10:00 AM Keda Meeting
National Updates
11:00 AM Mike Fink USDA
Kansas Ag Department Updates
NOON Lunch
1:00 PM Lee Wallace NRA Certified Instructor
2:00 PM Dr. Laura Meier
5:00 PM Supper
6:00 PM Silent Auction Ends Live Auction
7:00 PM Live Music by Drunk Monkey

Lo T #4 Front Cover Winter 2025
D&K Designs | 435.817.0150

Kathy Giesen | deerassociations@gmail.com Lo T #5
Edge Damascus Blade Knife
Bar Rocking R Ranch

Lo T #6 1 Straw of Semen from Avenger (Fallow)
Donated by Lance Clawson @ Caveman Wildlife / Jason Millegan @ Cross Canyon Exotics. Avenger is a Thunderstruck son,measured over 50” as a 3 year old. Will receive enough semen for two does.

Prime optics combine fully multi-coated lenses and low dispersion glass with the durability needed for any hunt. Its all backed up by Bushnells exclusive EXO Barrier coating for protection against rain, snow, fog, and other challenging elements. Bushnells newest family ensures that you will always be primed and ready so you never miss a moment.

1 day, 2 nights, 2 person, 20 birds Quail Quest Hunting | 785-534-9508 206 North 130th Road, Hunter, KS 67542

Lo T #15 1 Straw of Semen from BRC Sitting Bull (Fallow)
2 year old Sitting Bull is a chief son out of a Bullwinkle Daughter. Donated by Brendan and Becky Compton, BRC Fallow Deer.

Lo T #18 2 Straws of Semen from Full Circle
GS 0.0057 | NADR 356034
TripleFreeze/Ransom/Gladiator Starbuck