August 13, 2022 Third Section DAIRY ST R Online at “All dairy, all the time”™ SPECIALIZEWEINWIDESHEETING www.bluelakeplastics.com320-333-9255SaukCentre,MN 24’ up to 132’ wide poly IN STOCK View our sizes on our website. We can order sheeting up to 200’ wide We carry Silage Bags from 6.5’ up to 14’ WE HAVE YOUR SILAGE SHEETING! 320.352.3477320.352.3477 Located in Sauk Centre, MN LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! Visit us at Big Iron Farm Show Sept. 13-15, 2022 Booth W-05 Visit our website at to purchase and view all of our other MRF Attachments and MANUREMANUREvideos!SCRAPERFORKGRAPPLEBRUSH & ROOT GRAPPLE STUMP BUCKET SH GRAPP STOCK!IN FALL IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, be prepared with a MRF attachment! DA AI AC O GURAN WARRANTY2 YEAR MANURE FORK GRAPPLE K! MANURE SCRAPER MILKING EQUIPMENT • MANURE EQUIPMENT • FEEDING EQUIPMENT HOUSING • ROUTE SUPPLIES“Where our passion for agriculture & technology come together to serve you!” PARTSSTAFFEDHOURS:7-5M-FLateUPSAfternoonShippingAvailable! Gorter’s Clay & Dairy Equipment of Minnesota, Inc. P.O. Box 786, E. Hwy. 30, Pipestone, MN 56164 Fax (507) 825-4052 • E-mail: (507) 825-3271 Streamline your labor! Lely has a hired man who will milk your cows, feed your calves, push up feed, and mix a TMR! The way to dairy.™ Lely Vector automatic feeding system Lely Juno automatic feed pusher Lely Calm automatic calf feeder Lely DiscoveryCollector scrape the barnL a L ely Ju automatic f Lely Astronaut A5 automatic milking system Call moretodayusfordetails! yr n

Northland Farm Systems Owatonna, MN Leedstone Melrose, MN, Glencoe, MN, Plainview, MN, Woodville, WI Gorter’s Clay & Dairy Equipment, Inc. Pipestone, MN
Contact a DCC Waterbeds dealer near you: Eastern Iowa Dairy Systems Epworth, IA Livestock Systems Charles City, IA Wille Construction Garnavillo, IA Fuller’s Milker Center Inc Lancaster, WI, Richland Center, WI Field’s Mt. Horeb, WI
— Carlie Rademacher, R-Acres | (608) 709-2693
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Page 2 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022
Dorner Equipment Sales & Service New Franken, WI Joe’s Refrigeration Inc. Withee, WI Preston Dairy Equipment Sparta, WI RLS Vinyl and Farm Supply LLC Hager City, WI Midwest Ag and ContractorsCommercial(MAC) Menomonie, WI Scharine Group Inc. Whitewater, WI, Janesville, WI & Mt Horeb, WI Cottage Grove, WI Minn. Hinkeldey family Hinkeldey they completed a new dairy facility that included verytherehindsight,lor.milkingParabonedouble-8apar-“Inarefew things I would have changed about our dairy facilities,” said Jeff Hinkeldey. “For example, it would have been nice to have bigger free stalls, but you have to work with the resources that Jeff Hinkeldey By Jerry Nelson
–While many things remain the same at the
Another thing that hasn’t changed is that James and Jeff’s parents, Willis and Sharon, continue to live on the family farm. Willis is 83, and Sharon is 80. “Up until last fall, Dad was still hauling silage wagons for us,” Jeff said. “His favorite job was running the windrower to cut ourThishay.”changed recently when Willis, who has dealt with multiple sclerosis for more than 40 years, underwent quadruple bypass surgery. Willis developed a postsurgical urinary tract infection and later developed COVID-19. It would be 54 days before he was able to return home. “I drove myself to the hospital in Sioux Falls for my heart operation,” Willis said. “Even though I had been feeling ne, Sharon signed us up for a cardiac scan. This led to some additional tests that found that JERRY NELSON/DAIRY STAR
family in April 2012, shortly after
Turn to HINKELDEY | Page 3 Family reects on time in 10-year-old facilities
The Hinkeldey family milks 130 cows in a double-8 parlor on their farm near Windom, Minnesota. The parlor and a holding pen facility was completed by the Hinkeldey family in 2012.
Advanced Dairy LLC Spring Valley, WI Bob’s Dairy Supply Dorchester, WI
Installed in 2018, 2021 & 2022 We like the waterbeds because the water is constantly moving so EVERY COW IS COMFORTABLE. As the cow moves the water adjusts to her and when she leaves the water moves back for the next cow to lay down. WE USE A 1/3RD LESS BEDDING than we did before because it stays longer. “ “ WE’RE ALL ABOUT COW COMFORT. SOLUTIONS FOR EVERYDAY CHALLENGES. WINDOM,
you have at the time.” Just as it did 10 years ago, the Windom farm includes Jeff and his brother, James. Jeff and James each have three children; some of them were still at home a decade ago and both of their wives were working at off-farmJames’jobs.wife, Angela, continues to work at Toro in Windom. Their eldest son, Marcus, is now a mechanic at Midwest Machinery in Mountain Lake. Middle son Ryan works on the family dairy farm. James and Angela’s youngest son, Marcus, is employed at HitchDoc in Jackson.Jeff’swife, Sheryl, is employed at Colonial Manor in Lakeeld. Their oldest daughter, Ashley, lives in Mitchell, South Dakota, and is married to Patrick Scott. Daughter Bridgette is married to AJ Lusk and lives in Jackson, where they operate a photography business. The Lusks have a daughter, Carly. Jeff and Sheryl’s son, Austin, is married to Carly. They live in Bingham Lake and have a son, Hudson, and are expecting a baby daughter.What has not changed is that the Hinkeldeys continue to milk about 130 Holsteins and farm about 375 acres. “We have had some tough years,” Jeff said. “We’ve had to deal with drought and low milk prices. During the peak of the (coronavirus) pandemic, we had to dump milk a couple of times. We have had some trouble with high death loss in our calves, but we feel that we’ve got that gured out now.”
Hinkeldeys continue farming into next decade
Advanced Comfort Technology, Inc. © 2022
dairy farm, a few changes have taken place during the past decade.Dairy Star rst visited the

Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 • Page 3 EveryDairydeservesBetter. BetterProduction BetterConsistency BetterHerd *AllMixersarenotthesame. ExperiencetheNDEcodi erence. @NDEcoTMR|888.336.3127 You've got it! SOMBODY WANTS IT! sell it in the THE WINNERS INCLUDE: Christie Gubbels, Aberdeen, South Dakota Albert Hanson, Elgin, Iowa John Kauffman, Browerville, Minnesota Earl Newswanger, Owen, Wisconsin Nancy Peterson, Boyd, Wisconsin Each winner receives ve pounds of butter and ve pounds of cheese. The winners found 288 logos in zone 1 and 285 logos in zone 2 of the June 25th Dairy CONGRATULATIONSStar. To the Five winners of the I Spy Dairy Goodness Contest Sponsored by AMPI. 320-836-2284 • 1-888-276-1751 29033 Co. Rd. 17 • Freeport, MN • In St. Rosa • Your one-stop-shop for all agricultural building, welding, barn parts & equipment needs! Build with the Best! some of my arteries were 95% plugged. This year is the rst time in over 60 years that I didn’t windrow hay.” Tough times are nothing new for the Hinkeldeys.“Sharonand I got married in 1960 and moved onto this farm,” Willis said. “We had nothing to our names except for a desire to make a go of it. This farm had no electricity or running water when we moved here. My wife’s father helped us remodel and modernize the farmIthouse.”wasnot long before Willis and Sharon launched themselves into dairying. “We built a 3-cow single side release milking parlor in 1961 and continued to use it until the boys built their new parlor in 2012,” Willis said. “A tornado tore across our farmstead in 1983 and caused some minor damage. Another tornado hit us in 2000, damaging every building on the farm. It even caused one of our stave silos to become out ofJeffround.”credits the Farm Service Agency for helping their operation survive the lean times. “I would encourage any young farmer who is starting out to work with the FSA,” Jeff said. “They have a lot of programs to help you out. It involves a lot of paperwork and recordkeeping, but it’s worth it. We paid ahead on our loans when we could, and the FSA stood by us when we needed to delay some of our installments.”
Other changes at the Hinkeldey farm have to do with young people. “About six years ago, we began to host a tour every October for the Jackson Cub Scout troop,” Jeff said. “The Con kids really enjoy learning about dairy farming. If they want, we will even let them attach a milking unit to a cow. They get a big kick out of that. And when the tour is over, we send them home with string cheese.”
nued from HINKELDEY | Page 2
The Hinkeldeys have sold Associated Milk Producers Inc. cheese and butter on their farm for the past several years.“I showed my rst dairy cow at the Minnesota State Fair in 1974,” Jeff said. “Our family continued to show dairy cattle at the state fair every year until 2018, when Ryan nished high school.”But, the Hinkeldey family hopes to soon return to the dairy cattle show ring.“I have a grand-niece who loves to show dairy cattle and will likely show at the state fair next year,” Jeff said. “We also have some neighbor kids who are interested in leasing dairy cattle to show. We will be glad to teach them everything they need to know.”
The Hinkeldey family can trace their Minnesota roots back to 1903, when Willis’ grandparents moved from Kansas to Minnesota and purchased a farm located just a few miles from the place where the Hinkeldeys operate their“Wedairy.are going to do everything we can to help the next generation get started in farming, just as my parents helped James and me,” Jeff said. Ryan, too, hopes to continue farming. “I enjoy working with my family,” he said. “I would like to keep our dairy farming tradition going.”

Special song gives farmers a voice
By Abby Wiedmeyer
WINDBER, Pa. – Jeff Corle has two main passions in life – dairy farming and music. After spending a decade writing songs in Nashville in the 1980s, he hung up his guitar to pursue dairy farming back home in Pennsylvania. Twenty years of farming later, he has now hung up the milkers and returned to music, this time with a special song and a big purpose. “My mission is to give farmers and rural America a voice,” Corle said. “This is certainly no longer just about me and my story. It’s about all dairy farmers and what they’re going through.”
Turn to CORLE | Page 5
Page 4 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 Larson Partial Farm Liquidation 2007 CIH Puma 180 MFWD 2005 CIH 305 CIH1250 Corn Planter 2004 CIH 2388 Combine 2008 CIH 2208 Cornhead 2003 1020 30’ Flexhead Case 883 Sunflower Head Brandt Auger 1080Swing Westfield Auger 10x36 CIH 5400 No Till Drill 2007 Landoll 6230 30’ Disc Case 4800 Field Cultivator International 5500 Chisel Plow J&M 750 Grain Cart Meyer’s VB750 Manure Spreader 2008 JD 567 Baler HiQual Cattle Tub and Alley 1979 IHC S1800 Tandem Truck 2001 International 9900IX Semi 2003 Timpte Super Hopper Trailer 1994 Great Dane Trailer Cement Feed Bunks For-Most Headgate Tanks Monitors & Receivers Tractors, Trucks, Trailers, Vehicles, Farm Equipment, Livestock Equipment,Augers, Grain Bins, Yard & Garden Equipment 2014 CIH Maxxum 140 MFWD JD 2840 McCormick Farmall Super A International 300 M Tractor with 325 Dual Loader JD 3010 Diesel CIH 620 24’ Drill (2) Ford 242 Discs JD 635 Disc CIH 5800 Chisel Plow JD 1600 Mower Conditioner 2003 Summers Pull-Type Sprayer J&M Grain Cart J&M 750 Grain Cart Flexicoil 1720 Air Cart EZ Trail 680 Header Trailer Case IH 3650 Round Baler Henke Mixer Wagon B300 Gehl 125 Mix-All X125 Feed Grinder Lorenz 100 Feed Grinder Bale Feeders Self-Feeders Flare Box 1974 Ford F750 Grain Truck 2005 Chevy 2500 LS Pickup 2004 Ford F150 4x4 1994 GMC Sierra 2002 Grand Prix 2002 Oldsmobile Alero 2002 Chevy Tahoe 2001 Chevy Silverado 1967Honda Trail 90 Columbia Golf Cart M610 Bobcat Cat 14 Road Maintainer Sperry New Holland Backhoe Skid SteerAttachments 2015 PJ Deck Over Tilt Trailer Duralite Stock Trailer 7x20 Stur D Cattle Tub and Alley Lambert Mfg. Cattle Working Chute Balen 22’ Grain Bin Butler 24’ Grain Bin Butler 7800 Bu. Bin Horizontal Augers Mayrath 8x51 Auger Westfield 6x26 Auger Farm King 10x61 Auger Hopper for Unload Auger JD Quick Tach Jeffers Quick Tach Danuser 3 Pt. Post Hole Digger Gallagher Fencers Windbreaks Freestanding Panels Hobart 205AC Stick Welder 2011 Hustler 60” Hyper Drive Zero Turn Mower Toro 24” Snowblower Yard Machines 20” Push Mower Troy-Bilt 42” Riding Lawn Mower Huskee 16” Garden Tiller Yard & Garden Tools Shop Equipment Tools Corn Burner Stoves Antiques & Collectibles TERMS:Payment in USDmust be made before removal of items. Nothing removed before settlement. Printed material was taken from sources believed to be correct but is not warranted. Any warranties are between seller and buyer. Items sold as-is, where-is. Subject to deletions and additions.A 3.75% processing fee added to invoice total for card transactions. Buyer’s premium of 7% added to each lot capped at $700per lot. South Dakota sales tax applies where applicable. Not responsible for accidents. Auctioneer’s Note: This sale has very nice equipmentand items are well taken care of. If you are looking for yard and garden equipment, tractors, farmequipment,or livestock equipment,you don’t want to miss this sale!!! Items are at each individualconsignor’s location. See location under lot description.Items should be picked up within two weeks from auction end date. For viewing or questions, please call Bill JensenVold Auctioneers & Realty, Inc. at 605-448-0048.
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Pennsylvania dairyman exits industry, reawakens musical career
It started with a special song called “Empty Barn,” which Corle penned after selling his herd of 12 Guernsey cows. Corle had transitioned from a 50-cow organic herd and was running a micro dairy, selling cream-topped milk in glass bottles to 13 area stores and directly to consumers in his own storefront on the farm. Two factors led to Corle exiting the dairy industry. His customer base was maxed out in the rural area and the inated input costs of putting in a crop and delivering milk in a diesel-powered truck were not penciling out in his favor. Corle debated getting a full-time job to supplement the farm, but as a self-proclaimed bachelor farmer, he
Jeff Corle performs for a group of his animals at his farm near Windber, Pennsylvania. Corle recently sold his cows and returned to the music industry to record an album about farming.

Corle sent a demo of “Empty Barn” to the friend, and with the friend’s encouragement, he recorded an album in Nashville just six weeks later. The album is titled “Farm Animal” and features eight songs, all of which pertain to farming. Con “Empty Barn” was originally shared on Facebook through a free download and the response from farmers inspired Corle to include those individuals in the music video for the song. “I’ve gotten so many wonderful comments from dairy farmers,” Corle said. “It’s just been amazing having them tell me their stories. I had one guy recently write that he sold his cows 15 years ago and moved 1,400 miles away, but he still sees that empty barn every night in his dreams.”
“In the rst live show that I did since getting back into music, I had a lady ask for my autograph,” Corle said. “That was very attering, and then she pulled out one of my milk bottles for me to sign. I autographed a milk bottle which I’m not sure has been done before.”
“Nashville taught me how to write songs,” Corle said. “But the farm gave me something to write about.”
Now, Corle works on promoting his music and growing his fan base. He hopes to make music a fulltime“Icareer.have to say that this isn’t yet a fairytale come true,” Corle said. “I don’t have a record deal, and I am funding this myself. And like any business, I’ll need to get a return on my investment in order to keep going.”One sparkling moment did come for Corle when he was recording the album. Through old connections, he was able to secure the collaboration of world-renowned ddle player Tammy Rogers-King and her husband, Jeff King, who Corle said is one of the most phenomenal guitar players of all time.
Hundreds of farmers have submitted photos for Corle to use in the video for the song. He plans to release the single and video simultaneously in July. It will be available on YouTube and Spotify. Other songs from the album will also be available on the streaming platforms as they are released as singles, but Corle is focusing on selling CDs and playing live shows, something he is already getting back into.
Corle was already playing around with song writing again while operating his dairy and turned back to the guitar as an outlet for the pain of selling his cows. The idea for a song came to him while talking with a fellow songwriting friend. Corle said he went to bed with the idea one night and woke up the next morning to write the song in just 45 minutes. “The song kind of wrote itself,” Corle said. “It was just super emotional.” Initially, Corle thought that writing the song was a great exercise for him to feel better but did not anticipate sharing the music with anyone. “I thought that was as far as it would go until I played it for somebody other than the cat,” Corle said. “The person I played it for cried. That’s when I thought, ‘Maybe I have something here.’” Corle planned on driving truck after selling the cows, but the idea of returning to music was mentioned among close friends. The idea kept coming back to “Thishim.little voice in the back of my mind just kept saying, ‘Do your music; time for your music,’” Corle said. “After about two weeks of trying to push that little voice down, one day I woke up and called an old music business friend in Nashville and asked if he would care to give my music a listen.”
PHOTO SUBMITTED Jeff Corle stands outside the recording studio in Nashville where he recently recorded an album.
�nued from CORLE | Page 5
“I told them and the other amazing musicians who played on the album my story and I got emotional,” Corle said. “I told them thank you for participating in my surreal experience because three months ago at this time I would have been milking cows. After that, we got incredible performances.”
“In my case, I had this other passion that I had put on the back burner for a long time,” Corle said. “But it was there, and I was able to tap back into that.” With life experience behind him and a rejuvenated passion for music in front of him, Corle is using his voice to shed light on the dairy industry and relate to people still in the business.
Corle’s return to music has been a therapeutic way for him to process the selling of his cows, something he said so many other farmers can relate to.
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 • Page 5 2021 NH 25S Workmaster sub compact ldr., bkt., 60” mid mower 2018$18,900BX2680RV heated cab, 54” mower deck, 55” commercial snow blower $29,500 2015 Bobcat S510 cab, heat, new door, 1427 hrs., single spd. bucket 2019$29,500Bobcat S770 Cab, heat, A/C, Power Tach, no bucket $64,500 QUALITY USED EQUIPMENT (320) ALEXANDRIAALEXANDRIA BRAINERD 2019 Kubota M7 Series Gen 2 M7-152 duals, 4WD, 1370 hrs. 2015$99,900JohnDeere2032R diesel, IMatch hitch $16,500 FARIBAULTFARIBAULT ALEXANDRIAALEXANDRIA FARIBAULTFARIBAULTBRAINERDBRAINERD ‘09 Kubota M125XDTC w/LA601S Lodr. w/skid steer coupler, 2865 hrs, MFWD, cab/heat/AC, air seat, buddy seat, radio, power reverser, bi-speed turning................................................... $56,900 ‘11 Kubota B3200 w/loader and 60” deck, 835 hrs, hydro, 3 point and PTO, turf tires, power steering, tilt steering................................................................................... $18, 34650 225th Ave. - Albany, MN 56307 320-845-2801 • 800-392-3426 SALES HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM; Fri. 8:30 AM - 6 PM; Sat. 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM SERVICE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7:00 AM-6:00 PM; Sat. 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM 2019 JEEP LIMITEDCHEROKEE4X4 2020 JEEP GLADIATOR S 4X4 2012 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER US3168, Heated Seats, SteeringHeatedWheel,OneOwner! NOW $32,990ONLY UT4892, Blind Spot,TowSeats,HeatedPgk! NOW $42,990ONLY US3081, 4x4, Local Trade! NOW $12,490ONLY AllCooledUC4445,Seats,WheelDrive! NOW $30,990ONLY US3208, All Wheel Drive, Heated Front & Rear Seats, HeatedWheel!Steering NOW $41,990ONLY US3169,HeatedLeather,Seats,4x4! NOW $13,990ONLY 2018 CHRYSLER 300 LIMITED AWD 2020 DODGE DURANGO GT PLUS 2012 FORDLIMITEDEXPLORER said it would not have been feasible to work full time and do all the chores, processing and delivering of milk. Thus, he decided to fold the dairy. “That was by far the hardest decision of my life,” Corle said. “Even though I wasn’t able to grow the dairy to the size that I needed to, I still had a lot of very faithful customers who I knew were going to be veryCorledisappointed.”wasdisappointed as well because his passion for dairying was centered around his animals. “When you’re milking just 12 cows, you know those cows inside and out. It’s like losing your friends,” Corle said. “It was extremely heart wrenching to let them go.”

Page 6 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 Please submit resumes to: If you are interested, we would love the opportunity to meet with you. All applications are kept confidential. AG REPORTER WANTED IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA Responsibilities: • Work with the editorial manager and team to develop content for each print • Write content following AP Style • Ability to travel minimally for editorial content, including on-farm interviews with photographs, industry events and conferences • Conduct daily work with a team-oriented approach • Represent Dairy Star at industry events and in dairy-related organizations Qualifications: • Experience in writing and AP style • Strong dairy/ag background • Ability to adhere to a deadline • Excellent communication skills, both internally with the team and across the industry • Self-motivated and dependable to accomplish projects and develop content • Organizational skills and ability to multitask is a must • Willingness to learn and adapt Star Publications is looking to add to their team and seeking an ag reporter to cover southeast Minnesota for the Dairy Star and Country Acres. This position is availableBENEFITS:immediately. Star Publications offers an assortment of benefits, including competitive pay, health and dental insurance, Simple IRA and paid time off.
Holsteins on display at MN district shows
PHOTO SUBMITTED A class of Holsteins are exhibited during the Minnesota State District 11 Holstein Show July 2 in Cannon
The selec on of grand champion is underway July 29 at the District 8 Holstein Show in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. The grand champion was named Kings-Lane Abs Always-RED-ET, exhibited by Starlight Acres (far le ) and reserve champion was Schillview Warrior Gelda, exhibited by Intrigue Holsteins and Kyle Pundsack (far right). Falls,
Minnesota. A total of 67 animals were exhibited.Turn to HOLSTEIN SHOW | Page 7 GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 WWW.GREENWALDFARMCENTER.COM Brillion XL 144, 26’ & 28’ packer ...........$24,000 DMI 730B w/lead chank .........................$16,000 DMI 530 Ecolo-Tiger ..............................$12,000 DMI 530 ripper w/leads..........................$14,000 DMI 530B w/lead ...................................$16,500 HAYING & FORAGE EQUIP. Sitrex QR12, QR10, QRS rakes ....................New Many sizes of rakes available All Sizes of Sitrex Rakes.........................On Hand GRAVITY BOXES Brent 540 box ..........................................$8,900 Demco 365 ..............................................$6,500 Unverferth 6500 grain cart w/tarp ..........$16,000 Many Sizes of Gravity Boxes ..................on Hand (2) Brent 644 box .......................................$18,000 J&M 385 ......................................................$6,500 MISCELLANEOUS New Red Devil & Agro Trend Snowblowers USED TRACTORS CIH MX120, 2WD, 3400 hrs...................$72,000 CIH 8940, FWA, 5200 hrs ......................$89,000 CIH 8930, 2100 hrs., 2WD .....................$92,000 CIH 8920, FWA, 4200 hrs. ............................Call CIH 8910, 2WD, 4,100 hrs .....................$72,000 CIH 8920, 2WD, 3,300 hrs .....................$82,000 CIH 8920, FWA, 4,400 hrs. ....................$79,000 CIH 7150, 8300 hrs., FWA .....................$65,000 Ford 8670 2WD, 4,037 hrs.....................$64,000 TILLAGE CIH RMX 340, 25’ ..................................$31,000 CIH 527B ripper .....................................$13,500 CIH 527B ripper .....................................$13,000 CIH Tigermate 255, 24’ ..........................$41,000 CIH Tigermate 200, 25’ ..........................$28,000 CIH Tigermate 200, 28’ field cult. ...........$24,000 CIH Tigermate 200, 28’ field cult. ...........$28,000 CIH RMX 340, 26’ ..................................$33,000 H&S HM2000 9’ Inverter - $11,000 ‘13604SMVermeer round baler, 4,518 bales $33,000 We have many sizes of used gravity boxes on hand NetNetWrapWrapTwine,Twine,&&WrapWrap IN STOCK!
MAGGIE MOLITOR/DAIRY STAR Judge Tony Kohls evaluates the junior 2-year-old class July 29 at the District 8 Holstein Show in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. Kohls is a dairy farmer from Arlington, Minnesota. • “Your Complete Farm Service Company” Serving You Since 1973 ) 2855317285-5317 TAKE ADVANTAGE TODAY Now through August 31, 2022, quali ed buyers can receive 0% interest for up to 60 months or cash back on the purchase of select new Vermeer forage equipment, including balers and large trailed mowers. Now through August 31, 2022, qualified buyers can receive 0% interest for up to 60 months or cash back on the purchase of select new Vermeer forage equipment, including 604 R-series balers, 605N and 605N Cornstalk Special balers, and TM1210 and TM1410 trailed mowers, among other models, through Vermeer Credit Corporation (U.S.) or De Lage Landen Financial Services, Canada Inc. (Canada). See your local Vermeer dealer for additional details on this and other special offers from Vermeer. Maximum finance amount up to 100%, depending on payment plan and credit approval. Minimum transaction $2,500. Financing offer valid in U.S. and Canada only. U.S. rate listed, Canada may be different. All rates, terms and Canada only. U.S. rate listed, Canada may be different. All rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and credit approval. 0% FINANCING FOR UP TO 60 MONTHS OR CASH BACK ON SELECT MODELS You've got it! SOMBODY WANTS IT! sell it in the
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Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 • Page 7 Dairy Equipment By Specializing In: • Hot Dipped Galvanized Gating • Fiberglass Gates • Crowd Gates • Parlor Stalls • Free Stalls • Parlor Floors• Parlor Remodels 952-466-3343 • 513 W. Lake St., Cologne, www.stormsweldingmfg.comMN • Business • Industrial • Farm & Home • Electrical Contracting • Design Build • Maintenance/Repair 320-836-2336336 Tell theiradvertiserstheyousawadintheDairyStar! Hey! Call 320-352-6303 to place your classied OR mail to: Dairy Star, 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre, MN 56378 e-mailOR nancy.p@dairystar.comto: MAGGIE MOLITOR/DAIRY STAR Aus n Schmi shows a 3-year-old Holstein July 29 at the District 8 Holstein Show in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. Schmi dairy farms with his family near Rice, Minnesota. PHOTO SUBMITTED The Minnesota State District 11 Holstein Show reserve grand champion and grand champion cows are presented during the show July 2 in Cannon Falls,ConMinnesota.nuedfrom HOLSTEIN SHOW | Page 6 Current full-time careers: insurance, 401(k), etc.; paid-time off; good training and management; and team structure Iowa: •DHI Specialist, western Iowa area Wisconsin: •DHI Manager, northern 2/3 of Wisconsin •DHI Specialist, Colby/Abbotsford area •DHI Specialist, Barron/Rusk/Polk County area •DHI Specialist, Shawano/Outagamie County area •A.I. Specialist, Wausau area •A.I. Specialist, Shawano/Brown County area •A.I. Specialist, Vernon/Richland County area Michigan: •A.I. Specialist, Clare/Harrison/McBain, Mich., area •A.I. Specialist, Lansing/South Grand Rapids area •Lab Technician (entry-level AND diagnostic), Grand Ledge
Like workingLike with cows? Select Sires A.I./Genetics • DHI milk testing • Laboratories Part-timeA.I.positionsavailable (715) 285-5317Ken Anibas • N6423 Commerce Lane, Arkansaw,

Page 8 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 NEW ON THE LOT USED HAY TOOLS Vermeer 605 Super J Baler, twine only, 1992 model, BAU1605G ...............$3,900 Hesston/Agco 5456A Baler, approx 5500 bales ..................................$11,000.00 Case IH RS561 baler, Twine only, Low bales ....................................................Call Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 2017, Approx 7000 bales, Very Good condition ..............................................................................$45,500 Vermeer CPX9000 Processor, 2014 model, new wear plates, new flails, ready to go, HYU1803G .........................................................................$22,900 New Holland 144 hay inverter ...................................................................$2,100 Used VR1428 Rake...................................................................................$15,500 2014 Vermeer M6040 disc mower .............................................................$6,000 2014 Vermeer M6040 disc mower .............................................................$5,600 Used Vermeer BW5500 inline bale wrapper, 13hp, dual drive, new engine last year ............................................................................PENDING Used New Holland BR780 Baler .......................................................................Call Used Kubota BV5160 Silage baler ...................................................................Call 2015 Vermeer M6040 disc mower ...................................................................Call 2011 John Deere 265 disc mower ....................................................................Call 2017 John Deere 280 Disc mower....................................................................Call 2014 Vermeer VR1428 Rake with Center Splitter kit ........................................Call Vermeer 605M baler Very Nice condition ................................................$16,000 Vermeer 605SM Cornstalk Special, new style monitor, approx. 13K bales$28,000 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, approx. 2500 bales, war. until June ‘23$56,000 USED FORAGE BOXES Used 16ft Miller Pro model 5100 forage box, 4 wheel gear, FWU1511G ....$7,000 Badger 1055 forage boxes, tandem axle, FWU 1702G ...............................$4,500 H&S HD 7+4 Forage box 16ft, LH front discharge Very nice ...........................................Call USED MANURE PUMPS Houle lagoon agitator, 42ft .......................................................................$6,000 Houle Super Pump, 2004, 6” PTO, w/2 agitation nozzles, 12 ft long, MPU1704 ................................................................................................$8,500 Houle, 1992, 11 ft. Super pump, on trailer, MPU1904G ............................$4,500 Used Houle 60” cable scraper drive, good shape ........................................$3,000 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1501G ..$4,300 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with 30HP motor, USED, MPU1505G .......$4,000 10ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1507G ....................................................................................$4,300 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with no motors set up for twin motors, USED, MPU1508G ....................................................................................$3,500 USED MIXERS Knight 50100 twin screw vertical mixer, LH & RH discharge, rubber tub ext, digistar scale .................................................................$12,500 Kuhn Knight 3130 Reel Auggie Mixer ........................................................$7,000 Cloverdale 1300 Cu Ft Twin screw vertical mixer..............................................Call USED MANURE SPREADERS International 575 box spreader, converted to all hydraulic drive, good cond. .Call Milking Equipment • Manure Equipment • Feeding Equipment • Housing • Route Supplies E. Hwy. 30, Pipestone, MN E-mail: (507) 825-3271 • “Where our passion agricultureforandtechnologycometogethertoserveyou!”USEDHAYTOOLS Used Equipment Specials UPSAfternoonShippingAvailable! our passion for agriculture and technology come together to serve you!” Late Afternoon UPS Shippin Available! PARTSSTAFFEDHOURS:7-5M-F NEW & USED DAIRY EQUIPMENT Used GEA UV Pure, calf milk purifier, DEU2001 ................................................Call Double 10 Blue Diamond parallel parlor w/ SST2 detachers, 3” low line, single receiver, jetter trays, curb, gates, 10 hp Suterbilt vac pump, 10hp Westfailia 2800 vac pump, 20 DeLaval milking units, & pulsators, DEU1803G ...............Call 10 used Boumatic Companion detachers, #U3557554 .................Now $350 each 6 used Boumatic 4400 detachers, with new gaskets & diaphragms, #U3557444 ........................................................................................$300 each Used Suterbilt Vac Pump assy, 10hp w/VFD & motor, complete, OTH2001G .$5,240 Used Artex VCat Sand Wagon for bedding stalls ........................................$4,000 Used Bobman for bedding stalls......................................................................Call NEW & USED BARN EQUIPMENT Used Badger manure auger, with new PVC outer tube, good drive assy, OTH1706G ...............................................................................................$1,060 New 8ft. Patz barn cleaner chute for 16” gutter, PA16151, retails for $992.00$800 Patz barn cleaner 12” tapered flights, never used, but weathered, not painted, $18.95 New .........................................................................................$12.25 ea New Schuur and Lely cow brushes, In stock.....................................................Call Used squirrel cage style fan, 42” diameter, w/3 phase motor ..........................Call Used WIC model 300 grain cart, OTH1803G .....................................................Call New 2 bath automated footbath assy, stainless baths & control- ½ pricednever used - DEN1402G ...........................................................................$7,000 Dayton Blower Fan, like new, 24.5” wheel, 12000 CFM #3C010–$3,437 retail....................................................................................New $2,500 Dayton Blower Fan, used 2 mos, # 2C799, 18.25” whl–$1,982 retail .New $1,100 Used Dasilveira headlocks, 22 sections @ 10ft w/ 7 openings for young stock up to 600lbs, OTH1902 ...........................................................................................Call GEA Houle 3” and 4” Manure Pumps – Multiple lengths GEA Houle 3Pt 6” Super Pump Vermeer BPX9010 Bale Processor GEA Houle SW300 Scraper Drive GEA Houle 8” Flush Pump Vermeer VR1428 Rake Doda 3” Manure Pump The Leader in Feeders! ARROW FRONT® FEEDER WAGONS FEEDER BUNKS AND PANELS Contact Your Local Dealer: TeschImplementBros. N9060 State Hwy. 55 | Seymour, WI 920-833-2500 Call (920) 830-0277 Today! Ask us how to get professional hoof trimmers involved with your on farm trimming program!ProudPartner of the Midwestern Hoof Trimming School EQUIPMENT!UPGRADEYOURON-FARM FORESTON, MN • 320-294-5711320-294-5711 • M-F 8-5PM • SAT 8-NOON WWW.FORESTONCREAMERY.COM MEETING YOUR ANIMAL FEED NEEDS & MORE! FARMERSCREAMERYCO-OPForeston YOUR ONESTOPCO-OP!SHOP FULL-TIME MILL WORKER & TRUCK DRIVER Looking for people that want to work, be part of a team and be rewarded very well for the hours they put in! CDL required (or be willing to obtain). Must have a clean driving record and be willing to work with customers while loading bagged feed into their vehicles. Ag background is preferred, but not necessary. Must be willing to learn. Stop in and talk to Dan to apply!

conditions are
forage equipment, including 604 R-series balers,
TAKE ADVANTAGE TODAY Now through August 31, 2022, quali ed buyers can receive 0% interest for up to 60 months or cash back on the purchase of select new Vermeer forage equipment, including balers and large trailed mowers.
interest for up to
Stearns County Fair brings friends, fun Schifer family shows 15 animals cattle in 2016 after receiving encouragement from friends to start showing. “I told my mom and dad I wanted to start showing because I saw how fun it looked,” Sophia said. “The next year, we signed Showingup.”dairy cattle was a new endeavor for the Schifer family. They learned showing techniques and skills by watching others and receiving help from people within the county. They have spent the last six years rening their self-learned skills and techniques to become successful. This county fair, Isabella received champion intermediate showman.“At rst, we didn’t really know a lot,” Isabella said. “But with the help of some club members, we learned what to do and then it became a lot of fun.” Sophia agreed. “My parents were never in 4-H so we were pretty green at rst,” she said. The Schifers begin preparing for the county fair in April. They start by picking out the animals they are going to show and familiarizing the cattle with a halter. When the weather turns nicer, they begin walking and training their animals regularly. “My sister and I do most of the training,” Sophia said. “We work to teach our brothers, and our parents help them out a lot too.” The Schifers showed their animals at the Central Minnesota Dairy Day Youth Show June 10 in Sauk Centre. This show allows the kids and their animals to get used to the show arena before the county fair. “More practice the better,” Isabella said. “It’s also fun to see how our animals compete against others early in the year.”Asthe fair got closer, the Schifers began washing their animals and practicing with show halters. They have found the earlier they start, the easier it is for the animals at the fair. “As a family, we worked really hard training our animals,” Sophia said. “It paid off at the county fair.” The Schifers brought 15 head to the fair, and all four children that showed made it into the state fair lineup. Sophia won champion Red and White with her junior 2-year-old, and Isabella won reserve champion Brown Swiss heifer with her winter calf. The sisters will take these respective animals to the Minnesota State Fair for the 4-H show at the end of August. In addition to showing dairy, Bo shows poultry. He enjoys learning about a new breed and making new friends. Sophia and Isabella stick to showing their favorite, dairy cattle. Over the years, the family has made fun memories and friends. They are already looking forward to next year’s fair.
dealer for additional details on this and other special offers from
Special balers, and
rates, terms
Now through August 31, 2022, qualified buyers can receive 0% 60 Vermeer 605N 605N Cornstalk TM1210 and TM1410 trailed Vermeer Credit Corporation (U.S.) De Lage Landen Financial Services, Canada Inc. (Canada). See your local Vermeer Vermeer. Maximum finance amount up 100%, depending payment plan and credit approval. Minimum transaction $2,500. Financing offer valid in U.S. and Canada only. U.S. rate listed, Canada may be different. All and Canada only. U.S. rate listed, Canada may be different. All rates, and subject change
mowers, among other models, through
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 • Page 9 Arcadia, WI 608-323-7001D&D 31st Anniversary Est. 1990 504R Premium 504 Pro w/knives 604R VR1022Signature TD190TE2510TE1710VR820 M5050TD100 3pt mower M6050 3 pt mower Vermeer 30” stretch wrap PRODUCTSVERMEER In Stock Or place an order with D&D!
and credit approval.
Isabella Schiffler shows her Brown Swiss winter calf July 29 at the Stearns County Fair in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. Isabella won reserve junior champion Brown Swiss and was selected as the champion intermediate showman of the 4-H compe��on.
NTAGETODAY SAUK CENTRE, Minn. Throughout central Minnesota, the end of July brings tasseling corn, small grain harvest and the Stearns County Fair. For the Schifer family, this is one of their favorite times of year. “The county fair means we get to spend the entire week with our friends,” Sophia Schifer said. “It is a lot of fun and something we look forward to every year.”Sophia and her siblings – Isabella, Brady and Bo – exhibited dairy cows at the Stearns County Fair July 27-31 in Sauk Centre. Their youngest brother, 6-year-old Max, will start showing next year when he becomes a 4-H Cloverbud.The siblings are the children of John and Kristi Schifer. Their parents milk 260 cows with a robotic milking system near Albany. The siblings help with washing the robots, scraping, fetching cows and feeding calves. During the fair, John and Kristi complete the chores at home while the children take care of the cattle at theThefair.Schifers began showing dairy By Maggie Molitor Staff Intern
Farmer’ s Market DAIRY FARMERS... Advertise your FARM-RELATED classi ed ad for free Mail or bring your ad to the Dairy Star, 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN 56378 or e-mail: To guarantee ad placement, our deadline is the Friday before publication. Ads may be sent after that, but we cannot guarantee placement. (Payment must accompany ad unless prior arrangements are made. 25 word maximum.) Visa, MasterCard and Discover Accepted DAIRY STAR CLASSIFIED AD FORM NOTE: We make every effort to accurately advertise your item. Should we have any questions, please include your name and phone number where we can reach you: NAME PHONE FIRST 15 WORDS ARE FREE, $1.50 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. (Phone # and complete name count as one word each. Heading is not counted as a word.) (Ad Must Be Farm-Related--Call If You Have Any Questions) Non-Dairy Farmers & Ads For Real Estate, Business Services & Ads For Anyone Outside Our Circulation Area Are Charged $30.00 Per Issue LIMIT 1 FREE AD PER FARM PER ISSUE BUY • SELL • TRADE 8 DAIRY STAR USE ONLY:
The Schiffler family – (front, from le�) Brady, Bo, Max and Isabella; (back, from le�) John, Kris� and Sophia – stand in front of their show string July 29 at the Stearns County Fair in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. The Schifflers milk 260 cows near Albany, Minnesota.
months or cash back on the purchase of select new

Carol Traynor 18 years Seniorold When do you do chores? I do the 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. milkings year-round. Before night milking, I also help with the birds and calves when needed. We have 50 chickens and 30 turkeys. What is your favorite chore and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is milking cows because I get to spend time with them one on one. My least favorite chore is taking care of the chickens. My heart is more into the cattle than the chickens. What is your favorite animal on your farm? My 12-year-old Milking Shorthorn cow, Sweet Pea. What is your favorite subject in school? Agriculture. I really like the large animal science portion of our overall ag program. What do you want to be when you grow up? I’m trying to look at jobs in ag business as well as communications, marketing and sales jobs within the ag industry. I’m also interested in the broadcasting end of it, such as being on the radio like Pam Jahnke. If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. It would be a big dairy with all the calves on-site. I’d have over 100 acres and continue to grow. I would milk cows in a 12-by-12 step-down parlor. I would start with 50 cows and expand my herd from there. I would have Milking Shorthorns and maybe venture into Ayrshires as well. What is your favorite dairy treat? Cheese. What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Being with the cows and having no schedule to do homework. I like working with my fair babies and being outside. Are you involved in any activities? What do you enjoy about it? I’m involved in 4-H and FFA. My favorite is FFA because I get a lot STACEY SMART/DAIRY STAR
Page 10 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 Serving Dairy Producers Future Dairy Producers Since 1983 320-243-3938Paynesville• Featuring: The Traynor s 800-451-2709 See “View For Sale” at • Located 6 miles from Cassville & 28 miles from Prairie du Chien, WI • 210 free stall barn 118’x248’ & an addition, built in 2017, Double 10 Parallel Parlor, built in 2009 • 3,000 gallon Bulk Tank, Commodity shed 32x64, four bays, 6,000 bushel drying bin • 1.5 million gallon total cement w/ramp manure pit, six months storage • Sellers will rent buyers additional land or supply feed to buyers • 3 phase power w/a portable tractor generator Dairy is well maintained and ready for cows (DC04G-WI) FOR SALEdairydairyfarm 11835 Ramsey Road Cassville, WI GRANT COUNTY, WI Call Darrell Crapp • 608-558-6832 PETER PROKOTT LIVING TRUST OWNERS, 6982 30TH ST. HOLDINGFORD, MN For Equipment Questions Please Ph. Dave. 320-232-5070, 6-9 PM LARGE UPSALA, MN AREA FARM ESTATE AUCTION Located 2.75 miles east of Upsala, MN on 30th Street (County 21) to farm # 6982 NOTE: Family farm for 58 years, nice line of mostly shedded farm equipment and farm support items. Online bidding on major items through Proxibid. inspection August 24th and 25th, 10 AM-3 PM. PH. 320-293-6645. FOR COMPLETE LISTING SEE: OR PH. 320-760-2979 TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY ‘79 JD 2440 diesel, open station, 3 pt.; ‘56 JD 60, NF, Roll-O-Matic, PS w/JD 45 trip bucket loader; ‘54 Farmall Super H, wheel weights; JD 336 square baler w/chute; JD 1209 Mower Conditioner; Nice Morridge Model 8330 250 bushel +/- batch style dryer; Lorenz 100 grinder mixer; NH 56 rake; 3) J&M 200 Bushel Gravity Boxes and Wagons; New Idea 324 2RW corn picker; IH #45 22 ft. vibra shank digger; IH 710 5x16 AR plow; JD AW 12 ft. tandem disc; JD CCA 8 ft. field cult.; JD VB 10 ft. grain drill, low rubber, grass seeder; JD #27 6 ft. pull type gyro mower; JD F650A 3x16 trip beam PT plow; JD 8 ft. disc (not on wheels); JD 321 36 ft. crop elevator; Nice 20 ft. 4 sect. tine harrow on transport; Wagons with flat racks; Plus other farm equipment PICKUP, CAR, COLLECTIBLES ‘92 GMC Sonoma Pickup; ‘98 Pontiac Bonneville SS Sedan; Crestliner 14 ft. boat, 9.9 hp OB & Trailer; 100 # Vulcan anvil; crocks; books, plus several other collectible and household items; plus tools, shop equipment and misc. items. FRIDAY, AUG. 26TH, 2022 • 10:30 A.M. Mid-AmericanAuctionCo. 21241 Dutchmans Crossing Dr., Lewiston, MN 507-523-2112 Arcadia Collection Site N28928 North Creek Rd, Arcadia, WI 608-323-7795 LEWISTONSALES.COM Collecting Organic Slaughter Cows & Bulls 2nd & 4th Tuesday every month Regular sales each Tuesday at 6 pm and Thursday at 1 pm. Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Repair Skidsteer Attachments For 320-634-4360Salewww.stoens.com16084 State Hwy. 29 • Glenwood, MN 56334 • Repair & Sales • Troubleshooting • Hose Assemblies • Design • Service Calls • Cylinders Toll Free 866-634-4360 CONTACT: 800-866-7327 SERVING IA, MN, WI, IL AND SD ATTENTION FARMERS... Are rocks, re-rod or holes showing in your bunker silo? BUNKER SILO RESTORATION/ REPAIR WITH JETCRETE Approximately 1” of steel reinforced material added to bunker walls. • High pressure water blasting of walls for excellent bonding. • 6 gage heavy duty wire mesh installed • Jetcrete -phnuematically applied concrete. BESTGUARENTEEDPRICINGSILO RELINING WITH “JETCRETE” BARN WALL & BASEMENT RESTORATION WITH “JETCRETE” (Limestone, rock, block & concrete wall) WE CAN RESTORE YOUR BUNKER TO LIKE NEW CONDITION!
Turn to KIDS CORNER | Page 11
The Traynor families – (from le ) Ellie, Faith and Jenny; and Carol and Brenda Traynor and Cody Watkins – milk 42 cows and run 350 acres on two farms near Milton, Wisconsin. Not pictured is Jenny Traynor’s husband, John.

August 20-22, 2022, from
Cody Watkins 15 years Sophomoreold When do you do chores? Every other night and every morning. I do a little bit of everything. I feed, milk and mix stuff. I’m a utility player that helps wherever I’m needed. What is your favorite chore and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is feeding calves because they’re funny. My least favorite chore is 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre, MN 56378 • 320-352-6303 Fax (320) 352-5647 you saw their ad Dairy Star!
JD Round Baler, NH Disc Bine, Related Machinery JD 568 Round Baler, 8700 Bales, Mega Wide, Cover Edge, 5x6, Net Wrap, One Owner; 2015 NH 313RDB 13’ Disc Bine, 1000 PTO, Center Pivot, Like New; NH 166 Invertor, 35” Belt; Highline CFR650 Tub Grinder/Bale Processer, Bale Pro, 1000PTO; Work Saver 3 Pt. Bale Spear; Tonutti RCS 10 Wheel V-Rake; OMC 596 Round Baler, Tine Tie Farm Machinery, Trailers, Irrigation Pipe, Tile Lift Station Pump HiQual Livestock Squeeze/Head Chute, Hydraulic, 96” Long, 2 hp Motor; (4) Ritchie Omni Fountain Waterers; Protein Poly Tanks; SS Waterers; (6) Poly Round Bale Feeders; Poly Mineral Feeders; (2) 1050 Gal. Cone Bottom Poly Tanks; (3) Vandale Silo Unloaders, 20’, 7.5 hp; Vandale 18’ Surface Drive Silo Unloader; Vandale 20’ Ring Driver Silo Unloader; DeMuth 46’x14” Belt Conveyor; Harvester 130’ Belt Feeder with Plow; Guard Rail Fence; (9) 8’ Corral Panels & Gate; (2) Automatic Roller Mills, 5 hp; (11) DuraCraft Livestock Gates: 10’-16’; Many Other Steel Livestock Gates; Steel I Beams; 2200 Bu. Cone Bottom Bulk Bin, 6”x48’ Auger; Farm EZE 130’x16” Belt Feed Conveyor; DeMuth 52’x14” Belt Feed Conveyor; Vet Supplies; Notch 8 Bale Wagon; Rite Way RR250 Hyd. Reel Rock Picker; Several Good Grain Augers; 1995 WW 2 Horse Trailer, 10’x60”, Tandem Axle; 1999 Enclosed Tandem Axle Trailer, 16.5’x84”; 1998 Aluminum Single Axle Trailer, 8.5’, Ramp; 13’ Metal Iron Rack; 6” Irrigation Pipes: 26’-30’ Sections on Trailers; A.C. 3 Pt. 1 Bottom Plow; Dakon 300 Bu. Gravity Box, 10 Ton Gear; Swisher Power Weed Trimmer; Troy Built CS4325 Chipper/Shredder; 3 Pt. 92” Box Blade Terms: Cash, Check, Credit Cards. 5% Buyer’s Premium Added to All Sales. All Final, All Sales Selling AS-IS, No Warranties Dates: 9AM-5PM 9AM-5PM REMOVE: Belt Conveyors, Silo Unloaders, Bins & LINDA ZWAK, OWNERS OUTSTANDING ONSITE HOLDINGFORD-OPOLE, MN AREA REAL ESTATE AUCTION Located 4.5 miles east of Holdingford, MN on County Road #17 to Opole, MN, then from Opole ¼ mile north on 125th Ave. Signs will be posted. 58.49 +/- ACRES OF MOSTLY TILLABLE FARMLAND WITH BULIDING ELIGIBILITIES WILL SELL ONSITE AT 10:30 AM This is an outstanding opportunity to purchase good tillable farmland with building eligibilities that has been owned by the same family since the 1880’s and has not been offered for sale in over 140 years. This will be a live onsite auction with online bidding offered through Proxibid. This property features approx. 50.73 acres of good level tillable farmland with good productivity index. Property has good tar road frontage. Great location. Please remember, this auction will be held onsite at property location. Property Id # 04.01837.0000, Section 6, Township 126, Range 029, Brockway Township, Stearns County. For complete booklet explaining terms, conditions, maps and other important information, please phone Mid-American Auction Co. 320-760-2979 or our broker Steve Hansen Remax Results 320-241-0905. Or view documents and additional aerial photos online at Both onsite and online bidders please read terms and conditions, including the pre-auction deposit or in-person requirement of cashiers check on auction day. Mid-American Auction Co. and Steve Hansen represent the sellers in this transaction. REAL ESATE INSPECTION DATES: Saturday, August 6th, 11:00 AM to noon, Tuesday, August 9th 4 PM to 6 PM, or by appt. if necessary. Those doing drive by inspections please do not drive into planted areas. Thanks!
THURSDAY, AUG. 18TH, 2022 • 10:30 A.M. Mid-AmericanAuctionCo.
working in the hay mow because you get sweaty and the hay sticks to you.
Payment and Pickup Day: August 24, 2022, from
(2) Meyers 3750 Box Manure Spreaders, Horizontal Beaters, Tandem Axle, Poly Sides, Slop Gate; Better Built 3350 Liquid Manure Tank, Vacuum, Tandem Axle, 540 PTO; Forage King 330 Manure Spreader, Slop Gate, Tandem Axle; Skid Loader Attachments
Con nued from | 10 of opportunities and get to explore a lot of avenues in that organization. I can go a lot of different places in FFA that I probably can’t go anywhere else. Faith Traynor 15 years Sophomoreold When do you do chores? Normally at night starting at 3 or 4. I sometimes help in the mornings too. What is your favorite chore and least favorite chore? I like helping with crops; driving tractor is my favorite chore. My least favorite chore is feeding the animals because it gets exhausting. What is your favorite animal on your farm? My calf, Holly. She is a Holstein-Milking Shorthorn cross. What is your favorite subject in school? FFA/ag class because I really enjoy the teachers. What do you want to be when you grow up? A eld manager for dairy farms. If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. It would be a larger dairy farm with a lot of acreage so I could provide feed for my animals but still have extra to sell. I would have 2,000 acres and a big shop to park all of my fancy equipment and newer technologies. What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream or cheese. What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Getting to be outside in the fresh air. I like to do a lot of stuff and experience new things on the farm in the summer. Not a lot of kids my age have this experience, so I’m grateful. Are you involved in any activities? What do you enjoy about it? I am in 4-H, FFA and the Super Mileage Club in which we build a small racecar and take it up to Road America. We run it around the track to see how far it can go before it runs out of gas. Then, we alter it to get more mileage. My favorite activity is FFA. I’m very active in it, and I get to experience a lot and meet new people and other kids with the same interests.
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in the
or Guarantees Expressed Or Implied. Inspection
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 • Page 11 ONLINE ONLY LIVESTOCK MACHINERY AUCTION M A T T M A R I N GMATT MARING C O . CO. We Sell the Earth & Everything On It. MATT MARING AUCTION CO. INC. • PO Box 37, Kenyon, MN 55946 507-789-5421 • 800-801-4502 Matt Maring, Lic. #25-28 • 507-951-8354 Kevin Maring Lic 25-70 & Adam Engen Lic# 25-93 Devenshire Farms, Sellers Mike (651) 210-6304; Pat (651) 210-6298; Steve (651) 800-8051 Tuesday, August 23, 2022 • 10:00 a.m. FOR ONLINE BIDDING AND DETAILS GO TO After Four Generations, the Devneys have discontinued their Livestock Operation and will Strictly Crop Farm. Auction & Insepction Location: 5744 212 Street W., Farmington, MN BIDDING OPENS TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 • BIDDING STARTS CLOSING: Case IH 7120 2WD Tractor CIH 7120 2WD, 10,659 Hrs, 480x80R42, New AC Pump, 3 Pt., 3 Hyd., 18sp. PS; (18) CIH Suitcase Weights; 18.4x42 10 Bolt Hub Duals NHFP230 Forage Harvester, Heads, Forage Boxes NH FP230 Forage Harvester, Processor, 1000 PTO, Metal Alert, Hyd. Tongue, ; NH27P 7’ Hay Head; NH 3PN 3R30”
What is your favorite animal on your farm? Our bull, Coy. He’s really funny, and he’s my best friend. What is your favorite subject in school? History. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to create my own business, probably something in engineering. If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. I would have 75 acres and lots of animals – pigs, beef cows and chickens. What is your favorite dairy treat? Cheese or yogurt. What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Being here more. During school, I’m not here as much and I also have after-school activities. Are you involved in any activities? What do you enjoy about it? I am in 4-H, FFA, football, wrestling and weightlifting. My favorite is denitely football because it’s what I’m best at, and you can legally hit people so it’s kind of fun. My position is offensive lineman. Ellie Traynor 12 years old Seventh grade When do you do chores? It depends. I usually do night chores starting around 3 or 4. Sometimes in the summer I do morning chores too. What is your favorite chore and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is feeding my calf, CB. My least favorite chore is feeding hay because you get itchy. What is your favorite animal on your farm? My calf, CB. She is an all-black Holstein-Jersey cross that we bought from a family friend. She’s a winter calf, and she won junior champion at the Rock County Fair. What is your favorite subject in school? History or math. What do you want to be when you grow up? Maybe something with engineering. I like how things are built. I could see maybe being a mechanic, engineer or designer. If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. It would be bigger than this farm. I would have Holsteins and Milking Shorthorns and keep growing. The cows would be milked in a parlor setup. What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream. What is your favorite part about farm life during the summer? Getting ready for the fairs and the simple fact I get to be home for hay and harvesting. Are you involved in any activities? What do you enjoy about it? I am in 4-H, basketball, softball and also maybe volleyball when I start middle school. My favorite activity is 4-H and showing at the fair. There are a lot of great people at the fair to teach you a lot of life lessons and skills like respect and leadership. Corn Head; (2) H&S Twin Auger HD 18’ Forage Boxes, 16 Ton Gear, Excellent Condition ; NH F62B Silage Blower, 540PTO, Like New; NH 790 Forage Harvester, Metal Alert, Electric Spout; NH 824 Corn Head, 2R30”; NH 790 Hay Head, 5’; NH 30 Silage Blower, 1000PTO; (2) H&S Load Master 7’x14’ Forage Boxes, 10 & 8 Ton Gear Meyers Manure Spreaders, Liquid Manure Tank, Skid Loader Attachments


Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 • Page 13 NH FR850 & Heads 2016y 1956eh 1278ch Ox 4334 34’ Merger 2011y 2021h Kamatsu WA200 Loader 2018y & Attch. CIH Puma 230 CVT 2016y 5542H Haybuster 1130 Bale Grinder, 2015 More Tractors: JD 8100 | JD 7800 | IH 1086 Cat Skidloader & Many Attachments Rotomix 1105 Mixer All The Manure Equipment 120 x 180 Cover All Barn Double 12 Parallel Parlor 2 Bulk Tanks (7000 Gal & 3000Gal) Freestalls | Gates | Fans | Drinkers Sidewalls | T Wall Bunkers MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE!! **UPCOMING AUCTION DATES** EACH SALE IS HELD THE THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY EVEN MONTH October 20 • December 15 MACHINERY AUCTION HENNESSEY IMPLEMENT, INC. 1414 State Road 23, Dodgeville, Wisconsin PH: 608-935-3326 • Fax: 608-935-5342 THURS. AUG. 18TH • 8:30 A.M. Online bidding available with EquipmentFacts For a complete listing and photos visit our website WWW.HENNESSEYIMPLEMENT.COMat: Livestock - FOR SALE Livestock - WANTED BUTCHER COWS, bulls, & fats; also thin, lame, lazy, & lump jaw. Call 320-8947175. 11-TFN-B COMPLETE HERDS OF DAIRY CATTLE; also buying all classes of livestock, including cull cows, steers, hfrs. and calves. Call 715-216-1897. 7-TFN-B WANTING TO BUY SLOW & LAME CATTLE, lump-jaws and bad eyes and all blemished cattle, $200-$600; also, good cull cows and bulls, $600$1,200. Call 612-860-8774 or 651-480-1900. 4-TFN-B ALL CLASSES OF SPRINGER DAIRY COWS. No jockeys. Call 320-760-6050. 20-TFN-F REGISTERED HOLSTEIN SPRINGING HFRS., due Aug.-Dec. , Norwood, MN. Call 612202-7944. 12-6-F (8) FANCY HOLSTEIN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS, some red & white, some polled. Call 507-2766811. 12-1-F HOLSTEIN BULL, 11 mos. old, to use for clean up bull, dam does over 36,000 lbs., lasting good in our herd. Call 320-304-0436. 12-3-F (16) QUALITY HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS, DHIA records, 28,000 RHA, 100 SCC, 8 due 3rd week and 8 due last week of Aug. Call 507-429-4357. 12-4-F DRY COWS, due to calf in July, bred to white face beef bull, $1,500. Call 563-7443506. 8-TFN-F HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, serviceable age, North of Rochester, MN, delivery available. Call 507732-5930. 12-1-F GUERNSEY SPRINGERS, reg. Brown Swiss cows & breeding age registered bulls, Brown Swiss bulls, Guernsey w/high type & production. Call 563590-5369. 11-TFN-F BROWN SWISS BULLS, home raised, registered, genomic tested, A2A2 tested, delivery available. Call 563419-2137 or aria.comwww.hilltopacresfarmcalm-visit24-TFN-F 1-10 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN MILK COWS; also clean up semen, $1/ unit. Call 320-583-6564. 23-TFN-F DAIRY HFR. CALVES, 2-6 months old, 28K herd avg., Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 18-TFN-F (50+) REGISTERED JERSEY COWS, (25) A2A2 Jerseys, all ages and stages of lactation, $800$1,400. Call 715-417-1778. 12-10-F YEARLING PUREBRED DAIRY FLECKVIEH BULLS, some A2A2 & genomic tested. Call 715-2202572. 9-TFN-F 40 HEAD JERSEY, Jersey cross closed herd. Call 608464-3452, leave message. 10-3-F REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, polled, genomic tested, deep pedigreed high producing cow families. Call 507-8200452. 22-TFN-F REGISTERED JERSEY COWS AND HEIFERS, (100+), all different ages and stages of lactation, $800-1,400. Call 715-4171778. 9-6-F REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, exc. type and production. Call Scott Rickeman 320-552-0284. 16-TFN-F 40 HEAD JERSEY, Jersey cross closed herd. Call 608464-3452, leave message. 10-3-F SERVICEABLE AGE HOLSTEIN BULLS, from great type and production families. Raised on outside lots, good vigor, Glencoe, MN. Call 320-864-6555. 2-TFN-F REG. BROWN SWISS BULLS, all ages, exc. pedigrees. Call 320-587-6384 or 320-583-0336. 12-TFN-B HEIFERS OF ALL AGES, baby calves to springers, central, MN. Call 320-3335906. 19-TFN-F SERVICEABLE AGE BREEDING BULLS, 40 yrs. AI breeding, Sauk Centre, MN. Call 320-761-2526 or 320-293-5607. 6-TFN-F PICK UP TO 10 springer dry cows/heifers from group, robot trained, $1,900. Call 320-293-9565. 12-2-F HOLSTEIN BULLS, springing hfrs., Freeport, MN area. Call 612-2707453. 23-TFN-F
REGISTERED, home-bred Holstein bulls, located 15 mi. north of Rochester, MN. Call Dave Alberts at 507269-3084 or 507-356-8625. 14-TFN-B REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS w/genomics and soundness exams, a few polled, SE, MN. Call 507-458-0284. 5-12-F DAIRY GOAT DOES, out of Hostetler breeding; also breeding bucks available. Call 319-350-5819. 24-TFN-F 20) HOLSTEIN HFRS.; 3) Jersey cross Brown Swiss hfrs., breeding age; 5) Holstein hfrs., bred 2 mos. Call 608-687-3022. 11-6-F
ROAN MILKING SHORTHORN BULL, born Sept. 1, 2021, approx. 650 lbs., asking $1,200. Call 701-490-2432. 6-TFN-F 200-COW DAIRY HERD, mostly Holstein w/few crosses, 110 1st & 2nd lac., pick 150; also DFA central region tier 1 base available w/cows or after cows are sold. Call/text 402-3690881. 11-2-F REGISTERED CALVING EASE HOLSTEIN & ANGUS BULLS, various sizes, delivery avail. Call or text Brian 715-613-9206. 2-TFN-F HOLSTEIN BULLS-Great selection from EX and VG high-producing cows, 26,800 RHA, Johnes free. Call Olmar Farms at 507794-2697 or 507-220-0730. 1-TFN-B SPRING POLYPAY EWE LAMBS, fast growing, mostly white faced, 20 available, $225 choice, or $200 ea/ for all. Elmer Yoder, 57157 Cty. Rd S. Readstown, WI 54652. 12-1-P SERVICEABLE AGE BLACK & WHITE & RED & WHITE BULLS, sires Lamba, Crushable & Unstopable, dams EX and VG, over 30,000 milk, 4% test. Call 320-583-6564. 10-TFN-F HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, closed herd, Johnes & Leukosis test negative, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Call 507-9205859. 7-TFN-B REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, from three or more generations of EX 30,000 lbs. dams, Brookings, SD. Call 605-690-6393. TFN-F WE HAVE BUYERS for tiestall and freestall dairy herds of all qualities and quantities. Also herds for sale at all times, Call 715721-0079. 2-TFN-B WANTING TO PURCHASE HOLSTEIN SPRINGING HFRS., some crossbreds, no commission. Call 320-630-9924. 12-2-F OCIA CERTIFIED YELLOW CORN, 8.52 crude protein. Call 641-751-8382. 12-TFN-B STRAW, NET WRAPPED ROUND BALES & BIG SQUARES, clean, dry, stored inside, delivery available. Call 320-808-8336. 15-TFN-F ALFALFA HAY & GRASS HAY, med. square or round bales, delivery available. Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-6896675. 10-TFN-B Hay, Straw, Feed & Bedding - FOR SALE (100) 4X5 ROUND BALES OF NEW SEEDING w/ oats. Call 608-479-2039. 24-TFN-F SQUARE BALES, 1st & 2nd cutting alfalfa, 80 lb. avg., very nice leaf retention, exc. color, ne stem. Call 701-490-2028. 11-3VM 1ST, 2ND, 3RD, AND 4TH CUTTING BALEAGE, all cuttings are tested, Glencoe, MN. Call 952-297-2811. 5-TFN-F SD DAIRY QUALITY HAY, great test, $290/ton. Call Steven Leinbach 715644-2211. 11-4-F CERTIFIED ORGANIC ALFALFA, wrapped in 8 layers of lm, 3x3x6 bales, RFQ 140-280, Springeld, SD. Call ERNmore Organics 605-286-3873 or 605999-2010 or 605-251-1143. 16-TFN-B UPLAND HAY BALES, $55. Call 320-492-8055. 121-F
RED HOLSTEIN BULLS, serviceable age, great type, delivery available. Call 952905-4843. 12-1-F

TRACTORS: JD 4960 MFWD, 3 Hyd, 3 Pt PTO, Ps, Front Weights, Fenders, 8490 Hrs, 480-80-46 Tires & Duals, Serial #P003812 • JD 8430, PTO, Rockbox, 3hyd, 3pt PTO, 100 Hrs On New Overhaul, Serial #004536 • JD 4555, Front Weights, Ps, 3hyd & Power Beyond, 3pt PTO, 6251 Hrs, 14.9-46 Tires And Duals, Serial #003738 • JD 4440, Quad 14.9/46 Tires & Duals, 3hyd, 3pt PTO, Tach Shows 8540 Hrs, Serial #053804 • JD 4440, Quad, Front Weight, 3 Hyd, 3pt PTO, 16.9/38 Tires & Duals, Tach Shows 7300 Hrs, Serial #061900 COMBINE & HEADS: JD 9500 Combine, 480-80-42 Tires & Duals, Mud Cleaners, Hopper Ext, Engine Hrs 3336, Separator 2262, Serial #667557 • JD Corn Head 9/22 High Tin • JD 922 Bean Head • JD Head Mover SEMI & TRAILERS: 1995 Freightliner, M11 Cummings, Eaton Fuller 9 SPD Trans, 11/22.5 Tires, 472,000 Miles • 1984 INT Transtar 4200, 6V92 Detroit Engine, 9 SPD Help Wanted 50-COW DAIRY LOOKING FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON for farm work; must know equipment and cows. Call 715-662-5053. 23-TFN-F LOOKING FOR HERDSMAN to help on 6 robot dairy, robot experience not necessary. Call 218-2803598. 17-TFN-F 1900 COW DAIRY looking for bilingual parlor manager. Call 507-951-5597. 8-TFNF SOUTH CENTRAL DHI, REEDSBURG, WI LOOKING FOR FIELD TECH, prefer farm background, able to work exible hours, computer experience. Call Wendy at 608-5243213. 12-1-B RETIRING FARMER SEARCHING FOR YOUNG COUPLE/INDIVIDUAL to work into & possibly take over tiestall dairy in So. Central, MN. Mail inquiries to Box W, 522 Sinclaire Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre, MN 56378. 12-3-F CUSTOMServices HEIFER RAISER has openings to raise your heifers. We offer freestall facilities, all TMR fed, $2.45/day from weaned to pre-fresh. Call Ben for more details 715-495-0481. 11-2-VM SILO REMOVAL, take down & clean up, specializing in but not limited to silos in congested areas, fully insured. Call 507-236-9446. 5-17-VM Hay, Straw, Feed & Bedding
- FOR SALE HIGH QUALITY 5TH CUTTING HAY, 3x3x7.5, 202 RFV, 26% protein. $120/bale, 60 avail. Call 507-276-4900. 12-2-B WINTER RYE SEED, cleaned & germ tested, bushel bags or totes avail. Call 715-644-2350. 12-7-B
The Following Described Property Will Be Sold at 11075 10th St NE, Clara City, MN 56222
5X6 CORN STRAW BALES, Call 320-2933839. 12-1-F DAIRY HAY, RFV 180, $275/ton, nice & green, on pallets; also (4) Polydome calf huts, $200 ea. Call 320-266-6878. 22-TFN-F RYE SEED, $12/bu. bulk, 100 bu or more, lesser amounts $14. Call 320279-2884. 12-3-F ALFALFA BALEAGE, 1st-4th crop, 175 RFQ. Call 715-896-1418. 3-TFN-F
Trans, 11/22.5 Tires • 1995 Timpte Hopper Bottom, Elec Tarp, 24.5 Tires & Aluminum Rims • 1979 Timpte Hopper Bottom, Roll Tarp, 22.5 Tires PICKUP: 1982 Chevrolet S10 Tahoe, Auto 4x2 V6, 108,000 Miles MACHINERY: JD 7300 MaxEmerge 16-22, JD Monitor, Row Cleaners, Stack Bar, Corn & Bean Plates, Nodet Planner 12/22 • Ariens Deluxe 28 Walk Behind SnowBlower, 28”, Elec Start, Like NEW • Alloway Stalk Chopper, 20FT Mounted • Pull Type Rock Picker, Rock Naber • 2/ JD 2500 Plows, 5/18 Auto Reset, Mounted • White 6/20 Plow, Semi Mount, Auto Reset • JD 2700 Ripper, 5 Shank, Cover Boards, Disc Leveler • JD 980 Digger • 35 FT 3 Bar Spring Tooth Drag • JD Crumbler 35 FT • Hardi 1000 Sprayer, 66ft Boom, Hardy Control, Triple Nozzle, 13.6/38 Tires • Sudenga Seed Tender Trailer • 2 Box Brush Auger, 8HP, Brakes • JD 610 Chisel Plow, 20 FT Pull Type • JD 1000 Digger 34 FT 3 Bar Drag • JD Digger 22 FT 3PT W Drag • Rock Trailer HYD Lift • Spring Tooth 40FT Digger • Card Tire Packer 35 FT 3Section • Redball Sprayer 12/22 3PT • JD Disc, 18 FT • 2- Alloway Cultivators 12/22 Rolling Shields • WIC 12/22 Cultivator Tunnel Shields • WIC 826C Beet Lifter 6/22 • WIC Beet Topper 6/22 • Water Trailer 2000 GAL FiberGlass Tandem Axle Induction Cone 3HP Briggs Transfer Pump Visit for more pictures and information. Bid Live and Live Online! Online Items to Start at 10:15 AM Bill & Marsha Duhoux Farm Retirement Auctioneers: Mark Ziemer - 320-354-4312, Brian Ziemer - 320-354-5308, Terry Hilbrands - 239-777-3120 Wednesday, August 31st · 10:00 AM AuctionClara City, MN Clara City, MN Auctioneer Notes: This is Very Well Maintained JD Equipment. There Are No Small Items. CONCRETE PRODUCTSAL’S 1-800-982-9263 Serving Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin Since 1965 FEED BUNKS Super FenceCapacityHighLineBunk Fence Line Feed Bunk H- Feed Bunk ALSO AVAILABLE: • Cattle Slats • Holding Tanks • Cattle Guards • Bunker Silo J-Bunks and H-Bunks available for large and small animals Miscellaneous - FOR SALE JD 2700 PLOW, semi mounted. Call 320-5101055. 13-TFN-F HANSON 24’ SILO UNLOADER, $3,000; 25’ Harvestore unloader, $9,000; Freudenthal freestalls & water beds. Call 507-9516509. 16-TFN-F ENGLISH SHEPHERD BLUE HEELER CROSS PUPPIES, 5 females, 4 males, avail. late Aug., both parents working. Call 507461-0875. 11-2-F (4) 3-PHASE 5HP BULK MILK TANK COMPRESSORS, reasonable. Call 480-313-8460. 9-TFN-F PUREBRED AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, born 5/6/22, great herding dogs, tails docked, dewclaw, 1st shots, dewormed, vet cert. Call/text Brenda 608-386-2035. 122-F JD 7000 4RW CORN PLANTER, eld ready. Call 218-282-6132. 12-2-F
Page 14 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 ANNUAL PIERZ FALL FARM CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, AUGUST 27TH, 2022 9:00 A.M. SALE TIME 14343 MN Hwy 25 Pierz,, MNN 563644 located at the intersection of Hwy 25 and Hwy 27 in Pierz Online Bidding Available Powered By Proxibid Schubert Auction Service Luke Schubert LIC #18-342 (218)251-7610 Dave Schubert LIC #18-294 (218)829-7015 Many Items Not Listed For Full List Of Items And Descrip ons Visit www.schubertauc Tractors NH TL100A Deluxe MFWD Tractor With Open Sta on, Shu le Shi , 3pt. Dual Rear Hyd., 540/100 pto, Only 2080Hrs. (Good Condi on, Good Rubber) JD 4230 Tractor With Dual Remote Hyds., 540 Pto, 11,143 Hours (Good Condi on) IH 1086 Tractor With Duals, 540/1000 PTO, 2 Remote Hyds. Shows 4,256 Hrs. 1959 JD 730 Diesel With Electric Start & Wide FordFront2000 Tractor, 1990 Hrs, Sells With Plow, Hydraulics, 3pt, PTO, Good Rubber, Serial# 3417 Many More Tractors Not Listed JD 115 6 Row Stalk Chopper, 1000 pto, serial (2)#P00115X003718HaybusterROCK-EZE H106 Rock Picker ’s (Both in Good Condi on) Rite Way RR250ST Rock Picker (Good Condi on) NYB 500 Gallon 3 Point Sprayer With 80’ Boom (Good Condi on) Hardi 1000 gallon 60’ Boom Pull Type Sprayer 2017 Logan Coach Limited Stock Combo 5 Horse Trailer With Slide Out, Hay Rack, Mid Tack, AC and Living Quarters With Full Bathroom (Very Good Condi on 2013 S&S Dura-line 24’ Gooseneck Stock Trailer With New Brakes 1999 Delta 20’ Gooseneck Stock Trailer Elray 16’ BP Stock Trailer (One Owner) Skid Steer A achments ATV’s, Spor ng Goods, Lumber & Misc. 1997 Cornhusker 800 Aluminum Grain Trailer (Good Using Condi on) Case IH 1660 Axial Flow Combine JD 6620 Combine (Always Shedded, Good JDShape)853 8 Row All Crop Head JD 643 6 Row 30” Low Tin Corn Head Shop Tools from LF High School JD 5820 Self Propelled Chopper With Kernel KemperProcessor3000 Rotary Style Head, 10’6” or 4 30” JDRows343 3 Row 30” Snapper Head JD 3955 Pull Type Forage Chopper With Intellagard (Li le Use, Good Condi on) 2013 Anderson NWS-660 Bale Wrapper, Self-Driving, One Owner (Always Shedded, Very Good Shape) 8’ Ag Bagger G-6000 With Hyd. Hopper Beater, 540 NHPto 570 Square Baler With Kicker (Very Good Condi on) Versa le 400 Hydrosta c Swather With 12’ Head, Newer Apron Belts (Very Good Condi on) Livestock Equipment Bobcat 843 Skid Steer With Enclosed Cab & Heater (Works Good) Gehl 3310 Skid Steer With Gas Engine Much Much More Not Listed 1999 Kenworth T2000 Semi With Sleeper Ravens 27’ Triple Axle End Dump With Built in Rear Grain Door. 2019 Meyer F585 Twin Screw TMR Mixer With Scale (One Owner) Penta 6720 H-D Twin Screw TMR Mixer With Scale Roto Grind 1090 Bale Grinder (Very Good Condi on) IH 1250 Feed Grinder With Scale JD 1750 Conserva on 6 Row 30” Planter Gehl 1265 Forage Chopper With 3 Row Corn Head & Hay Head (2) 18’ H&S HD Twin Auger Silage Box on Tandem Axle Running Gear 2014 NH 195 Manure Spreader Columbia Sitrex TR9-S 9 Wheel Rake (Very Good Condi on) Industrias America A825 10 Bale Cradle Type Bale Wagon (Like New) (8) Bo omless Feed Bunks (Pierz Fab) (10+) Fence line Bunks (SI& Others) Items from one Farm Selling only because of complete Ca le Dispersal

Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 • Page 15 PremierPremierLivestock&AuctionsLivestock&AuctionsLLCLLC MACHINERY AUCTION Friday, August 26, 2022 N13438 STATE HWY 73 WITHEE, WI 54498 Office: 715-229-2500 Ken Stauffer 715-559-8232 Rocky Olsen 715-721-0079 Travis Parr 715-828-2454
TRACTORS CIH MXM 175 Pro, (2006) 1950hrs, CAH, 4wd, diesel, front axle & cab suspension, CIH EZGuide plus guidance system, dual Michelin rubber, 50hrs on complete engine overhaul; CIH 5240, 7287hrs, diesel, 4wd, CAH, dual remotes, ex rubber, runs good; CIH 7140 Magnum, 4wd, CAH, new rubber, paint, AC pump, interior, dash, and seat, 180hrs on complete engine overhaul; CIH 5288 (1984) 4wd, CAH, 9961hrs. new turbo, new alternator, good trans, good tires, mech. sound; Case 5288, diesel, 2wd, CAH, duals, triple remotes, 10,000hrs, (showing 285) 12 front suitcase weights, new starter, rear tires good, rebuilt engine, serviced, runs nice, eld ready!; JD 7400, 2wd, synchro range transmission, 14,000hrs, like new rear tires; JD 6403 diesel, 2wd, 7500hrs, dual hydr. 540/1000pto, good rubber; JD 5510, CAH, 2wd, diesel, 6421hrs. triple remotes, sync shuttle, runs good; JD 2440, diesel, 2wd, 5903 hrs; JD 2020, gas, shuttle shift; JD 820, diesel, 2wd, 3pt, 1760hrs, 540pto; Massey Ferguson 285, diesel, 2wd, w/246 loader, 3449hrs. new injection pump, quick attach loader; Massey Ferguson 97, (1963) open station, 2 remotes, wide front, mechanical 4wd, restored 2 years ago (reads 2100 hrs); Agco GT65 diesel, 2wd, 2605hrs, dual remotes, newer bucket; CIH 685 Tractor, (1985) 6125hrs. diesel, 2wd, w/Koyker 345 loader & joystick control, runs nice; MD Farmall; Farmall Super H, runs well; Ford 5000, project tractor; Long 360 Tractor, diesel, 2wd, 39hrs on engine rebuilt; Mkee-Ebro 480 (1978) 4734hrs steel wheels, 3 front weights, runs good; Cockshutt 1550, diesel, 2wd 7209hrs. dual remotes, radio, new rear rubber, runs good; Cockshutt 30 (1948) gas, 2wd, new battery, pto, runs good, SHARP; TRAILERS 2012 Corn Pro Livestock trailer, 16x7, center gate w/slider door; 2006 Acro Tanker, 6500 gallon; 2005 Sundowner Sunlight 727 Horse Trailer, GN, 4 horse slant w/living quarters, 4’ short wall, like new tires, drop down ramps, very nice!; 2003 PJ Trailer, 26’ GN, new tires; 2002 Featherlite trailer, aluminum, 16’x7’x6.6, tandem axel, w/divider; 1996 Trail EZE 22’ tilt bed trailer, good brakes & tires; 1992 Road Clipper GN trailer, 2-10t axles w/duals, ramps, winch, king pin/ball hitch; 1990 Trailer, 28’ GN, brakes, lights, all new tires; BH single axle Trailer, lights; 16’ Galvanized trailer, 7000# axles, full tilt bed; 12’ Heavy duty trailer, stainless steel fenders; Tri axel GN Flatbed Trailer; 6x12 Tri-Axel trailer, 24’’ sides & ramps; 4x9 Utility Trailer, 24’’ sides; 1994 Miller Dion 1660 Forage Blower, w/candy applicator; Gehl 1540 Blower; NH 28 Blower, applicator; NH 25 Whirl-A-Feed; IH 600 Blower, good cond.; (2) Case 600 Blowers; RAKES: Kuhn SR112 G2 Speed Rake (2021) hydro lock up side, center kicker wheel, les than 75 acres, like new!; Distributor 16 Wheel V Rake; H&S Bi-fold wheel rake, 8’; H&S Wheel Rake; New Idea Side Rake, 10’; Siltree 10 Wheel Hay Rake; Gehl 450 Rake, 10 wheel V rake, very good cond; Gehl 4 wheel rake; JD 5 bar Rake; JD 640 Hay Rake; FLAT RACK WAGONS: Farm Hand 8 Bale Grapple; Farm Hand 8 Bale Accumulator; Flat Rack Wagon, oak, 16’ w/ tandem gear; Meyer Kicker Racks; HAY/CORN HEADS: Dion Kemper Head, 3 row, new knives, chains, update kit w/stalk guides, like new; NH 990W Hay Head; NH 980WHay Head; NH 27P Hay Head; NH 790 Hay Head; JD Hay Head, 7’ w/gauge wheel, wide gear drive; Gehl pick up head, off of 1085 Gehl Chopper; NH 824 Corn Heads, 30’’ row; NH 822 Corn Head, 2 row; JD 2 row Corn Head; JD 30’’ Corn Head, 3 row, ts 3970-3975 & 5000 series self propelled; 2 row wide Corn Head; Gehl TR3038 Corn Head, 2 row; Gleaner Corn Head, 6 row; IH 810 pick Up Head, w/gear; MANURE EQUIPMENT Balzer Magnum Tanker, 6000gal 2 spread panset steerable axel; Knight 8118 Spreader; Knight 712 Spreader, side discharge; (2) Kuhn 8124 Pro Twin Spreader, slinger; Gehl 733 Manure Tanker; Meyer 2425 Manure spreader, one owner, new paint, new decals, poly oor, sides, hydro. end gate, double apron, very SHARP!; Meyer 8720 Spreader; Meyer 225 Spreader; NH 195 Spreader; Manure Auger; TILLAGE & PLANTING Brillion Land Commander 5 shank ripper; Brillion SB-91 Super Soil Builder (2010) 9 shank, light kit, walking tandems, hydro disc, like new; Brillion Land Commander, 9 shank deep till, good cond; CIH 5800 Chisel Plow, 8 shank; David Bradley Cultivator Rototiller, w/ attachments; (2)4 row Cultivator; IH Grain Drill; Landall Disc Chisel, 19 spring loaded shanks, walking tandems; Brillion 9 shank disc chisel; Penetractor Chisel Plow, 5 shank; Brillion Chisel Plow; IH 5800 Chisel Plow, 8 shank; JD Disk, 16’ ex cond!; JD 220 Disc, 18’; Hesston Field Disc; JD Disc 12’; Kewanee 14’ wheel disk; Harms 42’ Roller, low acres, like new; JD Grain Drill, 10’ w/seeder & fertilizer attachment; Knowles 20’ Drag; 20’ Drag; JD 3-16 Mounted Plow; JD F145 Plow, 4 bottom; IH 5 Bottom Plow; JD 7000 Planter, w/cross auger, bean & corn meters; JD 7000 Planter, 36’’ seed boxes; (2)CIH 400 Corn Planter, 4 row; JD 7000 Planter; SPRAYERS Top Aire TA800 Sprayer, 800gal 60’ boom, new hydro pump, foamer, rate controller; Miller Pro 1000gal. 440 raven system, radar, phone markers, rinse tank, chemical inducer, extra nozzles and tips; GRAIN Easy Trail Commodity Bin, easy ow gravity box/commodity bin on 8t running gear; 5th trailer; 12’ Truck Flatbed; Trailer w/fuel tank, no tires; SKID LOADERS AND TRENCHER NH C175 Skid Loader, CAH, 1010hrs, pilot control, 2sp, power attach, engine & drive plantery; NH LX855 turbo Skid Loader, diesel, 7737hrs; S185 Bobcat Skid Loader; Vermier RT200 Trencher, good working order; HAY AND FORAGE BALERS/BALE MOVERS: JD L341 Square Baler (2019) 7100 bales, cutter, bale scale, electric tie, reverser, auto acid applicator; CIH RB564 Round Baler, only 400 bales, re unit, needs work; JD 535 Round Baler, twine only; JD 530 Round Baler; Hesston 530 Round Baler, 4x4 bale, new teeth, 540pto, belt pension/pin in; NH 511 Sm Sq Baler; MF 12 Sm Sq Baler; Kolbiski Round Bale Mover; MERGERS/TEDDERS: H&S M-12 Hay Merger, 12’; Miller Pro 7916 Hay Merger, new pick up head motor; Miller Pro 7914 Hay Merger, 8’ pick up; Miller Pro 7914 Hay Mergers, hay buddy; Fahr Hay Tedder, 4 pod; JD Hay Tedder; H&S Tedder;; DISCBINE/MOWERS: CIH DC515 Disc Bine; CIH DC162 Discbine (2011) greased and eld ready; NH 1431 Discbine, eld ready; Bowford Wing Mower; Gehl 2170 Haybine; (2) NH 488 Haybines; CHOPPERS: NH FP240 Chopper, metal alert, 3 processors, hay head, knives 90% eld ready; NH FP230 Chopper, tandems, crop processor, light package, metal alert lll; NH 790 Chopper, w/monitor; (2)NH 790 Choppers; NH 892 Chopper, w/monitor; NH 718 Chopper; JD 3970 Chopper, hydro swing, long pole, iron guard, agri speed quick hitch, canilever auger, wide tires, eld ready; JD 3970 Chopper, w/ JD hay head; JD 718 Chopper, w/722 1 row corn head; Case 781 Chopper, w/hay head; Gehl 1060 Chopper, 1210 hay attachment, electric controls, new blower paddles, spinner paddles, knives, cutter bar and sharpener stone; Gehl 1060 Chopper, w/hay head; Gehl 600 Chopper, w/corn and hay heads, new knives & cutting bar; Gehl Flail Chopper, 6’; CHOPPER BOXES: Meyer TSS Chopper Box, 16’; Meyer 500 TSS Chopper Box, on 12t tandem gear; Meyer 400 Chopper Box, 14’ like new; (3)Meyer Chopper Box, 16’; H&S XL Chopper Box, 16’ on NH gear, auger wagon; H&S 7+4 Chopper Box, H&S gear; H&S XL Chopper Boxes, twin auger, w/12T running gear; H&S 7+4 Chopper Box, w/tandem running gear; (3) H&S 501 Chopper Boxes, left hand discharge; H&S 7+4 Chopper Box, left hand, twin auger; Badger Chopper Box, 14’ w/tandem running gear, left side discharge; Gehl 980 Chopper Box, 16’ vari-sweep, tandem gear; BLOWERS: wheel Kiefer Grain Trailer, w/Killbros 400 Box; Underferth 630bu Gravity Box, w/roll tarp and brakes; Kinze 450bu Grain Cart; (2)Minnesota 400 Gravity Box, 400bu w/14t gear; Gravity Box, 450bu; Gravity Box on 10t Minnisota running gear; DMI Big/Little Gravity Box, 300bu; Derco 220 Power Boxes; Rahn Power Box; Gravity Wagons; Farmhand 244 Grinder Blower, w/ conveyor, hydro drive, good hammers, 1000pto; Grain King Auger GSI 8x51 electric, good shape; West eld MK 100-71 Grain Auger, like NEW; Federal Jump Auger, 15’x10’’; Grain Auger 20’x6’’; Grain Auger 10’x4’’; Automatic 1800 Roller Mill; Badger Roller Mill; MIXERS & FEED CARTS & BALE CHOPPER Patz V270 TMR Mixer, weigh-tronix 615 scale, low use, like new!; Agrival 530 Cart, new oor, gear & shaft; (2) Ferris 810 Feed Carts; Patz Bale Chopper; Gehl 7190 Feeder Wagon, new discharge chain; SKID LOADER & 3PT HOOK UP ATTACHMENTS (4)Rock and Brush Grapples, 68’’ 74’’ 78’’ 84’’ new; (3)Pallet Forks, new; Brush Hog 5’ 3pt; Land Pride Brush Hog, 6’; Skid Loader Bruch Cutter, 78’’ standard o hyr, new!; Silver Star 3pt skid loader pto; 3pt Bale Mover; Berlin Bale Spear, off of NH 7614 loader; Bale Spears; Ashland Scraper, 3yd; 3pt Backhoe; Tire Scraper; Superior Attachment Bedding Extractor, 20’’ hydro drive/hydro lift; 3pt Wood Chipper; Howse Rotary Cutter; Woods Pro 7200 Brush Mower, 3pt, 72’’; Woods Brush Mower, BB840, 7’; Heavy Duty Blade, 6 way, 10’; Western Snow Plow; 3pt Snow Blower; Receiver Hitches, new; Open Weldable Quick Attach Plates, new; Closed Weldable Quick Attach Plates, new; JD Sickle Mower; RECREATIONAL UTV/ATV: 2016 Polaris Ranger, 4x4, 3954 miles, 464hrs winch, gas; 2007 Kawasaki Trans Mule 3010, 2198hrs, good cond.; BOAT: 12’ Aluminum Fishing Boat, 6ho Evinrude motor, w/ shorelander trailer; Silverline 90hp mercury 900 trolling motor, w/trailer, new tires & lights run great , no title; CAMPER: 2009 Heartland Big Country, new battery, tires and landing gear; 1989 Fleetwood Prowler, good condition, air/ heat work, fridge is on 110, w/title; SNOMOBILES: Yamaha SXR500 Snowmobile, runs, but needs work; Polaris XC700 Snowmobile, runs but needs work; TRUCKS/VEHICLES 2010 Ford Expedition, LOADED, all leather, brush guard, light bar, power everything, super clean, ready to drive! 202,448k; 2008 Chevrolet van, 263,417k; 2008 E450 Van Body, 14’ rear roll up door, right side curb door, runs well; 2007 Chevy 5500, diesel, 2wd, w/22’ aluminum atbed, 237,815k; 2006 Ford Expedition, runs; 1999 F350 cab & a half, 4x4, 7.3 diesel, runs well; GENERAL FARM Calf Shed, can hold up to 12 calves w/ bucket holder for each calf. Custom built by Bruce Mound Builder; Hoof Trimming Chute, w/remotes; Calf Hutches, Agriplastic; Meyer Feeder Wagon 20’ w/front dolly; Feeder Wagon, 12’ roof, 8t gear; Kasten Feed Wagon, 16x4 on 5ton treated running gear; – 4x4’s, 10+ MFD’s, 30+ 2 WD), 20+ Combines, Large Assortment of Corn Heads, Bean Heads, Dummy Heads, Head Transports, Grain Carts, Gravity Boxes, Augers, Planters, Tillage, Haying & Forage Equipment, Skid Loader Attachments, Trucks, Trailers, Fencing and more! FULL AUCTION AD, VISIT OUR WEBSITE: ** WWW.WIEMANAUCTION.COM ** Lunch Onsite by the Presbyterian Church Ladies Auctioneers Note: This
MACHINERY LOT IS FULL, CONSIGNMENTS CLOSED. WATCH FOR OUR FALL AUCTION DATE! Nationwide buyers through EARLY CONSIGNMENTS: Do you have an upcoming auction? Advertise it in the Dairy Starcall 320-352-6303 for more information. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 • 9 AM CST ANNUAL PRE-HARVEST ONLINE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION WIEMAN LAND & AUCTION CO., INC (SINCE 1949) 44628 SD HIGHWAY 44, MARION, SD 57043 AUCTION OFFICE: 800-251-3111 or 605-648-3111 MACHINERY OFFICE: 888-296-3536 or 605-648-3536 Email: Website: Our Annual Pre-Harvest Consignment Auction will be held Online at www.WiemanBid2Buy. com. All items will be located at the Wieman Auction Facility – 44628 SD Highway 44, Marion, SD or from Marion, SD, 1-mile South and ½ mile West on Highway 44 on: This Auction will offer over 900 lots in total. A Large Assortment of Tractors (3
is another large and interesting auction of consignments by Area Farmers & Dealers. You are welcome to watch the auction on the big screen at the Wieman Auction Facility. We will have multiple representatives available to place bids for you! For more details/pictures, please call our office or visit us online at South Dakota sales tax will be charged. This ad is subject to additions and deletions. All consignments must have been approved by the Wiemans! We have excellent loading and unloading equipment. Financing and trucking are available. We are in our 73rd year of selling. We offer honest and fair treatment to all because we appreciate your business! Bring a friend and come prepared to buy! If you are driving a good distance – please call to make sure the item is here. Welcome to the “Machinery Mall of South Dakota!” Our next consignment auction is December 7th. EVENINGS: Mike Wieman 605-351-0905 Derek Wieman 605-660-2135 • Kevin Wieman 605-660-1587 Rich Wieman 605-660-0341 • Nathan Timmermans 605-351-1273 Ryan Wieman 605-366-3369 AY001971 WATCH FOR COMPLETE LISTING Online bidding thru PUBLIC AUCTION SEPTEMBER 1ST & 2ND, 2022 9:30 AM EACH DAY 2445 Farm Road, Roaring Branch, PA (Tioga County) BISHCROFT FARM LLC DISPERSAL SELLING 1,500 HEAD Day 1– 750 Milking & Dry (580- 1st & 2nd Calf) Day 2 – 750 Heifers From 4 months to Springers 3x RHA 26,146 1021BF 797P 138,000 SCC Parallel Parlor Trained • 75 Yrs Shipping To Land O’ Lakes Alta Breeding INCREDIBLE HERD FROM TOP TO BOTTOM!

Page 16 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 For more information Call Gehling Auction Company 1-800-0347 All Items Sold as is no warranty or guarantee Implied or express by Gehling Auction Co.-Some Items Subject to change other items by sale day-Terms – Cash-Check or Wire Transfer Due within 48 hours of receiving invoice by email-If your coming to inspect ant specific item or item please call and verify that they are on the lot. OnlineOnly ALL ITEMS WILL BE AT GEHLING AUCTION COMPANY’S LOT FOR YOUR INSPECTION ConsigmentDealer Lender Opening At 10:00 A M Tuesday August 9th Starting To Close At 10:00 A M August 16th Gehling Auction Company LLC 27741 State Highway 16 – Preston, MN For photos and any updates go to DAWSON GRABAU ESTATE PARTIAL FARM LINE JD 7230 MFWD, showing 1603 hrs., 24 spd w/LH reverser, 2011, ser.#1107230XBG695630 w/JD 673 self leveling ldr., joy stick, (no bucket); 7’ Material bkt.; JD 10 tine 6’ bkt; JD 4 tine bale spear; JD pallet forks; JD 6300 Open station, showing 3883 hrs., 16 spd, 1997, joystick, ser.#L6300P205575; JD 4440 Quad, showing 5607 hrs.; JD 567 baler, 2002, bale count 7091, cover edge net wrap, acid applicator, bale trac monitor, 31x13.50 tires, ser#E00567X188772; Vermeer 5030 disc mower, 6’ cut, Case IH 5300 10’ soybean special drill w/grass seed, 7.50X20 tires; JD model GL grassland drill, 6’ w/ grass seed; JD 235 21’ disc, 21” blades, Tandems on main frame; JD 960 20’ field cultivator w/3 bar harrow; Bear Cat 12’ seed bed maker; Agco-NI 3626 manure spreader w/slop gate, single beater, poly floor; Elston 3 pt. gopher poison placer; 3 pt. bale fork; 3 pt. 3 tine bale spear; Westendorf 8200 6’ brush crusher; King Kutter 84” 3 pt., rear blade; Agri-Metal Berri King 3 pt. tug grinder/bale processor w/trailer, 9’ 3 pt. sprayer boom; Woods Brush bull Extreme BB 84” 3 pt. rotary cutter; United Implement 8’ HD, hydraulic box scraper, 3 pt. 5’6” disc w/20” blades & 9” spacing; 3 pt. 6’ digger; 3 pt. carrier, Poly round bale ring feeder, 65”X8’; WILLIAM BAKER ESTATE FARM LINE JD 7520 MFWD, 2007, showing 1878 hrs., 20 spd, joystick, ser.#RW7520R062774 w/JD 741 Ldr w/8’ material bucket; JD 4240 power shift, 1978, showing 3080 hrs., ser.#001018; JD 158 Lder; JD 625I gator 4X4, GS-EFI-XUV, independent rear suspension, power dump; JD 535 Baler w/baletrak monitor; NH 256 rake w/dolly wheel; NI 272 conditioner; Notch 6 bale trailer, 12.5x15 tires; Worksaver 1548 3 pt. bale unroller; Frontier bale spear; Kent 7 shank Mulch-o-vator w/20” blades; 7.5” spacing; Landoll 3 pt. 6 shank 7’ chisel plow; Brady 3 pt. 12’ field cultivator; JD 210 14’ disk w/20” blades, ser.#17231; JD 400 15’ rotary hoe; Ford 706 tumble bug; Farm King 9600H 8’ 3pt snowblower; Unverferth 530 gravity box on gear w/425/65X22.5 tires, brakes, lights; Parker gravity box, approx. 200 bushel on Electric 5026 gear; NH 328 spreader; McCormick 10’ double disk drill w/ grass seed; 4”x12’ auger w/electric motor; 6”x16’ auger w/¾ hp. electric motor; 2) 4”x16’ auger w/ electric motor, 6”x20’ auger w/1½ hp. Motor; Versatile LT 8”x56’ auger, pto, ser.# 5615; 2) B&W 128 electric grain aerator; JD 318 Lawn tractor w/deck, ser.# Moo318X100744; Corral gates; DAVID BOE ESTATE AC WD 45; NH 489 haybine, ser.#6229; IH 241 baler; Massey Harris Ferguson 36 hay rake; IH 370 disk; AC 4 bottom plow; Woods 3 pt. 8’ blade; Ford 906 rotary cutter; Graham-Hoeme 7 shank pull type chisel plow; Case 10’ drill w/double disk, grass seed; Walsh 300 gallon pull type sprayer; Minnesota 250 gravity box on Minn. Jumbo 10 gear; JD 820 garden tiller; Large Assortment Of New Skid Loader Attachments; 4 New EZ Kleen pressure washers; Miscellaneous Equipment: AC 7020,1978, showing 5333 hrs.; JD 6620 Side Hill Titan ll Combine,1988,showing 3657 hrs., rear wheel assist; JD 4400 Diesel Combine, 1976, JD 443 Corn Head; Unverferth HT 30 head trailer, 7.50x10 tires; Case IH 1020 20’ platform w/3” cut, F&A, 1997, IH 10’ dummy w/5 belt pickup; Case IH 600 blower; 2) Miller Badger 1200 rear unload forage boxes, 14Lx16.1 tires; JD 158 loader; JD 148 loader w/7’ bucket; GB High Lift loader w/8’ bucket; Bobcat 440 Skid loader w/material bucket, foot controls & tine bucket; JD 220 16’ disk, 20” blades; IH 510 6 bottom plow; IH 510 plow for parts; Oswalt D 250 TMR w/Digi-Star EZ 200 scale; Loftness 144BP-LNG stalk chopper; Westendorf 3 pt. fork lift-Buhl/Farm King 10”x61’ auger; IH 7’ Sickle bar mower; Buhl/ Farm King Y960Q 8’ snowblower; Kewanee 3 pt. 8’ blade; 3 pt. bale spear; Livestock Equipment: Sioux 10’x10’ calving pen; 10) 5’X6’ tenderfoot pads; 20) Wood feed bunks; 16) Behlen 12’ gates; 3) Red 16’ gates; Miscellaneous Equipment: Grain spliter; Berlon 5’ Skid loader mount sand spreeder; 1968 Willson 30’ grain trailer w/roll tarp, 11R22.5 tires; COMBINES / HEADS -JD 9560 STS, 2100 sep hrs -’95 C-IH 2166, 3500/2400hrs -’94 C-IH 1666, 3700 hrs. -(2)C-IH 1020-20’ flex head -C-IH 1063, 6x30 CH -JD 930F, 30’ flex PF -’08 JD 625F, PF. -IH 1460, 4733 hrs -IH 863 CH, 6x30 -’97 JD 925F, PF -’99 JD 920F, PF -C-IH 2206 6x30CH -C-IH1083, 8x30 CH -JD 444, 4x36 CH, poly -’14 JD 640FD, flip over reel -NH 74C PF EQUIPMENTHARVEST -Brent 674 GC, roll tarp -JD 1210A GC -(2) 6x10 Heider barge box on -Severalgear misc GW’s & flare boxes -(2) Redekop C180 cobb wagons -Brent 420 GC, -Brent Grain train 410 GC -Brent 572 GC, new augers -SnoCo grain cleaner w/auger -several augers LIVESTOCK /HAY & FORAGE -JD 3955 chopper, iron guard, 2rn CH, 7ft hay head -Penta 4020 -SD TMR, -Woods 15ft Batwing mower -Automatic ATG 3600B, roller mill -Bushw/blowerhog 15ft Batwing mower -Kuhn 1224 bale accumulator -20ft portable hay feeder -12- 8ft concrete “H” bunks -NI #9 spreader, 3 beaters -(3) 300 gal portable lick tanks -(2)Smidley steer stuffers -Knight Little Auggie feed wagon -Gehl 865 chopper w/Gehl 2rn corn head 7’ hay head -Silo press bagger, 8ft, Gleaner diesel engine, all hyd -Expecting several misc. hog feeders & livestock equipment -Several T/A forage wagons TILLAGE -Landoll 7431-29 VT -Hiniker 5000, 12x30 cultivator -IH 183 12x30 cultivator -Hiniker 5000 6x30 cultivator -IH 315 cultimulcher -JD 1710A chisel plow -JD 235 disk, 22’ 9” -Fuerst, 24ft drag on cart PLANTERS/SPRAYERS -Krause 5200, 20’ drill, 15’, DDO -JD 450 drill, GS, SDO, sharp -500 gal pull type sprayer, 50ft boom NEW SKID ATTACHMENTSSTEER&MISC -(2) hot water pressure washer w/self contained water tank -(3) Skid steer vibratory rollers -(2) Skid steer 6ft brush cutters -(3) 6ft skid steer tillers -(2) 7ft skid steer blades -(2) Skid steer augers -Several new grapple bkts SKID CONSTRUCTIONSTEERS/ -CAT 80 dirt scraper, 11-17 yds -Paladin Vibratory screener- new -Case 1818 SL, gas, new Honda -motorBobcat 773 SL, 5400hrs, bad head gasket -JD 310D TLB, 4x4, ext hoe, Cab/heat CONTAINERS/NEWITEMS -New 40ft container w/5 doors -New 9ft office container -New 8ft office container -(2) Dumping scrap containers -Several new hoop style storage -Severalsheltersnew portable generators -Several new tools SCHAULRETIREMENTBROS. -’98 C-IH 2366 combine, 1500 sep hrs, 1 owner -’00 C-IH 1063 6x30 CH, poly - 1 -‘99ownerC-IH 1020 - 20’ PF -(2) Demco 350 GW -Viking 41’ elevator -40’ of hay conveyor TRACTORS -’84 IH 5088, CAH 5200 hrs -’54 Ford 960, NF -’20 JD 4052R, MFWD, CAH JD self-leveling loader, 180 hrs -JD 4240 PS, CAH, 6700 – 1 owner -MF 1532 , MFWD, OROPS, 818 hrs -’69 AC 190XT series 3, 4900 hrs -’67 AC 180D, 6300 hrs, -’63 JD 3010 NF, 12V -Farmall B LAWN MOWERS/UTV’S -2020 Kubota Z421KW, ZTR 54”, only 17hrs -JD 727 ZTR, 52” -2010 Polaris Ranger 500, 690 hrs, elec dump -Cub Cadet Tank, ZTR, 72” deck, -JD870hrsX485 mower, 62” 600 hrs -’09 Honda Rencon 4700 miles -’16 Polaris General, 2 seater, 1100 miles Large 2 ring auction, live and online. Small pallet items selling online only on Sunday. HOGEAUCTIONEERING@GMAIL.COM • ANDY 319-435-2302 OR LEO 319-551-4523 2 DAY EQUIPMENT AUCTION Sat., Aug. 27 & Sun., Aug. 28, 2022 • 8:30 am 5675 HWY 13, COGGON, IA 52218 • LIVE & ONLINE BIDDING 3PT/ACREAGE EQUIP. -Land Pride RCR1872 rotary -6ft,mower3pt, land gill -6.5ft, 3pt disk -King Kutter 7ft, 3pt box blade w/ -scarifierWoodsTCR74, 3pt, tiller, reverse -tineBuhler/Farm King 500, 3pt snow blower- used once -Tarter 5ft, 3pt arena rake CAMPER/PONTOON -2012 Mini Lite by Rockwood, BH camper, 17ft, -’04 Harris Flotebote tritoon, 27’ w/Suzuki 140hp outboard TRAILERS -’17 Load Max 8.5x40’ triple axle, low pro flat bed, 21K GVWR, drive over fenders -’97 Timpte 40ft hopper bottom trailer, 11.5’ tall. Tarp, super -singles’14D&K 22’ split tilt, GN -trailer,16/6’17Mustang fuel trailer, 950 gal, def, Honda motor w/hiflow pump -East 33’ hyd end dump semi trailer, alum, roll tarp, triple axle MISC -500 gal fuel barrel w/pump, dbl -WincowallPTO generator -LeBlonde 13x42 lathe, single phase, 3 jaw chuck - Hiniker AR200, 20ft stalk chopper -30’ & 36’ bin sweep -Pair 16.9x30 tractor tires 95% -Loftness 30’ stalk shredder -1000 gal fuel barrel w/pump -Agri speed hitches (2 receivers, 5 -Severalwagon)new windows & doors See website for pictures & terms. & Coleman Sales Inc. SMALLDIESELADMINMECHANICENGINEREPAIRPARTS/SALESYARDMAINTENANCE A&C Farm Service, Inc. 412 BUSINESS 23 S | PAYNESVILLE, MN 320-243-3736 • Apply in person or email FULL BENEFITS 100% Healthcare • Paid vacation and holidays Uniforms provided NOW HIRING! Great Pay! 1541 - 210th Ave., Ogilvie, MN 56358 320-679-3377 (Of ce) • 612-390-0535 (Cell) Auctioneer: Paul Strunge #33-25 ConsignmentHUGEAuctionAugust27,2022 NOW TAKING CONSIGNMENTS! Call or follow us on Facebook for more information

429 2.8 317 INC. This special
508 INC. Marion sells dry, completing her rst lactation with every SCC under 28,000. She is due in
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 • Page 17 See more theequipmentmoreonbackpageofthissection!section! CHECK OUT THE EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PATZ DEALERS New Patz 420 Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 New Patz 620 w/front disch. Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 New Patz 950 Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 Roto-Mix VXT865 - $14,400 Gorter’s Clay & Dairy 507-825-3271Equip. Kuhn Knight 3130 Call for more details Gorter’s Clay & Dairy 507-825-3271Equip. COMINGIN Knight 50100 mixer - $19,900 Gorter’s Clay & Dairy 507-825-3271Equip. Patz 420 - Call Hartung 320-836-2697Sales Used Patz V950 - $27,500 L&L Sales and Service Inc. 800-236-0603 Used Patz V620 - Call Hartung 320-836-2697Sales Used Lucknow 2290 - $22,300 L&L Sales and Service Inc. 800-236-0603 Used Penta 4020 - $5,000 L&L Sales and Service Inc. 800-236-0603 Used Lucknow XLR 4550 $37,5000 L&L Sales and Service Inc. 800-236-0603 New Patz 1100 Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 CARVIOU COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 10:30 A.M. • MARINETTE, WISCONSIN 250 HEAD SELL Carviou Rolan CarmelRed-ET GP-83 VG-MS 1-10 2x 348 24,9504.7 1181 3.3 817 Carmel sells with her two full sisters. Currently milking 86# with a 5,000 SCC on her last test. Also selling is her Altitude bred heifer that is due this fall, they both sell carrying heifer calves. Carviou Rolan Capri-ET GP-84 VG-MS (714) 1-11 2x 320 23,390 4.5 1043 3.4 809 Capri sell milking 96# on her last test and is bred back Barbossa. Her daughter by Twich sells and is due this fall. Also selling is a Captain from Capri’s full sister that is 1024 NM$ and 2989 GTPI. Carviou Tropic Moon Unit VG-85 VG-MS @ 2-01 (779) 1-10 2x 217 17,148 4.2 713 3.1 533 INC. A special offering from a great family, Moon’s is due in December with a heifer along with her Dec. ‘21 Boeing-P daughter. Also her Callen dam sells with her Moovin and Charl sisters. Carviou RumpunchMentholVG-87VG-MS(663) 3-00 2x 365 31,950 4.1 1312 3.2 1037 Rumpunch sells due at sale time along with numerous family members sell from a high component family.
221 15,830 4.0 616
Carviou Tropic KM-ET (802) 1-10 2x 121 10,380 3.4 351 2.9 304 INC. KM is milking 96# a day in her rst lactation and already bred back to Lambeau. Also selling is her full sister that is just fresh on 7-20. Her maternal sister by Miami sells due in December. Carviou GP-83KarmaUnstopabull@2-01(778) 2-01 2x 3.8 young UnstopLucid daughter. Radical GP-83 2-00 2x 3.2 September, dam maternal sisters sired by Radar and Xavier. Carviou Calvados Cayenne (750) 1-11 2x 278 18,810 4.2 785 3.3 614 INC. Cayenne sells and is due in November. Also selling is her EX-91 dam that is due in November, from a long line of high fat percent dams. TOR, 50’ long, nice cond. Call 320-310-2221. 11-4-F BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, working parents, $250; also NH 790 chopper, eld ready, 824CH and wide HH, $4,700. Call 507-923-1549. 12-1-F PUPS FROM REGISTERED AUSSIE AND BORDER COLLIE PARENTS, black or blue merle w/white markings. Call 715-279-1264. 11-3-F PUREBRED BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, born 5-4-22, had shots, good farm dogs, pick from 9, $75 ea.; Mini Aussie Doodle puppies born 6-24-22, red & blue merles, $850, tris, $500/obo. Write Samuel W. Borntreger 1204 Marks Hill Rd., Northwood, IA 50459. 11-3-F ‘88 WILSON CATTLE TRAILER, 7’x24’; JD 16R cultivator’ Versatile 400 swather, good cond. Call 320-290-0367. 6-TFN-F ‘14 JD 8260R w/only 440 hrs., always shedded. Call 715-965-9626. 11-4-F HAY RACK, platforms on side, 9x18’, $2,500; Kewanee elevator, 56’, pto lift. Call 320-247-2657. 7-TFN-F NH 38 FLAIL CHOPPER, bought new in ‘04, always shedded, exc. cond. Call 715-314-0977. 10-TFN-F USED 10’ MIDSOTA ROCK WAGON, $6,500. Call 320-249-8556. 12-1-F (6) SHEPHERDAUSTRALIANPUPPIES, born May 3rd, ready July 3rd, $450 ea., 1st shots, tails docked, dew claws. Call 507-259-5173. 8-TFN-F 3/4 BORDER COLLIE, 1/4 SHEPHERDAUSTRALIANPUPPIES, 3 male, 3 female, born 5/20, ready, shots & wormed, $500. Call 507-767-2248. 11-3-F ‘07 HARVESTEC 4306C 6R CHOPPING CH, very good cond., $16,500; almost new Kelderman 6R down corn reel, $900. Call 715-456-8277. 22-TFN-F TRUSSCORE WHITE PVC WALL AND CEILING PANELS, 16”x16’, factory seconds, quantity discounts, J-trim, inside and outside corner trim, use in dog kennels, milk houses, etc. Call 715-6442350. 8-20-B 10 TON FEED BIN w/ auger, $1,000; steel fence posts, $3 ea. Call 507-2493240. 10-4-F KRAUSE LANDSMAN 7430 SOIL FINISHER. Call 320-250-4600, no texts or messages. 3-TFNF ‘15 CHEVY SILVERADO 4-DOOR, 4WD. Call 320-557-5514, no texts or messages. 1-TFN-F (2) NH 28 BLOWERS, ready to work, shedded, $1,000 for both. Call 608323-3187. 11-3-F ALFA-DELAVAL LATE MODEL BULK TANK, 1,250 gal., complete as new, MN. Call 480-3138460. 5-TFN-F PSI POWER WASHERS, Power Washers Hot/ Cold, Cabinet Parts Washers, Chemicals, Presoaks, Degreasers, Large Parts Inventory Shipped Same Day, On Site Service. Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Sales, Repair, and Rental. “The Guys That Work Great Under Pressure” 1-800-555-1677. Serving you from 3 locations: West Central MN Region – Pennock, MN Location SW MN Region – Wilmont, MN Location NW IA Region – Harrisburg, SD Location & Wilmont, MN Location SE SD Region – Harrisburg, SD Location. 23-TFN-B MUELLER 800 GAL. BULK TANK, $1,200; Patz 950 TMR mixer. Call 320-808-4468. 12-2-F NH 790 CHOPPER w/ hay head & NH 116 14’ hydra-swing haybine. Call 218-639-1103. 5-TFN-F (4) DEMCO 365 & 450 GRAVITY BOXES, (2) w/tarps, like new; tricycle feeder; big round bale wagon. Call 320-5576558. 18-TFN-F
@ 2-06 (756)
Karma is due in January and is carrying a Altitude heifer. Carviou
also selling is her
SALE FORCE: Scott Courtney ............563-380-1318 Kevin Jorgensen ..........920-210-3992 Ron Roskopf ...............414-587-4402 Brian Olbrich..............815-482-7426 Scott Culbertson ..........507-923-1881 Don Mayer .................715-829-3417 HERD FACTS: • Current SCC 95,000 • All young stock is genomic tested• Numerous heifers selling over 700 NM$ SELLING ARE: • 100 head of milking and dry cows • 16 cows / heifers due 30 days after the sale; 13 of them are carrying heifers • 48 first lactation cows selling • 25 second lactation cows selling • 45 bred heifers selling OWNERS: MARK, DAWN, MARLEY, MAYA, & MARCUS CARVIOU W3201 County Road G Marinette, Wisconsin 54143 715-735-3451 Home 715-938-2368 Mark s Cell Appleton, WI 608-225-3595BARN FLOOR GROOVINGAND Grooving America’s dairies since 1992! Servicing Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, Illinois and Upper Michigan! WE CAN DO ¾” WIDE GROOVES!Customers!TargetYour Advertise Online at Call 320.352.6303 for info. C WANTED:HELPService/InstallationTechnician - Full-TimeSalary: $20-$25 /hour Bene ts: 401K, Health Insurance, Paid Time Off Schedule: Monday-Friday - Rotating On CallJob Description: Install & Service GEA and Lely milking equipment in Eastern Iowa 105 3rd Ave, NW, Epworth, IA 52045 Email: (563) 876-3087 Miscellaneous - FOR SALE KEWANEE ELEVA-
abull sells with her red and white
148 11,310
and two

Page 18 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 PREVIEW: By Appointment / LOADOUT: Day of sale and Friday, August 19 from 8AM to 4PM AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Ken was a well respected farmer and business owner. His admirable work ethic and meticulous nature are evident in this full line of equipment that Steffes Group has been proudly chosen to sell. All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer. Randy Kath, MN47-007 | 2022CDTTHURSDAY, AUGUST 18 | 11AM KEN HARTUNG FARM ESTATE AUCTION PEG HARTUNG, 320.267.8568 RANDY KATH, STEFFES GROUP, 701.429.8894 AUCTION Live! FARM ESTATE JOHN DEERE 7730 JOHN DEERE 6105R JOHN DEERE 9570STS 310 Industrial Drive, Freeport, MN 56331 ***Join Us*** For Our Huge 3 Day Auction August 21 2021: Onsite & Online Auction 8:00 AM August 23 2021: Timed Online Auction 8:00 AM August 24 2021: Timed Online Auction 8:00 AM August 20th: Onsite & Online Farm and Construction Auction Starting At 8:00 AM August 21st: Timed Online Only Items Start Closing @ 8:00 AM Bidding Available Through ***Join Us*** For Our Huge 2 Day Auction August 20, 2022: Onsite & Online Auction 8:00 AM August 21, 2022: Timed Online Auction 8:00 AM Powers Auction Service 110 E Murray St · Browntown, WI 53522 Of ce: (608) 439-5760 · Email: Website: · Facebook Powers Auction Service 1500+ Items Up For Auction Items Located At: 5498 Hwy 64, Baldwin, IA 52207 - Hwy 64 Office: (563) 673-6400 Miscellaneous - FOR SALE Miscellaneous - WANTED BOBCAT T180 OR T190, prefer w/low hours. Call 608-943-6700. 12-2-F LID FOR KNIGHT 8132 SLINGER SPREADER. Call 507-459-5201. 19-TFN-F JD #2 HAY THROWER, parts or whole. Call 218879-939. 12-1-F USED CALF-TEL PENS. Call 320-995-6216. 16-TFN-F FARM BULK MILK COOLERS, all sizes. Call 319-330-2286. 10-24-P 6 TON BULK FEED BIN & TMR FEEDER WAGON, w/scale, 400-600 cu. ft. Call 641-985-2128. 122-F RITEWAY LAND ROLLER. Call 320-3042311. 12-1-F JD 7000 6 OR 8 ROW PLANTER & 6620 or 7720 combine. Call 320760-6050. 22-TFN-F SELECT DETECT, or (Dairy Master Moomonitor) systems. Call 715-4030159. 12-3-F BERNESE MOUNTAIN PUPPY, DOB 6-19-22, shots, wormed, socialized, $400. Contact 27267 Mint Ave., Kendall, WI 54638. 12-1-F 2013 VERMEER 604 SM ROUND BALER, 4,500 bales. Call 763-286-5166. 12-1-F IH 1486, w/4540 hrs. & FWA; IH 3288, w/1612 hrs. Call 320-333-8937. 12-1-F SWING 7 PARLOR, AIC Espresso take offs w/ Waikato swing arms, BouMatic pulsator & claws, ip down washer racks, laptop included, very nice system w/a lot of info; also avail. all other milking equipment needed. Call 507-276-4900. Call 12-2-B 1500 GAL. DARIKOOL BULK TANK, w/washer mounted on side, 2 compressors, complete. Call 507-450-6115. 12-1-F (2) DELAVAL MILKER PUMPS, 1) 7 1/2 HP, 1) 10 HP, also Farmall Super H. Call 218-385-3471. 12-TFN-F ‘72 JD 4520 TRACTOR, 9,000 hrs., asking $12,000; Farmall B w/Woods belly mower, $2,200, both shedded. Call 218-732-3002. 12-1-F JD 3940 CHOPPER, w/ HH & 2R CH, make offer; Wanted: Berg barn cleaner #600 power unit. Call 608341-9588. 12-3-F GEHL 970 FORAGE BOX, avg. cond., $1,500. Call 320-360-1954. 14-TFN-F HANSON SILO UNLOADER, 16 ft., surface drive, $250; JD 1450 6 bottom plow, $1250. Call 605-227-4614. 12-1-F BADGER BARN CLEANER, head & chain. Call 320-266-6878. 12-1-F NEW SQUARE BALE FEEDER, wood oor, Thorp, WI. Call 715-6697509. 12-2-F BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, $300. Call 715560-3031. 12-1-F FARM BULK MILK COOLER, 1600 gallon, 3 years old. Call 715-8234501. 12-1-F 2005 JD 2975 CHOPPER, 3 row CH, 7ft. HH, inoculator and KP included. Call 507-794-3141. 12-1-F PUPPIES FOR SALE, Call 608-386-2035. 12-4-F NH BR770 ROUND BALER, crop cutter; Case 2188 combine, RWA. Call 218-841-8723. 24-TFN-F AKC STANDARD COLLIE PUPS, farm raised, make wonderful family pets, assort. colors, 1) male, 3) females, vet checked, 1st shots & wormed, Graceville, MN. Call Kathy 12-2-VM-1st320-748-7468. FREUDENTHAL CS60 TIESTALLS & HEADLOCK STANCHIONS; also looking for wagon gears. Levi S. Beiler, 15365 Tower Rd., Boscobel, WI 53805. 6-TFN-B1st ‘08 35 TON SEMI TRAILER, beaver tail & ramps, 51’ total length. Call 320-760-6942. 12-TFN-F AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, excellent old working lines, UTD on vet work, great dogs to have around. Call or text 507-202-9179. 121-F DMC MODEL 40 GRAIN CLEANER, $800; Lindsay 4-section drag, 24’, $500; Hutchinson 1071 grain auger w/ swing hopper, $8,500; CIH 8370 14’ Hydra Swing haybine, $4,250; Ficklin CA9600 grain cart, $8,000; all equip. exc. cond & always been shedded. Call 608-325-7333, leave message. 12-1-B SPRING TEETH for IHC C cultivator; wheel hub for IHC 56 corn planter, right side. Call 715-822-2678. 14-TFN-F GOLF CART OR SIDEBY-SIDE. Call 320-2504600, no texts or messages. 14-TFN-F OLD HEATING FUEL AND DIESEL, can pump from basement. Call 320424-2005. 5-TFN-F NEWER RITCHIE CATTLE WATERER & DRYER BIN FAN. Call 320-266-6878. 12-1-F FREEMAN & SARA RABER E3891 CEMETERY RD ~ REEDSBURG, WI 53959 LUNCH & BAKE SALE DIRECTIONS: From La Valle, take Hwy. 58 South 2½ miles to Iron St. on left, then ½ mile to Cemetery Road on left, ¾ mile to Farm. From Cazenovia, take Hwy. 58 North 3 miles to Ironton.Watch for Auction Signs in Ironton. CATTLE: 44+ Head of Dairy Cattle “Certi ed Organic” 25 Cows in Various Stages of Lactation Springing, Short Bred, Open Heifers Heifer Calves 7 Bulls, Various Ages - 2 are Bd. Age HORSES: Angie 22 Yr. Belgian Mare Nell 16 Yr. Belgian Mare Dorthy 8 Yr. Belgian Mare Kate 14 Yr. Belgian Mare Fred 6 Yr. Belgian Stallion CD Rex RedBreedingwith White Mane and Tail FARM MACHINERY: 2-Bottom Pioneer Plow, KV Bottom’s IHC Corn Binder N.I. 323 1 Row Corn Picker 1-Row Stock Chopper for 1 Row Picker Gehl 800 Recutter and 3 sets of Screens Gehl 865 Silo Filler Gehl 860 for Parts J.D. 400 Rotary Hoe J.D. #4 Mower 6’ Bar w/Dolly’s MC #7 Mower 5’ Bar M #9 Mower for Parts Hay Rack on Pioneer Gear 6 x 10 Barge Box on J.D. Gear Harrow Cart Steel ThrashWheelsMachine Belts 6’ SetSicklesofC40 Cutter Knives 100’ “Field Tile” Drain Opener 2 Fert. Disc. for 7,000 Planter 3 Hydraulic Cylinders FARM SHOP TOOLS: 1 Roll Air Hose Twin Tank Air Compressor Barn Lime Spreader LP Tank for Torch 029 Chain Saw Tie Stall Parts and Connectors 2 Milk Cans and Cart Tote Bags 3.5 H.P. Tucumseh Motor Squirrel Cage Fans Stainless Milk Buckets HARNESS: 1 Set Draft Nylon Harness 1 Leather Buggy Harness HOUSEHOLD & MISC.: Rocking Chair Small Desk 2 Drawer File Cabinet 2 Coleman Camp Stoves 2 Pressure Cookers 2ShoesSewing Machine Heads Tomato Juice Cone Some Dresser Dishes Tri-Wheel 3 Gang Horse Mower, Silent Cut STRAW & HAY: Approximately 1,000 Small Straw ApproximatelyBales400Small Square, Rained On, 1st Crop Hay SMALL ANIMALS: RabbitsPigeons Tell the advertisers you saw their ad in the Dairy Star!Hey!

Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 • Page 19 Office: (608) 348-9401 or Toll Free: 1(888) BUY-Patz Salesmen: Shawn Martin (608) 778-4554 or Joe Ryan (608) 778-2900 4116 Hwy. 80 S. Platteville, WI 4116 Hwy. 80 S. Platteville, WI New Kuhn SR 312 #4401 Call New Kuhn Knight GA 4230T #5803 Call New Kuhn Knight GF 7802 TGII, #5846 Call New Kuhn Knight SR 612 GII, #5807 Call New Kuhn Knight SR112 GII, #5790 Call New Kuhn Knight 4270M Primor, #5843 Call New Kuhn Knight 4270M Primor, #5693 Call SR 100 GII SERIES SPEEDRAKES ® WHEEL RAKES ® SIMPLICITY. VERSATILITY. QUALITY. Growing Dairy Equipment Dealership seeks experienced Dairy Service/Install Manager Western info@dairyspecialists.comKansas 610-755-1655 HELP WANTED! MILLE LACS SOIL SERVICE Help Wanted ASAP Truck Driving, Applicator, Plant Work Seasonal, Competitive Pay Job Description: Hours may vary due to weather, Expect long hours 5-6 days each week. Need to be on time each day and willing to work hard. Contact Duane at Mille Lacs Soil Service 320-294-5511 STOP IN AND PICK UP APPLICATION

Page 20 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 13, 2022 Patz Corporation Pound, WI 920-897-2251 BEHIND A CLEAN COW IS A PATZ MACHINE. THE MANURE SPECIALISTS Milk quality premiums begin with quality equipment and support. Trust your cow comfort to the Patz in-barn specialists. Scan our QR code or visit today LEARN MORE ABOUT PATZ MANURE HANDLING PRODUCTS CHECK OUT THE EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PATZ DEALERS (2) Patz 350 Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. Patz 615 Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. Penta 5610 Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. ‘10 Kuhn Knight, RH conveyor, LH 41’ discharge w/Digistar scale $19,900 Mid-Central Equipment, Inc. 218-583-2931 Used 950 with RH incline disch., coming soon - Call for pricing Schmidt Buildings & 920-422-4151Equipment Used 950 w/ at reversible discharge - $29,500 Schmidt Buildings & 920-422-4151Equipment Used Kuhn VTC1100, new screws - $37,000 The Scharine 800-472-2880Group 420 LH demo deal! The Scharine 800-472-2880Group Used Penta 5610 – great value! The Scharine 800-472-2880Group Patz 500V Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. NEW V950 - Call for price! P&D Sales and 920-822-5145Service Used V420 - $16,700 P&D Sales and 920-822-5145Service (3) Used V950s - Call for prices! P&D Sales and 920-822-5145Service New 420, dual tires! - Call for price Spartan920-845-9892Construction 2019 Patz 950 Series 2 Warranty Remaining! – $28,500 Spartan920-845-9892Construction NEW Patz 740 – Call for price Spartan920-845-9892Construction Patz 615 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 Patz 350 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 Patz 420 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 Patz 500 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 Patz V650 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service Patz 500 Wille563-252-2034Construction Patz 500XH, used 1 year! Wille563-252-2034ConstructionPatz 350 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service Patz 950 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service SOLD Patz 420 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service Patz 950 Wille563-252-2034Construction ‘15 Patz 500T - $20,500 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service ‘11 Patz 420T - $16,900 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service ‘03 Patz 420 - $15,000 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service Patz 950 Anibas Silo & Equipment, Inc. 715-285-5317 Patz 420 Wille563-252-2034Construction Patz 650 - Call C.F. 920-693-8717Heckmann‘07 Patz 350 - $13,500 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service Patz 810 - $23,500 C.F. 920-693-8717Heckmann