August 27, 2022 Third Section DAIRY ST R Online at “All dairy, all the time”™ 320.352.3477 Located 1.5 miles west of Sauk Centre at 42739 County Road 184 320.352.3477 320.352.3477 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! Check out videos and other products on our website at! MANURE FORK GRAPPLE WOOD SPLITTER/TREE SHEAR Come us out at Big Iron Sept. 12th-14th, 2022 Booth W-05 BRUSH & ROOT GRAPPLE DAYSATISFAC ONGUARAN WARRANTY2 YEAR RUSH GRAPPL STOCK!IN S OO G FALL IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, be prepared with a MRF attachment! STALL PLOW/ EXTRACTORBEDDING out products o SPECIALIZEWEINWIDESHEETING www.bluelakeplastics.com320-333-9255SaukCentre,MN 24’ up to 132’ wide poly IN STOCK View our sizes on our website. We can order sheeting up to 200’ wide We carry Silage Bags from 6.5’ up to 14’ WE HAVE YOUR SILAGE SHEETING! MILKING EQUIPMENT • MANURE EQUIPMENT • FEEDING EQUIPMENT HOUSING • ROUTE SUPPLIES “Where our passion for agriculture & technology come together to serve you!” PARTSSTAFFEDHOURS:7-5M-FLateUPSAfternoonShippingAvailable! Gorter’s Clay & Dairy Equipment of Minnesota, Inc. P.O. Box 786, E. Hwy. 30, Pipestone, MN 56164 Fax (507) 825-4052 • E-mail: (507) 825-3271 It takes a rugged baler with heavy-duty components to withstand the tough conditions and tight time frames of baling cornstalks. When it comes to durability and ef ciency, the Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special baler is equipped tobale through tough crop quickly and ef ciently. We have several usedCornstalk Special Balerson hand! Call today!

Preparing for a new age in alfalfa Producers ofmanagementdiscussforagevarieties
Low lignin alfalfa improves yields Daley and Heintz use low lignin alfalfa to improve yields during weather delays.“We were really looking at the benets of opening up the windows when you get in those weather delays where you can still get some good quality feed,” Heintz said. Heintz milks 200 cows with his family as well as raises 250 acres of KATE RECHTZIGEL/DAIRY STAR
Page 2 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 WANTED:HELPService/InstallationTechnician - Full-TimeSalary: $20-$25 /hour Bene ts: 401K, Health Insurance, Paid Time Off Schedule: Monday-Friday - Rotating On CallJob Description: Install & Service GEA and Lely milking equipment in Eastern Iowa 105 3rd Ave, NW, Epworth, IA 52045 Email: (563) 876-3087 220 North Dickeyville,Ave.WI (608) 568-7982 Specializing in feeddairyaslivestockandconventionalorganicfeed,wellasgoat Serving the entire WI, IA, IL Tri-State Areas Free ConsultingRation Gorters Clay & Dairy Equipment Pipestone, MN • 507-825-3271 Field’s Mt Horeb, WI • 608-437-5561 Brynsaas Sales & Services Decorah, IA • 563-382-4484 Courtland Waste Handling Courtland, MN • 507-359-4230 Hartung Sales & Service, Inc. Freeport MN • 320-836-2697 The real professionals work with GEA ProManure Nothing compares to the GEA liquid manure spreader. It gets the job done fast, easy, and with minimal maintenance required. Your Local GEA Manure Equipment Dealers: ST. CHARLES, Minn. - When it comes to alfalfa seed traits, every dairy farmer uses something a little bit different to meet their needs. For three farmers, two traits have helped them improve their alfalfa stands in southern Minnesota.Threeproducers – Todd Crouch, of Rushford; Ben Daley, of Lewiston; and Doug Heintz, of Caledonia – discussed their alfalfa management with varying seed traits during a panel put on by the Midwest Forage Association at the Ihrkes’ farm July 19 near St. Charles. “For us, we just wanted options,” Daley said. “We had sprayed the Roundup on Roundup Ready alfalfa, and then a friend of mine talked me into HarvXtra (alfalfa). Having this option is very nice, because Roundup Ready is very limited on what you can do.” Daley milks 1,400 cows with his family. They raise corn silage, earlage and 800 acres of alfalfa, 500 of which is the low lignin variety.
Heintz and Daley both seed their alfalfa at the rate of 18 pounds per acre. Turn to
FORAGE | Page 3
Todd Crouch (from le ), Ben Daley, and Doug Heintz share alfalfa management during a producer panel July 19 put on by the Midwest Forage Associa on at the Ihrkes’ farm near St. Charles, Minnesota. corn, 125 of which is brown mid rib corn for silage, and 240 acres of alfalfa, one-third of which is HarvXtra. Heintz and his family have been using the alfalfa variety since 2016. “To begin, we had it on our best ground right next to the dairy and could only compare it to the older hay so it was looking good,” Heintz said. Daley rotates his crop on a fouryear rotation, while Heintz sticks with a ve-year rotation on alfalfa. “I push the alfalfa, and I’d say that’s a big plus,” Heintz said. “It really seems to stand out. I wonder if I should be plowing it down; it looks so good.”
By Kate Rechtzigel

Both Daley and Heintz have noticed benets in terms of feed value, tonnage and longevity. “We stretched out cuttings a few times and it held up as far as feed value,” Daley said. Heintz “Tonnageagreed.and longevity are good,” he said. “We don’t see production changes as much throughout the year and that is because we take a good high-quality bale with a touch lower quality bale to make the feed consistent throughout the year.”
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 • Page 3 V6750 V8950 ROUND BALERS COMPACT LOADERS WHEEL LOADERS The generationnewof TL Series inline bale wrappers custombuiltTube-Linefromaretoprovideproducersandoperatorswithhighefficiencyand proven reliability. To ensure that everyone can reap the benefits of the high moisture hay, Tube-Line BaleWrappers are available in multiple configurations to suit your needs and your budget. Tub & GrindersGrain -SALES & SERVICE - Daniel Showalter (641) 832-0361 FINANCING AVAILABLE THROUGH AGDIRECT AND DIVERSIFIED FINANCIAL MOWERS TEDDERS RAKES WWW.UDDERTECHIN uddertechinc.com888.438.8683 SHOP ONLINE Offering workwearqualityforthedairyindustryformorethan25years! WWW.UDDERTECHI uddertechinc.com888.438.8683 SHOP ONLINE Offering workwearqualityforthedairyindustryformorethan25years! N6503 Pit Road Mount Calvary, WI, 53057 920-922-9966 IMPLEMENT INC White 2-135, duals, front weight Call for Pricing Gehl chopper box Call for PricingWE BUY SCRAP METAL! New Holland 85i baler Call for Pricing Miller Pro 2175 chopper box Call for Pricing Ford 7600 tractor Call for Pricing AVAILABLE!PARTS
Crouch is the crop manager for G and R Farms which partners with D and D Dairy to provide feed for the 1,000cow dairy. The farm raises 585 acres of Roundup Ready alfalfa and 800 acres of corn silage, 600 of which is BMR corn.The alfalfa crop is grown on a three-year“Thererotation.wasamanure pit built for much less cow numbers,” Crouch said. “So, one of our biggest challenges is getting rid of the manure, and we have to haul it on the hay ground. A lot of times, if we can get three years out of the alfalfa, we are doing pretty good.”
The dairy purchased another farm with a lagoon, so Crouch is now able to get fourth-year alfalfa. “It’s not cheap, but we are not wrecking our alfalfa, and we can get to further elds in the fall,” he said. Crouch seeds with a Brillion seeder and plants at around 21 pounds per acre. “We come through after with a roller and rm it up,” Crouch said. For sulfur, Crouch gets most from the manure and then also adds potash and elemental sulfur. “On our new seeding year, we put manure out to get the alfalfa growing,” CrouchAftersaid.the rst crop, they apply 125 pounds of a potash product, and then after the fourth crop, they add 15 pounds of potash and elemental sulfur, said CrouchCrouch.sprays once a year for insects and weeds. “We try to get to spray glyphosate early after we plant in that 30- to 40day range,” Crouch said. “But if I see some weeds out there that are a couple inches tall, I get them sprayed.”
“We typically roll before we seed,” Daley said. “Then, we mix it with 28 pounds of oats. I think having a rm seedbed before you start actually helps quite a Heintzbit.”uses a Brillion seed drill. “I have an old John Deere grain drill that I pull ahead of the Brillion and seed about 3 pounds of oats with the alfalfa,” Heintz said. For sulfur, Heintz adds an ammonium sulfate product, and Daley uses the farm’s manure. They both only spray for insects and use a glyphosate product once throughout the growing season. “I have sprayed leafhoppers in the past,” Heintz said. “This year, the bugs are not as bad. And, I used to spray glyphosate more often, but lately, it’s been just when I need it.”
A variety for weed control When looking at the goals for their farm, adding Roundup Ready seed technology was an easy choice for Crouch. “Our biggest concerns were weed control, cost and the simplicity of Roundup,” Crouch said. “We were producing conventional alfalfa but found that weed control is so much simpler with Roundup Ready alfalfa, especially when we are selling it to a dairy who is particular on what they want.”
Overall, Crouch has been satised with using Roundup Ready variety for his alfalfa elds. “This will be our rst year with alfalfa that is going to be in its fourth year so it will be interesting to see how it does,” Crouch said.
Con nued from FORAGE | Page 2
Typically, the weed threshold is met for Crouch, but additional herbicide may need to be applied in the fourthSevenyear.years ago, Crouch experimented with fungicides. “We split a eld in half for a year and put them on with a ground rig,” Crouch said. “We custom chopped the rst two crops and could see different red and green images on R7 imagery. We knew something was happening. When we took eld samples of both sides and looked at the tonnage, they were virtually identical in terms of forage quality. However, we did get enough tonnage out of it to pay for the application of the product.”

Page 4 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 • Business • Industrial • Farm & Home • Electrical Contracting • Design Build • Maintenance/Repair 320-836-2336336 WE WORK ON ALL BRANDS OF EQUIPMENT!DAIRY B & R Dairy Equipment 108 N. Renville St. •Winthrop, MN 55396 24/7 Emergency 1-877-852-5510Service G entlyQuickly andCompletely Benjamin H. OWNERNetzke, Ask about our economical line of chemicals 2021 NH 25S Workmaster sub compact ldr., bkt., 60” mid mower 2018$18,900BX2680RV heated cab, 54” mower deck, 55” commercial snow blower $29,500 2015 Bobcat S510 cab, heat, new door, 1427 hrs., single spd. bucket 2019$29,500Bobcat S770 Cab, heat, A/C, Power Tach, no bucket $64,500 QUALITY USED EQUIPMENT (320) ALEXANDRIAALEXANDRIA BRAINERD 2019 Kubota M7 Series Gen 2 M7-152 duals, 4WD, 1370 hrs. 2015$99,900JohnDeere2032R diesel, IMatch hitch $16,500 FARIBAULTFARIBAULT ALEXANDRIAALEXANDRIA FARIBAULTFARIBAULTBRAINERDBRAINERD ‘09 Kubota M125XDTC w/LA601S Lodr. w/skid steer coupler, 2865 hrs, MFWD, cab/heat/AC, air seat, buddy seat, radio, power reverser, bi-speed turning................................................... $56,900 ‘11 Kubota B3200 w/loader and 60” deck, 835 hrs, hydro, 3 point and PTO, turf tires, power steering, tilt steering................................................................................... $18,900 FIELD PHOTO ABBY WIEDMEYER/DAIRY STAR Dawn Powell, custom operator, spreads liquid manure Aug. 18 for Hawk High Dairy near Norwalk, Wisconsin. Hawk High Dairy is home to 650 dairy cows. Emptying the pit

Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 • Page 5 Traction in all &detectionstressdirectionsReduceanimalAidsinheatCosteffectivepractical Prevent costly falls before they occur We offer grooving & scarifying! BEST FOOTING CONCRETE GROOVING Strum, 715-579-0531WI Large, Live On-Site with Online Bidding Melrose, MN Area Farm EquipmentTrailers,Prompt Attendance,PleasePlanonOnlyListedItemsSell4x4Pickup,LivestockEquipment ForageTractor,OnlineAuctionLive-OnsitewithBiddingJDMFWDHaying&EquipmentLocated: 3 miles north of Melrose, MN on County Road #13, then 1 mile east on 421st Street into farm yard. (Please follow auction signs through Melrose during bridge reconstruction.) Tuesday, September 6, 2022 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Henry & Mary Pohlmann, OWNERS 32496 421st Street, Melrose, MN | For Equipment Questions Please Phone Henry at (320) 493-6214 MID-AMERICAN AUCTION CO., INC. Sale Day Sale Day AUCTIONEERS CASH or GOOD CHECK. No credit or debit cards. If credit is desired, make arrangements with your credit agent prior to sale. Out of area buyers please have letter of credit. Purchases in excess of $5,000 must be accompanied with a bank letter of credit. Titles on all titled Everything sold as is, no warranties given or implied. Nothing removed until settlement has been made. While we believe everything stated hereon to be correct as to age and description, anything stated day of sale by owners or auctioneers will take precedence over all printed materials. Owners, auctioneers, clerks or their helpers are not responsible for accidents. All information stated hereon is provided by the owner, MidAmerican Auction Co., Inc. makes no warranty as to its accuracy. AUCTIONMID-AMERICANCOMPANY, INC. Celebrating 51 Years of Professional Service with Proven Experience www.midamericanauctioninc.comFlat 101 inches to outside of Rub Rail, 20-ft. Straight Deck with 5-ft. Beavertail, Flip-Up Ramps, Center Steel Flip-Up on Beavertail to allow complete Straight Deck, New 16 Inch Rubber, 4x4QuadChevroletCabPickup, Long DuramaxBox,Diesel, Allison Automatic Transmission, Running Boards, 5th Wheel Ball, Shows 249,000 Miles, (Good Farm Truck) Center Gate, Full Swing End Gate with Slider, (Titled) John Deere Model 1010 24-ft. Hydraulic Fold Field Cultivator, Walking Tandems, 3 Bar Harrow Pepin 29-ft. Quick Till S-Tine Field Cultivator IH Model 720 4 X 18 Semi-Mount Automatic Reset Plow Ford Model 151 4 X 18 Inch Semi-Mount Spring Reset Plow Ford Model 151 3 X 18 Inch Semi-Mount Spring Reset Plow 500 Gallon Crop Sprayer on Shop Built Transport, Hydraulic Pump, Triple Zone 40-ft. Booms (2) 500 Gallon Poly Nurse Tanks Tillage & EquipmentSpraying 4x4 Pickup & Trailers Approx. 5 Ton Bulk Feed Bin with Bottom Unloading Auger (2) 560 Gallon Fuel Barrels with Working Gas Boy Electric Meter Pumps (2) 300 Gallon Fuel Barrels on High Stands Heavy-Duty Approx. 12 ft. X 12 ft. Square Hay Feeder AF Hitch (Fits Ford Pickup) Set of 18.4 X 34 and 18.4 X 38 Inch Band Duals with Hardware Fuel Barrels, Bulk Bin, Feeder & Misc. Items 50+ YEARS Mid-AmericanAuctionCo. New Holland Model Axle Spreader,ManurePoly Floor, 445-50R-22.5End-Gate,Beater,UpperHydraulicTires, 1000 RPM PTO, Ser. #YAN015384, (Nice Condition) John Deere Model 300 Pull-Type Corn Picker with Model 343 (Three Row Narrow) Corn Head Mayer Built 5 ft. X 10 ft. Flair Sided Tandem Axle Hydraulic Rock Trailer John Deere Model 350 Approx. 40-ft. All Crop Elevator with Truck Hopper Nu-Bilt Approx 250 Bushel Gravity Box with Metal Extensions on 10 Ton Four-Wheel Wagon, 11L-15 Tires Approx. 175 Bushel Gravity Box with Wooden Extensions on John Deere 1065 Four-Wheel Wagon Farm King 7 inch X 51 ft. PTO Auger on Transport with Auger Boot Dakon 6-Row 30 inch 3-Point Danish Tooth 16-ft.CultivatorHydraulic Drill Fill Auger with Hoses Older Badger Model 330 Tandem Axle Manure Spreader, Hydraulic Drive, Single Beater (3) 6 to 10 Ton Four-Wheel Wagons, (Wagons Only) Manure Spreader & General Farm Equipment DieselModelDeereJohn Shift,Power Sound Guard Cab with Split Rear Window, Comfort Steps, 3 Hydraulic Remotes, 540/1000 PTO, 3-Point, 32085R-38 Rear Tires, 20.8 X 38 Hub Duals, 16.9R X 26 Front Tires, Tractor has approx. 10,500 Hours with approx. 500 Hours on John Deere Remanufactured Engine, Turbo and Other Updates, Ser. #P007473 DieselModelDeere Front,JDConsole,SideStation,OpenWideSynchro, Differential Lock, Fenders, 3-Point, Dual Hydraulics, Good 16.9 X 38 Inch Rear Rubber, Tractor believed to have approx. 10,000 Hours with approx. 4000 Hours on John Deere Remanufactured Engine, Ser. #1713R023771R John Deere Tractors Automatic Model Mill Roller Mill, Ser. #821050687, (Nice Condition) Mixer, Discharge,GravityE-Z 210 Digi-Star Electronic Scale Roller Mill & TMR Mixer Forage Bagger, 200-ft. Cable Hydra Conditioner,MowerSwing 8 LightTurtles,Kit, #946R300010,Ser. (Good Cond.) NewBaler,Holland Ser.Kit,Monitor,Push-Off,BaleBaleLightOneOwner,#17560 NewHarvesterForageHolland , Electric Spout, Hyd. Pole, Sells with New Holland 890W 6.5-ft. Hay Head and New Holland 824 Two-Row Adjustable Corn Head H&S Model 501 16-ft. Front Side Unloading Forage Box on H&S 12 Ton Tandem Axle H&SPoleExtension11L-15Wagon,Tires,Model50114-ft.FrontSideUnloadingForageBoxonMN10 Ton Four-Wheel Wagon, Ext. Pole ModelDeere BalerSquare327 with Model Ejector,Hydraulic40Ser. #599412 H&S 9 X 16 ft. Steel Bale Throw Rack on H&S 8 Ton Four-Wheel Wagon, Ext. Pole Factory 8 X 16 ft. Steel Bale Throw Rack on MN 8 Ton Wagon, Ext. Pole OMI-AGC 10-Wheel V Rake on Hydraulic JohnCartDeere Model 50 Mid-Mount Sickle Mower, was used on JD 2520 John Deere Model 640 Parallel Bar Rake with Rubber Mounted Teeth Ag-Bagger, Hay & Forage Equipment, Ag Hitches 712-722-3626 AFTERSERVICETHESALE Some StuffUdder News and Dairy Views from across the region USDA accepting applications to help cover costs of organic, transitioning producers Agricultural producers and handlers who are certied organic, along with producers and handlers who are transitioning to organic production, can now apply for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Organic and Transitional Education and Certication Program and Organic Certication Cost Share Program, which help producers and handlers cover the cost of organic certication, along with other related expenses. Applications for OTECP and OCCSP are both due Oct. 31, 2022. Dairy Shrine announces Pioneer Award Winners Four pioneers of the dairy industry will soon join the ranks of past Dairy Shrine award winners. The Pioneer award recognizes four industry leaders each year who have made signicant contributions to dairy throughout their lives. The 2022 winners are Scott Armbrust, Jack Hardesty (posthumously), Tom Morris and Charlie Will. Armbrust, Morris, Will and the family of Jack Hardesty will receive the Pioneer awards at Dairy Shrine’s Awards Banquet Oct. 3 in Madison, Wisconsin. Portraits of each winner will then be displayed in National Dairy Shrine’s Dairy Hall of Fame and Museum in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. For more information about the Dairy Shrine, the banquet or this year’s award winners, contact the Dairy Shrine at or visit their website at “Best of” Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Virtual Conference Learn the latest in transition cow nutrition and management from world renowned experts including Cornell University’s, Tom Overton, Jim Drackley, University of Illinois, Heather White, University of Wisconsin and Lance Baurguard, Iowa State University. These speakers and more are part of the virtual “Best of” 2022 Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference. The virtual offering includes recorded presentations of all the Four State Conference plenary sessions in addition to the preconference and post-conference symposiums. All questions, answers and discussion are also included. Many other internationally recognized speakers are part of the program. Mary Beth Hall, USDA Forage Research Center, provided information on the new NASEM carbohydrate nutrient requirements. Gavin Staley, Diamond V, covered why heifer maturity matters to lifetime performance. Jesse Goff, Iowa State University, covered pitfalls when feeding a low DCAD diet. Milk Money CEO Jay Joy discussed how to develop your business by developing your people and Mark Hanigan, Virginia Tech, showed how to balance for amino acids using the NASEM 2021Post-conferencemodel. symposium speakers included Jeff Firkins, Ohio State University, who discussed about the role of essential isoacids to improve rumen function. Andrew LePiere discussed quantifying and modeling branch chain VFA in CNCPS and Dana Tomlinson showed how essential isoacids can improve dairy protability. The program includes access to the recordings until Dec. 1. All handouts, including the breakout sessions are included. After registering you will be emailed a link with a password to access the virtual program. For more information, visit http:// Click on the program tab to learn more about the program and the registration tab to register for the virtual conference. We hope that you consider this opportunity to learn the latest in dairy nutrition and management information. This is a collaborative effort of Extension Services of Iowa State University, University of Illinois, University of Minnesota and University of Wisconsin.Ifyou have any questions contact Jim Salfer at or 612-360-4506.

Page 6 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022

For Amy and Marty, the most important part of the fair is indeed the memories being made and their ability to enjoy the fair as a family.
“I feel very lucky that I have my husband here to help take care of everything,” Amy said. “We can take turns going up to the show ring to watch or staying back in the barn to keep everything clean. If it were just one of us taking the time to be here, we would both miss out on that.”
The Gerhardt family – (front, from le ) Amy Gerhardt, Iris Vine holding her Holstein calf, Abby Backaus and Theamore Vine; (back, from le ) are Dawson, Brady, Marty and Emily Gerhardt, Ashley Vine holding Alexander, Travis and Jocelyn Vine – enjoy taking part in the Clark County Fair in Neillsville, Wisconsin, each August.
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 • Page 7 MID AMERICAN AUCTION CO. HUGE ANNUAL FALL SAUK CENTRE, MN, CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONAUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2022 • 9:00 AM Exit I-94 at Sauk Centre, MN, Exit #127, then 1/2 mile south on US-71 and 1/10 mile east on 408th St. MID-AMERICAN AUCTION CO INC. ANNUAL FALL SAUK CENTRE, MN CONSIGNMENT AUCTION 40274 408TH ST. SAUK CENTRE, MN 50 E S Mid-AmericanAuctionCo. Another huge auction with a a wide variety of good, clean used equipment. Large on site multi-ring auction with online bidding provided by Proxibid. For complete listing see: ALLEN HENSLIN, SCOTT TWARDOWSKI, FRANK ROERING, JASON MUELLER. AUCTIONEERS TRACTORS, COMBINES, HEADS, SKID LOADERS: McCormick MC 120 MFWD, 3900 hrs., IH 5488, Case IHDX 60 MFWD with ldr., JD 8650-duals, JD 8440-3 pt. Pto & duals, IH 5088, JD 3020 gas, IH 404, Ford 601, JD 60, MM u, JD unstyled a & b, IH super a, Ford 5000 dsl., Farmall md, Ford 800, Farmall 400 and many more. Case w-11 4 x 4 articulating wheel loader, Melroe s 850 bob cat, loaded, just 61 actual hours, JD 326 d skid loader, JD 318-e, Melroe 742, Gehl 5640 diesel, plus other skid loaders and many attachments. Combines inc. JD 9600, CIH 1680, JD 6620, JD 7720, and more along with several flex heads, corn and pickup heads, header trailers, combine trailer and related items SPRAYERS: 2008 Miller Notro 4275 sp 1600 gallon sprayer, 4 x 4, 8- 120 ft. Booms, shut offs, gps auto steer. No rtk, 2623 hours. Plus several pull type sprayers PLANTING, TILLAGE, GRAVITY BOXES, LIVESTOCK & GENERAL EQUIPMENT: JD 3710 6 bot. Plow, CIH 530-b 5 shank ripper, IH 490 30 ft, CU. Gang disc, IH 4500 32 ft. Field cult., plus many more discs, disc, chisels, field cultivators, rotary hoes., planters, drills; Nice EZ trail 475 grain cart, several clean gravity boxes up to 600 bushel on hd gears; Several really clean swing hopper and straight augers, Gehl 125 grinder mixer, NH 352 grinder mixer; Vermeer FPX9000 bale processor used very little, hd portable crowding tub with chute palp cage and alleys. Like new squeeze chute, panels, gates, feeders HAY & FORAGE: Several good pull type forage harvesters inc. NHFP 230, NH 900, Gehl 1275, 1075, and more, several chopper heads, many good forage boxes on tandem gears, inc. JD, Gehl, H&S, Badger and more NHBR7060 crop cutter net and twin round baler, Ag Bagger g-6000 10 ft. Ag bagger, tmr mixers, automatic 9450 roller mill, rakes, inverters, square balers. PLUS: Trucks, new and used trailers, collectible farm equipment and a huge amount of misc. items too numerous to list. Plan on a big day and bring a friend as we will be selling in up to three rings. ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE D&D 31st Anniversary Thinking about a new bin or drying system? Don’t wait any longer. The farmers who get top dollar for their crop are the ones with on-farm storage. Give your local Sukup Dealer a call today! BUY RIGHT. BUY NOW. Counter-Flow Grain Drying Systems Advantage TheShivvers f High Capacities - up to 252,000 bushels per week High Test Weights - more profit for you High Efficiency - no one makes better use of a BTU High Accuracy - no grain leaves the bin before its time Th SALES & SERVICE CALL NOW TO HAVE YOUR BINS SERVICED! USED EQUIPMENT H & S Merger 12M - WEEKLY SPECIAL $8,000 Kuhn 8124 Slinger $11,900 Kuhn VB3190 w/knives, 14,695 bales, 1000 PTO, new sprockets, new chains, good belt $29,900 JD MoCo 630 READY TO WORK, Local Trade $18,500 Great Plains 1206 No Til Drill, 352 acres $31,500 22KNotchNew&19K8balewagonwithcradles Arcadia, WI 608-323-7001 NEILLSVILLE, Wis. – Each August, the Gerhardt family packs up their tack and a few animals and heads to what will become their home-awayfrom-home for a week: the Clark County Fairgrounds in Neillsville. “We have so many good memories from so many years coming to the fair,” Amy Gerhardt said. “It’s a good experience for these kids, and I know some day when they are my age they will look back on these times with a smile.” Marty and Amy Gerhardt, and their children – Dawson, 20, Emily, 14, and Brady, 12 – farm near Neillsville with Amy’s parents, Richard and Debbie Vine, where they milk 200 Holsteins and ThisAyrshires.year, the Gerhardt family took nine head of dairy cattle to the fair Aug. 10-14. Emily and Brady also show pigs. Amy’s brother, Travis, and his wife, Ashley, along with their oldest daughter, Iris, have joined in with the family’s annual caravan to the fair. Both Amy and Travis spent their childhoods showing at the fair. “You learn so much showing animals at the fair,” Travis said. “There are so many life lessons you can learn, and it is a good way for these kids to all learn to work Shepherdingtogether.”youth to work together comes naturally for Amy, who has spent 25 years as an agricultural teacher. Emily said that is how 12-year-old Abby Backaus came to join the Gerhardts’ fair family. “A couple of years ago, Abby kept coming around at milking time,” Emily said. “She always wanted to lead the cows to the parlor and help milk.” For the second year, Abby has exhibited the Gerhardts’ animals alongside the rest of the family. “It is a lot of hard work, but it is also a lot of fun,” Abby said. “I like to work with all the animals and get the chance to show them.” One of the Gerhardts’ favorite cows is a lifelong attendee as well. Their 3-year-old Ayrshire cow, named Sunset, has been at the fair every year of her life
The Gerhardts have always enjoyed showing their Ayrshire cows at the fair, and many of the family’s fondest memories revolve around an Ayrshire cow the family called Princess, although her name was actually Chips Ahoy. “Princess was grand champion of both the youth and open shows,” Amy said. “Dawson showed her, and it was his last year in 4-H. Marty cried when she won. When she was out for supreme champion, I was sitting in the bleachers watching, and a Holstein breeder sitting behind me said, ‘That Ayrshire is nothing to sneeze at either.’ That just made my day to hear someone say that about her.”Marty and Dawson said that was their fondest fair memory. “She knew she was special; she walked like a princess,” Dawson said. “That’s how she got her nickname.”
“I like seeing how the hard work pays off in the end,” she said. Not growing up on a farm, Iris’ mother, Ashley, is amazed at the life lessons her daughter is able to learn in the barn.“Igrew up outside of Chicago,” Ashley said. “I like the fact that Iris can develop a relationship with an animal and bring her back to the fair each year. She can really watch that hard work pay off and learn the value of it.” Brady enjoys participating in the dairy show with his family but said he has found his passion in the swine barn. “I really like working with the pigs,” Brady said. “This is the third year I have shown pigs. I like being able to sell them in the livestock auction.”
Not to be left out, Amy said Marty brought his own cow to the fair for the open“ leads her but Marty,” she said. “She was our rst registered Holstein in a long time. I won her as a calf in the Wisconsin Holstein Association calf rafe. It was the rst year I took Emily and Brady to the junior Holstein convention. I kept joking I was going to win the calf, and then I did.”
Gerhardt family revels in Clark County Fair
The methodical process of preparing animals for the show ring is what Marty most enjoys about exhibiting at the fair.“Ienjoy the process of getting the animals ready for the show ring; everything you do to make them look their best,” Marty said. “I didn’t grow up showing. I started doing it after I met Amy. I grew up in Baldwin and knew kids that showed at the fair and always wished I Martycould.”has been spending time teaching the kids how to clip their animals. Iris said she likes the satisfaction of getting ribbons at the fair.
Sunset had another successful year this year, claiming grand champion in the youth show and reserve grand champion honors during the fair’s open dairy show. “Sunset is the rst cow I have progressed with this long,” Emily said. “I rst showed her as a spring calf in 2019. She is my favorite show cow.”
Making the fairest memories
By Danielle Nauman
with the exception of 2020 when the Clark County Fair was canceled.

Easton Sonberg 14 years old Ninth grade When do you do chores? I milk cows, do eldwork and help my dad. What are your favorite and least favorite chores? I don’t have a favorite chore. I don’t like to wake up to milk in the mornings. Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? Probably the cows; they are friendly. What do you want to be when you grow up? I don’t know yet. If you had your own farm, what would it look like? Lots of land. What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream. What is your favorite thing to do on the farm during the summer? Bale hay. What is your favorite memory of working or playing on the farm? Baling hay. Page 8 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 Serving Dairy Producers Future Dairy Producers Since 1983 320-243-3938Paynesville• Featuring: The Sonbergs NEW ON THE LOT USED HAY TOOLS Vermeer 605 Super J Baler, twine only, 1992 model, BAU1605G ...............$3,900 Hesston/Agco 5456A Baler, approx 5500 bales .......................................$11,000 Case IH RS561 baler, Twine only, Low bales ....................................................Call Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 2017, Approx 7000 bales, Very Good condition ..............................................................................$45,500 Vermeer CPX9000 Processor, 2014 model, new wear plates, new flails, ready to go, HYU1803G .........................................................................$22,900 New Holland 144 hay inverter ...................................................................$2,100 Used VR1428 Rake...................................................................................$15,500 2014 Vermeer M6040 disc mower .............................................................$6,000 Used Vermeer BW5500 inline bale wrapper, 13hp, dual drive, new engine last year ............................................................................PENDING Used New Holland BR780 Baler .......................................................................Call Used Kubota BV5160 Silage baler ...................................................................Call 2015 Vermeer M6040 disc mower ...................................................................Call 2011 John Deere 265 disc mower ..............................................................$6,000 2017 John Deere 280 Disc mower..............................................................$9,200 2014 Vermeer VR1428 Rake with Center Splitter kit ........................................Call Vermeer 605M baler Very Nice condition ................................................Pending Vermeer 605SM Cornstalk Special, new style monitor, approx. 13K bales$28,000 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, approx. 2500 bales, war. until June ‘23$56,000 USED FORAGE BOXES Used 16ft Miller Pro model 5100 forage box, 4 whl gear, FWU1511G .$7,000/obo Badger 1055 forage boxes, tandem axle, FWU 1702G ........................$4,500/obo H&S 500 Forage box, good condition, 14 ft ....................................................Call USED MANURE PUMPS Houle lagoon agitator, 42ft .....................................................................Pending Houle Super Pump, 2004, 6” PTO, w/2 agitation nozzles, 12 ft long, MPU1704 ................................................................................................$8,500 Houle, 1992, 11 ft. Super pump, on trailer, MPU1904G ............................$4,500 Used Houle 60” cable scraper drive, good shape ........................................$3,000 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1501G ..$4,300 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with 30HP motor, USED, MPU1505G .......$4,000 10ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1507G ....................................................................................$4,300 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with no motors set up for twin motors, USED, MPU1508G ....................................................................................$3,500 USED MIXERS Knight 50100 twin screw vertical mixer, LH & RH discharge, rubber tub ext, digistar scale .................................................................$12,500 Kuhn Knight 3130 Reel Auggie Mixer ........................................................$7,000 Cloverdale 1300 Cu Ft Twin screw vertical mixer..............................................Call USED MANURE SPREADERS International 575 box spreader, converted to all hydraulic drive, good cond. .Call Milking Equipment • Manure Equipment • Feeding Equipment • Housing • Route Supplies E. Hwy. 30, Pipestone, MN E-mail: (507) 825-3271 • “Where our passion agricultureforandtechnologycometogethertoserveyou!”Used Equipment Specials UPSAfternoonShippingAvailable! our for agriculturetechnologandy come together to serve you!” Late Afternoon UPS Shippin Available! PARTSSTAFFEDHOURS:7-5M-F NEW & USED DAIRY EQUIPMENT Used GEA UV Pure, calf milk purifier, DEU2001 ................................................Call Double 10 Blue Diamond parallel parlor w/ SST2 detachers, 3” low line, single receiver, jetter trays, curb, gates, 10 hp Suterbilt vac pump, 10hp Westfailia 2800 vac pump, 20 DeLaval milking units, & pulsators, DEU1803G ...............Call 10 used Boumatic Companion detachers, #U3557554 .................Now $350 each 6 used Boumatic 4400 detachers, with new gaskets & diaphragms, #U3557444 ........................................................................................$300 each Used Suterbilt Vac Pump assy, 10hp w/VFD & motor, complete, OTH2001G .$5,240 Used Artex VCat Sand Wagon for bedding stalls ........................................$4,000 Used Bobman for bedding stalls......................................................................Call NEW & USED BARN EQUIPMENT New 8ft. Patz barn cleaner chute for 16” gutter, PA16151, retails for $992.00$800 Patz barn cleaner 12” tapered flights, never used, but weathered, not painted, $18.95 New .........................................................................................$12.25 ea New Schuur and Lely cow brushes, In stock.....................................................Call Used squirrel cage style fan, 42” diameter, w/3 phase motor ..........................Call Used WIC model 300 grain cart, OTH1803G .....................................................Call New 2 bath automated footbath assy, stainless baths & control- ½ pricednever used - DEN1402G ...........................................................................$7,000 Dayton Blower Fan, like new, 24.5” wheel, 12000 CFM #3C010–$3,437 retail....................................................................................New $2,500 Dayton Blower Fan, used 2 mos, # 2C799, 18.25” whl–$1,982 retail .New $1,100 Used Dasilveira headlocks, 22 sections @ 10ft w/ 7 openings for young stock up to 600lbs, OTH1902 ...........................................................................................Call GEA Houle 3” and 4” Manure Pumps – Multiple lengths GEA Houle 3Pt 6” Super Pump Vermeer BPX9010 Bale Processor GEA Houle SW300 Scraper Drive GEA Houle 8” Flush Pump Vermeer VR1428 Rake Doda 3” Manure Pump Vermeer VS420 Vertical mixer Vermeer R2300 Twinrake Vermeer VR1022 Wheel Rake TODAY’S MILK PRICES ARE UP Maximize profits by keeping milk production, reproduction and intake up during summer heat with GeneratorTM DFM’s from Bio-Vet. Six commercial dairy herds fed GeneratorTM 1 Data on file Bio-Vet, inc. Fat (lb) Protein (lb) Energy Corrected Milk (lb) +7.66% +7.01% +8.06% Average of 6 herds Gain per%head/dayIncrease +0.20 +0.15 +5.71 Increase milk with GeneratorTM ULTRA Start 21 days prior to calving through 150 days of lactationFeed Increased Production Increased Components AARON THOMAS/DAIRY STAR The Sonberg family (from le ) Shawn, Oliver, Easton, Jasper, Lyla, and Becky milk 130 cows near Osage, Iowa. Turn to KIDS CORNER | Page 9

What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer. If you had your own farm, what would it look like? A beef farm with Angus.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream.
Jasper Sonberg 13 years old Eighth grade When do you do chores? I do all the chores with my dad. What are your favorite and least favorite chores? My favorite chore is cutting hay. My least favorite is doing bedding. Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? I like the cows.
What is your favorite thing to do on the farm during the summer? Mow the pasture. What is your favorite memory of working or playing on the farm? Playing in the sand box when I was little.
What is your favorite thing to do on the farm during the summer? Baling.
My favorite animal on the farm are my cats because I like to cuddle with them.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a vet when I grow up. If you had your own farm, what would it look like? A horse ranch with chickens.
Lyla Sonberg 12 years old Seventh grade When do you do chores? I do morning and night chores, bedding and get eggs. I also feed the calves, rabbit and the cat in the house and clean its litter box. What are your favorite and least favorite chores? My favorite chore is riding in the farm equipment. My least favorite is doing bedding. Do you have a favorite animal on your farm? My tortoise shell kitten named Callie because she is a little cutie.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream. What is your favorite thing to do on the farm during the summer? When the kittens and calves are born.
What is your favorite memory of working or playing on the farm? Riding in the tractors.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A football player or a farmer.
What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream.
If you had your own farm, what would it look like? A big hog barn and chickens.
What is your favorite memory of working or playing on the farm? Playing in the sandbox and tearing down our 120-year-old barn.
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 • Page 9 NH H FR850 0 & Heads 2016y y 1956eh h 1278ch h Ox x 4334 4 34’ ’ Merger 2011y y 2021h h Kamatsu WA200 0 Loader 2018y y & Attch. . CIH H Puma a 230 0 CVT T 2016y y 5 5542H H Haybuster r 1130 0 Bale e Grinder, , 2015 5 More e Tractors: : JD D 8100 | JD D 7800 0 | IH 1086 6 Cat t Skidloader r & Many y Attachments s Rotomix x 1105 5 Mixer r All l The e Manure e Equipment t 120 0 x 180 0 Cover All l Barn n Double e 12 2 Parallel l Parlor r 2 Bulk k Tanks s (7000 0 Gal l & 3000Gal) ) Freestalls s | Gates s | Fans s | Drinkers s Sidewalls s | T Wall l Bunkers MUCH H MUCH H MUCH H MORE!! MILLE LACS SOIL SERVICE Help Wanted ASAP Truck Driving, Applicator, Plant Work Seasonal, Competitive Pay Job Description: Hours may vary due to weather, Expect long hours 5-6 days each week. Need to be on time each day and willing to work hard. Contact Duane at Mille Lacs Soil Service 320-294-5511 STOP IN AND PICK UP APPLICATION Con nued from KIDS CORNER | Page 8 Oliver Sonberg 10 years old Fifth grade When do you do chores? Morning and night, I help with milking the cows, bedding, feeding calves, getting eggs and helping my dad. What are your favorite and least favorite chores? My favorite chore is getting the eggs. Do you have a favorite animal on your farm?

Page 10 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 ANNUAL FALL EQUIPMENT AUCTION 4510 COUNTY ROAD L, MERRILL, WI. Auctioneer: Carl Theorin P.O. Box 1311 - Wausau, WI 54402 RWA #26 - RWA #135 (715) 536-1955 - (800) 432-1922 KUBOTA: ‘16 M7-151 Premium, CHA, MFD, loader, powershift, 1,403 hrs. ‘14 M135GX, CHA, MFD, 3,198 hrs. ‘14 M6060D, MFD, loader, Power Shuttle, 3,538 hrs. ‘05 M105X, CHA, MFD, loader, powershift, 2,569 hrs. NEW HOLLAND: ‘16 T8.410, CHA, MFD, powershift, front & rear duals, 3,227 hrs. ’15 T4.95, CHA, MFD, loader, 2,202 hrs. ‘14 T5.105, CHA, MFD, powershift, 2,869 hrs. ‘14 T5.115, CHA, MFD, powershift, 2,605 hrs. ‘10 TD5030, CHA, MFD, loader, 1,302 hrs. ‘08 T9030, CHA, 4x4, axle duals, powershift, 3pt, 12,656 hrs. ‘08 T8020, CHA, MFD, powershift, 3-PTO, 3,322 hrs. ‘02 TN65D, CHA, MFD, loader, 1,889 hrs. ‘01 TS110, CHA, MFD, powershift, 4,261 hrs. ‘95 Ford 8240SLE, CHA, powershift, 2,437 hrs. ‘95 9280, CHA, 4x4, 5,635 hrs. ‘93 5900, 1,781 hrs. ‘79 TW-10, 4,536 hrs. CASE IH: ‘14 210 Magnum, CHA, MFD, powershift trans, axle duals, high cap., hyd pump, 3-PTO, complete guidance pkg, 2,493 hrs. ‘08 Maxxum 125, CHA, MFD, loader, 2,120 hrs. ‘98 8940, CHA, MFD, powershift, axle duals, 6,796 hrs. ‘98 MX 100, CHA, MFD, loader, 6,364 hrs. ‘91 7120, CHA, MFD, 7,532 hrs. ‘81 2390, CHA, axle duals, 5,933 hrs. ‘79 784, loader, 2,201 hrs. AGCO: ‘05 Challenger MT665B, CHA, MFD, CVT axle duals, 3-PTO, 3,585 hrs. Agco White 6215, CHA, MFD, axle duals, 6,500 hrs. ‘85 Massey 1035 ginseng, 1,859 hrs. ‘83 Massey 698 loader, 5,317 hrs. OTHERS: ‘18 Mahindra 9125P, CHA, MFD, loader, 18 hrs. ‘11 Versatile 280, CHA, MFD, powershift, 10,621 hrs. ‘06 McCormick C100, MFD, 1,055 hrs. Zetor 3341 Super, MFD, loader, 1,811 hrs. ‘89 Cat CH65 track, CHA, 4,369 hrs. ‘80 Steiger Cougar ST251, CHA, 4x4, 10,684 hrs.
NEW HOLLAND: ‘16 Boomer 33, 4x4, loader, 80 hrs. ‘04 TC24DA, 4x4, loader, 1,159 hrs. ‘02 TC33D, 4x4, loader, mower, 637 hrs. ‘01 TC40D, cab, 4x4, loader, backhoe, 2,304 hrs. ‘97 1530, 4x4, loader, 3,313 hrs. Ford 1220, 4x4, mower 2,575 hrs. OTHERS: ‘20 Kioti DK 5310 SE, 4x4, loader, 102 hrs. ‘17 LS XU6168, cab, 4x4, TRACTOR ‘15 Massey 4607M. ‘16 6105E, CHA, MFD, loader, PowrReverser, 1,208 hrs. ‘09 6430, CHA, MFD, loader, 16-spd Power Quad, 2,822 hrs. ‘07 7630, CHA, MFD, loader, 20-spd Power Quad, 4,581 hrs. ‘07 6420, CHA, MFD, 16-spd Power Quad, 3,760 hrs. ‘07 6715, CHA, MFD, 16-spd, 4,869 hrs. ‘06 7420, CHA, MFD, IVT, trans slips, 7,812 hrs. ‘06 5325, CHA, MFD, loader, 2,170 hrs. 3 ‘04 5103, 3,167, 3,542, 1,661 hrs. ‘97 5300, loader, 1,836 hrs. ‘03 5205, MFD, loader, 6,405 hrs. ‘02 6420, CHA, MFD, loader, 16-spd Power Quad, 4,845 hrs. ‘02 5520, CHA, MFD, PowrReverser, 7,497 hrs. ‘02 5320, CHA, MFD, 3,516 hrs. ’99 6410, CHA, MFD loader, Power Quad, 1180 ORIG. HRS. ‘99 6210, CHA, 620 loader, Power Quad, 2,090 one owner hrs. ‘99 5510, MFD, loader, 2,681 hrs. ‘96 7800, CHA, MFD, powershift, 7,674 hrs. ‘87 900HC offset, mid mount cultivator, 1,209 hrs. ‘83 4250, CHA, MFD, powershift, 10,999 hrs. ‘77 4230, CHA, Quad Range.
COMPACT TRACTORS KUBOTA: ‘07 L3130, 4x4, 3,767 hrs. ‘93 L2650, 4x4, loader, 1,900 hrs. JOHN DEERE: ‘15 4066R, cab, 4x4, loader, 2,379 hrs. ‘19 4052R, cab, 4x4, 407 hrs. ‘16 4052R, 4x4, loader, 832 hrs. ‘08 3203, 4x4 ‘06 3320, cab, 4x4, loader, 991 hrs. ‘06 4320, 4x4, loader, 7,256 hrs. ‘06 4320, 4x4, 6,215 hrs. ‘06 3203, 4x4, loader. ‘04 4210, cab, 4x4, loader, 2,962 hrs. ‘02 4310, 4x4, loader, backhoe, 1,000 hrs. ‘90 655, 4x4, hydro trans, loader.
loader, 861 hrs. ‘14 LS XR4046H, 4x4, loader, 275 hrs. ‘05 Challenger MT265B, 4x4, loader, 1,814 hrs. TYM T293, 4x4, loader, 2,663 hrs. ‘06 Farm Pro 2425, 4x4, 212 hrs. NEW HOLLAND COMMERCIAL MOWING TRACTORS ‘14 T6.165, CHA, MFD, Diamond flail mowers, 3pt & PTO, 2,379 hrs. (Mower sold separately) ’07 T6020, CHA, MFD, boom, 3,280 hrs. COMMERCIAL LAWN MOWERS ‘20 John Deere 1575 Terrain Cut, cab, 4x4, hydro trans, deck, snowblower, 48 hrs. ‘16 Kubota F3990, cab, 4x4, broom, snowblower, blade, 1,548 hrs. ‘13 Kubota F3990, 4x4, deck, 1,357 hrs. Jacobsen HR9016 Turbo wide area, 4x4, diesel, 18’ cut, 5,849 hrs. TILLAGE & PLANTING ‘17 Bredal K12085 pull type fertilizer. ‘20 Univerco 4-row 3pt weeder. ‘12 Great Plains 706 NT II 7’ no till grain drill. Case IH RMX370 26' rock cushion disk. DMI 3100 5-shank 3pt disk ripper. Marliss 1008-1213 PTNT 10’ no till grain drill. 2008 Haybuster77 7’ no till grain drill. Degelman R570S pull type rock picker. John Deere 980 21’ field cultivator. 2- Case IH 5300, 5100 12’ grain drill. Brillion 10' Sure Stand seeder. John Deere 630 21’ disk. 2- John Deere 120, 220 20' stalk chopper. John Deere 4200 3 or 4 btm. rollover plow. DMI 2500 5-shank 3pt. ripper. Case IH 6500 9-shank disc chisel. Brillion 10’ Sure Stand seeder. Wilrich 4411 Cutter Chisel 7-shank disk chisel. Case IH/DMI 530C, 5 shank disk ripper. SPRAYERS: ‘01 Ag Chem Rogator 1254C self-propelled. Great Plains TS1000PH pull type. Wilrich/Blumhardt truck, 500 gal. MANURE EQUIPMENT: ‘13 Northern 7400-gallon semi manure tanker trailer. Miller Pro 3000-gallon manure tanker. ‘06 H&S 310 spreader. ‘11 H&S 235 spreader. HAY & FORAGE EQUIPMENT ‘19 John Deere 460M Silage round baler. ‘18 John Deere 450M round baler. 2- New 2016 Sitrex DM7S 3pt mount 7’, DM-8S 3pt mount 8’ disc mower. ‘16 Vermeer Catapult CPX9000 bale processor. ‘16 New Holland ProTed 3417 hay tedder. ‘17 John Deere R990R/F350R 32’ triple mower set up. ‘14 Miller Ag-Bag G6170 silage bagger. Roto-Pac 2212 self-propelled silage bagger. ‘15 H&S BW1000 Line Wrap round bale wrapper. ‘13 H&S Twin Auger HD 18’ chopper box. ‘09 H&S HD 7+4 16' chopper box. ‘07 Massey 9635 self-propelled discbine. ‘06 H&S Twin Auger HD 18’ chopper box. ‘03 H&S HD 7+4 16' chopper. John Deere 3955 forage harvester. Gehl 1075 forage harvester. Highline CFR650 bale processor. ‘04 John Deere 467 silage round baler. ‘01 Vermeer 5400 Rebel round baler. New Holland 311 square baler. Miller Pro 5100 16’ rear unload chopper box. Victor 200-11 forage blower. Meyer 3514 14’ chopper box. Belco G4LPE pull type 4-rotor hay tedder. Case IH 1250 grinder mixer. New Holland FP240 forage harvester. John Deere 2RRCHARV Unit 2 RN corn head. New Holland 570 square baler. Gehl 2365 10’ discbine. 2- John Deere 328 square balers. ‘02 H&S Twin Auger HD 16’ chopper. Ag Bag G-680 silage bagger. New Holland 144 hay inverter. ‘00 New Holland 790 forage harvester. Case IH 881 forage harvester. Case IH 8610 bale processor. John Deere 327 square baler. Schuler HF255 feeder wagon. Krone Easy Cut B 32' triple mower set up. ‘20 New Holland Pro Cart 1022 10-wheel hay rake. TRUCKS ‘07 Ford F-350 XL flatbed truck. ‘07 Ford F-250 pickup truck. ‘05 International 7600 cab & chassis truck. ‘05 Peterbilt 378 day cab truck tractor. ‘95 Ford F Series flatbed dump truck. TRAILERSFLATBED& RGN: ‘21 Transcraft 554C 53x102 alumi. combo step deck. ‘14 Fontaine Magnitude Triaxle RGN. 2-New ‘22 G Force 6’6”x12’ open utility. DUMP: 4 New 2022 B&B, Diamond C & Midsota dump trailers. LIVESTOCK: ‘07 Chaparral 16’ alum. bumper hitch. ‘92 Featherlite 7’x20’ alum. gooseneck hitch. UTILITY VEHICLES:’19 Honda Pioneer 700 UTV. ‘18 Polaris Sportsman SP850 HO ATV. 3PT EQUIPMENT: Power landscaper rakes, Seeders, Mowers, Tillers, and Much More SPEC/MISC.: New heaters, Lights towers, New tires, Tractor weights, Loaders & misc. items. WHEEL LOADERS CASE: ‘12 1021F. ‘13 621F. ‘12 621F. ‘12 621F. ‘89 WII B. JOHN DEERE: ‘17 244K II. ‘15 204K. ‘11 544K. 1999 344H. 544B. NEW HOLLAND: ‘17 W50C. ‘06 LW170.B. CAT: ‘01 Cat 924G. ‘84 Cat 930. OTHERS: ‘19 Liebherr L538. ‘14 SDLG LG938L. ‘05 Hyundai HL740TM-7 Tool Carrier. ‘04 Volvo L70E. Komatsu WA120. JOHNEXCAVATORSDEERE: ‘19 35G. ‘19 35G. ‘12 350G. ‘13 75D. OTHERS: ‘16 JCB 85Z-1. ‘08 Doosan DX225LC. ‘14 Takeuchi TB290. ‘08 Kobelco ED150-2 Blade Runner. ‘08 Cat 304C CR. ‘08 Yanmar VI035-5. ‘08 Yanmar VI035-5. ‘05 Takeuchi TB135. ‘00 Bobcat 331E. ‘11 Bobcat E80. WHEEL EXCAVATORS ‘02 Volvo EW170. RH&M GF6LM. TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOES JOHN DEERE: ‘09 310SJ. ‘07 310G. ‘05 410G. ‘99 310E. ‘86 210C. CASE: ‘15 580 NEP. ‘13 580 Super N. ‘94 580 SK Turbo. 680E. NEW HOLLAND: ‘00 655E. ‘97 555E. ‘97 575E. OTHER: Terramite T5C. BOOM LIFTS ‘11 Snorkel TB126J. ‘08 Genie Z-45/25. ‘08 Genie S-40. ‘06 Genie Z60/34. TOWABLE BOOM LIFTS ‘13 Genie TZ-34. ‘06 JLG T350. ‘02 Snorkel MHP12/34J. SCISSOR LIFTS ‘08 Skyjack SJ8243. ‘01 Skyjack SJIII 3219. ROUGH TERRAIN FORKLIFTS ‘20 Case 586H. ‘06 Case 588G. CUSHION TIRE FORKLIFT Toyota 7FGU25. CRAWLER DOZERS CAT: ‘00 D5M XL. ‘88 D4H. ‘88 D3C. CASE: ‘02 1150 H LT. 450B. 350B. OTHERS: ‘88 John Deere 400G. Komatsu D21P-5. International TD7E. SIDEWALK TRACTOR ‘95 Trackless MT5. COMPACTORS ‘08 Volvo SD100D smooth drum. ‘11 Bomag BW177DH-40 smooth drum. ‘94 Cat CS-433B smooth drum. Wacker Neuson RD12A double drum. Hypac C778B double drum. TELEHANDLERS ‘09 Gehl CT6-18. ‘08 Gradall 534D9-45. ‘06 Gradall 534D9-45. Case 689G. CARRY DECK CRANE ‘92 Broderson IC200-2B. MOTOR GRADERS ‘94 John Deere 672B. ‘75 John Deere 570A. ‘97 Champion C70A. SKIP LOADERS ‘06 Case 570MXT. ‘99 Case 570LXT Series 2. Allis Chalmers 714B. PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSORS ‘16 Sullivan Paletek D90PKUSB. ‘15 Sullair 185DPQ. ‘11 Doosan C185WKUB-THI. ‘11 Sullivan D185PJDSB. ‘05 Sullair 185DPQJD. ‘03 Sullivan D0185Q7JD. ‘07 Sullair 375DPQ-CA. PORTABLE GENERATORS ‘17 Multiquip Whisper Watt DCA-155PXU4F. ‘17 Multiquip Whisper Watt DCA-15SPXU4F. WOOD VERMEER:CHIPPERS ‘14 Vermeer BC900XL. ‘14 Vermeer BC900XL. ‘01 Vermeer BC1000 XL. ALTEC: ‘17 Altec DRM12HE hyd drive. ‘09 Altec DC1217. WHEELED LOG LOADER ‘03 CAT M320. SELF-PROPELLED SWEEPER ‘18 Broce BW260. HYDRO SEEDER ‘15 Finn T120T-38B portable. SKID STEERS CAT: ‘16 289D track. ‘15 262D. ‘06 299C track. ‘05 277B track. ‘05 267B track. NEW HOLLAND: ‘08 L190. ‘08 L170. ‘07 L180. ‘02 LS180. ‘95 LX565. BOBCAT: ‘16 S630. ‘13 S650. 753F. ‘84 642. KUBOTA: ‘13 SVL90 track. ‘16 SSV75. CASE: ‘16 SV280. ‘10 445 Series 3. OTHERS: ‘17 John Deere 331G track. ‘08 Takeuchi TL140 track. Mustang 940 Series E. Gehl 4610. John Deere 320E. BROOM
AUCTION! SEPT.FRIDAY,9th,9:00 AMLIVE & ONLINE Internet Bidding Available Via WWW.WAUSAUAUCTIONEERS.COM TERMS: Payment may be made by cash or certified funds. Acceptable forms of payment will be cashier s check, wire transfers and personal or company checks. Personal and company checks must have current bank letter of credit guaranteeing payment to Wausau Sales Corp. (We Do Not Accept Credit or Debit Cards). Items are sold As Is Where Is” without warranty or guarantee. PARTIAL LISTING PARTIAL LISTING

Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 • Page 11 PREVIEW: Monday, August 22 – Thursday, September 1 LOADOUT: Thursday, September 1 – Friday, September 9 To Include: Wheel Loader, MFWD Tractors & Loaders, Combine, Windrower, Header Trailers, Air Seeder, Disc Ripper, Semi Tractors, Truck, Pickups & Service Vehicle, Trailers, Chemical Equipment, Hay Equipment, Forage & Livestock Equipment, Grain Handling Equipment, Other Equipment, Lawn & Garden, Tires, Shop Equipment, Parts & Farm Support Items All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer. Brad Olstad ND319 Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Ave East, West Fargo, ND | 701.237.9173 GREG & BARB VAN BEEK, 701.321.2479 or Brad Olstad at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240 Equipment Auction Strasburg, ND. 46.087476, -100.362958TIMED ONLINE detailsforscan 2015 JOHN DEERE S680 2010 JOHN DEERE 8345R 2021 JOHN DEERE W235 2017 CAT 930M OPENS: Monday, August 22 2022CSTCLOSES: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 12PM From Strasburg, ND 1 mile west on 89th St SE, 3 miles south on 7th Ave SE to 92nd St SE, 10 miles west, farmstead on south side of road. Use driving instructions or GPS Coordinates: 46.087476, -100.362958 Farmer’ s Market DAIRY FARMERS... Advertise your FARM-RELATED classi ed ad for free Mail or bring your ad to the Dairy Star, 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN 56378 or e-mail: To guarantee ad placement, our deadline is the Friday before publication. Ads may be sent after that, but we cannot guarantee placement. (Payment must accompany ad unless prior arrangements are made. 25 word maximum.) Visa, MasterCard and Discover Accepted DAIRY STAR CLASSIFIED AD FORM NOTE: We make every effort to accurately advertise your item. Should we have any questions, please include your name and phone number where we can reach you: NAME PHONE FIRST 15 WORDS ARE FREE, $1.50 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. (Phone # and complete name count as one word each. Heading is not counted as a word.) (Ad Must Be Farm-Related--Call If You Have Any Questions) Non-Dairy Farmers & Ads For Real Estate, Business Services & Ads For Anyone Outside Our Circulation Area Are Charged $30.00 Per Issue LIMIT 1 FREE AD PER FARM PER ISSUE BUY • SELL • TRADE 8 DAIRY STAR USE ONLY: Livestock - FOR SALE REGISTERED CALVING EASE HOLSTEIN & ANGUS BULLS, various sizes, delivery avail. Call or text Brian 715-6139206. 2-TFN-F POLLED MILKING HOLSTEIN COWS & HFRS., avail. this fall, all offspring will be polled. Call for details 952-6572149. 13-2-F REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, from three or more generations of EX 30,000 lbs. dams, Brookings, SD. Call 605-6906393. TFN-F REGISTERED JERSEY COWS AND HEIFERS, (100+), all different ages and stages of lactation, $800-1,400. Call 715-4171778. 9-6-F 1-10 COWS;HOLSTEINREGISTEREDMILK also clean up semen, $1/unit. Call 320583-6564. 23-TFN-F REGISTERED HOLSTEIN COWS AND SPRINGING HEIFERS, all stages of lactation, nice pedigrees, good production. Call Sheeknoll Farms 507-259-3477. 13-1-F JERSEY BULL, 1-1/2 yrs. old, from registered herd. Call 608-489-3867. 13-3-F POLLED SPRINGING HFRS., due this fall beginning in Sept. Call 612-9165701. 13-2-F REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, polled, genomic tested, deep pedigreed high producing cow families. Call 507-8200452. 22-TFN-F REGISTERED HOLSTEIN SPRINGING HFRS., due Aug.-Dec. , Norwood, MN. Call 612202-7944. 12-6-F HOLSTEIN BULL, 11 mos. old, to use for clean up bull, dam does over 36,000 lbs., lasting good in our herd. Call 320-3040436. 12-3-F 16) QUALITY HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS, DHIA records, 28000 RHA, 100 SCC, 8 due 3rd week and 8 due last week of Aug. Call 507-4294357. 12-4-F DRY COWS, due to calf in July, bred to white face beef bull, $1,500. Call 563-744-3506. 8-TFN-F DAIRY HFR. CALVES, 2-6 months old, 28K herd avg., Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 18-TFN-F HOLSTEIN BULLS, springing hfrs., Freeport, MN area. Call 612-2707453. 23-TFN-F HOLSTEIN BULLS Great selection from EX and VG high-producing cows, 26,800 RHA, Johnes free. Call Olmar Farms at 507-794-2697 or 507-2200730. 1-TFN-B SERVICEABLE AGE BLACK & WHITE & RED & WHITE BULLS, sires Lamba, Crushable & Unstopable, dams EX and VG, over 30,000 milk, 4% test. Call 320-583-6564. 10-TFN-F BROWN SWISS BULLS, home raised, registered, genomic tested, A2A2 tested, delivery available. Call 563-419-2137 or calmaria.comwww.hilltopacresfarm-visit24-TFN-F 20) HOLSTEIN HFRS.; 3) Jersey cross Brown Swiss hfrs., breeding age; 5) Holstein hfrs., bred 2 mos. Call 608-687-3022. 11-6-F YEARLING PUREBRED DAIRY FLECKVIEH BULLS, some A2A2 & genomic tested. Call 715-220-2572. 9-TFN-F HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, closed herd, Johnes & Leukosis test negative, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Call 507-920-5859. 7-TFN-B REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, exc. type and production. Call Scott Rickeman 320-552-0284. 16-TFN-F HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, serviceable age, north of Rochester, MN, delivery avail. Call 507732-5930. 13-1-F GUERNSEY SPRINGERS, reg. Brown Swiss cows & breeding age registered bulls, Brown Swiss bulls, Guernsey w/high type & production. Call 563-590-5369. 11-TFN-F SERVICEABLE AGE HOLSTEIN BULLS, from great type and production families. Raised on outside lots, good vigor, Glencoe, MN. Call 320864-6555. 2-TFN-F REG. BROWN SWISS BULLS, all ages, exc. pedigrees. Call 320-5876384 or 320-583-0336. 12-TFN-B HEIFERS OF ALL AGES, baby calves to springers, central, MN. Call 320-333-5906. 19-TFN-F SERVICEABLE AGE BREEDING BULLS, 40 yrs. AI breeding, Sauk Centre, MN. Call 320-7612526 or 320-293-5607. 6-TFN-F PICK UP TO 10 springer dry cows/heifers from group, robot trained, $1,900. Call 320-2939565. 12-2-F REGISTERED, homebred Holstein bulls, located 15 mi. north of Rochester, MN. Call Dave Alberts at 507-269-3084 or 507356-8625. 14-TFN-B REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS w/genomics and soundness exams, a few polled, SE, MN. Call 507-458-0284. 5-12-F (50+) REGISTERED JERSEY COWS, (25) A2A2 Jerseys, all ages and stages of lactation, $800$1,400. Call 715-4171778. 12-10-F DAIRY GOAT DOES, out of Hostetler breeding; also breeding bucks available. Call 319-350-5819. 24-TFN-F MINIATURE HEREFORDS, start your herd with heifers and cows or ready grass fed beef steers avail. Call 715-382-3110. 13-1-B REG. HOLSTEINS, HOJOS, JERSEY, AND CROSSBRED DAIRY HERD, TMR fed, parlor milked, DHIA, and grazing herd, very adaptable and solid animals, heifers and dry cows also available. Call 763-218-8114. 13-1-F ROAN SHORTHORNMILKINGBULL, born Sept. 1, 2021, approx. 750 lbs., asking $1,000. Call 701-4902432. 6-TFN-F (6) JERSEY BRED HEIFERS, due to start calving in September, $9,000. Call Dennis 563380-6173. 13-1-F Don’t Fiddle Around With Your Advertising Dollars! 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. • Sauk Centre, MN 56378 (320) 352-6303 • Fax: (320) 352-5647 DAIRY ST R★

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor’s degree from and accredited institution in agricultural science, animal or dairy, food technology or other closely related Experience performing dairy or food inspections for a agency Awareness of State and Federal laws and regulation as they apply to dairy farms and/or dairy plants Experience working with the public in a government enforcement capacity Experience working with dairy producers/farmers
The mission of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture is to enhance all Minnesotans’ quality of life by equitably ensuring the integrity of our food supply, the health of our environment, and the strength and resilience of our agricultural economy. Join us to become part of our dedicated team to educate and ensure the production of safe, wholesome dairy products.
providing culturally
services to all
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS position requires successful completion of the is contingent upon passing reference checks and driver’s history check. It is the policy of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, as a part of its hiring procedures, to conduct background checks on finalist(s) for positions within the agency. The background check for this position may include an Employment Records Check and a Reference Check. The background check may consist of the following components:·SEMA4Records Check (applies to current and former state employees only)
strongly encourages qualified women,
Some of our offerings Livestock - WANTED BUTCHER COWS, bulls, & fats; also thin, lame, lazy, & lump jaw. Call 320-894-7175. 11-TFN-B WE HAVE BUYERS for tiestall and freestall dairy herds of all qualities and quantities. Also herds for sale at all times, Call 715721-0079. 2-TFN-B COMPLETE HERDS OF DAIRY CATTLE; also buying all classes of livestock, including cull cows, steers, hfrs. and calves. Call 715-216-1897. 7-TFN-B WANTING TO PURCHASE HOLSTEIN SPRINGING HFRS., some crossbreds, no commission. Call 320-6309924. 12-2-F OCIA CERTIFIED YELLOW CORN, 8.52 crude protein. Call 641751-8382. 12-TFN-B WINTER RYE SEED, cleaned & germ tested, bushel bags or totes avail. Call 715-644-2350. 12-7-B ALFALFA HAY & GRASS HAY, med. square or round bales, delivery available. Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-689-6675. 10-TFN-B SQUARE BALES, 1st & 2nd cutting alfalfa, 80 lb. avg., very nice leaf retention, exc. color, ne stem. Call 701-490-2028. 11-3VM HIGH QUALITY 5TH CUTTING HAY, 3x3x7.5, 202 RFV, 26% protein. $120/bale, 60 avail. Call 507-276-4900. 12-2-B Hay, Straw, Feed & Bedding - FOR SALE DAIRY HAY, RFV 180, $275/ton, nice & green, on pallets; also (4) Polydome calf huts, $200 ea. Call 320-266-6878. 22-TFN-F SD DAIRY QUALITY HAY, great test, $290/ton. Call Steven Leinbach 715644-2211. 11-4-F CERTIFIED ORGANIC ALFALFA, wrapped in 8 layers of lm, 3x3x6 bales, RFQ 140-280, Springeld, SD. Call ERNmore Organics 605-286-3873 or 605-999-2010 or 605-2511143. 16-TFN-B RYE SEED, $12/bu. bulk, 100 bu or more, lesser amounts $14. Call 320279-2884. 12-3-F 1ST, 2ND, 3RD, AND 4TH CUTTING BALEAGE, all cuttings are tested, Glencoe, MN. Call 952-297-2811. 5-TFN-F STRAW, NET WRAPPED ROUND BALES & BIG SQUARES, clean, dry, stored inside, delivery available. Call 320-8088336. 15-TFN-F ALFALFA BALEAGE, 1st-4th crop, 175 RFQ. Call 715-896-1418. 3-TFN-F (100) 4X5 ROUND BALES OF NEW SEEDING w/oats. Call 608-4792039. 24-TFN-F SILOServicesREMOVAL, take down & clean up, specializing in but not limited to silos in congested areas, fully insured. Call 507236-9446. 5-17-VM 50-COW DAIRY LOOKING FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON for farm work; must know equipment and cows. Call 715-662-5053. 23-TFN-F LOOKING FOR FT DAIRY PERSON FOR 70-COW DAIRY, $60,000 plus benets, located in Stearns County, MN area. Call 507-381-3776. 13-3-F Help Wanted WANTING TO BUY SLOW & LAME CATTLE, lump-jaws and bad eyes and all blemished cattle, $200-$600; also, good cull cows and bulls, $600$1,200. Call 612-860-8774 or 651-480-1900. 4-TFN-B ALL CLASSES OF SPRINGER DAIRY COWS. No jockeys. Call 320-760-6050. 20-TFN-F RETIRING FARMER SEARCHING FOR YOUNG DIVIDUALCOUPLE/INto work into & possibly take over tiestall dairy in So. Central, MN. Mail inquiries to Box W, 522 Sinclaire Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre, MN 56378. 12-3-F Dairy St r Milk Break Sign up up for our NewsletterNewsletter Sign up www.dairystar.comat
AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: The State of Minnesota is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, and veteran-friendly to responsive Minnesotans. State of Minnesota that a diverse workforce is essential and minorities, individuals with disabilities, veterans disabilities. will be available at the sale. From EX-94 95-MS Glauco: Jan. 2022 King Doc, Moovin Milking Yearling prospect, VG-85 at 2-00 Jordy, an EX Atwood 5-yr-old and King Doc fall calf granddaughter. Rocklan Unix Jazzy EX-90 91-MS, 1st Sr. 2-Yr-Old, HHM Int. Champ. MW Fall Nat. Show 2021, sells with Admiral twin daughters and a 6/22 Diamondback. From the Willows-Edge Ad Mick-Red-ET EX-94 family: VG-87 Diamondback Sr. 2-yr-old, VG-89 Rainy 3-yr-old and a RED Warrior winter calf. Plus more! Willows-Edge Crush Kenni EX-92, 1st Jr. 3-Yr-Old, MW Fall Nat. Show 2021, sells with 6/21 King Doc and 7/22 Atwood. A full sister to Kenni sells! TK-Plain-View Ripley EX-96’s Warrior summer yearling, Milksource Reaction-ET, 1st Smr Yrlng, Dist. 1 Holstein Show sells. Willows-Edge Alt Mica VG-88, Nom. All-American Milking Yrlng 2021, sells just fresh and looks incredible! Also selling is her CEO summer yearling and July Warrior. From the Kite Caramac EX-92 family: VG-86-2Y Diamondback, 10/21 Altitude and Spring 2022 Warrior.
If you are an individual with a disability who needs assistance or cannot access the online job application system, please contact the job information line at 651-259-3637 or email Please indicate what assistance you need. HOW TO APPLY: If you have questions about applying for jobs, contact the job information line at 651-259-3637. For additional information about the application process, go to CONTACT: If you have questions about the position, contact Lisa Hensel at or 763-464-8491 If you area a Connect 700 applicant, please send a copy of your certificate to by the posting close date. The Grand Finale AT Willows Edge September 7, 2022 • 10 AM • 917 140th Ave., New Richmond, WI 54017 80 cows and 100 youngstock SELL - ALL from deep-pedigrees! Henk and Bonnie Van Dyk 931 140th Ave., New Richmond, WI 54017 | 715-220-6612 Auctioneers: Chris Hill : 202-255-7907 David Crack: 819-352-1670 Cattle Preparation: Tim Natzke The sale will start at 10 AM at the farm. Catalogs
employer. We are committed
· Employment Reference Check · Driver’s License Check The Minnesota Department of Agriculture will not sponsor applicants for work visas. All applicants must be legally authorized to work in the US.
PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Ability to position self to collect samples and inspect facilities. Ability to maintain a stationary or standing position for extended periods of time to perform field work and travel long distances. Ability to ascend/descend ladders and steps. Ability to detect product abnormalities to make appropriate product acceptability decisions. Ability to move up to 50 pounds. Ability to traverse slippery/uneven surfaces during all types of weather conditions. Communicate effectively with supervisors and workers in both office and field workplace locations that may be noisy environments. At times, the employee will be working alone in remote and potentially hostile environments. All applicable State, Department and Unit safety policies are required to be followed.
to apply. We will make reasonable accommodations to all qualified applicants with
field ·
Page 12 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 FULL-TIME DAIRY INSPECTOR 1 Job ID: 53375 Location: Various Full/Part Time: Full-Time Regular/Temporary: Unlimited Who May Apply: Open to all qualified job seekers Date Posted: 08/06/2022 Closing Date: 09/06/2022 Hiring SeniorityAgency/Unit: Minnesota Department of Agriculture Dept Agriculture-AFSCME/ Division/Unit: Dairy and Meat Inspection Division / Dairy Inspection East Staff Work Shift/Work Hours: Day Shift Days of Work: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Travel Required: Yes Salary Range: $21.10 - $30.38/hourly; $44,056 - $63,433/annually Classified Status: Classified Bargaining Unit/Union: 207 - Technical/AFSCME FLSA Status: Nonexempt Connect 700 Program Eligible: Yes JOB SUMMARY This position was originally announced 03/01/202203/10/2022 and again 06/10/2022 - 06/23/2022. If you applied during either time, you do not need to reapply. This position will be based out of the inspector’s home office or an acceptable alternative and will cover the following territory: Blue Earth, Nicollet, Brown, Wantonwan, Cottonwood, Redwood, Renville, Sibley and Waseca counties. The inspector must maintain an office location within the listed territory. This position is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of State Statutes, rules and policies for the Dairy Division to ensure safe and wholesome milk and dairy products for the consumer and to maintain Interstate markets for Minnesota’s Dairy Industry. Implementation is accomplished through inspection, sampling, investigations and other regulatory work. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS To facilitate proper crediting, please ensure that your resume clearly describes your experience in the areas listed and indicates the beginning and ending month and year for each job held. · High School diploma or equivalent · Knowledge of milk and its components sufficient to understand milk pricing, quality and product standards · One (1) year experience working in a dairy or food plant in production, quality control, sanitation, dairy field representative, or on a dairy farm. · Technical knowledge of the principles used in the production and processing of milk and/or milk products sufficient to evaluate equipment, sanitation and processing procedures. · Effective oral and written communication skills sufficient to communicate effectively with the public · Organizational skills sufficient to make judgment decisions, manage time, schedule job responsibilities, and maintain accurate and detailed records and reports · Availability for travel and occasional overnight travel · Proficient in basic computer applications sufficient to enter data, write reports and correspond with industry. · Must currently possess and maintain an active/valid driver’s license with an acceptable motor vehicle record subject to review. · The ability to celebrate diversity and a strong commitment to a respectful and inclusive work environment.
The State of Minnesota offers a comprehensive benefits package including low cost medical and dental insurance, employer paid life insurance, short and long term disability, pretax flexible spending accounts, retirement plan, tax-deferred compensation, generous vacation and sick leave, and 11 paid holidays each year. Our differences make us stronger and leveraging them helps us create a workforce where everyone can thrive. The State of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to embedding diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility at our workplace. We do this by developing strong leaders and advocates, increasing cultural competence and understanding among all employees, and removing institutional barriers and attitudes that prevent employees from advancing as far as their talents will take them. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions), marital status, familial status, receipt of public assistance, membership or activity in a local human rights commission, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, or age.

Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 • Page 13 AUCTION Mora / Ogilvie Area Late Summer Consignment PremiumBuyer’s10% SATURDAY, AUGUST27th, 2022 – 9:00 AM For a complete list, visit our website at & click on Paul’s Auction Service or call for flier. AUCTION TERMS: Sales Tax Will Apply. Usual auction terms. We now accept MasterCard and Visa If you are driving a long ways for one item, please call to make sure that items in. Auction Arranged and Conducted by: Paul’s Auction Service 1541 - 210th Ave., Ogilvie, MN 56358• 320-679-3377 (Office)•612-390-0535 (Cell) Auctioneer: Paul Strunge #33-25 Clerk: Paul’s Auction Service Bid From Home or At The Auction Here is the link: SPECIAL NOTE: Falll ConsignmentAuction Saturday, October 29th, 2022 ADDRESS: 1541 210th Avenue, Ogilvie, Minnesota Located: 4.5 miles North of Ogilvie, MN on MN State Hwy. #47, then 1.5 miles East on Kanabec Cty. Rd. #6. Or 6 miles West of Mora, MN on Kanabec Cty. Rd. #6. Watch for Auction Arrows. Hope to see everybody there! All Items must be checked in on or before Thurs., August 25th at 12:00 noon. Any items w/ a title must bring title when you check them in. This is a consignment Auction. All warranties are between the sellers & the buyers, not Paul’s Auction Service. Some items may be subject to prior sale. BOATS, CAMPER, DEER BLINDS 2018 Golf Stream, 19 ft. Camper 1970 Oday 14 ft. Sail Boat & Trailer (4) 5x5 Enclosed Deer Stands 12 ft. Wheelhouse Fish House MACHINERY JD 3-Bottom Plows JD 10 ft. Cultivator Thrower Rack & Wagon Lundell Gravity Box &Gear Parker Gravity Box &Gear Rotary Scythe Cutter IH 10-Shank Disc Chissel (3)18.4-38 Press Steel Wheels New Idea 1-Row Corn Picker New Holland 261 Sqr Baler VEHICLES & TRAILERS (Partial List) 2008 Ford F350, Super Duty Lariat, Dsl, New Head Work, 4x4, 8 ft. Box 2008 Ford F450, Flatbed, Clean Truck, Bad Motor, 6.4 Motor 2011 Chev 1500, Crew Cab, Short Box 2008 Chev 1500, Extended Cab, Long Box 1975 Mack Grain Truck, 500-Bu Box & 19961998HoistChevroletSuburbanLoganCoachRanger III Stock Trailer Bluebird Short Bus (Partial List) (New) Bush Hog HMG9 Disc Mower JD #3200 5-Bottom Reset Plow JD 640 Dolly Side Rake JD #700 Grinder Mixer 13 ft. Shop-Built Land Roller 16 ft. Shop-Built Land Roller Gehl 1060 Chopper, 30” Head H&S Chopper Box Wagon New Holland 727 Chopper Corn/Hay Heads Gehl 640 Chopper Box GB 800 Work Master Loader Dual Hydraulic Loader H&S 235 Spreader 3-Pt Field Cultivator 2 Killbros Gravity Boxes & Gears New Idea 456 Round Baler 8-Ton Running Gears Melrose 4-Bottom Plow JD 290 Corn Planter JD 10 ft. Disc TRACTORS (Partial Listing) CONSTRUCTION (Partial Listing) Case 1530 Skid Loader 84” Skid Loader Buckets 72 Skid Loader Buckets 72” Double Grapple Buckets 2 Sets of Skid Loader Pallet Forks 12-16.5 Skid Loader Tires & Rims JD #420H JD #2010, Row Crop Propane JD #60, Wide Front JD #A, Narrow Front Case #930, Propane Farmall A w/ Belly Mower IH #3588, 2+2 Farmall Super M, Wide Front Farmall H Farmall 400 Farmall 350, Utility w/ Loader & Back Blade (Dan Koehler Collection) JD #R, Diesel JD #A Unstyled JD #A, Single Wheel Front End JD #H JD #B Unstyled JD #B JD #GP JD #AR JD #AR JD #110 Lawn Mower, Rnd Fenders JD #110 Lawn Mower, Sqr Fenders MISCELLANEOUS 4 Wrought Iron Steel Gates Bridge WoodsWroughtHandrailIronHandrailBellyMoweroff IH 18.4-38 Press Steel Wheels Fuel SwartzCellsWide Fronts off JohnDeeres 16 ft. Truck Bodies for Storage Fassi F240SE Truck Crane, Outriggers TREES &LUMBER 50 Potted Meyer Spruce Trees 26 Potted Black Hills Spruce 5 Potted White Pine 14 ft. Ash Planks 1000 bf of Rough Cut Pine 2x6 & 4x6, All 14 ft. Long (100) 2x6x10 White Oak (60) 2x8x12 White Oak SHOP Sears 200 amp Charger Cherry Picker Floor StackableJackTool Boxes Miller Matic #212 Auto-Set Welder Torch Set Drill GrizzleyPressVac System 1” Impact Set Chop Saws Hand PipeSocketsToolsBender LAWN & GARDEN JD #318, Restored w/ MC 519 Bagger Unit, Snow Blower, Hydraulic Lift, Hydro IH Cub Cadet 682 w/ Deck, Completely CubRestoredCadet1170 Mower JD LX GravelyMowerPM& 260 Zurn Mower Cub Cadet 1470 Mower JD GX 75 Mower JD 65 Mower MTD Chipper Yard Wheel Rake Lawn Sweep DR YardTrimmerMachine Chipper White Snow Blower Troy-Built Snow Blower Toro Push Mower Honda Push Mower Generac H4000 Generator AUCTION TERMS: 10% Buyer’s Premium. All property to be sold in “As Is, Where Is” condition with no warranties by seller or auctioneers. While we believe everything stated hereon to be correct as to the age and description anything stated day of sale by owners or auctioneers will take precedence over all printed materials. However, Auctioneer does not accept responsibility for information presented, as it is the Buyer’s responsibility to verify all information. Owner and Auction Company are not responsible for accidents on grounds. Kuhn FC 3561 TCR Hay Mower Kuhn 6A 6501 2016 Hay Rake John Deere 6400 MFWD, Creeper Gears, 5,830 Hours, Triple Hyd., 3 pt., Snowplow Mt. John Deere 6400 MFWD, 9,760 Hours, 12.4x42 Tires, 3 pt., Dual Hyd., Snowplow Mt. IH 1586 Tractor with Duals, 7,881 Hours Minneapolis Moline A4T - 1600 Small Gehl Skid Loader, 2,600 Hours, Gas Gooseneck Flatbed Trailer Gooseneck 20 Stock Trailer Weld-in Skid Loader Adapter Plates for 11x27.5” Semi Tires Misc. John Deere Parts (New in Packaging) IH 1086 Tractor, 9,353 Hours 4625 Gehl Skid Loader Cab Kit 1586 Duals (20.8) • 1586 Duals (18.4) 2 Step Spacers Gehl Skid Loader Bucket Gehl 5635 SXT Series II Turbo Skid Loader, 7,885 Hours LindsayRodinator1,500 Bu. Grain Bin (To Be Moved) Used Pole Barn Steel and Lumber 100 lb. Propane Tanks Tractor Dual Tire Rims 35 Gallon Drum with Pump Plastic and Metal Barrels Set of Skidloader Tires 5 - 16” Rims - New 1999 Dodge Parts (Tailgate, Wheel Wells, Doors) Walker Lawn Mower Deck 105 Gallon Truck Fuel Tank 55 Gallon Water Tank with Metal Straps 2 - Used Street Sweeper Brushes Misc. Steel 2 - 1970’s Snow Jets 4’x5’ Hay Chixs Used Hay Net (1.75” TorpedoOpenings)Heater(Needs Work) 9 Horse Honda Pressure Washer (Needs Work) Grease Cart • Hyd. Cylinder 3-Point Log Splitter • Cement Curbs 2 - Round Bale Feeders (Need Work) Ironton 12,000 lb., 12 Volt Truck Winch (New in ScoscheBox)6”x 9” 4-way Speakers (New in Box) Rayo Inc. Storage/Feed Container 2 - Grain Moisture Testers Antique Trunk 2 - 325 Gallon Totes AUCTIONEERS Lyle Bostrom, 30-29 (612) 270-6395 Nathan Bostrom, 30-47 (763) 286-6840 Cullen Bartz, 30-48 Not Responsible for Accidents - Usual Auction Terms - Everything Sold “As Is” Statements made from the Auction Block take precedence over any printed information. CLERK: Bostrom’s Auctions The Lunch Wagon Absolute Portables CHAD MARTINSON ESTATE SNOW REMOVAL Western, Stainless Steel Salt Sander 1999 Boss Plow 12’ Leo Plow (for tractor) 2000 V Snow Plow 3 - Honda Snowblowers Snow Plow Mounts for 6000 Series John Deere Tractor Plow Parts (Hiniker and Boss) Truck Mounts for a Boss Plow Misc. Truck Plow Parts 4-Wheeler Snow Plow Boss 9 Straight Plow 8 Snow Plow 2000 Blizzard Snow Plow Tractor Snow Blower New Holland BC 5070 2011 Baler With Hay2Kuhn33(To10AccumulatorApplicatorPreservativeand10BaleandHoelscherBaleGrappleBeSoldAsOneUnit)Pt.2-WheelRake-FlatBedHayWagonsTHA5202HayTedderUsedProtexiaTarpsElevatoronTransport WELL MAINTAINED LINE OF MACHINERY Be on time Very few small items John Deere Combine 6620 Turbo, 643 Corn Head, 2 Bean Heads on Transport One for Parts, 1 Dummy Head. LED Lights, 3,368 Hours 24 BrillionHarrow9Shank Deep Tiller Grouser Tracks Brillion X108 Packer John Deere 230 21’ Disc Kent Field Cultivator with Spring Harrow Massey Ferguson Swather 775 Hydrostatic, Gas, with Cart 10 x72 Grain Auger, Mayrath with Swing Hopper Batch Dryer Pull Behind Ag Sprayer 10 x60 Feterl Grain Auger John Deere 800 Swather for Parts International Rock Bucket Bucket Mounted Bale Spear Kewanee #45 Running Gear John Deere 3-way Back Blade P&H 12 Ton Tandem Axle Running Gear 86I-BeamsSeries International Cab Kit International 3 Bottom Plow (Semi Mount) Disk (Needs Work) Ag-Serv Applicator 24x32 Implement Tires Gravity Boxes (5-2 For Fertilizer) TRACTORS & LOADERS EQUIPMENTHAYING MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS SMALLDIESELADMINMECHANICENGINEREPAIRPARTS/SALESYARDMAINTENANCE A&C Farm Service, Inc. 412 BUSINESS 23 S | PAYNESVILLE, MN 320-243-3736 • Apply in person or email FULL BENEFITS 100% Healthcare • Paid vacation and holidays Uniforms provided NOW HIRING! Great Pay!

Page 14 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 SEPTEMBER AUCTION - Accepting Consignments Now! Stateline Consignment Auction September 23-24, 2022 • Starting at 8:00 AM 101 E Murray Street, Browntown, WI 53522 Stateline Auctions Office (608) 439-5794 Mike Powers: (608) 214-5761 • Dan Powers Sr: (608) 214-3765 WE ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY USED FARM EQUIPMENT Construction Equipment • Skid Steers • Attachments Hay & Forage Equipment • Planting & Tillage • Trucks • Trailers Lawn & Garden • Recreational Equipment and More! ONSITE & ONLINE BIDDING Visit Our Website at For More Details and Information! September 17 - Last Day to Consign September 23 - Stateline Auction—Day 1 Auction Starts at 8:00 AM September 25 - Stateline Auction—Day 2 Auction Starts at 8:00 AM Taking Consignments now until Sept. 17! Call & Schedule an MikeAppointment!(608)214-5761 No late consignments will be accepted Powers Auction Service 110 E Murray St, Browntown WI 53522 Office: 608-439-5760- Email: @ .com Website: -Facebook:PowersAuction Service RAY BRYNIARSKI RETIREMENT AUCTION BRENT BRYNIARSKI, 320.232.7111 or Randy Kath, Steffes Group 320.693.9371 or 701.429.8894 Retirement 3295 Basswood Road, Cushing, MN AUCTION 2020 MASSEY FERGUSON 4708JOHN DEERE 7215R 2020 NEW HOLLAND 313 MOW MAX II 2021 NEW HOLLAND ROLL BELT 560 2022 NEW HOLLAND PROCART 1225 PLUS Scan for Details! CLOSES: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31 | 7PM 2022CST OPENS: MONDAY, AUGUST 22 | 320.693.9371 Complete terms, lot listings and photos at / Randy Kath MN47-007 AND MORE! VISIT STEFFESGROUP.COM FOR COMPLETE AUCTION DETAILS. Miscellaneous - FOR SALE ‘14 JD 8260R w/only 440 hrs., always shedded. Call 715-965-9626. 11-4-F HAY RACK, platforms on side, 9x18’, $2,500; Kewanee elevator, 56’, pto lift. Call 320-247-2657. 7-TFN-F (6) SHEPHERDAUSTRALIANPUPPIES, born May 3rd, ready July 3rd, $450 ea., 1st shots, tails docked, dew claws. Call 507-259-5173. 8-TFN-F 3/4 BORDER COLLIE, 1/4 SHEPHERDAUSTRALIANPUPPIES, 3 male, 3 female, born 5/20, ready, shots & wormed, $500. Call 507-767-2248. 11-3-F NH 38 FLAIL CHOPPER, bought new in ‘04, always shedded, exc. cond. Call 715-314-0977. 10-TFN-F (2) NH 28 BLOWERS, ready to work, shedded, $1,000 for both. Call 608323-3187. 11-3-F MUELLER 800 GAL. BULK TANK, $1,200; Patz 950 TMR mixer. Call 320-808-4468. 12-2-F HANSON 24’ SILO UNLOADER, $3,000; 25’ Harvestore unloader, $9,000; Freudenthal freestalls & water beds. Call 507-951-6509. 16-TFN-F KEWANEE ELEVATOR, 50’ long, nice cond. Call 320-310-2221. 11-4-F ALFA-DELAVAL LATE MODEL BULK TANK, 1,250 gal., complete as new, MN. Call 480-3138460. 5-TFN-F NH 790 CHOPPER w/ hay head & NH 116 14’ hydra-swing haybine. Call 218-639-1103. 5-TFN-F PUREBRED AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, born 5/6/22, great herding dogs, tails docked, dewclaw, 1st shots, dewormed, vet cert. Call/text Brenda 608-386-2035. 122-F KRAUSE LANDSMAN 7430 SOIL FINISHER. Call 320-250-4600, no texts or messages. 3-TFNJFD 2700 PLOW, semi mounted. Call 320-5101055. 13-TFN-F PSI POWER WASHERS, Power Washers Hot/ Cold, Cabinet Parts Washers, Chemicals, Presoaks, Degreasers, Large Parts Inventory Shipped Same Day, On Site Service. Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Sales, Repair, and Rental. “The Guys That Work Great Under Pressure” 1-800-555-1677. Serving you from 3 locations: West Central MN Region – Pennock, MN Location SW MN Region – Wilmont, MN Location NW IA Region – Harrisburg, SD Location & Wilmont, MN Location SE SD Region – Harrisburg, SD Location. 23-TFN-B JD 7000 4RW CORN PLANTER, eld ready. Call 218-282-6132. 12-2-F 10X20’ WOODEN HAY RACKS on JD 770 tandem running gear, $2,700; 40’ Mayers elevator, $1,500; H&S HSM-P merger w/ ext. table, works w/16’ haybine, $14,000; JD 3975 chopper w/HH only, $15,000, all A-1 shape. Call 320-292-5482. 13-1-F IH 1256, very nice, narrow front, $21,000. Call 320249-8556. 13-1-F Help Wanted LOOKING FOR HERDSMAN to help on 6 robot dairy, robot experience not necessary. Call 218-280-3598. 17-TFN-F 1900 COW DAIRY looking for bilingual parlor manager. Call 507-9515597. 8-TFN-F PART-TIME MILKING HELP on a pasture-based dairy near Ridgeway, MN, exible hours. Call 507453-9114. 13-2-F GREENWALD FARM CENTERFARM Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 WWW.GREENWALDFARMCENTER.COM Brillion XL 144, 26’ & 28’ packer ...........$24,000 DMI 730B w/lead chank .........................$16,000 DMI 530 Ecolo-Tiger ..............................$12,000 DMI 530 ripper w/leads..........................$14,000 DMI 530B w/lead ...................................$16,500 HAYING & FORAGE EQUIP. Sitrex QR12, QR10, QRS rakes ....................New H&S HM2000 9’ Inverter........................$11,000 Many sizes of rakes available All Sizes of Sitrex Rakes.........................On Hand GRAVITY BOXES Brent 540 box ..........................................$8,900 Demco 365 ..............................................$6,500 Unverferth 6500 grain cart w/tarp ..........$16,000 Many Sizes of Gravity Boxes ..................on Hand (2) Brent 644 box .......................................$18,000 J&M 385 ......................................................$6,500 MISCELLANEOUS New Red Devil & Agro Trend Snowblowers USED TRACTORS CIH MX120, 2WD, 3400 hrs...................$72,000 CIH 8940, FWA, 5200 hrs ......................$89,000 CIH 8930, 2100 hrs., 2WD .....................$92,000 CIH 8920, FWA, 4200 hrs. ............................Call CIH 8910, 2WD, 4,100 hrs .....................$72,000 CIH 8920, 2WD, 3,300 hrs .....................$82,000 CIH 8920, FWA, 4,400 hrs. ....................$79,000 CIH 7150, 8300 hrs., FWA .....................$65,000 CIH 7130, FWA, 3500 hrs ......................$74,000 Ford 8670 2WD, 4,037 hrs.....................$64,000 TILLAGE CIH RMX 340, 25’ ..................................$31,000 CIH 527B ripper .....................................$13,500 CIH 527B ripper .....................................$15,500 CIH Tigermate 255, 24’ ..........................$41,000 CIH Tigermate 200, 25’ ..........................$28,000 CIH Tigermate 200, 28’ field cult. ...........$24,000 CIH Tigermate 200, 28’ field cult. ...........$28,000 CIH RMX 340, 26’ ..................................$33,000 ‘13604SMVermeer round baler, 4,518 bales $33,000 CIH$15,500527B We have many sizes of used gravity boxes on hand SizesVariousofRockWagonsOnHand NetNetWrapWrapTwine,Twine,&&WrapWrap IN STOCK! DMI$18,000530B

Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 • Page 15 NEW VIENNA AG AUTOMATION 563-921-2896 7264 Iowa Street, New Vienna, Iowa 52065 Today’s production requirements demand systems that excel in performance and are reliable year after year. In addition, easy installation, simple operation, durability, exibility, and operation ef ciency are all carefully considered in the design and construction of every GSI product manufactured. DEPENDABLEPROVEN&& Enjoy a careera career that makes youthat makes you SMILESMILE! Current full-time careers: insurance, 401(k), etc.; paid-time off; good training and management; and team structure Iowa: •DHI Specialist, western Iowa area Wisconsin: •DHI Manager, northern 2/3 of Wisconsin •DHI Specialist, Colby/Abbotsford area •DHI Specialist, Barron/Rusk/Polk County area •DHI Specialist, Shawano/Outagamie County area •A.I. Specialist, Rock/Dane/Walworth County area •A.I. Specialist, Shawano/Brown County area •A.I. Specialist, Vernon/Richland County area Michigan: •DHI Specialist (part-time), Huron/Sanilac County area •A.I. Specialist, Clare/Harrison/McBain, Mich., area •A.I. Specialist, Lansing/South Grand Rapids area •Sample-Transportation Route Driver For details and to apply, Select Sires A.I./Genetics • DHI milk testing • Laboratories Part-timeA.I.positionsavailable See more theequipmentmoreonbackpageofthissection!section! CHECK OUT PATZAVAILABLEEQUIPMENTTHEATYOURLOCALDEALERS New Patz 420 Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 Roto-Mix VXT865 - $14,400 Gorter’s Clay & Dairy 507-825-3271Equip. Kuhn Knight 3130 Call for more details Gorter’s Clay & Dairy 507-825-3271Equip. COMING IN Knight 50100 mixer - $19,900 Gorter’s Clay & Dairy 507-825-3271Equip. Patz 420 - Call Hartung 320-836-2697Sales Used Patz V950 - $27,500 L&L Sales and Service Inc. 800-236-0603 Used Patz V620 - Call Hartung 320-836-2697Sales Used Lucknow 2290 - $22,300 L&L Sales and Service Inc. 800-236-0603 Used Lucknow XLR 4550 $37,5000 L&L Sales and Service Inc. 800-236-0603 New Patz 1100 Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 New Patz 620 w/front disch. Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 ‘10 Kuhn Knight, RH conveyor, LH 41’ discharge w/Digistar scale - $19,900 Mid-Central Equipment, Inc. 218-583-2931 Quality Alfalfa Hay & Straw For Sale 3x4 Bales • 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cutting Hay WE DELIVER Heavy Oats Also For Sale Honeyland Farms 1-320-250-8805 or 1-204-347-5780 Mike 2 Miles North of Millerville, MN **Check out our complete** pictured inventory www.roersequipment.comat 320-876-2200 SALVAGE LOT **Over 15 acres of used tractor & implement parts **WE WANT TO BUY CLEAN FARM EQUIPMENT!** **ONE PIECE OR COMPLETE LINES!** PLOWS IH 770 6x16 AR trail type IH 770 5x16 AR trail type IH 735 5 Bottom Variwidth AR IH 720 5x18 AR • IH 720 5x16 AR H 710 5x18 AR • H 710 5x16 AR H 710 4x18 AR • H 710 4x16 AR IH 720 4x16 AR • IH 540 4x16 White 588 4x18 AR IH 70 4 & 5 Bottom IH 412 4x16 2pt •AC 3x16 Mounted CHISEL PLOWS White 445 11 Shank Disc Chisel Case IH 6500 9 Shank Disc Chisel Kent 9 Shank Disc Chisel Brillion 9 Shank Disc Chisel IH 5500 15ft High Clear MoHawk 10ft Chisel MISCELLANEOUS Hesston 7314 Tandem Forage Box EZ Flow and MN Gravity Boxes Gehl 175 Manure Spreader Bale Forks New Idea 324 Cornpicker Brady 1440 Stalk Shredder Dakon/Sunmaster 4RW Stalk ElstonShredderGopher Gitter Steinman FT Rockpicker Melroe Rock Picker Chisel Plow Shanks IH Auto Reset Plow Parts Combine Parts Used Tractor and Combine Tires Loaders for most Tractors 6, 7, 8 &10 ton Wagons Appleton, WI 608-225-3595BARN FLOOR GROOVING AND Grooving America’s dairies since 1992! Servicing Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, Illinois and Upper Michigan! WE CAN DO ¾” WIDE GROOVES! Miscellaneous - FOR SALE Miscellaneous - WANTED BERG CCW CHUTE & 16’ PADDLE CHAIN ASSEMBLY, Call 320-4920565. 13-1-F BOBCAT T180 OR T190, prefer w/low hours. Call 608-943-6700. 12-2-F SELECT DETECT, or (Dairy Master Moomonitor) systems. Call 715-4030159. 12-3-F LID FOR KNIGHT 8132 SLINGER SPREADER. Call 507-459-5201. 19-TFN-F USED CALF-TEL PENS. Call 320-995-6216. 16-TFN-F 6 TON BULK FEED BIN & TMR FEEDER WAGON, w/scale, 400-600 cu. ft. Call 641-985-2128. 122-F FARM BULK MILK COOLERS, all sizes. Call 319-330-2286. 10-24-P GOLF CART OR SIDEBY-SIDE. Call 320-2504600, no texts or messages. 14-TFN-F JD 2700 5-SHANK RIPPER, nice shape, Call 641751-9279. 13-1-F LELY A3 CLASSIC ROBOT, last used 2019, asking $5,000. Call/text 320304-2039. 13-1-F NH STACKLINER 1033, shopmade trailer slides/ turns bales on edge, always shedded, $4,500. Call 507220-8424. 13-1-F (2) 7’X14’ FEUERHELM BARGE BOXES w/hoist & gears. Call 563-9290285. 13-1-F MILK JUG 55 GAL. COOLING TANK, like new, $4,500/obo; Toolbar from Calumet spdr., (4) double disk opener, $500/ obo. Call 563-608-0260. 13-1-F JD 5075E, ‘08, 9600 hrs., runs great, $12,000/obo. Call 641-985-4072. 13-1-F BALE THROWER off MF #124 baler, $400. Paul Shrock, 27920 Newport Rd., Cashton, WI 54619. 13-1-F IH 400 4RW CORN PLANTER; D5 Caterpillar. Call 218-338-5284. 13-1-F TRUSSCORE WHITE PVC WALL AND CEILING PANELS, 16”x16’, factory seconds, quantity discounts, J-trim, inside and outside corner trim, use in dog kennels, milk houses, etc. Call 715-6442350. 8-20-B (4) DEMCO 365 & 450 GRAVITY BOXES, (2) w/tarps, like new; tricycle feeder; big round bale wagon. Call 320-5576558. 18-TFN-F SPRING TEETH for IHC C cultivator; wheel hub for IHC 56 corn planter, right side. Call 715-822-2678. 14-TFN-F OLD HEATING FUEL AND DIESEL, can pump from basement. Call 320424-2005. 5-TFN-F JD 7000 6 OR 8 ROW PLANTER & 6620 or 7720 combine. Call 320760-6050. 22-TFN-F CIH 600 FORAGE BLOWER, shedded, good, $1,200. Call 218732-3002. 13-3-F TORO GROUNDSMAN DSL. CAB LAWN MOWER & SNOWBLOWER. Call 320-4242005. 13-TFN-F AUSSIEDOODLE PUPS, black an black/tan, very friendly, 1st shots, wormed, born 5/3/22, $100/obo. Borntregers, 27267 Mint Ave., Kendall, WI 54638. 13-1-P SWING 7 PARLOR, AIC Espresso take offs w/ Waikato swing arms, BouMatic pulsator & claws, ip down washer racks, laptop included, very nice system w/a lot of info; also avail. all other milking equipment needed. Call 507-276-4900. Call 12-2-B GEHL 970 FORAGE BOX, avg. cond., $1,500. Call 320-360-1954. 14-TFN-F NEW SQUARE BALE FEEDER, wood oor, Thorp, WI. Call 715-6697509. 12-2-F JD 3940 CHOPPER, w/ HH & 2R CH, make offer; Wanted: Berg barn cleaner #600 power unit. Call 608341-9588. 12-3-F PUPPIES FOR SALE, Call 608-386-2035. 12-4-F NH BR770 ROUND BALER, crop cutter; Case 2188 combine, RWA. Call 218-841-8723. 24-TFN-F (2) DELAVAL MILKER PUMPS, 1) 7 1/2 HP, 1) 10 HP, also Farmall Super H. Call 218-385-3471. 12-TFN-F AKC STANDARD COLLIE PUPS, farm raised, makes wonderful family pets, assort. colors, 1) male, 3) females, vet checked, 1st shots & wormed, Graceville, MN. Call Kathy 320748-7468. 12-2-VM-1st PUPS FROM REGISTERED AUSSIE AND BORDER COLLIE PARENTS, black or blue merle w/white markings. Call 715-279-1264. 11-3-F ‘15 CHEVY SILVERADO 4-DOOR, 4WD. Call 320-557-5514, no texts or messages. 1-TFN-F SILO DOORS, wood or steel doors shipped promptly to your farm, hardware available including S.S. fasteners. Call 800-222-5726, Landwood Sales LLC. 9-5-B-2nd (2) LELY A-3 ROBOTS, plus other equipment, in good cond., being used daily. Call 507-459-7703. 13-1-F 20’ GOLIATH HARVESTORE SILO UNLOADER; also Brown Swiss bulls, 1-2 years old, AI sired. Call 651-3809530. 10-TFN-F-2nd WESTFIELD 10X61 SWING HOPPER AUGER, good cond., $5,750; Westeld 8x36 elec. auger, 7.5 HP motor, $2,750. Call 320-491-8291. 13-1-F ‘08 35 TON SEMI TRAILER, beaver tail & ramps, 51’ total length. Call 320-760-6942. 12-TFN-F ‘88 WILSON CATTLE TRAILER, 7’x24’; JD 16R cultivator’ Versatile 400 swather, good cond. Call 320-290-0367. 6-TFN-F 10 TON FEED BIN w/ auger, $1,000; steel fence posts, $3 ea. Call 507-2493240. 10-4-F PUREBRED BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, born 5-4-22, had shots, good farm dogs, pick from 9, $75 ea.; Mini Aussie Doodle puppies born 6-24-22, red & blue merles, $850, tris, $500/obo. Write Samuel W. Borntreger 1204 Marks Hill Rd., Northwood, IA 50459. 11-3-F (4) 3-PHASE 5HP BULK MILK TANK COMPRESSORS, reasonable. Call 480-313-8460. 9-TFN-F BLACK AUTOMATIC ROLLER MILL, 6.5 cut, exc. cond., never rented out; 1600 Mueller milk cooler. Call 715-654-5579. 13-1-F

Page 16 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, August 27, 2022 Patz Corporation Pound, WI 920-897-2251 BEHIND A CLEAN COW IS A PATZ MACHINE. THE MANURE SPECIALISTS Milk quality premiums begin with quality equipment and support. Trust your cow comfort to the Patz in-barn specialists. Scan our QR code or visit today LEARN MORE ABOUT PATZ MANURE HANDLING PRODUCTS CHECK OUT THE EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PATZ DEALERS (2) Patz 350 Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. Patz 615 Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. Penta 5610 Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. Used 950 with RH incline disch., coming soon - Call for pricing Schmidt Buildings & 920-422-4151Equipment Used 950 w/ at reversible discharge - $29,500 Schmidt Buildings & 920-422-4151Equipment Used Kuhn VTC1100, new screws - $37,000 The Scharine 800-472-2880Group 420 LH demo deal! The Scharine 800-472-2880Group Used Penta 5610 – great value! The Scharine 800-472-2880Group Patz 500V Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. NEW V950 - Call for price! P&D Sales and 920-822-5145Service Used V420 - $16,700 P&D Sales and 920-822-5145Service (3) Used V950s - Call for prices! P&D Sales and 920-822-5145Service New 420, dual tires! - Call for price Spartan920-845-9892Construction 2019 Patz 950 Series 2 Warranty Remaining! – $28,500 Spartan920-845-9892Construction NEW Patz 740 – Call for price Spartan920-845-9892Construction Used Supreme 500T - $36,700 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 Used Valmetal V-Mix 575 - $16,900 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 Used Penta 3010 - $15,800 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 Used Rotomix 475 - $14,900 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 Patz V650 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service Patz 500XH, used 1 year! Wille563-252-2034ConstructionPatz 350 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service Patz 950 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service SOLD Patz 420 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service Patz 950 Wille563-252-2034Construction ‘15 Patz 500T - $20,500 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service ‘11 Patz 420T - $16,900 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service ‘03 Patz 420 - $15,000 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service Patz 950 Anibas Silo & Equipment, Inc. 715-285-5317 Patz 420 Wille563-252-2034Construction Patz 650 - Call C.F. 920-693-8717Heckmann‘07 Patz 350 - $13,500 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service Patz 810 - $23,500 C.F. 920-693-8717Heckmann Patz 500 Wille563-252-2034Construction New Patz 950 Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834