Annual Report 2017

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2017 Annual Report


To offer the most innovative longterm evidence-based and evidenceinformed addiction recovery services to everyone, including those who are unable to pay for them, while providing housing and employment assistance. WHO WE ARE We are a growing legion of passionate pioneering healers, each of us a scholar in addiction, who gather as one in defiance of the savage scourge of addiction that is undermining our families, our communities, and the strength of our great nation. Boundless compassion and endless empathy are our hallmark characteristics, but we have no fear of handing out directive advice when lives are at stake. We follow our established protocols but, since we have helped in their development and benchmarking, we are ever searching for ways to improve that which has already advanced beyond any model we’ve encountered. We never give up on anyone. We never diminish our beliefs in ourselves, our work, and our clients.

WHAT WE DO We accept clients that nobody else wants, who have nowhere else to turn, and we heal them of themselves. We give them access to who they were intended to be and help them to regain their birthrights of being responsible navigators of their own destinies. We work hard but we play while we work through our smiles, our laughter, and by showing up and remaining present in whatever moment we’re in. We love the “here and now”. We follow our protocols to recognize and dissipate trauma so that no traumatic residue can create any level of compassion fatigue. We work to keep our wellbeing balanced so that we can give from our own abundance. We heal ourselves through healing others.

HOW WE DO IT We wear our work and our lives like loose garments. We have a felt sense of muscular empathy which is hyperaware of what’s happening around us so that we can show up properly and behave appropriately, to help our clients and each other become more of who we aspire to be. We also read, research, study, and experiment without inhibition and are not influenced by the illusion of fear. We believe deeply in the increased power of running towards the light versus running from the darkness. We learn from others by attending classes, seminars, workshops, and inviting in outside speakers. We insist on keeping our sharp edge by stimulating the departure of ignorance. And finally . . . we decide to show up every day and fight the same fight, in defiance of our client’s loss of choice, dignity, and self-determination. In this, we’re united in both belief and cause which has amplified our positive outcomes beyond any expectation!

Who We Serve Other 10%






Alcohol Cocaine
























Caucasian 12%

African American 78%

GENDER Female 22%

Male 78%

The Above and Beyond Impact • Above and Beyond has celebrated the graduations of 500 clients since the doors opened in 2016 • Expense per graduate: $2,231 • Above and Beyond intakes on average 42 new clients per week • Average monthly expense per client: $558 • On average, 60 clients attend treatment programs at Above and Beyond daily • Monthly expense: $79,734 • Above and Beyond finds on average 8 housing placements for our clients a month • Above and Beyond on average assists with 9 work placements a month • Monthly expense to assist with housing / work placement: $4,100 2017 Annual Report | 1

Who are you? Who am I? Who is she? We may be very may be "successful," one homeless, one poor. Here's the realization that founded Above and Beyond: We are each of equal importance in this universe. Each equal. Regardless of our current condition.

2942 West Lake Street Chicago, IL 60612

Realizing that, and recognizing the abundant opportunity to transform lives, I decided to found Above and Beyond, with the vision of bringing the very best treatment in the U.S., to its poorest and its homeless - for free. We created a storefront center on Chicago's West Side neighborhood, so that people can simply walk in off the sidewalk to a better world. They can change their lives earlier than before, saving them from living with devastating conditions, or dying from them. The treatment model in the U.S. is broken, and not working for almost all who enter it. We believe far better ways of treating our clients are available, and proven to work, than what is available at most treatment centers in America. How will Above and Beyond be different? Many ways: First, it is almost the only treatment center to offer three different treatment support modalities: Smart Recovery, AA, and Men and Women for Sobriety. And it's the only center in the U.S. that matches clients based on their personality and beliefs to the treatment most likely to succeed for them. Secondly, Above and Beyond teaches REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) to all clients, which positively changes their way of thinking about and reacting to daily situations. Our clients LOVE this life-changing way of thinking. Next, we are adding a proven module on learning to love themselves. Then modules on guiding them to finding their purpose and mission in life. When Above and Beyond's clients graduate, loving themselves again and having found their personal mission, they will sustain their success and find fulfillment in their lives. Above and Beyond also finds housing for its homeless clients, and helps them find jobs. Then we offer free return to classes for all of them, and stay in touch with each of them after graduation. Our goal is not a three-month or six-month sobriety statistic - we measure success by the graduates who, after three years, have housing, a job, are reunited with their families, and are no longer troubled by addiction. This is a life transformed and a transformation that is likely to last. Above and Beyond is innovating to radically improve lives of the currently homeless and poor. And that vision has attracted top clinicians and leadership who are drawn to this vision of reinventing treatment to produce better outcomes - that last a lifetime! The spirit of invention and improvement is palpable at Above and Beyond. Come visit us and experience this uniqueness yourself. Bryan Cressey Founder

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Past, Present, and Future The Past

The evolution and realization of our uniquely healing clinical protocol had gestated in the heart of our founder, Bryan Cressey, for many years. And despite numerous setbacks and failures, which he viewed as learning experiences, he has prevailed in the creation of his Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center. His determination to construct a one-of-a-kind 501C3 benevolent nonprofit offering a rainbow of programs of addiction healing and recovery has come to fruition. Because of this one man’s dream we offer the best evidence-based addiction treatment programs available anywhere in the world to those who need it the most but cannot pay: the poor, the homeless, the formerly incarcerated, the weak, and the mentally challenged. In the two short years since the Center has opened its doors as Chicago’s only walk-in addiction treatment center, this past year almost tripled our prior year’s intakes at just under 2,000. The massive scaling of competent staff has attracted a virtual army of Master’s Level Mental Health therapists who are drawn to us from six of Chicago’s most recognized Psych Universities: Loyola, DePaul, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, UIC, Adler, and the Chicago School of Modern Art, which gives us one of the highest levels of counselor competence available anywhere.

The Present

With our assistance in uncovering of each client’s personal purpose and meaning in life, coupled with teaching them to love themselves unconditionally, and how to set realistic achievable goals, our interactive construction of individualized treatment plans meet our indigent psychologically-challenged substanceabusing populations exactly where they’re at, dead center every time! We know this because we measure it, through satisfaction indexes that they compile, and through benchmarking and dashboard protocols that you’ll only see at Above and Beyond. Our collection of available treatment modalities is second to none in the world, as numerous endorsements from prominent national authors and industry watchdogs testify. This colorful pallet of scientifically validated therapies allows our counselors to piece together treatment plans, hand-in-hand with our clients, that match their needs like missing puzzle pieces which they’ve been searching for their entire lives. Whereas populations like ours are known to be toxic mixtures of despair, violence, and rage, our atmosphere is the 180° opposite of this. We smile, listen to each other with deliberate interest, and come to care about each other. Laughter punctuates our groups, and speakers are allowed to finish without distracting cross talk.

The Future

Always evolving to meet the shape-shifting shadow of addiction, we introduce new techniques constantly, like Brainspotting, Body-Talk, and HeartMath. Our support modalities will always offer strong, authentic groups like: AA, SMART Recovery, Men or Women for Sobriety, and WRAP but we are developing a revolutionary new MAT program (Medically Assisted Treatment) that will not only take every opioid client of ours to a clean, organic, and stable body chemistry within a year and a half, but will also introduce them to real opportunities for meaningful employment, safe and balanced housing, and a sustainable lifestyle connected to support and community. Nobody is doing this like we do but we need your help to continue! Because all of our processes, protocols, and administrative procedures are documented, benchmarked, and proven, we are able to transport them easily. Therefore, we are scouting out a second location which we expect will be in the south of Chicago in a neighborhood that needs us! More will be revealed in this coming year but talent, funding, and volunteering are all components that interested parties can assist with! Joining us in one of these three capacities will not only guarantee you of the most rewarding work you’ve ever participated in, but it will also help us to deal addiction a death blow by eradicating it instead of abating it. The ancient model that America has fastened itself to for the last 40 years has not worked, and we need your contributions in helping to change it up to the one we’ve put on the map and are proving works!

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Our Programs & Services iOP and OP are outpatient groups which vary by individual diagnosis but accept all those who seek healing from substance abuse. All groups are facilitated by one of our exceptional clinicians. The iOP and OP groups are a safe setting where our clients can be educated about substance abuse and process any underlying issues. It is important for our clients to be able to relate to one another and develop interpersonal relationships. We offer Level I and Level II SUPR-certified outpatient groups. Above and Beyond is the only place in the U.S where REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) is made accessible to the layperson, and a usable form of it is being taught to our street populations by Terry London, a leading practitioner, therapist and author. Participants learn the theory of emotional disturbance and change, as well strategies for identifying and challenging their dysfunctional beliefs and constructing more adaptive beliefs, emotions and behavior with results that are nothing less than staggering. We also have two free REBT “Practicums” annually, that offer 17.5 CEU’s to professionals. SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) is a science-based, self-empowerment program organized around groups that help members gain independence from addictions and addictive behaviors. It is based on a 4-Point Approach that encourages members to take responsibility for their recovery by understanding and managing the underlying thoughts, feelings and behaviors that cause them. This program’s variety of tools and methodologies are second to none. AA Meetings are based on the 12-step recovery process right out of the Big Book, but without any of the judgmental, excluding behaviors that “old timers” sometimes bring with them. It’s for those who are ready to lay down their fight and declare themselves “powerless” over their addiction(s). Unique to Above and Beyond, our Overcoming Procrastination group teaches our clients how to blend their internal aspirations and dreams with the external realities that they live in. It gives them access to the hidden rules of how to get things done instead of talking about them endlessly. This group actually helps all of our other groups to function because attendees become less “talk” and more “do”. It helps their metamorphosis by unlocking

them from their frozen states of rumination and inaction. Women for Sobriety and Men for Sobriety are two gender-specific programs that address the need for self-value and self-worth that are unique to each gender. Our groups are run by WFS/MFS-Certified Moderators who have demonstrated excellent facilitation skills, and are thoroughly acquainted with the WFS/MFS Programs and their individual philosophies. The groups at Above and Beyond have also blended these unique philosophies with the principles of REBT for a deeper experience. Our purpose in direct treatment of Trauma is to address one of the primary reasons that our clients drink and use. Since evidence shows us that 85% of our clients are afflicted with diagnosable levels of trauma, we have found that eradication of the cause works miracles when we treat the symptoms. Simply put, our successful treatment of Substance Use Disorder is greatly enhanced by addressing the trauma that triggers it. Our groups and individual sessions establish “safe zones” where our clients can disclose without fear, and then engage an evidencebased and APA-approved safety-seeking approach. Our trauma groups are wildly popular, uniquely interactive and offer tangible, real relief. Our “End It!” group addresses the residual impacts of multigenerational trauma that is passed from parent to child, and how the etiology of adaptive survival behaviors can result in horrific psychological injury and consequent Substance Use Disorders. We openly discuss how “Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families” can “re-parent” themselves with the use of the strengths they have gained in the past to heal themselves in the present through the use of REBT, Mindfulness, Unconditional Self-Acceptance (USA), Radical Forgiveness techniques, and ACA. Our Rage Reduction program helps clients understand the difference between anger and rage, and how they affect those struggling with addiction and can complicate the achievement of recovery goals. Above and Beyond offers proprietary Rage Reduction Education (taught in group) and Rage Reduction Therapy (applied in individual counseling sessions) that is evidence-based. The radically positive results it produces do not work through suppression or diversion, but instead give the afflicted perpetrators an ability to arrest their

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Our Programs & Services cont’d

Our unique application of Logotherapy provides our clients the ability to follow our programs and therapeutic treatment plans, which we then supplement by helping them to uncover their meaning and purpose in life so they are drawn towards it, while being pushed and guided by their treatments plans and programs. Executive Director Dan Hostetler is pursuing a Diplomate Degree from the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy, founded by Viktor E. Frankl, M.D., Ph.D., neurologist and psychiatrist, and has incorporated these therapies into our group and individual counseling sessions. Street Yoga at Above and Beyond is unique because it brings certified trauma yoga instruction to the people who likely need it the most. Our program involves simple breathing exercises, mindful meditation, and the adoption of specific body postures, all aimed at relieving stress and calming the mind and body. Acupuncture is used at Above and Beyond to help lessen the effects of addiction and cravings/urges. Clinical bodywork and traditional and modern systems of Oriental Medicine are used to curb cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms to help naturally detox from substance abuse, decrease cravings, and increase peace and tranquility.

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Because of the compelling evidence that points directly to spirituality’s role in reducing relapse and increasing the long-term stability of our clients, we offer a an unparalleled program of spirituality that is radically unique. The culture and rules of conduct revolve around evidence-based psychology that brings our groups together in a nurturing and loving community using the Golden Rule as a primary focus. We bond. We forgive easily. We release our psychic toxins. We think, pray and meditate with our hearts, without any requirement to define who or what we are appealing to or worshipping. Combining our in-house musical and movement talent with collaborative external guests, we offer therapeutic transformation through Music and Movement Group. This unique healing approach deepens our influence with our populations and helps them to discover their latent or buried talents that have never before been revealed. It helps our clients rebuild their lives and reintegrate with their families and communities by giving them access to the same courage and creattivity they tap to harmonize, perform in front of others, and make themselves vulnerable in front of others.

Art Therapy uses expression and a creative process to improve our clients’ physical, mental and emotional well-being. We believe it is a non-threatening way for our clients to express themselves nonverbally. The art created by each client is scanned and placed in the electronic records available to counselors, providing an indication of mental health and stability, or lack thereof. Our Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) teach our clients how to heal themselves by gently “tapping” on acupressure points on the face and torso. Clients are consistently amazed by how quickly they can minimize stress, fears, cravings and compulsions by simply tapping. Such techniques are taught by a Ph.D. in a group setting because the techniques are easy to learn, very effective and portable (they can be used anywhere, for any reason). Membership in the Life Skills group becomes available when a client has finished 50% of their treatment hours because it is directly tied into our job readiness and employment services. The main themes of the group sessions are how to understand the importance, relevance and improvement of interviewing skills, nonverbal language, resume writing, budgeting, saving money, receiving a paycheck (and not triggering), how to live with roommates, how to communicate without offending, and how to show up consistently and on time.

Our individual sessions require our clients to meet one-on-one with a counselor twice a week so that personal and individual circumstances can be properly addressed. Our counselors have Master’s Degrees, CADC credentials, and most are Licensed Social Workers (LSW) or Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC), which classifies our therapeutic ability as “above and beyond.” We develop an understanding and meet the client “where they are” with a therapeutic bond that can weather temptations that they might face outside of our facility. Above and Beyond believes that the success of sustainable, long-term recovery will be bolstered when our clients are employed and housed. We are pledged to serve them through our “Housing First” model. Our Housing Program offers our clients case management with expertise in Chicago’s vast array of appropriate housing options. We are deeply committed to our mission of preparing our clients for a healthy transition to a new life in a promising environment. Our unique and proprietary Employment Readiness Services prepare our clients for a productive and rewarding job search. Included are workshops in resume and cover letter writing and mock interviews, which are recorded and played back. Field trips to employment sites and community colleges and coaching in the making of cold calls broaden our clients’ ability to tap the rich community resources in Chicago. Upon completion of our program, clients who need support will continue their job search until they find employment. As we help our clients to uncover their purpose in life and how to love themselves, we see GOALS group as the third leg of their stabilization. It is required, as is Logotherapy and Learning to Love Yourself, so that they can learn how to motivate themselves towards a worthy, chosen destination instead of wandering aimlessly in an existential vacuum.

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Statement of Activity For the Period Ended December 31, 2017 SUPPPORT: Grants and donations Fees


Statement of Financial Position DECEMBER 31, 2017

Expenses at a Glance

$ 1,333,638 51,325 $ 1,384,963

EXPENSES: Salaries and benefits Direct program expenses Fundraising Events Occupancy Information technology Training Office expenses Insurance Advertising Depreciation Professional fees Travel Real Estate Taxes Donations Other

604,976 160,719 62,796 47,229 36,486 22,293 131,452 20,604 54,618 68,501 4,878 20,854 7,019 1,520 1,860 $ 1,245,805

Support over expenses from operations


Interest expense


Net assets, beginning of year


Net assets, end of year




171,118 8,232 2,725 4,178 186,253

Program Expenses: 92%

Assets Current Assets Cash Accounts recievabel Employee pay advance Prepaid expenses

Management and General Expenses: 8% Fundraising Expenses: 0%

Fixed Assets Building and improvements Furniture and fixtures Accumulated depreciation

1,027,393 108,745 (151,248) 984,890 $ 1,171,143

Liabilities and Net Assets

OUR FISCAL POLICY Above and Beyond employs an Office Manager who is a capable fiscal agent who will be CPA Liscensed by our audit next year in addition to being a current practicing attorney in the State of Illinois. This said to fortify trust in the notion that we are responsible administrators of the gifts that are bestowed upon us by our donors. In addition, we follow the criteria developed and used by Charity Navigator, so that when our initial three years of existence, which they require prior to evaluation, has been satisfied, we will register in their top category as a “Four Star Charity”. This will assist intelligent givers, when they select a charity to support, to be guaranteed of our:

Current liabilities Accured interest Accured real estate taxes Accured payroll Total current liabilities Long term debt Bank loan Total liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Net Assets


2,664 8,868 22,524 34,056 850,000 884,056

287,087 $ 1,171,143

• Financial Health, • Accountability, • Transparency. 2017 Annual Report | 9

A&BDIFFERENCE Amongst the partial list of Distinguishing Characteristics which Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center prides itself on, the 40+ linkage agreements that we have nurtured and developed with the many addiction treatment services and centers in the Chicagoland area is probably our most significant. We like to think we have become a catalyst for teamwork in the addiction industry. This is probably a record in and of itself, but certainly another distinguishing characteristic and our points of distinction offered below are not intended to diminish any of the other programs available to those in need. In fact, we honor our brothers and sisters in arms as we

1. We have created a distinctly non-clinical environment in which to accommodate our clients. The beauty of our elegant decor and warm furnishings is matched only by its equivalent, the beauty of our interactions and clinical protocol which is unequalled in the United States according to multiple nationally recognized experts in the addiction field, 2. We offer the highest level of addiction treatment services available anywhere to those who cannot pay for them. We offer FREE SERVICES to the homeless, invisible, vulnerable, and formerly incarcerated populations who cannot receive them anywhere else, 3. Our copyrighted “Vestibule” process gives our patients the ability to choose their support program, either Smart Recovery or AA, and requires them to attend the other and bring proof back to their primary counselor. This takes them out of their comfort zone, forcing them to experience different methodologies and make their decision based on what works instead of what they have done in the past (which typically has failed), 4. Offering four different treatment programs in-house: both SMART Recovery & AA, WRAP (an IDHS initiative), and gender-based Women for Sobriety and Men for Sobriety, 5. Creating unique Treatment Plans that match our client’s personalities and beliefs, with the widest, most expansive programing available, using Motivational Interviewing techniques to uncover what is most likely to be effective for them. Rarely is one plan the same as another. 6. Integrating intensive REBT training (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy), which positively changes clients’ way of thinking about and reacting to stressful situations. This group is facilitated by one of the top experts on REBT in the world, Mr. Terry London, 7. Adding an A&B-developed training module based on the work of Dr. Gay Hendricks on, “Learning to Love Yourself”,

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unite with them regularly, virtually every day, to fight the scourge of addiction which is growing geometrically with no discrimination of age, gender, education, income, or culture. We list these Distinguishing Characteristics because we are proud of what we have constructed and what the evidence ndicates has worked remarkably well with populations that have been traditionally disregarded and discarded. In addition, they help us stand out in the robust technicolor of our unique creativeness against a backdrop of monochrome and grayscale.

8. Adding an A&B-developed module based on Dr. Viktor Frankl’s groundbreaking work, to help clients discover and begin pursuing, the meaning and purpose of their lives, 9. We identify clients who grew up in abusive households or with dysfunctional families, and help them identify this as a source of trauma that can be overcome through the use of “reparenting” techniques, transgenerational trauma education, and cognitive behavioral skills (specifically REBT), 10. Our “shared model” of offering more than one therapist to our patients reduces the incidence of “Abandonment Anxiety” when their main counselor is not available on-demand. We have built a community of counselors and therapists who work together to create a fabric of healing availability that is unique in the psychology field, 11. Near the conclusion of the assessment a second counselor (shared model) appears to fulfill a “second professional opinion” of the Primary Counselor’s diagnosis at which time a confidential moment is given to the patient to validate the authenticity of the “Therapeutic Bond” which has been created between us (two sets of eyes on each client), 12. PSI (Patient Satisfaction Index) cards are given to each patient at the end of every group and every individual counseling session where they grade their experience. These are collected electronically and appear as a “dashboard” on our computer screens so that we can have a real-time indicator of the level of satisfaction as indicated by the endusers of our processes, 13. Assisting the Counseling Staff to identify and minimize the effects of Vicarious Trauma which is picked up as traumatic residue and collects in unhealthy ways. We have a unique and powerful program that catches all problematic second-hand traumatic accumulations so that our staff does not exhibit unhelpful Compassion Fatigue, 14. We have official Memos-of-Understandings (MOU’s) with six area Psychological Universities (UIC - Jane Adams, Adler, Loyola,

DePaul, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Kennedy-King) who supply us with a steady stream of students who have finished their coursework for the Masters Degree in Mental Health (plus must have a certificate in Substance Use Disorder or a CADC). This provides us with one of the highest level of competence of any addiction treatment center, public or private,, 15. Our unique agreement with Bodhi Spiritual Center allows us to assign their Licensed Purpose Practitioners to our patients who have competed their treatment plans and Viktor Frankl’s Purpose and Meaning groupwork, 16. Graduates are not prohibited from attending program groups or receiving individual counseling sessions. They are encouraged to continue as honored “Alumni”, 17. After our patient’s Treatment Plans are fulfilled and they graduate, they are assisted in putting together a “Life Plan” that will accompany them through their reassimilation back into society, 18. We follow graduates for three years to assist them in their transitions into purposeful and meaningful community members, 19. We offer highly specialized psychophysiological programs geared towards dispersion of body harbored trauma through Yoga and Acupuncture. They regulate the rhythmic alternations between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in order to sustain balanced digestion, sleep, and immune system functioning, 20. At least twice annually we offer REBT Practicums at no charge to professionals who wish to take advantage of the 17.5 CEU’s offered along with the Primary Certificate in REBT which is issued by the Albert Ellis Institute in New York City. 21. We offer certified Brainspotting services, a ground-breaking evidence-based PTSD modality.

Our Bonds and Benefits to the Community Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center has worked diligently to forge strong relationships with community-based resources, agencies and organizations that offer services that we do not provide at this time. Our model is unique, and others recognize the value of our programs and services and support our mission to help Chicago’s most disadvantaged to become clean and sober. We are proud to have active linkage agreements with over 40 professional organizations in Chicagoland that we can hand our clients off to when they have reached threshold levels of Health Care/Substance Abuse Services Be Well Partners Caritas Chicago House Chicago Recovering Communities The Esperanza Program Gateway Foundation Gerald’s House for Women Habilitative Systems Hartgrove Behavioral Health Haymarket Center Healing Hands Resource Center Loretto Hospital PCC Austin Positive Sobriety Institute Riveredge Hospital Southwoods Interventions TASC New Age Services Male Transitional Housing TThe ARK-Samoff Levin Residence Ashunti RMS Housing The Boulevard Bonaventure House Breakthrough Urban Ministries Cressey House/Revive Center Habilitative Systems Inc. Hand-n-Hand Housing Phoenix Services Housing Inner Voice Chicago interim Housing Revive Center for Housing and Healing

A Safe Haven Safer Foundation Female and/or Families/Children’s Transitional Housing A Safe Haven Ashunti RMS Housing Bonaventure House Catholic Charities-The Madonna House Chicago Women’s Aids Project Cressey House/Revive Center for Housing Deborah’s Place The Esperanza Program-El Rescante Excellent Way House Facing Forward to End Homelessness Featherfist Gerald’s House Grace House Inner Voice Chicago Interim Housing LaPosada/Casa Central Lincoln Park Interim Housing Community Mothers House Mercy Housing for Boys and Girls New Hope Apts. St. Martin dePorres House of Hope The Salvation Army Sister House UCAN Youth Services

Shelters Franciscan House of Mary and Joseph Pacific Garden Mission Franciscan House Annex Colleges & Universities Adler School of Psychology Chicago School of Professional Psychology Columbia University DePaul University Dominican University Kennedy King College Loyola University Roosevelt University St. Francis University Services 2nd Opportunity, LLC All Chicago Making Homelessness History Association House of Chicago Bobby E. Wright Cara Chicago Crime Commission City of Chicago Family and Support Services Cook County Jail Garfield Park Community Council Greater Chicago Food Depository Harmony Hope and Healing Inspiration Kitchens Youth Outreach TASC

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A Model for Success “The Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center is unique in the . . . addiction treatment universe . . . it serves an inner city population most often ignored by the private treatment industry; it offers clients true choice from its “vestibule” menu; while it is built on the best evidence-based cognitive behavior and rational emotive (CBT/REBT), non-disease-based therapy techniques . . . . In short, Above and Beyond is a modern treatment miracle in a field badly in need of one.” – Dr. Stanton Peele, PsyD

“I was blown away by Above and Beyond . . . . I am quite familiar with the challenges of treating mental illness, substance abuse, family issues, and legal concerns. It is a daunting challenge… While no easy task. Many have tried. Most fail. However, A&B is such a success that it has established the benchmark of what can be done. Clients don’t fit models of care, at A&B models fit the client. They have cracked the code. They transform lives and thus save lives. A&B changes the world, one person at a time.” – Dr. Chris Stout, Founder of the Center for Global Initiatives

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Client Testimonials “Above and Beyond is a welcoming safe zone of acceptance for me. It’s a place I can count on to allow me a Zen space to center my emotions and thoughts allowing me to continue on my path back to my true self.” — Jennifer W.

“I love Above and Beyond, it has helped me a lot with my anger, it has also helped me with housing. I get help when I need it from the staff, so I love this place. I like how they love to keep an eye on me and help me and others.” — Diana W.

“Above and Beyond has helped me to be a better person, a person who wants to do better things in my life as a man. This place is my home and it makes me feel I can do more things to make my kids and myself better.” — Rodney P.

”I am an alumni member of Above and Beyond and I still come to see my family here at least three times per month. I love it at Above and Beyond. This place has made me a better man and a better thinker.” —Durell W. 2017 Annual Report | 13

Our thanks to John Gress Photography for the client portraits featured on these covers. 14 | Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center

2942 W. Lake Street Chicago, Illinois 60612 773-940-2960

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