MONTICELLO, Wis. – There were many reasons the Voegeli family decided to implement a robotic milking system on their farm, but the future of the farm was the ultimate deciding factor.
“As I’m getting older, we were thinking of a succession plan,” Bryan Voegeli said. “My son, Chris, is now in charge of the cattle, and we talked about it; it was a quality of life issue.”
The Voegeli family milks 130 Brown Swiss cows with two Lely Astronaut A5 robotic milking systems near Monticello.
The Voegeli family welcomed guests to their farm April 12 as part of a robotic tour hosted by Argall Dairy Systems. The tour also visited Morton Farms near Evansville and Kevin Makos’ farm near Argyle.
The technology has allowed the family to increase milk production with more milkings per cow, individual feeding in the robot and more space.
“We’ve gone up maybe 5 pounds so far,” Bryan said. “We’re six months into it, and I think we’re going to be better.”
Previously, the Voegelis were milking 230 cows twice a day in a double-8 parlor. Bryan said downsizing the herd was hard to do.
“We’ve got a lot of heifers that are supposedly our best genetics,” Bryan said. “So, it’s been a little hard to sell some of those, but we’re getting there.”
It was important to the Voegelis to have special needs pens when designing the addition. When researching setups, Bryan did not see designs with maternity or special needs pens that had access to the robot. To get what they wanted and make sure it was done right, the family hired 4D Designs to help.
“I would build it the way you want it,” Bryan said. “We did it a little different, and I’m glad we did.”
The animals in the pens have access to the robot and are used as calving pens in the winter as well as house show animals in the summer. Their goal with fresh cows is to get them out in the general population as soon as possible. The information the robots provide help tremendously with that process.
“They can access the robot from the pens,” Bryan said. “As soon as we know they don’t have ketosis or any other issues, they go out to the general population.”
Transition was easy for the Voegeli herd, and Bryan said it is because the robots were a retrot project. Most of the cows were able to walk through the robot boxes before they started milking. They did not have to push a lot of cows through the new system, Bryan said.
The Voegelis said cows that have been dried up and freshened back in since milking with the robots seem to adapt the easiest and will visit the facility up to ve times a day.
The stalls are bedded with sand, and the barn is cleaned with a skid loader.
“We move the cows twice a day,
and it’s good for us just to see mobility on the cows,” Bryan said. “You can see things before the computer tells you sometimes.”
The Voegelis ship their milk to Chalet Cheese in Monroe and Yodelay Yogurt in Madison. With two bulk tanks in the milkhouse, the farm holds both a Grade A and a Grade B license. They hope to eventually separate the A2A2 milk to raise prot to some degree.
Calves are fed pasteurized milk that is routed from the robots to the pasteurizer. When rst using the robots, the Voegelis had all the high somatic cell
count cows’ milk routed to the pasteurizer. They discovered the robot automatically runs a ve-minute wash after rerouting milk, and they lost a lot of milk time. They have since adjusted the process to maximize milking time.
The herd’s SCC has signicantly dropped since transitioning to the new milking system and now averages around 65,000.
“I was thinking we were maybe going to go the other way so it’s a great surprise that it’s gone this way,” Bryan said. “Our guys were doing a great job in the parlor before.”
Schliep and her two sons, Matt and William, hurried downstairs to their basement last Memorial Day as winds whipped around their home and the mid-afternoon sky turned dark gray; a tornado had touched down on their family farm near Holloway.
Within seconds, a blue hue returned to the sky and the storm released its grip on the home. Matt recalled a brief message communicated over the emergency dispatch, “Schliep Dairy is gone.”
Nearly a year later, the fth-generation dairy continues to recover from the damages, persisting with their 110-cow operation after moving enough debris for milk trucks to navigate the property. Although repairs are in progress, the Schlieps estimate the 30-second storm totaled upward of $700,000 in damage to their farm where they milk with a robotic milking system.
After quickly emerging from their home to survey the property the family had farmed for more than 150 years, Matt and Denise realized every building sustained damage.
The twister ripped the barn, which housed about 20 Angus cattle and 80 Holstein heifers, from the ground, leaving behind only the cattle and 4-foot cement walls that formed the structure’s base.
“It was so quick that you didn’t have a chance to think,” Denise said. “Afterward, we were grateful that there was damage to buildings but not to people or livestock. None of the cattle were even injured in it.”
The Schlieps said the same tornado went on to devastate the city of Forada, about 45 miles northeast. The National Weather Service reported winds up to 120 mph with evidence of a path width of at least a half mile.
The tight-knit Holloway community swiftly rallied behind the Schlieps, showing up for the rst round of cleanup that same evening before another storm passed through the area. The following morning, dozens of neighbors and church members worked on the property for nearly six hours to remove eight semi-loads of debris.
Matt and his mother expressed gratitude for everyone who supported them in the days following the tragedy. Although they were not surprised by the
A barn remains without its roof May 31, 2022, on the Schliep family’s farm near Holloway, Minnesota. The family con nues to restore the facili es nearly a year a er a tornado.
TIFFANY KLAPHAKE/DAIRY STAR Denise and Ma Schliep stand together outside of a barn on their family farm May 3 near Holloway, Minnesota. The Schlieps are s ll repairing damages from a Memorial Day tornado that touched down on their property a year ago.
community’s help, they also did not expect it.
“We are thankful they came; it was amazing what they did,” Denise said. “We wouldn’t have gotten as far as we did without the help that they gave us. There was so much damage. Someone made the comment that it looked like a war zone.”
Demolition on a barn that previously served as the parlor began in early July 2022 followed by two stave silos and a Harvestore silo that previously served as a landmark to drivers in the Holloway area passing by the dairy on the adjacent high-
way. The Schlieps said dealing with insurance throughout the past 12 months proved to be a consistent headache. They encouraged farmers to keep a
was a dreaded chore before, but now with the
everyone wants to do them. It has helped us to save time, reduce labor, and have cleaner stalls. The support from Wille’s has been excellent as well.”
close eye on their insurance policy, especially if it has not been updated since rising costs over the last several years.
One of the biggest challenges for the operation since the storm has been shifting cattle around the property during the rebuilding process, which was delayed by a particularly long winter. While Matt jokingly said he wants the new calf barn complete by yesterday, they hope to move calves into the barn mid-June.
The Schlieps are ultimately thankful the damages were not any worse and said similar destruction to the milk barn would likely have shut down the dairy operation for good. Despite a year riddled with the challenges of continuing work as normal while recovering from the tornado, the family relied on humor
and a positive outlook to overcome the adversity.
“You can’t curl up in the fetal position and get anywhere, so you’ve got to keep a positive attitude and sense of humor with it all,” Denise said.
Matt said he still collects debris scattered by the storm with each venture into the 650 acres of corn, alfalfa, soybean and wheat elds. Now, the storm simply represents another chapter in the 15-decade history of Schliep Dairy, one that will result in a new calf barn the family wanted for years.
“Some days, all of a sudden it hits you, then other days you just carry on,” Denise said. “You don’t have much of a choice; if you want to stay in, you have to keep going.”
Parents: Glen and Becky Christen
Sauk Centre, Minnesota
Stearns County
Sauk Centre High School
18 years old
40 cows
Questions for Glen and Becky
Tell us your favorite experience of Mitchell helping with chores. Becky: I enjoy milking cows with Mitchell. He is always cracking a joke or lightening the mood. Glen: I enjoy watching him take over jobs on the farm that were my responsibility. For example, when we are making haylage, I can almost sit back and relax while watching him do the work.
What qualities does Mitchell have that benet the farm? Mitchell is hard working and is always willing to help wherever is needed. Whether we are working in the elds, handling cattle or xing in the shop, Mitchell is always eager to help. He is a fast learner. Glen can show him a technique in the shop or how to treat an animal in the barn, and Mitchell will pick up the tools and take on the task on his own.
Questions for Mitchell
What are your responsibilities on the farm? I assist in feeding cows as well as operating and maintaining farm equipment.
How do you balance school, extracurricular activities and farm chores? I am involved in a lot of activities so school and activities take most of my time. But, I help when I can and during the summer.
How has working on the farm shaped your character? It has taught me to work hard and how to be self-sufcient.
What do you love most about farm life? I love watching things grow. Whether it be the animals or the crops, it is really rewarding to see your work pay off.
What is one thing you have learned from working alongside your parents? I have learned that it is not always about making money. A lot of times we do what is right to help our animals and others.
What are your future plans? I plan to attend Northland Community and Technical College to complete the aviation maintenance technician program to be an airplane mechanic.
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? Usually after school on weekdays. Feeding calves and various other things on the weekends.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite is xing tractors with my grandpa; it’s fun. My least favorite is milking because it gets boring after a while.
en la llanta, por favor.
Pohng-gah ay-reh ehn lah yahn-tah
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? Our dog, Millie. She’s quiet, calm and funny.
What is your favorite subject in school? I don’t have a favorite subject in school.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Ag mechanic and raise feeders to sell.
If you had your own farm, what would it look like? If I had my own farm, there would be a shouse (shed house) with a heated shop, two machine sheds, one 5,000-bushel bin, one 6,000-bushel bin, two 7,000-bushel bins and a large feeder barn.
How does your list of chores change when spring arrives on the farm? I have eldwork and rock picking to do.
What do you enjoy most about spring on the dairy farm? The weather because it is not too hot and not too cold.
What is your favorite dairy treat and favorite meal with dairy in it? Ice cream and macaroni and cheese.
Offering to dairy farmers from WI, IA, MN, SD & ND We raise heifers post-weaned to 4 weeks pre-fresh. Heifers are individually weighed multiple times throughout their time at Prairie Dairy to monitor growth and performance. Monthly statements include: heifer inventory, breeding, & herd health information.
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Oakfield, WI
Hazel Duske
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? I help milk cows when I can, and sometimes I help my brother feed calves.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite is milking cows, and my least favorite is feeding calves.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? My cow, Poppy. She is my show heifer and is due to have her rst calf in July. She is a Red and White Holstein.
What is your favorite subject in school? Math, because I excel at it.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I don’t know, probably a vet for large animals.
If you had your own farm, what would it look like? It would be a big dairy farm with a separate facility for show heifers.
How does your list of chores change when spring arrives on the farm? Not much changes.
What do you enjoy most about spring on the dairy farm? The weather is warmer, and we don’t have to shovel snow out of the calf pens.
What is your favorite dairy treat and favorite meal with dairy in it? Strawberry cheesecake. Hamburger gravy over mashed potatoes; my mom makes the potatoes with sour cream.
Colton Duske
9 years old
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? I help push up feed to the cows, sort cattle, feed calves and help with milking when I can. I help Grandpa x tractors and work on equipment.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite chore to help with is dipping cows. My least favorite is helping my brother feed calves because when you feed bottles, you get all messy.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? My favorite animal is a steer named Colton because its name is the same as mine.
What is your favorite subject in school? Gym, because we get to play games.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I don’t know.
If you had your own farm, what would it look like? It would be a dairy and beef farm with some goats and sheep and denitely not pigs.
When do you do chores and what chores do you do? I feed cats and help with milking by handing Mom and Dad dip cups. I help my brother feed calves, and I pick eggs.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite thing is feeding milk to the cats. I like to help with everything.
Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? My favorite animals are the cats. They are so cute. I like to pet and hold them.
What is your favorite subject in school? Physical education is my favorite thing to do in school. I really like my gym teacher, Mr. Polster.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a farmer when I grow up.
If you had your own farm, what would it look like? Just cats with a barn too, so that I can milk cows.
What do you enjoy most about spring on the dairy farm? New baby kitties to play with.
What is your favorite dairy treat and favorite meal with dairy in it? Ice cream and macaroni and cheese
How does your list of chores change when spring arrives on the farm? When the weather gets warmer, I get to help get stuff ready for eldwork.
What do you enjoy most about spring on the dairy farm? It’s warmer, and you don’t have to walk in the snow.
What is your favorite dairy treat and favorite meal with dairy in it? Chocolate ice cream and macaroni and cheese.
USED HAY TOOLS Vermeer 605 Super J Baler, twine only, 1992 model, BAU1605G ........$2,500/obo
Case IH RS561 baler, Twine only, Low bales ....................................................Call
Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 2017, Approx 7,663 bales, Very Good Condition ..............................................................................$45,000
2015 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 21,435 bales, new monitor, belts last year, real good cond .......................................................................Call
2017 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special approx. 28,201 bales, many parts replaced recently ........................................................................Call
2003 Vermeer 605XL baler, good condition ....................................................Call
2011 John Deere 568 baler, approx. 14,700 bales............................................Call
Used New Holland BR780 Baler .................................................................$6,500
Used Kubota BV5160 Silage Baler ...................................................................Call
‘22 Kubota 1024 Disc mower ...........................................................................Call
2014 Vermeer M6040 Disc Mower .............................................................$6,000
2013 Vermeer M6040 Disc Mower ...................................................................Call
Kuhn GA4220TH Rotary Rake ....................................................................$8,500
Krone Swatto 900 Rotary Rake ........................................................Coming Soon
Badger 1055 forage boxes, tandem axle, FWU 1702G ............................PENDING
H&S 500 Forage box, good condition, 14 ft .....................................................Call
2015 Houle 6” 3pt super pump 9ft, 2 agitation nozzles, 2 available .....$9,250 ea.
Houle PTO 6” Super Pump, 2004, w/ 2 agitation nozzles, 12ft long, MPU1704.................................................................................................$8,500
Used Houle 60” cable scraper drive, good shape ........................................$3,000
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1501G$4,300
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with 30HP motor, USED, MPU1505G .......$4,000
10ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, used, MPU1507G .......................................................................................$4,300
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with no motors set up for twin motors, USED, MPU1508G ......................................................................................$3,500
2) 8” manure loadstands .....................................................................$2,000 ea.
Used Houle Maxi Pump, Great condition .........................................................Call
Cloverdale 1300 Cu FtTwin screw vertical mixer..............................................Call
Nuhn Magnum 6750 manure tank, Hydraulic drive, flow meter, VTI units$50,000/OBO
Meyer’s M390 Manure spreader, Good Condition....................................$14,000
2018 Meyer’s VB560 vertical beater spreader with Scale system .....Coming Soon
3) Used RU600 Corn heads for Chopper, good condition ...........................$17,500 ea.
Used Gea UV Pure, calf milk purifier, DEU2001 ................................................Call
Double 10 Blue Diamond parallel parlor w/ SST2 detachers, 3” low line, single receiver, jetter trays, curb, gates, 10 hp Suterbilt vac pump, 10hp Westfailia 2800 vac pump, 20 DeLaval milking units, & pulsators, DEU1803G ...............Call
10 used Boumatic Companion detachers, #U3557554 .................Now $350 each
6 used Boumatic 4400 detachers, with new gaskets & diaphragms, #U3557444 ........................................................................................$300 each
Used Artex VCat Sand Wagon for bedding stalls ........................................$4,000
Used Bobman for bedding ..............................................................................Call
New 8ft. Patz barn cleaner chute for 16” gutter, PA16151, retails for $992 .......$800 Patz barn cleaner 12” tapered flights, never used, but weathered, not painted, $18.95 New......................................................................$12.25ea
New Schuur and Lely cow brushes- In stock ....................................................Call
Used squirrel cage style fan, 42” diameter, w/ 3 phase motor .........................Call
Used WIC model 300 grain cart, OTH1803G .....................................................Call
New 2 bath automated footbath assy, stainless baths & control, ½ priced-never used, DEN1402G .............................................................$7,000
Dayton Blower Fan, like new, 24.5” Wheel, 12000 CFM #3C010, $3,437 retail New ....................................................................................$2,500
Dayton Blower Fan, used 2 mos., #2C799, 18.25” whl, $1,982 retail new .$1,100
Used Dasilveira headlocks, 22 sections @ 10ft w/7 openings for young stock up to 600lbs, OTH1902
• Stainless steel feed box
• Heavy-duty drive
• Wheels mounted directly to wheel motors
• Main drive wheels, directly under feed weight, increases stability
• Chain Choices, #55, 62, or 662 pintle, or SS T-Rod
• Honda Engine powered (6 or 9 hp)
• 33, 43, 60, 73 bushel sizes available
TOP COWS from herd as they freshen, low SCC, high production. Call 608-7785770. 6-4-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, serviceable age, north of Rochester, MN, delivery avail. Call 507-7325930. 6-1-F
BULLS, all ages, exc. pedigrees; also Holstein bulls. Call 320-587-6384 or 320583-0336. 12-TFN-B
HERD OF 60 HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS, retiring after 40+ years. Call 507-4298128. 5-2-F
STEIN BULLS, polled, genomic tested, deep pedigreed high producing cow families. Call 507-8200452. 22-TFN-F
SPRINGER HFRS.; Milking Shorthorn bull, A2A2, polled & roan; IH 616 trailer-type moldboard plow. Call 218-385-3471.
SHORTHORN COW, 4 yrs. old, due to calf October, $1,500. Call 701-490-2432.
BROWN SWISS BULLS, home raised, registered, genomic tested, A2A2 tested, delivery available. Call 563419-2137 or visit www.hilltopacresfarmcalmaria.com 24-TFN-F
(66) BLACK ANGUS CROSS COWS, all black, home raised, bred black Angus w/due date of July 1, mostly Schiefelbein Genetics, asking $2,000/obo, 2nd-6th calvers, fully vaccinated. Call 218-539-0322.
BLACK & WHITE & RED & WHITE BULLS, sires Unstopabull, Genie, & Late Night-P, dams EX and VG, over 30,000 milk, 4% test. Call 320-583-6564.
TOP QUALITY SPRINGER HFRS., due Jan., $1,900/obo. Call 320-2931432 or 320-260-2213.
SPRINGING HFRS., (1) Ayrshire, (3) Jersey cross Brown Swiss. Call 608-6873022. 2-6-F
REGISTERED, homebred Holstein bulls, located 15 mi. north of Rochester, MN. Call Dave Alberts at 507-269-3084 or 507-3568625. 14-TFN-B
STEIN BULLS, red or black, dams over 40,000 milk, 4.0 test, Analyst Renegrade, King, Doc. Call Greg 608-326-2668. 20-TFN-F
2-6 months old, 28K herd avg., Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 18-TFN-F
ING EASE HOLSTEIN & ANGUS BULLS, various sizes, delivery avail. Call or text Brian 715-613-9206.
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, closed herd, Johnes & Leukosis test negative, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Call 507-920-5859. 7-TFN-B
R&W HOLSTEIN BULL, semen tested and ready to go. Call 507-208-0189. 5-2F
STEIN BULLS from multigen EX, VG cows, 28,500
RHA. Call Olmar Farms 507-220-0730. 20-TFN-B
(2) JERSEY SPRINGING HFRS., very docile; also Mueller 1,000 gal. bulk tank, 2014 model. Call 608929-7553. 4-3-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, from great type and production families. Raised on outside lots, good vigor, Glencoe, MN. Call 320-864-6555.
35 HOLSTEIN COWS, (19) 1st calf, 7 dry, retiring. Call 715-566-3190. 5-2-F
SLOW & LAME CATTLE, lump-jaws and bad eyes and all blemished cattle, $200-$600; also, good cull cows and bulls, $600$1,200. Call 612-860-8774 or 651-480-1900. 4-TFNB
WE HAVE BUYERS for tiestall and freestall dairy herds of all qualities and quantities. Also herds for sale at all times, Call 715721-0079. 2-TFN-B
ALL CLASSES OF SPRINGER DAIRY COWS. No jockeys. Call 320-760-6050. 20-TFN-F
BUTCHER COWS, bulls, & fats; also thin, lame, lazy, & lump jaw. Call 320-894-7175. 11-TFN-B
MILKING SHORTHORN COWS, HFRS., CALVES, BREEDING BULLS & STEERS, all ages; semen avail. Call 612390-1616. 4-4-F
BREEDING BULLS, 40 yrs. AI breeding, Sauk Centre, MN. Call 320-761-2526 or 320-293-5607. 6-TFN-F
BULLS, some A2A2 & genomic tested. Call 715-2202572. 9-TFN-F
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN COWS, all stages of lactation, 26,000 RHA, 100,000 SCC. Call Sheeknoll Farms 507-2593477. 2-TFN-F
(50) HOLSTEIN COWS, red & black, kid friendly, tiestall, half registered, AI, all lactations. Call 563-5432253. 4-4-F
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, from three or more generations of EX 30,000 lbs. dams, Brookings, SD. Call 605-690-6393. TFN-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, springing hfrs., Freeport, MN area. Call 612-2707453. 23-TFN-F
HEIFERS OF ALL AGES, baby calves to springers, central, MN. Call 320-3335906. 19-TFN-F
DAIRY GOAT DOES, out of Hostetler breeding; also breeding bucks available. Call 319-350-5819. 24-TFN-F
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, exc. type and production. Call Scott Rickeman 320-552-0284. 16-TFN-F
GUERNSEY SPRINGERS, reg. Brown Swiss cows & breeding age registered bulls, Brown Swiss bulls, Guernsey w/high type & production. Call 563590-5369. 11-TFN-F
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN HFRS. & COWS, 28,000 milk, 1200 fat, 920 protein, Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 3-6-F
The position reports to the Chief Executive Off icer and leads the Holstein Foundation’s youth and young adult programs and activities. This position is focused on fundraising and development, leadership and oversight to the growth of the Holstein Foundation. This includes the annual fund, major giving and planned giving to sustain and grow the Holstein Foundation. One of the other key components of this position is program development and management of the Foundation’s Young Dairy Leaders Institute (YDLI), the premier leadership training program designed for emerging young dairy professionals.
COMPLETE HERDS OF DAIRY CATTLE; also buying all classes of livestock, including cull cows, steers, hfrs. and calves. Call 715-216-1897. 7-TFN-B
250-350 LB. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES. Call 715-532-8221. 6-2-F
HAY, mixed alfalfa orchard grass, 4x5 net. Call 218-397-2432. 6-2-F
DAIRY FEED QUALITY ALFALFA, 1st-3rd crop cutting avail., 5x6 large rounds. Call 701840-1856. 6-4-F
2ND CROP GRASS HAY, big squares, 3x3x8. Call 320-293-0181. 21-10-
DAIRY QUALITY ALFALFA, 3x3x8 sq., 1st crop and 3rd; 4x5 rnd bales grass, all no rain. Call 320241-7029. 6-1-F
UNGROUND OAT HULLS in walking oor loads. Replace straw and save $$ grinding costs. Cleaned and aspirated heavy bulk whole oats for calf diets. Call 507-2392349. 6-1-VM
Heim Milling Company is a St. Cloud, MN based, family-owned company that has been serving our customers for 123 years! We are a regional manufacturer and distributor serving a multi-state market recognized for our quality products and efficient and friendly service. Must be 18 years or older and have reliable transportation. Able to lift 50 lbs frequently throughout shift. Good math skills necessary. Regular and prompt attendance expected. Duties include mixing, packaging, and loading / unloading products into our delivery trucks, warehouse supply area and customer vehicles. General housekeeping duties (cleaning equipment and buildings). Assisting with production line maintenance as needed.
Wages beginning at $25 per hour with guaranteed overtime, benefits including health insurance, paid vacation, Profit-Sharing and 401k.
Come in to fill out an application at 32311 County Road 1, St. Cloud, MN or email Bob.Heim@HeimMilling.coim
DAIRY QUALITY ALFALFA, 4x5 round bales, $80 ea. Call 320-304-2311. 3-TFN-F
KILN DRIED WOOD SHAVINGS for bedding, by the semi load. Call 608479-2039. 19-TFN-F
CERTIFIED ORGANIC HAY, 1st cut rd., 2nd cut med. large sq., good quality mixed hay. Call 218587-4672. 22-TFN-F
ERNMOREORGANICS.COM, certied organic alfalfa, wrapped in 8 layers of lm, 3x4x6 bales, RFQ 140-280, Springeld, SD. Call ERNmore Organics 605-286-3873 or 605-999-2010 or 605-2511143.Ernmoreorganics. com. 16-TFN-B
ALFALFA HAY & GRASS HAY, med. square or round bales, delivery available. Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-689-6675. 10-TFN-B
ALFALFA BALEAGE, 1st-4th crop, 175 RFQ. Call 715-896-1418. 3-TFN-F
ORGANIC ROUND HAY BALES, heifer and dry cow quality, also organic corn and oats. Call 218-563-2762. 6-1-F
ORGANIC CERTIFIED ROUND BALES OF BALEAGE & DRY HAY, all lots tested, selling on dry mater basis. Call 563586-2231. 22-10-B
YELLOW CORN, 8.52 crude protein. Call 641751-8382. 12-TFN-B
AGES: corn silage (conventional and BMR), alfalfa haylage, fescue grass silage, Triticale silage and oatlage. Forages can be delivered and made into TMR. Call 920-371-7737.
1900 COW DAIRY looking for bilingual parlor manager. Call 507-9515597. 8-TFN-F
50-COW DAIRY LOOKING FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON for farm work; must know equipment and cows. Call 715-662-5053. 23-TFN-F
RETIRING FARMER SEARCHING FOR YOUNG COUPLE/INDIVIDUAL to work into/ take over, (36) lever stalls, tile mangers, Kraiburg mats and heifer shed. Call 715-384-3225. 6-2-F
STUD SERVICE FOR FEMALE SAINT BERNARD. Call 320-5575514, no texts or messages. 23-TFN-F
BULK MILK TANKS OF ALL SIZES, currently in need of 4,000 gal., Mueller preferred. Call 715-314-2130. 6-2-B
BULK MILK TANK AND VACUUM PUMP Call 320-262-6874. 6-1-F
SPRING TEETH for IHC C cultivator; wheel hub for IHC 56 corn planter, right side. Call 715-822-2678. 14-TFN-F
FARM BULK MILK COOLERS, all sizes. Call 319-330-2286. 10-24-P
OLD HEATING FUEL AND DIESEL, can pump from basement. Call 320424-2005. 5-TFN-F
LID FOR KNIGHT 8132 SLINGER SPREADER. Call 507-459-5201.
MULTIMAX HUTCH WANTED. Call 608-7232049. 1-TFN-F
USED CALF-TEL PENS. Call 320-995-6216.
STRAW, NET WRAPPED ROUND BALES & BIG SQUARES, clean, dry, stored inside, delivery available. Call 320-8088336. 15-TFN-F
3X3 WHEAT AND OAT STRAW BALES; also 3x3 hay bales, all grown in Canada. Call 204-7125161. 24-7-B
SEED CORN, out produces hybrids for silage, $67/ bu. plus shipping, leafy, sweet stalks, highly nutritious grain. Call 217-8573377 or cell 217-343-4962. borriesopenpollinatedseedcorn.com 21-11-VM
SILO REMOVAL, take down & clean up, specializing in but not limited to silos in congested areas, mobile concrete crushing, fully insured. Call 507-2369446. 23-12-VM
CUSTOM CHOPPING, We are looking to add a few customers to our custom chopping business. We offer a newer JD 9800 chopper, 5 trucks, merger & blade tractor. We do travel. Call Ben with any questions 715-495-0481. 3-TFN-B
NH FP240 w/9’ HH, in good shape. Call 218-6403710. 6-2-F
JD 7000 6 OR 8 ROW PLANTER & 6620 or 7720 combine. Call 320760-6050. 22-TFN-F
GOLF CART OR SIDEBY-SIDE. Call 320-2504600, no texts or messages.
4R CORN PLANTER, wide or narrow. Call 360927-0221. 6-1-F
Your skills are
Miscellaneous - FOR SALE
HAY RACK, platforms on side, 9x18’, $2,500; Kewanee elevator, 56’, pto lift. Call 320-247-2657.
A .I. A.I.
Genetics and reproduction are key performance indicators on farms; so, your expertise in herd reproduction and productivity as an A.I. Specialist is valuable to our producers.
DHI Laborator y Laboratory
Vast information impacting herd productivity can be revealed with a simple milk sample. As a DHI Specialist, you’ll advise customers on testing services and collect and process milk samples to support an efficient, healthy, and profitable cow herd.
For details and to apply: www.mycentralstar.com.
Other CentralStar careers: consultants, sales, beef specialists, product specialists, communication, inventory, administration, research, and internships.
HYBRID WRAPPER w/ extractor. Call 715-7738670. 5-4-F
D5 CATERPILLAR, runs good, track has been replaced, manure agitator. Call 218-338-5284. 6-1-F
MOWER & SNOWBLOWER. Call 320-2504600. 13-TFN-F
‘17 VERSA ID1014 BAGGER, 12’ tunnel, 550hp CAT, no DEF, 602 hrs. Call 715-687-2125. 6-4-F
5,000 GAL. MUELLER TANK, 5 hp compressor, 2 wand washer, non-leaker. Call 701-220-7006. 5-10-F
DELAVAL 2700 GAL. MILK TANK w/(2) 5 HP compressors, 9 yrs. old, exc. cond., $28,000; DeLaval double-8 Champion parallel parlor w/16 units & variable speed drive vacuum pump, plate cooler & transfer pump, $22,500. Call 608-487-4429. 4-3-
‘20 S&S STOCK TRAILER, 16’ bumper pull, exc. cond., $7,500. Call 507249-3240. 4-4-F
PATZ 420 VERTICAL MIXER, 4’ unload ext., 1,000 pto, scale, exc. cond. Call 320-250-7707. 6-1-F
‘21 PENTA 5440 HYDRA PUSH VERTICAL BEATER MANURE SPREADER, very little use, $49,500, Lake City, MN. Call 507-421-6232.
Bale Unroller • Joystick operated steering • Electric start Honda engine • Reversible feed rolls • Works with wet or dry bales Feed Round Bales the EASY way!
AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, ready Jan. 22, red tri & red Merle, tails docked, dew claws, 1st round shots & wormer. Call Travis 507-259-5173. 22-TFN-F
6 MONTH FEMALE BORDER COLLIE needing home, working parents, Portage, WI. Call 608-6171595. 6-2-F
PUREBRED RAT TERRIER & AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, vet checked, great working parents, $750 ea. Call 651448-0241. 6-2-F
JD 7000 8R30 PLANTER, Osage, MN. Call 218841-4248. 1-TFN-F
NH 38 FLAIL CHOPPER, bought new in ‘04, always shedded, exc. cond. Call 715-314-0977.
JD 4020 DSL., PS, solid tractor w/(2) remotes & turbo, $14,500/obo. Call 641-982-4266. 4-5-F
CASE SV185 SKID LOADER, 2800 hrs., CHA, 2 spd., 1-owner, 12x16.5 tires, $24,000. Call 715-613-7302. 6-1-F
Your Tractor Ready for Spring Field Work? Rea
We do general tractor repairs on most make or model tractors.
We can get parts for: John Deere New Holland Case IH and Free brochure! 1-800-436-5623
(4) 3-PHASE 5HP BULK MILK TANK COMPRESSORS, reasonable. Call 480-313-8460. 9-TFN-F
NH 790 CHOPPER, 824 adj. head, exc. cond., $10,000/obo. Call 218296-1785. 6-1-F
DRINKING CUPS; 21.561.1 tire & rim; (4) tires & rims off ‘08 Chevy Pickup, like new. Call 320-2666878. 3-4-F
(2) HANSON SILO UNLOADERS, 18’ & 20’, ring drive, exc. cond. Call 320-304-1834. 6-1-F
H&S TOPSHOT 5120 MANURE SPDR., 540 pto, 16.5x16.1 tires, oiler & lights, $22,000. Call 715-462-3286. 1-7-F
Farm consists of approximately 270 acres of cropland along with 118 acres of wooded and lower land, 5-bedroom full two-story home, heated garage, 79 stall dairy barn, open-sided heifer, dry cow barn, TMR and 5 silos. Broker Owned Listed Price $2,100,000
JD 3755 CHOPPER; Notch 20’ feeder wagon; JD 3600 plow; JD 455 manure spdr.; Mueller 800 gal. bulk tank. Call 651235-0639. 6-1-F
SKID LOADERS, TRACTORS, BACKHOES, EXCAVATORS &BULLDOZERS. www. joewelcheq.com. Call 507724-3183. 6-TFN-B
(4) DEMCO 365 & 450 GRAVITY BOXES, (2) w/tarps, like new; tricycle feeder; big round bale wagon. Call 320-5576558. 18-TFN-F
IH 786 TRACTOR, very clean, nice chores tractor. Call 320-310-2221. 5-4-F
more Blue Hilltop, Inc. Dana
CIH 30’ TIGERMATE II FIELD CULTIVATOR w/rolling baskets and bolton shovels, nice clean machine. Call 320-980-1300.
JD 2700 PLOW, semi mounted. Call 320-5101055. 13-TFN-F
MEYER 4516 CHOPPER BOX, VG cond., on Meyer tandem running gear, asking $9,500/omo. Call 715-897-8940. 5-4-F
JD 520, ser. #5212027, 4985 hrs., 3 pt. hitch, 13.638 tires, VG shape. Call 507-450-6115. 6-1-F
DRIVE SILO UNLOADER w/winch & tripod; Hanson 14’ surface drive silo unloader, both used very little, best offer. Call 320-979-9477. 6-2-F
JD 5115ML, 4WD, ROPS, 540/540E pto, LHR, triple rmt., 4,078 hrs., $32,500; JD 4200 campact, 4WD, hydro, ROPS, 1,426 hrs., $9,000. Call 715-6693971. 6-2-VM
REITWAY 20’ LAND ROLLER. Call 320-2213885. 6-1-F
Call us for your tractor maintence, repairs and parts Deere Tractor Salvage Stanley, WI • 715-773-0731
NH FX28 SP CHOPPER, 6R, 10’ HH; 23’ manure application bar, 30” spacing, 4” swing pipe, ow meter. Call 320-293-5607.
285 CU. BU. STATIONARY TMR AUGER MIXER, exc. cond., $7,500/obo. Call 262-3057284. 6-1-F
11’6’’ cut, urethane rolls, cut 500 acres, $32,500. Call 320-248-7697. 5-3-F
CHEMICAL INJECTION PUMP for hydrogen peroxide etc. into water supply, like new, $350. Call 320-630-7559.
MCCORMICK 10’ GRAIN DRILL, 7” spacing, Cuba City, WI. Call 563-542-3276. 6-1-F
NH 1905 CHOPPER, 4WD, quick hitch, camera, LEDs, 6’ HH, processor, 3400 hrs. Call 715-2677288. 6-3-F
2 DISCS, CIH 24’ & 18’ ROCK FLEX, $3,200/$4,600/obo. Call 715-554-2540. 6-1-F
MUELLER 4,000 GAL. TANK, Sentry III controller, (1) 5hp compressor, great shape, $20,000. Call 320-304-1668. 6-4-F
FORD 6610 SERIES II, 2WD, 72hp, CAH, 4528 hrs., clean. Call 715-8234501. 6-1-F
MODEL BULK TANK, 1,250 gal., complete as new, MN. Call 480-3138460. 5-TFN-F
KRAUSE LANDSMAN 7430 SOIL FINISHER. Wanted: irrigation system. Call 320-250-4600, no texts or messages. 3-TFNF
NH BR770 ROUND BALER, crop cutter; Case 2188 combine, RWA. Call 218-841-8723. 24-TFN-F
JD 7200 MAXI MERGE II CORN PLANTER; JD 215 disc; JD 4R cultivator; NI corn picker. Call 320760-6862. 6-2-F
CIH RB564 RD. BALER, twine/net, new belts; 18.4x38 clamp-on duals. Call 815-947-2266. 6-2-F
PSI POWER WASHERS, Power Washers Hot/ Cold, Cabinet Parts Washers, Chemicals, Presoaks, Degreasers, Large Parts Inventory Shipped Same Day, On Site Service. Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Sales, Repair, and Rental. “The Guys That Work Great Under Pressure” 1-800-555-1677. Serving you from 3 locations: West Central MN Region – Pennock, MN Location SW MN Region – Wilmont, MN Location NW IA Region – Harrisburg, SD Location & Wilmont, MN Location SE SD Region – Harrisburg, SD Location. 23-TFN-B
WEAVERLINE FEED CARTS, new, rebuilt used, parts, service. Call Hobert Sales Inc., Cokato, MN 320-286-6284. 19-TFN-B
GEHL 1285 CHOPPER, kernal processor, new knives, cutter bar & spout liner, 9’HH, Dion 4R30”, 120” rotary CH, done less than 400 acres; Virnig 66” manure fork bkt, $600; H&S 430 bu. HD manure spdr, tandem axle, top beater, $8,200/obo. Everything in shedded/like new cond. Call 507-421-4937.
NH 790 CHOPPER, Metalalert III, always shedded, orig. knives, 890W HH, 31x13.5x15 tires, $16,500. Call 715462-3286. 1-7-P
PUREBRED AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, born 3/27/23. Text 608-386-2035 for pics and info. 6-4-F
RUBBER ALLEY MAT, 5’wx80’; 800 gal. Mueller bulk tank; 2” SS pipeline for 50 cows w/recover jar & pump; Sutorbilt vacuum pump w/7.5 hp motor; 4 ton Schuld bulk bin, 4 yrs. old w/10’ auger & 2 motors; McKee 820 8’ snowblower w/1000 pto; Uebler 812 feed cart, new apron. Call 920-388-3368. 6-2VM
‘00 18’ MILLER PRO 5200 FORAGE BOX, F&R unload, 2’ ext., 18T running gear, never used, $28,000. Call 612-6855984. 6-3-F
FORAGE BLOWER, 540 pto, like new, used very little over 2 yrs., $11,000/omo. Call 715773-2888. 5-2-V
PUPPIES, need new homes, ready to go, 5 left, awesome dogs w/kids and livestock. Call 218-2346597. 6-4-F
‘08 35 TON SEMI TRAILER, beaver tail & ramps, 51’ total length. Call 320-760-6942. 12-TFN-F
IH 4000 SWATHER; Gehl 1865 rd. baler. Call 507-684-3136. 6-1-F
MF 236 LDR., Grain-OVater w/blower, (4) barn fans, 30”-48” on wheels. Call 920-493-8413. 6-1-B
CALF STAR MILK FEEDING SYSTEM, 120 gal. unit, mounts in side by side, have one new unit and one used unit. Call 605-881-4576. 6-10-F
WEG 10 HP MOTOR, $650. Call 320-845-4690. 6-1-F
(5) SURGE ONETOUCH MILKERS w/ DeLaval claws, DeLaval milk receiver jar w/transfer pump, DeLaval 3” overow bucket, Westfalia vacuum regulator. Call 608-794-2132. 6-1-B
Dairyland Supply in Sauk Centre has an opening in our service department. Some service experience is preferred but not required. We have highly qualified servicemen with the ability to train as needed. Duties include setting up new equipment, repairing equipment in shop or on the farm and installing equipment on the farm. Some welding, washing, moving, loading and unloading equipment with a forklift. Dairyland Supply has a modern facility with up to date equipment.
If interested in joining our team, please stop in at Dairyland Supply for an application or contact Gordon or Roxane at 320-352-3987.