September 10, 2022 Third Section DAIRY ST R Online at “All dairy, all the time”™ 320.352.3477 Located 1.5 miles west of Sauk Centre at 42739 County Road 184 320.352.3477 320.352.3477 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! Check out videos and other products on our website at! MANURE FORK GRAPPLE WOOD SPLITTER/TREE SHEAR Come us out at Big Iron Sept. 12th-14th, 2022 Booth W-05 BRUSH & ROOT GRAPPLE SATISFAC ONGUARA WARRANTY2 YEAR RUSH GRAPPL STOCK!IN S OO G FALL IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, be prepared with a MRF attachment! STALL PLOW/ EXTRACTORBEDDING o SPECIALIZEWEINWIDESHEETING www.bluelakeplastics.com320-333-9255SaukCentre,MN 24’ up to 132’ wide poly IN STOCK View our sizes on our website. We can order sheeting up to 200’ wide We carry Silage Bags from 6.5’ up to 14’ WE HAVE YOUR SILAGE SHEETING! MILKING EQUIPMENT • MANURE EQUIPMENT • FEEDING EQUIPMENT HOUSING • ROUTE SUPPLIES “Where our passion for agriculture & technology come together to serve you!” PARTSSTAFFEDHOURS:7-5M-FLateUPSAfternoonShippingAvailable! Gorter’s Clay & Dairy Equipment of Minnesota, Inc. P.O. Box 786, E. Hwy. 30, Pipestone, MN 56164 Fax (507) 825-4052 • E-mail: (507) 825-3271 For the Farmer Who Wants Quality All Solid Poly Box • 35 Series CAT 6 80° CV PTO Drive Shaft • Automatic Over-Running Clutch Pintle Chain Apron • Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Apron Drive • Spread Pan and Scale Kit Available See us for your manurehandling needs—we havebox spreader sizes from160 bu. to 700 bu. Model MS485 Tandem Axle Vertical Beater Spreader


Steve Kral rakes fourth crop hay for his son-in-law, Levi Dunn, Sept. 1 near Osakis, Minnesota. Levi and his wife, Darla, milk 73 cows in Douglas County. They completed their fourth crop hay later that week.
Page 2 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 Midwest USA Sales: Todd Burkhalter Cell: 608.343.8936 Email:Web:DLStodd.burkhalter@dairylane.caOffice:Komoka,OntarioToll-Free:1.800.361.2303www.dlsbarnsolutions.caDealer Inquiries Welcome YOUR SOURCE FOR THE HIGHEST QUALITY DLSGATESFREEHEADLOCKSSTALLS&PANELSCURTAINS» » » » @dairylanesystemsUSA with JOURDAIN. get to the next level FIELD PHOTO The last cutting of alfalfa for the year

Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 • Page 3 V8950V6750 ROUND BALERS COMPACT LOADERS WHEEL LOADERS The generationnewof TL Series inline bale wrappers custombuiltTube-Linefromaretoprovideproducersandoperatorswithhighefficiencyand proven reliability. To ensure that everyone can reap the benefits of the high moisture hay, Tube-Line BaleWrappers are available in multiple configurations to suit your needs and your budget. Tub & GrindersGrain -SALES & SERVICE - Daniel Showalter (641) 832-0361 FINANCING AVAILABLE THROUGH AGDIRECT AND DIVERSIFIED FINANCIAL MOWERS TEDDERS RAKES THESE QUALITY ATTACHMENTS ALSO AVAILABLE: WOODSPLITTERSPLITTER COMMITMENT • QUALITY • DURABILITY • RESULTS Visit for details and options on attachments • Concrete Chuter • Brush Cutter • Roto-Tiller • Rock Bucket • Driveway Grader • Brush Grapple • Dirt Buckets • Bale Bedders WelcomeInquiriesDealer SILVER-STAR METALS LLC N15435 Frenchtown Ave., Withee, WI 715-229-4879 Let our attachments help with your fall projects • Skid steer Quick Attach • 5” cylinder • Split up to 42” wood Options: 4 Way Wedge • Business • Industrial • Farm & Home • Electrical Contracting • Design Build • Maintenance/Repair 320-836-2336336

A routine of hard work
Kozumpliks hold on to dairying in northern Minnesota

Their lives have become a netuned routine of hard work, Anthony said. Anthony gets up rst; Lyn soon after.Morning milking and feeding, barn cleaning and other chores takes about ve hours.

body willing to do the work. The only solution was to move to milking at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., which they have been doing now for nearly three years.
By Jan Lefebvre

Turn to KOZUMPLIKS | Page 4

“When the days are shorter, it’s the only thing that works so that there is daylight to cut hay,” Anthony said. “I can turn the lights on in the barn in the evening, but when the days are short, you can’t start milking early in the evening and then bale hay when it’s dark. It doesn’t work.”
“Lyn begins sweeping the feed up,” Anthony said. “I usually go and start feeding the calves. Then, I try to clean the barn and do the bedding. Lyn feeds hay, and then we’re ready

MEADOWLANDS, Minn. – Although dairy farms are few and far between in northeastern Minnesota, Anthony and Lyn Kozumplik are managing to keep their dairy business alive through the challenges they face.The Kozumpliks milk about 60 cows, mostly Holsteins with a few crossbreds, in a tiestall barn. Their 520-acre farm is 3.5 miles from Meadowlands and midway between Duluth and Grand Rapids in St. Louis County.The Kozumpliks used to hire teenagers to help with milking, loading hay and other tasks, but in recent years, they could no longer nd any-
Lyn and Anthony Kozumplik stand in their 150-foot estall barn Sept. 6 near Meadowlands, Minnesota. Together they keep their 60-cow dairy farm going despite being one of only a few dairy farms le in the area.

Turn to KOZUMPLIKS|Page5
Anthony and Lyn work together to keep their farm going even though it is more challenging today than ever
Page 4 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 Northwest Metal Innovators, LLC LLCNorthwest Metal Innovators, LLCNorthwest FORMERLY N-TECH The quality products you knew from N-Tech with the service and custom projects you need! (715) 537-9207 Notootooprojectbigorsmall! Products • Manure Pumps • Vertical Pumps/PTOs • Hydraulic Pumps • Lagoon Pumps • Props • Pipe Carts • Tankers Service • Pump Rebuilds • Tanker Rebuilds Metal Fabrication • Paint and Powder Coat • In-house 8’x24’ plasma table with bevel head • Roll – Bend FOLLOW US ON 5 Berger Ave. • Barron, WI Con nued from KOZUMPLIKS | Page 3 to startEveningmilking.”milking is a bit shorter at three hours.
“It turned out great,” Anthony said.
The Kozumpliks rely on their adult children to help when they can, especially 23-year-old Alex, who lives on the farm. A diesel mechanic for a shop nearby, Alex pitches in at the farm whenever possible and has beef cows, pigs and some machinery there as well. The other children, Ashley, Apolena,
Anthony Kozumplik milks a cow Sept. 6 in his estall barn near Meadowlands, Minnesota. He and his wife, Lyn, began a 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. milking schedule three years ago when they could no longer nd hired help.

Kozumplik, bought two 20acre parcels. Later, the farm passed to Anthony’s parents, Frank and Marion, and then to Anthony. Anthony has worked on the farm his whole life.“I was feeding calves when I was 5 1/2 years old,” he said.In the mid-1980s, Anthony hired a young woman named Lyn to help on the farm.

The Kozumpliks milk around 60 cows, mostly Holsteins with a few crossbreds, on their dairy farm near Meadowlands, Minnesota.

They married in 1988.
Anthony “Tony” Jr. and Abigail help with milking and putting up hay when they can. Luckily, the Kozumplik children and eight grandchildren live within 45 miles from the farm.“Our children have really good work ethics,” Lyn said. “It’s a teamwork kind of thing.”The Kozumpliks’ farm started in 1918 when Anthony’s grandfather, Anton
“She unloaded wagons, piled hay in the barn and whatnot,” Anthony said.
“They just raised our rates again for hauling,” Anthony said. “It’s a constant battle with that. If they keep cutting us here and there, the farm will probably keep going with beef cattle and making hay, but it won’t have the milk cows.”
before. All of their milk goes for cheese and is picked up by a factory located in Burnett, Wisconsin.
No matter what happens, Lyn and Anthony will remain on the farm. Anthony loves the peaceful area they live in, and Lyn loves being outdoors, gardening and growing owers. She also appreciates the life lessons her children learned growing up on the farm. Lyn said family is what matters most to “Spendingher. time with my family, kids and grandkids is one of my favorite things to do,” she said.

The distance and cost of transporting and receiving goods has made the Kozumpliks independent in their dairy practices, but trucking costs keep soaring. Anthony said the cost of buying corn and protein have also skyrocketed, and they try to defray costs by doing more themselves and cutting out the middleman.
“When the school went (in 1998), then everything else went behind it,” Anthony said.
Yet, Anthony said letting the dairy cows go would be “Dairyhard.farming is in Anthony so deep, you can’t get it out,” Lyn said.
Anthony said Meadowlands has a population of about 140, and few businesses have survived the decline of dairy farming during the mid1980s and Meadowlands1990s. had a Ford dealership that carried New Holland farm machinery, a cheese factory, a K-12 School and numerous thriving businesses, according to Anthony.
“Right now, trucking is getting to be a challenge,” Anthony said. “There’s only a handful of dairy farmers left, so if anyone bigger would leave, chances are that the trucks
“Iffeed.we had to have our feed ground and buy hay, I don’t think there’d be anything (prot) left,” Anthony said.

The Kozumpliks grind all their own

For now, the Kozumpliks will keep“It’sworking.amorning and night thing,” Lyn said. “You can’t just say, ‘I don’t feel like doing it today.’ A lot of people don’t know how much commitment there has to be to run a dairy farm.” farming is in Anthony so deep, you can’t get it out.”

wouldn’t come this way anymore.”
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 • Page 5 CENTRE DAIRY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY INC. Henning Area 218-849-0211 Jon Stein 320-352-5762 • 1-800-342-2697 40625 State Hwy. 28 • Just West of Hwy. 71 • Sauk Centre, MN • Save energy - recover warm water for feeding and cleaning. • Decrease cooling costs. • Pays for itself in as little as two years! Install a FRE-HEATER® HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM Pre-Winter Checklist from Mueller®: With a Fre-heater,Muelleryou can capture waste heat from the milk cooling system and transfer pre-heated water to your existing hot water system. Centre Dairy has several on hand! Call Jon for more details. Check with your utility company for additional energy savings. WE REPLACEMENTHANSONHAVESILOPARTSAVAILABLE!AVAILABLE! 105 County Rd. 10 Albany, MN 320-845-4690 Niagra 15 KW w/powershaft ......................$900 Winpower 12 KW USED.......................................$800GENERATORS We Sell and Generators!Service Each WINCO PTO generator is designed using the highest quality components and the best workmanship available. Marathon 10 HP ...................................$650 Weg 10 hp ............................................$650 (2) Reliance 5 HP .................................$450 (2) Baldor 5 HP .....................................$450 WE STOCK FRACTIONAL TO 10 HP SINGLE AND 3-PHASE MOTORS!• quick • dependable • nearly 40 experienceyears MOTOR REPAIR 120/240W70PTO-31-PHVolts69,000watts 715-644-2350 Chippewa Valley Dairy Supply 6053 CTY. HWY. G • STANLEY, WI 54768 • Andrew Zimmerman We SpeeDeeshipandUPS! • 16”x16’ • Factory seconds • quantity discounts • J-trim • Inside and outside corner trim TRUSSCORE WHITE PVC WALL AND CEILING PANELS Use in dog kennels, milk houses, etc. m etc. Con nued from KOZUMPLIKS | Page 4
Even with all the obstacles facing them, the Kozumpliks will keep dairy farming as long as they can, but they realize there may be a time when the dairy will have to come to an end.
the No. 1 dairy city in the state of Minnesota,” Anthony said. “There was a cheese factory near us that had around 150 dairy farmers going there. The truck would just go around a small area, and it was already fully loaded. The factory is gone; it left about 1967 or 1968.”
The days of northern Minnesota’s thriving dairy industry is often 40whichtheinAnthonyforgotten,said.“Atonetimetheearly1900s,townofEsco,isroughlymilesfromus,was

BEST FOOTING CONCRETE GROOVING Prevent costly falls before they occur Strum, WI 715-579-0531 We offer grooving & scarifying! Tell theiradvertiserstheyousawadintheDairyStar! Hey!

Jax Zigan prepares his Holstein fall calf on show day Aug. 27 during the 4-H show at the Minnesota State Fair. Zigan is the son of Amanda and Derek who milk 130 cows near Long Prairie, Minnesota.
Page 6 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022
Turn to STATE FAIR | Page 7
Brady Lorenz clips his red and white winter yearling Aug. 27 in the dairy barns at the Minnesota State Fair. Lorenz is the son of Kirsten and Andrew who dairy in Faribault County.

Sam and Emma Becker of McLeod County bring their Nigerian Dwarf goat, Louise, out to show fairgoers. The Beckers raise the goat herd at their farm near Glencoe, Minnesota. They make soaps and lo ons from the milk.

GRACE JEURISSEN/DAIRY STAR (le ) Adeline Louwagie, a 4-Her from Lyon County, clips her Red and White Holstein heifer Aug. 25. She was making nal adjustments to her heifer before the 4-H Dairy Show that took place Saturday, Aug. 27.

Dairy at the Minnesota State Fair
MARK KLAPHAKE/DAIRY STAR Gordon Saemrow serves milk during the second shi Aug. 27 at the All You Can Drink Milk Stand at the Minnesota State Fair. Saemrow and his brothers Ron, Keith and Wayne dairy in a partnership near Waterville, Minnesota. They milk 700 cows.


Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 • Page 7 Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Consultation Appraisals and Valuations • Insurance • Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy Management Forest Resource Management • National Hunting Leases • FNC Ag Stock 30± Acres • Wood County, Wisconsin DAIRY FARM FOR SALE For more information on property details, please contact: Bill Baker, Agent • Loyal, Wisconsin Phone: (715) 613-8701 • Dairy farm with many improvements! improvements! -- Four Lely model A4 milkers --- Dairy expansion new in 2014 --- Acreage available for feed and manure dispersal --- Beautiful three bedroom house --- Three hundred solar panels -L-2200500L-2200500 Offered at $3,500,000 Visit us at WorldtheDairyExpo! PUREBRED REGISTERED HOLSTEIN TOP DAIRY RETIREMENTHERD All good to excellent classification! LIVE & ONLINE gavinbros.hibid.comat ABS genetic mated herd since 1974 Closed herd with 55 years of breeding 45 purebred registered producing cows 12 bred heifers, 38 yearling heifers, 6 calves Many young stock from Excellent classified dams AUCTION SERVICES: FARM CONTACT: Mitch Miller (715) 305-2951 AUCTIONEER: Tim Miller, RWA #2416 A U C T I O N Enjoy a careera career that makes youthat makes you SMILESMILE! Current full-time careers: insurance, 401(k), etc.; paid-time off; good training and management; and team structure Iowa: •DHI Specialist, western Iowa area Wisconsin: •DHI Specialist, Shawano/Outagamie County area •DHI Specialist, southwest Wisconsin area •DHI Specialist, Barron/Rusk/Polk County area •A.I. Specialist, Shawano/Brown County area •A.I. Specialist, Vernon/Richland County area •A.I. Specialist, Rock/Dane/Walworth County area •Laboratory Technician, Kaukauna, Wis. Michigan: •Accounting Specialist, Lansing. Mich. For details and to apply, Select Sires A.I./Genetics • DHI milk testing • Laboratories Part-timeA.I.positionsavailable Profitability begins at the feed bunk. Protect your feed with Pro Sile Forage Inoculants to reduce waste, shrink and spoilage. Now’s the time to protect your feed investment. Contact Pierz Coop today! beginsat the feed bunk Protect Agron. Petro. Feed Feed: 320-468-6655 Toll Free: Agron./Petro:877-468-6655320-468-2509TollFree:877-438-3378 Feed Your Forages with Confidence Lic-Up Some Cool Savings! Now thru Oct. 15, 2022 Buy 1-14 tubs, Save $4 per tub! Mix & Match! Buy 15 Tubs, Get one Free* Buy 21 Tons, get 12 Free** *No mix and match. Tubs must be on same invoice to apply discount. ** Semi-load orders may be mixed and matched in 2 ton lots only. SEMI LOAD DISCOUNTS All semi-load orders of tubs picked up from the point-of-manufacture (Dassel, MN) will receive $50/ton off at the time of invoice! Tell the advertisers you saw their ad in the Dairy Star! Con nued from STATE FAIR | Page 6 GRACE JEURISSEN/DAIRY STAR Bu er sculpter, Gerry Kulzer, shapes the bu erhead of Princess Kay, Rachel Rynda, Aug. 25. This is Kulzer’s second in-person year carving the Princess Kay nalists’ bu erheads.

GRACE JEURISSEN/DAIRY STAR Bev Rawls and Judy Holm visited the state fair and stopped at Bridgeman’s Ice Cream stand Aug. 25 for a treat. They wanted to try the new Gray Duck Sundae, which is a black licorice avor.

(right) Paige Gerads waits pa ently for the crossbred junior yearling show to begin Aug. 27 at the Minnesota State Fair. Gerads is the daughter of Becky and Jamie who dairy near Upsala, Minnesota.

What do you love most about farm life? Being outside working.
When did you begin helping on the farm? I started in May because I always wanted to work on a dairy farm. I had heard from other people that Scott was fun to work for, and I enjoy it.
What are your future plans? I hope to farm and probably have a side job, something like a heavy equipment operator.

Questions for employer: Tell us your favorite experience of working with Owen It’s just nice to have help. It’s so hard to nd kids who want to work. I especially appreciate that he feeds the calves and youngstock.
Page 8 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 Farmer’ s Market DAIRY FARMERS... Advertise your FARM-RELATED classi ed ad for free Mail or bring your ad to the Dairy Star, 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN 56378 or e-mail: To guarantee ad placement, our deadline is the Friday before publication. Ads may be sent after that, but we cannot guarantee placement. (Payment must accompany ad unless prior arrangements are made. 25 word maximum.) Visa, MasterCard and Discover Accepted DAIRY STAR CLASSIFIED AD FORM NOTE: We make every effort to accurately advertise your item. Should we have any questions, please include your name and phone number where we can reach you: NAME PHONE FIRST 15 WORDS ARE FREE, $1.50 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. (Phone # and complete name count as one word each. Heading is not counted as a word.) (Ad Must Be Farm-Related--Call If You Have Any Questions) Non-Dairy Farmers & Ads For Real Estate, Business Services & Ads For Anyone Outside Our Circulation Area Are Charged $30.00 Per Issue LIMIT 1 FREE AD PER FARM PER ISSUE BUY • SELL • TRADE 8 DAIRY STAR USE ONLY: Lots of Used Mixers • Variety of Manure Pumps and Tanks All on Hand! 1660 Jordan West Rd., Decorah, 563-382-4484IA 2014 Patz $25,0006152005 Patz $28,500300 Kuhn Knight 3130 $8,800 Kuhn Knight $19,5003170 2013 Patz Knight$21,0005008024$14,500 VERTICAL TMRS LLC Working Youth Get to know Owen Rosga of Elroy, Wisconsin

What is one thing you have learned from working alongside your employer? How to milk cows, how to x some stuff like fencing and a lot of nutrition like what everyone gets fed.
Target Your Customers! The Dairy Star is sent only to DAIRY FARMERS! If you would like to advertise in the DAIRY STAR, call 320-352-6303 for more information.

ABBY WIEDMEYER/DAIRY STAR Owen Rosga and Sco Lee take a break Aug. 30 on Lee’s farm near Elroy, Wisconsin. Rosga has been helping Lee on his 60-cow dairy since May 2022.

What qualities does Owen have that benet the farm? He has excellent tractor driving skills. I didn’t have to teach him much of that at all. And, he has a good work ethic.
Employer: Scott Lee Elroy, RoyallJuneauWisconsinCounty60cowsHighSchool16yearsold

Owen Rosga pitches hay to the youngstock Aug. 30 on Sco Lee’s farm near Elroy, Wisconsin.

How has working on the farm shaped your character? Milking makes me happier than just cropping because there is more to do on a dairy farm.
Owen Rosga
Questions for youth: What are your responsibilities on the farm? I help milk the cows, feed calves, feed the steers and help with eldwork. I do a little bit of everything.
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 • Page 9 Serving Dairy Producers Future Dairy Producers Since 1983 320-243-3938Paynesville• Featuring: The DeJongs WANTED:HELPService/InstallationTechnician - Full-TimeSalary: $20-$25 /hour Bene ts: 401K, Health Insurance, Paid Time Off Schedule: Monday-Friday - Rotating On CallJob Description: Install & Service GEA and Lely milking equipment in Eastern Iowa 105 3rd Ave, NW, Epworth, IA 52045 Email: (563) 876-3087
UPCOMING AUCTION NOTICE 2022 FOREST JUNCTION FALL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION A retirement line from Chilton, WI: ’91 JD 4255 2WD w/5100 hrs, (15) speed powershift, 20.8x38, “All Original, One Sweet Unit!”; Brillion HFC 25’ FC w/ (5) bar spike flex harrow, “Super Nice!”; DMI 25’ crumbler; (2) Demco 365 GB, green and red choices, “Both Like New!”; CIH 5300 12’ soybean special grain drill; Brillion P10 14’ hi-lift cultipacker; JD 7000 6RN corn planter w/dry fert & crossfill auger, “Well Maintained!”; JD 210 14’ disk; Wilrich 2900 4x SAR plow! Other additional consignments: (2) JD 6125M MFWD’s, (1) loader ready; JD 8100 2WD w/duals; (4) JD 7410 2WD’s w/CAH; JD 7700 2WD, powershift; Volvo LT 135C track skidsteer; (2) CIH MX270’s MFWD’s, (1) with duals; JD 2355 w/factory canopy, “Low Hours!”; IH 1066 hydro, fender, 4600 hrs, “All Original!”; EZ Trail 3400 gravity box w/(15) ton gear; Ficklin 435 GB; DMI 280E GB; Gleaner R70 combine w/Agco 500 20’ flexhead & Harvestec 630 6RN cornhead, “Heads Sell Separately!”; Knight VT180 TMR; ValMetal 700 TMR; Wil-rich Quad 5 40’ FC w/(5) bar spike harrow & much, much more! Collector tractors: Approx (25) selling include: Case 1470 4WD, “A Local Barn Find!”; JD 730, 630, 530 & 430T, “All From (1) Retired Collector”; MH 444 diesel RC w/3pt, WF, PS, complete engine O/H, “12K spent on parts and restoration!”; (2) MH 44 standards, “Both Restored”; MH Pony, “Restored!”; and many more! AUCTION NOTE: A nice fall offering that is growing daily with consignments being accepted until September 21st. Consignors, take advantage of the strong market with a worldwide buying audience and ALL TIME HIGH PRICES! Watch for complete detailed auction listings and photos which will be available at or Sale catalogues and online bidding provided by and Inspections and inquiries are welcomed during business hrs 8AM-5PM M-F and weekends by appointment. Phone (920) 989-4000 for assistance and details! SALE ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED BY: Forest Junction Consignment Auction CA Tesch, Brillion, WI Ph (920) 989-4000 • WI Reg Auctioneer #494 Perry Wilkinson, Muscoda, WI Ph (608) 739-4404 WI Reg Auctioneer #31 ’91 JD 4255 2WD powershift w/5100 local hours, “From a Small Farmer Retirement Line!” A Super Selection of Late Model JD Tractors, All Locally Consigned! CHECK OUT THE EARLY HIGHLIGHTS! Sale will consist of a nice mixture of approx. (250) pieces of farm equipment. The sale will include several estate and retirement farm lines, as well as individual local farmer consignments. Come prepared to buy, our consignors are motivated sellers! Located at CA Tesch Equipment, LLC, W2374 US Hwy 10 Brillion, WI 54110 FRIDAY, Sept. 23 • 9AM START (LIVE ONSITE AUCTION WITH SIMULCAST INTERNET BIDDING)

What do you like about fall? I like that it is not too hot and it is not too cold; it is just really nice outside.
Brynley DeJong 10 years old Fifth Grade
What is your favorite dairy treat? Milk.
When do you help with chores? I help on the farm after school and on the weekends. I do virtual school so I am done with school around noon each day, so I have lots of time to do stuff around the farm.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? I like all the animals: the dogs, the horses and the cows.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a farmer because I like all the animals.
If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. I would have a horse barn and a cow barn with lots of horses and cows. I would have dogs too.

What is your favorite chore and least favorite chore? I like to help wash show heifers. I don’t like picking up poop.
What is your favorite subject in school? I like math, especially adding.

Brynley DeJong and her father, Marcus DeJong, enjoy exhibi ng their dairy ca le together at many shows. The DeJongs milk 650 cows near Dorchester, Wisconsin.

What is the best thing about growing up on a farm? The best thing is getting to grow up with all the animals around you.

Page 10 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 PREVIEW: By Appointment LOADOUT: By Appointment AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Groe Farm, Joe and Greg Swiers, are retiring form the straw baling and transport ready and in good repair. Complete terms, lot listings and photos at, Randy Kath - MN47-007 | Timed Online FARM AUCTIONRETIREMENT 1132 140th Street Bejou, MN 56516 2022CDTCLOSES: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 | 7PM OPENS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Scan for Details! GREG SWIERS, 218.280.1582 GROE FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION or Randy Kath, Steffes Group, 701.429.8894 NEW ON THE LOT USED HAY TOOLS Vermeer 605 Super J Baler, twine only, 1992 model, BAU1605G ........$3,900/obo Hesston/Agco 5456A Baler, approx 5500 bales .......................................$11,000 Case IH RS561 baler, Twine only, Low bales ....................................................Call Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, 2017, Approx 7,663 bales, Very Good condition ..............................................................................$45,500 Vermeer CPX9000 Processor, 2014 model, new wear plates, new flails, ready to go, HYU1803G .........................................................................$22,900 New Holland 144 hay inverter ...................................................................$2,100 Used New Holland BR780 baler .......................................................................Call Used Kubota BV5160 Silage baler ...................................................................Call 2011 John Deere 265 disc mower ..............................................................$6,000 2014 Vermeer VR1428 Rake with Center Splitter kit ........................................Call Vermeer 605SM Cornstalk Special, new style monitor, approx. 13K bales$28,000 Vermeer 605N Cornstalk Special, approx. 2500 bales, war. until June ‘23$56,000 ‘22 Kubota 1024 Disc mower ...........................................................................Call USED FORAGE BOXES Used 16ft Miller Pro model 5100 forage box, 4 whl gear, FWU1511G .$7,000/obo Badger 1055 forage boxes, tandem axle, FWU 1702G ........................$4,500/obo H&S 500 Forage box, good condition, 14 ft ....................................................Call USED MANURE PUMPS Houle lagoon agitator, 42ft .....................................................................Pending Houle Super Pump, 2004, 6” PTO, w/2 agitation nozzles, 12 ft long, MPU1704 ................................................................................................$8,500 Houle, 1992, 11 ft. Super pump, on trailer, MPU1904G ............................$4,500 Used Houle 60” cable scraper drive, good shape ........................................$3,000 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1501G ..$4,300 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with 30HP motor, USED, MPU1505G .......$4,000 10ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1507G ....................................................................................$4,300 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with no motors set up for twin motors, USED, MPU1508G ....................................................................................$3,500 USED MIXERS Knight 50100 twin screw vertical mixer, LH & RH discharge, rubber tub ext, digistar scale .................................................................$12,500 Kuhn Knight 3130 Reel Auggie Mixer ........................................................$7,000 Cloverdale 1300 Cu Ft Twin screw vertical mixer..............................................Call Patz 420LP mixer, RH discharge with hyd incline, 2 speed, Hay saver kit, multiple PTOs come with ...............................................................................Call USED MANURE SPREADERS International 575 box spreader, converted to all hydraulic drive, good cond. .Call Milking Equipment • Manure Equipment • Feeding Equipment • Housing • Route Supplies E. Hwy. 30, Pipestone, MN E-mail: (507) 825-3271 • agriculture and USEDHAYTOOLS Used Equipment Specials UPSAfternoonShippingAvailable! “Where our passion for technologandy come together to serve you!” Late Afternoon UPS Shippin Available! PARTSSTAFFEDHOURS:7-5M-F NEW & USED DAIRY EQUIPMENT Used GEA UV Pure, calf milk purifier, DEU2001 ................................................Call Double 10 Blue Diamond parallel parlor w/ SST2 detachers, 3” low line, single receiver, jetter trays, curb, gates, 10 hp Suterbilt vac pump, 10hp Westfailia 2800 vac pump, 20 DeLaval milking units, & pulsators, DEU1803G ...............Call 10 used Boumatic Companion detachers, #U3557554 .................Now $350 each 6 used Boumatic 4400 detachers, with new gaskets & diaphragms, #U3557444 ........................................................................................$300 each Used Suterbilt Vac Pump assy, 10hp w/VFD & motor, complete, OTH2001G .$5,240 Used Artex VCat Sand Wagon for bedding stalls ........................................$4,000 Used Bobman for bedding stalls......................................................................Call NEW & USED BARN EQUIPMENT New 8ft. Patz barn cleaner chute for 16” gutter, PA16151, retails for $992 ...$800 Patz barn cleaner 12” tapered flights, never used, but weathered, not painted, $18.95 New .........................................................................................$12.25 ea New Schuur and Lely cow brushes, In stock.....................................................Call Used squirrel cage style fan, 42” diameter, w/3 phase motor ..........................Call Used WIC model 300 grain cart, OTH1803G .....................................................Call New 2 bath automated footbath assy, stainless baths & control- ½ pricednever used - DEN1402G ...........................................................................$7,000 Dayton Blower Fan, like new, 24.5” wheel, 12000 CFM #3C010–$3,437 retail....................................................................................New $2,500 Dayton Blower Fan, used 2 mos, # 2C799, 18.25” whl–$1,982 retail .New $1,100 Used Dasilveira headlocks, 22 sections @ 10ft w/ 7 openings for young stock up to 600lbs, OTH1902 ...........................................................................................Call GEA Houle 3” and 4” Manure Pumps – Multiple lengths GEA Houle 3Pt 6” Super Pump Vermeer BPX9010 Bale Processor GEA Houle SW300 Scraper Drive GEA Houle 8” Flush Pump Vermeer VR1428 Rake Doda 3” Manure Pump Vermeer VS420 Vertical mixer Vermeer R2300 Twinrake GEA Houle 6” trailer pump w/8” discharge SPANISH CORNER SPONSORED BY: Jorge Delgado Talent Development Expert Have a phrase you want to learn? Submit your request to Jorge. ¿Como se dice? Have you ever wondered ‘How do I say that in Spanish?’. Below are a few common phrases heard around the dairy, along with how to say them in Spanish. › What is your last name? ¿Cuál es tu apellido? ¿Kwahl ehs too ah-peh-yee-doh? › What is your phone number? ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? ¿Kwahl ehs too no-meh-roh deh teh-leh-foh-noh? › What country are you from? ¿De qué país eres? ¿Deh keh pah-ees eh-rehs? SAVE!ANDCUT AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Jim is a well known farmer in Young American Minnesota and has decided to retire. This is a clean short line of equipment. Please call Jim or Eric to view. Complete terms, lot listings and photos at, Eric Gabrielson - MN47-006 | Timed Online FARM EQUIPMENT JIM SCHRUPP FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION JIM SCHRUPP, 952.649.2923 or Eric Gabrielson, Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.238.2570 AUCTION 11250 County Road 51 Young America, MN 55397 2022CDTCLOSES: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 @ 7PM OPENS: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Scan for Details!

L465 Skid Steer, Orops, Mech Quick

Case IH 2020 30’ Bean Head, Full Finger, John Deere 920 20’ Bean Head, Geringhoff RD830 Corn Head, Rotodisc, Down Corn Reel, Massey 8000 30’ Bean Head, John Deere 4640 Tractor, Quad Range, 9,000 Hrs FARM EQUIPMENT: H&S 7+4 16’ Chopper Box, Tandem Gear, Kuhn Knight 2044 Hydra Push Manure Spreader, Brillion 15’ Cultimulcher, Terra Gator 8104 Fertilizer Spreader, Air Brakes, 8,590 Hrs, DMI 2500 5 Shank Ripper, Kinzie 800 Grain Cart, Luck Now 800 Grain Cart, Gehl 125 Mixer Mill, John Deere 450 10’ Grain Drill, New Holland H6740 3pt Disc Mower, DMI3200 9 Shank Anhydrous Applicator, Top Air 1200 Pull Type Sprayer, 90’ Booms, 19’ Vermeer 504R Classic Round Baler, 1,888 Bales, Net Wrap, Very Nice, 6 Place Round Bale Trailer, Brent 420 Grain Cart, (2) Brent 544 Gravity Wagons, Very Clean, 16’ Samba 280 3pt Disc Mower, H&S RR420 Rotary Rake, VEHICLES & TRAILERS: 51’ Mecury 4 Door Sedan, Gas, Suicide Doors, Very Clean Car. 07’ Timpte 42’ Grain Trailer, Commodities Hoppers, Electric Tarp Air Ride, 06 International 9200 Fuel Truck, 99’ Mack Roll Of Dumpster Truck, 92 Ford L8000 Snow Plow Dump Truck, 06’ Sterling Flat Bed Dump Truck, 00’ Peterbilt, 330 Dump Truck, Cat 3126B Diesel, (8) GMC 3500 Dump Trucks, Gas, Elect Dump, (8) 12’ Enclosed Utility Trailers, 22’ Mack Lander 20’ Hyd Tilt Trailer, Meridian Seed Titan 2se Seed Tender, Defender 4e 4 Place Seed Tender, 10’ Trailerman 20’ Gooseneck, Tandem Dual, Fold Down Ramps, 14’ Trailerman 53’ Step Deck Hot Shot Trailer, 06 Hillsboro 700 30’ Gooseneck Trailer, 20’ Rice 20’ Pro Series Tag Trailer, Ramps, Very Nice Trailer LAWN & GARDEN GOLF/RECREATION: John Deere 1025R Loader Tractor, Hydro, 60” Deck, 299 Hrs, Ford 1320 Loader Tractor, Hydro, 4x4, 3pt, PTO, 1,800 Hrs, John Deere 1025R Loader Tractor, 4x4, Hydro, 200 Hrs, Progressive 15’ Pull Type Finish Mower, (2) Kubota RTV1100 UTV, Cab/A/H. 4x4, Hyd Dump, Polaris Ranger 400 UTV, Gas, Manual Dump, Polaris Sportsman 570 ATV, Gas, AWD, Plow, Polaris Sportsman 700 ATV, Gas, Plow, Lots Of New Attachments, Much More Sale Day THIS IS A PARTIAL LISTING VIEW COMPLETE CATALOG @ Stateline Consignment Auction Largest 2 Day Auction To Date 5 Farm Lines & Much More Date: September 23rd & 24th 2022 - Time: 8:00 AM - Location: 110 E Murray St Browntown WI 53522 Running 2 Auction Rings Both Days Bring A Friend Online Bidding Available Mike Powers: 608-214-5761 Online Bidding Available Through And Terms and Conditions: A Photo ID Is Required to Register. All Items Must Be Paid for The Day of Sale By: Cash, Check, ACH or Credit Card with A 4% Convenience Fee. Wisconsin Sales Tax Of 5.5% Applies to Certain Items. 2.5% Buyers Premium Day of Auction for Sept 23rd Online Buyers Capped at $750 Per Item Purchased, Sept 24th Buyers Premium 10% Online & Live Onsite. All Internet Buyers Must Pay Within 3 Days of Auction. All Sales Are Final Everything Is Sold AS IS WHERE IS with No Warranties or Guarantees Expressed or Implied. A $50 Doc Fee Applies on ALL Titled Registered Items. All Titles Will Be Sent 15 Business Days After The Auction. Powers Auction Service Is Not Responsible for Items Once Sold. Announcements Made Day of Sale Supersede Any Printed Materials. The Buyer Is Held Responsible to Inspect Merchandise Before Purchasing. All Items Must Be 110 E Murray St Browntown WI 53522 Removed By October 15th All Items Left Will Be Consigned For Our Next Auction In December

Hay Rake, Duetz Allis KP110 Rotary
Hydroswing Haybine, John
716A Chopper Boxes, Tandem Gears,

35 1R Pull Type Chopper, Hesston BP25 Bale Processor,

Chalmers 200
7000 6R Planter,

5200 Self Propelled Chopper, Cab/H, 3 Row Corn

ADAMS ESTATE FARM LINE: 12’ John Deere S670 Combine, Cab/A/H, Power Fold Bin, 520-42 Front Duals, 1,512/1,157 Hrs, 12’ John Deere 612C Corn Head, Non Chopping, Poly, Hyd Deck Plates, 16’ John Deere 630F Bean Head, Single Point Hook Up, (2) Unverferth HT30 Head Trailers, 13’ John Deere 7200R Tractor, Cab/A/H, 20 Speed Power Quad Plus, 3pt, PTO, 3 Hyd Remotes, 1,816 Hrs, 07 John Deere 8230 Tractor, Cab/A/H, MFWD, 480-46 Duals, Power Shift, Greenstar Ready, 3pt, PTO, 4 Hyd Remotes, 3,926 Hrs, 02’ John Deere 7410 Tractor, Cab/A/H, Power Quad, 3pt, PTO, 2 Hyd Remotes, 3,300 Hrs, J&M 620 Grain Cart, Scale, 1000 PTO, J&M 620 Grain Cart, 1000 PTO, J&M 525 Grain Cart, W/ Extension Kit, Miller Pro Fast BW500 Towable Sprayer, FDS 1000 Gallon Tender Tank, John Deere MX8 Rotary Cutter, Westfield MX100-61 Swing Away Auger, 06 Freightliner CL120 Semi Tractor, Tandem Axle, Day Cab, 10 Speed Trans, 455,067 Miles, 08’ Wilson Commander Hopper Bottom Trailer, Air Ride, Roll Tarp, *** Great Line Of Quality Equipment You Don’t Want To Miss This Line Up*** NORMAN BYERS FARM LINE: 18’ Case IH 580 Quad Trac Tractor, Cab/A/H, Left Hand Reverser, Power Shift, Case IH Pro 700 Monitor, Case IH 325 Globe, PTO, 6 Hyd Remotes, 36” Tracks, Very Clean Tractor, 1,193 Hrs, Case IH 335 Steiger Tractor, Cab/A/H, Power Shift, Left Hand Reverser, Pro 700 Monitor, 3pt, PTO, 6,065 Hrs, 13’ Case IH 8120 Combine, Cab/A/H, Hydro, Rock Trap, Pro 700 Monitor, Case IH 325 Globe, New Michelin Front Duals, 2,900/2,100 Hrs, 13’ Geringhoff North Star 8R Corn Head, Down Corn Reel, Head Insight, Patriot 12R Down Corn Reel, Kinzie 800 Grain Cart, Roll Tarp, Extension, 92’ Mack Semi Tractor, 13 Speed Trans, Tandem, Air Ride, 05’ International Eagle Semi Tractor, Cummins, 10 Spd Trans, 468,589 Miles, 07’ Timpte 42’ Hopper Bottom Trailer, Air Ride, Electric Roll Tarp, Clean Trailer, Case IH 490 Disk, DMI 13 Bar Anhydrous Applicator BROGE CHATTLE FARM LINE: John Deere 4440 Tractor, Cab/A/H, Quad Range, 3pt, PTO, 2 Hyd Hrs, Deere Tractor, Cab/A/H, 3pt, PTO, 2 Hyd Remotes, 8,406 Hrs, Allis Tractor, Cab/H, 3pt, PTO, Shows 2,681 Hrs, International 856 Tractor, Orops, Dual PTO, Hrs, Knight 8118 Manure Spreader, Tandem Axle, Nice Spreader, New Holland Tatch, 8,850 Hrs, Gehl 4600 Skid Steer Needs Work, Gehl 4400 Work, John Deere 920 Moco Discbine, New holland BR740 Round Baler, John Deere Henke Roller Mill, Bale Cages, John Deere 702 Rake, Complete Farm Line FARM LINE: John Deere 6620 Side Hill Combine, Cab/A/H, Hydro, 3,845 Hrs, Very Deere Bean Head, John Deere 643 Corn Head, John Deere Head, Hay Head, Very Nice Machine, (3) John Deere (4) Killbros Gravity Wagons, Truck Tires, Hesston 1160 Deere Corn & Bean Meters, Very Clean, Precision Parts, Kewaunee 1020 20’ Disk, Gehl 800 Pull Type Chopper, Corn & Hay Head, White 6100 6R Corn Planter, Willson 42’ Hopper Bottom Trailer, Tandem Axle, Air Ride, John Deere 8640 Tractor, Cab/A/H, 3pt, PTO, 20.8-38 Duals, Lots Of Work Done 8,243 Hrs, Transcraft 48’ Semi Trailer, Spread Axle, Air Ride Combo Trailer CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: 15’ Case CX130 Excavator, Cab/A/H, Street Pads, 2,500 Hrs, Coupler, 21’ Bobcat T66 Track Skid Steer, Cab/A/H, Aux Hyd, Hyd Coupler, 50 Hrs, One Owner Machine, 21’ Bobcat S76 Skid Steer, Cab/A/H, Hyd Coupler, 106 Hrs, 21’ Case TR340 Track Skid Steer, Cab/A/H, Hyd Coupler, 1,700 Hrs, Case 590 Super L Backhoe, Cab/A/H, Extendahoe, Left Hand Reverser, 4,243 Original Hours, 16’ Volvo DD25B Double Drum Roller, Cat 289D Skid Steer, Cab/A/H, Hyd Coupler, 1848 Hrs, Cat 279D Skid Steer, Cab/A/H, Hyd Coupeler 1,583 Hrs, Cat 304E 2CR Mini Excavator, Orops, Hyd Thumb, 352 Hrs, ASV Posi Track Skid Steer 2,602 Hrs, Ditch Witch MX272 Mini Excavator, Orops, 12’ Bobcat E50 Mini Excavator, Cab/H, Hyd Thumb, 2,235 Hrs, Wacker Neuson EX38 Excavator, Cab/H, 1,919 Hrs, Ingesol Rand 20KW Towable Generator, Very Low Hours TRACTORS/COMBINES: John Deere 7810 Tractor, Cab/A/H, MFWD, Power Shift, 6,423 Hrs, One Owner,John Deere 4430 Tractor, Cab/A/H, 3pt, PTO, 5,386 Original Hours, John Deere 3038E Loader Tractor, Hydro, 69 Hrs, John Deere 9430T Tractor, Cab/A/H, Power Shift, 36” Tracks, 9,023 Hrs, 13’ Mahindra Mforce 100P Loader Tractor, Perkins D, Cab/A/H, Mech Quick Tatch, 1,372 Hrs, John Deere 4450 Tractor, Cab/A/H, Power Shift, 9,385 Hrs, Case IH 235 Magnum Tractor, Cab/A/H, Power Shift, Front & Rear Duals, 2,900 Hrs, Case IH 1688 Combine, Rock Trap, Bin Extensions, 4,789 Hrs Case IH Combine, Gleaner R62 Combine, 4,803/3,174 Hrs, Massey 8560 Rotary Combine, Bin Extensions, Hrs, Case IH 2188 Combine, Rock Trap, Bin Extension, 5,900/4,200 Hrs, Massey 9895 Combine, Extension, Front Duals 3,015 Hrs, John Deere 9600 Combine, Front Duals, 4,981 Hrs, Massey Head,
Remotes, 7,778
Skid Steer, Needs

Gehl 100 Mixer Mill,
Clean, John Deere 216 Bean Head, John

Agco 500 28’ Bean Head, Gleaner 8230 30’ Bean Head,
9750 25’ Bean
Straw Chopper, Bin
PTO Clutch Is Out, 6,200

Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 • Page 11 0
3) Jersey cross Brown Swiss hfrs., breeding age; 5) Holstein hfrs., bred 2 mos. Call 608-687-3022. 11-6-F
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS w/genomics and soundness exams, a few polled, SE, MN. Call 507-458-0284. 5-12-F
Page 12 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 Saturday April 16th 9:00 AM Long Prairie Consignm Please Note New Location! Bid Live Onsite &Live Online! Saturday April 16th 9:00 AMSaturday 9:00 AMSaturday April 16th 9:00 AM NEW LOCATION! 23374 Co Rd #48 Long Prairie, MN 56347. 4 Miles South Of Long Prairie On US Hwy #71 Saturday April 16th 9:00 AM Saturday April 16th 9:00 AM Saturday April 16th 9:00 AM Taking Consignments Of - Tractors, Machinery, Trailers, Trucks, Hay, Straw, Farm Misc (No Tires) Taking Complete Lines, Partial Lines, Or Individual Pc’s Of Equipment. Saturday April 16th 9:00 AM We will begin taking your items Thru Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday April 16th 9:00 AMSaturday April 16th 9:00 AM We Will Be Having Live Onsite And Live Online Bidding At Saturday April 16th 9:00 AM Long SaturdayConsignmentPrairieAuctionApril16th9:00AM TO CONSIGN PLEASE CALL: Mark Ziemer - 320-354-4312, Brian Ziemer - 320-354-5308, Terr y Hilbrands - 239-777-3120
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, closed herd, Johnes & Leukosis test negative, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Call 507-920-5859. 7-TFN-B
YEARLING PUREBRED DAIRY FLECKVIEH BULLS, some A2A2 & genomic tested. Call 715-220-2572. 9-TFN-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, serviceable age, north of Rochester, MN, delivery avail. Call 507732-5930. 14-1-F

REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, exc. type and production. Call Scott Rickeman 320-552-0284. 16-TFN-F
GUERNSEY SPRINGERS, reg. Brown Swiss cows & breeding age registered bulls, Brown Swiss bulls, Guernsey w/high type & production. Call 563-590-5369. 11-TFN-F
HEIFERS OF ALL AGES, baby calves to springers, central, MN. Call 320-333-5906. 19-TFN-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, springing hfrs., Freeport, MN area. Call 612-2707453. 23-TFN-F
REGISTERED, homebred Holstein bulls, located 15 mi. north of Rochester, MN. Call Dave Alberts at 507-269-3084 or 507356-8625. 14-TFN-B
HOLSTEIN BULL, 11 mos. old, to use for clean up bull, dam does over 36,000 lbs., lasting good in our herd. Call 320-3040436. 12-3-F
(50+) REGISTERED JERSEY COWS, (25) A2A2 Jerseys, all ages and stages of lactation, $800$1,400. Call 715-4171778. 12-10-F
SELLING THE HERD, all ages, breeds and stages of gestation and lactation. Call 218-280-1731. 14-3-F
DAIRY GOAT DOES, out of Hostetler breeding; also breeding bucks available. Call 319-350-5819. 24-TFN-F
13200 Co. Rd. 51 Bongards, MN 55368
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, from three or more generations of EX 30,000 lbs. dams, Brookings, SD. Call 605-6906393. TFN-F
(218) 346-4680
Fax (218) 346-4684
BROWN SWISS BULLS, home raised, registered, genomic tested, A2A2 tested, delivery available. Call 563-419-2137 or calmaria.comwww.hilltopacresfarm-visit24-TFN-F
also clean up semen, $1/unit. Call 320583-6564. 23-TFN-F
YOUNG PYGMY GOATS, females $150, males $100. Call 608-4060994. 14-1-F
JERSEY BULL, 1-1/2 yrs. old, from registered herd. Call 608-489-3867. 13-3-F
REGISTERED CALVING EASE HOLSTEIN & ANGUS BULLS, various sizes, delivery avail. Call or text Brian 715-6139206. 2-TFN-F
Has been a quality market for MN dairy farmers for over 100 years. MN producers provide one of the country’s most distinctive brands of cheese that is still made using the same Old World craftsmanship and has been combined with cutting-edge technology to produce cheese that delivers unforgettable taste with unparalleled quality. MN Dairy farmers and Bongards, quality that stands the test of time. We offer a competitive base price, premiums, and the best eld representatives in the industry.
POLLED SPRINGING HFRS., due this fall beginning in Sept. Call 612-9165701. 13-2-F
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN SPRINGING HFRS., due Aug.-Dec. , Norwood, MN. Call 612202-7944. 12-6-F
WHITE BILLY GOAT, young friendly, great breeding stock. Call 218738-5020. 14-1-F
Registered Holstein bulls sired by Doc,Hancock & Daytona! DON’T WAIT, CALL TODAY! ALSO FOR SALE: USED JAMESWAY SILO UNLOADER Call for Price. BREEDING AGE BULLS FOR SALE! Hilltop Dairy, LLC Markesan, WI Contact: Loren Greenfield (920) 296-9289
Fax (952) 466-5556
POLLED MILKING HOLSTEIN COWS & HFRS., avail. this fall, all offspring will be polled. Call for details 952-6572149. 13-2-F
ROAN SHORTHORNMILKINGBULL, born Sept. 1, 2021, approx. 750 lbs., asking $1,000. Call 701-490-2432. 6-TFN-F
SERVICEABLE AGE BREEDING BULLS, 40 yrs. AI breeding, Sauk Centre, MN. Call 320-7612526 or 320-293-5607.
HOLSTEIN BULLS Great selection from EX and VG high-producing cows, 26,800 RHA, Johnes free. Call Olmar Farms at 507-794-2697 or 507-2200730. 1-TFN-B
DRY COWS, due to calf in July, bred to white face beef bull, $1,500. Call 563-744-3506. 8-TFN-F
18 MONTH OLD AYRSHIRE BULL from herd’s top cow, can be registered, $1,000. Call/text 320-2660315. 14-2-F
SERVICEABLE AGE BLACK & WHITE & RED & WHITE BULLS, sires Lamba, Crushable & Unstopable, dams EX and VG, over 30,000 milk, 4% test. Call 320-583-6564. 10-TFN-F

REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, polled, genomic tested, deep pedigreed high producing cow families. Call 507-8200452. 22-TFN-F
REG. BROWN SWISS BULLS, all ages, exc. pedigrees. Call 320-5876384 or 320-583-0336. 12-TFN-B
HOLSTEINPOLLEDREGISTEREDYEARLINGBULL, genomic tested, Mayower x Simplicity-P. Call 920829-6301 or email
(952) 466-5521
16) QUALITY HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS, DHIA records, 28,000 RHA, 100 SCC, 8 due 3rd week and 8 due last week of Aug. Call 507-4294357. 12-4-F
REGISTERED JERSEY COWS AND HEIFERS, (100+), all different ages and stages of lactation, $800-1,400. Call 715-4171778. 9-6-F
110 3rd Ave. NE Perham, MN 56573
The Leader in Feeders! ARROW FRONT® FEEDER WAGONS FEEDER BUNKS AND PANELS Contact Your Local Dealer: TeschImplementBros. N9060 State Hwy. 55 | Seymour, WI 920-833-2500

Livestock - FOR SALE
Bongards’ Creameries
DAIRY QUALITY OR GANIC DRY HAY & STRAW; also mulch bales, may be conventional if they’re untreated. S2895 Pine Hill Rd., Hillsboro, WI 54634. 14-1-P
Hay, Straw, Feed & Bedding - FOR SALE
2022 HYBRID RYE STRAW, 5x6 bales, net wrapped, exc. quality, $60/ bale, Renville, MN 320522-1394. 14-1-VM
MOTIVATED, DEPENDABLE PERSON TO JOIN OUR DODGE COUNTY DAIRY FARM as a farm equipment operator. Duties include operating implements including harvest wagons, tillage, etc. Ability to maintain equipment including lubricating, oil changes and repair. Driver’s license with good record

Help Wanted
down & clean up, specializing in but not limited to silos in congested areas, fully insured. Call 507236-9446. 5-17-VM

PART-TIME MILKING HELP on a pasture-based dairy near Ridgeway, MN, exible hours. Call 507453-9114. 13-2-F
NH BR770 ROUND BALER, crop cutter; Case 2188 combine, RWA. Call 218-841-8723. 24-TFN-F
1900 COW DAIRY looking for bilingual parlor manager. Call 507-9515597. 8-TFN-F
50-COW DAIRY LOOKING FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON for farm work; must know equipment and cows. Call 715-662-5053. 23-TFN-F
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 • Page 13 TRACTORS, FARM MACHINERY, TRUCKS, TOOLS, TRAILERS& MORE!!! AUCTIONEERS: Dan Hershberger, MN Lisc. #2322008; 319-240-9984 Sam Hershberger 641-430-3593 14225 HWY 9 Lime Springs, IA 52155 563-547-1018 TRACTORS, IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS, LOADERS John Deere 7760 4WD Tractor-8,957 Hours, John Deere 8400 Tractor-11,500 Hours, John Deere 4430 Tractor-25,564 Tractor Hours, John Deere 4630 Tractor 5,616Hours, 2004 John Deere 1760 E-Set Precision Planter, John Deere 9510 Combine-Hours: Separator: 4,399 & Engine: 4983, John Deere 693 6-Row Corn Header, John Deere Pickup Head, John Deere 925F Bean Header on Transport, 1976 Hesston 6400 Swather, 1999 Hesston 4755 Large Square Baler, Ag G6000 Bagger, Meyer 4518 & TSS 18’ Sileage Wagons, Meyer 4518 & 4618 Sileage Wagons, Degelmen 16’ Tractor Plow, 1957 John Deere 520 Tractor, Feterl Jump Auger, 2-Brent 440 Gravity Wagons, Brillion 8’ Seeder, New Holland 40 Whirl-A-Feed Sileage Blower, Meyers M425 17ft Manure Spreader, Patz 1200 Series Vertical Mixer, John Deere 512 11’6” Disk Ripper, John Deere 120 Flail Chopper, Westfield 8x51 Auger, Feterl 8x60 Auger, John Deere 36’ 980 Field Cultivator, Better-Bilt 2300 Manure Tank, Kuhn Knight 8132 Manure Slinger, Katolight PTO Generator, Bobcat S300 2-Speed Skid Loader-6,111 Hrs., Bobcat 873 Skid Loader-6414 Hrs., 4-Skidsteer Buckets, SkidsteerRock Bucket & Grapple, Valmetal 525 Feed Cart, Katolight D125FDZ4 Diesel Power Unit-2,273 Hrs. TRUCKS, TRAILERS, MOWERS, SHOP TOOLS 1997 Ford Louisville Dump Truck-380,435 Miles, 1989 Mack R690ST Semi-179,558 Miles, 1990 International Navistar Semi-603,118 Miles, 1992 30’ Semi Grain Trailer, 1997 Timpte Super Hopper 33’ Grain Trailer, 20’ Semi Dump Trailer, 20 Foot Gooseneck FlatbedTrailer, Carry-On 81”x12’ Utility Trailer, Featherlite 16’ Alum. Livestock Trailer, 2007 John Deere 997 Z-Track 72” Mower-550 Hrs., John Deere 318 Parts Tractor, Hoof Trimming Chute-Light Use, 2-1000 Gal. Fuel Barrels, 500 Gal Fuel Barrel on Trailer, Head Gate Chute, Cheese Vat 5’x23.5’, Nice Snap-On Toolbox, 8 Ton Cherry Picker, Hobart Handler 140 Wire Feed Welder, Cutting Torch, Bench Grinder, Air Tools, Crows Foot Wrench Sets, Sockets, Wrenches, Electric Hand Tools, Toolkraft Drill Press, 30-Ton Shop Press, Ridgid 535 Electric Thread Cutter, Bolt Bins, Large Bench Vises, 6-Barrel Oil Dispenser & Stand, JD Center Links, T-Posts & Fencing, JD 3-Point Arms, & MUCH MORE!! LIVE &ONLINE Bidding!! AUCTION LOCATION: 16351 Marystown Rd., Shakop e, MN 55379 Many Items Not Listed. Check Out Our Website www.daviscornersauctionservice.comAt: THURS., SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 @ 9:30 AM SMALLDIESELADMINMECHANICENGINEREPAIRPARTS/SALESYARDMAINTENANCE A&C Farm Service, Inc. 412 BUSINESS 23 S | PAYNESVILLE, MN 320-243-3736 • Apply in person or email FULL BENEFITS 100% Healthcare • Paid vacation and holidays Uniforms provided NOW HIRING! Great Pay!

Livestock - WANTED
1ST, 2ND, 3RD, AND 4TH CUTTING BALEAGE, all cuttings are tested, Glencoe, MN. Call 952-297-2811. 5-TFN-F
WE HAVE BUYERS for tiestall and freestall dairy herds of all qualities and quantities. Also herds for sale at all times, Call 715721-0079. 2-TFN-B
WANTING TO BUY SLOW & LAME CATTLE, lump-jaws and bad eyes and all blemished cattle, $200-$600; also, good cull cows and bulls, $600$1,200. Call 612-860-8774 or 651-480-1900. 4-TFNB
(100) 4X5 ROUND BALES OF NEW SEEDING w/oats. Call 608-4792039. 24-TFN-F
ALFALFA HAY & GRASS HAY, med. square or round bales, delivery available. Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-689-6675. 10-TFN-B
LOOKING FOR HERDSMAN to help on 6 robot dairy, robot experience not necessary. Call 218-280-3598. 17-TFN-F
DAIRY HFR. CALVES, 2-6 months old, 28K herd avg., Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 18-TFN-F
BLACK AUTOMATIC ROLLER MILL, 6.5 cut, excellent cond., never rented out, 1600 Mueller milk cooler. Call 715-654-5579. 14-1-F

Miscellaneous - FOR SALE
RETIRING FARMER SEARCHING FOR YOUNG DIVIDUALCOUPLE/INto work into & possibly take over tiestall dairy in So. Central, MN. Mail inquiries to Box W, 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre, MN 56378. 12-3-F

(4) DEMCO 365 & 450 GRAVITY BOXES, (2) w/tarps, like new; tricycle feeder; big round bale wagon. Call 320-5576558. 18-TFN-F
WOODEN 1950 FLARE BOX WAGON, all orig. paint/wood, always shedded, green, $200. Call 507220-8424. 14-1-F
STRAW, NET WRAPPED ROUND BALES & BIG SQUARES, clean, dry, stored inside, delivery available. Call 320-8088336. 15-TFN-F
ALL CLASSES OF SPRINGER DAIRY COWS. No jockeys. Call 320-760-6050. 20-TFN-F
RYE SEED, $12/bu. bulk, Hinckley, MN. Call 320279-2884. 14-3-F
JD 224 SMALL SQ. BALER, works, $1,200 Call 320-547-2178. 14-1-F

WINTER RYE SEED, cleaned & germ tested, bushel bags or totes avail. Call 715-644-2350. 12-7-B
DAIRY HAY, RFV 180, $275/ton, nice & green, on pallets; also (4) Polydome calf huts, $200 ea. Call 320-266-6878. 22-TFN-F
SD DAIRY QUALITY HAY, great test, $290/ton. Call Steven Leinbach 715644-2211. 11-4-F
400 ORGANIC CER TIFIED BIG ROUND BALES plastic covered orchard grass, red clover, alfalfa, pasture mix, no rain. Call 402-510-7705 or email bill@falksicecream com 14-1-VM
Livestock - FOR SALE
COMPLETE HERDS OF DAIRY CATTLE; also buying all classes of livestock, including cull cows, steers, hfrs. and calves. Call 715-216-1897.
PUPPIES FOR SALE, Call 608-386-2035. 12-4-F
‘99 NH 900 CHOP PER, 824 2R CH, 990W HH, snapper hd., recutter screen; ‘07 NH BR750A rnd. baler. Call 507-206 7553. 14-3-F
DELAVAL 9 MILK MASTER TAKEOFF w/ claws, milk pump. Call 218-736-5042. 14-1-F
LOOKING FOR FT DAIRY PERSON FOR 70-COW DAIRY, $60,000, plus benets, located in Stearns County, MN area. Call 507-3813776. 13-3-F

CERTIFIED ORGANIC ALFALFA, wrapped in 8 layers of lm, 3x3x6 bales, RFQ 140-280, Springeld, SD. Call ERNmore Organics 605-286-3873 or 605-999-2010 or 605-2511143. 16-TFN-B
OCIA CERTIFIED YELLOW CORN, 8.52 crude protein. Call 641751-8382. 12-TFN-B
ALFALFA BALE AGE, 1st-4th crop, 175 RFQ. Call 715-896-1418 3-TFN-F
BUTCHER COWS, bulls, & fats; also thin, lame, lazy, & lump jaw. Call 320-894-7175. 11-TFN-B
BROWN SWISS BULLS, 1-2 years old, AI sired; also 20’ Goliath Harvestore silo unloader. Call 651-3809530. 10-TFN-F-1st
Hay & Feed
SERVICEABLE AGE HOLSTEIN BULLS, from great type and production families. Raised on outside lots, good vigor, Glencoe, MN. Call 320864-6555. 2-TFN-F
CERT. ORGANIC HAY, 80) 4x5 bales Bemidji, MN, alfalfa/grass mix, exc. quality, no rain, all put up by 7/4/22. Call 218-4072052 or 218-209-1682. 14-5-F
BEEF COW QUALITY ROUND BALES, 5x6, about 75-100. Call 320277-3860. 14-1-F

CHEMICAL INJECTION PUMP for hydrogen peroxide etc. into water supply, like new, $350. Call 320-630-7559. 14-TFN-F
LOYAL SINGLE CHAIN CONVEYOR, 11” wide, 30’ w/cover & 1-1/2 hp motor, good cond, $1,400. Call 715-667-3033. 14-2-F
NH 38 FLAIL CHOPPER, bought new in ‘04, always shedded, exc. cond. Call 715-314-0977. 10-TFN-F
FREUDENTHAL CS60 TIESTALLS & HEADLOCK STANCHIONS; also looking for wagon gears. Levi S. Beiler, 15365 Tower Rd., Boscobel, WI 53805. 6-TFN-B-1st
IH TRACTORS, 1486, 3288, 806, 560. Call 320333-8937. 14-2-F

BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, very good farm dogs, should not be placed in town. Call 507-3508003. 14-1-F
ALFA-DELAVAL LATE MODEL BULK TANK, 1,250 gal., complete as new, MN. Call 480-3138460. 5-TFN-F
SILAGE CONVEYORS, 28’ Jamesway, like new; 33’ JD; DeLaval 2” stainless pipeline, complete, WI. Call 715-495-4153. 14-1-F
PARALLEL MILKING PARLOR w/DeLaval milking equipment, 1350 gal. Mueller bulk cooler. Call 608-632-9624. 14-1-B
‘97 FORD F350 service truck, 11’ service box, 124,500 miles, tires exc., runs good, $4,500. Call 507-438-0447. 14-3-F
KRAUSE LANDSMAN 7430 SOIL FINISHER. Call 320-250-4600, no texts or messages. 3-TFNF
(2) DELAVAL MILKER PUMPS, 1) 7 1/2 HP, 1) 10 HP, also Farmall Super H. Call 218-385-3471. 12-TFN-F
USED BARN CLEANER CHAIN, 16”, log chain type, Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 14-1-B
‘15 CHEVY SILVERADO 4-DOOR, 4WD. Call 320-557-5514, no texts or messages. 1-TFN-F

‘14 JD 8260R w/only 440 hrs., always shedded. Call 715-965-9626. 11-4-F

LIE PUPS, farm raised, makes wonderful family pets, assort. colors, 1) male, 3) females, vet checked, 1st shots & wormed, Graceville, MN. Call Kathy 320748-7468. 12-2-VM-1st
CIH RB564 RB, new updated belts, 1800 bales; Uni 705 w/767 Super chopper & 3RN snapper hd.; IH #40 HD 8’ 3 pt. blade. Call 815-947-2266. 14-2-B
GEA MONOBOX ROBOTIC MILKER, used 2.5 yrs, buffer tank, all piping, bulk tank controller, supply unit, VFD vacuum pump, 80 neck straps, transponders and numbers, current on all software updates including the dip modules; GEA Robotic Feed Pusher made by JOZ, used 2.5 yrs., comes with docking charger, discontinued farming, located in SW WI, selling milker and feed pusher as one package for $80,000/ OBO. Call 608-732-5975 or email Corydebuhr@ 14-1-VM
LID FOR KNIGHT 8132 SLINGER SPREADER. Call 507-459-5201. 19-TFN-F
JD 2700 PLOW, semi mounted. Call 320-5101055. 13-TFN-F
OLD HEATING FUEL AND DIESEL, can pump from basement. Call 320424-2005. 5-TFN-F

H&S 500 FORAGE BOX, 10 ton running gear; NH 28 blower, new band; Farmhand F44B forage box, Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 14-4-F

Serving you from 3 locations: West Central MN Region – Pennock, MN Location SW MN Region – Wilmont, MN Location NW IA Region – Harrisburg, SD Location & Wilmont, MN Location SE SD Region – Harrisburg, SD Location. 23-TFN-B
10X20’ WOODEN HAY RACKS on JD 770 tandem running gear, $2,700; 40’ Mayers elevator, $1,500; H&S HSM-P merger w/ ext. table, works w/16’ haybine, $14,000; JD 3975 chopper w/HH only, $15,000, all A-1 shape. Call 320-292-5482. 14-1-F
CIH 165 2-WAY PLOW, plowed less than 200 acres, $10,000. Call 563-9290285. 14-1-F

ready for new homes. Great with kids and used to cattle. Call 507269-4640. 14-2-F
RITEWAY LAND ROLLER. Call 320-3042311. 14-1-F
HAY RACK, platforms on side, 9x18’, $2,500; Kewanee elevator, 56’, pto lift. Call 320-247-2657. 7-TFN-F
Page 14 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Joe is updating his line of equipment, viewing by appointment. Loadout available Friday, September 16th from 9am-4pm. Complete terms, lot listings and photos at, Ra ndy Kath - MN47-00 | Timed Online FARM AUCTIONMACHINERY 32390 454th Street Motley, MN 56466 2022CDTCLOSES: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 @ 7PM OPENS: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Scan for Details! BAR-E, JOE EISCHEID, 320.333.2558 or Randy Kath, Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.429.8894 See more pageonequipmentequipmentmorethebackofthissection!section! CHECK OUT THE EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PATZ DEALERS Used Lucknow 2290 - $22,300 L&L Sales and Service Inc. 800-236-0603 Used Lucknow XLR 4550 $37,5000 L&L Sales and Service Inc. 800-236-0603 ‘10 Kuhn Knight, RH conveyor, LH 41’ discharge w/Digistar scale - $19,900 Mid-Central Equipment, Inc. 218-583-2931 (2) Patz 350 Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. Patz 615 Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. Penta 5610 Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. Patz 500V Ross Equipment 800-645-7677Co. NEW V950 - Call for price! P&D Sales and 920-822-5145Service Used V420 - $16,700 P&D Sales and 920-822-5145Service (3) Used V950s - Call for prices! P&D Sales and 920-822-5145Service Miscellaneous - FOR SALE Miscellaneous - WANTED SPRING TEETH for IHC C cultivator; wheel hub for IHC 56 corn planter, right side. Call 715-822-2678. 14-TFN-F JD 7000 6 OR 8 ROW PLANTER & 6620 or 7720 combine. Call 320760-6050. 22-TFN-F SELECT DETECT, or (Dairy Master Moomonitor) systems. Call 715-4030159. 12-3-F USED CALF-TEL PENS. Call 320-995-6216. 16-TFN-F USED MUELLER 600 GAL. FARM MILK BULK TANK, good cond. Call 715-781-2446. 14-3-F
AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, $175 ea., ready to go. Elias Lapp, 3960 Cone Valley Rd., Fenimore, WI 53809. 14-2-F
(4) 3-PHASE 5HP BULK MILK TANK COMPRESSORS, reasonable. Call 480-313-8460. 9-TFN-F
NH FP230, 27P HH, 824 CH, new processor rolls, one season since rebuild, $31,000. Call 715-4192620. 14-1-F
JD 3940 CHOPPER, w/ HH & 2R CH, make offer; Wanted: Berg barn cleaner #600 power unit. Call 608341-9588. 12-3-F
GOLF CART OR SIDEBY-SIDE. Call 320-2504600, no texts or messages. 14-TFN-F
FARM BULK MILK COOLERS, all sizes. Call 319-330-2286. 10-24-P
TRUSSCORE WHITE PVC WALL AND CEILING PANELS, 16”x16’, factory seconds, quantity discounts, J-trim, inside and outside corner trim, use in dog kennels, milk houses, etc. Call 715-6442350. 8-20-B
PSI POWER WASHERS, Power Washers Hot/ Cold, Cabinet Parts Washers, Chemicals, Presoaks, Degreasers, Large Parts Inventory Shipped Same Day, On Site Service. Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Sales, Repair, and Rental. “The Guys That Work Great Under Pressure” 1-800-555-1677.
NH 790 CHOPPER w/ hay head & NH 116 14’ hydra-swing haybine. Call 218-639-1103. 5-TFN-F
BELT CONVEYORS, asst. width, 9’ length. Call 507-276-7694. 14-1-F
‘88 WILSON CATTLE TRAILER, 7’x24’; JD 16R cultivator; Versatile 400 swather, good cond. Call 320-290-0367. 6-TFN-F

GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, born 5/14/22, makes good farm dogs, $100 ea. Call 641-2282738. 14-1-VM
WIC 70 FEED CART, hydrostatic, front unload auger, 9 horse Honda motor, runs and drives good, $2,000. Call or text, pictures and video avail. Call 507-920-5945, Pipestone, MN. 14-1-F

‘08 35 TON SEMI TRAILER, beaver tail & ramps, 51’ total length. Call 320-760-6942. 12-TFN-F

Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 • Page 15 Office: (608) 348-9401 or Toll Free: 1(888) BUY-Patz Salesmen: Shawn Martin (608) 778-4554 or Joe Ryan (608) 778-2900 4116 Hwy. 80 S. Platteville, WI 4116 Hwy. 80 S. Platteville, WI Used Kuhn MM300 #5898 - $25,900 New Kelly Ryan 5X12 #5701 - Call Used Ag Bag G6000 #5970 - $17,900 New Dryhill DH-480 #4622 - Call New Dryhill DH-220-8.08 #5945 - Call New Kelly Ryan 4x10 #5702 - Call Used Schuler 175BF #5284 - $8,900 New Dryhill DH-400-6.42 #5861 Call New Dryhill DH-481 #5934 - Call New Dryhill Load Stand #5864 Call New Dryhill DH-150 Load Stand #5937 - Call New Dryhill DH-220-6.08 #5946 - Call New Dryhill DH-110 #5991 - Call New Dryhill DH-110-8-16 #5704 - Call Used Gehl V420 $68,900 Used Farm Master FB233 #5999 - $6,400 New Vermeer BF230 #5896 - Call Used Kelly Ryan 2W-94 #5880 - $8,500 New Dryhill DH-480-8.52 #5766 - Call New Dryhill DH-310 #5385 - Call Used Kuhn MM300 #5919 - $31,500 New Vermeer BF250 #5787 - Call Used Kelly Ryan 2W-00 #5498 - $14,900 New Dryhill DH-480-8.42 #5862 - Call New Dryhill DH-220-8.8 #5278 - Call New Kinze 1321 #5978 - Call New Vermeer BF250 #5897 - Call Used Kelly Ryan 2W-97 #5120 - $12,000 New Dryhill DH-480-8.52 #5617 - Call New Dryhill DH-800 #5785 - Call MILLE LACS SOIL SERVICE Help Wanted ASAP Truck Driving, Applicator, Plant Work Seasonal, Competitive Pay Job Description: Hours may vary due to weather, Expect long hours 5-6 days each week. Need to be on time each day and willing to work hard. Contact Duane at Mille Lacs Soil Service 320-294-5511 STOP IN AND PICK UP APPLICATION Consign your items today! Your Complete Auction Service... • On Site, Ours or Yours • Farm Retirement Auction • Estate Farm Machinery Auction • Inventory Reduction Auction • Equipment Appraisals • Machinery Hauling SEPTEMBER MACHINERY SALE MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 2022 • 9 A.M. Selling tractors, combines, sprayers, haying equipment, grain wagons, planters, tillage, large trucks/trailers, and misc. items. See website,, for pictures and full sale bill LIVE & ON-LINE BIDDING

Page 16 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, September 10, 2022 COME SEE US AT WORLD DAIRY EXPO OCTOBER 2 - 8 | BOOTH EH 2113B-2316 FROM FEEDING-TO-CLEANING PATZ HAS YOU COVERED. Patz Corporation Pound, WI 920-897-2251 LEARN MORE ABOUT PATZ FULL PRODUCT SHOWCASE Visit or scan our QR Code. PRODUCTS » VERTICAL TMR MIXERS » BELT & CHAIN CONVEYORS » SILO UNLOADERS » ALLEY SCRAPERS » BEDDING CHOPPERS » MANURE PUMPS & AGITATORS » GUTTER CLEANERS CHECK OUT THE EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PATZ DEALERS Used 950 with RH incline disch., coming soon - Call for pricing Schmidt Buildings & 920-422-4151Equipment Used 950 w/ at reversible discharge - $29,500 Schmidt Buildings & 920-422-4151Equipment Used Kuhn VTC1100, new screws - $37,000 The Scharine 800-472-2880Group 420 LH demo deal! The Scharine 800-472-2880Group Used Penta 5610 – great value! The Scharine 800-472-2880Group New 420, dual tires! - Call for price Spartan920-845-9892Construction NEW Patz 740 – Call for price Spartan920-845-9892Construction New Patz 420 - Call for price! Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 New Patz 500 - Call for price! Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 New Patz 650 - Call for price! Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 New Patz 950 - Call for price! Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 Patz V620 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service Penta 3020-SD Wille563-252-2034Construction Patz 350 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service Patz 950 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service Patz 420 Story Sales & 800-491-3724Service Patz 950 Wille563-252-2034Construction ‘15 Patz 500T - $20,500 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service ‘11 Patz 420T - $16,900 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service ‘03 Patz 420 - $15,000 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service Patz 420 Wille563-252-2034Construction Patz 650 - Call C.F. 920-693-8717Heckmann‘07 Patz 350 - $13,500 Brynsaas Sales & 563-382-4484Service Patz 810 - $23,500 C.F. 920-693-8717Heckmann Patz 500 Wille563-252-2034Construction New Patz 950 Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 New Patz 420 Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 Roto-Mix VXT865 - $14,400 Gorter’s Clay & Dairy 507-825-3271Equip. Kuhn Knight 3130 Call for more details Gorter’s Clay & Dairy 507-825-3271Equip. COMINGCOMINGININ Knight 50100 mixer - $19,900 Gorter’s Clay & Dairy 507-825-3271Equip. New Patz 1100 Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 New Patz 620 w/front disch. Fieber Van’s Implement, Inc. 605-753-9834 Patz 420 - Call Hartung 320-836-2697Sales SOLD Used Patz V620 - Call Hartung 320-836-2697Sales Used Patz V950 - $27,500 L&L Sales and Service Inc. 800-236-0603