Mathematica Evaluation1

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Wendy Constantine MUSE 123 (grad) May 19, 2004

Summative Evaluation of

Mathematica: A World of Numbers and Beyond Prepared for the Boston Museum of Science By Wendy Constantine, Daniel Elias, Gwen Frankfeldt, Abby Haskell, Bronwyn Low and Lesley Schoenfeld

Abstract The compact and elegantly designed exhibition Mathematica: A World of Numbers and Beyond continues to draw in and engage a wide range of visitors four decades after its initial design was established by the now infamous designing duo, Charles and Ray Eames. The near dizzying array of information presented, combined with the abstract subject matter presented, resulted in some interesting patterns in visitor behavior. Most notably, a great dichotomy was revealed in the types of exhibits visitors were drawn to and spent the most time. Tracking and Timing, Exit Surveys, Exit Interviews, Component Observations and a case study were conducted at the Boston Museum of Science to determine how audiences today respond to the dated exhibition. This information may be useful to assess whether or not changes or updates should be made to the content or visitor experience in general. This report will focus on the Tracking and Timing results and correlate the data from other instruments when appropriate. 50 visitors were tracked and timed for a total of 8 hours. Given the relatively intimate scale (approx. 3200 sq. ft.) and number of components (12) in Mathematica, compared to most science museum exhibitions, it is not too surprising that the Sweep Rate Index (SRI) was lower than average at 336.8.1 This indicates that visitors spent more time per square footage than the average science museum exhibition. On average, visitors spent 9.5 minutes in the exhibition. There were also an extremely high percentage of diligent visitors (46%) than the average for science museums (13.5%), indicating that almost half of all visitors stopped at 50% or more of the components.2 Tracking and Timing demographic data revealed that visitors were primarily Female (56%), visited in Family Groups (52%) or Adults Alone (20%), and either in the 31-40 yr. age group (36%) or 20-30 yr. age group (20%). Family Groups spent the most amount of time in the


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