TPL vol.1

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The Poetic Lounge Volume One


Compiled By: Fiordaliza Charles Charron Monaye

Acknowledgments We would like to thank God for instilling in us the gift of writing, which we utilize in the hopes of touching the lives of others. When one pens a mixture of words, emotions and life experiences, the resulting masterpiece serves to motivate, cultivate and encourage those who seek deliverance, love, or solace. Author Charron Monaye and I have met some truly amazing poets, who we have come to admire, and we wanted to provide to them an open platform to share their beautiful poetry with the world. As a result, The Poetic Lounge was born. This publication offers great poetry, written by twenty talented poets from varied walks of life. It is our sincere hope that this volume will leave each reader smiling, crying, laughing, seeking greatness, but ultimately...craving more.

The Poetic Lounge Volume 1- May 2011

Dedications Antinea Carpenter Charron Monaye Darcova Triplett Darwin Greaves Fiordaliza Charles Gloria Lathen Kayundra Simpson Kevin Moutry L. C. Arrington Larry Ballou Lena Sledge Loretta Young Natowitz Miriam L. Jacobs Patricia “China� Jones Rakaylveia Rush Ramona Jones Rico Revels Sharon L Smith Susan E. Henry Tasha White This book is dedicated to all of the contributing authors and our readers because without you there would be no book.

Thank you

Contents 1 Introduction ANTINEA CARPENTER I’ve come too far to go back now Praise In love with his gifts Dear Little Black Girl My Black is beautiful CHARRON MONAYE Last Night The Other Way Crossing The Way The Conversation The Divorce DARCOVA TRIPLETT Bye Minding My Business Solutions Natural High I Am Loved DARWIN GREAVES At Your Request A Personal Note False Moon FIORDALIZA CHARLES Answer Me That Love is Love True Heart Leave This Way Are You Feeling Lonely GLORIA LATHEN

Contents 2 Under God's Construction You're Circle An Influential Woman Are You Fancy No Matter What K. SIMPSON Your A woman I Can't Stand a Disrespectful Child New Lady About Me Sunshine KEVIN MOUTRY “POETIC SOUL” Can I? Love's Sanctuary W.O.W (with out words) Going Through My Fight L.C. ARRINGTON Anti- Poetry Hypocrisy Potential 700 Messages What Ever Happened To Romance LARRY BALLOU Relentless Not Right Now Change A Little Girl I Know Hey Mommy

Contents 3 LENA SLEDGE Body Language Count It All Joy I Want To Be Pretty Sinners Have Soul Too LORETTA Y. NATOWITZ My Gift Some Days If I Was Gone Tomorrow In The Eyes Of A Child Loved Ones Lost MIRIAM L. JACOBS Purple Wings Love Me Stuck On You I Am A Diva Aura PATRICIA “CHINA” JONES Talking to a shadow She’s Something Like a $$$$$ Star A Gangsters Tears Original One Don’t Wanna Be Your Friend RICO REVELS On This Day Forbidden Pleasure Graffiti Continuum of Love

Contents 4 The Making of A Man RAKAYLVEIA “RAKI” RUSH High School Years My Next Step Choices I Made A Decision Good Friends RAMONA JONES What Could Of Been Music Of The Season Uncertainty Un-Expectation The Pain Is Ever Present SHARON L. SMITH My Mother's Name Is Beauty Haiku's Fish Out Of Water (For Haiti) Dearest Love I Got Me SUSAN E. HENRY Psychotic Break Maple Trees Remind Me Into The Rain Enchanted Cathartic TASHA WHITE Broken Promises Why Life Note To The Reader

Introduction The T.P.L Project" was an idea that CEO Fiordaliza Charles and Author Charron Monaye came up with when they noticed so many talented poets/writers networking that may have never been published. This concept gave them the platform needed to help showcase as many poets and writers worldwide. "We are very fortunate to have come across so many talented and truly amazing poets and writers. We will like to thank all that contributed in the making of this project and to build a book of everlasting memories�


Antinea Carpenter is poetess who has been writing poetry since the age of 13. She is now 36 and the mother of 7 beautiful children. She is married to a talented minister of music who is also her best friend. She lives in North Carolina, where she was born and raised. She published her first poetry book entitled “My Spoken Passion” in 2008. Writing is her passion and she hopes to one day publish more poetry books and novels. “My Spoken Passion” is available at Barnes & Noble and Publish America. My Spoken Passion & Divine Divas of Inspiration. E-mail:

I’VE COME TOO FAR TO GO BACK NOW I think I was given another chance at life, because, see, I was headed down the wrong path at 1 time, but I know God has bought me from a mighty long way..... I have a light in me that I want to shine, another life in me that I must live, one where my heart is always full of joy and happiness and my desires are met. I got smiles I haven't even began to use, stored up inside of me and I've come too far to go back now, too far to be easily discouraged, too far to let anyone steal my joy ever again! I've come this far by faith and with my faith,

I plan to soar higher and higher each day....

Shine on bright light, shine on!!!!! I've come too far...

PRAISE All praise goes to one of God's most beautiful creations......the Black man! I praise my brotha’s for their determination, their skills and the beauty of their skin. I give you props for your struggle and your strengths. I love the uniqueness of your style, the swagger in your walk and the compassion in your heart..... ooooooh! how I love the way you are. how you love, protect and stand by what you love, I love the way you love your mother, your children and handle your business I love you for your failures as well as your accomplishments. I give praise to one of God's most beautiful creations......the Black man oh how I love thee

IN LOVE WITH HIS GIFTS When he opens his mouth I hear the voice of an angel, singing lullabies to my soul. Nothing worries me anymore once he opens his mouth and runs his beautiful fingers across those ivory keys, he puts me in a musical trance and touches me deep with his gifts from God. Sang that song daddy, play them keys! Sing what God has put into your heart so that you can touch the hearts of others...

He sings the sweetest melodic melodies that keep me falling deeper in love with him.

DEAR LITTLE BLACK GIRL Dear little Black girl, I want you to know something, I want you to know that little black girl, you rock something fierce. You are beautiful from head to toe, inside and out. You are radiant and regal and that is because you came from a long list of strong beautiful black women, from your mothers, to your grandmothers, to your aunties and on. I want you to know you are something special and never forget that, a gift from God in all your glory, you are unique to me, a captivating beauty to my eyes. You can be anything your heart desires, there is no dream too big or no accomplishment you can't achieve, because you are built to succeed, from the sweat and blood of the many strong black women before you, always know, your black is beautiful, because God made you that way and baby girl he don't make any mistakes, and always, always know, little black girl....YOU ROCK!!!!!

MY BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL My Black is beautiful from head to toe with everything in between. From my permed, natural or dyed hair, to my pedicured feet & painted toe nails, My Black is simply beautiful..... My Black is beautiful because I come from a long line of historical beauties, Queens & Kings, inspirational men & women, inspiring teachers, inventors & preachers, writers & poets, & the list goes on and on and on.... My Black is beautiful because I can embrace who I am & always love me some me & my pride for my heritage makes my true inner beauty shine out for the world to see...I'm Black & I am Proud!!!

My Black is naturally beautiful because..... God made me this way!


Songwriter/ Poet/ Author Charron Monaye was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. After performing her award-winning poem, “Alone”, on the UNCF Telethon at the age of 13, her mother knew poetry and writing was her gift to share. After receiving her BA Degree from West Chester University and her Paralegal Degree from Washington Learning Institute, Charron decided to revisit her talents and started writing for the Philadelphia Association of Paralegal Quarterly Magazine. In 2009, she entered the music word and made her mark as becoming known as the “Soulful Songwriter”, placing her poetic lyrics on songs recorded by Veronica Hayes (912 James Street Production), Summer Fitch from L & S, and ML the Truth (100 Drums Production, LLC). In 2010, she penned her 1st book of poetry entitled “My Side of the Story” Tackling topics that include love, relationships, tragedy and triumphs makes this book of poetry unique and inspirational.

Her life and poetry has also been highlighted in books: “Tears of Fire”, “Best of the Best 1995”, “I Am Royalty. Vol 2” and “A Poetically Spoken Anthology”. Also, on the CD “The Truth” released by ML the Truth. She is a mother of two sons, (Christopher and Craig), a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. & Order of Eastern Star (PHA), ~ PA Email:

LAST NIGHT Last night I cried my last tear I dreamt my last dream I throw away all the memories Everything which connected me to you is gone There is nothing left so your power can’t be reproduced I won’t tolerate the disrespect You can’t make me bow down to your orders There is no way I can conform to your demands When you have no clue or idea, what it really means to be my man I deserve better I will not settle for anything less You can say what you want You can scream and yell all you please But today was your last opportunity to say anything else to me I have nothing else to give Won’t be wasting any more of my time You don’t appreciate me, never have I can’t give you what you don’t want So the buck stops now, I’m done with you Out of my life is what you are about to you Last night I erased my thought and memories that I carried Just for you

THE OTHER WAY What doesn’t kill you? Will make you stronger Is what some folks say But what happens when I Lose all consciousness My memories escape me The faults I have embraced won’t move out my way Will I continue to make the same mistakes? Will life lessons preserve it to reveal the reality in the necessary heartbreaks? Every hurt is required for pain Just like every pain is necessary for the sun to shine When I think of the time I lost my way I only have myself to blame The lessons were not learned and reality was not shown I was too immature too see everything I really need Was right in front of me I was running to places that wasn’t meant for me So I created all this unnecessary misery And even though I am a better person Because of the extra journey that led me here today I wish I was wise enough, mature enough, and determined enough To do it The other way.

CROSSING THE LINE My heart wouldn’t let me walk away Regardless of what you put me through I could hate you forever In my reality, what would that prove? Honestly, we was never meant to be You tolerated me Just like I dealt with you I know it wasn’t right We let lust control Bring to life a situation A movie that shouldn’t have been scripted Characters pretending to be who their not Even though We knew the game was a lie We kept playing until the battlefield became too much Allowing anger to cover who we are Falling victim to the stories our friends would shout Without correcting cause the pain of it all Hurt so much It was deadly ground we stood Knowing it wasn’t the safest concept to live by We couldn’t end what we started

Cause everything about it felt so right The plug has been pulled The production has finally ended A story that should have never been scripted Depicted, reconstructed to show How we let a mistake evolve into reality Something we wasn’t ready for Something that neither one of us could handle It was fun while it lasted I owe you no good byes We were a mistake that should’ve never happened But since we did You will remain the poster child to how Fairy tales end When you cross the line with a friend!

THE CONVERSATION I’ve imagined the finer things in life I’ve dreamed for everything in my reach I’ve prayed for a powerful language to teach me how to speak I know the things I wish for wasn’t too far out of my control So I stepped in God’s shoes to get a quick peek I had to see if my dreams would become the plan I wanted to seek And quickly my God spoke to me, saying; “No need to peek, you are too impatient and need to think If this dream is yours to keep Can you complete every mission requested of you Or when times get hard, Will you run away forgetting the trials you must go through? To make sure your loyal and committed to the desires you so dream Are you willing to do what needs to be done? No one wants a quitter on their winning team

So your answers will be a revealed in due time But right now your time is depending on mine and with your behavior I think you will do just fine But before I release your first miracle, you must pass one more test It won’t be easy, your future will be jeopardized if you fail so do your best Anything worth having, is worth fighting for So step back, watch the signs, because your first stop will that closed door Don’t be discouraged Remember it’s only a test to determine your passion to what you’ve ask Once you pass this test, blessings would shower in abundance That you would have no clue how to manage I will not see you on a journey to leave lost, abused, and led astray You are my child, and nobody will do my child that way So know I close by, and the only engine that is allowing your mission to operate You can thank me later, you deserve it, but for now I am the one who facilitates No help is needed from you.

THE DIVORCE The hardest thing I had to face was separating from the womb that carried me From yelling and screaming To prove that your bitterness would not affect me To see my children reaction when they saw mommy and daddy fighting To watch my life flash before me When I signed the last sheet of paper that permanently freed me We were not ready to make such a commitment Ending a life of fantasies while enjoying the moments we embraced Never thinking of the pain it would cause our off-springs The moment we decided this marriage could no longer win Did our selfish acts lead us to another road of confusion? Will it present those hurtful questions that we can never answer? Or can you explain the harsh reality and tell your daughter, WHY I know they say It’s better to be apart rather than show the kids an ugly situation

Did we take into account before we had that horizontal conversation? We were not capable, or Did we allow the power of lust to overcome the reality?

We had no business creating Either way, our immature actions will never gain the satisfaction From the lives we are now separating This divorce has destroyed the sacrament given to us to honor, protect and share But we ended it, without a second thought, Not focusing on who it would hurt or who really cared Whenever I hear mommy can I go over daddy house I am automatically reminded of the bitter end that separated our family Divorce, the plague that destroys millions of home each year Can be reduced if we, learn to love and go back to the days when love was live You made that vow and to it, you should behave in a manner Manifested in God’s love to give chance and hope to a new family Born to see new life Divorce is a virus, which destroys, makes sure you are ready Know what you want, understand what you are getting into, cause Once you make that option your reality, it naturally affects everyone around you forever


Darcova Triplett There are numerous words that describe the life and times of Darcova Triplett. Friend. Wife. Mother. Sister. Poet. Doctor. Educator. Creator. From Florida to Nevada and Europe, as well, Darcova fulfills her purpose of progressing the cycle of acquiring knowledge, internalizing that knowledge and sharing that knowledge... all in hopes of inspiring, motivating and empowering the next person to "GO 'HEAD AND BE GREAT!" Facebook: Darcova Triplett



Don’t need your approval I passed that stage got 'me' going on turned to a new page ain’t waiting for your yes I already know putting my own plan in motion going where I wanna go not attempting to be funny don’t wish to make you mad but some things have changed you ain’t got what you thought you had played the fool long enough took a minute to get here focus ain’t on you now my vision is clear

MINDING MY BUSINESS Are you intimidated by the fact that I know I’m all that? perhaps insulted by the notion that I’ve perfected my magic potion? maybe threatened by the thought that my strut can’t be bought? wondering how i stay sane as they scandalize my name? think my chin is too high and my ego too big? give up my short do for a long flowing wig? minimize my ambition? neutralize my position? bite my tongue? close my eyes? turn my head? play dead? let me answer your questions and put your fears to rest there’s no way around it, i am the best but hold on, don’t worry, no need to fear keep minding my business and you’ll learn something, my dear


I often think back to the time when you walked through that door all doubts were dismissed and uncertainties confirmed you are the solution to my situation

NATURAL HIGH I’ve got butterflies in my stomach ants in my pants I’m head over heels about this second chance my heart is singing it’s smiling, too you’ve come into my life to refresh and renew feeling like a little girl can’t get you off my mind this high you got me on is one of a kind don’t need no drugs alcohol won’t do I’m good just like this cause i got you


When I'm feeling down overwhelmed and confused I simply look into your eyes and you guide me back to my peace when I'm lost and alone when anticipation consumes me I simply listen to your voice and your soothing words calm me when tears roll down when I’m tired when I’m falling you catch me, hold me and your touch revives me I love you for loving me the way that I need to be loved


DARWIN GREAVES was born in Barbados, West Indies. And now resides in Philadelphia, Pa. Poetry. Is his favorite word, he loves that word Poetry is, to him, a snapshot of life. He, through the muse, have laughed, cried and been inspired to reach beyond the limitations others set. He has been writing seriously for 7 years and by seriously he means truly giving to the muse what he has received. In this realm of poetry he has been touched and inspired by fellow artists. That, to him, is the reason why he does this. Not for accolades, though I appreciate and humbled by them. No

for the connection with people through the vehicle of writing. Poetry is a snapshot of life. His life in words. Future project soon to be released. The first in a series of poetry books “Manifestation of My Manhood� will be release May/Early June 2011. Email:

AT YOUR REQUEST At Your request, I looked within, and found no knight in shining armor preparing to defend. Yes, my heart is free, to ride the ever changing winds, but it refuses to fly, for it lacks the discipline. To know when, enough is quite enough, before what I must... devolves into distrust. Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust, will my life end this way, tell me please. Who am I to demand, when all through my life, I've slapped away your hand, refused to accept your reprimands, and now I feel the ever changing winds. I can't withstand when I look within, when I look deep within. At your request, I closed my eyes,

and in my dreams I saw myself wearing a bad disguise. The lofty plans I devised, all met a quick demise. And still, though you reached out to me I refused to compromise. There is no prize, at the end of an aimless path no exclamation at the end of my life's final paragraph. No celebrating the good man I was, no toasts during my repast. Not if I, refuse to defuse, the evil trapped inside of me. In your presence, I stand accused. And as I lay my final night to sleep, I pray my soul will keep, until a brighter day. I know you are the light, yet my eyes are closed. I'm always saying I'm indisposed, but in truth, my soul has decomposed. But through it all I know, my soul can be reborn. For a man wearing a crown of thorns, gave his life so I could live, and when I pass away be respectfully

mourned . Every day I have been warned, In every way. Your love I have scorned, please Father before someone notifies my next of kin, before my life comes to an end, give me the strength. At your request, to look within To look within, To look within

A PERSONAL NOTE A personal note to you my love, I know I've been inviting, the demon to dine, unrefined. Words at the altar of Isis, disinclined. To praise a covenant so priceless, the chime. Awakens the Christ, I climb upon the altar of ignorance and vice align my soul to be sold for a fair price a love divine strangled by strife, mangled and left without hope. A personal note to you my beloved I will always, I will always, Love the warmth of your smile. The clock ticking, matching the moans of the beguiled. The shock of being marooned on this sacred isle. Mocked by the bibliophile. Locked within the crucible of a lover's exile.

Blocked by a blessing defiled. A flock of seagulls fly single file. Through the smoldering embers of a love once remembered. To be so true, and fanned by flames, the remains of a personal note to only you. To only you. Signed I will always love you

FALSE MOON The crescent moon brings a tear to her eye the waning sun illuminating her false wishes as time passes by. The moon appears to she... waning as her lover's destiny, dramatic changes in the lunar phases, of her tortured heart. Moon cycles affect her sensitivity once captured in the throes of a romance albeit, a moment of brevity. What appeared to be a lover's moon has come to be a long, lasting kiss goodbye. The new moon brings a soothing calm, her parched and blistered heart needing the emotional balm. For so long she waited for a redemptive pause... relief from the effects of her righteous cause to save an embattled heart.

The waning crescent bids a fond goodbye Moving across her false dawn In a foreboding sky. Unfortunately she, once danced with moon beams and now it seems 'This the end of her reverie forever lost is she, in the memories, of a long lasting, kiss, goodbye.

MELANCHOLY ROSE Tell me what you want my baby, show me what you need my lady forever, for you and I seems lately to be the tears falling from a melancholy rose. Once a large bloom nestled in sugarcane, no passion crimes committed. No one to blame. To many days without love's sacred rain leaves a tear stain saturating the earth beneath a melancholy rose. Floribunda roses abundant scents tickle the noses of passerby’s oh my! Yet sometimes the bloom comes singularly a heart not privy to what's meant to be, leaving nothing but a landscape of love in repose.

While tears fall from the eyes of a melancholy rose. Sometimes one bloom stems, sometimes a cluster blooms, love can grow if given the room. But the distinction is so very fine... a dividing line, that over time, can disappear, and leave nothing but tears, falling from the beautiful eyes of a melancholy rose.

CAN I (MAKE LOVE TO YOU) From the moment I first saw you, and asked, "Excuse me, may I have this dance?" I looked into your brown eyes and knew, we had the makings of a fine romance. An enhanced deep emotion never felt before, I had deep inside, holding you close to me as we started to glide. Deeper and deeper, into a space reserved for two, eager, so eager, an overwhelming force I couldn't subdue. Baby, it's true, so very true, and now, here we are sharing a love long overdue. So hold on tonight, and let our love games ensue. My sweet lady, let's share a bottle of Moet, I’ll draw a bubble bath,

so you can quietly reflect, and when you whisper, "Dee, do you really love me?" I'll gently kiss your graceful neck, Oh baby, My sweet lady, with all due respect, you've got me so damn erect I have to ask, please say yes. Can I Make Love to You all throughout the day, please pretty baby, may I have a taste of your sweet parfait, and when you're soft and wet, I promise to give all that you can stand. Force your beautiful body, To obey all of my commands Can I make love to you Over and over and over again. Baby, when you moan, I swear, I hear a symphony, a crescendo of orgasmic synchronicity. Can we make love all night long, baby, you are the epitome, of ebony, mahogany perfection, and the star of my fantasies, dipped in misogyny. My sweet lady, your children and mine,

and mine are yours. Though your son is from another man, he and I share a great rapport, and what you and I can't afford, we will go without when push comes to shove. For so long we paid the price, of former lovers who didn't think twice, and now, here we are sharing this priceless love. Let me call my mother, so she can watch the kids, for 24 hours, in your love is where I need to live. Can I Make Love to You, all throughout the day, please pretty baby, may I have a taste of your sweet parfait. And when you're soft and wet, I promise to give all that you can stand, force your beautiful body, to obey all of my commands. Can I make love to you, over and over and over again. Deeper and deeper, baby, let me explore your anatomy, I'm eager, so eager, baby, please take all of me. Deeper and deeper,

your love, I swear, is beyond compare, can't take a breather, when I'm tasting you I don't want to come up for air. Oh pretty baby, can I make love to you all throughout the day, open up baby, let me taste your sweet parfait. And when you're soft and wet, I'll give all that you can stand, and force your body, you obey all of my commands Tell me you want me baby, tell me you need me baby, tell me you love me baby, you're all I need I swear, you're all the woman I will ever need I love you.


Author/Poetess/Promoter Fiordaliza Charles has encountered many unfortunate life events, some which lead her to write some of the poetry that she has written since the stunning age of 12. Fiordaliza believes that most poetry brings peace and joy and she wanted to share this wonderful feeling with the world. She became an author on November of 2009 when she submitted her first manuscript to Publish America LLC and she was offered a 7 year contract for her poetry books “My Poetic Heart” and “Poetic Embrace”. Since then she has self-published five more poetry books and a novel entitled “Can I Tell You a Secret?” She also helps to introduce new businesses that are doing positive work in the community on her official T.P.L website in the tab entitled “Website of the Month” she has worked with companies such as Traffican Entertainment, RIP graphics, Steamy Trails Publishing LLC, Label Me Royalty. Her life and poetry has been highlighted in books and radio stations: I Am Royalty Volume 2, SARFM”,

The Steamy Jones Show and “A Touch of Grace”. She is currently helping to introduce poets worldwide in her poetry anthologies entitled “The Poetic Lounge”.


I remember a time I used to run for your embrace Now I cannot wait to get away I do not hate you I just hate what you became Why do I have to pick up the slack? Getting us back to the love, that we once had The way you treat me now is whack If we ended things today, I will be so glad What happened to you would never lie? Thought that our love will never die Are those things of the past? Can you answer me that?


Whenever I find myself thinking of you I close my eyes and I cry I feel your spirit next to mines As I remember our precious times When we made love, you satisfied my all You completely took over my soul How can I ever forget you? You left me in the middle of fall I want you back, I miss you boo Don’t you want me too? I cannot keep you out my head Damn, I miss the love we made


You said you loved me, then why do me like this Love is not supposed to feel like this Is there an ending to this? Give me something else besides this I gave you my heart and all that Did you think it would not end like that? You must be crazy to think that I am tired of this and that I think I want my heart back And there is no turning back Why do I keep taking you back? I don’t want that old thing back Stay away from me I have to get back to me You've always been wrong for me Now I am going back to loving me

LEAVE THIS WAY I've been going through something’s. Please don’t judge me but, pray for me to stay strong because I can't take it anymore. I gave our relationship too many chances and it keeps getting worst, why do you keep saying you will when you will not. I need a real man, one who treats me with respect, one who knows how to please me, one who makes me feel like I am the only woman in the world. The one who knows my worth. I am sick and tire of lames, the lies and those with very little brain. The ones who want to use and abuse me, the one who are so immature, they can even tell them losing. I want you out my life, please leave and never come back. I can do badly by my damn self and you know that, I do not need this stress. Forget it this is whack. No, I am not killing myself, just getting rid of the trash and out tossing it out

door. I do not want this anymore. I love myself too much to continue living like this. I have to start thinking about me. What does love have to do with anything? Please leave, go away, the same way you came. I want you to leave but, I know that you going to want to stay. This is a tough decision to make. With all things, consider this is what I have to say is goodbye and leave this way.

ARE YOU FEELING LONELY? Look around you There is always someone there He never leaves your side He knows the reasons why you cry Do you know anyone like him? Who accepts you as he does? Can you tell that he really cares for us? He paid for our sins on a cross What a friend we have in Jesus You do not have to ever feel alone He will always be your true friend Let us praise him and make amends Amen ! Amen ! & Amen


Gloria J. Lathen was born in 1970 to Perry & Verdist Walker in Pine ville, LA. , In 1983 she lost her mother. This resulted in her moving to San Francisco, California. In 1988 she graduated from high School, became a single mother at the age of 19. In not understanding the hardship of being a single mother, she had another child at the age of 20. In 1995 Gloria decided to go back to School. In 1998 Gloria graduated from Jr. College with an Associate’s of Arts degree, that same year she gave birth to twin girls. Gloria states, “You must persevere no matter what may come your way”. Because of her determination to succeed, in 2005 she enrolled in New College of California to pursue her Bachelors of Arts degree. On August 26, 2006, she graduated with a degree in Humanities & Leadership with an emphasis in Education. On September 30, 2007, Gloria married Rev. Robert Lathen and to this union was born a daughter Gabrielle Lathen on September 2007. Not realizing that her love for writing would lead her to Poetry Writing. She

started writing poetry in 2000 and became a Published Author in 2009. She has recited her poetry in Churches, Cafes, funerals, weddings, and she has written poetry for newsletters. In going through different situations in her life Gloria penned her first book E.M.O.T.I.O.N.S. Everyone May Overcome Trials Inform Others Needing Salvation, "A Woman of Wisdom Poetry Collection", Which was birth from the pain that Gloria endured from a young tender age. The purpose of her book is to encourage others to PUSH PASS THEIR PAIN & PROCEED with the PROCESS to PRAY, PLAN,PREPARE & PURSUE the calling in which God has gifted you. What make her poetry unique are the heartfelt experiences of real life experiences she places into each of her written poems. Gloria states, "GOD WILL TURN YOUR MESS-UPS INTO MESSAGES TO HELP OTHERS"! Gloria resides in Pittsburgh, California with her husband, their three children and her brother.

Gloria has ventured out & created "I'm Royalty I'm a Queen T-shirts (Queen T's by Queen G). She is currently working on her 2nd Volume of Poetry, which will be titled: Your Purpose is Greater than your Pain. Subtitled: Pray, Plan, Prepare, & Pursue & Watch What God Will do! Gloria is currently working on an Anthology book project that’s Titled: A Living Testimony, My Story & Subtitled: “Real-Life Stories of Individuals whose lives that have been Transformed from Tragedy to Triumph”. It will not be just an Ordinary book, but it’s going to MOVE, TOUCH, & ENCOURAGE others while at the same time Giving God the Glory! Gloria uses her poetry to motivate, stimulate, and cultivate people to move beyond the ordinary and go for the extra-ordinary. Email:

UNDER GOD’S CONTRUCTION Oh my, my, my I must express Yes! We are all a work in progress God is doing a transformation within First, you must give consent before construction can begin God is performing surgery piece by piece Just watch as bad habits are being released Your attitude may not be nice But just think twice You are being shaped & molded into who God wants you to be Never lose your cool or dignity You are ROYALTY in God’s sight Be patient the change won’t happen over night After your refinement all will see What a precious jewel you’ve turned out to be UNDER GOD’S CONTRUCTION


Some folk you must release In order to acquire sanity & peace Love them with distance in between But they don’t need to be all on your scene Your space should be surrounded by those who have Your best interest at heart Not those who’s coming to tear stuff apart Tell drama he’s not welcome here anymore And escort him right out the door Your circle should include love ones that really care And those who appreciate being there YOU’RE CIRCLE


An Influential Woman know s her right from her wrong She’s content but yet she’s strong This woman has beauty within & out Her confidence speaks what’s she’s all about Her actions defines who she is She influences others by the way she lives The power in which she possess Signifies that this woman is truly Bles When she step in the room her elegance follow as she leads She’s an Influential Woman yes indeed One classy lady is she She’s a good example for all to see AN INFLUENTIAL WOMAN

ARE YOU FANCY? If you have not heard Fancy can be used as a noun, adjective and or verb Listen to my every word I’m going to speak in the form of a verb Fancy means one who is executed with skill You’re blessed even more when you’re in God’s will You’re an extravagant human being, You’re a King or a Queen You can be fly with your fancy bling, bling But if God is not 1st in your life, it really don’t mean a thing If you choose to be fancy, represent your Lord & Savior Because he’s granted you unmerited favor So the next time someone states: “You fancy huh?” Just think of all that God has done

And reply yes I am, and I must let you know I’m fancy because God says so! I’M FANCY HUH!

NO MATTER WHAT No matter what folk say about you Love them anyway is what you should do Remember what God has for you is for you No matter what folk may try to do No matter how folk scandalize your name Please remain calm, don’t go insane No matter how folk try to emulate you Keep in mind you’re an original And there will always be a copy or two No matter what You must keep your dignity & class

And allow folk unwise behavior to pass NO MATTER WHAT


Ms. K Simpson was raised in a small town in Arkansas yet her life's journey would take her multiple places in the United States before allowing her to settle in Atlanta, GA. Her journey has been one that not many women, or men, could have made without losing their minds or lives. However; in order that she could share her God-given talent of easing the pain with words, she had to learn pain. The pain of bearing two beautiful daughters and raising them as a single mother; the pain of losing her mother just before entering adult hood; and assuming the responsibility of her pre- teen sister, while at the same time having to raise her own children; and the pain of losing her paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather, who taught her how a woman should live her life both mentally and spiritually. Her two daughters are now growing into two wonderful women who reflect their mother's love and spirit for life. Ms. Simpson provides evidence that the sacrifices she has made were worth it in order to give her daughters a life far better than her own. “God Gave Me This Talent� is the opening to another journey. Homeless... that was I, from being in a

shelter to sleeping under a bridge, to wondering if I was going to get a meal to eat. I am not asking for your pity or a hand out. Right now, I am here to teach you, and let you know what my life is about. Some of you know parts of my story others of you don´t. The thing about my story it will have you in tears I´m not going to front. Some of you knew me before, get to know me now God has come into my life; I have so much more to live for. The old me is dead so please let her rest. Pay close attention, God has his hands on me. You will finally see me at my best.... GOD GAVE ME THIS TALENT Is an Inspirational Poetry Book It will inspire you, make you smile, make you laugh and even make you cry. I cover everything from love to break up and just everyday living. This is a must have book.... Email:

YOU'RE A WOMAN You're a woman that can hold her own You've been through a lot which has made you strong You’re a woman that won't give up without a fight I must say that's one of the things I like You’re a woman that keeps it all together You intimidate people therefore the don't know how to get on your level You're a woman that's God Fearing and keeps God First People only have something to say about you when you’re at your worst You're a woman that has changed her life around They still throw your past in your face to try to bring you down

You're a woman that's sacrifice and gave up so much You stood on your own and didn't need a crutch You're a woman that has a story to tell Your test and trials have made you excel Your work doesn't go unnoticed I admire that even when you’re going through it you keep Focus....

I CAN'T STAND A DISRESPECTFUL CHILD A disrespectful child doesn’t live half of their days. I'm done walking away giving you back to God before I put you in the grave. I'm all you got at the end of the day Child please, you will not disrespect me in any kind of way I brought you in this world and I will take you out So it's best you watch the words that come out of your mouth If you have something to say you better not tell anyone but God Right now child of mine I'm ready to tear you apart I'm a new Christian I must admit I'm your mother and will beat the breaks off you if ever get slick.... I can't stand a disrespectful child Lord give me the strength to calm down I know it’s going to take a while Child you hurt me I'm not going to lie Your my child someone I could never despise As Mothers we do our best From our children we expect the best and nothing less I can't stand a disrespectful child I know I've done my best so I give you over to God with a smile....

NEW LADY When I saw you with your New Lady I thought my heart would skip a beat just maybe A smile came upon my face At that moment I knew all the painful memories had been replaced I'm happy for you and your New Lady Oh by the way congratulations on the baby I have to get this off my chest Why are you still calling my phone, being childish with all that mess? When we agreed going our separated ways was for the best I don't want you anymore I must confess I wish you well in all you do You're an X for a reason Damn that statement is so true....

ABOUT ME What is it about me that you like? Go ahead be honest it's alright Is it the way I walk Could it be my sexy voice you like to hear when we talk? Maybe it's my sexy lips Could it be the way I move my hips Could it be my bowlegs? Is it the way I tilt my head Is it my beautiful smile that shines so bright? Is it the way I walk away, refuse to argue fuss and fight? Dig a little deeper if you will There is more to me then my looks and my sex appeal What you see is my external beauty Look a little closer, you will see favor and faith all up in me A woman of God I say in a loud voice

God got a hold of me, and yes that was the best choice There is more to me then the naked eye can see You would know this if you knew anything about me

SUN SHINE If I'm dreaming please don't wake me up I ran across one that has me stuck One thing about My SUNSHINE, he's not green or slow I have to admit he had me when he walked through the door. My first thought who is this man, I need to know more. Then I told myself you need to talk to GOD, so I immediately hit the floor I asked father is this the man that's in your plan Because I had given up on love and decided I didn't want a man My father told me you tried it your way now try mine This man is different but I sent him just at the right time My SUNSHINE walked in my life and brighten up my whole world I started having butterflies and feeling like a teenage girl I decided to step outside of the box My SUNSHINE is someone I like, no someone I could love a lot



Kevin “Poetic Soul� Moutry (has been writing since the age of 13, he started off writing hip hop lyrics, and songs and has evolved into Poetry over the years. He loves writing poetry about romance and love, although he writes about different subjects these are the ones that fit his character the most. He has one book completed entitled "Sees of Inspiration" which is available at, the file download is also available. He is currently working on creating a second book and looking to do a spoken word Cd of poetry soon. Email-

CAN I? Can I embrace your total woman wrapping my arms around you holding your heart within mine Can I kiss your aching mind with my words can I stroke your linguistic face with my verbs..... Can I behold you capture you in my thoughts like a still frame digitally etched in my cerebral vortex Can I hold you? cuddle with your innocence while inhaling your essence becoming intoxicated in your presence Can I touch you? softly and gently deeply and passionately spiritually and mentally intricately and intimately Can I make love to you? lay you down between the lines of these pages inserting my verse inside of yours mixing our ink secreting my sonnets within your womb of poetic expression Can I.... take you to the heights of ecstasy

"Poetically" Can I.... engage you in the throes of passion "lyrically" Can I.... consume your total woman "totally" Can I caress your poetic silhouette with the silky touch of my verse be the liquid hydration to quench your aching thirst Can I be everything you want and need me to be completely and totally


Come away with me my love to a place where the refreshing scent of love fills the air. A place where happiness feeds the spirit and passion quenches the thirst of the soul. A place where my mind goes every time I am with you. A place where two halves become whole. Journey with my love to this blissful place of everlasting ecstasy where lovers emotionally consummate and celebrate their love. A place that exceeds the realm of physicality and goes beyond the boundaries of reality and enters into a world of romantic fantasy. A place where the faithfulness of true and pure love resides. A place where the expression of love is constant and overflowing. A world of unconditional

love, steadfast love, everlasting love. a place where the harmony of mind, body, and spirit come together to form the sweet sensual sound that creates a beautiful symphony of love. Escape with me to this lovely place my love where two heartbeats become one. Take a moment and run away with me to LOVE'S SANCTUARY

W.O.W (WITH OUT WORDS) Without Words she spoke to me she formed sentences without parting her lips her voice yelled without speaking one syllable screaming in silence With Out Words she captured my attention she told me her life's story without using one vocal inflection she sang a song of love without lyrics a song whispered in silence so only I could hear it With Out Words she touched me deeply she kissed me mentally she stroked me verbally with unspoken words and the silence of verbs until my mind was full With Out Words she left an everlasting impression with her eyes she pulled forth from me the sweetest of expression and although she never said one phrase

she left me thoroughly and completely amazed she spoke volumes to my poetic existence she spoke endlessly to my guarded heart through her eyes with persistence With Out Words she left me in awe of her quiet verse of muted melodies and silent sonnets causing my mind to explode and burst with elation and appreciation for her unspoken language because her silent stares and gentle touch has saved me from my anguish With Out Words she has freed me from chaos within because her quietness has brought calmness and a balance to this mind and now it can rest again W.O.W

GOING THROUGH Searching for illumination I'm trapped and lost in a darkened state and although my eyes are wide opened I find it hard to actually see the light in front of me to see past my eclipsed vision my light has been blocked my sight is now blurry what I see is now distorted because my mind is contorted and bent around the thoughts of futility disjointed by my life's pains my agonies and humility trying my best to see what's beyond the horizon but it's impossible looking through tear stained eyes while realizing... that this race that I'm running, is meant for me to run alone

and that the trials that I face, I face alone they say that weeping may endure for a night, and that joy comes in the morning but it's impossible to see your morning while you are mourning while the pain becomes almost impossible to bare and in your heart and mind you're wondering if God himself even cares about the pain and agony that you are feeling about life's hurts that has your mind reeling and wondering what's next trying to search for strength, and inner peace but feeling that you have none left wondering.....

where is my exit? where is my way of escape? looking for a door to open and release me from this helpless state feeling like it is impossible for me to win stuck in this revolving door that every time it seems like I'm walking out I'm actually walking back in In to this state this place....this feeling this feeling of a hopeless....and a purposeless existence while trying to find my way out of this darkness with persistence and while I'm desperately and painfully wondering what's next to do I hear the voice of GOD saying to me


MY FIGHT this is my dilemma this is my plight the constant struggle within the daily fight of wrong and right when my flesh combats my spirit fighting against the eternal destiny that GOD has invested in me when the instincts of my sinful man interferes with the purity of my spirit man when the voices of my n-e-me tries to overshadow the voice of God in me speaking to my thoughts tempting my desires fighting against the will of God for my life so here I am fighting the thoughts of insecurity combating the desperation of obscurity trying my best to live a life of purity

trying to resist lustful intentions with the help of meditation and heavenly dissensions. prevention of exercising my own will to partake and entertain carnal and fleshly desires to try and cover the void in my life only GOD can fill trying to suppress thoughts of wrong and embracing thoughts of right this is my everyday struggle this is.......MY FIGHT


L. C. Arrington (poetic alias L-A-Quent) was born and raised in Ohio, after undergraduate school, she moved to Philadelphia to begin the next phase of her life; higher education and a career in pharmaceutical research. She became a self-published author in October 2010 with her debut poetry book entitled “Prescriptions of a Poet: Remedies of the Heart.� Over the years, she has had numerous speaking engagements, performed spoken word at various venues and has contributed as a freelance writer for various online magazines. In addition to writing she enjoys staying active in the community and is involved in youth mentor ship programs. She enjoys music, the arts, sports, traveling, good food and spending time with friends and family. She is also a proud member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Email:

ANTI-POETRY You don't even inspire me to poetry, no matter how hard I try... it’s like my hand struggles to write the words my mouth hesitates to provide... I can't color you with my metaphors, I can't paint you with my similes.... it’s not that I don't think of you, it’s that u fail to touch the heart of me.... I want to write you a love song but you give me no motivation... what u do is not enough and I’m growing impatient everything seems so technical, and robotic and feels so strategic and you've never been that hand to hold, although I very seldom need it. with you I’m neither sad or ecstatic anymore, I’m just indifferent And to think that when I met you I thought you were heaven sent I thought you'd whisk me away, I thought you were exactly what I needed... in the beginning everything was so easy with you and I just could not believe it But all the while I knew this couldn't be the answer I was looking for.... you might be close to it, but you've proven to me that I deserve more. You don't even inspire me to poetry, it makes no sense to pretend...

but when you're willing to be my lyrics, I’m willing to pick back up my pen.....

HYPOCRISY Why is it that if a celebrity breaks a law they do 30 days in rehab? If a civilian breaks the same law, they get a fine, or are doing time no questions asked? To put it plain there must be a consequence to abusing fame Maybe if there was truly a price to pay the behavior wouldn’t be the same Yes I agree no matter what your salary we are only human and make mistakes But what if your actions put a freeze on all your assets including the cash in the bank? Then let’s see how quickly you’ll let Captain Morgan help you operate your vehicle Or raise your hand to a woman, break probation or secretly borrow from a department store But I guess if the White House has had so many scandals and most of the culprits are walking free Why should we expect anything different from a so called celebrity? Perhaps I’m missing something but I can’t help but feel

Rather than setting the chaos straight we reward the problem instead of taking steps to rebuild Now celebrities are getting born every 15 seconds, not due to their skill because they have no talents Famous because of the volume of their voice or how foolish they behave Guess it doesn’t matter what they are saying about you as long as they have something to say On the other hand it’s like the public thrives on gossip and other people’s tragedies They say they aren’t supposed to be our role models, but let’s infiltrate their lives, increase the paparazzi! Let’s scrutinize every action, make it larger than it seems Forgetting that if there was a camera in your own living room what exactly would we see But when it comes to living in a glass house, stones can appear quite heavy Especially when boulders start to fly through your windows of hypocrisy

POTENTIAL He has potential, but a part of my heart still belongs to you How can I make it to my future while my past is still in view? I try to shake your image from my head But dreams of you still follow me when I lay in my own bed I wonder if he notices I wonder if he can tell He is a breath of fresh air, but you know me so very well He wants to show me things I’ve never seen before Wants to give me everything, wants to give me the world Would roll out the red carpet and lay rose petals at my feet Would carry me a thousand miles if I were to grow weary He wants to do everything for me including the things of which you failed But for some reason I rather stand on the deck of a ship that’s already sailed I must be crazy I must be insane I must be losing my mind My heart is my own worst enemy to fight it I’ve tried

Every time I look in his eyes I see his potential If I was to compare the two of you, history is more influential But then again, when he kisses me I feel no pain The pain you caused me, when with no regrets you just walked away And now you have returned as if I’m your prize to claim And although I may have loved you once, I am over the game So please be on your way, because what I felt still isn’t strong enough To keep me locked in the past as a prisoner to your touch I’d rather take the risk that he will continue to keep my feet off the ground I’d rather believe in a possibility that in him true love can be found I’d rather keep laughing as he knows what to do to make me a smile I’d rather spend my precious moments doing something worthwhile So forgive me but I thought you should be the first to know It may sound crazy but I’d rather see his potential

700 MESSAGES 700 messages and none of them from you I’m checking my email minute by minute in case one slipped through Alas it doesn’t matter how many times I check Still no email from you in my in box yet Yes I know only a day has went by But I can’t help it I can’t keep you off of my mind I thought that perhaps maybe we were on the same path But with you subtracted from the equation, I don’t want to do the math Hours later 700 messages nothing has changed Aside from the increase in my desire to begin typing your name My heart skips a beat because now it says 701 I click the button anxious to see who it’s from Damn its nothing but my horoscope to ask me about love and luck If the cards only knew that I wish they’d just shut the hell up I’m tapping my foot and typing away

Will I get an email from you at all today? How can I sit here with you on the brain? While you’re out and clearly not doing the same It’s not fair; I need to shake it, got to shake this feeling, set me free! But the truth of the matter is I wonder do you wait around for a message from me?

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO ROMANCE Whatever happened to romance? No seriously I wanna know, was a bill passed in the Senate, and I just didn’t get the memo? Did Barack Obama accidentally veto something when he instated health care reform? Or in order to recover from the recession did the cost of quality time go up to a price that people can’t afford? Did Flowers stop growing out the ground due to the shift in the poles and global warming? All I’m trying to say is romance was kidnapped, stolen, disappeared with no warning. I’m not an old fashioned girl, not asking for a horse and carriage But I never thought I’d see the day when romance would perish Some say the independent woman killed romance Took it by the neck and strangled it in her bare hands Trying to prove she can do everything that a man can

And instead of accepting a woman as being strong and taking care of herself until a good man comes along that can provide some assistance and appreciate The independent woman gets a bad rap and gets called a hypocrite If she wishes a man would pay on the first date. Or maybe he’s the accomplice to romance’s abduction, such a crime Cuz see the women keep pleasing his body but forget to please his mind What is the point in working for something you can get for free? Can’t choose between them ‘cuz they are all doing the same thing He seen her eyes get big when he pulled his wallet out his pocket She didn’t have a thing to say to him, but when she seen his car suddenly his stock sky rockets She doesn’t pay her own rent and can’t even pump her own gas She’s got this sense of entitlement, so she doesn’t hesitate to ask Of him for things she doesn’t deserve Those very things that he worked hard for to earn So I’m not sure who is the suspect or the victim as a result of the loss of romance

All I know is it’s a cold hard world out there; perhaps it never Stood a chance Romance you may have gone missing but I’m holding on to hope, I know that You’re not dead I’m alerting the authorities, it’s an amber alert, I had a dream I found you and This is what I said: Romance we miss you, seems like your gone without a trace. We know there are imposters out there, sad excuses but you can’t be replaced. You may be hard to describe but I’ll try…you are thoughtful simplicity. Until we are reunited I’ll ask again Whatever Happened to Romance?


Larry Ballou was Born and raised in The Bronx, New York. He attended Amityville Memorial High School in Amityville New York. Larry is a father of three daughters Lauren, Cheyenne and Jaelynn. Larry attends Las Positas College in Livermore, California in pursuit of a degree in computer forensics. He began writing poetry at an early age and he mastered his craft soon after he began college. He plans to one day publish a poetry book. “The Poetic Lounge� project has given Larry a chance of a life time and he will be forever grateful. Email:

RELENTLESS In her pursuit of happiness she set her sights on me In her heart and mind we were meant to be Who knew she was right? Right from the start Her plan was hatched and although I denied my love for her She slowly stole my heart The unthinkable was done her plot was at full scheme And though I tried to resist, her love was now my theme Struggle as I might her grip on me was tighter then all at once I told her‌ Just how I felt for her, I loved her like no other No other love I’ve ever known A love I once refused now I call my own

A love that I will cherish for the rest of my life A love so true to my heart I’m making her my wife I love you babe‌.

NOT RIGHT NOW What is it I’m too busy I don’t have time to talk? Instead of slowing down a bit I speed up my steps and walk Ignoring what could be the blessing of my life I simply walk away and say I have no time today I’m busy doing nothing I turn and walk away again using those same words I have neither time today I didn’t have time yesterday nor time the day before yet you sit there patiently waiting until I have the time It’s not like you’re pan handling or begging on the street You want to share your message yet I make no time for thee I constantly avoid you yet you make time for me How can you do this every day and not give up on me? Maybe I will stop one day and hear what you have to say I didn’t stop yesterday nor did I stop today yet you keep on

You persist, you‘re determined, you won’t give up on me I wonder what you have to say curiosity has peaked within me Maybe tomorrow I will stop and see what you have to say I was just too busy going nowhere fast I just had to be somewhere, somewhere avoiding you I admit I wasn’t too busy I just didn’t want to stop Every day I know you’re there and I expect you to be And now I realize it’s you Jesus you never gave up on me You never turned your back on me, you waited patiently Today I listened to you and your message was so clear, although I was ignoring you, you always stayed right there reminding me of your love for me and the sacrifice you made They crucified you Jesus but you conquered the grave You remind me daily of that sacrifice And because of this dear Jesus I offer you my life All the time I wasted passing you each day I am grateful that you waited Lord I’m grateful every day I thank you lord almighty for showing me the way I

hope that many follow the path you set for me I hope they see the light as I do and they change their lives too I hope they see that your love is here and here to stay You need to follow Jesus For he’s the only way

CHANGE Things change, people change, all around the world What once was a little boy is now a grown up girl Who am I to judge them what am I to say if that’s the life you want to live Hey do ya thing just be fair to people and always treat them right Making this world a better place can’t happen overnight The bible says to love your neighbor as you love yourself But if you do not love yourself then how can you love another Love is not just automatic like the love you get from mother Love is caring; love is kind and love it never fails Love is many things love is given freely ‘cause love don’t cost a thing Change will happen at some point, when people start to care if not this world will be a lonely place because no one will be there, to talk to or text or Even say hello

They say that change is good, but who the hell are “they” they always have a lot to say but we know not who they be the world needs to change and now and worry about your fellow man and not focusing on ME What if we all did that for once what a world it would be with peace and love and quiet storms and love and harmony? Imagine watching news reports when there’s no talk of war or crimes of any sorts what a change for the better what a joy this place could be if everyone just did their part the way God planned it to be a paradise wouldn’t that be special yeah that’d be pretty nice


J ust when my life was without meaning you came into my world A gift from God above an Angel sent to make me smile again Every time I look at you I know my purpose in life L oving you and guiding you and watching as you grow Y ou were chosen just for me you brought joy into my life N ow I have another chance to make a difference in the world N ever will I take for granted what you mean to me R ejoicing in the gift I’ve been given I cherish everyday A ll the memories we create each day and all the laughter we share Everyone will know your name and what you mean to me

B orn in October the same birth month as mine A s you grow I see the change in you each day L earning something new each day and sharing what you learn L oving you every second and praying for your safety always O h how proud I am to be your father I hope one day you see U nique you are in every way and so special to me

HEY MOMMY … I miss you every day; I really hate that cancer that made you go away I have another daughter now one that you didn’t get to meet A gift from God I tell you that girl is super sweet I guess everything is planned out well in advance I’m getting married too this June and will miss you for our dance I’m glad that you’re not sick anymore and out of all your pain I’d give anything on earth I have to hear you laugh again To taste another meal you cooked some greens or mac and cheese I think about you every day hoping you’re watching over me Hoping that you approve of the father I’ve become Knowing that I fathered three but only see just one The other two have turned their backs on me I pray that God watches over them and always keeps them safe It’s tough when you think you’re grown while making all those mistakes God knows how much I love them and want them here with me But they themselves have different plans Whatever will be will be I’m glad I had this talk with you I hope you’re in God’s grace One day I too will pass and get to see your face


Lena Sledge is a writer, poet and blogger. Her debut novel, “Knocking at Heaven’s Door,” will be release in the fall of 2011. She also interviews authors about their upcoming books and posts the interviews on her blog at along with book reviews and events happening in the literary world. She attends several writers’ conferences each year and passes along information she attains on her website at She has also contributed to a wide array of e-zines, newsletters, blogs and websites and was a judge at the 2011 Youth Poetry Competition in Huntsville, AL. Lena is a member of the Alabama Writers Conclave and the Huntsville Literary Association. She currently resides in

Alabama with her husband and children. Email:

BODY LANGUAGE Hips moving. Belly twirling. Thighs parting. Hips moving. Belly twirling. Thighs closing. Skirt up. Knees bent. Skirt up. Knees bent. Hips moving. Belly twirling. Thighs parting. Breast jiggle. Neck bent. Mouth closed. Teeth clenched. Mouth open. Tongue flicked. Eyes rolling. Lips licked. Hips moving. Belly twirling. Thighs parting. Toes flexed. Back arched. Heels down. Chest out. Hips moving. Belly twirling. Thighs parting.

Hips moving. Belly twirling. Thighs closing. Skirt up. Knees Bent. Skirt up. Knees Bent. Trying to get his money spent

COUNT IT ALL JOY You complain all day, yet do nothing with gifts You carry your weight, but others you won’t lift You say why me, but God says why not you You’re not exempt from what you don’t do Get off your high horse and put down your saddle Get in the same boat with others and paddle Your life is not better or worse than most people Just too busy whining, expecting not to be equal Have you ever thought about your condition? Sat back and pondered what if God didn’t pay attention If He took your current situation and gave it away Would they take it and turn it into a pitcher of lemonade Would they be better off than you are right now? Same scenario, condition and you’re wondering how

Same job, same car, but one thing has changed They looked at the brightness of a clear new day Fresh anointing come down, no room for fear New breath, good health and a family that’s near They take what they’ve got and they turn it around By helping those out who seem to be down They’re blessings are abundant, no wishes and hadn’t. They didn’t moan about the ones that had it They got a blessing from what they put out The spirit that moved them, the same one that showed out He made things happened they never dreamed of Because they simply reflected God’s love The kind you give just because it feels right Not seeking to gain, or escape your own plight Never changes if you keep on doubting The power of The Father, The One True King The one with lullabies in hearts to sing Sooth your troubles, lifts your spirits Kinder hearts with joy surrender Regardless of past or present tragedies Count it all joy in face of adversity Be thankful what you have today Count your blessings in all the ways What’s yours could be someone else’s break

Your success is His but yours to make

I WANT TO BE Steamy, water, musk, jasmine I want to be the towel that dries you off Fried chicken, collard greens, yams I want to be the be the juice you lick off your lips Shoulders squared, dark brown mounds, grinds I want to be the dance in your song Balls, basket, squats, shoves I want to be the jump in your shot Cool, fresh, deep inhale I want to be the first breath you take Quick rhythm, hunch, thrust I want to be the skin you touch Slow winding, chest rising I want to be the space in your hold Smile, laughter, joy, peace I want to be the happy in your lucky Anywhere, everywhere, here or there I want to be‌ just for you.

PRETTY Brown hands, soft, smooth. Polished nails, limber legs Hands on hips, Quiet eyes Scraps, falls, wounds made whole Belts slung, dough kneaded Pots lifted, mouths fed Floors scrubbed, homework learned. Buttons sewn, hugs warm. Daddy happy. Sleep real good Squeaky bed. Worn wood Hair frazzled. Body worn Years gone. Children grown Honey, Mama, Grandma’s born Brown hands, soft, wrinkle Creases, dimples, voice tempered Breasts, pillows, gravity set Hips, thighs, small back Eyes round…lashes black Smiling still. Daddy’s home. Squeaky bed. Worn wood. Cognac, jazz, blues, dance Squeak bed. Worn wood. Daddy smiles. Daddy knows Pretty still. Pretty does

SINNERS HAVE SOUL TOO In my mind you’re already a part of me In my soul you have already called upon me It is said at the moment we think it or believe We have already committed in our hearts to perceive That through free will, emotion, conscience and intellect We must serve a purpose, something better than random sex It’s harder than it seems to folks like me Struggling to do right in itself is a grief. With an inherited sin from my parents Adam and Eve Who had no cellphones, internet or cable TV Were they faced with temptations like you and me? Hell, even I could’ve avoided a simple ass apple tree But I sin everyday thinking about his stallion-like powers. I sin in my dreams; my most sinful hours.

Not to mention his craving for my edible flowers But part of me prays that my urges subside And I’ll have a breakthrough and my eyes opened wide But as soon I say that last amen, I’m back to craving him all over again I never knew sin could feel so good and splendid Exhausted from resisting, I call your name in a whimper But honestly, I didn’t want to be hindered He’s a talented…talented man. You knew I’d surrender His lips, his hands, my… OOOOh, my thighs Got damn the price of sin is too high I overflow into this warmth of greedy sin once again No cuddling, no pillow talk, no awkwardness or shame My mouth and tongue welcome him in just the same I am more than a pair of thick legs, big ass and curvy thighs, Never asking the what’s, never bothering with the whys

Just the when’s, the where’s and what time I was raise to know better, I am a child of the most high But these feelings of mine keep getting heavier each time I want to be new, I want to be anointed But I’m sure this sex thing has definitely got you disappointed But praying isn’t enough for someone like me Lonely, hungry, starving to be pleased If sexing is a sin, Jesus why can’t you get it in I always wanted some of that holy loving, mortal kind of sin You said you’d be lover, my friend, whatever I need So come help me conquer this deadly seed. Until such time, I’ll probably sin some more. But praying one day it’ll be you at my door.


Born; Loretta G. Young on August 3rd, 1971 in Watertown N.Y to the late Adelbert Young and Shirley Young. She is the youngest of 3 brothers and 2 other sister's...2 other brothers are deceased. She graduated in 1990 from Carthage High School and after graduation worked for several years as a bookkeeper for a local discount department store. On her birthday in 2002 she married her sweetheart David Natowitz and while they have no children together, she has a 12-year old step-son that is from David's first marriage that had ended in divorce. Loretta has been writing poems ever since she was a young started by writing silly things to try to make her dad laugh, today she mostly writes based on what she feels or what is happening at the time. Loretta lives outside of Water town with her husband and her elderly Mom whom she helps care for. Email:

MY GIFT Your eyes are like diamonds, they sparkle and shine I thank God each day that your heart is mine. You make my heart flutter, it soars and it flies I feel the depth of your love when I look in your eyes. Your embrace it inspires, your kisses set fire The heat from your touch, it makes me perspire. God gave me a gift the day he gave me you... My life is now complete and I could never be blue. Always know that you are deep in my heart And forever and always we never will part.


Some Days Are Diamonds Some Days Are Dust... Some Days Smell Sweet And Some Smell Like Must.... Some Days Your The Flower And Some Days Your The Thorn... And Some Days You Feel Like You Can Grab The Bull By It's Horn's... Some Days You Have Power And Some Days You Are Weak.. Some Days You May Be On A Hot Winning Streak... Some Days There Is Pain And Some Days There Is Love... But We Gather Our Strength From The Good Lord Above But Always Remember There Is Only One You... And From That One Seed One Amazing Soul Grew!

IF I WAS GONE TOMORROW If I was gone tomorrow Would you still remember me? Would happy thoughts and memories Be all that's left to see? Would bad words you might have said Come back to haunt your soul? Would you have wished that you could take back? Those words that was so cold? Would you have wanted to say one last time? How much I might have meant? But now it's only too late For words you might have said... Would I still be in your heart? Where I had a special part... Would you remember back to the day? That our friendship had its start? If you only had one chance to say what you could say... Would it be? "I care" "I'm sorry" "I love you" Before I went away? Remember there may never be a tomorrow To make things right again... And no matter what you say to me,

I'll still always be your friend.

IN THE EYES OF A CHILD In the eyes of a child, You see innocence and love The beauty in their being, Is a gift from up above. They look to your voice, To console them from pain Your trust and honesty, You must always maintain. They look to your arms, To protect them from harm Their smiles and their giggles, Are just parts of their charm? In the eyes of a child, You can do no wrong They look to mommy and daddy To always be strong. They want you to kiss, All their boo-boos away They need you to tell them, That everything is okay. So each night at bedtime, Be sure to kiss them goodnight And always take your role as parent With such utter delight!

LOVED ONES LOST We miss those we have lost, We miss them every day. Our heart it starts to break Since the day they went away. We don't get to hear their laugh, We don't get to see their smile, We can feel their spirit near And wish they could stay awhile. We miss their warm embrace, The expressions on their face, And we know in our heart That no one could ever take their place. The smell of their perfume, Their presence in the room, They are angels on our shoulders And they protect us from all doom. Is it only in your mind? Did they leave you far behind? Or will your souls always and forever Be together and entwined?


Miriam L. Jacobs is an author, poet, and founder of an independent publishing company, Candalyse Publishing/ Chaklet Coffee Books. Jacobs is a master of several genres and the author of several books including, I No Longer Color My Hair, Illuminations: Poetic Inspiration, Embracing Self: Inspiration on the Go, and a children’s book, My Name is Not Monkey Girl. She also compiled, How to Jump From a Ferris wheel & Land on Your Feet, a ten-volume inspirational series. The books are multi-author anthologies with a theme of, “From tragedy, to triumph.” In March, 2007, Mimi launched her highly-acclaimed independent publishing company on a shoestring budget. The name was contrived as a

tribute to two of her three granddaughters, Candace and Alyse. Eight years into recovering from Major Depression, Mimi spreads inspiration and empowerment wherever she goes. Her enthusiasm has helped to shape her branding and encourages women to be their dynamic best. Mimi is a life-time New Yorker and currently resides with her husband, Charles, her granddaughter, Candace, and their pets. Email:

PURPLE WINGS Step into my windowless soul See the essence of me from within Boundless and free Riding high above life's darkness and strife These purple wings Have set me free Taking me to voyages beyond comprehension Sunshine and moon beams effervescence and aromatic concoctions of enormous proportions electrifying my innermost thoughts Thoughts once blackened by hatred and pain blackened by depression of the brain Step into my windowless soul See the inner beauty of me See me, for me Riding high above on wings of purity and delight See me, for me I am a butterfly in flight.

LOVE ME Caress me gently with your Sturdy, loving arms Calm my essence as only you can Never deny me the Ever-present love, That burns in my heart eternally Encourage me until the end of time Inspire my steps! Clutch me tenderly in the cradle of your forgiveness Educate me on the ways of the world Console my spirit when I cannot go on Pray for me When I am seemingly loss Love me Unconditionally As only true friends can Motivate me to be like you Tough, compassionate Affectionate, magnanimous And filled with love.

STUCK ON YOU The moment that we met Our hearts intertwined Our eyes locked together and I knew that you'd be mine As days grew to weeks my love for you grew stronger our minds became infused we belonged to one another. it was pointless to deny that I was stuck on you, So easy to imply we were amongst the chosen few... loving one another has brought a new dimension our bodies intertwined

without an ounce of tension when you kiss me, I start to melt our love is real, so deeply felt you caress me and I long for more being stuck on you is a feeling that I adore! flaming love fuels our passion, my body starts to quiver a most natural reaction we never want to part even for one day Let's stay together intertwined in this way! I am hopelessly stuck on you.

I AM A DIVA I am a diva... divine, delightful, dependable I embrace the divinity of the beautiful queens who have come before me I delight in just being I am who I am and I make no excuses for being me I am a diva.... intelligent, intuitive, iconic No one can tell me what I cannot do for as long as I think I can,

I can and I WILL!! I am a diva... vivacious victorious vibrant I embrace all aspects of me the good parts with the bad knowing that I am loved I am a diva... artistic altruistic and active in all that I undertake using my God given talents for the betterment of humanity I am a diva... Aren't you?

AURA Mind numbing illumination Brilliant beyond the Brightest rainbows War scars prominently Displayed like incandescent Ink spots For the world To see Headlights that blare Showing the pathway Back to life This is the aura of me


Patricia “China” Jones attended Monroe Collegeand graduated with both an Associates and Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in psychology. Patricia has been an author since the ripe age of 13 and has always contained thoughts of pursuing poetry as a professional author not only as a passion. She is currently working on starting her own nonprofit organization which will assist women, teenagers and men who are suffering from the struggles of living in an urban community. “THE MOST DIVINE WOMAN LIES WITH IN ME, HER PASSION, HER GRACE NOTICE THE EXPRESSION ON HER FACE!” (Patricia Jones)


TALKING TO A SHADOW Why am I walking all alone, holding a hand of a distant man, making love to a dangerous mist small pecks and kisses across a shadows lips, I imagined you were here keeping me safe in loves embrace, taking all my fears away and promising everything would be OK, dictating love and pressing so hard to keep our courtship as high as the most farthest star, this damn lump in my throat make me feel as if I wanna choke my fist full of tears up in the air like smoke, I mean I pray and I pray and I pray every day that god will bring u back to me in the same way.


She's something like a super freak the most unique woman you could ever meet, at night she ignites with 3 shots of henny she comes alive, you fear this marvelous creature she's the sexiest intoxicant and will deceive ya, her mind is wild and riddled with the most intoxicating sounds, pleasurable positions missionary isn't her mission she's a rider for real now take your seat it's time to get peeled, her high performance is diminutive, unsound, and implicated to all around, many have tried and many have failed to try and define this beauty of mine


You lay awake at night questioning every thought that has crossed your mind but the only question that comes to you is why, you fail to answer your own question with hopes of receiving a blessing, an angel comes to with full embrace come my child take me in you are not at fault for all your sin, you are but a product of survival deep in your heart holds the words of the bible, attack if you must it's for survival you trust, war driven you’re a soldier my man my king my protector with a ring, all your tears I see here on your shirt I wanna wipe it away to stop the pain you stop the hurt, let me help allow for me to save you, bring you to be the man I see today, no longer will you hurt no longer will you cry I will wipe only happy tears from your eyes,

so rise my gangsta rise my king and let you rule this earth with iron hearts with like the arc angel that sings.

ORIGINAL ONE I'm destined for greatness no matter what form I may come in, but no matter what u try I'll always be embedded in your skin, try and shake me maybe try and replace me I'd like to see you try, I fit to you like an original she just maybe a replicate or something like it but just not me, I have to laugh sometimes cause I remember all of your screams, your laughs, your smiles the freaky shit you said when we got wild, I mastered my riding skills strictly by climbing a mountain to the very top, I remember the night I victimized you I took it you loved it you swore no one could touch it, my number yup number 7 pleasure my middle name it’s your mind body and soul I claim, you can call me Jordan I have yet to retire I have to many years and I'm full of fire. Even when all the players are

played out I'll still be the one you dream about


Look what you did you put it on me to the point where I couldn't recognize me, feeling you in my sleep then waking up with wet sheets, feeling your strong hands around me feeling like a fiend between my weak ass knees I feel like I lost you in the midst of all this hate, the love we had use to be so great, breakfast in bed giving you that morning head there's was nothing greater than that, making love to you without a hat, my baby my lover my friend I would've traded my heart just to hold you again, but now that love is gone I've thrown you away with the rest of the trash I forgot about you, you and ya lying ass. Gave you the best you know it's true. There will never be another one like me, duplicate me try and you will just wind up with tears in your eyes,

holding ya pillow every night wanting me by I could never Be your friend nor would try.


Rakaylveia Rush also known as RAKI is a distinguished student at her high school in the Gifted Program for High Achievers in Atlanta, GA. Loving music with a passion, she plays the flute and is a member of the drum line in her High School Marching Band and she is planning to attend Spelman College in the fall of 2011 and major in Psychology. She has participated in track and field, volunteered at the Soup Kitchen for the homeless in downtown Atlanta, read to children at local daycare’s, and built homes with Habitat for Humanity. She currently participates in Junior Achievement, SADD and Christians in Action. She hopes to establish her own program for girls that promote selfesteem, confidence, community involvement and an academic standard of excellence. RAKAYLVEIA92@GMAIL.COM

HIGH SCHOOL YEARS A brother is born for adversity, Conversations including nothing more than: SEX, DRUGS, ALCOHOL and PARTIES Instead of acting classy, the girls are acting trashy One freshman girl became a trending topic“Baby Prostitute” was her new name -What an awful, horrible claim to fame! My peers don’t understand me I am radical and keen I don’t have to belong to a “clique” to be happy Why do girls feel the need to be? a freak in the bed AND a freak in the streets? Belly poked out-Pregnant at fourteen She envies me, simply because of her own insecurities But I don’t mind, cause my mom taught me to love my enemies I walk the halls completely as an individualBecause I’m not afraid to face my fears, I have succeeded in walking upright during my high school years

MY NEXT STEP What is this dazzling little diva up to NOW? Single again, she’s back on the prowl She is soooo successful‌ OMG! How? Embracing the grace of God, While reaching for the stars She has countless accolades Not one or two, but three pleasurable cars Take a glimpse into her future Here are her subsequent plans: First step, is finding a GOD-FEARING man! Next step, she is gracefully strutting across the stage, Attention!! Everyone, Rakaylveia Rush is about to graduate! Class of 2011Enthusiastic about a brand new start! This special, bright lady will always keep heaven, At the center of her heart

CHOICES Which will you choose- HBCU or PWI? Support your people then you will soar and fly Pick the school that helps you reach the sky There is a decision to be made You should choose a school where your dreams will not fade Some say diversity is the best environment for youOnly if you want your identity to be screwed! Being a minority makes you feel inferiorEven though God lets you know you are nothing less than SUPERIOR! Of course it’s nice to experience different cultures… But when you forget where you come from You begin to feel ignorant and dumb! How does it feel to be the majority? This is definitely a place that everyone should see! It’s full of vibrant women, doing vibrant things! Don’t know about you- but this totally relates to me! A place where you’ll feel special, on this campus- its OK to be unique!

This place was built for women who look just like you! Once in a lifetime experience‌ Thank God this place isn’t like everywhere else! Preparing you to be confident and magnificent A choice to change the world-

I HAVE MADE MY DECISION! Blessed and Highly Favored Miss Future CEO / Corporate Diva Of 5000 applicants I was chosen to receive a full ride First Generation, Spelman College graduate Blessed and highly favored- I’m determined to STRIVE Transforming myself, by the renewal of my mind Forgetting all the bad stuff, I left it all behind Pushing forward, diligently An extravagant future awaits me No longer anxious about tomorrowI no longer have to entertain sorrow HOLY rolling, riding in my ravishing, red Range Rover Raki is all of that She’s confident and intelligentAnd struts with a twist She has diamonds in her backyard and diamonds on her wrist! This STRONG woman of God Knows her purpose She is determined to win against all odds! Praises to God because he saved herShe knows it’s only because she is Blessed and Highly Favored


Good friends are there to keep you sane Good friends can tell when you need comfort while struggling with pain No matter how selfish or rebellious you start to become Good friends know how to get the job done! Good friends realize that when we are our least loveable That we desperately need to be extremely hug-gable They comfort you when the going gets tough They tell you to stick it out when things begin to get rough Teenagers face a lot of uncertainties, But nothing beats a good friend who treats you like family

Good friends are the main reason you fall into debt Since you love them, even if they ignore you you will never be able to forget If you have a good friend hold on tight Whatever happens, forgive them if you ever get into a fight These days, good friends are short in supply and hard to come by


Ramona T Jones is a 1999 graduate of Bethune-Cookman University where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. She has been teaching for 12 years. She has always had a passion for writing, but it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that her passion blossomed. Some of her writing was featured in Strut: A Collection of Words about the Woman’s Walk, authored by Dr. Darcova Triplett. Ramona brings her love for writing into her classroom everyday where many of her students have blossomed into great writers. Her hope is that they continue to nurture the gifts they have.


Life has a funny way of happening We have our minds set on what we think we need; what we think We deserve… We have a plan For everything… Then we fall in love and our needs change; our wants change… Something inside changes… I changed when my heart met yours… I realized that there was a connection… My heart ached for a chance to be yours Then that “funny” way happened And things changed… Before I knew it, someone else was there loving you, making you happy And I started thinking about what could have been…

With us, between us, for us… I still think… And I still wonder… What could have been?


The air becomes cool as fall makes way for winter The wintry breeze signals the music in the air Carols, jingles, hymns… That’s the music of the season Music that tells how this all came to be Music that tells the joy of it all “Joy to the world, the world is come…” A world that is now filled with uncertainty and fear ‘O Holy night, the stars are brightly shining…” Stars that give light to the dim places in our hearts Our hearts…sometimes filled with sadness “It is the light of our dear Savior’s birth…” The light…it shines all around us

Lighting our paths to this season… A season of joy and hope…

It’s the music in the air…

UNCERTAINTY It started one day just by the way you looked at me And said, “Hey beautiful!” Something was different… And I began to wonder what you were thinking… About me… Our conversations revealed the interest But I read between the lines and discovered the uncertainty You felt Your past experiences have blurred your vision of happiness It has made you second-guess what you are feeling That’s what uncertainty does… It makes you wonder and have doubts About what we could have I see the uncertainty in your eyes… Especially when you are looking down at me… I hear the uncertainty in your voice… When you call… Just to see how I am I feel the uncertainty when you touch me And I wonder if you will ever give us a chance

To discover what is there…

The uncertainty

UN-EXPECTATION Expectation…Anticipation The feeling is indescribable… Your heart skips a beat… And then it happens… You happened… And the feeling is indescribable… My heart continues to skip… You happened… And I wonder how? How did you become such an important part of my life? My heart? So fast… You happened… And the anticipation… Of hearing your voice… Of seeing you… Of you touching me… Is indescribable… You happened… And my heart is not the same… As it was the day before I met you… Unexpected… Un-Expectation…

THE PAIN IS EVER PRESENT In my heart, mind, and soul The pain caused by your words Your actions… They tell me that your words are just that… Words Words that give me hope Then tear me down Without ever thinking just what they do to me “I love you…” “I need you…” “I want you…” Cutting just like a knife Slicing through my veins Slicing through my heart I love you because you make me whole I need you because you give us purpose I want you because I love you; I need you… So, why do I feel so much pain? Why do I feel so alone? “I love you…” “I need you…”

“I want you…”


Rico “Simple Genius� Revels Is a 27 year old poet and an aspiring author. He is originally from High Point, North Carolina but he now resides in Atlanta, Georgia. He lives with epilepsy and I he is a brain surgery survivor. Through this traumatic experience he found the courage to pursue his dream which is to write poetry and the ultimate dream of becoming a published poet. He is very passionate about writing and he puts all my heart into his writing. He has been writing poetry for a relatively short time but, hopes that his words can have a lasting impact. Paint

ON THIS DAY On this day I lay on my back on a cold surgery table Unconscious from anesthesia Hoping that the neurosurgeons will be able Will their cranial intrusion save my body from seizures? I wish time could sit back and take breather Take me back to the days when life was carefree I’m twenty four years old and looking at the cemetery When you come that close to being buried There’s little time to worry Without surgery you have two weeks to live is what he said Or you can let us go inside and mill around your head My life hangs in the balance What choice do I have? I’d rather be a vegetable than lying dead on slab

Life is all I have and I’m determined to live it Face all trials and tribulations that come my way Make the best of the conditions I was given I hoped for the best Laying with my life on the line Preparing for the ultimate test No study group this time For this day in the year 2008 I lay on a hospital bed unsure of my fate 6:18 am I awake headed down to surgery But as fate would have it I was destined to awake Awake to a skull that is still in two pieces But through it all my soul has become complete I’ve adjusted to life with epilepsy A small token that the reaper left me But don’t weep for me He left me here to give you this poetry I’ve gone through so much pain

All wrapped in my brain If it all didn’t happen the same My life would be a shot in the dark A roll of the dice and a stroke of the heart I embrace the reaper b/c he embraced me Yet he gave me back and I give myself too you Transforming my soul into my words Pouring my heart out into a pen Then building the courage to recite these words On this day I faced death and found new life

FORBIDDEN PLEASURE I desire what I can’t have I long for what I can’t touch My mind is telling me a hard no But my flesh oh my flesh is feeling such a soft yes I should try my best and stay away When these feelings begin to feel I’m like a fiend without a hit When desire hits all mesmerizing & tantalizing I stand there poised and ready Hoping obedience can override desire Self-restraint is an impossible must Because if you know like I know These pleasures just seem to have their own little way From the touch, the kiss, or the caress This forbidden pleasure does its best What is it about forbidden pleasure? Maybe because they can be dealt at a never-ending measure Or maybe it’s just the stigma or taboo Our flesh desires what our hearts know is wrong Whether it’s X-rated, drug related, or fixated We each have our own What’s yours?


I am graffiti misplaced but I still grab your attention I’m graffiti enjoy my bright colors Enjoy the fact that I take residence wherever I feel No amount of paint can dismiss my presence I’m always visible for everyone to see Giving character to sidewalks The only life left an abandoned warehouse Even industry can fall victim to America Not me Every city you go too I’m there look at me They call me graffiti

I’m the artistic representation of our youth Not just the inner city youth Yes suburbia I have yours too They rush to spray me wherever So much life packaged into one can I’m a voice with no sound Its sign language The underworld and hierarchy of those that love to dabble I like to think of me as a cool even sometimes dangerous game of scrabble Rushing around town looking for spaces to fill with my words They call it tagging and why for everyone to see They all do it for the love of me I tell the tells of generations of our misunderstand children Children who grew to be those misunderstood teens Who knew that there was message in them that just had to get out? You take all the bullshit you can and then the real you begin to boil out When you have that need that your inner self is going to come leaking out

Head to Wal-Mart’s paint section and then a check out I am bought as paint But as I begin to be the vessel of communication I become the true me I become graffiti

CONTINUUM OF LOVE Baby let me take you on my continuum of love I want to wrap you in the universe of my affection Let my love be your solar system And I would like for my heart to be your guiding star Emotions taking off at the speed of light My continuum of love is filled with wonder Galaxies of passion and constellations filled with romance We can orbit in a path of bliss Warm me with solar flares of your lust Let my quasar fill your black hole As we cause our big bang Bless me with a proto star

Our little proto star who will grow in the continuum of our love Dependability and stability will hold us down like gravity My heart beats at the speed of light for you 186,000 miles per second just at the sight of you Let our spirits merge like colliding matter forming a new planet Baby step into my space age as we ride on my continuum of love

THE MAKINGS OF A MAN Let’s talk father to son I want you to understand the makings of a man That there’s always a struggle for your emancipation I only want you to understand The factors that contribute to the makings of a man Life sometimes she can be so sweet But don’t let her gentle ways and happy days fool you Life can be a bitch son She can bring you down if you let her See when you’re a teenager you’re invincible Typically living life without principle Trapped in a disillusioned flow of adolescence Drifting from trend to trend and lifestyle to lifestyle All to become mentally aware of your true essence After you’ve tipped your hat at graduation That’s when life gets real It’s a big world out there and I want you to be ready

College isn’t every man’s dream but a paycheck should be steady Hard work is nothing to be ashamed of Do not be fearful of independence son Some of the tough guys you see Wouldn’t have time to be the thugs they pretend to be But when you don’t provide it gives you time to hide Standing on a block all day doesn’t sustain you It only entertains the authority of the jurisdiction that claims you Long enough to sweep the block And 48 hours later some judge is preparing to arraign you Now I’m not condemning you I want to encourage you That your head can be more than a rack for fitted caps And that your environment does not make you Take my lead son and do everything to rise above Next on the list son is love How you love can be your truest test Love hard and love strong When you choose a woman think of all the strong women in your life When she is weak you be her rock Some men have forgotten their position

A woman is more than just a surface for stroking or an entrance for poking These are our flowers sent from above to usher in new life Your woman should be your friend And if she isn’t worthy of that then she is not one to be laid with You don’t have to lay with every woman who will no matter how you feel Too many lives have been created and destroyed because of a cheap thrill Find that woman whose voice shakes your soul Her walk causes an earthquake in your heart Her touch can cause you to poke a hole through your pants Now that is true romance Last but not least one day you will be right where I am

Well if you listen you should be The most essential thing I can say is be a father to your children Money alone isn’t love and doesn’t equal time You have to be there good or bad through thick & thin Because you will be what will make a man for him or her Once you make that child your clock starts Love is a 24/7 365 job I know you think I am beginning to ramble about what I want you to be But the MAN I truly want you to be is a MAN like ME


Sharon L. Smith was born in Miami Florida on Feb 1974. She is an author and poet. She is also a traveling spoken word poet who performs at elementary schools during black history month. She is the author of two books; her works has been published in anthologies and periodicals as well as read publicly. Sharon published work includes: Queen Diva (2008), Trituration: to grind into a fine powder (2006), The Speakers of the Unspoken Anthologies vol. 1 and 2 (2007, 2008) as well as The Thematic Literary Magazine (2011). Educated at Florida International University she teaches creative writing in after school programs at neighborhood centers.

MY MOTHER’S NAME IS BEAUTY My mother’s name is beauty. Her poised greatness steered me to where I am today. Her heart sprung open and poured love Her poised greatness taught me to be all that I could her heart sprung open and poured love, a love that could never be duplicated Taught me to be all that I could, she cheered my growth and visions a love that could never be duplicated speaking only good she cheered my growth and visions she laughed not of foolishness speaking only good she fasted and prayed for others sake while songs of praise stayed forever in her mouth like the love that stayed in her heart My mother’s name is beauty.

HAIKU’S Untitled My grandfather died without enough time, I loved that man deep. Thinking of you, while chewing on my inner cheek wetness consumes me. If I were a man, The pleasure would be all mine to deem you girly My “icicle” heart Is no longer your playground! I’m sure you’re cold now. Consumed by your love My thoughts on you stay moving I stopped at a green light WOMANIZER I will no longer Be a part of your bean soup. The wandering stops! SO SAD My depth of winter Is the realization of: My cold lonely nights


Tainted blood? My blood is tainted? I bleed red just like they do I cry my tears from my eyes, same as them My silent tears can’t fix this un-established unsettled feeling Tears flow into streams, then rivers, and floods They can’t wash this lie clean, the sense of belonging I once felt I SIMPLY DON’T BELONG That’s what they want me to believe That’s what they are saying Faceless, nameless, and shameless I am They cannot take my joy, my strength, myself I am here…

I AM HERE One God, one people, I AM HERE This transposition can’t break me I won’t let it I won’t bow down I won’t kneel and so, If I die today I WILL DIE ON MY FEET!

DEAREST LOVER Dearest Lover, I watched you sleep last night, corkscrewed delectably below the black rumpled blanket that we shared. Your lips held a delicious subtle smile that touched my core. My thoughts drifted to the kiss we shared just a few hours before sleep had captured you. I could still taste the filling from our apple tart dessert; warm and alluring. I smiled at that thought. Our kisses are always so playful with lip biting with a little nose rubbing incorporated. I love your petite, round nose, always have. I watched your nostrils flare with each

breath you took in, in, in. Your eyes rolled under your lids while your lashes kissed your face. I smiled once more thinking of your sweet butterfly kisses that often tickled my lobes. As my face approached yours, I could feel your warmth. I gave you one of my butterfly kisses on your cheek and you scrunched your face and chewed on nothing. I was tempted to wake you, but instead I pulled you closer, allowed my body to become one with your coil, and let your heartbeat become my lullaby. Always, Your Love

I GOT ME Casual craziness caresses carefully my frozen heart souls shake nonstop like sweet souls created to mate‌check pinned hope is nailed to the cross like Jesus. My eyes whisper sadness cause my heart knows the truth My flashing memory glistens memories of you leaving long before you actually did. Just another sad love poem. Sweat and tears down my face and on my fingertips. A full fledged storm is raging.

A torn letter, a shredded CD is what is left of what our love use to be no more happiness is for me only everybody around me reads me wrong just like the sad love song. My shoulders wear shades to hide my sleeves. The torn down fence that once protected my heart destroyed, irreplaceable. So, I spread my arms to the ripping point to hug myself because through all the good and bad time I’ll never let me down.


Susan E. Henry is a prolific poet, who published her debut collection, entitled A Song for Me in December, 2010. As a poet, Susan draws inspiration from the world around her and the people in her life. Her influences include Emily Dickinson, William Blake and Langston Hughes, to name but a few.Susan lives in Melbourne, Florida, and is currently working on her second poetry collection, which is targeted for publication late in 2011. enry

PSYCHOTIC BREAK Dilapidated delusions Invade my repose And cloud my sapphire Dreams with images Of the unbearably nice. Patchouli scented Visions softly pulse And morph across The ceiling of my cell And eventually coagulate In the corner with The tickling silver webs. Those cloying mites Skitter around, singing Nonsense, flattering The dream toward Demise, while loquacious Hues ebb and flow In comforting Arrhythmia. Begging My psychosis to Endure, a battle Ensues which leaves My verdant insanity Wilted and limp, Fodder for the Voracious mites.

MAPLE TREES REMIND ME Maple trees line the Roads of my memory, Leading me, cheering Me on through the Race. Cooling the summer Breeze and coloring The autumn sky. Throwing confetti in Honor of my triumphs. Challenging my strength And endurance and My child’s delight in Gymnastic play. Reminding me of my Own roots, knotted or Smooth. Maple trees remind me Of the beauty, peace, Struggles and play. Maple trees remind me Of a home that lies Within.

INTO THE RAIN From a second floor Window, sheeted with Rain, a little boy Peers into the night. His mother, passed out On the couch, has Smoked the food money And left him to wait For his angel of mercy. His father left Two months ago, When his mom fell Apart. The boy Tip-toes to the door And slips out into The rain. Sitting on the dirty Stoop, he squints Into the rain, hoping For daddy’s return And something to eat.

ENCHANTED Within my crimson pool of silken dreams you shimmer as heat from the sand. Divine explorations and corporeal expectations excite the glimmer of your dance. Velvet night and blinding sun meld in a burst of peace so pure only a ripple in the sea of my unconsciousness could rouse me from your enchanted dance. My fingers twitch to feel the chalky satin of your impossible beauty. Precious pain swaddled in perfect bliss, cradled to my bosom as a life moments new. Longing and savoring, joyous pain.

CATHARTIC You said it would be cathartic But when you walked out the door It made my heart turn arctic And my blood run cold. Jagged ice in my veins Piercing the wall you built Around my heart With your lies, in your guilt. When you walked out the door I could not understand How I would ever go on My love in pieces on the floor. How did it slip from my hand? Watching it lie there Gasping for breath, I had no choice but to Wait and pray for rest. Until the morning light dawned I waited and dreamt Of the day when I would be healed And my pain would be spent. When you walked out the door I could not understand How I would ever go on My love in pieces on the floor You let it slip from your hands.


Tasha White was born and raised in The Bronx New York area. She is a dedicated mother and works hard to give her child everything that he needs and deserves. At an early age Tasha loved music and she wanted to become a singer with her best friend Fiordaliza as a back up singer but, that did not work to well because they both needed money to make tapes and to go on tour. Tasha knew that she could make it in the music business but, she also felt that a singing a career is something that you could not rely on. Besides that Fiordaliza also became pregnant with her daughter and after she gave birth she could not just pick up and leave her behind. Tasha decided that maybe it was best to obtain a job and since she loves math, she became accountant at Fancy Food Inc. as an Account Manager. Tasha really enjoys reading and writing poems and she shares with you three of her latest poems that she wrote. Email:

BROKEN PROMISES You never tell the truth You lie through your teeth You play a lot of games And Have broken promises You say you love me and will never hurt me You told me I was your sunshine And You will always be mine You said I was your day and your night But lately all I have is Broken Promises Why Lie, Why hurt me Why smother me with your fake love And fake promises Only to lie again I believed in you I trusted you I caressed you in my dreams and sleep Do you know what that means? Why Should I believe you now? Because lately all you have been saying and giving me is Broken Promises

WHY When I sit here Thinking about all the BS That has happened to me Throughout my life Almost raped, beaten and always hurting inside Why cry about it Why shed a single tear Why get mad about becoming stronger Why Should I even care That another man lied again All that matter is Me and mines at the end So I won’t ask myself why? For I have tried and failed So why ask why? I gotta keep on with life But I won’t go in life asking why I became a stronger link And not the weaker one So, for those who ask why? Don’t ask why just become A stronger link Never a weak link again Because that weak link just Became a stronger link Because I didn’t ask the famous question Why?


Life is short at times Life is hard sometimes Life is what you make it Life is the best thing ever And never a bad thing Since I had my baby A boy that is learning about life A boy that is looking at life in a bigger picture A boy that brings the smiles in me And now I live for my son Stephon For he made me enjoy life No more crying and shouting Just laughs and giggles Thank you God for giving me a son Because He is my life

Note To The Reader

We hope that you enjoyed reading this book as much as we did creating it. This is only the beginning. We will continue to provide you another 20 poets each volume. We ask that you please do not copy, alternate or duplicate any parts of this book unless; you are given verbal or written permission by one of the compilers of this book. If you are a poet and will like to join us for future publications please visit our official T.P.L website at: and read about the T.P.L project, to find all the information you need. If you have any comments or feedback for this book you can send it to any of the compilers and/or a specific poet you will like to reach. We will answer your email promptly and accordingly. Yours Truly, Fiordaliza Charles and Charron Monaye CEO's of the T.P.L Projects

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