SAUK CENTRE, Minn. – Jason Klaphake tends to see the glass half full.
“No matter what happens, you’ve got to have a thankful attitude,” Klaphake said. “Until 3 p.m. that day, things had gone pretty well.”
In October 2019, Klaphake and his brother, Dan, were in the middle of combining soybeans. The pair run a dairy farm together near Sauk Centre, milking 80 cows in a stanchion barn and farming 500 acres of corn, soybean, oat, wheat and alfalfa.
“I know it was a Wednesday,” Klaphake said. “We wanted to get a bunch of our soybean acres out because they were talking rain for Thursday and Friday.”
Klaphake had one eld already done and was set to tackle another by 3 p.m. As he entered the 40-acre eld, he planned to rst combine around the outside of the eld during daylight so he could see better when going near poles, trees and fence lines.
“I wasn’t in the eld a minute and was close to the road, going parallel to it, and another farmer was coming down the road toward me with a tractor and a gravity box,” Klaphake said. “As soon as he was straight on with me, next thing I knew, my windshield on the combine completely busted out. It shattered. I thought, ‘What the heck just happened?’”
The farmer did not see what had happened and kept going – as did Klaphake. Some glass had come into the cab, but most had fallen outside of it.
“I never even stopped because I thought, ‘Well, that busted out, but I still want to keep combining,’’ Klaphake said. “It’s not like you can’t drive a combine without a windshield. It’s just not as nice.”
The cab became a bit less comfortable.
“The biggest thing was that, instead of having the
protection of the glass to keep out the dust and dirt and the noise, it got a lot louder and a lot dirtier inside.”
Luckily, Klaphake had sunglasses to shield his eyes from the dust. He radioed an employee who was hauling to bring a dust mask and noise-canceling ear muffs on his next trip to the eld.
“I combined for another four or ve hours like that,” Klaphake said. “The hard part was that the wind was blowing due south and the eld goes north and south. When I was going to the north, the wind would
TridentPulsation™ reduces average teat opening/closings by 30% compared to the number of times your pulsation effectively opens and slams the door on the teats of your cows.
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Wet or dry hay. Part-time, full-time or custom operations. Vermeer has the round baler you need to put up dense, high-quality bales you can be proud of.
swirl around and come right into the cab, so I couldn’t really get out of the dust because the wind would blow it back at me.”
The temperature was a comfortable 60 degrees, but wind speed was a steady 15 mph. Still, Klaphake had impending rain to beat and kept going. By around 8 p.m., he nished the eld and was ready to dump the last load.
Turn to KLAPHAKE | Page 4
The employee had pulled a 500-bushel gravity box into the eld a little way so that Klaphake did not have to drive as far to dump the load. Once the soybeans were unloaded, they were ready to head back.
“Next thing I know, the (employee) can’t move the gravity box,” Klaphake said. “It had sunk right in. Apparently, where the box was parked was too soft.”
Combining was put on hold for a while.
“We went back and got a bigger tractor, but we still couldn’t move it with that,” Klaphake said. “I got another gravity box and pulled it alongside the other one, and two hired men and I scooped out around 200 bushels of soybeans into the other gravity box using 5-gallon pails.”
The now-lighter gravity box came unstuck but not without damage. The tie rod was bent so that the wheels did not line up right on the journey home. Klaphake said he was glad to get all the soybeans home and into the shed to avoid getting them rained on.
“It wasn’t the end of the world,” Klaphake said.
By now it was getting dark. Dan took over the combine with the busted-out windshield to harvest a 10-acre eld behind his house.
“He hadn’t been ve minutes in the eld when our bean head broke,” Klaphake said.
The sickle had broken in the middle so that the 25-foot head was only cutting with one half of the head.
“Once that happened, we thought, ‘Well, we’re done combining for the day,’” Klaphake said.
They called their brother, Chuck, who dairy farms about 10 miles away, to bring a trailer they share that would allow them to more easily haul the bean head to Midwest Machinery in Sauk Centre where another brother, Paul, works. Paul was going to meet them there to open the shed. Then, they would not have to haul the bean head in the rain the next day. Plus, they could also pull the trailer with the combine so that the windshield could be xed as well.
However, the day was not over.
Klaphake’s dog, Pepper, had been a great farm dog but was now old and hard of hearing. He often lounged around the farmyard, and the Klaphake’s would have to drive around him because he would not hear their approach.
As Chuck pulled into the yard with the trailer, it was completely dark outside, and Pepper was a black dog.
“Chuck felt something under his truck and thought, ‘What was that?’” Klaphake said. “He looked and saw it was the dog. He accidentally (had driven) over its hind legs, so (the dog) couldn’t use its back legs anymore.”
The dog was in pain, and they knew he would have to be put down. They made him as comfortable as could be, knowing he would need to go to the vet the next day.
“We decided after that to go to bed, wake up tomorrow and see what tomorrow brings,” Klaphake said.
Chuck had offered his bean head for his brothers to use if they wanted to keep combining that night, but they declined.
“It was not a day that was going to let us do anything more, nor did we even want to attempt to do anything more,” Klaphake said.
Like with most unfortunate events, Klaphake can now look back with humor and take the long view.
“Farming teaches a lot of things in life,” Klaphake said. “No matter how bad it is, it could always get worse.”
Hakala’s event brings women together for food, fun, friends
By Stacey Smart stacey.s@dairystar.com
An evening of inspiration
Annaliese Wegner
The winner of the most creative board took home a basket containing all the supplies needed to make their own charcuterie board at home. Door prizes were also given to the person who drove the furthest to the event and to the person who was the rst to register.
Next, Wegner took the oor. She and her husband, Tom, and their children, Lane and Sage, and Tom’s parents farm in Ettrick where they milk 600 cows. Known as Modern Day Farm Chick in social media circles, Wegner motivated women to try something new.
“Share your story,” Wegner said. “Every story matters. I might not change the world,
Women’s Night make charcuterie boards March 4 at ACE Dairy near Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. Hosted by dairy farmer Chelsea Hakala, the event provided an op-
A endees of Agricultural
and get inspired as women le with ideas and mo va on for
Wegner has been sharing her story online for about
“Modern Day Farm Chick is a place for me to be me and share my place in agriculture,” Wegner said. “We’re not that little red barn up on the hill
with two chickens, two cows and two dogs. Farmers are smart, educated and innovative and constantly learning and trying to do better and be better. My goal is to show people that.”
tires, 3 pt, front mount loader, 60” mid-mount mower deck
Skid Steer/Telehandler Tire Shooter Wheel Loader Tire Shooter
› Self Unloading
› Self Loading (If Tires Are Stacked Properly)
› Drop Sidewalls 22’ from Edge of Plastic on skid steer or telehandler, and 30’ with wheel loader tire shooter
Series L4060 HST, 4WD, LA805 loader, 72” bkt, 2 rear rmts .. $36,900
› Haul Up to 80 Sidewalls (Varies Depending Loader) or 110 with wheel loader tire shooter
› Reach over 18’ Cement Walls (Varies Depending Loader)
› Custom Fit Any Skidsteer, Telehandler or wheel loader
› Use with Sidewalls or Full Tires
› Powder Coated
Wegner posts on Instagram and Facebook almost daily and tries to blog occassionally.
“In the beginning, I tried to be on all the different social media platforms,” she said. “I was comparing myself to what everybody else was doing, but I gured out what works for me and what didn’t.”
Posting on social media gets easier the longer someone does it, Wegner said.
“If you’re not feeling it, don’t push it,” she said. “I like when things come naturally. Once you start, it keeps snowballing and creating more momentum. When I started sharing my story, I never thought I would book speaking engagements or host events someday.”
Wegner acknowledged the many role shifts for women both inside and outside of agriculture.
“We do what we have to do for the family and farm, and it’s easy to stay stagnant and say, ‘This is it for me now,’” Wegner said. “But, it’s a heck of a lot more exciting if you evolve and change and say yes to things that serve you and no to the things that don’t.”
After the birth of her twins, Wegner’s role on the farm shifted more to the house as she spent the majority of her time caring for her children. She began selling skincare products, which Wegner said was a success in more ways than one.
“I was able to help my friends and those in the ag community with their skin, their lashes, their condence,” she said. “I was also able to have conversations with people about something other than farm life and kids and made a pretty little penny doing it.”
Wegner was also excited because she now had a new group of women to
talk to about agriculture.
“We bonded over skin care and being moms, and a relationship was built,” she said. “That trust was there. And now, who do they come to when they have questions about ag? They come to me. Hearts aren’t changed through stats and facts. Hearts are changed through relationships and through trust.”
When asked what advice she would give to a new farm wife or new farm mom, Wegner recommended that a person should gure out what they like and what works for them.
“Try to create your own goals and not take on things that don’t serve you just because someone is asking you to,” she said. “Get outside the box. You don’t have to be just one thing. It’s so fun to do things that excite and inspire you. I want every woman in ag to know they can create their own space and best life and do things that aren’t the norm.” Wegner, who has been farming for over 30 years, learned how to drive a tractor for the rst time last summer.
Growing up on a dairy farm, Wegner said her dad was a cow guy, and she was a cow girl.
“We had a harvesting crew, and there was never any reason for me to drive anything other than a skidsteer,” Wegner said. “I put off driving a tractor because I was so scared – scared that I would be terrible at it, that my husband would make fun of me for not knowing how to do it, that my father-in-law would judge me, or that I’d crash into a power pole.”
Wegner said she bit the bullet and was happy she did.
Vermeer 605 Super J Baler, twine only, 1992 model, BAU1605G ........$2,500/obo
Hesston/Agco 5456A Baler, approx 5500 bales........................................$11,000
Case IH RS561 baler, Twine only, Low bales ....................................................Call
Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 2017, Approx 7,663 bales, Very Good Condition ..............................................................................$45,000
2015 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 21,435 bales, new monitor, belts last year, real good cond .......................................................................Call
2017 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special approx. 28,201 bales, many parts replaced recently ........................................................................Call
Vermeer 605XL baler, good condition .............................................................Call
2011 John Deere 568 baler, approx. 14,700 bales............................................Call
Used New Holland BR780 Baler .................................................................$6,500
Used Kubota BV5160 Silage Baler ...................................................................Call
2011 John Deere 265 Disc Mower..............................................................$6,000
‘22 Kubota 1024 Disc mower ...........................................................................Call
2014 Vermeer M6040 Disc Mower .............................................................$6,000
Kuhn GA4220TH Rotary Rake ....................................................................$8,500
Krone Swatto 900 Rotary Rake ........................................................Coming Soon
Badger 1055 forage boxes, tandem axle, FWU 1702G ............................PENDING
H&S 500 Forage box, good condition, 14 ft .....................................................Call
2015 Houle 6” 3pt super pump 9ft, 2 agitation nozzles, 2 available .....$9,250 ea.
Houle PTO 6” Super Pump, 2004, w/ 2 agitation nozzles, 12ft long, MPU1704.................................................................................................$8,500
Used Houle 60” cable scraper drive, good shape ........................................$3,000
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1501G ..$4,300
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with 30HP motor, USED, MPU1505G .......$4,000
10ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, used, MPU1507G .....................................................................................$4,300
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with no motors set up for twin motors, USED, MPU1508G ....................................................................................$3,500
2) 8” manure loadstands .....................................................................$2,000 ea.
Cloverdale 1300 Cu Ft Twin screw vertical mixer..............................................Call
Patz 420 Vertical Mixer, RH discharge .............................................................Call
Nuhn Magnum 6750 manure tank, Hydraulic drive, flow meter, VTI units .$50,000/OBO
Meyer’s M390 Manure spreader, Good Condition, just in ...............................$14,900
2018 Meyer’s VB560 vertical beater spreader with Scale system ............Coming Soon
3) Used RU600 Corn heads for Chopper, good condition ...........................$17,500 ea.
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Used Gea UV Pure, calf milk purifier, DEU2001 ................................................Call
Double 10 Blue Diamond parallel parlor w/ SST2 detachers, 3” low line, single receiver, jetter trays, curb, gates, 10 hp Suterbilt vac pump, 10hp Westfailia 2800 vac pump, 20 DeLaval milking units, & pulsators, DEU1803G ...............Call
10 used Boumatic Companion detachers, #U3557554 .................Now $350 each
6 used Boumatic 4400 detachers, with new gaskets & diaphragms, #U3557444 ........................................................................................$300 each
Used Artex VCat Sand Wagon for bedding stalls ........................................$4,000
Used Bobman for bedding ..............................................................................Call
New 8ft. Patz barn cleaner chute for 16” gutter, PA16151, retails for $992 .......$800
Patz barn cleaner 12” tapered flights, never used, but weathered, not painted, $18.95 New......................................................................$12.25ea
New Schuur and Lely cow brushes- In stock ....................................................Call
Used squirrel cage style fan, 42” diameter, w/ 3 phase motor .........................Call
Used WIC model 300 grain cart, OTH1803G .....................................................Call
New 2 bath automated footbath assy, stainless baths & control, ½ priced-never used, DEN1402G .............................................................$7,000
Dayton Blower Fan, like new, 24.5” Wheel, 12000 CFM #3C010, $3,437 retail New ....................................................................................$2,500
Dayton Blower Fan, used 2 mos., #2C799, 18.25” whl, $1,982 retail new
“I told my husband, ‘Take me out to the eld because I’m going to drive this tractor,’ and I did it,” she said. “It’s not that big of a deal; it’s not that hard. I had just built up this scenario in my head of all the things that could go wrong.”
Wegner also encouraged her audience to stop comparing themselves to other women.
“I want to let you in on a little secret,” she said. “Nobody has it gured out, not even me. You have to let that go because we’re all on different journeys and different paths. You are capable of big and amazing things. You just have to get started. That’s the hardest part.”
Following Wegner’s talk, guests enjoyed a catered dinner from Devour in Plymouth. Afterward, they had the chance to interact with the entire group when Reuschel took over the microphone.
Reuschel is a farmer’s wife, mother of two, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and podcast host who lives on a grain farm in central Illinois. She began her segment by inviting everyone up to the front of the room. There, the ladies formed a circle and each one introduced herself to the group.
The women were then pushed fur-
ther out of their comfort zone when Reuschel asked attendees to change tables a few times so they could meet new people. She provided conversation starters to give attendees the chance to nd common ground with one another and learn more about the women at their table.
Reuschel’s “Who am I?” talk challenged women to go after what they want in life and not put limitations on their goals. During her presentation, Reuschel handed out workbooks to each attendee. Inside, the ladies wrote down goals along with thoughts about what is stopping them from going after those goals. After putting their dreams on paper, they came up with steps they could take toward achieving each goal.
“This night was an opportunity to come together, put our goals down and make them actionable,” Hakala said. “I want women to know they’re not alone. Other women are struggling with the same things.”
Agricultural Women’s Night was the rst of its kind for Hakala, who hopes to do more events like this in the future.
“At some point, I would like to do a two-day conference,” she said.
Parents: James Wilwerding and Sarah Overby
Wilwerding Dairy
Freeport, Minnesota Stearns County
2,800 cows
Senior at Melrose High School
Questions for parents:
Tell us your favorite experience of Adam helping with chores. One of Jim’s favorite experiences was teaching Adam to cut hay. Sarah enjoys helping Adam with his 4-H animals.
What qualities does Adam have that benet the farm? Adam is like a utility player on our dairy team. He can do many jobs and is always willing to learn new things. He has a strong work ethic, and we can count on him to follow through and get things done.
Questions for Adam:
What are your responsibilities on the farm? I am in school activities in the fall and winter, so most of my work is done in the spring and summer. I help a lot with agronomy and maintenance during those seasons.
When did you begin helping on the farm? My rst memories of helping on the farm are from when I was about 8 years old. I helped pick rocks.
How do you balance school, extracurricular activities and farm chores? Because of the 24-hour schedule on our farm and my activities, I do not have regular chores. I put my school work and activities rst, and when I have extra time, I can devote it to helping out.
How has working on the farm shaped your character? Working on the farm has given me a strong work ethic and given me working experience I could not get anywhere else. I get to use creative problem solving and think outside the box.
What do you love most about farm life? I enjoy working with the people on our dairy and exploring new things every day.
What is one thing you have learned from working alongside your parents? Every day is a new adventure. It’s never too late to learn something new. You can always learn from your mistakes.
What are your future plans? I plan to attend South Dakota State University and study mechanical engineering and ag business.
silo pipes, silo distributors & silo chutes.
into one fantastic value.
“Thank you for helping when I was gone from the farm.”
- Leon PeplinskiMARK KLAPHAKE/DAIRY STAR Adam Wilwerding stands with his parents, Sarah Overby and James Wilwerding, March 18 at their farm near Freeport, Minnesota. The family milks 2,800 cows at Wilwerding Dairy. MARK KLAPHAKE/DAIRY STAR Adam Wilwerding beds steers March 18 at his parents’ dairy farm near Freeport, Minnesota. Adam plans on a ending South Dakota State University in the fall.
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? I work on the farm on weekends doing milking, cleaning the barn and eldwork.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? I like raking hay in the summer because I get to be outside in the nice weather and drive the
tractors. I don’t like cleaning barn because it smells bad.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? My 5-year-old Holstein cow, Jessa. I showed Jessa at the Carver County Fair; she is a really sweet cow.
What is your favorite subject in school? I enjoy math. My
teachers are nice and it’s fun. Tell us about something you have recently learned in school. I’m currently reading “To Kill a Mockingbird.” I also got to paint a duck decoy and learned how to make a shing pole. Turn
Con nued from KIDS CORNER | Page 10
What do you want to be when you grow up? Something in wildlife management or something outside with animals.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Cheese curds.
What do you like to do on the farm during winter? I like to push snow with the skid loader, drive snowmobile and feed the wildlife the corn I pick up in the elds after harvest.
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? I don’t do chores on school days, but on weekends and days off that I don’t have sports, I milk cows, feed calves and clean pens.
13 years old
Seventh grade
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite chores are feeding baby calves because they are cute. I don’t like to clean, because who likes to clean?
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? Point is a 5-year-old Holstein cow. I’ve shown her at the Carver County Fair since she was a calf. I won my rst state fair trip with her last year. She is very sweet. We’ve grown up together.
What is your favorite subject in school? Gym is my favorite because I get to be active.
Tell us about something you have recently learned in school. In social studies, we are learning about the amendments.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I would like to be a veterinary technician or anything to do with animals.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream.
What do you like to do on the farm during winter? I like to ride on the snowmobile and play with the dogs outside.
Krone V150 XC, 2015, 14,900 bales, silage with knives, very good condition!.. $23,900
JD 567 Round Baler, 2004, 540 PTO, 10,000 bales, net & twine .................... $13,500
Case RB455, 540 PTO, 2018 Silage baler, 6,000 bales ..................... $29,900
JD 630 MoCo Ready to Cut! 540 PTO, Impeller, Side Pull .......................... $18,400
H&S N12 Merger, 12’w/ 3’ extensions Priced to move ................ $6,900
9 years old
Fourth grade
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? I help on the weekends. I get to push snow, milk cows, clean the barn and help haul bales.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? I like helping haul bales and riding on the tractor. I don’t like how long milking takes.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? Paisley is my 1-yearold Holstein heifer. I can always pet her, and I showed her at the Carver County Fair last year.
What is your favorite subject in school? I like gym class because I get to run around.
Tell us about something you have recently learned in school. I am learning fractions and multiplying.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a farmer.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream.
What do you like to do on the farm during winter? I like to play in the snow.
Gehl 2109 Merger 9’ Pickup ................... COMING IN New Holland 256 Hay Rake ................................ $950 Notch 8 bale Transport Wagon, 19K with fenders ............ $5,000 Kuhn 8124 Slinger ......... $11,900 Kuhn Slinger 8114, new flighting, hammer and disch., rebuilt ................... $14,500
Arcadia, WI 608-323-7001
BREEDING BULLS, 40 yrs. AI breeding, Sauk Centre, MN. Call 320-761-2526 or 320-293-5607. 6-TFN-F
ORGANIC HOLSTEIN COWS, spring freshening, MCIA certied, just overstocked, Sacred Heart, MN. Call 320-212-7327. 3-2-F
GUERNSEY SPRINGERS, reg. Brown Swiss cows & breeding age registered bulls, Brown Swiss bulls, Guernsey w/high type & production. Call 563590-5369. 11-TFN-F
BULLS, from three or more generations of EX 30,000 lbs. dams, Brookings, SD. Call 605-690-6393. TFN-F
BULLS, some A2A2 & genomic tested. Call 715-2202572. 9-TFN-F
STEIN COWS AFTER 48 YEARS OF AI BREEDING, must take 20 cows minimum. Call 563-5423276 for info. 2-3-F
STEIN BULLS from multigen EX, VG cows, 28,500
RHA. Call Olmar Farms 507-220-0730. 20-TFN-B
STEIN COWS, all stages of lactation, 26,000 RHA, 100,000 SCC. Call Sheeknoll Farms 507-2593477. 2-TFN-F
REG. JERSEY BULLS, genomic tested, proven records, AI sired. Call Corey 608-751-2882. 22-8-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, springing hfrs., Freeport, MN area. Call 612-2707453. 23-TFN-F
TOP QUALITY SPRINGER HFRS., due Jan., $1,900/obo. Call 320-2931432 or 320-260-2213. 20-TFN-F
Ayrshire, (3) Jersey cross Brown Swiss. Call 608-6873022. 2-6-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, serviceable age, north of Rochester, MN, delivery avail. Call 507-7325930. 3-1-F
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, exc. type and production. Call Scott Rickeman 320-552-0284. 16-TFN-F
HEIFERS OF ALL AGES, baby calves to springers, central, MN. Call 320-3335906. 19-TFN-F
REGISTERED CALVING EASE HOLSTEIN & ANGUS BULLS, various sizes, delivery avail. Call or text Brian 715-613-9206.
REGISTERED, home-bred Holstein bulls, located 15 mi. north of Rochester, MN. Call Dave Alberts at 507269-3084 or 507-356-8625. 14-TFN-B
ROAN MILKING SHORTHORN BULL, born Sept. 1, 2021, approx. 750 lbs., asking $1,000. Call 701-490-2432. 6-TFN-F
120+ HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS, good feet/udders, low SCC, closed herd, SW, WI. Call 608-778-1036. 2-3-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, closed herd, Johnes & Leukosis test negative, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Call 507-9205859. 7-TFN-B
STEIN BULLS, red or black, dams over 40,000 milk, 4.0 test, Analyst Renegrade, King, Doc. Call Greg 608-326-2668. 20-TFN-F
(35) FANCY MILKING COWS in all stages of lactation, 75% are R&W or red carrier, some polled. Call 507-276-6811. 2-2-F
DAIRY HFR. CALVES, 2-6 months old, 28K herd avg., Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 18-TFN-F
DAIRY GOAT DOES, out of Hostetler breeding; also breeding bucks available. Call 319-350-5819. 24-TFN-F
REGISTERED BLACK HEREFORD BULL, coming 4 yr. old, exceptional disposition, calving ease, Angus Hereford cross. Call 715-440-5599. 1-4-F
SERVICEABLE AGE HOLSTEIN BULLS, from great type and production families. Raised on outside lots, good vigor, Glencoe, MN. Call 320-864-6555. 2-TFN-F
3) YOUNG REGISTERED MILKING SHORTHORN BULLS, A2A2, polled & roan. Call 218-385-3471. 21-TFN-F
BLACK & WHITE & RED & WHITE BULLS, sires Unstopabull, Genie, & Late Night-P, dams EX and VG, over 30,000 milk, 4% test. Call 320-583-6564. 10-TFN-F
REG. BROWN SWISS BULLS, all ages, exc. pedigrees; also Holstein bulls. Call 320-587-6384 or 320583-0336. 12-TFN-B
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, polled, genomic tested, deep pedigreed high producing cow families. Call 507-8200452. 22-TFN-F
RETIRING, SELLING HERD, 100 GRADE HOLSTEIN MILK COWS, all stages of lactation; also (80) Holstein hfrs. Call 563-880-2300. 2-3-F
SPRING EQUIPMENT: JD 450 12’ Grain Drill w/ Grass & Press
Wheels; SUKUP 12 Row Folding Cult.
Gallon Bulk Tank (ser# 7414DA-08C); Mueller D80 Fre-Heater;
DeLaval 2” Pipeline & Receiver Panel; Plate Cooler; (6) De
Laval Milker Units; (2) 7 ½ HP Waikto Vacuum Pumps; Schuld
20 Ton White Bulk Bin; Harvestor 20’ x 70’ Silo; Brock 20’ Full
Floor In Harvestore; Valmetal Hammer Mill; Patz V350 TMR
Mixer; (2) 5” x 90’ Flex Augers; (2) Jamesway 196’ Schuttle
Feeders; (3) Loyal 18” x 40’, 16’, & 10’ Chain Conveyors; (3)
48” Wall Fans; 18” x 196’ Gutter Grates; 196’ Rubber Alley Matt; (96) Freudenthal Comfort Stalls; Patz 18” CCW Hi-Flite Barn
Cleaner w/ 400’+ Chain & Head; Few Misc. Items
TERMS: 5% Buyer’s fee. Payment Accepted: Cash or Good check.
Cattle: Tyler 715-307-8054 or John 715-307-5029
Equipment: Don 715-307-5028
TO SEE FULL LISTING & BID - GO TO: www.hagerauction.com.
2-1/2 YR. OLD BLACK ANGUS BREEDING BULL. Call 320-352-6421. 3-1-F
12) HOLSTEIN SPRINGING HFRS., most April/ May, $1,400/obo. Call 320279-2884. 3-3-F
BROWN SWISS BULLS, home raised, registered, genomic tested, A2A2 tested, delivery available. Call 563-419-2137 or visit www.hilltopacresfarmcalmaria.com 24-TFN-F
75) COW POLLED HOLSTEIN HERD. Call 612916-5701. 15-TFN-F
WE HAVE BUYERS for tiestall and freestall dairy herds of all qualities and quantities. Also herds for sale at all times, Call 715721-0079. 2-TFN-B
ALL CLASSES OF SPRINGER DAIRY COWS. No jockeys. Call 320-760-6050. 20-TFN-F
COMPLETE HERDS OF DAIRY CATTLE; also buying all classes of livestock, including cull cows, steers, hfrs. and calves. Call 715-216-1897.
BUTCHER COWS, bulls, & fats; also thin, lame, lazy, & lump jaw. Call 320-894-7175. 11-TFN-B
ALFALFA BALEAGE, 1st-4th crop, 175 RFQ. Call 715-896-1418. 3-TFN-F
2ND CROP GRASS HAY, big squares, 3x3x8. Call 320-293-0181. 21-10F
3X3 WHEAT AND OAT STRAW BALES; also 3x3 hay bales, all grown in Canada. Call 204-7125161. 24-7-B
ORGANIC CERTIFIED ROUND BALES OF BALEAGE & DRY HAY, all lots tested, selling on dry mater basis. Call 563586-2231. 22-10-B
ALFALFA HAY & GRASS HAY, med. square or round bales, delivery available. Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-689-6675. 10-TFN-B
HIGH QUALITY FORAGES: corn silage (conventional and BMR), alfalfa haylage, fescue grass silage, Triricale silage and oatlage. Forages can be delivered and made into TMR. Call 920-371-7737.
DAIRY QUALITY ALFALFA, 4x5 round bales, $100 ea. Call 320-3042311. 3-TFN-F
OCIA CERTIFIED YELLOW CORN, 8.52 crude protein. Call 641751-8382. 12-TFN-B
CROSSBRED FEEDER CATTLE, 500-800 lbs., hfrs. & Steers, home raised. Call 320-369-4443. 3-2VM
25-COW BROWN SWISS HERD, seasonal calving May-Sept., parlor, freestall grazing. Call 651380-9530. 3-1-F
A JERSEY OR NORMANDY A2A2 COW; also for sale Bernese Mountain dog, Ind. IA. Call 319-271-0634. 3-1-F
WANTING TO BUY SLOW & LAME CATTLE, lump-jaws and bad eyes and all blemished cattle, $200-$600; also, good cull cows and bulls, $600$1,200. Call 612-860-8774 or 651-480-1900. 4-TFNB
MIXED GRASS HAY, med. squares; also meadow hay cut up and baled in 4x5 rounds and med. squares. Call 320-2930181. 18-10-F
FLAX STRAW BALES, 4x5, net wrapped, $20 ea. Call 218-573-3172. 16-TFN-F
2ND CROP GRASS HAY, net wrapped, stored inside, 4x5 round bales, $55 ea.; also bedding. Call 320-223-5338. 2-3-F
Great price on worlds top hybrids. Non GMO grain is earning market premiums (up to $2 over CBOT paid in 2022). We offer proven, complete weed control programs for less than technology cost! Maximize returns and IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE! ORDER EARLY AND SAVE MORE!
Genetics and reproduction are key performance indicators on farms; so, your expertise in herd reproduction and productivity as an A.I. Specialist is valuable to our producers.
Vast information impacting herd productivity can be revealed with a simple milk sample. As a DHI Specialist, you’ll advise customers on testing services and collect and process milk samples to support an efficient, healthy, and profitable cow
Saturday, April 15th @ 9 AM
Don’t miss this huge auction with over 65 tractors and 700-1000 pieces of farm equipment. This will also be our Annual Lawn & Garden Auction at 2PM Visit our website for details.
563-933-4188 4 miles North of Strawberry Point, IA 52076
Location: Houghton’s Auction Lot 505 N Main St., Zumbrota, MN SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2023 · 9:00 AM
LIVE AUCTION W/ONLINE BIDDING www.proxibid.com/houghton
2019 Case IH 115
Maxxum, MFWD,
2,550 Hrs. cab, PS,
3pt. quick hitch, 3 Hyd, 480/85R 38, 380/85R
28, weights, Factory warranty till 12/23 – John Deere 6100D
MFWD, 3,937 Hrs. PS, power reverser, 3pt. 2 Hyd. new rubber 460/85R
38, 14.9×24, loader ready – John Deere 4020 Dsl.
WF, cab, 3pt. dual hyd, 18.4×34, has had engine work – Ford 5000, Dsl. cab, 3pt – Int 84 Hydro, Dsl
2,798 Hrs. showing, 3pt. Hyd – JD 4640, quad, 3pt.
3 Hyd, 20.8-42
2014 Mack 613 day cab, 474,000 miles, Mack MP8 Eng. 10 sp.
11R-22.5, alum rims
– 2012 Mack 613 day cab, 602,000 miles, Mack MP* Eng. 10 sp.
11R-22.5, alum rims, new injectors & injector caps – 2005 Freightliner Columbia day cab, 700,000 miles, Mercedee 4000 Eng. 13 sp. 11R-22.5, alum rims – 2008 Ford F550
XLT Super Duty, Power Stroke Dsl. service truck, 4 X 4, dually, 200,000 miles, service body, crane, 400 gal fuel tank – 2004 Int 5500 Pay Star, Quint axle, Cummins ISX 15L, 450 HP, 10 sp. jake brake,
3 steerable axles, 21 Alum box, double frame, tarp, good rubber – 1990 Cobra 30 Ft. Alum end dump trailer, w/liner – 2003 Chevy 2500HD, 4 X 4 w/Western V plow – 1998 Chevy 3500, 4 X 4 w/ Western plow – 2008 Aluma 8 1/2 x 20 Alum Trl. tandem, folding ramp gate – 18 Tandem Ax. Trl, ramps – 16 Tandem Ax Trl – 2002 Jet 28’ hopper bottom Trl. 66” sides – 1988 Jet 40’ hopper bottom Trl. 66” sides
2013 Case IH 3330
Patriot sprayer
3,143 Hrs. 1,000 gal. 120 booms, aim command, auto boom height, auto swath, full auto steer, inductor, foam markers –Case IH 1200, 16R planter, bulk fill, liq. fert. 2×2 GPS air clutches shut off, corn & bean plates, Pro 600 monitor – JD 1780 Max Emerge 2 planter, 23R 15 or 12R 30 , vacuum, 20/20 precision plant, markers, 3 bushel seed boxes, corn & bean plates, monitor – White 5100 8R planter – White 6824, 8R planter w/interplants, liq. fert.monitor, reconditioned 400 Hrs. ago – JD 7000 6R & 4R planters, dry Fert. – Meriden 2 box seed tender, Honda motor – 2012 Great Plains 8318, 18 soil finisher, rolling basket – Glencoe 15 soil finisher – Brillion 15 packer – Case IH 4800, 24 1/2 field cult – JD 960, 30 field cult – JD 230, 20 disc – JD 1010, 21 field cult, Noble spike tooth drag – Demco 1000 Gal. sprayer, 60 booms, PTO pump, Raven controller, foamer, inductor, rinse tank – Hardi 950 Gal sprayer, 65 booms – Lucky Husky 13 shank tool bar, cold flow, monitor
1993 Cat D4H, 2,906 Hrs. high track, 6 way blade, aux Hyd, NEW under carriage
– 2021 John Deere XUV835R gator, 4×4, 2,611 miles, 469 Hrs. cab, heat, AC, hard doors,
elect box – Several new Hyd grapple, mounting plates, Fork extensions –
1970 Butler
7000 Gal. tri axle manure tanker, Hyd fill door, air discharge door –Houle 7300 Gal manure tank, tri axle, inductor bar, flow meter – NH 195 manure spreader, Hyd end gate, top beater – 2013 NH 185 manure spreader, Hyd gate – Knight 8030 manure spreader – NI
3732 manure spreader, Hyd end gate – H&S 430 manure spreader, Hyd end gate – Krohne 6 flow meter – Calument 3200 gal manure tank – Lorenz
100 feed mill, long auger – H&S 16 wheel Hi capacity wheel rake – NH 256 rake – 2017 NH H6750 3pt. discbine – NH 1431 discbine – NH 489 haybine –NH 477, 7 haybine – JD 566 Rd baler, net wrap –JD 535 Rd baler – JD 336 baler – Several 9 x 16 metal bale wagons – Patz Round bale processor – MF 14 chopper box – Demco 650 gravity wagon Trk tires, brakes, lights, – Brent 544 gravity wagon Trk tires, Flow Ez gravity wagon plus several other – Gravity wagon w/14 Fert auger, 12T gear – 2018 king Kutter 5 3pt. Roto tiller – Bush Hog Squealer 720, 6 3pt. rotary mower, new blades – Wilmer 6 ton Fert. tender – Row cleaners – Westfield W8061, 8 x 61 auger, 10 HP elect motor – 1,000 Gal Anhydrous tank on running gear – NH 560 Rd baler, net wrap, 5500 bales, one owner – H&S Line wrap, wrapper, Honda motor – Henke grinder blower –Handlair 566 grain vac, like new – Plus much more
AUCTIONEERS NOTE, list subject to change, all items must be at auction lot by noon Thursday, March 30th. everything sells as-is. AREA
field cultivator; IH 900 6RN corn planter w/ liquid fertilizer; Landoll 7-shank chisel plow; Glencoe 9-shank chisel plow; Kent 24' soil finisher;Wil-Rich 24' filed cultivator; JD 230 disk; Sukup 8400 12-row high speed cultivator; JD VanBrundt 8' grain drill; Hiniker 4-row wide cultivator; 2- McCormick 3-bottom trailer plow; 3pt. fertilizer spreader;
E-Z Trail 340bu. gravity box w/ auger; 1000 gal. fertilizer tender trailer w/ engine, pump, & induct. tank; JD 7000 corn planter, dry fertilizer; 6 row corn cultivator; NH 155 manure spreader; Meyer 145 bu spreader; Nesseth 30’ manure pump; Houle 6" x 52' manure pump; Calumet 3250 tank, over-top disch., like new 16.5x16.1 tires; Houle 5250 manure tank; Sukup 8400 hi-speed 12R cultivator; fertilizer spreader;10' JD VanBrundt grain drill; IH 415 12' cultimulcher, late model high clearence.
Harvest Equipment
8.5'x18' flat wagon, new oak bed; H&S 501 chopper box; Miller Pro 1150 rotary rake; JD 336 sm. sq. baler, kicker; Miller Pro 1100 rotary rake; IH 46 small sq. baler;
IH 56 forage blower, 60” fan, needs work; KB 350 gravity box; 2- Gehl 1620 (same as H&S HD) forage box ,1- 12t tandem 1- 14t tandem; J&M 250bu gravity box, box only; Kasten 710 300bu gravity box, box only; 2- H&S 7+4 16' chopper box; Miller Pro 1350 rotary rake; JD side rake; H&S 860 blower; NH 60 blower, good condition;
2005 Ideal 4210 tedder; NH 479 haybine, working condition; NH 268 sm. Sq. baler w/ thrower; Papec chopper with 1-row corn head; NH 166 merger; Case IH 600 blower;
BushHog HR 10-wheel V-rake; IH 46 small sq. baler; 24' Loyal single chain elevator w/ transport; Miller Pro 7916 Merger; 3pt. wood splitter, hyd., pto drive.
CIH FHX300 chopper w/ 7' hayhead & kernel processor; IH 990 9' haybine; NH 479 9' haybine; NH 56 5-bar side rake; NH 40 blower; Miller Pro 5200 16' chopper box, Miller Pro tandem gear - nice shape; H&S 7+4 HD 16' chopper box, H&S tandem gear - newer conveyor chain.
Misc Equipment and Skidsteer Attachments
JD 3-pt blade; Winpower 20KW generator; Patz round bale grinder, needs some TLC; NH 355 grinder/mixer; grain cleaner w/ auger; 2- screw-in grain aerator; bucket; 3-prong bale spear, like new; 10’ snow pusher; 60" bucket; new 72" roto-tiller, for skid loader; new PowerTec landscape rake,for skid loader; 8’ Sno-Pro snow pusher; Tomahawk 96" material bucket; Hoover 84" material bucket; Hoover 3-prong bale spear.
General Farm new Firestone 16.5L16.1 10-ply tire; Valmetal stat. bedding chopper, electric; 600gal bulk tank; 52- used mats; Yanmar TK3.66 engine; DeLaval 5hp vacuum pump; Surge receiver panel; 48” Windmaster port. barn fan; Gandy applicator; Weaverline 436 feed cart, number of recent new parts; 8- new Danish S-tine; tire chains; 20- H&S merger pickup belts w/ in-line hole pattern, laced; 6- AIC auto take-off milkers; pallet lot –gearboxes; pallet lot -cylinders; 6- CalfTel calf hutches; Rissler 135 TMR; 3- 12' Freudenthael auto-lock head gate panel; corner mount hay feeder; Reliance 80gal. Commercial electric water heater; Smucker barn limer; 100gal. poly tank; Mirafount 3465E 2-hole waterer; numerous steel wheel sets -call for specific sizes; rubber skidloader tracks, 50%; 3,000 gal. EnduroPlast upright tank w/ agitation valves.
Lawn and Garden selling @ 9:30a.m.
Ford 1620 Tractor, 4x4 Loader & Mower deck; BCS 710 16” tiller; Husqvarna GTH225 lawn tractor, hydro; 2-Troybilt Horse tiller; Stihl FS66 weedeater; ERG 1200w brushless generator; Stihl 031 AV 16” chainsaw; Generac GP3300 generator, used 2.5 hrs; JD 345 lawnmower, 48” deck; hydro; JD L120 riding mower, hydro;
Simplicity L1528E snowblower; Ariens riding mower w/ bagger; JD X320 riding mower; Bush Hog ES2052 zero turn; Cub Cadet 1145 l awnmower w/snowblower & deck;
yellow IH push mower, does not start, collector; JD 314 riding mower, 48" deck, rebuilt engine; 46" snowblower for JD314; MTD 1400 ser tractor w/ 32" tiller; X-mark mower;
JD 10P lawn & garden trailer;48" blade for riding mowers, universal mount; JD Z920M commercial zero-turn; Johnny's 6-row carrot and lettuce seeder 8'x10' greenhouse
Building Materials
7- 6/12 attic truss, 20’10’ wall width+16”overhang; walk-in tub, fairly new take-out; 102"x54" picture window; 5 -16ft 8/12 pitch truss, 24” overhang;
2- 1" black 100psi waterpipe x 100'; misc service doors, misc roofing metal, misc building supplies; new Patriot ceiling fan; 10' w x 10'6" h & 14' w x 10'6" h overhead door.
Furniture, household, and appliances. (furniture and appliances sell @ aprox. 12:00)
NEW 5pc. Queen bedroom set; ‘new' full mattress, factory rebuilt; ‘new' queen mattress, factory rebuilt; oak lion’s claw table w/ 1 leaf; knee-hole desk; china cabinet; dresser w/ mirror; rd. solid oak table, 100+ yrs. old; 6- solid oak T-back chairs; electric range; home décor selection; 4- rebuilt Maytag wringer washers; 2- end tables; several accordions, need repairs; 4- used Maytag wringer washer; metal frame single bed w/ mattress; 2- metal frame bunk bed w/mattress; Frigidaire washer and dryer; china cabinet; couch; 3-seat sofa, white color scheme, very good condition; 4- office desks; Whirlpool Cabrio dryer; children's play desk; small wooden décor barrel; SS butchering sink; exercise bench; various craft items; 2- rd. glass top end tables; new puzzle collection, painting, sewing, scrapbooking, and stamping supplies
Tools, Concrete Equipment and related items
concrete tools: commercial grade concrete mixer w/ Honda engine; broom; drills; nailer; saw; rebar cutter; knee boards; grade laser; floor saw; 2- Max rebar tier; power screed w/ 12' & 14' boards; Stihl concrete saw; Hilti hammer drill; M-B-W compactor; Soff-Cut concrete saw; concrete floor saw; ground pounder; Nikon digital threadolite; bull floats: 6' w/ 5handles, 6' w/ 4 handles, 4' w/ handles, 4', 3'. New DeWALT & Milwaukee Tools; 75th aniversary Milwaukee drill and Sawzall; 2-vises; Sawhorses; several ladders; tow chains; air compressor; tap&die set, 1/4" - 1"; 2- porta-powers; Sears mitre saw; box lots of tools and screws; Dewalt 12” sliding miter saw; Dewalt 10” table saw on stand; sandblasting pot; Makita, 3hp. 5.2 gal. air compressor w/ wheels; Portacool Air cooler w/wheels; 110 welder; corded Milwaukee hammer drill; Hobart Handler 140 wire feed welder; corded Wacker HD hammer drill, hammer doesn't work; Buzzbox 230 stick welder; bolt cutter; 2- hyd. Hose crimpers, Parker w/ dies, Dayco w/ dies&power pack; air compressor; Porta-power; Reddy Heater.
Buggies and Tack Wagon load of new tack- halters, lead ropes, whips, buckets, draft halters, and more; pony cart; new pony harness; new Flex-collar horse harness; Biothane harness; new jog cart w/ lights, buggy harness hitch; 2-seat pony wagon; jog cart; 5- 2-seater carriage; 5- single seat buggies; buggy heater, horse saddle. Misc. 7'x24' enclosed trailer w/ ramp; Hyster J40ZT forklift, new batteries in 2017 suitcase bicycle; wood stove; C&D FR12 24V forklift charger; 10- 2qt. maple syrup; taps; Brinksman gas BBQ grill; 15’ trampoline; wood furnace; Volea recumbent bike, low miles; Bauer hockey skates; PSE recurve bowfishing bow; boat seat; gas can; 14' aluminum, 9.9hp Mercury motor; trellis arbor; Fuji Absolute road bike; wooden ladders; new double stall portable toilet w/ handwash sink; swimming pool; Breezer Liberty girl’s bike; Taylor C161 soft-serve ice cream machine w/ twist feature; Stoelting 2131 soft-serve ice cream machine w/ twist feature.
---------------------This is only a partial list, there are many items not listed. More items arriving daily. Visit cwpauction.com for the most recent list---------------------
ERNMOREORGANICS.COM, certied organic alfalfa, wrapped in 8 layers of lm, 3x4x6 bales, RFQ 140-280, Springeld, SD. Call ERNmore Organics 605-286-3873 or 605-999-2010 or 605-2511143.Ernmoreorganics. com. 16-TFN-B
HAY, 1st cut rd., 2nd cut med. large sq., good quality mixed hay. Call 218587-4672. 22-TFN-F
2ND CROP WRAPPED ALFALFA BALAGE, medium 3x4 squares. Call 320-277-3860. 3-1-F
STRAW, NET WRAPPED ROUND BALES & BIG SQUARES, clean, dry, stored inside, delivery available. Call 320-8088336. 15-TFN-F
(80) ROUND BALES 3RD CROP ALFALFA TIMOTHY, 1,000 lbs. ea., net wrapped, no rain, stored outside. Call Tim Erickson 608-606-3251. 3-1-P
KILN DRIED WOOD SHAVINGS for bedding, by the semi load. Call 608479-2039. 19-TFN-F
CERTIFIED ORGANIC HAY, 4x5 rounds, 900# alfalfa/grass mix, 1st and 2nd crop, exc. quality, no rain, shedded, Bemidji, MN. Call 218-407-2052. 23-5-F
10244 Blueberry Road Milladore, WI 54454
N14676 Cty Rd O, Withee WI 54498
715/229-4838 email:consignments@cwpauction.com Reg. WI Auction Co. #230-053 Reg. WI Auctioneer: Mervin Lee Zimmerman #2987 Sale terms are good check or cash before items are removed from the auction site.
Mid-American Auction Co.
SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2023 • 9:00 AM
midamericanauctioninc.com OR PHONE 320-760-2979
DAIRY CATTLE DISPERSAL: 27 cows consisting of 24 milking, 3 dry. 1 Fleckvieh and 3 Jersey cross cows, everything else is Holstein. Cows are averaging 60 lbs on a TMR ration with very minimal added protein. Cows go outside for exercise every day. Housed and milked in tie stalls. Ai breeding and all A2/A2 breeding for the last 10 years. Very good feet and legs and exceptionally good udders all the way through the herd!! (25) Heifers with (12) being 12 months to springers and (13) being babies to yearlings. Mostly Holstein with a few crosses. heifers are mostly all raised outside and very nice body condition throughout.
HORSES & PONIES & TACK: 15 year old sorrel Belgian mare. 16.3H, winded but still works all day; 12 year old sorrel Belgian gelding. 17.2H, Both the geldings are being used as a team and are a big powerful set of willing workers but not for inexperienced drivers; 6 year old sorrel Belgian gelding. 17H; 10 year old, 43” black pony. Broke to ride and drive.; 8 year old 39” gray patch pony. Broke to ride and drive; (4) Draft size harnesses and collars. (1) 4-horse evener and several 2 horse eveners;
FARM MACHINERY: 10 ft Rotavator 3 point tiller. 1000 RPM, Very nice!; CIH 8312 discbine, center pivot, rubber rolls, 1000 RPM. Good condition!; Allis Chalmers 6080 tractor. 2WD, new rubber, Cab, 10k hours. Working condition. Also (7) A/C weights; Perkins 120HP power unit with 540/1000 PTO and 3 point on 4 wheel Pioneer cart; Deutz 46HP power unit on 2 wheel Pioneer cart. Only 1800 hours!!; New Holland 782 chopper with hay head. Has spout extension that sells separate; Gehl TR 3038 2 row adjustable corn head; John Deere Van Brunt 10 ft grain drill with grass seed and fertilizer; H&S 7+4 forage box 16ft on tandem gear; Miller Pro 14ft forage box; Gehl 14 ft forage box with new steel uprights; John Deere 640 side rake; New Idea 2 row wide corn picker. Working condition; Rissler 620 portable TMR mixer with Kawasaki engine. Good condition; New Idea 40’ hay and grain elevator; Owatonna 424 grinder mill; H&S 8ft hay tedder; New Idea side rake; Knight 8014 manure spreader with poly liner; New Holland 305 manure spreader; John Deere 3 point digger; Flat wagon on running gear; 200 bushel gravity box; CIH 600 forage blower; 2 wheel sprayer with 200 gallon tank; 3 section drag;
FARM RELATED ITEMS: 8 ton feed bin; XR-24 semen tank and stainless breeding kit; (4) Surge milkers with pulsators; (1) Stainless fresh cow bucket with lid; Pile of Cedar fence posts. Approximately 30; 40” alley fan on wheels; (2) 18.4-34 rear tractor ties; Stack of wire panels; Double rake hitch; Rubber tire scraper. Ex cond!; 4 cylinder Thermo-King unit on pallet; 24 ft feed conveyor; (2) 10×9 insulated garage doors. Used and complete; Fore cart; Stoves and Reefer; 16 ft reefer box. Works, needs seal in compressor; South Bend 10 burner stove. Works, needs 1 new thermostat; Kitchen Queen wood stove with reservoir, Fair cond.; Feed (May vary by sale day); 8×150 Bag of corn silage; Balance of haylage and corn silage remaining in silos;
BOAT & LAWN AND GARDEN: 15 ft fishing boat with 40 HP Mercury motor; Husqvarna 650 RTT rototiller with Ironton engine, Ex cond!;
HAY BALES, heifer and dry cow quality; also organic corn and oats. Call 218-563-2762. 3-1-F
SEED CORN, out produces hybrids for silage, $67/ bu. plus shipping, leafy, sweet stalks, highly nutritious grain. Call 217-8573377 or cell 217-343-4962. borriesopenpollinatedseedcorn.com 21-11-VM
CUSTOM CHOPPING, We are looking to add a few customers to our custom chopping business. We offer a newer JD 9800 chopper, 5 trucks, merger & blade tractor. We do travel. Call Ben with any questions 715-495-0481. 3-TFN-B
SILO REMOVAL, take down & clean up, specializing in but not limited to silos in congested areas, mobile concrete crushing, fully insured. Call 507-2369446. 23-12-VM
FEMALE SAINT BERNARD. Call 320-5575514, no texts or messages.
SLINGER SPREADER. Call 507-459-5201.
T-SHAPED BUNKER WALLS; 1,000 gal. LP tank; 3” tiestall pipeline. Call 320-429-0265. 24-6-F
SPRING TEETH for IHC C cultivator; wheel hub for IHC 56 corn planter, right side. Call 715-822-2678.
50 GAL. FRE-HEATER in good cond. Call 320286-6149. 3-1-F
OLD HEATING FUEL AND DIESEL, can pump from basement. Call 320424-2005. 5-TFN-F
WANTED. Call 608-7232049. 1-TFN-F
MY FREESTALL BARN, Janesville, WI. Call 608-751-8370. 1-3-F
GOLF CART OR SIDEBY-SIDE. Call 320-2504600, no texts or messages.
HARVESTORE ADVERTISING COLLECTIBLES & Harvestore farmer magazines, 1960s-1990s, in good cond. Call 715-225-9987. 19-8-F
FARM BULK MILK COOLERS, all sizes. Call 319-330-2286. 10-24-P
JD 740 MANURE LDR., & HD hyd. controlled grader blade. Call 920648-2104. 20-TFN-F
GRAIN BIN; also pasture for up to 10 horses this summer. Bennie Wagler, 21334 Keystone Rd., Wilton, WI 54670. 1-3-F
50-COW DAIRY LOOKING FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON for farm work; must know equipment and cows. Call 715-662-5053. 23-TFN-F
FT FARM HELP, experience w/cattle/equipment, self motivated, willing to be paid on percentage of milk, housing available. Call 608-479-2039. 23-6-F
1900 COW DAIRY looking for bilingual parlor manager. Call 507-9515597. 8-TFN-F
JD 7000 6 OR 8 ROW PLANTER & 6620 or 7720 combine. Call 320760-6050. 22-TFN-F
CIH 3800 19’ DISC, 4-wing hyd. fold, new blades on front & back, all new bearings, VG cond. Call 320745-2438. 3-1-F
MUELLER BULK TANK TEMPERATURE RECORDER, bought new, only used 6 mos., half price of new. Call 320-573-4197. 3-1-F
NHFX28 SP CHOPPER, 6R, 10’ HH; 23’ manure application bar, 30” spacing, 4” swing pipe, ow meter. Call 320-293-5607. 3-1-F
INSPECTION: Monday – Friday from 9am – 4pm
AUCTION ENDS: Tuesday, April 4th at 6PM
AUCTION LOCATION: ProCountry Auction Center, 838 N State Road 37, Mondovi, WI.
AUCTION NOTE: ONLINE AUCTION. This is a nice line up of local tractors, forage equipment, tillage equipment and other consignments. All items are farm fresh originating from local farmers in west central Wisconsin. Many of the pieces are field ready and ready to go to work. For a complete listing, updates, pictures, and bidding visit www.procountryauction.com. Skid steer loading available. 8% buyer’s fee applies to all items This is not a complete listing.
JD CHOPPER, TRACTORS, WHEEL LOADER: 2009 JD 7450 self-propelled chopper, 3,886 engine hrs, 2,540 chopper hrs, ProDrive, 40 knife cutter; JD 676 corn head, field ready; JD 640A hay head; 1993 JD 8770 articulating tractor, 4WD, 3 pt hitch, 20.8-38 tires, ready to work; 1990 Case IH 5140 Maxxum, 8,070 hrs, FWD, nice; 1981 JD 4640, quad shift, 18.4-42, rebuilt quad & new clutch; JD 4840, power shift, 20.8-38; CAT 988 wheel loader, running order.
EQUIPMENT: Great Plains Turbo Max, 18ft, one owner & low acres; JD 715 9 shank disk chisel, new teeth; Krause 1900 folding disc, 24ft; 2006 JD 328 square baler, with JD 42 kicker, very nice; JD 327 square baler w/ kicker; Richardton 700 silage dump wagon; Pepin 2 row cultivator, 3pt; New Holland 327 manure spreader.
TRUCKS: 1985 Peterbilt tandem axle truck with Meyer 4220 silage box; 1997 Ford grain truck; 2000 Dodge Ram 2500 pickup, 4x4, V10 gas, 5 speed; 2008 Chevy 2500, 4x4, diesel.
MISC: Hay conveyor, 18ft, electric motor; JD 200 bale conveyor; PTO generator; (2) 18.4/34 tractor tires on 16” rims; Loyal 48” barn fan, non-runner; 38” tractor tire rim; car ramps and galvanized step; 20” wheel and tire; (2) Oliver tractor rear wheel, cast.
INSPECTION: Monday – Friday from 9am – 4pm
AUCTION ENDS: Wednesday, April 5th
AUCTION LOCATION: ProCountry Auction Center, 838 N State Road 37, Mondovi, WI
AUCTION NOTE: Three great pieces of equipment from a local dairy who no longer makes hay. Items are available through AuctionTime.com. More information and a link to the bidding site can be found on www.procountryauction.com
Items have a 5% buyer’s fee
AUCTION ITEMS: 2018 Oxbo 3 4 merger, cab controls, 34ft wide, used 1 season, field ready; 2008 Kinze 3500 corn planter, 8 rows, 30” rows, monitor shows 1,482 acres; field ready; 2014 H&S AR 1261 12 wheel folding rake, with center kicker wheel; one owner, field ready.
TERMS: Payment can be made with cash, check, or Credit Cards will be accepted to $500.00 with a 4% administration fee up. WI State Sales Tax (5.5%) will be collected on all applicable items. All items being offered for sale are being sold “as is, where is” with no warranty or guarantee. Listing is subject to change
SALE CONDUCTED BY: ProCountry, LLC Auction Service, Registered Wisconsin Auction Company # 280, Mondovi, WI. Office phone: 715-495-0814. Auctioneer: Scott Werlein (715-495-6131), WRA# 178.
HOME NIGHTLY, TROY DUNN TRUCKING INC. IS LOOKING FOR AN OWNER OPERATOR, experience preferred, must have clean MVR, be 23 years or older, pass drug test and background check. Call 320-808-3583 or email trydunntruckinginc@live. com. 3-2-B
The Holsteins are currently averaging 93# per day and the Jerseys are averaging 66# per day. Current bulk tank
SCC: 129,000 ***30 bred Holsteins ***7 bred Jerseys ***23 cows due within 60 days after the sale
*** 30 years progressive genetics award with Holstien & 7 years Progressive Breeders Registry
There are 56 1st lac cows: 40 Holsteins, 16 Jerseys
There are 56 2nd lac cows: 39 Holsteins, 17 Jerseys
Nordic-Haven Chlger 1489, Bred October 7, 2022 to S-S-I BG Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793.
Nordic-Haven Frazzled J1528, Bred to Gordon 7H15961 and milking 107# a day on her last test.
Nordic-Haven Chlger Fresh January 14th and had 96# a day on her last test.
JX Nordic-Haven Mazie (6) 378, VG-83 Sired by Miami and is bred to Kamakazi. She is currently milking 55# on her last test.
Nordic-Haven Cecee 379, VG-87 Sired by Colton and fresh in September bred to Amp 7J1628, Her dam is an EX-90 Craze.
Nordic-Haven Kingroyl Hazel, #1341, 3-03 2x 303d 35360 3.4 1202 3.0 1053, bred to Luster-P and milking 148# a day.
OWNERS: RANDY & LISA HANSON 1689 182nd Street • Decorah, IA 52101 563-379-2224 Randy s Cell
Nordic-Haven Josuper L1453, 1-10 2x 354d 36240 3.8 1377 3.0 1092, milking 138# a day and makes doing it look easy!
Nordic-Haven Josuper C1456, 2-00 2x 305d 32120 3.4 1089 3.1 981.
A very special opportunity for all dairy enthusiasts!!!
SALE FORCE: Scott Courtney .....................563-380-1318
Paul Trapp...........................715-896-7062
Ron Roskopf ........................414-587-4402
Brian Olbrich...................... 815-482-7426
Don Mayer ..........................715-829-3417
Lars Sivesind .......................563-794-0275
Ted Dement .........................217-725-2432
GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, $150, ready to go May 1st, send $20 to reserve one, friendly parents. Toby Gingerich, E19775 Livermore Rd., Augusta, WI 54722. 3-1-F
SILAGE CONVEYOR, 9”x24’, very good; also NH 770 forage chopper, excellent cond. Call 262547-0893. 23-4-F
USED UNIVERSAL PARLOR PARTS, ECO Detach sensors, $100, take off cylinders, $20 ea. and more. Call 641-228-2544.
GOOD GRAVITY BOX, 9:00 and 11:00 x 20 new spreader tires. Call 715881-0820. 3-1-F
VANVETTER 800 GALLON BULK TANK; also Mueller 34 plate cooler & DeLaval bulk tank washer w/compressor. Call 320250-1221. 2-4-F
JD 2700 PLOW, semi mounted. Call 320-5101055. 13-TFN-F
KUHN 1140 MANURE SPDR., new-type, pretty good shape, new aprons, pto, beaters top & bottom exc., $15,500. Call 320369-4443. 3-2-B
Saturday, April 1, 2023 • 11 A.M.
MOOVIN Red PO yearling from Renita Ranger-Red family. June Willows from 5 EX gen. of Lead Mae; Warrior from GP Jordy & then 4 EX dams of Indigo family; Sidekick from 6 VG or EX dams; Warrior from Jordy dam & 5 EX dams of Indigo family
SEPTEMBER CALVES: Airlift from Raes; Artisian-Red; Denver from Solomon and then 9 EX/ VG dams; Diamondback from Sidekick, then 3 VG/EX dams; Brayden PO from GP-84 Analyst & 12 EX/ VG dams; Altitude from Deciever dam & 4 VG/EX dams; Concord from Brewmaster dam & 5 EX dams; King Doc; Airlift, Stantons Chief, Unix & Showtime, Artisan
DECEMBER CALVES: Axl Tractor; Homecoming from VG Mitchell & 4 EX/VG dams of Tina family; Altagopro from EX Byway; Analyst from Rager-Red & then 8 VG/EX dams; SJK I Am PP-Red from 8 gen. Advent Asia family.
EX-90 Crush from 2 VG dams; VG-86 Kingboy from VG-89 AltaDetroit; VG-85 Crush from 2 VG dams; Creamer from VG-86 Doorsopen from Ashyln family, 8 gen. VG or EX ; Rager-red milking 100#/day; VG88 +2323G Hang-Time from 2 EX dams; Applefree from 2 VG dams going back to Apples; VG-85 Crush from 2 VG dams; VG-86 Hypnotic from VG Hezton; Capital milking 100#/day; King Doc due to Warrior from 2 EX dams.
SPRINGING & BRED HEIFERS: +2359ptpi Tahiti & PTPI +2345 Hanford from Apples
FROM NOVA & EROYS: Fresh Brass & (3) Denver, Crushabull; Dec. Hotrod. King Doc going back to Adeens; Alta1stclass; Belmont from De ant dam & 4 EX of Dixie family;;
2 REGISTERED BULLS: Unstopabull from 14 gen. EX Rae family. Dam is EX-94 3E Advent from Rae-Lyn & Addison EWL from 5 EX dams Follow Barron County Holstein Breeders on Facebook. Watch for the catalog on cowbuyer.com
Robert Lentz, Sale Chairman, 715-764-2446 e-mail: boblentz@chibardun.net
AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, ready Jan. 22, red tri & red Merle, tails docked, dew claws, 1st round shots & wormer. Call Travis 507-259-5173.
TIER 1 DFA MILK LBS., will sell in as small as 1,000 lbs. per day increments. Call 715-584-6117.
JD FRONT WEIGHTS, $75 ea. Call 563-568-1177 or 563-568-4930. 24-3-F
BORDER COLLIEHANGING TREE PUPPIES, shots, dewormed. Call 715-419-0916. 3-3-F
ARTSWAY CALF BUILDING 16X88, 2 rooms, (34) stainless steel pens of each size w/middle room. Call 319-269-1586.
NEW FARM KING 1,000 RPM SNOWBLOWER. Call 320-249-8556. 3-1-F
PATZ 16’ BARN CLEANER CHUTE, CW 18”, $400; Patz cleaner drive unit w/3hp motor, $400. Call 920-896-5343.
DRIVE SILO UNLOADER, 20’, paint still on auger, complete w/winch & motor, exc. cond. Call 651380-0199. 2-3-F
CART; Ritchie waterer; JD 338 baler. Call Steve 920-388-3368. 3-1-F
VESTORE SILO UNLOADER; also Brown Swiss bulls, 1-2 years old, AI sired. Call 651-3809530. 10-TFN-F-2nd
JD 2955, 4WD, canopy, 12.4x42, 11.2x28 tires, 6,089 hrs., $14,000. Call 715-669-3971. 3-2-F
BALER, crop cutter; Case 2188 combine, RWA. Call 218-841-8723. 24-TFN-F
SPDR., good cond., $4,000/obo. Call 612-4086936 or 651-440-5785. 3-2-F
CIH 34’ 4300 FIELD
CULTIVATOR w/5-bar spike harrow, $9,000. Call 320-333-4075. 3-1-F
DRINKING CUPS; 21.561.1 tire & rim; (4) tires & rims off ‘08 Chevy Pickup, like new. Call 320-2666878. 3-4-F
FARM KING 8’ SNOW BLOWER, $1,500; Also, Schweis 8’ snow blower, $1,000. Call 320-9873177. 3-1-F
(4) DEMCO 365 & 450 GRAVITY BOXES, (2) w/tarps, like new; tricycle feeder; big round bale wagon. Call 320-5576558. 18-TFN-F
(3) MEYER 4516 FORAGE BOXES, tandem running gear, always shedded, Altura, MN. Call 507208-8130. 3-1-F
JD 7000 8R30 PLANTER, Osage, MN. Call 218841-4248. 1-TFN-F
NH 38 FLAIL CHOPPER, bought new in ‘04, always shedded, exc. cond. Call 715-314-0977. 10-TFN-F
‘21 JD C350 MID PIVOT MOCO, urethane rolls, 500 acres through it, $34,000. Call 320-2487697. 3-1-F
MEYER 4516 CHOPPER BOX, good cond., $10,000. Call 715-8978940. 2-2-F
MODEL BULK TANK, 1,250 gal., complete as new, MN. Call 480-3138460. 5-TFN-F
JD 4040, 8052 hrs., 788 hrs. on new motor, 100 hrs. on new pto, super sharp, air cond. recharged & worked on, $29,500/obo. Call 507380-1235. 3-3-F
600 GAL. MUELLER BULK TANK w/auto wash, Puthill vacuum pump, lobe style w/10 hp motor, lter & vac tank; Surge receiver panel w/ glass jar & auto wash, all avail. after May 1st. Call 320-360-3934. 3-1-VM
88) KRAIBURG KEW PLUS COW MATS, exc. cond.; 80) Sturdy Built tiestall dividers. Call 608214-2842. 22-8-F
7430 SOIL FINISHER. Wanted: irrigation stystem. Call 320-250-4600, no texts or messages. 3-TFNF
TION PUMP for hydrogen peroxide etc. into water supply, like new, $350. Call 320-630-7559.
DOUBLE-11 MILKING PARLOR w/like new GEA equip., best offer. Call Steve 815-291-6671.
DOUBLE-6 HERRINGBONE CLAY PARLOR w/automatic feeder, VG shape; 1,000 gal. Mueller bulk tank w/compressor. Call 507-450-6115. 2-3-F
GERMANIA PROTIME I DOUBLE-12 PARLOR. Call 507-429-2789. 24-4VM
PSI POWER WASHERS, Power Washers Hot/ Cold, Cabinet Parts Washers, Chemicals, Presoaks, Degreasers, Large Parts Inventory Shipped Same Day, On Site Service. Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Sales, Repair, and Rental. “The Guys That Work Great Under Pressure” 1-800-555-1677. Serving you from 3 locations: West Central MN Region – Pennock, MN Location SW MN Region – Wilmont, MN Location NW IA Region – Harrisburg, SD Location & Wilmont, MN Location SE SD Region – Harrisburg, SD Location. 23-TFN-B
MEYERS 3750 SPDR., 2019, 1 owner, big 1,000 pto, $25,000. Call 218583-2931. 2-4-F
‘07 BOUMATIC GLACIER BULK TANK, 4,000 gal., $45,000, works perfect, no leaks. For more info call 920-296-9785. 3-2-F
NH 790 CHOPPER, Metalalert III, always shedded, orig. knives, 890W HH, 31x13.5x15 tires, $16,500. Call 715462-3286. 1-7-P
CARTS, new, rebuilt used, parts, service. Call Hobert Sales Inc., Cokato, MN 320-286-6284. 19-TFN-B
MANURE SPDR., 540 pto, 16.5x16.1 tires, oiler & lights, $22,000. Call 715-462-3286. 1-7-F
USED SCR COW COLLARS in good cond. For more info call 507-2765614. 3-1-F
(2) WESTFIELD 1073
AUGERS, 2022, $14,500; 2021 $13,500; Artsway PM35 grinder mixer, $12,500. Call 715-7730697. 1-3-F
HAY RACK, platforms on side, 9x18’, $2,500; Kewanee elevator, 56’, pto lift. Call 320-247-2657. 7-TFN-F
BOBCAT 753 SKID LDR., 9000 hrs., w/bkt., $8,500. Call 608-6780209. 3-1-F
‘08 35 TON SEMI TRAILER, beaver tail & ramps, 51’ total length. Call 320-760-6942. 12-TFN-F
MINIATURE AUSSIEPOO PUPPIES, born 2-10-23, merles and tris, tails docked, dew claws, shots UTD, starting at $200. Samual Borntreger, 1204 Marks Hill Rd., Northwood, IA 50459.
MILKING SYSTEM, 350’ Surge 2” pipeline, 3” vacuum, (7) Surge OneTouch milkers, Westfalia 2800 vacuum pump, Sutorbilt vacuum pump, complete system, $4,000/ obo. Call 612-408-6936 or 651-440-5785. 2-2-B
(4) 3-PHASE 5HP BULK MILK TANK COMPRESSORS, reasonable. Call 480-313-8460.
Computerized moisture control prevents over-drying. Save up to 9-cents per bushel! Remote monitoring eliminates the time and expense of “dryer-watching”. Effectively dries all types of grain. THE