Poetically Kissed

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To my creator and savior GOD. To the people that worked so hard at Create Space to make sure that I get my book published , thank you all for your time and dedication. To my readers who give me excellent feedback. I really appreciate all your time and support. To my mother who always encourages me to do my best. To my daughter who always believed in me no matter what anyone else thinks. To my husband who is always happy to see me happy, who told me don't ever give up on my dreams and whatever brings me happiness. To all of my close friends who always been great supporters of everything that I do in life. Special thanks to sister Jennifer, Tommy, Bethzaida, Sheldon, Lisa, Shameka, Tasha, and Eclayton for being a great friend and wonderful father to our child. To all of my friends that I met online such as Emmanuel, Rodney, Glenn, Michael, Katrina, Renda, Mitch, Tracy and Nika. Thank you all for all the love and support and I will forever be grateful.


First and always I will like to thank God, because with out him there is no me. Thank you to all the wonderful staff of Creative Space for giving me another chance of a life time and for the opportunity to be heard. Very special thanks to my readers, family and friends because of you I have become better as a writer. Thanks to all the bookstores that hold my books for others to enjoy, your support means so much to me. Much love to my mother and father who love me unconditionally and I will never forget your words of encouragement. I am specially grateful to my daughter whom always finds ways to helps me in every way that she can to be a better mom and friend and to my husband who loves me unconditionally and support me in everything that I do and never the less to my sister Jennifer, who encourages me to do my best, thank you for being my best friend. Fiordaliza Charles

THE ONE Only you can lift my spirit up Your words take me away How could I ever forsake you You dissolve my growing pains I search for you, every time that I awake I pray that we never grow apart Before I lay down to sleep each night I want to be where you are Seems like yesterday, we just met Today, I feel much more in love Everything about you makes my day Your kisses are sent from above My heart beats in harmony with yours Your arms are the road to my soul You smile lights up my world With you I want to grow old

SCHOOL OF LOVE School me but, don't fool me Let me know you are here to stay As we follow loves directions Fill our minds with affection Let me read you body language Lets turn over each others chapter Happiness is what we are after Never requires any subtraction Add me to your daily tasks Let me know you want me for ever Do me like some easy homework As our world comes together As we enter this school of love There is nothing left unlearned Love me more with your heart As we bow to never part

“SPRUNG� Is this real What I feel or is it my heart throbbing for you again because, of the sensual love we make Or could it be that I just need to be in a love race ? Maybe I found my black knight the one that saved me from this cruel world is this a dream or a ball of confusion tell me that this is not an illusion Or could this be the beginning to our future? I sense your eyes staring at me and I can't deny I feel the fire that lies with in my love have you ever thought of us like this do you sit back and reminisce Or could it be that I am sprung?

FOR YOUR LOVE I would walk heaven to earth I would move mountains for you Your everything that I desire With a bit more than I knew For you love I will surrender Everything I have to offer Never have to shed a tear Because, I know you wont disappear I would wait until eternity I would start my days over again Your love never makes me wonder how long I have to wait For your love I will pretend Everything is all right Never imagined that it was you Because, fantasies never come true

LOVE NEVER DIES I did not see you for a long time and I nearly lost my mind I was so happy inside that it made me want to cry Why did I let you leave My body was never at ease My love remembers you always and it knows that is your only I know how much I need you and I know you need me too Lets just put our issues aside because, true love never dies

DAYS OF LOVE Sunday: Each Sunday that I awake I thank God for your warm embrace Monday: The beginning of the week, may lay ahead but, with you nothing is impossible Tuesday: Is the middle of the week, everything about you makes me want to wake up again Wednesday: I plan to conquer the world and with you is so much greater Thursday: I can't wait to see you again each and every day Friday: Like a bird I chirping happily because, I know that you will be home soon Saturday: I can't even imagine my life with out you and I am so glad that I found you

WAITING There is no question or doubt In my mind that I have found Someone that is worth my while and will never mess around He treats me like a queen He gives me everything I need and he is always spending time Can't believe that he is all mines I been searching for a love but, he always been right here Since we were just barely teen's Waiting for me patiently Thank you for loving me...

SEARCHING FOR YOU I been looking everywhere And, I can't seem to find you Your eyes I can spot from miles because, they look like a child's Searching for you, like a warm hug and no one knows where you are Your can't be that hard to spot because, you shine like a star Looking many places high and low Where are you hiding my love I will keep looking for you again Until I find you my friend

TIME PASSES BY Sitting here reminiscing of all the things that I am missing I don't know what I miss most Your smell or your funny jokes I never thought I would survive A day with out being by your side This been the hardest thing I had to do because, I cant get over you Gosh, how time passes by This is harder than I thought You was the one that I loved and I wish that you was not gone I know you in heaven smiling down and telling me not to frown But, how can I do that now When you are no longer around

G-O-O-D-B-Y-E G- Go on and say I didn't try with you O- Over and over again I gave you my all O- Only to find out you did not loved me the same D- Doing what ever you wanted like you had no mate B- Before I blame myself for anything you think I did Y-You have to take the blame for everything you did too E- Eternity was all I wanted but, you just made me feel blue Good bye, no need to cry, I can tell that you are no longer mines Good bye, no need to be sad, you got what you gave right back Good bye, no need to suffer, you are now free to really wonder Good bye, no need to stay, you are now free to go away

HOW MUCH MORE I have stood by your side With every single good-bye Kept everything bottled inside To make sure you never cry When is is it over for good You keep coming back to me Then, I sit and reminisce And, we combine again like this How much more could I take If with my heart you just play I want to make it okay but, you going to want to stay


BECAUSE OF YOU I am ready for the world Even in the coldest winter snow I feel nothing but, your warmth I am immune from the cold Giving me a reason to live And, a reason to survive I am so happy inside Sometimes I just want to cry Cry, tears of joy Because, you are by my side No one could ever compare To the love that we share You complete me, yes you do I will tell the skies above That because of you I AM FINALLY IN LOVE

FRIEND The warmness of your touch Hugs that take the pain away Memories of you make me feel safe Like a sand castle built on a beach You are like a new diary I tell you more than all my secrets and you always have the answers Because, you know what I'm after Your are my best hidden treasure Your love I do not have to measure You accept me for who I am Because, you are my true friend

LOST How else can I express The way that I feel with you Your like a misty ray of sunshine And, all of my fantasies come true You satisfied me more each day And, I cant even imagine A life without you by my side Will just be really drastic Is fantastic to know you My body only needs your touch The one that reaches my soul And, that I love so much I would be lost with out you Your the guide to my heart Like a map into my world The man that I truly love

LONELY WITHOUT YOU Lonely is what I am When you are far away I can eat, I can't sleep My days feel unreal I wrote this poem to you To tell you how I feel Without You My life is incomplete Can you please Come back home Never let me go I need you Next to me because you are my all

EXPECTATIONS I know what I expect from you That's what I shall receive The patients and dedication That I need you to have with me I expect you to be nice I expect you to be my leaning shoulder I expect you to be by my side Specially when the nights are colder I expect that you be your self I expect you to be polite I expect you to make things right and love me with all your might

DID YOU KNOW I been in the same situation as you I been hurt a time or two and through it all I learned That love does not leave you blue Did you know, it was not you It was her that made you blue Now unhappy with herself because, of the cards she dealt Now she feels lost and confused and, she left your heart abused You was there no matter what Now she wish that she had you back I'm saying to give it up Leave all that negative aside You should be alright soon with the life that you once knew

HEAR ME I am not just writing I'm expressing what's in my heart I need you to come back around Some how I need you now I want you to understand I need you here, I need you always I haven't felt anything like this in years Can you please wipe away these tears I don't know if it is over I know that I need your arms The one that received me each day and gave me a reason to stay Hear me now, I pray you do Your all I need to make it through I am nothing with out you You made all my dreams come true

MIRROR, MIRROR I'm a reflection of you I am all you have I am all you need Tell me what do you see Mirror, Mirror I can see who I am I look into you each day Wishing I will never change Can you tell me what I am thinking Can you make it all come true Mirror, Mirror on the wall Everyday I look at you

KILLING ME SOFTLY I never thought this day will come The day that we would grow apart Why have I done so wrong That made you react this harsh All I wanted was your happiness To make all your dreams come true I was all in it for you Because, I knew you loved me too Now I haven't a clue On what it is that you do I thought I was your one and only But, now your killing me softly

LIKE A DIAMOND I could use a karat or two I want to sparkle like you Maybe a little less Because, is you that I want to impress I want to be bright and glossy So that people can notice me But, I want you to know I just want you to glow I want us to last forever like something in a museum of art Brighter than the sunny skies as you shine bright as a star Forever I plan to last Because, our love will never grow old You can always count on me Because, I am forever yours

FORGET Why can I erase The past that I had Why can I forget you After all you put me through How come I can't stop thinking I just sit here and reminisce Thinking of all we been through And, the memories of you What have you done to me I can't eat, I can't sleep How can I ever trust That you think about us I want to forget you From this day and move on but, I can not forget The first moment we met

PAINFUL GOODBYE I didn't get to say Goodbye It just hit me by surprise You were no longer my guy I did recognize the signs The fear that I had inside Losing you forever Now came to light My mind is now puzzled I never seen us crumble but, now all I can do is cry about this painful goodbye

JOY Joy is what I feel inside Joy is what I always wanted Joy is more happy days with you Joy is like a dream come true You are all I need You are all I ever wanted You are my air that I breathe You are my everything Tell me that you'll always stay Tell me that we will never part Tell me that I'm your lucky star Tell me that you will treasure my heart

GONE I don't feel the heat When we in the sheet Nothing in between Even when we kiss Your touch I no longer feel Your hands feel so cold My body is frozen Like an Ice-cream cone Tell me what went wrong We were once so strong Our love really meant something But, now is all gone

SOON I asked are you ready You said no, not yet I asked what do you want You said only my heart I asked do you want to be married You said we already there I asked what can I do You said just be mines and care I asked do you want children You said we already have one I asked am I your everything You said soon You will know this too

FOR YOUR LOVE For your love I would do anything I would give up my life Just to be your lawful wedded wife For your love I would try to fly a plane I would go to the end of space Just to keep a smile on your face For your love I would do what ever it takes I would give you a fresh start Just so you can hold my heart For your love I would do all the above I would give you all I have inside Just to keep you in my life

SAVE ME From the unknown My sadness taking over My days of doubt My tears from pouring out From all that I know My body temperature from being cold My heart from getting sold My love story from being untold From this cruel world of pain My problems driving me insane My bad memories coming back Please save my broken heart

F.O.R.E.V.E.R Forever and ever that's what you promised me On my ring finger I hold your ring that alone says I am your everything I want to be yours forever I never want to leave I need you to stay and give me what I miss Give me your heart right from the start You will always be my world and each other we will hold I want you to be my all

PICTURE Like silk sheets on a bed Like sweet candy yam You are part of whom I am you are the perfect man Is sunny everyday Like mountains on dew every waken moment I paint a picture of you Your everything wrap up in one My friend and my confidant I will never leave your side You are my valentine's

FORTUNATE I want you forever be mines everyday that I awake I Need you to fill my day Like orange juice on breakfast I am thankful to have you glad that I've got a chance and I will continue to be the woman that I am I feel at peace you are the only one I want to please in every way possible I have a reason to live Fortunate to have found you

HUGS So warm So gentle Did I forget to mention My body needs your attention Hugs are so nice Specially from you Just when I need it too I be so happy to be hugging you Like to feel your heart Beating next to mines You smiling at me and I'm warm inside

pride It won't let you rationalize It wont let you see the other side You'll think you always 100% right But, know that you wrong all along Pride does not care it only hurts the person who is trying to get through to you and wont Don't let it get in the way of a happy home it will destroy it like a hurricane with names that are unknown

PUPPIES The are so precious soft like a babies butt one look at them will have you stuck I want to keep them all they are all so cute like a soft cotton ball you will want one too Puppies are cuddly Soft like a dove I want them all Why must they grow

MOTHER The one who knows me best Never leaves my side Whether I'm wrong or right One of a kind and she is all mines A true friend and confidant I can tell all my secrets to Because, she will never tell a soul Your house is my only home I can't find the words That describe how I feel about you I am so glad your my mother and wouldn't trade you for no other

DESTINY It was written in the sky You are meant to be mines You was never in disguise I knew that it was you from the start The one sent from above Describe to me in my dreams I knew that you would be mines From the moment you arrived You eyes touched my soul You warmed me all over inside I can't see me being with out you It is you my destiny and I am so glad I found You

THANK YOU Thank you For loving me completely For not playing with my mind For giving me all of you For taking your precious time For waiting on me patiently For seeing I was special For making sure I was loved For these things I am grateful For standing by me no matter what For showing the world that I'm yours For making me feel secure For giving me so much more Thank You From the bottom of my heart To yours I will forever treasure You in every measure

WILL YOU MARRY ME? I am not asking for everything you own I only want you I want to be your Sun Moon and Earth Can we make the day come soon I want to hold you forever give you all that you will need whether is taking all from me I just want you to be happy can I be all you deserve make you feel like your the one everyday you feel like as if you won There is no mistaken I want to be yours and feel complete will you marry me ?

GOOD-LUCK CHARM Every time that I am with you I feel like a winner Nothing seems impossible I can do it all You make me feel like the first time every time we are together I want to know more of you and give you all my love You are my good luck charm I knew that from the start you are more than I acquired and whom I only desire

MAKE ME SAY IT Your name That you are the one That you are my everything That I am completely yours That I cant be with out you That I'll keep wanting more That you are the man That you make me whole That my body needs you to keep it always warm That I love you and we will forever be

LIE AFTER LIES You told me you loved me where did it all go? you talk to me crazy and expect us to grow You said I'm emotional what way should I be when I want is you here with me Lie after Lies You make me feel blue I told my heart to not rush but, I can't let go of you

YOUR PRESENCE I can still feel your warmth as you laid on our bed on those cold nights I cant deny I miss you with all my might There is nothing different the days are still days but, is missing your smile in every way I feel so distance in every day Nothing I can do to bring you back home your at a place of the unknown but, I still feel your presence in all I know

MY SWEET VALENTINE'S You gave me all that I ever wanted and more than I needed The flowers the candy the jewelry that's all dandy I never imagined no one so sweet my days never bittersweet I want this forever you are my everything My sweet valentine's of all days I give you my soul to have them with you I will conquer all

NEW LOVE I fell so hard right from the start you are my all and all I want I want to keep this love forever there has always been what I wanted These are some of the reason why this New Love started

I'M DONE You hurt me for the last time I wont be back again I'm done with loving you been patient for too long you wouldn't of known because, all you are is about you how can you be so untrue tell me you love me and then you do what you do I'm done there is no more us there is no more love I am done

A DREAM I felt your touch How can this not be reality is it inside me what I feel or was it real I seen your face I touched your lips how can this be your not here with me Is there anything I missed I felt your warmth as we kissed and you held me tight next to your hips I guess I was wrong it was all a dream that you were here right with me

MY LIFE I encounter many obstacles never the ones I could not solve could not help to fall in love he was my all I made it through the rain never imagined the lost I couldn't of known You was the one I needed by my side The best time of my life was when you were there now I don't know why your not here but, I need you in my life

AT LAST I am complete I have what I always wanted My days no longer cold my life going on track I wont ever go back this is where my love is at At last The love I waited for is near my eyes wont ever cry tears because he wont disappear he will always be right here Can we make it last forever because we deserve better I hope that you will stay because, for you I prayed

ROOM OF DISAPPOINTMENT Surrounded by these four walls. I think about what we been through What you've say to me are signs and clues That the love we shared is really through Admit it, we been fell out of the love wagon We really don’t act the same we act more like two lovers going in different lanes Must be someone else, tell me her name, I can feel it, our love is no longer your enjoyment as I sit in this room of disappointments but, you insist our love has just begun and that we cannot be undone I need you to see what we are a thing of the past and that I am officially over what we had

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