January 2020 (Issue 465)
http://subaru4wdvic.com.au/ https://www.facebook.com/subaru4wdvic/ https://www.instagram.com/subaru4wdclub_victoria/ PO BOX 2456, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
Volks-Baru Subaru and Volkswagen Specialist Parts and Service Centre
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Contact John Bailey 1362 Heatherton Rd Dandenong North 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 5655
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all had a safe holiday period. Unfortunately the planned trip after Christmas was cancelled due to the bushfires in the region and the warnings issued by the various government agencies. Cancelled earlier this week, on 21st January, was the event of “February 8th to 9th Pajero Challenge” which was to be held in the regions around Licola. On 22nd, I was advised the Pajero Club cancelled the event due to new strict conditions that were required to be implemented, but would be unworkable and difficult to implement in such a short time frame. I had previously mentioned that we only had 4 members able to assist in December to them, and with an offer of a former Check Point participant to assist [thank you Daryl Lynch], and the recruitment of two members of the Ulysses Motorcycle Club [an over 50s MC, where quite a number of the motorcycles are large capacity: Buelle, Harleys, & BMWs; friends of mine], and 3 from the Pajero Club, we would have had a viable Challenge Check Point. Apparently last year they held the same/similar Check Point with two members, but the comment was made “that the Challenge participants missed the welcoming soups and break at the Subaru Club manned Check Point”. Our Club has assisted the Pajero Club for many years (I was told about 10 years) by manning a Check Point station in the early hours of the morning, however we were unable to assist last year. It always feels good to hear that our efforts in assisting another club are appreciated.
Also with the bushfire devastation that has occurred from November to present, in vast areas of Victoria, New South Wales & Queensland, the best way to assist the communities affected is to run trips, even single day trips within Victoria, to those areas to assist their economy grow to rebuild their livelihood. No sooner has Christmas 2019 come and gone, then a week later midweek it has been New Year’s Day, so “Happy New Year” to everyone, then a few weeks work for some, and for those with Chinese heritage or lineage, Chinese New Year is on Saturday 25th January, the “Year of the (Metal) Rat” then pause for another holiday “Australia Day” held on Monday 27th January, then, what we’ve really been waiting for our first General Meeting of the 2020 year on Tuesday 28th January 2020. So, on Tuesday 28th January, commencing from 6:30pm, in the adjoining parklands at the BBQ area, we have a BBQ get together, relocating near 8pm to have our meeting. All meats, bread, salads and soft drinks will be provided at very reasonable prices. Bring along plenty of gold coins because the food and drink is hard to resist. Tuesday 28th is expected to have “no rain”, and a top temperature of about 23C, so very unlikely for the day to be declared a day of “Total Fire Ban”.
Stick to the tracks, Mark Tyssen President, e: president@subaru4wdvic.com.au
VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT The recent fires through Victoria and New South Wales have been devastating and tragic. As I hear the names of the areas burntreminds me of many of the spectacular areas the club has visited overand our many regional members living close to the high risk areas. Once theare out, Parks staff will be out clearing roads and, cutting down dangerous burnt trees and rebuilding camp sites. However with such a large area burnt, all this work will take some time.
websites before heading out on a trip either in a hot, dry summer or after heavy,rainfall. Four Wheel Drive Victoria put out a call to assist withsome relief suppliesover 50 vehicles signed up almost immediately.behalf of the Clubs, the Association made a donation of $2500the relief fund.
Tim Folliard Vice President, It also highlights the importance of e: vice-president@subaru4wdvic.com.au checking Parks, VicRoadsemergency.vic
Robert Townsend receives membership badge from president, Mark Tyssen
his club
EDITOR’S NOTE Welcome to 2020 and our first magazine for the year. Due to the bushfires we didn’t get a Christmas trip to report on, nor did we get a report from the Christmas party, although we did get plenty of photos instead. While a picture is worth a thousand words I didn’t think that four pages of photos would be all that exciting, without some accompanying commentary. We will make some room for them next month. Don’t forget to send through your articles, photos and videos from coming club events, for publication in the magazine, or up on the club’s web site and Facebook page. Damian Stock The deadline for submissions for the next edition is:
Friday, February 14th, 2019 Email editor: editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au
TRIP ADVISOR (Upcoming trips calender)
Australia Dayday trip
January 26, 2020
Tim Folliard
Lerderderg Introduction to 4WD
February 2, 2020
Tim Folliard
Border Track (Vic/SA Border)
April 5 - 10, 2020
Martin Foot
North Flinders Ranges
July, 2020
Martin Foot
PHOTO COMPETITION Our photo competition will once again be held at our February 2020 meetin. Categories are: •Categories: Best Portrait (photo of a person) •Best group photo •Best landscape/nature scene •Best close-up nature shot (Flower, animal, etc.) •Best Subaru action shot •Funniest photo Don’t forget to keep the camera handy! All photographs submitted must have been taken within the last two years, taken by the person entering the photo, and taken at a club event. There is a limit of one photo per person, per category. Any photographs that have won a prize previously are not eligible. Entries should be emailed to: photocomp@subaru4wdvic.com.au Members in attendance at the February meeting will be able to vote for the best photos.
TRIP and SOCIAL Australia Day trip When: 26 January 2020 Reply by: 23 January 2020 Location: Mount Disappointment. Difficulty: Easy/Medium (in dry conditions)
Contact: Tim Folliard e: folliardtim@gmail.com m: 0407 347 066 Details: Replacement trip to avoid fire risk areas. Brief description (see booking page on the club’s website for more details):
Starting from Wallan it's a short drive to Mt Disappointment State Park for a day trip of easy/medium standard. For the more capable vehicles, there is the option to do the more difficult tracks auch as The Ladder and the Bump. We’ll visit Mt Disappiontment, Strath Creek Falls, and Murchison Lookout.
TRIP and SOCIAL (cont) Introduction To 4WD When: 2 February 2020 Reply by: 28 January 2020 Location: Lerderderg State Forest. Difficulty: Easy/Medium (in dry conditions) Contact: Tim Folliard e: folliardtim@gmail.com m: 0407 347 066 Brief description (see booking page on the club’s website for more details): The trip will take in a number of tracks with short climbs and descents, ruts, shallow rocky steps, and shallow creek crossings. The trip is suitable for unmodified AWD vehicles and new members are encouraged to attend. While this is not a formal training day, this is a good location to sample some the challenges of tracks with assistance and advice from club members. In the afternoon there will be an opportunity for a more medium level track again with assistance from members.
https://www.facebook.com/RoadLess-travelled-Underbody-protection2031531407115915 Call David on 0429 942 724
Aluminium bash plates for Subaru Made from 6.0 mm construction grade aluminium.
Available for all Subaru models Prices start from $350; Fitting services available *10% discount for Subaru Club members.
TRIP and SOCIAL (cont) Border Track (Vic/SA Border) When: Sunday, April 5th., for six days Reply by: TBA Location: Border Track between Vic & SA Difficulty: Medium Contact: Tim Folliard e: folliardtim@gmail.com m: 0407 347 066 Brief description (see booking page on the club’s website for more details): This is a classic desert 4WD trip less than a days drive from the city. Lots of sand driving and some remote campsites. The plan is to travel via Lake Albacutya to Milmed Rock Track camping at Big Billy Bore (Big Desert). We proceed to Pinnaroo (SA) for the night of Day 2, before taking the one-way section of the Border Track to Doggers Hut Camp then onto Serviceton Recreation Reserve. Day 5 we return home or check out the Little Desert. This trip does not suit trailers
Course Code
PC20020201 PC20020321
PC20020502 PC20020620
Tuesday January 28th
Theory (Classroom)
Saturday February 1st
Tuesday March 17th
Theory (Classroom)
Saturday March 21st.
Tuesday April 28th
Theory (Classroom)
Saturday May 2nd
Tuesday June 16th
Theory (Classroom)
Saturday June 20th.
Member Price is $220.00 per course Visit 4WDVic’s website www.fwdvictoria.org.au or contact them on (03) 9874 7222 for further details.
TRIP and SOCIAL (cont) North Flinders Ranges Touring When: Tentatively 19 July - 1 August 2020, two weeks trip Reply by: 30 June 2020 Location: North Flinders Rangers, SA Difficulty: Medium Contact: Martin Foot e: mhfoot@optusnet.com.au m: 0434 770 497 Brief description (see booking page on the club’s website for more details): This is a classic desert 4WD trip less than a days drive from the city. Lots of sand driving and some remote campsites. The plan is to travel via Lake Albacutya to Milmed Rock Track camping at Big Billy Bore (Big Desert). We proceed to Pinnaroo (SA) for the night of Day 2, before taking the one-way section of the Border Track to Doggers Hut Camp then onto Serviceton Recreation Reserve. Day 5 we return home or check out the Little Desert. This trip does not suit trailers
ESSENTIAL GEAR FOR TRIPS The Subaru 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. recommends that each vehicle carry the following items or equipment on every trip. Personal details form (as specified by 4WDV) •
One copy to the trip leader; One copy in vehicle
Minimum of a basic recovery kit • • • • •
Two rated D- Shackles (minimum 3.2t) Rated Snatch strap / Kinetic rope Bridal strap / Equaliser strap (*important for Subaru vehicles) Accessible recovery points for both front and rear A shovel
Safety equipment •
UHF (477Mhz) Radio (Club convoy channel is CH16). Ideally an in car mounted radio, but hand held are ok provided sufficient battery(s) to last the trip.
• •
Fire extinguisher, accessible to the driver Basic first aid kit
Spares and tools • • • • • • • •
A tyre pressure gauge and air compressor Spare tyre (full size & same size as the other 4 tyres) Jack and wheel brace, or equivalent A suitable tool kit for your vehicle Sufficient fuel, oil and water for the trip and delays Spare parts (appropriate to the nature of the trip) Your vehicle manual Emergency supplies (matches, food, water and clothing)
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VICTORIA NEWS Fire Relief—February 1st and 2nd The next Fire Relief run will be happening on the 1st + 2nd February based out of Bairnsdale and we are looking to have 2 or 3 members allocated from each club giving us a total of twenty vehicles if possible. I would like to think that we may share this activity with those who have not yet been from each club as the uptake from the previous notice that went out was outstanding to say the least. The weekends event just completed was an incredible success and the next will be even better with gained knowledge on how to best implement processes and procedures.
I look forward to offering the organizing party from the Vic Police 4x4 Club adequate numbers to make this come about. Please contact the office to sign on to this event as it will be first in best dressed once again. Thank you for your consideration on this matter.
FWDV Rural Response Group - Blaze Aid Assistance Required We have been advised that Blaze Aid will be set up at the Bruthen Football Club, Bruthen Buchan Road Bruthen, from Thursday 23rd January and encourage any clubs, and/or their members, who would like to help out to make their way there to assist in the rebuilding of lives through fencing and other associated tasks. We have posted details on the association website and other social media so please take the time to look at these and share with your own members and outlets. Once again thank you all for your consideration and cooperation with these events. Please keep a record of all details spent in fulfilling these tasks and send copies to our office via the volunteer form available from your club secretary.
Contact the Editor on editor@subaru4wdvic.com.au
VENUE REPORT NOVEMBER GENERAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, January 28th at 8pm, with our welcome back BBQ before it at 6.30PM VENUE: South Camberwell Tennis Club, 332 Burke Road, Glen Iris. DOOR PRIZE: Come along to win a special door prize at this month's meeting. PRESENTATION: Mark Tyssen Venue Coordinator
GENERAL MEETING NOTICE Welcome of members and visitors. Review and acceptance of previous general meeting’s minutes. Correspondence. Reports by various office bearers. Other business as mentioned below. General business raised by members. “Fines and Fun” – including brief summaries of recent trips. Guest speaker or presentation. Supper and networking. Details of the next few general meetings are as per the schedule below:
MINUTES Committee Meeting Minutes (abridged)
MINUTES General Meeting Minutes