AIESEC in Colombia - LCP 2015 - Booklet primera ronda

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L etter to an LCP 2015 Candidate (August 8th, 2014). Dear candidate for LCP 2015 of AIESEC in Colombia, Being LCP goes beyond a personal aspiration. Some may think that it is enough the will of being recognized as the PRESIDENT of a local entity, being part of external news, being the "cool" guy that gives "cool" speeches, dressing like a boss, putting your name in the LC's history and being named always in the AIESEC History session in the Local Induction Seminars. Let me tell you that if this is the only thing that moves you to be LCP, then you are in the wrong track, and I suggest you to quit your dream. What does it mean to be the leader of a non-for-profit, non-political, global, independent organization that aims for the peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential through the development of positive change agents with a value-based leadership? Does it tell you something deeper than being the "cool" guy? It definitely does. I invite you to be aware of what you are about to live once you receive the water that confirms your position as LCP: 1. Have you ever read the entire AIESEC Way? (You should have if you plan to be LCP). Well, imagine you can give life to that booklet, put a name to it, put a body to it and throw it to the world. That would be you if you are LCP. You become the authentic sample of what the AIESEC Way is for your local entity and for AIESEC in Colombia. 2. Imagine what would be your impression about a CEO that cannot answer questions such as: What is the strategy for next month to increase the sales of your product X (out of 10 products you manage in your company) by 50% compared to the last year? In which niche will you focus and why? What is the alignment between the production and commercial department to execute the strategy? What investments will that strategy bring and what is the expected ROI of it? So, the CEO answers: for the first question I need to ask the Commercial Department, for the second question you can talk to the Marketing Department, for the third question it depends on what the Vice-president of Operations says, and for the fourth question let me ask my Vice-president of Finances because that's his role.

Would you trust that CEO? Would you trust an LCP that knows nothing about what's happening in his entity, and pretends that it's something that his VPs should know and not him? ... so, this is part of your daily work as LCP... 3. We are part of something bigger. We are not here because our goal is to increase sales by 50% next month. We will increase sales by 50% next month because your city NEEDS the impact given by AIESEC, and because the person you become after you send 50 people on exchange is closest to be a real change positive agent. Your job, at the end of the day, is to create as much positive change agents as possible, and you do it through an umbrella effect. You lead a team of people, that lead other teams of people at the same time, and whom also lead more teams of people, and so on... Imagine the team of people you lead: they don't listen to each other, they are problem-oriented (not solution oriented), they don't know WHY they are doing all of this, they are not being the best version of themselves, they are disconnected, they are not committed to the goals, they are not a family (and apparently it happens the same with the teams they lead)... well, guess what!: this happens because of you. The contrary could also happen, and would also be because of you.

4. Let me check if you have a really harmful mindset: what is the first thing in your mind when I ask you about the meaning of ENJOYING PARTICIPATION? Are these images in your mind now: the whole LC in a party, drinking village with trainees, BBQ with the EB, TM making role games with the membership? Yes dude!, you have a harmful mindset. I will give you a REAL example of what Enjoying Participation is: Imagine you are one of those 193 members that gathered together last Tuesday August 5th to hear briefings and define positions concerning the situation of Gaza (yes, I'm talking about the United Nations). Those 193 people representing countries and territories are enjoying participation when they discuss these topics and get to common visions and agreements, and take bold decisions to enhance global situations.

You will be one of those 27 (or more) members that will gather together 4 or more times a year to discuss and get to common visions and agreements about the future of AIESEC in Colombia, working as only ONE organization. This will be your second team. Do you imagine one of those 193 arguing that something cannot be done due to its individual interests as a country? Do you imagine an LCP arguing that something cannot be done due to its individual interests as an LC? We are part of something bigger.. 5. What is the ideal profile of a leader? Does he need to be extrovert? Introvert? Does he need to be emotional? Rational? If you answered one or another, than again you're wrong. You don't judge a leader for his personal and essential characteristics. Nevertheless, imagine a leader that cannot control his anger and treats you bad, that gets completely stressed and don't think about solutions instead, that never conveys big ambitions to you and makes you cut your dreams, that takes decisions based on the emotion of the moment and not the facts, that is "lazy" and "tired" and does not meet deadlines... No matter your personal characteristics, we do expect you to act with maturity, emotional intelligence, discipline and ambition. And after reading all of this sermon, I repeat the questions: does "BEING LCP" tells you something deeper than "BEING THE COOL GUY"? Do you want to be the cool guy, in the news, with "like-a-boss" dresses and cool speeches? ... If your answer is bigger than that, then welcome to the process to become LCP 2015 OF AIESEC IN COLOMBIA!!

Regards Posi tion

Jonathan SĂşarez Arbelaez Member Committee President 2014-2015

EB Member Profile While the members of AIESEC in Colombia’s EBs come from diverse backgrounds and environments, several general characteristics, skills and knowledge are expected of everyone.

In tellectual and psychological Many aspects of one’s personality can effect being part of a leadership team in AIESEC in Colombia. Some of them are obvious: constant learning, systematic thinking, creativity, adaptability to change, sense of responsibility, capacity of analysis, patience, listening, and supportiveness but also you have to keep in mind that the most important thing is to understand why as a leader of this amazing organization in AIESEC in Colombia you are doing what you are doing. Great leaders inspire action and lead consciously.

Society knowledge A broad knowledge of world and organizational systems, current trends and issues facing society and cultural issues are important to lead a Local Committee. Practical understanding of new management theories (e.g. learning organization, self-organizing systems) is also important in managing the diverse environments in which AIESEC operates. In addition, each position requires skills and knowledge in the areas of financial management and budgeting, project management, human resources management, and good understanding of English.

AIESEC understanding A broad understanding of the association is required in order to execute an LCEB position properly. An understanding of our vision, values, identity, current direction, country development, and systems is certainly something we will look for in all candidates.

Oth er Overall, there is no perfect candidate profile; however, good candidates will possess strong competencies in the areas of social behavior, motivation, task orientation, and people management skills. The key component is balance - within the individuals and within the team of individuals

Evaluation, Nomination, Election Process Application The application process is divided into 5 parts: 1. Your Profile: Please fill your personal data in the application (max. 1 page) 2. General Questionnaire: Answer all the questions listed below. (max. 9 Pages) 3. Resume Challenge: general explanation of your application. (max. 1 page) 4. Your 360° CAT: Attach Competency Assessment of (max. 1 page) 5. Video: inside your 360CA page, attach the link of a 3 minutes video where you explain the summary of your application The entire application (profile, questionnaire, RESUME, 360° CA and video link) should be maximum 11 pages in font size 10 points. (11 pages including Resume Challenge) Make sure you create 1 file for your profile and all your answers. We expect 1 PDF file only. *Late applications won`t be received, no exceptions. Please submit your application in following format: “LCP2015_application_ AIESEC Colombia_Local Entity_ name surname.pdf´ (e.g.: LCP2015_application_AIESEC Colombia_Quibdo_ Derek Reis.pdf Deadline: SATURDAY, AugusT 23th 2014, 11:59 PM. The application must be sent through: and sent a back up to If you have any questions concerning the application process or the questionnaire please contact:

Daniela Alejandra Rodríguez Sanchez Elections National Manager MC OD Regional Director ZoC AIESEC in Colombia Juan Carlos Fayad MCVP Organizational Development AIESEC in Colombia


For any LCP candidate the nomination results will come from an evaluation of the following points by the elections subcommittee: • • • • •

Personality Alignment with organizational purpose Local entity management Team management National General Assembly Member

The nomination process will be composed by: 1. Application + Video (evaluated by the MCP and MC OD team). 2. MC Interview (evaluated by the MCP and MC OD team). 3. LCP Interview (evaluated by the current LCP or the election manager of the LC). 4. local General Assembly Member interview (evaluated by the selected member from general assembly). 5. External interview (evaluated by the selected external person). 6. Competency Assessment (score given according to the CAT). 7. Assessment Center (evaluated by a psychologist) About some procedures during the LCP Elections process: Regarding the communication with the LCs: the LC elections subcommittee will promote the forums and the virtual spaces (with the candidates that get nominated) to assure that all the applicants can have meetings to answer the questions and doubts from the LCs, if you want to have extra meetings with all the LCs please contact before the LC elections subcommittee.


LCP Application 2015

AIESEC IN COLOMBIA LCP 2015 PROFILE (1 page only) Information Name Mail Phone Skype


1. Introduce yourself (Do not write more than 250 words) and include 1 photo of yourself.


1. Positions (3) held in AIESEC (Please include responsabilities, learning points and quantifiable achievements). 2. Please list your 3 most important Local, National or International conferences/Events attended. State as well your role. 3. Please describe one of your greatest successes and one of your biggest failures in AIESEC. What did you learn out of them? 4. What are the 3 areas that you have had maxium experience in, and how do you think those experiences would help you in your role as a LCP?


1. Why have you decided to run for LCP if AIESEC in Colombia? 2. What are your personal long-term goals? How do you see your potential LCP position contributing to them? 3. How should AIESEC contribute to the Peace Process in Colombia?

General Questionnaire 1. Please list your 3 main strengths and 3 main weaknesses and answer the following questions for each. * Personal strength: How this will make you a better LCP? * Personal Weaknesses: What are you doing to overcome these weaknesses? 2. As LCP, how will you encourage customer centricity in your entity and why do you think this behavior is important? 3. As potential member of the national assembly of AIESEC in Colombia, taking into account you are the final generation of 2015 vision. What do you think are the main 3 issues the assembly needs to focus on immediately and why? (Use AIESEC in Colombia’s roadmap and 2015 Goals) 4. If you could change 3 things in your city’s reality: a) What would they be? b) Why? c) How do you think AIESEC can help you to do it? 5. Make a detailed SWOT of your LC based on the TOWS Matrix. In which you define 1, 2 or 3 drivers and explained it. 6. According to OD Model, which organizational changes will you drive during your term, in order to get you entity to the next stage. 7. Which will be your strategies in order to ensure growth in exchange participants promoters of your lc. Take into account: a. International cooperations b. Audit process c. Delivery processes 8. Please define the organizational goals for your LCP term (ELD Realizations & NPS score) and for each goal mention: a) What market opportunities will you capitalize to achieve those goals? b) What improvements must the internal processes in each program have to implement in order optimize the delivery of those goals? 9. What strategies do you propose to ensure: a) Financial sustainability. b) Membership efficiency. c) Success in the audit results

Resume Challenge

You need to put in one page the resume of your application. Take into account this points: * Market focus (Products and Market opportunities) * Goals per program * NPS goal * Quality strategies * Talent capacity * Investments * OD model stage

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