6 minute read
Science that delivers the health & productivity you require
Nutrient rich formula contains highly bioavailable ingredients, including our proprietary calcium/phosphorous complex with Antler D TM, that are required to support body and bone growth, especially for fast growing bucks
Contains probiotics and targeted enzymes to support gut health and proper digestion
Available in pellet or powder that can be top dressed or mixed in feed. Great for antler growing season and young bucks, too
Provides optimal levels of magnesium, Vitamin B1 and inositol to promote calmness and provide help for restless animals
Contains no herbals, tryptophan or chemicals, eliminating concerns of unwanted side effects
Use PeaceMaker to “keep the peace” during pre-rut, rut, transportation, weaning and anytime destructive behavior may occur
Enteric Health Formula
Helps maintain digestive health and productivity
Contains micro-encapsulated probiotics, targeted enzymes and a novel fiber complex
Use in does before fawning, during lactation and all cervids during times of environmental stress
Helps maintain normal digestive health
Supports a healthy immune system
Feed powder for 14 days to bottle fed fawns
Paste is ideal for fawns left on does
Innovative formula delivers max digestive support, especially in newborns
Rapidly delivers help for GI health and a functioning immune system
May also be used post-tranquilization to support healthy recovery
Mick Goodman
General Bio (Tell us a little about yourself/operation/time in the industry, etc.)
Hello fellow deer farmers. My name is Michael (Mick) Goodman, owner of Goodman’s Whitetail Haven and also Goodman’s Piebald Haven along with my wife Becky and my son, Michael. Goodman’s Whitetail Haven was started forty years ago, being one of the founding members of the PA Deer Farmers Association. We recently started Goodman’s Piebald Haven. We are located in the rolling hills of Western Pennsylvania. We are known for producing some of the oldest bloodlines in the industry and are presently raising some of the biggest Piebalds in the Country.
What are some skills you can offer to help PDFA in its mission to help promote and preserve the cervid industry in PA? With forty years of experience in the industry, I feel that I can help guide fellow deer farmers with the day to day basics of deer farming, bottle feeding, darting, artificial insemination, medicating, etc. With your vote, I feel I would be an asset by sharing my knowledge of deer farming.
What is one topic you are passionate about regarding the deer industry that you would like to help champion in your role as a PDFA Board of Director?
I am passionate about being able to continue to raise Whitetail Deer as an agricultural animal in the state of PA.
Jarrid Barry
General Bio (Tell us a little about yourself/operation/time in the industry, etc.)
My name is Jarrid Barry, my father and I started our deer operation in 2007. Over the last 15 yrs we have grown our deer herds and now operate our own hunting preserve in blair county, Powder Ridge Outfitters. Our goal from the beginning was to manage a private deer herd to promote private land conservation and hunting in a highly ethical and sustainable way to help aid in the preservation of our land. We care deeply about the future of this industry and work hard to be a good example to both the public and our fellow private deer managers and farmers.
What are some skills you can offer to help PDFA in its mission to help promote and preserve the cervid industry in PA?
Previously I spent six years on the pdfa board of directors, five of them as part of the leadership team. In those years, with the pdfa team, I worked directly with our members, regulators, legislators, enemies, other nonprofits, and the media to help aid in the protection of our great industry. My hope is to come back to the board and again help aid in the promotion and protection of our future as an industry.
What is one topic you are passionate about regarding the deer industry that you would like to help champion in your role as a PDFA Board of Director?
I’m most passionate about the deer industry’s role in protecting private land. The Private land conservation story is a topic rarely promoted in our industry. However, I think it’s the most important part of our story and will help our industry thrive into the future. They don’t make anymore land. The rapid development of farms and land across the commonwealth should be a concern for everyone, we are losing agricultural land and wildlife habitat every second of every day. Deer farming and private deer management, at every scale, is helping to aid in the protection of private land and we need to tell that story. With that comes a responsibility for all of us in the industry to be good examples of quality land management and superior animal husbandry and we should all hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards when it comes to our operations. If I am elected, I hope to make telling this story, along with cwd genetics, a big part of my work with the pdfa board.
Irvin Brown
General Bio (Tell us a little about yourself/operation/time in the industry, etc.)
I started Three Rivers Whitetails in 2011 with a small genetically selected herd of whitetails from the Jarrid Barry Farm. (I thank him to this day for Orange 5). In 2013 my son in law (Timothy Hill) and his family moved to our part of the state and began helping with the growing deer farm. Today Timothy and his family own and operate the deer farm. My wife Pam and I live on the property and continue to enjoy the deer herd. I am employed full time by Perryman Company in the Titanium Metals Business.
What are some skills you can offer to help PDFA in its mission to help promote and preserve the cervid industry in PA? Management, Organizational, Knowledge and Communication Skills. The time I can provide will be limited until later in 2024 upon my retirement. I understand if the association would want me to reapply at that time.
What is one topic you are passionate about regarding the deer industry that you would like to help champion in your role as a PDFA Board of Director?
Assisting new farmers entering our industry and involving their families in our organization.
Bob Byers
General Bio (Tell us a little about yourself/operation/time in the industry, etc.)
I live and work on a beef farm along with AgriKing, a livestock nutrition company out of Fulton, IL. I worked with AgriKing to develop a health deer pellet. I have been in the deer business for about 15 years. We only have a breeder operation with about 50 plus head of deer, selling shooting bucks.
What are some skills you can offer to help PDFA in its mission to help promote and preserve the cervid industry in PA? I can offer some help with nutrition. I also explain to people what we do and let them come to the farm to see and pet does as well as fawns. People get excited to see the bucks as they grow. I am trying to promote the positive aspect of our industry and show some profit.
What is one topic you are passionate about regarding the deer industry that you would like to help champion in your role as a PDFA Board of Director?
Getting CWD management under control.
• Fawns up to 1 week of age: Feed 16 oz. of formula daily, divided into 4 – 6 feeding.
• Fawns 1 week to 1 month of age: Feed 24 to 30 oz. of formula daily, divided into 4 feedings.
• Fawns 1 month to 2 months of age: Feed 30 to 35 oz. of formula daily, divided into 2 to 3 feedings.
• Fawns 2 months to weaning: Gradually decrease formula and number of feedings to approximately 15 oz. of formula once daily until fawn is fully weaned at 12 to 14 weeks of age. Provide a weaning diet and fresh clean water to the fawn. For oral use only. These feeding directions are guidelines. As each animal is an individual, the feeding rate may be increased or decreased according to the needs of the neonate.
Feeding directions for other species can be found on our website.
• All-Milk Protein from Premium Food-Grade Milk Ingredients