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Meet the Team

Meet Our Customer Care Representative ~ Samantha (Sam) Uchytil

By: Gail Veley

entrenched in the industry, is anxious to help deer farmers reinvest in their business through advertising in state deer association magazines. Her journey began years ago when as a young girl, she held a bottle for her first personal deer, Mocha (a.k.a. Purple #3). In that moment, Sam, the daughter of Steve and Melissa Uchytil of Crow River Whitetails in Atwater, Minnesota, knew where her heart was leading her. Now, at age 29, Sam has recently stepped in to join the D & K Design Team as a Customer Care Specialist and bring even more breath and vitality to each quarterly deer association magazine.

“I’ve worked the registration desk at Minnesota deer association events for about 10 years and because of that, made a lot of friends,” Sam shared. “I love working with deer and the opportunity to be an active industry member in this new role.” Choosing Sam for the position came easily for D & K Design Magazine Editor Kathy Geisen, who felt that Sam’s ability to connect and relate to those in the industry made her a perfect fit.

very personable,” Geisen said. “Whether you have been in the industry for a long time or are a newcomer, Sam can relate to your goals and needs.”

While the goal of advertising is to showcase your products and services, it’s also to maintain a consistent presence to those seeking what you have to offer. “I’m excited and feel very fortunate to make this my full-time endeavor,” Sam said. Thus far her favorite ads are those featuring bucks, followed by ads pertaining to antler replication, food plots and nutrition.

When she isn’t working with clients, she enjoys long-distance competitive running, gardening, maintaining an orchard at her cozy 500-square foot home in New London, Minnesota and spending time with her three dogs. They include her chihuahua “Lucky,” a heeler mix named “Ringo” as well as a husky/ shepherd mix named “Finn.” Sam also enjoys spending considerable time at Crow River Whitetails, hanging out with hunters and seeing the results of their hunts. While she small game such as rabbits and squirrels. As she sets her sights on her next hunting adventure, she also is setting her schedule to attend future industry events and expanding her circle of friends and clients whether they be from Florida, Texas, Michigan, New York and everywhere else in between.

“This is a dream come true for me,” Sam said. She can be reached by calling or texting her at 320-905-2622 or emailing her at samuchytil@gmail.com. “I’m looking forward to working with all of you.”

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