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Capitol Hill Consulting Group, under the leadership of Jack Victory, does a wonderful job scheduling meetings for folks around The Hill. Over the course of three days, we met with the Congressional Sportsman’s Foundation, the USDA, many Congressional/Senatorial staff members and Glenn “GT” Thompson, sponsor of some critical legislation around CWD.

Collectively we focused on two issues: securing dedicated indemnity funding and appropriations requests to the recently passed CWD Research and Management Act which was authorized in December 2022. This process development of the CWD Research and Management Act started on a similar DC trip back in 2019. These issues take time and resolve to see to completion.

Overall, we felt the trip was a big success. As I stated previously, I can feel the momentum shift surrounding CWD management in the deer farming industry. While we all know this is a slow process, we must all continue to forge ahead. Attached is a 3-minute video I put together highlighting our trip. Enjoy!



Josh Newton, PDFA President

As a neighboring state, Pennsylvania has easy access to Washington, DC. Head south, and boom, you’re there. Given the long standing cervid industry established in the state of PA, it’s only natural we are active in DC.

Last month was no exception. Past President of the PDFA Glenn Dice and I headed to DC for a “NADEFA Fly-in.” The Fly-in is a gathering of state and national leadership who advocate for deer farmers and ranchers.

The Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations held the “Cornucopia” on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Main Rotunda of the Capitol in Harrisburg, PA.

Listed on their website as, “A Taste of Pennsylvania” this has always been known as the premier “food” reception because of the participation of our PSCFO members who are hosting it. Agriculture is the number one industry in Pennsylvania, and this evening is designed to give you a taste of Pennsylvania’s best.

As a member of the agriculture industry in PA, the PDFA has been participating in this event for as long as I can remember. Vice President, Lloyd Stoltzfus, and I traveled to the Capitol and set up a station stock with venison and information about what deer farmers and ranchers do in the state.

Board member, John Manta, supplied the variety of Venison snacks and I brought some of my Red Ridge, “Ranch-Ready” venison Jerky. Both were a big hit with Legislative members and staffers alike.

This event allows us to interact in a face-to-face capacity with the public and governed officials, which is always a good thing. We also got some face time with a few members from the Agriculture Department, including then Secretary Russell Redding.


Josh Newton, PDFA President

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