Riviera del Levante ICONS - English Version

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Giada Residence

Cielo e Mare (+39) 0185 490042 appartamentigiada.it

Gli Appartamenti Giada (mono-bilo per 4, 5 o 6 persone), arredati con gusto e funzionali, si trovano nel caratteristico centro storico di Moneglia, fronte mare. Aperti tutto l’anno, sono l’ideale per famiglie, gruppi di amici o per chi desidera una vacanza indipendente. Flats Giada (studio flats-two room flat for 4, 5 or 6 people), are functional and furnished with style, they are located in the characteristic historic centre of Moneglia, facing the sea. Open all year round, they are ideal for families, groups of friends or for those who want an independent holiday.



Gli Appartamenti Cielo e Mare si trovano a Lemeglio, 2 Km dal centro, con incantevole vista mare. Sono appartamenti riservati a chi, come noi che li abbiamo realizzati e pensati, sa vivere un sogno. Dispongono di terrazzo, giardino o balcone. Per gli ospiti, una piscina tra cielo e mare sul terrazzo all’ultimo piano. La Villa Belvedere è situata a Lemeglio e ha un ampio giardino privato con una splendida terrazza a picco sul mare e una piscina fuori terra ad uso esclusivo. Può ospitare fino a 12 ospiti ed è dotata di riscaldamento.

Villa Belvedere is located in Lemeglio, it has a big private garden with a wonderful terrace facing the sea, and an above ground heated pool exclusively for up to 12 guests.

Flats Cielo e Mare are located in Lemeglio, at 2 kms from the town centre, all have a charming sea view. All flats are meant for people just like us, that have planned them, and know how to leave a dream. They all have a terrace, garden or balcony. There is a swimming pool for the guests on the terraced roof.



Corso Longhi, 14 Moneglia (GE) (+39) 0185.49335 ¹ (+39) 0185.490221 albergogianmaria.it info@albergogianmaria.it CITR: 010037-ALB-0004

L’Hotel Gian Maria, è situato nel centro di Moneglia, a pochi passi dal mare ed è immerso nel verde del suggestivo Viale delle Palme. Possibilità di parcheggio privato in garage coperto a 50 mt moto/macchine.

The Gian Maria Hotel, is situated in the centre of Moneglia, in the so-called “Viale delle Palme”, near the sea. Possibility of private parking garage at 50 mt motor bikes/cars.

Il ristorante di GIANCARLO MAGGI, offre alla clientela un’ampia scelta di piatti tipici regionali liguri e nazionali serviti in un ambiente confortevole con dehors e sala interna. Ideale per cerimonie, banchetti e pranzi di lavoro.

GIANCARLO MAGGI’s restaurant offers to its customers an ample choice of typical regional Ligurian products and national products, served in a comfortable indoor dining room with an outdoor area. An ideal place for ceremonies, banquets and business lunches.


Versione Italiana





22 FOOD & WINE 32 NATURE 46 LIFESTYLE 56 PLACES OF INTEREST Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Qualsiasi riproduzione o utilizzo di copie è proibito. L’uso del nostro sito o della nostra rivista digitale è soggetto ai seguenti termini: tutti i diritti sono riservati. Nessuna parte di www.italiapervoimagazine.it può essere riprodotta, memorizzata in un sistema di recupero o trasmessa, in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo, elettronica, meccanica, fotocopia, registrazione o altro, senza previa autorizzazione scritta da parte di Italia per Voi s.r.l. Nonostante l’accurata verifica delle informazioni contenute in questo numero, Italia per Voi s.r.l. non può accettare responsabilità per errori od omissioni. Le opinioni espresse dai contributori non sono necessariamente quelle di Italia per Voi s.r.l. Salvo diversa indicazione il copyright del contributo individuale è quello dei contributori. E’ stato fatto ogni sforzo per rintracciare i titolari di copyright delle immagini, laddove non scattate dai nostro fotografi. Ci scusiamo in anticipo per eventuali omissioni e saremo lieti di inserire l’eventuale specifica in ogni pubblicazione successiva. Abbonamento postale su richiesta.

ITALIA PER VOI - ANNO IX N. 53 - Maggio Giugno 2021

Magazine sul turismo ed i suoi servizi nei territori e nei borghi d’Italia Aut. Trib. SP nr. 1116/12 Iscrizione al ROC: N° 22857 Direttore Responsabile Enzo Millepiedi Testi di Samira Giorgetti Progetto Editoriale ITALIA PER VOI s.r.l. Sede e contatti Via Vittorio Veneto 255 - SP italiapervoi@gmail.com Direttore Editoriale e Servizio Amministrativo Gino Giorgetti Direzione commerciale Maria Grazia Dallagiacoma Mob. +39 333.8485291 Grafica, impaginazione e post produzione Sara Fornesi Social e fiere Erika Giorgetti Foto e immagini Gino Giorgetti, Sara Mulliri, La Maggiorana Persa di Francesca Vassallo, Le Cinque Erbe di Daniela Vettori, La Spezia in Cucina di Alessandra Massa, Francesca Glam Stampa e tiratura Roto3 Industria Grafica S.r.l. 20.000 esemplari


Baia di Levanto



Download the Maps of the Eastern Riviera

t is commonly said that Liguria is a rough and mountainous territory, a narrow crossroad with trails facing the rough fishy sea. This is partly true, but also the opposite is true, in fact where the territory of the Cinque Terre ends, the land becomes easier to cross, leaving behind steep slopes and straw yellow vineyards, in fact we find coves and beaches alternated to cliffs and dreamy bays. We identify this pleasant interlude of lands, worthy, yet still not fully acknowled, like the neighbouring Cinque terre, with the name Riviera del Levante - Eastern Riviera. In the province of La Spezia beyond the typical spur of the Five Villages, clung to the rocks overlooking the sea, a place envied by the whole world, the last lushy part of the riviera Spezzina shows some well known villages, appreciated for their seasides and the excellent cuisine: Levanto Bonassola, Framura and Deiva Marina. Going west, Deiva Marina divides the provinces of La Spezia and Genoa, as it is the last village of this charming territory, a starting point to reach the Bay of Fables and the Bay of Silence in Sestri Levante, a municipality that includes Riva Trigoso and Moneglia, both in the province of Genoa. If we think about all these areas we might be surprised by the many qualities of each place, and following the route on a map, it could help people to imagine the various differences that Liguria has to offer, in fact it is not just a place


Via delle Ghiare, 9 Levanto (SP) +39 0187.800176 info@fratelliqueirolo.com www.materialiedilifratelliqueirolo.it Presente sul mercato dal 1969, è una RIVENDITA EDILE leader nel settore. Il magazzino è fornito di una completa gamma di materiali per l’edilizia, idraulici e fognari, minuteria, legname, attrezzature, laterizi, prefabbricati in cemento, pavimentazioni, ceramica, parquet, termocamini e stufe a pellet, sanitari e arredobagno con relativi showroom, ogni genere di attrezzatura per le costruzioni e un’ampia ferramenta. Fornisce soluzioni per la costruzione di edifici a basso impatto ambientale. E’, inoltre, specializzata nelle installazioni di impianti termosanitari con personale interno aziendale altamente qualificato. Offre mezzi ed attrezzature a noleggio.

In business since 1969, it is a leading BUILDING SUPPLY RETAILER. The warehouse is equipped with a complete range of construction materials for plumbing and sewage systems, hardware items, timber, tools, brickwork, precast concrete, floor coverings, ceramic floor, hardwood flooring, heating fireplaces, pellet stoves, bathroom units and furniture with relative showrooms, all kinds of construction equipment and wide range of hardware items. The company provides solutions for the construction of eco-friendly buildings. It is also specialized in the installation of thermo-sanitary systems thanks to its highly qualified staff. It offers vehicles and tools rentals.


Vallata di Levanto

Lungomare di Levanto

Via Garibaldi, Levanto


with coves and rocky dungeons. The valley in LEVANTO is in fact as an entry gate to and from the Cinque Terre. Before or after the moorings in Monterosso al Mare, a natural bay streatches creating wide sandy and pebble beaches, from Punta Mesco to Punta Levanto, the so caled Baia di Levanto. This slice of heaven, is shaped by terraces that cover the valley towards the big beach, we must say that it has changed in time, particulary after WWII, thanks to an economic growth, yet keeping its classical middle age village look, with its old and new part and the usual conurbation around the main church of Saint Andrea, that has the typical facade with alternated stripes, and the narrow streets such as Via dei Forni and Via Garibaldi, where tourists can find the oldest shops and the best villas; it has become an appreciated beach resort, so dear to people from Milan and Emilia Romagna. Many are the cultural initiatives: a good cuisine represented by focacciarie, restaurants, bistrots and hotels, its pedestrian and cycle path “Maremonti”, that connects Bonassola to Framura, is the right keystone to move in the neighbouring areas, to which mountains and the broad hills wink. The coastline is characteristic, a generous wind blows every day, making it an ideal place for those who love surfing, windsurfing and bodyboarding. If we want to state exactly what Levanto can do for a tourist, we could certainly say that hospitality comes first. This is the ideal place for a long priviledged holiday, with shops that sell local specialities (run by charming people who are willing to teach the art of pesto sauce), and particular gifts, an area equipped with swimming pools,




Il Punto Vendita di Via San Rocco, nel cuore di Levanto, gestito da Monica e Daniele, propone un ampio assortimento di prodotti CRAI per qualsiasi esigenza: dalla cura della casa e della persona, alla dispensa dolce e salata, alle bevande, ai freschi, fino ai surgelati. Tutti i prodotti a Marchio CRAI sono caratterizzati dal migliore rapporto qualità/prezzo e garantiti da CRAI.


The supermarket in Via San Rocco, in the centre of Levanto, run by Monica and Daniele, offers a wide choice of CRAI brand products for any needs: house care and personal care, savoury and sweet products for your pantry, drinks, fresh food and frozen products. All CRAI brand products have the best quality/price ratio and are guaranteed by CRAI.

Via San Rocco, 5 - Levanto (SP) (+39) 0187.807111 · crailevanto@libero.it

Il Punto Vendita in Corso Longhi, a Moneglia, offre un ampio assortimento di prodotti CRAI, caratterizzati dal migliore rapporto qualità/prezzo, per qualsiasi esigenza: dalla cura della casa e della persona, alla dispensa dolce e salata, alle bevande, ai freschi, fino ai surgelati.

The supermarket in Corso Longhi, in Moneglia, offers a wide assortment of CRAI products, characterized by the best quality/price ratio, for all needs: home and personal care, savoury and sweet food for your pantry, drinks, fresh food and frozen products.

C.so L. Longhi, 9 - Moneglia (GE) (+39) 0185.451484


Vista della baia di Bonassola

Ciclopedonale Mare Monti

Ingresso a Bonassola da SS332


beach resorts, and we must not forget its nature, with the same colours that can be found in the National Park of the Cinque Terre, so close to this area, and in the poems written by Montale and Casella; all this will help us to enjoy better the movida in Levanto. The area in Bonassola is mainly crossed by the SP39 road, well connected to La Spezia and Levanto, it borders to the east with Levanto and to the west with the small village of Framura, its hills are touched by the warm sun at sunset and we are sure that your emotions will be dragged far away. BONASSOLA is perhaps more rural than Levanto, but at the same time shows an elite touch, less lively but with an ancient history to remember, it is believed that it origins started well before the Roman domination, as there are some remains of an ancient road. The inhabitants are jealous of their treasures but willing to share their cuisine and heritage, the beautiful landscapes of the gulf and the endless pine groves, cover Mount Rossola, the former location of the mine, people think it was a gathering place for witches, the view from here of the rich

Torre carolingia, Framura

sea clung to the discreet clouds that almost reach Portofino, is really stunning. The colour board of mother nature in Salto della Lepre (Hare jump) is unforgettable, a landmark on the trail between Bonassola and Levanto. We can say that the touristic culture of this second village, located in the province of La Spezia, is undoubtly based on its beach resorts, but at the same time benefits of the presence of many historic buildings, with great architectonic value. We finally reach on tiptoes the munipality of FRAMURA, far from the crowded roads, spread along twenty kilometres, it has a sort of impressionist allure. From the rugged and stony trails, well signalled by CAI, we reach the historic centre with the typical gispy coloured Ligurian facades, that go as far as the sea. Sparkly shades of the time when the village was attacked, luckily only for short periods, by the pirates, thanks to its Caroligian sighting tower and the boats taken ashore Only a painter would know the right colours to depict such landscape, red, pastel pink, yellow ochre used on walls, and the rusty slate roofs, stick out and enhance the clear coast and the blue sky. Trains stop in Framura, as well as in Levanto, which is wonderful and convenient for people who want to make a complete tour of the three villages. The Cinque Terre are a well established reality, but we can say that the three villages of Levanto,

Un luogo d’incontro e di condivisione dove riconoscere un profumo, emozionarsi nel gustare un sapore nuovo e arricchirsi di storie di persone che come noi credono sia importante sapersi prendere cura di se stessi e del mondo in cui viviamo.

A gathering place, where you can recognize a scent, get excited while tasting new flavours and enrich yourself with stories of people who, like us, believe it is important to know how to take care of ourselves and the world in which we live.

Via Cambiaso 1 Moneglia (GE) Tel. +39 0185 482868 Mob. +39 349 4166606 bistrot.moneglia@gmail.com 11

Sentiero a Punta Apicchi

Torre di avvistamento alla marina di Deiva

Torre di avvistamento nel centro storico di Deiva Marina


Bonassola and Framura have a similar identity, even if very different. The hamlets Castagnola, Costa, Setta, Ravecca and Anzo by the sea, complete the possible choices for a holiday in complete relax, away from the lively nightlife. Tourists will be welcomed warmly, and will be able to enjoy the scent of saltiness and the chirping of crickets in the evening, among Aleppo pines and woods. DEIVA MARINA is the typical gathering place that you are bount to find in this region, located half way from the ancient and lively Genoa and from La Spezia, a smaller town yet à l’avant garde. The sighting towers are a true bond with the town of Genoa, as well as its culinary culture, based on sea food, thanks to its fairly rich trade in fish; the neighbouring villages in the province of La Spezia spread up to Passo del Bracco, where eco friendly campsites and family run agritourisms are many to choose. Deiva Marina borders to the west with Moneglia and to the est with the thick vegetation of Framura, and the municipalities of Carro and Carrodano, that are part of an area called Alta Val di Vara. There is a price to pay to enjoy the beauties

Lungomare di Deiva Marina


of this part of Liguria, providing you don’t want to get lost along its windy trails that start from Via Aurelia, a one way road that passes through old railway tunnels, timed by a traffic light. You won’t lose much time, and above all think about the emotions you will feel while crossing Alta Via dei Monti Liguri, let the world rest just for a moment and enjoy the view of the sea, so close to you...right at your feet. The beautiful days and stunning sunsets are always there in Deiva Marina. A scenario with promontories and cliffs alternated to small beaches ( the beach called Fornaci is shared between Deiva and Framura), it is a long beach, about a kilometre, close to Portofino, the cork trees, and the small villages of Mezzema, Piazza and Passano, the right stay that every foreign tourist expects. Deiva Marina is a Ligurian hamlet of modest dimensions, that lays perched in the old part of the village, inland, built mainly around the church of Saint Antonio Abate, and its marvellous churchyard,

Da 26 anni Ely e Fao sono il tuo punto di riferimento per articoli da regalo, profumeria, cartolibreria, giocattoli, casalinghi, elettrodomestici, fotografia, articoli subacquei, articoli da mare e pesca… Di tutto un po’!

For 26 years Ely & Fao have been a landmark for gift items, perfumery, stationery, toys, household products, appliances, photography, beachware, diving and fishing equipment... A bit of everything.

Corso Italia, 54 - Deiva Marina (SP) (+39) 0187.815943 faustobertoni1971@gmail.com


Baia di Moneglia

Lungomare di Moneglia


the Marina where we can find hotels, beach resorts and the newly paved and extended promenade, with its geometric lines. One curiosity: Deiva is very convenient, if you want to reach in a short time Val Fontanabuona, a place famous for slate mines and its local craftsmen. Our holiday hero would litteraly stick out of the former and dark railway tunnels, struck by the hot sun rays, but finally reaching a precious bay, surrounded by thick woods and olive groves, and connected in a few minutes to Tigullio. Monilla is MONEGLIA, it took some time for the Romans to conquer it, then it was included in their main road map. The village hugs and pampers warmly tourists, workers without making any difference at all, but we have to consider that despite they keep up their high standards, this place remains a

fishermen village. Punta Moneglia and Punta Rospo are steep slopes with thorny vegetation and ageless pine groves that struggle against the fertile land, where terraces show grey twisted trees, the trus richness of this place with the bell towers that look if they are hung among trees,. It is one of the most beautif villages in Italy, awarded with the Blue Flag since 1990, Moneglia and the small hamlet Lemeglio enhances and colours the lands of Val Petronio. We continue our story telling you about this beautiful green land, full of olive mills and elite accomodations, dedicated with passion to agriculture and for millenia to the cultivation of olive trees; the partial isolation of the excavators in the mountains, has helped to maintain intact the blue cobalt sea bottom, a sought after

Camping LA SECCA


al 1965, il nostro Camping a conduzione familiare, situato a 5 minuti a piedi dal paese e dalla stazione ferroviaria, offre piazzole con vista mare e locale bar di recente ristrutturazione. Accesso diretto alla spiaggia tramite scaletta adiacente. Possibilità di parcheggio esterno e in box con ausilio, in stagione, di struttura adiacente convenzionata a tale scopo.


ince 1965, a family run campsite, just at five minutes walk from the village and the train station, it offers areas with sea view, and a recently renovated bar. Direct access to the beach through some steps. Possibility of outdoor parking and a reserved garage with assistance in an adjacent place.

Spiaggia della Secca, Moneglia

Loc. La Secca, 1 - Moneglia (GE) Tel. + 39 0185.49441 • la.secca@alice.it www.camping-la-secca.com 15 CITR: 010037-CAM-0001

Vista frazione di Lemeglio a Moneglia

Borgo e Punta Rospo, Moneglia

Passeggiata mare, Moneglia


destination for skilled divers. There are some free beaches, equipped free beaches and private beaches, silent areas, well protected by the tower castle of Villafranca, a fairy tale like building, merged with the rocks. The origin of the built up area dates back to the landing of the Arcadi, a tribe that came from the Pelopponese, to build new colonies similar to the ones they had in their own country. There are some traces of this Hellenic past, the inhabitants will be willing to share theese local treasures, yet careful to protect the precious environment. After Moneglia we find rocks and seagul nests all along the tunnels, this area looks like a unique rock, where someone once placed a cross, called the Asseu, to indicate the moorings of Riva Levante and Riva Ponente, Riva is by the coast while Trigoso develops along the hill, the name has become one, that is RIVA TRIGOSO when the railway joined the two realities. Riva Trigoso is divided in two parts by the imposing Fincantieri

Lungomare Alighieri 3 MONEGLIA (GE) Tel. +39 0185 451243 Tel. +39 339 6381380 ralzetta7@gmail.com I Bagni Acquarium, giusto fuori dalla confusione del paese, offrono, in un ambiente informale, un luogo unico di relax, tranquillità e servizi dedicati per vivere al top il mare cristallino di Moneglia. Lo stabilimento offre tanto spazio, attrezzatura confortevole, un bar ristorante per ogni esigenza, veranda relax, area gioco bambini e su prenotazione spiaggia per cani e parcheggio privato adiacente alla struttura.


Bagni Acquarium, far away from the noise of the village, offers an informal environment, a unique relaxing place, tranquillity and customized services to live at best the crystal blue sea in Moneglia. The resort offers a lot of space, comfortable equipment, a restaurant bar for all needs, a veranda where you can relax, children playground and prior booking a beach for dogs and private parking close to the structure.


Scoglio di Asseu a Riva Trigoso

San Marco 1957 P

iatti gustosi, delicati e sfiziosi. Ogni giorno pesce portato dai pescherecci locali, vasto assortimento di primi piatti di pasta fresca, carni, verdure fresche provenienti dagli orti del Tigullio, squisiti dessert e una cantina di vini selezionati. Il “patron” è Roberto Famà, Chef e Maitre Officier de Table de la “Chaine de Rotisseur”.


large variety of tasty and delicious dishes. Every day fish brought by local fishing boats, a vast assortment of fresh pasta dishes, meats, fresh vegetables from the Tigullio gardens.

Delicious desserts and large selection of wines from its cellar. The owner Roberto Famà has been "Maitre Officier de Table de la Chaine de Rotisseur".

Via Pilade Queirolo 27 Porticciolo di Sestri Levante(GE) Tel. +39 0185.41459 info@sanmarco1957.it

18Ristorante San Marco 1957

shipyard, its presents hasn’t influenced the quality of the waters and the big beach in Borgo Renà, that was a pirat outpost in the past. We won’t go into details about one of the best managed Italian shipyards, active since the nineteenth century, and we will concentrate on the small alleys of this hamlet, always blessed by the warm sun, an ideal place for lovers and lonely people, who wish to experiment adventure, probably arrived here by chance, looking for Sestri Levante, instead they end up at the mouth of the Petronio. We can find well recommended accomodations, in this wide gulf, whereas the main shops are located in Trigoso. SESTRI LEVANTE the town with two seas, so dear to H.C. Andersen, dreams of the ghosts of the wealthy merchantile vessels that once touched their sea, it develops along the alluvional plain of the stream Gromolo. If we climb the hills leading north, we reach the Natural Regional Park of Portofino, that

Scorcio sulla penisola di Sestri Levante dal sentiero per Punta Manara

covers a huge area. Sestri Levante has a big mooring in Punta Manara, well protected by men and weather conditions. The heart of the built up area is here, where the ancient fishermen houses are, overlooking the rocky promontory of the bay. The ancient heart of Sestri Levante bears glimples and colours just like a fairy tale, or those that a painter could draw on a canvas: Sestri Levante is like a romantic fairy tale, with its two bays, the Bay of Silence and the Bay of Fables and their charming harbour, a symbol par excellence of what this place is, most of all we would like to make you understand that this is the eastern gem Vista sulla Baia delle Favole dalle Rocche di Sant’Anna

Specialisti in tagli e colori moda, vi proponiamo prodotti e trattamenti per avere capelli forti e lucenti scelti con un’attenta analisi al microscopio.

Specialists in fashion cuts and colors, we offer products and treatments for strong and shiny hair chosen with careful microscope analysis.

Via Roma, 8 Sestri Levante (GE) Tel. +39 0185.487343


Scorcio sulla Baia del Silenzio, Sestri Levante

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of Tigullio, an area with so many treasures .. after the Eastern Riviera. Why not choose a place like this where young people gather at night, and if you want to a good meal, the cuisine uses local products, and there are convenient restaurants for all pockets, the echo of the legends of its artistic and cultural past can be found in the slate portals, that bear famous names such as Visconti and Fieschi.


Sestri Levante can be easily reached by train or car, and if you come from abroad, Cristoforo Colombo airport in Genoa is your destination. This village offers many attractive solutions, starting from a rich breakfast with focaccia and capuccino, or shady corners like the Convent of Capuccini suitable for a rest, and if you are sporty there are many diving centres in the area, ready to let you experiment a new adventure.


adù appartamenti


"Come a casa tua"

www.daduappartamenti.com ¹ daduappartamenti@gmail.com Tel. +39 338.8692952 / +39 331.7168497 Collocata tra le famose 5 Terre e l'incantevole Portofino, la "Dadù appartamenti" dispone di appartamenti e camere dove poter trascorrere le proprie vacanze in totale tranquillità, godere delle acque cristalline del Golfo del Tigullio e visitare i suoi innumerevoli borghi.

Rina, Levanto


Guido, Levanto


Olimpia, Deiva Marina


Carolina, Deiva Marina


Ercole, Sestri Levante

They are situated between the famous 5 Terre and the charming Portofino, “Dadù appartamenti” have flats and bedrooms where you can spend your holidays in total relax, enjoying the cristal blue waters of the Gulf of Tigullio and visiting its numerous hamlets. Self check in. Free WiFi. Bed sheets, towels and parking are included in the price.

Self Check-in. WIFI gratuito. Accessori e parcheggio compresi nel prezzo.

Adelaide, Deiva Marina CITR:011012-AFF-0006

CITR: 010059-CAV-0008


La Maggiorana Persa



here is a double concept at the base of the local gastronomy: it tries to get the best out of both land and sea, using the great products of the vegetable gardens, wild herbs, and daily catch. We have talked about the many olive oil mills of the area, but we must not forget the presence of various cooperatives, wine cellars, cheese factories and ancient wholesale butchers. In this regard, the cuisine of the Eastern Riviera uses little meat, in fact it can only be found in few recipes, as the land does not favour livestock. Liguria is considered the “homeland” of olive trees, in the Eastern area where the fruit of this magnificent plant is harvested, it boasts the certification Riviera Ligure di Levante PDO. Each dish has maintened the simplicity of the past, when anchovies used to be fried in big pans, and mushrooms were hand picked only in the right season, using very tall baskets. The cuisine of the inland areas, benefits in fact of the rural production, thanks to orchards, vegetable gardens, and aromatic herbs, which we have already mentioned, they increase the taste of main and second courses. Basil can be considered the master of the ingredients, it is not only used to make the famous Ligurian pesto sauce, so popular in Genoa as is the rest of the Region, but it


Persone oltre le cose · People as well as things · Personnes autre que les choses

Via Martiri della Libertà, 20 Levanto (SP) (+39) 0187.801590

Ogni giorno la tua spesa di qualità. Scopri i nostri prodotti a Marchio Conad, Sapori e Dintorni e i Prodotti Tipici Regionali e del Territorio. Orario Continuato, aperto anche la Domenica mattina.

Every day your quality shopping. Discover our brand products and typical Regional products and products of the territory. Non stop opening hours, opened on Sunday morning.


La Maggiorana Persa

La Spezia in Cucina

La Spezia in Cucina


is also an ingredient of the soup called “prebuggiun”, a true healthy dish, that uses chard and early spring cabbage. We can find delicatessen and typical dishes, with slight differences according to where they are made, recipes depend on the ingredients of the pastures of the Appenines, and the big bays of the Ligurian Sea, rich in kingfish, gilthead breams and small fish called paranza. The paesant and seafaring traditions meet the simple focaccia, a perfect snack, so popular in the province of La Spezia, but we can find other recipes that use testi or fried dough called sgabei, not to mention the well appreciated wines. Riviera di Levante means also savoury pies, stuffed vegetables and pasta factories that make wonders such as pansotti with walnut sauce especially in the area of Sestri Levante, or corzetti and testaroli, that can be considered as local treasures in the Magra Valley. In LEVANTO there is a great production of focaccia, called in local dialect “fugassa”, it holds a significant record in the slow food sector. Onions and potatoes grown in the hamlet of Pignone, are well appreciated by those who live here, the local wine, Colli di Levanto, full-bodied and persistent red wine, are a cure all, to taste with savoury cheese and game. Another popular local product is aged pecorino cheese . “Gattafin” are yummy fried ravioli stuffed with wild herbs and chard, another good dish is panissa, made with a chickpea flour dough, cut in squares and then fried; these are the typical dishes that can be found in the menus of the local trattorie. We must not forget the sea so rich in fish, and the many anchovies, a key ingredient of the cuisine in Levanto, BONASSOLA and Framura, but most of all in Riva Trigoso.


L'Uliveto Loc. Campo Soprano, 19 Moneglia (GE) Tel. +39 0185.49906 Mob. +39 347.5097721

Il Ristorante "L’Uliveto" è situato sulle

colline, a 2 km da Moneglia. Nella sua ampia terrazza all’aperto potrete degustare i piatti della tradizione, ammirando la splendida baia. La cucina del locale si basa su piatti preparati “come una volta”, utilizza gli ingredienti della terra ligure e propone ricette e sapori autentici. Durante la stagione estiva è possibile gustare anche piatti a base di pesce. Parcheggio privato. E’ GRADITA LA PRENOTAZIONE.

The “Uliveto” Restaurant is at 2 kms. from Moneglia, from its terrace you can see the splendid Gulf. Grandmother’s traditions are concentrated in the kitchen of the restaurant, in order to prepare dishes with the ingredients of our land, creating recipes and true tastes of the past. Private parking. BOOKING IS RECOMMENDED.

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Parchi Pila Panificio Pasticceria

Produciamo pane cotto nel forno a legna con farine selezionate, focaccia ligure e tipo recco, pizza e farinata, torte di verdura, pandolce genovese basso "baciccia" e vasto assortimento di pasticceria.

n ov i t à


Anchovies can be marinated, salted, “in bagnum” with vinegar, fried, stuffed, cooked with tomatoes and bread crumbs. A quick and crispy starter are “gianchetti” fritters, whitebait fritters, quite rare to find as there are strict rules to protect the species, are made with a light dough with eggs, flour, water and finely chopped garlic and parsley. Stockfish is a winter dish, it can be served stewed with potatoes, or fried. Cima alla Genovese is another tasty dish, it is a meat pocket stuffed with minced meat, celery, carrots, eggs, peas and the unmissable majoran that is often used in other recipes. As desserts in Levanto we must taste the delicious lemon semifreddos, limoncino and “spongata” Sarzanese, do not be afraid to pop in the shops to taste the typical products, or follow the paths and reach, at a short distance, the village of Carro in Val di Vara, ask to try their famous chestnut honey, it has a slight smoky flavour, or their balsamic and sweet honeydew. Talking about cuisine the villages of Bonassola and Framura, follow the maritime tradition, which uses simple ingredients such as olive oil, fruit, vegetables of the season, red meat from Val di Vara. A bio, healthy cuisine. Salted cod fritters with borage and marjoram, “tagiain”, with pesto sauce, lots of blue fish, home-made pasta and sapid main courses rich in Sara Mulliri



We produce bread baked in a wood oven with selected flours, Ligurian and Recco type focaccia, pizza and farinata, vegetable pies, low “baciccia” Genoese pandolce and a vast assortment of pastries. Via Nazionale, 435 Sestri Levante (GE) Tel. +39 0185.42395 panificioparchi@gmail.com 26

Sara Mulliri

legumes or rice, show how the country life is part of the heritage of these villages. Fish “burrida”, plenty molluscs and red tomatoes, “mussles soup”, or “caponada” with anchovies, and why not try “mesciua” in winter, it is a thick soup made with chickpeas, cannellini beans, lentils and spelled wheat, these are some of the cornerstones of these villages. When choosing a wine the experts of the wine cellars, or the local producers will provide advice, be sure that here you can find the best white-gold wines made in Levanto. The right table wines to accompany each flavour, will be dry and full-bodied white wines; rarely red wines are used in this part of the coast; Sciacchetrà (Slow Food Presidium), a passito, liqueur wine is produced thanks to the fermentation of Vermentino, Bosco and Albarola grapes, which provide an almond after taste; this liquor is perfect to complete a meal or to accompany various snacks. It is a very ancient nectar, known and loved also by Boccaccio, Petrarca, Giosuè Carducci, just to mention a few. In the list of traditional desserts, in the area of La Spezia, we must mention castagnaccio, made with chestnut flour, pine nuts and raisins on top, sometimes also rosemary is used as topping ... or bucellato, made with flour, eggs, sugar, milk, butter, and lemon or orange zest; apple fritters, pandolce, with marsala that helps to mix the ingredients well,

PASTA FRESCA FATTA A MANO: pansotti, ravioli e gnocchi di patate PIATTI TIPICI DELLA TRADIZIONE LIGURE: lasagne al pesto e al ragù, acciughe ripiene al forno, totani ripieni, seppie in zimino, insalata di pesce, acciughe al limone, fritto misto di pesce, frittelle di mele, latte dolce.

FRESH HAND MADE PASTA: pansotti, ravioli and gnocchi made with potatoes. TYPICAL DISHES OF THE LIGURIAN TRADITION: Lasagne with pesto sauce or meat sauce, baked stuffed anchovies, stuffed squids, cuttlefish in zimino (with chard), fish salad, anchovies marinated with lemon, mixed fried fish, apple fritters and sweet milk.

Piazza F. Marengo 21 MONEGLIA (GE) Tel. +39 338.1324462 27 luisellamoneglia@gmail.com

Corso Italia 31 - Deiva Marina (SP) Tel. +39 328.5426084 · +39 333.3687118 robertolavagna24@gmail.com

Tutti i giorni ampia scelta dal salato al dolce: pizze, focacce, torte salate, lasagne al pesto e al ragù, torte dolci, pasticcini.


Every day an ample choice of savoury and sweet food: pizzas, focaccias, vegetable pies, lasagne with pesto sauce or meat sauceragù, cakes and pastries. 28


La Maggiorana Persa

olive oil, raisins, pine nuts and walnuts, make the dough thiccker. So yummy! DEIVA MARINA cares a lot about its main courses, as here well known products such as pesto sauce, and focaccia are so popular. In MONEGLIA we surely find a more discreet cuisine, that focuses on stuffed food to attract the tourist, ravioli stuffed with lean meat and the usual juvenile fish are just a couple of what you might taste. Part of the local cuisine are “trofie”, “trenette” and green “testaroli” with sauce, “pansotti” stuffed with herbs and ricotta cheese. In any bakery you will be able to find the typical Ligurian ingredients and products, vegetable pies, with borage, chard, wild herbs or artichokes for a fragrant filling. As second courses try lobster or any other blue fish from the Mediterranean. Inland we finally find meat dishes such as stuffed guinea-hen, or polenta with leeks and fricassee lamb. Extra virgin olive oil made in Moneglia is a DOP product “Riviera di Levante”. The hamlets of Razzola, Pignola and Lavagnina are places to keep


in mind if you want to to buy some excellent olive oil. RIVA TRIGOSO gathered around its porticos and bays, lives on the fishermen’s daily catch, and their nets full of mussels, a real must as well as shrimps, sea snails and sea cicadas, all true delicases. Riva Trigoso, above every other village - probably even more than Monterosso - boasts a particular reputation ... its yummy local anchovies will be remembered for a long time; they can be fried or eaten with just a drop of lemon juice, or in “bagnun” “, with plenty of tomatoes, onions and spongy bread, that will feel your belly; this was how they were cooked and eaten on board the typical Genoese leudo (fishing boat), cooked using a charcoal stove. Do not miss the festival organized in its honour, every year in July. From the schools in SESTRI LEVANTE comes the knowledge of the local chefs, with their traditional dishes cooked in a modern way, without forgetting the products of the seasons used, all properly checked. In the valleys, instead skilled farmers produce excellent wild boar salami, ham

Punto CRAI con banco freschi, ortofrutta, surgelati, gastronomia, panetteria, carne biologica di San Pietro Vara. Aperti anche la domenica. Consegna a domicilio gratuita.

CRAI shop with fresh food, fruit and vegetables, frozen food, deli and bakery, biological meat from San Pietro Vara. Open also on Sunday. Free home delivery.

Via Ghiglielmone 119 Deiva Marina (SP) +39 0187.826040 deivarivierasrls@gmail.com


La Spezia in Cucina

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La Spezia in Cucina

La Spezia in Cucina


and a particular salami called “del Parco”, a traditional product of Val d’Aveto. There are restaurants that offer themed meals, and also sell household items, spirits, preserves, local food products, such as octopus, squid and thousands take-away specialities fried or roasted, that attract customers with their fragrance. Stockfish and salted cod fish are sought after specialities, as well as fish burrida, the sauces, stewed recipes and the everlasting “cappon magro”, an unmissable dish, that will fill your stomach, and are all grown and produced locally. Two words to conclude our story, Sestri Levante loves and promotes a centuries-old culture of artisanal ice cream makers, sweet and non sweet tastes to try, we suggest pànera, made with coffee and milk, or if you want to experiment something different, dip your spoon into a big mascarpone cup. The production of artisanal ice cream, in particular, is also worth to mention in the villages of Deiva Marina and Moneglia, thanks to skilled ice cream makers, who take care of the quality and origin of all the ingredients used, creating original, unique tastes that will remind you of your holidays in this amazing part of Liguria.

Via D. Grillo, 32 - Levanto (SP) Tel. +39 0187.808379 info@tumelin.it · www.tumelin.it Nei fondi di Casa del Capitanato, luogo simbolo di Levanto, troverete l’Osteria Tumelin, baluardo del mangiar bene e della tradizione culinaria ligure dal 1970. Le specialità dell’osteria sono il pesce, le aragoste vive, i frutti di mare e i dolci artigianali.


In the basement of Casa del Capitanato, a landmark in Levanto, you will find Osteria Tumelin, the right place for eating good traditional Ligurian food since 1970. Its specialities are fish, live lobsters, seafood and home made desserts.


Inizio pista ciclopedonale Mare Monti

Litorale di Levanto

Scorcio su Villa Agnelli dal sentiero per Monterosso

La Pietra, Levanto



Download the hiking map of the Eastern Riviera

ulled by the breeze, we make our way in a world crowded by forgotten crafts and scented Mediterranean maquis that covers paths, rocky staircases and steep slopes, at first sight impossible to cross. We can see beech woods, chestnut woods, hornbeams and hazel trees everywhere, and near the coast Aleppo pine groves reflect their image in the very deep sea bed. The Eastern Riviera are located strategically where Cinque Terre and Golfo del Tigullio meet, in one of the most spectacular areas of Liguria, an ideal place with sea routes, hills and mountains to discover, very close to the towns of Genoa and La Spezia. The Eastern Bays harbinger an untouched wild nature, especially going inland, where the area is also rich in history and culture. Flora and Fauna are undoubtly valuable (some species are monitored by the Regional Ligurian Observatory) a winning card for those who have already tried seaside tourism on their own.


Scorcio su Punta Mesco dal sentiero per Monterosso al Mare

SENSAFRENI BIK E SHOP Piazza del popolo, 1 - levanto (SP) Tel./Fax +39 0187.807128


NOLEGGIO BICI E’ un negozio, un'officina, una finestra aperta sul mondo della bici, un punto d'arrivo per risolvere problemi meccanici, un punto di partenza per nuove avventure su due ruote... In negozio si va dal noleggio alla vendita che spazia dal classico alle proposte più ricercate e innovative, inoltre si può trovare una vasta offerta di accessori per vivere al top la tua esperienza su due ruote.

Tratto di sentiero per Monterosso al Mare

The management of the customers and the prices applied for campsites and family run agritourisms are really competitive, besides many of them offer outdoor areas and pet friendly accomodation, also easy to be reached by train. This area has also been given a further acknowledgment for the quality of hospitality and the attention to keep its waters clean and healthy, all this tells us how easy it is to visit places in the province of La Spezia, that have obtained the Blue Flag. LEVANTO has an arc shaped coast of about a kilometre long, it has always had sandy

This is a shop, workshop, an open window in the world of bicycles, a place where you can solve mechanical problems, and a place where to set off for adventures on two wheels. In the shop you can rent, or buy all kind of bikes, classic types or the most sought after and innovative, there is also an ample choice of accessories to live at your best an experience on two wheels.


Levanto: la Pietra e il suo litorale

Sentiero per Monterosso al Mare

Spiaggia e Punta Levanto


and gravel beaches, with rocks and coves halfway the steep slopes. Some beaches are well equipped with deck chairs and sun umbrellas, and it won’t be a problem to rent a boat or a canoe to reach unique ecosystems, bays and less sheltered coves. Here there is a great interest and attention to its landscapes and environment. The Cinque Terre can be reached on foot throught the paths along the coast and inland, There is a cyclepath that connects Levanto to Framura, it was a former railway tunnel, now it is part of 876 kilometres of “Rete Ciclabile Ligure” (Ligurian Cycle net). If you want to feel the emotions while diving in the Eastern Liguria, don’t be afraid to contact the many experts of the diving schools of the area. The stretch of water that is part of the Park Punta Mesco, is a stone’s throw, here shallows and the sea bottom attract keen divers. There is also the possibility to follow


proper courses and obtain a diving certification. Buzzards flying up high in the sky, girls from La Spezia on their way back home from the beach, wolves that seldom hunt in the Appennines, this is a possible scenario if we hang out till sunset along green ridges and rural paths, it is the right place for people who love slow food cuisine, sea food and land specialities. The real charm in Levanto

Sentiero per Scernio e Bonassola

Punta Mesco vista da Levanto

Surfisti a Levanto

Passeggiata a porto di Levanto


Vista della baia di Bonassola dalla località San Giorgio

Ciclopedonale Mare Monti

Madonnina della Punta, Bonassola


is the seafront close to the National Park of the Cinque Terre, and that part of sea where there is the Sanctuary of Cetaceans, you should take your binoculars, as whale and dolphins are easy to spot. In the village of BONASSOLA, located at a close distance from Levanto, the area looks as if it has merged with the cultivated terraces, this is another place worth to visit, as well as the botanical garden near Madonnina della Punta and Villa Peverati. Bonassola and Framura are more sheltered than other villages, and live thanks to tourims, the coast shows high cliffs with small submerged coves when the tides arrive,

BAZAR Via F.lli Rezzano 16 - Bonassola (SP) T. +39 0187 814440 · bazarbonassola@gmail.com Articoli da subacqueo, tutto per la pesca, da quella amatoriale a quella al tonno, articoli da mare in genere. Concessionario MARES, CRESSI SUB e SEAC

other coves and narrow paths overlook the sea and waves, both villages are well marked on CAI maps, well frequented during the high season. Wide dirt roads and slopes offer a peaceful heaven. It is worth to mention the semi hidden bay Portopidocchio in Framura, there is a walkway to reach this area. The beach in Bonassola is wide and relaxing, there are so many opportunities in the village if you need accomodation, traditional cuisine, this is an unforgettable place as Hemingway used to say. Following the path that takes to the village, we see yellow juicy lemon trees and cotton lavender, lemons are grown

Scuba items and fishing equipment for both amateurs and experienced tuna anglers, sea articles in general. MARES, CRESSI SUB and SEAC dealer

Concessionario - Dealer


Punta del Carlino

Sentiero Framura - Deiva Marina

without pesticides and hand picked when ripe. In any case if you like walking, the right place for you is FRAMURA, its territory has many ancient charming hamlets to discover, and the trails will make you feel its magical and untouched atmosphere. The remains of the former town Vigo and its castle, show part of the ancient history of Framura (the poet Eugenio Montale was the first one to enchant its merits), thanks to its mild climate, you can relax in a quiet, peacefull place, overlooked by the promontories of Punta del Carlino and Punta Apicchi. At a short distance the villages of Carro and Carrodano shine among strawberry tree bushes,


close to Levanto and other small centres, not so far from the fluvial area of Val di Vara; marshes and alders delimit the area and lush Aleppo pines are practically everywhere. DEIVA MARINA is a small seaside place with excellent hotels, campsites, trekking trails and areas suitable for sports such as fishing, surf-casting, horse riding, sailing and windsurf. Near the roadstead there are exceptional plant species and animals, maritime pines, broom bushes, borage, myrtle, thyme, elicriso and rosemary, while on the other side we find a long beach, sheltered from the winds; if we go inland we will reach the Natural Park “Monte-Serro-Punta Mesco”, of which the village is

CITR: 011012-CAM-0001

Loc. Gea - Deiva Marina (SP) +39 0187.825464 info@campinglasfinge.com campinglasfinge.com

ll Camping La Sfinge si trova tra le famose Cinque Terre e Portofino, immerso nel verde di pini e acacie si estende su una superficie di 18.000 mq. in una valle incantevole e tranquilla. Bungalows, Mobilhomes per 2-3-4-5 persone con bagno, cucina, soggiorno, terrazza, Sat-TV, climatizzatore e riscaldamento. Piazzole per tende, caravan e camper. Gratis shuttle - bus, WI-FI, info point, lavatrici. Camping La Sfinge is located between the famous Cinque Terre and Portofino: surrounded by pine trees and acacia trees, covers an area of 18.000 square meters in a beautiful and peaceful valley. Bungalows/ Mobilhomes for 2-3-4-5 people, with bathroom, kitchen, living room, terrace, satellite tv, air conditioning, heating. Pitches for tents, caravans and campers. Free shuttle bus, Wi-Fi, info point, washing machine.


Costa di Moneglia e Punta Rospo

Punta Moneglia

Gallerie e calette


part, shady chestnut woods and cork trees depict the magnificent mountains where badgers, foxes and wild boards dig their burrows. On the slopes of Mount Serro (421 metres above the sea level) located between Deiva Marina and Framura, we find the typical rich environments, after the small roads you will find some panoramic landscapes on your way to MONEGLIA, that can be easily reached after some tunnels by car. Pebble beaches where divers and swimmers enoy their time protected by dirt roads, the lush vegetation that covers the rocks that lead towards the sea, scented woods with mulberry trees and buttercups cover Passo del Bracco, nature is all around us. The soil and the unbeaten routes are favourable to the growth of Mediterranean Maquis, the steep slopes between Punta Rospo on the east and Punta Moneglia on the west, are well protected by a carefull environmental policy.

Punta Rospo vista da Crova

Camping Smeraldo PARCO VACANZE

Moneglia has received the Blue Flag for its waters with merit, its main beach is covered with thin pebbles, surrounded by a Caribbean style dam of rocks, the cristal blue sea bed is ready to be discovered. The hills are suitable for the cultivation of olive trees, which is a quite popular activity in this area, in fact this has lead to the creations of several mills. Despite the fact that rocks are predominant on the coast, many hamlets have remained unchanged in time, dusty roads and podesterie tell us a lot about the development of this antropic territory, shaped by the work of men. In the inner part of Moneglia the slopes give way to woods, especially near the stream Petronio, where we can find a lush, thick, coloured vegetation; the valleys built in the cliffs go as far as the oasis Punta Manara near Sestri Levante.

In un'incantevole posizione a picco sul mare troverete piazzole camper, tende e caravan tutte dotate di allaccio alla corrente. Moderni bungalow con ogni comfort e terrazzo vista mare. Il villaggio offre i servizi di spiaggia privata attrezzata, wifi, noleggio canoe, sala giochi, ricarica bombole sub, bar,ristorante, pizzeria e minimarket. Located in a charming position, overlooking the sea, you will find lay-by parkings for campers, tents and caravans, all provided with electricity connections. Modern bungalows with every comfort and terrace overlooking the sea. The village offers beach services for the equipped private beach, wifi, canoe rental, game room, scuba tank rifills, bar, restaurant, pizzeria and mini market.

Località Preata - MONEGLIA (GE) + 39 0185.49375 · CITR: 010037-PAR-0001

41 info @villaggiosmeraldo.it · www.villaggiosmeraldo.it

Galleria a Riva Trigoso

Punta Baffe, Riva Trigoso


Before we reach Sestri Levante, the paths that go along the gulf show the same vegetation that is in RIVA TRIGOSO, holm oak woods, euphorbia that tickes our senses, but we notice that something is changing, as there are some light sandstone steps in the terraces, shady cork trees and black pine groves. The panoramic areas of Salto del Cavallo and Incisa look back to Moneglia, coloured flowers will fill your eyes throughout the year. In the fishermen village Borgo Renà, the shipyard and the coast provide an interesting contrast if compared to Madonnina under Punta Baffe. This natural swimming pool is considered a free area.

Lardelle tra Moneglia e Riva Trigoso

Baia di Riva Trigoso

Borgo Renà

The notorious Punta Manara with its watch tower, promotes the souls of artists, creating a natural belvedere, under which we find terraces with olive groves, and then we finally reach SESTRI LEVANTE. A European network works hard to maintain the biodiversity of the coast in Sestri, in fact we find many SIC (Site of Community Interest) along the coast. Our journey reaches the panoramic view Casolari Mandrelli, where coloured houses spread halfway from the coast, but we also find villas, vegetable gardens and steep steps that transform nature, till we get to the

Navigazione tra Punta Baffe e Punta Manara

Sentiero per Punta Manara


Vista sulla Penisola di Sestri Levante dal sentiero per Punta Manara

Vista sulla Baia delle Favole, Sestri Levante

Rocche di Sant’Anna, Sestri Levante

stunning promenade and the Bay of Fables, a half moon sandy bay, often crowded as well as the alleys with the many shops and bistrots. In the inlet that includes the “two seas”, morning people come here to sunbathe or read, while young people prefer the lively night life. The Bay of Silence is protected on the west side by Punta Manara, deserves to be considered as one of the most beautiful beaches not only of the Region, but of the whole country. The Bay of Fables has a large bathing area that stretches from the small tourist port to the tunnels in Sant’Anna,


Back to the contents Hotel Villa Rosa Via C. Raffo, 50 - Sestri Levante (GE) +39 0185.42226 · villarosahotel.it info@villarosahotel.it

Hotel a conduzione familiare, situato

in posizione centrale ma silenziosa, a 5 minuti a piedi dal mare e dal nuovo Parco Mandela. Camere con ogni comfort, solarium, ascensore, aria condizionata. Cucina scelta con prodotti freschi e di prima qualità.

towards Lavagna. Posidonia covers the whole sea bed of this last stretch of coast, where snorkeling lovers spend their days. People crowd the sea with rubber dinghies and boats, to reach the promontories in Portofino, not to be missed is Cala dell’Oro and Santa Margherita Ligure, home of the Marine Reserve. Besides the village, beauty can be found in the neighbouring hamlets, that are careful about the safeguard of the environment and of the ancient Ligurian craftsmen. We can start our trip on foot among olive groves, chestnut woods, admiring the gardens of the villas or the citrus groves, we can go up the terraces that overlook Golfo del Tigullio, and discover the history of the Valley of the Mills.

Family run hotel, located in a cen-

tral, quiet position, 5 minutes away from the sea and the new Mandela Park. Rooms are provided with all comforts, solarium, lift, air conditioning. Selected food cuisine, with top fresh quality products.


CITR: 010059-ALB-0023

Passeggiata di Levanto

Rimessaggio al porto di Levanto

Veduta delle frazioni di Lizza e Lavaggiorosso

Frazione di Montale, Levanto



summary of the lifestyle in the Eastern Riviera, might not be an easy task. We’ll tell you just a few things to give you an idea of the many activities, plenty as well as the ice cream flavours that link Levanto to Sestri Levante. Our first choice is a place well sheltered from the sea storms but at the same time ventilated, the Gulf of LEVANTO. It offers unforgettable afternoons at the beach and many very pleasant activities. The sea promenade is also one of the main gathering places for its inhabitants and tourists during summer evenings, walk up and


Spiagge e baia di Levanto

Frazione di Groppo, Levanto

down to digest Grappa di Pigato, or gradually getting used to the salty yummy flavour of farinata. The town centre is also one of the main attractions in Levanto, it is full of shops, clubs and food shops, there is a wonderful example of Gothic-Ligurian church, built in the thirteenth century, dedicated to Sant’Andrea, the patron saint of the town (the celebrations take place in November). A day by boat, fishing, diving, or the classic boat tour to discover the coves and many hidden areas, such as those around the town of Vanderecca, near Framura, are not the only option: from Levanto you can take one of the various trekking trails, with different difficulties, or using a mountain bike and going

Frazione di Dosso, Levanto

down the slopes, without forgetting the surrounding nature. Making an estimate, there are almost eighty miles of trails around Levanto, some of them are connected to the Cinque Terre (from Punta Mesco to Monterosso al Mare), others reach the rural communities of Lavaggiorosso, Montale , Dosso or Groppo. The glimpse of a stolen sunset from the hills of Dosso, deserves a stay in this place. If your love for hiking already knows the rough area of the Cinque Terre, here, in the Eastern Riviera, you will find BONASSOLA, with its charming steep and rugged hills. This won’t discredit the tranquillity and kindness of its inhabitants, craftmen, the cosy courtyards and vegetable gardens, you will find the


Palazzo Paganetto, Bonassola

Madonnina della Punta, Bonassola


Vista baia di Bonassola

right place for an aperitif with an amazing sea view. Since 2010, the well-established cycle-pedestrian path Levanto-Bonassola-Framura, attracts families and sportsmen, that have the habit of going along this unusual and convenient path, to reach in no time the other villages. As usual, we recommend it for its breathtaking landscapes ... you cycle very close to the clear sky, and at the same time you can see some paradisiac coves, a unique experience in its kind. Talking about coves, we must mention Scà, located between Bonassola and Framura, and the stunning “Blue Grotto”, which can only be reached by boat or canoe. Palazzo Paganetto is well worth a visit, you will feel the atmosphere of the eighteenth century, and reflect about the words “NULLI CERTA DOMUS”, you will understand why . Montaretto and Reggimonti double the views of Monte Brino, and that of a nearby municipality, despite the thriving seaside tourism, they liven this part of the Mountain Community of the Riviera Spezzina. Madonnina della Punta is one of the two promontories, covered

Lungomare e spiaggia di Bonassola

with Mediterranean maquis and mountain flowers, placed to protect the beach and the village of Bonassola. Right on top of it there is a beautiful, secluded, small church, to tell the truth it is more like a chapel overlookig the sea, easy to reach on foot as it is within walking distance from the centre, it draws the attention of every budding photographer. We have included it as it is a landmark of the area, moreover the architectural triumph of the Madonnina, an ideal destination for day and night walks. After crossing the cycle paths, with their incomparable sea landscapes, moving towards Framura, we come across Castagnola, a small village located inland, similar to the nearby village of Passano, that belongs to the municipality of Deiva Marina, of particular interest are the remains of the ancient castle of the family Da Passano, destroyed by the Genoese in 1173. Bonassola and Framura, have something particular in common, the wrecks on the bottom of the sea, where moray

Caletta sulla ciclopedonale Mare Monti, Bonassola

Grotte sulla costa di Bonassola


Torre di Anzo, Framura

Frazione di Castagnola, Framura

Porto Pidocchio, Framura

Ponte di collegamento tra Deiva Marina e Fornaci di Framura


Spiggia e lungomare di Deiva Marina

eels, groupers and mullets live free. These wrecks have remained practically lulled by the waves for ages. The tugboat “Vittoria” is at a depth of about 40 metres, while the steamship “Bolzaneto”, is at around 60 metres. Photos can be taken, helped by skilled divers, without any improvisation. FRAMURA is a village made up of several groups of houses, liven up like a typical Italian garden, perhaps apparently suspended above the sea. Going out in the morning to the twentieth century marina is inevitable, protected by the biggest rock in Liguria, the Ciàmia, this rock is surrounded by strips of land that few people know, people are struck by the syndrome of Stendhal, for its porticos, the shady stairways and the small flats, that luckily do not allow to stay for long periods. Framura is a sincere, true, village with the built up area located halfway up the hills, surrounded by holm oaks, agaves and widespread Middle Age allure. The area of Fornaci would look like the moon in a postcard, it is close to the last municipality of La Spezia, DEIVA MARINA. What does Deiva have that the others do not have? It has charm, history, delicious food, campsites and boat trips, but all this can be found in any of the villages of the Eastern Riviera, and yet Deiva stands out for its seaside holiday resorts and bathing areas. You might meet a group of motorcyclists getting off their Harley Davidson, aiming to feel their bellies with tagliatelle, instead of wasting fuel and sweat

Nel centro di Deiva Marina, vicino a tutti i servizi, bar caffetteria con gelateria artigianale: colazioni, aperitivi, panini, insalate, ottimi taglieri e torte su ordinazione. Consegna a domicilio. Aperto tutto l’anno.

In the center of Deiva Marina, close to all services, coffee bar with artisan ice cream: breakfasts, aperitifs, sandwiches, salads, excellent cutting boards and cakes to order. Home delivery.Open all the year.

Bar Gelateria Sereno Corso Italia 86 - Deiva Marina (SP) Tel. +39 0187.825266 -

+39 338.7095549 51

Attracco traghetti a Moneglia

Spiaggia La Secca a Moneglia

Sentiero per La Secca, Moneglia


driving on the hills of MezzemaIncisa-Deiva, a junction with paths spread all along a rich territory, where the local serpentine stones is quite common. It is worth trying to climb the spurs of rock, or walk among chestnut woods, picking the chestnuts along the paths. Deiva Marina lives divided in half, on one side it has the soul of an outpost useful to reach Val di Vara, Val Graveglia, Val Petronio, too many valleys, too many seaside places, and on the other side it is like a naughty pirate, but provided with facilities, wi-fi and comforts. Not bad, for a tiny, small harbour. MONEGLIA breaks the spell cast by the west and something begins to be seen among the flowers, very little in fact, just glimpses as the area between sea and mountains looks is very small, sport fishing is among the most practiced activities. There is no wonder, in discovering how people from Moneglia, respect nature more than anything else, and have given names referred to nature to the main local events: the Olive oil Festival, the Pumpkin Carnival, that started as a dispute between two farmers, at present it is a proper carnival with masks and pranks. Far beyond the coast and the former railway tunnels, passed Bracco, near Masso, you will find the former quarries of Monte Loreto, the oldest copper mining site in Western Europe. Moneglia attracts swimmers especially in the summer, thanks to its charming beaches, and the equipped areas. Punta Rospo, in any case, has nothing to envy to the emerald green views, and bell towers located on the mountains. Good olive oil is produced by the labourers on the hills of San



Via Venino, 16 - Moneglia (GE) +39 0185.491543 - +39 0185.491945 CITR: 010037-ALB-0006

hotelmondialmoneglia.eu - info @ hotelmondialmoneglia.it

Hotel Mondial

L' si trova sulle colline a ridosso della baia denominata "La Secca" e offre ai suoi clienti appartamenti e camere vista mare o vista collina dotate di ogni comfort: reception, ascensore, garage, piscina coperta e scoperta, vasca idromassaggio, angolo fitness, solarium, WiFi. L'Hotel dista dalla spiaggia 300 mt, 400 mt dal centro storico e 500 mt dalla stazione ferroviaria.

Hotel Mondial

The is located close to the bay known as "La Secca", offering flats and rooms with sea view or view of the hills, with all facilities: reception, lift, garage, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, fitness area, solarium, free WiFi. The Hotel is at about 300 metres from the beach, 400 metres from the centre and only 500 metres from the train station.


Penisola di Setri Levante e scorcio sulle due baie

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Leudo: imbarcazione tipica

Centro storico di Sestri Levante


Saturnino, Lemeglio, Campo Soprano and Facciu. The quality and type of olives available are Razzola, Pignola, Lavagnina, that are then pressed in olive mills, we point out this fact as there is an important Market Show every year in March. Punta Baffe connects with its Mediterranean maquis Moneglia and RIVA TRIGOSO. Strawberry trees can be found on the steep slopes, replacing olive trees and citrus fruits. This area is not a simple valley, but the Regional Park D’Aveto, where half forgotten mines and shrines devoted to the virgin, are located far from the houses and from the placed in front of the shipyard Fincantieri. The old inhabitants of Riva remember how to build the typical boats, that were used to transport wine, olive oil and other products easy to sell. The big beach in Riva Trigoso benefit of the healthy climate, provided by the Maritime Alps. We are not here to go after street vendors and bargains in the streets full of shops (Via XXV Aprile, or Piazza Aldo Moro), instead we are looking for the right atmosphere, the scents of aromatic plants such as rosemary,

Vista su Punta Manara dal sentiero per Punta Baffe

PER INFO & BOOKING Corso Colombo 24 Sestri Levante (GE) Mob. +39 335.5313603 baiaviaggi@gmail.com baiaviaggi.it

able to stand under the hot sun without being ruined; think of Rocche di Sant’Anna, a terrific place overlooking the sea, we respect so much this rich city for its rising economy, that every effort made on the trail “Case Ginestra” is rewarded. SESTRI LEVANTE is socially engaged but it is never too hectic, in the summer there are many art exhibitions and concerts, in June, the towns hosts the well known Andersen Prize competition. The last sunny valley where slate stones can be seen all around us, leads us by hand, it has nothing to envy to the poetic little paths in Chiavari, Lavagna, San Fruttuoso where the imposing Cristo degli abissi stands, at the bottom of the sea. At lunch time we won’t be desperate looking for restaurants, as Sestri Levante offers a great variety of places. Cheap restaurants, gastro pubs, excellent fried food, as long as the car is parked in Largo Masi. Sestri Levante is a place hard to forgett. Its historic centre is placed on top of an isthmus plunged into the sea, with terraces and bistros ready to sail. The crowds will show you your way round to the public gardens, crossroads and alleys, or the clubs where you can listen to music at full volume, and meet young people, as in Santa Margherita Ligure and Rapallo. The power of the sea storms and the romantic charm of this area, enchants the noble palaces of the town, as well as its precious bays, that merge with nature and become like thin sand hearts and worn away sea shells.



ni te le destina zio Transfer per tut tion na sti de all for Transfer

L’ Agenzia Viaggi “Baia del Silenzio”, aperta dal 1989, è specializzata in Viaggi di Nozze, Biglietteria Trenitalia e Marittima, Biglietteria aerea, Noleggio auto con o senza Conducente.

“Baia del Silenzio” Travel Agency since 1989, specialised in Honeymoons, Trenitalia and Maritime Ticket Offices, Airline Tickets, Car Rentals with or without a driver.

Sail Boat Excursion

& lax g Re kelin r Sno Escursioni giornaliere in barca a Vela Daily sailing excursions


Piazza Cavour e Monastero delle Clarisse, Levanto

Castello di Levanto

Torre dell’orologio, Levanto



here are many places of interest to visit during your stay in the territory of the Eastern Riviera. Starting from LEVANTO we can not begin without mentioning the building that represents the village better than anything else: it has a Ligurian Gothic style facade with stripes, Carrara marble and serpentine stone ,we’re talking about the beautiful Church of Sant’Andrea Apostolo, with its bell tower, raised en pendant, and some alterpieces painted in Renaissance style. In front of it we find the walls and the built up area with the towers of the castle of Levanto, a clear example of majestic Genoese Genoese military art. This complex will certainly capture your interest, it is characterized by an austere, large circular observation tower, beaten by the winds, placed high is the Castle, protected by quadrangular walls. The treasures of the complex are the bas-relief, that belong to the Genoese school, in slate stone, which depict the Annunciation and St. George. Vox populi tells that the castle was the junction of some underground passages, one near the beach, just below it, and the other one near the Church of the Annunciation, that goes under the whole village. If you climb up to the hamlet Montale, Pieve San Siro with its bell tower is a place of worship well appreciated by the inhabitants of Levanto, curiously it was made using overlapped local limestone. Madonna della Guardia, located at the end the village, is a huge Latin cross


Chiesa di Sant’Andrea, Levanto

Via Marconi, 4 - Levanto (SP) Tel./Fax (+39) 0187 808146 · Mob. (+39) 334 1196687 info@hotelpalazzovannoni.it · www.hotelpalazzovannoni.it CITR: 011017-ALB-0003

Piazza della Loggia, Levanto

shaped neoRomanesque sanctuary, with a wide external portico. Titola is the town and premises of the same parish, diocese of La Spezia-SarzanaBrugnato. At the end of August Marian celebrations take place, followed by a procession and a charity lucky dip. Not to be missed are Piazza della Loggia and Villa Agnelli, the latter was built in the early twentieth century, it has become famous for its gardens, close to the sea. Via Garibaldi is a tribute to the city, it shows a typical Genoese style, gathers the fishermen tower houses, at present it is the premises of the Municipality, with its charming porticos. At the end of July, the town hosts a historical procession, and a


otel nel cuore di Levanto, a 100 metri dal mare, a 5 minuti a piedi dalla stazione e a pochi passi da bar, ristoranti e negozi. Ubicato nell’omonimo storico palazzo nobiliare, l’Hotel dispone di 11 eleganti camere, ristrutturate, climatizzate ed alcune affrescate, ristrutturate e climatizzate. Wifi gratuito. Parcheggio su richiesta.


otel Palazzo Vannoni is strategically located in the historic centre of Levanto, 100 meters from the sea, 5 minutes walk from the train station and a few steps away from bars, restaurants and shops. It is located on the first floor of a historic building bearing the same name. Hotel Palazzo Vannoni has 11 elegant and comfortable rooms, some with frescos, all renovated, with air conditioning and free-Wifi. Parking on request. 57

Chiesa di Santa Caterina d’Alessandria, Bonassola

Oratorio di Sant’Erasmo, Bonassola

Centro Storico di Bonassola


historic tournament with flags, a solemn procession with huge Ligurian crucifixes livens the night of the town, at the end fireworks conclude the “Sea Festival”. The celebrations started to honour the patron saint of the sailors, practically a co-patron of Saint Andrea, Saint Giacomo. In October a foot race of great interest takes place along the valley, it is called Stralevanto. BONASSOLA underwent the same fate of Levanto as it was attacked by pirates, in the village are the remains of a stone castle, with a large and magnificent clock. Another typical church is that of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria, with its beautiful Baroque façade, unfortunately the tower, that once belonged to Ardoino, is in poor conditions. The pale yellow Oratory of Sant’Erasmo dominates the village, it was built in a simple style, the access is through a stairway, at the end of which is a mosaic in polychrome local stones, placed to form floral designs and the so-called “Greek” fret. Beyond Paganetto the important buildings in Bonassola satisfy every tourist: Vinzoni, Farina and Saporiti, as well as the towerhouses whose arches and portals recall very precise ancient times, the history of the village, shows some important names to remember. Even the area of the village close to the sea, shows a row of houses built on the shoreline, it represents a place of interest with the built up area, where the sea has left place, of a later period are the settlements on the hills. A trade fair dedicated to “Madonna del Rosario”, takes place every year in September, while other events and festivals with typical homemade cuisine are held in Easter and other periods, in many areas and also in Montaretto, one of the most

Via F.lli Rezzano, 11 - Bonassola (SP) - Italia www.bonassolavacanze.com Tel. / Fax +39 0187.813244 luciabe@libero.it BONASSOLA (SP)

RIF. 01

In centro, vendesi appartamento composto da soggiorno con angolo cottura, bagno di servizio, grande giardino, due camere letto e bagno con doccia. • In the center, apartment for sale with living room with kitchenette, bathroom, large garden, two bedrooms and bathroom with shower.


€ 550.000 RIF. 02

Vendesi appartamento a Sesta Godano, due camere da letto, soggiorno, cucinino, bagno, giardino, cantina e posto auto. For sale apartment with two bedrooms, living room, kitchenette, bathroom, garden, cellar and parking space.


€ 75.000 BONASSOLA (SP)

RIF. 03

Vendesi villa con suggestiva vista sul golfo, 370 mq, 2 terrazzi, giardino, 2 boxes. Possibilità di piscina. For sale villa with suggestive view of the gulf, 370 square meters, 2 terraces, garden, 2 boxes. Possibility of swimming pool.


€ 1.350.000 RIF. 04

Vendesi appartamento ristrutturato, 75 mq con terrazzo e posto auto. Vera occasione. Renovated apartment for sale, 75 sqm with terrace and parking space. Real opportunity.


€ 298.000 BONASSOLA (SP)

RIF. 05

Vendesi appartamento in Via Sivori al 3° ed ultimo piano, completamente ristrutturato, tre camere da letto, soggiorno, cucina, bagno, box auto. • For sale apartment in Via Sivori on the 3rd and last floor, completely renovated, three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, garage.


€ 595.000 RIF. 06

Vendesi appartamento in centro, due camere da letto, sala pranzo, cucina, due bagni, giardino, terrazzo e cantina. For sale apartment in the center, two bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, two bathrooms, garden, terrace and cellar.


€ 330.000


Porto Pidocchio, Framura

Torre di guardia, Framura

Inzio Via del Mare, Framura


Porto Pidocchio, Framura

noteworthy hamlets. Several musical concerts, one in particular opens the festival “Bonassola, Jazz and More ...”. In August, the “Festival Mare Mosso”, with workshops, meetings and children entertainment. FRAMURA, the most beautiful village in Italy, hosts in Anzo the small church of Madonna della Neve, decorated in neo-gothic style, popular at the time. In Costa, we find a Carolingian watch tower and a simple but charming church built for San Martino, renovated in Romanesque style, it is not easy to find as it is half-hidden in the streets of the hamlet. The parish complex of San Lorenzo, in Castagnola is very ancient, as you enter you can admire the “Deposition of Jesus” depicted by the painter Luca Cambiaso. In the village of Passano, adjacent to Castagnola, we can see on the hills, the evocative ruins of a feudal

Via del mare, Framura

castle, built according to the will of the Republic of Genoa and close to the place where the fortification of the Signori Da Passano was built. Blocks of stone covered by vegetation in front of the ruins, do not ruin the charm of the oratory of San Giovanni Battista. The promenade Torsei-La Vallà recalls the famous Via dell’Amore in the Cinque Terre. The history of Framura can be discovered by booking a free guided tour to San Martino and its tower. The production of typical local products is well appreciated, starting from “Framura bread”, meat, sausages, honey and preserves, and of course IGT wines, produced by farms located in the area of the small hamlets. Food and wine tasting tours throughout the summer, “Mangia Borghi - La Festa del Turista” offer

wonders to eat; “Feast of Our Lady of the Sea”, again in August, with fireworks and live music, an unforgettable night in front of the rocks and the sea. The historic centre of DEIVA MARINA is a maze of tower-houses, arches,coloured facades with tiles, plenty terraces and flowers everywhere. The hamlet grew up around the small parish church of Sant’Antonio Abate, built in 1730, with an impressive wide staircase, a typical mosaic with river pebbles (the polychrome churchyard, par excellence, of the Eastern coast). San Giovanni Battista, patron saint of the town, is celebrated every year on 24 June, with a bonfire. The oratory dedicated to the Saint is located in the historic centre. In Piani della Madonna near Piazza, we find a nostalgic encounter between faith and nature is influenced by the charm of a thousand year old sanctuary, the church of Santa Maria

Centro Storico, Deiva Marina


Arco di Passano, Deiva Marina

Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate, Deiva Marina


Assunta, apparently rebuilt as per order of the Da Passano family, over an older chapel. A magnificent carnival is celebrated every February in Deiva Marina , with parades, costumes and masks all along Corso Italia: at the end of the event, children gather in Piazza della Posta, to break the pignatta and eat sweets. In August the village celebrates Madonna della Guardia, with mass and procession In September a marathon takes place along the blue trails, it is called “Marcia Podistica dei Sentieri Azzurri”. The Genoese Monleone Fortress, dominates from the top of MONEGLIA and only the small Fornari manor house,built in Art Nouveau style, changes the look of the yard. The entire structure is at present a Bed and Breakfast, why not take advantage. The battle of Meloria, where the Genoese defeated the Pisans, is remembered by the two-coloured bell tower of the church of Santa Croce, that already existed in 1033. From the terraces, wandering back towards Deiva Marina, we find the outpost of Villafranca, a magnificent fortress, which overlooks the village and guards its park, ups and downs among pines and steps, well explains the area of Tigullio, with its defensive towers and historical ruins. A guided tour at night should include a visit to the Church of Santa Croce, the main religious building of the area. A happy bond of Baroque and Romanic style, worth to mention is the Oratory Disciplinati that is not far away, which hosts medieval period painting and different Renaissance paintings. We must mention some unmissable events: “Mostra Mercato dell’Olio d’Oliva”, with the partnership

Via Alessandria Superiore, 55 - Deiva Marina (SP) Mob. +39 377.4013124 studioareadeiva@libero.it DVMAR


Centro – Vicinissimo al mare. App.to in buono stato, cucina/sogg., 3 camere, bagno. Soleggiato, scorcio mare. Flat in good conditions, kitchen/living room, 3 bedrooms, bathroom. Sunny, sea view.


Zona riservata nel verde. App.to buono stato, cucinotto, salone doppio+camino, 2 camere, bagno. Terrazzo. Garage. Reserved area in the green. Good condition Apt, kitchenette, double living room + fireplace, 2 bedrooms, bathroom. Terrace.



Casetta semind.te ristrutturata: angolo cott., sogg., camera matr., bagno. Termoauto. Cantina, giardinetto, cortile. Semi-detached house renovated: kitchenette, living room, double bedroom, bathroom. Cellar, garden, courtyard.

€ 145.000 APE: IN ATTESA


APE: G 229,97




3 km mare – App.to doppio ingresso, cucina, salone doppio+camino, 2 camere, biservizi, rip. Terrazzo, terreno. 3 km from the sea - Double entrance Apt, kitchen, double living room + fireplace, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, closet. Terrace.

A 25 km per amanti natura – Casa colonica: 1 app.to di 3,5 vani con terrazza e altro di 2 vani con giardino. 2 cantine. For nature lovers - Farmhouse: 1 apt with 3.5 rooms with terrace, another with 2rooms with garden. 2 cellars.



Al mare scendendo le scale. App.to in ordine, cucina/pranzo, 2 camere, bagno, rip. Vicinissimo alla spiaggia. A few steps from the sea. Flat ready to move in. kitchen / dining room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, closet.


Entroterra – Casa di campagna: 7 vani, 2 cantine+legnaia+deposito 60mq con cortile.Poss.terrenoedif.700mqaparte. Country house: 7 rooms, 2 cellars + woodshed + 60sqm storage with courtyard. Possibility of building land 700sqm apart.

€ 137.000


Collina – Terratetto semind. cucina ab., sogg., 2 camere e biservizi. Termoauto. Cantina/garage. Terrazzo e terreno. Hill - Semi-detached townhouse, kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Cellar, terrace, land.

€ 149.000 APE: IN ATTESA


€ 47.000 APE: IN ATTESA


€ 120.000 APE: IN ATTESA


€ 210.000 APE: IN ATTESA


€ 130.000


20km spiaggia – Casa ristrutt: ang. cottura, sogg, camera matr, cameretta sopp, bagno. Termaut. Taverna, giardino. 20km from the beach - Renovated house: kitchenette, living room, double bedroom, mezzanine bedroom, bathroom.

€ 50.000 APE: IN ATTESA

€ 49.000


Castello Monleone, Moneglia

Fortezza di Villafranca, Moneglia

Chiesa di Santa Croce, Moneglia


of Consorzio Olivicoltori Du Facciù, every year on Easter Monday an important event for over forty years; at the end of August “Palio Marinaro del Tigullio”, a rowing competition with the participation of numerous crews from various places on the coast. In February, the “Pumpkin Carnival”, the lord of the parades, which remembers a dispute between two farmers, and reminds us why Moneglia is called the village of the pumpkin. RIVA TRIGOSO is a small village, you will not find many buildings here, however the size of the village is worthy and the churches of San Pietro Apostolo and Santa Sabina with a “risseau” yard are really charming. Do not miss the tower Punta Baffe, built in Romanesque style, you can get here on foot, from the cemetery behind the shipyards, walking among trees and bushes. In July, traditionally the penultimate weekend, the famous festival “Bagnun”, where the inhabitants shows to layman the correct way to eat anchovies. Since the 1960s, this huge event involves the whole town in a feast, big quantities of food is cooked, plenty of red tomato and golden crackers are used. The event is accompanied by live music, fireworks and local food. We have finally come to the end of this list of events, that you must not forget if you pass by in the area of SESTRI LEVANTE. The best of the monuments is surely Palazzo Rocca, built by the Marquises Costaguta in 1629, at present it hosts the Archaeological Museum, that focuses on the archeology of the territory and the roots of Sestri, from migrations to present history. The neoclassical basilica of Santa Maria di Nazareth, built in baroque style, has precious seventeenth-century paintings, that will surely impress

Via V. Emanuele, 142 · Moneglia (Ge) www.immobiliarenella.it Mob. +39 348.6579459 · +39 345.2361860 nella@immobiliarenella.it RIF. 01


Antica casa in Pietra indip. di 90 mq disposta su 3 livelli, a soli 2km dal mare, con vista spettacolare. Ancient independent stone house of 90sqm on 3 levels, just 2km from the sea, with spectacular views.

APE: G RIF. 04

RIF. 07


Villa su tre livelli con terrazza sul mare di Moneglia. Giardino, cantina, Jacuzzi esterna, 2 posti auto. Villa on 3 levels with terrace overlooking the sea of Moneglia. ​​ Garden, cellar, outdoor Jacuzzi, 2 parking spaces.

RIF. 05


RIF. 03


App.to terra-tetto di 130 mq, da ristrutturare: cucina abit., bagno, 3 ampie camere da letto, sala. 130 sqm townhouse apartment, to be restored: kitchen, bathroom, 3 large bedrooms, living room.

€ 499.000 APE: G 306,20 LOC. BELEASCO (GE)

Rustico con terreni ideale per realizzare B&B, o una casa vacanza per una famiglia numerosa. Country house with fields ideal for a B&B, or a holiday home for a large family.

€ 74.000 APE: G 218,79

A 500 metri dal mare affittasi casa vuota: 2 camere, sala, cucina, bagno, doppio balcone, posto auto. 500mts from the sea, no furniture for rent: 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, double balcony, parking.



€ 289.000 APE: G

A 10 min. da Deiva Marina, casa suddivisa su due piani. Attiguo locale uso taverna e giardino. 10 minutes from Deiva Marina, house on two floors, basement and garden.

APE: g

RIF. 02

RIF. 08


Vendesi, esclusivamente insieme, 2 unità immobiliari con ingresso indip., giardino e 2 posti auto. Two properties for sale together with independent entrance, garden and 2 parking spaces.

€ 499.000 APE P.T.: G - P.1°: F € 149.000 tr.


Affittasi app.to distante da mare e centro 500 mt: ingr., sogg., cucina abit., bagno, 2 camere, balcone, p. auto. Rent apt 500mts away from the sea and center: entrance, living room, kitchen, bathroom, 2 bedrooms, balcony, parking.


RIF. 06

€ 79.000

RIF. 09


Vendesi monolocale con veranda, piccolo balcone e box. Vista mare a 360°. For sale studio apartment with veranda, small balcony and garage. 360 ° sea view.

€ 500/mese APE: G

€ 139.000


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Penisola di Sestri Levante

Chiesa di San Pietro, Riva Trigoso

Basilica di Santa Maria di Nazareth, Sestri Levante


visitors. The church of San Nicolò is simple, with a steeple bell tower, sligtly distant, guards the sea ... far in the most distant corner of the city promontory, the so-called “island”, which can be reached going up the hill from the left side of Santa Maria di Nazareth, near the Town Hall. At the same time, Torre Marconi, is used by radio operators from Tigullio, to organize visits, where Guglielmo Marconi used to experiment the principles of microwaves. The internationally known “Literary Prize H. C. Andersen” boasts a programme full shows, famous people, show men, actors, singers, attract people from everywhere, this event is dedicated to fairy tales, so particulary suitable for children. If you want to take part to the event book an accomodation, well before June. We must not forget the traditional event held for the new extra vergin olive oil, “Festa dell’Olio Nuovo”. Chamber music, piano and classical music concerts, plus avant-garde music to liven the bays of the city, all this will accompany your unforgettable summer and spring evenings in Sestri Levante.

Via XXV Aprile, 117 - 16039 Sestri Levante (GE) www.immobiliarelapenisola-re.it Tel +39 0185 487180 · Mob. +39 346 8454674 info@immobiliarelapenisola-re.it SLCS 8


Sulla magnifica Baia del Silenzio splendido apt vani 5 sito al secondo piano con ascensore. Overlooking the magnificent Baia del Silenzio apartment 5 rooms located on the second floor with lift.




Retro stazione a pochi passi dal mare, appartamento vani 3 sito al 3° piano con ascensore. Located behind the train station, a few steps from the sea, 3 rooms apartment located on the third floor with lift.







Centralissimo apt vani 4 in perfette condizioni posto al 3° piano con ascensore. Very central apartment 4 rooms in perfect condition on the third floor with lift.



Appartamento vani 3, luminoso, al piano rialzato, ristrutturato con posto auto e cantina. 3 rooms apartment, bright, on the mezzanine floor, renovated with parking space and cellar.


Grande appartamento vani 4 sulla piazza della stazione posto al 4° piano con ascensore. Large 4 rooms apartment in the square of the station, on the fourth floor with lift.

€ 280.000 APE: G

SLC 12


Appartamento vani 4, in recente costruzione, sito al 3° ed ultimo piano, con box. 4 rooms apartment, recently built, located on the third and last floor, with garage.



Sul lungomare in palazzo storico stile Liberty, apt vani 3 al primo piano con ascensore. On the waterfront in a historic Art Nouveau building, apartment 3 rooms on the first floor with lift.


Villa indipendente in posizione panoramica e ben esposta al sole, disposta su 2 livelli e giardino. Detached villa in a sunny panoramic position , on 2 levels and garden.


SLL 10



A 250 mt dalla spiaggia e 150mt dal centro, monolocale splendidamente arredato con posto auto. At 250 mts from the beach and 150 mts from the center, beautifully furnished studio apt with parking space.

€ 290.000 APE: G

€ 220.000


Pizzeria La Picea è rinomata per l'utilizzo di impasti a lunga maturazione e ad alta digeribilità, con la scelta di prodotti genuini e freschi: dalla burrata al pesto e tanti altri. Possibilità di impasti alternativi con l'utilizzo di farine selezionate e senza glutine.

"Profumi Liguri" - World Champion pizza 2019

Pizzeria La Picea is well known for its

very digestible long proofing doughs, and the choice of genuine fresh products: from burrata to pesto sauce and many others. There are other types of doughs made with selected flours or gluten free.

Pizza d’Asporto - Take away Pizza

Via della Concia, 18 - LEVANTO (+39) 0187.802063


TAKE AWAY POINT Via Zoppi, 5 - LEVANTO (+39) 392 958 3294


lapicea@hotmail.it www.pizzerialapicea.info

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