1516 AIESEC CCU EB application form

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Deeds not Words

1516 AIESEC CCU Local Committee Executive Board Application FORM



You will never ever forget this experience

There is always a story behind every AIESECer. Some of us join this organiza>on because we want to change ourselves, and some have awesome ambi>on to change the society and even this WORLD. To be honest I joined this youth organiza>on for that I want to know how different could I become; furthermore, I would like to do self-­‐discover. It is undoubted that we can get much experience from this place if we were willing to try. I’ve stayed here for more than two years, and my story just started up. EB posi>on is another journey for AIESECers, and I recommend this experience to you because of unique team work and entrepreneurship you will face. Every stage you will have different opinions and feeling forward this en>ty, so never ever say “LAST” in AIESEC. You only live once, seize every chance to make your life more amazing.

1415 LCP

Damian Chen

Election Process Step 1 Show interest

-­‐Post one ar>cle to 1415 AIESEC CCU group,and it include your picture and mo>va>on Before 3/31 23:59

Step2 Task on next page

Send your candidate package to 1.1415 LCP Damian Chen 2.1415 VP TM Ruby Chang 3.1415 Func>on VP (the func>on you want to apply) Before 4/10 23:59 LCP Damian Chen -­‐ damian.chen@aiesec.net oGCDP Kathy Liu -­‐ a651145@gmail.com iGCDP Aasta Liang -­‐ aasta.liang@aiesec.net oGIP Angela Chang -­‐ k55v00n46@hotmail.com.tw iGIP Jane Wei -­‐ jnes41023@gmail.com TM Ruby Chang -­‐ ruby0624ruby@gmail.com FN Abby Wang -­‐ abby17539@gmail.com Marcom Kelly Guo -­‐ fuping6666@gmail.com

The Package include followings: 1.Curriculum vitae -­‐Picture -­‐AIESEC experience -­‐Non-­‐AIESEC experience -­‐Self-­‐descrip>on (Pros and cons) 2.General ques>ons and Func>onal ques>ons -­‐answer in one document 3.Manifesto -­‐one document -­‐reality analysis -­‐MOS and KPI -­‐no more than 15 pages 4.Endorsement leier -­‐one from who lead you now or before (AIESECer required) -­‐one from who was led by you (non-­‐AIESECer is available) Convert all document into PDF and all documents are required done in English except Endorsement leiers. NO Framework so you can design the content you want.

Step 3 Subcommiiee Interview

-­‐The date of interview will depend on func>on VP -­‐Candidate need to dress formally -­‐Prepare 3 paper manifesto at that >me

Step 4 Manifesto Presenta>on

-­‐The date of Presenta>on will be announced later -­‐Candidate need to dress formally

General Questions 1.Self-­‐awareness (1)What is your mo>va>on for the posi>on which you apply for? (2)What is your leadership style? What will your team be like? (3)What do you expect to get from this posi>on, and what is your plan if you fail the elec>on 2.Execu>ve board thinking (1)How will you manage EB posi>on and VP posi>on at same >me? (2)Based on your personal analysis, what will be your role in this team?

OGX GCDP 1.Why AIESEC CCU want to promote Global Ci>zen in CCU and NCYU? 2.Func>onal Thinking (1)What do you want your members to gain from the oGCDP experience and what can you do as oGCDP VP to help your members achieve this? How can you beier engage oGCDP members to ac>vely par>cipate and contribute in their oGCDP role? (2) If 1516 led by you, what would be the learning point of MS? (3) What is the learning point of VP? Please give me a reason which can support you to run all term. 3. Comment on the rela>onship between oGCDP func>on and other Back Office func>ons (TM /ER / FN/MARCOM). And list down the improvement about the synergy. 4.Please show your strategies from 1516 to 1819 based on the result of NPM.(You have to list down two different market: CCU and NCYU) (2) In your opinion, what kind of support from each Back Office func>on to improve our LC’s performance in oGCDP from 1516 to 1819. The date of interview will be announced later

“It’s beier to have fought and lost, than never to have fought at all”


Kathy Liu

ICX GCDP 1.Please do the SWOT analysis about iGCDP, and describe it. 2.What’s the boileneck(s) in iGCDP now? And how do you solve it(them)? (boileneck can’t more than three) 3.What’s your focus area in 1516? 4.What’s your end picture in your VP term? What iGCDP looks like? 5.Please describe the role of iGCDP in AIESEC CCU? And the connec>on between AIESEC CCU’s aspira>on 2017. The date of interview will be held at 4/15 night

“這條路上,會有很多的挫折與疲憊,也會有很多孤單無助的時刻;但 同時,你會得到成長、你會更了解自己。記住,撐過,就是你的了! 這絕不會是容易的決定,質疑與肯定並存,不過別害怕,身邊也會有 你的iGCDP、你的Na>onal teammates與你的EB teammates陪著你,你不 孤單:) 溫柔而堅定,迎向挑戰吧!”


Aasta Liang

OGX GIP You can use words, chats, or graphs to show your answer. Every single answer MUST have suppor>ve data with it. 1.What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of oGIP for CCU students and students in Taiwan? Please analysis as more as you can. 2.List down at least 3 advantages and disadvantages of CCU OGIP from 1314 >ll now. 3.List down at least 4 key learning points of oGIP, and explain as detailed as you can. 4.Describe rela>onship between oGIP func>on and other Back Office func>ons (FN, TM, ER and MarCom). Specify the support you would need from each Back Office func>on to improve our LC’s performance in oGIP. 5.What will be the major challenge for oGIP in term 1516 of AIESEC CCU? 6.What do you want your members to gain from the oGIP experience and what can you do as oGIP VP to help your members achieve this? How can you beier engage oGIP members to ac>vely par>cipate and contribute in their oGIP role? 7.Please show your strategies in 1516 based on market segmenta>on and sub-­‐product. How would your strategies align to regional strategies? The date of interview will be held at 4/11 night

“VP不是個舒服好坐的位子,但適合想把這個位子打造得更精緻的你。 你可以猶豫,你可以思考,你可以逃避;但請記得要走出去,看看這 裡需要什麼以及你想要什麼。把有把握做好的事做好,是發揮你原本 的實力;把沒把握做好的事做好,是磨練出後天的能力。”


Angela Chang

ICX GIP 1.Please analys and describe the situa>on of AIESEC CCU IGIP. And make a clear SWOT analysis. 2. In your opion, what problem should be solved in 1516. Why? 3. Please explain your every step you will do to lead AIESEC CCU IGIP. 4. Please list down the result you are planing to achieve in 1516 (Maximum 3) The date of interview will be held at 4/14 night

“Now, you may be struggling with your heart, your brave, your fear and reality. Every EB have gone the path also ! No one can make the decision and go through the process but you. 勇敢不是不害怕,而是帶著恐懼向 前;而是決心勝過了勇氣。 If you are sure you want it, and ready for challenge and change. I promise you, it's a really worthy journey to experience ! At the end, you will appreciate your courage and insistence. To be VP IGIP is the posi>on to training you become stable, responsible and reliable ! Also, training your crisis management by those complicated law and stakeholder! You have nothing to lose, if you want it ,please go ahead and take this challenge. And I believe that people who face tons of pressure would strong growth. All the best for you! ”


Jane Wei

Talent Management

1.What is the most important mission for VP TM? 2. Reflect all the TM ac>vi>es, and analyze them all(use keep/stop/improve) 3. What kind of help can you give to other func>on?(choose at least 2 X func>ons & 2 suppor>ng func>ons) The date of interview will be held at 4/13 night

“Passion is strength ”


Ruby Chang

Finance 1.There are five elements: transparency,efficency, educa>on, sustainability, investment in finance. (1)What do you think the most important(choose 3 of them) ,and describe the reasons for each of them. (2)What would you do to reach the elements in 1516?(please write down each of the elements) 2.If the financial statement in CCU is enough to support the LC for daily expense.What would you do next to help LC by using financial tools or resources? (Please describe in two parts: whole LC and other func>ons) 3.What personailites do you have to fit the posi>on of 1516 VP FN? The date of interview will be held at 4/13 night

“Think global, act local”


Abby Wang

Marcom 1. What is the value of Marke>ng & Communica>on? 2. What kind of problems you find in our branding and the synergy with exchange func>ons? For the problem you find, please give us a concrete solu>on. Make a report about this. 3. As a vice president, what will you do to provide your member and middle structure good marke>ng experience in this func>on? 4. Ask me about the func>onal structure about 1415 MarCom and all the things we do in 1415. Ater this, what will be the biggest difference between 1415 and 1516 and why? 5. What is the picture of AIESEC CCU ater two years. As a vice president of marke>ng & communica>on, what will you do to achieve this? and why? The date of interview will be announced later

“Imagine you're on the interac>on.One way that you can predict what you will go through,the other that no maier good or bad,anything will happen which is VP journey. Although this journey is absolutely hard to endure,some moments you may feel too depressed to solve problems or get along with people easily.But no pain,no gain.This journey is definitely deserved so that I encourage anyone that you wanna to have an unique experience you must take a chance.No maier success or fail,you will breakaway.” VP Marcom

Kelly Guo

“Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” 「不要溫順地走入那良夜,白晝將盡,就算年老也要 燃燒咆嘯;怒吼,怒吼抗拒天光沒滅。」

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