2024 Grantee Selection
Bridge Breast Network
CEO: Terry Wilson-Gray
4000 Junius Street
Dallas, TX 75246
Grant Impact
A XIX Society grant supports the Bridge Breast Network (BBN) to provide women living in Collin, Dallas, Denton, Tarrant and the immediate surrounding counties with patient navigation, access to mammography services for the detection of breast cancer and breast cancer treatment, and/or survivorship services. BBN strives to reduce mortality and the incidents of late-stage breast cancer by increasing awareness and access to breast/health services.
A $39,075 will enable BBN to achieve their goal of providing 2,500 individuals with breast/health education; eight hundred individuals with patient navigation and access to breast health services and provide fifty women with navigation and access to breast cancer treatment and/or survivorship services.
They want women who come through their program to receive information and services that will not only help them survive but to also thrive and become catalyst for change and build strong healthy communities. They want them to understand that healthy minds combined with healthy bodies are the building blocks for healthy families and communities.
Mission of the Organization
The Bridge Breast Network (BBN) mission is to save lives by providing access to diagnostic and treatment services for breast cancer to low income, uninsured and underinsured individuals.
Our Friends Place
CEO: Sue Thiers Hesseltine
6500 Greenville Ave., Suite 620
Dallas, TX 75206
Grant Impact
A XIX Society grant supports young women experiencing homelessness who are living at the Our Friends Place Transitional Living Center which is dedicated to helping young women ages 18-24 break the generational cycles of abuse, neglect, poverty, and homelessness by empowering self-reliance and independence. They provide a continuum of care, including trauma-informed case management.
In Dallas County, one in four young women between the ages of 18 and 24 live in poverty. Forty percent of young women “aging out” of foster care will experience homelessness, and there is less than a 3% chance the young woman will earn a college degree. Twenty-five percent will show signs of post-traumatic stress disorder because of their experiences. (Department of Health and Human Services and National Foster Youth Institute).
The $40,000 grant will enable Our Friends Place to achieve their goal that each young woman leaves the Transitional Living Center program with the knowledge, life skills, and community resources to maintain housing stability, achieve financial security, and be a changemaker in her own life.
Mission of the Organization
Our Friends Place is dedicated to helping young women break the generational cycles of abuse, neglect, poverty, and homelessness through empowering selfreliance and independence. Our vision is a world where all women are change agents for themselves, their families, and their communities.
Braswell Child Development Center
CEO: Murriel Webb
2203 South 2nd Avenue
Dallas, TX 75210
Grant Impact
A XIX Society grant supports Braswell Child Development Center (CDC). They offer a safe and high-quality educational environment for children living in South Dallas, primarily children living in families led by single mothers. Utilizing accredited, stable caregivers and evidence-based curricula, Braswell CDC is affording children the foundation they need to overcome Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and reach their full potential.
Moreover, Braswell CDC provides affordable and reliable childcare so women may enter, reenter, or remain in the workforce to provide for their families. Braswell CDC serves one hundred children per year, and 83 percent of children live in single mother households.
A $40,000 grant will allow Braswell CDC to continue operating at the highest level to serve the mothers and children in its community. Braswell CDC transports children to/from their schools, provides tutoring and academic support while also providing recreational activities. During out-of-school time, they offer camps and developmentally appropriate enrichment activities to foster and support each child’s creativity. Meals are also provided.
Mission of the Organization
Braswell Child Development Center’s mission is to increase the value of early childhood education by providing an environment that enhances each child’s interest to learn and their ability to become an independent thinker through developmentally appropriate activities.
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Fiscal Year 2017 Housing Crisis Center
Fiscal Year 2018 Kid Net Foundation/Jonathan’s Place
Fiscal Year 2019 Trinity River Mission
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