nigerian Dwarf goats have brought joy and sustenance to the Becker family.

Ed and Tracy Becker and their children, Eddie, Emma and Sam, milk 12 goats and operate Goat Shine near Glencoe.

The Beckers have 65 goats, which includes breeding stock and youngstock. They purchase hay for their goats from their son, Jack, and also feed a mineral mix developed with the help of a nutritionist.

“We’ve come a long way since we started with three does and a buck,” Ed said.

Through Goat Shine, the Beckers direct market goat milk products. The Beckers make soaps and lotions using the milk from their herd.

“The milk is thick,” Ed said. “It’s like a heavy cream and has high butterfat and protein.”

Nigerian Dwarfs kid year-round and, on average, produce 2 quarts of milk per day.

When the Beckers rst started milking goats, they milked by hand twice per day. As the herd grew, they invested in equipment which came with its own challenges. Because the Nigerian Dwarfs are small, the milking equipment had to be retrotted to accommodate the goats’ stature.

“Everything has to be smaller,” Ed said. “You have to try to modify the equipment; even our milking stand is retrotted.”

Prior to milking goats on their current farm, the Beckers milked 100 cows on a farm near Alexandria. Ed and Tracy acquired a couple Alpine goats

because Eddie developed an interest in raising goats.

In 2009, the Beckers sold their farm and moved to Glencoe, taking with them the few goats Eddie had developed a love for.

Page 8 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 220 North Ave. Dickeyville, WI (608) 568-7982 www.DickeyvilleFeed.com Specializing in conventional and organic livestock feed, as well as dairy goat feed Serving the entire WI, IA, IL Tri-State Areas Free Ration Consulting Hydraulic Doors By the most trusted name in the industry 855.368.9595 Best Warranty in the Industry Zero Headroom Loss • Business • Industrial • Farm & Home • Electrical Contracting • Design Build • Maintenance/Repair 320-836-2336 336 Caprine Farming
GRACE JEURISSEN/DAIRY STAR The Beckers – Sam (from le ), Ed, Tracy, and Emma, not pictured, Eddie – gather in one of their goat pastures Sept. 30 on their farm near Glenoce, Minnesota. They make soaps and lo on from their Nigerian Dwarf goats’ milk and direct market the products to customers.
Turn to BECKERS | Page 9

For Eddie’s 11th birthday in 2011, they added three Nigerian Dwarf goats to their small hobby herd.

“We were no longer running a dairy farm, but we wanted the kids to gain responsibility by caring for something,” Tracy said. “Eddie had always been fond of goats, so that’s really where the herd took off.”

The Becker children began showing the goats through 4-H and competed at the Minnesota State Fair, where they claimed a few grand champion and reserve champion titles.

“I learned so much growing up raising goats,” Emma said. “I enjoy going out to the pens and sorting through the herd with Dad determining who should be sold and who we should keep for breeding and milking.”

The Beckers focus on body capacity, sound feet and legs, and milk production when making mating decisions. Components and type are also of interest to the Beckers.

The Beckers have purchased bucks from a farm in southeast Minnesota but plan to purchase a buck from out of state to expand their genetics.

“It’s difcult nding other larger herds of Nigerian Dwarfs because so much of the breed is used for pets or small operations where they aren’t necessarily using the goats for milk,” Tracy said.

In addition to being part of the farm, the goats helped Eddie, who developed eczema when he was 14.

“We went to the dermatologist to try and nd a solution, but none of the creams were working,” Tracy said. “Eventually the doctor gave us a steroid cream that he said we couldn’t use for too long or Eddie’s skin would thin. We kept thinking there had to be a better way.”

In 2015, the Beckers made lotion from their goat milk. They developed their own recipe, and Eddie’s skin began to clear. Tracy now does most of the soap and lotion making.

The family began to give lotion as

gifts to family and friends. The stellar reviews initiated their line of soaps. They used to sell at a variety of stores near the Twin Cities. Now, they sell their products online and at Wright Farms Market in Hutchinson.

“It was like one thing led to another, and then as somewhat of a joke, we started goat yoga,” Ed said. “That took off way more than I ever expected.”

Tracy agreed.

“This combination of goat-related products and activities has allowed me to take part-time work so I can help manage some of the goat business,” she said.

Goat yoga began on the farm in 2016 and spurred the use of the goats for therapy. The Beckers began bringing the goats to nursing homes and have also provided goats for business retreats.

“We realized the happiness that the goat kids were bringing people, because they are so cute and cuddly; we had to offer that joy to others,” Tracy said.

“The goats will do cuddle sessions, and you can see how joyful everyone becomes after getting that experience.”

Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 • Page 9 FARMERS CO-OP CREAMERYForeston FORESTON, MN 320-294-5711 M-F 8-5PM • SAT 8-NOON WWW.FORESTONCREAMERY.COM GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT, MAINTENANCE See us for all your goat nutrition needs! We carry several kinds of Hay & Ground Feed CUSTOM- MADE BIG GAIN GOAT FEED · Creep · Starter · 17% Grower · Lactating & Dry Goat Feed Dairy Goats Meat GoatsGOAT FEEDERS NOV. 4, 2022 Southwest Wisconsin Technical College 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore Join us on campus for this one-day continuing education event for dairy and meat goat farm producers! Topics include nutrition, genetics, reproduction, financial management, risk management, business planning, milk and meat quality, herd health, recordkeeping, and marketing. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with farm producers and industry representatives. GOAT MANAGEMENT ACADEMY EXCITING KEYNOTE SPEAKERS! Goat Gab Podcasters Cameron Jodlowski and Laura Niemann Warren-Hughes PRESENTERS • Dr. Sally Harper, Lancaster Veterinary Service • Dr. Tera Montgomery, UW-Platteville • Melissa O’Rourke, Iowa State University • Larry Hedrich, Quality Goat Producers Coop • And More! Southwest Tech is committed to legal affirmative action, equal opportunity access, and diversity of its campus community. www.swtc.edu/equality For more information and to register online, visit www.swtc.edu/dairygoat www.brynsaas.com Lots of Used Mixers • Variety of Manure Pumps and Tanks All on Hand! 1660 Jordan West Rd., Decorah, IA 563-382-4484 2012 GEA SP-3B-9 $9,250 1979 Brenner 6200 Gallon $29,500 2014 GEA EL-48-6D-6100 $86,500 2014 GEA EL-54-4450 $39,500 2015 GEA EL-84-5000 $46,500 2014 New Holland 195 $18,000 VERTICAL TMRS LLC Con nued from BECKERS | Page 8
PHOTO SUBMITTED Nigerian Dwarf goats are milked at the Beckers’ farm Oct. 10 near Glencoe, Minnesota. The Beckers run a goat product business called Goat Shine.

Grain Markets

October 12, 2022

Sanborn, MN


Farmers Co-op 6.7313.66

Almena, WI

Synergy Cooperative 6.1813.11

St. Cloud, MN

Westby, WI


Co-op 6.4112.91

Cadott, WI


Pipestone, MN

Muscoda, WI

Monona, IA

Service 6.2813.21





Watertown, SD

Whitewater, WI

Dennison, MN

Belleville, WI




Co-op 6.5313.21

Glenwood, MN


In conversations with some well-respected merchandiser friends, I have been hearing feedback on how challenging commodity markets have been to trade. I could fill multiple VisorView columns discussing market events that happened over the past year that have never been seen before. Watching macro headlines, it appears that more of the same should be expected over the coming year.

World commodity supplies remain limited across many categories including milk. It seems that the biggest risks to maintaining strong prices in this environment are debt implosions around the globe at a macro level, higher interest rates, and dollar denominated monetary deflation. Dairy markets have historically been extremely sensitive to a strong dollar and its monetary impact on U.S. exports. Surprisingly, an 18%-dollar index rally in 2022 has not yet affected milk exports with any significance. It may take a miracle to see that last through 2023.

CME Group spot barrel cheddar prices have been strong in recent weeks. As of this writing they are trading over $2.20/lb. This has caused the block/barrel spread to go inverse 28 cents. The only other time barrels traded a bigger premium to blocks was in November 2019 when

barrels traded 37 cents over blocks. This could start to raise havoc with producer pay prices if their handling plant is impacted by the spread.

U.S. butter prices continue to set new all-time record highs. Spot trading has moved above $3.20. Dairy Market News is stating that there may be growing consumer push back at these prices. EU butter has been holding solidly above $3/lb. NZ butter is being reported at $2.40/lb. which is a steep discount to U.S. and EU export prices.

The whey market continues to struggle with spot prices trading in the mid 40 cent range. I was surprised when I looked at the Foreign Agricultural Services data which reflected record monthly export sales of whey for May, June, and July 2022. It appears that cheap whey prices have been buying in U.S. export demand to keep supplies from growing but hasn’t yet supported U.S. prices.

U.S. nonfat dry milk has been trading between $1.541.58. This is in line with international market prices. As with whey, there are growing demand concerns at these elevated prices for EU and U.S. supplies.

Page 10 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022
Riverdale Ag Service
Wheat 8.02 Gar eld Pro-Ag Farmer’s Co-op
Wheat 9.34
Innovative Ag
Watertown Co-op Elevator
4.26 S. Wheat 9.09 W. Wheat 9.18
Landmark Services Co-op
Wheat 7.71
Central Farm Service
Wheat 7.69
CHS Prairie Lakes
S. Wheat 8.99
Joe Spader *Futures and options trading involve significant risk of loss and may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Past performance is not indicative of future results. DVi is an equal opportunity employer. 320-634-3771 1145 East Minnesota Ave.• Suite 1 Glenwood, MN 56334 www.dairyvisor.com HELPING GOOD MANAGERS MAKE BETTER TRADING DECISIONS Milk, Feed & Grain Market Support DairyVisor Inc. is a private corporation based in Glenwood, MN. DVi provides a full range of commodity trading products and consulting services to large scale grain and dairy operations. ✓ Physical Feed and Grain Trading ✓ Commodity Broker ✓ DRP/LGM Insurance Provider ✓ DVPro Consulting Services Rock Valley Hay Auction Co. Of ce: 712-476-5541 Cell: 712-470-1274 • Fax: 712-476-9937 Rock Valley, IA • Paul Mc Gill, Owner Your source for dairy quality hay! For more info and to view hay for sale go to: www.rockvalleyhay.com WE WORK ON ALL BRANDS OF DAIRY EQUIPMENT! B & R Dairy Equipment 108 N. Renville St. •Winthrop, MN 55396 24/7 Emergency Service 1-877-852-5510 www.boumatic.com G entl y,Quickly andCompletely ™ Benjamin H. Netzke, OWNER Ask about our economical line of chemicals Proud to be your Hometown Lumber Company since 1971! For all your Agricultural, Residential & Light Commercial needs: Planning/Drafting | New Construction | Updating | Portable Buildings Traditional Values. Continuing Excellence. Paynesville, MN | 320-243-7815 | BorkLumber.com

Area Hay Auction Results

Fort Atkinson Hay

Ft. Atkinson, Iowa • 563-534-7513

October 5, 37 loads

Small Squares

3rd crop $195/ton 1 load

4th crop $190-225/ton 2 loads

Large Squares

1st crop $160-175/ton 3 loads

2nd crop $135/ton 1 load

3rd crop $155/ton 2 loads

4th crop $195-290/ton 2 loads


1st crop $115-170/ton 3 loads

2nd crop $85-135/ton 4 loads

3rd crop $50-160/ton 13 loads

Grass $70-135/ton 4 loads

New seeding $140/ton 1 load

Oats hay $70/ton 1 load

Rock Valley Hay Auction Co. Rock Valley, Iowa • 712-476-5541

October 6, 80 loads

Large Squares

1st crop $227.50-235/ton

2nd crop $232.50-240/ton

3rd crop $245-257.50/ton

Grass $120-230/ton

Mixed $265/ton Straw $132.50-165/ton

Large Rounds

1st crop $200-220/ton

2nd crop $195-240/ton

3rd crop $210-257.50/ton

4th crop $195/ton

5th crop $195/ton

Grass $142.50-200/ton

Mixed $195/ton

Straw $130-140/ton

Corn stalks $45-70/ton


Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 • Page 11
THE POWER COUPLE VERMEER 605N CORNSTALK SPECIAL BALER + A HIGH-CAPACITY WHEEL RAKE Now through Oct. 31, 2022, quali ed buyers can receive 0% interest for up to 60 months or up to $5,500 cash back, plus an additional $1,000 discount on the purchase of the 605N Cornstalk Special baler and a VR1428 or VR2040 high-capacity wheel rake when purchased together through Vermeer Credit Corporation (U.S.) or De Lage Financial Services, Canada Inc. (Canada). See your local Vermeer dealer for additional details on this and other special offers from Vermeer. Previous program protected units do not apply, and the discount is not retroactive. Maximum nance amount up to 100%, depending on payment plan and credit approval. Minimum transaction $2,500. Financing offer valid in U.S. and Canada only. U.S. rate listed, Canada may be different. All rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and credit approval. FARMERS IMPLEMENT AND IRRIGATION Brookings, SD • www.farmersii.com FABER’S FARM EQUIPMENT Inwood, IA, Watertown, SD • www.fabersfarm.com GORTER’S CLAY & DAIRY EQUIPMENT Pipestone, MN • www.gortersclayanddairy.com BREEDEN SALES Maquoketa, IA • www.breedensales.com BRUNKAN EQUIPMENT Worthington, IA • www.brunkans.com MARK’S TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT Osage & Dumont, IA • www.markstractor.com METTLER IMPLEMENT Menno, SD • www.mettlerimplement.com ANIBAS SILO & EQUIPMENT, INC. Arkansaw, WI • www.anibassilo.com D & D FARM SUPPLY Arcadia, WI • www.dndfarmsupply.com YES EQUIPMENT & SERVICES, INC. Madison & Milwaukee, WI • www.yesjcb.com WOLLER EQUIPMENT Swanville, MN • www.wollerequipment.com A&C FARM SERVICE Paynesville, MN • www.acfarmservice.com HAMMELL EQUIPMENT Chatfield, Eitzen, Harmony, Rushford, MN www.hammellequipment.com CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY! TEAM UP WITH THE PERFECT PAIR Cornstalk baling is a tough task, so operators in the livestock and biomass industries turn to this tandem for its combination of productivity and operating ef ciency. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 0% FINANCING FOR UP TO 60 MONTHS AND A $1,000 DISCOUNT when you purchase a 605N Cornstalk Special baler and VR1428/VR2040 high-capacity wheel rake together. Time to team up with the perfect pair. TELL THE ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN DAIRY STAR! NEXT DAIRY SALE
Livestock Auction Market, Inc. PIPESTONE, MN For more information phone: Of ce 507-825-3306 www.pipestonelivestock.com CLIP AND SAVE THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 2022 DAIRY SALE RESULTS FROM September 15, 2022 479 head sold Top Springing Hol. Heifer - $2,350 OUR COMMISSION IS ONLY 2.5%! EVERY TUESDAY: 9 a.m. Slaughter Hogs • 11 a.m. Hay - Straw 12 noon Slaughter Cattle 1ST & 3RD WEDNESDAYS: 1 p.m. all classes sheep & goats 2ND & 4TH THURSDAYS:11 a.m. Stock cows Baby & Started calves • Feeder Cattle 3RD THURSDAY: 9 a.m. Dairy Sale • Springers, Bred & Open Heifers • Breeding Bulls • Herd Dispersals SALE SCHEDULE

A day in the life of the Ransom FamilyA in the life of the Ransom


another busy day at John’s Repair Service

AVALON, Wis. – At the Ransom farm, cows and mechanics are a sideby-side passion. John Ransom tends to the herd while his son, Tyler, runs the on-farm repair shop. John’s Repair Service specializes in tire replacement and heavy-duty mechanics. As a result, there is never a dull moment on the farm.

“There are people coming and going all the time for the repair business,” Ransom said. “For 38 years, I xed all kinds of trucks and tractors. The shop helped sustain the farm. I wouldn’t have made it on 28 cows. But, now Tyler does it all. I still help him out once in a while.”

Ransom began his day Sept. 27 at 4:30 by mixing feed and feeding cows and heifers. Following that, he scraped the freestall barn and brought the rst group of cows into the 28-stall stanchion barn to start milking at 7. His sidekick – a 1-year-old black Labrador named Ally – observed milking from one end of the barn where she waited patiently for a few sips of leftover milk.

“My family has been milking in Bradford Township since 1858,” said Ransom, who milks 32 cows and farms 90 acres near Avalon. “My grandsons are the seventh generation.”

Sparked by a love for fast cars, Ransom started his repair business in 1982. This self-taught mechanic added onto his shop in 2000 to t semis into the structure.

“In high school, I had no time for sports, so I started making cars go fast,” he said. “I still have my ’55 Chevy that I bought in 1978.”

Turn to RANSOM | Page 13

Page 12 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 CUSTOM BALING & STACKING Baling High-Density Large Square Bales Call for availability. Q UALITY HAY & STRAW AVAILABLE! New Crop Straw, Processed in the bale available Sales and delivery nationwide. Hastings, MN 651-900-2093 - Karl
STACEY SMART/DAIRY STAR John Ransom and his dog, Ally, take a break a er morning chores Sept. 27 on his farm near Avalon, Wisconsin. Ransom milks 32 cows and farms 90 acres.

A neighbor with a eet of milk trucks took a liking to Ransom’s work and told him, “If you’re smart enough to make cars go fast, you’re smart enough to x my stuff.”

The repair shop operates as a separate LLC from the farm. Tyler works on semis, tractors, loaders, combines, trucks and cars. He xes transmissions, clutches, hydraulics, power take-offs and more. He also replaces tires on anything and everything.

Tyler grew up with tools in his hands, learning the trade alongside his dad. On the last Tuesday in September, Tyler was busy working on a truck transmission, replacing fuel tanks in a semi as well as a clutch in another semi.

Up until four years ago, Tyler helped in the barn. He used to milk un-

til he developed an allergy to cows. He started breaking out in hives accompanied by a runny nose and watery eyes and could not breathe well in the barn. Tests conrmed the avid deer hunter was allergic to cows as well as deer.

“He was miserable, so I told him, ‘You run the shop, and I’ll milk the cows,’” Ransom said. “Mechanics is a young guy’s sport anyways. I can still do it, but it’s easier for Tyler than it is for me. He took over the shop and runs a tremendous business – better than I did.”

Ransom switched four cows into the barn at 8:15 and nished milking around 8:30. Cows are housed and fed in a freestall barn that contains 48 stalls

(above) John Ransom transfers a milking unit the morning of Sept. 27 on his farm near Avalon, Wisconsin. Ransom milks in a 28-stall stanchion barn. The cows are housed in a freestall facility.

(le ) John Ransom replaces the acid tank in the milkhouse a er wrapping up morning milking at 8:30 a.m.

Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 • Page 13 MN Hwy 22 South | Litchfield, MN 55355 320.693.9371 | SteffesGroup.com All Hay & Straw MUST be on site by 10AM Sale Day! Complete Auction Results at SteffesGroup.com TIMED ONLINE ONLY BIDDING CLOSES AT 12PM TRUCK LOADS SELL FIRST UPCOMING HAY AUCTIONS Tuesday, October 11 Tuesday, October 25 Tuesday, November 8 Tuesday, November 22 Tuesday, December 13 Tuesday, December 27 expanding market! For more info contact Randy Kath, Auctioneer, 701.429.8894 • • • V6750 V8950 ROUND BALERS COMPACT LOADERS WHEEL LOADERS The new generation of TL Series inline bale wrappers from Tube-Line are built to provide producers and custom operators with high efficiency and proven reliability. To ensure that everyone can reap the benefits of the high moisture hay, Tube-Line BaleWrappers are available in multiple configurations to suit your needs and your budget. Tub & Grain Grinders -SALES & SERVICE - Daniel Showalter (641) 832-0361 www.clearviewagllc.com FINANCING AVAILABLE THROUGH AGDIRECT AND DIVERSIFIED FINANCIAL MOWERS TEDDERS RAKES 21241 Dutchmans Crossing Dr., Lewiston, MN 507-523-2112 Arcadia Collection Site N28928 North Creek Rd, Arcadia, WI 608-323-7795 LEWISTONSALES.COM Collecting Organic Slaughter Cows & Bulls 2nd & 4th Tuesday every month Regular sales each Tuesday at 6 pm and Thursday at 1 pm. CLASSIFIED Doesn’t Always Mean Top Secret! It’s no secret that a Dairy Star classied ad can help you eliminate those unwanted items! Call 320-352-6303 or e-mail nancy.p@dairystar.com Con nued from RANSOM | Page 12 Turn to RANSOM | Page 14
PHOTOS BY STACEY SMART/DAIRY STAR STACEY SMART/DAIRY STAR John Ransom brings up switch cows from the freestall barn to the stanchion barn for milking the morning of Sept. 27.

Brown Swiss enthusiasts gather

Wisconsin welcomes breed’s world conference

MADISON, Wis. – After being delayed two years by the coronavirus pandemic, Brown Swiss breeders and enthusiasts from around the world gathered Oct. 1-5 in Madison for the 11th annual World Brown Swiss Conference.

The conference, hosted by the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders’ Association of the USA, welcomed visitors from 16 countries to take part in farm tours, listen to conference speakers and attend the 55th World Dairy Expo, including the International Brown Swiss Show and World Premier Brown Swiss Sale.

The tour traveled to Waukesha Oct. 1 to visit Cozy Nook Farm, operated by Tom and Joan Oberhaus and their family, Dan and Britney Gerrits and Charlie and Amie Simac.

Cozy Nook Farm is home to 75 registered Brown Swiss and Guernsey cows. The farm also grows 20 acres of

pumpkins, corn, gourds and squash to operate a fall market.

Cozy Nook Pronto Twlyght 4E-92 laid the foundation for the herd’s breeding success in the Brown Swiss breed, having raised many inuential bulls.

Following the tour of Cozy Nook Farm, the conference tour bus traveled to Freeport, Illinois, to visit Triangle Acres Farm, operated by John and Wendy Korth and their children Ben and Becky. The Korths have help from longtime employee Tim Ritschard.

Triangle Acres Farm has been in the Korth family for more than 75 years. They milk 87 registered Brown Swiss cows.

The most impactful cow family in the herd is one that descends from a cow named Collection Polly. The family has placed two bulls into stud.

The nal stop for the rst day of tours was Voegeli Farms LLC of Monticello, which is owned and operated by Bryan, Jimmy and Christopher Voegeli and their families. Home to 250 milking cows, the farm’s milk is used for the creation of Chalet Cheese Cooperative and Yodelay yogurt. The Voegelis recently installed a robotic milking system.

Strong and successful cow families

Turn to BROWN SWISS | Page 16

Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 • Page 15 Tues LongPrairie Livestock Auction Company tfn SALES START EVERY TUESDAY AT 4 P.M. Market Phone 1-320-732-2255 Fax: 1-320-732-2676 Starting with hogs, goats and sheep, followed by baby calves, slaughter, replacement and feeder cattle. Home of the longest running dairy sale in the Midwest! 43 Riverside Drive Long Prairie, MN 56347 For an on the farm estimate or current market info, call 320-732-2255 WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! DAIRY SALES are held every Friday. Dairy cattle sell at noon Tues., Oct. 18 Feeder & Slaughter Cattle Sale with hay/straw, baby calves, feeder cattle, replacement cattle, goats, sheep, hogs, fat and slaughter cattle Fri., Oct. 21 Dairy Sale - Noon Tues., Oct. 25 Feeder & Slaughter Cattle Sale with hay/straw, baby calves, feeder cattle, replacement cattle, goats, sheep, hogs, fat and slaughter cattle SALE DATES: Please consign yourcattle as earlyas Thankpossible! You!!! MUST GO! 80 gl Calf-Star Mini Flash Pasteurizer $12,500 Raise healthier calves by recycling waste milk! Argall Dairy Systems, Inc. 171 Countryside Dr., Belleville, WI 53508 | 608-424-6110 | www.argalldairy.com BRAND NEW! 820 W. MAIN ST. • CHILTON, WI 53014 920-849-9304 www.ddequipment.com 2014 Penta 6020SD $23,000 Hagedorn 5290 Call for Price Penta 6030 $28,500 Penta 6730 Call for Price NEW & USED Penta 5530 Call for Price Penta DB 50 1 left - $89,500 WE ALSO CARRY THESE BRANDS: Hagedorn 2277 New Spreader! Equipment
EMILY STUMPF/DAIRY STAR Brown Swiss stand at a feeding alley Oct. 2 during a World Brown Swiss Conference tour at Hilltop Acres Farm in Calmar, Iowa.

are the cornerstone of Voegeli Farms, and the herd boasts more than 250 All-American nominations over their long history. One highlight of the herd is the Madora cow family, which has produced a string of 16 generations of Excellent cows, with several more generations of potential Excellent cows on the ground.

To top off the day of touring, a social was held on the farm that featured Jimmy Voegeli’s band, The Jimmys.

For the nal day of farm tours, conference attendees crossed the Mississippi River Oct. 2 to head to Hilltop Acres Farm of Calmar, Iowa. A seventh-generation farm owned

by Dennis and Barb Mashek and their sons, Josh and Tanner, Hilltop Acres is home to 450 milking cows.

Well-known in the Brown Swiss breed for the genetics produced by their herd, the Masheks give much of the credit to two cows: Hilltop Acres Blend Jillette and Hilltop Acres Jetway Dixie. Both families have produced several sires as well as daughters with breed-leading genetics.

Conference speakers were the mainstay of the agenda for the third day of the conference, Oct. 3.

Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protec-

tion Randy Romanski welcomed the international guests as well as those from other parts of the U.S. He said the Brown Swiss breed plays an important role in Wisconsin’s vital dairy industry.

“Agriculture and the dairy industry are our strengths,” Romanski said. “In Wisconsin, 90% of our milk is made into cheese, and 90% of that cheese is exported out of state.”

Romanski also said highcomponent milk is important to the state’s economy.

Speakers from Europe, South America and the U.S. shared intriguing topics and ideas.

Martin Rust, vice director of Switzerland’s Braunvieh Schweiz, spoke about the opportunities of increased genomic testing; while Franciska von Fedak, of Columbia, spoke

about the value Brown Swiss cattle have for those dairy farming in warmer climates, making them an ideal breed for dairy farmers in Central America and South America.

Other speakers included Dr. Reiner Emmerling of Ger-

Page 16 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 www.DCCWaterbeds.com | (608) 709-2693 Advanced Comfort Technology, Inc. © 2022 Contact a DCC Waterbeds dealer near you: Eastern Iowa Dairy Systems Epworth, IA Livestock Systems Charles City, IA Wille Construction Garnavillo, IA Fuller’s Milker Center Inc Lancaster, WI, Richland Center, WI Field’s Mt. Horeb, WI Midwest Livestock Systems Zumbrota, MN, Renner, SD, Menomonie, WI Northland Farm Systems Owatonna, MN Leedstone Melrose, MN, Glencoe, MN, Plainview, MN, Woodville, WI Gorter’s Clay & Dairy Equipment, Inc. Pipestone, MN Advanced Dairy LLC Spring Valley, WI Bob’s Dairy Supply Dorchester, WI Dorner Equipment Sales & Service New Franken, WI Joe’s Refrigeration Inc. Withee, WI Preston Dairy Equipment Sparta, WI RLS Vinyl and Farm Supply LLC Hager City, WI Midwest Ag and Commercial Contractors (MAC) Menomonie, WI Scharine Group Inc. Whitewater, WI, Janesville, WI & Mt Horeb, WI The beds and the cows STAY CLEAN…they don’t take a lot of bedding. Right now on the market, for me, THE DCC WATERBED IS THE BEST OPTION FOR COW COMFORT. —Mike Verhasselt from Wisconsin 2,500+ DCC Waterbeds ISO and Originals Installations in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018 “ “ WE’RE ALL ABOUT COW COMFORT. SOLUTIONS FOR EVERYDAY CHALLENGES. Con nued from BROWN SWISS | Page 15
EMILY STUMPF/DAIRY STAR World Brown Swiss Conference a endees take a look at Cozy Nook Farms’ herd of registered Brown Swiss and Guernsey cows Oct. 1 in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Cozy Nook Farms is operated by Tom and Joan Oberhaus and their family, Dan and Britney Gerrits and Charlie and Amie Si mac. EMILY STUMPF/DAIRY STAR World Brown Swiss Conference a endees listen to a series of speakers Oct. 3 in Madison, Wisconsin.
Turn to BROWN SWISS | Page 17

55” Panel Fans

many, Urs Shuler of Switzerland, João Durr of Brazil, Enrico Santus of Italy, and U.S. speakers David Erf, David Kendall and Kevin Ziemba.

A global breeder panel – featuring Clément Servin of France, Jonny Lockhead of Scotland, Josef Müller of Germany, Tanner Mashek of Iowa and Joe Loehr of Wisconsin – allowed conference attendees to hear of how management practices vary.

The nal two days of the conference were spent at WDE where those in attendance witnessed Cutting Edge Thunder Faye repeat as the grand champion selection of judge Gerrit DeBruin of Lake Mills.

Following the show, the World Premier Brown Swiss Sale took place and averaged nearly $8,000 on 27 lots. Six embryo packages averaged $9,750. Buyers came from nine states as well as Canada. The high-selling individual, consigned by Dennis Mashek of Hilltop Acres, was Hilltop Acres J Promise ETV, which sold for $28,500 to STgenetics.

Typically held every four years, this year’s World Brown Swiss Conference marked the rst time since 2000 that the event has been held in the U.S. According to Norman Magnussen, the executive secretary of the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders’ Association of the USA, American breeders were enthusiastic to host the event.

“The global breed interest is a direct result of component pricing, heat tolerance, calm temperament, milk quality, sire selection and a pure love for the Brown Swiss cow,” Magnussen said. “Demand for Brown Swiss genetics is at an all-time high with a world population of well over 5 million head. We want to keep that momentum going. It is more important than ever to hold onto our critical role in improving dairy genetics worldwide.”

Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 • Page 17 Receive unmatched performance all year long. Only AGCO Genuine lubricants guarantee proven performance. We’re prepared for every season, so you can be too. Designed and field tested by engineers, our lubricants are formulated with high quality base oil and additives to consistently provide the highest performance required by agricultural demands. There’s no cutting corners when it comes to AGCO Genuine lubricants. [][] ©2021 AGCO Corporation. AGCO Parts is a worldwide brand of AGCO Corporation. AGCO and AGCO Parts are trademarks of AGCO. All rights reserved. 20084 Del-Clay Farm Equipment 1003 210th Ave | Edgewood, IA 52042 www.delclay.com | 563-928-6445 CONCRETE PRODUCTSAL’S 1-800-982-9263 Serving Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin Since 1965 www.alsconcreteproducts.com FEED BUNKS Super High Capacity Fence Line Bunk Fence Line Feed Bunk H- Feed Bunk ALSO AVAILABLE: • Cattle Slats • Holding Tanks • Cattle Guards • Bunker Silo J-Bunks and H-Bunks available for large and small animals EBJ Livestock The Best Market for Your Farm No commission No Stop charge BUYING ALL CALVES ON FARM 715-661-0418 • 1-800-428-1429 mike@holsteintrader.com 8 CANOLA MEAL CORN GLUTEN FEED CORN DISTILLERS GRAINS CORN STARCH LINSEED MEAL FLAX SEED OAT HULLS RICE HULLS SOYBEAN MEAL SOY BEST SOYBEAN HULLS SOY FLOUR SOY PLUS AMINO PLUS SOY ISOLATE WHEAT MIDDS WHEAT GERM MEAL BEET PULP CASEINATES CHEESE SCRAPS SAW DUST FOOD BY-PRODUCTS LACTOSE NONFAT DRY MILK SUGAR/DEXTROSE WHEY PROTEIN POWDER Your Feed Ingredient Link! What you need when you need it. On time and at a price that’s right. Con nued from BROWN SWISS | Page 16
EMILY STUMPF/DAIRY STAR Par cipants in the World Brown Swiss Conference farm tours look over the Brown Swiss cows Oct. 1 at Voegeli Farms in Mon cello, Wisconsin.
• The highest air ow in a circulation fan - 33,900 CFM. • Cast aluminum blades have a lifetime warranty. • Totally enclosed maintenance free, high ef ciency motors have a full two year warranty. Model VP CA: Belt Drive, 1 HP, 115/230 volt, 9.6/4.8 amps single phase one speed 587 rpm 133 Atlantic Ave. NE • Pennock, MN 320-599-4466 NEW High Pressure Fog Ring Now Available


Lake Wilson, MN (Murray County)


250 cows, 320 acres

We did 14,000 bushels of high moisture corn in late September. It was 26% moisture. We did the 90 acres of soybeans Oct. 3 and they ran in the mid 40’s. On the low ground it pushed 60 and in the high ground it was really poor; we got too dry. This week everybody in the neighborhood switched to corn, it’s coming out really fast. We did 30 bales of soybean yesterday. We are waiting for the neighbors’ corn stalks to dry down before we make them. We try to do 400 bales. The roll, rake and bale them and we pick them up. The manure pumping is done, we did that after silage.

Melrose, MN (Stearns County)


40 cows, 340 acres

We chopped corn silage Sept. 24. It ranged from 4’ to 10’. We filled two 20x65 silos. It was shorter on the sand ground we have. We are getting ready to start combining corn. I tested some and on the heavier ground it was 22% moisture and on the lighter ground it was 16%. Some people are combining corn. We have a neighbor working on earlage. I think more soybeans are out then in the field in this area. There has been a lot of corn stalk bales made in the area.

Waubun,MN (Mahnomen County)


300 cows, 430 acres

We got our corn chopped. We started in late September and finished Oct. 3. We had a really good corn silage harvest. We chopped 250 acres and put it all on a pile. Then we seeded a cover crop in all our corn acres. We used mostly rye but we also used some clover and radishes. We seed our cover crops and then apply our liquid manure with minimum till injectors. We hauled our heifer manure on one of the corn fields. A lot of our neighbors are working on soybeans.

Green Isle, MN (Sibley County)


300 cows, 650 acres

In the past three weeks we have seeded winter wheat, but we are not sure how well it will germinate because of lack of rain. We finished soybeans last Thursday (Oct. 6), and the yield was down a little, but still ok. We will start combining corn today (Oct 12) and it is at 20% moisture. Corn silage is done and we filled 12 10.5 ft by 250 ft bags. Which is down about 20% of what we normally get. We baled bean straw and corn straw. We started tillage and everything but corn ground and 20 acres of bean ground is done. Overall, we have been very busy, because we haven’t had any rain we just keep plugging away.

Altura, MN (Winona County)


100 cows, 540 acres

Lot of people around here are taking beans out. Some have started corn, but most are waiting for it to dry down a little more. We are done with silage and earlage. Filled a bag and a pit with silage and the earlage we filled a silo. We will pick some corn this weekend. I sampled our corn this past Monday and it was at 24% moisture. We fenced out our alfalfa fields and put the cows out on there for the fall.

Milbank, SD (Grant County)


41 cows, 205 acres

We will begin harvesting our corn and our soybeans this week. We combined a little corn on Sunday, and it was 16.1% moisture. It’s been reported that the corn is yielding from 160 to over 200 bushels per acre. The soybeans are yielding anywhere from 35 bushels per acre to the upper 50’s. We plan to make corn stalk bales as soon as we can. We and our cows are thankful for the cooperative weather this fall. Last fall it was so wet that we couldn’t get into the fields and the cows had to stay in the barn.

Page 18 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 Tri-State Livestock Sioux Center, IA • 712-722-0681 www.tristatelivestock.com HOLSTEIN SPECIAL SALE Friday, October 21 11 a.m. Apply Consistent N–P–K to Your Fields. Pit-Maxx • Biologically safe • Signi cant odor reduction • Solid & sludge reduction • Improved manure nutrient value, stability and oil absorption • Effective and easy to use, a safe and natural way to manage manure • More ef cient pump out and reduced labor • Pre-measured biodegradable bags Learn More or Locate a Dealer: www.peakforage.com | 608-967-2414 FORAGE SOLUTIONS, INC.
Crop and Weather
0” 0” 0.3” 0”0” 0.2” 0” 0.9” 0.5” 0.2” 0.7” 0.10” .09” RAINFALL TOTALS 0” Last 3 Weeks Since April 1 13.45” RAINFALL TOTALS 0” Last 3 Weeks Since April 1 18.1” RAINFALL TOTALS 0” Last 3 Weeks Since April 1 18.88” RAINFALL TOTALS 0.3” Last 3 Weeks Since April 1 14.7” RAINFALL TOTALS 0” Last 3 Weeks Since April 1 23.95” RAINFALL TOTALS 0” Last 3 Weeks Since April 1 21.5” 0”


130 cows, 269 acres

Larchwood, IA (Lyon County)


140 cows, 160 acres





530 cows, 1,700 acres



My son-in-law has all the soybeans out. He said they ran 66 bushels an acre and above. He started harvesting corn on the earlier planted seed and it was at 22% moisture and around 220 bushels an acre. I am letting mine dry in the field a little longer. We chopped 45 acres of the corn we planted on the rye fields Oct. 1-2. It wasn’t quite as tall as the earlier stuff we harvested. I would say 80% of the soybeans are out and the farmers are just getting a good start on corn. We’ve been busier than heck.

Reedsburg, WI (Sauk County)


220 cows, 520 acres

No rain that amounts to anything. 2/10 of an inch a few weeks ago. Things are getting dry. Guys are going hard at corn chopping. A lot are done and are working on beans, shell corn or high moisture corn if they’re ready.

I see more combines and semis rolling than choppers lately.


Last 3 Weeks

Since April 1 25.2”

Probably 85% of corn silage is done in our area. There is a lot of manure hauling going on and cover crops going in. We finished corn chopping a couple weeks ago and got two bunkers filled.


330 acres


Last 3 Weeks

Since April 1

The soybean yields in this area have been pretty impressive, ranging from 75 – 80 bushels per acre. Overall, the corn has been pretty disappointing. We received a few rains in August, and that helped add some tonnage. Our silage corn yielded 22 –25 tons per acre, compared to 31 tons per acre last year. We always harvest our silage at 71% moisture. There aren’t many people making corn stalk bales yet as many of the stalks are still green and wet. We remain thankful even though the yields were below expectations.

Wausaukee, WI (Marinette County)


240 Cows, 750 acres

Our corn silage is done, the chopper said it ranged from 61% to 66% moisture. We did 210 acres in two days and it ran between 17 and 21 tons per acre, which is pretty average.

The dry weather we had this year really shortened the tonnage.


Last 3 Weeks

The grain level does seem god, as the ears were all good-sized and you could see grain as you were packing. Our high moisture corn will probably go into November. The other day it was still at 35% moisture on the kernels and the husks really haven’t started to open yet. We put in 35 acres of radishes and clover as a cover crop. Next week we are planning to get some manure hauled.

Since April 1 21.35”


Last 3 Weeks


Since April 1 23.35”

We had our killing frost here on Sept. 28. We started our corn silage Sept. 26 and finished up Sept. 30. The yield was pretty average, which we were happy with considering the lack of rain this year. Most of the corn silage around here is done, there are just a few guys still wrapping things up. Some of the bigger dairies have started hauling some manure. Some guys have started their soybeans. Ours are ready, we are just waiting for the custom guy. We sewed some rye for straw and we have some more to put in for spring forage.

Brodhead, WI (Green County)


400 cows, 1,675 acres

We got all of our corn silage done Sept. 24. Since then, we’ve been doing a lot of beans – both for ourselves and custom work. We started beans on our farm around Sept. 30. We also planted 200 acres of wheat and put in about 70 acres of triticale. We baled 135 bales of corn fodder Oct. 6 for bedding.


Last 3 Weeks Since April 1 32.3”


On Oct. 8, we cut 100 acres of sorghum, which we started chopping Oct. 11 but got rained out. We feed a little sorghum to our cows, but most of it goes to heifers.


Last 3 Weeks

Since April 1 13.9”

A small amount in the last 3 weeks. Maybe a half inch. We are chopping and it’s dusty out in the fields. All the swamps and ponds are dried up. Have been empty since July. WE could use some moisture for next year. We finished chopping silage yesterday and have some snaplage this week. Hopefully wrap up corn harvest by end of this week. We got hit with frost 2 weeks ago and once that hit everything hit at once. Most of the chopping in the area is done and a lot of people have moved on to beans. We are going to start planting rye for cover crops today.

Kewaunee, WI (Kewaunee County)


1,600 cows, 2,500 acres


Last 3 Weeks

Since April 1 17.01”

We’re still chopping corn and had about 400 acres left after Oct. 11. It’s been an excellent harvest. Our later planted corn was pushing 70% or higher for moisture, so it wasn’t dry enough to do. Thankfully, not all of it has been impacted yet by frost. We’ll get back at it when the moisture drops. We planted a bunch of cover crops after corn was harvested. Our interseeded crops look quite well, but we did add some rye to those areas also. We planted around 200 acres of wheat Sept. 25. Our cover crops are starting to come up as well as the wheat.

Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 • Page 19 NEW HONDA EU2000i $1,479 105 County Rd. 10 Albany, MN 320-845-4690 New Winco 80KW, pto unit .................................Call Winco 25 KW, used .........................................$2,500 Niagra 15 KW w/powershaft, used .....................$900 Winpower 12 KW, used ......................................$800 GENERATORS We Sell and Service Generators! Each WINCO PTO generator is designed using the highest quality components and the best workmanship available. Marathon 10 HP ...................................$650 Weg 10 hp ............................................$650 (2) Reliance 5 HP .................................$450 (2) Baldor 5 HP.....................................$450 WE STOCK FRACTIONAL TO 10 HP SINGLE AND 3-PHASE MOTORS!• quick • dependable • nearly 40 years experience MOTOR REPAIR W70PTO-3 120/240 1-PH Volts 69,000 watts www.RuralMfg.com RURAL MFG. CO., INC. 820 N US Hwy. 81, PO Box Q Freeman, SD 57029 Toll Free 1-800-477-7135 Ph. 605-925-7135 • Fax 605-925-4174 WE HAVE YOUR FEED STORAGE COVERED! Polybin Features: • Visible Feed Levels • Won’t Dent • Up to 18 Ton Capacity • Corrosion Resistant for Long Life! • Shipping Available
Taylor, WI (Jackson County)
Independence, IA (Buchanan County)
3 Weeks Since April 1 23.6” RAINFALL
Page 20 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 Northwest Metal Innovators, LLC Northwest Metal Innovators, LLC FORMERLY N-TECH The quality products you knew from N-Tech with the service and custom projects you need! (715) 537-9207 5 Berger Ave. • Barron, WI sales@northwestmetal.net FOLLOW US ON No project too big or too small! Products • Manure Pumps • Vertical Pumps/PTOs • Hydraulic Pumps • Lagoon Pumps • Props • Pipe Carts • Tankers Service • Pump Rebuilds • Tanker Rebuilds Metal Fabrication • Paint and Powder Coat • In-house 8’x24’ plasma table with bevel head • Roll – Bend MORE LISTINGS ONLINE! www.windridgeimplements.com Cresco (563) 547-3688 Decorah (563) 382-3614 Elkader (563) 245-2636E C D ’22 JCB 270 Skid Steer Loader #ELN011222 ’12 JCB 3230-65 XTRA FASTRAC Tractor 4WD #19159 ’22 JCB 538-60 TeleHandler #EN-JAN132022 ’22 MDS 5520-MB158-84 84” Manure Bucket w/grapple, #20996W ’22 JCB 3TS-8T Compact Track Loader #ELN-010322 ’22 JCB 525-60 AGRI PLUS - T4 TeleHandler #ELN-04202023 $5,750 $81,500 $112,000 $69,500 $128,000 $159,500 D D D D $11,985 DC ’22 Erskine 901116 High Capacity Grapple Bucket 84” #20951W $7,155 E C D ’22 Erskine 901505 Dual Rotary Brush Mower 84” Front mount, #20959W ’22 Erskine 900318 Indst. Grapple Rake 84” #20958W $6,240 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT ON HAND Next Feeder Special October 19 Martin Ag Supply LLC 3128 Mitchell Line St. Orchard, IA 50460 641-982-4845 2017 KUBOTA SSV75 1693 hrs., cab, heat & air, 2 spd, Power Quick Tach, hand/ foot ctrls, radio $34,900 2016 KUBOTA SVL95-2S 3242 hrs., cab, heat & air, 2 spd, pwr. quick tach, radio, good tracks, bucket $44,500 2020 NEW HOLLAND L318 14 hrs., Cab Heat/Air Power Latch $42,900 2001 NEW HOLLAND LS120 1476 hrs., standard controls, new tires, 36” bucket, gas eng. $6,900 320-836-2284 • 1-888-276-1751 29033 Co. Rd. 17 • Freeport, MN • In St. Rosa www.strosalumber.com • www.arnzenconstructioninc.com Your one-stop-shop for all agricultural building, welding, barn parts & equipment needs! Build with the Best! Target Your Customers! Dairy Star is sent only to DAIRY FARMERS! If you would like to advertise in DAIRY STAR, call 320-352-6303 for more information.

Mid-American Hay Auction results for October

Large Rounds 13.6 19.29 141.43 1 25.5 $150.00

527 Large Rounds 11.95 9.6 78.71 1 9.69 $100.00


Large Rounds NO TEST 1 14 $35.00

550 Large Rounds 22.39 6.39 84.32 1 34 $25.00

555 Large Rounds 12.58 18.69 130.23 1 19.75 $145.00

558 Large Rounds 12.58 18.69 130.23 1 22.59 $170.00


Large Rounds 14.87 22.28 43.47 1 22.27 $170.00

563 Large Rounds 13.23 11.71 79.81 1 34 $20.00

509 Large Rounds 12.64 14.6 98.1 2 16.83 $145.00

511 Large Rounds 15.85 22.11 137.67 2 20.29 $170.00




Large Rounds 14.7 16.31 131.08 2 20.96 $150.00

Large Rounds 14.7 16.31 131.08 2 19.91 $150.00

Large Rounds 20.04 17.84 149.28 2 16.55 $135.00

523 Large Rounds 13.69 16.08 110.88 2 22.59 $175.00

525 Large Rounds 14.9 22.31 130.96 2 24.46 $160.00

526 Large Rounds 16.97 17.5 112.24 2 24.59 $155.00

547 Large Rounds 14.9 17.55 106.89 2 18.89 $140.00

548 Large Rounds 21.95 17.78 111.29 2 20.55 $140.00


Large Rounds 10.49 14.72 92.64 2 14.48 $130.00

553 Large Rounds 15.12 20.03 138.9 2 13 $50.00

557 Large Rounds 18.13 17.43 117.68 2 20.46 $125.00

559 Large Rounds 15.38 15.73 107.93 2 24.88 $165.00

562 Large Rounds 15.38 15.73 107.93 2 25.83 $150.00

566 Large Rounds 15.38 15.73 107.93 2 25.8 $150.00


Large Rounds 15.12 20.03 138.9 2 31 $45.00

572 Large Rounds 14.07 18.29 121.42 2 20.05 $135.00

574 Large Rounds 2 7.43 $140.00

508 Large Rounds 15.71 20.18 157.37 3 22.47 $185.00

513 Large Rounds 14.43 19.78 130.02 3 18.76 $170.00

518 Large Rounds 14.06 18.9 146.15 3 22.57 $170.00

539 Large Rounds 13.66 22.23 126.69 3 14 $40.00

552 Large Rounds 15.71 20.18 157.37 3 23.42 $190.00

554 Large Rounds 22.39 6.39 84.32 15 $20.00

560 Large Rounds 22.39 6.39 84.32 34 $20.00

506 Large Squares 11.01 19.19 132.67 1 19.99 $175.00

519 Large Squares 12.56 17.76 126.97 1 19.91 $190.00

520 Large Squares 11.53 20.24 118.96 1 24.18 $160.00

501 Large Squares 14.82 21.8 146.35 2 25.11 $170.00

503 Large Squares 14.22 20.15 125.04 2 25.35 $170.00

531 Large Squares 16.07 15.52 98.26 2 25.74 $145.00

533 Large Squares 11.02 21.03 135.68 2 25.32 $215.00

541 Large Squares 14.64 13.75 89.6 2 18 $35.00

542 Large Squares 12.43 15.8 108 2 23.47 $160.00

577 Large Squares 11.7 1195 102.92 2 22.51 $160.00

502 Large Squares 11.64 16.24 99.43 3 24.19 $150.00

576 Large Squares 11.64 16.24 9.43 3 25.41 $165.00

499 Medium Squares 13.11 21.4 161.95 1 24.77 $160.00

505 Medium Squares 13.02 18.87 149.59 1 26.46 $185.00





Medium Squares 13.03 18.09 133.33 1 23.05 $155.00

Medium Squares 18.71 9.5 82.36 1 20.78 $55.00

Medium Squares 15.27 15.48 110.27 2 23.79 $155.00

Medium Squares 13.93 22.72 160.88 2 28.21 $220.00

538 Medium Squares 12.81 21.7 116.38 2 9.79 $130.00

500 Medium Squares 3.9 22.16 170.97 3 25.85 $250.00


Medium Squares 14.1 25.45 169.68 3 20.07 $210.00

529 Medium Squares 16.59 24.59 152.59 3 24.86 $200.00













Medium Squares 11.47 23.04 191.66 3 26.58 $280.00

Medium Squares 11.89 22.85 182.79 3 25.94 $285.00

Medium Squares 17.68 27.66 176.34 3 10.36 $150.00

Medium Squares 14.26 18.01 123.73 3 12.77 $145.00

Medium Squares 13.56 13.76 114.21 4 30.17 $225.00

Medium Squares 13.59 19.98 173.72 4 16.44 $230.00

Large Rounds STRAW 34 $55.00

Large Rounds STRAW 34 $50.00

Large Rounds STRAW 34 $50.00

Large Rounds STRAW 38 $30.00

Large Rounds STRAW 20 $40.00

Large Squares STRAW 22.38 $120.00

Large Squares STRAW 25.86 $130.00

517 Large Squares STRAW 22.19 $130.00


Large Squares STRAW 18.59 $120.00

565 Large Squares STRAW 18.33 $120.00



Large Squares STRAW 13.77 $120.00

Medium Squares STRAW 22.37 $145.00

530 Small Rounds STRAW 17 $30.00


WHEAT STRAW 34 $60.00

Large Rounds BARLEY STRAW 20.42 $70.00

528 Large Rounds CORN STALKS 34 $40.00

Large Rounds CORN STALKS 34 $42.00



Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 • Page 21 For the last 100 years, Ritchie has been manufacturing a complete line of livestock watering products with thehighest specifications in the industry. From a single horse Stall Fount to a fountain that waters up to 500 head, Ritchie fountains are top quality. Plus,every Ritchie fountain is backed by our 10 year limited warranty. Formore information contact us: Carlson Wholesale (800) 669-4038 • www.carlsonwholesale.net • @carlsonwholesale Ritchie Water is Smart Water CattleMaster WaterMaster WaterMaster OmniFount EcoFount 1-800-669-4038 www.carlsonwholesale.net Sauk Rapids, MN Rochester, MN ARLSON • Cyclops Fence Chargers will complete your Electric Fence • Strongest Line, Battery and Solar Operated Chargers Built in the USA • Strongest Lightning Protection in the World • Price/Performance - Beats New Zealand Imports • Complete Technical Support and Repair - Typical 1 day Turnaround • Unsurpassed Animal Holding Power • Only the best quality parts, modularity for easy repair. • The best price/performance available with great customer support! ANIMAL HOLDING POWER UNSURPASSEDPOWER
6 Lot no. Desc. moisture protein RFV cut. Ld. size price 516
Lot no. Desc. moisture protein RFV cut. Ld. size price For more information, contact Kevin Winter 320-352-3803, (c) 320-760-1593 or Al Wessel at 320-547-2206, (c) 320-760-2979 Hay sales starts at 12:30 p.m. and are the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the months of September through May. October 20 November 3

Fall dishes

September ended with a sense of

nality. We were able to close our last bag of silage just before a killing frost drained the corn plants of all color and life. Now, we wait for the moisture to drop a bit before we start putting up high-moisture corn in the Harvestore.

The harvest in my garden is a different story. Luckily, I was able to save my tomato plants from the cold temperatures with a collection of old sheets and blankets. My plants are way behind schedule as I have only been able to

ve red tomatoes on all of the vines. There are plenty of green tomatoes just waiting for a bit more sunshine and warm fall days before they turn a bright ripen red.

These last few cold nights and cool days have me craving soups and stews. I popped into the creamery the other day and ran into Alice. I always enjoy talking with her and swapping recipes. Here are a couple of hers that have become hits in our house. I know the rst recipe calls for the oven to be on for ve hours but gure it as a cheaper way of warming up the house without having to turn on the furnace. And, what is stew without biscuits? These live up to their name of being perfect. Enjoy.

Oven stew by Alice Nordmann

2 pounds round steak, cubed

2 cups diced carrots

6 medium potatoes, diced

1 onion, diced

1 teaspoon dry parsley

2 cans golden mushroom soup whisked together with 1 can water (or plain mushroom soup)

1 teaspoon salt

Mix everything together in Dutch oven. Bake at 275 degrees uncovered for ve hours. Stir whenever you think of it. Meat is raw and not browned.

Cranberry fall chicken by Alice Nordmann

1 can cranberry sauce

1 package onion soup mix

1 cup French dressing

Chicken breasts or chicken legs

Mix cranberry sauce, soup mix and French dressing together. Place raw chicken in greased pan. Pour soup mixture over chicken. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees until chicken is done in an hour or a bit longer.

Cabbage roll soup

4 cups beef broth

8 ounces tomato paste

1/2 cup uncooked long grain rice

1 bay leaf

3 teaspoons brown sugar

2 teaspoons dried parsley

2 small spoons of olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

1 pound ground beef

4 cups cabbage, chopped

1 onion, diced

2 carrots, sliced or shredded

1 teaspoon garlic powder

In a large pot, brown beef in oil, season with salt and pepper. When almost done, add onions and garlic. Stir and cook another four minutes. Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and cook 25 minutes or until rice is done. Green beans would be good in this too.

Perfect biscuits

3 cups our

3 tablespoons sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

4 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon cream of tarter

3/4 cup cold butter, cut into cubes

1 egg 1 cup milk

Mix dry ingredients together. Cut in butter, will be chunky. Add egg and milk, will be sticky. Knead 1015 times. Roll 1/2-inch thick. Cut into biscuits. Put on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at 450 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

As their four children pursue dairy careers off the family farm, Natalie and Mark are starting a new adventure of milking registered Holsteins just because they like good cows on their farm north of Rice, Minnesota.
















Page 22 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022
columnist, Natalie Schmitt
WI D&D Farm Sup. 608-323-7001
MN Arnzen Construction 320-836-2284
MN Hartung Sales & Serv. 320-386-2697
WI Tri-County Dairy Sup. 608-757-2697
WI Fuller’s Milker Center 800-887-4634
WI Podevels Farm Serv. 715-384-6193 800-742-5748
MN Farm Systems 320-256-3276
MN Dairyland Equip. 218-564-4958
MN D&D Ag Supply & Construction 320-599-4466
WI Fuller’s Milker Center 608-723-4634 ROCK
IA Prairie Land Ag Sup. 712-476-9290
MN Dairyland Supply 320-352-3987 800-338-6455
WI Preston Dairy Equip. 608-269-3830 ST.
MN S&S Dairy Systems 507-932-4288 WHITEWATER, WI The Scharine Group 608-883-2880
WI Hoover Silo Repair 715-229-2527 www.jdmfg.com Family Owned & Operated in Eau Claire, Wisconsin Where to buy locally: Did you see it at World Dairy Expo? See it on our website! Accepting orders Q1 2023 72” Fiberglass Exhaust Fan MEGA DIRECT DRIVE makes the best fans in the world. 55,000+ CFM @ 0.10” SP
nd 

Dair y

From the kitchen of Lorilee Schultz of Orangeville, Illinois

Instant Pot rice pudding

1 cup jasmine rice

1 cup cold water

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

2 cups whole milk

1/3 cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 pinches sea or table salt

1 large egg, beaten

Toppings: Raisins


Add 1 cup rice to inner pot. Add 1 cup cold water. Add cinnamon and nutmeg. Give it a quick mix. Pressure cook at high pressure for 5 minutes, then natural release for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, release remaining pressure. While the rice is pressure cooking, beat a large egg in a large glass container. Add 2 pinches sea salt, vanilla extract and sugar, then mix well. Pour in whole milk, then mix well. Pour milk mixture into the cooked rice. Bring the rice pudding mixture to a simmer. Stir occasionally with a spatula. As the rice pudding mixture heats up, the starch will be released and it will start to thicken. Add in butter. Continue to stir until the rice pudding reaches desired consistency. Turn off the heat. The rice pudding will thicken as it cools down.



Instant Pot mac and cheese

16 ounces uncooked elbow macaroni

4 cups chicken broth

2 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese

1/2 to 1 cup milk

Add the uncooked macaroni, chicken broth, butter, hot sauce, garlic powder, pepper and salt to the Instant Pot. Place the lid on the pot and set to sealing. Cook on manual function, high pressure for 5 minutes. Then, do a quick release. Add the milk, then the cheese to the pot in 3-4 handfuls, stirring in between each addition until smooth and creamy. Season as necessary to taste.


Organic Dairy Herds


65 Holstein and Cross bred Certi ed Organic dairy cows. Crosses include Norwegian Red Cross, Jersey Cross, Ayrshire Cross and a few Jersey dairy cows. Family farm over 34 years! Certi ed organic over 15 years. Milked in tiestall, avg. 65# 4.2BF 3.1P 130scc. Several top cows milking 90-100# with very little protein fed. Many many years of top bulls used. VERY NICE organic dairy herd, well conditioned, with several outstanding individuals! Coming from Jim Vangness, Clear Lake WI


118 Holstein and Cross bred Certi ed Organic dairy cows and heifers. Herd is predominantly Holstein, Red Holstein, and some NICE Cross breds. Parlor milked, rotationally grazed, housed on a bedded pack in the winter, cows averaging 55# 3.94BF 200scc. Herd is fully vaccinated. ALSO selling (9)short bred heifers, bred Angus (14)yearling open heifers! Many very nice young cows sell! Coming from Vernon County


10 Holstein and Fleckveih/Holstein Cross Certi ed Organic Springing Heifers. All bred Angus. Owner sold his certi ed organic dairy herd and selling heifers as they spring up. Schneider Farms, MN

11 Fleckveih/Normande Cross heifer calves, 150-250# 100% certi ed organic grass fed, A2A2 sired, VERY SHARP!!!


Registered Holstein Dairy Bull, proven, good temperament, DOB 7-15-21, sired by Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET, dam Sandy-Valley Saga-ET.

Apple salad

4 apples, cored and chopped in 1-inch pieces

1/2 cup chopped celery 1/2 cup raisins, dried cranberries or dried cherries

Mix together.

1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

1/2 cup coconut flakes (optional)

2 cups Greek yogurt


Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 • Page 23
I F A Roller-Grinder Solid cast rolls All belt-electric drive Single or double mills USA & International sales Replacement rolls available for most mills Used mills and tumble mixers on hand Hammer Mills More milkless feed with uniform ne-grind Phone: (319) 634-3849 • Toll Free: (800) 426-0261 web: www.ifamill.com • email: ifamill@netins.net CONTACT: 800-866-7327 SERVING IA, MN, WI, IL AND SD ATTENTION FARMERS... Are rocks, re-rod or holes showing in your bunker silo? BUNKER SILO RESTORATION/ REPAIR WITH JETCRETE Approximately 1” of steel reinforced material added to bunker walls. • High pressure water blasting of walls for excellent bonding. • 6 gage heavy duty wire mesh installed • Jetcrete -phnuematically applied concrete. GUARENTEED BEST PRICING SILO RELINING WITH “JETCRETE” BARN WALL & BASEMENT RESTORATION WITH “JETCRETE” (Limestone, rock, block & concrete wall) WE CAN RESTORE YOUR BUNKER TO LIKE NEW CONDITION! DRIVE-THRU ELECTRIC GATE Call for a FREE Catalog Watertown, SD 1-800-658-3998 www.koehnmarketing.com Adjustable 13’ - 19’ Standard Adjustable 18’ - 24’ also available SPRING LOADED GATE Scan the code for a direct link to our website! ONLINE BIDDERS AND BUYERS REGISTER AT CATTLEUSA.COM Premier Livestock & Auctions LLC Office: 715-229-2500 Ken Stauffer 715-559-8232 Rocky Olsen 715-721-0079 Travis Parr 715-828-2454 N13438 STATE HWY 73 • WITHEE, WI 54498 SELLING MARKET CATTLE AND CALVES 4 DAYS A WEEK, MON.-THURS!
& STRAW AUCTIONS Wednesdays at 9:30! Hay & Straw sold by the bale! SELLING OVER 2500 HEAD EACH WEEK, AND OVER 1000 CALVES!
Wednesday, October 19, 2022 11:00am
Coming from Bores Dairy, Auburndale Purebred Fleckveih breeding bull, AI sired, good temperament, proven breeder. Coming From Ben Borntrager, Granton Fleckveih Cross Bull, sired by Vox, out of Reality Red, aAa#156, proven breeder. Coming from Elvin Zimmerman, Stanley WI CALL WITH YOUR CONSIGNMENTS! Always a great selection of dairy heifers at Premier Livestock & Auctions! DRIVE-INS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! PLEASE HAVE IN BY 10:30 AM Wednesday October 19, 2022 at 11:00am COMPLETE CERTIFIED ORGANIC DAIRY CATTLE DISPERSALS Over 200 head of certi ed organic dairy cows and heifers already consigned, including 2 herd dispersals! See our website for more details. COME CHECK OUR STATE OF THE ART FACILITIES! Weekly Highlights at Premier On Tuesday we sold 965 head of feeder cattle also our customer appreciation day!!! Top feeder cattle sold strong, lesser quality and unvaccinated sold lower. Top new crop beef most $140-230 #. Heavier yearlings from $130-185#. Wed. dairy cattle 220 sold. Market was a little lower on the average today. TOP cows sold well from $1750-2500. Many cows $1200-1675, good quality Springing heifers $1200-1650. Lesser quality dairy cows and Springers lower. We appreciate all of our customers so much!!! Thank you.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 11 am EXPECTING 800-1000 HEAD! Call to consign your Beef Bulls, Beef Cows & Feeders! ALL BRED BEEF COWS and BRED BEEF HEIFERS need to be in by 9:30am morning of the sale for preg checks! No feed charge for cattle dropped off the night before!
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 11:00 am Expecting 500-600 dairy heifers! SPECIAL SHEEP & GOAT AUCTION DATES FALL ROUND UP: Thursday Oct 20, 2022 @ 10:00am HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Thursday Dec. 29, 2022 @10:00am Premium prices paid for Lambs 40-70# • Kids 45-65#

Bongards’ Creameries

Has been a quality market for MN dairy farmers for over 100 years. MN producers provide one of the country’s most distinctive brands of cheese that is still made using the same Old World craftsmanship and has been combined with cutting-edge technology to produce cheese that delivers unforgettable taste with unparalleled quality. MN Dairy farmers and Bongards, quality that stands the test of time. We offer a competitive base price, premiums, and the best eld representatives in the industry.

13200 Co. Rd. 51

Bongards, MN 55368

(952) 466-5521

Fax (952) 466-5556

110 3rd Ave. NE

Perham, MN 56573 (218) 346-4680

Fax (218) 346-4684

Page 24 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, October 15, 2022 Lake Lillian, MN • www.hansonsilo.com “On Call” Service 24/71-800-THE-SILO “The Hanson Silo Bunker empowers us to control shrink loss. With our piles, we used to see lots of spoilage. But now we see very little, if any at all.” Sako Vandermeer - White, South Dakota A BETTER WAY TO FEED THE WORLD Secure your tires and Secure Covers with us too! • Engineered for strength and long-term durability • DRY CAST formulation creates low porosity and slump • Computerized batching for uniformity • Robotic mold system provides consistency • Quality nished for smooth edges and sure footing •Manufactured in a controlled environment (Steam Beds) for faster curing • Delivered, professionally leveled and installed • Strength Compression Tests to exceed quality standards •Modular design for easy installation Slatted Floors for Cattle & Hog Barns SILAGE FACER www.easyrakefacer.com SILAGE FACER www.easyrakefacer.com NO MOVING PARTS MAINTAIN CUT LENGTH STAY IN THE HEATED CAB CALL FOR YOUR DEMO TODAY PATENT #7,588,203, #8,011,608, #8,336,795 Belt Feeder & Stationary Mixer SILO UNLOADERS Maximize feed efficiency and reduce labor! S MANY MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM! GIVE YOUR SILO NEW LIFE! Best warranty in the industry! SCHEDULE YOUR SILO RELINE NOW AND NEW UNLOADER WHEN YOU ARE EMPTY. • Trust the real specialists who replaster the most silos! • Great pricing • Best quality 45240 County Road 80 E • PERHAM MN 56573 218-346-3415 PerhamStockyards.com • CattleUSA.com Mitch Barthel Owner/Auctioneer 218-639-5228 Open Sundays Noon-8pm to Receive Stock • Complimentary Hay & Water Pens Provided SPECIAL ORGANIC SALE & SPECIAL DAIRY SALE the LAST Monday of Every Month Copies of Organic Certificates must be provided at drop off. Organic Cows will sell before Conventional Cows • Professional Marketing • Catalog Cows for Breeding & Production Records • Mailing List to over 6,000 potential buyers • Website, Dairy Star, Radio Advertisements • Live Online thru CattleUSA - Over 300 buyers approved to bid Professional Auctioneers & Ringmen Many Years of Experience Selling Dairy Cattle

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