Sponsor the Dallas Institute's Signature Six!

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The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture enriches and strengthens the cultural economy of Dallas. We invite you to invest in the ideas that are vital to the future of this city and its people, who bring these ideas to life.

An invaluable investment. Six Signature Events. A year of impact. Engaged citizens who care.

“It's important to ask yourself: How am I useful to others? What do people want from me? That may very well reveal what you are here for.” -James Hillman

As a corporation how are you looking to involve yourself in the City of Dallas?

Are you looking to involve your company in issues that promote civic responsibility?

Would you like to find community outreach programs that engage a variety of constituents?

Could you use help in civic involvement and promoting civic responsibility while reaching out to your community?

If these questions resonate with you and your corporation, and you are looking for a link into the Dallas community read on. Contact Selena Anguiano at 214.981.8820 / sanguiano@dallasinstitute.org to learn how to make an impact that makes an impact.

Six Signature Events. Six Unique Missions. JANUARY: examines the legacy of Dr. King and his impact 50 years on; creates outreach and educational opportunity through the Teen Symposium

FEBRUARY: helps shape the city of the future by igniting, uniting, and energizing the people of Dallas through the power of ideas SEPTEMBER: educates and enlightens the city on the importance of a liberal education for sustaining our American way of life FALL: creates dialogue about key urban issues aimed at building bridges and making connections among all Dallas citizens OCTOBER: explores and celebrates the achievements of archetypal psychologist and cultural analyst James Hillman NOVEMBER: recognizes a young, emerging leader in the Humanities with a $50,000 award, the largest award of its kind in the nation

ONE CITY: MANY CONSTIUENTS The African American and Caucasian Communities, Historians, Civil Rights Advocates, Students and Teachers Civic leaders, visual and performing artists, tastemakers, innovators, millennials, Universities, philanthropists, the ENTIRE community

Teachers, educators, all those interested in educational issues that will impact them

Planners, Designers, Architects, Developers, Civic leaders, City Hall

Philosophers, Psychologists, University Faculty, all those interested in a more productive, engaged work culture All those interested in the voices of the future

Your opportunities at the Signature Six Events: • Ten complimentary tickets to event

• Named recognition in The Dallas Morning News • Two VIP passes to event and free parking

• Five complimentary tickets to the two-day event

• Five complimentary tickets to the event

• Five complimentary tickets to the two-day event

• Private Reception with the honoree • Patron Party

Signature Six is an annual $25,000 sponsorship of the events listed. Sponsors enjoy a year of Supporter Level Acknowledgement in ALL Signature Six event marketing, as well as opportunities to attend the events, represent your company, network AND most importantly, show you care!



Photo by Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker

Created by Larry Allums, Ph.D., Albert Black, and John Castle


What will your city be? “What we really need is the United City. We need a city that is united and galvanized around ideas that we can build to make a change and make things different, and I really think that can be done.� Bishop T.D. Jakes, Dallas Festival of Ideas, February 2015 | thedallasfestival.com | produced in part by

Created by Larry Allums and Bob Mong, with support from Thomas Huang, Alison Draper, and Emily Hargrove


Created by Gail Thomas, Ph.D.



This year’s Forum includes the following speakers:

Diane Ravitch Elizabeth Samet Diana Senechal Louise Cowan Bill Deresiewicz Andrew Delbanco Ben V. Olguìn Matthew Crawford Dan Russ Created by Claudia Allums, Ph.D.

Change is possible…all it takes is an idea.


James Hillman, a student of Carl Jung’s, the first Director of the Jung Institute in Zurich and strongly influenced by Jung, developed an approach he called Archetypal Psychology which focuses on what it calls the psyche, or soul, and the deepest patterns of psychic functioning.

“We can't change anything until we get some fresh ideas, until we begin to see things differently.” Created by Joanne Stroud, Ph.D.

~ James Hillman

Pioneering psychologist

One of the nation’s most sought after humanities honors An award of $50,000 Presented annually to one emerging leader $500,000 awarded to date


Scott Samuelson studied philosophy at Grinnell College (BA, 1995, valedictorian) and Emory University (PhD, 2001). Since 2000 he has taught at Kirkwood Community College in Iowa. Inspired by his students, he wrote his first book The Deepest Human Life: An

Introduction to Philosophy for Everyone (University of Chicago Press, 2014. The book is currently being translated into Chinese and Portuguese. For a decade he moonlighted as a sous-chef at Simone’s Plain and Simple, a French restaurant on a gravel road. He’s published articles in the Wall Street Journal and the Huffington Post among others. He’s been interviewed on NPR and given an illuminating TEDx talk “How Philosophy Can Save Your Life.” He also teaches philosophy at the Iowa Medical and Classification Center (a.k.a. Oakdale Prison). He’s currently working on his second book, Seven Ways of Looking at Pointless


Created by Larry Allums and Kim Hiett Jordan

An impactful year. Six Signature Events. Showing Dallas that you care. Sponsorship Contact: Selena Anguiano sanguiano@dallasinstitute.org; 214.981.8820 *Individual/ Ă la carte event sponsorships also available

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