Ujima Magazine Feb/Mar 2019

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February / March 2019

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Remembering Barbara Jordan

Economic Business Growth Incubator (EBGI)

When Barbara Jordan passed away in 1996, I went to the LBJ Library to say my farewell as she laid in state. For me this was very moving because I had never been to see a dignitary before or experienced this type of honor of another person. Since that experience, I learned more about Jordan and realized she was a woman of change and I loved to listen to her talk because of her distinctive voice. She had a beautiful voice.

Train. Coach. Support.

The Economic Business Growth Incubator (EBGI) provides training, coaching and support to aspiring and existing business owners who face barriers to growing a successful business. They provide three areas of support to new business owners and existing business owners to assist with growing their business. EBGI provides training, coaching and support. When a business owner signs up for the training, you will learn how to define your business idea, build your business plan and receive support with managing your business. In the defining your business idea you will assess whether your business needs more customers or clients and if it is a new business idea you will be given tools and




guidance to move your idea forward. You will then build your business plan. During this time, you will look at financial projections and marketing strategies for your idea or business. In managing your business, you will learn how to implement your business plan and automate your business. Once the series of training classes are done, you will have access to coaching services and support services such as bookkeeping, coworking space and more.


Barbara Jordan was born in 1936 in Houston Texas. She lived in the Fifth Ward attending segregated public schools. Jordan went on to graduate magna cum laude from Texas Southern University and then a law degree from Boston College. In 1972 Jordan won a seat in the U.S. House, becoming the first African American from Texas to have a seat in Congress. While in Congress she cosponsored bills helping the elderly, children, the environment, teachers and the homeless. She became known for her effective oratory skills, especially after a speech in 1974 during the Watergate hearings in which she defended the Constitution and in 1976 when she delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention.






Damita’s Corner

Economic Business Growth Incubator (EBGI) Con’t from Page 1

Founder/Publisher Damita Miller-Shanklin

The New Year is chaotic. I hope as you read this the government is back functioning and we are all getting back to life. It is difficult spreading positivity when you are surrounded by so much negativity. A person told me recently that Ujima focusing on positive stories was not the reality. I disagree. Ujima was built on positivity of our people and communities. It is meant to show Black people living lives that are made of the same goals, needs and priorities as other communities. The reason Ujima exist is because I was tired of hearing the narrative that Black people did not have worth, that we did not dream, that we didn’t excel in areas of education, financial prosperity. But I know that is not true for everyone who is Black. My contribution to my community is Ujima and the positive, inspirational stories and people that live in our community making a difference. We all can make a change and this is the way I chose to give back. Embrace Your Community Damita Miller-Shanklin Publisher

If you are wanting to improve your business or you have an idea that you need assistance with developing and moving forward, contact EBGI at (512) 928-2594 and follow them on their social media platforms. We train, coach, and support local businesses. We offer three series of workshops to aspiring and existing business owners: Define your business PLAN, Build your business PLAN, and MANAGE your business. Our journey with our clients does not end with the workshops as we want to be with them throughout their journey. Our clients know that they can call us with questions, to better understand how to manage their business bookkeeping, or when they need help planning the next phase of their business.

Remembering Barbara Jordan Con’t from Page 1 After three terms in Congress, Jordan returned to Austin and became a professor at the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs at UT where she taught courses on politics and ethics. In the early 1990s Jordan served as advisor to Ann Richards during her gubernatorial campaign. She was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 1990 and received a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1994. She died in 1996 and is buried in the State Cemetery in Austin. Ujima salutes Barbara Jordan this Black History Month.

Ujima Magazine is a free news publication. Visit online at Ujimamagazine.com. For Advertising Opportunities email us at UjimaMagazine@gmail.com




Building a Stronger, Healthier Community

Learn. Connect. Grow.

The Central Texas African American Family Support Conference will be held on February 26-27, 2019. The conference will be held at the Palmer Events Center located 900 Barton Springs Road. UNABLE TO WORK? • DENIED BENEFITS? • WE CAN HELP!


The keynote speakers are Yashi Brown, Ronald Chisom, and Barbara Major. There will be interactive workshops, inspirational speakers, a community resource fair and continuing education units will also be offered. Join health professionals, advocate and others learn more about mental and physical health solutions. Together we can grow healthier and stronger.

The cost will be Consumer/Family Member is $15.00, Community Member is $50.00 and Professionals Seeking CEU’s will be $150.00. For more information, visit ctaafsc.org.

Gals - Giving Austin Labor Support Giving Austin Labor Support (GALS) is a 501c3 non profit volunteer organization which provides emotional and physical support to families during their birth experience. GALS believe a mother should be respected and supported during the birth of her child. Anyone within the Austin area can call the 24/7 dispatch line to request labor support. There are three areas of support: 1. On-call program for labor and need support 24/7 2. Travis County Correctional Complex support and groups and labor support 3. Prenatal program which includes a “doula” relationship as well as birth and postpartum support. If you want more information or need the support, contact 512-934-2171 or visit the website at www.givingaustinlaborsupport.org.

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Heart Health Month

Go Red

February is Heart Health Month. Go Red is a American Heart Association’s signature women’s initiative, It is a comprehensive platform designed to increase women’s heart health awareness and serve as a catalyst for change to improve the lives of women globally. Nearly 80 percent of cardiac events can be prevented, cardiovascular diseases continue to be a woman’s greatest health threat. So what are the signs and symptoms of Heart Disease? Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. It lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back. Other signs are: 1. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. 2. Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort. 3. Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness. 4. As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom

is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain. The Risk factors for Heart Disease is ● High blood pressure ● Smoking ● High blood cholesterol ● Lack of regular activity ● Obesity or overweight ● Diabetes

A Better Me

A Wellness Program A Better Me is a wellness program through the Alliance for African American Health in Central Texas (AAAHCT). This program was created for individuals who want to make a lifestyle change to help reduce developing chronic diseases or manage their current condition better. The changes the individual needs to be seeking is in the area of physical activity and nutrition. The Better Me program is currently looking for recruits in the areas of coaches who can provide one on one support and accountability to assist participants reach their goals and managers who support the coaches and participant in finding resources that can assist the participants in reaching their goals. If you would like to join the team, you can make contact through email at info@aaahct.org or call 512-710-5405.

The risk factors listed can be treated or controlled through lifestyle changes and working with your doctor. Wear Red to raise awareness about heart disease throughout the month. Visit www.goredforwomen.org.




Business Tips

Get Your Mind and Business Ready for 2019

If you are a business owner, you are most likely looking at your accomplishments for 2018. Now that you have looked back, let’s move forward into 2019. What should your to do list look like for the new year and your business? Grab your notebook and take some notes. ❏ Document and map out your goals ❏ Define your “big wins” for the year ❏ Ask your staff about their needs ❏ Focus on improving services, i.e. Customer Service ❏ Understand the trends that may influence your business For more information on your to do list, go to https://www.forbes.com/sites/for bescoachescouncil/2018/12/14 /16-tips-for-business-owners2019-to-do-lists/#6b6a215031fc

Kente: Not Just Any Old Cloth Kente, known as nwentom in Akan, is a type of silk and cotton fabric made of interwoven cloth strips made and native to the Akan ethnic group of Ghana. Kente is made in Akan lands such as the Ashanti Kingdom, including the towns of Bonwire, Adanwomase, Sakora Wonoo, and Ntonso in the Kwabre areas of the Ashanti Region. This fabric is worn by almost every Ghanaian tribe. Kente comes from the word kenten, which means basket in the Asante dialect of Akan. Akans refer to kente as nwentoma, meaning woven cloth. It is an Akan royal and sacred cloth worn only in times of extreme importance and was the cloth of kings. Over time, the use of kente became more widespread. However, its importance has remained and it is held in high esteem by Akans. Kente is made in Akan lands such as the Ashanti Kingdom, including the towns of Bonwire, Adanwomase, Sakora Wono. This fabric is worn by almost every Ghanaian tribe. It is an Akan royal and sacred cloth worn only in times of extreme importance and was the cloth of kings. Each color has a meaning of importance.

How Do You Scale Your Business? If you own a business or work at one, you most likely hear people talk about scaling the business. So what does that mean? By definition, scaling a business means “to grow or expand in a proportional and usually profitable way.” In looking at the time to scale your business, Tim Ferriss, the author of The 4-Hour Workweek in a interview gave explained how to scale your business in 3 steps. ➔ Confirm your endgame. Understand your desired destination. ➔ Learn how businesses grow extremely quickly. Decide if you want to bootstrap or bill relationships. ➔ Overcome cash restraints creatively. Be creative with your financing options. For more information about scaling from Tim Ferris, visit https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/305588.




Teen Dating Violence Month

Break The Cycle

February is Teen Dating Violence Month. There are students in schools around the country dealing with this type of violent situation everyday. For high school students, 1 in 3 of the students experience physical or sexual violence or both from a dating partner. If you are interested in bringing awareness to your friends and your parents, check out the Save The Date flyer that will help you interact with others and promote awareness on social media.

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There are warning signs to be aware in dating abusive relationships: A. Checking cell phones, emails without permission B. Extreme jealousy C. Explosive temper D. Isolating the person from family and friends E. Physically inflicting pain These are just a few warning signs. For more information, please visit https://www.breakthecycle.org/ warning-signs

The 14th annual music fest will be held for two days on Fri, Mar 29, 2019, and Sat, Mar 30, 2019, at the Vic Mathias Park/Auditorium Shores. The Texas Clyde Littlefield Relays, also known as The Texas Relays will also be going on at the same time.This weekend will be a fun with a combination of sports, music, and vendors. Be sure to subscribe to get updates and special offers at urbanmusicfest.com. For any questions, you can send a email to info@urbanmusicfestival.com.



AR T / C U LT U R E/ L IF ES T y L E

You Want Better Productivity?

Organize Your Workspace When you think about organizing most people think about decluttering their bedroom, kitchen, or extra bedroom,etc. As more people work from home being productive can be hard to master. But when you declutter any space you spend time in, you will feel better and your productivity should increase. Here are a few tips to organize your workspace for better productivity. 1. Purge your workspace. Eliminate unnecessary stuff. 2. Rearrange your furniture. Reset items for easy access. 3. Organize your desktop. Keep files and other items within reach. 4. Develop a filing system. Make sure it can be easily maintained and matches the way you work. 5. Time Management. Keep a running to-do list to make sure you stay on task and deadlines do not fall through the cracks 6. Communicate on a schedule. Schedule time on your to do list everyday to read emails and return phone calls. 7. Organize Digitally. Create folders and subfolders for your email inbox. 8. Ritualize your work day. At end of your work day, take 15 minutes to update your to do list and prepare for the next day. These are just a few ways to organize your work space for better productivity. For more detailed information, visit https://www.cio.com/article/2380631/it-strategy/it-strategy-8-tips-to-organizeyour-office-and-yourself-for-better-productivity.html

African American History There are many people to remember as part of African American History Many names will be not be familiar a lot of african americans have contributed the time and the effort to shape the country we live in. We must always remember. Frederick McKinly Jones On July 12, 1940, he received the patent for refrigeration on trucks. Constance Baker Motley First African American female to receive appointment as a federal judge. Willie Williams First African American police chief for the City of Los Angeles CA.


Sweet and Easy !

Finding the Perfect Gift

Looking for a sweet treat to please your family or make as a quick gift for friends. Rolo Pretzel Delights will be sure to work for the occasion.

As we start a new year again we will need those special gifts for 2019. Here are some tips to remember :

Ingredients: Mini Pretzels Pecan halves Hershey Milk Chocolate Rolos Directions: Heat oven to 350 degrees, line a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil. Place mini pretzel on baking sheet and a milk chocolate Rolo on top of each one. Bake for 3-5 minutes when the chocolate

appears shiny it is ready to remove from the oven. Top with a pecan half and let it cool completely. After cooling this sweet and salty treat is ready to enjoy!

● Think about the personality of the recipient. ● Think about the colours they choose to wear, the accessories they like. ● Think about their circumstances. ● If the gift is something they might continue to use in future, such as skincare products. ● Give a gift you can personalize. Make all of your special occasions special

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