230: St. Louis City Edition

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July 4, 2018 : 230

2208 South Jefferson Ave.

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Open for Lunch and Dinner. Closed on Monday.

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St. Louis City Edition



Saint Louis

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John Deere Classic

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2018 Polish Heritage Festival www.saintstan.org

Food, Fun, and Family Activities at St. Stanislaus Including a new Kids Corner, Live music from local artists, and an expanded menu of Polish favorites.

2:00PM – 8:00PM

Traditional Polish Dinner: $12 Sausage, Golambki, Pierogi, Kapusta, and Dessert Seating inside the air conditioned Polish Heritage Center with Bar Service Live Music and Games Polish Souvenirs Food and Fun For All Ages

11:00AM – 5:00PM

Sunday July 8th

Traditional Polish Dinner: $12 Sausage, Golambki, Pierogi, Kapusta, and Dessert Seating inside the air conditioned Polish Heritage Center with Bar Service Live Music and Games Polish Souvenirs Food and Fun For All Ages

Music by Eddie Korosa and the Boys from Illinois

Saturday July 7th

Music Musicby byLisa LisaLong Long



St. Louis City Edition


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OF THE MONTH “The Hay Stacked” is back as the July Burger of the Month! Enjoy our 8oz ground chuck patty, loaded with onion dip, pub cheddar and crispy matchstick potatoes, all on Texas Toast!



St. Louis City Edition | stlcityedition.com • facebook.com/stlouiscityedition.com • twitter.com/stlcityedition.com • sales@stlcityedition.com • 314-267-9979

3707 S. Kingshighway Blvd.


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Never Leave Your Pet in a Parked Car!

Premium Sandwiches • Great Beer Selection

Never leave your pet unattended in a parked car for any period of time. On a warm day, the temperature in a parked car can reach 120F in a matter of minutes — seven with the car windows partially open. Your pet can quickly suffer brain damage or die from heatstroke or suffocation when trapped in high temperatures. This is what you should do if your pet is exposed to high temperatures: • Be alert for the signs of heat stress — heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid pulse, unsteadiness, a staggering gait, vomiting, or a deep red or purple tongue. • If your pet becomes overheated, you must lower his body temperature immediately. • Move your pet into the shade and apply cool (not cold) water all over her body to gradually lower her body temperature. • Apply ice packs or cold towels to your pet’s head, neck, and chest only. •Let your pet drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes. • Finally, take your pet directly to a veterinarian — it could save your pet’s life. If you see an animal in a car exhibiting any signs of heat stress, call your local animal care and control agency or police department immediately! You don’t just expose your pet to the dangers of heat stress when you leave him in a car, you also expose him to pet theft. Thousands of pets are stolen each year from unattended cars. Taking your pet for a ride may seem like fun, but many pets prefer to spend time with you in the comfort and safety of your home. Explore activities that you and your pet can share at home and avoid taking risks that come when you leave your pet in the car. If you must take your pet with you in your car, do so safely: Cats should ride in pet carriers, and dogs should ride in travel crates or be on a leash. When a pet travels, she should wear two ID tags — one with a home address and one with a destination address.




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St. Louis City Edition



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THIS MAP SPONSORED BY THE PARTNERSHIP FOR DOWNTOWN ST. LOUIS stlcityedition.com • facebook.com/stlouiscityedition.com • twitter.com/stlcityedition.com • sales@stlcityedition.com • 314-267-9979


St. Louis City Edition



AUGUST Eric Prewitt Band – August 3, 7-10pm

Hwy 61 Roadhouse, 34 S Old Orchard Ave. Webster Groves 63117 http://hwy61roadhouse.com/

Events JULY

The Importance of Being Earnest – July 12-22

Grandel Theatre https://insighttheatrecompany.com/shows/importance-earnest-2018/ The Importance of Being Earnest is a Trivial Comedy for Serious People. Set in 1890s London, two friends use the same pseudonym (“Ernest”) for their onthe-sly activities. Hilarity ensues. Star studded cast includes Pete Winfrey, Will Bonglio, Julia Crump, Ruth Ezell, and Tom Murray as Lady Bracknell.

St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase – July 13-22

Washington University Brown Hall http://www.cinemastlouis.org/st-louis-filmmakers-showcase The 2018 Whitaker St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase is an annual presentation of the nonprofit Cinema St. Louis, that serves as the area’s primary venue for films made by local artists. The Showcase screens works that were written, directed, edited, or produced by St. Louis natives or films with strong local ties. The film programs that will screen from July 13-22 serve as the Showcase’s centerpiece. The programs range from full-length fiction features and documentaries to multi-film compilations of fiction and documentary shorts. Programs with feature-length films include post-screening Q&As with filmmakers.

Dave & Them – July 13, 7-10pm

Hwy 61 Roadhouse, 34 S Old Orchard Ave. Webster Groves 63117 http://hwy61roadhouse.com/

Matt “The Rattlesnake” Lesch – July 14, 8-11pm

Hwy 61 Roadhouse, 34 S Old Orchard Ave. Webster Groves 63117 http://hwy61roadhouse.com/

Slight Return – July 30, 7-10pm

Hwy 61 Roadhouse, 34 S Old Orchard Ave. Webster Groves 63117 http://hwy61roadhouse.com/

St. Louis Premiere of The Realistic Joneses – July 26 – August 12 Kranzberg Arts Center https://www.facebook.com/rebelandmisfitsproductions/ Rebel and Misfits proudly announce the St. Louis premiere of The Realistic Joneses, by Will Eno, and presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. Directed by Edward M. Cauffield, Featuring Laurie McConnell*, Isaiah Di Lorenzo, Alan Knoll*, Kelly Hummert* (*member AEA No Cover Hwy 61 Roadhouse, 34 S Old Orchard Ave. Webster Groves 63117 http://hwy61roadhouse.com/

Kent Ehrhart and the Blue Moon Band – July 28, 8-11pm $5 Cover Hwy 61 Roadhouse, 34 S Old Orchard Ave. Webster Groves 63117 http://hwy61roadhouse.com/ 8


Gesher Music Festival “Voices Rising” – August 16-19

http://www.geshermusicfestival.org/ Now in its 8th season, the Gesher Music Festival returns for two weeks in August, bringing chamber music with a multi-cultural twist to their performances. The Festival runs from August 9 – 19 with three formal concerts as well as several more informal opportunities to hear some of the music and meet the musicians. This year’s theme is “Voices Rising.” Three distinct concerts reflect different aspects of this theme, each in a different venue. The formal concerts are: The Legacy of Tin Pan Alley will be performed on Thursday, August 16th at the Missouri History Museum. . In partnership with the Missouri History Museum and part of the MUNY Memories Exhibit. Rise Up: Sounds of Protest will be performed at the 560 Music Center Saturday, August 18th. Giving Voice will be performed at the Gesher Festival’s home at the JCC’s Wool Studio Theatre.

SEPTEMBER Chamber Project St. Louis’ 2018-19 season opener – TBD Upstream Theater Company’s 2018-19 season opener – September 28-October 14 911 Dispatch First Responder Vehicle Day September 30, 10am-2pm Chesterfield Mall Parking Lot http://911visionfoundation.org/911-dispatch-first-responder-vehicle-day/ Presented by the 911 Vision Foundation. Activities include: Safety stations, SWAT vehicles, First Responders, Fire trucks, Food Trucks, Fun for the Family, K-9 Unit Dogs, Rescue Squad, Police Helicopter, Motorcycles and more! 911 Vision Foundation provides no-cost Lasik eye surgery for first responders — firefighters, police officers and emergency medical service personnel (EMS). Reducing or eliminating first responders’ needs for contact lenses or eye glasses enables them to better, and more safely, perform their life-saving duties for every man, woman, and child they protect and serve in the St. Louis Region.

OCTOBER Espana – October 8-9, 7:30pm

Sheldon Ballroom https://chambermusicstl.org/concerts/espana/ Enjoy the warm, seductive musical flavors of the Iberian Peninsula, courtesy of Falla, Albeñiz, Granados, Sarasate and Halffter… we sneak in a little Bizet, as well.

St. Louis City Edition | stlcityedition.com • facebook.com/stlouiscityedition.com • twitter.com/stlcityedition.com • sales@stlcityedition.com • 314-267-9979

O’Connell’sPub Hosting St. Louis’ only Rueben Tuesday!

Serving Incredible Food

Monday - Saturday: 11 am - Midnight Sunday: 12 pm - 10 pm

Bar Open Until 3AM Friday and Saturday

4652 Shaw Avenue at Kingshighway


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St. Louis City Edition




Missing out on the social media wave? St. Louis City Edition Media Services can help. We’ve teamed up with some of the brightest and creative free lance artists and designers in the area.


NO HIDDEN FEES OR UPSELLS. Web Page Design | Website Hosting Website Optimization | Maintenance Online E-Commerce Store Facebook Fan & Twitter Page Creation For more info, email sales@stlcityedition.com or call Dale at 314-973-2365. REDUCED RATES FOR ST. LOUIS CITY EDITION PARTICIPANTS. 10


St. Louis City Edition | stlcityedition.com • facebook.com/stlouiscityedition.com • twitter.com/stlcityedition.com • sales@stlcityedition.com • 314-267-9979

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St. Louis City Edition



Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church SERBFEST 2018 Saturday, August 4 11am - 8pm Sunday, August 5 11am - 6pm

The Four Seas Banquet Facility 1910 Serbian Drive


thefourseasbanquetfacility.com All inclusive packages available.

Saint Louis Philharmonic Orchestra Robert Hart Baker, conductor

“FLIGHT: Let Your Imagination Soar”

Annual Pops Concert at Queeny Park, Greensfelder Recreation Complex 550 Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO 63011 Friday, August 3, 2018 at 8:00 pm

John Williams: Star Wars Theme, Superman March, Hook, Jurassic Park, E.T. James Horner: Apollo 13, Somewhere Out There, The Rocketeer Harry Potter Themes from all 8 movies Pure Imagination from “Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory” Gustav Holst: Jupiter from “The Planets” Henri Mancini: Moon River from “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” Klaus Badelt: Pirates Of The Caribbean Josef Strauss: In Flight Polka Harold Arlen: Over The Rainbow from “The Wizard Of Oz” Led Zeppelin Reunion: Stairway To Heaven

A beautiful quilt handmade by violinists Carol Lodes and Melanie Murphy, and signed by the conductor will be auctioned during the evening. Reservations and Information available by calling (314) 421-3600, online at www.stlphilharmonic.org or by mail. Please make checks payable to Philharmonic Society of St. Louis and mail to P.O. Box 220437, St. Louis, MO 63122. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Order Form Please reserve ____ Table Seats @ $30.00 each for a total of $_______ Please reserve ____ Gallery Seats @ $15.00 each for a total of $_______ Please reserve ____ Table(s)@ $300.00 each for a total of $_______ I wish to support the orchestra with an additional contribution of $_______ Sorry, I won’t be able to come but wish to show my support with a donation of $_______ TOTAL $_______

Name (Please print)_____________________________________________ Street ________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State_____ Zip_____________ Phone ________________ Email __________________________________



St. Louis City Edition | stlcityedition.com • facebook.com/stlouiscityedition.com • twitter.com/stlcityedition.com • sales@stlcityedition.com • 314-267-9979

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