Minn. – When the Hunekes harvested 57 bushels per acre of soybeans in 2022, their harvest was 15% more than the year’s U.S. Department of Agriculture national average.
But, above average soybeans were not all they were harvesting.
The Hunekes also harvested 230 bales of winter rye baleage off of those same 50 acres. With numbers like these, the Hunekes see their double cropping efforts as successful.
The Hunekes – Paul, Marc and Micah – have 285 cows and farm approximately 1,000 acres across several properties within a 6-mile radius of the home dairy farm near Bellechester.
The Hunekes have been using cover crops or practicing double cropping for approximately 10 years. Marc said it began as a way to prevent soil erosion on corn silage ground in the fall. This year, between hay ground, cover crops and double crop-
ping, 100% of their 240-acre dairy farm has a green plant cover.
Double crops are similar to cover crops except that double crops are meant to be harvested while cover crops are usually terminated.
The Hunekes have found several keys to their double cropping success. The rst is that they plant their cover crop and double crops early in the fall, generally within a week after chopping corn silage. Currently, Paul said they pay a neighbor to no-till drill the winter rye for the fall planting. This takes care of additional fall labor during the harvest season.
“Our labor for seeding it in the fall is a phone call and paying a bill,” Paul said.
The Hunekes have several cropping combinations: winter rye with soybeans, winter rye with alfalfa and grass mixes, and winter rye with corn silage. Their neighbor who plants the rye in the fall also grows the rye seed, which takes care of the need for ordering seed. If they are planting rye as a cover crop, they will plant at the rate of
50 pounds per acre. If it is planned to be a double crop, they will plant at the rate of 80-100 pounds per acre.
In the spring, the Hunekes harvest their winter rye for forage. Depending on weather, they may opt to terminate and use it as green manure instead. When harvested for forage, the Hunekes either chop it or make it into bale-
age. “It is better chopped, but it is difcult to chop,” Paul said.
Paul said ash is an issue, especially if the ground is uneven or was worked in the fall before planting the cover crop. Ash is one of the key items the Hunekes pay attention to in double cropping.
Paul said neighbors with
mergers have experienced issues with the long rye stems wrapping in the merger belts especially if they are harvesting rye that has headed out. The Hunekes use a rotary rake, which works well with rye, but if the ground is uneven, it can produce high ash
Turn to HUNEKE | Page 4
Hesston/Agco 5456A Baler, approx 5500 bales........................................$11,000
Case IH RS561 baler, Twine only, Low bales ....................................................Call
Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 2017, Approx 7,663 bales, Very Good Condition ..............................................................................$45,000
2015 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 21,435 bales, new monitor, belts last year, real good cond .......................................................................Call
2017 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special approx. 28,201 bales, many parts replaced recently ........................................................................Call
Vermeer 605XL baler, good condition .............................................................Call
2011 John Deere 568 baler ..............................................................................Call
Used New Holland BR780 Baler .................................................................$6,500
Used Kubota BV5160 Silage Baler ...................................................................Call
2011 John Deere 265 Disc Mower..............................................................$6,000
‘22 Kubota 1024 Disc mower ...........................................................................Call
2014 Vermeer M6040 Disc Mower .............................................................$6,000
Kuhn GA4220TH Rotary Rake ....................................................................$8,500
New Holland 144 Hay inverter ................................................................Pending
Haybuster 2650 bale processor, very good condition ..............................$14,000
Badger 1055 forage boxes, tandem axle, FWU 1702G ............................PENDING
H&S 500 Forage box, good condition, 14 ft .....................................................Call
2015 Houle 6” 3pt super pump 9ft, 2 agitation nozzles, 2 available .....$9,250 ea.
Houle PTO 6” Super Pump, 2004, w/ 2 agitation nozzles, 12ft long,
Used Houle 60” cable scraper drive, good shape ........................................$3,000
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1501G ..$4,300
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with 30HP motor, USED, MPU1505G .......$4,000
10ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, used, MPU1507G .....................................................................................$4,300
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with no motors set up for twin motors, USED, MPU1508G ....................................................................................$3,500
2) 8” manure loadstands .....................................................................$2,000 ea.
Cloverdale 1300 Cu Ft Twin screw vertical mixer..............................................Call
International 575 box spreader, converted to all hydraulic drive, good cond. ...$4,000
Nuhn Magnum 6750 manure tank,
painted, $18.95 New......................................................................$12.25ea
New Schuur and Lely cow brushes- In stock ....................................................Call
Used squirrel cage style fan, 42” diameter, w/ 3 phase motor .........................Call
Used WIC model 300 grain cart, OTH1803G .....................................................Call
New 2 bath automated footbath assy, stainless baths & control, ½ priced-never used, DEN1402G .............................................................$7,000
Dayton Blower Fan, like new, 24.5” Wheel, 12000 CFM #3C010, $3,437 retail New ....................................................................................$2,500
When the Hunekes bale the rye for baleage, they narrow their 16-foot swath to 7 feet so it does not have to be raked or merged. This helps with ash content by eliminating the need to rake, but Paul said it can then be hard to wilt down. When they bale the 7-foot swaths, they are left with long stems for feeding. After it is baled, the Hunekes wrap the bales. Depending on the harvest, often the rye will be used for dry cows and heifers.
Paul said they ght a small harvest window for high-quality feed.
“Rye can go from milk cow feed – really good, high digestibility – to beef cow ller in less than about four days or ve days,” he said.
The rye varies in feed value because of its fast maturity. Hitting the small harvest windows is one of the keys and challenges to successful double cropping. Paul said once the rye heads are exposed, generally the rye ends up with a relative feed quality of 120 or 130, but if the rye is harvested before the heads are exposed, the feed value will be 180-200. The tonnage also varies according to maturity.
Marc said when it comes to feed value, the time window is tight.
“It’s the difference of a day and a half,” he said.
Although they often feed rye to dry cows and heifers, Paul said they do sometimes feed rye to milk cows
“When the feed quality is there, it denitely makes milk out of it as good as any other haylage,” Paul said.
Paul said as rye continues to mature, it can produce tremendous volume but the quality falters.
“Where you really kick yourself is if you let it get totally headed out,” Paul said. “All of a sudden you have ... over 2 ton of dry matter to the acre of just a hellacious amount of feed, but ... it should be fed to beef cows.”
One way Paul said they can improve the quality of their rye in the future is by putting on more nitrogen to increase the protein content.
When the Hunekes choose to terminate the crop versus harvesting, they begin by injecting liquid manure followed by discing. After the ground has been disced, they plant it. Finally, once the new crop is established, they will spray the rye to complete the termination process.
This past spring, the Hunekes had an unexpected challenge in their cover cropping system. Their corn was growing into the decimated rye, which was regrowing and was ready to spray. Unbeknownst to them, however, army worms were feasting on the rye. When the Hunekes sprayed, the army worms transferred to the corn and completely ate away the
corn on 30 acres.
“The rest was just like somebody came in overnight and took it,” Paul said.
The Hunekes plan to keep insect pressure in mind in the future.
Marc said that from a bottom-line standpoint, the Hunekes are content with the cover crops and double cropping.
“Without actually doing any numbers, it feels more protable if you get a bunch of forage off,” Marc said. “It feels less protable if you’re terminating it all. Still, in the long run, I think there’s enough advantages to make it worthwhile.”
Marc said their spray costs have held steady compared to single cropping, and they see fewer broadleaves because the rye chokes them out. Their fertilizer costs have gone down slightly. Paul said any yield
loss on the second crop seems to be made up by the tonnage of rye that comes off rst.
The Hunekes were part of a research study with the University of Minnesota that looked at cover crops and their ability to hold nitrogen. As part of the study, they injected liquid manure into established cover crops in early November. In the spring, the areas planted with cover crops retained the nitrogen better than the ground that did not have cover crops.
The Hunekes said the rye recovered so well that it was difcult to see in the spring that they had injected liquid manure into the crop in the fall.
The Hunekes understand the environmental value of cover crops and double cropping for their farm.
“After you till in the
spring and plant and you get a heavy downpour, you don’t get so nervous because it still is green out there until the corn is kind of established,” Paul said. “So, it just kind of holds the soil together even if you get some heavy downpours.”
In the fall, rye contains soil runoff as well. The
Hunekes have also changed their tillage habits as a result of double cropping.
“I don’t think we do near as much deep tillage,” Paul said. “Because (of) the grasses and the alfalfa and the cover crops, I think that root mass rotting just loosens the ground a lot.”
The Hunekes said pro-
ducers considering or practicing double cropping need to be exible and able to pivot. Although their double cropping success is dependent on weather and time availability, they said it has been a good t.
“That whole process of keeping something growing on the ground I think has done our farm good,” Paul said.
JD 5525, FWA, cab, w/542 JD ldr & bkt, 6,100 hrs $39,000
JD 5065E, FWA, cab, w/loader & bucket ............ $51,000
MF 1760M, cab, FWA, Compact, DL135 ldr., 50 hrs $46,000
‘13 MF 8670, FWA, w/1,699 hrs. ....................... $164,000
Ford NH T6610, FWA, platform, 7410 HD lr ....... $29,000
‘21 Gleaner S97 combine, duals........................ Coming In
‘10 Gleaner R76 combine, Duals, 1787 Sep, 2751 E. Hrs CDF rotor ........................................ $86,000
‘05 Gleaner R75 combine, Duals, 2,204 Sep, 3,133 E. Hrs ........................................................ $54,000
Gleaner 3000 /Challenger CH630 6R30” corn head, single point .......................................................... $18,000
‘10 Gleaner 9250-35 draper head......................... $37,000
‘09 Gleaner 8200-35 Flex Head w/Orbit Reel ....... $18,000
Gleaner 8200-35 Flex Head w/Crary Air Reel.... Coming In
Gleaner 8200-30 Flex Head w/Crary Air Reel.... Coming In
‘05 Harvestec 4306C 6R30” Cutter Corn Head, Gleaner Mounts .................................................. $17,500
‘00 Geringhoff RD630 Corn Head, Consigned, Gleaner mounts .................................................. $14,000
Gleaner 313 Pick-Up Header .................................. $3,500
‘07 Bobcat S185 Skid Steer, cab, 4900 hrs....... Coming In
Bobcat 753 Skid Steer, open cab, 5,700 Hrs .... Coming In
Bobcat 853 Skid Steer, cab, heat, 2100 Hrs......... $15,000
‘14 Bobcat S570 Skid Steer, cab, w/5,100 hrs, H/F control, 2 Sp............................................... Coming In
Bobcat T590 Track Loader, cab, Hvac, 1500 hrs, H/F control 2sp. ................................................ Coming In
Bobcat T770 Track loader, cab Hvac, 1,060 Hrs, Joystick, track sus. ........................................... Coming In
‘16 Bobcat T770 Track Loader, Cab Hvac, 3,000 Hrs., H/F Controls, Track Sus...................................... $45,000 Mustang 2032, 3,000 hrs., 1-owner, H/F ctrls .. Coming In
‘11 NH H7450 Discbine, drawbar hitch ................. In Shop
‘17 NH RB560 round baler, 1,416 bales, like new $28,000
Vermeer 504 Pro round baler w/cutter, 11,500 bales $27,500
JD 3950 Forage Harvestor w/7’ hay hd, consigned $4,500
‘09 H&S GM170 Feed Mill ................................... $18,500
H&S HDX 14 Wheel Rake .................................... $13,300
Hardi NP1100 80’ boom, foam, 463 pump, 2500 rate controller, ........................................... $12,900
‘13 Hardi Navigator 3500, 60’ boom, foam, 463 pump, 5500 rate controler ............................................. $21,500
CIH 5100 Grain Drill, 12’ w/6” spacing, no small seeds................................................. Coming In Great Plains YP1225-24 twin row 30” planter, finger pick-up, 400 Gal LF.................................. $69,000
Good Selection Of Used Augers .........................................Call
New Idea 3632......................................................... $5,700
‘16 H&S HP550VB Hydra-Push vert beater ...... Coming In MISCELLANEOUS
‘18 Bobcat Sweeperbucket 72” Model # 6707837, Low Usage ............................................................. $4,900
Bush Hog TD-1500 Tri-Deck Finish Mower, 15’ .... $9,500
Bush Hog SQ 840 3-Pt Rotary Cutter ................... $2,400
Farm King Snowblower, single auger, hyd. chute, 6’ $900
Merry Mac TPH-12 3pt Wood Chipper .................. $1,200
MF 2320 54” Mid-Mount Mower Deck .................. $1,100
Meyer 80” Skid Steer Mount Snowpusher, (Has Rubber Edge) ................................................... $900
“After you till in the spring and plant and you get a heavy downpour, you don’t get so nervous because it still is green out there until the corn is kind of established.”
Dairy Star interviews ag professionals for a inside look at their careers.
What is your background in the agriculture industry? I have most of my experience on the farming side of the industry. I currently farm 230 acres and have raised beef cattle in the past. I and my partner, Danny LaMott, keep up with trends and grow our understanding of agronomic practices and products through many of the online classes Channel provides for us as seed representatives, through our customers and through research plots.
What seed do you sell and what territory do you cover; how has this changed throughout your career? We sell Channel corn and soybeans, Agassiz Seed & Supply cereal grains and grasses, and Ag Performance Xylem Plus fungicide. We have a variety of products because within the rst year of selling Channel corn and soybeans, we had farmers calling and asking if we had oats or rye and other crops. We discussed that if the farmer needs it, we should have it. This was a way to diversify and take care of our customers’ needs, which in turn brought more people our way and helped us make additional customer connections. We have customers in McLeod County and surrounding areas.
Tell us why you wanted to work as a seed representative. I love working with farmers. It gives me fulllment to serve their needs and help them improve their operation. I also enjoy being able to verse myself in the hybrids and communicate the performance of those hybrids to a farmer based on what soil they have and the area they are farming in. Above all else, it’s talking with the farmers that makes my job exciting. I really love working with these smaller guys because I can relate to them as a smaller farmer myself. We aren’t afraid to handle bags for that reason because not everyone needs a bulk seed container. This takes care of all our customers’ needs.
Through your position, are you involved in research projects or test plots? Channel has research test plots in Mapleton, Minnesota, that I try to visit at least four times a year. They plant hybrids and adjust aspects like population, fungicide application and weed control. They also introduce diseases to plants to measure the plants’ reaction and solution to an invasive problem. We put up around 150 acres of corn and soybean test plots around the Lester Prairie area. We will play a bit with fungicide application but nothing as in depth as the Mapleton plots, which is part of the reason I like to do one-on-one eld walks with our agronomist there. He gives me insight on variety performance under stressful conditions.
Is there an emerging seed variety or technology farmers should know about? Short-stature corn is likely to be hitting the market in about three years. Short-stature corn canopies quicker and could be a new and coming hybrid that can perform highly for silage. It has larger leaves and less stalk, which is the part of the plant that is hardest for cattle to digest. Channel has SmartStax technology, which became available this year and has four modes to the hybrid.
How do you work to meet the needs of your clients? I do soil sampling and write recommendations. We walk the elds for the farmers and watch for weed and pest control needs. We like to say that we are available at all hours for calls during busy season. I’ve driven an extra few bags of seed to farmers at 11:30 p.m. We regularly consult our Channel agronomist about challenges and new developments so that we can give the best recommendation to farmers.
What is a favorite aspect of your job? Working with the farmers.
What kind of ongoing training or learning do you undertake? We do courses through Channel. It has a neverending supply of educational programs on anything agronomy you could think of. I try to apply myself in those courses as much as possible because the industry and trends change quickly.
What are some of the biggest changes you have seen take place in the industry? I would say the fungicide. Farmers are looking into applying that more as compared to ve years ago. The number of bushels to a plant as compared to 5-6 years ago is amazing even with a stress level. Of course, the technology to get high yields and stress resistant hybrids has come with a price, but how quickly these advancements have been made is remarkable.
What is your most unique experience as a seed representative? The different springs we’ve had, from dry to wet, and coping with moving hybrids around based on those challenges. It becomes a zoo in our shop around spring. Weather is unpredictable, and we want to make sure farmers can harvest a quality crop come fall.
What is something you have learned from your dairy-farmer clients, and what is your favorite part of those relationships? Getting the right silage variety for them is so important because they are not just harvesting a cob of corn; they are harvesting the whole plant. When I sit down with these farmers, I know they will be working with a short maturity date, and their timeline for planting and harvest is much tighter. It gets me excited to learn about the different hybrids. I love seeing the dynamics of those farms and the passion they have for what they do.
Tell us something about being a seed representative most people do not know. There are a lot of long hours. There is also a lot of educating that goes into deciding which hybrids will work and getting them placed in proper soils. There is a lot to agronomy. It is not just putting a seed in the ground and hoping it grows. There is a lot of strategy we can cash in on when we adjust different aspects.
Besides marketing seed to farmers, what is involved in your day-to-day job? These online courses take quite a bit of time. We also talk to other dealers on how hybrids are working in different areas.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I enjoy hunting and shing.
Parents: Dan and Sarah Roerick
Burtrum, Minnesota Todd County
110 cows
Senior at Upsala Area Schools
18 years old
Questions for parents
Tell us your favorite experience of Jake helping with chores. Watching Jake nd his love for farming has been one of our favorite experiences. He has always loved hunting and shing since he was little, but the last three years, he has really changed his focus to the dairy cattle, the feed we raise for the animals and how things work from planting to chopping and manure applications. Seeing this change has given us hope of maybe a next generation on our farm.
What qualities does Jake have that benet the farm? Jake has a good work ethic and is very punctual when it
comes to chore time and crops. He has a nurturing passion and commitment to our business and wants to see it succeed into the future.
Questions for Jake
What are your responsibilities on the farm? I milk cows, feed cows, mix feed, help with hauling manure and eldwork in the spring and fall, and whatever else needs to get done that day. I also work part time for John and Kristie Schifer by Albany, Minnesota. At their farm, I wash robots, fetch cows for the robots and feed calves.
When did you begin helping on the farm? When I was about 6 years old, I would help in the barn by scraping stalls and feeding calves with Mom.
How do you balance school, extracurricular activities and farm chores? I try to get all my schoolwork done at school so it doesn’t interfere with chores and extracurricular activities.
How has working on the farm shaped your character? It has taught me that life will always throw you challenges, and you must be prepared for them at any given moment.
What do you love most about farm life? Getting to do different tasks and jobs every day, and farming with my family makes it special.
What is one thing you have learned from working alongside your parents? I’ve learned to never give up and always keep trying my hardest.
What are your future plans? I plan to attend Ridgewater College for dairy management and after that come home and farm.
Jake Roerick mixes feed Feb. 21 at the Roericks’ farm near Burtrum, Minnesota. This fall, Jake will a end Ridgewater College in Willmar, Minnesota.
12 years old
Sixth grade
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? I do chores whenever I’m not at school. I help with milking cows and the morning chores (bedding and liming cows, cleaning out the gutter, picking up feed, etc.). At night, I help with graining heifers, milking cows, bedding pens and taking care of my chickens.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My
vorite is milking cows, because I get to see all of the cows and how much they are milking. My least favorite chore is bedding cows in the morning, because you get straw everywhere, and it’s super itchy.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? Yes, my cow Suzette. She’s my favorite because she’s older than me by one month. She milks really good, and we have a lot of re-
ally nice daughters out of her. What is your favorite subject in school? To be honest, I’d rather be at the farm. But my favorite time during the day is lunch, because I can talk with my friends.
Tell us about something you have recently learned in school. In social studies, we’re learning about our county. It’s been cool to learn that McLeod County is one of the top counties in our state with the most farms. We looked up old pictures of our farm, and it was cool to see what our farm looked like in 1950. We’ve changed a lot of things since then.
What do you want to be when you
grow up? A dairy farmer with really good chickens!
What is your favorite dairy treat? All of them. If I had to pick, yogurt would be my favorite.
What do you like to do on the farm during the winter? Not a lot; it’s too cold. I like farming in the summer. Pushing snow with the skid loader is fun.
ways need bedding when it’s either really hot outside or really cold, and I just want to get it done.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? Yes, Torro the steer, because he is a Holstein crossed with Charolais. He’s not like any other cows we have on the farm. Plus, he’ll taste really good when he’s older.
Fifth grade
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? I mainly do chores at night and on the weekends when I’m not at school. I help feed chickens, I grain the heifers at night, I feed calves (mainly on the weekends), I help milk cows at night, I help my dad bed pens, and I help vaccinate and magnet our custom-raised heifers.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite is graining calves because it’s something I can do on my own, and it goes pretty fast. My least favorite chore is bedding calf hutches, because it seems like they al-
What is your favorite subject in school? Recess, because then I can play football with my buddies.
Tell us about something you have recently learned in school. In science, we’re learning about Newton’s laws. We just nished that unit.
What do you want to be when you grow up? An NFL player or a welder/ taxidermist.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Fairlife chocolate milk.
What do you like to do on the farm during the winter? I like to push up feed, because it’s warm in the barn
farm are our kittens. We have a lot of cats on the farm, and I like pet them because they are so soft.
What is your favorite subject in school? Reading is my favorite thing to do in school. I like to know what happens in the stories we read.
Tell us about something you have recently learned in school. In math, we’re learning to add really big numbers. It makes me feel really smart that I can add big numbers.
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? I help with chores on the weekends mostly. I feed calves, push up feed, post dip cows and help feed chickens.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite is pushing up feed, because I like feeding the cows. My least favorite chore is feeding calves, because it takes a long time, and it’s cold outside.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? My favorite animals on the
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a doctor when I grow up. I want to help people get better.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream is my favorite. I love all of the different avors – chocolate, vanilla, and cookies and cream are my favorites.
What do you like to do on the farm during the winter? I like to go sledding down the big hills in the pasture in the winter.
EARLY CONSIGNMENTS: Ford 1620 Tractor, 4x4, Loader; 8.5’x18’ wagon, 12ton tandem, new oak bed; H&S 501 chopper box, 10ton single gear; Miller Pro 1150 rotary rake; Valmetal stationary bedding chopper, 10hp electric motor; Hyster J40ZT forklift, new batteries in 2017; C&D FR12 24V forklift battery charger; BCS 710 18” tiller; Husqvarna GTH225 lawn tractor, hydro;
Consignment receiving schedule: March18 , March 20-25 & March 27 8am-5pm
Or call for an appointment. To be included in the sale bill consign by March 6.
• All consignments must be checked in before unloading
• NO consignments accepted without the owner’s signature.
• No electronics accepted without prior approval.
• Appliances over 4 years old and worn tires may require a deposit
• We reserve the right to reject any items of apparent low value.
To consign: Phone: 715/229-4838 email:consignments@cwpauction.com
N14676 Cty Rd O, Withee WI 54498 general manager: Noah Zeiset office manager: Matthew Shirk Reg. WI Auction Co. #230-053 Reg. WI Auctioneer: Mervin Lee Zimmerman #2987
• The Annual Meeting will be March 11, 2023 at Tundra Lodge Green Bay at 11:30 a.m.
• The Wisconsin Ayrshire Breeder Association is offering 2) $1,000 grants, one for adults, and one for youth, to put towards the purchase of an Ayrshire from the spring sale. Applications for these grants are on our website, and due by March 1, 2023
• The Spring Sale will be on April 15, 2023 at Horst Stable in Thorp, WI. Sale managers are Damian Ullmer 920-639-2375 OR Steve Schneider 920-948-8310. We are looking for consignments now for the sale.
National & Midwest Show July 15-18, 2023 at the Beaver Dam Fairgrounds. Please check out our website at wisconsinayrshire.com or our Facebook page for more details on our events.
Editor’s note: This is the rst story in a new series titled “The Day That Went Awry.” All dairy farmers have experienced a day where life on the farm did not go according to plan. Dairy Star will highlight the stories of farmers’ mishaps and how they overcame those unfortunate days on the farm.
ROCK VALLEY, Iowa – Christmas Day 2009 is a day that Steve Rozeboom and his family would just as soon forget.
Steve and his brother, Brian, and their father, Glenn, milk 600 cows on their farm located just a few miles south of Rock Valley. The Rozebooms grow corn and alfalfa on 650 acres.
“We had all just sat down for our noontime Christmas meal when one of our employees called to tell me that some bad things were happening out in our freestall barn,” Rozeboom said.
The Rock Valley area had recently received about a foot of wet, heavy snow. The weight of the snow proved to be too much for their freestall barn’s rafters to bear; the barn’s roof began to collapse.
The Rozeboom family hustled to their freestall barn only to discover a number of their cows had been trapped under the collapsed roof. A few head of cattle had been killed. Others had suffered deep cuts or were impaled and had to be put down due to the severity of their injuries.
“Everybody pitched in to do what we could to remove the wreckage,” Rozeboom said. “Word of the collapse spread to our neighbors, and several of them came over and began to help. One neighbor family even brought all of their kids. The response from our neighborhood was simply incredible. They gave up their Christmas Day plans to lend us a hand with the barn.”
Rozeboom, his family and his neighbors worked feverishly to extricate their trapped cows from the tangle of shattered rafters and twisted roong steel, all of which was weighed down by several inches of dense, heavy snow. They used everything they had – skid
loaders, telehandlers, payloaders, power tools, pry bars and even their bare hands – while struggling to cope with the chilly wintertime temperatures.
“We were worried that other parts of the barn’s roof might also come down, so we had to keep an eye on the situation at all times,” Rozeboom said. “You can replace a cow, but you can never replace a human life. Our top priority was to make sure that everybody stayed safe.”
The Rozeboom family and their volunteer crew of neighbors worked without stopping throughout that long afternoon, removing the wreckage and piling it off to the side.
“By the end of the day, we were able to function as a dairy once again,” Rozeboom said. “It was a bad deal and is certainly nothing we would ever want to repeat. But on the plus side, we learned once again how blessed we are to have such a unique neighborhood. We are very grateful for all of the help that our neighbors gave us. We couldn’t have gotten through it without their support.”
The Christmas Day freestall barn collapse marked the beginning of a long wintertime ordeal for the Rozebooms. Several other sheds on their farm would later be severely damaged due to excessive snow loads.
“The weather that winter was just relentless,” Rozeboom said. “The snowstorms kept on coming one after another and more of our buildings began to go down. By the time it was over, we had three separate buildings that had roof collapses. I pretty much ran on adrenaline that whole time. But as with any emergency, you just do what has to be done, try your best and keep on going.”
The Rozebooms’ facilities were eventually repaired, and the rhythms of daily life on their dairy farm gradually returned to normal. But one thing has changed in the wake of that very bad day on the Rozeboom farm.
“I now get really paranoid every time that it snows,” Rozeboom said. “Any time that we receive a substantial snowfall, we will hire guys to go up on our roofs to scoop off the snow. We never want to live through a repeat of Christmas Day 2009.”
Mark Klehr had a somatic cell count average of 42,000 for his herd of 50 cows near Belle Plaine, Minnesota. This achievement earned him the No. 1 spot on the Minnesota Dairy Herd Improvement Association statewide database. He said his milking preparation procedure included using the same iodine-based solution for pre and post dip, but each had their separate dippers. He dipped three of the ve cows on one side of the milking parlor, then went back to wipe, forestrip and attach the milking unit. If a cow ared up with mastitis more than once, she was culled.
Derek Borth knew since he was a child that he wanted to be a dairy farmer. Since his parents were still young, they wanted to continue farming at the home dairy farm for several years. The 21-year-old set his sights on nding his own place to farm. Borth worked in construction for ve years to build capital. He found a farm for lease near Osage, Minnesota, and signed a rental agreement. In October 2017, Borth started milking 60 cows on the site in a swing-9 parlor.
Baier Creek Farms near Eau Galle, Wisconsin, was averaging 99 pounds of milk every day with a 4% butterfat and a somatic cell count between 30,000-40,000.
Father and son, Charlie
and Trevor Baier, along with Charlie’s brother and nephew, Rod and Steve Baier, ran the farm together, milking 400 cows. Keeping cows clean and comfortable in their sand-bedded freestall barn with fresh air moving throughout at all times was a top priority for the Baiers. They also credited producing and feeding high-quality feed and using bulls from proven high component cow families as keys to their success.
In 2015, at the age of 21, Danielle Murphy purchased her rst set of cows. By 2018, she was milking a herd of 35 near Cadott, Wisconsin. Murphy grew up on the farm, but her parents sold the cows after she moved away to attend Iowa State University, pursuing a career in nursing. While there, Murphy milked cows for the university’s dairy farm and realized she preferred milking to nursing. She moved home and began renting the farm from her parents. Since the barn had been gutted and the equipment taken out, Murphy rst needed to ret the barn with stalls and a pipeline to pursue her dairy career.
Dale and Julie Schwartz, third-generation dairy farmers, were anticipating their son and daughter becoming the fourth generation to farm. The family milked 100 cows on their site near Arlington, Minnesota. All that changed when they learned in 2011 that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission nalized the route for a new transmission line. It would run within 400 feet of the family’s dairy barns. The new power lines were set to start running in July 2013. The family talked with other farmers who had experienced
herd health issues and personal health problems after transmission lines were added to their farms. When efforts to have the transmission line’s route changed were defeated, the Schwartzes decided they had no choice but to begin searching for a new site to relocate their farm.
Lee and Mary Muehlenhardt went on vacation for the rst time in 12 years with their daughter and son-in-law. Their son stayed behind to do chores on the family’s farm near Belle Plaine, Minnesota, where the Muehlenhardts milked 350 cows. While they were away, their calf and fresh-cow barn caught re Feb. 12, 2013. The barn was a total loss. The Muehlenhardts also lost 70 calves and had to put down 13 cows because of injuries from the re. The cause of the re was believed to be a heat lamp. The Muehlenhardts planned to rebuild their calf barn.
In February 2003, Laura and Roger Primus had the lowest somatic cell count in the state of Minnesota on their 40-cow dairy farm. The couple, who started their dairy in 1986 near West Union, Minnesota, had consistently held their SCC under 100,000 for 14 years beginning in 1989. Over the years, they received numerous quality awards from their creamery. The couple credited preventative measures, such as using the California mastitis test paddle and a thermometer, on all fresh cows and any other suspicious cows to check for mastitis.
Mark Nelson was taking off from his family’s 70cow dairy near Rush City, Minnesota, every chance he got – literally. In addition to dairy farming, Nelson had opened Hawk Aviation Inc. in 1999 and was balancing farming and ying. He rst obtained his pilot’s license in 1994 at the urging of his brother-in-law and became a ight instructor in 1999. By February 2003, Nelson, along with his wife and three kids, was used to enjoying short trips in his plane between milking times. Also at that time, Cambridge High School was using Hawk Aviation to take students up in planes to study the geography of the area.
> Sort Gates > Scissors Gates
Our Spring Pre-Planting Consignment Auction will be held Online at www.WiemanBid2Buy.com. All items will be located at the Wieman Auction Facility –44628 SD Highway 44, Marion, SD or from Marion, SD, 1-mile South and ½ mile West on Highway 44 on:
Corn Head 8R30 (Two Owner); 2018 Case IH 4408 Corn Head 8R30 (One Owner); Int’l Harvester 82 Combine; & More
Equipment, Skid Loader Attachments, Trucks, Trailers, Fencing and more!
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is another large and interesting auction of consignments by Area Farmers & Dealers. You are welcome to watch the auction on the big screen at the Wieman Auction Facility. We will have multiple representatives available to place bids for you! For more details/pictures, please call our office or visit us online at WiemanAuction.com. South Dakota sales tax will be charged. This ad is subject to additions and deletions. All consignments must have been approved by the Wiemans! We have excellent loading and unloading equipment. Financing and trucking are available. We are in our 73rd year of selling. We offer honest and fair treatment to all because we appreciate your business! Bring a friend and come prepared to buy! If you are driving a good distance – please call to make sure the item is here. Welcome to the “Machinery Mall of South Dakota!” Our next consignment auction is April 26th.
Haying Equipment: Kelly Ryan 2W-15 Centerline Bagger (One Owner); Roto-Press Bagger; Gehl 217 Rake; H&S 2GL-302 Tedder; H&S V-Rake; Gehl 700 Chopper; New Holland 56 Rake; H&S Round Bale Mover; (3) Gehl 970 Chopper Box; Case IH 8312 Discbine; Gehl 1060 Chopper; (6) Boxes of Silage Bags; & More
Tillage Equipment: 2016 Case Early Riser 1255 16-Row Planter (Two Owner); John Deere 1790 CCS (12/23) Row Planter; Case IH 4600 Field Cultivator; Pittsburgh Tandem Disc; (2) Demco Saddle Tanks; Int’l Harvester No. 15 Drag; Brillion Disc Chisel; Int’l Plow; & More
Trucks & Trailers: 1985 Int’l S2600 Quad Axle Grain Truck w/696,449
The most popular inuencer on YouTube has teamed up with dairy.
Mr. Beast, with 133 million subscribers, has the top individual channel in the world and is the fourth most subscribed YouTube channel overall. He recently created a Minecraft challenge in partnership with Undeniably Dairy.
Collaboration with Mr. Beast was one of many dairy promotion updates that was part of a Midwest Dairy check off meeting Feb. 8 in Dennison.
Midwest Dairy is holding a series of meetings across Minnesota to share updates on its dairy promotion work including its work with members of Generation Z, dairy research and a collaboration with Taco Bell. Speakers also gave updates on dairy grants in schools and collaborations with food and retail partners such as Cub.
As Midwest Dairy hones its focus on a new generation,
they also used a new check off meeting format to help farmers implement promotion ideas locally.
Mr. Beast made a Minecraft gaming competition that included a dairy-dedicated level and challenged a group of gamers to a competition with a cash prize. The video was the No. 1 trending video on YouTube within one day. As of Feb. 20, the video had reached more than 10 million views.
In a tweet he posted Feb. 4, Mr. Beast reminded viewers of his vast reach beyond his massive follower list.
“Our YouTube channel has reached 616,000,000 different people in the last 90 days,” he said.
Midwest Dairy was also able to utilize Minecraft at the local level through collaboration with the Science Museum of Minnesota. They created a competition where Minecraft gamers constructed dairy farms within Minecraft and submitted them to be judged. They received more than 109, which were judged by a dairy farmer.
The collaboration is part
of Midwest Dairy’s effort to reach its target demographic of Gen Z, people who are currently ages 11-26.
Brittany Arnold, Midwest Dairy farmer relations manager for Minnesota and presenter at the meeting, said Gen Z is a purpose-driven generation, and the concepts of sustainable and local have meaning to them. Research by Midwest Dairy shows that milk consumption declines in adolescence, so reaching this generation before they make other choices is
key. Midwest Dairy is actively working to reach Gen Z in the places they are and in the ways they nd meaning.
“Out with marketing and billboards,” Arnold said.
The Gen Z demographic has had social media their entire lives, and social inuencers are key to their world. YouTube, the most popular platform among Gen Z, captures 95% of the demographic. Among Gen Z, approximately 90% are also gamers.
The Gen Z demographic
also encompasses the college undergraduate population. With Midwest Dairy’s focus on reaching Gen Z consumers where they are, they facilitated pop-up events across several local campuses. College students were served easy graband-go dairy food options, dairy information and meme
John Deere 60 Series Drawbar,Muncie Truck Pump, JDHay Head Strippers Visit www.bigiron.com for details and complete listings!
cards. They were also were staffed with individuals ready to answer questions about dairy.
Midwest Dairy has also been active in dairy research through collaboration with land grant universities. The Midwest Dairy Foods Research Center collaborated with Taco Bell in creating the restaurant’s Whip Freeze drinks. Through research, the application lab discovered how Taco Bell could use shelf stable dairy creamer in their drinks without requiring any new equipment . This collaboration helped launch the Pineapple Whip Freeze. Other similar collaborations are underway, but Midwest Dairy cannot share all the stories due to non-disclosure agreements with partners.
Arnold said Midwest Dairy works with schools through its Innovate with Dairy grants. Through these grants, schools are able to get the equipment they need to offer their students milk, yogurt smoothies and lattes. This year, these grants helped 51 schools in 42 districts. Nearly half of the schools elected
to add yogurt smoothie options on-site, making it the most popular option.
In 2022, Midwest Dairy collaborated with retail and food service partners including Cub, Casey’s, Kwik Trip, Coborn’s Inc., Hy-Vee, Pizza Ranch and Freddy’s Frozen Custard and Steakburgers.
Midwest Dairy worked with Cub on social media content. Midwest Dairy ambassadors did two social media takeovers for Cub’s Instagram, where they shared a farm tour video and did an “Ask Me Anything” segment.
With many ideas and successes to share, Midwest Dairy’s goal for this year’s meetings was that farmers would take the ideas presented and implement them in their local communities. This year’s in-person meetings focused on high-level information combined with time for brainstorming and discussion among attendees. A more in-depth presentation of Midwest Dairy’s promotion work will be given at a March 7 virtual meeting.
The Midwest Dairy virtual checkoff meeting will be held at 11:30 a.m. March 7 and includes a more in-depth presentation of Midwest Dairy’s promotion success.
HOLSTEIN SPRINGING HFRS., due April 1st, out of 30,000 lb. herd. Call 507-202-7318. 1-1-F
HFRS., due in March and April. Call Owens Farms Inc. 715-821-3183. 1-1-F
REG. JERSEY BULLS, genomic tested, proven records, AI sired. Call Corey 608-751-2882. 22-8-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, serviceable age, north of Rochester, MN, delivery avail. Call 507732-5930. 1-1-F
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, from three or more generations of EX 30,000 lbs. dams, Brookings, SD. Call 605-6906393. TFN-F
B&W AND R&W HOLSTEIN SPRINGING HFRS., bred black Angus, due March-April. Call 507-228-8623 or 507-2288594. 22-4-F
HEIFERS OF ALL AGES, baby calves to springers, central, MN. Call 320-333-5906. 19-TFN-F
(40) HIGH PRODUCING COWS, very low cell count; also close up heifers. Call 815-751-4431. 1-1-F
REG. BROWN SWISS BULLS, all ages, exc. pedigrees. Call 320-5876384 or 320-583-0336. 12-TFN-B
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, dams over 40,000 milk, 4.0 test, Analyst Renegrade, King, Doc. Call Greg 608-326-2668.
REGISTERED, homebred Holstein bulls, located 15 mi. north of Rochester, MN. Call Dave Alberts at 507-269-3084 or 507356-8625. 14-TFN-B
SMALL HERD OF DAIRY COWS, Holstein & Jersey, very docile. Call 608-929-7553. 1-2-F
TOP QUALITY SPRINGER HFRS., due Jan., $1,900/obo. Call 320-293-1432 or 320-2602213. 20-TFN-F
R&W HOLSTEIN BULL, semen tested, ready to breed. Call 507208-0189. 24-2-F
SPRINGING HOL. HFRS., good size & type, due March & April, $1,600 ea.; also open hfrs. Call 608-687-3022. 24-3-F
REGISTERED CALVING EASE HOLSTEIN & ANGUS BULLS, various sizes, delivery avail. Call or text Brian 715-6139206. 2-TFN-F
3) YOUNG REGISTERED MILKING SHORTHORN BULLS, A2A2, polled & roan. Call 218-385-3471. 21-TFN-F
20 REGISTERED BROWN SWISS HEIFERS, due May-June. Call 507-227-8056. 24-2-F
LARGE SELECTION REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS from multi-gen EX, VG cows, 28,500 RHA. Call Olmar Farms 507-220-0730.
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, polled, genomic tested, deep pedigreed high producing cow families. Call 507-8200452. 22-TFN-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, springing hfrs., Freeport, MN area. Call 612-2707453. 23-TFN-F
HOLSTEIN SPRINGING HFRS., RHA mid20s, B 4.3, P 3.3, SCC 40, AI. Call 320-412-0414.
ROAN MILKING SHORTHORN BULL, born Sept. 1, 2021, approx. 750 lbs., asking $1,000. Call 701-490-2432.
DAIRY GOAT DOES, out of Hostetler breeding; also breeding bucks available. Call 319-350-5819.
100-150 ALPINE DAIRY GOAT BOTTLE BUCKLINGS FOR SALE begining mid-Feb.; also 3050 Alpine dairy goat bottle doelings. Call Rod 320594-8229. 23-3-VM
YEARLING PUREBRED DAIRY FLECKVIEH BULLS, some A2A2 & genomic tested. Call 715-220-2572.
GUERNSEY SPRINGERS, reg. Brown Swiss cows & breeding age registered bulls, Brown Swiss bulls, Guernsey w/high type & production. Call 563-590-5369. 11-TFN-F
2021 Nuhn Lagoon Crawler Boat, Model 0934, 483 Act One Owner Hrs. GPS, Belly Pack, Cat 7.1 Liter Eng. Hyd Clutch, Front Agitation Cannon, 4WD, Four Wheel Steer, 500/70/R24 Tires, White Iron Housing & Impeller, 7 Discharge Jets, 8” To 6” Main Discharge Cannon – 2018 Nuhn Lagoon Crawler Boat, Model 0786, 1,446 Act One Owner Hrs. Belly Pack, Cat 7.1 Liter Eng. Hyd Clutch, Front Agitation Cannon, 4 WD, Four Wheel Steer, 500/70/R42 Tires, White Iron Housing & Impeller, 7 Discharge Jets, 8” To 6” Main Discharge Cannon – 2012 Dyna Spray 12’ Wide X 24’ Long Tandem Trailer –1999 Jantz Mfg. 12’ Wide X 24’ Long Tandem Trailer MANURE TOOL BARS
2022 Farmstar 26’ Pull Type Tool Bar, W/20 Hi Rate Edge Coulter Sets, 16” On Center, 6” HP Package, SS Knife Gates, 6” Swing Arm, Flux Manifold, Pig & Main Valve Indicator, Lights, Auto Grease System, 2.5” Hose, Floatation Tires, Wheel Assist Kit – 2021 Farmstar 26’ Pull Type Tool Bar, W/20 Hi Rate Edge Coulter Sets, 16” On Center, 8” HP Package, SS Knife Gates, 8” Swing Arm, Flux Manifold, Pig & Main Valve Indicator, Lights, Auto Grease System, 3” Hose, Floatation Tires, Wheel Assist Kit – 2017 Puck Dietrich 35’ Toolbar, 3pt. W/30” Spacings, 12” Sweeps, Mechanical Distributor
– (3) Puck 25’ Application Arm 4WD Mounted Tool Bar Swing Arm –John Deere 980, 30’ Field Cult. Converted In 2021 W/Puck Z Pipe & Mechanical Distributor W/Splash Pans – (3) Shop Built 32’ & 30’ Tool Bars, 15 Wilrich Shanks, 12” Sweeps, 24 On Center, Pig Launcher, Hydro Chopping Manifold, 8” Manifold, 3” Injector Hose, 3pt. Gage Wheels –JOHN DEERE, BAZOOKA NEXUS ELECTRONICS & FLOW METERS
75) COW POLLED HOLSTEIN HERD. Call 612-916-5701. 15-TFN-F
BROWN SWISS BULLS, home raised, registered, genomic tested, A2A2 tested, delivery available. Call 563-419-2137 or visit www.hilltopacresfarmcalmaria.com 24-TFN-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, closed herd, Johnes & Leukosis test negative, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Call 507-920-5859.
DAIRY HFR. CALVES, 2-6 months old, 28K herd avg., Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 18-TFN-F
BREEDING BULLS, 40 yrs. AI breeding, Sauk Centre, MN. Call 320-7612526 or 320-293-5607.
BLACK & WHITE & RED & WHITE BULLS, sires Unstopabull, Genie, & Late Night-P, dams EX and VG, over 30,000 milk, 4% test. Call 320-5836564. 10-TFN-F
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN COWS & HEIFERS, due Jan.-July, 28,000 M, 1,175 F, 950 P, Norwood, MN. Call 612-2027944. 21-6-F
4WD, 5,916 Hrs. PS, Cab, AC, Heat, Radio, 3pt. Quick Hitch, 5 Hyd, PTO, 520/85R 42, Weights –2013 John Deere 8335R MFWD, 4,497 Hrs. PS, ILS, Cab, AC, Heat, Radio, 3pt. Quick Hitch, 5 Hyd, PTO, Trellebergs 480/80R 50 Duals, 480/80R 38 Duals – 2012 John Deere 8335R MFWD, 9,146 Hrs. IVT, ILS, Left Hand Reverser, Cab, AC, Heat, Radio, 3pt. Quick Hitch, 5 Hyd, PTO, Trellebergs 480/80R 50 Duals, 420/85R 34 Duals, Weights – 2007 John Deere 8530 MFWD, 13,311 Hrs. IVT, ILS, Cab, AC, Heat, Radio, 3pt. Quick Hitch, 4 Hyd, PTO, 480/80R 50 Duals, 420/85R 34 Duals, Weights – 2003 John Deere 8520 MFWD, 16,056 Hrs. PS, ILS, Cab, AC, Heat, Radio, 3pt. Quick Hitch, 5 Hyd, PTO, 480/80R 50
Duals, 580/80R 38 Duals, Weights (Needs Tranny Work) – Assrt Of
Tractor Weights – JD 8000 & 9000 Wheel Weights – JD 9000 Series
Weight Bracket – JD Quick Hitches
(4) 2021, 2020, 2019 Nuhn 12” X 58’ Lagoon Pumps, Dual Wheels
W/Wings, Remote Control, White Iron Sand Shield, Lg 1000 PTO –2021 Nuhn 6’ Stationary Pit Pump, Brand New Never Used – 2019
(3) John Deere 4640 Universal Displays – (4) John Deere 3000 Globes
– Green Star Rate Controller Wire Harness – Bazooka Farmstar Nexus ECS Unit – (4) Krohne 6” Flow Meters W/Meter Heads – (3) Krohne 8” Flow Meters W/Meter Heads –
2021 Phil’s Pumping & Fab Inc. 10,000 Gal. Dumpster, 10’ Wide,
2 Pt. Hyd 18’ Door, Hyd Rear Flotation Wheels, 1/2” AR 400 Plate Impeller, Lights – (2) 2012 Dragon 8,500 Gal Semi Tankers W/Off Load Kits (1 Is 8”, 1 Is 6”) – 2011 Houle 7300 Gallon Tank W/5 DMI Injectors
2006 Peterbilt 385 Day Cab, Cat C13 Eng. 13 Sp. Wet Kit, Very Good Rubber, Recent Reman & Newer Trans – 2014 Ford F350XL Super Duty, Power Stroke Dsl.
Every dairy/livestock farm will benefit from our thorough evaluation! CALL TODAY!
Brant Groen 320-220-1342 Jim Urman 320-339-1154
Serving the 5-State Area
8” Output, W/Pig Bypass & Pig Launcher, Bazooka Farmstar Nexus ECS, 15K LB Spring Axle W/Flotation Tires 550/48-22.5 Trailer W/500 Gal Fuel Tank W/Stabilizer Jacks – 2018 Booster Pump, JD 13.5L, 620 HP Motor, 1,990 Hrs. Cornell Pump Model 6819MPC-CAC-F18DBK, 19 1/2” Full White Iron Pump, 8” Intake, 8” Output, W/Pig Bypass & Pig Launcher, Bazooka Farmstar Nexus ECS, Mounted On Tandem Trailer W/400 Gal Fuel Tank – 2017 Pivot Power Booster Pump, JD 13.5L 550 HP Motor, 3,600 Hrs. Cornell Pump Model 6819MPC-CACF18DBK, 19 1/2” Full White Iron Pump, 8” Intake, 8” Output, W/Pig Bypass & Pig Launcher, Bazooka Farmstar Nexus ECS, Mounted On Tandem Trailer W/400 Gal Fuel Tank – 2016 Hydro Booster Pump, JD 13.5L, 550 HP Motor, 2,582 Hrs. Cornell Pump Model 6819MPCCAC-F18DK (New In 4/2022) 19 1/2” Full White Iron Pump, 8” Intake, 8” Output W/Pig Bypass & Pig Launcher, Bazooka Farmstar Nexus ECS, Mounted On Tandem Trailer W/400 Gal Fuel Tank – Pioneer 17” Pump, Only Used 1,500 Hrs. For Pig Manure
Scotchman Mod. 6509, 65-Ton Hyd Ironworker, 9” Throat, Remote Foot Controls – Dies – Milwaukee Magnetic Drill – Victor Cut Master Plasma Cutter – Assrt. Of Hand Tools – 8,000 Gal Fuel Tank W/Pump – 300 & 200 Gal Fuel Tanks W/Pumps – Pickup Fuel Tanks – (2) DEF
Tanks – Eagle Portable Air Compressor W/Honda Eng. – Assrt Of Good Tires – 7 1/4” Splices & Ends – 6”-8”-10” Threaded End For Hose – 8” & 10” Feeder Hose – Y Pipe – Assrt Of New & Used Jacks
– Misc 6” & 8” Pipes – Semi Axles – Pintle Tow Hitches – Foam Filled
Gage Wheels – 2 Sp. Hyd Motors For Puck Hose Carts – Valves –
Houle Lagoon & Pit Pumps Parts – Hyd Cyl. – Farmstar Tool Bar
Parts & Shanks – Houle Gear Box – Orbit Motors -Pit Pal Parts – Plus
Much More
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, exc. type and production. Call Scott Rickeman 320-552-0284.
REGISTERED BLACK HEREFORD BULL, coming 4 yr. old, exceptional disposition, calving ease, Angus Hereford cross. Call 715-440-5599.
SERVICEABLE AGE HOLSTEIN BULLS, from great type and production families. Raised on outside lots, good vigor, Glencoe, MN. Call 320864-6555. 2-TFN-F
WANTING TO BUY SLOW & LAME CATTLE, lump-jaws and bad eyes and all blemished cattle, $200-$600; also, good cull cows and bulls, $600$1,200. Call 612-860-8774 or 651-480-1900. 4-TFNB
COMPLETE HERDS OF DAIRY CATTLE; also buying all classes of livestock, including cull cows, steers, hfrs. and calves. Call 715-216-1897.
HOLSTEIN SPRINGING HFRS., some crossbreds, from your farm to mine, competitive prices, no trucking. Call 320-6309924. 1-2-F
BUTCHER COWS, bulls, & fats; also thin, lame, lazy, & lump jaw. Call 320-894-7175. 11-TFN-B
GOOD QUALITY HERDS OF FREESTALL/PARLOR HOLSTEINS, must have information available. No stall barn herds please. Call 608-790-1925. 1-2-F
ALL CLASSES OF SPRINGER DAIRY COWS. No jockeys. Call 320-760-6050. 20-TFN-F
WE HAVE BUYERS for tiestall and freestall dairy herds of all qualities and quantities. Also herds for sale at all times, Call 715721-0079. 2-TFN-B
ISO DAIRY FARM TO PURCHASE TO GET KIDS STARTED IN DAIRY INDUSTRY, looking for parlor system and enough acreage to sustain livestock with forages and grain. Does not need to be in current operation. Contact Richard 320-295-6674 or rickatstoragemn@gmail. com. 1-2-VM
FAMILY LOOKING FOR DAIRY FARM IN MINNESOTA. Call 320-3606589, if no answer, please leave a message. 24-3-F
SILO REMOVAL, take down & clean up, specializing in but not limited to silos in congested areas, mobile concrete crushing, fully insured. Call 507-2369446. 23-12-VM
Friday, March 24, 2023
NH TG 245 C.A.H, 4wd, 8840hrs, 4 remotes, duals; NH G210 (1995) C.A.H, 4wd, 12,300hrs, 18sp powershift, 4 remote, 65% rubber; MXM190 (2005) C.A.H, 4wd, 3480hrs, 4 remotes, duals, good rubber, 540/1000pto, fresh oil change, SHARP!; JCB 8250 (2011) 5000hrs, ITV transmission, 85% rubber, 540/1000pto, front weights; Agco White 8510, 4wd, cab, approx. 7000hrs, great shape, eld ready; CIH 140A (2013) C.A.H, 4wd, 2350hrs, good rubber, rear wheel weights, front suitcase weights, one owner; CIH 110 Maxxum, C.A.H, 4wd, dual entry, buddy seat, led lights, 2 remotes, left hand reverser, 1000/540pto, 50% rubber; Case 5140 C.A.H, 2wd, turbo, 10,000hrs, new injectors, good rubber; Case 5130, C.A.H, 4wd, turbo, 10,500hrs; JD 6430 C.A.H. 4wd, 4700hrs, 115hp, LED lights, buddy seat, front fenders, front weights, solid and eld ready!; JD 6400, 2wd, open station, power quad, 16,500hrs, dual remotes, 540//1000pto, 80% rubber, recent overhaul, new clutch; JD 5210, 2wd, ROPS, w/ loader, fresh engine overhaul, good rubber; JD 4510 (2004) 4wd, open station, w/JD460 loader, one owner; JD 2950, 2wd, C.A.H, 6500hrs, dual remotes; NH 8970 4wd, C.A.H, super steer, quick hitch, runs well; Ford 8670 (1995) cab, 4x4 power shift, super steer, rear weights, 15,638hrs, engine rebuild at 13,000hrs; Ford 5000 cab, 2wd, wide front, diesel, dual power, 6100hrs, 540pto, 16.9x38 rear tires; Ford 4000, gas, wide front, new dash, showing 40 hrs. w/loader, quick attach material bucket, 3pt, single remote, 540pto; IH 6388 2+2, 7029 hrs, excellent condition; IH 3588, watch for more information; IH 1206 wide front, 2wd, duals, new battery, new injector pump - off of estate; IH 886, particle cab, more info coming; IH 786, 2wd, open station, diesel, 8700hrs; IH 656, open station, gas, 8000hrs, sells with loader, tire chains, ex running cond.; IH 464 Loader Tractor; Oliver Super 77, gas, narrow front, live pto, runs good; Farmall 400, narrow front, after market 3 pt; JD 4960 4wd, C.A.H, 15 speed power shift, 11,000hrs, triple remotes, LED lights, front/rear weights, one owner, eld ready!
Ginseng/Produce Tractors:Case IH 265 high row crop, used for ginseng, shields included, 2522hrs, overhauled engine at 2490hrs, new clutch ex. rubber; Case IH 265 high row ginseng tractor, 1662hrs, ex rubber;
NH LX565 Skidloader, 8200hrs, 70% rubber;
NH C232 Track Skid Steer, new tracks, C.A.H, 2700hrs, good running machine; JD 330G
Skidloader, 5774hrs, pilot controls, 2 speed, (deleted) 2nd owner; JD 324G Skidloader (2019) C.A.H, 4200hrs, 2 sp, good rubber, ready to work; JD 320 Skidloader, C.A.H, hyd quick attach, rear weights, 8900hrs; JD 318G
Skidloader (2016) C.A.H 3600hrs, 2 speed, new tires & bucket; 930A Mustang Skid Loader, 6500hrs, new hydr. seals, new bushings in bucket tilt, good cond.; FORKLIFTS
Big Joe Electric fork lift; COMBINES/HEADS
Case 2366 Combine, very nice condition,
3250hrs - off of estate; JD 9650 Walker (2002)
4wd, one owner, 6153 engine hrs, 4058 header hrs, 930 ex head; Case 1020 Grain Head; Case 1063 Corn Head; JD 915 Flex head, 15’; HAY & FORAGE
NH FP240 Chopper, w/NH 3PN 3 row corn head, metal alert, horning crop processor, light package, otation tires, eld ready, one owner, also selling 29-P 8’ hay head; NH FP240 low acres, w/3 row narrow corn head & hay head, new knives, metal alert, tandem; NH 240 Chopper, w/hay head, monitor; NH FP240 Chopper (2014) electric controls, tandem axles, Horning series 3.0 KP ber tech, inoculant tank, low acres, no heads; JD 5820 Chopper, 4wd, 7000hrs, processor, w/4 row narrow JD corn head, 4 row snapper head, 9’ maize hay head; CIH FHX 300 Chopper (2012) new processor, 90% knives, metal alert, 1000pto; JD 3970 Chopper w/9’ hay head w/processor; Gehl 1285 Chopper, w/ 3 row corn/hay head, long spout, electric controls, 1000pto; BALERS/BAGGERS/WRAPPERS: NH 460 Round Baler (2017) 11,681 bales, crop cutter; NH 460 (2016) Round Baler, net wrap, roto cut, endless belts, mega wide pick up, 12,500 bales; NH 7060 Round Baler, crop cutter, liquid acid applicator, super sweep, net and twine, 11k bales; NH BR 7060 Round Baler, 7119 bales, acid applicator, moister tester, super sweep pick up, net & twine; NH BR7060 Round Baler; JD 375 Round Baler, 5x4 bales, works great; 605 J Vermeer Round Baler, w/monitor, works well; NH 570 Small Square Baler w/hyd thrower, very nice, original cond; NH 316 Small Square Baler, w/pan kicker, solid mechanical condition; CIH 8530 Inline Small Square Baler, w/8511 thrower; CIH 8530 InLine Square Baler w/8511 thrower, new pick up teeth; Kelly Ryan 8’ Bagger; H&S Inline Wrapper (2011) new Honda battery, remote steer/start, 3500 bales, one owner; Farm King Bale Wrapper, 3 pt, NEW; Tube-Line 1000R Bale Wrapper, 3pt. 4-5’ bales, only wrapped 90 bales, like new!;
CORN/HAY HEADS:NH 366W Hay Head (2006)
16’ eld ready; NH 29-P Hay Head, 8’; NH Corn Head; NH FP240 Hay Head;
DISC/HAY BINES:CIH DCX-161 Discbine, draw bar swivel, rubber rolls, eld ready; NH 1431 Discbine, rubber rolls, with light package, eld ready, good condition; NH 7450 Discbine, eld ready; Gehl 2415 Discbine, 1000pto; JD 835 Discbine, with rolls, 10’; JD 935 Moco Discbine; Hesston 8850 Self Propelled Discbine (1999)2200 hrs, new turtles, new knives, good running machine;
CHOPPER BOXES:Gruetz 6900 Forage Box w/15T gear & large oatation tires; Meyer 4516 Chopper Box, LH discharge, very good cond.; Meyer 3518 Chopper, 18’ 12T tandem, good working condition; Meyer 3516 Chopper Box, 16’ RH unload, 12T H&S tandem gear; (3) Meyer 500 TSS Chopper Boxes, 16’ on tandem JD running gear, LH discharge, trails well; (3) Meyer Chopper Boxes, 16’ steel sides, on JD tandem gear; H&S 16’ Chopper Box, twin auger, tandem running gear; H&S Chopper Box, 18’ 12T, heavy duty, tandem gear, front load; H&S
ROLINDA ACRES IN WATERVILLE, IA IS HIRING! 900-cow dairy with robotic facility, responsibilities based on experience. Call/text 563794-0534 or 563-5681178. 1-1-F
50-COW DAIRY LOOKING FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON for farm work; must know equipment and cows. Call 715-662-5053. 23-TFN-F
1900 COW DAIRY looking for bilingual parlor manager. Call 507-9515597. 8-TFN-F
We are looking to add a few customers to our custom chopping business. We offer a newer JD 9800 chopper, 5 trucks, merger & blade tractor. We do travel. Call Ben with any questions 715-495-0481. 23-3-VM
7+4 18’ Chopper Box w/tandem gear; H&S
7+4 Chopper Box, twin auger; (2) H&S HD 7+4 Chopper Boxes, 18’ twin augers, front & rear unload, 16L tires on 16t gear; H&S Super 7+4 Chopper Box, 16’ on like new running gear, 16L tires; H&S 500 Chopper Box 16’ on Badger 14T running gear; Miller Pro 5200 Chopper Box, 16’ w/14T tandem gear; Miller Pro 5200 Chopper Box, 16’ w/H&S 12T tandem gear, ex tires, ex cond.; MERGERS/TEDDERS/RAKES: H&S MM1 Hay Merger, w/inverter, eld ready, one owner; H&S MM1 Merger, 6’ pick up, good cond.; H&S Hydro Swing Merger, 9’ very nice, eld ready; NH 166 Merger, nice cond; H&S 4 pod, Spinner Tedder, low acres, eld ready; Kuhn 4-Star Tedder, GF5202THA; H&S Tedder, 7’, eld ready; H&S Tedder; Miller Pro 1150 Rotary Rake; Miller Pro Side Rake, eld ready; Miller Pro 2650 Twin Rake, eld ready; Hay Buddy 7916 Miller Pro Merger, 16’; Bush Hog 12 wheel Rake w/kicker wheel; CIH WRX301 Rake, 16 wheel; MW 12 wheel Hay Rake; Gehl 524V Rake, eld ready; H&S Action Rake, 12 wheel; H&S Rake, v10; H&S Bi-fold Wheel Rake; BLOWERS:Gehl 1540 Blower; (2) 600 IH Blowers, 540pto; Badger BN 2040 blower, 540, need band; HAY WAGONS: Meyer Kicker Rack, new oak oor; Steel Rack Hay Wagon, w/new oak deck, 9x16’; Flat Rack Wagon, new oak, 8.5x18’ on 12T gear; 24’ wagon, on tandem gear; Kicker Wagon 16’ all new oak oor; TILLAGE/PLANTING
White 5100 Planter, 8 row, 30’’ w/tanks; JD 7200 Corn Planter, vacumeter, liquid fertilizer, new pump and all new lines, contact drive, soybean and corn meters, JD monitor, planter frame is reconditioned, ready to go; JD 7200 Conservation Corn Planter, 12 row, max merge 2; JD 7000 Corn Planter, 6 row narrow, 30’’ precision meters, liquid/dry fert. hopper extensions, fert. cross augers, 100 gal. pop up tank w/manifold, eld ready; JD 7000 Corn Planter, 4 row narrow, dry fertilizer; JD 7000 Corn Planter, 6 row, bean meter, liquid fert. planting monitor, martin row cleaners; IH 56 Corn Planter, 4 row; Brillion 12’ Seeder, grass & alfalfa, track erasers, low acres, ex cond.; Brillion Seeder, 10’; CULTIVATORS:Yetter 3416 Rotary Hoe, 6 row; CIH 4300 Field Cultivator, 28’; CIH 1830 Cultivator, 16 row, 30’’; JD 1010 Field Cultivator, 33’ w/spring harrow;
DISCS:JD 2623 (2015) Tri-fold disk, 30’; JD 630 Disc, 15’ new blades, nice; JD 630Disc; JD Disc, 15’; JD 235 Disc, 22’; White 271 Disc, 23’ eld ready;
SOIL FINISHERS: Ramblinger RTC 600 Soil Finisher, 30’; Bush Hog 21’ Soil Finisher, w/5’ Bar Drag; JD 722 Soil Finisher, 19’ hydro fold; JD 722 Soil Finisher, 19’ hydro; Kent 15’ Soil Finisher, w/5 bar spike drag; JD 726 Mulch Finisher, 33’ good cond.;
CULTIPACKERS/CHISELS: Brillion Cultipacker, 10’ high lift; Brillion Cultipacker, 10’; JD 714 Chisel Plow, 9 shank, hyd front raising disc; Bush Hog Chisel, 9 shank; PLOWS:IH 735 Plow, 5 bottom; IH 720 Plow, 5 bottom, auto; White Plow 4x16 auto reset; JD 2700 Plow; Miller Drag, 20’ cart; 2014 Chemical/ Water Trailer, 1600gal; GRAIN DRILLS/GRAIN HANDLING
Esch 5612 No Till Grain Drill(2020)12’ grass seed, end road transport, eld ready; JD 8300 Grain Drill, 13’ double disc, 10’’; JD 8300 Grain Drill, 12’ with press rolls; JD 8300 Grain Drill, 12’ w/ soybean cups; JD 450 Grain Drill, 12’ grass seed, press wheels, marker tires; IH 5300 Grain Drill, 10’ grass seed tire scratcher, nice, original cond.; Krause No Till Drill, 12’ grass seed, eld ready; A&L 470 Grain Cart, new tires; Bradford Gravity Boxes, 200 bushel; Parker Gravity Boxes; Gravity Box Seed/Fertilizer, Honda engine, plastic ighting;
OTR/LOCAL DRIVERS wanted for dedicated routes. Earn 61-66+ cents per mile (on all odometer miles), plus distance premiums and stop pay, and/ or 28-32+ per hour. With regular weekly/nightly home time, get your rest at home, not on the road. Earn paid health and life insurance, fully vested 401(k) with employer match, generous vacation and holiday pay, and performance and distance bonus opportunities with Wylie Wilson Trucking. Apply at 651-388-7979 or wyliewilsontrucking.com / drive-for-us. 23-3-B
FT FARM HELP, experience w/cattle/equipment, self motivated, willing to be paid on percentage of milk, housing available. Call 608-479-2039. 23-6-F
Balzer 4800 (2008) Magnum Low Pro Manure Spreader, complete new pump, great shape; Husky 5000gal Manure Tanker; H&S 425 Hydropush Manure Spreader (2016) like new, low use; H&S 270 Manure Spreader, hydro. end gate, all poly liner; Meyer 3245R Spreader, works great; Meyer Spreader, works great; Meyer 8865 Manure Spreader; Knight 350 Manure Spreader; Badger 3200 gal Manure Tank; Houle Manure Agitator, 45’;
Demco 850 Sprayer, 60’ boom, 850gal, 120gal rinse tank, hyd pump, chemical eductor, foam markers, fence line kit, speed sensor, tee jet monitor, one owner!; Top Air TA Sprayer, 1100gal sprayer, 60’ booms, hydro fold, Raven 440 monitor and ow meter, tandem axel, foam markers; Top Air TA-1100 Sprayer, 60’ booms; Hardy Navigator Sprayer, 1000gal. 62’ booms, used last year; Hardi Sprayer, 1000 gal, 60’ boom; Hardi Sprayer, pull type, NO PTO; Fertilizer Spreader, Tyler Moonwalk, 5T big wheels, hydro shut off; Fertilizer Wagon, with auger, Kory 6872 gear; Fertilizer Gravity Box, stainless box;
TRACTORS: Case IH 265 high row crop, used for ginseng, shields included, 2522hrs, overhauled engine at 2490hrs, new clutch ex. rubber; Case IH 265 high row ginseng tractor, 1662hrs, ex rubber;
GINSENG EQUIPMENT:2013 Orbit Air Gandy, 12’ booms, like new set of rollers; Gandy Box on wheels, 12’; Whirly Bird 500#; Danhauser 10’’ post hole digger;
Trioliet TMR Mixer (2012) Auto 2sp, double screw, 850cu ft +12’’ rubber extension, 2 side door with magnets, back door, new tires; Patz V-350 pull type TMR mixer, w/scales; Patz 500 pull type TMR mixer, w/scales; Patz 620 pull type TMR mixer, w/ scales; 285 Cloverdale TMR Mixer, stationary, scales, single screw, single phase; 7060 Roto Grind Hay Grinder; Knight 2170 Mixer;
FEEDER WAGONS: H&S 24’ Feeder Wagon; H&S Feeder Wagon; Tuff Built 18’ Feed Bunk; (4) 10’ Powder River Feed Bunks; 14’ Bunk fence line feeder, steel; Apache 24’ mobile feed bunks, like new;
2009 Chevy Truck, 4x4, 1/2ton, 161k - off of estate; 2003 GMC Silverado, ext. cab, gas, 140k; Western Star (2005) day cab, (deleted) 14L Detroit engine, 3 line wet kit, 500k mile; 1995 Freightliner FL 106, Detroit diesel w/jakes, 13sp Eaton transmission, air ride rear axle, air drop axle, 21.5’ atbed, recent front end alignment, new front tires, recent new muf er and exhaust, mileage unknown; 1995 Ford F250 Super Duty crew cab, gas v10, 4wd, 219k;
2015 PJ Trailer 26’ BH w/22’ hydr. tilt, heavy duty winch; PJ Trailer, BH 22’ w/beaver tail and ramps; Tri-axle Log Trailer, 42’ w/side rails; 1991 East 45’ Faltbed semi trailer, good cond.; 1987 Timpte Hopper Bottom Trailer; 1978 Summit Semi Trailer, end dump, poly liner; H&S Cattle Trailer, single axle;
JD 8’ Roto Tiller(2022) only 5 hrs, like new!; Woodchuck Sand Shooter; Berlin Sand Shooter, 5’ nice cond; Feed Pusher-Skidloader attachment; Skid Steer Buckets, 7’ & 8’; Plow, 2 bottom, 3pt
1995 Coachman Catalina, 5th wheel, sleep 4, kitchen, bath, shower, nice shape; 1987 Chevrolet Motorhome; BUILDINGS
8x10 Hip roof storage shed, french doors, vinyl siding, shingle roof, NEW!; GENERAL FARM
Lots of General farm items not listed, see our website for general farm and misc. items selling!
ERNMOREORGANICS.COM, certied organic alfalfa, wrapped in 8 layers of lm, 3x4x6 bales, RFQ 140-280, Springeld, SD. Call ERNmore Organics 605-286-3873 or 605-999-2010 or 605251-1143.Ernmoreorganics.com. 16-TFN-B
(60) 2ND CROP 5X5
BALEAGE, 150 RFV; (50) 5th crop 5x5 bales alfalfa baleage, 212 RFV. Call 641-732-1413. 1-1-F
CERTIFIED ORGANIC HAY, 1st cut rd., 2nd cut med. large sq., good quality mixed hay. Call 218-587-4672. 22-TFN-F
WHEAT STRAW AND OAT STRAW in 3x3x8 squares, all certied organic, located in Casselton, ND. Call or text for more details 701-7301730. 23-3-VM
FALFA HAY & GRASS, green hay, tested, 2x3 med. squares, all stored inside on pallets, can deliver 40 bale loads. Call 320-304-1828. 1-1-P
HIGH QUALITY FORAGES: corn silage (conventional and BMR), alfalfa haylage, fescue grass silage, Triricale silage and oatlage. Forages can be delivered and made into TMR. Call 920-371-7737.
FLAX STRAW BALES, 4x5, net wrapped, $20 ea. Call 218-573-3172.
ORGANIC CERTIFIED ROUND BALES OF BALEAGE & DRY HAY, all lots tested, selling on dry mater basis. Call 563-5862231. 22-10-B
ALFALFA HAY & ALFALFA GRASS HAY, 3x3x8 sq. or rd. bales. Call 218-3711650. 22-8-F
ALFALFA BALEAGE, 4x5 rotocut, 150-220RFV, $160225/ton. Call 320-248-1573.
AROUND 60 BALES 2ND CROP GRASS HAY, stored inside; around 60 bales of bedding hay. Call 320-2235338. 24-3-F
OPEN POLLINATED SEED CORN, out produces hybrids for silage, $67/bu. plus shipping, leafy, sweet stalks, highly nutritious grain. Call 217-857-3377 or cell 217-343-4962. borriesopenpollinatedseedcorn.com
GRASS HAY, 3x3x8 med. sq.; also swamp bedding chopped up and baled dry, 3x3x8 med. sq. or 4x5 rd. bales. Call 320-293-0181.
MIXED GRASS HAY, med. squares; also meadow hay cut up and baled in 4x5 rounds and med. squares. Call 320293-0181. 18-10-F
SPRA-COUPE 400 GAL. CAPACITY, 4 wheel unit, might consider 300 gal. model. Call 320249-8623. 24-2-F
DELATRON SC200 PULSATOR (Alfa-Laval 60/40). Call 320-232-8285. 1-1-F
APPROX. 4 TON GRAIN BIN; also pasture for up to 10 horses this summer. Bennie Wagler, 21334 Keystone Rd., Wilton, WI 54670. 1-3-F
CERTIFIED ORGANIC HAY, 4x5 rounds, 900# alfalfa/grass mix, 1st and 2nd crop, exc. quality, no rain, shedded, Bemidji, MN. Call 218-407-2052. 23-5-F
HIGH QUALITY DAIRY HAY, lots from 180 RFV up to 220 RFV, 3’x3’ sq. bales, dry hay as well as ind. wrapped baleage. Call 218-791-4953. 1-1-P
ALFALFA BALEAGE, 1st-4th crop, 175 RFQ. Call 715-896-1418. 3-TFN-F
STRAW, NET WRAPPED ROUND BALES & BIG SQUARES, clean, dry, stored inside, delivery available. Call 320-8088336. 15-TFN-F
2ND CROP GRASS HAY, big squares, 3x3x8. Call 320-293-0181. 21-10-F
4X6 ROUND BALES OF EXC. QUALITY UPLAND GRASS ALFALFA MIX BALES, horse, beef, or dairy quality, $60/bale. Call 320-241-4314. 23-3-F
ALFALFA HAY & GRASS HAY, med. square or round bales, delivery available. Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-689-6675. 10-TFN-B
OCIA CERTIFIED YELLOW CORN, 8.52 crude protein. Call 641-751-8382. 12-TFN-B
3X3 WHEAT AND OAT STRAW BALES; also 3x3 hay bales, all grown in Canada. Call 204-712-5161. 24-7-B
KILN DRIED WOOD SHAVINGS for bedding, by the semi load. Call 608479-2039. 19-TFN-F
POLE SHED OR HEIFER BARN to tear down and rebuild for calf barn. Contact Samuel Wagler, 21334 Keystone Rd., Wilton, WI 54670. 1-1-P
Call 608-751-8370. 1-3-F
JD 740 MANURE LDR., & HD hyd. controlled grader blade. Call 920648-2104. 20-TFN-F
USED CALF-TEL PENS. Call 320-995-6216.
(8) DELAVAL AUTOMATIC TAKEOFFS, 24 volt, multi-grip, new, rebuilt, or in good used condition. Call 319-325-4974. 1-1-F
SPRING TEETH for IHC C cultivator; wheel hub for IHC 56 corn planter, right side. Call 715-822-2678.
GOLF CART OR SIDEBY-SIDE. Call 320-2504600, no texts or messages.
Visit millernco.com for pics & listings
Thursday, March 23,2023 Denmark, WI
Retiring from Dairy, Cattle sold.
Selling a very well-maintained family operated—clean & work ready Farm Equipment
Auction. JD 4560 MFWD, 4850 MFWD, 8630 4X4, JD 4450 MFWD, 4050 MFWD, 4430, 4230,4020, & 4000 Tractors. NH LS170 & 150 Skidsteer; Great Plains 13’ SS drill; H&S 3245 V-Max Spreader; Meyer 3518 & 4218 Combo Boxes & including a full line of Forage & Tillage Equipment, Plus TMR, Bins, Cattle & Barn Equipment, Tires, & more!
Friday, March 30, 2023 Kaukauna, WI
Retirement from dairy, herd just sold private treaty.
Owner-operated, small farm clean, & always shedded—it’s nice! Deutz 7120 MFWDsharp & clean, only 4180 hrs.; Shiny FNH 1431 Discbine & FP 240 Forage Chopper w/KP, HH, and sharp 3RN CH offered separate & in pkg. JD 9400 Combine, 216 Flexhead, 444
Low-Tin CH; 2-exceptional MP 16’ 5300 LH boxes; Knight Pro Twin 8024; MF 30 Utility rare 12 spd. JD 328 small square baler—as nice as they come in 2023 & lots more. Plus—1350 gal cooler; milking equipment, barn & feeding equipment, and much more!
Thursday, April 13, 2023 Manitowoc, WI…Farm Equip. Estate Auction Clean Green—JD 4440; JD 3155; Past restore-JD 60 Standard & NF, A’s, B, G’s, H, and 630. A nice line of tillage; H&S 270 Spreader-exc!, Hay Equipment, cattle equip., & more items found at an estate auction. Plus-2nd Estate addition—IH 966 Hydro; IH 350, M, & H.
Thursday, May 11, 2023 Chilton, WI Dairy Retirement Dispersal ME nearly 28,000 with 4.2-4.5 test, & 3.2-3.4 Protein yearly avg., 1500 gal cooler, feeding equipment—some farm equip. & more. Watch for more dates & updates as we release them!
TERMS: Cash, good check or if unknown to auction company, bank letter of credit with state issued ID must accompany payment. All items must be paid for at completion of sale and before removal. Number system will be used. All items sell as is, where is. All announcements sale day take precedence over all matters in print. Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after it is sold
Gregg Miller, Newton, WI • (920) 980 -4999 or 980-4995 Wisconsin Registered Auctioneer #488 Mike Stade WI Reg. Auctioneer #607 Jason Miller WI Reg. Auctioneer #2900
FARM BULK MILK COOLERS, all sizes. Call 319-330-2286. 10-24-P
VINTAGE A.O. SMITH HARVESTORE ADVERTISING COLLECTIBLES & Harvestore farmer magazines, 1960s-1990s, in good cond. Call 715-225-9987.
OLD HEATING FUEL AND DIESEL, can pump from basement. Call 320424-2005. 5-TFN-F
T-SHAPED BUNKER WALLS; 1,000 gal. LP tank; 3” tiestall pipeline. Call 320-429-0265. 24-6-F
BULK MILK TANK AND VACUUM PUMP; also Pro Quality hay basket. Call 320-262-6874.
ARTSWAY 5101 FEED GRINDER; 1,000 gal. Mueller bulk tank; AgBag 8’ bagger. Call 218-7763618. 24-3-F
PUREBRED BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, shots, wormed & vet checked, 8 wks. old, good farm dogs or pets. Call 715-965-1108. 24-3-F
JD 7000 8R30 PLANTER, Osage, MN. Call 218841-4248. 1-TFN-F
NH BR770 ROUND BALER, crop cutter; Case 2188 combine, RWA. Call 218-841-8723. 24-TFN-F
JD 468 BALER in nice cond., applicator. Call 320429-0672. 1-1-VM
88) KRAIBURG KEW PLUS COW MATS, exc. cond.; 80) Sturdy Built tiestall dividers. Call 608214-2842. 22-8-F
J&M 250 GRAVITY BOX w/hyd. drill ll auger, windows, lights; NH 166 inverter w/merger pan; OMC 590 round baler. Call 320-248-6356. 1-2-VM
CIH 1830 6R CULTIVATOR, like new; 18.4x38 clamp on duals; Hesston #10 stacker; (2) stack movers; 300 gal. pull-type boom sprayer. Call 815947-2266. 24-2-P
PUREBRED BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, (1) female, (2) males, $500. Call/text 507-381-7084. 1-2-F
‘10 CIH PUMA 155, MFD, heat, AC, 1000/540 pto, 12,907 hrs., good cond., $35,000. Call 641393-2018. 1-1-F
GERMANIA PROTIME I DOUBLE-12 PARLOR. Call 507-429-2789. 24-4VM
PSI POWER WASHERS, Power Washers Hot/ Cold, Cabinet Parts Washers, Chemicals, Presoaks, Degreasers, Large Parts
Inventory Shipped Same Day, On Site Service. Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Sales, Repair, and Rental. “The Guys That Work Great Under Pressure” 1-800-555-1677.
Serving you from 3 locations: West Central MN Region – Pennock, MN Location SW MN Region – Wilmont, MN Location NW IA Region – Harrisburg, SD Location & Wilmont, MN Location SE SD Region – Harrisburg, SD Location. 23-TFN-B
CUTE RAT TERRIER X BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, ready now, $90 ea./obo, stop in 4969 Nightingale Ave., Northwood, IA 50459. 1-1-F
SINGLE SCREW FOR 500 SUPREME TMR, never used, $5,300, MN. Call 320-979-7111. 1-1-F
(4) DEMCO 365 & 450 GRAVITY BOXES, (2) w/tarps, like new; tricycle feeder; big round bale wagon. Call 320-5576558. 18-TFN-F
STUD SERVICE FOR FEMALE SAINT BERNARD. Call 320-5575514, no texts or messages.
LID FOR KNIGHT 8132 SLINGER SPREADER. Call 507-459-5201.
JD 7000 6 OR 8 ROW PLANTER & 6620 or 7720 combine. Call 320760-6050. 22-TFN-F
NH 790 CHOPPER, Metalalert III, always shedded, orig. knives, 890W HH, 31x13.5x15 tires, $16,500. Call 715462-3286. 1-7-P
MANURE SPDR., 540 pto, 16.5x16.1 tires, oiler & lights, $22,000. Call 715-462-3286. 1-7-F
(2) PUREBRED BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, $200, parents on site. N1417 Co. Rd. Ff/H, Dalton, WI 53926. 1-1-F
‘98 DAEWOO 601 SKID LDR. w/or w/o tracks, 5136 actual hrs.; NH 890 chopper w/3R30” CH. Call 218-371-1650. 22-4-B
PATZ 420 VERTICAL MIXER, front conveyor, 4’ right unload, 1000 pto, scale, exc. cond. Call 320250-7707. 1-1-F
ABCA BORDER COLLIE FEMALE for a good home/family, $500. Call 715-279-1264. 24-2-F
NEW FARM KING 1,000 RPM SNOWBLOWER. Call 320-249-8556. 1-2-F
6R PLANTER, 150 monitor, trash whippers, box extensions, soybean cups. Call 320-248-6356. 1-2VM
‘88 WILSON CATTLE TRAILER, 7’x24’; JD 16R cultivator; Versatile 400 swather, good cond. Call 320-290-0367. 6-TFN-F
SILAGE CONVEYOR, 9”x24’, very good; also NH 770 forage chopper, excellent cond. Call 262547-0893. 23-4-F
Qualifications: High School Diploma/GED. Previous experience in agriculture field preferred. Go to our website for more details and job responsibilities.
VERMEER 504 PRO RB, 2013, 5x6 net wrap, $17,000 bales, $24,900; Also Anderson Hybrid X bale wrapper, 2015, rounds and square, new motor. Call 218-583-2931. 1-3-F
FARM KING 8’ SNOW BLOWER, $1,500; Also, Schweis 8’ snow blower, $1,000. Call 320-9873177. 1-2-F
EQUIPMENT FOR SMALL scale bottling plant, pasteurizer, homogenizer, bottler, conveyor, labeler, etc. Call Blaine 701-471-4011. 24-2-F
Bidding: Sale starts to end on Monday, March 6th, 2023, at 7:00 pm. www.hagerauction.com
PICK UP & PAYMENT: Tuesday, March 7th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
VIEWING: View equipment at your convenience starting Feb. 25th LOCATION: From Clear Lake, WI Cty Rd A (30th Ave). Go East 2 Miles to Farm. Fire # 315
Address Is: 315 30th Ave Clear Lake, WI
(4) JOHN DEERE TRACTORS: JD 7020 w/cab, duals & PTO; JD 4520 w/cab; JD 3020 diesel; JD 50; JD double stack front weight bracket; 18.4 x 38” band duals.
SKID STEER: Case 75XT diesel, 5466 hrs. (1 owner); skid steer buckets, post driver, & attachments; solid skid steer tires.
TRAILERS: ’06 4-STAR 20’ gooseneck aluminum stock trailer (1 owner); ’16 Lamar 7’x 20’ 14K equip. trailer.
FARM EQUIPMENT: (Many 1 owner items) JD 946 13’ discbine, w/3pt hook up & rubber rolls; Tubeline TLR5000AX2 bale wrapper; Morris 1400 Automatic rd bale wagon; Notch 8 rd bale wagon; Krone Swadro 810 rake; Vermeer TD120 tedder; JD 3970 chopper, Iron-Guard; JD 2RN green corn head (like newone owner); JD 71/2’ Green hay head; (2) Miller Pro 5100 & (1) Gehl 980 16’ chopper boxes; (3) Agri-Speed hitches; JD 7000 8RN planter w/DF & monitor; JD 6620 combine for parts; JD 216 bean head (needs work)
FEEDING EQUIPMENT: Kidd 450 bale processor; Cloverdale vertical 70 Mini Mixer w/scale & unload extension; (4) Schuld 20 ton bulk bins; (1) Schuld 10 ton bin w/ ex auger; (2) 2-bin unload ex augers; 160’ & 110’ 3½” ex augers; Jamesway 80’ shuttle feeder; 4”x16” auger (like new); Patz 98B 20’ silo unloader (nice).
LARGE AMOUNT OF SHEEP EQUIPMENT: Stegall Power Tip Table (1 owner); 400# scale; (2) Alley Ways; Y-Sort; many gates - various lengths; many trough feeders; various feeders; (20) 42” wall fans; 36” wall fan; misc. fans; hay feeders; drinking cups; many sheep related items; (10) lb. white 250,000 BTU LP heaters; turkey feeders & waterers.
SPECIAL ITEMS: Shearwell Stock Recorder; Livestock video cameras & monitor; Lak-Tek Milk Machine.
ROUND BALES HAY: 400+ 4’ x 5’ bales 2nd, 3rd, & 4th crop alfalfa balage (plastic wrapped & MQuality tested)
MISC ITEMS: Various lengths of guard rail; (60+) 6”x 8”x 7’ treated post; Many items too numerous to mention.
TERMS: 5% Buyer’s fee. Payment Accepted: Cash or Good check.
Clear Lake, WI 715-497-3524
TIM PRUSAK & BARRY HAGER, Reg WI Auctioneers #479 & #105
HAY RACK, platforms on side, 9x18’, $2,500; Kewanee elevator, 56’, pto lift. Call 320-247-2657.
MUELLER BULK TANK, HiPerformance, 600 gal., compressor & washer, exc. cond., $1,200; DeLaval VP78 vacuum pump, exc. cond., $1,000. Call 563-568-1177. 1-1-F
CIH 1830 6R CULTIVATOR, like new, 18.4x38 clamp-on duals; Hesston #10 stacker; (2) stack movers; 300 gal. pull-type boom sprayer. Call 815947-2266. 1-2-P
RETIRED, FULL LINE OF GOOD QUALITY DAIRY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE, items include; GEA IQ milking units; GEA variable speed vacuum pump; GEA Touchtone take-offs; double-11 parlor; Continental commercial washing machine. For more info call Steve 815-291-6671. 23-
PUPPIES, 3 Pyrenees, 3 Border Collies, exc. family dogs, working parents, WI. Call 608-617-1595. 24-2-F
1,000 GAL. MUELLER BULK TANK w/compressor. Call 507-450-6115. 24-3-F
BOSTON TERRIER PUPS, black and white, dewormed and vaccinated, special breed for kids, $450 ea. 24326 80th Ave., Cadott, WI 54727. 1-1-P
KRAUSE LANDSMAN 7430 SOIL FINISHER. Wanted: irrigation stystem. Call 320-250-4600, no texts or messages. 3-TFNF
KNIGHT 2054 HYDRO PUSH MANURE SPDR., vert. beater, good cond., $27,500. Call 507-4380447. 24-2-F
DIGI-STAR EZ210 SCALEHEAD, $500; LuckNow 285 stationary TMR for parts, $300; MultiMax hutch wanted. Call 608-723-2049. 1-TFN-F
JD FRONT WEIGHTS, $75 ea. Call 563-568-1177 or 563-568-4930. 24-3-F
3) MEYERS TSS FORAGE BOXES, tandem running gears, VG cond.; Bobcat 773 skid loader, 4700 hrs. Call 715-2060491. 24-3-F
JAMESWAY 20’ RING DRIVE SILO UNLOADER, complete, out of silo, in exc. cond. Call 651-3800199. 24-3-F
PATZ PUMP OR PARTS; DeLaval 78 milker pump & jar; poly drinking cups, $20; Stainless steel Patz manure pump cover. Call 320-266-6878. 23-3-F
PATZ INTELLICABLE PRO II SCRAPER SYSTEM; Houle piston pump w/drive unit & control box, $6,000; DFA Dairy Quota; DeLaval bulk tank, complete, 3,000 gal. Call 815751-4431. 24-2-B
BLUE HEELER AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, born Nov. 20, dewormed, asking $75100 ea., Creekside Farm, 13727 Cty. 32, Bertha. MN 56437. 1-1-F
WEAVERLINE FEED CARTS, new, rebuilt used, parts, service. Call Hobert Sales Inc., Cokato, MN 320-286-6284. 19-TFN-B
AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, ready Jan. 22, red tri & red Merle, tails docked, dew claws, 1st round shots & wormer. Call Travis 507-259-5173.
(4) 3-PHASE 5HP BULK MILK TANK COMPRESSORS, reasonable. Call 480-313-8460.
(2) WESTFIELD 1073 AUGERS, 2022, $14,500; 2021 $13,500; Artsway PM35 grinder mixer, $12,500. Call 715-7730697. 1-3-F
SNOW BLOWERS, New Allied Farm King model 1080, 9’, 1,000 PTO, $13,500; also, Agritrend 9’, model 4108, 1,000 PTO, $7,500. Call 320249-8556.
MODEL BULK TANK, 1,250 gal., complete as new, MN. Call 480-3138460. 5-TFN-F
JD 2700 PLOW, semi mounted. Call 320-5101055. 13-TFN-F
(8) USED DELAVAL MPC150 AUTOMATIC DETACHERS w/stainless steel protective enclosure, $1,000. Call 507-3164977. 24-3-F
DOUBLE-8 PARALLEL MILKING PARLOR w/ DeLaval milking equipment including 3” stainless steel low line, vacuum pump, automatic takeoffs, plate cooler, teat scrubber & 1250 gal. bulk milk cooler. Call 608-632-9624. 1-1-B
NH 38 FLAIL CHOPPER, bought new in ‘04, always shedded, exc. cond. Call 715-314-0977. 10-TFN-F
CHEMICAL INJECTION PUMP for hydrogen peroxide etc. into water supply, like new, $350. Call 320-630-7559. 14-TFN-F
‘06 MAHINDRA 7520, 4WD, 75 hp, 12 spd. shuttle shift, 2433 hrs., 540/1000 pto, exc. cond., $15,900. Call 715-6442356. 1-1-F
‘08 35 TON SEMI TRAILER, beaver tail & ramps, 51’ total length. Call 320-760-6942. 12-TFN-F
Huge, Annual Mid-American Auction Co. Spring, Sauk Centre, MN Consignment
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Saturday, April 1,
Consign your farm equipment, construction equipment, trucks, trailers, RV’s or ATV’s to one of the largest best attended consignment auctions in the Upper Midwest. This will be an excellent opportunity to turn your complete lines or individual consignments into cash in one of the best markets we have seen for some time. We offer both live and online bidding with recent auctions attracting a great group of local bidders,plus bidders and buyers from coast to coast and border to border including several foreign countries.
Let us take the worry out of advertising, collection and payment by consigning your equipment to Mid-American Auction Co., Inc.
A trusted name in the auction industry for over 52 years.
Our Annual Pre-Planting
Saturday, March 11, 2023 • 9:00 a.m.
Cat Challenger Track Tractors, JD 2210 Field Cultivator Cat Challenger 75E, 2169 Hrs, 30” Tracks, 1000 PTO, 10/2 Sp PS, Ex. Condition; Cat Challenger 95E, 7445 Hrs, 30” Tracks, Weights, 1000 PTO, 3 Pt., 10/2 Sp. PS; JD 2210 FC, 50.5’, 2 Bar, Rolling Baskets, Floating Hitch, New Sweeps, One Owner
Planting, Spraying, & Tilling Machinery
JD 1780 Max Emerge 2, 23R15” and 12R30”, Interplant Vacuum Meter, Precision Plant 20/20 Monitor, Markers, 3 Bushel Seed Boxes, Corn and Bean Plates, SN: F665390; JD 510 Ripper, 5 Shanks, Depth Control, Front and Rear Disc; JD 985 Field Cult., 55.5’, 3 Bar Harrow, Depth Control; DMI Tiger Mate II Field Cult., 54.5’, Depth Control; Case IH 4800 Field Cult., 42.5’, 3 Bar Harrow; (2) JD 980 Field Cult., 30.5’ and 21.5’; (3) JD Discs: 225, 220, 210; 24.5’, 20.2’, 16’; (2) JD 7000 Planter, 6R30” Dry Fert., Units Rebuilt, 8R30” Dry Fert.; Sprayer Tender Drop Deck Semi Trailer, 41’x96”, (3) 1650 Gal. Tanks, (2) Inductors, 3” Plumbing; Valmer Air Floor, Model 1620, Hyd. Drive, 16 Outlets, Dry Fert.; Case IH 485 Disc, 24.5’, Hyd. Fold; Rock Pickers; Row Crop Cult.,; Land Rollers; Seed Tenders; Handi Commander 4400 Sprayer, 1200 Gal. Tank, 132’ Booms, JD Rate Controller, Hyd. Suspension & Steering, Foamer
Haying, Livestock & Other Farm Machinery, Good Tractors JD 460M Baler, Net Wrap, 6500 Bales, 1000 PTO, Processor, Kick Bar, 4’x6’, Moisture Test; H&S 14 Wheel Rake, Hyd. Fold & Lift; H&S 9’x18’ Bale Rack; Gehl 100 Mixer Mill, Hyd. Drive; Brent 644 Gravity Box, Front & Rear Brakes; JD 8650 4x4 Tractor, 2000 Hrs on JD Overhaul, 20.8x38, 3 Pt., PTO; Houle 52’ Lagoon Pump, 1000 PTO, Rotating Gun; Houle PA-28 Transfer Pump, 540 PTO; Balzer Doda Transfer Pump, 1000 PTO; Hose Reel, Hydro, 1 Mile
ADVERTISING DEADLINE: Please take advantage of our extensive advertising program by having your items consigned by Thursday, March 9th, 2023. Items will be accepted after the advertising deadline but may not be included in all advertising platforms. Items will be included online at the discretion of auction management.
Don’t delay, call today to be included in this huge Upper Midwest auction event. You may begin dropping off equipment on March 1st or earlier in special circumstances. Loading/ unloading/machinery dock available.
(320) 760-1593 or stop at our of ce during regular business hours.
We’re excited to go to work for you!
Baler, Net Wrap, Bale Plus, 1060 Bales, Monitor, Bale Kicker, 1000 PTO, Wide Pickup, Bought New; Kuhn FC 3160 TLD Discbine, 10’6”, 540 PTO, Less Than 1000 Acres; Kuhn SR 300 Speed Rake, 10 Wheel, Kicker Wheel; Kuhn GF 5202 Tedder, 4 Basket, 540 PTO; NH 195 Spreader, Double Beater, Slop Gate, Poly Floor, 1000 PTO; Great Plains 1300 Drill, Grass Seed, 13’x7.5”, Press Wheels, Looks New; H&S 6 Bale Round Bale Wagon; JD Custom Bale Hauler, 18’x106”; JD 3 Pt. 7’ Blade; Notch 3 Pt. Bale Carrier; JD 84” Material Bucket ; Tru-Test Digital Livestock Scale; JD 960 Field Cult., 18.5’, 3 Bar; ‘81 Featherlite Aluminum Gooseneck Trailer, 7’x18’
Semis, Grain Trailers, Grain Trucks ‘94 Ford Aero-Max L-9000 Day Cab Semi, 423,100
Capacity, With 1/2 Mile 6” Drag Hose; (3) Houle 8’ Pumps: 1000/540 PTO; NH H7450 Center Pivot Disc Bine, 13’; Bale Wagons; Hay Bines; Manure Spreaders; AC 200 Dsl, 4092 Hrs, 1000 PTO, 3 Pt.; (6) Grain Augers; 16’ Tandem Axle Livestock Trailer
Live & Online Bidding: www.maringauction.com