Liverpool Exclusive DW Publishing (UK) Ltd are delighted to welcome you to Liverpool Exclusive which has now been added to our list of titles. Many of our titles around Europe have been focussed on the tourism sector of the market but our new Brand of Exclusive titles is very much focussed on bringing a Luxury Lifestyle Magazine to the people who actually live in a particular location. However in addition, because of our unique distribution techniques (you will find out more about this inside this media kit), residents, visitors and tourists alike have the opportunity to read and benefit from the publication. No other magazine reaches all segments of the market so widely which of course is a huge bonus for our advertiser partners and the main reason why all of our advertisers get the response they hoped for when advertising and feel that it is vital to repeat in future editions. e aim of Liverpool Exclusive Magazine is to promote the best of Liverpool both in terms of what is happening in our city and also the best places to eat, drink and shop. Our intention is to show the people of Liverpool and visitors just how great our city is and how much it has to oer.
Summer 2014
Media Information e launch of Liverpool Exclusive comes hot on the heels of its sister magazine Southport Exclusive which has been an incredible success since the launch of edition 1 in February 2014. In fact the second edition of Southport Exclusive is already out and has grown in page numbers already due to the incredible response from advertisers. e success of the magazine is largely down to three major factors. Quality of production, Interesting content and features and our fantastic distribution.
Summer 2014
Distribution Profile It is certainly fair to say that when making a decision regarding any printed advertising the distribution profile is the most important aspect of the thought process. With more than ten years of experience in the field we are fully aware that an advertiser has to feel the benefits of his investment if we are to maintain a loyalty with the client. e only way to do this is to ensure that cost is not our main concern and that enough magazines are printed and that more of the right audience read our magazines than any other. Liverpool Exclusive will not need to be ‘found’ by our readers as unbelievably there will be 20,000 copies printed which will be delivered directly into homes and apartments around the city and will also be found in the bedrooms of the city’s top hotels in addition to businesses and establishments all around the centre. You may ask how we can possibly get our magazines into the bedrooms of the top hotels. Well when you discover that we create for each hotel a unique front cover specifically for each individual hotel, then you will understand why we are completely different from any other magazine. is is a technique that we use with our luxury city magazines around Europe and we work with the biggest hotel chains in the world such as Intercontinental, Crowne Plaza, Mandarin Oriental etc. e hotel chains love our concept as it means that somebody produces for them their own personalised luxury magazine all about the location that they are in with their hotel name emblazoned across the cover. So basically for placing 1 single advert in Liverpool Exclusive we will make your advert visual to not only the residents of our city as the magazine lands in an envelope on their doormat but also to almost every visitor who stays in a hotel in Liverpool. ere is no exposure like this in any other type of media. Liverpool Exclusive is produced quarterly and so your advert will receive absolute maximum exposure in our readers and your potential client’s homes for three months as it will certainly stay on the coffee table and in addition it will be read by visitors and tourists for this same prolonged period.
Summer 2014
How Else do we Promote Your Business ? All advertisers will also be promoted on our website: at no extra cost. ere will be a direct link to your own website and we are also very happy to display events and promotions that you may have concerning your business. All you have to do is give us the details of what you would like high-lighted and we will take care of the rest.
Summer 2014
MEDIA KIT GEn Er A l E nq u I r I E s t o :
DW Publishing (UK) Ltd,Heritage House 9B Hoghton Street, Southport, Merseyside. PR9 0TE E : Sales Enquiries : Neil Wilson M : 07809 226 112 E: Account Enquiries : Jitka Wilson M : 07809 226 552 E: Website :
ADVEr t DIMEn sIon s WI DE / H IG H
210mm x 260mm
B : Classified Advert
1/3rd Page
210mm x 130 mm
210mm x 260mm x 2
105mm x 130 mm
(please add 5mm bleed on all sides except classified) With all of the above advert sizes your business will also be displayed on our website.
Summer 2014
suP PlY oF Art W orK & sP E CI F I CAtI o n
e following formats of completed artwork can be accepted. 1. High resolution, Print-quality PDF 2. Adobe InDesign CS4 Document, EPS, etc...
ADVE rt DE sI G n An D ProD uCt Ion
DW Publishing can design and create your advert for the publication at no extra cost to you. All we ask is that you provide the photos and logos that are to be used and all images must be a minimum of 300dpi. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything within the information supplied that you do not understand or would simply like more details. Your business is important to us and if you ask, we will do all we can to accommodate any special requests or ideas that you may have. We are happy to do special features on a particular line of business or maybe the promotion of a particular event. If we can help to make your business successful then we will have done our job.
CI rCul At I on :
20,000 copies : Summer : June 2014 – August 2014 Autumn : September 2014 – November 2014 Winter : December 2014 – February 2015 Spring : March 2015 – May 2015
F rEq EnC Y :
Liverpool Exclusive is published Quarterly A completed contract schedule must be signed or all adverts are subject to the single insert rate.
Summer 2014