HASTINGS, Minn. – In the midst of navigating low milk prices, the Hastings Creamery was thrown a hurdle in early June when industrial discharge violations led to suspended access to the Hastings Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Third-generation dairy farmer and creamery co-owner Justin Malone said the facility of Hastings typically processes 150,000 pounds of milk daily to produce milk, creams and cheeses. He and three partners purchased the 110-year-old creamery two years ago; it employs about 40 staff members and sources milk from an additional 45 farm families.
In the weeks following the suspension, Malone reported frequent 19-hour work days “trying to put res out” and keep the creamery operating as normally as possible.
Despite restricted wastewater system access as of June 4, Malone said the facility has continued to operate fully staffed with workarounds to process a slightly less than average 130,000 pounds of milk daily. He said the creamery had not dumped any excess milk, instead partnering with other creameries to handle the surplus
dairy from farmers.
Malone said he and his partners had been unaware of the creamery’s frequent industrial discharge permit violations since 2013, when they purchased the facility.
“As I was dealing with the Met
Elrosa LumberCouncil, I kept asking about the historical (data) here – what our normal FOG (fats, oils and grease) and pH levels are for the plant,” Malone said. “With some of the documentation that I could nd here from years prior, I came to the
conclusion that FOGs have always been over the allotted amount in the permit here and there.”
After several recent violations the Metropolitan Council temporarily
Turn to HASTINGS | Page 7
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An excess supply of milk in the Upper Midwest has forced dairy farmers and processors in Wisconsin and Minnesota to dump milk recently. It is a hardship that dairy farmer Chad Kieffer, of Kieand Holsteins LLC, of southeast Minnesota is familiar with. Several loads of milk from his farm have been dumped. After all the hard work that goes into making that milk, seeing it go down the drain is anything but easy.
“You can let it get to you, or you can just focus on what you have control over,” Kieffer said. “There’s not a lot we can do right now. It’s the spring ush of milk, and it kind of happened all at once. You have no control over what the price is or if the processing plant can get your milk processed that day. You just try and do what you can.”
Foremost Farms dairy cooperative – a supplier of cheese, dairy products, and ingredients to national and international markets – is one processor dealing with an overabundance of milk.
“Foremost Farms has actually produced more product across our plant network than projected in our annual plan for the rst ve months of 2023,” said Greg Schlafer, president and CEO of Foremost Farms. “The challenge is that the Upper Midwest milkshed is over supplied with milk, and that has created a challenge of how to manage the excess milk
across the entire dairy manufacturing industry.”
Foremost Farms is owned by approximately 1,000 dairy farmers in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.
“The amount of dumped milk at Foremost Farms is very small, far less than even 1% of the 6 billion pounds we process annually,” Schlafer said. “But of course, we believe any dumped milk is too much.”
Schlafer said the Foremost Farms team has been going above and beyond for weeks to nd a market for its member-owners’ milk.
“We are fortunate that we have true partnerships with many of our customers who continue to place orders, so we have been able to keep production going above plan and keep the supply moving,” he said.
Dairy Farmers of America, a national, farmerowned dairy cooperative serving nearly 11,000 family farm-owners, has also struggled with an excess amount of milk. DFA manufactures a variety of dairy products, including uid milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, dairy ingredients and more.
According to a statement from DFA, the entire dairy industry in Wisconsin has recently experienced challenging marketing dynamics. Supply is outpacing demand, resulting in more milk than available processing capacity, which has put pressure on milk prices for farmers and in some cases led to milk being disposed.
DFA said they are working with their internal plant network and external customers to ensure their farmer-owners’ milk is handled efciently and are exhausting all possible avenues to nd a home for the milk. DFA said it will continue
to seek opportunities in the region and across the U.S. to provide a stable milk market for its farmer owners.
“In the last 10 years or so, dairy farmers and ag people have put so much emphasis, time and money into technology and trying to do the best we can on our farms by maximizing production,” Kieffer said. “Farms have really thrived and exceeded their goals. But one thing we’ve forgotten about is processing. Processing plants are getting old. They break down. There’s more mergers and shutdowns. It’s become a major problem.”
Schlafer is optimistic that milk supply and demand will even out soon.
“As we come out of spring ush, we expect a little tighter milk supply in the summer and for the balance of the year which will be helpful for the dairy industry,” Schlafer said.
“There’s not a lot we can do right now. It’s the spring ush of milk, and it kind of happened all at once. You have no control over what the price is or if the processing plant can get your milk processed that day. You just try and do what you can.”
On June 12, 2018, dairy farmers, industry professionals and government representatives gathered at Mike and Krista Ostendorf’s 40-cow dairy farm near Paynesville, Minnesota, for a rural dairy discussion. The event was sponsored by Minnesota Farmers Union, and the topic of discussion was nding solutions to the economic crisis within the dairy industry. The crisis stemmed from multiple years of low milk prices across the nation. MFU wanted to make sure that farmers had an opportunity to voice their concerns and opinions in a place where they would be heard.
The Youngren family farm near Pennock, Minnesota, run by Mike, Dean and Trevin Youngren, had been upgraded with a 148- by 648-foot freestall barn equipped with seven robotic milking systems. The new barn was built to accommodate 500 cows and eight robots, leaving the family room for future expansion. The new housing and automation provided the farm with an ideal setup for cow care, comfort and labor efciency. The Youngrens began using the freestall barn and milking robots in 2016 with their herd of 300, but the facility allowed them to grow their herd to 430 cows by 2018.
Still doing the work themselves
The Nelsons – Doug, his son Derrick and Der-
D&B Sternweis Farms a family affair
10 years ago
The Becker brothers – Steve and Joe Becker –transformed a pole shed into a milking parlor and barn alongside their brother-in-law, Seth Greenwaldt, on their farm near Staples, Minnesota. They renovated the farm site entirely by themselves. This included all of the concrete work and construction. After nearly 10 months at the new parlor, the Beckers and Greenwaldt were milking 120 cows and farming 110 acres of corn. The new facility brought positive changes through better herd health and fewer vet bills.
Everyone screaming for ice cream
facility, Kapper Big Red Barn. The Kapperses milked 30 cows near Chateld, Minnesota. Ice cream was the newest addition to the on-farm processing facility, where the couple had previously bottled milk and packaged cheese curds. They had been bottling milk in the facility since they added it to their farm in 2004. The Kapperses were averaging around 500 pints of ice cream per week.
20 years ago
The fourth-generation Rettman farm was hit hard by a tornado that came through the Buffalo Lake, Minnesota, area June 24, 2003. The tornado, described as three-quarters of a mile wide, completely destroyed most of the buildings on the farm, leaving little untouched. Despite several injuries to the cattle, most were left unharmed. After the destruction, many neighbors and friends came to the rescue to lend equipment and help clean up debris left by the twister.
A barn built for two
After seven years of operating an 80-cow dairy operation in a 46-stall tiestall barn near Mayer, Minnesota, Lyle and Wanda Honebrink decided to modify their operation after the last of their four children left for college. Wanting to make the operation more user friendly for two people, they decided to put in a double-6 parlor with a 90-cow freestall barn. This modication of the operation allowed the Honebrinks to operate the dairy by themselves, without needing to hire help.
TRACTORS JD 5065E, FWA, cab, w/loader & bucket, SS mount $51,000
‘13 MF 8670, FWA, w/1,699 hrs. 2013 ................... $164,000
Massey Ferguson 20C Industrial, gas, 2WD w/loader & bucket ......................................................... $7,200
‘21 Gleaner S97 Combine, duals, 768 Sep, 1,050 E. Hrs ...................................................... Coming In
‘10 Gleaner R76 Combine, duals, 1787 Sep, 2751 E. Hrs CDF Rotor....................................... $86,000
‘05 Gleaner R75 Combine, Duals, 2,204 Sep, 3,133 E. Hrs ........................................................ $54,000
Gleaner 3000 /Challenger Ch630 6R30” Corn Head, Single Point......................................................... $18,000
‘10 Gleaner 9250-35 Draper Head....................... $37,000
‘09 Gleaner 8200-35 Flex Head w/Orbit Reel ...... $18,000
Gleaner 8200-35 Flex Head w/Crary Air Reel... Coming In
Gleaner 8200-30 Flex Head With Crary Air ReelComing In
‘05 Harvestec 4306C 6 Row 30” Cutter Corn Head, Gleaner Mounts .................................................. $17,500
‘00 Geringhoff Rd630 Corn Head,Consigned, Gleaner Mounts .................................................. $14,000
Gleaner 313 Pick-Up Header .................................. $3,500
‘07 Bobcat S185, Cab, 5242 Hrs ...................... Coming In
‘14 Bobcat S570, Cab, w/5,100 hrs, H/F ctrl,
2 Sp ................................................................... Coming In
‘15 Bobcat S590, 2330 hrs, Single Speed ....... Coming In
‘16 Bobcat T770 Track Loader, Cab Hvac, 3,000 Hrs, H/F Controls, Track Sus...................................... $45,000
Mustang 2032, 3000 hrs, 1-Owner, H/F Ctrls .. Coming In Mustang 2054 .................................................... Coming In
CIH 15’ Rotary Hoe 181MT............................... Coming In
CIH 335 VT 25’ Vertical Tillage True Tandem ...... $51,000
JD 3950 Forage Harvestor w/7’ hay head, consigned .............................................................. $4,500
H&S GM170 Feed Mill, 2009 ............................... $18,500
H&S HDX 14 Wheel Rake .................................... $13,300
Hardi NP1100 80’ boom, Foam, 463 pump, 2500 rate controller, ........................................... $12,900
Hardi Navigator 3500, 2013 60’ Boom, Foam, 463 Pump, 5500 Rate Controler........................ $21,500
CIH 5100 Grain Drill 12’ w/6” Spacing, no small seeds....................................................... $5,500
Great Plains YP1225-24 Twin Row 30” Planter, Finger Pick-Up. 400 Gal LF ................................ $69,000 White 5100 4R30” Planter, Dry Fert., Insecticide ...$4,500
Agrimaster RS150RA, 15 Ton Gear....................... Coming In
H&S 7+4 Forage Box Twin Auger, w/ Meyer 1800 tandem Gear, 14L-16.1 .............................................. $9,200
New Idea 3632......................................................... $5,700
‘16 H&S HP550VB Hydra-Push Vertical Beater... $37,000
‘17 H&S 3143, Dual Beater, Hyd. Drive ............... $24,900
Good Selection Of Used Augers ................................... Call
‘18 Bobcat Sweeperbucket 72” Model # 6707837, low usage............................................................... $4,900
Farm King Snowblower, single auger, hyd. chute 6’ . $900 Merry Mac TPH-12 3pt Wood Chipper .................. $1,200
MF 2320 54” Mid-Mount Mower Deck .................. $1,100 Meyer 80” Skid Steer Mount Snowpusher, (Has Rubber Edge) ................................................... $900
Gehl 135 Grinder Mixer ..................................... Coming In
Has ngs Creamery operates with slight modica ons to standard opera ons June 14 on Vermillion Street in Has ngs, Minnesota. Jus ne Malone and partners purchased the 110-year-old facility two years ago.
suspended the creamery’s access to Hastings’ 68-year-old wastewater treatment plant.
“We have unfortunately recorded seven notices of violations of the industrial discharge permit for the Hastings Creamery in the past eight months,” stated a Met Council release. “As a result, effective June 4, we suspended the creamery’s ability to discharge industrial waste for
treatment at the Hastings Wastewater Treatment Plant for a minimum of 30 days.”
Hastings Creamery plant operator Matt Mueller said he was not at work during a Mother’s Day weekend incident in which a leaky silo resulted in milk draining into the wastewater system.
“(The Met Council) sent us a notice saying we would be shut down at midnight on (June 4); I think we got three days’ notice,” Mueller said. “We temporarily have our wastewater drain closed; everything is being pumped to frac tanks (and a pit).”
Instead of ushing waste into the wastewater system, staff directed outow into tanks outside the facility and an underground tank. After initial challenges, the creamery was up and running shortly with the costly practice of sourcing semi trucks to ship 30,000-50,000 gallons of wastewater daily to the Metro Plant in St. Paul or a Viresco anaerobic digester facility in Turtle Lake.
“We had a couple of hiccups when our frac tanks and pit were full,” Mueller said. “It has caused minimal downtime, but it is costly.”
Malone said he worked closely with Thom Peterson of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, the Met Council and the city of Hastings to expedite a long-term solution. They plan to construct an on-site wastewater processing system with an estimated price tag just south of $1,000,000 and an ambitious six-month timeline.
“Hopefully, by the time the snow ies, we will have all the needed construction done,” Malone said. “Maybe we’ll be able to operate the equipment already by then, but it is going to take a lot of people working together in that tight window of time.”
While working on the long-term solution, the creamery brought on Jon Polasky of the University of Minnesota School of Management as a consultant to identify short-term solutions and reduce the rate of milk going down the drain.
“As far as (recent) violations, in day-to-day production, there are things that happen,” Malone said. “These are not great big events where huge amounts of milk are going down the drain. That is not the case; it leaks from valves or residue from trucks being washed out. It is not crazy amounts of milk; it is normal production.”
With the addition of a checklist for staff to locate milk leaks, creamy management hopes to provide evidence of improved wastewater quality to regain access to the Hastings treatment facility before the conclusion of the initial 30-day timeline.
“(Polasky) is coming on board to help us with any little thing we can do differently,” Malone said. “There are not many things we can do because it is a creamery – there are just a certain amount of lines being ushed – but all of the little things lead to big things. If we can do anything to show we are doing our part in trying to make things as good as they can be, that’s what I want to do.”
Hastings Creamery management has worked to maintain an open line of communication and transparency with suppliers and customers as they maneuver the regulatory challenges.
“For the most part, customers have been understanding, but ultimately they really need products to sell,” Malone said. “For the business to be lucrative, we need to be able to be selling as much as we can, so that has been tough. I really feel that if we can get back to normal and get everybody’s morale up, it will be ne.”
2016 W-R 13QX2 53’ 3 Bar Harrow w/Rolling Baskets ..............................$69,500
2012 W-R 13QX2 50’, 5 Bar Spike Harrow ...............................................$28,500
2004 W-R Excel 38’, 4 Bar Spring Tooth Harrow .....................................$12,900
1997 W-R Quad 5, 32’, 3 Bar Spring Tooth Harrow .......................................$7,500
W-R 2500, 28’, 4 Bar Spring Tooth Harrow .................................................$6,950
Kewanee 620, 18’ Disk ...........................$2,000
W-R 513 Soil Pro,
Shank............................Starting at $25,000 2011 W-R 5800 Chisel Plow, 39’ .........$25,500 2012 G-P TCN-5107, Disc Chisel,
shank ..............................................$10,900 J-D 2700 Plow, 4 Bottom, Vari Width ....$1,500
6700, 12x30, Vertical Fold ...........$7,500
– Karlee Wynia’s winning artwork represents both herself and southeast Minnesota.
Wynia recently won the Congressional Art Competition for District 1 of Minnesota with a colored pencil portrait of her Holstein cow titled, “Mabel A Young Herd Leader.”
“I’m very picky about what I’m going to draw,” Wynia said. “I have to look at it and think this resonates with me. It is a part of me, and I feel
the herd by the time she was born. They did keep a few retired cows, including Mabel, though.
Wynia came up with the idea for the piece with help from her high school art teacher, Marilyn Fredrickson.
“It really signies … southeast Minnesota,” Wynia said. “(It also signies) a part of my family and my heritage.”
Wynia’s piece features a classic Holstein cow with a bell around her neck inscribed with “Minnesota Dairy.” Behind the cow,
like it can express who I am as a person.”
The piece will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol for a year, and Wynia was given a roundtrip ight to visit Washington, D.C. for a ceremony in June honoring the winners.
Wynia, who recently graduated from Kasson-Mantorville High School, named Mabel as a little girl on her grandparents’ farm near Austin. Sleepovers there kept her in touch with her cow.
“I’d go and see Mabel to make sure she was doing all right,” she said.
She remembers feeding Mabel treats of ear corn alongside her great-grandma Nellie Wynia. Nellie was originally from a dairy farm in the Netherlands and immigrated in 1944. Wynia is dedicating the artwork to her and plans to give it to her as a birthday present in August.
“It represents her farm and what she did for so many years,” Wynia said. “She loves when we get involved with the farm and do stuff surrounding it.”
Wynia’s grandparents and great-grandparents worked as dairy farmers but had sold
gentle hills of corn and wheat topped by a fresh blue sky complete the scene.
She wanted to represent the miles and miles of elds in southeast Minnesota and how much food the area provides for the country.
“It’s a big part of America,” she said.
Wynia spent approximately 35 hours working on the 16- by 20-inch drawing. Mabel the cow comes alive
in the small details, from the color depth and muscling of her coat to the droplets clinging to the top of her nose.
The many childhood moments Wynia spent on her grandparents’ farm, from running on top of fresh round bales of hay to going out to see the horses at sunset, come through in her art.
“Being outside a lot as a kid denitely affects what I draw,” she said. “I denitely
do animals the most and like nature.”
This fall, Wynia will attend South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota, for studio art, specializing in art education.
“I really wanted to go to a college that had agriculture in mind despite me not going into it,” she said. “I still wanted to be surrounded by it and have a small-town feel.”
When do you do chores? I sometimes help after school. I help with calves and with watering owers. I help my dad with welding. I made a welded person with him.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? I like
going to see the sheep and petting them. I don’t like scooping poop.
What is your favorite animal on your farm? The sheep. The one I named Turd is my favorite. I named it Turd because it poops a lot.
What is your favorite subject in school? Math because sometimes I don’t get my numbers backward.
What do you want to be when
you grow up? A baker. I want to open a pizza place on the farm for the farm workers to eat there so that they don’t have to pack lunch.
If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. There would be a 100-foot, big barn with 17 stalls. There would be a playset outside if I ever have kids. I want sheep, horses and baby cows and chickens.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Milk and vanilla ice cream.
What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Getting to go and see the sheep. Not having school. I also like going in the pool in our yard.
What are your favorite activities? Getting to go to the pool and seeing my cousins.
Grayson Klein 4 years old PrekindergartenWhen do you do chores? I help my dad at lunch time. Sometimes I help him at night. I help him with tractors, fencing and the cows.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore? I don’t have a favorite or least favorite chore.
What is your favorite animal on your farm? Cows, the orange cows. I think they are pretty.
What is your favorite subject in school? Playing with my friends.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A reman, so I can spray out res – and being a dad or doing construction.
If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. A big barn with cows and a dog at the house. There would be tractors, excavators, a payloader and a mixer.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Greek yogurt and ice cream on the cone.
What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Celebrating my birthday.
What are your favorite activities? I do a lot work on the farm. I go to the pool and have swimming lessons. I like all of the things at the pool.
Calumet County’s 36th annual Sundae on a Dairy Farm is 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 25 at Shiloh Dairy near Brillion, Wisconsin.
The Minnesota Milk Cup golf tournament is 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 28 at the Mount Frontenac Golf Course in Frontenac, Minnesota. This event brings together farmers and agricultural businesses for a day of fun and camaraderie. For more information, visit mnmilk.org.
In response to questions from producers and industry surrounding the legislation signed by Gov. Kim Reynolds, the Dairy Extension Team at Iowa State University will be presenting a webinar in conjunction the Iowa State Dairy Association, “Raw Milk For Human Consumption: Issues To Consider, ” from 6-9 p.m. July 12. This free webinar will be geared toward dairy producers and potential producers interested in the new rules surrounding raw milk sales.
Interested producers and potential producers are encouraged to attend by pre-registering at least on hour prior to the program at: https://go.iastate.edu/SIHLB6
The 2023 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 18-20 in Baraboo, Wisconsin. There is plenty to see and do at the show. There will be tours and exhibitors.
Minnesota Milk presents Summer Escape from 3:30-8 p.m. July 19. An event for the whole family that includes a dairy farm tour, water ski show and social.
The day will start off with a tour of Sandhill Dairy’s newly installed robots with the Dombeck Family in Perham, Minnesota. Light snacks and drinks will be provided after the tour. The fun will continue with a water ski show put on by Big Pine Lake Water Ski Team. After the show, there will be a social, and we will dine on the shore of Little Pine Lake.
The Minnesota Milk Cup golf tournament is 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. July 20 at the Perham Lakeside Golf Course in Perham, Minnesota. This event brings together farmers and agricultural businesses for a day of fun and camaraderie. For more information, visit mnmilk.org.
The Minnesota Holstein Association Field Day is July 29 at Olmar Farms in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota. Olmar Farms is excited to host members at their farm where Holstein enthusiasts can gather for good fellowship and educational experiences. Attendees will get to participate in a judging contest, listen to a stray voltage presentation and receive a complimentary meal from a local smokehouse.
Stray voltage presenters:
Larry Neubauer, Concept Electric: Neubauer is a master electrician with decades of experience in the eld of stray voltage, milking equipment operations and overall electrical wiring requirements of dairies. He has extensive experience in testing for stray voltage, as well as testing cows for actual body resistance (not assumed but known).
Noble Salisbury, Salisbury Electric
Noble Salisbury, owner of Salisbury Electric Inc., is a master/journeyman electrician with 38+ years of experience in design, engineering and installation of commercial and agricultural electrical systems. Noble works with livestock farms to prevent and mitigate stray voltage from affecting livestock by designing infrastructure to eliminate future issues.
Junior presenter:
Mark Rueth: Rueth, who owns Rosedale Genetics with his wife Nicky Reape in Oxford, WI, will be demonstrating the ner details of taking your showing and animal prep to the next level. His judging and showing skills have taken him around the globe, judging the World Dairy Expo, Royal Winter Fair and Swiss Expo.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: 22’ Bobcat ER42 Mini Excavator, 2 Buckets, Hyd Thumb, 250 Hrs, Lull 844042 Extendable Forklift, 4,331 Hrs, Lull 8440-42 Extendable Forklift, 3,209 Hrs, Cat D4C XL Crawler Dozer, Orops, 6 Way Blade, 5,510 Hrs, Ingersoll Rand 375 Air Compressor, JD Diesel, Works Good, 2 – Case 450CT Track Skid Steers, Erops, Heat, Hyd Coupler, Aux Hyd, 10’ Cat CB54XW Versavibe Asphalt Roller, Orops, Canopy, Hydro, 5,618 Hrs, Cat 953 Crawler Loader, Cab/H, Hydro, 4-in-1 Bucket, 2,954 Hrs, Gehl 6640 Skid Steer, Orops, 4,862 Hrs, 16’ Cat CB24B Vibratory Roller, Takeuchi TB240 Mini Excavator, D, Cab/A/H, Aux Hyd, 1,035 Hrs, Atlas Copco XAS18 Towable Air Compressor, JD Diesel, 1,158 Hrs, Yale, GDP090LJNPBV109 Forklift, Erops, 3 Stage Mast, Dual Drive Wheels, Vermeer BC1230A Towable Wood Chipper, D, 1,828 Hrs, Levco HD50 Towable Stump Grinder, JD Diesel, Cat 953 Series II Crawler Loader, D, Orops, Hydro, Clean Machine, 2,623 Hrs, John Deere 313 Skid Steer, D, Orpos, Mech Quick Tatch, Aux Hyd, Only 200 Hrs, Very Nice, 19’ Cat 304E2 Mini Excavator, D, Cab/A/H, Hyd Thumb, 250 Hrs, Very Nice, Vermeer BC906 3pt Wood Chipper, 2 – 19’ Mobark Boxer X7 Towable Chippers, Kohler Gas, Rental Retirement Machines, John Deere 324G Skid Steer, D, Cab/A/H, 2 Speed, Hyd Coupler, 4,274 Hrs, Case 590 Super L Backhoe, D, Cab/H, 4x4, Extendahoe, 5,214 Hrs, Ford 555 Loader Tractor, 3pt, 1,584 Hrs, Wacker Neuson SW28 Skid Steer, D, Cab/A/H, Fertilizer Edition, 1,315 Hrs, Yanmar SV08-1A Mini Excavator, D, Orops, 2,883 Hrs, 20’ Kubota SVL95-2SHC Track Skid Steer, D, Cab/A/H, Aux Hyd, 2 Speed, Hyd Coupler, 1,075 Hrs, Lull Highlander 844TT-34 Extendable Forklift, 00’ Case 580 Super L Backhoe, D, Cab/H, 4x4, 3in1 Bucket, Extendahoe, Hyd Thumb, 7,156 Hrs, Municipal Unit, 13’ Ashland 130XL2 Scraper, Dolly Wheel, New Cutting Edge, Hyd Unload, Nice Unit, Mobark 13 Towable Chipper, D, 8,825 Hrs, Municipal Machine, 06 Case 721D Wheel Loader, D, Cab/A/H, LF Reverser, 4 Speed, ACS Coupler, 3,300 Hrs, Case W18 Wheel Loader, D, Cab/H, Boom JIB
FARM EQUIPMENT: 17’ Krone Big X 630 Self Propelled Chopper, C/A/H, 4x4, Auto Steer, Mapping, Kernal
Processor, 2 Spouts, 1,590/1,090 Hrs, Krone Easy Collect 750-2 10R Chopping Head, Krone 12’ Hay Head, Snapplage Adapter, Very Nice Units, 14’ Case 1250 12R Early Riser Planter, Bulk Fill, Pneumatic Down Pressure, No Till Coulters, Press Wheels, Nice One Owner Planter, Early Riser IV Monitor, 11’ Krause 8200 32’ Disk, Rock
Flex, 3 Bar Spike Harrow, Nice, John Deere 9560STS Combine, D, C/A/H, Hydro, 2,913/2,047 Hrs, 68K Spent On Repairs Nice Combine, Kinzie 1040 Grain Cart, Tandems, Roll Tarp, Corner Auger, DMI Tigermate 48’ Field Cultivator, Case IH 496 28’ Disk, International 800 Cyclo 12R Planter, New Holland 492 Haybine, Good Rolls, Automatic ATG3600B Roller Mill, w/ Blower, Bestway Field Pro II 1000 Gallon Sprayer, 60’ Booms, Great Plains
2010P Grain Drill, Metered, M&W 20’ 7 Shank Disk Chisel, New Holland HT152 10 Wheel Hay Rake, Vermeer 605L Round Baler, Patz V620 TM Mixer, Vermeer VP700 Bale Processor, 12’ Hutchinson 70’ Squeeze Belt Grain Conveyor, VERY NICE UNIT, McFarlane 40’ Harrow, Hyd Fold, Krone Big Pack 890XC Square Baler, John Deere 4320 Backhoe Tractor, D, Hydro, Pallet Forks & Bucket, Hrs Unknown, Woods BW1800 Batwing Mower, Degelman R570S Rock Picker, Case IH RBX562 Round Baler, Twine, New Holland 3050 Boomer Loader Tractor, D, Cab/A/H, PTO Spins, 785 Hrs, Lewis Poultry House Keeper, Prillion 15’ 13 Shank Disk Chisel, LH Towable Creep Feeder, Hanson PL12 Silage Defacer, JRB Hook Up, 20’ John Deere 5045E Loader Tractor, 541 Hrs, International 574 Loader Tractor, Vermeer 605N Round Baler, Net Wrap, 26K Bales, Parker 5250 Gravity Wagon, 2 – New Holland 258 Dolly Wheel Hay Rakes, John Deere 566 Round Baler, 02’ John Deere 9750 STS Combine, D, Cab/A/H, Hydro, 4,652/2,777 Hrs, 02’ John Deere 1293 Corn Head, Poly Snoots, Contour Master, Hyd Deck Plates, New Holland 355 Mixer Mill, Case IH 2377 Axial Flow Combine, D, Cab/A/H, Hydro, Chopper, Rock Trap, 4,468/3,144 Hrs, Case IH 2206 6R 30” Corn Head, Chopping Rolls, Case IH 1020 25’ Bean Head, John Deere 12R 20” Corn Head, Poly Snoots, John Deere 3960 Pull Type Chopper, 2R Corn Head, Hay Head, New Holland BR7090 Round Baler, Net Wrap, Nice Baler, John Deere 5320 Loader Tractor, D, Cab/A/H, MFWD, Power Reverser, 1,775 Hrs, H&S 430 Manure Spreader, Tandem, Hyd End Gate, Tob Beater, Highliner CFR650 Bale Processor, H&S W80C 20’ Chopper Box, Rear Unload, Hyd Drive, Silver King R42 Tractor, John Deere 2510 Tractor, G, NF, John Deere 4040 Tractor, D, Orops, Syncrop, 2 Hyd Remotes, New Holland Workmaster 40 Booomer Loader Tractor, D, Orops, Hydro, 53 Hrs, Nice One Owner Machine, Woods DS96 3pt Rotary Cutter, New Holland TN70A Loader Tractor, D, Orops, 2,250
Hrs, VEHICLES & TRAILERS: 19’ Econoline 21’ Tilt Bed Gooseneck Trailer, Tandem Axle, 16K GVWR, 20’ Gator 30’ Gooseneck Trailer, Tandem Axle, Fold Down Ramps, 16k GVWR, 06’ International 8600 Semi Tractor, 485,167 Miles, 89’ Kenworth Day Cab Semi Tractor, Cat D, 10 Speed, 373,443 Miles, 00’
Flat Bed Truck, D, Hyd Brakes, 300k
Miles, 01’ Karavan KU5000 16’ Tag Trailer LAWN & GARDEN – GOLF/RECREATION: 21’ Ferris IS3200Z Zero Turn Mower, G, Hydro, 200 Hrs, Nice Unit, 17’ John Deere 9009A Rough Rotary Mower, D, Hydro, 5 Deck, 2,848 Hrs, Lease Return Unit, Kubota L4240 Tractor, D, Hydro, Turf Tires, 885 Hrs, Nice Unit, Woods RT72-40 3pt Tiller, Greenscape 600 3pt Seeder, Dual Box, w/ Drag, Woods CSS60DLG 3pt Seeder, Dual Box, Like New, John Deere 3120 Loader Tractor, D, Orops, Hydro, 1,092 Hrs, John Deere X750 Lawn Mower, D, Hydro, 54” Deck, 46 Hrs, One Owner Machine, John Deere D110
Lawn Mower, G, 125 Hrs, 2 – Toro 5210 Fairway Mower, D, Hydro, Power Groomer, Nice Units, Jacobsen LF4677
Fairway Mower, D, Hydro, 4x4, 871 Hrs, Nice Machine, Jacobsen LF1880 Greens Mower, D, Hydro, 16’ Toro
Grandstand Lawn Mower, G, Hydro, 17’ Toro Grandstand Lawn Mower, G, Hydro, Turf Ex 7200E Spreader, G, Hydro, Hustler Super 104 Wide Area Zero Turn Mower, G, Hydro, 1,695 Hrs, Grasshopper Zero Turn Mower, G, Hydro, 1,500 Hrs, Cub Cadet M60 Tank Zero Turn Mower, 03’ Bambardier 500 rotax Traxter ATV, G, Snow Plow, 4x4, Dixie Chopper XG2703 Zero Turn Mower, G, Hydro, 60” Deck, 04’ John Deere X475 Lawn Mower, G, 54”
Deck, Power Flow Bagger, 350 Hrs, 21’ Kubota SZ26-52 Stand On Zero Turn Mower, G, Hydro, 1,074 Hrs, Ex Mark
36” Rotary Broom, Like New, Cub Cadet XT1 Lawn Mower, G, Hydro, 42” Deck, 9 Hrs, Demo Unit, John Deere 7500 Precision Cut Fairway Mower, D, Hydro, 2,870 Hrs, 2 – John Deere 1550 Front Mount Mower, D, Hydro, 60”
Deck, John Deere X485 Lawn Mower, G, Hydro, 54 ” Deck, 1,100 Hrs, 19’ Baffalo BT-Mega Towable Blower, Buffalo Turbine Towable Blower
National Dairy FARM Program opens nominations for annual FARM Excellence Awards
The National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management Program Excellence Awards are back for the third year. The prestigious awards recognize farms and evaluators who demonstrate excellence in their engagement with the FARM Program.
Awards are presented in four categories: Animal Care & Antibiotic Stewardship, Environmental Stewardship, Workforce Development and FARM Evaluator.
“We are so proud of the farms that participate in our program areas and our dedicated evaluators, and we believe it is important to publicly recognize the people that make the FARM Program so successful,” Emily Yeiser Stepp, executive director of the FARM Program, said. “These awards are given to
dairies and evaluators who exemplify on-farm social responsibility principles every day and each year I am blown away by the outpouring of support for the nominees from their peers.”
Farms or FARM evaluators can be nominated by fellow dairy farmers, members of their communities, extension, cooperative or processor staff, veterinarians, themselves or others. Nominations are open until 11:59 p.m. PDT Aug. 1 and should be submitted using the online form on the FARM website.
Nominated farms must have a current FARM Program evaluation in the respective category area and must be in good standing with the program. Evaluators who are nominated must be FARM Program certied in any of the
Genetics and reproduction are key performance indicators on farms; so, your expertise in herd reproduction and productivity as an A.I. Specialist is valuable to our producers.
Vast information impacting herd productivity can be revealed with a simple milk sample. As a DHI Specialist, you’ll advise customers on testing services and collect and process milk samples to support an efficient, healthy, and profitable cow herd.
Laboratory Technicians are valuable in CentralStar’s efforts to provide customers with all the information they need to make accurate management decisions. You’ll work as a team in a state-of-the-art laboratory to carefully view and analyze milk samples for a variety of data points.
For details and to apply: www.mycentralstar.com.
Other CentralStar careers: consultants, sales, beef specialists, product specialists, communication, inventory, administration, research, and internships.
program areas as of June 1. The awards are judged by a committee of FARM Farmer Advisory Council members and other subject matter experts.
Winners in each category will receive a hotel room and travel for two individuals to attend the Dairy Joint Annual Meeting Nov. 13-15 in Orlando, Florida, where the winners will be celebrated during a luncheon. Visit the FARM Excellence Awards page for more details.
Minnesota dairy farmers are encouraged to apply for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Dairy Business Planning Grant, which has recently launched a revamped application process.
This grant can be used to help cover the costs of hiring a qualied, independent third party to create a business plan for dairy operations. Dairy producers have used grant funds to evaluate the feasibility of expanding an operation, plan environmental upgrades, create strategies to transfer the operation to a family member or other new owner, and other business activities. The grant cannot cover any capital purchases.
The grant pays 50% of the cost to develop a business plan, up to $5,000. Producers must pay the other 50%.
Applications will be funded on a rst come, rst served basis. The MDA has $80,000 in funds per scal year to disperse, which resets every July 1.
To access the full eligibility requirements and access the application, visit the Dairy Business Planning Grant webpage. Questions can be directed to Kami Schoenfeld at Kami.Schoenfeld@state. mn.us or 651-201-6643.
The National Mastitis Council Scholars program offers at least four travel scholarships for full-time graduate students interested in controlling mastitis, promoting udder health and improving milk quality. Successful applicants earn an expense-paid trip to attend the NMC 63rd annual meeting, Jan. 29-Feb. 1, 2024, in Dallas.
To apply for the NMC Scholars program, applicants must complete the application form, submit an interest statement that details the applicant’s interest in controlling mastitis and improving milk quality, career goals and research project(s), and provide a letter of recommendation. Applicants may also share additional information, such as awards, honors and scholarships received.
At least two NMC Scholars will be graduate students at a university or college outside of the United States and Canada. Eligible candidates must be an NMC member and enrolled full time at a col-
lege or university in a dairy, animal or veterinary science, microbiology or related program at the time of application deadline, with an area of interest that includes mastitis control and quality milk production.
The application deadline is July 31. Applicants will be notied by Aug. 31, regarding the selection committee’s decision. To learn more about the program and to apply, go to: http://www.nmconline. org/nmc-scholars-program. Selection priority will be given to applicants who have not previously attended an NMC annual meeting. Previous NMC Scholars are eligible to apply, but preference will be given to those who have not been previously selected.
3x4 Bales • 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cutting Hay WE
(50) HEAD REGISTERED PLUS YOUNGSTOCK, quality udders, feet & legs, great disposition, Dyersville, IA. Call 563-543-2253. 9-4-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, closed herd, Johnes & Leukosis test negative, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Call 507-9205859. 7-TFN-B
HOLSTEIN BULLS from multi-gen EX, VG cows, 28,500 RHA. Call Olmar Farms 507-220-0730.
HFRS. & COWS, as they freshen, retired. Call 507429-8128. 9-2-F
GUERNSEY SPRINGERS, reg. Brown Swiss cows & breeding age registered bulls, Brown Swiss bulls, Guernsey w/ high type & production. Call 563-590-5369.
HOLSTEIN & ANGUS BULLS, various sizes, delivery avail. Call or text Brian 715-613-9206.
(4) ORGANIC HFRS., between 400-600 lbs. Call 715-875-4438. 8-3-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, serviceable age, north of Rochester, MN, delivery avail. Call 507732-5930. 9-1-F
SPRINGING HFRS., B&W, R&W, Holstein, Linebacks and Normandies; also open Normandies, A2 tested, ready to breed soon. Call 920-4071987. 7-3-F
STEIN BULLS, polled, genomic tested, deep pedigreed high producing cow families. Call 507-8200452. 22-TFN-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, springing hfrs., Freeport, MN area. Call 612-2707453. 23-TFN-F
REGISTERED, homebred Holstein bulls, located 15 mi. north of Rochester, MN. Call Dave Alberts at 507-269-3084 or 507356-8625. 14-TFN-B
HOLSTEIN BULLS, 18 mos. old, serviceable age, north of Zumbrota, MN, delivery avail. Call 507259-7591. 9-1-F
TOP QUALITY SPRINGER HFRS., due Jan., $1,900/obo. Call 320-293-1432 or 320-2602213. 20-TFN-F
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, dams over 40,000 milk, 4.0 test, Analyst Renegrade, King, Doc. Call Greg 608-326-2668. 20-TFN-F
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN COWS, all stages of lactation, 26,000 RHA, 100,000 SCC. Call Sheeknoll Farms 507-2593477. 2-TFN-F
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, from three or more generations of EX 30,000 lbs. dams, Brookings, SD. Call 605-6906393. TFN-F
BROWN SWISS BULLS, home raised, registered, genomic tested, A2A2 tested, delivery available. Call 563-419-2137 or visit www.hilltopacresfarmcalmaria.com 24-TFN-F
BRED DAIRY FLECKVIEH BULLS, some A2A2 & genomic tested. Call 715-220-2572. 9-TFN-F
TOP COWS from herd as they freshen, low SCC, high production. Call 608778-5770. 6-4-F
DAIRY HFR. CALVES, 2-6 months old, 28K herd avg., Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 18-TFN-F
ROAN MILKING SHORTHORN COW, 4 yrs. old, due to calf October, $1,500. Call 701-4902432. 6-TFN-F
Strum, WI 715-579-0531 www.bestfootingconcretegrooving.com
Dairyland Supply in Sauk Centre has an opening in our service department. Some service experience is preferred but not required. We have highly qualified servicemen with the ability to train as needed. Duties include setting up new equipment, repairing equipment in shop or on the farm and installing equipment on the farm. Some welding, washing, moving, loading and unloading equipment with a forklift. Dairyland Supply has a modern facility with up to date equipment.
If interested in joining our team, please stop in at Dairyland Supply for an application or contact Gordon or Roxane at 320-352-3987.
Concrete Silos
- Leon Peplinski
Livestock - FOR SALE
HEIFERS OF ALL AGES, baby calves to springers, central, MN. Call 320-333-5906.
BLACK & WHITE & RED & WHITE BULLS, sires Unstopabull, Genie, & Late Night-P, dams EX and VG, over 30,000 milk, 4% test. Call 320-5836564. 10-TFN-F
R&W HOLSTEIN BULL AVAILABLE, dam EX 94-2E w/multiple AllAmerican awards. Call/ text 507-269-4640. 9-4-F
(35) JERSEY DAIRY COWS, all lactation, hfrs. avail., retiring, NW, WI. Call 715-781-2446. 8-3-F
REG. BROWN SWISS BULLS, all ages, exc. pedigrees; also Holstein bulls. Call 320-587-6384 or 320583-0336. 12-TFN-B
Hay, Straw, Feed & Bedding - FOR SALE
With over 40 years experience, Wisconsin Silos is the most complete builder of concrete silos in the United States. From pouring the footing, to xing the accessories, unloaders, feeders, conveyors, silo pipes, silo distributors & silo chutes.
HOLSTEIN BULLS, from great type and production families. Raised on outside lots, good vigor, Glencoe, MN. Call 320864-6555. 2-TFN-F
BREEDING BULLS, 40 yrs. AI breeding, Sauk Centre, MN. Call 320-7612526 or 320-293-5607.
DAIRY GOAT DOES, out of Hostetler breeding; also breeding bucks available. Call 319-350-5819.
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, exc. type and production. Call Scott Rickeman 320-552-0284.
ALFALFA HAY & GRASS HAY, med. square or round bales, delivery available. Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-689-6675.
DAIRY FEED QUALITY ALFALFA, 1st-3rd crop cutting avail., 5x6 large rounds. Call 701840-1856. 6-4-F
ALFALFA BALEAGE, 1st-4th crop, 175 RFQ. Call 715-896-1418.
OCIA CERTIFIED YELLOW CORN, 8.52 crude protein. Call 641751-8382. 12-TFN-B
STRAW, NET WRAPPED ROUND BALES & BIG SQUARES, clean, dry, stored inside, delivery available. Call 320-8088336. 15-TFN-F
CERTIFIED ORGANIC HAY, 1st cut rd., 2nd cut med. large sq., good quality mixed hay. Call 218587-4672. 22-TFN-F
Drain Tiles & Manure Systems Whitewashing & Power Washing MARCUS KRAHN 320-217-9607 MATHER’S (Formerly Noah VanBeck) No Sunday Calls (Emergency Only) 3700 Post Rd., Plover, WI 1-800-472-9202 • 715-570-0069 • wisilos@gmail.com www.wisconsinsilos.com
WE HAVE BUYERS for tiestall and freestall dairy herds of all qualities and quantities. Also herds for sale at all times, Call 715721-0079. 2-TFN-B
ALL CLASSES OF SPRINGER DAIRY COWS. No jockeys. Call 320-760-6050. 20-TFN-F
COMPLETE HERDS OF DAIRY CATTLE; also buying all classes of livestock, including cull cows, steers, hfrs. and calves. Call 715-216-1897.
WANTING TO BUY SLOW & LAME CATTLE, lump-jaws and bad eyes and all blemished cattle, $200-$600; also, good cull cows and bulls, $600$1,200. Call 612-860-8774 or 651-480-1900. 4-TFNB
KILN DRIED WOOD SHAVINGS for bedding, by the semi load. Call 608479-2039. 19-TFN-F
DAIRY QUALITY ALFALFA, 4x5 round bales, $80 ea. Call 320-304-2311.
AGES: corn silage (conventional and BMR), alfalfa haylage, fescue grass silage, Triticale silage and oatlage. Forages can be delivered and made into TMR. Call 920-371-7737.
Vermeer 605 Super J Baler, twine only, 1992 model, BAU1605G ........$2,500/obo
Case IH RS561 baler, Twine only, Low bales ....................................................Call
Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 2017, Approx 7,663 bales, Very Good Condition ..............................................................................$45,000
2015 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 21,435 bales, new monitor, belts last year, real good cond ...............................................................$20,000
SILO REMOVAL, take down & clean up, specializing in but not limited to silos in congested areas, mobile concrete crushing, fully insured. Call 507236-9446. 23-12-VM
something to sell?
agriculture and
for strea soy e efficie mak
AirFLEX SDX is the clear-cut choice for soybean growers. It offers streamlined flex cutting for your soybeans, providing optimal ciency with fewer components, making it simpler to maintain.
s sooybea t gr where
You’ll get all the speed you need with the next generation of draper header innovation. The AirFLEX SDX features sensors and air suspension that allow the flex header to shave the ground, picking up more of the crop. It’s lightweight yet durable, sophisticated yet easy to use, all while integrating cutting-edge innovation. Crafted on the farm, you’ll appreciate the combination of thoughtful design, high performance and simplicity – and the extra money it will generate.
“Overall, I’m going to say that the header is above anything that I have run personally. It’s simple yet it does exactly what you want it to do. It’s not a complicated head; it’s not complicated electronically or mechanically. They’ve done a good job of keeping it simple so its maintenance over time is going to be easy. I don’t think that’s going to be an expensive header to keep operating.”
2017 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special approx. 28,201 bales, many parts replaced recently ................................................................$17,500
2019 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, Approx 10,000 bales, exc cond ............Call
2003 Vermeer 605XL baler, good condition ....................................................Call
2007 Vermeer 605M Baler, 14,782 bales .........................................................Call
2011 John Deere 568 baler, approx. 14,700 bales....................................$18,000
Used Kubota BV5160 Silage Baler ...................................................................Call
2016 New Holland Roll-belt 560 Specialty Crop, approx. 8600 bales, preservative tank ...................................................................................$27,000
‘22 Kubota 1024 Disc mower ...........................................................................Call
2014 Vermeer M6040 Disc Mower .............................................................$6,000
2013 Vermeer M6040 Disc Mower ...................................................................Call
Used Kuhn GMD 600GII HD Disc Mower ...........................................................Call
Kuhn GA4220TH Rotary Rake ....................................................................$8,500
Krone Swatto 900 Rotary Rake ........................................................................Call
2003Vermeer R23A Hydraulic basket rake, Good condition .......................$7,000
Used Kubota TE4052T Tedder, 4 basket. Excellent condition...........................Call
Badger 1055 forage boxes, tandem axle, FWU 1702G ............................PENDING
H&S 500 Forage box, good condition, 14 ft .....................................................Call
2015 Houle 6” 3pt super pump 9ft, 2 agitation nozzles, 2 available .....$9,250 ea.
Houle PTO 6” Super Pump, 2004, w/ 2 agitation nozzles, 12ft long, MPU1704.................................................................................................$8,500
Used Houle 60” cable scraper drive, good shape ........................................$3,000
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1501G$4,300
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with 30HP motor, USED, MPU1505G .......$4,000
10ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors,
used, MPU1507G .......................................................................................$4,300
8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with no motors set up for twin motors, USED, MPU1508G ......................................................................................$3,500
2) 8” manure loadstands .....................................................................$2,000 ea.
Used Houle Maxi Pump, Great condition .........................................................Call
USED MIXERS Cloverdale 1300 Cu Ft Twin screw vertical mixer..............................................Call
Nuhn Magnum 6750 manure tank, Hydraulic drive, flow meter, VTI units$50,000/OBO
Houle 4800 Gallon manure tank, 4 disc rig toolbar, pump rebuilt ...................Call Meyer’s M390 Manure spreader, Good Condition....................................$14,000
2018 Meyer’s VB560 vertical beater spreader with Scale system .....................Call
“Where our passion for and technology come together to t serve you!” Late Shippin
Afternoon UPS Shipping Available!
E. Hwy. 30, Pipestone, MN
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(507) 825-3271 • www.gortersclayanddairy.com
3) Used RU600 Corn heads for Chopper, good condition ...........................$17,500 ea.
Used Gea UV Pure, calf milk purifier, DEU2001 ................................................Call
Double 10 Blue Diamond parallel parlor w/ SST2 detachers, 3” low line, single receiver, jetter trays, curb, gates, 10 hp Suterbilt vac pump, 10hp Westfailia 2800 vac pump, 20 DeLaval milking units, & pulsators, DEU1803G ...............Call 10 used Boumatic Companion detachers, #U3557554 .................Now $350 each
6 used Boumatic 4400 detachers, with new gaskets & diaphragms, #U3557444 ........................................................................................$300 each
Used Artex VCat Sand Wagon for bedding stalls ........................................$4,000
Used Bobman for bedding ..............................................................................Call
New 8ft. Patz barn cleaner chute for 16” gutter, PA16151, retails for $992 .......$800 Patz barn cleaner 12” tapered flights, never used, but weathered, not painted, $18.95 New......................................................................$12.25ea
New Schuur and Lely cow brushes- In stock ....................................................Call
Used squirrel cage style fan, 42” diameter, w/ 3 phase motor .........................Call
Used WIC model 300 grain cart, OTH1803G .....................................................Call
New 2 bath automated footbath assy, stainless baths & control, ½ priced-never used, DEN1402G .............................................................$7,000
Dayton Blower Fan, like new, 24.5” Wheel, 12000 CFM #3C010, $3,437 retail New ....................................................................................$2,500
Dayton Blower Fan, used 2 mos., #2C799, 18.25” whl, $1,982 retail new .$1,100
Used Dasilveira headlocks,
50-COW DAIRY LOOKING FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON for farm work; must know equipment and cows. Call 715-662-5053. 23-TFN-F
1900 COW DAIRY looking for bilingual parlor manager. Call 507-9515597. 8-TFN-F
HERDSMAN FOR 1500 COW FAMILY DAIRY, Egan, SD, duties include: herd health, relief breeding/feeding, machinery operation/maintenance. Call 605-864-7998. 8-3-F
USED CALF-TEL PENS. Call 320-995-6216.
OLD HEATING FUEL AND DIESEL, can pump from basement. Call 320424-2005. 5-TFN-F
SPRING TEETH for IHC C cultivator; wheel hub for IHC 56 corn planter, right side. Call 715-822-2678.
UNIT, #TS-11-120T. Call 612-202-7944, Norwood, MN. 8-3-F
FEMALE SAINT BERNARD. Call 320-5575514, no texts or messages.
WANTED. Call 608-723-
2049. 1-TFN-F
SLINGER SPREADER. Call 507-459-5201.
FARM BULK MILK COOLERS, all sizes. Call 319-330-2286. 10-24-P
JD 7000 6 OR 8 ROW PLANTER & 6620 or 7720 combine. Call 320760-6050. 22-TFN-F
GOLF CART OR SIDEBY-SIDE. Call 320-2504600, no texts or messages.
BULK MILK TANK AND VACUUM PUMP Call 320-262-6874. 9-1-F
MOTOR, works great. Call 320-845-4690. 8-2-F
BOX, immaculate shape; also couple of Badger tandem silage boxes. Call 605-868-2902. 8-3-F
PUPPIES, need new homes, ready to go, 5 left, awesome dogs w/kids and livestock. Call 218-2346597. 6-4-F
LIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, born 3/27/23. Text 608-386-2035 for pics and info. 6-4-F
SPDR.; Gehl 100 grinder mixer; DeLaval automatic takeoffs. Call 320-2484045. 8-2-F
‘12 KELLY RYAN 12’ BAGGER, 300’ cables, 90 bags through it, $40,000/ obo. Call 507-829-8508.
WESTGO 2010 12R
ROW CULTIVATOR, great for corn or beans, $900. Call 320-224-9891.
Wanted: irrigation system. Call 320-250-4600, no texts or messages. 3-TFNF
BRILLION 9-SHANK DISC CHISEL, $4,000. Call 320-491-0316. 9-1-F
2,000 GAL. MODEL
OE MUELLER BULK TANK, 1 owner, new in 2001, $16,500/obo. Call 320-429-0829. 9-1-F
JD 2700 PLOW, semi mounted. Call 320-5101055. 13-TFN-F
IH 4000 SWATHER, 12’ auger head, no crimper, $3,500. Call 320-2661916. 9-1-F
NH BR770 ROUND BALER, crop cutter; Case 2188 combine, RWA. Call 218-841-8723. 24-TFN-F
JD 3940 CHOPPER w/ HH & 2R CH, make offer; Miller Pro 4R cultivator w/28% liq. nitrogen attachment. Call 608-341-9588.
CULT., $4,250; Also CIH
28’ crumbler, $10,000. Call 320-249-8556. 9-1-F
BRITISH WHITE LABGERMAN SHORTHAIR CROSS PUPPIES, born May 11, 3 females, 5 males. Call 320-247-2081.
J&D BRISKET BOARD, 242’ of tube; 56 hangers, B.O. Call 507-766-4220.
MF 520 12’ DISC; Knight 17-7 w/H&S 12 ton gear; H&S 125 spdr. Call 608967-2202. 9-1-F
JD 328 SQ. BALER w/40 ejector; (2) 9x18 bale wagons, stored inside. Call 320-250-7707. 9-1-F
IH 786 TRACTOR, very clean, nice chores tractor. Call 320-310-2221. 5-4-F
(4) DEMCO 365 & 450
GRAVITY BOXES, (2) w/tarps, like new; tricycle feeder; big round bale wagon. Call 320-5576558. 18-TFN-F
1600 GAL. MUELLER OH tank, bought new Nov. ‘08, $20,000/obo. Call 320-304-2311. 9-1-F
Do you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment where you are challenged to excel and grow your skills?
Our company currently works on Apple based computers and utilizes Adobe software. General agricultural knowledge is preferred. This is a full or part time position. If you are interested in looking at this position we would love the opportunity to meet with you. All applications are kept con dential.
Please submit resumes to: 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre, MN 56378 or e-mail to nancy.p@dairystar.com
IH 616 TRAILER-TYPE MOLDBOARD PLOW; 16KW generator on whls., power takeoff, pto driven; Super H Farmall. Call 218385-3471. 6-TFN-F
VALMETAL 530 FEED CART, Honda eng., auger disch., everything works, Wausau, WI, $4,200/obo. Call 715-675-2216. 9-1-F
MUELLER 4,000 GAL. TANK, Sentry III controller, (1) 5hp compressor, great shape, $20,000. Call 320304-1668. 6-4-F
35KW PTO GENERATOR w/transfer switch & trailer, $3,750; 20’ ring drive silo unloader, $2,500. Call 320-248-1573. 9-2-F
WEAVERLINE FEED CARTS, new, rebuilt used, parts, service. Call Hobert Sales Inc., Cokato, MN 320-286-6284. 19-TFN-B
NH FX28 SP CHOPPER, 6R, 10’ HH; 23’ manure application bar, 30” spacing, 4” swing pipe, ow meter. Call 320-2935607. 4-TFN-F
PSI POWER WASHERS, Power Washers Hot/Cold, Cabinet Parts Washers, Chemicals, Presoaks, Degreasers, Large Parts Inventory Shipped Same Day, On Site Service. Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Sales, Repair, and Rental. “The Guys That Work Great Under Pressure” 1-800-5551677. Serving you from 3 locations: West Central MN Region – Pennock, MN Location SW MN Region –Wilmont, MN Location NW IA Region – Harrisburg, SD Location & Wilmont, MN Location SE SD Region –Harrisburg, SD Location. 23-TFN-B
FEEDING SYSTEM, 120 gal. unit, mounts in side by side, have one new unit and one used unit. Call 605881-4576. 6-10-F
IH 1460 COMBINE, $4,600; 1063 CH, $6,200, no beans; (6) bean meters for JD 1750, 80 acres done, $850. Call 320-290-6385.
PATZ BARN CLEANER, $1,000. Call 563-568-1177.
CIH RB564 RD. BALER, twine & net, 1800 total bales; CIH 1830 6R cultivator, like new; 18.438 clamp-on duals. Call 815-947-2266. 8-2-P
NH 38 FLAIL CHOPPER, bought new in ‘04, always shedded, exc. cond. Call 715-314-0977. 10-TFN-F
HAY RACK, platforms on side, 9x18’, $2,500; Kewanee elevator, 56’, pto lift. Call 320-247-2657. 7-TFN-F
10’X10’ PORTABLE DRIVE OVER SCALE. Call 605-881-7247. 6-10-F
SILO DOORS, wood or steel doors shipped promptly to your farm, hardware available including S.S. fasteners. Call 800-2225726, Landwood Sales LLC. 7-10-B
BADGER 2060 SERIES II FORAGE BLOWER, good cond., $3,500/obo, same blower as CIH 600. Call 612-408-6936 or 651440-5785. 9-2-B
CIH BLOWER, very good cond., $4,500/or reasonable offer. Call 612-240-7962 or 612-201-2394. 9-1-F
USED ANDERSON HYBRID X, 2015, Farm King combo; Also, Vermeer 504 Pro, 2015, new belts, 17,000 bales. Call 218-5832931. 9-1-F
AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, ready Jan. 22, red tri & red Merle, tails docked, dew claws, 1st round shots & wormer. Call Travis 507-259-5173. 22-TFN-F
MODEL BULK TANK, 1,250 gal., complete as new, MN. Call 480-313-8460 5-TFN-F
‘02 BELL 40,000# TRAILER, 20’ bed, 5’ beavertail, new 2” white oak oor, exc. cond., $12,500 Call 920-470-4893. 9-1-F
‘08 35 TON SEMI TRAILER, beaver tail & ramps, 51’ total length. Call 320-760-6942. 12-TFN-F
JD 7000 8R30 PLANTER, Osage, MN. Call 218-8414248. 1-TFN-F
(4) 3-PHASE 5HP
BULK MILK TANK COMPRESSORS , reasonable. Call 480-3138460. 9-TFN-F
GRAIN AUGER, 10HP motor; also 54B-1800 Starline roller mill, 10’ loading auger, magnet grate. Call 715-495-4153, no texts. 9-1-F
‘13 CIH FHX300 CHOPPER, tandem axle w/crop processor & metal detector; also HDX 3R CH, 9’ HH in exc. cond., always shedded, $30,000/obo, Harris, IA. Call 712-330-7217 9-1-VM
1 male, 1 female. Excellent temperament! House trained with very good trainable natures & perfect for families with children and other pets! Please email rst at: staceymcclelland8@gmail.com and text 312-682-5323. 9-2-B