LUXEMBURG, Wis. –Mark Paul can whip up most any balloon animal in mere minutes. From chickens and cats to frogs and amingos, Mark has mastered balloon twisting to the point he nds his weekends booked with gigs. This balloon artist works his magic at everything from birthday parties to weddings to company picnics and more, making tens of thousands of balloon sculptures every year.
“This is the rst hobby I’ve ever had, and I love it,” Mark said. “I didn’t really have time for hobbies as a kid, but this is something else to do off the farm, and I often end up being the star of the party.”
Mark and his wife, Judi, milk 60 registered Holsteins on their 325-acre farm near Luxemburg. Mark is a thirdgeneration farmer born and raised on the farm he continues to call home to this day. Cows are milked with one Lely robotic milking system
that was retrotted into the tiestall barn in 2015.
“I was big into genetics at one point and used to sell a lot of embryos, and I also sold a few bulls into A.I.,” Mark said. “I’m still doing embryos, and I still like fooling around with genetics but just not to the same extent.”
Mark began making balloon art six years ago. But before balloons became his passion, Mark was fascinated by magic.
“Judi’s brother taught me a simple magic trick with two rubber bands, and from there, I really got into magic,” he said.
At a church fundraiser, Mark made a couple balloon animals to disguise a magic trick he was planning to perform, but the balloons were so popular he never ended up doing the trick which involved a card inside a balloon. From there, his balloon business emerged, and he gave it the name NoBull Balloon Magic.
“I learned from YouTube, and then I take what I learn and make it my own,” Mark said. “When I rst started, the
only things I could make were a dog and a horse. I kept learning more and more sculptures and designs, and now, I will build anything.”
Mark’s artistic air makes balloons come to life, and his works of art bring joy to people of all ages. He has made more than 8,500 unicorn hats – his most popular creation –which also serves as his business’s logo.
Mark’s work goes beyond animals to include things like a bouquet of roses, Elmo, the beloved Sesame Street character, a 5-foot-tall Belle doll from Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast,” as well as a bride’s dress.
The Pokémon character, Pikachu, is his second most requested balloon design. A chicken, princess, crown and octopus are also among the top 10.
Mark uses only professional-quality biodegradable balloons. Many of his balloon designs are made into hats or things people can wear on their arm. His colorful creations range from simple to elaborate and have a lifespan of several months.
Artistic talent runs deep between the Pauls. Judi is a
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multi-media artist who has sold her work into 24 countries. Judi’s art is on display in museums in Japan and Denmark and has earned her 42 international awards. Her subject matter is animals, and her business name is Luxembears. She does soft sculptures, airbrushing, ne art, ink/pencil illustrations, clay sculpting, beading, needle felting and portrait wood burning.
“I’ve been an artist my whole life,” Judi said. “I love animals and have always made them the focus of my art.”
The Pauls have three grown children and two grandchildren. Their son, Joey, helps on the farm in addition to working full time for a custom manure hauler and going to school to become a diesel mechanic.
Every Friday and Saturday night, Mark can be found at Stadium View Bar & Grill next to Lambeau Field in Green Bay making balloon creations for the establishment’s patrons. He is
also there on Packer game days. Here, he relies on tips, but for other events, Mark charges by the hour in addition to making tips.
“The balloons bring the bar to life,” he said. “The owner of the bar calls me a miracle worker. On a slow night, the balloons are enough to get the party going. People start dancing with their balloon hats. It makes people come in and stay.”
This fun-loving dairy farmer is busy working events every weekend all year long as well as weekdays with summer being his busiest season. He once did three weddings in one day. He also sets up shop at Bay Beach Amusement Park in Green Bay several evenings each week during the summer. Mark has provided balloon entertainment at grocery stores, Green Bay Gamblers hockey games and oth-
Paul Mueller Company’s MAXXimizer™ L-40 package chiller, designed to ease the daily burdens of dairy farmers, has plug-and-play design and cloud connectivity, so you benefit from remote, real-time access to your refrigeration system data.
Advanced Dairy Spring Valley, WI; Mora, MN; Pierz, MN; Wadena, MN; St Charles, MN
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Glencoe Co-Op Assn. Glencoe, MN
er venues. He can put in a full day’s work making balloons and on average spends 30 hours a week tending to his balloon business.
“The robot allows me to do all that stuff,” Mark said. “When I get home from an event, I still have to go to the barn to do chores, but I don’t have to worry about milking.”
Mark also provided the balloon entertainment at Farm Progress Days in 2016 where a bull head hat was the special of the week.
“One of my goals is to possibly be hired by a company to bring more people to their booth, whether it’s at World Dairy Expo, Farm Progress Days or the spring farm show in Oshkosh,” Mark said. “I think whoever would hire me would be shocked at how many people will stop and wait in line for a cool balloon creation. I know this is a hard sell because you really have to see it to believe it.”
Most of his balloon sculptures are made on demand; therefore, Mark has to work fast, as he can be bombarded by 25 or 30 requests per hour while working an event. The time required to make each creation varies from less
than a minute to three or four hours depending on complexity, but Mark completes most designs in under three minutes.
A monkey in a tree can be done in under 1 minute, while the unicorn hat takes Mark 4.5 minutes to make. A balloon dress can consume several hours. The unicorn hat is made from eight balloons, while a dress is built from a couple hundred balloons. Mark embellishes his creations with personal touches like garland, fragrances and drawn-on faces.
“I’m still getting faster and better all the time,” he said. “I think about that for every design – how can I make this better? And how can I make it faster?”
His equipment includes several pumps and bags lled with thousands of balloons that he replenishes on a regular basis. Mark said it takes a lot of time to prepare his balloon bag.
“Mark found a hobby and then discovered he could make money doing it too,” Judi said.
It is a hobby that has become so lucrative Mark sometimes considers selling the cows and doing balloons full time.
“I’m not sure how much longer I’ll keep the cows actually,” he said.
Mark and Judi met while ballroom dancing – an activity Mark said made his balloon business possible.
“Ballroom dancing was the hardest thing I ever learned, but if I hadn’t taken ballroom dancing, I wouldn’t be able to perform with balloons,” Mark said. “As a child, I struggled with being shy. In sixth grade, I was voted the shyest boy in my class. It’s pressure performing in front of people, but dancing helped me get over my shyness.”
The most gratifying part of the job for Mark is the adoration bestowed on him by his customers.
“Balloons are really powerful,” Mark said. “Kids love it. Parents love it. Everybody is all smiles when I’m making balloons. There’s an appreciation for what I do, and it’s nice to get compliments. I really enjoy it.”
PERHAM, Minn. – Most people try to put 2020 behind them, but Caylee Seedorf of Perham will always remember 2020 as the year she won a Brown Swiss calf from Dairy Star’s Great Christmas Giveaway.
The Great Christmas Giveaway has been a tradition of the Dairy Star since its onset in 1999. The idea is to encourage the youngest generation of dairy
farmers to get excited about the future of the dairy industry.
In 2020, Caylee was beyond excited when she learned she had won the calf. She welcomed home Port-Haven Silvers Jordana with open arms.
Jordy, as Caylee calls her, t right in with the Holsteins and the crossbreds of Brown Swiss, Milking Shorthorn, Jersey, Montbéliarde, Angus and Charolais. Her enthusiasism toward Jordy has only grown during the past two years.
Caylee is the daughter of Paul and Amanda Seedorf and sister to Carter and Clayton.
“She’d rather work with calves than anything else,” Paul said.
Caylee, an eighth grader at Perham Public School, is active
in 4-H and added Jordy to her list of show animals for the Otter Tail County Fair. She was the one who insisted on joining the local 4-H club eight years ago to show her beloved animals. The Seedorf farm is also home to chickens and a couple of goats for 4-H projects.
In 2021, Caylee showed ve dairy animals, including Jordy. Caylee then showed Jordy at the Minnesota State Fair. Jordy was fth in her fall calf class at the state fair and won reserve champion total net merit of the Brown Swiss heifer class.
This past summer, Caylee exhibited Jordy at the Otter Tail
County Fair again as a fall yearling but chose a different animal to take to the Minnesota State Fair.
Jordy is due to calve June 17, 2023.
“I want to continue to show her,” Caylee said. “I hope she has a few heifer calves in the future.”
In addition to showing calves, Caylee also shows dairy steers, a goat and participates in non-livestock events such as photography, wood working and quilting.
On the farm, Caylee is involved in the family dairy. She feeds the calves and also helps milk the 50 cows on a daily basis.
She especially enjoys bringing the cows up to the parlor to be milked so she can check on Jordy. Caylee helps with chores after school and with morning and evening milking on the weekends.
“I see Jordy most every day, and she is spoiled because I let her in with the milk cows,” Caylee said.
Caylee hopes to be a dairy farmer when she grows up. She would be the fourth generation to take over the family dairy farm.
“You learn a lot growing up on a farm, life lessons and how things actually work,” Caylee said.
University of Minnesota Extension Farmland Rental Workshops help farmers, landlords and ag professionals determine a fair farmland rental rate. Attend one of the informative meetings across Minnesota like this one to learn more about farmland rental rates and how they might impact you. Topics include: local historic and projected farmland rental rate trends, current farmland values and sales, determining a fair rental agreement, input costs for 2022, current 2022 corn and soybean prices, what is affordable rent, rate of return to the landlord at current market values and exible rental agreements. Dates and locations are:
– Dec. 12: Albert Lea, Minnesota and Blue Earth, Minnesota.
– Dec. 13: St. Peter, Minnesota.
– Dec. 14: Pipestone, Minnesota.
– Dec. 15: Willmar, Minnesota and Madison, Minnesota.
For more information, contact Dave Bau at bauxx003@ umn.edu or 507-372-3900, ext. 3906; or Nathan Hulinsky at huli0013@umn.edu or 320-203-6104.
The Discovery Farms Conference is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 14 at the Glacier Canyon Conference Center in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. This year’s conference will connect water quality, agronomy and management practices on farms by showcasing the importance of stacking practices into a conservation system. For more information, visit uwdiscoveryfarms.org.
Introducing a third tier with its 2022 installation of Dairy Managers Institute, this manager-development program presented by Professional Dairy Producers now includes a suite of training to help attendees master nancials and negotiations on their dairy. Designed to equip dairy producers and team managers with the tools they need to become successful leaders, the two-day intensive program will be held Dec. 20-21 at Kalahari Resorts in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. The program will begin at 8:30 a.m. Dec. 20 and conclude at 4 p.m. Dec. 21.
Dairy Managers Institute builds on the core competencies producers need so they can lead successful teams of employees who are excited to show up to work every day,” said Katy Schultz, Fox Lake, Wisconsin, dairy producer and PDPW board president. “This is the only three-tiered management program solely focused on the unique needs of dairy farmers. Plus, tiers one and two are also offered with simultaneous Spanish translation.
The Minnesota Organic Conference will be Jan. 5-6, 2023, at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The conference includes keynotes and breakout sessions, networking with friends and much more. The keynote speakers will be Sarah Vogel and Carmen Fernholz. The conference will include breakout sessions each day with multiple topics to choose from, including marketing, nancials, cover crops, microbes, grazing, hemp, climate change and more. There will also be an 80-booth trade show featuring information about products and services.
A webinar series from the University of Wisconsin, the Badger Dairy Insight, will provide the latest researchbased dairy information to improve animal welfare, breeding and genetic selection, automation and modernization, and nutritional decisions for producers, dairy workers and managers, ag professionals and educators. The webinars will be Tuesdays from 1-2:30 p.m. Register at go.wisc.edu/ farmreadyresearch.
– Jan. 10, Jan. 24 and Jan. 31
– Feb. 7 and Feb. 21
– March 7, March 14 and March 21
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Parents: Dave and Melissa Boehlke Lone Oak Farm
Thorp, Wisconsin Clark County
66 cows
Senior at Thorp High School 18 years old
Tell us your favorite experience of Rachel helping with chores. Our favorite experience of our daughter helping with chores is the time she was feeding her fair pigs and she trained them to sit on command.
What qualities does Rachel have that benet the farm? Rachel loves animals and is knowledgeable about our cattle care protocols on our farm. She is a hard worker and is always willing to jump in and help when needed. She is interested in learning how to run equipment on the farm which makes her even more benecial to the daily tasks on the farm.
What are your responsibilities on the farm? My responsibilities on the farm on a normal day consist of caring for the chickens, feeding mineral and grain to the cows, cleaning the barn and helping with feeding calves. I often jump in and help wherever needed.
When did you begin helping on the farm? I started helping on the farm when I was big enough to handle a ma-
nure scraper, but I like to consider my help starting when I was 5 years old, which included drawing pictures and petting the cats in the barn.
How do you balance school, extracurricular activities and farm chores? I am in extracurricular activities such as FFA, FBLA, 4-H, National
Honor Society, WAYC, student council, band, cross-country and trapshooting. I am fortunate that my family allows me to be a part of these but that does mean that during the school year my help is limited on the farm at times. I do take off days and breaks to catch up on things, though sometimes the best break is heading back outside and being with the animals.
How has working on the farm shaped your character? Working on the farm has allowed my curiosity and imagination to grow and has made me a more open-minded person. It has also shaped me into not only a hard worker but a caring individual for those around me.
What do you love most about farm life? What I love about living on the farm is all of the experiences it has given me. Not many people can say they have milked cows, chased down a calf or washed pigs.
What is one thing you have learned from working alongside your parents? From working alongside my parents, I have learned to appreciate what you have and to do things well even when no one is watching.
What are your future plans? I plan to attend the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point for environmental science. I hope to one day have a job where I am able to work outside most days with animals or doing other types of research that can better our environment for wildlife.
7 years old Second grade
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? We mostly do chores a minute after school. We milk cows and clean mangers. I try to clean the hay mow too.
What are your favorite and least favorite chores? My least favorite chore is milking cows because I lose track of them. My favorite thing to do is sneak up on my dad to surprise him.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? All the cows are my favorite but especially Honor because I took her to the fair when I was 4 years old.
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? We clean mangers at 7 p.m.
What are your favorite and least favorite chores? I like to clean mangers because I get paid. I do not like milking cows because it’s a lot of work.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? My kitty, Golden Ninja. He is orange with stripes. He looks golden.
What is your favorite subject in school? Math because I get to do plusses, and those are easy.
Tell us about something you have recently learned in school. Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Vanilla ice cream.
What do you like to do on the farm during the winter? Sledding and building snow tunnels and forts.
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? We milk cows and clean mangers at night.
What are your favorite and least favorite chores? My favorite chore is harvest because the cows eat what we get from the crops. I don’t like playing anything in the hay mow except basketball. I like basketball.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? The cows, especially Tinkerbell because she has black spots.
What is your favorite subject in school? Recess because I get to play on the playground.
Tell us about something you have recently learned in school. Doing team boards with numbers.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A dairy farmer.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream and hot chocolate.
What do you like to do on the farm during the winter? Sledding on snow piles.
Klinkner 3 years oldWhen do you do chores and what chores do you do? I help milk cows at night and in the morning. We let cows out both times.
What are your favorite and least favorite chores? Milking is my favorite because I love it. I do not like scraping because it is hard.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? I love Chief, the new puppy. He is my favorite because he is soft.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Doctor.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream.
What do you like to do on the farm during the winter? I like sledding because I have my own sled.
JENSON ESTATE FARM LINE: John Deere 4430 Tractor, Cab/A/H, Quad Range, 3,358 Hrs, John Deere 2950 Tractor, Cab/A/H, MFWD, 4,711 Hrs, John Deere 4320 Tractor, Cab/H, Syncro, Original Tractor, 4,798 Hrs, New Holland LS140 Skid Steer, Orops, 3,594 Hrs, John Deere 6620 Combine, John Deere 643 Corn Head, Poly Snoots, John Deere 216 Bean Head, John Deere 3300 Combine, John Deere 300 Corn Picker, John Deere 244 3R Corn Head, New Holland 590 Large Square Baler, Applicator, John Deere 7000 Max Emerge II 6R Planter, Liquid, Precision, Parts, John Deere 630 15’ Disk, John Deere 724 13’ Field Finisher, 5 Bar Spike Harrow, Glenco 7 Shank Disk Chisel, New Holland 1022 Speed Rake, New Holland 311 Square Baler, New Holland 352 Mixer Mill, Harvest International T1032 Truck Auger, New Holland 258 Dolly Wheel Rake, New Holland 520 Manure Spreader, Tubeline TL1000R 3pt Bale Wrapper, John Deere 457 Round Baler, K&K Feed Wagon, 6 Place Bale Trailer, (2)-New Holland 488 Haybine, Good Roles, Balzer 1200 Stalk Chopper, 1960 Willys Jeep Truck, Barn Find, 1988 Lincoln Town Car, Automatic, Runs Been Sitting, 29,826 Original Miles, Cadillac Fleetwood Sedan, Automatic, Runs Been Sitting, 21,714 Original Miles, 69’ Ford Custom 500 Ranch Wagon, Ga, Barn Find, 32,263 Original Miles, Complete Line! CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: 17’ Hyundai HX145 Excavator, Hyd Coupler, Hyd Thumb, Aux Hyd, 1,400 Hrs, 15’ Case CX130 Excavator, Cab/A/H, Street Pads, 2,500 Hrs, Coupler, 19’ Cat 305E2 CR Mini Excavator, Cab/A/H, Coupler, Hyd Thumb, 770 Hrs, Nice Unit, 12’ Kubota KX080 -3 Excavator, Cab/A/H, Hyd Thumb, Auxh Hyd, 4 Way Blade, Coupler, 2,233 Hrs, One Owner Unit, 14’ Bobcat E45 Mini Excavator, Cab/H, 4,750 Hrs, Volvo EC60E Mini Excavator, Cab/A/H, 3,500 Hrs, Takeuchi TB240 Mini Excavator, Cab/A/H, Tag Coupler, Aux Hyd, 926 Hrs, Takeuchi TB216 Mini Excavator, Orops, 817 Hrs, (4)-Agrotk H12 Mini Excavator, Orops, Gas, Mech Thumb, New Units, 00’ John Deere 650H Dozer, Cab/A/H, 6 Way Blade, 3,900 Hrs, One Owner Machine, 01’ Case 1650 Dozer, Cab/A/H, 6 Way Blade, 3 Shank Ripper, 3,200 Hrs, Clean Machine, (2)-Terex 2366 6x6 Haul Trucks, 18’ Morooka MST800VD Truck, Cab/H, 9,000# Capacity, Dump Bed, Tail Gate, 800 Hrs, Fleet Maintained, 15’ Marooka MST1500VD Carrier Truck, Cab/H, 25,000# Capacity, Dump Bed, Tailgate, 2,200 Hrs, Fleet Maintained, Lull 644-42 Telehandler, Orops, 2,800 Hrs, 08’ Genie GTH625A Telehandler, Cab/H, Selectable Steering, Left Hand Reverser, 1,686 Hrs, Cat TH407C Telehandler, Hyd Coupler, Cab/H, Cat TH406 Telehandler, Cab/H, Hyd Coupler, Bucket & Forks, 4,990 Hrs, 17’ Bobcat S850 Skid Steer, Cab/A/H, 2 Spd, Hyd Coupler, 3,000 Hrs, 14’ Takeuchi TL8 Track Skid Steer, Cab/A/H, 2 Speed, Hyd Coupler, 1,600 Hrs, 12’ Cat M297C Track Skid Steer, Cab/A/H, Hi Flow, Hyd Coupler, 2 Spd, 3,427 Hrs, Municipal Machine, Case 40XT Skid Steer, Cab/A/H, New Tires, John Deere 250 Series II Skid Steer, Cab/H, Mech Quick Tatch, 2,200 Hrs, Clean One Owner Machine, Kubota SVL90-2 Track Skid Steer, Cab/A/H, 2 Spd, Aux Hyd, Hyd Coupler, 975 Hrs, Gehl 4835 Skid Steer, Orops, T Bars, Aux Hyd, 3,711 Hrs, 98’ Gehl 5635DX Skid Steer, Orops, T Bars, Aux Hyd, 2,693 Hrs, 05’ JLG 4394RT Rough Terrain Scissor Lift, D, 2,383 Hrs, (2)-Cat CB24B Double Drum Vibratory Roller, Orops, Diesel, Hydro, Vermeer RTX450 Track Trencher, Orops, Hyd Blade, Backhoe, (4)-07’ Hy-Brid HB1030 Electric Scissor Lift, 04’ Case 621D Wheel Loader, Cab/A/H, 3 Yard Bucket, Case 621 Wheel Loader, Cab/H, Clam Bucket, Terex 70C Wheel Loader, Cab/H, John Deere 750C Dozer, Orops, 9,500 Hrs, 10’ Case 580 SM Backhoe, Cab/H, 4x4, Extendahoe, 2,760 Hrs, Case 5 90 Super L Backhoe, Cab/H, 4x4, Extendahoe, 3,500 Hrs, 19’ Ashland 140XL2 Pull Type Scraper, 13’ Case SR220 Skid Steer, Cab/H, 2 Spd, Hyd Coupler, 2,314 Hrs,
TRACTORS: 21’ Bobcat CT5558 Loader Tractor, Cab/A/H, Hydro, 4x4, 75 Hrs, Case IH 7120 Tractor, Ca b/A/H, 2wd, Power Shift, 2,350 Hrs Very Nice Tractor, 20’ Case IH 120C Loader Tractor, Cab/A/H, MFWD, Low Hours, Case IH 115 Maxxum Tractor, Cab/A/H, MFWD, 2,383 Hrs, 06’ John Deere 5425 Tractor, Orops, Power Reverser, 2,297 Hrs, Municipal Owned, John Deere 7810 Tractor, Cab/A/H, MFWD, Quad Range, 13’ Kubota M9960 Loader Tractor, Orops, MFWD, 10’ Kubota M125X Tractor, Cab/A/H, MFWD, Power Shift, 2,850 Hrs, International 2400 Industrual Loader Tractor, International 454 Loader Tractor, International 574 Loader Tractor, G, 2,550 Hrs One Owner Very Nice, 71’ John Deere 4020 Tractor, Cab, Syncro, 5,691 Original Hours, Very Nice, International 1066 Tractor, 3,027 Hrs, International 856 Tractor, Good TA, 7,469 Hrs, Ford 2910 Tractor, D, Turf Tires, Ford 2600 Tractor, G, Cab, Turf Tires, Ford 3600 Loader Tractor, D, Turf Tires, 08’ Agco RT120 Tractor, Cab/A/H, 6,346 Hrs, McCormick MTX135 Tractor, Cab/A/H, MFWD, Power Shift, 4,549 Hrs, 09’ Agco RT155A Tractor, Cab/A/H, Duals, 7,000 Hrs, White 6810 Loader Tractor, Cab/A/H, Power Shift, MFWD
COMPACT TRACTORS: 20’ Kubota L3301 Loader Tractor, D, Orops, 4x4, Hdro, 35 Hrs, John Deere 3320 Tractor, D, 72” Deck, Hydro, 3pt, PTO, 1,487 Hrs, Kubota B7510 Mower Tractor, D, 4x4, Hydro, 3pt, PTO, 1,200 Hrs, Kubota BX2660 Loader Tractor, D, 4x4, Hydro, 60” Deck, 707 Hrs, Massey Ferguson 1145 Tractor, Orops, 4x4, 2,795 Hrs, Massey Ferguson 1250 Tractor, D, Orops, 4x4, 2,049 Hrs, 03’ John Deere 4410 Loader Tractor, Orops, Hydro, 4x4, 2,317 Hrs, John Deere 4320 Loader Tractor, D, Orops, Hydro, Front Aux Hyd, 1,490 Hrs, Bobcat CT230 Loader Tractor, Orops, Hydro, 334 Hrs, Kioti LK2554 Tractor, 16’ Massey Ferguson GC1715
original fences were purchased 20 years ago and they have held up well. I enjoy not having to paint them. Recently,
Jordan Meyer, Caledonia, MN Electric Fence Post
“I have had TJ’s Fencing’s fiberglass freestalls in my barn for 7 years. After seeing how much cows preferred them over steel stalls, it was an easy decision to install them in my new addition. They are also competitively priced and I like working with TJ’s.”
- Chad Nolting, Waukon, IA
REGISTERED, homebred Holstein bulls, located 15 mi. north of Rochester, MN. Call Dave Alberts at 507-269-3084 or 507356-8625. 14-TFN-B
HERD OF 30 HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS for tiestall barn, various stages of lactation, VG, calm herd. Call 563-7443506. 17-TFN-F
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, from three or more generations of EX 30,000 lbs. dams, Brookings, SD. Call 605-6906393. TFN-F
30) FRIENDLY HOLSTEINS looking for a friendly home, reasonably priced! Spring calving. Call 952-693-8313 or 952693-5357. 20-3-F
YEARLING PUREBRED DAIRY FLECKVIEH BULLS, some A2A2 & genomic tested. Call 715-220-2572. 9-TFN-F
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, polled, genomic tested, deep pedigreed high producing cow families. Call 507-8200452. 22-TFN-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, springing hfrs., Freeport, MN area. Call 612-2707453. 23-TFN-F
SERVICEABLE AGE BLACK & WHITE & RED & WHITE BULLS, sires Unstopabull, Genie, & Late Night-P, dams EX and VG, over 30,000 milk, 4% test. Call 320-5836564. 10-TFN-F
REGISTERED BROWN SWISS HEIFERS, 28,000 herd avg. Call 608482-2726. 20-4-F
GUERNSEY SPRINGERS, reg. Brown Swiss cows & breeding age registered bulls, Brown Swiss bulls, Guernsey w/high type & production. Call 563-590-5369. 11-TFN-F
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, exc. type and production. Call Scott Rickeman 320-552-0284. 16-TFN-F
LARGE SELECTION REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS from multi-gen EX, VG cows, 28,500 RHA. Call Olmar Farms 507-220-0730. 20-TFN-B
SERVICEABLE AGE HOLSTEIN BULLS, from great type and production families. Raised on outside lots, good vigor, Glencoe, MN. Call 320864-6555. 2-TFN-F
SERVICEABLE AGE BREEDING BULLS, 40 yrs. AI breeding, Sauk Centre, MN. Call 320-7612526 or 320-293-5607. 6-TFN-F
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, dams over 40,000 milk, 4.0 test, Analyst Renegrade, King, Doc. Call Greg 608-326-2668. 20-TFN-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, closed herd, Johnes & Leukosis test negative, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Call 507-920-5859. 7-TFN-B
(50+) REGISTERED JERSEY COWS, (25) A2A2 Jerseys, all ages and stages of lactation, $800$1,400. Call 715-4171778. 12-10-F
TOP QUALITY SPRINGER HFRS., due Jan., $1,900/obo. Call 320-293-1432 or 320-2602213. 20-TFN-F
BROWN SWISS BULLS, home raised, registered, genomic tested, A2A2 tested, delivery available. Call 563-419-2137 or visit www.hilltopacresfarmcalmaria.com 24-TFN-F
REG. BROWN SWISS BULLS, all ages, exc. pedigrees. Call 320-5876384 or 320-583-0336. 12-TFN-B
POLLED HOLSTEIN MILKING COWS & SPRINGERS, DHIA, 1,026 fat, 780 lbs. protein. Call 612-916-5701. 15-TFN-F
HEIFERS OF ALL AGES, baby calves to springers, central, MN. Call 320-333-5906. 19-TFN-F
FLECKVIEH HEIFER CALVES, certied organic, newborns starting at $175, Thorp, WI. Call 715773-1119. 18-4-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, serviceable age, north of Rochester, MN, delivery avail. Call 507732-5930. 20-1-F
REGISTERED CALVING EASE HOLSTEIN & ANGUS BULLS, various sizes, delivery avail. Call or text Brian 715-6139206. 2-TFN-F
DAIRY GOAT DOES, out of Hostetler breeding; also breeding bucks available. Call 319-350-5819. 24-TFN-F
ROAN MILKING SHORTHORN BULL, born Sept. 1, 2021, approx. 750 lbs., asking $1,000. Call 701-490-2432. 6-TFN-F
DAIRY HFR. CALVES, 2-6 months old, 28K herd avg., Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 18-TFN-F
SHORT-TERM BRED HFRS., up to 4-6 mos. bred; also 2-3 mos. bred. Call 218-401-3072. 20-3-F
•DHI Specialist,
•A.I. Specialist, Fond du Lac/Dodge County area
•A.I. Specialist, Rock/Dane/Walworth County area
•A.I. Specialist, Shawano/Brown County area
•A.I. Specialist, Vernon/Richland County area
•DHI Specialist, southwest Wisconsin area
•DHI Specialist, Barron/Rusk/Polk County area
•Laboratory Technician, Kaukauna, Wis.
COMPLETE HERDS OF DAIRY CATTLE; also buying all classes of livestock, including cull cows, steers, hfrs. and calves. Call 715-216-1897. 7-TFN-B
WANTING TO BUY SLOW & LAME CATTLE, lump-jaws and bad eyes and all blemished cattle, $200-$600; also, good cull cows and bulls, $600$1,200. Call 612-860-8774 or 651-480-1900. 4-TFNB
WE HAVE BUYERS for tiestall and freestall dairy herds of all qualities and quantities. Also herds for sale at all times, Call 715721-0079. 2-TFN-B
BUTCHER COWS, bulls, & fats; also thin, lame, lazy, & lump jaw. Call 320894-7175. 11-TFN-B
ALL CLASSES OF SPRINGER DAIRY COWS. No jockeys. Call 320-760-6050. 20-TFN-F
FLAX STRAW BALES, 4x5, net wrapped, $20 ea. Call 218-573-3172.
ORGANIC HAY, round bales, 900-1000 lbs., exc. quality, 200 bales 1st crop, 30 bales 2nd crop, located in Bemidji, MN. Call 218209-1682. 16-5-F
MIXED GRASS HAY, med. squares; also meadow hay cut up and baled in 4x5 rounds and med. squares. Call 320-2930181. 18-10-F
ERNMOREORGANICS.COM, certied organic alfalfa, wrapped in 8 layers of lm, 3x4x6 bales, RFQ 140-280, Springeld, SD. Call ERNmore Organics 605-286-3873 or 605-999-2010 or 605-2511143.Ernmoreorganics. com. 16-TFN-B
SHREDDED CORN STALK BALES, 4x5; 4x5 round bales of straw. Call Kevin 701-367-0869. 184-F
3X3 WHEAT AND OAT STRAW BALES; also 3x3 hay bales, all grown in Canada! Call 204-7125161. 19-6-B
OCIA CERTIFIED YELLOW CORN, 8.52 crude protein. Call 641751-8382. 12-TFN-B
1ST, 2ND, 3RD, AND 4TH CUTTING BALEAGE, all cuttings are tested, Glencoe, MN. Call 952-297-2811. 5-TFN-F
ALFALFA BALEAGE, 1st-4th crop, 175 RFQ. Call 715-896-1418. 3-TFN-F
(40) CANARY GRASS BALES, 5x6, net wrapped. Call 218-282-6132. 19-3-F
ALFALFA HAY & GRASS HAY, med. square or round bales, delivery available. Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-689-6675. 10-TFN-B
50) 4X5 BALES OF MEADOW HAY; 100) bales 3rd crop alfalfa baleage. Call 320-333-6245. 20-4-F
CERTIFIED ORGANIC MIXED HAY, big round bales, organic corn and oats. Call 218-563-2762. 20-1-F
STRAW, NET WRAPPED ROUND BALES & BIG SQUARES, clean, dry, stored inside, delivery available. Call 320-8088336. 15-TFN-F
GRASS HAY, 3x3x8 med. sq.; also swamp bedding chopped up and baled dry, 3x3x8 med. sq. or 4x5 rd. bales. Call 320-293-0181. 19-8-F
KILN DRIED WOOD SHAVINGS for bedding, by the semi load. Call 608479-2039. 19-TFN-F
CERTIFIED ORGANIC BALEAGE, individual wrapped big squares; Straw 1st, 3rd, 4th cut available w/test results, can be sold as conventional. Call 608498-0258.20-4-B
and weights, “Top Quality!” Gold Star Dairy Farms, New Holstein, WI: Fendt 820 Vario TMS MFWD w/5889 hours, front 3pt hitch & pto, rear 540/1000 pto, 480/80/R42 w/axle duals, 16.9x28R, front susp, cab susp, front hyds w/(4) rear remotes, rear air hookup, front counter weight, deluxe cab, “Very Clean!”; Kuhn Knight 8124 Pro Twin slinger spreader, 425/65/R22.5 truck tires, 540 rpm, “Late Model & Nice!”; Gehl 5240E Turbo skid steer, partial cab, (2) speed, “Runs Good”, and more.
An Outstanding Tractor Selection Selling! JD ’03 JD 7320 2WD w/4686 local (1) owner hours, CAH, (24) speed power quad w/LH reverser, new 18.4x38 Michelins, “Hard to Find!”; ’95 JD 8200 MFWD showing 6847 hrs, 18.4x42 w/duals, triple hyds, front fenders & weights; ’83 JD 4450 2WD w/4300 hrs, quad range, front weights, new 18.4x42 Firestones, “Extremely Nice!”; ’78 JD 4440 powershift, 20.8x38 & 14Lx16.1 fronts; Late ’81 JD 4240 w/4127 hrs, CAH, quad range, 18.4x38 w/axle duals, “Excellent!”; Late ’82 JD 4240 w/5600 hrs, powershift, CAH, 18.4x38 w/ axle duals, “A Rare Find!”; ’82 JD 4040 w/5700 hrs, quad range, CAH, 18.4x38 Firestones, “Local (1) Owner!”; ’82 JD 4040 factory open station fender w/(50) series platform, quad range, “Only (1) of (128) built!”; ;78 JD 2840 fender; JD 2020 gas utility w/JD 47 hyd loader; Late ’81 JD 4640 w/7000 hours, quad range, new 18.4x42, “Runs & Moves but Hi-Lo/Lo Side Not Working-Mechanic Special”; 18.4x42 duals selling separately. Case/IH CIH 885 utility w/2250 QA loader, 18.4x30, TA, ind loader controls; ’81 Case 2290 w/5100 hrs, CAH, powershift, triple hyds, front weights; ’71 Case 870 diesel w/ONLY 3197 actual hrs, factory cab, powershift, original rubber, “Mint Original Condition!”; ’66 Case 730 gas Comfort King w/2120 actual hours, original rubber, “One of a Kind!”; ’75 IH 4366 4WD w/3511 hrs. 18.4x34 w/duals, wide swing drawbar, “Runs & Drives the Best!”; ’77 IH 1486 w/5262 hrs, CAH, 20.8x38 w/duals, triple hyds; ’75 IH 1466 factory red cab, 20.8x38; ’65 Farmall 1206 w/NF, fenders, “TA Delete”; ’69 Farmall 856 diesel custom fender w/4281 actual hours, WF, “All Original, Must See Quality!”; ’69 Farmall 756 diesel custom fender, NF, 16.9x38, “Recent Engine Work!”; ’70 Farmall 656 gas fender w/5829 hrs, “All Original!”; IH 656 gas utility hydro w/4907 hrs, 18.4x30, 3pt; ’72 IH 574 gas utility;’66 Farmall 504 gas row crop, 2pt fast hitch; IH 1586 w/dual pto, 18.4x38 w/duals, “Rough”; ’58 Farmall 560 gas w/MM hyd loader, fast hitch, NF; Ford ’95 Ford 7810S fender w/ROPS, ONLY 1451 hrs, 18.4x34, “Super Nice!”; ’82 ford 7610 MFWD utility fender, 5200 hrs, dual power; ’73 Ford 8600 fender open station, 18.4x38, front weights, “A Sharpie!”; AC/Others AC 7030 factory open station fender, 3200 hrs, power director, “Fancy!”; AC 7000 maroon belly w/3314 hrs, CAH, powershift, “Honest”; ’63 AC D17 Series III gas; AC D19 gas w/snap coupler hitch; ’71 Oliver 1655 diesel fender w/4362 hrs, 18.4x34.
Collector/Vintage Tractors: ’59 JD 435 GM diesel utility, 3600 hrs, rear hyds, “Nice!”; ’58 JD 420U slant steer, “Low Production”; ’78 JD A styled, electric start; JD B styled, manual ywheel start, new 11.2x38; ’62 JD 3010 row crop, “factory LP”; Farmall 560 gas RC, NF, standard drawbar, “Original”; ’49 Farmall M w/WF, 15.5x38; ’56 Ferguson 40 “Older Repaint”; Ford 961 gas selecto speed, fac PS, rear remote, new 13.6x28, “Older Restoration”; ’63 Oliver 550 gas utility, aftermarket PS; ’62 Oliver 770 gas row crop w/NF, “Older Restoration; ’60 Oliver 770 fac LP. WF, “Non-Runner, Low Production!”; ’49 Oliver 88 standard gas; ’50 Oliver 77 standard gas; Oliver 70 RC w/Oliver 2R mounted corn planter, “Original, A True Survivor!”; Oliver 66 gas RC, aftermarket WF; Ford 901 gas w/3pt rockshaft; Case 830 diesel, NF, Eagle hitch, “Not Running”. Skid loaders, Industrial, Loaders & Vehicle: Case 580 Super K industrial loader tractor, 4WD, cab, 6597 hrs, 3pt, LH reverser, “Nice!”; ’98 Case 1840 skid steer w/2984 hrs, Cummins diesel, “Clean!”; ’11 Volvo MTC 135 rubber track skid steer, 2400 hrs, side entrance cab, (2) speed; ’78 IH 4120 Hustler skid steer w/830 hrs, “Use or Collect It!”; Case 580 Construction King ind loader tractor, gas, 3pt; Case 580 Super K industrial loader tractor, cab, 4WD, “Front MFWD Axle Needs Repair, AS IS”; JD 158 loader w/90” bucket; White 1170 QA loader w/8’ bucket, ts White American series; ’09 Ford F150 Lariat extenda cab, 184K miles, auto, leather; JD 6x4 ATV gator, diesel, elec dump. Tillage: Brillion HFC 19’ FC w/(5) bar spike ex harrow, “Low Acres, Like New!”; Brillion X108 25’ X-fold cultipacker, 20” steel ductile rolls w/scrapers; Wilrich Quad 5 32’ FC w/fac (5) bar spike ex harrow; DMI 32’ Tigermate FC w/coil tine harrow; DMI 530B (5) shank Ecolo-Tiger deeptill w/rear leveling disks, “New Coverboards”; Hesston 2540 (7) shank soil saver; Glencoe (5) shank soil saver; White 588 4x18/20” SAR plow, “As Nice as You’ll Find!”; White 256 16’ man wing disk; DMI Nutri-Placr 3250 13R 20” spacing applicator, hyd fold, 200 gal tank; Wilrich 2500 20’ FC; DMI 500 (7) shank 3pt deeptill w/SAR shanks; and more.
Hay Equipment: (3) Gruett 6900 18’ variable speed SU wagons w/Gruett (14) ton tandem gears, “Red, (1) Owner, All Very Nice!”; (2) Gehl 970 16’ SU w/(12) ton tandems, “Always Shedded!”; ’91 FNH 1499 12’ self-propelled haybine, 2400 hrs, Ford (4) cyl diesel, AC; CNH F62B forage blower; FNH 570 baler w/70 hyd belt thrower; FNH 492 9’ haybine; FNH 258 hay rake; MillerPro 1060 forage blower, “Limited Use!”; MillerPro 1100 rotary rake, tandems; MillerPro Avalanche hyd double fold windrow merger; and more.
Other Equipment: ’20 H&S 4155 Hydra-push 5500bu spreader, dual vertical beaters, “used (6) mos, Like A Demo!”; Meyers 8720 Industrial V spreader, dual vertical beaters, “Used Seasonally, Great Shape!”; H&S 270 single axle manure spreader w/hyd end gate; Farmhand 822 grinder mixer mill, late model, hyd drive, dig scales; JD 400 grinder mixer mill, “Mint Condition!”; Gehl 8285 portable TMR w/discharge conveyor, dig scales; CIH 5100 12’ 21x7” soybean special drill w/fac hyd tandem bridge hitch; IH 5100 12’ 24x6” grain drill; DMI 450bu Big Little grain wagon, double door unload, brakes, 16.5x16.1 otations; DMI 350 GB w/12.5x15 imp; J&M 275 GB w/Kory (6) ton gear, “Sight Windows”; (2) Kory 200by GB w/Kory (6) ton gears; NI 325 2RN & 324 2RW corn pickers w/327 (12) roll beds; Kory (12) ton tandem axle gear, Bradford 20’ head hauler wagon; Dayton 80/40KW generator on cart; Lorenz 66” 3pt (2) stage snowblower, hyd cap, “Like New!”; Leon 12’ hyd silage/pusher blade, converted to 3pt’ Industrias America 10’ 3pt blade, hyd tilt/angle; Frontier RB 2296 8’ 3pt blade, hyd angle; JD 466T & IH 436T complete engines, “Fresh Removals!”; 18.4x42 axle duals w/White 160 hubs; misc tires, Oliver Fleetline sheet metal;
COW BELLS. Call 563568-3628, Waukon, IA, keep trying. 20-1-F
USED BARN CLEANER CHAIN for MN Chief barn cleaner, log chain type, Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 20-3-F
SPRING TEETH for IHC C cultivator; wheel hub for IHC 56 corn planter, right side. Call 715-822-2678. 14-TFN-F
LID FOR KNIGHT 8132 SLINGER SPREADER. Call 507-459-5201. 19-TFN-F
GOLF CART OR SIDEBY-SIDE. Call 320-2504600, no texts or messages. 14-TFN-F
FARM BULK MILK COOLERS, all sizes. Call 319-330-2286. 10-24-P
VINTAGE A.O. SMITH HARVESTORE ADVERTISING COLLECTIBLES & Harvestore farmer magazines, 1960s-1990s, in good cond. Call 715-225-9987. 19-8-F
JD 740 MANURE LDR., & HD hyd. controlled grader blade. Call 920-6482104. 20-TFN-F
SQUEEZE CHUTE OR HEADGATE FOR CATTLE. Write to Mervin Wagler, 22186 Keystone Rd., Wilton, WI 54670. 17-6-F
JD 7000 6 OR 8 ROW PLANTER & 6620 or 7720 combine. Call 320760-6050. 22-TFN-F
BADGER STYLE GUTTER CHAIN, 16”, CCW, approx. 300 ft. Call 715307-1488. 19-2-F
AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD/BLUE HEELER PUPPIES, born 10-16-22, Merles/chocolate/black, good pets or cattle dogs, reasonably priced. Daniel Miller, 16746 344th St., Eagle Bend, MN 56446. 20-1-P
WEAVERLINE FEED CARTS, new, rebuilt used, parts, service. Call Hobert Sales Inc., Cokato, MN 320-286-6284. 19-TFN-B
HOLM LAUE MILK TAXI 55 GAL. SELFPROPELLED UNIT w/ pasteurizer, fed 30-35 calves, updated to newer unit, $7,250. Call 641-5300535. 15-8-F
BASSET HOUND PUPS, b.9-27-22, beautiful pets, shots & wormed, $450/ obo. Dannie J. Borntreger, 31075 Cty. Hwy A, Camp Douglas, WI 54618 20-1F
CHEMICAL INJECTION PUMP for hydrogen peroxide etc. into water supply, like new, $350. Call 320-630-7559. 14-TFN-F
3) PB BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, 12 wks. old, $200. Omer Schwartz, N1417 Cty. Rd. FF/H, Dalton, WI 53926-9248. 201-F
WEAVERLINE 424 FEED CART, new motor and batteries. Call 320290-4685. 20-1-F
‘13 PENTA 4120 HD, 6’, LH disch., 1-owner, new knives, used on 50-cow dairy, mixed 1 batch/day, exc. cond. Call 651-2616082. 19-2-F
FARM BULK MILK COOLER, 1600 gal., 4 yrs. old. Call 715-8234501. 20-1-F
USED CALF-TEL PENS. Call 320-995-6216. 16-TFN-F
OLD HEATING FUEL AND DIESEL, can pump from basement. Call 320424-2005. 5-TFN-F
GAS BARREL & STAND Call 563-568-1177. 20-2-F
3 PT. HITCH FOR VERSATILE 800, 700, 750, 850, 900 etc. will work. Call 320-278-3590. 20-1-F
SKID LDR., 2400 hrs., exc. cond., $27,000/obo; also 365 & 650 gravity boxes, nice cond. Call 320266-6878. 20-3-F
PATZ V350 TMR MIXER, exc. cond., hay retainer, Avery 640XL scale, rubber side ext., $22,500/ obo. Call 320-360-4645. 20-5-F
‘88 WILSON CATTLE TRAILER, 7’x24’; JD 16R cultivator; Versatile 400 swather, good cond. Call 320-290-0367. 6-TFN-F
ROCK RAKE, 2 12 ft hydraulic drive, put together end transport, $10,500. Call 715-410-1060. 20-1-F
GUTTER GRATES; (8) DeLaval automatic takeoffs; Renn RSP24 stationary roller mill. Text 715878-4646. 16-5-F
JD 5820 SELF-PROPELLED CHOPPER, 4800 hrs., nice, comes with Dion F63-120 rotary hd. & 7’ HH, $55,000. Call 320290-2602. 20-3-F
VAN VETTER 800 GAL. BULK TANK; also Mueller 34 plate cooler and DeLaval tank washer. Call 320-250-1221. 20-2-F
AKC DALMATION PUPPIES AVAIL., ready Christmas week, dewormed, vaccinated, veterinary checked, microchipped and hearing tested. Call 651-448-0241 or Cookies & Cream Dalmation on Facebook. 20-1-F
TRUSSCORE WHITE PVC WALL AND CEILING PANELS, 16”x16’, factory seconds, quantity discounts, J-trim, inside and outside corner trim, use in dog kennels, milk houses, etc. Call 715-6442350. 8-20-B
(2) DELAVAL MILKER PUMPS, 1) 7 1/2 HP, 1) 10 HP, also Farmall Super H. Call 218-385-3471. 12-TFN-F
EQUIPMENT FOR SMALL scale bottling plant, pasteurizer, homogenizer, bottler, conveyor, labeler, etc. Call Blaine 701-471-4011. 20-3-F
PSI POWER WASHERS, Power Washers Hot/ Cold, Cabinet Parts Washers, Chemicals, Presoaks, Degreasers, Large Parts Inventory Shipped Same Day, On Site Service. Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Sales, Repair, and Rental. “The Guys That Work Great Under Pressure” 1-800-555-1677. Serving you from 3 locations: West Central MN Region – Pennock, MN Location SW MN Region – Wilmont, MN Location NW IA Region – Harrisburg, SD Location & Wilmont, MN Location SE SD Region – Harrisburg, SD Location. 23-TFN-B
COMPRESSOR AGITATOR WASHER from 800 gal. Darikool milk cooler, make offer. Call 920-9482449. 20-2-F
HAY RACK, platforms on side, 9x18’, $2,500; Kewanee elevator, 56’, pto lift. Call 320-247-2657. 7-TFN-F
(4) DEMCO 365 & 450 GRAVITY BOXES, (2) w/tarps, like new; tricycle feeder; big round bale wagon. Call 320-5576558. 18-TFN-F
NH BR770 ROUND BALER, crop cutter; Case 2188 combine, RWA. Call 218-841-8723. 24-TFN-F
BALDOR 5 HP MOTOR, $450. Call 320-845-4690. 20-1-F
‘15 CHEVY SILVERADO 4-DOOR, 4WD. Call 320-557-5514, no texts or messages. 1-TFN-F
NH 38 FLAIL CHOPPER, bought new in ‘04, always shedded, exc. cond. Call 715-314-0977. 10-TFN-F
NH 790 CHOPPER w/ hay head & NH 116 14’ hydra-swing haybine. Call 218-639-1103. 5-TFN-F
KRAUSE LANDSMAN 7430 SOIL FINISHER. Call 320-250-4600, no texts or messages. 3-TFNF
PUPPIES, Ackbash Shepherd guard dogs, snow white in color, good protection from coyotes & good companions, ready in Dec., $300 ea. Leave message for Joe at 320-9836543. 18-2-B-1st
JD 2700 PLOW, semi mounted. Call 320-5101055. 13-TFN-F
(4) 3-PHASE 5HP BULK MILK TANK COMPRESSORS, reasonable. Call 480-313-8460. 9-TFN-F
1500 GAL. DARIKOOL BULK TANK, w/washer mounted on side, 2 compressors, complete. Call 507-450-6115. 20-3-F
ALFA-DELAVAL LATE MODEL BULK TANK, 1,250 gal., complete as new, MN. Call 480-3138460. 5-TFN-F
‘08 35 TON SEMI TRAILER, beaver tail & ramps, 51’ total length. Call 320-760-6942. 12-TFN-F
BERNESE MOUNTAIN MALE PUPS, DOB 6-2222, friendly, $50. Eli Borntreger, 27267 Mint Ave., Kendall, WI 54638. 20-1-F
6) WESTFALIA STIMOPULS MA AUTO TAKEOFFS, have new style boards; 14’ Hanson unloader. Call 641-228-4690. 20-3-F
(5) WAIKATO EXPRESSO TS DETACHERS w/ pulsators, milking equip. used 1 yr, $1,500 ea. Call 320-429-1741. 18-3-F
FOREMOST HEADGATE, $400; EZ Chute manual hoof trim chute, $400; Steel fence posts, $2. Call 507-249-3240. 20-4-F
NOTCH 3-SPEAR BALE ATTACHMENT for skid loader, exc. cond., also grain cleaner. Call 320-224-9887. 18-4-F
3) 4-TON STEER STUFFERS & also 600 bu. roller mill; wanted: Valmetal 530 feed cart. Call 952-292-2011. 20-1-F
CARA-POO PUPPIES, shots & ready to go, people friendly, $600. Call 715223-8803. 20-1-F
IH 56 BLOWER; H&S 125 spdr., new apron, WI. Call 608-967-2202. 20-1-F