TXWF Summer 2023 Newsletter

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Join Us for a Transformative Experience

The 38th Annual Luncheon will bring together a diverse and multi-generational program on September 26th. Join us and the community in support of women and girls across Texas.

The Luncheon will feature actor and advocate, Storm Reid. Storm is an inspirational young actor who uses her platform and love of art to make social change.

Annually, the event brings together 1,500 community members who invest in the power of women and girls to build stronger, more equitable communities.

Keynote Speaker: Storm Reid

Emmy-Nominated Actor

WORLD. 02 08 04 10 16 06 Messages from the Board Chair & Interim President & CEO Leadership Programing & Giving Circles Legislative Session Review Thank You to Donors LFAC Recap TXWF Impact SUMMER 2023
Reserve a table at: txwfl uncheon.org
Ashleigh Everett Senior VP & General Counsel for Hunt Oil Company Yolanda Garcia Co-leader Securities & Shareholder Litigation for Sidley Austin L e Co- ai With ongoing support from The Suzanne Ahn, M.D. Speaker Endowment Fund at Texas Women’s Foundation Keynote Speaker sponsored by:

From the Board Chair

I always enjoy the beginning of the school year when we see so many photos on social media of children going back to school. You can see the excitement in their eyes as they embark on their journey of meeting new friends, renewing relationships and learning new things. I share in their excitement as I start my new journey as Board Chair of Texas Women’s Foundation. This organization’s mission is so important, and I am honored to be chosen to lead the efforts to impact the lives of more women and girls across Texas. I am grateful for the steadfast service and leadership of immediate past chair, Hilda Galvan, and the many incredible women

who have come before me. I’m standing on the shoulders of hundreds of dedicated women who have shaped this organization into what it is now.

As we continue to grow our impact, we will remain focused on our statewide research that informs us of the issues women and girls face in Texas. This will guide our statewide advocacy, programs, strategic initiatives and our community grantmaking. This past fiscal year, we invested more than $7.1M to advance our mission thanks to our generous donors and events. Throughout this newsletter, you will see how these meaningful investments are creating social and economic change for women and girls across Texas.

Never has our work been more important considering the ever-increasing challenges women and girls face in our state. We stand committed to

Welcome New TXWF Board Members

partnering with donors, corporations and communities to positively impact the financial stability of women and girls for generations to come.

“Never has our work been more important considering the everincreasing challenges women and girls face in our state.”

We are so grateful for all of you who have joined this movement and we invite any who have not to join forces with us. As the foremost authority addressing the challenges women and girls across our state face, it is imperative that we have a collective force to create necessary change. Supported by an incredible board and staff who care deeply and are committed to this work, I am certain that my journey as Chair will be rewarding. Better yet, by beginning our journey together, we will undoubtedly accomplish vital, impactful work.

Texas Women’s Foundation is proud to welcome new and old friends of the Foundation to lead the mission impacting women and girls across the state. Our new board members are Elizabeth Asturi, Lisette Mendez and Aracely Muñoz. Returning to the board are Michelle Hudson and Phyllis Bernstein.


FOR A COMPLETE BOARD LIST, VISIT: txwf.org/about-us/#board-directors

Carrie Freeman Parsons – Chair (Chair of the Board, Freeman Company)

Hilda C. Galvan – Past Chair (Partner in Charge, Jones Day)

Chrysta Castañeda – At Large (President, The Castañeda Firm)

Sam Dwinell – Investment Advisory Committee Chair (Experienced Chief People Officer)

Jana Etheridge – Governance Chair (Senior VP, Capital One)

Hattie Hill – Secretary (CEO, Hattie Hill Enterprises)

Michelle Hudson – At Large (Principal & Co-Founder, Hudson Peters Commercial)

Laura Maxwell – Advocacy Chair (Sr VP Supply Chain, PepsiCo North America)

Melissa Orth – Finance Chair (President & CEO, The Legacy Senior Communities)

Gowri Sharma – Programs Chair (Civic Leader for Women’s Issues, Education and the Arts)

Zeenat Sidi – At Large (Experienced Financial Executive)

Elizabeth Asturi Phyllis Bernstein Michelle Hudson Lisette Mendez Aracely Muñoz

From the Interim President & CEO

Greetings to all as we are nearing the downhill part of a hot Texas summer. At Texas Women’s Foundation, we celebrated our new year on July 1 and that means we get to share with you the newest year-end Foundation achievements. We are excited about the ways the Foundation continues to have an important, positive impact on the lives of women and girls across Texas that are only possible with your help. This annual report provides an unqualified YES! to the question of whether Texas Women’s Foundation is statewide.

In September 2022, we launched the fourth edition of Economic Issues for Women in Texas 2022 that continued to shine a light on areas of strength and difficulty in the lives of women across the state. We used the policy recommendations of that report during

“I support Texas Women and Texas Women’s Foundation now because of the ongoing need to provide resources to women and girls across all communities in the state, regardless of their background or the zip code where they live. TXWF acts as a bridge to many communities where access and equity to health resources, child care, housing and economic security are simply out of reach for too many women and their families.”

Aracely Muñoz

the recent 88th Texas Legislature to talk about maternal Medicaid, the Pink Tax, reducing evictions and more. TXWF was more active than ever and in concert with important partners like Texas Housers, Healthy Futures Texas and Young Invincibles we spoke out on these issues and had some important wins.

“If you are not funding advocacy, you are overlooking a powerful and proven strategy for achieving your foundation’s mission.”

Luz Marquis, Marguerite Casey Foundation

Statewide advocacy has been a key part of our work for nearly 10 years. TXWF started down the advocacy path because we know that large-scale, systemic problems require multifaceted approaches to resolve. We know that there will never be enough philanthropic funding to make the long-term changes that need to be made in our state and nation. For all of you who have written letters and made calls to your elected officials in response to Army of Advocates alerts, I say, “Brava!” Keep it up because even when the legislature is not in session, there is much work being done. If you did not write letters

or make calls, do not worry. Sign up for the Army of Advocates using the website or QR code in this newsletter and we will add you to the thousands of TXWF supporters who are receiving easy to follow, timely calls to action.

TXWF is now supporting programs in over 25 communities across the state including the Panhandle, West Texas, South Texas/Rio Grande Valley and East Texas. I am proud of moving forward in true partnership with our donors and grantees. In this newsletter, you will meet some donors and grantees who, like you, are passionate about improving the lives of women and families. Of course, we cannot leave out the staff who make it happen every day. In this newsletter you will also find introductions to some of the people who raise the funds, review and award the grants, pay our bills and generally keep the office running smoothly. We will be continuing this series on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram so follow along!

Thank you all for helping us and working with us to build the strong Texas that we know is possible; a Texas that includes opportunity for women and families; a Texas for today and tomorrow. All of us at TXWF are ready for this new year!

Why does Hunt invest in Texas Women’s Foundation?

“Community is one of our core values and an extremely important part of our corporate culture. We believe that we have a shared responsibility to give back to the communities where we live and work. As a part of the Dallas and broader Texas community for almost 90 years, our long-term partnership with Texas Women’s Foundation gives us a meaningful platform to drive change for women, girls, and families in our state.”

How does supporting women and girls impact our communities?

“When we support the financial security of women and girls, we are supporting the backbone of the majority of families in Texas. In other words, when we invest in women and girls, we are strategically leveraging our support and resources to build a better society overall. Research conducted by TXWF and others clearly shows that a focused effort is needed, including financial support, advocacy, and education, to meet the challenges facing women.”

Ashleigh Everett Hunt Oil Company TXWF Board Member Donor Spotlight

88th Texas Legislative Session and TXWF was there!

As a supporter of Texas Women’s Foundation, you know that research is the cornerstone of our work. It is only through truly understanding the issues impacting women, girls and families across Texas that we are able to work with donors and community partners to improve lives and futures. The research is important for grantmaking, and also informs advocacy and policy actions. TXWF knows that large-scale, systemic problems require multifaceted approaches to resolve, and that is why the Foundation has long included policy advocacy as a mechanism for change to leverage philanthropic grants to direct service agencies.

The complexity of policy advocacy is never more apparent than during Texas’ biennial legislative session, like the recent 88th Legislature that met this year. Going into session, TXWF had two primary policy areas of focus. First, women’s healthcare, including maternal mortality, access to contraception and health care. The second area was housing stability, including eviction prevention, tenant rights and housing choice voucher usage. The Foundation closely watched, and spoke out against, bills that discriminated based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and gender expression.


• HB12 (Rose) increased eligibility for postpartum Medicaid from 60 days to 12 months. To become final, it must now be accepted by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. There is a possibility that DHHS will not accept the bill due to language surrounding “pregnancies [that] end in the delivery of the child or end in the natural loss of the child.”

• SB379 (Huffman) removed the state sales tax on menstrual products, baby diapers and maternity clothes.

TXWF Young Women’s Advisory Committee developed a brochure on the “Pink Tax” for attendees at #BestSelf that was distributed to over 200 attendees. In addition, the Dallas Morning News printed a TXWF OpEd on April 23, 2023 in support of the repeal of the tax that was included in the daily news clipping for all state legislators.

But it was not all work and no play! Building relationships for future legislative sessions was also a priority. The Foundation had opportunities to meet with many legislators and their staff at Coffee Night that we co-sponsored with like-minded groups to make sure those working late on the budget stayed awake and focused. On International Women’s Day they hand delivered yellow roses to women senators and representatives. And as the session was getting closer to sine die (session adjournment), TXWF co-hosted a “Flower Truck” on May 15 for all legislative staff to say thank you with flowers.

The Foundation was also honored to be recognized on the Senate floor on International Women’s Day. A Senate Resolution,

• SB222 (Nichols) guarantees, for the first time, that state employees have paid parental leave without using all paid time off accrued.

• HB916 (Ordaz) requires insurance companies to cover a full year of prescription contraceptives at refill.

• HB1193 (Turner) prohibits homeowners’ associations from banning use of housing choice vouchers in a neighborhood. Note that landlords can still discriminate against prospective tenants based on HCVs and 93 percent of landlords do not accept them.

authored by Senator Nathan Johnson and co-authored by Senators Judith Zaffirini, Sarah Eckhardt, Royce West and Morgan LaMantia, recognized our work for women and girls across the state for 38 years.

There is so much more to report; were there losses? Yes. But let’s celebrate for a while as we continue to advance policies that improve the lives of women, girls, families and build a stronger Texas. The repercussions of the 88th Legislative Session are not over, so join our Army of Advocates at txwf.org/ advocacy/ to stay informed and make sure your voice is heard in Austin and around Texas.

Here is a brief update on some bills you may be interested in:

Economic Leadership Council Welcomes New Leadership

Making Dallas an Even Better Place

Texas Women’s Foundation’s Economic Leadership Council is being led by two dynamic co-chairs Deborah Hunter Johnson and Vanessa Beckstrom. They will guide this group of C-suite women to advocate and support the advancement of women in the workplace. Learn more about their focus areas in this featured article in D CEO below: https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-ceo/2023/may/faces-of-leadership-and-advancement/

Faces of Leadership and Advancement

Texas Women’s Foundation.

By May 9, 2023 | 7:00 am Photography by Matthew Shelley

Strong women. Better world. This is the driving philosophy of Texas Women’s Foundation, and the Economic Leadership Council is one powerhouse group that puts this philosophy into practice. The ELC was founded in 2014 to harness the collective power of C-suite executive women to drive advancement of women in corporate leadership. The ELC focuses on the barriers women face: pay equity, workforce policies that support women and men at work, and recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce. The ELC is led by volunteer co-chairs Debra Hunter Johnson, founder of Reciprocity Consulting Group, and Vanessa Salinas Beckstrom, partner at PwC.

In 2013, Texas Women’s Foundation established a leadership initiative investing in women beginning in the classroom and continuing through the corporate boardroom. The ELC was a direct result of that leadership initiative and has since developed and mentored the Women’s Leadership Institute, a program that has provided professional development equipping senior-level women managers to grow in their careers. More than 200 women have completed this program and are eligible for membership in the Women’s Leadership Council, which provides further opportunities to develop their professional networks and leadership learning. Another program resulting from the focus on leadership is the Young Women’s Initiative, equipping young women of color with leadership, philanthropy and advocacy training to amplify their voices in support of local communities.

The Foundation invests in the pipeline of women leaders through the ELC, WLC, and Young Women’s Initiative. In turn, these women leaders support the Foundation’s statewide work that is crucial to advancing its vision of an equitable Texas for all. “Our collective group of strong and smart professional women are committed to the work at Texas Women’s Foundation,” Johnson says. “Helping girls become strong women and preparing women to lead in their lives, workplaces, and communities, make our state a better place for all ”

Adds Beckstrom, “We are advocating for childcare, maternal leave, and other inclusive policies that support families by removing hidden barriers that prevent women from advancing, often to the point where they decide to leave the workforce ”

With the investment from volunteers and supporters, Texas Women’s Foundation is transforming Texas for women and girls by advancing their economic security through research, advocacy, grants, and leadership development programs.

Campbell Centre II | 8150 North Central Expressway, Suite 110 | Dallas, Texas 75206 | 214.965.9977 | txwf.org

Left to Right: Economic Leadership Council Co-Chairs Debra Hunter Johnson, Founder of Reciprocity Consulting Group, and Vanessa Salinas Beckstrom, Partner, PwC Left to Right: Economic Leadership Council Co-Chairs Debra Hunter Johnson, Founder of Reciprocity Consulting Group, and Vanessa Salinas Beckstrom, Partner, PwC


Texas Women’s Foundation held its Leadership Forum & Awards Celebration on April 27 at the Omni Dallas Hotel and raised more than $572,000. This program celebrates and elevates the impact of women leaders across Texas.

The day started off with 200 middle and high school girls attending #BESTSELF. #BESTSELF is a program that brings girls ages 13-16 together for a day of empowerment with sessions led by subject-matter experts on leadership, advocacy, self-care and goal setting. The program builds self-confidence and empowers

girls to challenge stereotypes, use their voice and pursue their dreams to help generate equitable changes in their schools, communities and society.

#BestSelf Leadership Forums

Next, the event featured Leadership Forums with the 2023 Maura Women Helping Women and Young Leader award recipients discussing their leadership journeys and work supporting women in their communities.

Amplifying Activism - Aimee Boone Cunningham and Cecilia Boone, Sponsored by Cecilia and Garrett Boone Breaking Economic Barriers - Dr. Froswá Booker Drew and Lauren Quam, Sponsored by Texas Capital Bank Building Community and Teaching Economic FreedomAnn Sheu and Bee Nance, Sponsored by Amazon Building Potential - Madeline Burillo-Hopkins, Ed.D. and Nate Bennett, Sponsored by Comerica Championing Upstanders - Mary Pat Higgins and Cory Feldman, Sponsored by Haynes and Boone, LLP Elevating Representation - Jill Louis and Dr Arlene Ford, Sponsored by Thrivent


For 44 years, the Maura Women Helping Women Award has been presented to more than 220 courageous individuals who have catalyzed change for women and girls. Brenda Jackson, selection co-chair, and Wendy Bridges of Comerica Bank, Award Sponsor, presented these awards to the following:

Leadership Celebration

is the CEO of Soulstice Consultancy, LLC providing DEI, leadership training, community engagement strategies and philanthropic/ partnership guidance for institutions.

Finally, the evening concluded with the Awards Celebration and dinner, featuring Jenna Bush Hager, best-selling author and co-host of NBC’s TODAY. Hager interviewed the honorees in two different panel discussions while 650 attendees were inspired by these incredible women.

is the President and CEO of The Boone Family Foundation and a highly experienced principal in the progressive movement.

is the Vice Chancellor Workforce Instruction for the Houston Community College System and College President where she has been an advocate for workforce education, diversity and equity.

is the President and CEO of the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum where she leads its mission to teach the history of the Holocaust and advance human rights to combat prejudice, hatred and indifference.

is Managing Partner of Perkins Coie’s Dallas office, a member of the firm’s Corporate & Securities practice, and co-chair of the Infrastructure Development practice.



Special thanks to the following sponsors:

Moderator Sponsor: Catherine M. Coughlin Endowment for Women’s Leadership at Texas Women’s Foundation

Award Sponsor: Comerica Bank

is the COO of Generation Teach, a multimillion-dollar educational non-profit whose vision is to end racial injustice and inequity in education.

Leadership Forum Sponsors: Amazon, Cecilia and Garrett Boone, Haynes & Boone, Texas Capital Bank, Thrivent

Investor Sponsors: The Dallas Mavericks, Friends of Jill Louis, Jones Day, Mrs. Nancy Ann Hunt

is the founder of Mpowered Families, a training and coaching company with a unique approach to empowering individuals with tools to have a family life filled with purpose, alignment and connection.

For a complete list of sponsors, visit: https://txwfleadership.org/2023-sponsors

Young Leader Award recognizes breakthrough leadership exhibited by a trailblazer under the age of 40. 2023 honorees: Leaders in Advocacy Panel Moderated by Jenna Bush Hager Leaders in Education Panel Moderated by Jenna Bush Hager

Empowering Women’s Leadership and Philanthropy

Women's Leadership Institute Graduates

Cohorts 7 and 8

Texas Women’s Foundation advances women’s leadership in the corporate world through its signature program, the Women’s Leadership Institute. WLI was developed by the Foundation’s Economic Leadership Council to strengthen the pipeline of women leaders, providing a customized leadership curriculum and powerful network during a ten-month program. We thank our wonderful program facilitator, Marsha Clark, and celebrate the newest program graduates.

Board Alumnae Spring Gathering

Retta Miller hosted Spring Gathering on June 14, 2023, bringing together many generations of the Foundation’s board alumnae. Phyllis Bernstein, outgoing chair of the Board Alumnae Steering Committee, thanked members of the committee for their service: Julie Bleicher, Cece Cox, Diana Dutton, Laura Estrada, Cynthia Gonzalez, Gail Griswold, Toni Munoz-Hunt, Brenda Jackson, Sharon King, Georgia Ley, Thalia Matherson, Lisa Montgomery, Debra Polsky, Tegwin Pulley, Dianne Saslaw and Kay Winzenried.


Get involved with Texas Women Foundation! We need your support to continue driving positive change for Texas women and girls.

Join our Army of Advocates

Congratulations to WLI Cohort 7 participants who graduated on September 23, 2022, and Cohort 8 participants who graduated on May 25, 2023. Representing Fortune companies from a variety of industries in Texas and beyond, these 56 incredible women leaders successfully completed the dynamic program. Graduates join the rank of WLI alumnae, now a cohort of 225, who are eligible to continue their leadership journey as members of the Women’s Leadership Council.

Women’s Leadership Council Welcomes New Co-chairs

The Foundation is pleased to announce Raquel Daniels, Senior DEI Leader, and Natalie Jaroski, Hilti Senior Manager of Tech and Data Analytics, as the 2023-2025 Women’s Leadership Council Cochairs. Raquel and Natalie succeed board directors Darcy Cowell, EY, and Sakina Foster, Haynes & Boone Raquel and Natalie will lead the continued growth and membership engagement of the WLC.

XIX Society Mission Tour and Leadership

On July 13, 2023, members of the XIX Society gathered for their annual grant presentation and happy hour. Ignite was presented with a $40,000 grant to support its operations. Ignite trains young women to discover and flex their political power.

TXWF celebrated the outgoing XIX Society Chair, Aracely Munoz, Children’s Medical Foundation, and welcomed new Co-chairs, Jennifer Fitzmaurice, Varsity Brands, and Candice Hill, Banking Executive.

Help us drive meaningful change in public policy to make real progress in advancing our vision of an equitable society for women and girls – and a better Texas for all.


Become a member of the XIX Society

Support Texas Women’s Foundation as a donor to ignite positive change in economic security and leadership opportunities for women and their families with an annual donation.


Women’s Leadership

Membership is open to all graduates of the Women’s Leadership Council. WLC is dedicated to ongoing leadership development, building a lifetime professional network and engaging with the Foundation’s mission. The council meets quarterly, and events include member topicdriven dinners, facilitated learning opportunities, networking and mission engagement.

The XIX Society is an annual giving and membership society for women who care about empowering other women through their personal philanthropy. Members have access to a robust calendar of events which includes connecting with like-minded women around a similar purpose through attainable giving; personal and professional growth in networking, grantmaking and philanthropy education; impact – improving knowledge, awareness of community needs and how to make a positive difference; and special community service projects.

The XIX Society is open to anyone and is a great tool for women’s employee resource group members.

Learn more about how we convene women leaders and signature programs to develop leaders of the future.


Attend a special event

Join the fun and mission learning at the Foundation’s events held throughout the year.


Women’s Leadership Institute Cohort 7 Dena Jackson, Ph.D. presents to Board Alumnae Board Alumnae gather XIX Society Members Women’s Leadership Council members

Giving Circles at Texas Women’s Foundation

Giving Circles at Texas Women’s Foundation continue to work together, pooling their resources and leveraging their networks to help solve problems in their communities through philanthropy and activism. Through the grant making process, giving circle members at Texas Women’s Foundation has collectively given more than $2.9 million over the last seven years. Each one has made a tremendous impact in advancing the economic security and leadership opportunities for women, girls, and families in North Texas.


The H100 Latina Giving Circle at Texas Women’s Foundation seeks to close the gap for Latinas and improve the lives of Latina women and girls by funding programs that focuses on long term stability and lifelong prosperity. H100 recently held a reception at Tower Club Dallas March 30, to kick start

Orchid Giving Circle

The Orchid Giving Circle® at Texas Women’s Foundation is an Asian sisterhood that provides grants and fosters philanthropy primarily within and for the North Texas Asian community. On May 12, The Orchid Giving Circle® hosted its largest annual fundraising eventThe POWER Leadership Forum - the only one of its kind designed by Asian women for Asian women. In its third year running, over 300 women convened at the Frito-Lay Headquarters to engage in leadership development around topics like embracing your whole self, activating your superpowers, and igniting your

Village Giving Circle

The Village Giving Circle at Texas Women’s Foundation exists to honor, sustain and expand the legacy of African American women’s philanthropy by funding organizations and initiatives that positively impact the African American community in North Texas. On April 1, an informational session was held to bring awareness to how individuals can multiply their impact and knowledge,

their fundraising efforts for this year’s granting season. In attendance were H100 members, prospective donors, supporters, and friends. Since 2019, H100 Latina Giving Circle has awarded $506,500 through 103 grants to 58 non-profit organizations.

Learn more at:


community. Since 2015, The Orchid Giving Circle® has awarded $1,360,000 in grants to more than 30 nonprofit organizations.

Learn more at:


while connecting with their local community. In attendance was Harry Eaddy, Executive Director of Denton Black Film Festival Institute, who shared how being a grant recipient of The Village Giving Circle has had a positive impact in helping them fund a filmmaker to capture black culture through storytelling. The DBFFI exists to address under-representation in film and media by giving black stories an audience and Black creatives a platform. Since 2017,

The Village Giving Circle has awarded $993,000 to 34 non-profit organizations.

Learn more at:


Orchid Giving Circle’s Power Leadership Forum H100 Check Presentation The Village Giving Circle’s Informational Session

Thank You to Our Donors

Texas Women’s Foundation would like to thank our generous supporters from the recent fiscal year (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023) who share their resources to help us invest in the power of women and girls to drive positive change and build stronger, more equitable communities for all.


Anonymous Donors


Abacus Technical Services LLC


Tammi Abney

Sara Abosch Jacobson

Risper Abraham

Michelle Accardo

Arcilia Carrasco Acosta

Rebecca Acuna

Conner Adams

Lesli Adams


Colleen Affeldt

Rhonda Aghamalian

Edward Aguilar

Margie Aguilar

Nazia Ahmed

Taha Ahmed

Ahmed Family Fund at

Fidelity Charitable

Suzanne Ahn, M.D. Speaker

Endowment Fund at Texas

Women’s Foundation

Aimbridge Hospitality

Albertson’s LLC

Chris Aleman

La-Basha Alexander

Tiffany Alexander

Asad Ali

Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation

Bonner Allen

Gillea Allison

Allstate Insurance

Stephanie Almeter

Ashley Alonzo

Monica Alonzo

Cheryl Alston

Gwen Amador

Amazon Foundation


Amegy Bank of Texas

American Airlines Charity

Custodial Account

American Airlines, Inc.

American City Business Journals

AMN Healthcare

Marissa R. Anchia

Birgit Andersen-Moreno

Brittni Anderson

James Anderson

Nicole Anderson

Terri Anderson

Sarah Andrews

Lesly Annen

Rebecca Anthony

Heather Antoine

Arcosa, Inc.

Michelle Arnold

Shrini Arole

Diptie Arora

Cynthia N. Ascencio

Paige Ashley

Crystal Assad

Maneesha Asundi

AT&T, Inc.

Laura Atlas Kravitz

Esohe Atunrase

Michelle Avila

Sharon Babick

Alexandra Babida

Connie Babikian

Constance Kleinert Babikian and Nicholas Joseph Babikian Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas

Norm Bafunno

Yingxue Bai

Ellen Bailey

Sue Bailey

Susie Bailey

Tonya Bailey

Angie Bain

Donna Baker

Rose Baker Charitable Gift Fund at IPC

Lavanya Bandi

Madhuri Bandla Bank of America

Helena Banks

Linda Banuelos

Julie Barbour

Leslie Barden

Roda Barket

Barnes Family Charitable Fund at Fidelity

Jennifer Bartkowski

Cheryl Bass

Shannon Bates

Yuvraj Baweja

Britney Bazaldua

Kellie Beard

Marsha Beasley

Theodore & Beulah Beasley Foundation

Vanessa Beckstrom

Douglas Beebe

Chelsea Belote

Jannette Benefee

Laurie Benezra-Arron

Dana Bennett

Marissa Bennett

Nate Bennett

Rosa Maria Berdeja

Nancy Bernardino

Elaine Bernstein

Phyllis Bernstein

Meg Berry

Angela Berry-Roberson

Taunee Besson

Tammy Biernat

Lindsay Billingsley

Billingsley Company

Lorraine Birabil

Jennifer Biry

Jennifer Biry Fund at Texas Women’s Foundation

Pashen Black

Katie Blackledge

Minoo Blaesche

Dianna Blake

Shajine Blake

Dana Blankenship

Vicki Blanton

Julie Mamolen Bleicher

Kalita Beck Blessing, CFP, CAP

Blessing Family Foundation

Colleen Bloch

Rasheiya Block

Katie Bloom

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas

Nicole Blythe

BNSF Railway

Michele Bobadilla

Elsha Bodily

The Boeing Company

Tammy Bogard

Michele Boillotat

Melissa Bolden

Sarah Bolich

Froswa Booker-Drew

Cecilia Boone

The Boone Family Foundation

Bourland Moden Family Fund at Fidelity

Rachel Bowman

Randy Bowman

Nicole Boydstun

Carole Braden

Jarie Bradley

Pamela Bradshaw

Alison Braman

Brenda Brand

Brice Family Charitable Fund II at Communities Foundation of Texas

Wendy Bridges

Julia Broadbent

Andrea Broadnax

Kanitra Brooks

Iliana Brown

Karen Brown

La Sharron Brown

Shonn Brown

Tracy Brown

Natalia C. Brownfield

Kay, Sarah, Sterling, Shirley Brunnier Fund at Texas Women’s Foundation

Mike Bryant

Emmy Buck

Tara Buckner

Buckner Children and Family Services, Inc

BuDhaGirl LLC

Madeline Burillo-Hopkins, EdD

Cami Burke

Megan Burkhart

Felicia S. Burns

Joy Busch

Butler Family Fund at CFT

Allison Buttram

Heather Byrd

Hannah Calhoon

Rebel Calhoun

Candace Campbell

Zenola W. Campbell

Tracy Cannon-Smith

Capital One

Elizabeth Capper

William Capper

Terriekka Cardenas

Steven Cardinale

Pete Carey

Shenikwa Carr

Sarah Carraher

Courtney Carrell

Christina Carroll

Andrea Carter

Gloria Carter

Margot Carter

Shayne Carter

Colleen Casey

Shelli M. Cassel

Chrysta Castaneda

Chrysta and John E. Castaneda

Donor Advised Fund at Texas Women’s Foundation

Angeles Castro

Camille Castro

Rebecca Cates

Marlem Cavazos

CBRE Group, Inc.

Cherrise Cederqvist

Stacey Cellier

Center for Transforming Lives

Winstona Chadwick

Chadwick-Loher Foundation

Brooke Chambers

Tatiana Chamorro

Judy Chan

Jennifer Chandler

Prathibha Chandrashekaran

May Chao

The Scott and Jean Chao

Chartitable Fund - Vanguard

Jennifer Chapman

Charities Aid Foundation of America (Pepsi)

Charles Schwab

Alex Chau

Fan Chen

Monica Chen

Christina Cheng

Patricia Cheong

Priyanka Cherthedath

Maryanne Cheung

Sue Chevins

Chevron Phillips Chemical Company

Sheila Chhutani, MD

Han Chieu

Leah Chikumbindi

Nicole Childre

Children’s Medical Center of Dallas (Children’s HealthSM)

ChipMonk Inc.

Chipotle Mexican Grill

Connie Cho

Stacey Cho Hernandez

Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma

Bianca Chow

Anne Chow & Roger Moore Fund at Fidelity

Sook Chua

Chubb Group of Insurance Companies

Arang Cistulli

City of Dallas

Alexis A. Clark

Marsha Clark

Natasha Clark

Jessica Clayton

Jamie Climacosa

Bonnie Clinton

Anne-Marie Coffee

Monica Coffey

Ariane Coldiron

Kayla Coleman

Teresa Coleman Wash

Dawn Collins

Summer Collins

Sarah Colvin

Dionne Colvin Lovely

The Comenat Family Giving Fund at Fidelity Charitable Comerica Bank Communities Foundation of Texas

Kristen Cook

Scott Cooke

Eric Cordero

Smita Corley

Heidi Cosio

Cotter Family Fund at Texas Women’s Foundation

Catherine M. Coughlin

Endowment for Women’s Leadership at the Texas Women’s Foundation

Adrienne Cowan

Darcy Cowell

Cece Cox

Rhonda Cox

Rita Cox

Cameka Crawford

Cathleen Crews

Billy & Dodee Crockett Advised

Fund at The Dallas Foundation

Sheri Crosby Wheeler

Lynn Crump-Caine

Susan Crumpton

Alexandria Crutkaew

Suzanne Cruz Sewell

Catherine Cuellar

Stephanie Culpepper

Kim Cummings

Aimee B. Cunningham

Trisha Cunningham

Curran Family Fund at Fidelity

Kenneth Curry

Fallon Cutshaw

CVS Health Foundation

D Magazine Partners, Inc

D&K Rodgers Family Fund at Fidelity

Sally Dahlstrom

Urvi Dalal

Dallas Area Rapid Transit

Dallas Business Journal

Dallas Fort Worth International Airport

Dallas Mavericks

Dallas Stars Hockey Club

Dallas Symphony Orchestra

Elise Daniel

Sherri Daniel

Kate Daniels

Raquel Daniels

Jennifer Dantzler

MJ Dashkevicz

John Daugherty

Bridgela Davis

Craig Davis

Joshlyn Davis

Joshua Davis

Roslyn Dawson Thompson and Rex Thompson

Roslyn Dawson Thompson and Rex Thompson Fund at Texas Women’s Foundation

Liz E. Day

John De Biasio

Lisa de la Garza

Alencia DeAnda-Gregg

Peggy Dear

Peggy Dear Fund at Fidelity Charitable

Shonny DeBouse-Young

Charlotte Decoster

Delgadillo Giving Fund at Fidelity Charitable

Evelyn Delgado


Dell Technologies Inc.

Deloitte - Dallas

Debbie Dennis

LaToyia Dennis

Laura DePonio

Sejal Desai

Desai Family Charitable Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas

Jane Desgrosllier

Adrienne Dever

Kara DeVita

Beth E. Dexter

Debbie Dial

Dialexa - An IBM Company

Iris Diaz

Jessica Diaz

Julie H. Diaz

Emily DiCarlo

Deborah Diercks

Alicia Dietsch

Geri Dillard


Disney Giving Program

Tracey Doi

Renee Domhoff

Carolyn Donaldson

Erika E. Doolittle

Timothy Dorren

Joanna Douglas


Vondesa Drummer

Janna Ducich

LaToya Duncan

Sara and Michael Duran

Jennifer Durbin

Lacy Durham

Diana Dutton

Sam Dwinell

Earth and Humanity Foundation

Abigail Earthman

Maviea Easter

Caren Edelstein

Haylee Edwards

Fran Eichorst


Wande Elam

Mahasin El-Amin

Oliva Elianet

Susan Elkington

Sarah Elliott

Zaundra Ellis


Lauren M. Embrey

Julie and Robert England

Samantha Eppler

Cooper Ericksen

Ernst & Young - Dallas

Dixie Erwin

Maria Espinoza

Yareli Esteban

Dawn Estes

Laura Estrada

Jana Etheridge

Christy Evans

Kayla Evans

Leecia Eve


Goldman Sachs

Rae Gong

Gopal Family Fund at Fidelity


Grant Thornton LLP

Craig Grucza

Greg Gunderson

Mona Gupta

Sonam A. Gupta

Vipin Gupta

Colin Hardman

Stacey Harris

Daniel Hatcher

Haynes Boone, LLP

Serena He

Christine Heskes

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Hilltop Holdings Inc.

Liz Ho

Fiona Hu

Anna Hung

Justin Hung

Kristie S. Huynh

Karen Ideno

Nicole Ideno

Asha Indoori

Timothy Ingle

Kristi Italiya

IW Group

Pooja Jain

Tiana James

Jennifer Jao

Maria Cristina Jaramillo


Lillian Jersa

Cyndy Jhung

Rachel Jiang

Jimmy Choo

Angie Jin

Kazuyo Jones

Roopa Kadavil

Jyoti Kamath

Kaitlin Kamei

Phillsun Kang

Anu Karanam

Christine Kattappuram

Keurig Dr Pepper

Mahreen Khan

Carol Kikuma

Rita Kinkhabwala

Soudary Kittivong-Greenbaum

Siani Kiyonaga

Jade Klinger

Nikki Koenig

Sylvia L. Komatsu

Madhuri Korimilli

Korn Ferry

Purnima Kotiya


Brian Krinock

Oliver Kuo

Selena LaCroix

Cecilia Lai

Cecilia Lee

Christy Lee

Favor Lee

Loh-Sze Leung

Leung Tsai Family Fund at

Fidelity Charitable

Cina LeVeaux

Queenie Li

Yinan Li

Hua Liang

Emily Lin

Sandra B. Lin

Teresa Lin

Kaisee Littlejohn

Alice Liu

Dora Liu

Sandy M. Liu

Liu Law Firm

Sandy Lobenstein

Shannon Long

Shweta Luthra

Dan Ma

Jody Macedonio

Poonam Mahale

Kunjli Majmudar

Jeffrey Makarewicz

Pam Marshall

Zia Maskara


Mara McNeill

Dulari Mehta

Vanisha Mehta

Todd Meinershagen

Kimberly Metz

Craig Meynard

Stacey Miller

Theresa Motter Motts LLP

Mr. Cooper Group

Doug Murtha

Keerthana Naidu

National Life Group

Anita Nazmul

Shalini Neelankavil

Neena Newberry

Katherine Ngo

Hau Nguyen

Chris Nielsen

Deeksha Nigam

Sridevi Nimmagadda

Tina Y. Nishida

Nancy Noguera

Mark Okada

Pamela Okada

The Okada Family Foundation at The Dallas Foundation

Lisa Ong

David Onsotti

Orchid Legacy Fund of Texas Women’s Foundation

Meyling Ortiz

Tina Page

Lily Panchasarp

Rina Parikh

Lillian Park

Mital Patel

Purvi Patel Albers

Lynette H. Payne

Vani Peddineni

Kimia Penton


Pepsico Foundation

Hattie Peterson

Anh Pham

Trang Pham

Khanh Phan

The Phoenix Tree Fund at Communities Foundation of Texas

Laura Pierce

Apinya Premprajaks

Protiviti, Inc.

Jenice Pua

Sonali Ransom

Karen Ratanasavetavadhana

Harsha Ravindran

Christopher Reynolds

Kent Rice

Caroline Riskey

Teresa Rodriguez

David Rosier

Hua Rubin

Ileana Saldivia

Anna Sampang

Lisa Samson

Michael Sandoval

Santander Consumer USA Inc. Foundation

Chudar Schlehuber

James Schwalbe

Anjali Shah

Hiral Shah

Nimisha Shah

Suresh Shah

Gowri N. Sharma

Meghna B. Sharma

Rupika Sharma

Dawa Sherpa

Ann Sheu

Eileen Shibata

Ann Shih

Zahra Shivji

Bhargavi Siddanati

Zeenat Sidi

Zulfikar Sidi

Silver Spring at Forney, LP

Michelle Sing

Roopa Singh

Akshata Sinha

Chompoo C. Sirisawat

Sutapa Sishtla

Charles Skowronski

James Smith

SMU - Cox School of Business

Nita Song

Bea Staley

Randall Stephens

Abby Stoddart

Laria Stoker-Smith

Thear S. Suzuki

Vivien Tan

Cathy Tang

Tian Tang

Tzu-Jui Tang

Vicky Teherani

Dawn Templeton

Alex Teusink

Texas Instruments, Inc.

Texas Women’s Foundation

Teresa Theinhan

Jacqueline Thomas

Herlinda Thompson


Monica Tieu

Dorothy Ton

Toyota North America, Inc

Caitlyn Tran

Cindy Tran

Lana Tran

Mai-Loan T. Tran

Von Truong

The Tsang Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable

Ka Ying Tse

United Way of Greater Atlanta

Yuri Unno

Elisabeth Unton

Withny Uribe Jimenez

Adarsh Vakharia

Dinesh Vakharia

Shaina Varia

Priya Venkat

Shyam Venkat

Sheelu Verma

Kavita Vermani


Frank Voss

Julia Wada

Julia Wang

Sunita Warrier

Willis Towers Watson

Tim Wilton

Wishing Out Loud LLC

Keith Witterstaetter

Alice Wong

Colin Woo

Betty Wu

Ru Xie

Jing Xu

Linlin Xu

Natalie Yancy

Fang Yang

Jennifer Yang

Shirley Yu

Cynthia Yung

Lumia Zaman

Fan Zhang

Mei Zhang

Cynthia Zhu

Manli Zhu

Yvonne Zhu

Village Giving Circle

Tammi Abney

Cheryl Alston

Terri Anderson

Cheryl Bass

Angela Berry-Roberson

Vicki D. Blanton

Jarie Bradley

Shonn Brown

Tara Buckner

Butler Family Fund at CFT

Candace Campbell

Tracy Cannon-Smith

Andrea Carter

Cherrise Cederqvist

Charities Aid Foundation of America

Chubb Group of Insurance Companies

Jessica Clayton

Sheri Crosby Wheeler

D&K Rodgers Family Fund at Fidelity

Dallas Mavericks

Maviea Easter

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Whitney Fogle Lewis

Arlene Ford

Ford Reynolds Fund at the Southwest Community Foundation

Fossil Group

Bradena Fowler

Lisa Gardner

General Electric

Arthur L. George

Gwendolyn George

Globe Life, Inc.

Jill Lacy Green

Jordan Hahn

Kesha Henderson

Aliah M. Henry

Rita Parson Hightower

Kathy Hubbard

Huntley Family Fund at Fidelity

IBM Corporation

Vera Ingram

Donna James-Harvey

Maria Cristina Jaramillo

Sherell Jefferson

Jimmy Choo

Rosylin Johnson

Fallyn Jones

Kimberly-Clark Corporation

Dionne Kirby

Ena Williams Koschel

Anna Lamikanra

Karen Langford

Jill B. Louis

DeAdrian Maddox

Sara Madsen Miller

Cynthia G. Marshall

Mylene Mayers

Monica McCray

Leticia McGowan


Jeff Melucci

Marlo Melucci


Adrienne A. Mosley

Tracey Nash-Huntley


Kristi Nelson

Jennifer Parnell

Wendy Parnell

Sonya Pegues

Pepsico Foundation

Perkins Coie

LaToyia Pierce

Cheryl Polote-Williamson


Redstone Strategy Group

Diane H. Reeves

Carolyn Riley

Kenya Rodgers

Lauren Rodgers

Sha’ Roehm

Angela M. Ross

Renee Sample

Christa Sanford

Ketric Sanford

Santander Consumer USA Inc. Foundation

Thalia Shirley

Veronica Singleton

DeEdra Smiter

Carmen P. Smith

Renita Smith

State Farm Insurance

Neisha Strambler-Butler

Trina Taylor

Texas Instruments, Inc.

Toyota North America, Inc

Cordelia Tullous

US Radiology Specialist

Asheya Warren

Kimberly Webb

Gloria Werthing Reynolds

Kim T. Whitaker

Iris Wilcox

Wendy Wilkerson

Christy Williams

Kimberly Williams

Rhonda Williams

Steven Williams

Shawn L. Wills

Shannon K. Woods

Crystal Wright

Elizabeth ‘Libby’ Wright

Jasmine Wynton

Donor Spotlight

Why does Comerica

invest in Texas Women’s Foundation?

“At Comerica Bank, celebrating, and empowering women does not describe what we try to do, it defines what we do and who we are. Whether it is internally through our employee resource groups which provide networking, mentoring and professional development opportunities for women at our bank, including 52 percent of our managers; or externally, partnering with nonprofits like the Texas Women’s Foundation that make such a profound impact on the lives of women and girls. Comerica is collaborating across all lines of business to be a force for good in the communities where we live and serve.”

How does supporting women and girls impact our communities?

“Our bank remains committed to creating and increasing economic and leadership opportunities for women, girls and families, which will result in stronger and more equitable and sustainable communities for us all.”

Comerica Bank


Texas Women’s Foundation is advancing positive social change and advances economic security and leadership opportunities for women and girls across Texas. Guided by research that continues to show that women are the face of poverty, over the last year Texas Women’s Foundation has deployed funds to strategic initiatives, programs, granting and advocacyeffor ts that are making change for women statewide. Together with our philanthropic partners - Giving Circles, Donor-Advised Fund holders, and Young Women’s Initiative - the collective impact has funded 197 organizations and distributed $4.9M in grants this fis cal year. In addition, $2.2M was invested in programs that which equip girls to become strong women, and preparing women to lead in their lives, their workplaces and their communities, which in turn makes Texas a better place for all.

$7.1 Million Overall Impact


Each year the Young Women’s Advisory Council (YWAC) awards grants to nonprofits addressing the needs of young women of color. This year’s cohort focused on organizations that support women’s health needs. Women of color, particularly mothers, are more likely to overlook or ignore their health needs, whether from a lack of information and resources, fear, or cultural barriers. The grantees awarded focus on bridging the gap and providing guidance, resources, and support for women so that they may live safe, healthy, and sustainable lives.

Abide Women’s Health Services - $5,000

Provides general operating support to combat healthcare disparities by reducing infant and mortality rates, increasing the number of Black midwives and birth workers of color, and increasing the number of full-term healthy births.

The Bridge Breast Network, Inc - $5,000

Provides general operating support to save lives by supporting affordable access to diagnostic and treatment services for breast cancer to low income, uninsured and underinsured individuals.

Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support - $5,000

In Texas, girls and young women between the ages of 16 and 24 experience the highest rate of intimate partner violence, almost triple the national average. This grant empowers Genesis’ mission to provide safety, shelter and support for women and children who have experienced domestic violence, and to raise awareness regarding its cause, prevalence, and impact.

16 | TEXAS WOMEN’S FOUNDATION Empowering Women’s Philanthropy $959,616 Economic Security $1,380,801 Health & Safety $1,750,931 Women’s Issues $195,690 Leadership & Education $659,029
Economic Security $3.55M Other $980K Leadership & Education $1.95M Empowering Women’s Philanthropy $619K Dallas $2,260,352 Harris $103,639 DFW $319,727 U.S. + Intl. $379,500 Collin $205,450 Denton $183,500 Texas $984,231 Tarrant $509,668 Grants Awarded by Geography Grants Awarded by Program



Texas Women’s Foundation has announced its second set of grants from its Health Care Access Fund to help women and girls access health care in underserved Texas communities in North and East Texas. As part of its Health Care Access Fund, Texas Women’s Foundation launched the Reproductive Freedom Initiative in 2022 to deliver urgent and long-term women’s healthcare programming to communities that desperately need resources.

With eight grants given earlier in the year totaling $487,125 in rural Texas communities, the Foundation has now awarded a total of $907,125 to 15 deserving organizations.

In this round, the Foundation awarded seven grants totaling $420,000 to carefully vetted community health care clinics:

Collins Family Planning Clinic (Fort Worth)

This grant supports 13 healthcare professionals and the purchase of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCS).

Genesis Prime Care (Marshall)

This grant supports Genesis Prime Care in hiring an OB/GYN, and other health care providers, to conduct gynecological examinations, provide prenatal care and treatment, prescribe contraceptives, order and review lab work, counsel and provide pre-conception patient health education, nutrition and prenatal information.

Gulf Coast Health Center Inc. (GCHC) (Port Arthur)

The grant improves the care for prenatal patients with the purchase of a new updated ultrasound machine to deliver more precise prenatal care at their main location.

Health Services North Texas (Denton)

The grant supports Health Services North Texas’ (HSNT) Reproductive Healthcare Program with the purchase of 50 LARCs and support the cost of 400 family planning, prenatal, obstetric or postpartum medical visits for uninsured, low-income women.

Crossroads Family Clinic (Mount Enterprise)

This grant supports the hiring of a Women’s Health Coordinator/ Community Health Worker to conduct outreach to women about the availability of family planning services, pap smears, cervical cancer screenings and annual health screenings such as mammograms.

Parkland Health Foundation (Dallas)

The grant supports the expansion of the Family Planning program to increase appointment availability, contraception access and informed choice and connecting patients to care.

TAN (Triangle Area Network) Healthcare (Beaumont)

The grant supports TAN Healthcare in expanding access to all types of contraceptives on initial health care visit at an affordable cost; purchasing contraception supplies to maintain an inventory (including long-acting reversible contraceptives); and in providing staff training to ensure the skill set is available for LARC services.

Texas Women’s Foundation is raising $1M this year to empower women’s reproductive health across the state - will you join us?

Find out more: txwf.org/economic-security/#health_care or contact Jeanne Heinen at jheinen@txwf.org

Counties without a reproductive health care provider.

December 2022 grantees

May 2023 grantees

Grantee Organizations

Access Esperanza Clinics Inc. (McAllen)

Cactus Health Services Inc. (Fort Stockton)

Haven Health Clinics (Amarillo)

Project Vida Health Center (El Paso)

South Plains Rural Health Services Inc. (Levelland)

South Texas Family Planning & Health Corporation (Corpus Christi)

South Texas Rural Health Services, Inc. (Cotulla)

Vida y Salud Health System, Inc. (Crystal City)

Collins Family Planning Clinic (Fort Worth)

Genesis Prime Care (Marshall)

Gulf Coast Health Center Inc. (Port Arthur)

Health Services North Texas (Denton)

Crossroads Family Clinic (Mount Enterprise)

Parkland Health Foundation (Dallas)

TAN (Triangle Area Network) Healthcare (Beaumont)



38th Annual Luncheon

SEPT 26, 2023 | 11:30AM - 1:00PM | HILTON ANATOLE

Join us for an in-person event where community, corporate and philanthropic leaders will gather to hear an insightful conversation featuring Emmy-nominated actress Storm Reid, who will discuss the importance of transforming communities to create systems that support everyone. Find out more at txwfluncheon.org

Leadership Awards Nominations Open



Nominations for the 2024 Maura Women Helping Women and Young Leader Awards will be open from September 27 - November 1, 2023. We invite you to nominate someone who is leading the way in improving the lives for women and girls across Texas, or is making great strides in leadership. You can find out more at: txwf.org/events/leadership

Leadership Forum & Awards Celebration

APRIL 30, 2024 | 4:00 - 8:00PM | OMNI DALLAS HOTEL

APR 30

Community and corporate leaders will gather to celebrate the impact of women leaders by presenting the Maura Women Helping Women and Young Leader Awards to exemplary trailblazers across Texas. Find out more at txwfleadership.org


8150 N. Central Expressway Suite 110 Dallas, Texas 75206 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID ADDISON, TX PERMIT NO. 6 UPCOMING EVENTS DON’T MISS OUT! For more information visit: www.txwf.org/get-involved/#events or contact: events@txwf.org
TO SUPPORT WOMEN & GIRLS: Mail a check to: Texas Women’s Foundation 8150 N. Central Expressway, Ste. 110 | Dallas, TX 75206

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