Annual report Aberystwyth

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Canolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth Arts Centre

Adroddiad Blynyddol

Annual Report


The year marked some significant milestones. From the Arts Centre’s major redevelopment in 2000 to 2011 over a million customers have attended performances and events, a million have participated in our Community Arts Programme and over two million have a visited our exhibitions. This underlines the value of the redevelopment and the substantial growth of the artistic programme and the commercial development it made possible.

For its inaugural year the Arts Centre worked in partnership with the new National Theatre of Wales and Germany’s Rimini Protocol on a year- long site specific piece Outdoors which took audiences on a mystery tour of Aberystwyth. The hugely successful live broadcast programme of theatre, opera and dance saw Glyndebourne Opera and Opera de Paris added to the established favourites the New York Met, the National Theatre and the Bolshoi Ballet.

Alan Hewson, Director The Arts Centre’s growing reputation as a producing theatre was further enhanced during the year by three productions: a dramatic recreation of a classic text, an imaginative staging of a major musical and a radically reworking of a Russian classic. The Arts Centre’s production of Wuthering Heights, opened in Aberystwyth in spring 2011 then toured to the main theatres in Wales to critical acclaim. This production was developed with support from the Arts Council of Wales, Creu Cymru and a consortium Welsh theatres and arts centres. ‘A production that has a stunning, stark beauty and a thrilling sense of connection’ The Guardian Chess The Musical ran for forty four performances in summer 2011and was described in The Stage as ‘Electrifying, emotional and visually stunning. Cast, director, designer and musicians deliver an outstanding production and make a very good musical into something very close to a great one.’ A professional development project for theatre practitioners, funded by the Arts Council of Wales, was built around an adventurous, multi-media reinterpretation of The Cherry Orchard directed by the Arts Centre’s International Associate Director from Portugal Joao Garcia Miguel. This production opened in Aberystwyth in autumn 2010 and also toured to Swansea.

Highlights of the exhibition programme were the Arts Centre’s Dartboard for Witches, a major survey of contemporary textiles and the National Portrait Gallery’s Annual Awards Exhibition, its only showing in Wales. The Centre’s Artists in Residence programme, unique in Wales and funded by a number of key trusts and foundation, hosted thirteen artists during the year from the UK, Finland, Singapore and India and is a key part of the Centre’s Professional Development Programme. Festivals remain one of the Arts Centre’s key tools for art form development and during the year these included the International Ceramics Festival, the UK’s largest celebration of ceramics; Musicfest International Classical Music Festival with over 28 concerts over 8 days and over 100 talented young musicians attending the week long associated Summer School; DS6 the Wales Digital Storytelling Festival; WOW Wales One World Film Festival and Abertoir, the Wales Horror Film Festival, which is an increasingly important showcase for young film makers. Our Community Arts Programme offered one of the most successful and wide ranging programmes of any arts centre in the UK. We offer an active, involving and often transforming experience of the arts, serving over 80,000 participants both at the Arts Centre and in the community, as well as a programme of professional development for writers, theatre, dance and music practitioners.

The success of the Creative Units, since their opening in 2009, as a creative community linking artists and arts business into the Arts Centre and the University was further enhanced by the opening of an additional two more studio spaces, to add to the existing 16 Units. This development was funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and Arts Council of Wales. It was a particularly successful year for fundraising with total external fundraising rising from £790,000 in 2009-10 to £1 million in 2010-11. This came from a wide variety of sources including major contributions from the Arts Council of Wales, European Axis 3 funds, Ceredigion County Council, Esme Fairbairn Foundation and the Wales Film Agency. 2010-11 also saw a welcome major refurbishment of the main foyers with new flooring, furniture, lighting and a dramatic new ceiling providing an ever changing kaleidoscope of colours. This project was designed to improve the customers experience and to further develop the generation of earned income from our cafés and bars, an increasingly element in the long term sustainability of the Art Centre. The Arts Centre continues to develop this sustainability through its artistic and commercial programmes and from a total turnover for 2010-11 of £4.4 million total earned income was almost 80%. This is set against a recent survey by the Arts Council of England which showed the average earned income for arts organisations was 45%. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that have made the Arts Centre the success it undoubtedly is: the Centre’s staff and volunteers for their commitment and vision; the artists, performers and companies at the heart of our work; the University for its continued invaluable support; the Arts Council of Wales for its belief in our key place in the arts in Wales; Ceredigion County Council and the many trusts, foundations and sponsors. Their support has made the arts a real, accessible and integral part of the lives of the people the Arts Centre serves.


Cafwyd nifer o gerrig milltir arwyddocaol yn ystod y flwyddyn. Ers ail-ddatblygiad Canolfan y Celfyddydau yn 2000 hyd at 2011 bu dros filiwn o gwsmeriaid yn mynychu perfformiadau a gweithgareddau, bu miliwn yn cymryd rhan yn ein Rhaglen Gelfyddydau Cymunedol a bu dros ddwy filiwn yn ymweld â’n harddangosfeydd. Mae’r ffigyrau hyn yn tanlinellu gwerth yr ail-ddatblygu a thyfiant sylweddol y rhaglen artistig a’r datblygiad masnachol a ddaeth yn ei sgil. Ar gyfer ei blwyddyn agoriadol gweithiodd y Ganolfan mewn partneriaeth gyda’r National Theatre of Wales newydd a Rimini Protocol o’r Almaen ar brosiect unigryw a barodd am flwyddyn: Aeth Outdoors â’r gynulleidfa ar daith ddirgel o gwmpas Aberystwyth

Alan Hewson, Cyfarwyddwr Bu enw da’r Ganolfan ym maes cynhyrchu theatr yn mynd o nerth i nerth yn ystod y flwyddyn gyda thri chynhyrchiad arbennig: ail-gread dramatig o destun clasurol, llwyfaniad llawn dychymyg o sioe gerdd boblogaidd ac addasiad radicalaidd o glasur Rwsiaidd. ‘A production that has a stunning, stark beauty and a thrilling sense of connection’ yn ôl y Guardian. Agorodd cynhyrchiad y Ganolfan o ‘Wuthering Heights’,yn Aberystwyth yn ystod y Gwanwyn 2011 cyn mynd ar daith i brif theatrau Cymru lle cafodd dderbyniad brwd. Datblygwyd y cynhyrchiad hwn gyda chefnogaeth oddi wrth Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Creu Cymru a chonsortiwm o theatrau a chanolfannau celf Cymreig. Llwyfanwyd deugain perfformiad o Chess The Musical yn ystod yr haf 2011 ac fe ddisgrifiwyd y sioe yn y Stage fel ‘Electrifying, emotional and visually stunning. Cast, director, designer and musicians deliver an outstanding production and make a very good musical into something very close to a great one.’ Bu prosiect datblygiad proffesiynol ar gyfer ymarferwyr theatr, a noddwyd gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, yn seiliedig ar ailddehongliad aml-gyfryngol cyffrous o The Cherry Orchard o dan arweiniad Cyfarwyddwr Cyswllt Rhyngwladol y Ganolfan o Bortiwgal, Joao Garcia Miguel. Agorodd y cynhyrchiad hwn yn Aberystwyth yn yr hydref 2010 ac wedyn aeth ar daith i Abertawe.


Bu’r rhaglen hynod lwyddiannus o ddarllediadau byw o theatr, opera a dawns yn parhau ac ychwanegwyd Opera Glyndebourne ac Opera de Paris at y ffefrynnau sefydledig sef Met Efrog Newydd, Theatr Genedlaethol Lloegr a Bale’r Bolshoi. Ymysg uchafbwyntiau rhaglen arddangosfeydd y Ganolfan oedd Dartboard for Witches; arolwg sylweddol o decstiliau cyfoes ac Arddangosfa Flynyddol yr Oriel Bortreadau Genedlaethol (yr unig ganolfan yng Nghymru iddi gael ei harddangos). Bu rhaglen Artistiaid Preswyl y Ganolfan, rhaglen unigryw yng Nghymru a noddir gan nifer o ymddiriedolaethau a sefydliadau allweddol, yn croesawu tri artist ar ddeg yn ystod y flwyddyn o’r DU, y Ffindir, Singapore ac India. Mae’r prosiect hwn yn rhan hanfodol bwysig o Raglen Ddatblygiad Proffesiynol y Ganolfan. Mae Gwyliau yn parhau i fod yn nodwedd hynod arwyddocaol yn hanes y Ganolfan ac yn ystod y flwyddyn cynhaliwyd yr Ŵyl Serameg Ryngwladol, dathliad mwyaf y DU ym maes serameg; Gŵyl Gerddoriaeth Glasurol Ryngwladol Musicfest, gyda thros 28 o gyngherddau mewn 8 diwrnod a thros 100 o gerddorion ifanc talentog yn mynychu’r Ysgol Haf gysylltiedig; DS6 - Gŵyl Adrodd Straeon Digidol Cymru; Gŵyl Ffilmiau Cymru a’r Byd (WOW) ac Abertoir, Gŵyl Ffilmiau Arswyd Cymru, sy’n cynnig cyfle cynyddol bwysig ar gyfer gwneuthurwyr ffilm ifanc. Bu’n Rhaglen Gelfyddydau Cymunedol yn cynnig un o’r rhaglenni mwyaf llwyddiannus ac amrywiol o unrhyw ganolfan yn y DU, yn darparu profiad gweithredol a thrawsffurfiol o’r celfyddydau, gan wasanaethu dros 80,000 o gyfranogwyr yn y Ganolfan ac yn y gymuned yn ogystal â rhaglen o ddatblygiad proffesiynol ar gyfer ysgrifenwyr ac ymarferwyr theatr, dawns a cherddoriaeth.

Ychwanegwyd at lwyddiant yr Unedau Creadigol, ers eu hagoriad yn 2009 fel cymuned greadigol yn cysylltu artistiaid a busnesau celf i’r Ganolfan a’r Brifysgol, gan agoriad dwy uned ychwanegol gan wneud y cyfanswm yn 18. Cefnogwyd y datblygiad hwn yn ariannol gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru a Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Bu hon yn flwyddyn arbennig o lwyddiannus o safbwynt codi arian gyda chyfanswm y gronfa allanol yn codi o £790,000 yn 2009-10 i £1 miliwn yn 2010-11, yn deillio o amrywiaeth helaeth o ffynonellau gan gynnwys cyfraniadau sylweddol oddi wrth Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, cronfa Axis Ewropeaidd 3, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, Sefydliad Esme Fairbairn ac Asiantaeth Ffilm Cymru. Yn ystod 2010-11 cafwyd adnewyddiad sylweddol o’r prif gynteddau gyda lloriau, dodrefn a goleuadau newydd a nenfwd dramatig hyfryd sy’n newid lliw yn gyson. Bwriad y prosiect hwn oedd i ychwanegu at brofiad y cwsmer ac i ddatblygu ymhellach yr incwm a godir yn ein caffis a barrau sy’n elfen hanfodol bwysig o safbwynt cynaladwyedd tymor hir y Ganolfan. Mae’r Ganolfan yn parhau i ddatblygu trwy ei rhaglenni artistig a masnachol ac allan o gyfanswm y trosiad ar gyfer 2010-11 o £4.4 miliwn, ‘roedd cyfanswm yr incwm a enillwyd bron yn 80%. Gosodir hyn yn erbyn arolwg diweddar gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr a ddangosodd gyfartaledd yr incwm a enillwyd gan fudiadau celf fel 45%. Hoffwn fantesio ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu tuag at lwyddiant y Ganolfan, i staff a gwirfoddolwyr y Ganolfan am eu hymrwymiad a’u gweledigaeth, i’r artistiaid, perfformwyr a chwmniau sydd wrth wraidd ein gwaith, i’r Brifysgol am ei chefnogaeth gyson werthfawr, i Gyngor Celfyddycau Cymru am ei ffydd yn ein lle allweddol yn y celfyddydau yng Nghymru, i Gyngor Sir Ceredigion ac i’r holl ymddiriedolaethau, sefydliadau a noddwyr. Mae eu cefnogaeth nhw yn sicrhau bod y celfyddydau yn rhan hanfodol o fywydau’r bobl a wasanaethir gan y Ganolfan.

Vice Chancellor's Foreword Rhagair yr Is-Ganghellor Aberystwyth University is pleased to present the 2010-11 Annual Report of the Aberystwyth Arts Centre.

Mae’n bleser gan Brifysgol Aberystwyth gyflwyno Adroddiad Blynyddol 2010-11 Canolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth.

Again, as you will see, it has been a busy and eventful year. The Arts Centre remains an essential feature of the University’s cultural engagement with the town of Aberystwyth, the mid-Wales region, Wales more broadly and, indeed, internationally. It contributes to Aberystwyth’s excellent student experience, and we will continue to enhance its role as a great learning environment and a popular and transformative community resource. The University acknowledges the tough financial environment in which all arts venues now operate, and recognizes the need to continue a successful and attractive arts programme within a sustainable financial framework. Among the key developments to note this year was the decision to establish a broadly-based Advisory Board to assist the Arts Centre in its future planning. The University welcomes this means of further strengthening the Arts Centre’s relationship with its key stakeholders, including Arts Council Wales, local authorities, civil society organisations and the broader arts community. We look forward to working with our many partners to establish the foundations of a strong and sustainable future for the Arts Centre and its activities.

Eto, fel y gwelwch, bu’n flwyddyn brysur a chyffrous. Mae Canolfan y Celfyddydau yn parhau i fod yn elfen hanfodol yng nghysylltiadau diwylliannol y Brifysgol gyda thref Aberystwyth, rhanbarth canolbarth Cymru, Cymru gyfan ac, yn wir, yn rhyngwladol. Mae’r Ganolfan yn cyfrannu at brofiad rhagorol myfyrwyr Aberystwyth, a byddwn yn parhau i hyrwyddo ei rôl fel amgylchedd dysgu gwych a chanolfan gymuned boblogaidd a thrawsffurfiol. Mae’r Brifysgol yn cydnabod bod canolfannau celf yn gorfod gweithredu o fewn amgylchedd cyllidol anodd ar hyn o bryd, ac yn cydnabod yr angen i barhau i ddarparu rhaglen gelf lwyddiannus a deniadol o fewn fframwaith cyllidol cynaliadwy. Ymysg y datblygiadau allweddol i nodi eleni oedd y penderfyniad i sefydlu Bwrdd Ymgynghorol eang ei sylfaen i gynorthwyo’r Ganolfan gyda’i chynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae’r Brifysgol yn croesawu’r modd hwn o gryfhau ymhellach perthynas y Ganolfan gyda’i phrif gefnogwyr, yn cynnwys Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, awdurdodau lleol, mudiadau cymdeithas sifil a’r gymuned gelf ehangach. Edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda’n partneriaid niferus er mwyn sefydlu sylfeini cryf a chynaliadwy i’r Ganolfan a’i gweithgareddau yn y dyfodol.

Our next Annual Report will draw on the valuable input of our highly experienced Advisory Panel, and will be closely aligned to the University’s new Strategic Plan 2012-2017, which may be consulted at -

Bydd ein Hadroddiad Blynyddol nesaf yn tynnu ar gyfraniad gwerthfawr ein Panel Ymgynhorol hynod brofiadol, a bydd yn unol â Chynllun Strategol newydd y Brifysgol 2012-2017, y gellir ymweld ag ef ar -

Professor April McMahon Vice- Chancellor, Aberystwyth University

Yr Athro April McMahon Is-Ganghellor, Prifysgol Aberystwyth


Summary of key facts Programme Live performances 94,619 attendances 331 events Touring & In-house Professional Productions 3 productions 61 performances 13,430 attendances Film 41,501 attendances 1,185 screenings Exhibitions 209,423 attendances Gallery 1 & 2 26 exhibitions Community Arts 83,621 attendances 5,945 sessions Total attendances 442,594 artistic programme 700,000 total visitors Finance: Arts Programme £1.66m Trading Programme £1.78m % of turnover 77% Total Turnover £4.6m

Wuthering Heights

People: Full time staff 42 Part time staff 119 Volunteer team 50

Chess The Musical

Bolshoi Ballet

Cherry Orchard

Performing Arts Theatre Live Links NT Live (National Theatre, London) A Disappearing Number Phedre Hamlet King Lear Fela! Frankenstein The Cherry Orchard New York's Roundabout Theatre Company The Importance of Being Ernest Aberystwyth Arts Centre Chess The Musical Aberystwyth Arts Centre The Cherry Orchard Aberystwyth Arts Centre Wuthering Heights (plus on tour) Actors of Dionysus - Lysistrata Analogue Theatre - Beachy Head Augusto Corrieri Quartet #1 / Musical Pieces Bold Productions - Pinter Bold Productions - Leonardo’s Last Summer / Noonday Demons Bridget Keehan - The Pillowman Charles Ross - One Man Lord of the Rings Clwyd Theatr Cymru - A Child’s Christmas in Wales Cupola Bobber - Way Out West the Sea Whispered to Me Green Shoot Productions Chronicles of Long Kesh Heritage Arts - Watch Me Fall Honeysuckle Direction The Tide Tables Imitating the Dog - Hotel Methusulah Laura Mugridge - Running on Air Leftfield Productions The Lady in the Van Ligna - The New Man Magical Lanternarium - The Selkie & The Mermaid, Cornucopia Miracle Theatre - The Death of Sherlock Holmes Northern Broadsides - Hamlet Nunkie Theatre - A Warning to the Curious Pilot Theatre - Romeo and Juliet Propeller - Pocket Dream Rimini Protokoll/NTW - Outdoors Sarah Hopfinger/Becki Gerrard Small is Beautiful /Lip Service Sera Moore Williams - Actoresau yn…. Sherman Cymru - Desire Lines Sherman Cymru - Gadael yr Ugeinfed Ganrif Teifi Emerald - Dance Beast, Voice Monster

Theatre Adinfinitum - The Big Smoke Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru Gwlad Yr Addewid Theatr Bara Caws - 100 Waking Exploits - Serious Money WWT Productions - Table Manners Vanishing Point - Interiors 3D Theatre Company - Richard Parker


Amateur & Community Theatre

Arts Centre Dance School – The Bluebird Ballet Cymru – Beauty and the Beast Ballet Ireland – Romeo and Juliet BJM Danse (Canada) – Les Chambres de Jaques & Jack in a Box Ffin Dance - Ffin 2 Ffin Dance – Secrets and Syncopations Jasmin Vardimon Company - 7734 National Dance Company Wales Ockham’s Razor – The Mill Protein Dance - LOL

Arts Centre Community Theatre The Wizard of Oz Arts Centre Stage School We’ll Meet Again Arts Centre Youth Theatre Doctor Faustus Arts Centre Youth Theatre Dream On Arts Centre Youth Theatre Headstrong Arts Centre Youth Theatre The Exam Arts Centre Youth Theatre The Railway Children Arts Centre Youth & Community Theatre - Oh What a Lovely War Arts Centre Youth Theatre Confusions Castaway Community Theatre Mapping the Soul Castaway Community Theatre Masquerade Castaway Community Theatre The Shakespeare Show National Youth Theatre Wales Diwrnod Heb Ei Debyg / No Other Day Like Today Showtime Singers - Guys and Dolls Wardens Dramatic Society - Cinderella

Family Shows Big Wooden Horse Theatre The Way Back Home Birmingham Rep/UK Arts International - The Little Red Hen Cwmni Mega - Myrddin Cwmni Arad Goch - Penbobi Hapus Folded Feather - Room in the Sky Pontypandy Rocks - Fireman Sam Lyngo Theatre - Tell it to the Trees Martyn Geraint - Martyn Geraint A’r Lamp Hudol Milly Jackdaw - Looking for Yoghurt Mimika Theatre - Small Worlds People’s Theatre Company How the Koala Learnt to Hug Peter Stevenson - Fox Tails Shona Reppe Puppets - Cinderella Stuff and Nonsense - Lost and Found Theatre Hullabaloo - The Night Pirates Travelling Light - Suitcase Circus

Live Links Bolshoi Ballet Live Coppelia Don Quixote Giselle Nutcracker Swan Lake

Literature Arc Publications - Six Slovakian Poets An Evening with Gervaise Phinn Chris Smith - UK to Beijing by Bicycle CrickCrack Club - Fairytales for Grownups Gerard Logan - The Rape of Lucrece Jez Danks - Dai Verse Jez Danks - D I Wye Magnetic Matthew Francis & Pavane - Mandeville Milly Jackdaw - Run Jack Run North Theatre - Walden Polarbear - Return Planet Poetika Rachel Rose Reid - I’m Hans Christian Anderson Rhodri Miles - Burton Steve Gladwin - The Song of Taliesin University School of Lifelong Learning - An evening of Poetry and Music Word Distillery - Out of Our Heads Wordplay Yarn Storytellers

Music Live Link Jamie Cullum Live: Solo Albert Lee and Hogan’s Heroes All Strings Attached (Live Music Now) Anxo Lorenzo Band Band Slam Blackheart Blu Byrd Buddy Holly and the Cricketers Creole Choir of Cuba Emily Smith Funeral for a Friend Geno Washington Continued next page


Wuthering Heights

International Ceramics Frestival

Performing Arts Music continued Gwilym Simcock Trio Iain Ballamy and The Huw Warren Trio Jake and Elwood Jazz Connection – A Tribute to Louis Prima John Renbourn and Robin Williamson Juan Martin Flamenco Ensemble Kathryn Tickell BandLady Sings the Blues Ladysmith Black Mambazo Liane Carroll Magic of the Beatles Only Men Aloud Resonators Richard Taylor Special Concert with Bryn Terfel, Gwawr Edwards, Cor Gore Glas & Cor Aelwyd Bro Ddyfi Stan Tracy Trio Tcha Limberger’s Kalotaszeg Trio Thank You For the Music The Blues Band The Damned The Infinite Cherries & AC-BC The Pink Floyd Show The Rare One Club Night The Ryan Rabey Band Ultimate Eagles Wilko Johnson Y Glerorfa

Opera and Classical Live Links New York Met Das Rheingold Boris Godunov Don Pasquale Don Carlo La Fanciulla del West Nixon in China Iphigenie en Tauride Lucia di Lammermoor Le Comte Ory Capriccio Il Trovatore Die Walkure Glyndebourne Festival: Die Meistersinger Billy Budd Opera de Paris Caligula Children of Paradise The Lady of the Camellias Aberystwyth Choral Society Aberystwyth Music Club Recital Series



BBC National Orchestra of Wales Ceredigion Schools Ensembles Cor Cymru 2011 Mid Wales Opera - Falstaff Musicfest International Music Festival Music Theatre Wales – In The Penal Colony Philomusica of Aberystwyth Three Counties Wind Band

Comedy Jethro Julian Clary Mark Watson Milton Jones Rich Hall Russell Kane Sarah Millican Stewart Francis Steve Williams The Laughing Gnome Comedy Club

Special Events British Heart Foundation Concert David ‘Bumble’ Lloyd Science Café Colourscape Friends of Musicfest Strawberry Fair

Wuthering Heights

Festivals MidMad music festival Musicfest International Music Festival and Summer School International Ceramics Festival Digital Storytelling Festival Abertoir, Wales Horror Festival WOW Wales One World Film Festival Aberystwyth Food Fair

Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Visual Arts Gallery 1 The Dartboard for Witches Contemporary textiles, Aberystwyth Arts Centre Miranda Whall: Is It OK - Aberystwyth Arts Centre At the Edge: British Art 1950- 2000 Oldham Gallery, Harris Musuem & Art Gallery, Bolton Museum, Touchstones Rochdale BP Portrait Award 2010 National Portrait Gallery 3: Vicki Kerr, Heather Phillipson, Michelle Sank - Aberystwyth Arts Centre Material Matters: Clare Thornton Aberystwyth Arts Centre Wild Thing - Aberystwyth Arts Centre

Gallery 2 Bitten & Pressed - contemporary artists prints, Aberystwyth Arts Centre International Print Exhibition The Royal Photographic Society Wildlife Photographer of the Year - Natural History Museum, BBC Wildlife Magazine Jane Bown: Exposures - Guardian and Observer & Northumbria University Michel Huneault: Histoires Normales Aberystwyth Arts Centre Prints on A4 - Aberystwyth Printmakers Chris Steele Perkins: England My England - Northumbria University

Artists in Residence Priya Chohan (UK) Annabelle Shelton (UK) Soozy Roberts (UK) Heather Phillipson (UK) Riikka Makikoskela (Finland) Hannah Downing (UK) Kate Street (UK) Haider Ali Jan (India) Sai Hua Kuan (UK/Singapore) David Kushway (UK) Clare Thornton Claudia Borgna Zoe Childerely

BP National Portrait Award

The Box: Artists Films Programme Amanda Boyle Cao Megqin Catrin Davies & Lewis Wright Ciro Altabas Charlie Tweed Christopher Webster van Tonder Dave Ball DepicT! Elen Bonner Gwenhyver Davies Harry Meadows James Johnson Perkins Jordan Wood Laure Prouvost Louis Paxton Mandy Pritchard Robert Lloyd Parry Rowan O’Neill Sabina Grasso Station House Opera Stuart Evans Tom Marshman Timo Suomi Yang Jian

Exhibitions on Tour A Landscape Of Wales – James Morris The Dartboard for Witches – textiles Bitten & Pressed - contemporary artists prints Histoires Normales: Photography by Michel Huneault

Contemporary Ceramics in theCraftshop Welsh Potters – permanent showcase of established and emerging makers including Daniel Allen, Mike Flynn, David Frith, Margaret Frith, Virginia Graham, Walter Keeler, Phil Rogers, Joanna Howells

Café Gallery Painting Experimentation Winter Print Show Reach the Heights Though a Photographer’s Eyes Seeking Wildlife: A Moment in Nature

Continued next page



King's Speech

WOW Wales One World Screenings Tulpan (PG) Departures (12A) The Search for Shangri-la (PG) + short Pomegranates & Myrrh (15) Machan (15) The Wind Journeys (15) The Cloud-Painting Machine (15) The Maid (PG) Treeless Mountain (PG) Tales from The Golden Age (12A) Youssou N'Dour: I Bring What I Love (PG) Ander (15) Louis-Michel (15) Still Walking (U)


Latino Film Fest

Opera de Paris Caligula Children of Paradise The Lady of the Camellias Jamie Cullum Live: Solo The Importance of Being Ernest - New York's Roundabout Theatre Company

Postales De Leningrado (Postcards from Leningrad) (12A) Por La Libre (Dust to Dust) (12A) El Juego De Arcibel (Arcibel’s game) (12A) Via Lactea (The Milky Way) (12A)

Lesbian & Gay Film Festival Films Boys on Film (18) Here Come the Girls (18)

Live Links

Abertoir Wales Horror Festival

New York Met

Countess Dracula + Talk We Are What We Are + Short Film: Intercambio Dream Home Mutant Girls Squad Dead Hooker in a Trunk + Short Film: The Familiar Iron Doors The Violent Kind + Short Film: Glow Siren + Q&A (World Premiere) Djinns (aka Stranded) + Q&A Mystery Grindhouse with Nicko and Joe’s Bad Film Club Fired (UK Premiere) Wake (UK Premiere) Amer + Giallo talk The House on Haunted Hill The Damned: Live in Concert Short Films Competition Screenwriting Masterclass with Nicholas David Lean Gavin Baddeley – A History of Vampire Hunting Vampires + Q&A A Warning to the Curious – Two Ghost Stories by M R James Exorcismus (UK Premiere) I Spit on your Grave The Silent House The Cat and the Canary (with live piano accompaniment) Robin Hardy – The Wicker Tree Preview Rare Exports

Das Rheingold Boris Godunov Don Pasquale Don Carlo La Fanciulla del West Nixon in China Iphigenie en Tauride Lucia di Lammermoor Le Comte Ory Capriccio Il Trovatore Die Walkure

NT Live (National Theatre, London) A Disappearing Number Phedre Hamlet King Lear Fela! Frankenstein The Cherry Orchard

Bolshoi Ballet Live Coppelia Don Quixote Giselle Nutcracker Swan Lake

Glyndebourne Festival Die Meistersinger Billy Budd


3D Films Carmen 3D Royal Opera House A Turtle's Tale: Sammy's Adventures 3D (U) Avatar Special Extended Edition 3D (12A) Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore 3D(U) Cave of Forgotten Dreams 3D (12A) + Q&A Chronicles of Narnia; Dawn Treader 3D (PG) Despicable Me 3D (U) Drive Angry 3D (18) Gnomeo and Juliet 3D (U) Gulliver's Travels 3D (PG) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2 3D (12A) Jackass 3D (18) Kung Fu Panda 2 3D (PG) Lord of the Dance in 3D Megamind 3D (PG) Pina 3D (U) Piranha 3D (18) Pirates of the Caribbean 3D (12A) Rio 3D (U) Saw 3D (18) Step Up 3D (12A) Street Dance 3D (PG) Tangled 3D (PG) The Hole 3D (12A) Thor 3D (12A) Toy Story 3 3D (U) Tron: Legacy 3D (PG) TT3D: Closer to the Edge (15)



Film Society Come and See (15) 42nd Street (U) Fellini's 8.5 (15) Caravaggio (18) The Tempest (15) Modern Times (U) Kes (PG) Dogtooth (18) Powaqqatsi (U) 42nd Street (U) Take My Eyes (15) M (PG) Fellini's 8.5 (15) The Bicycle Thieves (U) The Company of Wolves (18) Come and See (15) Twelve Monkeys (15) Nostalgia (15) The Boy Friend (U) Time of the Gypsies (15) The Dead (U)

General Screenings 127 Hours (15) 13 Assassins (15) A Boy Called Dad (15) Aftershock (15) Another Year (12A) Attack the Block (15) Baaria (15) Battle of Britain (PG) Big Font, Large Spacing (12A) Biutiful (15) Black Death (15) Black Swan (15) Blue Valentine (15) Bodyguards and Assassins (15) Brighton Rock (15) Burke and Hare (15) Certified Copy (12A) Chico and Rita (15) Coco and Igor Stravinsky (15) Confessions (15) Confucius (15) Countdown to Zero (PG) + Q&A Dancing Dreams (D) Desire (15) Drive Angry 3D (18) Eat Pray Love (PG) Enter The Void (18) Essential Killing (15) Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc Sec (12A) Gainsbourg (15)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (12A) Heartbreaker (15) Howl (15) Inception (12A) Inside Job (12A) IP Man (15) It Happened One Night (U) Jackboots on Whitehall (12A) Julia's Eyes (15) Killing Bono (15) Laputa: Castle in the Sky (PG) Larry Crowne (12A) Little White Lies (15) London River (12A) Machete (18) Made in Dagenham (15) Mamma Mia! (PG) Marmaduke (U) Meek's Cutoff (PG) Metropolis (PG) Milk of Sorrow (12A) Miral (15) Monsters (12A) Morning Glory (PG) Mother's Day (18) Mr Nice (18) My Afternoons with Margueritte (15) NEDS (18) Never Let Me Go (12A) No Impact Man (15) Norwegian Wood (15) Notes from the Edge of the East (12A) Of Gods and Men (15) Ondine (12A) Oranges and Sunshine (15) Patagonia (15) Paul (15) Potiche (15) Prince of Persia (12A) Rango (PG) Rare Exports (15) Restrepo (15) Robinson in Ruins (U) + Q&A Scarface (18) Scott Pilgrim vs The World (12A) Secrets in their Eyes (18) Senna (12A) Seperado (12) Skeletons (15) Son of Babylon (12A) Source Code (12A) Splice (15) Street Dance 3D (PG) Submarine (15)

Tamara Drewe (15) The African Queen (PG) The Concert (15) The Expendables (15) The Fighter (15) The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (15) The Girl Who Played with Fire (15) The Great Dictator (U) The Horse Boy (12) The Illusionist (PG) The Importance of Being Ernest The Kids Are All Right (15) The Killer Inside Me (18) The King's Speech (12A) The Last Man on Earth: Live Soundtrack Performance The Lodger The Runaways (15) The Social Network (12A) The Sorceror's Apprentice (PG) The Tourist (12A) The Way (12A) The Way Back (12A) Third Star (15) Trouble in Store (U) True Grit (15) Twilight Triple Bill - Eclipse (12A) Two in the Wave (12A) Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (12A) Vincere (15) Whatever Works (12A) When You're Strange (15) Wild Target (12A) You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (12A)


Community Arts & Education Weekly Courses

Short Courses

Arts Centre Dance School Ballet, modern and tap classes for 600 pupils

Chris Steele Perkins ‘Intimate Portraits’ Easter Borth Course Experiments with Collage with Mary Lloyd Jones February Weekend Theatre Workshop Honno Writing Workshops LAMDA Examinations Making Small Sculptures from Re-cycled Tin October Weekend Theatre Workshop One Day Painting Course with Mary Lloyd Jones Painting workshop with Mary Lloyd Jones Playback Theatre with Young People Response to the River – Developing Compositions based on natural forms Sculpting in Wax for Casting into Bronze Tell it to the Trees – Story Workshop for Children Throwing on the Potter’s Wheel Weekend Songwriting Course

Youth Theatre & Stage School Drama classes for ages 5 – 21 for 180 pupils Drama Adult Actor Training Castaway Community Theatre Contact improvisation Dance Adult Tap Classes Belly Dance Chinese Dance Clwb 1-2-3 Contemporary Dance Dance till you drop Fit and Funky PIP Experimental Group Salsa Scottish Dance Tango Yoga for Dancers Music Acoustic Guitar Composing and sequencing on Cubase Electric Guitar Heartsong Community Choir Music Theatre and Aural Training Practical Music Theory and Music Techniques for Adults Samba Drumming Violin & Viola Classes Visual Arts & Crafts Black & White Photography (intermediate) Black & White Photography (beginners) Children’s Clay modelling Clwb Celf Cymraeg Clwb Haul Digital Editing of Photographs Experimentation in Painting and Drawing Life Drawing Pottery Portraits and Figures Screen Printing New Media Animation Young People’s Film Academy Literature Poetry Experience Reading Group The Word Distillery Yarn Storytelling Group


Gallery Events and Talks Artists in Residence Talks – Soozy Roberts, Heather Phillipson, Hannah Downing, Kate Street, David Creative Family Fun Cushway, Sai Huan Kuan, Clare Thornton, Claudia Borgna, Zoe Childerely Doodling and Drawing: A Handbuilding Course with Sandy Brown Exhibition linked talks – Miranda Whall Live Guides in the Gallery Open Drop in Sessions with Material Matters Saturday Art Club Throwing with Phil Rogers

Work with Schools & the Community Acting Workshops for schools Arts for All sessions Art Days for Schools Backstage Tours Ceramic Sessions Ceredigion Activity Project Drama Group Ceredigion Young Writers Squad Creative Writing (Primary) Downloadable Resources for Teachers and Students linked to performances

Film Literacy Skills for Teachers Food Fair Project – food waste and photography Gallery Education Worskhops with GCSE & A Level Set Text school sessions Musical Theatre (Primary) National Schools Film Week (Primary and Secondary) Outreach workshops – samba, dance, DJ Post Show Discussions Professional Development Project for Actors Reach the Heights – the Ceredigion Project, Training for Artists, Visual Roots Cymru Set Text Shakespeare school sessions Tate Movie Project Teachers Evenings Teachers Notes for exhibitions Young Critical Writers Scheme

Professional Development Artists Open Sessions with National Dance Company Wales Canu’r Llanw Open Platform Scheme Post Show Discussions Programme linked workshops with Okham’s Razor, Jasmin Vardimon, National Dance Company Relationship and Participation: Approaches to performance Symposium Resident Performance Companies Programme Selling your Work: International Showcasing Singing the Tides Workshop Training Day for Volunteers working in Arts and Health Wales, Protein Dance, Northern Broadsides

Schools Ysgol Penglais Ysgol Penweddig Ysgol Gyfun Aberaeron Ysgol Dyffryn Taf Greenhill School Ysgol Rhydypennau Ysgol Plascrug St Padarns RCP Ysgol Dyffryn Teifi Coleg Ceredigion Yr Ysgol Gymraeg Coleg Meirion Dwyfor Ysgol Mynach

Hires and conferences Ysgol Brithdir Ysgol Llwyngwril Ysgol Penllwyn Llandrindod H. S Ysgol Y Preseli Ysgol Llangeitho Ysgol Gynradd Aberaeron Ysgol Comins Coch Ysgol Talybont Ysgol Lledrod Ysgol Cwmpadarn Ceredigion Home Education Group Ysgol Llanafan Penglais Learning Support Centre Ysgol Llwyn yr Eos

Groups Ceredigion County Council Youth Offending Team The Probation Service Age Concern/The Gwanwyn festival Hafan y Waun Bodlondeb Aberystwyth Daycentre Lifelong Learning Centre (Dept?), Aberystwyth University Ceredigion Youth Clubs Canolfan Padarn PLas Gwyn Day Centre PLas lluest Day Centre Gorwelion Day Centre Ceredigion Young Carers Ceredigion Training

Collaborations Cineteatro da Torres Vedras – Portugal Le Quartz – France La Fundicion - Spain Brtitish Council Wales Arts International Creu Cymru Honno Women’s Press National Theatre Wales National Youth Theatre of Wales National Dance Company Wales Aberystwyth Storytelling Festival Sean Tuan John Department of Theatre Film and TV, Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth Business Club Ceredigion Archive Ceredigion Museum Education Department, Ceredigion County Council Ockham’s Razor Crick Crack Club Protein Dance

Cardboard Citizens Communities First Engage Cymru National Schools Film Week Film Education Film Agency of Wales Chapter Arts Centre Haul – Arts in Health Ceredigion The School of Art / University Ceramics Collection The Department of Education and Lifelong Learning Engage Tate Gallery WOW Aberystwyth Printmakers

Associate Artists and Companies Bold Productions Magic Lanternarium Eddie Ladd Sean Tuan John Anthony Williams Mark Babych Joao Garcia Miguel Cloth Of Gold Mary Lloyd Jones Clare Thornton Chris Steele Perkins Roger Guy-Young Amy Sterly James Morris Catrin Webster Sandy Brown Miranda Whall Soozy Roberts Heather Phillipson David Cushway Sai Huan Kuan Zoe Childerley Claudia Borgna Vicky Kerr Michelle Hunialt Hannah Downing Kate Street

WJEC: National Youth Orchestra of Wales concert WJEC: National Youth Theatre of Wales auditions, summer residency & performances EMW Conference Plaid Cymru Conference MENCAP Conference RSAW Meeting Bronglais Hospital Cardiac Conference St. Michaels Church Church Services Musicians Union Meeting British Heart Foundation Charity Concert YFC Wales Eisteddfod Welsh National Opera Auditions Media Education Wales Meeting Ysgol Gymraeg Christmas Concert Plas Crug School Christmas Concert Choral Society Christmas Concert WWAYC Demonstration Lecture Penglais School Certificates Evening Wales Audit Office Workshop Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig Eisteddfod Arts Council of Wales Public Meeting Ceredigion County Council Schools Music Service concerts Rondo Media Cor Cymru 2011 RCMD Auditions Urdd Gobaith Cymru Eisteddfod Environment Wales Meeting Cauldrons & Furnaces Meeting Welsh Assembly Conference BFFS Welsh Group Meeting BBC Antiques Roadshow Ysgol Gymraeg Concert Welsh Books Council Schools Quiz Wales Wild Land Foundation Wild Life Talk National Association of Teachers of English Conference Cam Wrth Gam Award Ceremony

Artist Support Sera Moore Williams Bridget Keehan Teifi Emerald The Infinite Cherries Heritage Arts Leftfield Productions Ryan Rabey Band Waking Exploits Showroom Collective


Creative Studios Residents Artists in Residence Studios (x 2) International Artists in Residence Year in a Unit Winner – Lisa Young (ceramics) Cleftec, music services Boomerang TV Company Pixel Foundry & Culture Colony Ltd – TV and video production Catalina Architecture Mary Lloyd Jones – artist Creu Cymru – National Development Agency for Theatres and Arts Centres in Wales Honno Welsh Women’s Publishers Becky Knight – textile artist Catrin Webster – artist Julian Ruddock - artist HAUL – Arts in Health

Aberystwyth Arts Centre Income & Expenditure Account Year Ending 31st July 2011 2010~11 £'000

2009~10 £'000

2008~09 £'000

Arts Programme




Trading Sales




641 247 68 1 16 24 55

641 246 67 0 16 23 100

634 241 68 4 18 21 100




2,295 1,519 711 109

1,823 1,549 698 154

1,791 1,436 654 153








Grants Arts Council of Wales Aberystwyth University Ceredigion County Council Aberystwyth Town Council Mid Wales Circuit Film Council Other Income

Expenditure Arts Programme Trading Administration, Services and Marketing Other Central Expenditure

Deficit /Surplus for the Year

Arts Programme 37% Trading Sales 40% Arts Council of Wales 14% Aberystwyth University 6% Ceredigion County Council 2% Film Council 1% Other Income 2%

Laura Ford Dartboard for Witches Exhibition

Canolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth Arts Centre T: 01970 622882 F: 01970 622883 Canolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth Arts Centre Prifysgol Aberystwyth Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth SY23 3DE

Design Stephen Paul Dale Design

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