Hispanics in STEM

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Are Hispanics America's Next Great STEM Innovators? ‑ Forbes

James Marshall Crotty, Contributor I cover education as a sector and as the bedrock of all sectors.

11/22/2011 @ 9:50AM | 19,623 views

Are Hispanics America's Next Great STEM Innovators? Unemployment in the U.S. is at its highest since the mid­80’s, college graduates are struggling to find jobs in their respective fields, and the so­ called ‘American Dream’ is slipping farther out of reach. Yet, there are 3.2 million available jobs in this country in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields. Right now. Today. This moment.

SHPE pushes Hispanic students to reach for careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

Moreover, according to the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, 63% of those with only associate’s degrees in STEM earn more than those with bachelor’s degrees in non­STEM occupations. In addition, 47% of those with bachelor’s degrees in STEM occupations earn more than Ph.D.s in non­STEM occupations. Also, there is a much smaller salary gap between men and women in STEM fields than in other occupations. Nevertheless, 3.2 million STEM jobs go unfilled because there are not the qualified applicants to fill them. With these facts as a backdrop, you would think that every kid in America would be scrambling to take a STEM major. Wrong. One study showed that nearly half of high school students surveyed say they will most likely not pursue a STEM­related degree. Whom then can we get to qualify for these high­paying, readily available, yet evidently not very popular jobs? Answer: Hispanics. Over the last several decades, it has primarily been Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal, who’ve done America’s dirty work. Janitors, construction labor, factory workers, meatpacking, housecleaning, cooks, chefs, you name it, Hispanics have done these jobs with drive and aplomb, and nary a complaint. No matter where you stand on illegal immigration, there’s no denying that Hispanic immigrants have taken jobs most Americans eschewed.




Are Hispanics America's Next Great STEM Innovators? ‑ Forbes

As Americans seem to be eschewing key white­collar STEM jobs too, now comes the next and most important chapter of the Hispanic immigration experience in America: how to move en masse from low­paying but steady work as America’s default blue collar labor force to the leaders of the STEM education revolution that must happen if this nation is to maintain its top­tier economic status. Consider this: the U.S. Hispanic population has now surpassed 50 million, and is projected to more than double by 2050. It’s the largest, youngest, fastest­ growing minority group in America. Now consider these numbers. Non­Hispanic growth rate in the past decade? 5%. Hispanic growth rate? 43%. Average Hispanic age in 2009? 27.4 years. Nearly 10 years younger than the population overall. One in three Hispanics in the U.S. are under 18, most of them U.S.­born and learning English in public schools. The stats go on, and all point to one question: how do we bridge the gap between this country’s young, fast­multiplying, yet woefully undereducated Hispanic cohort and this nation’s ever­expanding demand for STEM­educated labor? Enter SHPE, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. SPHE was founded in 1974 in Los Angeles, California by a group of engineers employed by the city of L.A.. Their objective was to form a national organization of professional engineers to serve as role models in the Hispanic community. Networking was the key basis for the organization. SHPE quickly established two student chapters to begin the network that would grow to encompass the nation as well as reach countries outside the U.S. Recently, SHPE has taken the STEM crisis as their exclusive mandate. With mentoring programs, scholarships, and science­related events for students and their parents, SHPE is working with corporations and educational partners to expand their network and motivate kids to major in STEM fields. One such way is through an ad campaign created by For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, or FIRST, using celebrities to show Hispanic students that science is hip, or, in the words of U2′s Bono, “Science is rock and roll.”




Are Hispanics America's Next Great STEM Innovators? ‑ Forbes

The biggest roadblock faced by SHPE is historically poor academic performance by Hispanic­American students. Dropout rates among Hispanic­ Americans are notoriously higher than those identifying as non­Hispanic. 40% of Latino adults in the U.S. over 20 lack a high school diploma. Nearly 20% of Hispanic males dropped out of high school in 2008, citing language barriers and a need to help support their families via full­time work. And even when Hispanics indicate a strong desire to finish high school and attend college, their chances for employment in lucrative STEM fields is hurt by their academic weakness in core STEM subjects. For example, while Hispanic college enrollment rates have been on the rise, research shows that the average Hispanic high school senior does math at the same level as a white 8th grader. With these facts in mind, getting Latino kids excited about science and math seems daunting. But SHPE keeps plugging away. For example, at SHPE’s next national conference, November 14­18th, 2012 in Fort Worth, Texas — the largest technical and career conference for Hispanics in the country — over 200 corporations will be present to recruit Hispanic students and professionals for work in STEM fields. In addition, university advisors from across the nation have joined to develop a stronger network in which schools and SHPE chapters can be more effective in recruitment and retention of Hispanics obtaining STEM degrees. SHPE will also continue to stage regional leadership development conferences on a yearly basis for the SHPE student chapter leaders to improve their organizational, managerial, and technical skills. If SHPE proves successful, we expect to see a notable shift upwards in Hispanic male and female employment and income in the coming years. Heaven knows, both the economic viability of Hispanics, and the future standing of the U.S. in world affairs, completely depends on it. Do you have ideas on recruiting Hispanics and other minorities into STEM fields? If so, please share your ideas in the Comments area below. Moreover, feel free to track me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, and follow me on Forbes to receive regular dispatches from the front lines of global education. I am also launching email newsletters on Education, Politics, Culture, and Travel. In addition to summaries and article links, Crotty Newsletter subscribers will receive breaking and market­making news before anyone else. My “Crotty on Education” newsletter, in particular, will include links to videos and podcasts by experts in the field, high­level research reports, plus the invaluable Crotty on Education Stock Index. You can subscribe to Crotty Newsletters here: www.jamescrotty.com/newsletter.html

This article is available online at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesmarshallcrotty/2011/11/22/are-hispanics-americas-nextgreat-stem-innovators/




Are Hispanics America's Next Great STEM Innovators? ‑ Forbes



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