Congratulations graduates! You have grown and excelled in the classroom, in the arts, on the athletic field, in leadership roles and in service to your community. You have demonstrated incredible perseverance and grace in these unprecedented times. You are an extraordinary group of young adults headed to colleges and universities across the nation and the world, incredibly well prepared for the remarkable journey ahead. We are very proud of you, and have great faith in you. Remain true to yourselves and your Tartan values. We look forward to seeing your lives unfold with meaning and purpose.
Godspeed Tartans! Tartans Forever!
Breathing in the LiBeration of graduation
BY AUSTYN PERRONEPEERS, FACULTY, AND EVERYONE ELSE who showed up for some reason; Dana Hills High School, Graduation Day, 2023.
It is crazy to be here, honestly, because I think like most of you, it was hard to just imagine being here. From the struggles each one of us faced in the pandemic, to the individual struggles that we all, in our ways, had to face daily, it was hard to foresee a future in which everything was OK.
In my freshman year, I thought I was so cool and that I had everything laid out. I was planning to be a math teacher, I was going to marry my freshman-year love, and we would be together forever, and I was going to be a valedictorian.
If you couldn’t tell already, obviously, none of it worked out like that.
It’s alright, though; blue looks better on me anyways. The real point is my view on life completely changed so many times over high school even though every single time I thought I had it set. When COVID hit at the beginning of high school, all of us lost our minds. I mean, come on, was whipped coffee really that good?
After, in that transition from sophomore to junior year, when it all started to settle, I started realizing how unsure I was of everything and how many times I thought I knew what I was doing, and then it completely changed soon after.
I began to realize that it was hard for me to imagine a future, no longer because I was unsure of the world, but because I was unsure of myself and the constant change life brings.
I don’t want to claim that I know or love myself 100%, or that I am sure of what I’m going to be doing, or that I’m going to rob a bank in 2029—please do not quote that, because, truly, you never know.
I wouldn’t be honest if I claimed to know any of that, even what is going to happen today, to
us. After all the caps go up, where are you and I going?
After years of family issues, mental health struggles, endings of relationships and friendships, and feeling uncomfortable with my identity, I am here. We are here. Graduation Day, 2023. After years of whatever we went through, that constant change never kept us from going forward, from getting here.
Right now, here, speaking to the graduating Class of 2023, some of the coolest and most outspoken people I have ever met, I want to claim that I will never know anything in comparison to the larger world and universe.
And, I think in all honesty, there is no other way I’d want it to be. Life changes, and you grow, more than you probably thought you wanted to. Allowing yourself space to find what fits you, in your life, now, and in the future, is most important.
Don’t hold yourself down to one particular idea, don’t beat yourself up over who you used to be, and do not limit your possibilities. James Baldwin, a civil rights activist and famous writer, once said, “You have to go the way your blood beats. If you don’t live the only life you have, you won’t live some other life; you won’t live any life at all.”
You have to create the life you need for yourself in the present moment. You have to adjust. Because, God knows, we, the Class of 2023, through COVID, mental health struggles, protests, bullying, school work, and somehow killer clowns in 2016, that through it all, we will never be the same.
We reserve the right to change, to grow. Now, breathe in that breath of fresh air. That is the liberation of graduation.
Congratulations; I’m proud of all of us. Thank you.
‘emBrace Your inner goLdfish’
I stand before you today in awe of your incredible resilience, determination, and perseverance. Throughout your high school journey, you have faced unprecedented challenges that have tested your strength and character, but you have risen above them with grace and courage.
As we gather here to celebrate your achievements, let us take a moment to recognize the unwavering support and dedication of your parents, families, and teachers. They have been your guiding lights, encouraging you every step of the way and helping you navigate the highs and lows of high school.
They have celebrated your triumphs and supported you through your struggles; we are forever grateful for that.
To the Class of 2023 graduates, I commend you for your hard work and perseverance. You have overcome obstacles that would have caused many others to falter and emerged stronger and more resilient. You have demonstrated a level of perseverance that will serve you well in all aspects of life.
As you leave Dana Hills and embark on the next chapter of your life, I want to remind you that the journey ahead will not always be
easy. There will be challenges and setbacks, but it is in those moments that your perseverance will be tested the most. It is important to remember that successful people are not
Time to Discover Our Purpose
BY SCHOLAR OF SCHOLARS COLE VILLARWhen writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.” These are wise words from one of the most influential philosophers of our day, Aubrey Graham … or, as most people know him, Drake.
We began a journey together four years ago—fresh out of middle school and eager for a new and exciting adventure at Dana Hills—new friends, Friday night football games, parties. Who would have guessed that several months later, we would be attending classes from home in our pajamas?
We are most likely the only generation that will be able to say our high school experience was upended by a global pandemic.
But we made it and learned that life is unpredictable. Our being here today is a testament to our determination and fortitude.
Four years later, we are about to turn the page again and embark on yet another exciting adventure.
The world is changing at a rapid pace not seen since the Industrial Revolution. With the evolution of Artificial Intelligence, we will likely be the last generation that actually drives ourselves to school.
People are now buying land in the Metaverse, and we can now press a button and have ChatGPT compose a perfectly crafted essay on any topic in mere seconds. (Don’t worry, Dr. Baker, no student at Dana Hills would ever do that. They even say that in the next few years, AI will be virtually indistinguishable from human beings.)
It is now up to us to ensure that technology does not destroy our humanity. We are at an inflection point in our civilization, and the progression of science must not impede our ability to form meaningful relationships with those around us.
Or, as my mom would say, sometimes we need to put down our devices and connect with one another. There is no substitute for real conversation and real connection.
Many of us are going off to college; some have chosen a different path, but whatever route we take, there will no doubt be twists and turns along the way.
those who never fail but those who pick themselves up and keep going.
I encourage you to pursue your passions and dreams with determination. Do not let
fear hold you back; never underestimate your abilities. You have achieved so much and have the unlimited potential to achieve even more. Believe in yourself, and the world will believe in you.
Finally, I want to remind you of the power of empathy and kindness. In a world that can sometimes feel harsh and unforgiving, your ability to connect with others on a deep and meaningful level will be your greatest asset.
Take the time to listen to others, understand their perspectives, and offer a helping hand when needed. Together, we can create a world that is more compassionate, more inclusive, and more just.
As Ted Lasso once said, “You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It’s a goldfish. You know why? Got a 10-second memory. Be a goldfish, Sam.”
So, Class of 2023, as you move forward and face the challenges ahead, remember to stay present and take things one step at a time. Embrace your inner goldfish, and don’t let setbacks define you; let them teach you.
Keep moving forward with determination, resilience, and kindness; the world will be a better place because of it. Congratulations, Dolphins!
There is a sign that hangs in my bedroom, and it reads: “Whatever you are, be a good one.” I think what Abraham Lincoln meant by this message is to embrace every experience that life has to offer, and choose to be the best version of ourselves.
That being said, I am confident that each and every one of us has the courage to confront adversity head on and make a meaningful difference. This is the time in our lives when we must embrace independence and discover our purpose. The important thing is to always chase your dreams and never stop
On behalf of the entire graduating class, I want to sincerely thank our parents, teachers, coaches, principals and administrators at Dana Hills. You have gotten us this far. It is now time for us to hold our own pen, to write the next chapter of our autobiographies.
And I look forward to eventually reading all of your stories.
I wish you all the best of luck, and I hope our paths will cross again. Thank you.
dana hiLLs high schooL graduates
Zoe Abarca
Natalia Adame Castro
Myles Adams
Christian Agapito
Krimzen Akason
Ryan Alarcon
Dutch Althouse
Noe Alvarez
Robert Alvillar
Mac Amato
Sophia Anapoell
Sophie Andersen
Christian Anderson
Jordan Anderson
Nolan Anderson
Tyler Anderson
Jack Andrew
Jeremy Andrews
Anthony Antoszewski
William Arndt
America Arroyo
Marina Artukovic
Hannah Bachrach
Sean Baker
Morgan Elize Bandoy
Jose Barraza
Gavin Bashoor
Nicolas Battaglia
Ryan Beavin
Anthony Beck
Roland Blackburn
Kempton Bohn
Blaize Bolter
Thomas Bonar
Fiona Bonham
Gavin Boyd
Austin Boyer
Ryan Boyle
Sophia Bravo
Natalie Bray
Matthew Brennan
Avery Brian
Kate Bridgeman
Owen Briner
Delaney Broadhead
Ethan Brougham
Kyara Brown
Hayley Brown
Kate Bruce
Sebastian Bruno
Courtney Bunge
Wyatt Bunte
Brayden Burke
Arthur Burrola
Clover Byrnes
Bryan Camargo
Jamie Campbell
Rae Cantu
Lucero Carbajal
Wyatt Carey
Samuel Carlier
Emily Carlier
Ransom Carrillo
Crystal Castellanos
Karol Cedillo
Jose Chamale Cotzojay
Bradley Chapman
Valery Chavez
Caden Chen
Joshua Chernekoff
Alexa Chernekoff
Vivian Cheung
Oliver Child
Olivia Chitamun
Kelsey Christian
Patricia Ciordas
Camille Cmelak
Ella Cochran
Alessandro Cocozza-Hamilton
Colt Conrady
Aolanis Contreras
Christian Cooper
Dean Cornett
Troy Corral
Ashley Costello
Abigail Cronin
Devin Culligan
Madison Curtis
Hakan Dagci
Benjamin Dailey
Katelyn Daly
Matthew Davis
Victoria Davis
Nicole Davis Gugliotta
Danielle Davis Gugliotta
Cole Davison
Malia Dekker
Colin Delaney
Derek Delin
Peyton Denney
Ashley Derrington
Shay Diamond
Ronald Diaz
Jessica Dickerson
Anna Dilger
Katerina Domingot
Jolie Donahoo-Haupt
Blake Doppenberg
Kimberly Dorantes
Alexander Duffield
Tatiana Duval
Sonnie Duvall
Sydnie Duvall
Paige Elliott
Callan Emery
Jasmine Eslami
Daniel Espada
George Espada
Kris Ewing
Oliver Farjo
Lauren Farry
Viuna Farshchian
Kai Ferguson
Lucas Flinn
Kenia Flores
Seamus Flynn
Joshua Forster
Kaylee Foster
Maxwell Foster
Thomas Frabotta
Vanessa Frankhouse
Alexandra Freedberg
Danielle Freedberg
John Freed-Roach
Jacob Frericks
Zoie Fuentes
Maxine Gable
Michael Gaetano
Etnan Galarza
Emanuel Galindo
John Gallison
Jackson Garbino
Isaias Garcia
Mia Geiger
Kendall Gerry
Dean Giles
Jeremiah Gillis
Luke Gillon
Collin Goldberg
Johanna Gomez
Kayla Gomez
Emiliano Gonzalez
Nicholas Gottron
Sol Granados
Derrick Grassmann
Annika Green
Maiah Griffo
Ben Gromotsky
Christian Guarascio
Carolina Guerrero
Ella Gunnell
Rebekah Haas
Hannah Haas
Elina Haghighi
Keane Hana
Cade Hansen
Zachary Harkey
Jake Haskins
John Hayes
Stephanie Heltsley
James Heneghan
Jared Hernandez
Dylante Herran
Jake Hett
Charlotte Hissler
Ella Hoff
Jason Honey
Jack Hope
Willow Hopkin
Rebecca Hopkins
Kaitlyn Howard
Samuel Hunter
Amanda Hunter
Peyton Hyde
Shawna Ieng
Ali Imran
Luke Inman
Allyson Intha
Owen Ivory
Joshua Jacob Zamora
Chloe Jafari
Nathan Jamet
Jack Jones
Hannah Jones
Logan Kahle
Maxwell Kahler
Allison Karner
Kamal Kaura
Ronhit Kaura
Finn Kelly
Isabella Kessi
Zia Khadivi
Kamal Khllak
Maximus Kislig
Bethany Klause
Annika Klecker
Maia Koizumi
Emmi Kraushaar
Maya Kruger
Megan Kuntz
Matthew Kutcher
Keya La Baugh
Stella La Voie
Allison Ladner
Paul Lambros
Jude Landgraf
Caydence Lansford
Emma Lapena
Ethan Larkin
Henson Lecona
Vivian Lee
Ethan Leeb
Ava Leone
Griffin Likins
Jayden Linares
Tanner Lipson
Avrianna Liu
Quan Liu
Janeane Llopart
McKenzie Lombard
Angelina Lopez
Gael Lopez
Nathan Lopez
Liam Lott
Sean Lovett
Jake Lowe
Trenton Loyd
Tegan Macey
Brooklyn Macy
Mireya Maldonado
Moosa Malik
Suleiman Malik
Shane Malone-Healey
Joshua Mann
Pedro Manzanares
Hannah Mares
Juan Marin
Allura Markow
Jared Martin
Ulysses Martinez
Rafael Martinez
Dalia Martinez Valiente
Kamryn Massey
Madeline Maxwell
Macie McBride
Katherine McCulloch
Emma McCulloch
Edward McElroy
No Strangers Here, Only Friends
BY TREVOR NGHIEMGood afternoon, friends, faculty, and family. Thank you all for being a part of the wonderful community that is Dana Hills. Without each and every one of you, none of us would be standing here today. To my family, especially, thank you for helping me grow into the person I am today and for always supporting me.
Here at Dana Hills, there have been countless lessons taught to us by many different people. Whether it was a long twohour class taught by a teacher, or a lesson thrown at us by life, Dana has educated us in and out of the classroom.
Of these lessons taught to me, the one that has stuck the most is the lesson I learned the very first day of high school.
Let’s rewind back. I was 14, standing at a comfortable 5 foot, 3 inches, and was being dropped off by my mom. Both incredibly nervous and embarrassed, the much older and taller cheerleaders at the front of the office just made it worse. (To this day, I still enter the school through the back.) But as I was walking with my head down toward the school, I looked and saw a sign above the doorway.
It read, “There are no strangers here, just friends you haven’t met.”
This was the first lesson I learned here at Dana Hills, and it will be the lesson that I hope will stick with us for the rest of our lives. But I have to be honest with you all, when I first saw this sign, my first thought was, “Man this is kinda corny.”
But with each passing year, this one
quote has meant more and more to me. Whether it has been becoming close with people you never knew; gaining a mentor in the form of a teacher or an upperclassman; meeting a best friend in your junior year; becoming inseparable with your teammates; getting close after a class trip; adopting an underclassman; or connecting in some way or another with the all the amazing people here at Dana Hills, this very quote has reaffirmed its strength to me time and time again.
From “strangers” to friends, this positive community has helped me realize the importance of support. It is imperative to surround yourself with positive individuals who inspire you to be better every single day, like we have here at Dana.
Without all of you embodying these values, we would all be so different from the young adults we are now. I mean, we might have even turned out to be like the Aliso or San Clemente kids.
Today, we leave our mark on the world. We create a legacy of embodying this quote above the door, a legacy of turning strangers into friends, a legacy of forming relationships to last.
As we all take a step into our future, I want us all to bring up this lesson taught to us on our very first day. Wherever we go, we are bringing a part of Dana Hills with us. And wherever Dana Hills is, there are no strangers.
Congratulations, Dana Hills Class of 2023.
Caroline McKenzie
Paige McLaran
Nicholas McMurray
Ayleen Medina
Osvaldo Medina Hernandez
Daniel Mendoza
Kelly Mercado
Greta Micklin
Lucas Miertschin
Ensley Miller
Grace Miller
Hannah Miner
Wyatt Miranda
Sophia Misri
Kaden Mister
Arash Mohammadi Farazandam
Rafael Molina
Charlie Mollon
Aaron Montero
Anakaren Moreno
Sofia Morgante
Kendall Mullaney
Angelina Mullins
Malia Mundy
Jordan Munger
Pedro Muniz
Donald Muoio
Kade Murray
Parker Murray
Sebastian Naficy
Damien Najera
Bryan Navarrete-Gonzalez
Zoe Neeve
Taylor Nemeth
Olivia Nemeth
Andrew Nesson
Dylan Newhart
Rachael Newman
Trevor Nghiem
Blake Nielsen
Piper Norton
Peyton Norton
Griffin Novotny
Cristian Ocaranza
Fiona O’Connor
Madison Oliver
Ryan O’Mara
Luke Ortiz
Vicente Ortiz
Adam Ortiz
Zoe Ott
Jonathan Owen
Joshua Pacheco
Marae Paggio
Yahaira Parra
Natalia Partida Birrueta
Matthew Pastor Rivera
Delaney Patrick
Serena Pearl
Bryce Pennington
Talia Penzell
Brandon Perez Pedraza
Claire Peter
Nicole Petersen
Luca Piceno
Paige Pinnegar
Ashley Pino
Adrian Policarpo
Andrew Power
Ayden Prado
Salvador Prado
Hudson Price
Tyler Priebe
Jacqueline Rainey
Aidan Ramirez
Mariafernanda Ramirez
Daniel Alejandro Ramos
Chloe Rangel
Cheyanne Rankell
Parker Ratliff
Maisy Reader
Hayden Reed
Gavin Rettig
Lauren Revens
Guadalupe Reyes
Samantha Reynoso
Lily Rice
Jamie Rich
Sadie Riester
Isabella Rios
Mya Risheq
Isabella Ritch
Noelani Rivera
Lauren Roberson
Grant Robinson
Camille Roche
Chase Rodgers
Devin Rodgers
Chase Rodriguez
Francesca Rodriguez
Alex Rodriguez
Getzemani Rodriguez
Bryce Rodriguez
Michael Rodriguez
Nicholas Rojo
Areli Romero
Hector Ruiz-Garcia
Scarlet Russ
Mitchell Russell
Anna Russell
Shane Sacks
Brandon Saeedi
Maya Salama
Mera Salama
Dominic Salaverry
Jonathan Salcedo
Pantea Samavati
Daniel Sanchez
Ryan Sargent
Normandy Sax
Grace Scalzo
Wes Schantz-Aviles
Ben Schattmaier
Devin Scott
Tyler Seals
Steven Sepulveda
Davia Serrano
Ethan Shaver
Rahul Shenoy
Lucy Sims
Avery Sky
Sydney Slade
Josephine Slechta
Richard Sleek
Landon Smith
Erica Smith
Jake Smith
Jose Soc Patzan
Joshua Soto
Nicholas Spinogatti
Tinashe Stacey
Kennedy Stewart
Summer Stolle
Johnathan Sussman
Boris Svrakov
Alexander Sweeney
Som Tafreshi
Nicholas Tamayo
Jack Tanner
Dylan Tanner
Mustafa Taufiq
Lucas Thompson
Chase Thurman
Emmett Tierney
Misael Tirado
Elizabeth Tonini
Talia Topalian
Rodolfo Torres
Kyler Torres
Camille Treichler
Jackson Tremper
Lineni Uaine
Evy Vallis
Avalon Van Leeuwen
Jonah Vander Veen
Kaitlin VanDerVeen
Emilio Vargas
Esmeralda Vasquez-Fernandez
Benjamin Vaughn
Connor Vernon
Helen Villamil
Ariana Villamil
Cole Villar
Dante Viramontes
Justin Vivanco
Nickolas Votroubek
Jasmine Vy
Mark Wagner
Kaley Walker
Jack Wasserman
Kiana Waters
Joseph Wesselman
Olivia White
George Wilfert
Delaney Williams
Nicola Wilson
Alec Wons
Jaxson Wray
Martin Ximello
Kai Yater
Shaliz Younessian
Rosa Zepeda
Owen Zimmerman
Maryann Zunich
finding JoY in Life’s everYdaY moments
BY SOPHIE ANDERSENDANA HILLS CLASS OF 2023, congratulations on graduating! Upon all of your behalf, I would like to extend a massive thank you to all of the teachers, staff, administration, parents, guardians, grandparents, and whoever else has been influential in your life who is here today to watch us receive a piece of paper.
However, despite that, we are incredibly grateful to be here today, because after moving a piece of stringy fabric across our ceremonial square hats, we will have completed our time at Dana Hills, and we will be moving on to our next endeavors in life.
There are few moments like these when we are faced with an overwhelming sense of pride for having completed something we set out to do so many years ago and (potentially) a slight touch of existential dread as we question what we are really doing in life.
There’s high school graduation, college graduation, a first job, or maybe moving to a new place.
These are the brief clips of life that are usually highlighted in movies, quotes, Instagram feeds, and all of those other very important forms of media where we like to share our lives online and say, “Hey, look, we did it!”
But these moments are few and far between, and for good reason. It takes an immense amount of effort over an extended
period of time to achieve these goals. But because these are the moments that are showcased in the media that we consume, if we are not careful enough, we can find ourselves living only for these moments.
I am not arguing that it is a poor idea to strive to achieve a goal or a purpose in life; in
It is easy to look back at our time at Dana Hills and smile at the everyday things that
make this place far from ordinary:
Complaining about constantly broken air conditioning; the endorphin rush from confetti after a Canvas submission; the endless night practices for your sport; throwing cough-inducing colored chalk in the air as you pretend to understand or even watch the football game; watching the drumline perform at those pep rallies and realizing that marching band is actually really awesome; stressing with friends about a math test in that cold, dark and shady hall; watching Eddie impressively run with the flag at every single game this year; the daily treks to the portables in “Africa”; listening to the Friday Song from those very “anonymous” singers; or when you walk past Steve or even someone you know just a bit and they call out your name, reminding you that you are important and you are recognized.
Our ordinary is beautiful, and it deserves to be rejoiced. So, as we move on to our futures, let us remember to not only recognize but to create moments every single day that bring us joy, because life is all of these moments, not just the graduations, the first jobs, the promotions.
Dana Hills Class of 2023, congratulations on graduating and thank you for creating an ordinary that is worth celebrating.
fact, it is incredibly satisfying, but I am saying that in the ordinary everyday sort of days that add up to these lifetime goals, we should not forget to find joy in those typical moments, either.
We are all so proud of you Connor. We wish you the very best as you become an Arizona State Sun Devil!
Love, Dad, Mom, Alec, and Austin Vernon.
Congratulations! We are so proud of you. We love you to infinity and beyond! We look forward to seeing what you’re going to accomplish.
Love you, Mom, Samantha, and Daniel.
Congrats Gavin! We are so proud of you and cannot wait to see what great things you will do! We love you!
Love, Mom, John, Blue, Kyle, Beau, Ginger & Oggie
“D”, we couldn’t be any prouder. Congratulations! Looking forward to the next chapter and all that awaits you at Lehigh University. We love you, Mom, and Dad.
Congratulations on receiving valedictorian recognition! We are proud of you and excited to see what your future holds. Enjoy playing D1 Football at Rice University. Love, Dad, Mom, and Cullen
Congrats to our DHHS “Dolphin” now a California State University Chico “Wildcat”!
The sky is your limit...love you to the moon and back!!
Mom, Sophie, G&G
Nathan Aquino
Anthony Arriola
Kennedy Barnes
Emma Brandon
Hudson Byrne
Trent Caraway
Kealani Caster
Anna Ciraci
Samantha Cotter
Antonio Esseily
Aiden German
Shaughnessy Hannegan
Sophia Moncur
Jake Stafford
Maxamillion Starr
Lauren Tonsich
Ava Zell
Private schooL graduates
Lauren Hong Lam
Alexis Noelle Lindenfelser
Malcolm William Matthew
Andrew Curran Miehe
Leila Marie Rooney
Madeleine May Sapra
Derek Ryan Smith
Annabel Sophia Grace Thiel
Gabriela Velazquez