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I would like to exchange gifts with you!


… so that our fate and friendship transcends the ocean.

台灣、紐西蘭,兩座島嶼。國土千萬里相隔南太平洋對 角線。六位漫畫家,以圖贈友抹去地圖標示的距離。 Taiwan and New Zealand, both island nations. Separated across the South Pacific for over thousands of miles. Six graphic artists and authors attempt to erase this distance through gifts of art and friendship.

“ what are you interested in ? ”

他們分別到這去那,參訪了彼此的國度, 互相詢問彼此: Going from here to there, they visit each other’s countries, asking:

別後,交互送給對方的心意, 或者說那些為平生此期一會留下念想的數份信物們, 成就了這本書化為/畫為國與國、島與島之間 最詩情畫意的傾情告白。

The gifts they’ve created and exchanged are keepsakes from their time together, and are presented in this book as sincere and poetic confessions from one country to another, from one island to another.


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人物介紹 Characters

Chi 熱愛動物、大自然的文藝女孩。 對種種生活經驗, 有獨特、纖細的見解。 Artist, and lover of animals and nature. She has a unique and acute insights on various life experiences.

Ahn 瘦子帥型男,正宗 裝酷、瀟灑青年。 有熱愛冒險的一面。

Slender and handsome young man who exudes cool. He also exhibits an adventurous and risktaking side.

Ant 外國中國武俠粉。 自帶幽默、可愛 又樂天氣場的大叔。

A foreign fan of Chinese Kung fu fiction. A naturally humorous and fun-loving guy.

Sean 沉默、不太會喝酒的台灣大叔, 一副很善良的樣子,卻常口出冷箭。 A quiet uncle-like character who can’t hold his liquor. He may look gentle, but watch out for his sharp tongue.

Rae Tim 滿臉絡腮鬍,會嚇到小孩的外國人, 看起來兇惡但其實是很溫情的好人喔! 會請你喝酒。 A bearded foreigner who might scare off little children. He may look mean but is actually a very gentle and kind man! And he’ll even buy you a drink.

溫柔翩然的長腿、長髮美女,自 然知識豐富。在漫步中朗誦詩 句,像森林中的仙子姊姊似的。

Gentle, long-legged, and longhaired beauty who is very knowledgeable of nature. Often reciting poetry as she walks, she reminds you of a forest fairy.


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不知道從何時開始,較有男子氣概的 同學總能信手捻來幾瓶臺啤下肚, Not sure from when, but the more macho guys would start bringing Taiwan beer to gatherings.

聚餐的時候就吆喝大 家以酒相伴捉對廝殺 炒熱氣氛, To liven up the atmosphere, they’d make everyone drink.

當朋友跟你對上眼舉起杯子的時候,不得拒絕,得豪邁地 大口喝下,那是個通則, As soon as someone caught your eyes and raised his glass, you had to accept the challenge and down your beer. That was the general rule...


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大家氣氛正熱的時候,那杯黃湯不僅只是啤 酒還代表著友誼與義氣的回應。 That glass of yellow liquid was not just beer anymore, but represented our friendship and brotherhood.

裝大人的結果,就是漲紅著臉大口傾瀉,然後暈頭轉向呆若木雞, The result for some of us lightweights was hugging the toilet for the rest of the night.

隔天斷斷續續地憶起那 天晚上闖的禍。 The next day, brief flashbacks of what had happened the night before would slowly surface.

朋友說,酒量這事可以學習, Friends say that tolerance can be learned.


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「研究發現海洋中塑膠的數量持續攀升」—— 摘自強.舒瓦茲(John Schwartz)載於《國 際紐約時報》2015 年 2 月 14 日的文章。

這些塑膠,重量等同於八百萬顆藍鯨的心臟, 一顆藍鯨心臟和一台小汽車差不多大小。

「這麼多塑膠每年就這樣進入 各地的海洋中」,文章的開頭 如此寫著。


1 Robert Sullivan,紐西蘭詩人,擁有一半毛利人、一半愛爾蘭人血統,作品以毛利 傳統文化為主題,並關注社會、種族議題,被視為當代最重要的毛利人作者之一。 2 出自詩集《Star Waka》中的第 46 首詩,waka 為毛利語的獨木舟。

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讓我想起昨晚勞勃.蘇利文 發表詩作時,我寫 下的筆記: 想想他的祖先是 如何從台灣來到紐西蘭, 2 也許就跟他在《獨木舟 46》 裡想像的一樣。

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也許就像塑膠一樣,被草率地拋進海中漂流, 任突如其來、難以捉摸的浪潮與暗流擺弄, 好似在暴風雨中從船邊掉落的樂高積木。

然後某天被浪沖上岸, 到了和加拿大一樣遠的地方, 為某個孩子、在海灘尋寶的人 或海洋科學家帶來歡樂。

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Don’t worry son. It’s just a graze.

別擔心,孩子, 只是擦傷 而已。


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One day your tiny, tender frame will grow old and gnarled.

有天你會知道何謂失去與心碎, 你小小的、柔軟的身軀 將變得衰老佝僂,

One day you will have to face this world alone.

你將必須獨自 面對這個世界。 But cling tight for now.


Until that day, let me protect you for a while longer.

在那天來臨之前, 讓我再多保護你一陣子,

Let me be your shelter.



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