2015 Graduation Special

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Dana Hills Grads Prepared to Reach New Heights


As the familiar first notes of “Pomp and Circumstance” began to play on the afternoon of Friday, June 19 in the Dana Hills High School stadium, friends and family crowding the bleachers sat up straight, craning to get a first glimpse of “their” graduate as he or she filed in among the waves of the 676-member sea of blue and white, known collectively as the class of 2015. Principal Jason Allemann, himself a Dana Hills graduate, led the ceremony, congratulating the students for their accomplishment and expressing every confidence in their ability to move forward to even greater heights in the future. As diplomas were distributed, the announcement of every student’s name ushered an exuberant peak of applause, cheers and even a few air horn blasts. Commencement speeches kicked off with an address by Scholar of Scholars Christian Martindale, who commended fellow grads on their everyday displays of good character and called upon them to continue to surround themselves with other upstanding people who understand the value of a good reputation as a key ingredient to success. Hayleigh Shobar recalled memories of the many “firsts” she and her classmates experienced together over the past four years, gave credit to those who lent their support along the way and encouraged her peers to approach the future with open minds and well-earned confidence. Daniel Sabri urged the class to “never forget the past, always treasure the present and forever look to the future.” And Evelyn Roberts rallied the class to continue to “bleed blue,” exhibiting the personality, excellence, spontaneity, vitality and resilience that are hallmarks of Dana Hills culture. After the traditional turning of the tassels, graduates sent their mortarboards flying in celebration followed by the release of white doves—both symbolic gestures illustrating that, for the class of 2015, the sky’s the limit.—Andrea Swayne

Upstanding Reputations Bring Success Top scholar urges grads to move forward with good character, in good company BY CHRISTIAN MARTINDALE, DANA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLAR OF SCHOLARS, GPA 4.71, DUKE UNIVERSITY


My fifth-grade teacher, Sally White, is one of the wisest people I have ever met, and she told my class something one day I hope never to forget. She said, “You might have an honest, good character, but people won’t see that if you they look at you and see you surrounded by people they don’t respect.” I think the reason this has stayed with me for so long is because we all see evidence of its truth all the time in our own lives; most people form first impressions and decide whether to respect someone based on his friends. Since respect is something that can’t be truly given, only earned, and is a crucial element in building a successful life, I have come to regard choosing friends wisely as one of the most important decisions we can make. We’ve all heard the famous Martin Luther King, Jr. quote about his hope that someday people will be judged solely based on the content of their character. And when I look back over our time here I see so many people who give countless, everyday displays of honest, selfless character that make me proud to be a part of this class. I had a teammate who ran eight miles to school for practice during Christmas break because he made a commitment to be there and couldn’t get a ride. I’ve seen someone report a grading mistake in his favor even though he knew would cost a whole letter grade on the final. I’ve never heard a single arrogant word from the smartest person I know. These examples of good character certainly earned my respect, and it would be a shame to see that respect marred by the conduct of others, with a judgment based not on the content of their own character but on another’s. With the host of new challenges and opportunities the next year will bring us all, we will have a fresh start to earn this fair judgment on solely our own action. No matter where we go after we leave here, whether to college two thousand miles away or going to work right here, we are all going to have to make new friends and therefore a new reputation. With this fresh start comes a choice, a choice whether to allow others to hide our character or to surround ourselves with people who also value their own reputations. If we can allow people to judge us based on our own actions, unsullied by the deeds of others, then we can take back the power to forge our own reputations. And if we control our reputations, we take our futures into our own hands. DP TIMES GRADUATION SPECIAL | CLASS OF 2015

Dana Hills High School Graduates Valedictorians (students a GPA of 4.0 or higher) are listed in bold type. Students who earned Academic Distinction for GPAs of 3.5 to 3.9 are noted with an asterisk (*). National Honor Society students are in italics.

Maria Victoria Abugarade Sara Abumeri Timothy James Addison Cayden James Adkison* Neusha Afrasiabi* Anthony Aguilar Sabrina Ashley Aguirre Morgan Victoire Aird Ali Nabil Akily Griffee Albaugh Melanie Suzanne Albert* Mirka Alcala* Devin Lee Alldredge Ella Anne Allison Karla Betancourt Almanza Alexis Nicole Aloia Hannah Elizabeth Alston* Evan Thomas Altuzarra Angel Salgado Alvarado Eva Maria Alzamora Paxton George Andraos Michael Richard Andrews Nikolas Stelios Antzoulatos Chandler Edward Apramian Emmanuel Aroche Kian Michael Ashoubi Marko Zdenko Asic Grant Douglas Augustin Kimberly Mendez Azpeitia Madison Victoria Ann Baba* David Lee Bailey

Carson Lee Barbeau* Aaron Michael Barber Anayeli Basave Contreras Brandon Thomas Battaglia* Cameron Clark Baxter Grant William Bayr* Alexander James Beau David Austin Beau Courtney Elizabeth Beckman Hannah Michaela Bell Natalie Ann Belville Mario Junior Osorio Benitez Nayeli Bernabe Paige Noelle Bernstein Carly Nicole Betzler Austin James Bhardwaj


Brett O’Connor Bill Melissa Johanna Bindi* Chelsea Ann Blair* Edward Garrett Blair Kristen Nicole Borgia Blaire Davidson Borisoff Ariana Grace Boroff Benjamin Michael Borovinsky Chase Victoria Boyd Alec Reed Brady John Edward Bridgeman Koal Gunner Brockman* Chad Michael Brower Emily Elizabeth Brown* Jenny Katherine Browne Shelby Nickella Brunenieks

Kaylee Rose Bullan Avery Elizabeth Burke* Brendon Timothy Burke Trenten Christopher Burke* Caleb James Burns Casey Hannegan Burns Eneida Guadalupe Bustos Benitez Genises Yaosca Calderon Casey Calderon Alencastro Cristopher Ari Calvo Hannah Paige Canales Jose Luis Cardenas Michael Thomas Carpenter* Nathaniel Wesley Carr Omar Alejandro Carrasco Nathaniel Antione Dietrich Carreon

“Our parents and grandparents fought in over three wars, explored space and invented the Internet. What will you accomplish? What will we accomplish? If you open up a history book 40 years from now, what will be written about us? The first step toward finding that out is right here and right now.” —Daniel Sabri

Ruby Sotelo Carteno Matthew Benjamin Carter Megan Bridget Carter Taylor Kathleen Carter Jackson Anthony Casimiro Jacob Francisco Cazares-Mendoza Samantha Olivia Cespedes Claire Nicole Chapman Kyle Reese Chartier Ariel Lynett Chavez Kendall Taylor Chiate Gabrielle Elise Child Mia Taylor Chirpich Kayli Michele Chmelka Brock Gregory Clayton Christian Cole Clemente Cameron Raymond Clerx Americo Angelo Cline-Nardelli Bryan Wayne Clunie Blake Hunter Coffman-Lyon Jared Robert Cohen Tyler Tristan Coleman-Poggi Thomas Steven Columbus Jonathan Christopher Cooper Ethan Joseph Cope Pierce Samuel Costello Zane Robert Covey Branden Barry Cox Jade Madison Cranford Marrick John Crouse Dakota Spencer Crugnale Lindsay Elisabeth Cullen Mathis Samuel Cummings Jamie Louise Cunningham Mariah Anne Curran Koren Dalipe Grace Margaret Daniels Casey Robbert Davis Emily Marie Davis Lauren Taylor Davis Trenton Michael Davis Karina M Day Regina Elizabeth DeGeorge Keelin Carsten DeGroote Alexis Delgado Bryan Demesa Terra Rose Dempsey* Rachel Alexandria DePillo Audrey Isabella Derbonne* Alexis Jesus Diaz Dylan Alberto Diaz Ellie Mae DiBene Sophie Marie Dickinson Cody Daniel Dinsmoor Cierra Ann Djokovich Kendra Ann Djokovich Emily Lauren Dodson McKenzie Rae Donahoo Hollis Elizabeth Donovan James Philip Dowty Payton Kelsi Drew Megan Marilyn Drossel Eli Jacques Drummond Hannah C Duffin Andrew James Dunning Cassandra Angelica Duran Elizabeth Ashley Durst* Taylor Korrina Earl Corey Nicholas Eisner John Caleb Ellis Haley Michelle Elsner Alicia Cynthia Emerson Hector Alexis Espinoza Oscar Eduardo Estrada Daniel Ezequiel Ocampo Fabian Jordan Bailey Fagan

(Cont.) James Fairbanks Andrew Keoki Fajardo Andrew Joseph Falk* Alan Fallahi Kiana Farahbod Donovan Daniel Farrell Jonathan Justin Fer Victoria Nichelle Ferguson Jessica Rae Fernandez Cassandra Justine Fierro Ted Matthew Fitzgerald* Juan Manual Flores Marisa Ann Flores Camille Josephine Fodor Gressa Noelle Folley* Alecsander Quintin Fong Micayla Shae Forbes Caroline Marie Fournier Colten Franco Kai Clarke Franz Ryan Timothy Freeman Thomas Spencer French Samantha Pearl Friedkin* Karly Fuentes Vanagan A Gaboudian Kyle T Gaines Tristan A Galceran Alexa Nicole Galioto Grant Michael Galloway Amber Ann Gant

Ruben Garcia Jenna M Garland Jenni Eileen Geronimo Jessika Easter Getz Donya Gharineh Olivia Gabrielle Gherardini* Natasha Ghofrani Aurora Christine Gino Amy Stephanie Giraldo Tyler Ray Givens Logan Alexander Glaab Aldo Servando Gomez Marlon Nehemiah Gomez Ariana Rose Gonzalez* Noah Ashe Goodsell Cole Ryan Goudge

Shelby Rose Grebbin* Kobi K Greenberg Bridget Kaytie Greuel Alec Peter Grollman Daniel Guerra Destinee Brianne Guerrero Sophie Claire Gullickson Danielle Francesca Gullifer Penelope Betancourt Gutierrez Connor Nigel Haddadin Max Caleb Haddadin Carter Madison Hadley Parker John Hadley Sarah Lane Haghi* Nathan Hale* Nicholas Alexander Hamedani

Callie Ann Hardaway Matthew Gregory Harline Samuel Mark Harned Kaden Scott Harrell Jake Zachary Harris Benjamin C Hart Henna Hassankhil Eric James Hatch* Juliette Hattabaugh Joshua Hawkins Zachary Taylor Hawkins Trevor George Heffner Allyson Heinemeyer* Amber L Held Dominick Gregory Henkel Autumn Marie Hentzen

Anthony Hernandez Natalie A Hernandez Taylor Elisabeth Heselton Colin Charles Hicks Grace N Hilliard Laura Alyssa Hirst Alexa Leigh Hite* Ryan Jonathan Hoffman Matthew Franklin Honey Noah Ethan Hornby Athena Cederloef Hosek Brooke Eileen Hovas Haley Nicole Howard Madison Lynn Hull Tori Isabella Hummel Cassidy Renee Humphrey Jacqueline Susan Hutchison* Ryo Omar Ihara-De Marchi Gherini Yonathan Infante Caraballo Victoria Elizabeth Ishmael Maximilian Item* Saraya Ittidecharchoti Nathan Daza Chicharo Iunes Nicholas Garrett Jackson Ryan William Jacob Diana Edith Jaimes Nicholas Berg Jansen* Shayne Emmanuel Jenkins Mary Kathleen Jensen David Johnson Olivia Jane Johnson Dayne Wyatt Jones Franky Devere Justesen Matthew Kaloroumakis Arman Karami Kalli Mae Karlson* Nicholas Kraig Karnazes (Cont.)

(Cont.) Jeffrey Alexander Kassel Edward Dixon Kavanaugh Nicole Kaylor* Madison Michelle Killebrew Caroline Shen Ping Kilpatrick Kaitlin Elizabeth King* Christian Daniel Kirk Harrison Alexander Davis Kirkman David Maximillian Klause* Paige Emily Klemm* Jessica Lee Knappe Ellen Rosemary Koci Jacob Andrew Koering Bryana René Koontz* Michelle Finley Krogius Julian Roger Kuntz* Conner Joseph Kupferberg* Katherine Lauren Kushner* Mitchell Westin Kuwahara* Avery Zane Lapka Lindsey Anne Lawless Sean Patrick Lawless* Zachary Michael Lawless* Caitlin Meredith Lawson Natalie Anne Leader Brent Lee Laura Elena Leon Ethan David Levy Michael Patrick Lewis Nicholas Christopher Lim* Jeffrey Lin Aaron Jacob Lindsay Julia Anne Lisle* Dominic Edward Liuzzi Natasha Dennis Loayza Alexandra Nicole LoBasso Bryan T LoBasso Connor David Logan Ella Marie Lohrbach Abel Rodriguez Lopez Elisa Jordan Lopez Jessica Pauline Lopez Natalie Jasmine Lord* Jakob D Lorscheider

“I hope that members of this class take what they have learned at Dana and continue to “bleed blue” wherever they go. I hope that … we do not lose that spontaneity, resilience, and overwhelming excitability that has been shown here every day in the halls of this school.”—Evelyn Roberts Chase D’Awna Losey Adam Victor Louchios Christian Alexander Lowance Reid Scott Lundeen Kai Ture Lundgren Yazmin Madrigal Nathan Arizona Magee Mojdeh Mahjoub* Gavin Watson Mahony* Madison Taylor Mahowald Sage Esther-Marie Maier Fernando Maldonado Nandy Veronica Maldonado


Ian Alexander Manelski Christian A Manley Gevork George Manoukian Alessandra Rita Manta* Alec James Maraczi Spencer Thomas Maranda* Dylan Zechariah Marcus Alexie Lauren Marietti* Oliver Charles Marlowe Christopher Marron Kairo Jacob Martens Hanna Elizabeth Martin* Christian Alexander Martindale

Eric Martinez Kimberly Martinez Samantha Allison Matthews Anders Richard Mattson Madison Debra May Fabian Marcelo Maynetto Noah Edward Maytorena Elaine N McBride* Troy Patrick McCabe Chloe Christine McCormack Christopher Richard McDermott Gabrielle Elena McGahey Milana McKhann* Kyle Tanner McNaughton Nicholas Michael McNeese Mariana Da Silva Medeiros Noe Alexis Medel Gabriella Aaron Mehler Edith Mejia* Haley Ann Mendelson Geovanni Mendez Marie Jean Gloria Mendoza Rachel Meng Amanda Ellen Meredith Nicholas Scott Mersereau Maci E Meyers Tiffany L Meza* Brenna Alyse Milanowski* Taryn Alise Miles Dominique Marie Miller Kelly Miller Korie Maona Miller Hanna Renee Milosevich* Jennifer Nieves Sora Miwa Ameen Pooya Monjezi Emma Carolina Montazami Joshua Ray Montgomery Katlyn Geraldine Moore* Nicholas John Mora Jeffrey P Morales Stephanie Moreno Sam Matthew Morgenson Mona Elaine Mosavi Daniel Moscaira Rameen Moslehi Conor Ryan Mossavi Andrew Michael Mouacdie* Courtney L Mueller* Garrett R Munger Mayte Lillybel Muniz Nicole Marie Munson* Connor T Murphy Tyler Murphy Danet Anne Murray Ana Callan Najera Loyza Brooklyn Natale-Sumiko Nakakihara Chandler Christian Namath John Colton Nash Sohrob Nayebaziz Elizabeth Arlene Nee Lindsey Meridith Nelson Samuel Joseph Nelson Bret Kennedy Neuhaus Alyssa Newboles* Sophia Elena Nichols Tara Nikanjam Jackelyne Nunez John O’Brien Marisol Ocana Angelica Maria O’Connor Lauren O’Hare* Matthew O’Leary* Elliot J Olson Paulina Santiago Ordaz Miriam Garcia Osorio (Cont.)

CLASS OF 2015:

BY THE NUMBERS 676 Graduates

143 Golden State Seal Merit Diploma recipients Students who have earned designated results on six qualifying California State Standards exams

119 Academic Distinction honorees Students with GPAs ranging from 3.5 to 3.9

87 Valedictorians Students with GPAs of 4.0 or higher

63 Health & Medical Occupations Academy graduates

57 South Orange County School of the Arts (SOCSA) graduates

49 California Scholarship Federation Honor students

45 National Honor Society Members

30 Percent of the graduating class earning valedictorian or academic distinction status

8 National Merit Scholarship Commended students

8 International Thespian Troupe No. 3805 members

3 National Hispanic Recognition Program recipients

1 National Merit Scholarship finalist

(Cont.) Elisabeth Garrett Padula Adam Bryce Page Maxwell Nathan Palmer* Astrid Carolina Palomino Joseph Martin Parada Ethan Samuel Parker Nash Hampton Parker Carina Yen-Linh Pasqualino Justin Carter Pate Heerali Hitesh Patel Tara Angela Patterson William Louis Paulsen Ashkon Paymozd-Yazdi Tara Paymozd-Yazdi Helen Elizabeth Payne* Ana Karem Pena Ana Lisset Lopez Perez* Kyle Robert Perez Osvaldo Perez Caroline Nicole Perone Logan W Perry* Grant William Peters Taylor William Peters* Ashley Peyton Petersen Zachary Robert Petersen Brooke F Peterson* Oscar Ronaldo Pichinte Samantha Anne Pierce* Sophia Danielle Pieri*

Courtney M Pifer Jacob Gale Pike Elijah Jules Pitt Jillian Elizabeth Plouff* Yadira Ponce Ravi Ponmalai* Joseph Daniel Ponnath Shelby Makenna Poole Jennifer Portillo Jordan R Pouchie Jameelah M Powell James N Prefontaine Dillon James Quagliero Makayla Ariel Quarles* Robert H Quechol Maria Guadalupe Quezada Luke Austin Quintanilla Brian Jonathan Radcliffe Alexandria Kimberly Rager* Jose Jesus Rama Daniel Joseph Ramirez Jessica Ramirez Kelly Arely Ramirez Mayra Cantu Ramirez Ashlynn Sachiko Ray Kyle Grant Rebel Jack Bradford Redden Michael Gregory Reddemann Rachael Lauren Reilly Christian Alexis Renteria Bradley Martin Reyes Cole Daniel Reznicek Jackson Tyler Reznicek Kelly Robert Ridder Molly Katharine Rinefort Sophie Rose Ripley Meghan Sarah Ris Leslie Roa

“We must keep our minds open and approach each obstacle one step at a time. There is no better moment for us to be bold. To be daring enough to stick out our hands and greet our futures with confidence. To speak when we have something to say.” —Hayleigh Shobar Evelyn Michelle Roberts Marina Lynn Robertson Alexia Amelia Rodriguez Jorge Giovanni Rodriguez Loren R Rodriguez Ian M Rodriguez Cobo Mario Rodriguez Perez Sonia Rojas Yaradset Rojas Diego Saul Roldan Paul Romero Nava Alexandra Marie Russell Caitlin Clementina Russo Ethan Raine Sabaroff Sean O’Neill Sabatello Daniel F Sabri Joshua Sakai Kaela Rochelle Salay (Cont.)


& Good Luck

(Cont.) Juan Carlos Salgado Jennifer Salome Ryan Samia Aaron Scott Sanchez Alan Sanchez Ashley Rae Sanchez Eric Sanchez Edson Jair Santiago Elvia Petronilo Santiago Kimberly Sapalu* Nicholas Austin Savage Zachary Schramer Jay Alexander Schuyler Reece Marie Schwartz Brian Russell Scott Louis Tobias Selstad* Christiana Sewall* Anna Jean Shambaugh* Kimberly Lynn Sharpe Meghan Rose Shaver Justin David Sherman Hayleigh Danielle Shobar Saumi Sadat Shokraee Kaylee Sickmeier Elizah Janelle Siegel

Ryan David Simmons Olivia Rose Sirianni Pieter James Sittler Melody Dorsa Siyami* Madison Darlene Skurkey Andrew Skwarczynski William Robert Sloan Alexander Smith* Delanie Ann Smith* Jannai Elizabeth Smith Keaton Thomas Smith Kendall Lynn Smith* Kyle Elijah Smith Carinna Nicole Snyder* Madison Danielle Soth* Alicia Stephanie Soto Ashley Lauren Spaulding Lindsay Kathryn Spicer* Shelby Nicole Stamberger Harrison Mark Stapley* Connor Rose Steinbeck* Corey James Stephens* Justin James Sterner* Chandler Stewart* Alyssa Gisselle Stoffel Daniel James Styrpejko Kevin Edmigio Suarez Courtney Farrell Suhr Claire Marie Swift* Robyn Kiyomi Takeshita* Hannah Tamaddon* Kimiko Susan Tanaka (Cont.)

Senior Award Recipients California State PTA Scholarship Jared Cohen, David Johnson Capistrano Unified Council of PTSA Scholarship Melanie Albert, Jared Cohen, Alec Fong Capistrano Unified Management Association Scholarship Christian Martindale Coral Thrift Shop Scholarship Taylor Carter, Alexis Diaz, Bryana Koontz Cox Communications Scholarship Ashley Sanchez Dana Hills High School Scholar Athlete Blaire Borisoff, Jay Schuyler Dana Hills High School Wall of Fame Tedd Fitzgerald, Paul Romero, Keaton Smith, Jay Schuyler, Luke Williams Dana Point Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Taylor Carter, Colin Hicks, Bryana Koontz, Julia Lisle, Sophie Ripley

Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Scholarship Michelle Krogius

National Charity League, Laguna Chapter Bryana Koontz

Schools First Worthy Student Award Ben Borovinsky

Exchange Club Youth of the Year Mallika Kolar, Christian Martindale

National Charity League, Monarch Chapter Mona Mosavi, Paulina Ordaz, Evelyn Roberts

Schools First Credit Union Member Education Award David Johnson

Future Leader Scholarship Daniel Styrpejko Jeanette Brown Memorial Continuing Education Scholarship Fund Mallika Kolar

Niguel Shores Men’s Club Scholarship Michelle Krogius, Amanda Meredith Principal’s Leadership Award Michelle Krogius, Sohrob Nayebaziz

Kim Courtney Memorial Scholarship Amanda Meredith Laguna Niguel Woman’s Club Scholarship Sophie Ripley

PTSA Scholarships Jared Cohen, Cierra Djokovich, Kendra Djokovich, Alec Fong, Grant Galloway, David Johnson

Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas Memorial Scholarship Megan Drossel Lufkin Industries Scholarship Melanie Albert Mission Hospital Laguna Beach Medical Center Auxiliary Marge Swanson Scholarship Carina Pasqualino

Ron Downer Memorial Soccer Scholarship Meghan Shaver

Dolphin of the Year Nathan Magee

Dana Point Historical Society Doris Walker Memorial Scholarship Julia Lisle

Monarch Beach Sunrise Rotary Club Scholarship Maria Abugarade, Elisa Lopez, Robert Quechol

Dana Point Women’s Club Scholarship Julia Lisle, Sophie Ripley

National Charity League, Capistrano Coast Chapter Bryana Koontz, Hayleigh Shobar


Ron and Kelly Woods Memorial Scholarship Sophie Pieri

Ron and Kelly Woods Creative Writing Memorial Scholarship Evelyn Roberts, Hayleigh Shobar Rotary Club of Laguna Niguel Scholarship Matthew O’Leary, Paulina Ordaz Rotary Club of Laguna Niguel Bob Margolis Award Hayleigh Shobar

SIMA Scholars Melissa Bindi, Shelby Grebbin, Athena Hosek, Luke Quintanilla, Robyn Takeshita, Christopher Tusan Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Ellen Koci South Coast Regional Occupation Program Distinguished Student Abel Lopez South Coast Water District Scholarship Natasha Loayza, Amanda Meredith, Helen Payne South Orange County School of the Arts Scholarships Taylor Earl, Andrew Fajardo, Olivia Gherardini, Amy Giraldo Menendez, Elizabeth Nee Teri O’Brien Memorial Scholarship Megan Drossel United States Air Force ROTC Scholarship Thomas Spencer French USS Coral Sea CVA-43 Remembrance Scholarship Bryana Koontz Vertical Construction Attitude is Everything Scholarship Michelle Krogius, Nathan Magee, Sohrob Nayebaziz

(Cont.) Nathan David Taylor Jeniffer Maleny Tenorio Tad James Thayer Kimberly Ann Thomas Alyssa Katelyn Thompson Joseph Jerald Thumm Chelavette Tilimon Austin Marvin Timsit Bailey Zane Tomlinson James Grant Toner Tanner Michael Trottman Anna Tsitsivas* Sarah Lyse Tupper Christopher Vahan Tusan Charlotte Ashley Tweed* Alfonso Aranda Valencia Lourdes Steffany Valencia Christian Taylor Valenzuela Angel Brandon Valerio Alexandria Nicole Van Vliet Domonique Vargas Carina Vasquez Fernandez Yaretzy Morales Vazquez Emmeline Marie Vejar Brendan Villacreses Carina Villalba Delaney Raiden Wahl Gabriel Julian Wahl* Thomas Joseph Waldenberger Jason Patrick Wallace

Dana Point Graduates from Other Area Schools* SAN JUAN HILLS HIGH SCHOOL Chad Bauer Natalie Dempsey James Gallaher Valoree Ortiz Yulet Ruiz Kiana Van Zanten Cody Verrall ST. MARGARET’S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Gabrielle Axelson Alexis Salcido Elizabeth Stephens

Cole Walters Sarah Elizabeth Ward Erin Kathleen Wathen* Jackson Jeffrey Watkins Travis Scott Weber Natalie Ann Wegenka Eric S Weinhardt Jazlyn Mary Weinmann Spencer David Wetzel Sarah Brittany Wiener Kyle Andrew Wilemon

Grace Marion Willett Damion Raymond Williams James Taylor Williams Lucas Daniel Williams* Sydney Paige Williams Kyle Robert Wilson Paige Sara Wilson Christine Elizabeth Winterhalter Zachary Robert Wolf* Lauren Kim Wong Morgan Ashley Wong

Caroline Kathryn Wyman Vahid Yazdi* Rebekah M Zachary Marianne Zerquera Ramos Kai-Yang Zhang* Jackson Tanner Zoch* Arman Allen Zokaeiyazdi* Jasmin Zuniga Venegas * The names of the 70 graduates do not appear on this list due to family “no media” requests files with DHHS.

*For Dana Point students graduating from San Clemente High School, see the special graduation section in the June 25 issue of the San Clemente Times. For DP students graduating from San Juan Capistrano private schools, see the June 26 issue of The Capistrano Dispatch.

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