DAIRY ST R March 25, 2023 Second Section Visit us online at www.dairystar.com “All dairy, all the time”™ 14451 430TH ST. • BERTHA, MN 56437 218-924-4522 HARMS MFG., INC. www.harmsmfg.com • Firmly pack the soil to prevent weed growth • Get better germination • Use on alfalfa, hay, soybeans, corn and more Easy to use • Easy to Fold • Transports Easily OVER 2,000 LAND ROLLERS OPERATING IN THE MIDWEST! • 2-7/16” bearing • All pivots greasable • Rear stabilizer braces on 36’+ units • 1/2” drum wall thickness • 12’, 15’, 30’, 36’, 40’, 45’, 62’ sizes • Wing steering for easy folding • Rollers flex in the field on uneven surfaces 30” NEW DRUM DIAMETER INTRODUCING THE NEW 30” DRUM DIAMETER ALSO AVAILABLE: Dump Racks • Bale Racks Wagons • Dump Trailers TMR MIXERS Feed your herd. Feed your bottom line. Feed the potential. Gutter Cleaner Chain & Parts ALSO AVAILABLE Call Us 320-836-2697 After Hours: 320-267-8568 310 Industrial Dr. Freeport, MN Oldest & Most Experienced Dealer In Central MN! www.hartungsales.com LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT FOR RENT NEW & USED EQUIPMENT LAGOON PUMPS & TANKS Proudly Serving Our Dairy Industry Since 1975! COMPLETE PRODUCT LINE... GEA Houle Patz Ritchie Waterers Animat Pasture Mat Cow Comfort J&D Manufacturing VES-Artex Barn Solutions Schaefer Barn Fans Barn Cleaner Chain Alley Scrapers Cen•Pe•Co Lubricants Pik Rite Hydra-Ram Manure Spreaders Calf-tel Calf Huts & Pens Feed Carts & Choppers JBS Spreaders Bazooka Farmstar Boats & Dragline Dietrich Incorporators (DSI) Curtains Mayo Mattresses Weigh Tronix Scales Bulk Feed Bins Tire Scrapers & Bedding Buckets Legend Rubber Stocking All Sizes & Parts Performance, Reliability and Durability • Pontoon • Vertical • Electric • Lagoon • Hydraulic TMRS, TANKS & PUMPS & SPREADERS IN STOCK & READY FOR DELIVERY! er s E Feed the WOLVERINE SERIES Mention #Dairystar when placing any order for $10.00 off your order. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Page 2 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 Visit us 24/7...www.arnoldsinc.com W026205 2015 JD 9370R, 5045 hrs $189,900 A03782 2016 Case TR340, 1855 hrs $53,000 F021799 2005 Case 420, 4170 hrs $22,900 W023652 2012 CIH 115 Max, 1450 hrs $99,500 F025817 2013 CIH 1255, 16R30 $125,000 F027263 2016 CIH 75C Farmall, 610 hrs $45,500 Kimball 320-398-3800 Willmar 320-235-4898 Glencoe 320-864-5531 320-548-3285 St. Cloud 320-251-2585 Mankato 507-387-5515 Alden 507-874-3400 2017 CIH 250 Mag, 3270 hrs $179,500 F027046 W027302 2019 CIH 200 Mag, 790 hrs $205,000 2015 CIH 340 RowTrac, 2665 hrs $225,000 W026606 W027154 2015 CIH 240 Mag, 4925 hrs $149,500 F025137 2001 CIH DX29, 1070 hrs $19,900 2013 CIH 1625, 32R $69,900 A04367 2017 JD 5100M, 700 hrs $71,900 F028709 F025066 2019 Case SV185, 465 hrs $49,500 W027675 2021 Case SV185B, 1285 hrs $46,500 F028149 2015 CIH 380 RowTrac, 2855 hrs $247,500 M027052 2016 CIH 220 Mag, 725 hrs $205,000 F013996 1995 CIH 7230, 11,015 hrs $51,500 W026304 2020 JD 9370R, 3385 hrs $279,000 G021340 2014 CIH 125 Max, 2800 hrs $105,000
Lamms gain a farm, move herd to new site
By Tiffany Klaphake tiffany.k@dairystar.com
– Corey and Pam Lamm have had their share of setbacks in their dairying career, but that does not stop them from persevering.
“We started with nothing,” Corey said. “(The new farm) made things in life easier for us. We can get through things a little better now.”
Their never-quit mindset continues, and the Lamms are leveraging themselves for a successful future in the dairy industry. In addition to their farm site near Eagle Bend, the Lamms purchased a farm site 16 miles away near Browerville.
The Lamms and their children – Bailey, Eli, Audrey, Evelyn and Thomas – milk 120 cows in a double-5 parallel parlor and live on the property near Browerville while maintaining and investing in their original farm.
Corey and Pam desired to
Starting over again
raise their family on a dairy farm and were doing just that when tragedy struck in 2015. A re burned their tiestall barn to the ground mere days before their rst tank of milk was scheduled to be picked up. Not to be deterred, the Lamms immediately set about acquiring a new barn.
“After the re, we built a parlor, but just a parlor, the cows were outside,” Corey said.
The Lamms built a double-7 at barn parlor in the spring of 2015. While the parlor met their needs to get the cows milked, they still wanted better housing for their herd.
“We struggled every winter with frozen teats, and in the spring, the cows were all muddy,” Corey said.
By 2021, the Lamms knew they had to do something about their current setup and their solution was a robotic milking system. The couple started construction to build a robot barn. The robot room is now ready and the stalls are in, but they have yet to purchase the robot itself.
The only problem remaining was the lack of a land base to support their herd. Because the farm site was 16 acres, the Lamms purchased the majority of their feed.
“We were landlocked,” Corey said. “The previous
owners had started selling off the land after they sold their cows.”
Corey and Pam were on the lookout for more land when they heard about a farm near Browerville. Originally, they
were considering only buying the farm’s 98 acres of land, but Corey took a look at the site, which included the parlor, freestall barn, heifer sheds and machine sheds, and suggested to Pam that they move the
cows and the family there. “We were in the middle of building a barn, and we decided to move,” Pam said. “Everyone thought we were crazy.”
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 3 525HO150 Glor yland 525HO150 Gloryland The bulls that were bred to be cows Comest ar Outside x Comestar x EX-92 Raider x EX-95 Durham x x x 6 more generations EX back to Roxy 6 more generations EX back to Roxy • • Pedigree packed with many with many all-time Greats! all-time • Rare aAa code: 561432 & A2/A2 Beta Casein! • Where Legend meets the Future! Where meets the Future! Beta Case n Call 1-855-955-2100 or visit or www tr iplehilsires com www.triplehilsires.com Celebrating over 40 Years in Business 1010 Hoeschler Dr. • Sparta, WI 54656 Phone: 608-269-3830 Toll Free: 1-888-863-0227 Email: prestonde@prestonde.com Does your milking equipment need maintenance? DAIRY EQUIPMENT INC. We service all dairy equipment! Give us a call to schedule a visit. Northwest Metal Innovators, LLC Northwest Metal Innovators, LLC FORMERLY N-TECH The quality products you knew from N-Tech with the service and custom projects you need! (715) 537-9207 5 Berger Ave. • Barron, WI sales@northwestmetal.net FOLLOW US ON Products • Manure Pumps • Vertical Pumps/PTOs • Hydraulic Pumps • Lagoon Pumps • Props • Pipe Carts • Tankers Service • Pump Rebuilds • Tanker Rebuilds Metal Fabrication • Paint and Powder Coat • In-house 8’x24’ plasma table with bevel head • Roll – Bend No project too big or too small!
Thomas (front, from le ), Pam, Corey and Evelyn; (back, from le ) Audrey and Eli Lamm gather at their farm March 18 near Browerville, Minnesota. The Lamms purchased an addi onal farm site and moved their herd 16 miles.
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Turn to LAMMS
The Lamms moved the cows to their new home May 1, 2022, and once school ended in June, the family moved into their new home as well.
“For the most part, everything went well,” Corey said. “We had a pretty good rst year.”
Because their cows were used to coming into a parlor to be milked and then going back out, the transition was smoother than they had anticipated.
“The cows transitioned great to the freestall barn and parlor at their new home,” Corey said.
The Lamms milk a herd comprised of Jersey, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire and Fleckvieh cows.
While the new farm site provides more land, the rst-generation farmers still need to purchase some of their feed.
“This place has more acreage than our previous place and heifer facilities,” Corey said.
Corey said the previous owner had been renting the farm to another young dairy farmer, so the facilities never sat empty.
In the spring and summer, the cows now have the chance to be on pasture. One-third of the herd goes outside after each milking, so after three milkings, all cows have had a chance to be outside.
The Lamms plan to eventually nish the robot barn and milk cows at both sites.
As a side job, Corey drives truck and hauls bulk feed such as silage and beet pulp for their farm and a few neighboring farms. Oftentimes, he averages 50 hours a week on the road, leaving the chores to Pam and the kids. The Lamms did have a part-time employee for a while to help ll in the gap when Corey was absent, but currently, they are on their own.
Corey said their children help as their age allows. The younger ones can feed the calves, and the older two can push cows up and feed the heifers while Pam milks. Pam also takes care of all the articial insemination.
The couple has plans to go on their rst-ever vacation, if they can nd someone to milk the cows while they
are away.
“Lots of people complain about being tied down to the cows,” Corey said. “But we can milk a little early if we needed to, and we can work ahead and put extra feed and bedding down so the heifers are taken care of for a couple of days. So, we only need to worry about the milking.”
Even with the family’s busy schedule, Corey and Pam said they are happy with their decision to raise their family on a dairy farm.
“There is so much more that the kids learn on the dairy farm that you can’t learn in school or while living in town,” Pam said. “The kids have the drive to do things; they can problem solve on their own already.”
Corey said one of the benets of dairy farming is being in control of his schedule to attend family events.
“(It’s) the freedom and exibility to do your own thing,” Corey said. “You know what you have to do each day. You just have to get up each day and do it.”
Page 4 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 Leon Smith 715-314-0388 www.SmithsofWisconsin.com BY SMITH’S OF WI LLC Scabbling makes a 2.5 inch wide groove that is rough on the bottom and sides. This gives your cow traction at ALL times! Call us for ALL your slippery concrete needs! References available. We’ve been keeping your cows on their feet since 1987!!
Con nued from LAMMS | Page 3
Audrey Lamm races a couple of their dogs in the freestall barn March 18 near Browerville, Minnesota. The Lamms herd is comprised of Jersey, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire and Fleckvieh cows.
Pam Lamm milks a cow March 18 at their farm near Browerville, Minnesota. The Lamms milk 120 cows in a double-5 parallel parlor.
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 5 Carryover Sale S P R I N G Big Dog Alpha 939892, 23 HP, 52” .............................. $2,899 Big Dog Alpha Max 939983, 24 HP, 60” ...................... $4,799 BIg Dog Stout 946684, 24 HP, 60” ................................ $5,900 Toro 74466, 24 HP, 52” .................................................. $6,200 Toro MyRide 74467, 24 HP, 60” .................................... $6,900 Toro Titan 75313, 24.5 HP, 60” ...................................... $5,300 Toro Timecutter 75747, 22 HP, 42” ............................... $3,495 Toro Timecutter 75760, 22 HP, 60” ............................... $3,695 Clearing out non current models with full warranties & Great Prices! A&C Farm Service, Inc. Jct. Hwys. 55 & 23 • Paynesville 320-243-3736 | www.acfarmservice.com A&C Farm Service Inc. Jct. Hwys. 55 & 23, Paynesville 320-243-3736 1 BIG WEEK! Jct. of Hwy 23 & 55 Paynesville 320-243-3736 www.acfarmservice.com WIX FILTER PRODUCTS IN MARCH! 15% OFF ALL CASH & CARRY PARTS OR STOCK ORDERS *EXCLUDES SALE ITEMS 35% OFF UP TO March 27 – April 1 Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sale prices good March 27-April 1 After April 1, sale prices are not available 55 Gal. Drum 15W40 $ 74795 after rebate
A protable grazing lifestyle
Crowleys carry on Ayrshire dairy farm
By Amy Kyllo amy.k@star-pub.com
LA CRESCENT, Minn. – High upon the bluffs of the Mississippi River, the coming of spring nds Ayrshire cows grazing on the slopes of Enchanted Meadows Farm.
Enchanted Meadows Farm is a 100-cow grazing dairy farm owned by Art and Jean Thicke and Chad and Melissa Crowley near La Crescent in Winona County. Though not united by blood, they said they consider themselves a multi-generational family farm.
Enchanted Meadows Farm has been in operation since 1928 when Art’s father, then 17 years old, bought the rst farm site. Art and Jean took over the farm and were farming with their nephew, Dan, and his wife, Wendy, intending to pass the farm to them, until in 2003 when Dan and Wendy tragically died in a motorcycle accident. Chad and Melissa joined the farm in
the fall of 2003 in the wake of the tragedy and became part owners in 2014.
The Crowleys see the Thickes as much more than business partners.
“We do look at Art and Jean as family,” Chad said. “They have seen our kids grow up and been a part of their life, and we’ve been a part of theirs.”
At Enchanted Meadows Farm, the Crowleys focus on pasture management, healthy calves and using their own genetics as key areas for the farm’s success. They also reap energy independence thanks to solar panels.
For grazing, they aim to have their cows on pasture for seven months of the year. Their pastures are divided into 48 paddocks which are 1 to 4 acres in size. The cows are moved every 12 hours to a new paddock or section of a paddock, depending on the time of year and the grass growth.
Enchanted Meadows Farm became certied organic in 2004 although the cows and land had been managed organically for years before this. Chad said the reason the farm was not certied earlier was Art wanted to prove that grazing was what made his farm protable and not whether it was conventional or organic. The farm has continued to be protable today.
Turn to CROWLEYS | Page 7
Page 6 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 MIXING VITAMINS & TRACE MINERAL PREMIXES CUSTOM DRY FERTILIZER • SEED • FOLIARS SPRAY SOIL TESTING • BIOLOGICALS • SOIL AMENDMENTS OUR SERVICES ✓ We at Nature’s Best innovate, design, develop and manufacture products that keep the farmer at the cutting edge of productivity. Our products will not deplete the health of your soil, water, nor the air, a legacy that we count on for today as well as tomorrow. Feeds • Calf Starters • Kelp Meal • Thermocal • Dairybond/Organic (Mold) • Dairylac/Antioxidant • Organic Soy Oil • Organic SE-E Feed Co. 320-243-3938 210 Minnie St Paynesville, MN Delivery Available! Organic Sustainable Farming 21241 Dutchmans Crossing Dr., Lewiston, MN 507-523-2112 Arcadia Collection Site N30321 River Valley Rd., Arcadia, WI 608-323-7795 LEWISTONSALES.COM Collecting Organic Slaughter Cows & Bulls 2nd & 4th Tuesday every month Regular sales each Tuesday at 6 pm and Thursday at 1 pm. ORGANIC SPECIALISTS All Products are Approved for Organic Use 800-822-6671 FAX 608-654-5696 E-mail: organic@cfspecial.com www.cfspecial.com ➢ Feed Products -Protein and Grain Poultry Rations and Premixes ➢ Buyers and End Users of All Organic Grains ➢ Livestock Vitamins & Minerals Cashton Farm Supply, Ltd. 300 STATE HWY 27, C ASHTON, WI 54619 CERTIFIED ORGANIC FEED • Organic Kelp • Organic Mineral • Soybean Meal • Rolled Corn • Whole Oats • Chicken Feed 320-468-6655 SAFE.EASY. SUSTAINABLE. NaturalSolutions. OMRI Certified Itmes! BioverseInc.|877-948-0303 Worthington,MN56187 Shoponlineat: shopdrconnies.com usecode: to save 10% dairystar
Chad and Melissa Crowley hold an Ayrshire calf March 17 at Enchanted Meadows Farm near La Crescent, Minnesota. The Crowleys have been working at the farm for 20 years and have been part owners alongside Art and Jean Thicke since 2014.
“We support two families off 100 cows and no off-farm income,” Chad said.
Enchanted Meadows Farm sells its milk to Westby Cooperative Creamery, which makes and sells various organic products.
All 48 paddocks are grazed six to seven times per year. All of the farm’s non-wooded land is pastured or hayed. The Crowleys prioritize grazing over hay, choosing to buy hay for winter. They focus on pasture management to graze the best piece of land for the conditions of the pastures and the weather. All of their paddocks are within a mile walk of their milking barn.
Enchanted Meadows Farm has three arrays of solar panels. When there is good sunlight and no snow on the panels, the panels will produce enough energy for both farm building sites plus the Crowleys’ and Thickes’ homes. Chad said the decision to install the panels was nancial.
“We could have invested money in equipment, in more buildings or a heated shop or something, but what we decided was this would be a much better return in the long run,” Chad said.
Enchanted Meadows Farm has been entirely Ayrshire since the late 1920s when Art’s father bought the original farm. Melissa said they like Ayrshires because they are hardy for hot and cold weather and are consistent at grazing.
The farm’s cows are bred using homegrown Ayrshire bulls. The Crowleys have been experimenting with homegrown bulls since 1985. Melissa said using bull breeding has helped them get their cows bred in a timely manner to keep their seasonal calving window tight.
Bulls are used for about two years before selling them to keep line breeding to a minimum. The Crowleys focus on getting bulls from cows with good dispositions and capacity to milk. The cows at Enchanted Meadows Farm average six to seven lactations. The oldest cow they have had lived 21 years and had 19 calves.
Cows on the farm are bred to calve seasonally, with 70% of their calving occurring from March through early May and the other 30% from mid-August through the end of October. The spring window is based on protability so the cows have freshened and are in peak milk-producing months during the lushest grazing. Spring calves are kept, but all the fall calves, including heifers, are sold.
Calves are housed in group pens and fed with bulk milk nipple feeders. Immediately after birth, calves are penned with their mother for 12-24 hours. Then, they are bottle fed until they are independent eaters and ready for the group pen feeders. Melissa said the timeline for this is dependent on the calf.
“It’s a lot of attention to detail with the calves and the abilities because some might be really young and they’re ready,” Melissa said. “Others you have to coach more.”
The calves are fed 3 gallons of liquid a day. Two-thirds of the liquid is unpasteurized whole milk and the last third is water to warm the milk. The Crowleys said that making sure the calves are full and satised is important so that they do not try to suck each other. They also offer hay and grain starter mix to their calves within a week of birth.
The Crowleys appreciate the farm life that they live. They hope to one day pass on the farm to another generation, whether it is one of their three children or someone else who can be adopted onto the family farm as they were.
“It has just been a very peaceful lifestyle,” Chad said. “Yes, we have stressful times, but they are far and few in between. … To work with nature and just watch the interactions of everything really is what makes me get up and want to do it again.”
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 7 • SEAMLESS RESIDENTIAL SIDING 27ga. - 8 PROFILES • SNAP-LOC PANELS 26 & 24ga. - 40 YEAR WARRANTY • SUPER 100 28ga. 9” O.C. - 40 YEAR WARRANTY • RES.60 29ga. (FOR ROUND ROOF BARNS) 6” O.C. • TEXTURED RES. 100 (FOR RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS) • DIMENSIONAL AND TREATED LUMBER • GLU-LAM COLUMNS - 50 YEAR WARRANTY • CELLULOSE AND FIBERGLASS INSULATION • C.H.I. OVERHEAD DOORS • SILVERLINE / ANDERSEN WINDOWS All material must be paid for on sale days with delivery being completed in 2 weeks from end of sale days. Prices subject to change without notice. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENTIAL ROOFS To Last A Lifetime At A Price You Can Afford! From RECREATIONAL....... To BARNDOMINIUM....... To AGRICULTURE...... Or for all your SMALL STORAGE SOLUTIONS... DELIVERED & READY FOR SERVICE Full Line of PROFESSIONAL TOOLS, Including MILWAUKEE & DEWALT Tools We are your headquarters for supplies & EXPERTISE Come In and Design Your Building Spring Sale Ends March 25th Cash & Carry N 1 4 6 8 5 C o p e n h a v e r A v e . , S t a n l e y, W I N14685 Copenhaver Ave., Stanley, WI Visit us at: www.hixwood.com 45240 County Road 80 E • PERHAM MN 56573 218-346-3415 PerhamStockyards.com • CattleUSA.com Mitch Barthel Owner/Auctioneer 218-639-5228 Open Sundays Noon-8pm to Receive Stock • Complimentary Hay & Water Pens Provided SPECIAL ORGANIC SALE & SPECIAL DAIRY SALE the LAST Monday of Every Month Copies of Organic Certificates must be provided at drop off. Organic Cows will sell before Conventional Cows • Professional Marketing • Catalog Cows for Breeding & Production Records • Mailing List to over 6,000 potential buyers • Website, Dairy Star, Radio Advertisements • Live Online thru CattleUSA - Over 300 buyers approved to bid Professional Auctioneers & Ringmen Many Years of Experience Selling Dairy Cattle NEW YORK MILLS 1 Hol 1540 109.00 C NEW YORK MILLS 1 Hol 1470 108.00 C AUDUBON 1 Hol 1435 108.00 C AUDUBON 1 Swis 1250 104.00 C AUDUBON 1 Hol 1185 103.00 C OTTERTAIL 1 Hol 1175 100.00 C CONVENTIONAL SLAUGHTER COWS PERHAM 1 Blk Slaughter Cows 1400 112.00 C SEBEKA 1 Hol Slaughter Cows 1065 110.00 C PERHAM 1 Blk Slaughter Cows 1570 109.00 C FOSSTON 1 Hol Slaughter Cows 1100 109.00 C SEBEKA 1 Hol Slaughter Cows 1275 106.00 C FOSSTON 1 Hol Slaughter Cows 1490 103.00 C PERHAM 1 Blk Slaughter Cows 1730 101.50 C PERHAM 1 Blk Slaughter Cows 1000 101.00 C LAKOTA ND 1 Hol Slaughter Cows 1715 100.00 C LAKOTA ND 1 Hol Slaughter Cows 1780 100.00 C LAKOTA ND 1 Hol Slaughter Cows 1710 99.00 C HENNING 1 Blk Slaughter Cows 1570 99.00 C PERHAM 1 BWF Slaughter Cows 1250 99.00 C MARKET REPORT FOR MONDAY, FEB. 27TH SALE ORGANIC DAIRY CATTLE NEW YORK MILLS 1 XBrd Cow Organic Dairy 1450 2,700.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 XBrd Cow Organic Dairy 1260 2,450.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 XBrd Cow Organic Dairy 1260 2,200.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 XBrd Cow Organic Dairy 1255 2,100.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 XBrd Cow Organic Dairy 1270 1,800.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 XBrd Cow Organic Dairy 1070 1,800.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 XBrd Cow Organic Dairy 1250 1,700.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 Jer Cow Organic Dairy 1065 1,650.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 Jer Cow Organic Dairy 1170 1,650.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 XBrd Cow Organic Dairy 1030 1,600.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 XBrd Cow Organic Dairy 1190 1,550.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 XBrd Cow Organic Dairy 1275 1,500.00 H NEW YORK MILLS 1 Jer Cow Organic Dairy 1080 1,500.00 H ORGANIC SAUGHTER COWS NEW YORK MILLS 1 Xbrd 2260 115.00 C AUDUBON 1 Hol 1420 115.00 C NEW YORK MILLS 1 Hol 1415 111.00 C AUDUBON 1 Hol 1255 111.00 C PERHAM 1 Hol 1485 109.00 C Serving the entire WI, IA, IL Tri-State Areas Free Ration Consulting 220 North Ave. Dickeyville, WI (608) 568-7982 www.DickeyvilleFeed.com Specializing in conventional and organic livestock feed, as well as dairy goat feed
Con�nued from CROWLEYS | Page 6
Cows graze at Enchanted Meadows Farm near La Crescent, Minnesota. Cows are moved to fresh grass every 12 hours.
Ayrshire calves mingle March 17 at Enchanted Meadows Farm near La Crescent, Minnesota. Calves are housed in small groups and fed off of group nipple feeders.
The “Mielke” Market Weekly By
Cheese exports set another record
Nerves were frayed this week over the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and New York’s Signature Bank, even as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation stepped in. The latest ination indicator was only up 0.4% in February but 6% above a year ago as we await the Fed’s decision on further interest rate hikes. Torrential rains and snow were again hitting California, resulting in ash ooding in some areas, including dairy regions. Parts of New York saw heavy snowfall.
Tight dairy margins are fraying U.S. dairy producers and dairy cow culling remains strong in response. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest weekly data shows 66,879 head were sent to slaughter the week ending March 4, up 1,579 head from the previous week but 621 head less than a year ago. Yearto-date slaughter stood at 606,100 head, up 21,700, or 3.7%, from a year ago.
StoneX points out that dairy cows are taking up a greater percentage of the beef market share and blames tight dairy margins.
The USDA’s monthly Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook, issued March 14, mirrored milk price and production projections in the March 8 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report, but the Outlook also said milk cows are projected to average 9.390 million head in 2023, 10,000 head higher than last month’s forecast.
Cow numbers are expected to decline through the year, however, as lower numbers of replacement heifers and higher expected cull-cow prices will likely contribute on the decline of the dairy herd. The milkper-cow projection was unchanged from last month at an average 24,345 pounds per head.
Dairy margins were mixed the rst half of March, improving in some marketing periods while deteriorating in others, according to the latest Margin Watch from Chicago-based Commodity and Ingredient Hedging LLC.
“Class III milk futures prices recovered on strength in the cheese market, while soybean meal prices held steady and corn futures continued to sell off,” the MW said. “January dairy exports were solid, with 466.1 million pounds of product shipped during the month, up 13.2% from last year and a record for the month.
“Exports to Mexico were almost 50% higher than last year as strength in the peso relative to the U.S. dollar has increased purchasing power for Mexican consumers who are experiencing a stronger economy relative to other developing markets.
“Cheese exports totaled 75 million pounds, a record for the month and up 15.6% from last year. NDM exports of 150.4 million pounds were likewise up about 15% from last year and the second highest January NDM export total on record.
“January butter exports of 7.5 million pounds were down 3.7% from last year but still 2 million pounds larger than the ve-year average. Exports to both Canada and Mexico who have a free trade agreement with the U.S. were solid although demand from Asian and Middle Eastern markets was weaker, highlighting the fragile nature of the global economy at present. Demand will be a big focus for the market as milk output continues to expand relative to last year, particularly in central states as the spring ush begins.
“Excess milk has been cleared on the spot market for as much as $10 per hundredweight below the class price from December through February as surging milk production in the central region has overwhelmed processing capacity.”
For additional details, log on to www.cihmarginwatch.com.
Tuesday’s Global Dairy Trade Pulse saw 2.1 million pounds of Fonterra whole milk powder sold at $3,230 per metric ton, down 0.6% or $18 from last week’s GDT.
HighGround Dairy said, “The slight decline on the WMP price from the previous GDT auction reafrms the bearish market sentiment as milk supplies begin to grow in the Northern Hemisphere while global demand remains lackluster.”
Meanwhile, the U.S. Dairy Export Council states on its website that it yearly “summarizes key ‘signposts’ that our analysts will be watching in the year ahead that will determine the direction of U.S. dairy exports and global markets.”
This year, they will focus on the major structural factors that will come into play, including the so-called economic headwinds, namely ination and consumer purchasing power.
China’s import demand, when and if it returns, was No. 2, followed by usage of dairy alternatives
Lee Mielke
like palm oil and plant-based imitators. EU27 and U.K. milk production will be watched, according to the USDEC, as will farm input costs and availability here at home. Last but not least, inventories will be closely watched. USDEC concluded that they “expect hand-to-mouth buying to be common, likely making markets and import demand more volatile in the year ahead.”
Cash cheese prices in Chicago converged and strengthened this week, driven by demand, according to Matt Gould, editor of “The Weekly Wire” in the March 20 “Dairy Radio Now” broadcast.
Domestic demand has been “so-so at best since December,” Gould said. He blamed consistently negative retail cheese sales, which means more dependence on food service and exports. Price ination is clearly seen at any McDonald’s or Burger King, he said, “so that leaves exports for any hope of optimism.”
Recent price declines have resulted in some shortterm export bookings, he said; however, “the international marketplace continues to be a place with headwinds.”
“European cheese prices, particularly for mozzarella, which tends to go into the international food service market, and Gouda, are well below U.S. prices, so our ability to even maintain market share this year is going to be a challenge,” Gould said.
“This is not going to be an explosive price year for dairy farmers,” Gould said, and the West is seeing the most auction notices. California is one of the states and is also being inundated by water. New Mexico, and to a lesser degree, Texas, are also seeing an uptick in exits, according to Gould, who expects that to continue for the next several months.
The USDA supplied January dairy supply and utilization data this week. Starting with cheese, total utilization amounted to 1.198 billion pounds, up 0.7% from January 2022. Domestic use, at 1.123 billion pounds, was down 0.2%, while exports, at 75 million, were up 15.6%, an all-time high for January.
Butter saw further weakness, at 156.4 million pounds, down 13.2%, lowest volume since July 2020, according to HGD, which blamed poor domestic consumption, down 13.6% from a year ago, while exports were down 3.8%.
Page 8 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023
to MIELKE | Page 9
Farm Material Handling Specialist “Service After The Sale” ROD FLUEGGE “the boss” 2040 Mahogany St., Mora, MN • 320-679-2981 LEASING AVAILABLE Looking for good, used trades! 1960-2023 Celebrating 63 years! FLUEGGE’S AG DEER HUNTERS! Tar River No-Till Drill SAYA-507 Call for Pricing NEW - JUST IN Knight 8024 500 bu. - CALL FOR PRICE Knight 725 CALL FOR PRICE OPEN HOUSE APRIL 5, 2023 at Fluegge’s AG JUST COMING IN Kuhn VB2044 Pro-Push Vertical Beaters Truck Tires, 7years old CALL FOR PRICE Kuhn PS242 Horizontal CALL FOR PRICING
Total nonfat dry milk utilization dropped to 199.1 million pounds, down 3.8%, with domestic demand falling to 48.7 million, down 35.8%, lowest January reading since 2020. Exports climbed to 150.4 million, up 14.8% from a year ago, highest January level since 2020, according to HGD.
Dry whey totaled 81 million pounds, up 0.1% from a year ago. Domestic use fell to 52 million pounds, down 4.1%, and exports, at 29 million, were up 8.6%.
Dairy markets didn’t have a lot to feed on this week in the way of USDA reports. Next week will have plenty, with the February milk production report, February slaughter report and February cold storage data.
After losing 17 cents the previous week, CME cheddar block cheese reected some green this week, closing St. Patrick’s Day at $1.9975 per pound, up 21.75 cents on the week, but 13.25 cents below a year ago.
The barrels, after jumping 19.50 cents the previous week, added another 19 cents this week, closing Friday at $1.96, 7 cents below a year ago, and a more typical 3.75 cents below the blocks. There were 13 sales of block on the week at the CME and 36 of barrel, down from 50 loads of barrel the previous week.
Cheese market tones experienced a bullish push this week as prices climbed both for blocks and barrels, said Dairy Market News. “Markets are also under a more assured tone as the block to barrel price difference narrowed noticeably,” DMN said. Cheesemakers in the Midwest say demand is hearty. Barrel makers relay more committed customers, while some retail cheddar and Italian style cheese processors say they are concerned about lacking the production capacity to bolster summer/fall inventories, despite readily available milk. Spot milk prices met the $10 under Class III mark again this week, as milk handlers continue to offer spot loads exclusively below Class III, according to DMN.
Looking west, varietal cheese demand from retail and food service purchasers is strong to steady. Second quarter bookings continue steadily, as some contacts report close to sold out inventories. Spot loads are available and overall spot demand is steady. Barrel sales are heavily active, while block sales are light. Barrel inventories remain more abundant than block inventories, despite the strong week for the barrel market. Export demand continues mixed. Some report strong to steady demand from Asian and Mexican markets, while others report current prices
are uncompetitive with European and global pricing. Milk volumes are regionally plentiful to ample for cheesemakers to keep strong production schedules going, DMN said.
Cash butter jumped 4.75 cents Monday, added 2 cents Thursday and closed Friday at $2.40 per pound, up 6.75 cents on the week, reversing two successive weeks of decline, but was 32.50 cents below a year ago. There were six sales reported for the week.
Butter demand has strengthened due, at least in part, to the upcoming spring holidays, according to DMN. Cream availability, despite similar multiples week to week, has begun to tighten when compared to just a few weeks ago. That said, cream remains generally available for active churning, but demand from other end users, namely cream cheese and ice cream manufacturers, has butter plants reporting that offers have begun to subside. Butter market tones are uncertain, with views from range-bound to more bearish potential due to the available cream and churning activity of recent months.
Cream continues to be plentiful in the West, but balanced to ample. Cream demand is steady to light. Some contacts note strong to steady production, while others note steady to lighter output and decreased processing capacity with equipment repairs taking place. Retail demand is light, and some report a light start for the spring holiday season. Export demand is steady, although some report current domestic prices are taking away U.S. competitiveness.
Grade A nonfat dry milk closed Friday at $1.1875 per pound, up 1.25 cents on the week but 67.25 cents below a year ago, with ve sales on the week.
Dry whey saw some ups and downs this week but nished Friday at 46.75 cents per pound, 2.50 cents higher, but 29.25 cents below a year ago, with three sales on the board for the week at the CME.
March 16 Class III futures settlements had the March price at $18 per hundredweight. April was at $18.60; May, $18.31; June, $18.53; July, $18.97; and August at $19.46. The peak was at $19.76 in October, spelling plenty of red ink on U.S. dairy farms across the country.
National milk production is mixed, according to the USDA’s weekly update. Winter weather in the Mid-Atlantic and southernmost states of the Northeast has been mild, and farm level milk output is nearing spring ush volumes. Southeast milk output is steady and increasing week over week in the central states.
Some bottling orders have paused due to the upcoming spring break weeks for schools. Spot milk
loads were moving as low as $12 under Class III Farm level milk output is steady to lighter in Arizona and steady in New Mexico. Output is steady in the Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Colorado, and steady to strong in California and Utah, according to the USDA.
Complete Dispersal Complete
50 good dairy cows. There is a mixture of Red & black and white Holsteins. Also Jersey and Jersey cross cows in this herd. Cows are housed in sand bedded tiestalls and sand bedded freestalls with access to pasture in summer. Milked in a parlor. Bull breeding with good bulls. Herd is averaging 65 lb with 150 scc. Some very good crossbred cows in this herd!! Southwood Dairy, New Holstein, WI
Herd #2
15 Holstein tiestall cows. 10 milking, 5 dry cows. Herd is averaging approx. 55 lbs with 155 scc. Individuals milking up to 90 lbs! A good, young hand milked herd! Reuben Keim, Viroqua.
Other early Consignments
14 month old Fleckvieh bull, nice!
Special Heifer & Dairy Sale
Thursday, April 6th • 11 a.m.
Complete Heifer Dispersal
32 Holstein heifers out of a long time aAa mated and ai bred herd. 6 bred hfrs. 7 hfrs 12-16 months, 9 hfrs 6-12 months, 9 hfrs Bred heifers are bull bred. All heifers over 6 months are vaccinated with BoviShield gold. Included in this group is a fancy Lineback and several red and whites! A2/A2 breeding for several Generations. Heifers have not been A2 tested. Very nice group of heifers!!
Complete herd dispersal 40 Holstein cows. AI breeding milked in tie stalls, out everyday. 55 lb herd average with 250 scc. Some nice young cows!
Tools-HouseholdCollectibles Auction
for Ralph (Pollock) Czaikowski
Friday, March 31st 9:30 A.M.
This auction will be held in heated shed at Oberholtzer Auctions Thorp location. N15518 State Highway 73 Thorp, WI Auction will consist of many like new tools, good collectible items and clean household items. We will have a full listing available as we get everything unpacked. Plan for another great auction of Ralph’s!
Lawn & Garden Auction
Saturday, April 8th at our Thorp location
We are looking for consignments of Lawn Mowers, Tillers, ATV’s and small engine items in working condition. Auction will be broadcast live on Hibid and Equipment Facts.
To consign call Phillip at 715-937-5106
Formerly Turenne Livestock
Selling Baby Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Goats, Feeder Cattle, Fat Cattle, Market Cows and Bulls
VERY COMPETITIVE MARKET PRICES Call 712-432-5500 for daily market report
Hard to believe when you look outside now, but my bold prediction is in 100 days, (mark your calendars), we’ll see corn tassels. And someone will be saying, “if this weather ever straightens out we could get our corn planted”.
Shorter run of dairy cows today. No Supreme quality individuals. Good cows $1,300-1,700. Top 1$,950 Jonathan Horst, Loyal.
Definitely a buyer’s market in the springing heifer division today. Mostly $1,300-1,725. Opens 95-1.25/lb. Single birth Holstein heifer calves $15-60. Breeding Bulls $700-1,100. Market Bulls up to $104.
Choice Holstein steers $136-148. Top 1,720 lbs @ $148.50 consigned by Andy Y Miller, Chili. Beef cross steers up to $152. Holstein feeder steers $105-130. Crossbreds up to $196 on Monday. Holstein bull calves $100-230. Top $265 consigned by Curvin Martin, Dorchester. Crossbreds $200-370, top $380 Lester Martin Jr, Greenwood & Thomas Milz, Loyal. 20% of Market cows sold $94-103. 50% sold $78-93.
Butcher hogs $57-68.
Another week of large volume and relatively strong prices in the hay sale. 3x4x8 Alfalfa $170-215. 3x3x8 Alfalfa $75-100. Rounds grass 1st crop $45-60. Rounds and squares 2nd and 3rd mixed hay $50-75. Dairy quality baleage $55-75. Small squares grass $3.50-4.25. 3x4x8 wheat straw $85-95. Thank you for your continued
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 9
Con nued from MIELKE | Page 8
IA, MN, WI, IL AND SD ATTENTION FARMERS... Are rocks, re-rod or holes showing in your bunker silo? BUNKER SILO RESTORATION/ REPAIR WITH JETCRETE Approximately 1” of steel reinforced material added to bunker walls. • High pressure water blasting of walls for excellent bonding. • 6 gage heavy duty wire mesh installed • Jetcrete -phnuematically applied concrete. GUARENTEED BEST PRICING SILO RELINING WITH “JETCRETE” BARN WALL & BASEMENT RESTORATION WITH “JETCRETE” (Limestone, rock, block & concrete wall) WE CAN RESTORE YOUR BUNKER TO LIKE NEW CONDITION! Balltown, IA • (563) 552-2393 Give Skip Breitbach Feeds a call today for seeding waterways and pastures! SKIP BREITBACH FEEDS Bob Meyer Master Electrician, Owner Cell: 320-761-1042 Need an Electrician? We Offer the Following Agricultural Services: Barn Lighting, Sheds, Fans, Trenching, Irrigation, Homes & More! Lic. #CA03435 Serving Central Minnesota E lectric B.E.A.M. ELECTRIC Dairy St r Milk Break Sign up at www.dairystar.com Sign up for our newsletter... SALEs SCHEDULE Dairy & Hay sale EVERY Thursday starting with hay @ 10:00 followed by Dairy Cows @ 11:00 sharp, then bred heifers, open heifers and feeders followed by calves, market bulls, fat cattle and cull cows. Special feeder sale 2nd & 4th Thursday. WATCH OUR SALE ONLINE AT WWW.CATTLEUSA.COM
CONTACT: 800-866-7327 SERVING
THURSDAY, March 30th Hay 10:00 a.m. • Cattle 11:00 a.m. Special Dairy Sale SALE CONDUCTED BY: Oberholtzer Dairy Cattle & Auction Co. Auctioneer: Mark Oberholtzer, WI license #2882-052 John Oberholtzer 715-216-1897 • Mark Oberholtzer 715-773-2240 John Ivan Oberholtzer 715-219-2781 • Office 715-255-9600 www.oberholtzerauctions.com Sale Location: W1461 State Hwy 98, Loyal, WI 54446 From Spencer, WI take Hwy 98 west 5 miles. From Loyal, 5 miles east on 98 JWO NOTES & MARKET REPORT: Big enough to make a difference, small enough to care! Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Repair Skidsteer Attachments For Sale 320-634-4360 www.stoens.com 16084 State Hwy. 29 • Glenwood, MN 56334 • Repair & Sales • Troubleshooting • Hose Assemblies • Design • Service Calls • Cylinders Toll Free 866-634-4360
support, greatly appreciated!
Grain Markets
March 22, 2023
Other Oats Soybeans Corn
This past week, news channels were filled with reports of large bank failures. I could fill pages explaining how and why it is happening. In a nutshell, it all comes down to humans making bad decisions, which was started with flooding our money supply with 40% more “Covid Stimulus” dollars. This has created an environment where banks are flush with cash and needing to do something with it to get a return for its depositors, and consumers are looking for a place to invest this free money. The reality is the U.S. economy didn’t create more assets to invest this money. This is leading to poor investment decisions and too many dollars chasing too few of goods (Inflation!!!).
In my opinion, this will go down in history as one of the biggest mistakes the U.S. has ever made, and our children will live through the financial pain caused from these foolish decisions. Keep in mind that while our over inflated economy is trying to destroy this excess money supply, we have yet to start paying back the debt we created to give us this perceived free money. I believe the worst is yet to come. The economic pain is just getting pushed down the road into a bigger financial implosion.
Now that I have told you how I really feel, what is up with the stronger milk market. It is fairly normal to see seasonal price strength prior to Easter. Over the past 10 years, dairy prices have tended to rally now through mid-May and into June. Cash cheese prices have once again returned to the $2.00 trading level in both blocks and barrels. Class III futures are not convinced this is sustainable as they are trailing this cash optimism.
Butter prices are trading near $2.40. It will be very important for butter prices to remain supported to help keep Class IV values trading near Class III. U.S. butter exports are at risk of declining as they are trading at a premium to EU at $2.29 and NZ at $2.23. U.S. butter inventories are in good supply/demand balance today but could quickly start to grow if we lose export volumes in the coming months.
Whey prices remain a concern as inventories of WPC and WPI remain elevated. Whey prices have rebounded nicely in the spot market back to 46 cents. Hopefully, this is an indication that export sales have picked up in February.
Page 10 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023
Sanborn, MN Meadowlands Farmers Co-op 6.4114.04 Almena, WI Synergy Cooperative 5.6813.78 St. Cloud, MN ADM 6.1814.03 Westby, WI Premier Co-op 5.9813.93 Cadott, WI Cadott Grain Service 5.7713.79 Pipestone, MN Cargill 6.3813.88 Muscoda, WI Riverdale Ag Service 5.9913.93 Wheat 5.90 Gar eld Pro-Ag Farmer’s Co-op 6.1313.90 Wheat 8.21 Monona, IA Innovative Ag 6.0813.83 Watertown, SD Watertown Co-op Elevator 6.4413.94 3.92 S. Wheat 8.06 W. Whea t 7.79 Whitewater, WI Landmark Services Co-op 6.0514.02 Wheat 5.79 Dennison, MN Central Farm Service 6.1313.91 Belleville, WI Countryside Co-op 6.0514.02 Wheat 5.79 Glenwood, MN CHS Prairie Lakes 6.1513.93 S. Wheat 8.13
*Futures and options trading involve significant risk of loss and may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Past performance is not indicative of future results. DVi is an equal opportunity employer. 320-634-3771 1145 East Minnesota Ave.• Suite 1 Glenwood, MN 56334 www.dairyvisor.com HELPING GOOD MANAGERS MAKE BETTER TRADING DECISIONS Milk, Feed & Grain Market Support DairyVisor Inc. is a private corporation based in Glenwood, MN. DVi provides a full range of commodity trading products and consulting services to large scale grain and dairy operations. ✓ Physical Feed and Grain Trading ✓ Commodity Broker ✓ DRP/LGM Insurance Provider ✓ DVPro Consulting Services Office: 712-476-5541 Cell: 712-470-1274 • Fax: 712-476-9937 Rock Valley, IA • Paul Mc Gill, Owner www.RockValleyHay.com Rock Valley Hay Auction It’s time for Rock Valley Hay Auction’s Annual Hey! Prizes for the best loads of hay & straw! Hay Strap Throwing Contest! Food & Refeshments will be available Thursday, April 6, 2023 10:30 am • Downtown Rock Valley, IA Hay Auction starts at 12:30 pm at Rock Valley Hay Auction D&H FIELD S E RVICES, INC . Darrin Herickhoff Solid Manure Manure Spreaders Spreaders & Side Slingers Side Slingers 320-760-0848 www.dhfieldservices.com • Liquid Manure Handling • Solid Manure Handling • Trucking • Pushing & Packing Unlimited Possibilities!
Joe Spader
Area Hay Auction Results
Fort Atkinson Hay
Ft. Atkinson, Iowa • 563-534-7513
March 15, 81 loads
Rock Valley Hay Auction Co.
Rock Valley, Iowa • 712-476-5541
March 16, 50 loads
The new Discbine ® PLUS series from New Holland redefines the disc mower-conditioner. More than just bold styling, these center-pivot mowers feature the upgraded MowMax™ II PLUS commercial-grade cutterbar for the cleanest, closest cut yet and enhanced swathcontrol surfaces for even faster dry down. Whether you need a nimble mower for tight places or maximum capacity for wide-open spaces, four models with cutting widths ranging from 10’ (3 m) to over 16’ (4.9 m)-wide mean there’s a mower that’s right for your haymaking operation. Remember—a disc mower-conditioner isn’t a genuine Discbine unless it’s built and backed by the best in the business: New Holland.
A+ haymaking starts with a new Discbine PLUS. Stop in today or visit newholland.com to learn more.
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 11
Small Squares 1st crop $125/ton 1 load 2nd crop $155/ton 1 load 3rd crop $85-175/ton 1 load New seeding $290/ton 1 load Straw $145/ton 1 load Large Squares 1st crop $105-200/ton 6 loads 2nd crop $125-185ton 6 loads 3rd crop $165/ton 1 load 4th crop $200/ton 1 load Rounds 1st crop $85-190/ton 26 loads 2nd crop $105-190/ton 17 loads 3rd crop $85-205/ton 9 loads 4th crop $125/ton 1 load Grass $70-125/ton 4 loads New seeding $85/ton 1 load Rye $35-40/ton 2 loads Corn stalks $85-100/ton 2 loads
Large Squares 1st crop $225/ton 2nd crop $247.50/ton Grass $150/ton Straw $85-152.50/ton Large Rounds 1st crop $222.50-240/ton 2nd crop $217.50-265/ton 3rd crop $245/ton 4th crop $250/ton Grass $120-235/ton Mixed $170/ton Corn stalks $107.50-115/ton WHO WILL YOU FIND IN OUR Business Directory? TO BE INCLUDED IN THE DAIRY STAR BUSINESS DIRECTORY CALL 320-352-6303 LOG ON TO: www.dairystarbusinessdirectory.com
VISIT YOUR LOCAL DEALER A&C Farm Service Paynesville, MN Melrose Implement, Inc. Melrose, MN Lano of Norwood Norwood, MN Modern Farm Equipment Sauk Centre, MN Pierz, MN Werner Implement Vermillion, MN Schlauderaff Implement Litch eld, MN Farmers Implement & Irrigation Brookings, SD Watertown, SD Tjosvold Equipment Granite Falls, MN Hennessey Implement Monroe, WI Dodgeville, WI Target Your Customers! The Dairy Star is sent only to DAIRY FARMERS! If you would like to advertise in the DAIRY STAR, call 320-352-6303 for more information.
Building better farmers through education
Rwanda Institute of Conservation Agriculture blazes a trail
By Danielle Nauman danielle.n@dairystar.com
GASHORA, Rwanda – When most farmers think of agriculture, Rwanda might not be the rst place to come to mind, but agriculture, and dairy in particular, play an important role in lling the nutritional needs and generating income for many of the country’s population.
The Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture was established in 2019 to allow students the opportunity to develop knowledge and learn skills in applying conservation practices to their agricultural pursuits.
The school is home to over 250 students, all of whom live on campus. The school has 23 faculty members and more than 100 staff members.
While attending RICA, students spend most of their rst two years of study learning the basics for all areas and specializations of agriculture and working on all aspects of the farm before identifying one specialization they will focus on for their nal year
of study. One of those specializations is livestock production systems, which includes the dairy program.
At the conclusion of the three-year program, students graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in conservation
agriculture. The school’s rst class of 78 students will graduate Aug. 8, with 10 of those graduating with a specialty in livestock production systems. Several of those students will move on to become dairy farmers themselves, work in extension education roles or work in other related industry elds.
“All students learn farm management,” said Dr. Celestin Munyaneza, the school’s dairy enterprise lead. “We also train them to work in any area of input procurement, such as livestock feed and things like that.”
The school’s campus is home to a herd of 48 animals, including 16 milking cows, which are primarily crossbred Friesians. The herd is multi-purpose, Munyaneza said.
“The rst purpose of our dairy herd is for education for our students, and the second purpose is for extension education for the community,” Munyaneza said. “The third is to generate a prot. The cows have been here on campus for the past three years.”
Much of the milk produced is sold and consumed by students and staff in the institute’s cafeteria. Some is processed by students specializing in food processing, and any remaining milk is sold through nearby milk collection center.
The cows are milked using DeLaval oor buckets in a single-4 herringbone parlor. The other side of the parlor was constructed to milk a herd of dairy goats which will be coming to the school.
Page 12 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 DAIRYING AROUND THE WORLD FIBERGLASS FENCING • GATES • FREESTALLS • FEED RAIL • FEED LOTS Fiberglass freestalls offer a heightened level of comfort which can lead to an increase in milk production! NEW PRODUCTS: • All Solid Rail Fencing has a 20 year UV coating to prevent slivers, Colors available • Show Fencing & Pasture fencing • Cattle Panels & Continuous Fencing • 1’’ & 1-1/4 Electric Fence Post UV Protected • 13% Chrome Post for Head Locks & Feed Rail • Guard Rail and Fiberglass posts. • Lifetime warranty on our fiberglass products from rusting and rotting Ventilation for Calves for Calves Hwy. 76 • Harpers Ferry, IA 563-586-2023 Email: tjfence@acegroup.cc Hours: May 15 to Sept.15, M-F 7:30 to 3:30 “I have free stalls from TJ’s and love them! With my old steel stalls I was constantly repairing
TJ’s stalls are very flexible and reasonably priced. I have saved a lot of time and money on repairs with TJ’s free stalls.” - Will Gerdes - Caledonia, MN PATENT PENDING FAMILY OWNED FOR OVER 30 YEARS! | www.tjsfencingcompany.com New additive in our paint now prevents & protects against the growth of mold & mildew. CUSTOM BALING & STACKING Baling High-Density Large Square Bales Call for availability. Hastings, MN 651-900-2093 - Karl QUALITY HAY & STRAW AVAILABLE! New Crop Straw, Processed in the bale available Sales and delivery nationwide.
from the cows bending them.
to RWANDA | Page 13
Dr. Celes n Munyaneza, Rwanda Ins tute of Conserva on Agriculture’s dairy lead, explains how a milking machine works. The school’s rst class of 78 students will graduate Aug. 8, with 10 of those gradua ng with a specialty in dairy.
“The parlor is the only one of its kind in Rwanda,” Munyaneza said. “It is a special design and was made for the purpose of teaching.”
The dairy industry of Rwanda is very different from the dairy industry in the western hemisphere, largely because of the region’s climate and geopolitical factors.
“There are many dairy farmers, but they are small farms with only one to three cows per farm,” Munyaneza said. “A large dairy farm here is one our size with about 50 cows. There are only a couple of those in the country.”
Despite those limitations, Munyaneza described Rwanda as a milkloving country.
Rwanda is a very small country, just over 10,000 square miles, with a population of nearly 13.5 million people, which is expected to double by 2050. It is located in the Great Rift Valley of central Africa, 2-3 degrees south of the equator and has a tropical, semi-arid climate. Temperatures average around 80 degrees, year-round, with the lowest temperatures being in the upper 50s and the highest temperatures being around 90 degrees. The region experiences two rainy seasons, from March to May and from September through December.
“Rwanda is about two-thirds the size of the country of Switzerland in square mileage,” Munyaneza said. “The average farm here is only an acre in size, so instead of growing forages to feed livestock, families will grow crops for food consumption and high-value crops such as vegetables that they can sell at market for income.”
The lack of land to grow forages complicates things for the farmers to feed their animals.
“It is not unusual to drive down the road and see a farmer taking his couple of cows to graze alongside the road,” Munyaneza said. “Or, you will see them walking, carrying bundles of grass on their head, that they have cut alongside the road to bring back to their cows.”
Munyaneza said the land shortage
and climate are the greatest challenges facing the dairy industry.
“There is just not enough land to grow livestock feed or forage, and grass for grazing can be scarce,” Munyaneza said. “Supplemental feed is very expensive. That is a very limiting factor to dairy production.”
Another challenge to dairy farmers in Rwanda is the prevalence of disease, particularly tick-borne diseases.
“Many farmers struggle with diseases like anaplasmosis, heartwater, East Coast Fever and Rift Valley Fever,” Munyaneza said.
Also, farmers there often lack skills and knowledge in dairy management and conservation farming methods, Munyaneza said, as well as have limited access to technology.
Prince Kwizera is a third-year student in the dairy program. He works as an intern at the institute and as a teaching assistant. When he graduates this summer, he will return to his home area to begin working toward his dream of owning his own dairy farm.
Kwizera chose to attend RICA, a four-hour bus ride away from his home, because of the challenges that limit dairy farmers in his country.
“I grew up on a dairy farm, and my family depended mostly on milk,” Kwizera said. “I wanted to grow my skills in animal production, so I came to RICA and I found this specialty and so much knowledge. It made me grow more passionate and my love for animals grew, and I knew this is what has the potential for income to provide for my family and my village.”
Kwizera has the goal of attending graduate school to further his education and is researching obtaining funding to pursue that in the U.S.
“I want to learn more of the scientic knowledge and the new technologies in dairy and animal production,” Kwizera said. “That is necessary for me to be able to contribute to the sustainable development of animal production in my country.”
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 13 UPCOMING HAY AUCTIONS Tuesday, March 28 Tuesday, April 11 Tuesday, April 25 Tuesday, May 9 Tuesday, May 23 Tuesday, June 13 expanding market! All Hay & Straw MUST be on site by 10AM Sale Day! Complete Auction Results at SteffesGroup.com For more info, contact Randy Kath, Auctioneer, 701.429.8894 • • • • AUCTION Hay SteffesGroup.com | 320.693.9371 TIMED ONLINE ONLY BIDDING CLOSES AT 12PM TRUCK LOADS SELL FIRST CS 22-25 HP SERIES Spring into Savings (tractor only) Purchase a CS2210 as low as $9,499* as low as $136mo* KIOTI.com Offer available March 1, 2023 – May 31, 2023. Product shown with optional equipment that may impact purchase price and or payment. 0% Down, 0% APR financing for up to 84 months on the purchase of a new KIOTI CS2210 and CS2220. For example, with approved financing 84 monthly payments of $11.90 per $1,000 financed. Rebates and/or financing based on the purchase of eligible equipment defined in promotional program. Pricing and rebates in US dollars. Additional fees including, but not limited to, taxes, freight, setup and delivery charges may apply. Financing must be through DLL using one of the available financing options. Financing is subject to credit approval. Customers must take delivery prior to the end of the program period. Some customers will not qualify. Some restrictions apply. Offer available on new equipment only. Prior purchases are not eligible. Offer valid only at participating Dealers. Offer subject to change without notice. See your dealer for details. 6 Year Warranty for Non-Commercial, residential use only.6 Year Warranty applies to CS CX, CK10, DK10, NS and NX model KIOTI tractors and must be purchased and registered between September 1, 2016 – June 30, 2023. Offer valid only at participating Dealers. Offer subject to change without notice. See your dealer for details. © 2023 Kioti Tractor Company a Division of Daedong-USA, Inc. A&C Farm Service, Inc. 412 Business 23 South • Paynesville, MN 320-243-3736 www.acfarmservice.com
Con nued from RWANDA | Page 12
Students at the Rwanda Ins tute of Conserva on Agriculture milk cows on the school’s dairy farm in Gashora, Rwanda. The cows are milked using bucket milkers.
Cows graze at the Rwanda Ins tute of Conserva on Agriculture in Gashora, Rwanda. The school was established in 2019.
Page 14 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023
The I-29 Moo University Dairy Beef Short Course is March 28 as part of the preeducational events for the Central Plains Dairy Expo at the Denny Sanford Premier Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
For questions, contact fredhall@iastate.edu or 712-737-4230. If attendees also plan on going to the Central Plains Dairy Expo Welcome Reception, you are also encouraged to register for that ahead of time at https://www.centralplainsdairy.com/registration.
Technology and automation are playing an increasing role in the dairy industry. The University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension and DeLaval are co-hosting a robotic milking systems tour and open house from 10-11:30 a.m. April 11 at Neu-View Acres in Star Prairie, Wisconsin. The Neumann family will be giving a small presentation about their decision to retrot robotic milking to their existing barn, how they planned and executed their start up, and the impacts automation and data collection has had on their herd. Attendees will then be able to tour the milking herd and facility, with industry experts available throughout the barn to answer questions.
Please contact Extension Regional Dairy Educator Ryan Sterry at 715-531-1950 or ryan.sterry@wisc.edu; or Richard Franta, DeLaval North America, 715-245-7717 or richard.franta@delaval.com.
The Dairy Calf & Heifer Association is excited to announce that the 2023 Annual Conference and Trade Show will be held April 11-13 in Prior Lake, Minnesota. With the theme “Commitment to Excellence,” the DCHA Conference and Trade Show offers an opportunity to build on past accomplishments, learn from worldwide calf and heifer experts, and lead calf and heifer growers toward a sustainable future.
This year’s conference will be held in person and also have a virtual option for those unable to attend. The conference committee has focused on three areas of calf raising when creating the program and optional tours, allowing more variety of sessions to attract a broader range of calf raisers. The tracks include: wet calf/weaning, post-weaned/reproduction and beef-x-dairy.
Optional tours for the conference include:
NexGen Dairy: NexGen Dairy is a third-generation dairy farm milking 1,000 Jersey and Jersey cross cows. Calf health along with cow health and longevity are priorities at NexGen. The dairy hosts a state-of-the-art transition facility which includes a wet calf room, separate fresh cow parlor and calf milk processing room. Heifers are all raised on-site from birth through breeding. Calves at NexGen are being group raised but individually fed in a new calf facility which is powered with a 40kW solar energy system.
University of Minnesota Huntington Bank Stadium & Andrew Boss Laboratory of Meat Science: Huntington Bank Stadium is the home of the Minnesota Golden Gophers football team. This is the rst new football stadium in the Big Ten conference since 1960 and the rst LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certied college football stadium in America. The spaces toured include the president’s suite, club rooms, hall of fame, the eld and a peek into the football shaped home Golden Gopher Locker Room. (Tour space subject to change.) At the University of Minnesota Andrew Boss Laboratory of Meat Science, tourists will learn about differences in dairy and beef steer carcasses and the harvest process. There will also be a dairy rib and beef rib which will be cut up and discussion on the differences between the two. If time permits, further processing (jerky, sausage) will be discussed.
Register at www.calfandheifer.org. Any questions can be directed to DCHA staff at info@ calfandheifer.org or 1-855-400-DCHA.
The I-29 Moo University 2023 Dairy Webinar Series continues from noon to 1 p.m. April 13 with a focus on how to bring skilled professionals to your farm using the visa programs. The program will be presented by Miguel Rangel, DVM.
Rangel will discuss the process of using the U.S. visa programs to bring skilled professionals to U.S. dairy operations from foreign countries. This discussion will cover the most common visas available for dairy producers and will include: in which situations each visa may be used, who qualies for the visa, the benets of various visas and the requirements to qualify for different visas. Rangel will also discuss the application process, rights and responsibilities of employers and employees, and will clarify common misconceptions.
There is no fee to participate in the webinar; however, preregistration is required at least one hour before the webinar. Preregister at https://go.iastate.edu/TQ86YG.
For more information, contact: in Iowa, Fred M. Hall, 712-737-4230; in Minnesota, Jim Salfer, 320-203-6093; or in South Dakota, Heidi Carroll, 605-688-6623.
The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Dairy Team monthly webinar series continues from noon to 1 p.m. April 19. This program will focus on this year’s alfalfa season. Mike Rankin will share what he sees in the hay and alfalfa market plus what things are looking like out in the eld. Producers, dairy consultants and industry representatives are encouraged to attend the free webinar by pre-registering at least one hour before the webinar at https://go.iastate.edu/KUKNGK.
For more information, contact the specialist in your area: in northwest Iowa, Fred M. Hall at 712-737-4230 or fredhall@iastate.edu; in northeast Iowa, Jennifer Bentley at 563382-2949 or jbentley@iastate.edu; in east central Iowa, Larry Tranel at 563-583-6496 or tranel@iastate.edu.
The Dairyland Initiative Virtual Workshop will be online May 3-4 and will focus on adult cow facilities and positive pressure tube ventilation design for calf barns. On May 3, the workshop will focus on the principles of adult cow ventilation and how to assess a system while the workshop May 4 will cover how to design PPTV systems for calf barns. Participants will leave the workshops with a better understanding of barn ventilation and have access to Excel spreadsheet tools for designing ventilation systems. Problem sets will be based on real-world examples. Those who attend the PPTV workshop will have the opportunity to become a Certied Consultant for Youngstock Facility Design. Register at https://bit.ly/3m3hbV4.
The Spring Dairy Tune Up Fitting/Showmanship clinic is May 6-7 at the Fayette County Fairgrounds in West Union, Wisconsin. Registration is due May 1 and is open to all youth 9 to 18 years old. Youth are asked to bring one dairy heifer with them to the workshop. Dairy professional tters and judges will be on hand to assist. Contact Bob Sadler at 319-480-8858 for more information.
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 15 Customer Appreciation Days Open House Stop in and take advantage of the 10% Parts Discounts. There will also be area representatives available to answer any questions. CELEBRATING 27 YEARS! Wed., April 5th & Thurs., April 6th 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. LUNCH 11 A.M. BOTH DAYS IN-STOCK PRODUCTS PRICED TO SELL! PLUS, SERVICE BEYOND THE SALE www.chippewafarmservice.com 715-382-5400 16570 Co Hwy O • Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Agromatic • Alber’s • Badger • Berg Freudenthal • Hanson • J&D Manufacturing MiraFount • N-Tech Pasture Mat • Ritchie • Loyal-Roth • Trioliet • VES • Weaverline • Zabel Specializing in the sales and service of feed and manure handling equipment for over 25 years! Contact us today for all of your on-farm service calls, building needs, parts and in-stock equipment! New & Used Mixer Deals! New Valmetal 700 700 CF, 2 side door discharge with chutes, Digistar scale system CALL FOR PRICE! New Trioliet 1200 ZK 430 CF, 2 side doors, Digistar scale system CALL FOR PRICE! New Valmetal 630 630 CF, Digistar scale, 2 side doors, flotation tires CALL FOR PRICE! New Trioliet 1500ZK 540 CF, 2 side door discharge, Digistar scale system CALL FOR PRICE! 4,000 gallon tank 2 years old, Mac. $32,000 Thank you for supporting FFA. For more info: Dawn 715-944-9381, email cf.ffa.alumni@gmail.com Sunday, April 2, 2023 9 am–1:30 pm Columbus Association Hall – 236 Pumphouse Road $8 | Ages 5-12 $4 | Age 5 & under eat FREE Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Sweet Rolls, Milk, Coffee & Orange Juice Chippewa Falls FFA/FFA Alumni Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction Used Trioliet 1500 ZK Screws very good, Digistar scale system, 2 side door disch. $29,000
look back at 5, 10 and 20 years ago
Dairy Star brings you top stories from past issues
5 years ago
A smooth transition
Brandon Stommes grew up wanting to dairy farm. Not coming from a dairy farm himself, he started working for Earl and Darlene Felling of Albany, Minnesota. Before long, Stommes started to purchase cattle and worked toward eventually purchasing the entirety of the farm. When he took over, he made a few additions to the farm such as adding a footbath and bringing in a mixer to feed a total mixed ration.
A move to pursue their dairying dream
Norman and Nicole Guisewhite wanted more than anything to dairy farm. The couple, originally from Virginia, started out milking cows right out of high school with Norman’s family. When that dairy did not work, they moved to Pennsylvania in 2008 to start their own dairy only to end up selling their cows in 2011 due to all the land being bought by natural gas companies. In 2013, the Guisewhite family moved to Minnesota, and Norman became a herdsman on a dairy farm. In 2017, he took ownership of the cows while renting the facilities at the Mayer, Minnesota, farm.
Growing to capture
Kyle Zwieg returned to his family’s farm in 2012 and helped the farm grow. Zwieg and his parents expanded their herd from 40 to 80 cows and went from farming 150 acres to almost 400 acres. The Zwiegs converted their machine shed into a 2-row freestall barn and built another freestall barn with a feed bunk outside. Working closely with their veterinarian and nutritionist, the Zwiegs were able to increase their rolling herd average by 8,000 pounds.
Old-school breeding sets them apart
Don and Liz Mayer were the 2018 Wisconsin Holstein Association Distinguished Breeder award recipients. The couple milked 55 cows near Bloomer, Wisconsin. The Mayers bred for good feet and legs, good udders and type. Overall, the Mayers looked for longevity and production in their cows. Their breeding program resulted in over 200 Excellent daughters, and they shipped embryos all over the world.
10 years ago
Home sweet home
Since the age of 4, Billy Euerle had wanted to be a dairy farmer. Having not grown up on a dairy farm, he milked cows for other farmers for nine years. In January 2013, Euerle purchased his own dairy farm near Gareld, Minnesota. The farm had an 82-cow tiestall barn with 85 acres. Euerle and his wife, Michelle, and daughters, Reece and Brooke, nally got to call a dairy farm their home.
Buehring Farm cows stands test of time
Chad Buehring purchased a 2-yearold cow in 1998. Little did he know, that same cow would still be on his farm 13 years later. The cow, No. 2525, made the lifetime list of cows producing more than 250,000 pounds in Minnesota. When No. 2525 was in her 13th lactation, she had produced 268,411 pounds of milk, 9,104 pounds of fat and 8,587 pounds of protein during her 4,181 days in milk. Buehring, the sixth generation on his farm, milked 270 cows in a double-8 step-up parlor.
20 years ago
Worms named ʻProducer of the Yearʼ
Joe and Sandy Worms were named Minnesota Milk’s Producer of the Year at the Minnesota Milk Producers Association annual convention. The Worms’ farm was one of the rst dairies in the area to have a freestall barn added in 1994. Afterward, the Wormses expanded their herd to 500 cows. The couple’s four sons, Josh, Brandon, Derek and Mitchell, all helped on the farm as well as four full-time and ve part-time employees. The Wormses used three methods to detect somatic cell count, enlisting the help of their staff to detect a problem. The employees received a bonus each month depending on how low the SCC was.
Alberts family has Minnesotaʼs largest registered Holstein herd
The Alberts family – Duane, Kenneth, Rick, Eric and David – operated Pine Shelter Farm near Pine Island, Minnesota. Their closed herd of 500 Holsteins was the largest registered herd in the state. Every animal at Pine Island Farm was registered. The Alberts milked three times a day and had a 22,500-pound rolling herd average. Pine Island Farm focused on good feet and legs, good udders and teat placement. The family farm had won numerous awards for their high-quality cows in the show ring and in the barn.
Page 16 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 V6750 V8950 ROUND BALERS COMPACT LOADERS WHEEL LOADERS The new generation of TL Series inline bale wrappers from Tube-Line are built to provide producers and custom operators with high efficiency and proven reliability. To ensure that everyone can reap the benefits of the high moisture hay, Tube-Line BaleWrappers are available in multiple configurations to suit your needs and your budget. Tub & Grain Grinders -SALES & SERVICE - Daniel Showalter (641) 832-0361 www.clearviewagllc.com FINANCING AVAILABLE THROUGH AGDIRECT AND DIVERSIFIED FINANCIAL MOWERS TEDDERS RAKES 712-722-3626 SERVICE AFTER THE SALE
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Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 17 0% APR for up to 24 months* OR In lieu of nancing receive rebates up to $2,300 *Offer ends 3/31/2023. Available at participating and eligible dealers only. Offer may vary by product type, series, model and select units in dealer’s current inventory. Must take delivery from dealer stock by 3/31/2023. Offers available on new equipment in US and Canada only. Some restrictions apply. Length of contract and rate may vary. Monthly payment subject to change. Prior purchases not eligible. See dealer for details. Financing provided on approval of credit by authorized Bobcat finance providers to well-qualified buyers. Administrative fees may apply. Offer not available to government accounts, national accounts and municipal/utility bid customers. Bobcat Company reserves the right to extend or discontinue any of these programs at any time without prior notice. Bobcat®, the Bobcat logo and the colors of the Bobcat machine are registered trademarks of Bobcat Company in the United States and various other countries. SMALLER PAYMENTS ARE WITHIN REACH. Farm-Rite Equipment, Inc. St. Cloud • 320-240-2085 Farm-Rite Equipment, Inc. Willmar • 320-235-3672 Lano Equipment of Norwood Norwood Young America • 952-467-2181 Miller Sellner Slayton, LLC Slayton • 507-836-8571 WISCONSIN Carter & Gruenewald Co., Inc. Brooklyn • 608-455-2411 Carter & Gruenewald Co., Inc. Juda • 608-934-5201 K&L Bobcat, Inc Darlington • 608-776-4044 Miller Implement Co., Inc. St. Nazianz • 920-773-2800 Miller Implement Co., Inc. & Motorsports of Fond du Lac Fond du Lac • 920-922-8521 Bobcat of Alexandria Alexandria • 320-460-8773 Bobcat of Otter Tail County Fergus Falls • 218-739-4505
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Page 18 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 CONTACT US TO FIND A DEALER NEAR YOU! YEAR-ROUND DELIVERY throughout the U.S. WWW.KSISUPPLY.COM KSI SUPPLY, INC. N6111 County Road OJ, Plymouth, WI 53073 920.449.5361 | 800.472.6422 KSISUPPLYINC@GMAIL.COM FORAGE STORAGE THE MIDWEST’S LEADING SUPPLIER Protect your silage while reducing labor costs with while costs HYTIDOUBLE & HYTICOMBO • Patented
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Nutrition for the non-ruminant
Ekovich stresses self-care for producers’ well-being
By Danielle Nauman danielle.n@dairystar.com
With so many things to take care of on a dairy farm, too many times farmers might nd that taking care of themselves falls to the bottom of the to-do list.
According to Morgan Ekovich, health and nutrition coach at Get Fit with ME LLC, that is not a good practice.
Ekovich shared how to properly fuel our bodies and develop healthy eating habits in her “Nutrition for the NonRuminant” breakout session March 15 at the Professional Dairy Producers’ annual business conference in Wisconsin Dells.
“Your nutrition and your health have a huge impact on how your farm and the rest of your life works,” Ekovich said. “If we are not able to take care of ourselves, it really makes it hard to show up in other areas.”
Ekovich stressed the importance of looking at the big picture when eating balanced meals, avoiding the mindset of counting calories.
“It isn’t realistic for busy people to count every single calorie or every single macro,” Ekovich said. “We want to look realistically at our plates and create a balanced meal.”
Ekovich said macronutrients are the foods we eat the most of and pro-
vide us with most of our energy. The three groups of macros consist of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
“When you eat balanced meals, you feel fuller, longer; you’ll support those muscles and all the moving you do all day and you’re going to have more energy,” Ekovich said. “Often, we don’t fuel our bodies the correct way, so we have these spikes and lulls in energy where we feel sluggish. Some of that is because we are super active, but a lot of it is because we’re not eating the right things.”
Other benets of eating balanced meals include developing a stronger immune system along with stabilizing blood sugar and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Ekovich said maintaining or improving health through nutrition can reduce the need for many medications.
“By having a balanced diet and being able to live it every day in simple and easy ways, you’re going to be able to lower those risks, including things like type 2 diabetes and heart disease,” Ekovich said. “If any of those diseases run in your family, it is important to be aware of that and start now, rather than waiting until the doctor tells you it’s time to start taking medicine.”
Understanding how our bodies metabolize the food we eat helps see the importance of providing balance in each meal, Ekovich said. She said carbohydrates are the rst macro utilized by the body for energy, within the rst 30 to 60 minutes following a meal.
“If you only eat a carb, with no protein or fat, you’ll nd yourself hitting the lull within an hour,” Ekovich said. “Your body won’t have anything left to fuel itself, and you’ll need to eat again.”
Health and nutri on coach
Morgan Ekovich explains the importance of properly fueling the body through balanced nutri on at PDPW’s annual business conference March 15 in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. For dairy farmers and others with busy schedules, Ekovich recommends planning and keeping a variety of items handy to create balanced snacks.
With a balanced meal, once the carbohydrates have been metabolized, the body will then metabolize the fat in a meal, followed by the protein. Ekovich said that is why eating protein will make us feel fuller, longer.
“Your body has to work hard to metabolize protein, making you feel fuller, longer,” Ekovich said. “That is why protein is important in maintaining or losing weight.”
Ekovich said our bodies can be fueled for three to four hours following a balanced meal. She recommends having smaller, balanced snacks between the meals to continually provide fuel to our bodies.
Ralph Czaikowski (Polock)
Friday, March 31st at 9:30
KUHN Knight VS 100 Series Vertical Maxx® single-auger mixers are an a ordable, high-quality option designed for small cow/calf, backgrounder and dairy operations that process and mix high percentages of hay. Choose from trailer or stationary models. Mix a wide variety of feedstu s, even hard to handle round bales, large square bales and baleage. The redesigned cone-shaped auger and angled top cover promote consistent material ow and improved cleano . The smaller diameter auger results in a lower horsepower requirement for more e cient, economical operation. Left, right, or a combination of left and right side discharges, along with a variety of conveyor options are available to meet the needs of your operation and place feed exactly where your animals need it.
Blue Hilltop, Inc.
507-879-3593 – 800-821-7092
507-879-3593 – 800-821-7092
Box 116, Lake Wilson, MN 56151 – www.bluehilltop.com
Box 116, Lake Wilson, MN 56151 – www.bluehilltop.com
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 19
AM Sale conducted by Oberholtzer Auctions N15518 State Rd. 73, Thorp, WI Auction will be held indoors in our new heated facility. AUCTIONEER: Mark Oberholtzer, #2882-052, 715-255-9600 or 715-773-2240 TERMS: Cash or good check. Not responsible for accidents or lost/stolen items. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any printed material. Jars Meat grinder/slicer/stuffer Egg beaters Cheese cutters Washer wringers Wood chairs Hand garden cultivators Painting supplies -new Bed frames
Tools, Antiques & Collectibles Auction Antiques/Collectibles Tools Rigid bolt cutter (very big) Step ladders, wood & fiberglass Jacks Gas cans Tool boxes Every make and model of axe Wrenches/hammers/crescent wrenches Rolls and rolls of wire Crosscut saws/bow saws Drills/breast drills Ext. cords Log chains Ropes Shelving Jumper cables Handles, lots of them Push brooms Chainsaws Auction will be live and online with RR sign Old baby carriage Several grain cradles Old milk cans Fire hydrant Live traps/foot traps Train mailbox on stand Log cabin mailbox Several sets snowshoes Cast register vents Eureka wood stove Tonka dump trucks Buggy lanterns Old wood crates and boxes Skis Household Fencing supplies Pipe cutters & threaders HD fan on stand Log rollers Shovels/picks/rakes Dubuque IA pump Forge tools Pulleys 2 Surge milk meters Cans of screws and nails Ice tongs, asst. Gate hinges Wire brushes Chain binders Anchors Wood planers Pitchforks, 3-4-5 tine Broadhead axes Corn sheller Several wheelbarrows Pressure canner Baskets HD sleeping bag Egg baskets Irons Watering cans Coffee pots Daybed Box fans New gloves/raincoats Harness bells Wood wheel mini wagon frame Copper kettle Several sewing machines Minnow buckets Old dressers Lots of books, incl. full set of Louie L’Amour Old runner sled, excellent condition Bats/balls/hockey sticks Fogging machine Tennis rackets/fishing rods Cast iron seat Steel wheel bag cart Many, many items not individually listed. MAKE SURE TO ATTEND THIS AUCTION!! There’s something for everyone and two for most! Too many items to list!! Very unique things selling all day.
Turn to NUTRITION | Page 20
“When you start to feel that lull coming on, have a balanced snack with a carb, a protein and a fat,” she said. “That will help maintain consistent blood sugar levels. You’ll have more energy and feel fuller longer, without over eating.”
So, what do those three groups of macros look like?
Carbohydrates include grains, fruits and vegetables and are the rst foods your body metabolizes for energy, within the rst 60 minutes after eating. Ekovich recommends focusing on choosing healthy fats in a balanced diet, such as nuts, nut butters, avocados, cheese and butter. Proteins include animal proteins, plant proteins and sh and seafood.
When developing a plan for balanced nutrition, Ekovich said it is important to think about the foods we eat in regards to how they t into the three categories of macros.
“Protein is kind of what we want to prioritize,” Ekovich said. “When you plan your meals, start with the protein and work everything else around it. If you decide you are going to have a steak, you can plan your carb and your fat a little better than if you say, ‘I have an avocado; what goes with that?’ It is easier to plan your protein rst because that is your priority to eat.”
What we cook with matters as well.
“Don’t forget that sometimes your food is cooked in a fat, and you don’t necessarily need to have a fat on your plate,” Ekovich said. “If my steak and
potatoes are cooked in butter, that can be my fat.”
Ekovich said the busy and active days of a dairy farmer can be challenging when it comes to eating balanced meals and properly fueling their bodies and recommends planning and keeping a variety of items stocked to create balanced snacks, such as tuna packets, individually wrapped servings of cheese, packets of nuts and crackers.
Ekovich recommends investing in a good lunch box, compartmental containers and ice packs to make on-the-go balanced meals and snacks easier. Cooking in batches at the beginning of each week also aids in making balanced eating less time consuming.
When it comes to ensuring eating balanced meals, Ekovich said meal planning is important, using a list when grocery shopping and sticking to that list.
“I nd if I don’t plan, I will just start throwing things together and I don’t always end up with that balance, and I can tell by how I feel,” Ekovich said. “If I know what I am going to eat, and I know that I have on hand what I need to prepare it, it makes things go better.”
Ekovich said there are several ways to make sticking to a list easier. The rst is to avoid grocery shopping while hungry. She also suggests shopping the perimeter of the store rst and only going down the aisles that have items on one’s list. That will help avoid impulse purchasing.
“If we learn to listen to our body, it will tell us what we need to be healthy,” Ekovich said.
Page 20 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 BENEFITS OF USING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING INSTALLATION INCLUDE: Continuation of Normal Operation Avoidance of identi ed Infrastructure Installation Maintain Integrity of Driveway, Roadways, Buildings, and Natural Features Little to No Disturbance to Wetlands or Other Sensitives Areas Many Unique Installation Capabilities Vs. Open Cutting/Digging (Entering underBuildings or Tanks) Minimal Site Restoration PRODUCT INSTALLATION Gas Lines Power Wire/ Lines Communication/ Fiber Optic Water Lines/Water Mains Drainage/ Tile Lines Forced/ On Grade Sewer Manure Transfer Lines Land Improvements Drain Tile Design/ Installation • Ditch Cleaning & Grading • Fenceline Clearing Changing weather and higher inputs got you down? Using Drain Tile to manage excess moisture in the soil pro le is the foundation for increasing pro tability per acre. - Less compaction - Better soil Structure - Allows more days per year for eld operations - More Yields with same or less inputs Contact us m line! today to see how we can improve your botto MIKE HAESE MERCHANDISER 920-372-8549 ext: 1595 We can Supply your Bulk Feed and Bedding! Animal Feed Products: • Canola Meal • Corn Gluten Pellets • Dry Distillers Grain • Feed Quality Wheat Straw • Hominy • Oat Hulls • Soy Hull Pellets • Soybean Meal • Western Dry baled hay & Local dry baled hay • Wet Corn Gluten Feed • Wet Distillers Grain • Whole Fuzzy Cottonseed Animal Bedding Products: • Bedding Straw • Green Cut Sawdust • Kiln Dried Sawdust • Screened Freestall Sand We understand that running out of product has a negative impact on your margins. We have developed a network of storage facilities to draw from in case of a supplier shortage or breakdown, with a large trucking base to ensure timely delivery. www.SevenOaksTeam.com Call Us to Discuss Your Project Now! Chad Van Asten 920-450-2844 www.SevenOaksTeam.com
We Have What You’re Looking For! W7246 Hwy 68 Waupun, WI 53963 | 920-324-3537 M-F 7:30 am -5 pm, Sat 7:30 am -12 pm , Sunday Closed ’89 JD 7200 Dry Fertilizer, Yetter No-Till Coulters, 200 Monitor, Corn & Soybeans Meter $12,900 ‘21 Meyer
Brillion SST 1201 10’ Sure Stand Seeder, Transport Wheels, Drawbar Pull $6,950 ‘98 JD 1770 Dual Liquid Fertilizer Pumps, 2-100 Gal. Tanks, Insecticide Boxes, Vacuum 1.6 Boxes $43,900
SXI865, Large
PTO, 3rd Auger, LED Lights - $65,900
3 SCV’s, 3 Pt Hitch $127,900
‘09 White WP8106F Dry Fertilizer, PTO Pump, Rubber Tire Closing Wheel- $19,900
Con nued from NUTRITION | Page 19
“Your nutrition and your health have a huge impact on how your farm and the rest of your life works.”
Mid-American Hay Auction results for March 16
Hay sales starts at 12:30 p.m. and are the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the months of September through May.
April 6, 2023
April 20, 2023
For more information, contact Kevin Winter 320-352-3803, (c) 320-760-1593 or Al Wessel at 320-547-2206, (c) 320-760-2979
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 21
Lot no. Desc. moisture protein RFV cut. Ld. size price 464 Large Rounds 12.78 15.33 93.64 1 20.32 $150.00 470 Large Rounds 14.05 8.44 93.35 1 22.46 $125.00 486 Large Rounds 43.95 14.33 99.04 1 11.89 $60.00 494 Large Rounds 10.39 11.12 92.28 1 9.22 $115.00 498 Large Rounds 11.28 9.42 83.88 1 9.2 $140.00 499 Large Rounds 11.85 13.1 91.05 1 8.62 $75.00 505 Large Rounds 23.35 6.34 67.23 1 16.94 $50.00 506 Large Rounds 15.02 22.52 162.64 1 26.48 $205.00 508 Large Rounds 15.79 19.98 123.24 1 20.59 $125.00 515 Large Rounds 13.06 14.87 105.46 1 22.25 $145.00 518 Large Rounds 16.97 20.24 119.22 1 15.82 $110.00 524 Large Rounds 13.57 11.31 86.47 1 15.99 $40.00 525 Large Rounds 11.09 10.96 85.11 1 16.64 $120.00 537 Large Rounds 12.6 15.39 94.79 1 20.32 $160.00 482 Large Rounds 15.27 14.82 99.27 2 10.46 $75.00 487 Large Rounds 14.42 13.67 97.81 2 7.68 $75.00 495 Large Rounds 13.62 17.84 106.72 2 25.1 $190.00 538 Large Rounds 13.38 17.93 112.69 2 6.72 $120.00 500 Large Rounds 31.76 21.65 176.93 3 25.85 $140.00 441 Large Squares 11.15 20.04 148.7 1 25.09 $220.00 442 Large Squares 11.42 20.09 162.99 1 25.23 $250.00 443 Large Squares 11.22 18.73 144.32 1 25.01 $225.00 461 Large Squares 12.38 11.24 96.56 1 18.52 $135.00 466 Large Squares 12.65 10.39 97.6 1 26.12 $145.00 472 Large Squares 11.77 10.31 110.65 1 25.43 $145.00 489 Large Squares 11.45 12.25 94.81 1 23.05 $135.00 509 Large Squares 16.97 24.78 163.67 1 7.03 $125.00 510 Large Squares 16.97 24.78 163.67 1 26.47 $125.00 511 Large Squares 18.37 23.45 165.97 1 20.86 $145.00 512 Large Squares 16.78 22.87 196.28 1 13.64 $160.00 517 Large Squares 13.13 8.08 88.49 1 25.53 $95.00 526 Large Squares 11.53 8.17 78.15 1 25.03 $140.00 527 Large Squares 10.33 8.41 89.22 1 25.87 $140.00 536 Large Squares 10.16 18.53 116.66 1 19.77 $185.00 440 Large Squares 13.44 22.38 117.25 2 24.81 $160.00 448 Large Squares 13.9 22.5 136.9 2 25.18 $170.00 450 Large Squares 14.09 19.76 112.27 2 25.61 $160.00 454 Large Squares 14.03 20.13 115.23 2 25.92 $160.00 455 Large Squares 14.12 21.89 125.54 2 26.21 $155.00 456 Large Squares 14.15 21.11 118.6 2 25.36 $160.00 496 Large Squares NO TEST 2 7.98 $170.00 523 Large Squares 11.59 17.7 106.74 2 8.1 $150.00 452 Large Squares 15.62 24.08 152.27 3 27.32 $290.00 453 Large Squares 16.45 24.24 158.63 3 27.75 $275.00 480 Large Squares 10.87 19.38 127.54 3 26.54 $155.00 481 Large Squares 16.13 25.92 193.26 3 23.16 $220.00 530 Large Squares 14.97 23.41 158.88 3 23.05 $250.00 478 Medium Rounds 14.53 20.58 133.88 3 18.62 $155.00 444 Medium Squares 11.8 17.39 118.24 1 26.61 $165.00 465 Medium Squares 11.22 18.22 116.61 1 26.82 $170.00 476 Medium Squares 16.2 12.39 90.79 1 23.08 $120.00 513 Medium Squares 13.32 17.21 116.38 1 9.76 $140.00 516 Medium Squares 13.53 19.13 119.84 1 9.49 $160.00 520 Medium Squares 11.03 18.91 119.33 1 10.84 $160.00 528 Medium Squares 13 20.07 117.9 1 22.6 $185.00 533 Medium Squares 8.28 19.12 122.78 1 26.43 $230.00 534 Medium Squares 7.99 19.9 124.72 1 26.18 $220.00 445 Medium Squares 12.79 20.54 157.04 2 27.28 $230.00 447 Medium Squares 13.7 21.62 146.37 2 25.32 $160.00 449 Medium Squares 15.51 21.88 132.14 2 23.07 $160.00 458 Medium Squares 13.35 22.44 222.62 2 25.96 $285.00 473 Medium Squares 12.33 10.12 89.78 2 21.02 $150.00 474 Medium Squares 15.3 22.33 136.17 2 22.27 $160.00 492 Medium Squares 16.25 21.73 154.14 2 24.07 $175.00 497 Medium Squares 13.35 22.44 222.62 2 4.88 $290.00 507 Medium Squares 13.78 22.39 138.97 2 9.93 $190.00 522 Medium Squares 13.38 12.19 88.84 2 24.06 $160.00 529 Medium Squares 15.36 23.25 145.57 2 23.93 $260.00 544 Medium Squares 13.66 13.93 102.92 2 10.05 $145.00 446 Medium Squares 14.24 22.15 218.11 3 24 $300.00 460 Medium Squares 14.12 22.35 133.91 3 22.62 $170.00 502 Medium Squares 19.23 23.36 138.81 3 26.6 $125.00 539 Medium Squares 11.45 23.57 148.23 3 11.23 $200.00 532 Med Sq&Lge Rds 14.24 21.23 126.3 1 25.75 $100.00 483 Medium Squares 14.37 25.15 186.12 4 12 $270.00 514 MR 23.12 6.45 67.28 1 18.71 $55.00 503 SAR 12.47 7.8 89.16 1 17.4 $130.00 484 Small Rounds 12.74 6.58 88.29 1 16.68 $135.00 546 Small Rounds NO TEST 1 17.48 $135.00 547 Small Rounds NO TEST 1 17.29 $130.00 548 Small Rounds NO TEST 1 17.21 $132.50 531 Small Rounds 14.29 20.51 110.2 2 8.26 $110.00 504 Large Rounds STRAW 17.1 $50.00 542 Large Rounds STRAW 20 $37.50 543 Large Rounds STRAW 14 $40.00 451 Large Squares STRAW 23.43 $115.00 459 Large Squares STRAW 24.17 $100.00 467 Large Squares STRAW 23.61 $110.00 479 Large Squares STRAW 25.27 $100.00 485 Large Squares STRAW 17.64 $110.00 501 Large Squares STRAW 25.27 $100.00 519 Large Squares STRAW 16.48 $90.00 535 Large Squares STRAW 21 $95.00 439 Medium Squares STRAW 14 $35.00 457 Medium Squares STRAW 73 $36.00 462 Medium Squares STRAW 71 $30.00 463 Medium Squares STRAW 32 $30.00 468 Medium Squares STRAW 78 $30.00 469 Medium Squares STRAW 67 $30.00 471 Medium Squares STRAW 69 $25.00 475 Medium Squares STRAW 9 $35.00 488 Medium Squares STRAW 54 $30.00 490 Medium Squares STRAW 28 $27.50 491 Medium Squares STRAW 27 493 Medium Squares STRAW 54 $25.00 521 Medium Squares STRAW 63 $26.00 540 Large Rounds WHEAT STRAW 15 $50.00 477 MN OAT STRAW 23.1 $100.00 Lot no. Desc. moisture protein RFV cut. Ld. size price
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with Nathan Converse Central Lakes College in Staples, Minnesota Farm business management instructor
How and why did you become a farm business management instructor? I was working in extension, but I wanted to work closer to farmers and be on the farm with them and wanted to have less ofce time. I heard about this position that would get me on the farm one on one with the farmer. So, I applied and got the position.
What does a typical instructor-dairy farmer relationship look like?
I meet with most of my farmers that are full-time students every four to six weeks. If they are a new student, we spend a great deal of time getting them set up with a record keeping system if they don’t have one already. For students who have been in the program longer, I work through cash ows, quarterly analysis and discuss options with them. Every student gets a balance sheet and most students want a cash ow budget; we do an annual analysis of their operation at the beginning of the year. For the students who have been in the program for more than 30 years, we choose to meet less frequently, like every six months, to go over their nancial statements together. I work with the farmer to help them reach the goals of their operation.
What do you enjoy most about your job? I enjoy working with the people, and I like working with numbers and data. I like putting numbers in front of people to help them make better informed decisions.
Nathan Converse Central Lakes College
What is one tip you have for dairy farmers about record keeping? My biggest tip is keeping up with your record keeping. It makes it so much easier to stay up to date with your record system and do it consistently rather than pulling the box of receipts out once a year and trying to go through them all at once.
What is the biggest misconception about your job? There is some misconception about what we do, but the biggest misconception is that people think they need to come to our colleges to take classes. My students never set foot on the college campus unless they want to come to a meeting or forum we are hosting. FBM instructors come out to the students on their farm. It is the best way to truly understand each operation.
What percentage of your students are dairy farmers? I would say about 85%.
Tues., April 4 Feeder & Slaughter Cattle Sale with hay/straw, baby calves, feeder cattle, replacement cattle, goats, sheep, hogs, fat and slaughter cattle
What is the most important role of an FBM instructor? We are an unbiased, condential resource for the farming operation. We don’t tell you what to do or how to do it, but our goal is to help the farmer make better informed decisions. We look at the economic impact of the farm’s decisions to your farm and your family to help make an unbiased decision. We don’t gain anything if you buy a certain product; we are simply here to help farmers make better informed decisions. We see a lot of other farms and operations and can say, “This is what I have seen work for others.”
How has dairy farming changed during your career? Dairy farms in general have gotten bigger. Technology has also had a huge impact, everything from robotic milkers to heat detection systems. The adoption of this technology has gotten more wide spread. I’ve dealt with farm transitions that want to establish a plan for the future.
How big is the territory you cover? I’m based out of Morrison County, but I have farms in Cass, Crow Wing, Benton, Sherburne and Stearns counties.
What is the biggest challenge of your job? My biggest challenge now is balancing time commitments. Every farm needs the balance sheet, farm analysis and cash ow completed between January and March. It can be challenging to get all that scheduled and completed in that time frame. 15 years ago, when I was a new instructor, the biggest challenge would have been the learning curve. We have to know the various record keeping systems, trending topics in the industry, new systems and common benchmarks in the industry for each of the industries we work with.
What does a typical day look like for you? My rst meeting with a student is between 8:30-9 a.m., then I schedule another one for the afternoon. Typically, my meetings last 2-3.5 hours. Some days, especially during analysis season in January and February, I might schedule three meetings in a day. So, quite often I leave home before 8 a.m. and don’t get home until 8 p.m. I spend a lot of time on the road driving from farm to farm. I try to schedule farms that are closer together in the same day, but it doesn’t always work out that way.
What kind of training or on-the-job learning do you do to keep up with information in sectors of agriculture? Within the FBM instructor organization, we have peer groups that get together a couple times a year. We discuss current events and industry trends for the different sectors. We have a group for hogs, dairy, beef, etc. Minnesota Association of Agricultural Educators also puts on a few workshops each year as professional development. I try to attend agricultural events and webinars to learn about what’s going on in the industry as well.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I farm in my spare time with my dad. I have 80 acres and raise 30 beef cows and 75 ewes. Most of my land is used as pasture, and we put up hay each summer for the sheep and beef cattle. We have taken a few family vacations, and I like to go hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter.
Tell us about yourself and your family. My wife, Jody, is a teacher at Brainerd High School. My oldest son, Colton, just graduated high school last year, and Dustin is in high school and is active with sports and other extracurricular activities. Both kids are very active in 4-H and FFA.
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Cattle Sale
Tues., March 28 Feeder
with hay/straw, baby calves, feeder cattle,
cattle, goats, sheep, hogs, fat and slaughter cattle
31 Dairy Sale - Noon
SALE DATES: Please consign your cattle as early as Thankpossible! You!!!
Dairy Star interviews ag professionals for a inside look at their careers.
Carbon market experts discuss opportunities
Agronomist, project developers provide tips for calculating impact, navigating options
By Stacey Smart stacey.s@dairystar.com
Editor’s note: This is part three of a three-part series on carbon credits and markets discussed during PDPW’s Carbon Conference Jan. 31.
MADISON, Wis. – From manure management to soil carbon management to Clean Fuel Standard programs, dairy farmers can participate in carbon markets. However, farms should understand their carbon footprint and explore practices that make the most sense for their operation in generating carbon credits.
“In order to make environmental changes, a practice must have good overall economic return and impact,” said Katie Catron, lead agronomist at Sustainable Environmental Consultants. “Carbon credits and markets are an opportunity, and there are a lot of publicly available funds out there to pay for these projects.”
Catron and three project developers –Jamie MacKinnon, Nathan Schuster and Ryan Stockwell – shared opportunities dairy farmers can tap into within carbon markets during the PDPW Carbon Conference Jan. 31 in Madison.
The group recommended establishing a carbon baseline so future practice changes will be eligible to receive carbon credits. To help farmers determine their carbon footprint, Catron and her team conduct a four-step sustainability analysis process beginning with data collection and discovery. Offering a third-party verication and quantication platform for regenerative and sustainable agriculture, the company works with farms with less than 100 cows up to 10,000 cows.
“We work across a variety of systems
to collect data where it is and how it is to ease burden on the producer,” Catron said.
When looking at carbon footprint, the farm system is broken into two parts – the dairy operation and eld management. The key areas analyzed are manure, crop and dairy production. Catron said the main areas that impact carbon footprint are feed production, enteric fermentation and manure management.
On the eld side, crop rotation, tillage practices and nutrient applications are assessed. Looking at the amount of time soil is bare is an important factor, Catron said. Field maps, the nutrient management plan and updated soil samples are used to conduct a eld-by-eld assessment that takes into consideration the geographic location of each eld, soil type variations and passes made across the eld.
On the dairy side, they look at the number of animals on-site including the number by each life stage, milk production in pounds per head per day as well as protein and butterfat, feed consumption and rations by life stage, manure storage system and application methods, energy usage for on-farm activities and irrigation, water use, and recycling.
Highlighting the farm’s carbon footprint, the report details what is driving that number to be higher or lower and suggests opportunities for altering that number.
“This report provides a basic understanding of where you’re at and the reasons why,” Catron said. “It could be in total tons of carbon produced or an intensity value on a per-product scale, such as tons of carbon per tons of milk produced.”
The report outlines progress made in each category along with ideas for shortterm and long-term goals. For example, one progress item under soil health could be that 62% of acres had a cover crop to build organic matter and protect the eld through winter. A short-term goal might then be to increase the usage of radish and cereal rye mixture for a cover crop. A longterm goal could be to determine the optimum cover crop mixture and continue to experiment with species.
Jamie MacKinnon, senior vice president with Anew, compared carbon offsets and insets and opportunities for each. Carbon offsets are a commodity sold into a $270 billion carbon market, MacKinnon said. Offsets make up $50 billion per year of that market and range in price from $3 to $40 per credit.
“The difference between a $3 offset and a $40 offset is in the environmental and social co-benets,” MacKinnon said. “Ag carbon credits sell at the high end because they have a great story to tell about the
change in the industry.”
Leading Anew’s agri-carbon business across North America, MacKinnon has pioneered solutions that include the implementation of a rst-of-its-kind carbon-nance program for farms adopting soil amendments and other regenerative practices, completing the rst-ever trade of compliance-grade offsets in the secondary market and authoring an offset methodology.
The types of companies buying credits has changed dramatically in the last few years, MacKinnon said.
“Offsets are pretty widely distributed now amongst airlines, tech companies and consumer packaged goods companies,” he said. “There are over 6,000 entities that have made net zero commitments, and many of those are procuring offsets.”
Carbon credits sold within a supply chain are known as carbon insets. Only a handful of actual buyers exist, MacKinnon said, as standards and frameworks are not well established. However, he said there is a space for this type of credit and believes this market will grow.
“You don’t need to associate yourself with only one downstream buyer when selling insets,” MacKinnon said. “Carbon inset projects can be done with suppliers of dairy that are closer to your operations, such as your dairy cooperative.”
MacKinnon said the Renewable Fuel Standard and Clean Fuel Standard markets offer higher returns than carbon offsets and insets for renewable natural gas production from anaerobic digesters but have the challenge of capital investments.
“There is an opportunity for a standalone project where the farm negotiates for carbon rights which lie with the end user of the RNG,” MacKinnon said.
Page 24 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 TO PURCHASE PRODUCT OR BECOME A MEMBER OF OUR TEAM Contact: Clinton Sjoquist A Local and Family Owned Company Serving the Upper Midwest Goodhue, mn
Turn to CARBON CREDITS | Page 25
Jamie MacKinnon Project developer
Katie Catron Sustainable Environmental Consultants
Ryan Stockwell Project developer
Enteric fermentation, reduced nitrogen application and fuel efciency are another cluster of carbon credit opportunities that do not require long-term commitments. Furthermore, they cannot be reversed. The farmer owns the carbon rights but likely needs to participate in a project aggregation.
“Insets in this area afford potentially higher pricing but restrict sales to one or few buyers,” MacKinnon said. … “The offset market offers greater prospects of selling on a timely and competitive basis.”
Soil carbon/cover cropping/low-till programs involve carbon dioxide sequestration and commitments to retain in the soil for more than 30 years. As with enteric fermentation projects, the farmer owns carbon rights but likely needs to participate in a project aggregation, MacKinnon said.
“These types of carbon projects have a very difcult avenue through the supply chain program,” MacKinnon said. “The permanence requirement makes this difcult to do within an insetting framework. Offsets are better equipped to manage permanence.”
When deciding what project is right for a particular farm, MacKinnon said integrity is the No. 1 thing to pay attention to.
“In the name of making it work for ag, many regenerative ag programs are ignoring fundamental principles of the carbon market that underpin demand,” MacKinnon said. “These programs are not sustainable and will be tainted as greenwashing. You don’t want to be associated with that.”
He recommends a farmer insist on working with someone using third-party, independent registry standards. Also, he suggests taking time to learn what is being done with the data and understand the incentives offered. Different programs offer incentives, such as rebates on inputs, a share of offset revenues or peracre payments.
“You don’t have to choose one path of insets or offsets,” MacKinnon said. “You can choose to play in this market and retain some exibility.”
A 2,000-cow dairy participating in a feed additive project to reduce enteric methane emissions would be looking at earning carbon credits of one to three tons per head, MacKinnon said. If doing cover cropping or reduced tillage in row crops, that number would be closer to 0.25 to 0.5 tons of carbon offsets per acre. At a carbon price of $20 per ton, the farm would potentially earn $5 to $10 per acre.
“No one single regenerative practice is going to make for a viable option when it comes to row crops,” MacKinnon said. “You’re going to have to combine different practices, such as cover cropping and reduced nitrogen use.”
Nathan Schuster of 3Degrees also cited several carbon market project opportunities for dairy farmers. Schuster and his colleagues have expertise in managing agricultural-methane projects and supported the development of carbon projects from several manure management technologies including vermiltration, chemical occulants and advanced solids-separation systems.
Digester alternatives like Alternative Manure Management Projects can generate carbon credits for avoiding methane. One example is vermiltration, which uses layers of media to break down manure. Manure goes through several steps of separation before it begins trickling down through the layers that include worms to eat the bacteria.
“What comes out at the end is irrigation-quality water and worm castings, which are a byproduct that can be used as composting,” Schuster said. “From a carbon perspective, you should ask what the volatile solids separation rate is. You need a high rate for the carbon offsets market.”
Algae raceways and chemical occulants are other examples of carbon projects in the AMMP category, along
with many others, Schuster said. Finding a technology solution that can achieve high volatile solids reductions in manure greater than 85% is the goal. The estimated value of an AMMP project is ve credits per animal per year. At a price of $15 per credit, the payback would amount to $75 per animal per year.
Projects ranging from biogas to electric vehicle charging are part of the Clean Fuel Standard, and buyers include fossil fuel providers in states with CFS regulation. Markets are geographically dependent. Fossil fuel providers and importers across the nation are the buyers in the Renewable Fuel Standard market, which Schuster said is an emerging market.
“There is a key change happening right now that has the power to transform markets for biogas and add another value stream for biogas producers like dairies,” Schuster said. “eRINs under the Renewable Fuel Standard will provide new possibilities for digesters in carbon markets.”
eRINS are credits produced when qualifying biogas is used to generate renewable electricity for charging electric vehicles. Schuster said the eRIN rule is not yet nalized but is expected to become effective in 2024.
“This is a huge deal and a huge expansion to the program,” he said. “eRIN is another environmental commodity, and people who have digesters will be able to generate electricity and contractually demonstrate that it’s owing to electric vehicle chargers.”
Schuster said companies like Tesla, Ford and General Motors are going to generate the eRINs. The potential pay range for a megawatt hour is $85 to $300.
“Even $85 is a strong incentive, and people will nance projects based on that amount,” Schuster said. “This will transform economics around digesters producing electricity in states like Wisconsin and all over the country.”
A handful of buyers are using enteric methane and soil carbon projects in the supply chain context, Schuster said. Enteric methane reductions can be achieved through feed additives, and certain seaweeds have been shown to reduce enteric methane production in ruminants.
The estimated value of such projects is two credits per animal per year. At a price of $15 per credit, the expected payback would be $30 per animal per year.
“Efcacy and dosage amount can make this number move a lot,” Schuster said.
When it comes to soil carbon management, changes to farming practices can generate carbon credits if they reduce or improve nitrogen application and build soil carbon. The estimated value is one credit per acre per year at a price of $15 per credit.
“This is optimistic,” Schuster said. “You need to stack practices to realize one credit per acre.”
According to Schuster, credits generated from these activities that can be demonstrated to be in an organization’s supply chain can dramatically increase the value. However, there are limited transactions at $40 per credit.
Major companies such as Nestle, The North Face and Walmart are investing in sustainable agriculture, Ryan Stockwell said. Senior manager for grower engagement at Indigo Agriculture, Stockwell also operates the north central Wisconsin farm he grew up on, where he raises cash crops.
Stockwell identied two paths for farmers interested in partnering with corporations looking to meet climate goals. The rst is the supply chain insets market where farmers can earn premiums for crops grown with qualifying sustainable practices, regardless of best practices. This is a newer concept with programs still developing, Stockwell said. Various farming practices are eligible based on the requirements of the buyer. The farmer receives a cash premium for the crop after harvest and delivery.
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‘95 N-H 660 Rd Baler .....................................$4,950
‘20 N-H BC-5060 Baler w/thrower ...............$24,900
‘07 H&S HDX-17, 17 Wheel Rake ................$12,900
Tonutti V14, 12 Wheel Rake...........................$3,750
New Idea 402 Rake ...........................................$850
N-H 144 Invertor............................................$2,500
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 25 Call 563-920-1273 Over 20 yrs experience • Looking to expand! Over 20 yrs experience • to expand! • Set up for pumping long distances • Tanks & Hose System Available • No till applicator and John Deere mapping MIDWEST PUMPING II LLC LANO Equipment of Norwood 952-467-2181 A family business since 1946 with the Lanos: Jack, Paul, Bob and Andy USED EQUIPMENT FROM A NAME YOU CAN TRUST! CHECK OUT OUR LARGE SELECTION OF HAY EQUIPMENT AND TRACTORS! Many used & new skidloaders ON HAND USED TRACTORS ‘21 N-H Workmaster 75, Ldr, Cab, 75 Hrs ...$49,500 ‘12 N-H Workmaster 75, Loader, 400 Hrs ....$30,500 2022 Bobcat CT-1021, Loader, Mid Mount Mower, 4 Hrs ..........................................................$15,900 ‘63 A-C D-15 Series II, Loader, 3 Point ..........$6,500 Ford 8-N, Loader ...........................................$3,750 I-H 1586, Loader .........................................$17,500 USED SKIDSTEERS ‘15 T-450, Glass Cab & Heater, 2 Spd, 3500 Hours ...............................................$32,500 (2) S-770, Glass Cab
N-H 185 Spreader ...................Starting at $6,500 ‘87 Case IH 1660 Combine ..........................$11,500 ‘90 Gleaner R60 Combine ..............................$9,900
Turn to CARBON CREDITS | Page 26 Con nued from CARBON CREDITS | Page 24
The second path is the carbon credit offsets market in which farmers can earn long-term annual revenue by adding qualifying sustainable practices. Farmers choose from eligible practices that sequester carbon in the soil. Farmers receive payments for credits that are generated and sold, and payments are often vested.
“Carbon credits are tied to a commodity, which simplies payment structure,” Stockwell said.
Sustainable crop programs enable farmers to earn a premium for their crops.
Stockwell said buyers are paying more for crops grown using practices that conserve resources and reduce emissions.
Making practice changes on the farm is the backbone of the carbon program. Stockwell said farmers get paid when they prove through farm records that they made those qualifying changes.
“Your rst year in the carbon program, you will need to provide eld records from three or more years to set a baseline so Indigo can calculate your carbon credits,” Stockwell said. “After that, you will only need to enter information
on the current season.”
Eligible practices include adding or extending cover crops, diversifying crop rotation or reducing tillage. Farmers receive a portion of the carbon credit price or a straight per-acre payment.
Agronomic exibility and contract length vary by program.
“For most programs, when you produce more carbon, you earn more income,” Stockwell said.
Before signing up for a carbon program, Stockwell suggests asking the following questions: What practices qual-
ify? Is the program backed by notable partners? How long has it been around? Does the program stand to win when growers get more money, or is there another corporate motive? Are payments competitive and paid in cash? Are the farm’s elds and crops eligible? Are credits backed by a third-party registry, giving the program the scientic rigor buyers are demanding?
“There are no right or wrong answers necessarily,” Stockwell said. “It’s about nding the right t for your comfort level.”
Now through April 30, 2023, quali ed buyers can receive 0% interest for up to 48 months or up to $2,000 cash back on the purchase of Vermeer 504 R-series balers.
Page 26 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 FARMERS IMPLEMENT AND IRRIGATION
IA, Watertown,
MARK’S TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT Osage & Dumont, IA • www.markstractor.com METTLER IMPLEMENT Menno, SD • www.mettlerimplement.com ANIBAS SILO & EQUIPMENT, INC. Arkansaw, WI • www.anibassilo.com D & D FARM SUPPLY Arcadia, WI • www.dndfarmsupply.com YES EQUIPMENT & SERVICES, INC. Madison & Milwaukee, WI • www.yesjcb.com WOLLER EQUIPMENT Swanville, MN • www.wollerequipment.com A&C FARM SERVICE Paynesville, MN • www.acfarmservice.com HAMMELL EQUIPMENT Chatfield, Eitzen, Harmony, Rushford, MN • www.hammellequipment.com R-EQUIPMENT Dodgeville, WI, Utica, IL, Sycamore, IL • www.requipment.com CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY! Vermeer Corporation reserves the right to make changes in engineering, design and speci cations; add improvements; or discontinue manufacturing or distribution at any time without notice or obligation. Equipment shown is for illustrative purposes only and may display optional accessories or components speci c to their global region. Please contact your local Vermeer dealer for more information on machine speci cations. Vermeer and the Vermeer logo are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. © 2018 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. MORE THAN A SILAGE SPECIAL The Vermeer 504R Premium baler is fully loaded and comes standard with a silage kit specially designed for high output of high-moisture crops. This package o ers more capacity in heavy crops and produces good looking bales in tough conditions. Silage or not, this is your rst-class baler. 0% FINANCING FOR UP TO 48 MONTHS
• www.farmersii.com
SD • www.fabersfarm.com
Pipestone, MN • www.gortersclayanddairy.com
• www.breedensales.com
e or ditions.
Con nued from CARBON CREDITS | Page 25
Rolling herd averages above DHIA average dollar value in 2022
This list of herds by county includes dairy farms who have production above state average based on dollar value. They also have given permission to publish their data. Thank you to all DHIA dairies who choose to submit data to the Genetic Evaluation System that has served the industry so well over the years, beginning with sire summaries and cow genetic evaluations and then resulting in the development and continuing calibration of genomics.
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 27
www.mndhia.org Susan Smith New Auburn, Wisconsin First year 715-379-9956
% Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value BREEZY HILL DAIRY DALLAS 99 717 HO 26,151 1,136 846 $4,968 GEHL ACRES FARM CAMERON 105 143 HO 25,618 1,009 811 $4,628 GRAZIN ACRES HILLSDALE 103 90 HO 24,498 948 750 $4,304 IMAGE-POINT DAIRY RICE LAKE 100 68 HO 24,448 1,003 781 $4,491 GORDON & MICHELE MANSHAEM CHETEK 102 41 HO 24,438 1,025 746 $4,462 MARSHLAND FARMS CUSHING 103 111 HO 25,224 1,044 841 $4,742 TOM MULLEN RICE LAKE 104 48 HO 23,220 1,100 764 $4,589 RIVER VALLEY DAIRY LLC SHELL LAKE 104 116 HO 25,942 1,063 864 $4,865 Dave Myhre Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 5 years 218-841-8736 IMPOLA DAIRY SEBEKA 103 99 HO 23,550 972 756 $4,335 ANDREW INGVALSON FRAZEE 101 198 HO 24,198 971 766 $4,387 J & A DAIRY FRAZEE 102 517 HO 25,353 1,038 794 $4,605 GARY SCHLAUDERAFF FRAZEE 101 X 644 HO 29,017 1,128 940 $5,242 % Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value Becker DHIA representatives Benton DHIA representatives Bruce David Rice, Minnesota 40 years 320-393-4206 Ron Kipka Oak Park, Minnesota 37 years 320-387-2641 ACKERMAN FARMS SAUK RAPIDS 103 101 HO 25,584 1,084 844 $4,841 CZECH ROADSIDE ACRES FOLEY 102 X 629 HO 28,740 1,170 934 $5,300 SCOTT JANSON SAUK RAPIDS 100 89 HO 23,385 943 780 $4,292 MAYHEW LAKE HOLSTEINS SAUK RAPIDS 101 64 HO 25,824 954 756 $4,338 MITCH MEHRWERTH SAUK RAPIDS 102 75 XX 21,902 920 734 $4,142 MEL & SPENCER HACKETT RICE 101 143 HO 25,988 1,104 853 $4,911 TERRY MOLITOR SAUK RAPIDS 104 130 XX 24,469 920 796 $4,330 NEW HEIGHTS DAIRY RICE 107 X 5,349 HO 25,807 1,125 892 $5,044 POPP DAIRY RICE 103 251 HO 30,721 1,156 977 $5,390 RIVERVIEW ENTERPRISES FOLEY 102 89 HO 26,550 1,080 872 $4,921 SCHMITT DAIRY RICE 104 86 HO 28,120 1,210 907 $5,314 SMELTER DAIRY SAUK RAPIDS 103 69 HO 24,335 965 767 $4,363 % Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value Becky Bitzen Gareld, Minnesota 6 years 320-815-1426
Barron/Washburn DHIA representative
sales@kannmfg.com • www.kannmfg.com INNOVATIVE, HIGH QUALITY EQUIPMENT FOR TODAY’S MODERN FARMER No body built like it! No body lasts like it! 18 Month Warranty! Aluminum Farm Grain Body KANN offers professional silage body mounting at many convenient KANN authorized dealer locations, as well as professional OEM factory mounting at the KANN facility in Guttenberg, Iowa! 800-806-5266 210 Regent Street PO Box 400 Guttenberg, IA 52052 KANN MANUFACTURINGCORPORATION Join our ever growing list of customers who take pride in handing down their KANN Silage Body from one generation to the next! KANN Silage Bodies Span Generations! Aluminum Silage Body Field’s Mt Horeb, WI • 608-437-5561 Brynsaas Sales & Services Decorah, IA • 563-382-4484 Courtland Waste Handling Courtland, MN • 507-359-4230 Gorters Clay & Dairy Equipment Pipestone, MN • 507-825-3271 Hartung Sales & Service, Inc. Freeport MN • 320-836-2697 Nothing compares to the GEA liquid manure spreader. It gets the job done fast, easy, and with minimal maintenance required. The real professionals work with GEA ProManure Contact Your Local GEA Dealer: GEA.com Quality Alfalfa Hay & Straw For Sale 3x4 Bales • 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cutting Hay WE DELIVER Heavy Oats Also For Sale Honeyland Farms 1-320-250-8805 or 1-204-347-5780 Mike www.honeylandfarms1.com
Carver DHIA
Page 28 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 WWW.KBSCOMPANIES.COM (507) 534-3855 NOW AVAILABLE AT KBS Perfect Solution for Group Calf Feeding Applications • All galvanized heavy duty components • Completely adjustable • Simple to install • Universal bottle holder, accommodates 2 qt, 3 qt and 4 qt bottles • Adjustable face shield limits face to face contact while drinking HEADLOCK BOTTLE FEEDING SYSTEM 52-QUART FEED TROUGH Durable and ts over most fences Agron. Petro. Feed Feed: 320-468-6655 Toll Free: 877-468-6655 Agron./Petro: 320-468-2509 Toll Free: 877-438-3378 TUB SAVINGS! NOW UNTIL MAY 19, 2023 Buy 1-14 Tubs, Save $4 per tub! Buy 15 Tubs, Get one FREE! Buy 21 Tons, Get 12 FREE!
Pipestone Livestock Auction Market, Inc. PIPESTONE, MN For more information phone: Of ce 507-825-3306 www.pipestonelivestock.com CLIP AND SAVE THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 2023 DAIRY SALE RESULTS FROM March 16, 2023 194 head sold Top Springing Heifer (Swiss) - $2,300 OUR COMMISSION IS ONLY 2.5%! EVERY TUESDAY: 9 a.m. Slaughter Hogs • 11 a.m. Hay - Straw 12 noon Slaughter Cattle 1ST & 3RD WEDNESDAYS: 1 p.m. all classes sheep & goats 2ND & 4TH THURSDAYS:11 a.m. Stock cows Baby & Started calves • Feeder Cattle 3RD THURSDAY: 9 a.m. Dairy Sale • Springers, Bred & Open Heifers • Breeding Bulls • Herd Dispersals SALE SCHEDULE
us 24/7: www.dairystar.com DIAMONDVIEW ST. JAMES 108 78 HO 22,801 901 741 $4,133 GRIEBELS BLACK AND WHITE NEW ULM 104 78 HO 26,189 1,035 815 $4,662 MOLDANS HOLSTEINS COMFREY 105 91 HO 28,066 1,093 908 $5,063 OLMAR FARMS SLEEPY EYE 107 159 HO 28,196 1,145 911 $5,175 PORT HAVEN DAIRY SLEEPY EYE 104 288 BS 23,495 996 842 $4,583 JONATHAN SEIFERT SLEEPY EYE 106 X 225 HO 28,200 1,144 903 $5,160 STEVEN SEIFERT SLEEPY EYE 105 X 110 HO 28,264 1,129 905 $5,130 DAVID D. & ANGIE TAUER HANSKA 104 280 HO 27,973 1,104 899 $5,068 % Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value Brown DHIA representative Tiffany Lesmeister-Knott Redwood Falls, Minnesota 21 years 507-430-1705
representative Keith Korkowski Mayer, Minnesota 33 years 952-994-1660 FLOWER-BROOK REG HOLSTEINS HAMBURG 101 84 HO 25,582 1,023 823 $4,652 HARMONY HILLS DAIRY VICTORIA 101 54 XX 22,622 960 733 $4,270 HEUER DAIRY FARM NORWOOD 100 140 HO 23,394 1,096 742 $4,555 LEONARD & STEVEN HOEN NORWOOD 101 77 HO 27,432 1,193 912 $5,250 HOESE DAIRY INC. MAYER 100 135 HO 25,926 1,078 827 $4,793 SOUTHVIEW DAIRY LLC COLOGNE 102 129 HO 24,343 1,157 806 $4,873 TA LEONARD REG HOLSTEINS YOUNG AMERICA 100 52 HO 27,077 1,160 842 $5,030 % Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value EMERY DAIRY DENNISON 100 155 HO 22,940 970 723 $4,256 REUTER FARMS HASTINGS 102 124 HO 29,646 1,216 965 $5,506 RIVER CITY DAIRY HASTINGS 103 X 407 XX 29,869 1,188 971 $5,462 JOHN SAUBER LAKEVILLE 101 56 HO 23,095 916 741 $4,191 SQUARE DEAL DAIRY RANDOLPH 103 X 646 HO 29,666 1,299 971 $5,627 % Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value Dakota DHIA representative Tracie Vikla Lonsdale, Minnesota 7 years 507-581-2205 Steven Slater Owatonna, Minnesota First year 507-676-2252 AVON HEIGHTS DODGE CENTER 100 77 HO 26,868 1,142 898 $5,124 TOM BERG PINE ISLAND 99 165 HO 24,820 987 792 $4,486 NOLT FAMILY FARM DODGE CENTER 99 118 HO 30,023 1,241 1,042 $5,740 JASON REBER MANTORVILLE 101 X 356 HO 22,462 957 755 $4,285 % Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value Dodge DHIA representative
Fillmore DHIA representative
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 29 BRED & BUTTER DAIRY KENSINGTON 101 563 HO 25,901 1,062 837 $4,784 JASSEL HOLSTEINS ALEXANDRIA 101 85 HO 24,600 969 785 $4,449 % Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value
BIEL DAIRY HARMONY 102 205 HO 23,147 872 757 $4,123 BLUE VALLEY HOLSTEINS FOUNTAIN 106 250 HO 28,014 1,109 900 $5,070 CRYSTAL VIEW FARMS FOUNTAIN 105 X 762 HO 29,202 1,131 909 $5,170 DAHL FARMS RUSHFORD 105 242 HO 25,996 1,011 863 $4,740 EDGEWOOD ACRES DAIRY PRESTON 103 124 XX 22,602 935 763 $4,239 HEUSINKVELD FARMS SPRING VALLEY 101 X 508 HO 31,292 1,281 980 $5,701 HINCKLEY HOLSTEINS LLC CHATFIELD 99 X 552 HO 28,019 1,134 894 $5,106 TOM & SUE HOLST LANESBORO 101 181 HO 28,861 1,150 934 $5,270 JOHNSONS ROLLING ACRES PETERSON 100 X 1,302 HO 27,462 1,170 885 $5,158 RYAN & MOLLY KAPPERS SPRING VALLEY 99 54 HO 25,642 1,001 827 $4,618 KUHN DAIRY FARMS MABEL 103 X 280 HO 29,915 1,164 925 $5,284 MULHERN DAIRY FOUNTAIN 100 X 1,003 HO 27,968 1,197 891 $5,230 MICHAEL REDALEN LANESBORO 99 X 236 HO 28,014 1,098 863 $4,965 RUMPUS RIDGE FARMS PRESTON 102 565 HO 26,036 1,041 830 $4,703 SHIR-MAN HOLSTEIN FARM FOUNTAIN 99 20 HO 23,952 969 751 $4,355 TRAIL SIDE HOLSTEINS FOUNTAIN 99 X 738 HO 32,335 1,278 1,034 $5,865 % Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value Stephanie Tienter Harmony, Minnesota 13 years 507-993-9115
Douglas DHIA representative
Becky Bitzen Gareld, Minnesota 6 years 320-815-1426 CHAIN O LAKES DAIRY BLUE EARTH 103 282 HO 26,795 1,097 841 $4,881 KLASSIC HOLSTEIN WASECA 104 39 HO 23,752 1,021 767 $4,451 LARCREST HOLSTEIN DAIRY ALBERT LEA 104 272 HO 24,603 1,046 828 $4,656 JAMES C. PFEIFER OWATONNA 103 48 HO 27,685 1,116 919 $5,141 SAHRSIDE DAIRY BRICELYN 98 X 1,551 HO 27,905 1,158 923 $5,225 % Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value Lester Perschbacher Albert Lea, Minnesota 67 years 507-373-8197
representative MARK DICKE GOODHUE 99 80 HO 24,405 1,019 798 $4,548 DAVID & BECKY FRIESE WANAMINGO 99 77 HO 23,191 953 747 $4,261 HUNEKE DAIRY BELLECHESTER 99 287 HO 24,543 999 812 $4,500 KLINGSPORN FARMS PINE ISLAND 101 213 HO 30,348 1,259 981 $5,626 ROSTAD FARMS ZUMBROTA 104 63 HO 24,987 1,025 813 $4,586 ERIC RYAN GOODHUE 101 228 HO 26,457 1,152 885 $5,087 LOWELL TANGEN WANAMINGO 102 173 HO 26,990 1,092 868 $4,938 VANGSNESS BROS KENYON 102 52 HO 24,768 966 749 $4,334 WHITE ROCK DAIRY GOODHUE 101 X 866 HO 26,575 1,082 849 $4,861 % Milk # Current Rolling Average Producer City Sold 3X Cows Brd Milk Fat Prot $Value Goodhue DHIA representative Steven Slater Owatonna, Minnesota First year 507-676-2252 www.norbco.com 67962 State Hwy 55, Watkins, MN 55389 • 320-764-5000 MA KING COW COMFORT OUR PRIORITY Curtain SystemsVentilation SystemsFreestall SystemsHeadlocks CONCRETE PRODUCTS AL’S 1-800-982-9263 Serving Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin Since 1965 www.alsconcreteproducts.com BUNKER SILOS AVAILABLE IN ONE OR MULTIPLE BAY DESIGN Height Available: 5’, 8.6’ & 12’ ALSO AVAILABLE: • Feed Bunks • Cattle Slats • Holding Tanks • Cattle Guards Free brochure! 1-800-436-5623 Twin Vertical TMR Feed Cart • 5 sizes from 45 to 100 cu. ft. • Stainless steel mixing chamber • Stainless steel auger ight • 14” carbide tipped hay knives Tell the advertisers you saw their ad in Dairy Star!
Freeborn DHIA
Page 30 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 WWW.STJOSEPHEQUIPMENT.COM NEWEQUIPMENT LX Anderson IFX720Wrapper CallForPrice #023719 LX CIHFarmall110C CallForPrice #021783 USEDEQUIPMENT RC CIHMD93 DiscMower CallForPrice #022938 LX KuhnMerge Maxx890 CallForPrice #025027 LX MF2250Big SquareBaler CallForPrice #020101 RC BrillionSSB12 Seeder CallForPrice #020561 NW ‘17BobcatS570, ONLY598Hours! $46,500 #023598 LX ‘14KuhnKnight 8124Spreader $11,900 #018321 EY ‘12NHFR9060 SPChopper $99,985 #018844 EY ‘18Geringhoff Truflex40,40’,w/Air $79,900 #022249 EY ‘11KubotaZD326 ZeroTurn $9,250 #024508 EY JCB85Z Excavator $79,500 #021934 LX J&M1151 GrainCart CallForPrice 021559 RC KuhnKnight VT256TMR CallForPrice #021005 LX Anderson800HS Wrapper CallForPrice #023718 RC HardiRanger 550Sprayer CallForPrice #022943 LX MF4707 CallForPrice #021608 LX ‘20CIHMagnum200 $209,985 #025808 LX CIH JX1095C $26,985 #023700 LX ‘95GlencoeSS7200 7Shank $6,985 #023950 LX ‘01Landpride RCM501010’Batwing $6,500 #024822 EY ‘98NH1431 Discbine $6,500 #024177 LX ‘04NH615 DiscMower $7,585 #024852 EY ‘18NHCR8.90 Combine $299,900 #022529 LX ‘19CIH8250 Combine,4WD,Sharp! $399,000 #025333 LX Anderson RB200 CallForPrice #021399 RC CIHFHX300 Chopper CallForPrice #021979 RC KuhnGF7802TGII CallForPrice #025021 LX KuhnGMD16 DiscMower CallForPrice #017788 NW BobcatCT4045 w/Loader CallForPrice #019347 EY KubotaBX2380 CallForPrice #020335 EY NHHayliner 275PLUS CallForPrice #024743 RC H&SAR2110Rake CallForPrice #021625 RC Kuhn MergeMaxx301 CallForPrice #021469 LX Fendt828 Vario CallForPrice #019583 NW BobcatTL723 Telehandler CallForPrice #023140 RC CIHMaxxum115 w/DiamondMower CallForPrice #019695 NW CIHMaxxum150 CallForPrice #019698 LX HyundaiHL930AXT WheelLoader CallForPrice #021146 LX HyundaiHL940AXT CallForPrice #023434 NW BobcatE50 CallForPrice #019252 RC KuhnVB3190 RoundBaler CallForPrice #024410 LX MF2606H CallForPrice #023222 EY NHWorkMaster120 CallForPrice #024860 EY NHL328 SkidLoader CallForPrice #022689 RC CaseSV280B SkidLoader CallForPrice #019784 LX TravisHSC2000 SeedCart CallForPrice #023178 RC H&S3231Spreader CallForPrice #022650 NW CIHVT-Flex435 CallForPrice #021769 LX CIHVT-FLEX435,20’ CallForPrice #021772 LX KuhnKrause8010-20 Excelerator CallForPrice #018474 LX CIHEcolo-Till2500 CallForPrice #021948 LX WalingaAgri-Ac 7614 CallForPrice #024491 NW ’15TriolietSolomix 2-1500ZK $24,985 #024179 LX ’16Meyer3954 Spreader $9,985 #024255 LX ’21NH210 Discbine $25,985 #024456 LX ’13NHFR600 SPChopper $199,985 #023103 RC ‘09CIH6088 Combine $99,500 #025777 LX ‘08MF3722 Spreader $7,900 #025662 EY CIHEcolo-Tiger 527BRipper $14,900 #025241 NW ‘13CIH1245 12/23ROW $85,000 #025137 LX ‘05Krause5250Drill $9,985 #024954 NW ’06KuhnGA8521 Rake $24,000 #025144 LX ‘17KuhnFC10030D TripleMower $53,000 #022194 LX ‘17CIHMagnum340 50KPH,EngineBrake $208,000 #024231 NW ‘14CIH Magnum315 $214,985 #024845 LX ’08CIHFarmall95 $31,985 #025347 LX International656 $5,985 #025640 LX Meyer500TSS ChopperBox $6,900 #023855 LX ’17Supreme500T TMR $33,900 #025110 NW ‘05BrillionZS5302 5ShankRipper $13,500 #025132 LX ’18JDX750 RidingMower $11,500 #024825 LX ’11CIH3020, 35’Flex $17,500 #021615 LX ’19CIH540 Quadtrac $459,985 #025051 NW ’14CIHFarmall50B $29,985 #025130 LX ’13CIH Magnum315 $189,985 #024645 NW ’17BobcatT770 TrackLoader CallForPrice #023663 LX ’12JD625MoCo $15,900 #024952 LX ‘16NHFR780 SPChopper $220,000 #022206 LX MF5711 CallForPrice #024443 LOW HOURS! 50KPH
Quick fruit salad
Your favorite canned fruit, drained well
Shredded coconut, optional
From the kitchen of: Patti Stadler of Birnamwood, Wisconsin
Miniature marshmallows, optional Vanilla Greek yogurt
Simply mix all ingredients in a bowl. Can be served in fancy dish adorned with drained cherry halve to make it special.
Veggie pizza
2 (8-count) cans crescent rolls
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon each dillweed and onion powder
1 teaspoon each garlic and seasoned salt
3/4 cup mayonnaise
From the kitchen of: Patti Stadler of Birnamwood, Wisconsin
3 green onions, finely chopped
1 green bell pepper, finely chopped
3 carrots, finely chopped
2 tomatoes, finely chopped
1 cup broccoli, finely chopped
1 cup celery, finely chopped
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Separate roll dough into rectangles. Spread in a 9-by-13 baking pan; seal perforations. Bake at 400 degrees for 9 minutes or until light brown. Cool. Beat cream cheese, sour cream, seasonings and mayonnaise in mixer bowl until smooth. Spread over baked layer. Sprinkle with vegetables and cheese. Chill until serving; cut into squares. Yields 32 servings.
Lemon three-layer dessert
First layer: 1 cup flour
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 11 am EXPECTING 200HEAD
From the kitchen of: Patti Stadler of Birnamwood, Wisconsin
1/2 cup softened butter
1/2 cup chopped pecans
Mix together with a pastry blender. Press into a 9-by-13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Let cool.
Second layer: 8 ounces cream cheese
Mix and spread on top of the first layer.
Third layer: 2 small packages of instant pudding (butter pecan, lemon)
1 cup Cool Whip
1 cup powdered sugar
3 cups milk
Beat until thickened. Pour over top of the second layer. Spread a thin layer of Cool Whip over the pudding layer. Sprinkle with pecans. Refrigerate.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 11:00 am
75 5 Holstein Dairy Cows and Heifers, including some Red Holstein, cows housed in freestalls, milked in tiestall. Cows will sell on test. Averaging 80# with top cows milking 120-130# 4.1BF 3.1P 100scc. 25 years AI breeding using, proven polled sires through Select Sires. regular vaccination program. (15)Heifers, FANCY & SHARP! Mostly polled, some fancy Red & Whites., shortbreds through springers! Very good herd of dairy cows with excellent feet, legs and udders! Coming from Steve and Linda Meyer, Westby, WI
After 50 years of farming Bob has decided to retire.
37 Certi ed Organic Dairy Cows, mostly Friesian/ Fleckvieh Crosses, herd includes (2)dry cows (4) springing heifers. Cows sell on test, 50# 3.97BF 3.1P scc110. Milked in Herrinbone parlor, on a bedded pack. Cows and heifers are bred to a Fleckveih bull sired by Canadian John Pop. Coming from Robert DePauw, Port Bryon, IL
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 11:00 am EXPECTING 500 HEAD OF DAIRY HEIFERS! Call with your consignments! See our website for updated listings! FEATURING COMPLETE HEIFER DISPERSAL 126 REGISTERED BROWN SWISS Dairy Heifers! TOP END! 40 years of AI, with TOP sires through Select Sires, ST Genetics, New Generation Genetics. A few highlight sires include Daredevil, Powerball, Skyhigh, Famous, Deluxe, and Speed P. Lots of show prospects in this FANCY group including many show age heifers. Extensive vaccination program. Full individual pedigree information coming soon. Herd includes approx. (10) newborn March calves (32) 200-300# (24) 300-400# (24) 400-600# (24) 650800# (12) short serviced and con rmed pregnant. Coming from Siegert Swiss, Iowa Owner number - Dan 563-599-5091 *Pedigrees and pictures on our website! ORGANIC ORGANIC
30 Certi ed Organic Holstein, Red Holstein, Shorthorn Cross, Jersey Cross, and Normande Cross Dairy Cows. Cows milked in swing 8 Herringbone parlor, out side everyday, bunk fed. (20) just fresh!!! 4.36BF 3.27P 175scc. Certi ed Organic for over 20 years. Polled genetics throughout, many years AI thorough Accelerated Genetics. Coming from Bill Morren, Hillsboro WI
Always a great selection of dairy heifers at Premier Livestock and Auctions! DRIVE-INS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! PLEASE HAVE IN BY 10:30 AM
PREMIUM PRICES PAID FOR YOUR LAMBS AND KID GOATS! Accepting Sheep and Goats 6-8pm Wednesday evening. Have all sheep and goats in by 9:30am Thursday morning!
Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 10:00 am
Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 10:00 am
Weekly Highlights at Premier
Another busy week at Premier Livestock and Auctions, with 2,350 head sold. A strong market on all cattle. Wednesday we sold 215 head of dairy cattle, with 2 herd dispersals. Market was steady with high quality dairy cows $2,0002,600. Good quality dairy cows $1,300-1,975. Lower quality & blemished cows $1,275 and down. Top quality springing heifers $1,600-2,150.
Scan the code for a direct link to our website!
Top market cows this week 90-108#. Top market bulls 100-113#. Top fed Hol steers 145-150#. Top Holstein bull Calves $200-285 per head. Top beef calves $300-485 per head. We appreciate your business. We couldn’t do it without all of our livestock truckers, consignors, bidders, buyers and employees! Thank you for choosing Premier Livestock to sell and buy your cattle.
Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 • Page 31 PTO GENERATORS STANDARD FEATURES: • 100% Copper Windings • Helical Gears for Smooth Operation • Full Power Receptacle • Square D Mainline Circuit Breakers • Large 3” Voltage Meter • Full Power Plug Included • Powder Coat Paint • Rodent Screens • Lifting Eyes Model 50PTOC-3, 50 kw, 208 amps, 1800 RPM, 540 input speed, 100 input hp (800) 887-4634 • Lancaster, WI (608) 647-4488 • Richland Center 15KW to 150KW www.wincogen.com Blue Hilltop, Inc. Dana Berreau 507-879-3593 / 800-821-7092 Box 116, Lake Wilson, MN 56151 Your Mixer, Spreader, Hay Processor Headquarters We carry: We use a hydraulic upright chute for less stress. Monahan HOOF TRIMMING Since 1997 Trimming commercial and show cattle Call Dan at 507-272-3447 “Our two man crew allows us to complete the job in a timely manner with less disruption of your herd’s daily routine.” Covering the states of MN, IA, SD & WI ONLINE BIDDERS AND BUYERS REGISTER AT CATTLEUSA.COM Premier Livestock & Auctions Auctions LLC Office: 715-229-2500 Ken Stauffer 715-559-8232 Rocky Olsen 715-721-0079 Travis Parr 715-828-2454 N13438 STATE HWY 73 • WITHEE, WI 54498 SELLING MARKET CATTLE AND CALVES 4 DAYS A WEEK, MON.-THURS! COME CHECK OUR STATE OF THE ART FACILITIES! WWW.PREMIERLIVESTOCKANDAUCTIONS.COM HAY & STRAW AUCTIONS Wednesdays at 9:30! Hay & Straw sold by the bale! SELLING OVER 2500 HEAD EACH WEEK, AND OVER 1000 CALVES!
From Field to Farm
The Penta line of Dump Trailers are designed to get your crop from the field to your farm. Ranging in size from 1050 Cubic feet to 2475 Cubic feet there is one ready for you. Farmer focused features like better visibility in the box and the unique reverse tilt for better filling, all built as tough as you.
Farm Feeding
RT Track Loaders feature pilot joystick controls with the exclusive IdealTrax™ automatic track tensioning system and the IdealAccess™ fold-up door.
‘20 Mustang 1900R, H/F Ctrls, Dsl, 2200 Lift Cap, C&H, 2 Spd, 2,800 hrs ............................$33,500
‘14 Gehl R260, T-Bar Ctrls, Dsl, 2600 Lift Cap, C/H/A, 2 Spd, 3,725 hrs ............................$31,900
‘13 Gehl R220,
Mustang 2100RT, ISO Ctrls, Dsl, 450x 56x86 Tracks, 3000 Lift Cap,C&H, 2 Spd, 613 hrs - $43,800
2500 Lift Cap, C&H, 2 spd, 3890 hrs .............................$38,800
4625, T-Bar Ctrls, 46HP Dsl, SS .......................................$11,900
Kuhn Knight PS150, 500 Bu Vert Beaters, New Apron Chains, New Beater Teeth ........................$35,250
H&S 310, 540PTO, 295/75-22.5 Tires .................$9,600
Balzer 4800, 23.1x26 Tires, 4800 Gal, No Injectors ..........................$7,300
Jamesway Vacu-Pump, 6” Transfer Pump, 11L-15 Tires, 540 PTO$3,400
Houle 13, 1 3/8, 1000PTO, 13’ Depth ..............................$4,900
NH S676, 540PTO, Selling As Is ..........................$1,700
The best quality feed needs the best quality mix. Penta TMR Mixers are designed, tested and farm proven to deliver the best mix on the market. Our Hurricane Auger allows forage to circulate faster through the mix for quicker processing and mixing times.
From farm to field
The Penta (Hagedorn) line of Manure Spreaders allows you to make the best use of your organic nutrient resources. The Hagedorn Spreaders processes the manure finer with the best spread pattern. This lets your field make better use of this rich resource.
‘16 H&S BW1000, 11Lx15 Tires, 6’ Bales, 13,500 Bales On Counter ................................ $24,900
‘16 Kuhn GMD240, 540 PTO, 7’ 10” Cut ................................$9,500
‘19 H&S LW1100 Linewrap, Wrap 6’ Bales, at 2,800 For Bale Count$31,000
Tubeline TL1700SR, Square Bale
3’x3’ Up to 7’ Long, Rd Bale 4’x4’ To
5’x6’, Trailer Hitch, 13HP Honda Self Contained, Hyd Drive, Twin Bale Wrap Stretchers .............................$29,950
‘15 SAC 6160 Turbo Max, 600 CuFt, Turbo Paddle Reel, 4 Auger Power Discharge ............................$32,500
‘12 Penta 6720HD, 540PTO, 670 CuFt, Flat Conveyor ......$19,500
‘15 Penta 4130, 450 Cubic Feet, 3’ Right Hand Conveyor ......$22,900
JD 469 Premium, 4x5 Bales, Net, Twine, No Monitor, ISO Boss ..$27,500 ‘19 McHale V6750, 4x5.5’ bales, surface wrap, auto wrap, bale kicker, cutter rotor, 900 bales .............$55,500 NH Roll-Belt 560, 2800 bales...$44,500
‘15 Anderson Hybrid X, Up To 6’ Rd & 6’ Sq Bales, GX630 20HP Honda Engine, 4 Stretchers, Hyd Push Extractors, Bale Row Guidance, Large Fuel Tank,Self Propelled ........$26,500
Kuhn SR110, 10 Whl Rake, Center
Kicker, 21’ Raking Width .........$6,350
Hiniker 4000, 15’ Stalk Chopper, 9.50L-15 Tires.........................$5,500
Highline CFR650 ....................$18,500
‘14 KIDD 450, 540 PTO, 5x6 bale ...............................$19,300
Woods M5-4, 5’ Width, 3 point mount, Single Tail Wheel.....$1,250 Cabelas RC2072 Slip Clutch, 3 pt mt, 6’ Width, Frt & Rear Chains, Single Tail Wheel, Made By Woods ..................$2,900 Extreme 69” Brush Cutter, 11-20GMP ..........................$3,250
Edge HB3 Breaker, skid loader mnts, Hyd breaker, 1pt ........$4,500 Virnig Pallet Forks ..................$650 4 in 1 Bucket, 84” .................$2,300
‘18 Grouser Tracks, 18 Pads, Fits JD 320G or Loader with a 44.2” Whl base, All new bushings and pins ..............................$2,300
Grouser 12” Tracks, Fits Cat 246B .......................$1,200
Tracks, Fits 2054, 10x16.5 Tires, Has Rubber Pads ...............$ 1,000 Frontier RC2048 Rotary Mower, 48” Width, 3 Pt ...................$1,500
Farm King 72” Finish Mower, 3 Pt, Right Side Discharge ..........$1,500 Westendorf 4300, Brush Cutter ........................$1,200
JBM Bale Trailer, 8 bales .....$3,700
Black Max, 22” Blower
76” Width, Hyd Drive with Skid Mts, 2125 GPM Hyd Requirement .....$3,800
Page 32 • Dairy Star • Second Section • Saturday, March 25, 2023 ‘19 Hagedorn Hydra-Spread Extravert
‘17 GEHL V330, ISO JS Ctrls, Dsl, 3300 Lift Cap,C/H/A, 2 Spd, 2,290 hrs. - $46,500 ‘17 Gehl V270, ISO Ctrls, Dsl, 2700 Lift Cap, C&H, 2 Spd, 3,950 hrs - $40,500 ‘18 Kuhn Knight 4142, 1-3/8 1000 pto, 420 cu ft - $14,900 ‘18 Artex SBX700, 700 Bu, Vert Beater, 88C Apron Chain w/ Tube Slats, Clevis Hitch, Guillotine Endgate, Low Usage, 4’ Rock Guard - $55,000 JD 567, 5’x6’ Bales, Cover Edge Net, Twine, Bale Count 18,509 $12,870 ‘16 Kubota B2620, 26HP, Dsl, CHA, 3 Spd, Radio, 1,614 hrs. - $25,000 USED SKIDSTEERS USED SKIDSTEERS ‘21 Mustang 1500R, H/F Ctrls, Dsl,1600 Lift Cap, C & H, 2,540 hrs, New Rims, Tires And Bucket, Warranty Expires At 3000 Hours Or 2/1/2023.........................$32,500 ‘01 Mustang 2022, Dual H/Ft, Dsl, SS ................................$14,800
5440, 540 Bu, Vert Beater, Hyd Push, Endgate, 4’ Rock Guard - $46,000
Oliver 550, 2 WD, 46 HP .......$4,900
T-Bar Ctrls, Dsl, 2200 Lift Cap, C&H, 2 Spd, 1,400 hrs ............................$39,500 ‘17 Gehl R220, H-Ctrl, Dsl, 2500 Lift Cap, C&H, 2 Spd, 2660 hrs .$33,500 ‘15 Gehl R220 T-Bar Ctrls, New 72HP Yanmar Dsl Eng, 2500 Lift Cap, C&H, 2 spd, 4025 hrs .........$37,000 ‘22 Gehl R220 T-Bar H-Ctrls,
NEW Penta Dump Box Sizes 40, 50, 60
G E H L C O M /e /equ q ip ipme m ntt/t/traack k l -loa o deers s
For more info visit: